The Voice Issue 8

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The Voice

of Tanglin Trust School Vol 08 04/2011 MICA (P) 018/07/2010

Feature: Learning Through Experience Our World: I-India and Caring for Cambodia Spotlight On: The Learner Profile



and Values. Emanating from these is a requirement for us to define what a ‘Tanglin Learner’ looks like. If we are to successfully nurture ‘a community of lifelong learners who can contribute with confidence to our world’, then we need to know what that will look like. From the day our nursery children walk through the door to the day our graduates proudly move to the next exciting episode of their lives, which skills, abilities and qualities are we promoting?

Welcome to this edition of The Voice. I hope it gives you an insight in to the world of Tanglin and its vibrant community. You should also be able to glean what is important to us and where we focus the tremendous community energies we are fortunate to enjoy.



You will find articles that refer to our Learner Profile and the attention being paid to Creativity within our curriculum. These stem from the articles in our last edition where we focused on the revised School Mission Statement, Aims

Staff News Ironman...Iron Lady! Polo Success Tribute to Sandy Kang

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Infant School

Learning through Experience

Our World Project Peacock Caring for Cambodia

Looking at Learning

We turned for guidance to the International Baccalaureate’s (IB) Learner Profile which was established following considerable research to meet Aims and Values aligned with ours. We believe that the qualities, aptitudes and attitudes promoted in the Profile are essential alongside the knowledge and experience of the academic curriculum for our students to be happy, fulfilled and successful in life. Tanglin students will become conscious of their own Learner Profile and will be encouraged to evaluate themselves against the criteria. The criteria headings will apply across the whole school, but each of them will be interpreted differently according to the age of the children. Parents will shortly see their child’s individual Learner Profile featuring in our reporting system. You can read more about the Learner Profile on page 20.

14 12 16 18 20

Junior School Creativity

Senior School Gopeng Challenge Public Speaking

Sixth Form The Sixth Form Centre After 18 Months

Spotlight On The Learner Profile

There has been a tendency over the past twenty years (as schools followed the development and the requirements of the English National Curriculum), for opportunities for creativity to be squeezed out in favour of more content intense study. The realisation that we need to redress the balance somewhat is dawning not only in the UK but in all modern education systems. The move to be more creative encourages non-core subjects in particular to be relevant, stimulating and cross discipline. This releases the learner and the teacher to some extent from the strangulating effect of having to deliver and cover separate subject content in a pressurised way. It encourages and enables learning to be multi-sensory, personalised and tailored to the learning styles and interests of the students. The introduction of ‘Creativity in the Curriculum’ to the Infant School has been very successful already with students and teachers very motivated by the shift in emphasis. Creativity doesn’t preclude high attainment. Quite the opposite, the intention is to engage and stimulate children’s minds to the extent that they become more efficient learners. Their potential as learners increases due to raised interest levels and the relevance of what they are doing. Our intention is to nurture active and enquiring minds along



Many UK primary schools are using the vehicle of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) to deliver the content of the English National Curriculum in a more creative way. Tanglin Junior School is looking closely at the benefits of the IPC as a possible way of building on the success of the Infant School. Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum will also need to respond to and build upon these new energies. You will find articles on Creativity in the Infant and Junior Schools on pages 12 and 14. The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) continues to play an important role in the community in organising events and supporting the Class and Year Group Representative system. More can be found on this on page 27. As a community we recognise the valuable contribution made by the PTA and we thank them for their continued effort and commitment.

I do hope you find this edition both interesting and informative.

Peter Derby-Crook, CEO

The recent Sports Awards Evening filled the Berrick Sports Hall and demonstrated the phenomenal increase in sporting opportunities at Tanglin over recent years. There is an overview of just some of our achievements to date on page 24.

Showcase Art • Drama • Music

Sport Great Sporting Events Sports and Recreation Clubs

PTA Thank You

Student Services

Tough Decisions

We are drawing together the many outreach events and activities across the School under the banner of ‘Our World’. The focus of Our World ties in closely with the Learner Profile in providing opportunities for our children to be more conscious of life around us locally and across the world. From supporting a local orphanage to responding to disasters in Ladakh and Japan, we aim to nurture a desire to help others and share a responsibility for creating a better world for everyone. Two of the many Our World projects for India and Cambodia are featured on pages 10 and 11.


Creative Writing

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Book Reviews

The Last Word by David Wynn, Alumni

Editor: Katherine Massey Design & Layout: Jennifer Anderson Contributors: Students, Staff + PTA Photography: Jennifer Anderson + other contributors Printer: Oz Print Services

‘The Voice’ herein refers to ‘The Voice of Tanglin Trust School’

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the lines of the Learner Profile. The most effective way of doing this is through creativity.

Staff News 04

Tanglin’s Ironman and Lady! Competing in Ironman by Dean Pearce, Head of Y13 I took part in my first Ironman on 1 August 2010 in Bolton, UK. My wife would have preferred us to travel to a more exotic location, but the lure of the hills, murky waters and wind and rain was too strong! First was the 3.8km swim. The water temperature was 16° which necessitated the use of a wetsuit, something training in Singapore could not prepare me for. As the gun went off, the water erupted and 1400 pairs of arms and legs got the race underway. It was a frantic start and after a kick in the face, sending my goggles askew, I found my rhythm and completed the distance in 1hr 7 minutes. It was then on to the 181km, very hilly bike course. I took it steady, relying on a combination of energy bars, gels and carbohydrate and protein drinks for fuel. Finally, after what seemed like an age, I completed the distance in 6hrs 30 minutes.

The Singapore Ironman by Natasha Buckley, Y3 Teacher The 2011 AVIVA Singapore Ironman 70.3 certainly lived up to my pre-race expectations of being one of my most challenging multisport races to date. This was largely due to the hot and humid conditions but also because of a difficult swim leg which involved fighting a strong current for almost 2km off the shores of East Coast Park... something that no amount of weekly condo pool swimming could truly prepare me for!

Running is my strongest of the three disciplines and I set off hoping to make up some ground. I managed to pick off around 100 places but then began to cramp and feel sick at around 35km. A quick switch from energy gels to bananas and flat coke got me going again and I arrived at the red carpeted finish at Bolton Town Hall in 3hrs 38 minutes. I was elated, exhausted and a bit emotional as I saw my family again. My total was 11hrs 28 minutes, earning me 157th position overall and 37th in my category. I would love to do another Ironman and thoroughly recommend the experience to anyone. Surprisingly the real challenge isn’t the event but the sheer volume and frequency of training that is necessary just to complete it. Having said that, the support you receive on the day is wonderful and really carries you. Maybe Hawaii – next time!

The cycling is my strongest of the disciplines and I managed to forge my way past 22 women and some men as well! Once off the bike and onto the run on complete jelly legs, I soon realised that it was going to be a real ‘mind over matter’ game. However, after a long, but satisfying day, it felt fantastic to power through the final banner. The Singapore 70.3 was a great experience with awesome crowd support from my friends and a thrilling atmosphere. It challenged my mind and body to the limit and I look forward to beating my ‘Personal Best’ next year.

Barbara Mason, Ch@t Executive (Charities at Tanglin) was introduced to the game of polo here in Singapore in 2006, having ridden for many years. She has been gripped by the sport ever since and has gone as far as Argentina and New Zealand to learn. Barbara rides six days a week at the Singapore Polo Club and plays club ‘chukkas’ up to four times a week. The Polo Club chukkas are mixed and teams

are decided, with the help of a handicap system, on game and riding skills along with experience. She also plays regular league matches, with friendly tournaments each month and major international tournaments twice a year. Barbara was picked to play in the last two International Ladies Tournaments, which she thoroughly enjoyed, giving her the opportunity to compete with players from Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina and the USA. She describes the game as “fast, dangerously exhilarating and very addictive!” Barbara has just started the current season of Singapore Polo, which runs from March to November; we wish her the best of luck in the matches ahead!

A tribute to Sandy Kang by Hanna Homayounfar, Y7.5 Sandy Kang, Teacher Assistant (TA) in Y1 of the Infant School, was recognised in January for her long service having completed an incredible 35 years service at Tanglin. Hanna Homayounfar, Y7.5, spoke to Sandy about her time at Tanglin and has written the following tribute. Some of my fondest memories of my time in Y1, of which there are many, include sports day, creative play and Ms Kang! When I spoke to Ms Kang recently, she talked about the many changes she has seen since she joined Tanglin in 1976, when the School was just one building with ten classrooms. She spoke with pride about watching Tanglin grow to the School it is today and of knowing that she has helped the many children, who have been in her care over the years, feel secure and loved at school. When I asked her what had kept her at Tanglin so long, she commented, “I

love the children – especially the younger kids. It makes me feel good to know that I have helped them in some way.” Ms Kang also spoke about the people and the atmosphere at school: “Everyone has always been so friendly and kind here at Tanglin. It is a really special place; I feel that I am part of a big family.” Ms Kang’s constant enthusiasm and commitment to her job are just a few of the qualities that have made her so well loved and respected. I remember how every break and lunchtime she would tell our class a different story - my favourite was her story about an ant family! Ms Kang also used to stand in the playground every day with her umbrella. She would gather the children around her and tell us the story of Mary Poppins. Some days, when it was windy or rainy, she would lift her umbrella high into the sky and pretend she was flying. Everybody has their own recollections of school. I am in the Senior School now but I still think of Ms Kang and her stories when I reflect on my time at Tanglin. Thank you, Ms Kang, for everything - for the stories and entertainment, for all the help and love, and for nurturing my hopes and imagination.


It’s a Throw-In for Barbara! by Jennifer Anderson, Communications Executive


Learning Through Experience – Outdoor Education 06

by Rob Stretch, Head of Outdoor Education and Jacqui Edmiston, Head of Communications 2007-2010 “I am happy to place on record that the government supports the role of adventure as part of active education, especially in helping young people to learn about assessing and managing risk, in offering them new and exciting challenges, and in helping them to gain skills in leadership and team working that will be of huge value in their progression to adulthood.” Tony Blair, Prime Minister, September 2001, in support of the English Outdoor Council’s ‘Campaign for Adventure’ as quoted in the 2002 DfES booklet ‘Standards for Adventure’. Learning outside the classroom, through practical ‘hands-on’ experience, has long been considered an integral part of a holistic education, with field trips and residential expeditions having featured as part of a Tanglin education for many years. However, the benefits such a programme can bring are now recognised and understood better than ever. As well as linking back to the curriculum - a particular trip may have a science focus for example, whilst another brings an aspect of history or geography to life these activities are also designed to help develop the ‘whole’ person.

In general terms, any outdoor education programme should contain an adventurous component, involve physical activity and aim to develop respect for the natural environment. Learning comes from the experiences gained through these activities, coupled with reflection. The British Government recently published a paper outlining the definition of the term ‘outdoor education’ and summarising the positive personal and social ‘outcomes’ that a well thought out programme can offer as:

“Outdoor education is primarily an approach to teaching and learning through activities and experiences. The common thread is the focus on positive outcomes in personal and social education.”*

• Enjoyment • Confidence • Social awareness • Environmental awareness • Activity skills • Personal qualities • Key skills (communication, problem solving, leadership and teamwork) • Health and fitness • Increased motivation and appetite for learning • Broadened horizons

“Pulau Ubin is a lovely, peaceful place. I saw a wild boar and mudskippers for the first time. It was amazing. It’s hard to find words to describe the trip because it was so good!” Polly Forrester, Y4.7 * Source: English Outdoor Council - A guide to recognising and achieving High Quality Outdoor Education in Schools, Youth Services, Clubs and Centres.

07 Coincidentally, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile also echoes these learning outcomes and at Tanglin serves to underpin our own outdoor education programme, with an emphasis first and foremost on ‘enquiry’. We want our students to be curious, engaged and involved; the activities available to them should therefore imbue a sense of excitement as well as present opportunities for learning. We also want them to be open-minded, to learn to accept the value of those around them and the contribution others can make, and to become better communicators, learning about listening as well as talking. Fundamentally, our students should be able to take risks – to challenge what they know and what they are capable of, to test what they have learned in the classroom and to grow from the experience. Finally, reflection is the key to transferable learning - why was the experience demanding? What did you learn and how can you apply it? In this way, each student is able to take away something meaningful to them as an individual.

“I learnt a lot in Malacca, like about the history and the daily life of the citizens, but I also had lots of fun.” Jacob Boe, Y5.7

“The trips bring out the best in friendships. We go to many different countries and see such diverse nature, customs and cultures. These differences are what I really enjoy. I have developed an enjoyment for camping and doing adventurous activities at Tanglin. I wouldn’t have developed this without the Y8 Australia programme.” Johnny Kim, Y10.1

“The visit to Ladakh is quite literally life changing because it gives such a different perspective on life in so many ways. The trip I was involved in launched the dental care project in Lamdon School. Watching Tanglin students deliver a lecture to small children on teeth-brushing through the words of ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ was tremendously moving because it showed how people from massively diverse cultures could come together, communicate and laugh whilst delivering a message that was hugely important. Our own students were literally transported via one of the most scenic flights in the world to a culture and environment that made them consider who they are in a totally different way. This trip offers the opportunity for so many of our students to test themselves physically but also emotionally, as they experience a way of life that contrasts so sharply with their usual everyday routines.”


David Roberts, Senior English Teacher and Head of CAS

“Over the last seven years I have been fortunate enough to accompany all of the trips that are run out of the Junior School and there hasn’t been a single moment when the children involved have lacked the opportunity to develop as characters, people and global citizens. Whether abseiling down a cliff face in Australia, over-nighting in a traditional Iban longhouse in Sarawak or conducting a traffic survey in Pasir Ris, the wealth of experience gained on trips is immeasurable. As Head of Humanities, it is fantastic to be able to fulfil so many of the National Curriculum requirements through visits to the ‘real world’ offering the chance to conduct surveys, canvas opinions through questionnaires, observe cause and effect of a variety of issues and explore buildings and artefacts from the cultures studied. The opportunity to inspire and motivate is massive as the children uncover the purpose for many of the ideas and skills taught in the classroom and realise how people actually interact with each other and their environment.” Jon Cannell, Head of Humanities “What makes the trips special is that we can go beyond the menial and experience something entirely different. For me the trips have helped in cementing in my mind what I want to do at university and, possibly, beyond - I want to study anthropology and it was my exposure to the fantastic array of cultures and people in Asia, mostly on trips like Ladakh and Sarawak, that inspired this passion within me. Roarke Little, Y13.1 “The NYAA silver expedition provides our students with the opportunity to organise their own trip following the programme’s guidelines. I was very fortunate to take part in an expedition to Gopeng this year. Our group was very well organised and cohesive; the girls displayed responsibility and leadership skills during the four days which were packed with adventures and personal challenges.” Sonia Capide, MFL Specialist “I am looking forward to the responsibility of being alone and going on an aeroplane without my parents, as well as all the exciting and adventurous activities we’re doing in Sarawak.” Nicole Allin, Y6.2

Rob Stretch joined Tanglin in February 2010 as Head of Outdoor Education. His role thus far has been to build on an already established line-up of activities, to review what experiences are currently being offered to our students and to ensure that each activity has the appropriate learning outcomes at its core. Passionate about his belief in just how powerful a well run outdoor education programme can be for young people, Rob is clearly excited by the challenge the trips he is putting together present and the life changing opportunities they can offer. The Y8 trip to Gopeng, new to Tanglin this year, embodies all that a well thought-out Outdoor Education experience can offer, as illustrated by the accompanying student and teacher testimonials. Ideally each trip experience should aim to build upon the one before, meaning that any child who completes their education at Tanglin would have benefited fully from the different challenges inherent in each excursion, culminating in the Sixth Form with a range of expeditions including the 15 day trek to Ladakh in Northern India. In terms of new ideas, there is certainly no shortage of challenging and exciting trips which Rob wants to introduce in the near future. Everest Base Camp in October 2011 and the Annapurna Circuit in March 2012 are but two on his long list! These will be part of a proposed programme of Student Development through Outdoor Education, with trips designed to engage our students and the broader school community running in the term breaks. Offering our students powerful experiences that are not commonly available elsewhere will, Rob believes, help them develop into rounded, thoughtful individuals, aware of the world around them and the important role that they must play in it. Which of us doesn’t want that for our children?


Outdoor Education at Tanglin

Our World Project Peacock 10

by Grace Burton and Jaz Heber Percy, Y7.5

As you walk up the main stairwell of Tanglin Trust Junior School, you will notice that there are hundreds of bejewelled, exotic birds decorating the wall. The rich, deep blue prints were created by Tanglin’s Junior students and the fresh, electric green prints by the children of i-india. I-india is a charity, supported by the students and staff of the Junior School, which works for the welfare and educational needs of street children in Jaipur, India. Every year i-india helps to improve the lives of about 5000 street children through its programmes, which include providing homes, job related and academic teaching, street schools, medical care, and services related to reuniting families throughout India.

On 16 November 2010, as part of their House Day, all Junior School students took part in Project Peacock. The concept was originally devised by Street Child Project (SCP) to give the children that i-india supports, the chance to create beautiful pieces of art. It also provided Tanglin’s Junior School students with an insight into the lives and plight of the street children in Jaipur and enabled the Junior School to raise awareness of the charity through the stunning finished installations.

“Street children have fallen through society’s cracks. I-india is a ladder for them to climb up.”

Each Tanglin student, from Y3 to Y6, printed their left hand on to a small square of card, while over the previous months

800 i-india children had printed their right hand. Next they were all given ornate diamanté bindis; golden foil beaks, which were placed at the end of the child’s thumb print; silver diamanté eyes; and black stick legs, which helped transform the hand prints into beautiful peacocks. After they were decorated, the hands, one from i-india and one from Tanglin, were displayed together, beak to beak, to symbolise the partnership between i-india and Tanglin Trust Junior School. Deirdre Dunstan (Head of Infant & Junior Art) and Hussein Hussaini (Technical Art & Aesthetic Executive) helped create the stunning display of decorated hand prints on the Junior School staircase - truly a pride of peacocks! The peacock is the proud national bird of India and symbolises integrity and the beauty that can be achieved when we try our hardest to better ourselves and our lives. The Project Peacock installation acts as a strong and daily reminder to Tanglin students of how fortunate we are. It has brought both the hands and lives of Tanglin and i-india together to create a magnificent piece of artwork.

There is one very simple and powerful message displayed through this installation: Two Children - Two Hearts - Two Minds - Two Very Different Lives

Our World Caring for Cambodia Although there are many worthy organisations at work in Cambodia that address the fundamental obstacles that keep children from staying in school, the charity ‘Caring for Cambodia’ (CFC) is a leader among them. CFC’s teacher training efforts started in 2004 with the belief that when knowledge cannot be handed down, it must be handed out; educating one child at a time today will make a difference for Cambodia’s tomorrow. The schools which form part of CFC use the curriculum guidance provided by the Cambodian Ministry of Education (MoEYS). However, to bridge the gap between the worthy goals of the curriculum and the experience levels of the government teachers, CFC identified that teacher training was the fundamental solution. Tanglin Trust School first became involved in 2007 when six infant teachers, under the guidance of Katie Sansom, worked in collaboration with the Singapore American School (SAS). Together, we devised a three day programme of workshops to introduce teachers to a child-centred approach to learning to enhance their existing practice.


by Angela Dawson, Assistant Head Teacher of the Infant School

Almost four years later, 25 teachers from across the Tanglin community spent half term delivering the annual handson teacher training programme with Cambodian teachers. The focus was on the development of the teacher as a role model for the core values within a classroom, with a particular emphasis on teaching respect for their class and school community.

At a recent event Ung Savy, the superintendent for CFC schools, thanked Tanglin and SAS teachers for their continuous support and commitment to the development of teacher training. Each year teacher trainers make an extraordinary impact on the lives of children not only in the province of Siem Reap but across the entire Kingdom of Cambodia.

The original pilot project conceived by the founder Jamie Amelio has now blossomed into a well-established international exchange programme involving nearly 100 Cambodian educators of all grade levels, MoEYS officials, and a committed group of more than 100 talented teachers based in Singapore. Cambodian teachers also have the opportunity to travel to schools in Singapore for observations and ongoing professional support. Last October our visitors from the CFC schools received a very warm welcome from the Tanglin community and during their three days with us they immersed themselves into life at school.

Hand in hand with the teacher training programmes is CFC’s aim to offer continuous support for families in the surrounding community by demonstrating how parents can make a positive impact on their child’s success in school by providing them with information on hygiene, nutrition and nurturing skills.

This innovative approach to continuing professional development has brought about a sustainable transformation in the quality of the teaching and learning at CFC schools. CFC’s Teacher Training Programme supports two Teacher Training Centres in Siem Reap, one of which was built with the funds raised by Tanglin parents.

The distribution of hygiene packs continues to be a highlight for the community as hundreds of family members walk or ride in from surrounding villages to collect your kind donations. Thanks to your support, all students now receive a daily nutritious meal, compulsory school uniforms, well maintained classrooms, clean drinking water, toilets and bicycles for transport to and from school. A special thank you to the Tanglin community for your continued support and we look forward to updating you in the near future as we move into the next phase of CFC’s development.

Infant School Looking at Learning 12

by Geraldine Chandran, Head of Infant School The introduction of the English National Curriculum in the early 1990s was seen by most teachers at the time as an important addition, a standard framework that would afford all children equal access to a curriculum that enabled them to learn the necessary skills and knowledge required for adult life.

Although the launch of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, 3 years ago, was a long time in the making, it finally recognised what good Early Years practitioners knew all along, children learn best when they are engaged in purposeful, relevant play-based activity. Getting the right balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated learning is vital in helping the children develop their skills and knowledge in a more engaging way. Intrinsic to the EYFS curriculum is the personalisation of the children’s learning, building on their prior knowledge and natural curiosity.

In the intervening years the framework has been tweaked, renamed, repackaged and slimmed down, in an effort to meet the needs of our 21st century learners. Since 2003, schools have been gradually encouraged to take greater ownership of their curriculum and to be more creative and innovative in what and how they teach.

Underpinning this learning is the development of the personal attributes each child needs to have to be an effective learner. Providing the children with the motivation to learn in a safe, secure and caring environment is a key responsibility of all who work with them. Our aim is to develop the children’s capacity to be active, effective learners who enjoy and engage with enthusiasm. The School’s aims and values are also reflected through the various opportunities available to children to demonstrate leadership qualities and responsibilities. Some of these positions are through elections held twice a year for Y1 and Y2, such as the Student Council. Other opportunities are intended for all or maximum inclusion and include Eco Monitors, Playground Buddies and most recently Sun Monitors. All of these positions of responsibility come with tabards, hats or badges so that the children are easily identified but also feel special, valued and proud.

In the past, the ‘step up’ from Reception to Y1 often proved quite a daunting one for some children, as more emphasis was placed on discrete, table based lessons rather than the more free flow Reception learning. Emphasis on this transition has always been important but the renewed focus on developing the concept of a more hands on, skills based curriculum is something the teachers in Y1 and Y2 are keen to foster and have already begun to implement successfully.

New themes are being introduced and others reshaped to give a more exciting and creative feel to some of the key learning objectives. ‘Wow’ moments and special days are being used as a starting point for new learning. The recent Y2 theme ‘Tusks and

Temples’ is a good example. The humanities-based focus was launched with an invitation to all the children to ‘don’ swimwear at break time so that they too could celebrate the Thai festival of Songkrang... The visit of a Buddhist monk also gave a fresh impetus to a re-shaped theme. The physical learning environment is also being adapted in both Y1 and Y2 to enable and enhance continuous learning opportunities. The activities and resources set up to support continuous provision are often related to the general theme being taught but at other times the environment is given over to the children’s own natural curiosity and personal enquiry. This also enables the teacher and teacher assistant to check that knowledge has

been consolidated as children are able to demonstrate whether their learning has moved forwards in a different context. Thinking and learning creatively is not a brand new start to our curriculum in the Infant School, a number of elements are already in place. We have been seeking to find suitable cross curricula links through the planning phase for a number of years. Effective monitoring of children’s performance and overall student progress is already in place to help us measure the impact of this more creative approach to learning. As a school we feel very positive about the evolving curriculum developments and feel confident that our children will move forward with these rich and exciting learning experiences.


Adapting this approach to the delivery of teaching does not mean that pace and rigour are sacrificed. The key learning objectives and outcomes remain the same but the planning for, and delivery of, learning opportunities is in a more engaging, creative way and aims to provide the children with a clearer understanding of the relevant links being made across the different curriculum areas and raises greater levels of interest and motivation in their learning.

Junior School Creativity 14

by Ellen Wood, Y6.6, Isabella Milne, Y6.3, Katherine James, Y6.1, Eva Carlyle, Y6.3, Dan Shailer, Y6.7 and Nik Shourie, Y6.4 When we were offered the chance to contribute to The Voice, we welcomed the opportunity with open arms. Our article focuses on creativity as a key part of learning and this subject gave us the opportunity to interview both staff and peers, whilst photographing some entertaining events at the same time.

Q: If you were actually in a situation where your invaders had weapons, what would you do first? A: I would fight until the end! Amber Lawrance Y3.4

Q: How did you think the Y3s were going to react compared to how they really did react at the time? A: I thought that the Y3s would be a lot more timid and surrender quickly whereas they were very bold! Madeleine Hoang Y6.3 Q: How did you feel the invasion went? A: It was quite pleasurable actually; getting the Y3s to do what we wanted! Natasha Nixon Y6.3

Roman Invasion

As part of Y3’s Roman topic, the students celebrated Roman Day where they particularly enjoyed being ‘invaded’ by Y6 classes. This was just one of the activities which made the educational experience as authentic and creative as possible. The excitement continued throughout the day and the Y3s got involved in a range of activities from making helmets to training to become a Roman soldier. You could see the happiness on their faces; they were all having a brilliant time! The day brought a sense of empathy, as the students discovered what it was like to be Roman. Q: How were the Y6s around you behaving? A: They were really mean to us, ordering us around and making us do chores we didn’t want to do! Olly Wright, Y3.7

Creativity in Art Y4 enjoyed a wonderful and creative Art Day, based on their previous visit to Pulau Ubin. The Y4 students sketched brilliant kampong houses and then added Batik materials, as well as banana leaves, wood and other textures to them before creating their stunning collages. It was a great experience for the students who produced some fantastic pieces of art work, a selection of which has been displayed in the Y4 unit. When asked if they had a good day, the unanimous response from Y4 students was: “We loved it!!”

Understanding Opera In January, a group of Y6 students went to George Bizet’s musical production of ‘Carmen’, a dramatic opera which was enjoyed by all of the students who watched it. They commented on how thrilling and exciting the opera was. “Overall I found Carmen amazing and brilliant; I would very much like to see it again.” Rian Flanagan, Y6.1

The students felt that going to see Carmen helped their understanding of operas. Jade Philocles, Y6.7, who watched Carmen, told us: “I learnt all about overtures, an operatic piece of music played at the beginning of an opera, which features snapshots of different pieces in the actual opera.” Other Y6 students told us that they are looking forward to more of these opportunities in the future.

Life as a Victorian

During the first visit, I found standards of teaching unacceptably low and behaviour insolent and distracted. I issued a warning to the school, the teachers and pupils that matters would have to improve otherwise I would have to remove the Head! Upon my second visit, I found there to be a considerable improvement in the demeanour of the students and application of the teachers and I grudgingly allowed the Head to stay!

“I enjoyed the day a lot, especially when I had to write with my right hand.” Hannah Coughlan, Y5.5

Q: How did the children react during your visits? A: The children were suitably frightened, however very respectful!

Moving to a different school year and a different era, Y5 thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Victorians. The students were taught what schools and day to day life was like for a Victorian child and to enhance the educational experience, the Y5 team organised a Victorian themed day, in which students participated in several Victorian themed games and activities.

“My favourite part of the day was the beginning as we had no idea what was ahead of us!” Anna Worsley, Y5.7

Q: Was it difficult to stay in role as a strict schools inspector? A: It was very difficult to be so horrible. I didn’t like making the children fearful; also not smiling was really hard.

During week 6, we visited our CEO, Peter Derby-Crook in his office and asked him about his experience in Y5 on Victorian day.

Q: Was it an enjoyable experience, one you’ll remember? A: Yes it was, it helped me to understand what Victorian schools must have been like.

Q: What role did you play during the day? A: I played a Victorian schools inspector! I visited the school to check on the standard of work and behaviour.

Q: How would you describe your experience in five words? A: Authentic, scary, interesting, fun, informative!


Y6 students have also been working on a new and amazing ICT project, using the Macs to produce their own news report. The students created a fictitious natural disaster and, in small groups, were each given a different role such as an anchorman/woman, witness or overseas news reporter on the scene. The students not only learnt more about natural disasters but also how to use their ICT skills in more creative ways. Mr Stevens introduced the project with his own fictitious news sketch (supported by the other Y6 teachers) which was not only highly entertaining but also gave the whole of Y6 an insight into what they were going to be studying during the term. Mr Stevens commented on his performance: “Mr Ingram likes our teachers to use dramatic hooks to get our children interested and I think it worked judging from their reactions!” Mr Dunstan echoed this with his view that: “Class time should be both fun and interactive. After all laughing is learning.” These are just some of the creative activities that the Junior School has been involved in and which have helped make our learning fun, meaningful and memorable!


“Carmen was amazing, it was well worth any tiredness that I felt the next day.” Issy Lee, Y6.8

Senior School Gopeng Challenge 16

by Rob Stretch, Head of Outdoor Education “A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.” Henry Kissinger Kissinger had a unique brand of wisdom and this quote is a shining example. Just as a lowly piece of coal can become a lovely diamond, everyone has the potential to become something great. The School’s commitment to the holistic development of our students has turned a new page with The Gopeng Challenge for Y8 students. This new and exciting programme in Gopeng, Malaysia, involves a week of challenges for students from camping out, climbing, abseiling, swimming in white water, paddling in white water rafts, caving, high roping, flying foxing, cooking, cleaning, organising, helping, supporting, developing and above all, walking away as more confident individuals with an appreciation of themselves, others and the environment around them. The non-stop programme challenged everyone, including the TTS accompanying staff! Both students and staff felt that this was the most challenging, exciting and engaging programme they have done to date. It has put a smile on everyone’s face as they look back over the memories of the week and the achievements of everyone involved. This sentiment is reflected in the following two student quotes:

“Once we actually got into the rafting it was absolutely brilliant. It started raining but that just added to the fun. Many people fell out (including teachers) and our guide made us capsize twice on purpose. We all crashed into something at least once or got stuck and it was really funny to see people trying to get out of sticky situations - that’s if you weren’t in it with them! Once it was all over it was a real shame, it was great fun and definitely a first time experience I will never forget. Later that night we had to cook our own dinner in preparation for the expedition. Our group cooked spaghetti, potatoes and omelettes. Today was AMAZING and I can’t wait for tomorrow!” Sophie McCall, Y8.3 “We woke up the next day excited about the adventure course. The nomad guide started our race and we set off on our first task. Excitement and nerves hung in the air as each team tried to complete the first challenge. We had to run across an open field to complete a relay, we then ran another couple of kilometres to the lake where we completed the kayaking task and then yet another run to the mouth of the cave. Having unscrambled a code which told us where to go next, we advanced into the cave, crawling on our hands and knees under rocks. Finally we reached the exit of the cave and raced to the finish line. The adventure race was a lot of fun and we were all winners in the end. Gopeng was an amazing trip and if I was able to go again, there would be no doubt in my mind, I would jump at the chance!” Charlotte Arbuthnott, Y8.6

Public Speaking by Grace Roberts, Y10.5 I love holidays’, to the more abstract, ‘Why I hate hairy stickers’, which left some of the audience inspired by the sheer ridiculousness of the chosen themes!

The art of public speaking is valid in many aspects of one’s career, whether it is in discussion, speech making or discovering new elements of confidence within a person. Public speaking is also an important stepping stone for each child in English as it encourages them to put forward ideas and points of view in a confident, mature and educated manner. The English department recently embarked on a public speaking course which ran through Y7-Y10. The course was designed to improve the skills of not only public speaking, but also in writing a presentable and engaging speech. The students were guided through various ways to write speeches and were shown works from successful speakers from across the globe, including the inspiring inauguration speech of President Barack Obama, which was recognised by many of the students involved.

After viewing the many speeches, students were required to select various techniques used such as the rule of three, rhetorical questions and in some cases, doses of humour. The techniques that were learned took a strong base in many successful speeches throughout the course. Although many students found the task slightly challenging at first, after being guided through different ways to present and write an entertaining and in some cases, absurd and humorous speech, they enjoyed the performing aspect of the task. The topic given to the students was a simple ‘Why I love or hate... a certain issue, reference or thing’, which gave students plenty of room for creative and varied responses. Students were encouraged to pick topics as humorous as they could come up with and were then asked to write a speech on these. The ideas ranged from the relatively tame, ‘Why

Although ridiculous in nature, the speeches were delivered with character, passion and humour and many students felt that the experience was a gratifying one. The speeches were marked for content and the skill with which they were presented, and the best speeches from each year group were put forward to compete in the public speaking competition which will take place next term. The students selected as finalists for the public speaking competition for their ‘Why I love or hate…’ speeches are: Bradley Goldstein, Y8.3 cartoons; Alfie Harrison, Y8.3 - coca cola; Daniel Osenius-Eite,Y10.6 - coca cola; Sophie Davis Y10.7 art galleries; Chloe Spooner, Y10.4 - orange faces; Daniel Williams, Y9.1 - wastage; Grace Burton, Y7.5 - being short; George Henderson, Y8.3 underwear; Jack Spooner, Y8.6 - adverts; Alex Herriott, Y10.7 - McDonalds; Pranav Dhingra, Y9.1 - cows! Watch this space for the results of what is sure to be an entertaining and enlightening competition!

Sixth Form

The Sixth Form Centre After 18 Months 18

by James White, Y12.1 When Tanglin’s Sixth Form introduced the International Baccalaureate (IB) and relocated to a brand new, state-of-the-art building in August 2009, it signalled its intent to continue striving towards providing a richer, more versatile education for everyone. The School had a clear vision: students would choose between pursuing an intensive, specialist course in A Levels or a broader, more balanced programme of study in IB - whichever pathway best suited their personal interests, strengths and aspirations. Not only would a more modern, spacious Sixth Form Centre provide the extra space and teaching resources needed to run two parallel courses and cater for the School’s continued expansion, but it would also offer Sixth Formers a thoroughly enjoyable, rewarding higher education, and a taste of life beyond the classroom. It was certainly an ambitious plan, but the present Y12 and Y13 have settled into their new environment incredibly well and the transition has proven virtually seamless. Eighteen months on, and with the first IB cohort now approaching their final exams, it seems an ideal time to reflect on how the arrival of a

new building, and a new qualification, have reshaped the Tanglin Sixth Form experience.

Everywhere serves a purpose

What is perhaps most striking about the five-storey Sixth Form complex is that wherever you go, it is buzzing with activity; every space is fully utilised by students and staff alike. Students can browse the bookshelves for works of fiction, educational films, CDs and audiobooks in the main section of the Senior Library on Level 2, or alternatively focus on homework and access valuable reference materials in the dedicated ‘quiet zone’ and adjoining open-air veranda. Outside, the relaxed, convivial atmosphere of the piazza makes Café Vive a practical meeting point for parents, teachers and students needing to recharge their batteries at break, lunchtime and after school. Upstairs on Level 3, whilst students leaf through university prospectuses in the Careers office, visiting authors, lecturers and subject specialists give interactive talks in the central area of the English department. Moreover, the bright, open Art department balcony on Level 5 serves as an ideal exhibition area for showcasing the creative talents of the entire Senior School. However, Level 4 is probably the centre’s core component, encompassing the Sixth Form common room, a place for students to unwind and interact with their peer group. Meanwhile, the neighbouring multi-purpose area surrounded by the circular sofas has evolved into an effective space for everything from year group assemblies, Lunchtime Lectures and presentations by external speakers to information evenings and formal occasions such as HRH Prince Andrew’s visit last October.

These significant enhancements to the centre’s size, facilities and functionality partly explain why the IB Diploma has slotted into Sixth Form life so smoothly. While lessons only take place with those following the same qualification, so that learning is always focused, students still have regular opportunities to meet up with friends around their studies, during breaks, lunchtimes and free periods. The existing staff body familiar with IB has been supplemented with specialists specially trained in the diploma to ensure several teachers have ample experience of both qualifications in every subject. However, A Level students have definitely not been placed at a disadvantage

Theory Of Knowledge Enrichment Day “The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is so comprehensible” – Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize winner, Physics. On Monday, 7 March, Tanglin’s IB students were fortunate enough to spend a day ‘off-timetable’ in the company of world-renowned Theory of Knowledge (TOK) presenter Dr Andrew Fletcher, who delivered a series of fascinating themed talks entitled ‘Life, the Universe and Everything’. The day was divided into three interactive, discussion-oriented lectures and explored the conflicts between the classical deterministic, mechanistic, reductionistic view of the Universe characterised by Newtonian physics, and modern interpretations following the dawn of relativity and quantum theory.

by the IB bandwagon. With IB came Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) and the Extended Essay, compulsory elements of the diploma, but now also offered at A Level, providing students with a critical edge over other candidates when they apply for university. Furthermore, since A Level and IB pupils are separated during lessons, class sizes have generally fallen, and teaching has become much more personalised. Although running two distinctly different courses side by side inevitably produces new challenges on a daily basis, it is testament to the unrelenting enthusiasm and determination of Sixth Form staff and students that no obstacle has yet proven too massive to overcome.

We were joined in the Berrick Performance Hall by fellow IB students from Anglo Chinese Independent School, Anglo Chinese International, the Australian International School, the German European School and St Joseph’s Institute International, who all offered different interpretations of the presentation, fuelling lengthy conversations about thinking, existence and reality. The topics covered were certainly demanding, ranging from the bizarre world of quantum mechanics to the astounding improbability of the Universe itself. However, Dr Fletcher managed to break down the complexities of the cosmos into several accessible, interrelated themes and his dynamic, humorous style of presentation engaged everyone from the outset. Although he chiefly examined the field of science, Dr Fletcher also posed some thought-provoking questions about faith, nature and philosophy, and we could


Benefits of running two courses

all relate to his discussion in some way. Our common ‘traditional’ perceptions were thoroughly challenged and purely judging from the lively conversations and debates which followed each session, it seems everybody took a keen interest, reconsidering the fundamentals of scientific enquiry before developing their own personal perspective. Y12 in particular will find the knowledge issues Dr Fletcher raised during the presentations invaluable when devising their assessed TOK presentation and essay in the coming months.

Spotlight On: The Learner Profile 20

by Craig Davis, Assistant Head Teacher of the Senior School (IB/Academic Enrichment + Innovation)

Tanglin students, teachers and parents strive to be: Balanced

They understand the importance of intellectual, physical, social and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being.


They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.


They approach unfamiliar situations with courage and have the independence of spirit to explore new leadership roles, ideas and strategies.


They develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines and actively seek knowledge independently.

In the last issue we focused on the Mission Statement and its role in reminding us of the important philosophical drive that underpins what we do as part of the Tanglin community. However, in the day to day business of school life, this central mission can often remain abstract or elusive. Here at Tanglin, we are keen to unpack the School’s mission in an accessible way that can be relevant and useful in every school context. One method for ‘living’ or ‘enacting’ the School mission is through creating a set of learning attributes all of us can work towards. Subsequently, all three schools have been working on a ‘Tanglin Learner Profile’, inspired by the highly acclaimed International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile, to help us transmit our educational philosophy and core values into real practices.

Resilient Inquirers

They develop curiosity and independence in learning through personal research and active questioning. They voice concerns, challenge assumptions and recognise that we learn best from the mistakes we make and the questions we ask.


They develop confidence in different modes of communication and value second language acquisition. They work sensitively and effectively in collaboration with others.



They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view.


They recognise developing critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems and establish reliable knowledge claims is essential.


They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of social justice and respect for the dignity of all groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. They develop leadership skills based on these principles.

They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experiences to develop perseverance as a key attribute of learning.

The profile above is not intended to be a description of the perfect student; rather, a map of a lifelong journey in pursuit of whole school aims. It can help develop connections across the three schools and provide ‘a clear and explicit statement of what is expected of students, teachers and school administrators in terms of learning, and what is expected of parents in terms of support for that learning.’ (IBO Learner Profile Booklet)

It is also important to communicate and use the Learner Profile in as many areas of school life as possible as a reminder of our shared educational values and aspirational modes of behavior. It is surely a wonderful opportunity for adult members of the Tanglin community to model these attributes to the best of our ability as focal points for our youngest members.

The descriptors can be reworded or visually translated by students in every part of the School to make them as relevant as possible. Some of the most powerful opportunities are for our youngest students and oldest students to come together to make our Tanglin Learner Profile workable in every phase of the School and this can lead to some wonderful creative displays and understandings.

Reproduced with the permission of the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO). The IBO Learner Profile is the basis for our Learner Profile.

Showcase: Art • Drama • Music

Personal Expression through Art 21

by Grace Burton, Jaz Heber Percy and Hanna Homayounfar, Y7.5

“Teaching art well is about finding the balance between giving students the license to express their own ideas whilst equipping them with a control of the materials and techniques that are needed to produce visually interesting artwork.” Rob Le Grice, Head of Senior Art Department. At Tanglin, the Senior Art Team has recently been wrestling with finding that perfect balance, and in so doing has identified good practice in the IB framework. It provides a strong emphasis towards personal expression and contextual awareness, alongside local, global, social and environmental issues, whilst retaining artistic integrity - concept rich but also skills-based. Embracing this balance, the Senior Art Team has introduced some exciting developments, not just at Sixth Form level, but also filtering down to other Key Stages. For the students, it is a new experience, as they are increasingly asked to take risks, experiment and find their ‘self’ in their work. The Y9 ‘Identity’ project opened with a thought-provoking question: ‘Does the culture in which we live help to define us?’ Students were asked to consider a number of different angles to define who they are. Firstly, living in Singapore; does it compliment or react with their heritage and how does being a ‘third culture kid’ define them. Secondly, their cultural heritage; where is home? What is their nationality? Are they connected to this and how can it be represented visually? And lastly, adolescent culture; the impact of friends, hobbies and education on their ‘sense of self’. By asking these questions, the students have been invited to think personally and honestly. It has been a very individual process which has pushed everyone out of their comfort zone. However, the result has been a wealth of rich and exciting ideas reinforcing the IB’s emphasis on personal expression and social awareness. The next stage of the project is for the students to realise their creative ideas through the technical execution of their work.

One of Tanglin’s IB artists, Chris Cooper, Y13.4 has been busy working on an impressive sculpture which demonstrates both personal expression and technical expertise. Chris’ large scale, 3D installation has been inspired by his experience of living in Singapore and his keen interest in architecture. “I’ve built a sculpture all about manipulation of space and how people interpret space by shutting small areas off. I’m only leaving the spaces that people really need.” Chris was motivated by the architecture of Frank Gehry along with work by a Japanese artist Takashi Kuribayashi and The Supreme Court Building here in Singapore. Chris was particularly inspired by Kuribayashi’s piece, ‘Forest from Forest’ which invites people to ‘journey into the art’ and the way The Supreme

Court illuminates from the inside. He has adopted both of these concepts in his own work, which allows people to walk ‘through’ his sculpture and is also lit up from the inside. “The most exciting part for me was watching the shapes grow. Walking out of my classroom every day, seeing it emerge and then deconstruct and then grow again, taking a new form... That growth of ideas was so exciting,” Miss Gould, Art & Design Specialist. Chris is planning to study architecture in the future; we wish him well and look forward to seeing how his ideas take shape and where they’ll go from here. In the meantime, you can see Chris’ impressive and unique work in the Senior Art Department on level 5 of the Sixth Form Centre.

Showcase: Art • Drama • Music



Drama in the Junior School by Luke Roche, Y8.3

Over the course of the school year, the Junior School students have been exploring projects and themes, through drama, that tie in closely with their other topics. Y3 students worked with Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Selfish Giant’ as a vehicle for exploring feelings, behaviour and relationships, as well as to build tension and create moods; whilst Y4 students worked in role as archaeologists, exploring Tudor times. To complement their literacy work, the Y4 students explored how the use of expressive and

Review of ‘Discontented Winter: A Remix’ – Y10 Production by Jessica Ballard, Y10.4

Y10 students delivered a thoughtprovoking performance of Bryony Lavery‘s ‘Discontented Winter: A Remix’, directed by Hilary Jenner, Drama Specialist. Lavery wrote the play specifically for young people, mixing Shakespeare’s Richard III, Star Trek and Dawson’s Creek into a postmodern, choppy set of interlacing storylines. The play’s main story, of an attempted kidnapping of two princes by the

descriptive language can affect character and behaviour, through Ted Hughes’ novel The Iron Woman. Y5 students have been investigating other cultures and developing their skills through The Ramayana which they will be performing in term 3. These skills go beyond acting alone to include commitment, communication (of character and narrative), co-operation, trust, concentration, risk-taking, integration and organisation.

undertook a Savage Earth project and worked in role to understand the effects of earthquakes and their aftermath. The tragic events in Japan part-way through the project made this topic even more poignant for the students who explored some very emotional feelings and behaviour. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students to be able to learn through the medium and elements of drama in the hands of a specialist and is one that both teachers and learners thoroughly enjoy.

Y6 worked on ‘The Silver Sword’ and the effect of the Second World War on women in Britain and more recently

‘Top Totties’ and the ‘Streeties’, was accompanied by a mixture of sub plots with an underlying theme of the class struggle between rich and poor. The use of recorded film and live filming of the actors’ monologues together with a short clip of Richard III reflected the postmodern sense of current times. These elements were remixed with the actors ‘rewinding’ and ‘replaying’ lines and scenes, while the technicians at the back re-mixed sound on the decks. It was a technically demanding show and the Y8 students who made up the technical team were superb.

All students throughout the show played their parts with energy and enthusiasm. They were able to highlight both the poignant moments, such as when Prince Ed rejected Slapper, and the hilarious moments when the incompetent body guards fought a fake battle and the excited ‘Totties’, wearing an assortment of celebrity masks, carried the kidnapped Prince Hal on stage tied up in ribbons, with a flower in his hair. The production was very well put together, portraying the class system and stereotypical views that are held of different groups of people whilst unfolding an intriguing plot.

Showcase: Art • Drama • Music Aladdin by Edward Hassall, Y6 Teacher

Peter Derby-Crook, CEO, commented: “Whether your child was in the chorus or a principal figure, you couldn’t help but witness the talent, enthusiasm and pure joy pouring out from the stage. Congratulations to everyone involved in this stunning production.”

The Y6 production of Disney’s Aladdin delighted both student and parent audiences with its range of solo songs and bigger chorus numbers, along with fantastic dancing from all eight Y6 classes. The show was a spectacular piece of entertainment, packed with talent and Middle Eastern promise and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thanks to the Junior Art Department who, with the help of a large number of Y6 students, transformed the Berrick Performance Hall into a beautiful set representing the city of Agrabah and created an array of eye-catching props including a moveable cave, Jafar’s staff (topped with a real cobra head) and of course the magic carpet!

Gamelan Ensemble Jakarta by Justin Wilson, Y9.3 Our recent trip to Jakarta was an amazing and culturally enriching experience, where we learned many different styles of gamelan including Javanese, Balinese, Talempong (Minangkabau), and even wayang puppetry. We were taught all of these by masters of their respective gamelan and it was not only educational but also really good fun! As well as the different styles of gamelan and puppetry, we also enjoyed a host of other activities which ranged from visiting a terracotta mall to experiencing the traditional Balinese ‘kecak’, a form of Balinese musical drama that depicted the battle between Prince Rama and the evil King Ravana. Three different schools participated in the festival in Jakarta; BIS (British International School) Jakarta (the host school), Uplands Penang and Tanglin Trust. It was a stunning trip and I would like to thank Mrs Alwi (BIS Jakarta) and Mrs Francis, Assistant Director of Music (Tanglin Trust).

Infant Music Ensemble Activities by Caroline Frances, Assistant Director of Music (Infant School), and Students Y2 Ukulele Ensemble The ukulele is a great instrument for infants. Ensemble members are learning to play simple tunes and strum basic chords. “Ukuleles are super dooper!” Annabel Arbuthnott Y2.5 Infant Strings This term our little violinists have been looking at Scottish and Irish pieces for a lively ‘Ceilidh band’ feel.

“I like the music that we play in Infant Strings.” Ellie-Marie Hudson, Y2.4 Y2 Recorder’s Rock! There will be an exciting opportunity for Y2 students to sign up for lunch time recorders in term three. “I like to move my fingers around the tiny holes but I keep blowing too hard.” Sophie Leaver, Y2.8 Infant Choir So far this year, Infant Choir and Infant Strings have entertained audiences at St George’s Church, assemblies, the Book and Craft Fair and St Joseph’s Hospice. “I really like the choir.” Ariella Grobman, Y2.5




Sport Great Sporting Events South East Asian Student Activities Conference (SEASAC) Basketball 2011 by Abbie Verlaan, Y11.1 With great excitement we turned up at the Berrick Sports Hall on Friday, 28 January, where Tanglin’s Senior Dance group ‘Rhythm Addiction’ opened the SEASAC 2011 competition with a basketball related routine. Twelve schools from all over South East Asia had arrived at TTS for what promised to be a great weekend of basketball. First up, the Tanglin girls took to the court for their first game against previous champions and favourites, New International School of Thailand (NIST). Despite both teams matching each other basket for basket for the majority of the game, NIST took the win in the last few minutes with a narrow lead of three points. After an equally well-fought match, the boys were more successful in their first game against BIS Jakarta and won convincingly. However, in their second game, against Patana School - who went on to be the eventual champions of the competition - they also lost out at the last minute. It was all good news from here for both teams. They had the advantage of a

large home crowd, as students came to support them during PE lessons and lunch breaks, which combined with the great teamwork of both squads, resulted in both the girls and the boys winning the remainder of their games on Day 1.

The girls final was a closely fought game between NIST and UWC which resulted in a close win for the latter. The boys final ended in a well deserved victory by Patana, leaving the UWC boys in 2nd place.

After a later start to the day at United World Collage (UWC) on Day 2, the Tanglin girls eased into the semi-finals with well deserved victories. The boys took a tougher route but also managed to make their way into the semis! Despite putting up good fights, unfortunately, both the girls and boys lost to UWC who went through to the finals. They would both play for 3rd place on the Sunday.

Overall, the tournament showcased a huge amount of talent and sportsmanship. As usual these competitions could not have taken place without our great coaches, support from parents, friends and family and the dedication and hard work of the PE department, support staff, nurses, referees and Y10 sports leaders, and of course the players. A special thanks to James Chandran, Y13.8, Mo Abdi, Y13. 2, Rachel Boyd, Y13.5 and Heather Lobao, Y13.2, who represented Tanglin in basketball for the last time.

On the Saturday night, all the players and coaches enjoyed a lovely dinner in the Berrick Performance Hall. Jordan Rowcliffe, Y11.6 and Callum McCullough, Y12.5 were awarded the overall tournament Most Valuable Players (MVP) for the Tanglin teams and Tanglin girls won the Sportsmanship Award. The final day, saw the two Tanglin teams take to the court. The girls had a comfortable win giving them 3rd place overall and Olivia Price, Y11.4 was selected as game MVP for Tanglin. Despite a valiant comeback, from 10 points down, the boys lost by 1 point giving NIST 3rd place.

Whilst our SEASAC basketballers were fighting hard at Tanglin, our tennis and touch rugby players were competing in Kuala Lumpur in their respective SEASAC events. These developing sports have come a long way in the last few years and both teams made improvements on last year with the tennis boys and girls both finishing 5th, and the touch rugby players ending up in 7th place. Whilst the rest of us were enjoying our half term break, the SEASAC Swim Meet 2011 was held at the New International School of Thailand on Thursday, 3 and Friday, 4 March. The Tanglin team competed with great success with all swimmers achieving new personal best times and the team walking away with a total of 19 medals! Our final SEASAC sport this season saw our badminton players head to Bangkok. Well done to all players who competed fiercely against some tough opposition.

2011 U13 FOBISSEA Games On Thursday, 31 March – Saturday, 2 April Tanglin hosted the 2011 U13 FOBISSEA Games here in Singapore. Eight schools, 252 students and 50 coaches from across Asia competed over three days in swimming, athletics, football and basketball (both boys and girls). The Games were a huge success and gave the students the opportunity to compete to the very best of their ability, make new friends from across the region and create lasting memories. The schools who joined Tanglin for this year’s U13 FOBISSEA Games were The Alice Smith School (Kuala Lumpur), Patana School (Bangkok), British International School (Phuket), British School (Manila), Garden International School (Kuala Lumpur) and British International School (Jakarta). Congratulations to all the students who took part in this year’s games and particularly Tanglin’s girls basketball team who won Gold and our athletics team who took home Silver. Peter Derby-Crook, CEO commented: “One of the most impressive aspects of the Games was the camaraderie between the teams. Sport has no boundaries and these teenagers from across South East Asia simply enjoy being together and competing against each other.” The event culminated in a Gala Dinner and Presentation at which the top 3 teams in each discipline were presented with plaques. Linking up with Tabitha, a charity that Tanglin works closely with in Cambodia, we gave two piglets to each school, as thanks for attending the 2011 Games. The piglets will be given to families in Cambodia to raise. They can then sell the piglets making up to eight times the money that they were bought for, to help feed and clothe their families.

Tanglin takes this opportunity to thank the TTS FOBISSEA Grand Sponsor, Edgen Murray and TTS FOBISSEA Gold Sponsor, Stephenson Harwood for supporting the event.


Other SEASAC successes this term...


Sports and Recreation Clubs (SRCs) by Barbara Volpato, CCA/SRC Executive For many years now the range of after school activities available at Tanglin has been enhanced by the Sports and Recreation Club programme. Known as ‘SRCs’ these clubs are run by external organisations, which are invited to hire Tanglin’s facilities and offer opportunities to our students that would otherwise not be available. There are currently 13 organisations offering clubs at Tanglin, with the recent additions of hockey and volleyball at the weekends. In contrast to the Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) programme many of the SRCs run for the entire school year, offering the chance to study Karate, for example, across all 3 terms. Also, many of the SRCs are available to Infant children, helping them to prepare for the after school programme of CCAs offered in Junior School. The programme offers many voluntary organisations vital facilities to operate their clubs. On Saturday mornings over 200 girls gather here to play ANZA Netball, with a dedicated group of parental

volunteers. During the week a similar number of children are involved in Guiding and Scouting groups, again run by tireless volunteers. Tanglin is proud to support these groups and recognises the enrichment that students gain from participation in such activities. Rex Martens Cricket Academy was launched here in January 2010. Making use of the cricket nets and astro turf, Rex and his team of coaches run sessions on Fridays and Saturdays, taking a range of ages from Infants to Sixth Formers. Rex comments, “The children and the coaches get on like a house on fire. Whether we are teaching skills or playing matches on a Friday there is always a smile on everyone’s face. We also love it when we walk around the School and the children recognise us and tell their friends that we are their cricket coaches. It makes us feel part of the School.” A highlight at the end of last year was a special workshop

for the Irish Dancing group, in which 6 stars from the incredibly successful Riverdance show conducted a Sunday morning workshop and spoke to students and parents about their experiences with the show. Sharon Pawley, who runs the Irish Dancing club, was delighted with the effect on her students, “This was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity for Singapore’s Irish Dancers. All 115 dancers thoroughly enjoyed the experience and came away feeling not only encouraged by their current ability but motivated to work even harder. A few months on, and I continue to see this increase in effort in class. The Riverdance performers were very inspiring and now a few of our own dancers are striving towards joining an Irish Dancing troupe in the future!” Details of all the SRCs are available on the school website under ‘Activities’ and the SRC Administrator can be contacted in the Junior School Office for additional assistance.

PTA Thank you by Frances Beretta, PTA President


Thank you to our Class and Year Group Reps! The PTA Committee would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to a group of volunteer parents who put in a lot of time and effort and whose contribution behind the scenes might otherwise go unnoticed. Central to the sense of community spirit at Tanglin is the liaison between parents and class teachers. The good relationship between the two is aided to a large degree by the Class Representative system in place at School. Class Reps (Mums or Dads) at Tanglin fall under the Parent Teacher Association and their role is to encourage good communication and understanding between the School, the PTA and parents – a hugely important and valued role at Tanglin. From the time a student joins Tanglin, the Class Rep plays an important part in helping the new family to settle in to life at School. In the Infant and Junior Schools, in particular, the Class Rep can be of great help assisting the teacher in contacting parents whether it is to arrange additional help in the classroom or for assistance on school field trips. They also play an important role in producing Social Class Lists which are an invaluable source of information for parents.

“Being a Class Mum is a wonderful opportunity to really get to know all the children in your class, along with your class teacher and of course all the parents. It’s a sociable experience which also enables you to integrate into the local community through the class charity work. It’s fun and enjoyable and I would certainly look to do it again!” Gill Shaw Class Rep, Y1.5 Of the eight Class Reps per year group, one person becomes the Parent Year Group (PYG) Rep and attends the PYG meeting which is held once a term with the relevant Head of School. Each year group is represented and can put forward issues of a general nature relevant to their year group. This is a really important role and one that carries certain responsibilities such as attending the relevant meetings and ensuring the notes which are issued after the meeting are circulated.

The PTA committee especially thanks Class Reps for their role in forwarding information to parents and assistance with events such as the summer fete... talking of which, this year’s fete is scheduled for Saturday, 28 May! The PTA would love to have more parents on board so please drop us a line or chat to a committee member if you would like to help with this fun event. All in all, the Class Reps and the Year Group Reps work tirelessly behind the scenes and we would like to give them a special thank you on behalf of the whole Tanglin Community – their time and contributions are valued enormously!

“I became a Class Rep because I wanted to be able to do something for the kids in our class. They love having their parents involved in class activities and equally, I enjoy the fact that I can help parent volunteers to spend time with the children in class or on field trips when the opportunity arises to assist the teacher. It is particularly rewarding seeing happy faces at a class party or getting involved with helping the children with charity fund raising activities. I would definitely enjoy being a Class Rep again.” Justin Regan – Class Rep, Reception.

Ask Student Services


by Claire Holmes, Kendra Frazier, Caroline Masterson, Sarah Whyte, Karen Ormerod, Sarah Le Grice and Isobel Barclay

Welcome to our regular Student Services page. In each issue, the four areas that make up Student Services Counselling, Nursing, Careers and PSHCE - come together to offer advice on a question commonly posed by parents.

My child has some tough decisions to make, how can I help them make the best choice possible? There are so many decisions that our children have to make, and learning to think about and make good decisions is a vital life skill that we can share with our children. Decision making is one of the most important skills a child needs to learn in order to become a self-motivated, self-assured, independent adult. Parents help their children acquire this life skill in a number of ways. First and foremost, children learn this skill by practicing it. Parents are in the best position to give their children opportunities to experience the art and ‘agony’ of making decisions. The breadth and depth of choice, of course, must be age appropriate. Early on it can be things like which CCA to choose or which fruit snack they prefer. As children move up the School, they may begin to make more life-determining choices like which subjects to study and, later, what university courses to apply for. It is the parent’s job to figure out what range of choices are suitable, giving children opportunities to stretch their confidence while providing a safe boundary. Boundary-setting is an important prerequisite for helping children learn to make good choices. A child needs to know which things they can choose and which things are non-negotiable. For example, you may want to offer a

young child the choice between having carrots or broccoli for dinner but not the choice of vegetable or no vegetable. With an older child, you may be willing to negotiate where they celebrate their party but not their curfew. When you set a firm boundary or make a family rule, it is helpful if you can explain the underlying value or belief behind your decision. For example, “You must eat vegetables because good health is the most valuable thing you can have.” Or, “You have to be home by midnight because your safety is important to me.”

the options, especially with younger children, can be useful; “For dinner tomorrow night, would you rather have potatoes or pasta?” Finding the right balance between providing choice and imposing restrictions is one of the biggest challenges of parenting.

When you offer your child a choice, you are offering them trust and confidence in their capacity to make good decisions. As they grow older, this trust and confidence becomes internalised so that the child develops self-confidence and self-assurance, knowing they are capable decision-makers.

Another way you can help your child learn to make decisions is by role-modeling the skills of a good decision maker. From a young age children grasp the concept of decision making by watching you. For example, if you are in the shopping centre and want something but don’t buy it, talk them through your decision and the reasons you chose not to buy. “I would love to buy this chair, but I know we need to pay for Ben’s football training right now. Maybe I can think about getting it when we’ve paid for that.” You can help children of all ages think things through before they make a decision.

Do keep in mind, when giving children choice, that it is important for them to experience success and it is okay for them to experience failure (within a safe boundary). Success breeds confidence but failure and recovery build wisdom. Having some successful decisions where the choices are limited helps children develop confidence in their decision making skills. With this in mind, limiting

Decision making is a learned skill which develops with maturity and experience. If your child has had to make a similar decision before, compare this to the current choice they face. Ask them if they would have made a different choice in that situation, given what they know now. They need to be encouraged to consider what they have learned from previous choices and how this would

affect their decision making in this specific situation. It is great to encourage children to think before they act and consider their motivations for making a particular choice. Peer pressure can be hugely influential in children’s decisions; children often make a ‘popular’ decision rather than the right choice based on the actions or behaviour of their peers. Encourage your child to consider a range of options – there are usually several possible choices in each situation. This leads on to considering the possible consequences of a decision. Helping your child to think about the potential costs and benefits of any choices before they are made is very valuable – they may overestimate benefits and underestimate costs due to their lack of experience. It is also important for them to think about the consequences of their behaviour on others, particularly for younger children who often find it difficult to think of others due to their maturity levels. Consequences, whether real-life or imposed by parents, are a powerful teaching tool for building discernment. In order to make a decision, therefore, children must have a clear understanding of the consequences of the choices they face. When helping your child to make

a decision and trying to find the right balance between providing choice and creating restrictions, it is useful to be clear in your own mind what the consequences are and to know which ones you can live with and which ones you can’t (this will help you create the boundary you need to keep your child safe). Supporting your children after the decision has been made and they have experienced the consequences is extremely useful. Help them to evaluate their decision; was it the right choice? Do they wish they had done something differently? What have they learned from it? Making decisions is a learning process. As such, experiencing the consequences of decisions is vital to inform children’s decision making in future, even when children feel they have made a bad decision. When parents help children to learn to take responsibility for their decisions, that is, when children are given suitable choices and are allowed to experience consequences, they will learn, over time, to make good decisions.

Creative Writing


Can I write a changed traditional tale using story language? Once upon a time, in a peaceful meadow lived a fluffy, storm grey wolf. One day the cheerful wolf decided he would build himself a house so he went to a farm to get some hay. At last he finished his house and took a few steps back while saying, “this is the best house I’ve ever made,” but he did not know that the three most nasty pigs in all the land were hiding behind a huge tree nearby. After ten minutes or so, he felt thirsty so he skipped off to the stream. Meanwhile the pigs ran to the house. “That’s the worst house I’ve ever seen. Let’s make sure that it ends up as our bed,” chorused the pigs. As quick as a flash the house fell to the ground just as the wolf got back. “What have you done!” shouted the wolf while crying, creating a gigantic puddle. The wolf was extremely furious that the pigs damaged his one and only house. Steam started zooming out his ears and his soul was on fire. “Ha! Ha! Ha! You don’t have a house!” chuckled the first pig. The wolf was so angry he punched the first pig into a grave. When the other two pigs saw this they ran for their lives! So the wolf never saw their curly tails again. By Hannah Coulstock, Y2.6

The Dark Night The moon was a chalky white rock, the only light except for a single candle-lit window in the great black house. The chilly wind froze every inch of life in its path. The usually damp, lush and dewy grass looked and felt parched and dry in the gloomy silence of the night. Occasionally, an odd owl or bird would fly by and screech, adding to the mass of uneasiness of the night. The mouldy bricks of the black house smelt like sandy soil, and crumbled in your fingers as you touched them. Although the trees looked like knights on horses, they were motionless, even in the wind. By Samantha Nelson, Y5.4

My name is Julius and I once lived in Pompeii, but on 24th August AD 79 something happened that changed my life forever… It was a normal afternoon in Pompeii, when it happened. First there were only small tremors in the ground then suddenly there was a loud roar as a big cloud of grey foamy hot ash burst out the top, swallowing the sky. I was petrified as I was exposed, standing in the middle of the town square! The sky grew dark, people were screaming and shouting and running everywhere. Then my dad grabbed me by the collar and we ran to our house, got my Mum and packed important things such as money, antiques and other valuables. After that me, my mum and my dad ran to the harbour and jumped in our boat. We paddled away to see lava shooting out of the volcano into the sky! So on that sad and solemn day, to see the Roman Empire just… It was all too much to take in. To this day, what was once a mighty Empire is now just some rubble and big ruins.


Can I Write a Recount as a Roman Child When Mount Vesuvius Exploded?

By Michael Buchanan, Y3.1

Forgotten Fragments of light, seep into the cold cracked room, The asylum reeks of sweat and screams, Its presence looms like an eternal tomb, And the only escape, is in your dreams. Forgotten… The destroyed minds come here to die… No will to live, nothing sane to live for, History as dark as the cloud ridden sky, Things destroyed, that one cannot restore, Forgotten…. A scream shakes the building, the entire foundation rattled The destroyed building quakes with fear, It has no reason to stand, yet it holds on, And as it is, this paper shall soon be… Forgotten… By Luke Roche, Y8.3 Artwork by Sara Koay, Y13.4

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Book Reviews Senior School Library Book Reviews

Top 5 most popular books

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Uglies by Scott Westerfield The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J K Rowling The Book Thief by Markus Zusak The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray was the only novel ever written by the great Irish writer Oscar Wilde. The Gothic theme is combined with Wilde’s trademark wit to produce, in my opinion, one of the best books ever written. The main character, Dorian Gray, is a wealthy young man living in London in the 19th Century. He is influenced by Lord Henry Wotton to value his beauty above all else, and so, when he sees an exquisite portrait of himself, he wishes that the picture should age and he should stay young. However, when his wish comes true, Dorian sinks into a life of excess and vice but, with each sin he commits, the portrait ages. But what shall the consequences of his licentiousness be? Eighteen years of debauchery must surely wreak havoc on one’s soul... can Dorian redeem himself? Does he want to? Will he seek revenge? Will he simply ignore it? It’s up to you to find out! The Picture of Dorian Gray is a wonderful novel, written by one of my favourite writers, and I would highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in Gothic fiction or in need of a healthy dose of Wildean Wit. By Nathan Stone, Y8.1

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E Pearson

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E Pearson is a tale of self-discovery, set in the near future. After a year of lying in a coma following a horrible accident, Jenna Fox wakes up to unfamiliar surroundings, not remembering who she is or what her life used to be like. Her parents and grandmother have moved, with Jenna, from their home in Boston to a large, secluded house in California. Her parents encourage her to watch old video clips of herself to get her memory back, however, her grandmother acts coldly towards Jenna, which confuses her. Jenna feels very alone and like a stranger in her own home. Gradually, flashes and fragments of Jenna’s life before the accident come back to her – except these memories are strange and inexplicable. She realises that her parents are keeping a secret from her and she begins to question the real reason that they have moved far away and why they don’t talk to her about what happened but instead choose to show her videos. What could be so big that her parents have to hide it in this way? To find out, you will have to read the book. It is one of my favorite books, and it keeps you intrigued from the first page until you turn to the very last page, so I highly recommend you try it! By Janhavi Jain, Y9.6

Junior School Library Book Reviews

Top 5 most popular books

Year 3 - Duck, Rabbit by Amy Krouse Rosenthal Year 4 - King Ottokar’s Scepter (Tintin) by Herge Year 5 - The Diary of Amos Lee by Adeline Foo Year 6 - Word Nerd by Susin Nielsen Non Fiction - Guinness World Records 2009 This book is about a mouse called Geronimo Stilton who lives in New Mouse City and runs a massive newspaper factory. Geronimo Stilton is invited to Cacklefur Castle where he meets an old acquaintance, Creepella von Cacklefur. He doesn’t have a nice time staying and wants to get away as fast as possible…but will he?! I like this book because it is full of adventure. Geronimo is really hilarious. He likes discovering new things and finding different solutions to problems. Harry Moore, Y3.1 interviewed by Luc Goh, Y5.1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J K Rowling

I like this book because it is really exciting and scary. It’s about a teenage boy named Harry Potter and his two best friends Ronald Weasly and Hermione Granger. All three of them have to search for Lord Voldemort’s penultimate Horcrux. I think this book is fascinating; it gives you an idea of how Harry feels in different parts of the book, from when he sets off on his journey to find the Horcrux, to when he tries to destroy it. It is a bit frightening, so I think somebody who is about 8 and older should read it because at that age you can learn to appreciate books like this one. Alisha Malhotra, Y3.2 and Millie Snowdon, Y3.5 interviewed by Kushy Gupta, Y5.6

Infant School Library Book Reviews

Top 5 most popular books

Standing small: a celebration of 30 years of the Lego minifigure by Nevin Martell The LEGO book by Daniel Lipkowitz The Cooking Book by Jane Bull Watch out for Jabba the Hutt! by Simon Beecroft Disney Princess: a read-aloud storybook by Jennifer Weinberg I love books about football! I love when the players score goals – that’s my favourite part! I want to be a football player when I grow up. Sam Somerville-Ryan, Y1.3 My favourite book is The Twits by Roald Dahl. This book is about Mr and Mrs Twit and is very funny. Mr Twit is really dirty and has food all over his mouth and beard! Mrs Twit has a glass eye and is always playing tricks on everybody, especially Mr Twit. I love this book because it’s really funny (and silly!) Millie Tynan, Y1.4 I love Rainbow Magic stories because the stories are about beautiful fairies. I also love them because the front covers are always very colourful. I have only read one of the Rainbow Magic stories but I would love to read more. I like all princess and fairy books and I love reading them with my sister. Tiffany Goldstein, Y1.3 My favourite books are ones about Batman. I own some of these at home and I love reading these stories with my Dad. Some of the stories are scary but they also make me feel happy. Sebastian Anderson, Y1.7


The Secret of Cacklefur Castle by Geronimo Stilton

Parent Book Reviews from the Professional Development Centre Library

The Parenting Collection of books is split between all school libraries and is rotated each term to offer variety to library visitors. If you are interested in borrowing these or any of our other parenting resources, or becoming a Tanglin Library member please contact any of the library staff.


Raisin’ Brains: Surviving my Smart Family by Karen L J Isaacson On reading the title of the book, I wasn’t quite sure what aspect of the brain I was going to read about, nor what the style of the book might be: technical, medical, a ‘how to’ book, what? I decided to just plunge in and find out. The book is written anecdotally and with humour - I kept reading, laughing, stopping to reflect, reading and more laughing, so hard in some places I had tears running down my face. It explains the differences between a gifted/talented person versus a smart person, and how to cope with and understand their unique gift. The author takes the reader through her life starting with her background and then leads you through her children’s development and what that brings. Raisin’ Brains - Surviving my Smart Family is a book about hope: I can do it, so can you. A starting point for people wishing to know more about whether a child is gifted/talented, and the possibilities open to them. By Julia Pang, Mother of Chris and Simone

Third Culture Kids by David C Pollock and Ruth E Van Reken What does your son or daughter have in common with the President of the United States? They are both ‘Third Culture Kids’, the term the authors use to describe the children of expatriate parents. Whether your child is a ‘foreign service kid’, a ‘military brat’, a ‘missionary kid’ or a ‘corporate brat’, the authors define and explore the impact on him or her of a high mobility upbringing full of cross-cultural challenges and benefits. As you read this book you will recognise yourself, your child, your spouse and even your company’s HR department in the many examples. You will see why some of your decisions regarding your children were wise and you will find guidance on the issues which with hindsight you might have handled differently. By Isabelle Finn-Kelcey, Mother of Mack and Astrid

How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish When I chose this book from the library, I was quite unsure of how useful it would be. A friend had commented after reading the book: “Easier said than done”. On the contrary I found this wonderfully written book so helpful. The authors’ guidelines were very applicable to me in dealing with my 14 year old on a day-to-day basis. Along with the help of comic strips and first-hand experiences, the authors give tips on how to talk and listen so that your teen can understand and act. It has been amazing to learn that by addressing issues differently whilst keeping the same intent can make such a difference. I highly recommend this book to any parent who has a current or soon to be teenager. By Naghma, Parent from Y9.7

The Last Word Life After Tanglin by David Wynn, Tanglin Alumni (1995-2004)

Going back to Tanglin was something of a shock. The Banyan tree had migrated to a new location, new buildings had shot up and my old Sixth Form was now deserted. Certainly a bit of a change from the Tanglin I joined in 1995 and for anyone that remembers the ‘portercabin years’. However, despite the obvious aesthetic changes, two things hadn’t changed. One was the feeling of being in an incredibly nurturing academic environment and the other was the Geography department (including Mr Thomas and Mrs Allen). I chose my University degree subject at the last minute so I can’t profess to having plotted an environmental career from the outset. The variety of the course and being able to look at environmental issues in the context of science, law, business, politics and economics was what appealed to me. Many of my years at Tanglin were consumed with rehearsals for musicals and concerts which meant I had got used to being busy and managing my time between different activities. Upon facing the battle of finding a job after graduating, I joined the Environment Agency as a temp. After two weeks of photocopying and making tea, I was offered a permanent job in their Policy Team. A year later,


As Tanglin’s Alumni Network begins to gather momentum, future issues of The Voice will now include a dedicated alumni page covering news, updates and advice from ex Tanglin students. To mark this, The Last Word of this issue is written by David Wynn, a student at Tanglin between 1995 and 2004, following his recent visit back to the School.

I moved to London and now work as an Environmental Consultant for a company called AEA. As a private consultancy, we advise international businesses and Governments on a range of environmental issues and climate change. My workload is varied and a week can involve going to a school to teach Year 9s about climate change, visiting a nuclear power station to see what the impact has been on the local community, writing technical reports for the European government on what the environmental impact of flying cars would be and advising a big business like Rolls-Royce on how they can comply with environmental regulations. Some roles in the sector are very technical but as a consultant, my role requires breadth of knowledge on lots of different environmental issues and the ability to see things from different perspectives. My A-Level geography class may have only consisted of two people but the ability to look at issues from different perspectives was something I learnt in those lessons and something which I still value and draw on in my job today.

Living in Singapore and my 10 years at Tanglin have definitely given me an advantage in understanding the truly global impact of climate change. In the future, working in the environmental field is something which will inevitably become more and more popular and important as countries come under even more pressure to manage these impacts. I hope that more Tanglin students follow careers in this industry and that, like me, they find them interesting, varied and rewarding.

Congratulations David on your success to date and we wish you luck with your future endeavours. Tanglin was recently awarded the Hibiscus Schools’ Green Audit Award. The Schools’ Green Audit programme is designed as a simple environmental audit programme for all schools in Singapore. Students work in teams to audit their school and the council then conducts on-site visits to verify claims and provides suggestions for improvements. The aim of the programme is to adopt a holistic approach to environmental management and encourage continuous improvement.

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