TICC 2018 Program Book

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指定住宿 HOTEL


目錄 Content 藝術總監的話 Message from the Artistic Director

策畫團隊 Organizer

台北國際合唱大賽 Taipei International Choral Competition

3 4 6





TICCs NETWORK The World Choral Championship

國際評審 Jury

比賽規則 Rules of Competition

日程表 Time Schedule

賽事組別 Category List

午間音樂會 Noon Concert

合唱診療所 Choir Clinic Session

參賽團隊 Participant Choirs

財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會 Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education

贊助人名冊 Sponsor

感謝名單 Acknowledgment

工作人員名單 TICF Team

8 14 18 22 25 26 27 56 58 59 59

藝術總監的話 Message from the Artistic Director 經過了三年的準備,由台北愛樂文教基金會主辦的「台北國際合唱大賽」,終於在今年登場。這是台灣第一次主辦國際級合唱賽 事,也宣告了台灣在國際合唱樂壇中,又躍進了一大步。 主辦國際級合唱賽事需要投入大量的時間、精力、資金,實在不是件容易的事。台北愛樂文教基金會自1996年起舉辦台北國際合 唱音樂節至今,已經累積了二十餘年的經驗,因此,我們將這二項大活動做了整合,一起籌畫、共享資源、同時舉辦,以收事半 功倍之效。 今年的第一屆台北國際合唱大賽,將有來自七個國家地區的51支合唱團,於八個分組賽事中競逐佳績。大賽的十位國際評審都是 享譽世界的合唱大師,包括西班牙的Javier Busto、紐西蘭的Karen Grylls、新加坡的Nelson Kwei、拉脫維亞的Jānis Liepiņš、日本的 松下耕、菲律賓的John Pamintuan、保加利亞的Theodora Pavlovitch、印尼的Aida Swenson、台灣的彭孟賢和翁佳芬。如此華麗堅強 的評審陣容和豐富多元的參賽隊伍,絕對精彩可期。 除了主辦台北的賽事,台北愛樂文教基金會也很榮幸,與波蘭克拉科夫國際合唱大賽、日本東京合唱大賽和義大利里米尼國際 合唱大賽結成聯盟,共同主辦「世界合唱冠軍賽」。上述四大國際合唱賽事的總冠軍隊伍,將於次年獲邀參加「世界合唱冠軍 賽」,同台角逐「世界合唱冠軍」的榮銜。第一屆的比賽將於明年七月在日本東京舉行,屆時一定會再度成為國際矚目的焦點。 台北國際合唱大賽是一個促進世界文化交流的寬廣平台,除了向樂迷們介紹全球各地最頂尖的合唱團,更是呈現世界各國多元文 化的絕佳展示,還提供了合唱指揮與歌手們許多互相學習、鼓勵成長的機會。 我堅信,因著音樂,文化的藩籬將會卸除,世界定能合而為一、邁向大同。 After three years of preparation, the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation is proud to present to you the "TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL CHORAL COMPETITION", the first ever international choral competition of Taiwan. Hosting an international competition is not an easy thing. It takes a great amount of efforts to organize and operate. Fortunately, we have more than two decades of experience on hosting the Taipei International Choral Festival since 1996. Therefore, we place the competition under the structure of the Taipei International Choral Festival, hoping that the two events can benefit each other. And, it pays off. For the first edition of Taipei International Choral Competition, we are welcoming 51 choirs from 7 countries/areas, competing in 8 categories of competition. And, 10 international juries — Javier Busto (Spain), Karen Grylls (New Zealand), Nelson Kwei (Singapore), Jānis Liepiņš (Latvia), Ko Matsushita ( Japan), John Pamintuan (The Philippines), Theodora Pavlovitch (Bulgaria), Meng-Hsien Peng (Taiwan), Aida Swenson (Indonesia), Chia-Fen Weng (Taiwan), will be here to share their wisdom with all the participants. I am confident that it will be an experience of a lifetime. In addition to the events in Taipei, we are also very honored to take part in founding "The World Choral Championship", an international alliance formed by outstanding organizations across the globe. It is open for the Grand Prix winners, on the previous year, at the four international festivals — the International Krakow Choir Festival Cracovia Cantans (Krakow, Poland), the Tokyo International Choir Competition (Tokyo, Japan), the Taipei International Choral Competition (Taipei, Taiwan), and the Rimini International Choral Competition (Rimini, Italy). We are very looking forward to the first World Choral Championship, which will take place in Tokyo, Japan, in July, 2019. Taipei International Choral Competition not only offers opportunities to showcase the best choirs of the world, but also provide infinite ways to promote diverse repertoire from different countries, to elevate choral workmanship for singers and conductors, and to encourage cultural exchange among people. I believe, through choral music, the world can be as one. 藝術總監



杜黑 Dirk Duhei, Artistic Director





班畢業並進入博士班,1981年 合唱團指揮至今。1988年創立 「財團法人台北愛樂文教基金 會」,對於合唱音樂推廣、國 際交流、培養優秀音樂人才不 遺餘力。近年來積極致力於本土合唱音樂的開發,所製作之 數張新作品皆獲得金曲獎的肯定。 杜黑先生榮獲第一屆國 家文化藝術基金會文藝獎、金曲獎最佳製作人、中國文藝協 會九十四年榮譽文藝獎章,曾出版傳記『樂壇黑面將軍』, 多次應邀擔任國內外重要聲樂、合唱等比賽活動之評審。目 前擔任財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會、台北愛樂合唱團、台 北愛樂室內合唱團、台北愛樂青年合唱團、台北愛樂青年管 弦樂團、愛樂劇工廠及台北愛樂歌劇坊藝術總監,世界合唱 大賽及許多國際音樂賽事常任評審委員。 Dirk DuHei, who won the National Culture and Art Prize in 1997, is devoted music education and choral music. He received

his Master of Music in conducting at the University of Illinois, U.S.A.. Since 1983, Dirk DuHei has been the Artistic Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In 1988 he launched the

Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to promote choral and other musical activities in Taiwan. This

foundation has over these years been involved in presenting

hundreds of famous artists and ensembles, both local and foreign. And the foundation has successfully promoted for

international cultural exchange such as the "Taipei International Choral Festival". He contributes to the musical life of Taiwan by

premiering new pieces and organizing educational performances and seminars. He has often been invited as a jury member at prestigious international choral competitions. He is currently

Artistic Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for

Culture and Education, Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, Chamber

Choir, Youth Choir, Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Theater, and Taipei Philharmonic Opera Studio






Yu-Chung John Ku, Music Director

Ferdinand Ta-Ming Ting, Executive Director












迴演出(1993)。 1999年起任






(1999)、流行音樂劇《Making Tracks 鋪軌》(2001)於




(2000, 2002, 2004)、「台北愛樂夏日音樂節」(1999, 2001,


2003, 2007)、「台北巴赫音樂節」(2010, 2012)、「台


北國際合唱音樂節」(2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008-


2017)等大型活動,策劃台北愛樂室內合唱團國際巡迴演出 (1999-2017)。 2014年法國TOURS國際合唱大賽評審。

Yu-Chung John Ku is the Music Director of Taipei Philharmonic

Chorus, and an assistant professor in the Chinese Culture

Joined Taipei Philharmonic Chorus and Chamber Choir since

of Choral Music, and is one of the members of the IFCM Asia-

Executive Secretary of Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, 1992-1993.

the world, including U.S.A. (Carnegie Hall, Chicago Symphony

Festival Director of Taipei International Choral Festival since

University. He represents Taiwan in the International Federation

1990 and toured with the choir in more than 20 countries.

Senior Manager of Taipei Philharmonic Foundation since 1999.

Pacific working committee. He has conducted concerts around

1999. Jury member of Florilège Vocal de Tours International

Hall, etc.), China (National Performing Arts Center of Beijing,

Choral Competition 2014 in France.

etc.), Canada, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Russia, HongKong, Macao, Philippines, Singapore, Australia, and so on. He is

an adjudicator in the World Choir Games (the former "Choral Olympics"), Oriental Concentus International Competition, Bali

International Choral Competition, North Sumatra International Choir Competition, Singapore Youth Festival, Hong-Kong Schools Music Festival, and several other competitions. He has

led master classes and workshops in many countries. Yu-Chung John Ku is a doctoral candidate at the College-Conservatory of Music in University of Cincinnati, and holds a master degree

from Temple University. is placeholder text known as "lorem ipsum", which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real

copy. Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Fusce at massa nec sapien

auctor gravida in in tellus. Mauris id fermentum nulla. Donec ac fringilla turpis.


台北國際合唱大賽 Taipei International Choral Competition

台北愛樂自1996年策劃主辦「台北國際合唱音樂節」至今,20餘年來培育無數優秀合唱音樂人才,邀請數十支優秀國際合唱團隊 來台演出,多位國際大師來台授課,引進國際最新曲目,帶動全台合唱風氣,成為台灣與國際合唱的重要交流平台,更成為放眼 亞洲最重要的合唱音樂節之一。 有鑒於台灣未曾舉行過正式國際合唱大賽,同時為擴大節慶交流效益,並持續推動國人創作、演唱國際樂壇主流「無伴奏合 唱」,以提升台灣精緻合唱之風氣水準,並藉此讓台灣原創合唱作品得以在國際舞台嶄露頭角,以展現台灣合唱實力,台北愛樂 將於2018年「台北國際合唱音樂節」期間同步舉辦首屆「台北國際合唱大賽」。 賽事共分為八組,將邀請國內外知名指揮擔任評審,預計將吸引來自國內、歐美、亞洲的近百支團隊參與競賽。指定曲以推動台 灣合唱作曲家為宗旨,期望將國人作品拓展至世界各個角落,更盼能鼓勵更多國人作曲家投身合唱曲的創作。同時,本賽事還與 台北國際合唱音樂節暨音樂營共同舉辦,結合比賽、音樂節與營隊課程,全方位打造合唱交流新契機。 The first Taipei International Choral Competition will be held in summer 2018. Registration will start from November, 2017. For the last few decades, Taipei Philharmonic Foundation has been the primary force to promote choral music in Taiwan. The Taipei

International Choral Festival, organized by the foundation annually since 1996, is the largest platform for international cultural exchange

in Taiwan, and has become one of the most prestigious music festivals in Asia. More than 100 choirs, from different corners of the world, have shown their artistries in this festival.

In order to further explore the horizon in the choral world, the Foundation has decided to expend the 2018 Taipei International Choral

Festival to include one more component – The First TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL CHORAL COMPETITION. With the competition, we hope to enhance the global cultural exchange, to showcase the abundant Taiwanese choral music, and to help elevating the art of choral singing.

The 2018 Taipei International Choral Competition will have 8 different categories, with a panel of elite international choral masters as the jury. With the idea of "sharing Taiwanese choral music to the world" in our mission, every choir that participates in the competition will be required to perform a piece composed by Taiwanese composers.

In addition to the competitions, the choristers will also have the privilege to participate in the international concerts and various workshops organized by the Taipei International Choral Festival. It is definitely the place to be in the summer of 2018!


TICCs TICCs NETWORK TICCs NETWORK 是由「東京國際合唱大賽」和「台北國際合唱大賽」這二個亞洲最新的國際合唱盛會所組成的聯盟。 這二大國際音樂盛會的舉辦地─東京和台北,都是著名的大都會。除了繁華的城市景觀,這二個城市也都具有悠久的歷史傳統、 豐富的文化活動、和精彩的音樂饗宴。由於兩地的飛行距離僅有三小時,而且二個比賽的日期接近(東京 7/27∼29,台北 7/31∼ 8/03),所以您可以一次參加二個合唱盛會。 TICCs NETWORK 邀請全球的合唱愛好者蒞臨東京、台北這二個亞洲著名的大都會,親身體驗這二個TICC為您準備的合唱 響宴。2018的夏天,來和我們一起歡唱吧! TICCs NETWORK is a music alliance formed by two elite international choral competitions of Asia – Tokyo International Choir Competition, and Taipei International Choral Competition.

The two competitions take place in Tokyo and Taipei, both modern metropolises with long history, abundant culture, and exquisite musical life. Since the two cities are only three-hour flight apart from each other, and the two competitions are scheduled in 27 – 29 July (Tokyo) and 31 July – 3 August (Taipei), it is a great opportunity to participate in both wonderful events at once.

TICCs NETWORK encourage choirs from around the world to take the chance of visiting two of Asia' s most celebrated cities, and enjoy the unforgettable choral experience these two TICCs offer. Join us, in the summer of 2018!

世界合唱冠軍賽 The World Choral Championship 最新大型國際合唱盛會「世界合唱冠軍賽」是由 1.波蘭克拉科夫國際合唱節 2.日本東京國際合唱大賽 3.台灣台北國際合唱大賽 4.義大利里米尼國際合唱大賽等四大國際合唱賽事聯合主辦。 在此冠軍賽會中,四大國際合唱大賽的總冠軍團隊將競逐「世界合唱冠軍」的榮銜。 四大國際合唱大賽的總冠軍隊伍,將於次年獲邀參加「世界合唱冠軍賽」。 冠軍賽的獲勝隊伍除了能贏得「世界合唱冠軍」的榮銜,還會獲頒世界合唱冠軍獎盃乙座,及獎金五千歐元。 第一屆世界合唱冠軍賽將於2019年7月在日本東京舉行。 更多詳細資訊,請參閱世界合唱冠軍賽網站:www.worldchoralchampionship.org The newest international choral phenomenon --

The World Choral Championship -- is an alliance founded by four international choral competitions: 1. the International Krakow Choir Festival Cracovia Cantans (Krakow, Poland) 2. the Tokyo International Choir Competition (Tokyo, Japan),

3. the Taipei International Choral Competition (Taipei, Taiwan),

4. the Rimini International Choral Competition (Rimini, Italy). It is an event for the Grand Prix winners of the four competitions to become the best choir of the world.The World Choral Championship is open for the Grand Prix winners, on the previous year, at the four festivals listed above. The winner of the World Choral Championship not only wins the title of "World Choral Champion", but also receives the WCC trophy, and a cash prize of EUR €5000.

The first Word Choral Championship will take place in Tokyo, Japan, in July, 2019. For more information, please go to WCC website at: www.worldchoralchampionship.org


國際評審 Jury 布斯托 Javier Busto│西班牙 Spain • 1949年出生於西班牙巴斯克自治區翁達里維亞。 • 畢業於瓦拉度立德大學醫學系, • 他的音樂基礎為自學而來。他在指揮大師Erwin List的鼓勵下開始了他的音樂活動。 • 於翁達里維亞擔任Ederki合唱團指揮。(1971-1976) • 翁達里維亞Eskifaia合唱團創辦人暨指揮。(1978-1994) • Kanta Cantemus Korua女聲合唱團創辦人暨指揮。(1995-2007) • Aqua Lauda Korua合唱團創辦人暨指揮。(2014) • 他的合唱作品於巴斯克自治區、法國、德國、日本、美國、英國及瑞典等國出版。 • 他經常邀請擔任各大國際合唱節及比賽的指揮和評委會成員,包含阿根廷、比利時、加拿大、哥斯大黎加、克羅埃西亞、斯洛維 尼亞、法國、德國、匈牙利、義大利、日本、韓國、拉脫維亞、墨西哥、挪威、波蘭、新加坡、西班牙、瑞典、台灣、土耳其、 美國和委內瑞拉等。 • Born in Hondarribia (Basque Country - Spain) in 1949. • Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valladolid. • Autodidactic musical education. He started his musical activity encouraged by the Maestro Erwin List. • Conductor of Ederki choir in Valladolid (1971-1976). • Founder and Conductor of Eskifaia choir in Hondarribia (1978-1994). • Founder and Conductor of Kanta Cantemus Korua (1995-2007). • Founder and Conductor of Aqua Lauda Korua (2014). • His choral works are published in the Basque Country, France, Germany, Japan, the USA, the United Kingdom and Sweden. • He is regularly invited as conductor and jury member to different Choral Festivals and Competitions in Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Slovenia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, the USA and Venezuela.

葛瑞爾斯 Karen Grylls│紐西蘭 New Zealand 獲得紐西蘭ONZM(New Zealand Order of Merit Officer)國家榮譽勳章肯定的葛瑞爾斯為奧克蘭大學合唱指 揮副教授。於1989年至2011年期間指揮紐西蘭青年合唱團,並於1998年創辦了紐西蘭之聲合唱團,目前擔任 這兩個享譽國際的國家合唱團的藝術總監。2011年至2013年,葛瑞爾斯同時擔任多倫多Exultate 室內合唱團藝 術總監。 她曾榮獲奧克蘭大學傑出音樂教學獎(1996年)及紐西蘭國家榮譽勳章(ONZM)肯定,以表彰她對合唱音 樂的貢獻(1999年)。她亦因對於紐西蘭音樂的傑出貢獻榮獲兩項國家獎彰肯定。 葛瑞爾斯經常受邀擔任全球合唱比賽評審,最近為擔任西班牙第48屆Tolosa國際合唱比賽,以及德國巴伐利亞的Marktoberdorf國際 室內合唱大賽評審,同時,葛瑞爾斯亦定期受邀於威爾斯、英格蘭、北美、加拿大、新加坡及澳洲舉辦大師班、工作坊並擔任合 唱課程講師。 Karen Grylls ONZM is Associate Professor in Choral Conducting at the University of Auckland. She conducted the New Zealand Youth Choir from 1989 to 2011, founded Voices NZ in 1998 and is currently Artistic Director of these two internationally acclaimed national choirs. From 2011 to 2013, Karen was also Artistic Director of Toronto' s Exultate Chamber Choir. She received an Auckland University Distinguished Teaching Award in Music (1996), and an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) for her services to choral music (1999). She is also the recipient of two national citations for services to New Zealand music. Karen is much in demand as an adjudicator for competitions worldwide, most recently the 48th International competition in Tolosa, and the Marktoberdorf International Chamber Choir Competition, Bavaria. She is sought internationally as a choral clinician and regularly conducts masterclasses and workshops in Wales, England, North America, Canada, Singapore and Australia.


桂乃舜 Nelson Kwei│新加坡 Singapore 桂乃舜是新加坡合唱界的領軍人物,畢業自英國倫敦皇家音樂學院的高級合唱指揮研究班,他也是倫敦音樂 學院的院士。他所指揮的合唱團多次獲得世界級最重要的冠軍大獎,雙手揮出超過二百多項國際金獎,個人 也多次獲得來自德國、義大利、奧地利及捷克的最佳指揮獎。 為表彰他在新加坡合唱領域的傑出成就,桂乃舜在1993年被授予「國家青年服務獎」。他在1999年被日本工 商協會授予「文化獎」以及在2001年被Rotary Club 授予新加坡「藝術大使」的榮譽。在2011 年, COMPASS Singapore 也授予「榮譽獎」來表揚桂乃舜多年為國家合唱藝術的付出。 桂乃舜是「歌之旅」、「亞洲歡唱」、「印尼萬鴉老合唱城市」等多項著名國際合唱節系列的藝術總監,也是指標性的「新加坡 合唱節」創始人兼藝術總監。他擔任國家藝術理事會的合唱顧問和音樂鑒賞評估官員,人民協會藝術顧問,新加坡合唱協會顧問 以及音樂家協會副會長。 近年來桂指揮致力於培養本地合唱人才,在他的努力耕耘下近四成的新加坡合唱指揮是出自他的培訓與教導,他也經常受邀到世 界各地擔任合唱評委及主辦合唱講座大師班,足跡遍佈歐美亞澳四大洲。 Professor Nelson Kwei, the premier choral director of Singapore, is an internationally acclaimed conductor, conservatorium lecturer, editorial advisor, international adjudicator, composer/arranger and vocal clinician. He is a Fellow from the London College of Music and has an Advance Post-Graduate in Choral Conducting from the Royal Academy of Music (London). Since 1993, he has been conferred with numerous awards, including the esteemed "National Youth Service Award", the 1999 "Culture Award" as well as the 2011 prestigious "Meritorious Award" from COMPASS Singapore. Prof. Nelson Kwei has led his choirs to more than 200 international Gold awards including 3 Choir Olympic Champions Title in the World Choir Games. His expertise in the field has led to him being invited as both clinician and adjudicator in several top international choral festivals and competitions from time to time. Presently, he is an executive member of the National Arts Council' s Advisory Board for Choral Development in Singapore, the NAC external assessor for music, the Artistic Advisor for the Singapore Choral Association, Vice-Chairman of the Musicians' Society (Singapore) and the Artistic Director of the Singapore Choral Festival. Internationally, he is the Artistic Director of several competition series namely A Voyage of Songs, Asia Cantate and Jubilate Festival of Choirs.

利耶賓許 Jānis Liepiņš│拉脫維亞 Latvia 亞尼斯•利耶賓許(1988年生),自2006年便加入Kamēr合唱團擔任助理指揮,於2012年正式擔任指揮,現 任Kamēr合唱團首席指揮暨藝術總監。曾就讀里加Dome合唱學院,並於拉脫維亞Jāzeps Vītols音樂學院取得合 唱與交響樂團指揮雙學士學位。利耶賓許亦曾參與Colin Metters大師班習得許多重要技巧,並赴德國柏林交換 學習接受Lutz Köhler指導。 在這位年輕指揮的帶領下,Kamēr合唱團於2012年在匈牙利Debrecen舉辦的巴爾托克國際合唱比賽贏得兩項分 組冠軍以及總冠軍。這次優異成績讓該團受邀參與2013年於義大利Arezzo舉辦的歐洲合唱大獎賽,再度大放 異彩。由於上述佳績,加上與拉脫維亞國家交響樂團、Liepāja交響樂團以及里加交響樂團初次合作的傑出表現,利耶賓許獲頒拉 脫維亞音樂大獎之「2013年青年音樂家」殊榮。 2014年起擔任拉脫維亞國家芭蕾歌劇團指揮,在他流暢的手勢帶領之下,完成了《茶花女》、《女巫舞者 / 強尼 史基基》、《雷 蒙達》、《蝙蝠》、《卡門》等多齣歌劇。 The principal conductor and artistic director of Kamēr..., Jānis Liepiņš (1988) has worked with Kamēr... since 2006, he first worked as the assistant conductor before taking the lead role in 2012. He has studied at the Department of Conducting of the Riga Dome choir school and earned two bachelor’s degrees – in choral and symphonic conducting – at Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music. Liepiņš also obtained valuable skills in masterclasses by Colin Metters and during his exchange studies in Berlin under Lutz Köhler. Under the baton of the young maestro, Kamēr... was named the champion of two categories and won the Grand Prix of the Bela Bartock International Choir Competition in 2012 in Debrecen, Hungary. This victory led to an invitation to the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing in 2013 where the choir again triumphed in Arezzo, Italy. In recognition of these achievements and his successful debuts with the Latvian National Symphony orchestra, Liepāja Symphony orchestra and chamber orchestra Sinfonietta Rīga, Jānis Liepiņš was awarded the Latvian Great Music Award as the New Artist of 2013. Since 2014, he is also a conductor at the Latvian National Opera and Ballet, where his smooth gestures have unified performance of Il Trovatore, Le Villi/ Gianni Schicchi, Raimonda, Die Fledermaus, Carmen and more.


松下耕 Ko Matsushita│日本 Japan 松下耕 1962 年出生於東京,是日本現代相當活躍的作曲家及合唱指揮。松下耕畢業於東京國立音樂大學,主 修作曲,並於匈牙利柯大宜音樂學院取得合唱指揮學位。 松下耕透過指揮、作曲及教學多方面接觸合唱音樂。他的合唱作曲及編曲作品廣泛於日本及世界各地演出。 他還擔任10個合唱團的指揮和藝術總監,帶領合唱團於日本及國際演出,並於這些賽事中獲得了出色的報導 與評論。他經常受國際邀請擔任客席指揮、國際賽事評審及合唱教學講座與工作坊講師。此外,他還在各大 國際賽事中獲得最佳指揮獎和優秀作曲獎。 2005年,松下耕成為首位獲得Robert Edler 國際合唱音樂獎的亞洲人。他受到包含美國、匈牙利、西班牙、挪威、拉脫維亞、波 蘭、台灣、新加坡、中國及日本合唱團邀請委託創作合唱作品,其作品廣泛為世界各地為數眾多的合唱團所演出。 現任日本合唱協會理事、東京都合唱聯盟副理事長,日本合唱指揮家協會會員、NHK(日本廣播協會)學校合唱比賽評審。曾任 2007年新加坡青年節、2008 年香港青年合唱比賽、2008 年義大利Seghizzi國際合唱大賽、2009 年西班牙Tolosa國際合唱大賽等重 要國際大賽評審。現任其作品主要透過日本 KAWAI、Ongaku-no-tomo、德國 Carus-Verlag 、 Stuttgart 、芬蘭 Sulasol等機構出版 發行。 A Conductor and a Composer; Born and raised in Tokyo; Graduated top of his class from the Kunitachi College of Music, Department of Composition; Finished his Chorus Conductor master course at Kodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary. Mr. Matsushita is taking multifaceted approaches with choral music by conducting, composing and teaching. He composes and arranges choral pieces, which are performed not only in Japan but all around the world. He also acts as conductor and artistic director of 10 choirs, which perform both in Japan and abroad, achieving excellent reports in competitions they participate in. From around the world he receives many invitations to act as a guest conduct, judge competitions and teach in choral lectures and workshops. Furthermore, he has won best conductor' s award and prizes for superior composition in various international competitions. In 2005, Mr. Matsushita became the first Asian to receive the "Robert Edler Prize for Choral Music". He has dedicated his works to American, Hungarian, Spanish, Norwegian, Latvian, Polish, Taiwanese, Singaporean, Chinese and Japanese choirs. Mr. Matsushita' s works are performed by a large number of choirs from all over the world. He is a jury Member of the Japan Choral Association, NHK ( Japan Broadcasting Association) School Choir competition, and also Singapore Youth Festival 2007, Hongkong Youth Choir Competition 2008, Seghizzi International Choral Competition in Italy 2008, and Tolosa International Choral Competition in Spain 2009. Additionally, He is the vice-president of the Tokyo Choral Association, member of the Japan Choral Directors Association. His works are mainly published by Edtion KAWAI ( Japan), Ongaku-no-tomo edtion ( Japan), CarusVerlag, stuttgart (Germany), Sulasol (Finland) etc.

帕敏圖安 John August Pamintuan│菲律賓 The Philippines 帕敏圖安為世界知名的菲律賓指揮家、作曲家、獨唱家、音樂教育家及評審。自2007年起,他更被美國音樂 家協會選為「國際成就藝術家」。 身為指揮,帕氏於亞洲、歐洲及美洲開設工作坊、音樂會並屢獲國際賽事肯定。身為獨唱家,帕氏曾於聖彼 得堡音樂院、莫斯科葛令卡音樂廳舉辦獨唱會。身為作曲家,帕氏曾獲得法國圖爾及日本東京作曲大獎肯 定,獲得包含新加坡、馬來西亞、台灣、日本、立陶宛及菲律賓官方邀請委託創作,並有超過世界三十餘國 的合唱團體演唱帕氏的450餘首創作。 近幾年,帕氏受邀於越南、美國辛辛那提、義大利里米尼及卡托利卡、新加坡、馬來西亞、香港、台灣、泰國、印尼、拉脫維亞 里加,以及日本寶塚、神戶、輕井澤等國際合唱賽事擔任評審。他同時擔任包含克羅埃西亞(2011、2012、2014)、IFCM國際 合唱聯盟(2013)及日本國際合唱作曲大賽(2015、2016、2018)等國際作曲賽事之評審小組委員。 為了建立跨文化聯繫,加強友誼與合作,帕氏亦組織了許多亞洲地區指揮和合唱團之間的音樂交流。 John August Pamintuan is a renowned Philippine conductor, composer, singer, clinician, and adjudicator. Since 2007, John is recognized by the American Federation of Musicians as an artist of sustained international acclaim. As a conductor he has given workshops, performed in concerts, and won in competitions in Asia, Europe, and North America. As a singer, he has sung in solo recitals at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, and Moscow Glinka Hall. As a composer, John was awarded the composition prize in Tours (France), Tokyo ( Japan) and has written commissioned works for the governments of Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Lithuania, and the Philippines. He has composed around 450 pieces which have been performed by choirs from 30 countries. In the last couple of years, John has been invited in the jury of international choir competitions in Vietnam, Cincinnati, Rimini and Cattolica Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Riga Latvia, and the cities of Takarazuka, Kobe, and Karuizawa in Japan. He is also a member of the panel of adjudicators for composition contests in Croatia (2011, 2012, 2014), International Federation for Choral Music (2013), and International Choral Composition Competition Japan (2015, 2016, 2018). Towards creating cross cultural ties and strengthening friendship and cooperation, John August Pamintuan has also organized many musical exchanges among conductors and choirs of Asian countries. 10

帕羅薇琪 Theodora Pavlovitch│保加利亞 Bulgaria 帕羅維琪教授現任保加利亞國家音樂院指揮系主任。在她的藝術生涯中曾擔任:保加利亞國家電視台合唱團 (1986-1991)、Vassil Arnaudov索非亞室內合唱團(1991年至今)。在她所帶領的合唱團曾多次在國際競賽 中贏得佳績,並經常參與高層次的國際音樂節以及電視和廣播節目,到過25國進行巡演。她也在2005年起擔 任古典FM電台合唱團指揮。 帕羅維琪教授經常受邀在各項國際合唱比賽擔任評審,也經常受邀在備受尊崇的國際活動中擔任指揮和講 師,包括歐洲26國、美國、日本、俄國、中國、香港、台灣、南韓、以色列和阿根廷。她在2005年於日本京 都舉辦的第七屆世界合唱音樂研討會中舉辦合唱指揮大師班。 因其卓越的藝術成就,帕羅維琪教授榮獲保加利亞文化部的國家黃金世紀之星、保加利亞音樂聯盟金琴獎,以及保加利亞合唱聯 盟與古典FM電台頒發的多項榮譽獎項。 Theodora Pavlovitch is Professor in choral conducting and Head of Conducting Department of the Bulgarian National Academy of Music. In her artistic life she has worked with The Bulgarian National TV-choir (1986 -1991) and Vassil Arnaudov Sofia Chamber Choir ( from 1991 and recently). Under her batton the choir won prestigious awards at international competitions, took part in many high-level international festivals, in TV and radio-programs, concert tours in 25 countries. Since 2005 Theodora Pavlovitch is conductor of the Classic FM Radio Choir. In 2007/2008 she conducted the World Youth Choir, honoured by UNESCO with the title Artist for Peace, recognizing the WYC's success as a platform for intercultural dialogue through music. Prof. Theodora Pavlovitch is frequently invited as a member of Jury-panels at a number of international choral competitions, conductor and a lecturer at prestigious international events in 26 European countries, the USA, Japan, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Israel and Argentina. In 2005 she led a Master class for choral conductors in the program of the 7th World Symposium on Choral Music in Kyoto, Japan. For her artistic achievements Prof. Theodora Pavlovitch has been awarded Golden Century – Star - National Award bestowed by the Minister of Culture of Bulgaria, Golden Lyre by the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and several Special Prizes of the Bulgarian Choir's Union and Classic FM Radio.

彭孟賢 Meng-Hsien Peng│台灣 Taiwan 現任台灣合唱協會常任理事、德國國際文化交流基金會「INTERKULTUR」國際合唱大賽評審、福建省藝術 教育協會藝術顧問、木樓合唱團藝術總監暨指揮、NTU EMBA合唱團藝術總監暨指揮、榮星合唱團音樂總 監、榮星青少團暨室內婦女團指揮、大愛之聲合唱團指揮、美國合唱協會會員。近年多受邀於國際上演出、 參與國際賽事獲獎並擔任國際評審,足跡遍布西班牙、拉脫維亞、俄羅斯、德國、美國、新加坡、馬來西 亞、中國等地。曾獲教育部頒發「藝術教育貢獻獎」與「特殊優良教師暨卓越獎」。2011年於「台灣國際重 唱藝術節暨創新合唱比賽」獲頒最佳指揮獎。曾擔任2016年「第五屆巴塞隆納國際合唱大賽」、2017年「第 三屆歐洲國際合唱大賽暨冠軍賽」國際評審。2017年受邀擔任「第五屆西貝流士國際合唱大賽」國際評審。2015年指揮木樓合唱 團「第九屆布拉姆斯國際合唱大賽暨音樂節」榮獲大賽總冠軍,及分組三金牌冠軍。2016年帶領木樓合唱團於俄羅斯榮獲「第九 屆世界合唱大賽冠軍賽」男聲室內組世界金牌總冠軍。2016年評估指導英國女聲團'Peterborough Voices'。2017-18年於中國「第 一、二屆海峽兩岸合唱教育大會」、湖南「第四屆合唱藝術工作坊」擔任國際講師。10月受德國國際文化交流基金會邀請於中國 舉辦為期一週大師合唱講座課程。2019年榮獲「美國合唱指揮協會」邀請於年會擔任國際團隊演出。 Meng-Hsien Peng is currently executive director of Taiwan Choral Association, jury member for INTERKULTUR choir competitions, ACDA member, artistic advisor of Fujian Association of Art and Education (China), artistic director and conductor of Müller Chamber Choir and NTU EMBA Chorus, music director of Rong Shing Chorus, and conductor of Rong Shing Youth Choir, Rong Shing Women's Chorus. She has been engaged internationally in recent years as conductor as well as jury member for choral competitions and events in Spain, Latvia, Russia. Germany, USA, Singapore, Malaysia and China. Meng-Hsien Peng was awarded Distinguished Teaching Award (2016) and Arts Contribution Award (2012) by the Ministry of Education in recognition of her contribution to the promotion and advancement of choral music. She received conductor prize in the choral competition of the '2011 Taiwan International Contemporary A Capella Festival'. She was invited as the juror of the '5th Canta al mar Festival Coral Internacional' ,'3th Grand Prix of Nations & 3rd European Choir Games' and '5th International JSFest Choral Competition Turku, Finland'. Under her leadership, the Müller Chamber Choir won the Grand Prix in the '9th International Johannes Brahms Choir Festival and Competition' (2015) and won the world championship with record high scores in category male chamber choir from '9th World Choir Games: Champions Competition' (2016). Meng-Hsien Peng is in demand as a clinician and workshop lecturer in '1st &2nd Cross-strait Choral Seminar' (Fuzhou) '4th International Choral Arts Workshop' (Hunan, China), and will be invited by INTERKULTUR China to give workshop lectures with a whole week in Guangzhou. Under her direction, Müller Chamber Choir is the feature choir of SICF 2017, and will be invited to perform at ACDA National Conference in 2019. 11

史文森 Aida Swenson│印尼 Indonesia 印尼Cordana兒童暨青年合唱團創辦人兼指揮,帶領該團贏得國際肯定以及多項大獎。 畢業於美國西敏合唱學院,阿依達經常在印尼國內以及世界各地舉辦工作坊,並在印尼各地創辦帶領當地合 唱團,舉辦大師班,訓練合唱指揮;並在印尼國內以及國際比賽中擔任評審,包括:美國、英國、德國、中 國、奧地利、匈牙利、韓國、菲律賓、馬來西亞、香港、越南與新加坡。 重要經歷: • 世界合唱大賽-印尼委員會會員 • 世界合唱大賽-委員會顧問 • 印尼國家合唱音樂發展基金會主席 • 教會音樂基金會 YAMUGER 顧問 • Polyfollia世界合唱音樂節-藝術團隊 • 國際合唱聯盟亞太區委員 • 印尼基督教大學全國合唱比賽-藝術總監 阿依達獲選加入「世界合唱名人錄」 "Founder and conductor of the Indonesian Children &Youth Choirs- Cordana, has gathered international recognitions and awards. A graduate of the Westminster Choir College, USA, Aida conducts numerous workshops internationally and nationally, traveling throughout Indonesia creating and leading choirs, giving masters classes, and training choral conductors and adjudicates national and international events as a juror includes in: U.S.A, England, Germany, China, Austria, Hungary, Korea, Philippine, Malaysia, Hong-kong, Vietnam and Singapore. Professional activities : • World Choir Games- Council Member for Indonesia • World Choir Games- Advisory board to the Council • National Foundation for the Development of Choral Music in Indonesia -Chairman • Foundation of Church Music-YAMUGER- board of Advisor • Polyfollia World Showcase-Artistic team. • APCS-IFCM- committee member • National Christian Universities Choir Competition- Artistic Director Aida is featured in the “World Who is Who in Choral Music”

翁佳芬 Chia-Fen Weng│台灣 Taiwan 國內傑出合唱指揮,長年活躍於樂壇,以深刻雋永的音樂詮釋聞名。擅長演繹各時代合唱作品,排練規劃力 求效率,為合唱團員營造難忘的演出體驗。歷年來積極委託作曲家譜寫新作並付諸首演,致力於台灣合唱教 育紮根與推廣,擘畫合唱與學術研討會議,多次受邀擔任國內外合唱比賽與節慶之評審。畢業於台灣師範 大學音樂研究所,主修管弦樂指揮,師事張大勝教授。1987年開始其專業合唱指揮生涯。1989年赴美,於 德州奧斯汀大學(U. T. Austin)主修合唱指揮,師事畢奇教授(Dr. M. Beachy),1995年取得音樂藝術博 士學位(DMA)。1996年返國任教於國立中山大學音樂系及研究所,並兼任於國立台灣師範大學音樂系 研究所指揮組,擔任高雄室內合唱團藝術總監,為台灣合唱協會理事長、美國合唱指揮協會(ACDA)永久會員及世界合唱聯 盟(IFCM)會員。 "Dr. Chia-Fen Weng is one of the most active and outstanding choral conductors in Taiwan. She employs profound interpretation on an extensive choral repertoire and premiers many new Taiwanese commission works. She delicates herself to choral educations and development of her country and has been invited to be the jury or lecturer at international choral festivals and competitions. Born in Taipei, after graduating from National Taiwan Normal University, Chia-Fen Weng attended UT at Austin in USA to study with Dr. M. Beachy and received her D. M. A in Choral Conducting in 1995. In the following year, Dr. Weng returned to Taiwan and started teaching at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung. In 2000, she also becomes a part-time conducting faculty at National Taiwan Normal University. She is a passionate and committed teacher of conducting and strongly believes in a creative approach to learning and teaching. In 2002, Weng, with several music colleagues, founded Kaohsiung Chamber Choir and has worked with the choir since then. Under her enthusiastic professional directions, KCC becomes one of the best choruses in Taiwan. She contributes to the musical life of southern Taiwan by organizing choral activities and concerts. Dr. Weng is currently the president of Taiwan Choral Association, also a life member of ACDA and IFCM.


比賽規則 Rules of Competition 一般規則 IN GENERAL 1. 請仔細閱讀各組別規則:人數、年齡限制、演唱時間、聲部類別、曲目數量及類別。 Please read carefully the conditions related to each category: the number of singers, age limit, performance time, the number of songs, voice type and song type, etc. 2. 2018台北國際合唱大賽歡迎世界各地合唱團報名。 2018 TICC is open to choirs from all over the world. 3. 參賽隊伍最多可報名三個組別,每組別演唱曲目務必不能重複。 Each choir is allowed to register in maximum three categories. The repertoire for each category must be different. 4. 報名有年齡限制之組別的合唱團,若上台人員和報名表提交名單資料不同,將被視為資格不符並取消參賽資格,且不退費。 A choir participating in a category with an age limit is liable to be disqualified without any refund if there is a difference between the official letter and the appearance on stage or any other factual aspects. 5. 上台人數不得超過已報名繳費人數。如違反規定,主辦單位有權取消該隊參賽資格,且不得退費。 The number of participants on stage should not exceed the amount paid in the participation package. The committee reserves the right to disqualify without any refund if there is a difference in the number of participants.

曲目及樂譜 REPERTOIRE & MUSIC SCORES 1. 參賽曲目若不符合該組規定,主辦單位有權更改參賽隊伍組別。 The committee reserves the right to change the participation category if the repertoire that is presented does not meet the requirements of the selected category. 2. 參賽隊伍務必以郵寄方式繳交七份原版譜;其中六份於比賽後歸還該隊伍,一份為主辦單位保留。樂譜未取回之隊伍,將不會歸還。 Participants must submit 7 copies of original music score by mail service. 6 copies of the song will be given back after the competition, and one copy will be kept in TICC committee. Scores not taken back by the choir will not be returned. 3. 樂譜務必使用五線譜。 The scores must conform to internationally recognized sheet music standards (five lines staff ). 4. 參賽隊伍務必使用正版或經授權之樂譜。主辦單位不負責處理樂曲版權問題。 Each choir is responsible for the COPYRIGHT of the songs sung in this competition. The committee is not responsible for the copyright of the songs performed to the respective composer/arranger. 5. 比賽曲目庫為大會指定曲,所有隊伍須由曲目庫中選擇一首參賽。 CW LIST means Compulsory Works List. Each choir needs to choose one piece from CW LIST.

伴奏樂器 INSTRUMENT & ACCOMPANIMENT 1. 比賽僅提供譜架(4支)、鋼琴(1臺)、合唱臺,其他所需之樂器及演奏用具請參賽團隊自備。 Choir platforms, a piano, maximum 4 music stands are available in each of the competition venues. The choir is responsible for any other music instrument or equipment. 2. 除鋼琴之外最多可使用三項樂器,請於報名表填寫,註明告知主辦單位。不得使用伴唱帶。 In addition to the piano, a maximum of three instruments can be used. The choir should inform the committee in the registration form. Only live accompaniments are allowed.


演出及彩排 SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE & SOUND CHECK 1. 比賽時間計算為第一個聲響開始,直到最後的聲響結束,包括樂曲與樂曲間的換場、停止時間。如參賽隊伍超過演出時間,總分將 會依據超出時間扣分。 The PERFORMANCE TIME is the duration from the sounding of the first tone until the last note is sounded, including the pauses between songs. If a choir exceeds the time specified, the total score will be reduced. 2. 各組別於比賽場地,皆有十分鐘彩排時間。 Sound check will be scheduled for 10 minutes for each category.

獎勵和獎項 PRIZES & AWARDS 1. 根據分數,頒發金獎、銀獎、銅獎。若參賽隊伍分數未達標準,仍頒發參賽證書乙張。 According to the score, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Diplomas will be awarded. The choir who does not achieve a diploma will receive a Certificate of Participation.

分組冠軍 CATEGORY WINNER 1. 合唱團獲得金獎並為該組別最高分,將成為分組冠軍;頒發證書乙張、金牌乙只與獎金台幣一萬五千元整。 Choirs who achieve a Gold Diploma with the highest score in each category will be named “Category Winner”, and will be awarded a Certificate, a Gold Medal, and a Cash Award of TWD $15,000*.

大獎賽資格 GRAND PRIX COMPETITION QUALIFICATION 1. 所有分組冠軍將獲得晉級大獎賽資格。 All category winners will directly be qualified to perform at the Grand Prix Competition. 2. 若貴團入圍大獎賽,需於8/3分組賽頒獎典禮結束後,立即繳交大獎賽曲目及7份原版樂譜。 The choirs that are qualified to participate in the Grand Prix have to submit the repertoire and 7 copies of each piece right after the category awards ceremony on August 3rd.

大獎賽總冠軍 GRAND PRIX CHAMPION 1. 獲得最多票數之參賽隊伍,將成為大獎賽總冠軍,並頒發證書乙張、獎盃乙只與獎金台幣十萬元整。 The choir with the most votes in the Grand Prix Competition will be named “Grand Prix Champion”, and will be awarded a Certificate, a Trophy, and a Cash Award of TWD $100,000*. * 獎金依據中華民國法律規定扣稅後發放。中華民國居住之個人,按給付金額扣除10%;非居住中華民國之個人,按給付金額扣除20%。 * The Cash Award will be given after taxes are paid in accordance with the law. The tax rate is 10% for Taiwan residents and 20% for foreigners.


附則 SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 1. 報到時請貴團經理/指揮將最終確認信繳交到報到櫃台。 Registration is required. Each manager/conductor of the choir should finish the registration while arriving at the competition venue. Please present Final Confirmation Letter to the registration counter. 2. 貴團如未在預定時間內參與彩排/比賽 (唱名 3 次不到者),視同棄權。 No rescheduling for the participant who is not present by the scheduled time. The choir who is not present at the stage after the announcer call the choir's name for 3 times will be disqualified. 3. 彩排時間由參賽隊伍首位團員踏上舞臺一刻開始計算,每組有10分鐘的彩排時間。 The rehearsal time is 10 minutes. The timer will start when the first participant steps on the stage. 4. 建議貴團於比賽時間前90分鐘抵達會場,以便有充足的時間準備參賽。 It is recommended to check-in on the competition 90 minutes before the scheduled competition time. It is to ensure that the participants to have sufficient time and be in no rush before the performing time, as well as to be ready if they should perform sooner than the scheduled time. 5. 比賽場地空間有限,請貴團自行斟酌時間地點換裝。 There is NO private room for changing costumes in the competition venue. 6. 報到時核領之活動識別證,請務必妥善保管,任何時間進出場館皆請隨身配掛以利識別。(▲遺失恕不予補發) Every participant should always wear the TICC PASS and take good care of it during the festival. NO new TICC PASS will be issued for any loss. 7. 比賽區域內禁止飲食、吸菸。 It is not allowed to eat, drink, or smoke in the competition venue at the request of the building management. 8. 比賽場館請保持清潔,禮貌和安靜,不得有影響比賽進行之行為。 Participants must maintain cleanliness, courtesy, and quietness in all TICC venues. 9. 貴重物品請自行保管,主辦單位不負任何保管責任。 There is NO safety deposit facility provided in the competition venues. Please protect your own personal belongings with caution. It is advisable not to bring your valuables to the TICC venues. TICC will not be responsible for any loss or missing properties. 10. 檢錄證件需依照當時繳交的人員資料名單表排序,加快檢錄程序。 Every participant has to present his/her Personal ID or Passport while check-in for each category of the competition. 11. 主辦單位有權錄製比賽實況錄音、錄影,且參賽團隊所有成員須同意將參與本次比賽及相關活動期間之著作權及肖像權,無償及 無條件授權主辦單位及主辦單位授權之第三人,進行全程攝錄影、複製、製作各式文宣等非營利性推廣運用。 TICC has the right to audio-record, video-tape, and take photos during the whole competition, and use the recorded materials for non-profit promotional purpose without any royalty to the participants. 12. 8/1、8/2分組賽會場開放攝錄影,但嚴禁閃光燈、打燈、使用腳架、站立,並應關閉所有攝錄器材之提示聲響(如快門音效)。 且 應遵守著作權法規定,若有違反規定者須自負法律責任。 Videotaping and recording are allowed in the competition venues on August 1st and 2nd. However, the using of flashlight, lighting equipment, and tripod is not allowed. Please turn off all sound effects (i.e. shutter clicking sound) of any recording device, and do not stand up while operating the recording devices. 13. 8/3 大獎賽於國家音樂廳舉行,場內嚴禁任何形式攝錄影。 The Grand Prix competition will take place in the National Concert Hall. All kinds of recording devices are strictly prohibited.


分組賽評審和記分 CATEGORY COMPETITION JUDGING AND EVALUATION 採 100 分制,評分標準如下: Each choir will be assessed on a 100-point scale based on the following criteria: (A) 音準 Intonation (B) 聲音表現,包括音質、技巧、平衡與融合度 Vocal Performance, including Sound Quality, Vocal Technique, Balance, Blending, and other vocal aspects (C) 對作品的忠實度,包括節奏、咬字、表情和其他音樂要求 Fidelity to the Score, including Rhythm, Diction, Expression, and other Musical Requirements (D) 整體藝術表現,包括風格、詮釋、音樂技巧、選曲等等 Overall Artistic Impression, including Style, Interpretation, Musicianship, Programming, and beyond 評分標準(A)和(C):評審將針對每一首曲目逐一評分 For criteria (A) and (C), the jury will evaluate the performance of each piece individually. 評分標準(B)和(D):評審將依照整體表現評分 For criteria (B) and (D), the jury will evaluate the overall performance of the whole repertoire.

評分範例 EXAMPLE 第一首曲目 1st piece

第二首曲目 2nd piece

第三首曲目 3rd piece

分項得分 Points for each criteria

(A) 86













每一評審之平均分數(四個分項之平均值) Total Points given by one jury (Average of the 4 criteria)


總平均(最終得分)為所有評審成績之平均值。 The Final Score will be the mean average of the Total Points by the jury members. 若超過比賽規定時間,每超出 10 秒鐘將扣總平均(最終得分)分數 1 分。 In case a choir exceeds the maximum performance time, the final score will be reduced by 1 points per 10 seconds. 金獎:85.00 分及以上 Gold Diploma: 85.00 points and above

銀獎:70.00 至 84.99 分 Silver Diploma: 70.00 to 84.99 points

銅獎:60.00 至 69.99 分 Bronze Diploma: 60.00 to 69.99 points

參賽證書:59.99 分及以下 Certificate of Participation: 59.99 points and below

主辦單位保留解釋及修訂比賽規則的權利,並對比賽結果擁有最終決定權。 如有未盡事宜,得隨時補充或修正,將以最新公告為主。



日程表 Time Schedule

7.30 Mon.

新北市碧華國小音樂廳 Bihua Elementary School Concert Hall


報到 / 彩排 Registration / Sound Check

7.31 Tue.

新北市碧華國小音樂廳 Bihua Elementary School Concert Hall


報到 / 彩排 Registration / Sound Check

7.31 Tue.

東吳大學松怡廳 Soochow University Song-Yi Hall


報到 / 彩排 Registration / Sound Check

8.01 Wed.

新北市碧華國小音樂廳 Bihua Elementary School Concert Hall


開場引言 Opening Speech



Not Before10:55


Not Before13:00


Not Before14:40


01 Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus 新竹高中合唱團 02 Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University 國立興大附中 Enchant 合唱團 03 Kuang Jen Catholic High School Choir 光仁高中合唱團 04 Chien-Kuo High School Choir 建國中學合唱團 05 Tarlac State University Chorale 06 UCSI Chamber Choir 07 Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團 08 Gita Dian Nuswa Choir

B3. 混聲組 MIXED CHOIR 01 Blessed Singers 沐恩歌手 02 PANSOL Choir 03 Sunshine Voice UMY 04 El-Manibang Youth Choir 05 Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir 台北愛樂青年合唱團 06 Chiayi Chamber Choir 嘉義室內合唱團 07 Carmel Pak U Secondary School Alumni Choir 迦密柏雨中學校友會歌詠團 08 Keiwanian Singers 基灣之聲 09 FMC English Choir 10 La Lay Singers 拉咧人歌手合唱團 11 SONER 12 F Sharp 發聲


Not Before17:30


Not Before19:00


Not Before20:10


B1. 男聲組 MALE CHOIR 01 Chien-Kuo High School Choir 建國中學合唱團 02 Harmonia Male Choir 龤之聲男聲合唱團 03 YWESC Yuet Wah English Section Choir 澳門粵華中學英文部合唱團 04 Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團 05 Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus 新竹高中合唱團

B2. 女聲組 FEMALE CHOIR 01 Chiayi Lady's Choir 嘉義女聲合唱團 02 Hong Kong Youth Choir 香港新青年合唱團 03 Amoy Pure White Youth Female Teacher Chorus 廈門純白色青年女子教師合唱團 04 Taipei Philharmonic Women's Chorus 台北愛樂婦女合唱團 05 National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir 國立新竹女中合唱團 06 Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus 廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團 07 Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團

8.01 Wed.

東吳大學松怡廳 Soochow University Song-Yi Hall


開場引言 Opening Speech


01 Foshan Children's Choir 佛山市童聲合唱團 02 Puzangalan Children's Chorus 希望兒童合唱團 03 Taipei Fu-Hsing Private School Choir 台北市私立復興實驗高級中學合唱團 04 Donghui Garden Primary School Choir 黃埔區東薈花園小學合唱團

Not Before11:40


Not Before13:45


Not Before14:55



05 Changsha No.11 School NanXuan Choir 長沙市第十一中學南軒合唱團 06 Hongfan children's Choir 紅帆少兒合唱團 07 Shanghai New Epoch Bilingual School Boys Choir 上海新紀元雙語學校男聲合唱團 08 Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 09 Taipei Municipal Bailing Elementary School Choir 台北市立百齡國小合唱團 10 Carmel Pak U Secondary School Choir 迦密柏雨中學合唱團 11 Shunde Little Notes Choir Group 順德小音符童聲合唱團 12 Chongqing Jinduo Children's Chorus 重慶金鐸童聲合唱團 13 Luqiao Philharmonic Children's Choir 路橋區愛樂少年合唱團 14 Baotou Xiaolihua Choir 包頭市小麗花合唱團 15 Davidson School Choir 州立華小合唱團 16 Zhuhai Enjoy Primary School Children's Chorus 珠海香洲區茵卓小學童聲合唱團


8.02 Thu.

新北市碧華國小音樂廳 Bihua Elementary School Concert Hall

A3. 樂齡組 SENIOR CHOIR 09:30-10:45

Not Before 12:20


Not Before 13:45


Not Before 14:55


Not Before17:30


Not Before18:55


01 Sathya Sai Baba Seputih Choir 沙迪亞賽吧吧思菩提合唱團 02 Guangzhou Five Pitches International Sky Choir 廣州市五音國際天空合唱團 03 NHCC Chorus 內湖社區大學合唱團 04 Taipei Philharmonic Women's Chorus 台北愛樂婦女合唱團 05 Art Philharmonic Chorus 亞特愛樂合唱團

C1. 聖樂組 MUSICA SACRA 01 Yiphone Chamber Choir 沂風室內合唱團 02 Hong Kong Youth Choir 香港新青年合唱團 03 PANSOL Choir 04 Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 05 Keiwanian Singers基灣之聲 06 Gracioso Sonora Choir 07 Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University 國立興大附中 Enchant 合唱團 08 F Sharp 發聲 09 Tarlac State University Chorale 10 El-Manibang Youth Choir 11 PuzangalanChildren's Chorus 希望兒童合唱團 12 Harmonia Male Choir 龤之聲男聲合唱團 13 FMC English Choir

C2. 民謠/傳統音樂組 ETHNIC / TRADITIONAL MUSIC 01 Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus 廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團 02 National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir 國立新竹女中合唱團 03 Sunshine Voice UMY 04 Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University 國立興大附中 Enchant 合唱團 05 Art Philharmonic Chorus 亞特愛樂合唱團 06 Puzangalan Children's Chorus 希望兒童合唱團 07 Changsha No.11 School NanXuan Choir 長沙市第十一中學南軒合唱團 08 Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 09 Gita Dian Nuswa Choir 10 Blessed Singers 沐恩歌手


8.03 Fri.

新北市碧華國小體育館 Bihua Elementary School Sports Center


國際大師講座:透過合唱詮釋傳遞樂思 講者:桂乃舜/翁佳芬 Lecture: Choral Interpretation and Music Communication Speaker: Nelson Kwei, Chia-Fen Weng


分組賽頒獎典禮 & 大獎賽名單公布

Category Awards Ceremony & Grand Prix Qualifier Announcement 12:30-13:30


Meet The Jury

8.03 Fri. 16:00-18:00

國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall 大獎賽參賽團隊彩排

Grand Prix Competition Rehearsal





Grand Prix Competition

Grand Prix Award Ceremony

比賽地點 Venue Information

分組賽 Category Competitions: 新北市碧華國小音樂廳及體育館 (241 新北市三重區五華街 160 號)

Bihua Elementary School Concert Hall & Sports Center (No.160, Wuhua St., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan) 東吳大學松怡廳[外雙溪校區] (111 台北市士林區臨溪路 70 號)

Soochow University Song-Yi Hall (No.70, Linhsi Road, Shihlin District, Taipei 111, Taiwan) 大獎賽 Grand Prix Competition: 國家音樂廳 (100 台北市中正區中山南路 21-1 號)

National Concert Hall (No.21-1, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei 100, Taiwan)


The competition will not start before the scheduled starting time. 主辦單位保留更改活動之權利



賽事組別 Category List

A1. 少兒組 Children's Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Foshan Children's Choir 佛山市童聲合唱團

China 中國


Puzangalan Children's Chorus 希望兒童合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Taipei Fu-Hsing Private School Choir 台北市私立復興實驗高級中學合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Donghui Garden Primary School Choir 黃埔區東薈花園小學合唱團

China 中國


Changsha No.11 School NanXuan Choir 長沙市第十一中學南軒合唱團

China 中國


Hongfan Children's Choir 紅帆少兒合唱團

China 中國


Shanghai New Epoch Bilingual School Boys Choir 上海新紀元雙語學校男聲合唱團

China 中國


Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團

Hong Kong 香港


Taipei Municipal Bailing Elementary School Choir 台北市立百齡國小合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Carmel Pak U Secondary School Choir 迦密柏雨中學合唱團

Hong Kong 香港


Shunde Little Notes Choir Group 順德小音符童聲合唱團

China 中國


Chongqing Jinduo Children's Chorus 重慶金鐸童聲合唱團

China 中國


Luqiao Philharmonic Children's Choir 路橋區愛樂少年合唱團

China 中國


Baotou Xiaolihua Choir 包頭市小麗花合唱團

China 中國


Davidson School Choir 州立華小合唱團

Malaysia 馬來西亞


Zhuhai Enjoy Primary School Children's Chorus 珠海香洲區茵卓小學童聲合唱團

China 中國

A2. 青年組 Youth Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus 新竹高中合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University

Taiwan 台灣

國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 3

Kuang Jen Catholic High School Choir 光仁高中合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Chien-Kuo High School Choir 建國中學合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Tarlac State University Chorale

The Philippines 菲律賓


UCSI Chamber Choir

Malaysia 馬來西亞


Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Gita Dian Nuswa Choir

Indonesia 印尼


A3. 樂齡組 Senior Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Sathya Sai Baba Seputih Choir 沙迪亞賽吧吧思菩提合唱團

Malaysia 馬來西亞


Guangzhou Five Pitches International Sky Choir 廣州市五音國際天空合唱團

China 中國


NHCC Chorus 內湖社區大學合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Taipei Philharmonic Women's Chorus 台北愛樂婦女合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Art Philharmonic Chorus 亞特愛樂合唱團

Taiwan 台灣

B1. 男聲組 Male Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Chien-Kuo High School Choir 建國中學合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Harmonia Male Choir 龤之聲男聲合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


YWESC Yuet Wah English Section Choir 澳門粵華中學英文部合唱團

Macao 澳門


Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus 新竹高中合唱團

Taiwan 台灣

B2. 女聲組 Female Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Chiayi Lady's Choir 嘉義女聲合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Hong Kong Youth Choir 香港新青年合唱團

Hong Kong 香港


Amoy Pure White Youth Female Teacher Chorus 廈門純白色青年女子教師合唱團

China 中國


Taipei Philharmonic Women's Chorus 台北愛樂婦女合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir 國立新竹女中合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus 廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團

China 中國


Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團

Taiwan 台灣

B3. 混聲組 Mixed Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Blessed Singers 沐恩歌手

Taiwan 台灣



The Philippines 菲律賓


Sunshine Voice UMY

Indonesia 印尼


El-Manibang Youth Choir

Indonesia 印尼


Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir 台北愛樂青年合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Chiayi Chamber Choir 嘉義室內合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Carmel Pak U Secondary School Alumni Choir 迦密柏雨中學校友會歌詠團

Hong Kong 香港


Keiwanian Singers 基灣之聲

Hong Kong 香港


FMC English Choir

Malaysia 馬來西亞


La Lay Singers 拉咧人歌手合唱團

Taiwan 台灣



Taiwan 台灣


F Sharp 發聲

Taiwan 台灣


C1. 聖樂組 Musica Sacra Choir 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Yiphone Chamber Choir 沂風室內合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Hong Kong Youth Choir 香港新青年合唱團

Hong Kong 香港



The Philippines 菲律賓


Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團

Hong Kong 香港


Keiwanian Singers 基灣之聲

Hong Kong 香港


Gracioso Sonora Choir

Indonesia 印尼


Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University

Taiwan 台灣

國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 8

F Sharp 發聲

Taiwan 台灣


Tarlac State University Chorale

The Philippines 菲律賓


El-Manibang Youth Choir

Indonesia 印尼


Puzangalan Children's Chorus 希望兒童合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Harmonia Male Choir 龤之聲男聲合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


FMC English Choir

Malaysia 馬來西亞

C2. 民謠/傳統音樂組 Ethnic / Traditional Music 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus 廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團

China 中國


National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir 國立新竹女中合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Sunshine Voice UMY

Indonesia 印尼


Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University

Taiwan 台灣

國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 5

Art Philharmonic Chorus 亞特愛樂合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Puzangalan Children's Chorus 希望兒童合唱團

Taiwan 台灣


Changsha No.11 School NanXuan Choir 長沙市第十一中學南軒合唱團

China 中國


Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團

Hong Kong 香港


Gita Dian Nuswa Choir

Indonesia 印尼


Blessed Singers 沐恩歌手

Taiwan 台灣

D1. 交流組 Non-competition 順序 Order

團隊名稱 Group Name


Beijing Yanqing Juvenile Choir 北京市延慶少年兒童合唱團


China 中國

午間音樂會 Noon Concert 7.31 Tue.

板橋車站B1 廣場 Banqiao Station B1


Sunshine Voice UMY

Sathya Sai Baba Seputih Choir 沙迪亞賽吧吧思菩提合唱團

Zhuhai Enjoy Primary School Children's Chorus 珠海香洲區茵卓小學童聲合唱團 Carmel Pak U Secondary School Alumni Choir 迦密柏雨中學校友會歌詠團

7.31 Tue.

輔大醫院 Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital



YWESC Yuet Wah English Section Choir 澳門粵華中學英文部合唱團

Taipei Municipal Bailing Elementary School Choir 台北市立百齡國小合唱團 Tarlac State University Chorale

8.01 Wed.

臺大醫院東址大樓 NTU Hospital East Site Main Building


Hong Kong Youth Choir 香港新青年合唱團

Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus 廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團

Guangzhou Five Pitches International Sky Choir 廣州市五音國際天空合唱團

Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University 國立興大附中Enchant合唱團

8.01 Wed.

振興醫院 Cheng Hsin General Hospital


Donghui Garden Primary School Choir 黃埔區東薈花園小學合唱團 Beijing Yanqing Juvenile Choir 北京市延慶少年兒童合唱團 Blessed Singers 沐恩歌手

8.02 Thu

板橋車站B1 廣場 Banqiao Station B1


Luqiao Philharmonic Children's Choir 路橋區愛樂少年合唱團 Hongfan Children's Choir 紅帆少兒合唱團

Baotou Xiaolihua Choir 包頭市小麗花合唱團 Shu-Te Glee Club 樹德葛利合唱團


午間音樂會地點 Noon Concert Venue Information 輔大醫院 (243新北市泰山區貴子路69號)

Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital (No.69, Guizi Rd., Taishan Dist., New Taipei City 243, Taiwan) 振興醫院 (112台北市北投區振興街45號)

Cheng Hsin General Hospital (No.45, Cheng Hsin St., Pai-Tou Dist., Taipei 112, Taiwan) 臺大醫院東址大樓 (100 台北市中正區中山南路7號)

NTU Hospital East Site Main Building (No.7, Zhongshan S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei 100, Taiwan) 板橋車站B1 廣場 (220 新北市板橋區縣民大道二段7號)

Banqiao Station B1 (No.7, Sec. 2, Xianmin Blvd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 220, Taiwan)

合唱診療所 Choir Clinic Session Beijing Yanqing Juvenile Choir 北京市延慶少年兒童合唱團 Carmel Pak U Secondary School Alumni Choir 迦密柏雨中學校友會歌詠團 Chongqing Jinduo Children's Chorus 重慶金鐸童聲合唱團 FMC English Choir Hong Kong Youth Choir 香港新青年合唱團 Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus 新竹高中合唱團 Zhuhai Enjoy Primary School Children's Chorus 珠海香洲區茵卓小學童聲合唱團


A1. 少兒組 Children's Choir 佛山市童聲合唱團 Foshan Children's Choir│China 張栩筠 Xu-Jun Zhang, conductor



希望兒童合唱團 Puzangalan Children's Chorus│Taiwan 吳聖穎 Muni Takivalit, conductor



•蕭泰然:點心擔 Tyzen Hsiao: Snack Peddler Song •Victor C. Johnson: Kuimba •排灣族古謠,吳聖穎、唐佳君編: Katjelevan a kina teveteveljan (快樂的聚會) Tra. Paiwan Folksong, arr. Muni Takivalit & Chia-Chun Tang: Katjelevan a kina teveteveljan (Happy Gathering)

台北市私立復興實驗高級中學合唱團 Taipei Fu-Hsing Private School Choir│Taiwan 李沛絨 Pei-Jung Lee, conductor



•錢善華編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Shan-Hua Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •Ko Matsushita: ことばあそびうた (Word Game Song) •Ivo Antognini: Wah Bah Dah Bah Doo Bee


A1. 少兒組 Children's Choir 黃埔區東薈花園小學合唱團 Donghui Garden Primary School Choir│China 楊曉玲 Xiao-Ling Yang, conductor



•Lydia Adams: Mikmaq Honour Song •廣東民謠,賴廣益編:落雨大 Cantonese Folksong, arr. Guangyi Lai: Lok Yu Dai (The Heavy Rain) •劉新誠編:一的炒米芳 arr. Hsin-Cheng Liu: Poprice Song

長沙市第十一中學南軒合唱團 Changsha No.11 School NanXuan Choir│China 徐蘋 Ping Xu, conductor



紅帆少兒合唱團 Hongfan Children's Choir│China 張旦丹 Dan-Dan Zhang, conductor



•Lajos Bárdos: Szellö zúg •杜鳴心:熱帶的地方 Ming-Xin Du: Tropical Place •劉新誠編:一的炒米芳 arr. Hsin-Cheng Liu: Poprice Song


上海新紀元雙語學校男聲合唱團 Shanghai New Epoch Bilingual School Boys Choir│China 劉芳 Fang Liu, conductor



•蔡昱姍編:客家謎歌 arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Hakka Riddle Song •Donald Moore: Ride Up in the Chariot •金承志:小沙彌 Cheng-Zhi Jin: A Little Monk

何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir│Hong Kong 伍文輝 Man-Fai Ng, conductor



•何崇志:只有和聲 Sung-Chi Ho: In One Accord •蕭泰然:雖然行過死蔭的山谷 Tyzen Hsiao: Psalm 23 •Joseph Martin: Come to the Music

台北市立百齡國小合唱團 Taipei Municipal Bailing Elementary School Choir│Taiwan 張殷齊 Yin-Chi Chang, conductor



•蕭泰然:點心擔 Tyzen Hsiao: Snack Peddler Song •謝宇威,蔡昱姍編:花樹下 Yu-Wei Hsieh, arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Underneath the Flowering Tree •John Leavitt: Festival Sanctus


A1. 少兒組 Children's Choir 迦密柏雨中學合唱團 Carmel Pak U Secondary School Choir│Hong Kong 馮竣瑋 Chun-Wai Fung, conductor



•Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina •Jim Papoulis: Gnothi Safton •何崇志:購物天堂 Sung-Chi Ho: Shopping Paradise

順德小音符童聲合唱團 Shunde Little Notes Choir Group│China 吳莉婭 Li-Ya Wu, conductor



•承群,致民編:摘菜調 arr. Cheng Qun, Zhi Min: Picking Vegetables •Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina •Tobin Stokes: Koosen

重慶金鐸童聲合唱團 Chongqing Jinduo Children's Chorus│China 常洋 Yang Chang, conductor



•David L. Brunner: Yo Le Canto Todo El Dia •Bob Chilcott: Can you hear me? •Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina


路橋區愛樂少年合唱團 Luqiao Philharmonic Children's Choir│China 鄭劍勛 Jian-Xun Zhen, conductor



•錢善華編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Shan-Hua Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •Louis Prima, arr. Philip Kern: Sing, Sing, Sing •姚明, 何少英編:唱臉譜 Ming Yao, arr. Shao-Ying He: Chang Lian Pu

包頭市小麗花合唱團 Baotou Xiaolihua Choir│China 陳莉 Li Chen, conductor



•蕭泰然:點心擔 Tyzen Hsiao: Snack Peddler Song •色•恩克巴雅爾:媽媽的九個祝福 Se Engkebayaer: The Nine Blessings from Mom •色•恩克巴雅爾:歡樂的那達慕 Se Engkebayaer: Joyous Nadamu

州立華小合唱團 Davidson School Choir│Malaysia Terence Au Eng Yee, conductor



•Richard Ewer: Psallam Deo •Yeo Chow Shern: The Lost Voices •錢南章編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Nan-Chang Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah


A1. 少兒組 Children's Choir 珠海香洲區茵卓小學童聲合唱團 Zhuhai Enjoy Primary School Children's Chorus│China 龐若潔 Ruo-Jie Pang, conductor



•劉新誠編:一的炒米芳 arr. Hsin-Cheng Liu: Poprice Song •Jay Althouse: African Alleluia •久石讓:四季的問候 Joe Hisaishi: The Changing Seasons


A2. 青年組 Youth Choir 新竹高中合唱團 Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus│Taiwan 胡宇光 Yu-Kuang Hu, conductor



•György Orbán: Daemon Irrepit Callidus •冉天豪:愛的救贖 Tien-Hao Jan: Redemption of Love •蔡昱姍編:獵人追逐 arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Chasing by the Hunter

國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University│Taiwan 指揮─徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目

•黃俊達:走進庶民的說書人 Chun-Da Huang: Storyteller in the Crowd •Ko Matsushita: 苦しみの日々哀しみの日々 (Days Of Sadness) •Ken Steven: Hentakan Jiwa

光仁高中合唱團 Kuang Jen Catholic High School Choir│Taiwan 張容碩 Dora Chang, conductor



•黃俊達:走進庶民的說書人 Chun-Da Huang: Storyteller in the Crowd •Dan Davison: Ritmo •Sydney Guillaume: Kanaval


A2. 青年組 Youth Choir 建國中學合唱團 Chien-Kuo High School Choir│Taiwan 賴以恒 Yi-Heng Lai, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •John August Pamintuan: O Nata Lux •Jaakko Mantyjarvi: Pseudo Yoik

Tarlac State University Chorale│The Philippines 指揮─

Joshua Ysmael Fontanilla, conductor


•Eudenice V. Palaruan: Gapas •蔡昱姍編:天空落水 arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Rain from the Sky •Normita "Bing" Rio-Pablico: Banwar Iti Cordillera (Heroes of the Cordillera)

UCSI Chamber Choir│Malaysia Ian Lim Kean Seng, conductor



•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •Josu Elberdin: Cantate Domino •Cheryl Susanti: Daemon Irrepit Callidus


樹德葛利合唱團 Shu-Te Glee Club│Taiwan 于善敏 Shan-Min Yu, conductor



•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •arr. Deke Sharon & Anne Raugh: My Girl •Jim Papoulis: Oye

Gita Dian Nuswa Choir│Indonesia 指揮─

Alfonso Andika Wiratma, conductor


•錢南章:晚安 Nan-Chang Chien: Good Night •Budi Susanto Yohanes: Gloria Patri •Juan Pablo de Juan: Nawba Isbahan


A3. 樂齡組 Senior Choir 沙迪亞賽吧吧思菩提合唱團 Sathya Sai Baba Seputih Choir│Malaysia 謝世鴻 Shyh-Horng Chia, conductor



•冉天豪編:不了情 arr. Tien-Hao Jan: An Unforgettable Affair •周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •劉文毅編:夜來香 arr. Wen-Yi Liu: Evening Tuberose

廣州市五音國際天空合唱團 Guangzhou Five Pitches International Sky Choir│China 指揮─

金振宇 Zhen-Yu Jin, conductor


•李建:貝加爾湖畔 Jian Li: By Lake Baikal •周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •周杰倫, 金巍編:菊花台 Jay Chou, arr. Wei Jin: Chrysanthemum Terrace

內湖社區大學合唱團 NHCC Chorus│Taiwan 陳翰威 Han-Wei Chen, conductor



•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •周鑫泉:雪花的快樂 Hsin-Chuan Chou: The Joy of Snowflakes •呂泉生:丟丟銅仔 Chuan-Sheng Lu: Diu Diu Dang Ah


台北愛樂婦女合唱團 Taipei Philharmonic Women's Chorus│Taiwan 傅湘雲 Shiang-Yun Fu, conductor



•蕭泰然:雖然行過死蔭的山谷 Tyzen Hsiao: Psalm 23 •Ko Matsushita: 一詩人の最後の歌 (Last Song of a Poet) •Edward Elgar: The Snow

亞特愛樂合唱團 Art Philharmonic Chorus│Taiwan 指揮─

唐天鳴 Tien-Ming Tang, conductor


•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •石青如:貓仔 Ching-Ju Shih: The Cat •Ola Gjeilo: Ubi Caritas


B1. 男聲組 Male Choir 建國中學合唱團 Chien-Kuo High School Choir│Taiwan 賴以恒 Yi-Heng Lai, conductor



•György Orbán: Daemon Irrepit Callidus •冉天豪:愛的救贖 Tien-Hao Jan: Redemption of Love •Ko Matsushita: 八木節 (Yagi-Bushi)

龤之聲男聲合唱團 Harmonia Male Choir│Taiwan 指揮─

傅湘雲 Shiang-Yun Fu, conductor


•John August Pamintuan: Kalējs Kala Debesīs (Blacksmith Forges in the Sky) •周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •John August Pamintuan: Brave Dance

澳門粵華中學英文部合唱團 YWESC Yuet Wah English Section Choir│Macau 葉健俊 Kin-Chun Ip, conductor



•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •Greg Gilpin: Ding-a Ding-a Ding •arr. Chuck Bridwell: Various Themes on "Fa-La-La"


樹德葛利合唱團 Shu-Te Glee Club│Taiwan 于善敏 Shan-Min Yu, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Glen Ballard & Siedah Garrett, arr. Kirby Shaw: Man in the Mirror •Roger Emerson: This Train

新竹高中合唱團 Hsinchu Senior High School Chorus│Taiwan 指揮─

胡宇光 Yu-Kuang Hu, conductor


•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •瞿希賢:等你到天明 Xi-Xian Qu: Waiting for You until Dawn •Sydney Guillaume: Gagòt


B2. 女聲組 Female Choir 嘉義女聲合唱團 Chiayi Lady's Choir│Taiwan 朱如鳳 Ju-Fung Chu, conductor



•蔡昱姍:客家謎歌 Yu-Shan Tsai: Hakka Riddle Song •Miklós Kocsár: Assumpta est Maria •Giuseppe Verdi: Che faceste? Dite su! (from Macbeth)

香港新青年合唱團 Hong Kong Youth Choir│Hong Kong 鄭智山 Chi-Shan Chris Cheng, conductor



•錢善華編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Shan-Hua Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •Ivo Antognini: Agnus Dei •Ko Matsushita: 一詩人の最後の歌 (Last Song of a Poet)

廈門純白色青年女子教師合唱團 Amoy Pure White Youth Female Teacher Chorus│China 徐欣 Xin Xu, conductor



•陳茂萱:螳螂與蟬 Mao-Shuen Chen: Mantis and Cicada •徐欣:我們的歌 Hsin Hsu: Our Song •Leroy Anderson, arr. Sally K. Albrecht: Bugler's Holiday


台北愛樂婦女合唱團 Taipei Philharmonic Women's Chorus│Taiwan 傅湘雲 Shiang-Yun Fu, conductor



•Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina •Pekka Kostiainen: Jaakobin Pojat •Rupert Lang: Cantate Domino

國立新竹女中合唱團 National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir│Taiwan 指揮─

郭心怡 Hsin-Yi Kuo, conductor


•Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina •Alberto Grau: Como Tu ( Just Like You) •György Orbán: Gloria, Mass No.6

廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團 Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus│China 梁梅芳 Mei-Fang Liang, conductor



•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •秋加措,陳國權編:卓瑪 Qiujiacuo, arr. Guo-Quan Chen: Dolma •傈族民謠,劉曄編:薩 Tra. Lisaw Folksong, arr. Ye Liu: Sa


B2. 女聲組 Female Choir 樹德葛利合唱團 Shu-Te Glee Club│Taiwan 于善敏 Shan-Min Yu, conductor



•Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina •Bart Howard, arr. Nicholas Hare: Fly Me To The Moon •Jess Jess: Pitch Perfect Bella Final


B3. 混聲組 Mixed Choir 沐恩歌手 Blessed Singers│Taiwan

宋知庭 Jhih-Ting Song, conductor



•Claudio Monteverdi: Ecco, mormorar l'onde •Robert Schumann / Clytus Gottwald: Im wunderschönen Monat Mai / Die Rose, die Lilie from Dichterliebe •黃俊達:走進庶民的說書人 Chun-Da Huang: Storyteller in the Crowd

PANSOL Choir│The Philippines 指揮─

Mark Anthony Carpio, conductor


•潘皇龍編:小河淌水 arr. Huang-Long Pan: Water Flowing in the Brook •Kim André Arnesen: Even When He is Silent •arr. Stacey V. Gibbs: Great God Almighty

Sunshine Voice UMY│Indonesia Ignatius Wisnu Cahyadi, conductor



•蔡昱姍編:天空落水 arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Rain from the Sky •Josu Elberdin: Segalariak •Sydney Guillaume: Twa Tanbou


B3. 混聲組 Mixed Choir El-Manibang Youth Choir│Indonesia Noldy Andrew Tamunu, conductor



•錢南章:丟丟銅仔 Nan-Chang Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •Ken Steven: Hentakan Jiwa •Z. Randall Stroope:Christi Mutter

台北愛樂青年合唱團 Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir│Taiwan 指揮─

翁建民 Chien-Min Weng, conductor


•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Stephen Paulus: Splendid Jewel •Ken Steven: Farja dan Senja II

嘉義室內合唱團 Chiayi Chamber Choir│Taiwan 朱如鳳 Ju-Fung Chu, conductor



•劉聖賢編:搖嬰仔歌 arr. Shen-Hsien Liu: Taiwanese Lullaby •許雅民:森林中跳躍的綠色 Ya-Min Hsu: The Jumping Greens in the Woods •Ko Matsushita: Domine, Fac Me Servum Pacis Tuae


迦密柏雨中學校友會歌詠團 Carmel Pak U Secondary School Alumni Choir│Hong Kong 陳進灝 Chun-Ho Chan, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •成俊曦:隰桑 Chun-Hay Shing: Xi Sang •Vulc Tadeja: O Sapientia

基灣之聲 Keiwanian Singers│Hong Kong 指揮─

朱安麗 Anne On-Lai Chu, conductor


•Josef Gabriel Rheinberger: Abendlied •周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •Jake Runestad: Nyon Nyon

FMC English Choir│Malaysia George Tay, conductor



•周鑫泉:城南送別 Hsin-Chuan Chou: Farewell, Farewell •Frank Ticheli: Earth Song •arr. Lajos Bárdos: Tambur


B3. 混聲組 Mixed Choir 拉咧人歌手合唱團 La Lay Singers│Taiwan 張容碩 Dora Chang, conductor



•György Orbán: Come Away •黃俊達:走進庶民的說書人 Chun-Da Huang: Storyteller in the Crowd •Astor Piazzolla, arr. Oscar Escalada: Verano Porteño

SONER│Taiwan 曲目

•William Byrd: Miserere mei, Deus •錢南章:晚安 Nan-Chang Chien: Good Night •Lajos Bárdos: Libera Me

發聲 F Sharp│Taiwan

馬韻珊 Yunn-Shan Ma, conductor



•Rihards Dubra: Stetit Angelus •蕭育霆:白鷺鷥 Yu-Ting Hsiao: Egret •Ko Matsushita: Jubilate Deo


C1. 聖樂組 Musica Sacra 沂風室內合唱團 Yiphone Chamber Choir│Taiwan 郭心怡 Hsin-Yi Kuo, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Thomas Tallis: If Ye Love Me •György Orbán: Pange Lingua

香港新青年合唱團 Hong Kong Youth Choir│Hong Kong 指揮─

鄭智山 Chi-Shan Chris Cheng, conductor


•Ivo Antognini: Canticum Novum •Barrie Cabena: Prayer of St. Francis •林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria

PANSOL Choir│The Philippines Mark Anthony Carpio, conductor



•Jan Pieters Sweelinck: Hodie Christus Natus Est •林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Brian Edward Galante: Exsultate


C1. 聖樂組 Musica Sacra 何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir│Hong Kong 伍文輝 Man-Fai Ng, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Eric Whitacre: Alleluia •William Dawson: Ain'a That Good News!

基灣之聲 Keiwanian Singers│Hong Kong 朱安麗 Anne On-Lai Chu, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •謝基信:客旅 Gershom Tse: Pilgrim •Josu Elberdin: Cantate Domino

Gracioso Sonora Choir│Indonesia

Paulus Fitzgerald Fanggidae, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Anton Bruckner: Christus Factus Est •Levente Gyöngyösi: Domine Deus Meus


國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University│Taiwan 指揮─徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目

•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Sergey Khvoshchinsky: Ave Maria •Simon Wawer: Jubilate Deo

發聲 F Sharp│Taiwan 指揮─

馬韻珊 Yunn-Shan Ma, conductor 曲目

•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Olivier Messiaen: O Sacrum Convivium •John Rutter: Cantate Domino

Tarlac State University Chorale│The Philippines Joshua Ysmael Fontanilla, conductor



•Robin Estrada: Awit Sa Panginoon (Song for the Lord) •林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Ily Matthew Maniano: Doxologia


C1. 聖樂組 Musica Sacra El-Manibang Youth Choir│Indonesia Noldy Andrew Tamunu, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Z. Randal Stroope: Lamentation of Jeremiah •Kevin Wantalangi : Dies Irae

希望兒童合唱團 Puzangalan Children's Chorus│Taiwan 吳聖穎 Muni Takivalit, conductor



•John Leavitt: Gloria •Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina •葉燕妮:Senanasena-i (大家來歌唱讚美) Yen-Ni Yeh: Senanasena-i (Let's Sing and Praise)

龤之聲男聲合唱團 Harmonia Male Choir│Taiwan 傅湘雲 Shiang-Yun Fu, conductor



•Franz Biebl: Ave Maria •Ernani Aguiar: Salmo 150 •林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria


FMC English Choir│Malaysia George Tay, conductor



•林明杰:聖母頌 Ming-Chieh Lin: Ave Maria •Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: The Crown of Roses •Dan Forrest: And Can It Be ?


C2. 民謠/傳統音樂組 Ethnic / Traditional Music 廣州市玲瓏藝術合唱團 Guangzhou Linglong Arts Chorus│China 梁梅芳 Mei-Fang Liang, conductor



•蕭泰然:點心擔 Tyzen Hsiao: Snack Peddler Song •廣東民謠,盧振強編:月光光 Cantonese Folksong, arr. Zhen-Qiang Lu: The Shining Moon •廣東民謠,頌今編:落雨大 Cantonese Folksong, arr. Song Jin: Lok Yu Dai (The Heavy Rain)

國立新竹女中合唱團 National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir│Taiwan 郭心怡 Hsin-Yi Kuo, conductor



•錢善華編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Shan-Hua Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •高竹嵐:我身騎百馬 Chu-Lan Kao: White Horse •arr. Marcos Leite: Três Cantos Nativos dos Indios Kraó

Sunshine Voice UMY│Indonesia Ignatius Wisnu Cahyadi, conductor



•錢南章編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Nan-Chang Chien: Diu Diu Dang A •arr. Ken Steven: Benggong •Christian Izaac Tamaela: Toki Tifa (Beat the Tifa)


國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University│Taiwan 指揮─徐惠君 Huei-Chun Hsu, conductor 曲目

•蔡昱姍編:天空落水 arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Rain from the Sky •黃俊達:來甦 Chun-Da Huang: Lai Su •Ken Steven: Fajar dan Senja II (Dawn and Dusk II)

亞特愛樂合唱團 Art Philharmonic Chorus│Taiwan 指揮─

唐天鳴 Tien-Ming Tang, conductor


•蔡昱姍編:客家搖籃曲 arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: The Hakka Lullaby •錢南章編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Nan-Chang Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •錢南章編:讚美歌唱 arr. Nan-Chang Chien: Song of Praise

希望兒童合唱團 Puzangalan Children's Chorus│Taiwan 吳聖穎 Muni Takivalit, conductor



•錢善華編:丟丟銅仔 arr. Shan-Hua Chien: Diu Diu Dang Ah •謝宇威,蔡昱姍編:花樹下 Yu-Wei Hsieh, arr. Yu-Shan Tsai: Underneath the Flowering Tree •排灣族古謠,吳聖穎、唐佳君編:qisaceqalj (輕輕呢喃) Tra. Paiwan Folksong. arr. Muni Takivalit & Chia-Chun Tang: qisaceqalj (Gently Whisper)


C2. 民謠/傳統音樂組 Ethnic / Traditional Music 長沙市第十一中學南軒合唱團 Changsha No.11 School NanXuan Choir│China 徐蘋 Ping Xu, conductor



何明華會督銀禧中學合唱團 Bishop Hall Jubilee School Choir│Hong Kong 伍文輝 Man-Fai Ng, conductor



•潘皇龍編:小河淌水 arr. Huang-Long Pan: Water Flowing in the Brook •Jerry Hui:月光光 Jerry Hui:The Shining Moon •Maurice Goldman: Zum Gali - Dance the Hora!

Gita Dian Nuswa合唱團 Gita Dian Nuswa Choir│Indonesia Alfonso Andika Wiratma, conductor



•Josu Elberdin: Soleram •張瓊櫻編:老人飲酒歌 arr. Chiung-Ying Chang: Elders Drinking Song •Agustinus Bambang Jusana: Yamko Rambe Yamko


沐恩歌手 Blessed Singers│Taiwan

宋知庭 Jhih-Ting Song, conductor



•潘皇龍編:小河淌水 arr. Huang-Long Pan: Water Flowing in the Brook •石青如:貓仔 Ching-Ju Shih: The Cat •杜萬勝編:落水天 arr. Toh Ban Sheng: Lok Sui Tien (Rainy Day)

D1. 交流組 Non-competition 北京市延慶少年兒童合唱團 Beijing Yanqing Juvenile Choir│China 高文娜 Wen-Na Gao, conductor




財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會 1988年,由杜黑先生與一群熱愛音樂的企業家和音樂家,為提昇國內音樂普及化共同創立。前期致力於合唱藝術發展,除原有之 台北愛樂合唱團外,陸續成立台北愛樂室內、兒童、青少年、青年、婦女及市民合唱團。2004年起創立台北愛樂青年管弦樂團、 台北愛樂少年樂團、愛樂劇工廠及台北愛樂歌劇坊,為兼具合唱團、管弦樂團、音樂劇團、歌劇團及統合製作大型國際音樂節的 全方位藝術機構。 本會引進國外優秀團體及培養國內音樂人才不遺餘力,曾引進英國國王歌手、瑞典The Real Group、德國司徒加室內合唱團、匈


準及規模之音樂節,同期舉辦之「國際合唱音樂營」亦為合唱界之年度盛事,每年皆有逾千人合唱愛樂者及萬人以上聽眾參與受 惠。2018年舉辦「台北國際合唱大賽」為台灣首度舉辦之大型國際合唱賽事,同時藉由賽事推廣國人原創合唱作品,展現台灣成 熟的合唱實力。 本會所屬之台北愛樂合唱團及台北愛樂室內合唱團屢獲國際知名藝術節、音樂節及場館邀演,包含美國紐約下一波藝術節、明尼 蘇達世界合唱大會、奧立岡巴赫音樂節,澳洲墨爾本藝術節、雪梨世界合唱大會、拉脫維亞國際音樂節、新加坡華藝節、北京國 家大劇院八月合唱節等,足跡遍及世界逾三十餘個國家城市,使台灣音樂文化於國際舞台發光發熱。 為拓展國內音樂表演新視野,本會致力於西方大型經典曲目之推廣,首演包括奧福《布蘭詩歌》、冼星海《黃河大合唱》及巴赫 《B小調彌撒》、《聖約翰受難曲》、《聖馬太受難曲》等作品;節目製作方面,引進百老匯音樂劇《鋪軌》及中國大型經典舞台 劇《立秋》來台,並自製中文音樂劇《上海•台北-雙城戀曲》、經典十年民歌音樂劇《微風往事》、《天祭》等,以中文演唱 的現代音樂劇形式,受到觀眾熱烈迴響與肯定。 鼓勵國人創作方面,本會長期與錢南章教授合作,發表《馬蘭姑娘》、《佛說阿彌陀經》、《十二生肖》等大型合唱及管弦作 品;亦邀請許雅民、馬水龍等當代作曲家與之合作,發行之【映象中國】、【馬蘭姑娘】、【六月雪】、【佛說阿彌陀經】、 【十二生肖】等專輯屢獲得金曲獎提名及獲獎肯定。 本會長期以來獲得政府、企業及社會大眾之肯定與支持,2008年獲台北市政府藝響空間計畫支持,擴大了營運空間。我們將珍惜 各界關懷,戮力以赴,為台灣音樂的扎根、成長及邁向國際繼續貢獻心力。

董 事 長│李凱萍

藝術總監|杜 黑

董 事│丁盧明秀、李詩欽、杜 黑、林文月、邱再興、




陳敏芳、劉葳莉、蔣理容、錢南章 榮譽董事|孫鵬萬 行政群 執

長│ 劉葳莉

副 執 行 長│ 杜明遠 問│ 程立敏

台北愛樂(室內)合唱團| 莊馥鴻、劉宜欣

執行企劃| 黃莉婷、簡宸緯、陳武官

青年合唱團│ 簡宸緯

關| 周毓敦、林友真

少年及兒童合唱團| 陳玲莉、王浩羽

媒體宣傳| 劉耘孜

節 目 經 理│ 丁達明

愛樂劇工廠| 孫文凱、蘇怡瑄

平面設計| 魏振庭

研究發展經理│ 王舒慧

台北愛樂歌劇坊│ 向可萱

計| 曾淑華

大陸事務專員│ 陳逢淼

台北愛樂青年管弦樂團| 張如怡

納| 林慧蓉

台北愛樂少年樂團| 張紋綺


Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education In 1988, perceiving that Taiwan's music environment still had great potential for development, a group of music-loving industrialists and musicians founded the "Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education" in order to promote musical activities and to further raise the cultural standards of Taiwan. The foundation started with supporting the renowned Taipei Philharmonic Chorus on their mission of elevating the performance quality and promoting local musicians through choral music. Later on, the foundation created groups such as the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Children's Choir, Youth Choir, Youth Orchestra, Youth Ensemble, Musical Theater, and Opera Studio, each with the identical goals of performing and promoting music in Taiwan. The Foundation has been making great efforts in introducing outstanding international performers to Taiwan, and in promoting talented Taiwanese musicians. For the last three decades, the Foundation had continuously introduced fabulous groups and musicians, such as Chanticleer, Inner Mongolian Youth Choir, King's Singers, Tallis Scholars, Youth Choir Kamer, Kamnerchor Stuttgart, World Youth Choir, English Chamber Orchestra, Asia Youth Orchestra, The Real Group…etc, to name a few. The Foundation also keeps bringing new visions of programing to the audience, including Taiwanese premiere of many masterpieces, such as Brahms's “Ein Deutsches Requiem", Orff's "Carmina Burana", Fanshawe’s "African Sanctus", Britten’s “War Requiem”, and Bach’s “Mass in B Minor”, “St. John’s Passion”, “St. Matthew’s Passion”. Additionally, in order to encourage Taiwanese composers, the Foundation keeps in long-term collaboration with composer Chien Nan-Chang, as well as several composers of younger generation, such as Lee Che-Yi, Jan Tien-Hao, Shih Ching-Ru, Huang Chun-Da, to name a few. Together, they have presented many choral-symphonic pieces, such as “The Maiden Malan”, “The Twelve Animal Signs of Chinese Zodiac”, “Jail as my Hotel”…etc; several productions of original musicals, such as “Hocubu”, “Zelandia”, “Love Stories of Two Cities”…etc; and more than 100 choral octavos in different setting. For cultivating talented young Taiwanese musicians, the Foundation has been collaborating with young musicians in the beginning stages of their music careers, and at has held activities such as “Young Stars Concert Series”, “Youth Musicians Series”, “Rising Stars Festival”, among others. In addition, the Foundation holds the annual “Taipei International Choral Festival” every summer since 1996, in which, famous international choral masters are invited to give masterclasses, workshops, lectures, and concerts. Through these intense classes, Taiwanese musicians and audience get to experience world-class music activities and to enhance their musical skills, knowledge, and appreciation. Furthermore, the artists from all around the world can have a glance to the abundant cultural aspects of Taiwan. The festival is the event that continually brings stimulation to the local music fields, as well as in Asia. While the level of local music quality continues to rise, the Foundation also devotes valuable time to bringing Taiwanese music to the international stage. Since 1992, the Foundation has been supporting the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir in concert tours all over the world, performing in more than 30 countries, in several prestigious international events, such as the “World Symposium on Choral Music”, “Oregon Bach Festival”, “Festival Vancouver”…etc. Wherever they have been, they have always left the audiences with impressions of brilliancy. This in term helps Taiwan gain a greater recognition in the international choral world. Only with the long-term support of the public and local enterprises can the “Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education” reach such high achievements. The Foundation will surely make more efforts in the future to develop local musical performances while simultaneously making its music available to the international stage.

財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會2018年度贊助人名冊 Sponsors of Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education



文化部 財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 臺北市政府文化局 李詩欽 財團法人英業達集團公益慈善基金會 財團法人永真教育基金會 財團法人邱再興文教基金會 中華民國真如苑佛教會 李凱萍

石文君 何燕燕 周光燦 周宜靜 林坤賢 張麗純 莊富枝 陳茜 陳惠珠 黃美玉 楊宜娉 葉清美 劉容燕

榮譽贊助人 國泰金控 上海商業儲蓄銀行文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 元佑實業 台灣康寧顯示玻璃股份有限公司 台灣愛普生科技股份有限公司 兆豐國際商業銀行 名喬建設股份有限公司 財團法人中技社 財團法人台灣新光保全文化藝術基金會 財團法人林伯奏文教基金會 財團法人勇源教育發展基金會 國王大飯店股份有限公司 許遠東先生暨夫人紀念文教基金會 王德傳茶莊 安捷企業股份有限公司 台北市婦女合唱團 大湖愛樂合唱團 台灣雅樂合唱團 台北愛樂婦女合唱團 台北愛樂市民合唱團 台北愛樂市民女聲合唱團 亓甯 王玉麟 杜月娥 林榮豊 徐婉芬 陳惠智 程立敏 葉寶鳳 謝伯毅

愛樂之友 卜家玫 干學金 方鶯珍 王中詩 王永文 王宗明 王珞 王敏慧 王蔓玲 王靜婷 王瓊熔 矢建華 石文菁 曲芳儀 朱怡潔 何啟英 何嬿 利敏玉 吳玉美 吳妍妍 吳杏如 吳淑美 吳毓玲 吳碧蘭 吳應南 呂錦雪 巫秋香 李文美 李妙麗 李治芬 李建華 李秋瑰 李海晏 李淑嬌 李清秀 李滋男 李劍華 李慧敏 辛美慧 阮美芳 卓芬玲 周芳瑜 周雪玲 周華針 周聰美 林玉卿 林宜慧 林美秀 林美惠 林桂霞 林敏珩 林淑芬 林雪華 林欽齡 林瑟偵 林嘉彬 林謙純 邱大環 邱秀美 邱壘顥 俞華 施麗英 柯美琴 柯雪卿 柯燕甯 洪家茵 洪鳳凰 胡幼峰 唐梅玲 夏語婕 孫慧芳 徐素惠 徐澤倩 馬可華 馬婉瑜 高孔廉 高治華 高珍惠 屠世天 康子溱 張文正 張秋蓮 張涵玲 張琪雪 張慧美 張鶴 曹先進 梁麗群 莊皓雲 許玉玲 許秀明 許峻榮 陳又嘉 陳玉樺 陳安心 陳佘玉珍 陳佩芬 陳怡君 陳怡萍 陳欣欣 陳雪如 陳惠芳 陳華美 陳寧欣 陳麗珠 陶曼馨 單豫庸 曾仙媚 曾寶琴 程伶芳 程淑芳 程淑琦 黃玉書 黃彥綾 黃美雯 黃清吟 黃凱華 黃舒伶 黃壽英 黃蓉 黃瀅潔 楊秋滿 楊莉慧 葉棃嬋 詹維康 鄒如軒 廖惠瑛 趙琳 鄞麗如 劉宜蘭 劉宥清 劉素燕 劉稟洪 劉翠溶 潘真理 蔡玉琴 蔡怡 蔡政玉 蔡秋蘭 蔡翠敏 蔣希麟 蔣家興 鄭純如 鄭雅文 鄭錚錚 鄭蘭英 蕭淑貞 賴玉釵 賴明珠 賴香蓮 賴毓珊 戴惠芳 謝小姐 謝佩芬 謝麗娟 蹇婷婷 鍾蓮芳 簡麗惠 魏秀溫 魏媞 羅雪卿 羅惠珠 龐淑芬 嚴淑雲 蘇秀蘭 蘇昌美 蘇南萍 皇榮貿 易股份有限公司 柏薇菈美容事業有限公司 旗哥牛肉湯

台北愛樂歌劇坊榮譽贊助人 財團法人邱再興文教基金會 黃少華 方頌仁 姜長安 林嘉勲 施振榮 林行憲 信源企業股份有限公司 彥陽科技股份有限公司

特別贊助人 國泰航空 正聲廣播公司 達豐公關顧問股份有限公司 奧圖碼科技股份有限公司 巨蛋展覽股份有限公司 林碧翠 柯瑞美 馬維楓 高淑端 梁吳蓓琳 陳蕙芳 劉陳玉蘭 謝明珠


感謝名單 Acknowledgement 文化部 Ministry of Culture 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 新北市政府教育局 Department of Education, Taipei City Government 新北市三重區碧華國民小學 Bihua Elementary School 東吳大學松怡廳 Soochow University Song-Yi Hall 巨蛋展覽股份有限公司 Big Dome Event Rental Service Company 琉園股份有限公司 Tittot Company 雄獅旅行社股份有限公司 Lion Travel Service Company 台灣鐵路管理局-板橋車站 Taiwan Railways Administration-Banqiao Station 台灣高鐵-板橋站 Taiwan High Speed Rail Banqiao Station 臺大醫院 NTU Hospital 輔大醫院 Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital 振興醫院 Cheng Hsin General Hospital 台灣合唱協會 Taiwan Choral Association 張瓊櫻 Chiung-Ying Chang 張芷瑄 Chih-Hsuan Chang 陳茂萱 Mao-Shuen Chen 陳麗芬 Li-Fen Chen 錢南章 Nan-Chang Chien

錢善華 Shan-Hua Chien 周鑫泉 Hsin-Chuan Chou 蕭育霆 Yu-Ting Hsiao 蕭泰然 Tyzen Hsiao 謝斯韻 SzuYun Swing Hsieh 熊師玲 Shih-Ling Hsiung 黃俊達 Chun-Da Huang 冉天豪 Tien-Hao Jan 柯查 Miklós Kocsár 林明杰 Ming-Chieh Lin 劉聖賢 Shen-Hsien Liu 劉新誠 Hsin-Cheng Liu 潘皇龍 Huang-Long Pan 潘宇文 Yu-Wen Pan 彭孟賢 Meng-Hsien Peng 戴怡音 Yi-Yin Tai 蔡昱姍 Yu-Shan Tsai 翁佳芬 Chia-Fen Weng 翁建民 Chien-Min Weng 楊宜真 I-Chen Yang


Taipei International Choral Competition 藝術總監 Artistic Director

杜 黑 Dirk DuHei

秘書 Secretary

劉葳莉 Willy Liu 杜明遠 Ming-Yuen Du

陳亭蓁 Ting-Chen Chen 陳盈璇 Ying-Hsuan Chen 祝薇茜 Wei-Qian Chu 廖品薇 Pin-Wei Liao

古育仲 John Yu-Chung Ku

工作人員 Staff

顧問 Adviser

音樂總監 Music Director

志工 Volunteer

節目執行 Festival Coordinator

張任攸 Jen-Yu Chang 陳語萱 Yu-Xuan Chen 程新畲 Xin-Yu Cheng 郭孟昕 Mindy Meng-Hsin Kuo 沈新如 Hsin-Ju Shen 王培鈞 Ted Pei-Jun Wang 翁靖媛 Jing-Yuan Weng

比賽執行 Competition Coordinator

台灣合唱協會工作人員 TCA Staff

行政總監 Executive Director

丁達明 Ferdinand Ta-Ming Ting 策劃顧問 Administrative Counselor

陳治宇 Charlie Chih-Yu Chen 經理 Manager

黃莉婷 Lily Li-Ting Huang 簡宸緯 Vincent Chien

陳武官 Owen Wu-Kuan Chen 企劃執行 Project Coordinator

陳逢淼 Walter Chen 莊馥鴻 Fu-Hung Johnson Chuang 舞台監督 Stage Manager

李艷玲 Ailee Yen-Ling Li 蘇敬涵 Cherry Ching-Han Su

鄭宇翔 Yeu-Shyang Cheng 徐上哲 Shang-Che Hsu 魯以諾 Enoch Luu 蘇俊誠 Chun-Cheng Su 文上砡 Shang-Yu Wen 吳彥葶 Yen-Ting Wu 司儀 Announcer

鄭紫琳 Zi-Lin Cheng 魯以諾 Enoch Luu


陳麒羽 Chi-Yu Chen 陳羿君 Yi-Chun Chen 蕭郁瀞Yu-Jing Hsiao 謝以樂 Yi-Le Hsieh 許榆綸 Yu-Lun Hsu 黃俞甄 Yu-Chen Huang 龔俐庭 Li-Ting Kung 李維 Wei Lee 李紫涵 Zi-Han Li 林瑞紋 Jui-Wen Lin 蔡雨諼 Yu-Hsuan Tsai 魏薇珊 Wei-Shan Wei 吳宇璇 Yu-Hsuan, Wu 楊甯如 Ning-Ru Yang 葉湘琳 Hsiang-Lin Yeh



國際 合唱大賽 Taipei International Choral Competition

Jul. 30~Aug. 2

Jul. 26~Aug. 4

Ēriks Ešenvalds

Cristian Grases

Pasi Hyökki

Yu-Chung John Ku Ko Matsushita





Levente Gyöngyösi Hungary


Jonathan Velasco The Philippines

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