Issue #260 | Tain & District Picture Post | Oct/Nov 2022

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OCT/NOV 2022

Medals belonging to the Macleod family have been donated to Tain & District Museum p18



A look back at Queen Elizabeth II and her visits to the Royal Burgh. p20


This month looks at Hugh Scobie: Canadian newspaperman, publisher, JP, and political campaigner p16



Enter our Highland world, where all tastes are possible. Swirling with aroma and flavour, the Glenmorangie Distillery is the beating heart of our wondrous whisky creation. Here you will meet the Distillers of Tain. Deeply versed in our anything-ispossible style of whisky making, these men and women possess skills built over generations. Truth be told, we couldn’t create our delicious whiskies without them.


Immerse yourself in the art of our whisky making. In the company of our passionate guides, see how we use barley, water, wood and time to bottle the taste of our imagination.

Discover the flavours that 100% Scottish barley and our uniquely mineral-rich spring water bring to our whisky. Gaze up at our copper stills, the tallest in Scotland, with necks the same height as a giraffe. See how they take our whisky on a longer journey, for a lighter spirit, with more ‘space’ for taste and aroma. Then, in the darkness of a traditional warehouse, explore our endless quest for the best casks. Cut from 100-yearold oaks, they slowly pass their incalculable flavours on to our whisky.


Get to know our creamy, complex single malt as you trace the journey of our signature whisky, The Original, through our Distillery. Scent the fruity aromas that emerge in our lighter spirit and see the bourbon casks in which our whisky mellows for 10 years. Finish with a two dram tasting from our Core Expressions 1 hour, £18 per person, 2 dram Max 12 per tour - Children welcome

June – August: Monday – Sunday, every 30 minutes, 10am – 4pm April – May & September – October: Monday – Friday, every hour, 10am – 3pm

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Bespoke Tour for you and for your group tailored to your guests knowledge, intrigue whether newcomer to whisky or an aficionado. Full Distillery tour & sensory experience finishing with a tasting journey through from our Core range, Prestige and cocktail for the complete Glenmorangie Experience.

1.5 hrs £600 by advanced booking only, Max 12 per tour

May – September: Monday - Friday 2:30pm

The Glenmorangie Company advocates responsible drinking. Please savour our whiskies in moderation.
Tain, Ross-shire IV19 1PZ, Scotland t: 01862 892477 | e: |
TDPP 3 OCT/NOV 2022 OCT/NOV 2022 IN THIS ISSUE OF TDPP Passing of Her Majesty QE II 4 Tain Community Council 6 St Duthac Book & Art Festival 8 In Memory 9 Local news and updates 10 Tribute to 311 Czech Squadron 12 530th Anniversary of Papal Bull Issue 14 History of Tain Royal Academy 16 Donation of medals to Tain Museum 18 Memories of QE II in Tain 20 Nostalgia with Alex Graham 22 Tain Tennis Club 25 Football News 26 Editor - Niall Harkiss Email Tel 01862 857366 | Mob 07527 134574 Digital archive - or North of Scotland Football Review 2022 OUT NOW NEW EDITION Now available to order from Older editions available via email to




This is a day of great sadness for the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, the passing of The Queen who was head of a worldwide family of two and a half billion people.

Queen Elizabeth II displayed an outstanding example of service both in wartime and peacetime and was a symbol of stability through decades in which the world has seen many changes.

Hers was an extraordinarily long reign, the longest of any British Sovereign, for which we as a Nation are very grateful.

The Lieutenancy of Ross and Cromarty would like to send our sincere condolences to all members of the Royal Family at this very sad time.

We look back with gratitude and look forward to offering our support and loyalty to The King.

I speak to you today with feelings of profound sorrow. Throughout her life, Her Majesty The Queen – my beloved Mother –was an inspiration and example to me and to all my family, and we owe her the most heartfelt debt any family can owe to their mother; for her love, affection, guidance, understanding and example. Queen Elizabeth’s was a life well lived; a promise with destiny kept and she is mourned most deeply in her passing. That promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today.

Alongside the personal grief that all my family are feeling, we also share with so many of you in the United Kingdom, in all the countries where The Queen was Head of State, in the

Commonwealth and across the world, a deep sense of gratitude for the more than seventy years in which my Mother, as Queen, served the people of so many nations. In 1947, on her twentyfirst birthday, she pledged in a broadcast from Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote her life, whether it be short or long, to the service of her peoples. That was more than a promise: it was a profound personal commitment which defined her whole life. She made sacrifices for duty. Her dedication and devotion as Sovereign never waivered, through times of change and progress, through times of joy and celebration, and through times of sadness and loss. In her life of service we saw that abiding love


of tradition, together with that fearless embrace of progress, which make us great as Nations. The affection, admiration and respect she inspired became the hallmark of her reign. And, as every member of my family can testify, she combined these qualities with warmth, humour and an unerring ability always to see the best in people. I pay tribute to my Mother’s memory and I honour her life of service. I know that her death brings great sadness to so many of you and I share that sense of loss, beyond measure, with you all.

The role and the duties of Monarchy also remain, as does the Sovereign’s particular relationship and responsibility towards the Church of England –the Church in which my own faith is so deeply rooted. In that faith, and the values it inspires, I have been brought up to cherish a sense of duty to others, and to hold in the greatest respect the precious traditions, freedoms and responsibilities of our unique history and our system of parliamentary government. As The Queen herself did with such unswerving devotion, I too now solemnly pledge myself, throughout the remaining time God grants me, to uphold the Constitutional principles at the heart of our nation. And wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the Realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall

endeavour to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, as I have throughout my life.

My life will of course change as I take up my new responsibilities. It will no longer be possible for me to give so much of my time and energies to the charities and issues for which I care so deeply. But I know this important work will go on in the trusted hands of others.

This is also a time of change for my family. I count on the loving help of my darling wife, Camilla. In recognition of her own loyal public service since our marriage seventeen years ago, she becomes my Queen Consort. I know she will bring to the demands of her new role the steadfast devotion to duty on which I have come to rely so much. As my Heir, William now

assumes the Scottish titles which have meant so much to me. He succeeds me as Duke of Cornwall and takes on the responsibilities for the Duchy of Cornwall which I have undertaken for more than five decades. Today, I am proud to create him Prince of Wales, Tywysog Cymru, the country whose title I have been so greatly privileged to bear during so much of my life and duty. With Catherine beside him, our new Prince and Princess of Wales will, I know, continue to inspire and lead our national conversations, helping to bring the marginal to the centre ground where vital help can be given. I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas.

In a little over a week’s

time we will come together as a nation, as a Commonwealth and indeed a global community, to lay my beloved mother to rest. In our sorrow, let us remember and draw strength from the light of her example. On behalf of all my family, I can only offer the most sincere and heartfelt thanks for your condolences and support. They mean more to me than I can ever possibly express. And to my darling Mama, as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late Papa, I want simply to say this: thank you. Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations you have served so diligently all these years. May “flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest”.



Amos as Chair, seconded by Ms Houliston. As there were no other nominations, Mr Amos was duly elected Chair.


Minutes of the Community Council of the Royal Burgh of Tain meeting held at the Council Chambers, Tain on June 27 at 7.30pm.


Mr G Amos (Chair), Mr A Mohan (Vice Chair), Mr D Macrae (Treasurer), Mr G Holdsworth, Ms S Smith, Ms E Houliston, Mr N Akeroyd, Mr Rhind - councillor


Mr Amos read out the Police Report statistics that had been previously emailed out. Issues over anti-social behavour and trying to get through to the Police on 101. It was agreed to invite Matthew Powell to the next meeting. Mr Rhind indicated that he would raise phoning 101 with the Police at the bimonthly meeting with them.


Mr Rhind took the Chair for the appointment of the office bearers. He paid tribute to Roddy Robertson who had recently died, and remembered with gratitude and love. Ms Smith proposed Mr

Ms Smith proposed Mr Mohan as ViceChair, seconded by Ms Houliston. As there were no other nominations, Mr Mohan was duly elected Vice-Chair.


Mr Akeroyd proposed Mr Macrae as Treasurer, seconded by Ms Houliston. As there were no other nominations, Mr Macrae was duly elected Treasurer.


Ms Houliston proposed Ms Mackay as Minute Secretary, seconded by Ms Smith. As there was no other nominations, Ms Mackay was duly elected Minute Secretary.


The Minutes of the virtual meeting held on 30th May 2022 were approved by Mr Macrae, and seconded by Mr Akeroyd.


Asda bin – it was agreed that Ms Mackay would approach the Asda Manager with a view to asking for a bin on the Aldie side of the path.


Mr Macrae reported that the recent Food Festival

was well attended as well as the Community Market. Small groups were shown around the Old Picture House. Signage is being sorted for the Peninsular, health walks are starting, and a Happy to Chat bench has been installed. Noted people from Dornoch are saying there is good community spirit in Tain.


Mr Rhind reported that the public toilets are open, but there is a broken ladies toilet seat, which is being repaired. Wooden bins in the Rose Garden are broken. The costs of the new 3-18 Campus has gone up and a report is going to Committee about it. New trees have been planted and other organisations and individuals are interested in planting more trees. Weedkilling is happening and a Tidy Up Tuesday. Grass cutting is fairly good, but the playparks need attention. Noted the Triangle area hedge needs cutting – Mr Rhind to pursue with Tain Task Force. The footpath outside the Procurator Fiscal’s office is in a bad state of repair – Mr Rhind to pursue repairs. New Councillor Sarah Rawlings is off for a few weeks. Doctor Sandy Gordon is retiring, and it is being marked at the Gala. The costs of the repairs to the toilets have still not been replied to by HC. Discussion about providing a shelter for youths.


Mr Amos reported that the Senior Citizen’s Party went well, with good feedback. Mr Macrae read out a letter liking the daytime event and suggested a move to the Bowling Club. Forestry Land Scotland is undertaking a consultation on a draft Community Strategy – it is open until 23 August.


Received a letter regarding seagulls. AR suggested that any complaints should be addressed to Environmental Health in HC.


Beinn Tharsuinn Community Co. Ltd – next meeting in September. Trees and Green Environment – noted 2 trees on St Andrew’s Road are in a dangerous condition, there is also 4 or 5 dead trees and one on the Square. The path between Quebec Avenue and Mansfield is in a bad state, and Hartfield Road and Scotsburn Road –Mr Rhind to speak to Community Services about these items. Senior Citizen’s Party – it was agreed to have the next Senior Citizen’s Party on May Day next year.

The meeting ended at 2035.


Minutes of the Community Council of the Royal Burgh of Tain meeting held at the Council Chambers, Tain on August 29 at 7.30pm.


Mr G Amos (Chair), Mr A Mohan (Vice Chair), Mr D Macrae (Treasurer), Mr G Holdsworth, Ms S Smith, Ms E Houliston, Mr N Akeroyd, Mr Rhind/ Mr Louden - councillors Apologies - Liz Mackay


Mr Macrae reported that there is a Food Festival on Wednesday 31st August in the Duthac Centre Car Park. The Community Market was well attended with stallholders, but less so with the public. The Old Picture House Open Doors event is 3rd September. The TDDT are losing a social media person but are sourcing a funder from Edinburgh. 12 Tower Street is now the base for TDDT as work is complete. 12a Tower Street can be rented from TDDT as a pop up shop.


Mr Rhind reported that the public toilets are going to re-open again. Highland Council wish a group to take over the running of the toilets. The toilets can be shut and locked from 6 pm. Issues with no/little Police presence in the High Street. Groups of youths are causing havoc in the Rose Gardens, the Links, Pond, Cemetery, and also the Links building being entered/broken into and

sanitary ware smashed. Mr Macrae indicated that TDDT have money for CCTV cameras, but there is concerns over who would prosecute, if needed. Mr Rhind reassured the meeting that only the Procurator Fiscal can prosecute people. It was agreed for a meeting to be arranged with the Police/CCTV re additional monitoring of CCTV, and lighting with the Councillor’s. The pavement at the Procurator Fiscal’s office may be redone. Community services to tidy up Mansfield Estate paths. Still awaiting costs of repairs to the vandalised toilets. Noted that there may be as many as 16 homeless houses in Tain.

Mr Louden’s report – Mr Louden reported that that he is still chasing information on the 3-18 campus but understands that Highland Council are very near to signing contracts, and delay due to escalating material costs. Talks on a swimming pool need to take a back seat at the moment. Last week was a stakeholders meeting for the campus. He attended a meeting with OFGEM – the prices of electricity haven’t gone up in Highlands, and we don’t have mains gas but prices are regulated by the UK. Russia supply to Europe, and this is having a knock on effect to our prices. Road resurfacing in Stafford Street beginning in September.


Mr Amos reported that he received an invite to the opening of the new

Dornoch Lifeboat Station

– very impressive. The Rose Garden Bridge is being mended by Mr Amos. The banister at the Town Hall is being replace after repairs, hopefully this weekend. The railings at the Rose Garden toilets are in disrepair – they need to be removed. Mr Macrae has a planning issue and Mr Amos shared the map with the CC. The wall at Asda junction –Gary Urquhart (Roads department) is seeing if it could be repaired.


No report but would like the thank all the volunteers in Tain for their hard work and the impact it has on the community. Beside the underpass – the drain covers are missing –Councillor’s to deal with the situation.


Received an email from David McAllister over concerns at Tain Pond, which is a strange colour. Mr Amos to thank David for sharing concerns and ask him to keep the CC updated on the situation.

Ms Smith raised concerns re fly tipping at the bottom of Mansfield Estate.


Planning for 3 flag poles and 1 media charger with screen at Tesco – no objections (noted retrospective planning). 13 Hartfield Street – demolition and rebuild of extension – no objections.


No solar panels – can’t go ahead. Mussels – not

heard any information. Morangie Distillery –Blue Admissions – TCG fund have rights to area around Tain including mussels, oysters and seaweed (blue carbon admissiions). Councillor’s to invite Hamish Torrie and Herriott Watt University to a meeting with the CC to discuss this issue.


Beinn Tharsuinn Community Co. Ltd –Knockbreck Primary School request £1,000 to build shed. £2,961.42 in account – awaiting £1,000 of that balance. As other applications to be considered this item would go to the next meeting. Trees and Green Environment – the paths at the back of the Mansfield overgrown with weeds – Mr Louden to chase up with Housing. Senior Citizen’s Party – to be held in May now as works better for the community.


Mr Akroyd to write to the Police, Road Traffic Department, Environmental Health agency and VOSA to have a initiative to tackle dangerous driving, speed and racing cars in Tain. The has been a successful initiative in Nairn which resulted in dangerous/illegal cars seized, drug recovery. There has been 4 accidents in Geanies Street this month.




WATT (Tain)

Peacefully, in Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, on Friday, 2nd September, 2022, following a short illness, Baba Watt (nee Sutherland), 34 St Vincent Road, Tain. Beloved and loving wife of Andrew, dearly loved mam of Ian, Sara and Rachel, dear mother-in-law of Meisha, loving sister of Sheila, James, Katie and the late Tod, loyal friend to Jackie, Ian and family, a very dear work colleague to all staff and a constant support to all pupils past and present at Craighill Primary School and a special friend to countless people. Sadly missed and deeply mourned by all.

VASS (Tain)

Catherine Ann Vass (nee MacLeod), formerly of Mansfield Estate, Tain, passed away peacefully, with her family by her side, on 4th September, 2022, at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. Much loved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

MCCHLEARY (Kildary/Tain)

Very peacefully, in the tender care of the Sutor Ward, Invergordon County Hospital, on Wednesday, 24th August, 2022, Alan George Langlands McChleary. Devoted husband of the late Gillian, adored dad to Jackie and Susie, proud papa to Katie, Alex, Robbie, Polly and Harry and precious


‘Papa Stick’ to his greatgranddaughters Ruby and Rosa. A dearly loved brother to Jean, a friend and father-in-law to Paul and Douglas and a loyal brother-in-law. Sorely missed.

GRANT (Tain/Bristol)

Peter Moriston Grant, a Scottish gentleman who always thought of others first. Peter, aged 81 years, of Pitcalnie, Tain, sadly passed away, on 11th August, 2022. Dearly loved husband of late Claire, leaving behind sons David and Patrick. A varied life saw his early years spent in London and Paris working in the hotel business, then as an assistant to the Rothschilds and a lumber camp chef in Canada. He travelled widely in North America before returning to Scotland to run the family business in Invermoriston. Peter went on to have a successful career in the oil business before returning to the Highlands where he became heavily involved in the local community. He chaired both the Nigg and Shandwick Community Council (NSCC) and Nigg Hall, for which he secured lottery funding. He also challenged local wind farm developments by heading the Nigg Awareness group (NAGG).

ROBERTSON (Tain/formerly of Bengal)

Ross passed away unexpectedly, at home,

on Tuesday, 2nd August, 2022, aged 84 years. Ross worked as a tea planter in Bengal for many years. He returned to Tain and managed the Tower Bookshop, and more recently he was an active member of the Guildry Trust. He will be remembered with affection by his cousins and many friends. At his request there will be a small funeral to be attended by family, extended family and good friends.

PARKER (Tain/Ardgay)

Very suddenly, in Elgin, on 17th August, 2022, Patrick Robert Courtney, geologist and traveller, only son of the late Colonel William Parker and Mrs Celia Parker of Ardgay and Tain.

MACKENZIE (North Lamburn/ Heathmount, Tain)

Peacefully, in Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, on Monday, 15th August, 2022, surrounded by his family, Ruairidh Duncan Mackenzie, North Lamburn, Pitmaduthy. Son of the late Alasdair and Annie Mackenzie, of Heathmount, Tain, beloved husband of the late Lyn Oliver, much loved father of Kirsty, Mairi and the late Moylan, dear fatherin-law to Grant and Mark, loving granda of Kenny, Jack and Evie, big brother of Morag and loved by all the extended family and friends.


Connie Morrison, Scotsburn Road, Tain, passed away peacefully, surrounded by family, on Friday, 29th July, 2022, at Chelsea Court Place, London. Born on 13th February, 1924, wife of the late Alexander FS Morrison and a much loved mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother.

MACLEOD (Stornoway/Tain)

Peacefully, in Western Isles Hospital, Stornoway, on Thursday, 28th July, 2022, “Margaret Avon”, aged 90 years, Kirk Care, Matheson Road, Stornoway (formerly of 24 Argyle Court, Tain). Beloved wife of the late Alex, much loved mother of Donnie and Alasdair, a dearly loved granny, great-granny and loved by all the extended family and friends.


Suddenly but peacefully in his home, ‘Claonaig’, Sutherland Street, Fearn, on Sunday, 3rd July, 2022, Rev. Neil Macdonald, (former Free Church Minister of Hilton, Fearn and Lochalsh Free Churches). Much loved husband of Cathie, dearly loved father of Mary, Rona and Niall Iain, dear fatherin-law of William and Alistair, a loving grandpa of Corrie, Finlay, Hannah and Catriona and a wellrespected minister to many.




Tain & District Field Club (TDFC) was founded in 1980 so has been providing activities in this area for more than 40 years.

The Club aims to encourage interest in natural history by providing a varied programme of talks and through the winter months, field trips throughout the year and helping with projects organised by the Highland Biological Recording Group and other conservation bodies.

Our Winter Lecture Programme 2022-2023 starts in September and is outlined below.

This winter there will be a mixture of face-toface and Zoom talks.

Thomas Macdonell (Glen Feshie)

08/11/22 Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve: the UK’s first NNR celebrating 70 Years

Ian Sargent (NatureScot)

13/12/22 A Story of Culture, Crime & Conservation of the Scottish Freshwater Pearl Mussel

Iain Sime (NatureScot)

10/01/23 Ariundle Oakwood and Strontian (Zoom talk)

Eilidh-Ann Phillips(Senior Countryside Ranger, Highlife Highland)

14/02/23 The NE Highlands- a Geomorphologist Looks at the Landscape and Wonders Aloud

David Jarman (Highland Geological Society)

14/03/23 Peatlands in Peril (Zoom?)

Roxane Andersen or a colleague (Environmental Research Institute-UHI Thurso

Lectures: at 7.30 (except AGM) in small hall of the Duthac Centre, Tain Membership: Family £15 Adult £8 Child £5

Admission to lectures: Members - free Nonmembers - Adult £2 Child £1

Tea & Coffee after lectures allow for discussion and socialising

You can find more details and contact details at:

Website: http:// Facebook: https:// fieldclub


Many congratulations to Tain YMCA Youth Committee member, Olivia Macleod, who was presented with her Saltire Summit Award via an online ceremony on Wednesday 17th August.

Olivia is 1 of only 8 young people in The Highlands to receive the Summit Award this year - an amazing achievement.

Olivia was nominated for this award as she has made an outstanding contribution to volunteering in her local area since signing

up to the Saltire Award Scheme when she was 12 years old.

Not only has Olivia been a Youth Committee member at Tain YMCA since P7 but she has also been a Cafe Crew member - a very busy and committed young lady.

Over the years, Olivia has assisted at various YMCA events including P7 discos, Grab-n-Go Lunch Clubs, “On Tour” events, drop-ins, Friday Fun Sessions..... basically whatever events are held throughout the year Olivia is sure to be there! As well as being

a valuable member of Tain YMCA, Olivia has also assisted various other local organisations over the years too.

In 2019, Olivia was awarded her 500 hr Saltire volunteering certificate and since then has amassed a further 1,100 volunteering hours.

Outstanding figures and why Olivia is so deserving of this award.


Thirteen members of the club had a most enjoyable visit to Graham Sullivan & Sheila Mather’s Croft at


Corntown on the Black Isle on Tuesday 26th July.

We spent over an hour exploring the flower gardens, vegetable and fruit plots and their

meadow and wood. We then had delicious coffee and cakes prepared by Sheila.

Thanks to Graham and Sheila.


TESCO stores across the North of Scotland are coming together to raise vital funds for children and families who are struggling financially this autumn.

MFR Cash for Kids are working with schools, social services and other charities to reach out and provide basic essentials. What is raised locally stays locally to give our children a brighter future.

Every donation will make a difference.

MFR Cash for Kids aim to grant £100 per child for basic essentials such as warm winter clothing, bedding, school uniform, items for babies,

toiletries and even food and support with energy costs.

At Tesco Tain we have said that we are looking to raise £500 – but if we raise more than that, we will be delighted!

We have various fundraising events planned throughout the month and with the help of local businesses the great community we have here, we can reach our targets.



THE lives of Czechoslovak pilots killed above Tain during the Second World War were remembered when a delegation from the Czech Republic joined members of the Tain Branch of the Royal British Legion at the town’s cemetery.

The 30-strong delegation included the country’s Minister of Defence, Jana Cernochava, who paid tribute to the 18 members of the 311 Czechoslovak Squadron Coastal Command who lost their lives are buried at the old St Duthus cemetery.

Tain RBL Branch member Cllr Alasdair Rhind responded to the Minister’s tribute before a two minute silence was observed and wreaths were laid.

During the service branch members Alasdair, president Ron Ferguson and Billy and Mary Grant, who look after the graves, were presented with medals by the visiting delegation.

Billy explained how he had watched from his bedroom window as one of the Coastal Command’s planes circled the town late one night on fire. Sadly it crashed with no survivors.

311 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF was a Czechoslovak-manned bomber squadron of the Royal Air Force

in the Second World War. It was the RAF’s only Czechoslovakmanned medium and heavy bomber squadron. It suffered the heaviest losses of any Czechoslovak formation in the RAF. In the Second World War 511 Czechoslovaks serving in Allied air forces were killed. Of these 273 (53%) died while serving with 311 Squadron.

Branch secretary Hugh Fraser, said it was a moving and beautiful service. “We were honoured to welcome our guests and I hope we were able to assure them that the sacrifices of their pilots, gunners and wireless operators are not forgotten. They are included in our service of remembrance every year.”

The Czech Republic visitors later went on to another service at Arisaig.



THE Rotary Club of Tain and Easter Ross was chartered in June 2010 and we currently have 17 members spread throughout Easter Ross from Ardgay in the north to Alness and Invergordon in the south. Club membership is open to adults over 18 years of age. Although Rotary used to be seen as a “businessman’s club” for almost 40 years we have admitted woman too. We welcome people who want to serve their community and it doesn’t matter whether you are working, not-working, retired or unable to work. We are looking for people with all sorts of talents and skills.

The club meet every week on a Thursday either in person or online via zoom. Sometimes we get together for a bowl of soup in a local café at lunchtime and sometimes we meet in the evening for dinner in a local hotel. Some members attend these face-to-face meetings and some others are only able to attend the online meetings. You don’t need to attend every meeting and attend whichever type of meetings you can.

Our zoom meetings enable us to hear from speakers who can be on the other side of the world, never mind the other side of Scotland and we also often meet up with other Rotary clubs by zoom and share experiences. Over the past decade we have worked with young people and worked with elderly people. We have supported all sorts of good causes from well-known national charities like Prostate Scotland and MacMillan Cancer Relief to local charities like the local foodbanks, Home Start Highland East and Made in Tain. We have hosted a concert by FARA, raised funds for polio eradication via our annual Swimarathon at the TRAAC pool, for other causes with our static cycle of the NC500 at the Tain Vintage Car rally and so much more.

If you are interested on finding out more please message us on our Facebook page or email contact@


Tain Golf Club are delighted to announce the arrival of Adam ( Olly ) Shanks as our new Franchisee Caterer.

Olly has vast golf club catering experience, having worked in clubs such as Kings Acre, Murcar, Powfoot and most recently Baberton GC.

We wish Olly a warm welcome and great success.

There will be more information shortly on menus and Sunday Lunches etc.

TDPP 13 TAIN & EASTER ROSS ROTARY CLUB Do you have a story for TDPP? Please get in touch via
email at


SUNDAY 17th July was the 530th Anniversary of the issue of Tain Collegiate Church's Papal Bull.

On Saturday 16th July Philip Ward of Tain Museum gave an informative and entertaining account in the Collegiate Church of the Papal Bull and its


The audience were Tain Museum committee, volunteers and friends. Philip explained the importance of the Bull to the Collegiate Church and to medieval Tain and how it compared with the town’s Royal Charter.

At the end of the talk

the audience had the opportunity to see the recently restored Papal Bull.

This was followed by chat over a delicious afternoon tea supplied by Liz Frazer and other members of the organising committee.

Philip Ward with the restored Papal Bull originally signed in July 1492

The Papal Bull (bottom) along with a frame presented by Andrew Carnegie in1899 (top) when the Papal Bull was first restored.

The silver fram now has a digital replica of the Papl Bull for display in the museum

Friday 28th October 25th November 10:00 until 12:00 Please feel free to contact me at any time on: 01862892734 07876774412 Or via email at LoudenDW@
Do you have an article or photos you’d like us to print? Please email: or call 01862 857366

History of Tain Royal Academy HUGH SCOBIE

(B 1811, D 04/12/1853)

“Canadian newspaperman, publisher, JP, and political campaigner”

IN the previous Tain & District Picture Post we wrote about Murdo Mackenzie an ex-pupil of TRA who became a prominent and influential American. In this edition we look at Hugh Scobie who is the earliest pupil for whom we have a portrait and who became a very influential Canadian 50 years earlier than Murdo.

Hugh was born at Fort George where his father was Captain James Scobie of the Royal Veterans Battalion. The

Royal Veterans Battalion primarily consisted of veterans wounded in the Peninsula Wars but was a fully functioning battalion charged with guarding the Moray Firth. He attended Tain Royal Academy, six years after it opened, appearing in the admission register in August 1819 and August 1820 but not thereafter. After he left the Academy he moved on to Edinburgh where he worked for Gordon and Stuart, Writers to the Signet, studying for his

articles in law. In 1832 he emigrated to Canada with his family, where he helped to establish the family farm in West Gwillimbury near Lake Ontario. According to letters in the Archives of Ontario he had intended to pursue a career in law, but the training he had received in Edinburgh (presumably as an apprentice), did not allow him to practise law in Upper Canada. His letters state that the Canadian Legal system stripped him “of every advantage that my former course of study ought to have afforded me.” He turned to publishing and was very active in attaining rights for the Church of Scotland equal to those of the Church of England in Canada. He established a newspaper. He called the paper The Scotsman but two weeks later changed its name to The British Colonist and it became one of the first great newspapers in Canada eventually becoming The Colonist. Hugh’s editorial strongly promoted British Canadian identity against the French influent in Ontario.

At the same time as setting up the newspaper he established a publishing house and a shop selling business stationery in Toronto. Later, he ventured into the printing and bookbinding business. In 1847, the first edition of Scobie’s Canadian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge, a 104-page booklet selling for 71/2 pence was published and its descendant, The Canadian Almanac & Directory, is still Canada’s best selling source book. The 2022 edition celebrating its existence for 175 years. The British Colonist paper is long defunct, but his publishing house continues under the name ‘Copp-Clark, Professional’ publishers of textbooks, financial guides and calendars. Hugh Scobie ran for public office (and lost) twice, against the head of the Reform Party. During his years in Toronto, Hugh was involved in numerous social, economic, and political organisations. He was an active freemason, he was also a founding member of the Toronto Literary and Historical Society, which was formed in 1842.

Hugh Scobie died in December 1853 from an aneurysm.

Hugh Scobie in about 1845 aged 34


Congratulations to Thelma Weaver who celebrated her 100th birthday on Saturday, 6th August 2022.

Thelma Weaver, who is very well known in Ross-shire, especially by members of the Evanton Dance Club (who were taught Scottish and Ballroom Dancing by Thelma and her late Husband Cyril during the Ninety-nineties through to the early twenties), arranged a number of dances to entertain the gathering of family and friends together with some of the other residents of Urray House Care Home, Muir of Ord.

Thelma, looking lovely and not like how one would expect to see a hundred year old lady, was also delighted to see her family and all her visitors from Nigg, Shandwick, Tain, Evanton and Portmahomack. She even took to the floor to do a few slow waltz steps with the dancers and enjoyed listening to Heather Major’s (one of the Home’s staff) lovely and enjoyable singing.

A very big thanks must go to Urray House Care Home Staff, especially Jeanette Maclaren, Activities Manager, Mary Applegate, Evanton Dance Organiser, Heather Major, Singer and also to Thelma’s daughter Sheena Bushell who all helped in making

Thelma’s 100th year so very special. Thelma was happily surprised when she entered the Hall and delighted to see her old friends again.

She was also thrilled to see her grandson, Duncan (Sheena’s son) who she had not seen for some while and was surprised to see how tall he had grown.

When speaking to Thelma she told us how Sheena always looked after her and that she loved seeing her every week. She also said she was happy in the Care Home as they looked after her very well, but she only wished that she could see and hear better and kept on asking if she really was now 100!

Thelma also still remembers when her and Cyril were introduced and talked to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II when they were invited to attend the Garden Party at The Palace of Holyroodhouse on 13th July 2010.

She was also surprised and very pleased to receive a Birthday Card from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth which has taken pride of place in her room amongst all the many other cards and presents she had received.

Despite a very few times of her nodding off she kept up with everyone and enjoyed the day right through to 5.30pm.



A collection of sporting medals which once belonged to the family of an international footballer from Tain have been donated to Tain and District Museum.

Hugh Macleod, who tragically died at the age of only 21, achieved international acclaim when he represented Scotland at amateur international level in 1928.

The collection of his and his family’s medals

came up for auction earlier this month –and local resident Tony Watson moved quickly to ensure that they would find a willing home in Tain.

Mr Watson said: “These medals were in five lots and I was concerned that they could be purchased by different buyers who had a specific interest – particularly the Hugh Macleod gold football medal – Tain’s most famous footballer who died tragically so young. “So I was determined to

buy the lot – and that’s what I did and where else should they go to but to Tain Museum which already has items of the Macleod family on display. They are a really diverse collection – from sports and academic medals to a medal awarded to Donald Macleod for being “Best Dressed Highlander” at an event commemorating Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in 1887.

“It even includes a medal awarded for winning the Easter

Ross Cycle Club Slow Race, which used to be a regular feature at sporting events and shows and was awarded to whoever managed to travel the smallest distance in a given time without falling off his bike!

“There needs to be more research done on all the medals and how they may be displayed is for the museum to decide but the most important thing is that they are back in Tain where they belong.”

Hugh, or “Uisdean” as he was known locally, was the son of ex-Baillie and bagpipe and violin maker, Donald Macleod. His younger brother, Torquil continued the family business of instrument making, earning an outstanding reputation in his field. Hugh showed flashes of excellence as a young footballer, winning the Mackay Cup – a school age trophy – on several occasions, and at just sixteen, be broke into the St Duthus FC first team.

In 1925, he played a big part in helping the team towards victory in the final of the North of Scotland Junior Cup – at the time the most prominent of all junior competitions in the Highlands.

After leaving Tain Royal Academy in 1926, Hugh travelled to Edinburgh to study medicine.

At the time of his move south, he was just eighteen – but with his football abilities and strong build, it came as no surprise that he had won the admiration of football scouts while


playing for Edinburgh University’s team.

By late 1926, he had been signed up by the renowned Queen’s Park football club in Glasgow – then one of Scotland’s few remaining topflight amateur clubs. He played regularly for the Queen’s Park Strollers (the reserve team) before earning his place at left back for the first eleven in 1927.

In a letter to the Rossshire Journal during his first season with the “Queens”, he was noted for his ability.

“He displayed great power of kick and was rarely beaten. The play of Macleod was a feature of the game. He has a fine sense of covering up his partner and saved a certain goal under the bar when Harkness, the goalkeeper, was drawn out.”

His abilities were such that he was called up to the Scotland amateur international eleven for a match against England at Hampden Park on April 19, 1928 – only the second of its kind. Playing alongside seven of his Queen’s Park comrades, Scotland recorded a 3-2 win over their long time rivals. For his efforts, he was awarded a hallmarked gold medal, which is already a part of the Tain & District Museum collection.

This year the museum introduced a new exhibition of sporting achievement and Hugh’s accomplishments are a feature of the display. Soon after his Scotland appearance, injury befell Hugh during a match

against Hibernian, forcing him to take some time off to recover.

During this time he was also taking his 4th year exams, battling what he believed to be a chill, and finished his term before returning to Tain for his Christmas holidays.

It was then that he was unexpectedly struck down with rheumatic fever.

What had initially manifested itself as a “chill” eventually worsened, and within days he had succumbed to the illness and died. His passing was noted in the Inverness Courier in February 1929: “The Queen’s Park directors heard of the sad news shortly after the start of the match against Airdrieonians, and immediately the flags were lowered to half mast. Quiet and modest, he was a likeable young man and a great favourite amongst his associates. A brilliant career had been cut short by his untimely death, and the greatest sympathies to his sorrowing father and mother.”

Although only twentyone at the time of his death, it could certainly be argued, having played in Scotland’s top division and having been capped for his country, that Hugh Macleod was probably the most successful footballer to ever come out of the town of Tain. More information can be found on the Tain and District Museum website.






Unfortunately the Tain team couldnt quite clear the final hurdle, falling to some superb play from the Duff House Royal team.

Congratulations to them and also to Sean, Munro, Billy and Alan for a fine weekends golf.


A massive well done to the fantastic team of swimmers at Tain Swimming Club (Annabel, Minnie, Amelie, Cora, Cuba, Alison, Morris, Aubrey, Jamie and Lewis) who competed at the Thurso Meet in September. Great performances were had by all with several personal best times, medals and lots of fun had. Summary of Medals: Ameli Renaud took Bronze in the 11-12 age group 100m Backcrawl, while Alison Wood claimed Gold in the 15+ age group for 100m Backcrawl. She also won a Silver in 100 Fly and Silver in the 50m Open Frontcrawl. Lewis Austin also took Gold in 15+ age group 100m Butterfly, to add to a Silver in 100m Breaststroke, Bronze in 100m Backcrawl and Silver in the 50m Open Frontcrawl. The club wishes to say a big thanks to Jenny & Jonathan who helped poolside along with our officials Ayleen, Lesley, Nadine, Ed and Isla.

TRIPLES SUCCESS FOR TAIN BOWLING CLUB MEMBERS Congratulations to George, Andrew and Kyle on winning the st Duthus triples

Nostalgia with Alex Graham

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On Sunday, 24th July 2022 Tain Tennis Club held their annual Firths Cup Tournament which is when Tain, Fortrose and Strathpeffer Tennis Clubs battled it out to see which Club could win the yearly “Firths Cup”. This event, which was first played in 2005 and has always given all the spectators and players a chance to see some very good Tennis Matches with the players playing in a very enjoyable Fun Tournament with partners from other Clubs wherever possible. Every Club should be very proud of their Members’ performances especially Strathpeffer Tennis Club whose players once again proudly retained the Firths Cup closely followed by Tain and then Fortrose.

Every year we have managed to hold this Tournament in the summer and were always lucky with the weather. However this year the weather forecast for Sunday, 24th threatened heavy rain plus thunder storms. Luckily the forecast was wrong and we started off in lovely sunshine with thankfully only a few light showers during the day. Our thanks go to all the 25 players for continuing playing in these showers which kept all the matches as scheduled. Everyone enjoyed the day and a very big thankyou to

all who contributed to the Raffle Prizes and delicious Buffet Spread.

The Tournament Results


Mixed Doubles:Winners - Richard Fea (Fortrose) & Sarah Marr (Tain)

Runners-up - Shug Lynch (Strathpeffer) & Joanie Whiteford (Tain) Third Place - Marcus McAuley (Tain) & Jan Turner (Strathpeffer)

Mens Doubles:-

Winners - Dave Whiteford (Tain) & Peter Hoffman.(Strathpeffer) Runners-up - Mark & Marcus McAuley (both Tain)

Thrd Place - Gordon Brown (Tain) and Shug Lynch (Strathpeffer)

Ladies Doubles:-

Winners - Patsy Alexander (Fortrose) and Joanie Whiteford (Tain).

Runners-up - Jan Turner (Strathpeffer) & Janice Eastwood (Fortrose). Third Place - Esther MacKinnon (Tain) & Maggie Wylie (Fortrose)

The overall top scoring players were:-

Ladies - Joanie Whiteford (Tain) closely followed by Janice Eastwood (Fortrose) and Sarah Marr (Tain) Men - Peter Hoffman. (Strathpeffer) also closely followed by Shug Lynch (Strathpeffer), Gordon Brown and Marcus McAuley (both Tain)



TEN man St Duthus were held after 90 minutes by the Lilywhites’ second string on October 8th in the semi-final of the Football Times Cup before a penalty-shoot separated the sides, sending Saints into the final.

Kieran Syrjanen opened the scoring for the visiting Clachnacuddin after thirteen minutes with the simplest of goals and some poor defending on show.

But Saints levelled less than ten minutes later Ross Tokely tapped home at the far post, connecting with a cutback from Bradi Hulme after the ball had cannoned off the crossbar.

A red card in the second half made it a difficult task for the Tain side, with Sam Ross shown his marching orders for a mistimed tackl, but Ben Bruce, who made

his return as a substitute following an injury layoff, put Saints into the lead on 66 minutes. A flick on from Stefan MacRitchie sent the Saints striker clean through on goal and he made no mistake with a first time hit.

The Tain side led until late on when Clach

equalised on the counter attack, scoring with five minutes to go through Finlay Mackenzie.

A late second goal for Bruce was chalked off inexplicably when the referee adjudged that Bruce had been fouled on the way to goal, and with no further scoring

the game went straight to penalties.

It would be the first penalty-shoot to have been taken place at Grant Park in over 20 years, under the auspices of the North Caledonian League at least - and Saints did not disappoint.

After 12 penalty kicks, goalkeeper Johnny Allan proved to be the cup hero, making the only save of the shoot-out before Clach blasted their sixth and deciding kick over the bar.

Saints advance to the Football Times Cup final for the first time since 2020, and now look forward to an all-Easter Ross showdown with Invergordon.

The game is scheduled to be played on November 12th, with a venue still to be confirmed.

In other action, the month of October has seen St Duthus win two games in the Macleod and Maccallum North Caledonian League.

On October 1st, they defeated Inverness Athletic by four goals to nil with strikes from Finn As-Chainey, Bradi Hulme, Stefan MacRitchie and Adrian Voigt.

Then, on October 1st, they made easy work of Thurso by 3 goals to 1, with Ben Bruce, Stefan MacRitchie and Shaun Marshall on target.

The win marked a full year until the management of Alan Geegan, who took the reigns last season.

The team currently sit in the top half of the tleague able with games in hand, and eyes on moving into second place with wins over Clachnacuddin and Alness United on the 19th and 22nd.



After a stop-start opening few games to their season, the new look St Duthus Under18s hit a magnificent seven to beat Buckie Thistle at Grant Park on Sunday September 18th, recording their first win in this season’s Highland League U18 North.

The team, now under the management of Andrew Mackenzie and Arron Christie, have played well in their opening matches, but had yet to record any points, losing by the narrowest of margins.

That all changed thanks to a sterling performance by the whole team, who looked far and away the better side.

Despite the eventual outcome, an evenly contested opening half an hour saw the visitors

take the lead through Roy Taylor.

This would turn out be Thistle’s only offering though as the young Saints went on a seven goal rout to run out comfortable winners.

The goal glut started on 32 minutes when Johnie Beattie rose above the defence to nod home a corner kick, and the same player made it 2–0 just five minutes later with a neatly applied finish to give his side the lead.

Saints rounded off an excellent first half with a low long range effort from Kaden Irvine four minutes before the interval. Irvine struck again on 63 minutes, rounding the keeper after getting on the end of a well timed through ball.

It was 5–1 eleven

minutes later when Billy Knox converted from the penalty spot and with six minutes remaining Alex Mackenzie showed his class with a well taken free kick.

Knox added a seventh on 86 minutes to round off the scoring with a header on the end of a

corner. The team have been on a break throughout October, mostly due to the school holidays.

Team from: Zef Ubych, Josh Rooney, Robert Sutherland, Connor Mackenzie, Noah Edwards, Cian Martin, Kaden Irvine, Alexander Scott, Johnie Beattie, Alex Mackenzie, Harris Mackenzie, Billy Knox, Ross Nicol, Innes Mackenzie

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