WWE Mission Report, Ethiopia & Nigeria, June 2024

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Dear Friends!

During the month of May we had two gospel crusades, one in Ethiopia and one in Nigeria. While I was in Nigeria, Pastor Dereje Tafesse, our long-time co-worker, held a crusade in Jeldu, Ethioipia. In Nigeria we went to the kingdom of Ondo. Nigeria still has many kings and we went to see the king and had an audience with him. He was thankful for our coming and opened the door to his city. Besides the evening meetings we had a Pastors & Leaders seminar every morning. Here are some pictures and testimonies from the meetings.

Our next two crusades in Nigeria will take place during the months of September and November. In September we are following the invitation of another king who came to one of our meetings last year. He requested that we also come to his city.

June 19 – 13 we are having another gospel campaign in Ethiopia. We are also expecting our new sound system to arrive this month. The container should arrive in Djibouti on June 26. Only after we have paid the import tax will it be released. We hope to minimize the cost but the regular price is 68% of the value of the sound-system. Please agree with us that we have favor with the authorities and customs and can some reduction. The new sound-system enables us to do larger meetings, but it also increases our crusade expenses.

We want to work both in Ethiopia and Nigeria. Please pray for more finances and help us if God puts it on your heart. Also, the cost of living is rising everywhere and it affects our crusade-budget. Our last crusade in Nigeria was affected by the drop of the

exchange rate and the cost went up 30%. We were not prepared for that and had to make cuts in the budget.

This world is literally at war. It’s a war between light and darkness. The antichrist spirit can be felt everywhere. 1.John 2:18 says: “Little children, it is the last hour. As you have heard that the antichrist will come, even now there are many antichrists. By this we know it is the last hour.”

Still it is day but the night will come when nobody can work, Jesus said. Our prayers hold back the darkness and cause many, many people to respond to the preaching of the gospel.

The fields are ripe everywhere. We believe that what we see in Africa will also happen here in Germany and in Europa. This gospel will be preached in all the world and then the end will come, Jesus said. It is happening today and we are no more far away from the finish line.

Love and blessings!


The last 5 years she couldn’t read her bible, because her eyesight deteriorated. Jesus healed her eyes and now she can read her bible again.

13 years she suffered from diabetes. She was very weak and couldn’t walk on her own. She was taken to the crusade, was healed and walked home by herself.

He broke his wrist and needed an operation. After prayer he moved his had freely and without pain. He canceled the operation because Jesus healed him.

He was in pain because he hurt his hip and doctors said he needs a hip replacement. When we prayed a warmth went into his leg and all pain disappeared. He jumped and demonstrated his healing. He also cancelled his operation.


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