Annual Review 2022

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Swedish Chamber of Commerce


“I know that the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and its member companies play an important role in helping new businesses grow on the Dutch market. This is an effort that deserves recognition, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chamber and its members for their important work.”

“To the Swedish Chamber of Commerce: I wish you prosperous and successful years going forward.”

- HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden

Photo: Hanne Hansen Photography


The ultimate platform for Swedish-Dutch business, fostering Innovation, Sustainability and Diversity & Inclusion.

Vision: To create business opportunities between the Swedish and Dutch cultures.

Mission: To inspire, promote and extend the commercial and industrial relations between Swedish-Dutch individuals and companies.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands is the ultimate platform for entrepreneurs and businesses within the SwedishDutch business community. Founded in 1960 – by members for members – we have inspired and promoted our members, extended commercial relations between our countries and delivered first-class services and events for over 60 years.

More than 40 events per year

We arrange more than 40 events per year for our 200+ members and relations. Our core business include training programmes for personal and professional growth, a high level Mentorship Programme, company visits, summits and exclusive meetings on our core values, featuring renowned speakers and top officials, and an exclusive programme for the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Community.

We provide our members with a dynamic platform for networking, making new business contacts, building stronger networks, and staying up-to-date on news and developments within the Swedish-Dutch business community.

We prodivde our members with valuable connections to support any phase of their business cycle, and we provide valuable services access to a unique network of experts and advisers. With the collective knowledge of our members and extended network, we make it easy to set up and run a business in the Netherlands.
CONTENTS Annual Review COLOFON SWEDISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Fred. Roeskestraat 115 | 1076 EE Amsterdam | Tel: +31 (0)20 320 32 26 | Fax: +31 (0)20 624 07 77 | | | OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday 08.30 – 12.00, 13.00 - 17.00 PRODUCTION Swedish Chamber of Commerce DESIGN & LAYOUT Nordholm Communication FRONT PAGE PHOTO CREDIT Carolina de Klerk Nordholm/Nordholm Communication 5 Words of the Chairman 7 Words of the Honorary Chairman 8 The Board 10 Doughnut Business Plan 12 Member List 13 Member Statistics 14 Annual Member Survey 2022 15 The Team 16 Patrons 19 Marketing and Communication 20 Finance 23 Business Climate Survey 2022 24 Chamber Events 2022 26 60th Anniversary 28 Exclusive Business Awards 30 Women Business Leadership Programme 31 Tech Tables 32 Executive Breakfasts 33 NordicTalks 34 Traditional Lucia Luncheon 36 YP – Young Professionals 38 Mentorship Programme 2022-2023 34 26 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! @The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands @ypswedishchambernl @swedishchambernl @Swedishchambernl


Dear Members,

For the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, the ultimate highlight 2022 was without doubt, the celebration of the Swedish Chamber 60th Anniversary with the Innovation & Sustainability Summit and Royal Gala Dinner in the presence of HRH Crown Princess Victoria on June 7. After postponing the 60th Anniversary festivities twice because of the Covid pandemic regulations we were utterly grateful to finally welcome our members, business leaders, entrepreneurs and politicians from both Sweden and the Netherlands to celebrate the prosperous relationship and friendship between Sweden and the Netherlands at Hotel Okura Amsterdam.

The programme on June 7, 2022 started, for the Chamber, by HRH Crown Princess Victoria and State secretary Stina Billinger visiting Edge Technologies, where the Swedish Chamber of Commerce has its offices. Coen van Oostrom, CEO of EDGE Technologies, welcomed HRH Crown Princess Victoria and explained how sustainable office buildings increase productivity and health while Dutch Special Envoy HRH Prince Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau gave a presentation about Techleapnl. Moving on to the Swedish Chamber Innovation & Sustainability Summit we were very honoured by HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden’s opening keynote where she among others said “I know that the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and its member companies play an important role in helping new businesses grow on the Dutch market. This is an effort that deserves recognition, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chamber and its members for their important work. Once again, I am very much looking forward to this summit and to further strengthening the excellent cooperation between Sweden and the Netherlands. To the Swedish Chamber of Commerce: I wish you prosperous and successful years going forward.”

HRH Crown Princess of Sweden was followed by a highly impressive line-up of Swedish and Dutch speakers addressing the greater

trends facing us within Sustainability, Innovation and Diversity, moderated by Patrick Mesterton, CEO Epicenter Stockholm.

I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank them all for their great contributions: HRH Prince Constantijn van Oranje, Special Envoy at, Micky Adriaansens, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Stina Billinger, State Secretary at the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Jan Peter Balkenende, Chairman of Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, Jon Abrahamsson Ring, CEO Inter IKEA Group, Eva Axelsson, CSO and Head of Group Sustainability, SAAB, Martijn Hagens, CEO Vattenfall Netherlands, Krister Mattsson, Managing Director Ingka Investments, Ingka Group, and Head of Ingka Group Corporate Finance and Treasury, Funda Sezgi, Co-founder & Managing Director, Norrsken Impact Accelerator, Joey van den Brink, European Business Development Lead B Lab Europe, Everth Flores, General Manager Ericsson Netherlands, Dr. Cara Antoine, Managing Direction, IG&H, President, Women in Tech Netherlands, Tuva Palm, Digitalisation Expert Utopia Music AG, and Sam Mirson, General Manager Benelux Quinyx.

At the following Royal Gala Dinner we were pleased and honoured to welcoming 300+ guests to celebrate the Swedish Chamber’s 60th Anniversary and the prosperous relationship between Sweden and the Netherlands, in the presence of HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. At the dinner, HRH Crown Princess handed over the Swedish Chamber Entrepreneurship Award to Lynk & Co, the Achievement Award to Inter IKEA Systems and the Tech

Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual Review 2022 | 5
The ultimate highlight 2022 was without doubt the celebration of the Swedish Chamber 60 th Anniversary

for Good Award to Ericsson. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce congratulates the recipients of the Swedish Chamber Business Awards 2021 and we are looking forward to continued fruitful collaborations. We would also like to thank our Keynote speaker Per Heggenes, CEO of IKEA Foundation, for his inspiring dinner speech. And a very special thank you to all the artists during the evening and to Kim-Lian van der Meij, our Master of Ceremony, who gave a fantastic musical show at the end. Altogether a day to remember and cherish for many years to come and yet another proof that the Swedes and the Dutch are a perfect match.

Special thanks to our Exclusive sponsors Inter IKEA Systems, Handelsbanken, Saab, AKD Benelux Lawyers, and Corporate sponsors Ericsson, T. Ljungberg B.V., Klarna, KPMG Netherlands, Stena Line, Volvo Group, HEUSSEN Lawyers & Civil Law Notaries, Visit Sweden, Storytel, Scania Production Nederland, TIE Kinetix, Voerman Group, ULSI – United Logistic Services International and Exclusive flower arrangements sponsor Noviflora Holland BV, and last but not least The Swedish Ambassador and his amazing team at the Embassy of Sweden in The Netherlands.

Prior to the 60th Anniversary, at the Board Meeting of May 24, 2022, I was very honoured and proud to be appointed Chairman of the

Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands. About a month later, at the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce we were honoured to welcome six new Board Members, elected by the assembly bringing the total number of Board Members and with this, the number of global companies supporting the Swedish Chamber in the Board, to the amazing number of 18. The Chamber has played a vital and important part in strengthening the Dutch-Swedish business climate and collaboration between the two countries over the past 60+ years of its existence. As part of the Swedish Chamber’s strategy for the coming years I’m looking forward to continuing this journey closely, together with my fellow board members, to support and guide Kerstin and her team in the Chamber’s efforts to further develop and strengthen the Chambers position, and as the world is rapidly changing, in our ambition to continue to support our members in challenging times.

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Photo credits: Hanne Hansen Photography


Finally we did it! And it was glorious! In June 2022 we were finally able to celebrate the 60 year anniversary of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands. It was a tremendous celebration and an occasion to deepen the dialogue on opportunities for business through an ambitious jubilee programme. The sustainability and innovation summit brought together business leaders, entrepreneurs and political leaders from Sweden and the Netherlands on crucial challenges facing us and how we best respond. Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden participated and honoured us with her presence at the ensuing festivities and gala dinner.

Together we celebrated a vital, energetic and strong 60 year old – The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands. The Chamber remains crucial to foster closer economic ties between Sweden and The Netherlands and has every reason to be proud of its long history. In the words of HRH Crown Princess Victoria: “the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and its member companies play an important role in helping new businesses grow on the Dutch market. This is an effort that deserves recognition”.

The vitality of the Chamber has been demonstrated by 2022 being a year buzzling with activity. The list of initiatives is long and broad, from Tech Tables to Nordic Talks, from Executive Breakfasts to the Business Climate Survey. There is a strong alignment of priorities between the Chamber and the Swedish Embassy in the Netherlands and the cooperation between us and other key players in Team Sweden makes us strong together.

As we look into 2023 we see a year that is likely to be characterised by considerable challenges. Russia’s illegal, unprovoked, and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine casts a dark shadow of human suffering and deterioration in the security situation over Europe. The European Union has responded firmly and in unity. As president of the Council of the EU in the first half of 2023 Sweden will strive to uphold that unity and work tirelessly to maintain and develop the support of the EU to Ukraine.

The full economic implications of Russia’s war on Ukraine are yet unknown, but uncertainty has grown. The Chamber has a central role to play as a platform for dialogue and joint analysis as we must adapt to new circumstances. The Chamber is excellently placed to provide that platform as it brings together a unique set of stakeholders in the business community – global companies, entrepreneurs, start-ups and scale-ups, investors, consultants, law firms, HR companies and banks. The Embassy will continue to contribute to the discussion to the best of its ability.

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The Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund The Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund and Kerstin Gerlagh Photo credits: Larysa Rusina


The Board of Directors consist of representatives from the member companies within the Chamber and are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Board members are appointed for a period of four years and can be reappointed for a second and final term of four years. The governing board elects from its midst a chairman, a vice-chairman and

Board Members

a treasurer. The Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund is appointed Honorary Chairman of the Board. The terms of references for the Board are included in the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Articles of Association and in the Bi-laws.

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The Ambassador H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund Honorary Chairman The Embassy of Sweden in the Hague Johan Uhlin Chairman Scania Production Nederland Dick Bisschop Anticimex Ruth de Jager Vice Chairwoman Storytel Sweden AB Herrik van der Gaag Volvo Car Nederland Armanda Kusse-Willems Lime Technologies Everth Flores Ericsson Eugene Grüter Sweco Wilko Klaassen Klarna Bert Heikens Treasurer AKD Bernie van Leeuwen SKF Roland van Pooij Handelsbanken Jan Sundelin Tie Kinetix Martijn Hagens CEO Vattenfall Erik Thulin Stena Line Carola Hoekstra CEO Stromma Roderick Friend Tetra Pak Lawrence Masle Up there, Everywhere

New Board Member Candidate

The Nomination Committee of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the Netherlands is honoured to present the following new Board Member candidate on behalf of the Board:

General Manager

Honorary Members

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is very proud to count five Honorary Members appointed by the General Assemblies during the years on the nomination of the Executive Board. The Honorary Members have all been of particular service to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce over the years and the Swedish Chamber is very appreciative of their loyalty and contributions.

Nils van Dijkman

Bert Gort

Ben Hummel

Henk Lokin

Gerard Perik

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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors launched the Doughnut Business Plan in 2022. This is a circular plan to ensure the future proofing of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce, empowering its purpose and targets as well as focus areas, but also the governance and structure of the organisation making the Chamber fit for purpose.

The circular business plan includes the entire organisation, Members, the Board of Directors and the Management Team. The purpose with the circular business plan is to increase the involvement of its members and to use the collective intellectual intelligence of member companies by advising committees. The purpose of the committees is to enable member companies to have more representatives involved in the Chamber’s activities to create a broader network for the benefit of all members, and to enable the Chamber to create tailor made programmes for different sectors and member profiles within the Chamber. This is in coherence with the ambition of the Chamber to offer member value for all members. Furthermore, it gives a broader access to experts within different disciplines and helps to feature expert speakers.


As part of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce strategy approved by the Board of Directors, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce is proud to introduce four new Chamber Committees alongside with the already existing Committees. They have the purpose to support the Chamber with the advancement of its activities in the fields of the Chamber’s focus areas Sustainability, Innovation/Tech, Diversity & Inclusion, as well as Marketing & Branding. The Committees are headed by a Board Member of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and involves Members, experts and stakeholders from the relevant fields.

The Finance Committee oversees the financial administration of the Chamber, including the budget setting on behalf of the Board. The Committee recommends the financial accounts to the Executive Committee and the Board.

» Bert Heikens, Chairman of the Committee, Treasurer, AKD

» Marie Adelhag, Financial Account Manager, Accountant, Adefico

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The Cash Committee audits the finances of the organisation.

» Roelof Gerritsen, Partner, Atlas Tax Lawyer

» Peter Crafoord, Senior Advisor and Consultant Manager, Swedish Finance Advisory & Consulting

The Patron and Member Committee develops member strategies, including the acquisition of new members and patron companies. The committee also develops the membership offer for attracting and retaining member companies.

» Bert Heikens, Chairman of the Committee, Treasurer, AKD

» Dick Bisschop, Managing Director, Anticimex Nederland

» Wilko Klaassen, VP Business Development, Klarna B.V.

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The Nomination Committee is responsible for the nomination of Board members, Committee members, and nomination of functions within the Board according to the Articles of Association.

» Johan Uhlin, CEO, Scania Production Nederland B.V.

» Ruth de Jager, Country Manager, Storytel Sweden AB

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

10 | Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual Review 2022

The Executive Committee outlines the work and decisions for the Board, acts as a sounding board and supports the General Manager of the Chamber. The Chairman of the Chamber heads the Committee.

» Johan Uhlin, Chairman, CEO, Scania Production Nederland B.V.

» Ruth de Jager, Vice Chairwoman, Country Manager, Storytel Sweden AB

» Bert Heikens, Treasurer, AKD

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The Constitutional Working Group ensures the future proofing of governance and structure of the organisation.

» Bert Heikens, Treasurer, AKD

» Nils van Dijkman, Partner, Heussen Advocaten and Notarissen

The Tech Committee serves as an advisory committee for the Board and Management Team, enabling the Chamber to bring together start-ups, scale-ups, and multinationals to develop already existing tech programmes as well as new tech initiatives, and building on a tech community within the Chamber.

» Jan Sundelin, Chairman of the Committee, CEO, Tie Kinetix

» Everth Flores, CEO, Ericsson Telecommunication B.V.

» Lex Keukens, Attorney at Law, TeekensKarsten Advocaten Notarissen & TK Tech

» Armanda Willems, Country Manager, Lime Technologies

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee delivers support and expertise to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Diversity and Inclusion Programme including Female Leadership Empowerment.

» Carola Hoekstra, Chairwoman of the Committee, CEO, Stromma Nederland

» Bernie van Leeuwen, Managing Director, SKF Netherlands B.V.

» Siroe Burleson, Storytel NL B.V.

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

The Young Professionals Committee outlines the work and activities, as well as member acquisition and communication for the Young Professionals of the Chamber. It is a sub-organisation of the Chamber that gathers Young Professionals with an interest in the Swedish-Dutch business community. The Chairman or Chairwoman reports to the Chamber’s Board of Directors at the regular board meetings.

» Swati Narwal, Chairwoman of the Committee, Organisational Design and Development, IKEA

» Alexander Ljungström, Managing Director, Einar & Partners

The purpose of the Branding Committee is to further accelerate and enhance the marketing and branding work of the Swedish Chamber amongst the Chamber members, the Dutch and Swedish business community, politicians, media and the general public. This is to further support the business success of Swedish Chamber member companies, promote additional member acquisition, and to strengthen SwedishDutch trade relations.

» Lawrence Masle, Chairman of the Committee, CEO, Up There, Everywhere

» Charlotte Glassco, Public Affairs Leader, Inter IKEA Systems B.V.

» Carolina de Klerk Nordholm, CEO, Nordholm Communication

» Remy Steijger, CEO & Founder, Captains

» Jan Terlouw, Director, Saab Nederland

» Kerstin Gerlagh, General Manager, Swedish Chamber of Commerce

» Malin K. Petrocchi, EMEA Ethics & Compliance Manager, Nike

» Joachim Rittfeldt Hofvenschiöld, Co-Founder, Avata

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A Mountain Higher Accountor Nederland B.V.

Advice to My Dear Daughter AB

AIMS International


Alfa Laval Benelux BV

Amsterdam Business Support

Anticimex B.V.

Apsis International

Arentec B.V.

AstraZeneca BV

Atlas Copco Nederland B.V.

Atlas Copco Tools Nederlands

ATLAS Tax Lawyers

Atterstam Consulting BV

Axis Communication B.V.

BBO.Life - Bring Data to Life

Beran BV

Beyondo AB

BridgeHead Group B.V.

Budbee BV

Bureau de Werkvloer

Business Sweden


Charlotta Feith

Courtesie International Business Affairs B.V.

denhertog legal

Ducatus Management B.V

Earth Integrated Archaeology

Eikenzande BV

Einar & Partners BV

Electrolux Home Products BV

Enact Sustainable Strategies

EQT Services Netherlands B.V.


Eurocommercial Properties NV

Euroflorist Nederland B.V.

Expat Center The Netherlands

Expat Mortages BV

Fagerhult BV

FannFram AB

Flott Advocaten BV

GHA Development - Growth for People and Business

Handelsbanken Nederland

Hästens Beds Netherlands B.V.


HEX Travel B.V.

Hotel van Oranje

Husqvarna Netherlands BV

If P&C Insurance Ltd.

IKEA B.V. Nederland

Ingka Services B.V.

Inter-IKEA Systems B.V.

Intrum Nederland


Joel Beheer Groningen B.V

Key2Compliance AB

Kinnarps Office Furniture

Klarna BV

KPMG Meijburg & Co

LaCasaMia Beauty

Leadership Development Processes and Enablers B.V.

Lime Technologies

Netherlands BV

Lindmark Legal


Lynk & Co International AB

Margareta Svensson fotografie

Market Explorer

Mazars Paardekooper

Hoffman NV

Mercuri Urval B.V.


Montae & Partners

Mr. Anders Jallén

Mr. B.S. Hummel

Mr. Ben Vree

Mr. G. Perik

Mr. Henk Lokin

Mr. Jan Lindhout

Mr. Jan Moberg

Mr. Kees van den Ende

Mr. Peter Crafoord

Mr. Peter Gunnar Ollongren

Mrs. Birgitta Slot

Mrs. Britta Wyss Bisang

Mrs. Camilla Mattsson

Mrs. Christina Jonker

Mrs. Marianne Johansson

Ms. Lotta Gunnarsson

Ms. Maja Markovic


Nmbrs BV

Nordholm Communication


Northern Delight

Noviflora Holland BV

Orrefors Kosta Boda

Oriflame Holdings BV

PartInc Capital

PriceWaterhouseCoopers BV


Public Matters

Qeld Bedrijfsleningen



REIYD real estate IT consulting

Saab Nederland B.V.

SAE International

Samskip Van Dieren

Multimodal B.V.

Scania Nederland B.V.

Scania Production Zwolle B.V.



Söderberg & Partners

Netherlands BV

Stena Line


Stromma Netherlands

Studio Stark

Svenska Kyrkan


T Ljungberg Holding BV

Teekens Karstens

Telia Sonera International Carrier Netherlands B.V.

Tetra Pak B.V.

Tie Kinetix Holding BV

Toyota Material Handling


Tuff Leadership Training

Sweden AB

Undutchables Recruitment Agency B.V.

Up There, Everywhere


Vinci Energies Netherlands BV

Visit Sweden

Voerman International

Volvo Car Nederland

Volvo Group the Netherlands


Volvo Group the Netherlands


WePayroll BV




whereof YP members

12 | Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual Review 2022 213


Total Number of Members Industries


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The Annual Member Survey is an important tool to gain a better understanding of how our members perceive the Chamber by rating the services provided and how we can improve. By filling out the survey, the members are also given the opportunity to share ideas of topics and speakers of their interest, and to impact the Swedish Chamber’s future programmes. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce are very pleased to present the results of the Member Survey 2022 and to thank the members who answered the survey. The Annual Member Survey 2023 will be sent to the members in October 2023.

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Management & Operation

The Swedish Chamber Scholarship Programme – A Platform for young talents to grow

We are proud to offer talented and creative young professionals the opportunity to join the Swedish Chamber of Commerce to gain international business experience through the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Programme. The Scholarship Programme is made possible thanks to three generous scholarships grants: Scholarship Fund for Swedish Youth Abroad, Gull & Stellan Ljungbergs Foundation Scholarship and The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg’s Scholarship Foundation. The Scholarship Programme lasts for 12 months and has served as a platform to launch many successful alumni careers over the years.

The Chamber is recruiting for Scholars in partnership with its scholarship donors and offers a full-year position within one of its departments: Events and Programmes, Marketing and Communications, Member Strategy & Engagement, and Business Development. The roles include both department-specific duties and support to the wider team and its ambitions. As a scholar you are an important part of the team at the Chamber and contribute to the everyday operations of the entire organisation.

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Kerstin Gerlagh General Manager Rebecca van Dorrestein Scholarship Fund for Swedish Youth Abroad, International Trade Scholar 2022-2023 Stefan de Goede Scholarship Fund for Swedish Youth Abroad, International Trade Scholar 2021-2022 Sanjidul Huda Gull and Stellan Ljungberg Foundation Scholarship 2022-2023 Azra Handzar Intern, University of Gothenburg 2022 Hanna Uhlin Event & Membership Coordinator Ellen Olofsson The School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg’s Scholarship Foundation 2022-2023 Johanna Lindén Gull & Stellan Ljungbergs Foundation Scholar 2021-2022 Photo credits Ellen Olofsson and Sanjidul Huda: Laryssa Rusina


The support of the Patrons of the Swedish Chamber is significant for the Chamber activities. Founded in 2004, the Patron Members are companies from all sectors who are all committed to the long-term support of the Swedish-Dutch business community and the vision of the Chamber. Today the patronship consists of 34 member companies representing a wide range of industries from the financial sector, mobility, to retail and tech. In 2022 we were very proud to welcome new Patron Member Vinci Energies Netherlands BV.

Patrons of the Chamber receive additional visibility through our various marketing channels, such as the website, Annual Review, the Swedish Chamber Patron Banner and social media platforms. Furthermore, Patrons receive invites to Executive Roundtables and

exclusive events such as the Exclusive Annual Patron Dinner. The patrons reflect the strength of the Chamber’s business platform and represent some of the largest brands in the Swedish-Dutch business community.

The Patron Dinner is one of the Chamber’s most exclusive annual events, hosted by the Swedish Ambassador at the Swedish Residence in the Hague. The Patron Dinner brings together Patron Members and outstanding senior business leaders, entrepreneurs and politicians from both Sweden and the Netherlands addressing the greater trends facing us, with the purpose to create new bonds and synergies. Over the last few years, it has attracted some of the most prestigious keynote speakers in the Swedish-Dutch community.

New Patron 2022

Vinci Energies Netherlands BV

Vinci Energies builds on its decentralised organisational structure with local roots through its 1,800 business units, each of which specialises in a specific business segment in order to provide bespoke services to its customers. Together, they form a network with multiple areas of expertise that they harness in line with each project’s requirements.

VINCI Energies takes a partnership-based approach at the local level, which is a key part of its ability to create value.

Thanks to its extensive international footprint, diverse operational methods and the responsiveness of its agile organisation, VINCI Energies possesses many advantages that enable it to adapt to changing situations. Its resilience also comes from its position in structurally relevant sectors, such as building solutions, ICT, infrastructure and industry, which are central to key challenges such as the digital transformation and the energy transition.

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Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s communication strategy consists of five pillars:

Website –

The Swedish Chamber´s website is the hub of the communication and is the complete communication platform where all information sent out in the other forums are available. It is the goal of all communication tools to direct traffic to the Swedish Chamber´s website. The website has about 5000 unique hits every month, which equals 170 unique hits each day.

Digital Newsletter

The Digital Newsletter is sent out to members and business relations bi-weekly and presents the current situation at the Chamber of Commerce, by including member business news, new member company presentations, information about past and up-coming events, and a special Young Professional’s section with news especially for the Young Professionals. The Digital Newsletter contains short news with the intention to draw the reader’s attraction to the website where they can read more.

Number of Newsletters: 22


The Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s events are accompanied by an invitation. This is one of the most important features in the Chambers communication, as it is a key factor to make people attend the events as well as creating an interest in its activities.

Annual Review

Annual Review is the report of the last year’s activity to the members of the Swedish Chamber and it reveals the organisational strategies for the upcoming year. It is also used as introduction and promotion of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce to new potential members. The Annual Review is published on the Swedish Chamber of Commerce website prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Social Media

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is currently present on the social media platforms Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. The Social Media Strategy enables the Swedish Chamber of Commerce to communicate its purpose on internet and it offers a way to present easy accessible information to different target groups. The Swedish Chamber’s Social Media Platforms are essential communication tools that enable the Swedish Chamber to share information, recent news, happenings, updates and events with our members and audience. It helps us understand our audience and build a sustainable marketing strategy. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce currently works with LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Organic followers increase on social media: 39%

The total amount of free publicity during the Swedish Chamber’s 60th Anniversary: 2,5 million Euro

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Treasurer Report 2022

During 2022 the Swedish Chamber was only able to host a few live events due to Covid-19 rules that were applicable part of the year.

The Swedish Chamber continued to adapt to the permanently changing situation. Further cost-cutting was hardly possible without endangering the capabilities of the association to organise activities and assist members.

The total income from membership fees nevertheless increased compared with 2021. There was very little income from events and sponsorships.

The negative result can be attributed to the 60th anniversary gala dinner, which after a 2-year postponement due to Covid-19, finally could take place in June. The postponement led to a change of venue and the event saw an increase in cost compared to the initial budget in 2020. Instead of a small profit, the event had a loss of EUR 3,573. Adjusting the result 2022 for this event, the Chamber would have had a loss of EUR 330 compared to a budgeted profit of EUR 383.”

Given the challenging environment and the high inflation it was a great result of the management to limit the loss on the 60th anniversary gala dinner, and at the same time organizing the event in a top venue instead of the selected and budgeted one which closed down.

Overall, our cash position and equity are adequate, so we can state that our financial position is sound.

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Balance Sheet / Profit and Loss BALANCE SHEET 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 Actual Actual EUR EUR Assets Tangible fixed assets 2.117 2.815 Bank 27.757 102.754 Debtors 8.151 14.704 VAT receivable 280Prepaid cost / accrued income 5.350 18.276 Total Assets 43.655 138.549 Liabilities and Equity Creditors 2.747 6.707 VAT payable - 3.920 Prepaid income 5.125 89.087 Other liabilities / accrued expense 6.112 5.261 Equity opening balance 33.574 33.524 Result for the year (3.903) 50 Total Liabilities and Equity 43.655 138.549 PROFIT AND LOSS 202220222021 ActualBudgetActual EUREUREUR Income Membership Fee 46.437 51.757 40.292 Patronships 94.133 90.570 79.060 Advertisements 2.400 4.000 4.000 Other income 3.500 2.300 5.350 Activities 108.455 32.200 4.886 Total income 254.925 180.827 133.588 Expenses Office costs & salaries 136.713 139.239 118.327 Depreciation 1.506 1.368 3.811 Activities 114.810 34.450 6.275 Marketing 3.349 2.900 3.123 Web Page & IT 2.4502.487 2.002 Total expenses 258.828 180.444 133.538 Result (3.903)383 50 Amsterdam, March 2023 Johan Uhlin Albert Heikens Vice Chairman Treasurer


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22 | Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual Review 2022
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We are pleased to share with you the report from 2022 Business Climate Survey (BCS).

The BCS was presented at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting at the Residence of the Swedish Ambassador on June 7, 2022. At the presentation Stefan de Goede, Swedish Chamber of Commerce gave a presentation of the most interesting results. The Business Climate Survey provides insights into the economic outlook in the Netherlands as well as specific factors that allow Swedish companies to succeed in the Netherlands. For the second year in a row, Team Sweden carried out a survey to understand how Swedish companies, actively operating in the Netherlands, perceive the market conditions and the economic prospects of their business. More than just a broad overview, the survey aims to show differences between industries, company size, and company age. The survey was sent out to 86 respondents between March and April.

This year we managed to get 36 responses from Swedish company representatives, which makes it a 42 % answer rate. The Survey shows that Swedish companies continue to have a positive view on the Dutch business climate. Last year, 76 % of the respondents perceived the business climate in the Netherlands as very good or good, which ranked The Netherlands in first place Globally in 2021. This year 84 % of the responding companies perceive the business climate as very good or good. The most positive companies are the Newcomers and Experienced companies, who all answered that they perceived the Dutch business climate as very good or good. In fact, this year none of the respondents perceived the business climate as very poor or poor.

Business Climate Survey 2023 was launched on March 13, 2023.

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Photo credits: Michael Fousert, Unsplash


January 20 Digital New Year’s Reception

February 3 Europe Today! An economical and geopolitical outlook

February 8 Mentorship Programme – Social skills

February 9 Women Business Leadership Programme

– Follow your passions and your purpose for success

February 10 Online Kick-off, Nordictalks 2022 – Food for good

March 17 Swedish Chamber Tech Table – Cyber Security

March 21 Chamber Meeting – Ukraine, an update on Sweden’s position, by Ambassador H.E Mr. Johannes Oljelund

April 5 Mentorship Programme – Business culture

April 7 Breakfast Meeting – Scaling across borders with PR

April 21 Chamber Executive Breakfast Meeting featuring H.R.H Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, climate envoy for The Netherlands

May 19 SCI Business Breakfast – The political landscape in Sweden pre-election

May 24 Chamber Luncheon at Hilton Amsterdam, featuring Adjiedj Bakas

June 7 The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Innovation & Sustainability Summit and Royal Gala Dinner

June 21

Annual General Meeting & Chamber Luncheon

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1109 Participants in 2022

June 28 Mentorship Programme – Mindfulness

September 8Women in Tech – Empowerment leadership

September 20Masterclass Women Business Leadership

– The road to successful leadership

September 22Nordictalks – Food for Good

September 28KPMG Meijburg’s presentation of the Dutch government budget 2023

November 1Masterclass Women Business Leadership – Mindful leadership – recovery, evaluation, how to keep up the energy and get revitalized

November 3Launch Swedish Chamber 10th edition Mentorship Programme 2022

November 8Tech for Good

November 10Patron Dinner

November 22Masterclass Women Business Leadership – Personal branding and how to build your power network

November 24Executive Breakfast Meeting

November 29Tech Finance/VC Investment

December 9Swedish Chamber Traditional Lucia Luncheon

December 15Mentorship Programme – A changing (technology) working landscape

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June 7, 2022

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Photo credits: Hanne Hansen Photography


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Photo credits: Hanne Hansen Photography


Congratulations to the receivers of the Swedish Chamber Business Awards 2021!

On behalf of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the Netherlands, in cooperation with Business Sweden and the Embassy of Sweden in The Hague we are very pleased to congratulate the receivers of the Swedish Chamber Business Awards 2021. The Award Ceremony took place at the Swedish Chamber’s 60th Anniversary on June 7, 2022, where the Awards were presented to the winners by HRH Crown Princess Victoria.

Swedish Chamber Achievement Award 2021 – Inter IKEA Systems B.V.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is honoured to Award Inter IKEA Systems with the Achievement Award 2021 for their efforts to impact a cultural change and customer behavior by inspiring, educating, facilitating and supporting the many people to make positive lifestyle changes in their home environment.

Swedish Chamber Entrepreneurship Award 2021 – Lynk & Co

The jury is pleased to award Lynk & Co for its bold entrepreneurial mission to redefine the process of buying, owning, and using a car. And for its “new” mobility offering based on principles unheard of in the car industry.

Swedish Chamber Tech for Good Award 2021 – Ericsson

The jury is pleased to name Ericsson the winner of the tech for Good Award. Throughout the history of the company, Ericsson has made a huge contribution in the improvement of everyone’s lives with smart and sustainable tech solutions. As they state: As an industry and society we must work together to ensure a sustainable and connected future, because what we do today sets the foundation for what is possible tomorrow.

Members of the Jury

• The Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Johannes Oljelund

• Mrs. Ruth de Jager, Country Manager Storytel, Member of the Swedish Chamber Board of Directors, and Chairman of the Jury

• Mr. Tomas Korseman, Trade Commissioner Business Sweden Benelux

The complete jury report can be found on the Swedish Chamber of Commerce website:

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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Women Business Leadership Programme 2022 is tailormade to personal needs and will help you identify the obstacles to your success, as well as guide you towards becoming the best version of yourself – both as a business leader and in your private life. The programme includes coaching by Malin Hedlund, Founder of MH Leadership, who gives the theoretical background information you need, provides practical exercises, facilitates teamwork and individual tasks, and provides exercises to practice in your own environment. At each session, you also meet an inspirational speaker or role model with a close connection to the topic. Participants who partake in all Masterclasses receive a certificate.

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Malin Hedlund for her professional and excellent coaching of the Swedish Chamber Women Business Leadership Programme – The Road

to Successful Leadership. We would also like to thank inspirational speakers Marianne Hamilton, Advice to My dear Daughter and Pernilla Guitink-Svensson, Process Improvement Professional at ASM for their inspiring contributions.

For more information about MH Leadership welcome to visit

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Women Business Leadership Programme is powered by:

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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s Tech Tables invites Swedish Chamber Members and leading experts, exciting entrepreneurs, and challengers alongside passionate changemakers from Sweden and the Netherlands to participate in exciting discussions. How will technologies shape the future and what can we learn from each other?

The Tech Tables 2022 focused on four Themes:

Cyber Security | March 17

Women in Tech | Sept 8

Tech for Good | Nov 8

Tech Finance/VC Investments | November 29

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce cordially thanks TK Tech for the pleasant collaboration and the following stakeholders for their support and contributions:

For information about the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Tech Table series 2023 please visit our event site at

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The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Chamber Executive Breakfast Meetings bring together tailored and composed groups of business leaders for interactive discussions on the Swedish Chamber of Commerce focus areas Sustainability, Innovation and Inclusion & Diversity. In 2022 we had the honour to organise two Executive Breakfast Meetings hosted by H.E. Ambassador of Sweden, Mr. Johannes Oljelund at the Swedish Residence in The Hague.

April 21, 2022

H.R.H Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Climate Envoy for the Netherlands

November 24, 2022

Peter van der Poel, Managing Director Ingka Investments

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce cordially thanks the Embassy of Sweden in the Netherlands for these pleasant collaborations.

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The #NordicTalks concept has been organised annually since 2013 in collaboration with the Nordic Chambers in the Netherlands and the Nordic Embassies. The aim is to highlight a topic of common interest for the Nordic countries and to offer a platform for the Nordic Chamber Members to meet on an annual basis in order to increase their business network.

With the #NordicTalks 2022 – Food for Good we aimed to raise awareness for a sustainable transition of our global food systems, the future of food, preventing the waste and the role of data to get us there, to connect the sustainable food industry in the Nordics and the Netherlands, to support new collaborations and experience exchange, to spark the conversation and to showcase leaders and innovators by presenting two events; A digital event on February 10, 2023 where Katja Svensson, Jolijn Zwart-van Kessel, Einar Kleppe Holthe, and

David Kat shared their insight and reflections on how to transfer our food consumption towards a more sustainable direction. On September 2, 2022 at the live event “Food for Good – Future Proof Food Systems” we brought together business leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and academics from the Nordic countries and from the Netherlands to address how we can contribute to the sustainable and healthy transformation of our global food systems. This included insights on changes in nutrition sources, urban ecosystems, and local farming to shorten the supply chains and technology – all to ensure food security and resilience in times of climate change, economic decline, and war conflict in Europe.

For more information about #NordicTalks visit

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Photo credits: Hanne Hansen Photography

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s 62nd Lucia Luncheon was celebrated at Hilton Hotel Amsterdam together with members and guests of the Swedish Chamber. For this occasion, Lund’s Academic Choir gave a fantastic traditional Lucia performance and brought light in the dark days before Christmas to all present guests. The Lucia performance was followed by the great charity Raffle Ceremony with fantastic prizes and happy winners. A big thank you to the generous sponsors of the lovely prizes and to all members and guests who generously bought raffle tickets for the benefit of the Stichting Gilat. A special thanks to keynote speakers Janko van der Baan, Managing Director Scania Benelux and Swe-Cham Chairman Johan Uhlin, Managing Director/CEO Scania Production Nederland B.V, Zwolle for their interesting presentation of Scania, as well as for giving an

insight in their challenges for the coming years. Finally, we extend our sincere thanks to the event sponsors for making this event possible and to Hilton Amsterdam for the pleasant collaboration.

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Photo credits: Hanne Hansen Photography


YP Members: 75 New Members 2022: 27

About us

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals is a meeting platform for professionals aged 21-36, at the beginning, and the midpoint of their careers.

The membership allows them to be a part of the vibrant network of young professionals across the Swedish-Dutch business community. Besides mentorship programmes and networking events, the Swedish Chamber also develops a variety of events, courses, and programmes aimed at


the personal and professional development of its Young Professional members. Joining this vibrant network as a young professional means connecting with an ambitious group of professionals from across the SwedishDutch community.

As a member they get:

• Access to some 20 young professional events annually.

• Access to full Swedish Chamber events calendar over the course of the year.

February 16Jeu de boules

February 27Fettisdagen at Selma’s

• Access to the YP Academy Programme free of charge.

• Invitation to YP’s monthly AW.

• Access to the Swedish Chamber and YP Mentorship Programme.

• Professional development courses often at reduced prices.

• A free subscription of the Swedish Chamber digital newsletter.


140 YP events in total (excl 4 Mentorship Programme sessions)

Participants in total

March 2 YP Academy Lunch Webinar – Tips for job seekers

March 30 YP Academy – Boost your LinkedIn profile and increase your outreach, featuring Oliver Karlsson

April 7 YP After Work at Cielo Skybar, Amsterdam

April 20 YP Academy – Future leadership, featuring Chris Dell

June 7 YP After Work at Waterkant, Amsterdam

June 15 YP After Work at Strandzuid

September 15 YP Kick-off 2022

October 27 YP Academy – Envision your future using a vision board

November 17YP After Work at House of Ping, Amsterdam

December 13YP Lucia Celebration

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Words of the Chairwoman

A new year, a new beginning, a new team with a new spirit. 2022 for Young Professionals of the Swedish Chamber became a transition year, moving from the lockdown times to being more social and getting back once again to the pre-covid reality. This called for renewing and refreshing the way we interact; we meet and (re)connect again with our YP members.

This was the first year post-covid that life started to get back on track with normality and excitement, but a lot of apprehension as well. The digital meetings which used to attract lot of participation during lockdown times slowed down as the world started to open up again. We saw the impact on the participation for YP Academy events that used to happen online during lunch time in 2020 and 2021. This made us rethink the format in which we would like to continue hosting these events while building the skills and the knowledge of our Young Professionals members.

We organised a lot of social after work events that our members loved to join. The Lucia celebration at PRLab turned out to be a huge success, not just in terms of participation, but also showcased the need for celebrating Swedish traditions at post-covid times.

and mentees. And I am so glad that one of the previous mentees decided to join the team of the YP committee as well.

We started with a brand new Young Professionals committee with new team members who brought in new perspectives, new energy, and an outlook towards the future. The new team of interns at Swedish Chamber also gave a great boost of energy and many ideas that we are now starting to implement.

I am very proud and humble to be part of this fantastic network and the Young Professionals Committee. We have a lot of ideas that we would like to implement in 2023 with continued support from the Swedish Chamber and increase the outreach for attracting new members. This while retaining the existing members by providing value in developing their skills and knowledge and by providing opportunities for them to connect and develop their personal and professional network via many events that are lined up.

Looking forward to an exciting new year with the fantastic team at Young Professionals.

Young Professionals Committee

The Young Professionals Mentorship programme that I have personally been a part of previously, once again attracted many amazing mentors

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Swati Narval Chairwoman Swati Narval Chairwoman Organisational Design and Development at IKEA Alexander Ljungström Managing Director at Einar & Partners Malin K. Petrocchi EMEA Ethics & Compliance Manager at Nike Joachim Rittfeldt Hofvenschiöld Co-Founder of Avata

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Mentorship Programme offers a unique opportunity for young professionals to benefit from an exclusive seven-month programme, including group workshops and individual mentoring by experienced and successful senior industry professionals from across the Swedish-Dutch business community.

The benefits for both mentors and mentees are unparalleled. For Mentors, it is a great chance to help the next generation flourish. Participating in this programme is a great learning and networking opportunity for both mentees and mentors, and offers great opportunities to meet and network with peers and business leaders to form lasting contacts.

The Programme will help you to:

• Accelerate your personal and professional development

• Gain unique insight into the Dutch business community and business culture

• Advance towards your existing career goals and aspirations

• Identify new areas of professional interest and/or career paths

• Develop new business skills, knowledge and tools

• Develop your personal brand

• Grow your professional network

The Mentorship Programme is made possible by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with AIMS International Netherlands B.V. , member of AIMS International.

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Swedish Chamber of Commerce Annual Review 2022 Hej there ;) Meet Volvo EX90 The new, fully electric SUV from Volvo Cars featuring Safe Space Technology and serene Scandinavian design. Discover more at
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