Interior Architecture Portfolio

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Interior Architecture Portfolio

Sushmita Rai +91 7002551134

Carboard Chair Our bodies are amazing. The aim of this project was to understand the human body in detail and understand how much space does an individual requires to sit, stand and sleep. This knowledge was taken forward to create a chair ergonomically designed for an individual. Duration 3 Weeks

Why CardBoard? 1) It is completely recyclable and biodegradable. 2) It is about half air, making it very light for its size. 3) Compared to a sheet of paper, cardboard is incredibly rigid 4) Cardboard is strong and resists punctures, but it is also easy to cut with a knife

How did I do it? 1) A detailed study of body movements in terms of sitting on a chair 2) Made space bubbles 3) Ideated the form of the chair 3) Explored the material Cardboard 4) Developed a prototype 5) Made the final Cardboard Chair Form development of the chair

Ergonomic study

Calculation of the space bubble


Final Product

Cafe This project aimed at the relationship between a given literature and its translation into visuals, through research and experiential memory of inhabiting spaces. I read Italo Calvino’s ‘If on a winter’s night a traveller’ and created the Cafe as mention in the book. Duration 4 Weeks

The Author Calvino is known for using symbolism throughout his stories, which was evidently visible in this book. His literature talks about the space and I tried extracting clues from the novel to visualize the cafe.

Details of the Cafe 1) Chairs and Tables 2) Counter Table cum Bar 3) Cash Counter 5) Mugs of Beer 6) Cups 7) Cashier Machine 8) Coffee Mchine 9) TV 10) Cigarette Machine 11) Arcade and Electrical games 12) Pinball and Pin 13) Billairds 14) Neon Light

Space description in the book

The Essence 1) Misty 2) Rainy(sad) 3) Foggy 4) Dark 5) Blurred

Story flow

Key details

Visualization Story Board It was an essential part of this project. Story boarding helped me imagine. Sketching each frame made me aware of objects in the foreground and background. The flow of the story helped me trace the circulation in the space.

Visualization Mood Board

Final Drawing Floor Plans (Dimentions in cms)

Final Drawing Floor Plan (Placement)

Final Drawing Wall Details (In cms)

Final Drawing Wall Details (In cms)

Model I made a 3D model of the cafe using sunboard for this project which was later displayed at an exhibition curated by the entire batch.

The Katha Project It was an interdisciplinary project where students from all departments (Fashion, Communication and Interior Architecture ) worked together. This project was a collaboration with The Katha Foundation and Mon Ami Foundation. We were given stories, and our goal was to make a video for kids. Duration 3 Weeks

Child Psychology The Katha Lab School began in 1990 as a learning centre in the slums of Govindpuri, Delhi. Katha focuses on slum kids. I interacted with kids and asked them to draw a happy picture.

The Poem The poem that was assigned to my team was about an elephant and a telephone.

The Animation Frames from the short animation film.

Click to watch

Cross Word The column in the middle of the main landing to the third floor at IIAD occupies a rather peculiar position. While coming up the staircase, it is an obvious impediment forcing one to choose to move from either its left or right to go beyond. The aim of this Project was to redesign the column and make it engaging. Duration 3 Days

Sketches Sketches from memory and observation.

Final Drawing Dimentions in cms

Final Drawing Dimentions in cms

Model 3D model and study of circulation

Design Proposal I redesigned the column in a way to make it interactive for anyone who passes by. I proposed the idea of painting the column with magnetic paint. And small metallic alphabets can be stuck on the column. The larger idea is to create a crossword game on the column. So anyone who passes by can add/ remove/replace alphabets.

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