8 minute read

Red Queen – Stephanie South

Dreamspell Origins of the Law of Time

By ShirleySienna & Stephanie South

In our pre article zoom catch up, Stephanie remarked ‘she is experiencing a whole new perception of all that is evolving. It’s impossible to comprehend the totality of what is happening in our world in one person’s life time, and the way to understanding the main essence of everything is frequency codes – numbers, symbols and harmonic cycling. People’s minds are so out of order right now, and the thirteen moon calendar is key to bringing us into alignment – a simple way to organise time, and information coherently. ShirleySienna

I first met Stephanie South in November 2012. I was leading a retreat around the Byron Bay area and attended a weekly astrological group facilitated by Varij Varidium.

Stephanie was there as a guest, visiting Lois Hunt, to record a series of radio podcasts before leaving Australia. Red Queen (RQ), as she is also known, was heading to Palenque (Mexico) for the closing of the 26,000 year cycle, which thanks to Hollywood, had the world in a flurry of fear and confusion – ‘21-12!’

Connecting with Stephanie that night and meeting her again back in Melbourne, I gifted her my activated and well-travelled smoky quartz skull, the ‘Illumed One’, which told me in meditation its name was now, ‘Red Rainbow Serpent’ and Stephanie was to take her to Palenque and onward!

Stephanie’s own kin is 185 Red Electric Serpent, of which I wasn’t aware of at that time. 2020

Supernal Magazine

“The Maya used up to 17 calendars at once because their perception of time was not linear rather it was based on synchronisation.”

That penny dropped about a week after returning to Melbourne from Byron. I was reading a book I had purchased in Byron before meeting Stephanie and had no inkling of it having anything to do with José Argüelles, until I felt a masculine ‘presence’ suddenly and strongly in my room. I saw a tangible, albeit non solid figure standing there, grey hair, white tunic and pants.

He clearly spoke to me telepathically, “in three pages you will read my name in that book.” I felt compelled to turn the pages. On page 169 it literally said, “I felt impelled to open a book I had brought with me to Bali. It was ‘The Mayan Factor’ by José Argüelles.”

I put my book down and said, Ok, You’ve got me!

Stephanie South

“The Thirteen Moon calendar is an evolutionary tool to assist humanity in the unprecedented act of uniting itself on one issue central to its complete well-being: time. The harmonic convergence of humanity on this one issue, combined with the inescapable order, perfection and simplicity of following the 13 Moon calendar will lift the species as a simultaneous whole into the galactic timing frequency of

13:20.” - José Argüelles / Valum Votan, The Call of Pacal Votan The following are the fundamentals of the many discoveries made by Dr José Argüelles / Valum Votan. The 13 Moon calendar is a calendar of peace, the peace that transcends dogma. Just as the law of gravity cannot be seen, neither can the Law of Time (LOT), both are invisible principles fundamental to the universe.

As a solar-galactic calendar with a July 26 synchronization date based on the heliacal rising of the star Sirius, the 13 Moon Dreamspell calendar is ultimately a ‘synchronometer’. It attunes us to the synchronic patterns in our daily life.

The purpose of the 13 Moon/28day calendar is to help return the Human Mind into the higher cosmic frequency which sustains the Universal Whole, from the bird tribes to Galactic Totality. Each Moon has 28 days, adding up to 364 days. July 25, the ‘Day Out of Time’, is the day between the end of one year and the beginning of the next. The 13 Moon is a solar-galactic calendar as it synchronises the 260-day Tzolkin cycle with the 365-day solar cycle every 52 years.

The 13 Moon/28-day calendar embraces and synchronizes all true calendrical and mathematical systems, from lunar calendars, to the Mayan long count, to the Elder Futhark runes, to the I Ching hexagrams.

The Maya used up to 17 calendars at once because their perception of time was not linear rather it was based on synchronisation. The more cycles and systems you can track at once, the more you can observe synchronic overlays. This effectively expands your perception of who you are and what the world is.

By learning our Galactic Signature, we start thinking archetypally of our role within the collective rather than individually of the personal. Our Galactic Signature is our password to the fourth dimension; it helps us identify with

the larger story playing out and our place in it.

The 13 Moon calendar is based on the discovery of the LOT, discovered by Dr José Argüelles in 1989, distinguishing two timing frequencies: the 12:60 and 13:20.

The LOT, 12:60 is the frequency of linear, mechanized consciousness. This is ‘artificial time’, whereas13:20 is the frequency of radial, cyclical consciousness - ‘natural time’.

The 12:60 frequency keeps us trapped in repeating fear-based time loops. It keeps us in a state of reactiveness rather than reflection. It’s based on the 12-month calendar, 60-minute hour, and is out of synch with nature. This frequency represents fragmented consciousness that makes us perceive people, places, and things as separate from ourselves.

The 13:20, by contrast, is the natural timing frequency. It’s the frequency of art, beauty, love, and synchronicity. It’s the frequency of unity, equality, sovereignty and synchronisation. 13:20 is encoded in our body with our 20 fingers and toes and 13 main articulations: two ankles, two knees, two hips, two elbows, two wrists, two shoulders, and a neck.

Argüelles concluded that living out of sync with nature is the root cause of our species’ multiple crisis and dysfunctionality at this time. Not only does it result in wars and destruction of our biosphere, this disconnection results in a loss of collective vision, depression, and feelings of separation from the Greater Whole.

From the point of view of the LOT, consensus reality is a function of a type of erroneous thinking that, at its root, creates a fundamental misperception of not only who and what we are it’s what the Earth is and what we are doing on it.

This knowledge of time as frequency traces back to the discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan beneath a Mayan pyramid in the jungle of Chiapas, Mexico. Argüelles’ discoveries are based on the fact that this tomb had been sealed for 1,260 years (692 – 1952). In the Bible, it speaks of 42 months; this is 1,260 days. Furthermore, there are 1,320 years from the dedication of the tomb in 692 until 2012, the Closing of the Great Cycle.

Dreamspell is not a count of days, it’s a synchronic frame of reference for organizing and identifying the patterns of synchronicity. These Dreamspell codes are incorporated into the 13 Moon Calendar, and are intended to help awaken memory.

The word ‘Dreamspell’ first came to José Argüelles in a dream in 1983, where he saw people lying down in a ‘dream circle’ around a fire gazing toward the sky. He heard the words “Earth. Surrender. Rite.” This was the original vision that came to be the Harmonic Convergence 1987.

A few years later, the symbol of the dream dome came again in another dream vision, this time as a ‘break’ in the dream 13,000 years ago.

“The word ‘Dreamspell’ first came to José Argüelles in a dream in 1983, where he saw people lying down in a ‘dream circle’ around a fire”

Here is the original dream of the Dreamspell from 2012: Biography of a Time Traveler by Stephanie South.

In the dream, he saw waves gathering…domes…glaciated hillsides…another world, another time…mastodons… hunters… the world was younger…thirteen thousand years ago…people…then another wave gathered and, Crash! Something calamitous occurred, followed by great apocalyptic shattering.

The original collective dream was broken. What happened? No one could remember.

From the midst of the crashing, the word Dreamspell emerged as an evocation uttered by an ancient voice. Fragmented memories were scattered and deposited in isolated pockets of the collective human mind. They were the seed forms of everything now culminating in the state of the present world. What happened then was the breaking of one Dreamspell; now, we are in another …

In 2011, Dr José Argüelles - Valum Votan, passed away at home near Daylesford, Australia. Synchronically, his passing came 1,328 years after the passing of Pacal Votan in 683 A.D. A clear sign of the truth of the 13 Moons and 28 days. He entrusted his work to be continued by his apprentice and protégée, Stephanie South.

For more information, see www.lawoftime.org and the book Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change; the Visionary Life of José Argüelles by Stephanie South.


I have to include a big thankyou here! What I have seen in Stephanie South/Red Queen is dedication, humility, inner strength, fortitude and grace.

She has spent over a decade since the passing of José ensuring the continuation and safe keeping of the workings within the Foundation for the Law of Time -trudging through rainy, steamy jungle to close the old cycle, holding ceremony in the early chill on a mountain top to celebrate the new and marching kilometres with in the hot Mexican sun down the Avenue of the Dead in the pilgrimage that would herald in a new paradigm of being!

Apart from a majority of time spent in retreat; writing and organizing, Stephanie continues to welcome and hold space with people from all over the world. Carrying on the lineage - whilst the humans of Planet Earth go about their daily business!

In Lak’ech ala’ kin

“The word ‘Dreamspell’ first came to José Argüelles in a dream in 1983, where he saw people lying down in a ‘dream circle’ around a fire”

ShirleySienna Contact ShirleySienna at Divining Me for ‘Soul Symmetry’ readings and ‘Extra Sensory Perceptions’.