‘Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ~ All Beings Be Happy, Shanti Shanti’

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LOVE THE CHILD Why Travel is an Ultimate Experience ~ Outside Fixed Spheres ~ Universal Image * The Frontiersman Always at the limit ~ the frontier Word ~ symbol ~ for Frontier of your mind Frontier ~ at your limit Always on the Point of Discovery To live is to be ~ In Infinite Discovery Consciousness ~ of the new moment and New Limit The Frontier to the next moment Moment of Discovery The Universe is Infinite ~ Discovery Living on the Frontier Time is your Immediate Environment ~ Now is the moment Your Instant Adaptation ~ Adaptation can be made Your Lifetime Adaptation is your end of your Frontier Static, your environment Lives on You You are your environment ~ Your World Now, Again Now ~ Adaptation You lose the sense of the Frontier The limit to limitless Sense of Discovery, Timeless ~ You are existing in a fixed world It builds within its sphere Time Is Inside ~ You are inside ~ Inside Time Outside Time is Infinity ~ You are Infinity On the Frontier of Discovery of you Instantly Forever 1

Travelling at night, different view middle America as individuals back yards with lilac and apple blossom apartheid south Chicago style, 95th/street bus fear Is imagination, is ‘Avidya’ hunting snakes on a 10 speed bicycle what happens to my house if I change the world? conservative is being afraid walking thru the park with a sub machinegun a road represents civilization ~ with the Beatles and company from Panajchel never take advice from a pessimistic cynic woman dying on the street Saturday afternoon walking in a town, thousands of eyes on you survive that and be forever confident live In America feel you can change the world live In Honduras and try on ‘make ups’ A city of scented peacocks ~ hallo I'm Isabel ~ make love with me (sweet dreams) checking out the creases in a pair of blue jeans going round, round, and round Managua out In the wind waiting for the others <<>> Monday ~ Friday In school, Saturday out begging. Chills and fever might be malaria ~ Crossing over the line of the Equator today you are your own man. Terrorists“how naughty”our glorious dead for honour and glory! Fifteen named hereunder ~ made the supreme sacrifice! There must be more to This Coming and Going For the sake of All of Them ~ and myself Who came and went 2

Queenstown How beautiful a town is flooded with Sunshine ~ Green grass and birds, Surrounded by snow capped mountains


The News Mujibur Rahman Haille Selassie. John Walker broken mile. Middle East accord minus Syria, Earthquake Turkey, Banana Suicide. Corporation Bribery. Smiling Ford, shot plot. N.Z. devaluation. G.B. inflation, 26%. space link up, detente. Saigon advance, Ho chi minh city. Peron In out, Mrs. Gandhi In in. Indian mushroom, Rhodesian sit down. Portuguese coup, Angola, Mozambique, Timor too. Northern Ireland 1247 slain pain. King Faisal bang, assassin chop. Pan Am, Mercedez, Krupp take over! * <<:>> Spoke to me by the tattoo on his arm! Phosphorous bombs, Scream, Cream. Dropping Ball bearing bombs, 20,000 ft. Mines, dismantling need of a hammer’s touch ~ diabolically so designed to explode, losing your head! Watching the invisible enemy creep around on a screen. Yawn and Bang we take our choice in killing who we want! Telescopic, infrared daylight sights; We are seeing it all. Take off if we let you ~ Radar blip shows us everything. Gulf of Tonkin blues, BANG! 4

Yeah, yeah the Green Giant boom boom. bang, “Uh!” Wiz planes, bulls eye, sure. Phantom phantom, wiz. SAS cutting throats, bombings, Special task Forces submerged. Ra Ra Ra ~ Ra Ra Ra. The greatest guerrilla fighters. Ra Ra Ra We: We know, realise nothing about what is being used in these ‘Exotic’ wars. Why ask? Thought you had a ‘Democracy’ People think it's the same as the WW II; Parachutes, planes, Bang, bang howitzers. It’s unbelievable, Science, technology; Legal. A billion dollar Military Industrial Complex! How the hell will we ever know, be told? War Crimes, 1980 Remember Calley? Phosphorous bombing, made in Seattle by Mr. Flintstone. Wife, Kids, suburb, vacation, Clock in ~ off. Screams, burns, desolation, death, melting babies in melted arms! Eyes, nose, hair, hands, sniff, sniff. Swallow a ball bearing a day keep the VC. away. America, America, Bob, John, Jill, Sue, please awake. What sort of lunatics dream this up? They must hate you now Sam! 5

Once there was an adorable white cockatoo with pure white, feathers & brightest of blue eyes. She was loved and so was wonderfully happy. Having known the verdant lush greens and blue azures and yellows of the tropical paradises, she was wonderfully gay * Flying and resting and feeling the air ~ safe with her neighbours of the deep coral, the quiet rainbow fishes, golden crusted seahorses. Brightly coloured and tall parrots who often sang the operas of paradise to her. She knew no sadness and was so happy being with all her friends until one day she left ~


Paradise Heaven I thought I was in heaven ~ setting of the Sun ~ how bright What amazing colours you spray. Greens ~ yellows, all the amazing shades of ~ The blue, blue sea its current flowing by. The Sun's colour rays reflecting, changing colours with the ripple. My dimension is moving ~ What is real, am I alive or dead? Dead in the Universe * A sight of Heaven as Universal. Can't look anymore ~ gives the feeling of movement ~ Crashing, reeling my brain. The texture of the sand, the tastes, the chills ~ horrible. Yes but Heaven there is too! Will I move again, am I real, a viewer, an eye on the Supreme reality. Is this Supreme reality? I'm still conscious ~ of the reality by which I arrived here

This is Thailand isn't it? This is a place? This beach, those trees, the distant people, are they my imagery? No they are real, so are you. A trip ~ don't lose it

A Trip The God experience ~ The natural wonder of the Sun. Its amazing imagery giving the colour spectrum to caress my eyes and brain. Wow! those reflections, that ripple of purple ~ as purple lava flowing. Will it change? Am I mad? Am I mad? What is real anymore? So frightening but you know, don't you? Yes I think so. I have something to hold onto or is it my barrier to Paradise? <<<:::>>> * I think Lou Reed produces the music capturing the colourful freaks the humorous, the silent, unknowing of the ~ "Yeah man you digging it too" people ~ Who were seen in very dark restaurants in Amsterdam and on top of volcanoes in Guatemala. Sometimes gathering after rain, the mushrooms of Mexico & Indonesia 8

This is the most unreal Place. Spectacular mystical ~ with its white soft beach. Blue, turquoise, clear silver to emerald, Contrast. The mountains, shades of green. Life, jungle trees, palms blowing. This spectrum is ~ the combination to turn reality * Everyone is Stoned Waiting ~ for the setting of the Sun. Waiting for the release. To, to, to ~ Wait for me! This is the most unreal. Is it therefore so unreal? The strangers seem so ~ Reality is in these people living here and feeding us. Their looks ~ not so afar. You who live in Paradise what do you care ~ What? Me, who comes from where? To this marvel in Siam ~ Unbelievable its touch on your Soul. The essence, feeling of forever, a lingering smile ~ The fruits of Earth 9

There are so many different types of people in this World but the first categorisation has to be between those Stoned and those Not Stoned. Have I just realised to which extent and the Ultimate difference between the two states? To trip on grass ~ If their state is an approximate one, then two distinct Realities exist. How much of the East is ~ and has been always stoned? Yes, but (did you realise? do you) How much of the West? * Has my confined reality ~ expected everything that exists to be from my relative straight reality, which I imagined I shared broadly with most. But now I must accept that possibly civilisation was built by Stoned people. Art was conceived by Stoned people? Did D.H. Lawrence write stoned? were Rubens and Velasquez stoned? How many of the achievements of mankind were conceived from a different, undercover reality? And so how will I/we ever understand the Truth? Now I've been so Stoned ~ have I realised another plane exists ~ either as a combined reality or a separate reality 10

If a separate reality exists then have I just joined after 5 years of the infrequent joint? Was it like this for all of them when they said they were ‘Stoned’ (if so then I was never before ‘Stoned’) How did I ever manage with them? How did I fit? * If this isn't real but I keep/retain images of people, experiences, my family in my mind, is that a resistance or a barrier? Just let it all go ~ * A possibility of ‘Madness’ in Thailand. How far would that madness carry me before ~ the suspected Real physical World claimed me? My physical needs living in a foreign country. How to survive here? Even if I was in a Stoned in/out of State would the physical deteriorate me? That would say what was ‘Real’ * My reality always seems ~ to come back to the Unstoned. Leading me to believe that is my usual reality. At the moment I could say that I wasn't 100% certain which reality was the usual. What if this Unstoned, ‘correct reality’ of mine, the one I thought I shared with most, was my own ‘Separate Reality’ 11

Do we all live in Separate Realities ~ Is this what I've just discovered? In fact is this plane ~ going as far as the Ultimate creation. As far as religious experience ~ * My reality is so certain in my mind that I do believe in the Unstoned, human state. But it’s possible that I'm creating ~ that common reality for my own safety. Do I want that normal sense of me as a piece of Ultimate Reality to exist? Is that what I’ve realised ~ me ~ it, but Supreme reality Me ~ Is ~ Beyond. If you are inclined to mystical belief my Stoned reality could answer the Ultimate questions ~ Supreme Reality could exist! * I'm beyond my individual Self. So if these philosophies did come about by mystical people who were in a similar or more Stoned reality ~ should I be reading the Vedas, the Upanishads ~ the miracles, Stoned or straight? Does the whole of mystical (religious) thought belong to/come from a % of the World who are Stoned? Did I Stone myself into my religious thoughts? 12

Is it then just a physical ~ live and die reality Life as an evolved 1950 ~ ? animal ~ human ~ spirit. Is religion Stoned reality and political science the physical? Is the physical the Unreal reality and we have to be 'Stoned Out' of the Unreal into the ‘Real’? Is ‘Ignorance’ not ever having smoked Buddha? * Whenever I see/meet a Stoned person again must I accept that they are in Another Reality? That is a very big thing to accept ~ amazing here is someone in a complete other state ~ (Yes but somewhere in their head do they retain an idea of normal reality? (I'm pretty sure I did) Do I accept their Other Reality as a part of life or was I just so Stoned and They Can't be like that? * Stoned and Phuket give another World. In the days that the Vedas were written who knows if the people ~ the authors, the originators, philosophers, rishis ~ if they were in a permanent Stoned State; Who would know now 5000 years later? But we now believe them, as if they were written by any great person today thinking that their state be regarded as ~ ‘normal’ 13

But 5000 years, 2500 Years for Buddha even 2000 years for Christ, and all the others. How can we accept any of it as normal now after such a time gap ~ such a gap of not knowing what went on in those days? * Did those days ever exist or are we only 'Now' and that is all, a game of ‘Illusion’? For if we are truly Ultimate/Supreme reality, these states would be movies we are playing * Like two beings walking along the beach at night, ‘De Toqueville’ instead of Phuket. We two are the Living part of this picture, we are there on this canvas, landscape ~ ‘The Beach Scene’ Out there by the lights/horizon is the real World ~ they’re watching this light picture of ‘My Existence’ which is the reason why this film is being projected. * What if we were on a reel of film ~ a long reel (idea of time/Life ~ could be 10 nanowamo ~ seconds of Absolute time). We are in this film, being viewed by whom? This is the ‘Beach Scene’ My 100 years maybe 30 nanowamo seconds. Time ~ Is Relative, it’s a documentary about? That interests whom? ~ Some ‘Unknowns’? 14

Realities ~ This real and Unreal. How much difference that time on the bus in Mexico watching the woman wash by the river and other unreal to me things/events ~ But that Mexican guy next to me was unmoved as that scene was part of his common reality ~ So then we were in two appaently different perceptions of reality (I realised did he?) So how many configurations of reality now make up this atomic World; Mankind ~ on a Planet in Space. Earth 1976 reality? * Reactions ~ People who know 'He's Stoned' they then know I'm different and why! They must have known me ~ in my Unstoned reality because they see how different I am now. It is so with several different people ~ reactions ~ then surely there must be this definite fixed reality ~ by which I came. Makes me wonder if everyone is Stoned and I've been straight for so long! An Idea therefore to live the most beautiful. How much poetry was written Stoned ~ or was that another Self Induced State, a natural State? Are we Cosmic coming from the Stars? 15

Experience is a strand of silver, filigreed with life ~ containing all aspects in its pattern. Getting straight not influenced by Hash. What did I really accomplish ~ Stoned? Amazing Insights on the first trip but acquainted reality is so good ~ such beautiful flowers existing again. All their delicate colours and shades. ******* Two wrongs don't make a right. Does the necessity to and the demand for make it OK? Was at least one Astronaut stoned on each Space trip? Is there a case for that state? * First question implied by a Japanese, Hash? First statement made by a Japanese, Hash in house, no good, Hash and nature, Ah!!! First action by Japanese companions, a big grin on their mouths ~~~~~ Read the Koran and the beautiful parables, put them to music and build the scene. Poem ~ Paintings of the Universe 16

Beauty in Heaven is anything alive and growing in Nepal * The greatest thing about Nepal is that it is terraced all over ~ so that the people of the World could build a house on each and look at Everest * The realisation that this timeless view ~ could be the Supreme reality ~ the bliss * I'm doing whatever people like me do around Kathmandu just take 2kg of good hash and fly to Everest Take a trek to the meadows of Rhododendrons ~ listen to her falling streams * Dearest, if I could give you beauty It would be a pathway in Nepal running by a river ~ 17

You were too high ~ my Love. If God came tomorrow ~ no they wouldn't shoot him, they'd just ignore him ~ so he'd wonder why? ** Don't Bring Me Down ~ Again. It's only me who knows my real worth, I lived my life ~ Everyday. You don't know ~ How can you judge me? I Am ~ Me (& why should I even suspect that I am being judged?) * A sunny day walking in Nature Makes all the difference ~ A true artist is a true individual. Yes it's the slow way down, from the mountain. ‘Beware of water buffalo and piglets’ * Unusual telegram: Attacked by a Tiger in Nepal ~ The first time stoned alone, it was made by myself in front of Everest. Well! * Is there a stoned man who builds his house ~ with its back to Everest? 18

Love of life is the Joy When a yellow butterfly plays with you as a friend Love of life is ~ when a yellow butterfly flies to you and stays a few seconds. Now too, two orange and black winged butterflies they twirl up and down like brother and sister, or the mad flights of lovers. Now, the twittering ~ wings of an orange butterfly, the soft tread of a fly, on my leg. Somewhere between it all those butterflies are ~ still swooning to the rolling terraces. * Knowing the Universe ~ Is seeing it 'Live' in Nepal

I got as far as Nepal then decided that ~ I'd have to do all this travelling again but stoned! * The magic carpet of the green terraces the shimmering colours ~ dazzling sunbeam spectrums. * Sunrise the Ruby skies as the Sun ~ glides over Everest ** Man and woman husband and wife bending together in the fields ~ It makes me think of the Hebrews It makes me think of long ago when living was next to nature the time ~ life too was wedded to your land <<:>> * Clouds go swimming by like Sea dragons in a gallop ~ 20

Realising it all in a black forest an hallucinating sheen ~ Carry a portable typewriter * Written and signed by the wise, High men ~ and others ~ of Tibet. The knowledge of all high people. It translates to Peace, Freedom and Love * Have you ever been ~ Where You're looking down on eagles over at clouds and up to Everest and being stoned on the Universe? Please keep me Lord forever ~ looking across at those clouds Land of green terraces, brown too, reaching down from the hilltops, filling the valleys ~ Nepal, midday siesta. Now the soft clouds fall down on the Himalaya and soothe the space of time ~ Yes, the beauties of Hawaii or a safari in Kenya or the Arab villages of the deserts, a trip to Goa and Himalaya, honeymooning with bliss ~ * My watch was taken and I was given a bracelet ~ of 54 Coral beads (from a Tibetan) 21

How often do you see the caressing of the sky by eagles ~ the swoon of the birds and butterflies ~ the curiosity of yellow butterflies and giant pink insects like those fish of the tropical seas and a helicopter too?


I am revolving in the infinitesimal sun of nature

The difference between a freak and a hippie, the former is into psychedelic metaphysics, the latter into metaphysical nature * Lament From Wounded Knee To Would they build a railway and all else that they built in the West, if they’d found Gold in the heart of Shimalia? * Bhadgaon city and me My poetry is blowing in the wind ~ now in Nepal. On a tourist brochure of Bhadgaon city. Do you have your floating message or your visions floating? My poetry is now zooming on arrows ~ around the description of temples in Bhadgaon city * My poetry is now resting on me ~ on a hillside of Nagarkot in Nepal. Gently blowing with the wind. My poetry is still on that brochure which was earlier used to make a filter for a joint, blowing in the wind *** ‘Beauty is in the mind of the beholder’ The mountains ~ peaks of the mind. My brother ain't heavy at all ** Life too is ~ waking up then walking barefoot, carrying a heavy sack strapped across the brow ~ It’s not like running for a bus is it? 24

I Love dancing the rocks of beautiful rivers How lucky I am dear people look at me! How lucky Walking back from the highest peaks on Earth towards Kathmandu the visions to see ~ the planets revolve. Now, look for a yellow Sunflower field ~ on the way. A thin path, meandering the slopes, a little above the one of water it begs to be walked along, which gate of fate? I shall enquire ~ Human brothers, at home study, trade my joy of life the task of such a walk, given me ~ my fate in life here made * There are two butterflies blue and black stopped pinned to the mud wings beating as the beating heart, trees stay still ~ the breeze free it carries the calling goat herder to me. If you too, could see this path from your apartment in Marine city or office in the Seaforth building and feel this Sun on the Cote d'Azur 25

The river begged me too much to look into her eyes ~ her tears slipping down are millions of different worlds * The hills seem forever of Spring time of new colours for trees, and thoughts of the winding ~ stoney river bed are unsure if it's Springtime ~ true. But, look at the cones on the pine tree strung by the sprays of green, her fruits for the springtime harvest ~ her jewels. Earth's stream, a pane, clear Pieces of submerged living, still, washed * What am I doing? I'm jumping the stones of a river bed stood, listening and feeling the flow, bubbles on rocks, silvery lot, from a valley in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? dancing on rocks wading the cold of the snows, wondering of its vegetation, sitting by pools, disturbing the mud, in a river of Nepal ~ What are you doing? 26

What am I doing? Staring at the bouquet of red rhododendrons, alone in the green and sprays of cherry blossom, dark pink on a distant rock gazing at leaves asleep swept to the deep and the frenzied reflection of the ripples on the rocks. What are you doing? * What am I doing? In front of a pine tree with scented cones, a wood of ‘candelabrae’ natural artistic creation even the old broken bark, the thin manicured branches and coiffed plumes ~ “Namaste” greeting, an old man carrying a basket, on a path in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? waving at the boys playing and fishing on the rocks at the top of the waterfall ~ hearing the sounds of a group of men washing their hands and feet refreshing their faces. I am following the steps of another band ~ as they quicken to the water 27

I am sorry, no cigarette for the boy who came up from a cascade in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? I am admiring the young girl picking rice, to her waist in green invisible when stooped. listening to the birds ~ aware of a woman pass behind baby to her waist, at the end of a path in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? I am sitting outside a chaishop in front, my yellow Sunflowers. A young goat nibbling on the floor of the valley, a lush green, full of flitting white butterflies. A good spring time rice harvest, from a plantation in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? I am passing through a village with the people and the cows, women carrying heavy baskets. A hen and the standing men 28

Beautiful dark eyed contented children. A Nepali song on the radio and a barking dog too from a village in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? I am hearing the cry of a baby, the “bye bye!” “bye bye, ~ pais!” of the brothers and sisters, regarding the marzipan and assorted biscuit houses. I’m smiling at fine little followers of 10 minutes. “one rupee, hallo, one cigarette ~ well ~ bye bye” from along a road in Nepal. What are you doing? * What am I doing? Absorbing the town, end of the day seeing new bricks collected from the kilns ~ the water jars filling. A street of brick houses along a stoney, dusty road, with hens and children, ragged squatting women, smoking. Met in the road ~ a white Buffalo, a boy pulling its tail ~ and a family of pigs. What did you do today? 29

The beautiful faces of happy children Pokhara valley ~ nature and humans Lake Phewa, gurung villages The Annapurna range Timelessness. Tibetan traders, antiques, stones, silver, ringing bowls, coral beads. Turquoise, Rich local people. Gold earrings, nose rings the bazaar, tailors, chai, people, working, activity, life. Amazingly beautiful women ~ upright, proud, strong, desirable, carrying their water jars, working so hard ~ washing in the lake 30

Benares ~ Varanasi A walk through the market passageways. Little dark stalls, dogs, Cows, some beautiful displays of shops, biscuits, brass, materials. The restaurant of the well-off, a man’s cultured style. An individual passing by bicycle * The River ~ Ganges boats, fires, draped, orange red bodies, the people all about. The attendants, the sadhus, the families, the tourists, the chanting pallbearers, the Brahmin family, a day out ~ ‘Social Event’ * The bazaar, the silk manufacturer, seated on his mattress, beautifully coloured shirts, scarves and pajamas, the lonquils, Shiva and Ganesh, the gleaming tissue. The Ghats, the temples the ruins, the steps, the umbrellas, platforms 31

The intricate brass trays and wine sets, black delicate enamel pots and vases. Unworldly craftsmanship a dying art, Art? Camel bone and ivory necklaces and bracelets, statues of elephants ~ wood carvings of the Gods in all positions of the Gods. A space of elegance ~ the sailing boats anchored, the chanting, the bathing, the washing, combing hair, the drying clothes. the birds. Wandering along small lanes, the cows, the barking dogs, the shops, the restaurant, teas and cream cakes ~ in India! **

God is ~ alive and well and has acquired an abode in Nepal, still his best friends are living along the Gulf of Siam 32

Politics:- is a philosophical system employed to keep together Man within the realm of the known and within the power of the resources of the known. * Practically:- to limit these resources to man through systems of control until demanded as a natural right * Religion:- is the name of the path man’s consciousness believes must be followed in order to arrive in essence with the natural ~ laws of the universe * The Church:- is the philosophical endeavour to give Man the values required to support himself along the path of religion * Practically:- it is a doctrinaire system to hold Man together in front of the obscure path of religion thereby in itself restraining Man's courage to walk clearly ^^^:::^^^

The throne of the Universe is camouflaged on Earth and has the name of ~ Everest 33

MAGIC STAR Here the Ocean doesn’t talk to me It sings to me It recites poetry to me Do you understand I Love You!

Why Still Wonder When I Love You The Sun is shining brightly ~ People are coming to the shore of the ocean awaiting the lighted path to burn them. I awoke to warmth, light and tranquillity. Seagulls flying in the bluest sky ~ and the chirp of birds in the trees behind. This Vancouver beach has so much of the eastern tranquil breeze * And at night by the burning wood and leaping flames ~ the mystery of the Universe * The smell of a tropical village can puncture the senses delicately even to the exotic of Benares ~ beside the burning Ghats ~ can touch inside. How beautiful again back to the skies of Shiva, or to the high temples of peace. The child as Sita’s daughter warming my hands and heart with her soul * Brahma allowed the time to fit the symbols needed for this Cosmic dance, again. The subtle silk, sheer as Thai, is the musk oil on my eyes ~ bathed in infinite drops of Love. The magic lost ~ but again, before the veil to a Pharaoh’s treasure 35

I say that this should be my life I was reminded of Age ~ whatever whore she may seem when seen with desire and need. Please don’t press this time on me to wonder of ruins, instead I see the life in Buddha’s glint. * Yes we may all wonder ~ but please don’t ask me of its right beside the Timeless shore for this while. Please don’t make me fight. Whatever else I decide ~ Forever the surrealistic harmony will I seek and want to live by the Ocean’s magic tide * Oh no my son ~ you may have asked when considering the life. But listen mother and father there is no more beautiful than this, why even think to wonder ~ just listen and look into my eyes. Please don’t ask at 27 ~ is that so old or so young; Why a son of ours loves so strange a temple, why? It’s hard to see each change that impresses Time. We may never know the reason but whilst the road leads to the house of Raja yoga and it is so refined with grace, Please we agree my son ~ that you arrived in Love’s garden, and it is the most beautiful ~ space 36

If Atman can wish expression ~ how can one forfeit this time for something else imagined necessary? If I can Love, or can feel the heart beats of Universal bliss in this ~ * Why wonder why at any age ~ why should you expect that something else could be more important. You can’t categorise an age for everything to be born at 0 ~ to be and be and then die. To be and be is essentially being * Your being has a blissful Soul expression of which is at any time ~ Whenever one may receive gracefully the sense to know ~ the sense to perceive or imagine the subtle creation * Please don’t think I should be somewhere else ~ This different path You may never understand but I have wandered it for afar and this is my life what I need to Live 37

My darling who invites the Spirits if they wish to enjoy the strawberries and desert figs ~ so your caravan may glide to Kilimanjaro to sing there and perform Kabuki for your Lord. My darling Ambrosia is the sweet juice on your lips wet and between your legs, Spirits at your side desire so much your blossom as a bee cherishes the perfume of the sweetest flower. Subtle are their extractions as they enter the soft petals ~ Inside they wish your sparkle but today your colour has fallen pale and your eyes gleam less ~ the dazzle of your movements is slower

My darling Who has yet to sail by felucca down the Nile and to meditate in quiet under the pinkest trees of Mount Fuji. My darling whose perfume will scent the nature of many delicate impressions, your sweetest strength of life ~ is needed to fountain many loves and to warm erogenous twinkles as you do now my heart and pupils. Spirits fall as leaves to allow ~ the spring and summer of your sailing

The bluest seas will yet see ~ your caravan pass in wildest colour to the golden dunes. Spirits sit and drink with me at the Oasis ~ purple nomads will feed us dates, strength for the Star route *** Fire Touches ~ a subtle similarity beside the seeming Asian tranquillity of the soft sand and wind. In the air ~ is the smell of fire, as if close to an Asokan village or one of Gurungs. Especially by night the air comes alive as if sat by the rising Spirits floating to the ghats of Shiva *** Annapurna * Goddess of harvests ‘A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE’ Atop Annapurna (Herzog) “If only the others could know ~ if only everyone could know” Rapture! * The erotic Tantric film this beautiful Surreal ~ the beautiful Indian Eden with the strolling Goddesses ~ giving all their exquisite beauties into the hands of the Tantric Buddha to open them all 40

Has anyone told you ~ YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL TU ES BELLE TU ES BELLISIMA as a flower, a tree, the Ocean, the Sun Kaleidoscopes of beautiful visions * Seeing old withered people ~ And realising that the beautiful young petal must wither too. How beautiful you are * Do you want a Lover? Do you need a Lover? Am I to be your Lover? Your Lover? your Lover? Am I a Lover? Will I Love you? Will you Love me? Will we Love each other? * Love is a nude sunburnt ~ Long blonde hair and feminini. Can you imagine erotica is a Goddess? This beautiful existence has since been coloured by the tints of Sita’s sari 41

Darling words are so difficult to imagine what I or you truly mean by them they can so easily hurt ~ so better to be careful, to think, and often silent love * The reason I can speak is because I am living, I can then speak of life. I can speak on Love (now) BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE * You said expect nothing (I don’t expect nothing) (Especially if I imagine Love) (How can I imagine that) * Love Love You have My heart and Soul My HEART AND SOUL MY BEING and you must go to telephone or sleep. Darling ~ I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH! 42

If Real will you let Time overcome Love. What is Wrong I fell in Love ~ You fell in Love at the wrong time! Do you see the difference? You have conceptions of Time ~ also it’s the ‘wrong time.’ Time derives from Ego YOU Against // Love When is there a right time for you? It is a state of mind ~ Thinking of the wrong times doesn’t help you to find that state of being and // so the right time. Time is always right for what you can make it * The light and the air the trees lift me to the heights. The early morning Sun sparkling ~ signs showing the way the beginning to another day 43

This spot as any in the World the risings, fresh, awoken life ~ I stand and thoughts like these and friends somewhere who once arose with me ~ bring haappiness to my soul * Yeah Nostalgia is the Exaggeration and Exaggeration is? What about ~ Melancholy Darling? * Nostalgia as a feeling you put as Unreal in the past. Is there a past If there is none then what is Unreal? Nostalgia is a feeling now of something we think it is exaggerated, we think it is Unreal. What is exaggeration, is it something Now, so is it Unreal? Make your state Now for its worth! Enjoy the feeling for what it is. See it 44

You ~ Your Imagination Is ~ Is how real? Be here Now ~ Be here with me Now, just Be with me, Now don’t imagine being with me, don’t play games. Be Real Then be with me now * Do you Remember Yore memory, How real is your memory your mind? Can you tell me what is Real, Can you imagine ~ what is Real, Can you tell me what is? * ‘Egotistical’ How do you imagine that word, especially when we are face to face now? How am I reflected so in your mind, for your mind to imagine the truth of the name ‘egoist’? I am me 45

I am your Lover ~ I am at your side now where do your words come from are you sure, how do you imagine that? I am your Lover * How real is imagination? Why are you turned off to Now? Why are you turned off me ~ why are you turned off me Now? Want to be really free Turn On * Love ~ I See not Time We fell in Love at the wrong time; We fell in Love ~ Wrong time. Baby there is no time, there is only now. We fell in Love! Be in Love baby * Grab all the beauty in your mind and let it live Now ~ The perception of time which I do have Is of the shortness of life. Life and all its qualities ~ having to fight for their realisation. These are the reasons for living 46

Then baby if Real then baby ~ imagine something else. Imagine Love All around you. Imagine your beautiful self * I’m not telling you for me I’m telling you as your Lover I’m telling you of Love ~ are you telling me for you or are you telling me as my Lover? Are you telling me of Love? Baby you don’t realise yet Love is beyond ~ being you or being me being us. What do you want to say? * “I Love You” What do you imagine that it means as you catch your bus home? Goodbye see you when? Goodbye, goodbye *

I Love You 47

Love (a game) To Win Play the game ~ but don’t lose it by wasting time on dribbles, KNOW when to stop ~ Know how to win in the end; What do you want, your strategy. But Know The Reason for The Prize ** Sunsets bring out the people stoned ~ Our Times of Day the times for the freaks running hand in hand, running in time before it goes, before it comes to the setting sun to the rising sun, the end of the day the beginning of the day, the essential times ~ of the in Love lilac freak. Comparison in worth between these times of the wonderful Sun freaks and the 9-5 of the rest. Makes you think ~ which one enjoys the life? 48

Drug Creations As I was completely blown out in Nepal so I was blown in Vancouver on you darling, it has had that much effect ~ ‘The Drug’ I can see how it took me far out ~ (from Reality) As You Did by my feeling for you darling! How beyond reasonable control it was ‘the drug’ acted so strongly ~ so that even Now I am still Blown out! (8 months later) (into Love space) And she never realised! A subtle touch on Time. Wow that is amazing you see the Power of ‘the Drug’ on the Mind. Drug On The Mind Power ~ Illusion. So that you are Never the same, it can blow you out for good!

So Long Wreck beach welcomed me back like the father the prodigal son, like two lovers embracing again. Last summer seems so long ago now. Your Karma is ~ vibrancy in your winking. Idea that of (Cosmic) INSTANTANEOUS RECOGNITION. A signal between us that directs the energy flow, so you are liked, feared, loved in that look of the pupil; You are recognised ~ so your Self recognition. >>>>>:<<<<<

An invitation to see a Sunset with me ~ What could I offer more beautiful to her 50

‘Once Upon a Time a Lady Held The Sun’ * Thank you for giving me the Sweetest Love. Darling of WONDER FULL DAYS Dearest I still cannot forget the sight of that beauty which walked in front of me and who touched my arm in the blue sea of Summer * Dearest I still cannot forget those wonderful days of joy which I have created into an art piece made up of each movement and colour each one of your smiles and kisses * Dearest Time has passed Slowly ~ So many touches have you put on me So many have I put on myself. Love, the dream has been for two seasons. The intensity is the hot Sun Which has melted my heart and mind * Dearest I cannot count the glorious days which have passed us together 51

I cannot count the winks I cannot reason any more. I sit and try to arrange us it is your hair falling in curls. I try to think of tomorrow but can only remember the beauty which is on my arm ~ in front of my amazed eyes. The autumn leaves and snowflakes, beauties of Time and nature falling ~ as hearts together. Your beauty as the dancing Sun. Your Soul burns me inspires my Spirit * Dearest A new year begins very soon. I wonder I feel a fear too from you. A fear of your reckless surf, a swan gliding upon its crest ~ * Dearest where are your wings, this space with me I saw only you happy butterfly who looks for honey in magic mushrooms. Magic you! I am still in the Palace of wonder with you 52

Dearest In you I see me so clearly will this new year ~ bring something new to me? Could Time ahead offer even more? How intense the energy closer the heart * Dearest Dream to dream to dream. Thank you for this ~ for you I have been bewitched by dream. Thank you my Angel dreaming ~ Goddess of the waves and forests. So gentle ~ sweetest honey * Dearest A time of Love little tricks of fear appeared, fear my heart fell heavy ~ fear! Truth and Love trusting hope ~ I am the captivated still, Mother nature’s Romeo. Beautiful touch of you Thank you for sweetly kissing my Loving heart. The flower of Love arises every morning, and the World is filled with Sunshine. They lived happily ever after ~ ~*~ 53

Pouring Her Sweetest Water, Darling ~ Orgasmic for me. In this season of falling leaves, from the Temple of this Opal eye gazing out to the horizon ~ which is the colour of the dusk. Should I say goodnight Autumn? * There was Peace in an offering of song to Saraswati and the blessed Shris ~ I asked in my inner being to help me to release my thoughts, which are full of Love ~ yet with unknowing jealous fears * Fears because I Love a woman in my body, mind and heart I do. Which tells us what? Except I feel like saying a thousand ways ‘Je t’aime’ and yet now the full sky just isn’t full of our light which once lit our eyes together. Now you are you ~ yes demanding yourself. Why not I wonder yet it is different than before. Love fulfills ~ I say, should I say this to you as then it is only what I say because Love touched my cheek so many days 54

You must find out can I tell you whom I Love dearly that you be as me, Love? Love fullfills yet never make an idol or you’ll lose in time * God, Love said make no image. Buddha winks the Cosmic eye. I always managed this yet kept it for a Goddess too. Why not an image of she as Radha, Sita or Parvati. Didn’t Krishna Love her too? My dual now * My dual ~ Cosmic bliss yet the YOU, the eternal, Yes I Love that, that is the struggle to hold my Goddess. Goddess symbol Possibly. Buddha symbol of bliss Christ symbol of Love Mother nature my Universal. Won’t you allow yourself completely for us? No, my dual. She is She and not me. Is that a hurt ~ should it be a wound? 55

As an Arrow in my heart Eros’ arrow ~ yet I am feeling pain. How? I must allow ~ no Goddess but relative time to bloom. (Cosmic flower now) * Yet she is a flower of Cosmic petals NOW. My heart is full of her perfume as is my soul, her essence. She is Absolute ~ Yes. DO I REALISE THAT Do I buy desire ~ the image to bejewel me. She is her own crystal Tiara, sparkling with Love Darling. Allow her to be ~ this ultimate desire for me. Love her for her all. (All is the richest for her lovers) The sky has darkened peace only peace ~ is shattered by the calypso of V8 engines. I allow deep into my senses, they disturb. So sensitive, I believed by these could one find ~ the path to happiness. Yet now these brutal slaps and the gentlest of caresses from your hand can only add pain 56

Infatuation Going for a promenade with Infatuation Realising my arm held in yours Infatuation what is your perfume and should I linger? Pleasure of the mind to fall down Infatuation should I let go? Is your dream one of infinity or of Time’s passing emotion? Infatuation, realise myself from you release my arm and enjoy the panoramic view. Infatuation to close my eyes to the Sun Infatuation complete desire of... Myself absorbed in you, yourself where? Time to go home goodnight my darling. Infatuation ~ tomorrow I will rise and paint, more colours to the eyes and cheeks of my self portrait in the Lotus

Do you and love go together? You are the flying companion of Senora Raffaella Lenzetti. Are all these married ones in harmony in space, have they found their masculine and feminine? Do you understand I love you? I’m fucked up, like a pineapple’s fucked up! Qr like Dali S fu-kcd up ~ or like Van goch’s fucked up!


Initiating Vision Come on Sunny I’ll take you to see something you’ve never seen before, say to yourself before you go ~ “I’m going to see the most beautiful thing in the World” Hey man you’re turning into white light! I have a fractured vertebrae ~ the doctor asked if I knew how, was it lifting something or a jump? I wanted to tell him it was from a vision of the flooding Kundalini ~ a tidal wave. Keeping ahead of the clouds *** Too Beezee Darling We are our senses ~ then shouldn’t we strive to be as sensitive as possible? (But that can hurt and if not understood one wonders if it isn’t better to be insensitive to a higher degree) Sensitivity ~ What then is Love? If it hurts should I put the lid on again, Making a defence by closing up! Help me, who is crazy, My Soul? Am I crazy, Am I so alone ~ does it mean fear, Am I jealous of time ~ older man, Am I too possessive? Just because in this day and age the concept of TIME and Liberation have such a value, Freedom distinctly apart. Cool is the mode ~ of Unconditional Love 59

Is it wrong then to want so much to be embraced by you, as much as ~ Forever. How is it that only ten minutes away Love can’t find a way! Is time each day too little or too much to come and say ~ “Hallo, I Love you”? Is it too much expectation today and made to feel full of guilt for it? How is it that I want you close ~ seems always, even though to be apart is natural self too? Is it fair, is there such a state ~ or only ego? Yes I do desire, so sorry Buddha but please allow me be at least not unhappy * But you know what absence makes ~ not the heart fonder Love. To just appear for so little time and then as joyfully ~ to disappear. I just can’t handle such ease, how can you? Yes I do think a lot on it, how to be? So crazy maybe? Yes please don’t toy with me, for I am real ~ So I wonder if it’s not better, not to say goodbye. * To say goodbye ~ Forever means maybe you wont come back then! But to come and touch and then go another way ~ which is so acceptable 60

I agree in philosophy yet my heart ~ which overflowed with something, breaks by the emotions and sad pulses of my eyes and brain. Too possessive, should I be detached? Buddha for all I try ~ yet why try not just live? I have a heart. To be detached ~ detached means what? Yes insensitive Soul yet if my soul can’t touch her soul what am I to do to bring Love between us? She’s so cool ~ I wonder if I am crazy that I can’t get this together * So what to you just be cool ~ make Love, play, smile and that’s it? Why expect more, not emotionally why but Why ~ who are you? Why do you expect ‘anything’ from her; Why, why? Be cool (expect nothing) so expect (to give nothing). So why bother, why not save this game (for whatever reason it is played) and don’t give a damn ~ A damn about what anyway? 61

Collect Call There was a woman ~ who called her Lover from Paris reversing the charges. “Allo, allo ~” “Yes Please wait a moment, he is coming” But she’d hang up! She made Love too ~ Similarly <<<::>>> * Your Anniversary Karma ~ Karma Karma is Love ~ Karma is yourself Karma is yourselves Karma is you Now. Maybe you don’t see Karma’s shadow on a rainy day. Karma ~ Karma, Karma is in your being. Together ~ together is Love Karma is Today Today is ~ a special anniversary. Karma is Love ~ Love is infinite anniversaries Lots of Love 62

It goes right through me What? ‘Life’ ~ then Death * Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are ** Flying south by wounded wings or poetic beat What is this light to be ~ just a light allowed to light Love in the chambers of a Pharaoh’s daughter. Is this oasis really the creative spring of these two, migrating black and white swans. Are we only ~ till the wind south blows this space? The waltz is in my head ~ sound of the Blue Danube. Yes music sings to my inner cell, where art thou, Sunny? Well, abstraction did you drive me to utter despair ~ or are you truly the Ivanhoe of my future bliss? Is that at all possible? Besides that, is the quality real? Does Camelot exist really ~ Did I just pull out the magic sword ~ Excalibur even though I am weaker, so much? Is my real strength, tomorrow only indulging now ~ complete sorrow is what type of dessert? 63

Yes I see the waltzing Sunny, hip hip hooray, don’t be scared. Don’t we believe in Knights in shining amour in Kings and Queens ~ In battles and Victories? Yes. Dearest family I am alone in the dessert ~ Completely The Sun has burnt me crisp! I am crying to the eagles and the clouds. Here I am after so much ~ so much Sunny, so much Sunny. Here I am Scorched, the horizon seems an illusion the mirage of life ~ There is no water, no spring, no green. Yes there is ~Yes there is! There is Life, Life, Life, there is the Oasis with coolest fragrances, blowing Palm leaves in the gentle breeze. Will I die ~ by this Oasis, if I discover it? Where are the caravans of precious beauty that I have travelled with ~ was that only a fleeting mirage too? Love I am thirsty, I am so afraid of the storm. Which way can I go to feel the dawn ~ Dearest Sun, bright and Golden warm, is my pain only a wet tear drop? 64

I’m Glad I’m glad to receive your fine words I’m glad to hear that you intuitively know I’m glad that you realize love I’m glad that you felt there was a flow at the end I’m glad that you wished for a good one between us, with no torture I’m glad you are now flabbergasted and amused I’m glad you are recovering, like me I’m glad that you are thankful, thanks I’m glad you thought to send me the writings I’m glad you are so clear ~ I’m glad, I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad that now I have saved some croissants I’m glad you’re fighting nostalgia so well I’m glad that we’re basically friends I’m glad that you warn me of traps for my heart I’m glad, I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad that you are finding answers to fit it so well, I’m glad that you love me so much I’m glad that I could make my heart and soul love you so much I’m glad at the future prospect of feeling the stronger you I’m glad to hear that what you have now is what you really wanted to make a better struggle. I’m glad I’m glad to hear you are going to make such fine memories of me. I’m glad you want to ask me not to come back ~ but that 5 minutes would be ok sometime, Oui! I’m glad that now you want to be Absolutely open with me darling. I’m glad? Salute ~ I’m glad you’re going to yoga 65

My Love reached the Heart The Love energy ~ to the final stage of Sahasha. The Art of Kissing yeah! Kisses there must be thousands! Beautiful each one a dream, touching Love Energy. The Infinite Kiss ~ Kiss of life ~ from Brahman a touch of breath, infinite air ~ so subtle. The breath of the kiss is Love, Love on the lips ~ Life is an infinite kiss ~ a kiss of Roses. A kiss is of 6 parts (for 6 senses)

Friday ~ fall in Love Saturday ~ feel Love Sunday ~ make Love Monday ~ a friend is a friend. You are more than a friend You are me ~


Torture or Love ~ Tear of Venus Fate, Goddess of Love, pointed to you ~ walking, straight towards me. A Queen on a golden beach. She, will be my Wife I knew * We became together We had Love ~ sometimes cruel Love. There seemed no way to Love in such torture but inside I always knew you to be my wife. I had to fight, fight, fight, for Love, for my Queen destined! How could I accept a defeat, this was destined by Love herself by the Goddess of the Universe for us to be ~ We Love, Yes You married me and became my wife. Goddess Love I fought for destiny, the dream came true for a moment. Destiny said “OUI” and I was happy we were completely in Love. Oui ~ the tears fell the only moment you ever gave ~ your self completely ** Seeing so many gaps in communication ~ in understanding, in being understood. Is it possible to touch another’s soul? Even with you, darling, I see the different dimensions ~ Love 68

ANNAPURNA HARVEST * Kong Yes ~ On our Planet many praise an ancient King; ‘Nature’s strongest King’ Alive in essence with all instants. Enraptured ~ In vegetation’s fecund harmony. Changes of light and night, changes are Wild ~ for nature is truly Wild and nature is forever our Paradise. Its thread of Life carries a blissful melody ~ Love is the snow atop the mountains, melting to the limitless plains quenching Flora’s thirst. It is iridescent pattern’s of butterfly’s wings ~ fluttering on light air waves over a warm valley. Hawks are gliding by the clouds high above. It is in the current of the Oceans ~ choreography for their innumerable fish. It is the Prana we all breathe in and the Sun’s rays each one of us feels. It is in new born babies ~ new generation, in man’s & woman’s effort for the harvest, the Cheetah’s instinct speeding for the deer. Nature’s tremendous King sang this for all; It echoed alive by each blade of grass. Yes ~ 69

His pounding power soaring freely, Invincibly. Exquisite integration of this Cosmic rhythm. Whole Life energy to light the sky and stars, the hiding moon in a far off distant galaxy. Caressing such subtlety, each petal softly, as the fulfillment, destiny of a wild Rose. This nectar flowing in feminine beauty beloved daughter, wondrous Woman ~ Holding this naked gorgeousness ~ he rejoiced to all changing seasons. She as a flower of your perfect dreams, such delicate blooms with the scent of Love ** Yes ~ Singing to Oceans, to all Life’s creatures; Captured this rarest of blossom dreaminess, feeling her being in his massive open palm. He carried off her innocence, her loveliness deep inside his beating heart ~ to the pinnacle of Man’s World. But the frost of her fear cried out, shooting deadly cold metal bullets into him from six fighter aeroplanes! Falling back, crashing far below his bright eyes still aglow. He wished her goodbye in an instantaneous look and he fell dead ~ quiet 70

What does nature think of you Sakyamuni? Did Nature Take You in Buddha? Are You Into Nature Jesus? Being as Buddha alive under the Banyan tree It is or it isn’t (important) to think you’re a part of nature ~ Your thoughts; But that nature thinks it’s a part of you * At the Waterhole Superb gowns ~ a million different picnics. A rare pygmy armadillo Koala only eats eucalyptus leaves Cinnamon bear tiniest Sun bear likes honey. Himalayan black bear & snow leopard ~ Only in the East Indies can a cockatoo meet an Orang u tang ~ lions like zebras but they can’t meet cheetahs in India but can the axis deer. 50 million buffalo are hiding somewhere (did they resurface in Japan) (or Viet Nam, Circa 1960) Polar bears can drift they floe) “Hallo” ^^^^ Emperor penguin. Venezuelan mango swamp screamers parsi a Californian condor le grand duc eagle owl quetzals and peacocks {{{feather trains}}} 71

Peruvian cock of the rock ~ plumage treasure of a court/ship beautiful emerald cuckoos too lovebirds and perching songbirds go “tweet” A budgerigar twin a shell parakeet iridescence of the peafowl’s silky tail anonymous beauty golden pheasant in China retreat ~ least penguin has a limited range. Rheas gazing, high Chilean flamingos floating from wide blue dazzling pampas skies Tropical golden beetle, dragonflies and damselflies, flashing fireflies in the night mirage of morphos’ flight. Columbian scales, mauve ~ antennas out sight and light to transparent wings ~ Visit from the viceroy and white peacock game of chess with a uranid moth, jades spread on brilliant tropical mesas eumelanin monsoon wind wet granules on the luscious iris clear new morn ~ dawning by a lotus waterhole * Nature nature is the woods and the ocean the trees and the cliffs ~ the fields and the meadows the flowers and the seaweed the hills and the plains and lakes nature is the butterflies and for all our sakes 72

China <<>> is 1/3rd of humanity living with irretrievable Karma ~ No? This Realisation, wow is the inner sanctum of ingenious Socialisation. Get out and dig it all man. Back on the road Back on the beach Back on the mountain. The personality is a picture of your symbols. Style, your style, have style. Have style Leonardo. Creating the language, expression. You ~ is what it is, that’s it for now! Is evolution is in those terms? The deeper the conceptions, higher the evolution of you. Higher your Karma ~ Lower your rebirth ratio. Go on up. This higher level of being is in terms of security, symbols of the wild, or symbols of Peace of Love. Well then create your symbols (ahead of time) don’t just let them happen unconsciously. Create symbols of Everest, the highest peaks. Perceptions ~ 73

A Sunrise over Shimalia’s highest peaks or a rain stormed palm leaf by the sea in Indonesia? * The bright whistling bird of Hawaii, the fallen petal as a fallen gown ~ desolate, insignificant ** If it’s worth it, can you get it? Explanations and Excuses ~ Caught for a traffic violation, trafficking of what? Cessation of the modifications of the mind stuff ~ Finally! The Sun sleeps with God ~ Aladdin found the magic lamp. Art ~ a fragile cultural voyage It just blew me the poverty ~ it wasn’t that they were mellow it’s just that they’re extremely poor! A white temple on a small mountain. He asked if there were beings from other planets here on Earth. We’re all different Space cadets from Planets. Planets here ‘On Earth’ Even with each one’s own Cosmos inside. To be as true an idealist as One can be. It’s my whole life ~ which is making me write this Now. My Ultimate experience ~ IS 74

Yeah, you took me to the limit where I was thirsting for you I led to consume you ~ and you made the dance of Romance, to a climax! * How about a cup of Darjeeling tea ~ maybe smoke a joint and then I’ll seduce you. Caressing your lusciousness…. * Does this mean to you, as it would anytime with someone else close? Aren’t we special together that we see now ~ each others’ hearts? Can’t we hold each other so tight as the finest gossamer ~ beating of your soul ~ interminable night ** “Langsam, Boomsi Boomsi” in Bangkok To some people (we were in damnation ~ their values) when we entered those bars. <<<< Fantasy, Poetry or Reality >>>> A look at someone else’s trip ~ Inspiration visit Buddha’s Smile! Celestial virgins! (numbered) what! Look up into Buddha’s eyes ~ The path to Heaven? Is this the real Buddha trip? The end of the search ~ seeking the answers. Find it here in this ‘Buddhist Pleasure House’! 75

You have obtained the enlightenment! In the last room, this is it!!!!!! All those books on Buddhism, here it is in this fantasy! What!! Living with ‘houris’ in Paradise. Is this the real garden of Eden? Receiving a well treasured secret/gift ~ a magic path! ** At the Grace ** ~~~~~~ My Mind Is The Taj Mahal ~ Idea that the object is the symbol. It is the mind that is the Creator only need to perceive the idea ~ to have the beauty ** The Art and the Artist is it the thing created or the state of my thought or neither? Therefore you don’t really have to have made anything (object) just had the Vision of it ~ transmutation. The Artist was the one who made changes... Being Artistic is inherent in the change ~ Have a mind which is able to reflect the most wonderful beauty Flowing in its space ~ have beautiful dreams. The mind is the mirror ~ of Allowance. What is reflected is the Quality of your mind What Quality is in the reflection of the Taj! How beautiful your expression ~ I often wondered why it could be there would be such a tragedy ~ as broken beer bottles on a beach. I wondered why only beer bottles you never see scattered pieces from teacups! 76

Up I come hot sun ~ Is there ever a cold sun? Beauty is in the mind of the beholder’s Space ~ and you can get a contact lens from mother nature. Idea of a telescope, more vision opening up the Universe a help to the senses ~ more perfection, It’s Inside You. Technology leading to the perfect Or does it just allow the imagination to reveal more? Did you ever masturbate at 180 m.p.h. with only one hand on the wheel for sharp bends. No!! “I spent my childhood in that bed (pride in a Victorian bed) or that is where I masturbated for fifteen years!” Believe these are not just words these are Love’s truths, Life truths, the truth. Instinctively know the essence of these meanings don’t be confused by terms, which are only words. Instinctively know the truths herein by putting your mind in a devout state, think high ~ be clear and calm and really think purposefully of what is in front of your eyes. So you will feel the wisdom of these signs which have been forever for every one. You will then know them as you ~ as the real; You will then know Completely yourself. Loving yourself and Loving me You don’t do Yoga ~ Yoga is a state of mind, a devotion, a knowing ~ like you don’t do going to sleep. You are asleep You are yoga 77

‘Papillion’ Indian prisoner > Let’s escape quickly Papillion > d‘accord ~ (a little later), I am tired my friend (puffing and panting). Indian prisoner > Eat these leaves ~ the Masters will have their evil warriors chasing us as birds ~ Papillion > Oui, allez. (10 minutes later in jungle’s midst) Indian prisoner > Come my friend, hurry. Papillion > WOW, WOW, WOW! Too much, too much! Look at these flowers, the amazing red and blue petals ~ Wow! Wow! Ha ~ fabulous trees, look at all the animals! Beautifully coloured butterflies ~ fantastic birds and talking parrots, Wow man! Indian prisoner > my friend, Please hurry now. Papillion > How lucky we are, How lucky, how unbelievable…. I am seeing Mother nature’s beauties. WOW, such colours, the sky! Too much my friend ~ Lord this is incredible, Nature’s brilliant jewels. Indian prisoner > My friend (whoosh of arrow)! Papillion > You are unimaginable Love ~ Dear Lord, I am… 78

If you don’t comprehend it exists ~ then how can you create to it? Will I have to show you ~ or can we create it together? Darling can you be dear will you turn your cheek and give me your lips, will you press my hand and hold tighter my arm will you caress me ~ and give me your Love all as a beautiful woman, take the beauty within this man? What an expression of Love can radiate from your cheeks and can illuminate your eyes reflecting too on your lips; Cover me in those tender joys. How did we make Love and very soon after, you resist? Didn’t I try and give all naturally but still it didn’t make you feel free. Why don’t you invite me to ~ stroke your long curling hair or kiss your bare shoulders or be with my legs entwined ~ in yours. We touched and talked and gazed and thought ~ Where did we take each other that now we still wonder but go there no more 79

‘Water ~ takes the shape of the pot ~ which collects it’ When God ~ is perceived through the mind, it is that mind. Perfecting the instrument is freedom ~ It shouldn’t interfere with another person’s comfort. “we are interdependent” Satchitananda ** Pleasure Groves It is impossible to fathom the depths ~ of other’s hearts. Clever and intelligent questions can only elicit ~ clever and intelligent answers which may not be the truth. Our actions ~ controlled by fate fructify at the scheduled moment and all our virtue, happiness and prosperity blossom ~ at the time appointed it. When is your scheduled hour? Eyes of shimmering blue silk…. 80

To you thoughts and to me You went home ~ and I thought about you I got ready for work ~ and I thought about you I was rushing around serving people ~ and I thought about you I was clearing the Salle ~ and I thought about you I walked home ~ and I thought about you I awoke to a beautifully clear morning ~ and I thought about you I did yoga ~ and I thought of you You gave me a call ~ and I thought of you then later you came to me. I feel inspired and happy ~ when I see you. How much to do to become true in myself ~ to be pure reflection of you ** Love is yoga bliss ~ yoga is truth truth is pure. Love is Sue ~ Sue is truth Pure are you ~ you are me. Truth is yoga ~ yoga is bliss Shiva is Cosmic bliss is Ananda. Ananda is real ~ all is life. Life is you ~ and me ** Are they the only few daughters of Atlantis ~ growing in the Sun here? A Classical Figure ~ in all her Venetian beauty, dreaming from below a straw hat * The difference between Soul and Soil is in the Infinite ~ between U and I 81

I Love fresh wet pink roses and they Love Scenting semaphore to touch my waves. Incense too, gently falling, the light alive to her last fragrances

The Gaze The sadhu of the rocky north British Columbia. Slow, quiet ~ wandering, stopping, sitting, looking, wondering afar. Sitting pilgrim by a Ganges’ tributary ~ of Canada. Could this be a Ganges with no name ~ And you a sadhu with no ochre but of white and blue? Why clouds to change the light? Of this wonder quick take a picture and send the image to my mind to ~ Are my thoughts here as yours under the Rishikesh sun? Dreaming and gazing. Is his water ~ really any holier than mine? His stones too? ** ‘Venus’ ~ Goddess of Love, most brilliant Planet. ‘Serene’ ~ clear, untouched, undisturbed calm. ‘Trip’ to move or perform with light ~ rapid steps. Selfishness is the opposite of respect 83

A coat of innumerable colours is a sign to all ~ of a peaceful one. A pink Christmas tree ~ that was once the home of 35 immigrant flamingos. I am still growing my wings in the fullfillment of my quest, for that delicious strawberry which lives in Nepal. One has to be lonely sometime, so that one can be stronger ~ stronger to be alone next time. Guilty feelings, wow, wow, Guilt, guilt given to a Lover! To all those children who read the schoolbooks of the life of hens. A rainbow is a peace full vibration passing on its way ~ * Quick Trot There was a young man from the Queen’s isles who wanted all in life to be smiles and whenever he could ~ he’d wander high in the wood. One bright sunny day he put on his musk and went along his way. Alone with no care he stopped to stare, as behind was a strolling black bear 84

This is the Garden of Eden, Mind model ~ But close to this garden are birds and bears and a firing rifle * Idea of the wasp only flying in a lighted room, only conscious ~ of its lighted sphere. Put the light out, another on ~ and its dimension changes. Poem to the lady of my dreams who in essence ~ knows what is essential will be my wife, my life too. Art is essence ~ it is the perfume of life’s mystery miracle. Woman you are loveliness’ enigma. Say what you feel It is your right ~ your expression. ‘Bittersweetly’ * What sort of philosophers are truck drivers ~ Alone for days on the road, awake to each rising sun frost on the trees 85

Inspiration doesn’t always come easy ~ sometimes it takes a 22 hour bus ride * ‘Full appreciation’ to fully appreciate that one must be ‘fully appreciated’ Exclamation mark ~ means the possibility that what is infinitely insane is capable of being found within its idea * Breakfast ~ some have worked a little to this time to sit in the shade drink, thoughts enter. I hear voices ~ changed somewhat. Yet I know the district of their growth. New people, new lives in a land bringing culture, and why not? People, once a village ~ now sit by different fires, their retold myths to please. Social breakfast vibrations. I crave the deepest peace *** Environment instantaneous coming together environmental moment ~ when the actions come together to it 86

At that instant also a future idea is in process or taking place ~ Already for the next environment. Is it possible to be conscious of your environment whilst in it ~ a part of it ~ Is it possible even to be Conscious of the next thought? Is your future environment ~ depending on what resources you control? You can alter that ~ so You can alter your environment. Realise that and head for what you want * Travel Buddha ~ the last Resort. Dear Sanctuary Pure light ~ Deathless Dhamma Blessed are you. The middle path to ~ the cottage of Sublime beauty. Peaceful ~ Love ~ Creation *** Down the Smokey Columbian road ~ to visit Tut * Giant Panda ‘Lives on mountains of western China and Tibet where white man seldom travels’ How about yellow? 87

Your letter was received as a Sultan’s daughter I’m hanging in here like Bonnie and Clyde. Love fell on me like the British in Dresden. Life is a Bossa Nova trampoline ~ Enclosed is a poem from a palm tree. Croaking frogs sit on my head. The wagon master cried “forward ho-o-oo” How is your life in that +2% milk bottle? Do you have plans for evacuation of Dunkirk? Are you learning a tango for the Summer Sun? Don’t forget a valentine’s card for the Goddess *** Through the looking glass the style may be unclear ~ but as starry-eyed Alice its never been more dear. * To: rolling stone ~ gathering no moss but glittering * The difference between Realty and Reality Is in the ‘I’ Realty or Reality ~ Realty Company Limited * What I like about the USA ~ is the exception rather than the rule. Now a Provencal spring, Picasso blue seashores. Sweetest surrendering 88

The scars of experience ~ Je voudrais habiter sur la rue de la Paix. Being stoned makes no sense ~ Buddha Sense This shit is shit. This shit is shit! An exclamation mark, means all the difference. Just appreciate the difference in it. ‘The Hash Cake’ ~ “Where did you get the recipe?” Not giving a damn ~ ‘a country lane’ <<<::>>> * Eros Shot me from his bow my darling, I fell into ~ the water my darling. Fairest of nature’s births, leans her soft dark hair ~ last embrace, yearning Love. Twilight’s ripples ~ floating tears of joy. ~~~~~~~~ I’m still into being inside ~ the Pearl in the tropical oyster, nice to think about. Once the thoughts are born they grow by themselves if nourished by our destiny. Dearest Love the Shakti just poured ~ out of my heart 89

An Invitation to come, Yeah! Silver in my hand ~ sweet surprise. This morning I stopped for coffee ~ I glanced a pair of Silver toed boots, Black to the ankle, Up to a fresh sparkling face ~ fair and warmly lit eyes and cheeks. I smiled my stoned smile of a ‘great to you’ to your life in your attractive Silver toes. I glanced beside me you ~ I like your boots I smiled into words, Autumn’s wind blew in the branches, leaves stirred and let fly. Yeah, this and that and I like very much your Silver toes. Getting together ~ I glanced more at our connection. Cowboy Boots, Montana, Afghan shirts, business, Montreal and trees on the beaches. Well Silver toes tapped a dance and worn heels cowboy boots tapped a tune too. I glanced and it carried on to Sunday. A walk, a bicycle ride, a rummage ~ an Italian coffee and touches of Silver, Silver winking. Yeah, early on Sunday I’d love to. “You’re not married are you?” I glanced writing her number 90

There is the dream the chakras six circles of Cosmic Love ~ The bliss energy brightens up your being as the warm Sun my symbol Shakta. Kundalini rose to my heart, and poured itself ~ as the perfume of the Lotus. My soul cried with joy, cries with the beat of the heart. With no time and space ~ seated. No ~ Here, no. Bliss, is this to be? My colour, pulse, existence. How bright is that field, the poles of my soul ~ that is and will be my sense touch. Please bliss and her angel, caress me. Conscious brother ~ the rainbow the finest spectrums ~ light, composing being no not a path first. As you are the colours so are you the Gold. Artists in Montmartre ~ being high, some clusters, offer more Inspiration. Life is perspective ~ INTELLIGENT STYLE 91

Full of joy ~ flights of eternity Surrounded by the most beautiful books whose titles alone arouse my sweet dream. God to stroke with the magic wand ~ Books therein a thousand symbols. Books, pictures, fantastic of the World. Facts, images, places and different people, sweet life under the shade of their cool trees. I don’t even have to look inside just to touch, to feel my feet rise and my heart fill. Books of words, of sweet sentiments which help to recall poetic glancing. A story called the ‘Post Office’ by Tagore makes me remember ‘Apu’ the film by Sanjit Ray. Sweetest child of heaven whose destiny is cherished by Karma. So good that distance and time ~ are only passing clouds in a clear blue sky, with white peaks of wonderful beauties. The Eastern Sun calls me as a Lover arouses my fullest colours, every pigment of my whole being ~ such a beautiful canvas. “Wait for me” I call my Lover wait a little longer as I don’t forget your sublime, wondrous gifts to me. The sweetest perfumes by which you bathed my senses. Essence of my mind your Scented grace ~ wont you think of coming too dearest brother? In fact this grace I am aware of on every shore and rue I pass. The incense drifts and drifts me with it to each spot. Which paradise is not before me now? That there is no need of discrimination 92

I wonder if it will be long as yet I am so warm, I wonder if I will have a Love ~ beside that Love I found here. She too loves the Golden carriage ~ which is praised with devotion in the villages of people. Will the pilgrimage once again ascend a holy mountain with my closest loves ~ Gods and Godesses will lay before us the fruits of their orchards, gorgeous grape bunches, refreshment from their vineyards? Dazzle Dazzle, await ~ we prepare our gowns for this repas. Wont you put the anchor down on the coral bed of a night in gales lagoon and come to the shore? Here you will meet by the fires in the polar wind the caravan which comes from the Sacred hills by Mount Fuji and melted snows of Kilimanjaro. Please lower your sail and swim ashore. Parakeets will guide your eyes ~ our tents are the grounds of nesting butterflies, gypsy music greets the clear, cascading springs. Chambers of the palaces of nature are the oval houses of the Gurung. I wish to show them to the devotees of Mother Universe *** Wet granules on the luscious iris ~ clear new morn by a lotus waterhole. There is a ‘World of difference’ In being stoned and not being stoned! * Logic: Buddha was a Hindu he was an Indian It was the cradle of Love and Truth ~ 93

Message to the animals, that we are coming. Coming in Peace. That we’ve got to come It will be cool, and the animals responded

Usually though caught up in their bullshit Keeping us down ~ But once two people recognise, identify themselves, their imaginations, feelings, thoughts, whatever it is. Once it is said that “I Love You” We have allowed the appearance of the Love ~ Energy symbol free ~ from there we can only go up. Communication ~ higher (I hope) *** Have you got an inventive mind? Well I got a mind. Implying I’ve got visions and Visions are ~ A beautiful Stone (Green) * Who am I? You are me. If I take a picture of your face, then I take a picture of me ~ I am in your Loving smile. Spectacular Nature ~ really spectacular but you could say it’s only water, earth, air, fire and space 95

New Thought on old age If you see the beauty like this today ~ So beautiful and each day you see more and more beauty. Imagine what it must be like in 10 years ~ If it is like this now! Imagine what it must be like when you’re 70 * Sujata ‘Superman or Tarzan’ I Love you Jane ~ bathing in a waterfall Golden Parrots singing in the trees Red Riding Hood, Robin Hood or Buddhahood Great Compassion ~ nuclear alms *** To Anicca, Anicca, Anicca. Please don’t Miss isles ~ Silver porpoise, pastel flying fish. Calmly watching each Instant Changing ~ Buddha sky. True Happiness Taking the liner ‘Meditation’ Waves surf ~ the Sea of Moments a new beginning 96

Mirrored silvery shades of his Polaroid’s, the pupils animated, history of a worn cowboy. An exquisite gold hued beach with acropolis colonnades sweeping ocean horizons ~ sprayed onto the imagination. A peninsular of isolated beauty where only wizards orbit & dreamers of the flights of Aegean winds abide. A tall, slim figure swayed in the cool evening breeze running with the crabs to the still black ripple. Long gleaming legs, long blowing hair ** The pyramid is a harem of my shells wonderful dream inside reminded me of a houri ~ Paradise for any sailor. Yes so happy I was made by this sweetest thought that today I still smile warmly. Spring is blowing in the sail and secret islands ~ appear in my glass. Inside the honeycomb ~ there is a fire of beauty a lodestar to the forever. Pink flamingo feathers inscribe all Love to You 97

These poems passed in ~ complete visions of one Life’s journeying for Truth. It flowed wonderfully strong ~ it cracked the ground with loss and despair. Thankfully ~ Truth from good past karmas of the river of Dhamma ~ silently flowed down and washed the expectant Mind of pain. Vipassana Meditation practised with the base of No Killing, No Stealing, No Sexual Misconduct, No Lying and No Intoxication will give the happy Peace and harmony for a Mind to live in clear Dhamma ~ leading to the regeneration of one’s perfection *

Whatever The Moment ~ The Situation Where is the appearance of Love ~

‘Upanishad’ “Fetch me a fruit of a Banyan tree” “There is one sir” “Break it” “I have broken it sir” “What do you see?” “Very tiny seeds sir” “Break one” “I have broken one sir” “What do you see now?” “Nothing sir” “My child”, the father said “what you do not perceive is the essence, and in that essence ~ the mighty Banyan tree exists. Believe me, my child, in that essence is the self of all that is. That is the True, that is the self ~”

Life is simple, Sharing ~ Loving Kindness From the heart

‘Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu “All Beings Be Happy” ~ Shanti Shanti’

* ‘Trilogy Of Vibrations ~ The Oneness Of Life’ ‘Each Fragment of Life Is Sacred ~ These Are Your Children’ ‘Young Women Spin On Their Doorsteps ~ At Dusk’ ‘Life Is Simple, Sharing ~ Loving Kindness From The Heart’ ‘The Universe Coming Across The River’ ‘Pure Light, Cosmic Sweet Heart, We all got Stars Inside’ ‘Perfect Love, No Mind Starlight ~ Come Alive’ ‘True Freedom Natural Spirit Beauty here now gems of eternity’ ‘driving my scooter through the asteroid field, Coming down over Venus, “Hallo Baba” ‘Light love Angels from Heaven. New Generation, Inspiration Revolution, Revelation ~ All the colours of Cosmic Rainbows’ ‘Green Eve * Don’t lose the Light Vortex * My brain’s gone on holiday ~ free flowing feelings’ ‘Surfing or Suffering ~ together * Sense Consciousness fields of a body with streams and stars of hearts’ ‘When You’re happy you got wings on your back ~ Reposez vos oreilles a Goa; We’re only one kiss away’ ‘PSYCHIC PSYCHEDELIC’ ‘Streaming Lemon Topaz Sunbeams’ ‘Invasion of Beauty *FLASH * The Love Mudras’ ‘Patchouli Showers ~ Tantric Temples’ ‘It’s Just a Story ~ We Are All The Sun ~ Sweet Surrender’ Anthology #1 ~ ‘Enjoy The Revolution’ Anthology #2 ~ ‘LOVE & FREEDOM ~ WELCOME’ ‘He Lives In A Parallel Universe’ Arrangement, Poetical licence, samples, notes & quotes ~ www.sunnyjetsun.com facebook: Sunny Jetsun email:streamofconsciousness@live.in The moral right of the author has been asserted 1976

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