Reading Step
Reading comprehension about life in Sweden
Anna Klockar Mia VestmanMaria OljansReading Step
Reading Step är en bok på engelska med texter och tillhörande frågor.
Texterna handlar om vår omvärld, vardagliga händelser samt fakta om djur och natur i Sverige. Boken vänder sig till dig som vill träna upp din förmåga att läsa och förstå engelsk text.
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Vill du läsa liknande innehåll på svenska finns vår arbetsbok Lästråden.
@ 2023 Mena Media AB
Utgivningsår 2023
Tryckår 2023
Författare: Maria Oljans
Redaktör: Maria Gullersbo
Grafisk form: STUART Print & Reklam
Tryck: StudioArt Print Dalarna AB
ISBN: 978-91-85427-82-6

OBS! Kopiering förbjuden
MENA Medias arbetsböcker är avsedda för engångsbruk, varför all kopiering är förbjuden enligt lag.
The Flower
Summer Autumn
The Family
Different Kinds of Housing
Living on a Farm
Our Daily Meals
Martina's Dog
The Forest
Astrid Lindgren
Pippi Longstocking
Simon's Mobile Phone
Bengt Likes Baking
My Best Friend
At the Health Care Centre
Your Body
The Fairy Tale
The Owl
At the Dentist's
The Moose
Sara's First Summer Job
The Moon
At the Printing House
Your Own Story
My Best Friend
I have a friend whose name is Henry. He makes me happy and we laugh a lot when we hang out together. I can trust Henry. When I tell him something, I know he won't tell someone else. He never says anything mean to me.
During weekends, we often watch movies, play games, eat chips, popcorn and candy. We also like to swim, so we often go to the local indoor swimming pool. Sometimes other kids tease and bully Henry. That makes me sad and I would like to tell them to stop, but I don't have the courage. Henry knows that I like him, and that I'm his best friend. I would like to get braver so I can defend him against the bullies, but I'm afraid that they will start bullying me as well.
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Why is Henry a good friend?
What do they like doing together?
Why do you think that some kids tease Henry?
What do you think the writer wants to achieve with this story?
mobbarna mot feg/fegis
försvara uppnå förbättra
Reading Step | 5
defend achieve improve Reading Step | 33 OBS! Kopiering förbjuden
When June arrives, it's summer in Sweden. The days are long, and the nights are short. In the north of Sweden, the sun doesn't even set for a few weeks. It's called Midnight Sun because you can see the sun even at midnight.
The school holiday starts in the beginning of June, and many students are looking forward to a long summer break.
In people's gardens and in parks, lilacs and other beautiful bushes are blooming. The grass is green, and the birds are singing. It's warmer now so we can go outside without warm coats, hats and gloves. Many people walk barefoot in the grass. It's fun to go biking and to go swimming outdoors in a lake.
floral wreaths summer break looking forward
What are many students looking forward to?
Why is it called Midnight Sun?
Describe how the midsummer pole is decorated.
What does it mean to walk barefoot?
What do you like or what don't you like about summer? outdoors barbecue birch leaves
lilac coats celebrate
syren jackor fira
utomhus grilla björklöv
Geografi, Historia, Religion

ISBN 978-91-85427-82-6