Bíó Paradís |
Film Festival
February 28th
March 10th, 2019
Stockfish Film Festival er alþjóðleg kvikmyndahátíð í Reykjavík sem fer fram dagana 28. febrúar - 10. mars 2019 í Bíó Paradís. Sýningardagskrá má finna á öftustu opnu. Þær sýningar sem ekki eru með ensku tali eru sýndar með enskum texta. Allar upplýsingar eru birtar með fyrirvara um breytingar.
– Brew Dog – 15% discount – Hlemmur Square – beer and wine on “happy hour” prices and 15% discount of food – Hraðlestin – 15% discount of food and drinks – Bíó Paradís – beer and wine on “happy hour” prices
Stockfish Film Festival is an international film festival in Reykjavík that takes place February 28th to March 10th 2019 in Bíó Paradís. Screening schedule is at the back of the brochure. All non-English speaking films are screened with English subtitles. All information published is subjected to change.
Klippikort / Coupon Card / 5.100 kr.
Miðasala / Ticket Sales Miðasala fer fram á og í Bíó Paradís. Tickets can be bought at and in Bíó Paradís.
Veitir aðgang að fjórum sýningum á meðan húsrúm leyfir. Sækja þarf miða í miðasölu fyrir sýningu. The pass grants you access to all screenings and events while seats are available. Tickets need to be picked up at ticket office prior to screenings.
Stakur miði / Single Ticket / 1.600 kr. Athugið að hefðbundnir passar og klippikort Bíó Paradís eru ekki í gildi á meðan hátíð stendur.
Hátíðarpassi / Festival Pass / 12.900 kr. Hátíðarpassi veitir aðgang að öllum sýningum og viðburðum hátíðar á meðan húsrúm leyfir. Sækja þarf miða í miðasölu fyrir sýningu. Upplýsingar um sérkjör á hátíðarpassa má nálgast á heimasíðu hátíðarinnar. Passinn veitir einnig eftirfarandi sérkjör á meðan hátíð stendur: – Brew Dog – 15% afsláttur – Hlemmur Square – bjór og vín á „happy hour“ verði og 15% afsláttur af mat – Hraðlestin – 15% afsláttur af mat og drykk – Bíó Paradís – bjór og vín á „happy hour“ verði The pass grants you access to all screenings and events while seats are available. Tickets needs to be picked up at ticket office prior to screenings. Information about special offers on festival passes is on the festival’s website. The pass also grants the following offers during the festival:
Please note that the cinema’s regular passes and discount cards are not valid during the festival. /stockfishfilmfestival @StockfishFest stockfishfestival #stockfishfestival #stockfish19
Útgefandi: Stockfish Film Festival Eintök: 3.000 Prentun: Guðjón Ó
Að baki Stockfish standa fagfélög kvikmyndagerðarfólks á Íslandi og er hátíðin því um leið einskonar fagmessa íslenskrar kvikmyndagerðar. Auk þess að bjóða upp á gott og vandað úrval kvikmynda stendur Stockfish fyrir fjölda spennandi viðburða og heimsóknum erlendra kvikmyndagerðarmanna úr fremstu röð. Stjórn Stockfish er efst í huga þakklæti til allra sem unnið hafa að undirbúningi hátíðarinnar og gert hana að veruleika og einnig til þeirra aðila sem með stuðningi sínum hafa gert okkur kleift bjóða upp á þessa einstöku hátíð.
Velkomin á fimmtu Stockfish hátíðina! Welcome to the 5th Stockfish festival!
Stockfish is held in collaboration with all the film-industry guilds in Iceland and is therefore Iceland´s film industry convention of sorts. Besides offering a wide and fine selection of films, Stockfish hosts an array of exciting events and visits from some of the world´s best filmmakers. The board of Stockfish truly appreciates the thought and work put into the festival to make it what it is, and to those who have gracefully sponsored it and made it possible for us to offer you to this unique festival. Ari Alexander Ergis Magnússon
Sjaldan hef ég verið jafn spennt fyrir dagskrá Stockfish eins og nú! Að venju er boðið upp á fjölda bransaviðburða og margverðlaunaðar kvikmyndaperlur þar sem enginn mun ganga vonsvikinn úr salnum hér í Bíó Paradís. Það er von okkar sem höfum unnið að hátíðinni að hún fylli þig af innblæstri, næri sál þína og skilji eftir ógleymanlegar upplifanir. I am extremely proud of this year’s Stockfish program. As usual we offer a variety of industry events and a program where no one will walk out of Bíó Paradís disappointed. It is our sincere hope that attending the festival leaves you with inspiring experiences and heartfelt memories. Marzibil S. Sæmundardóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Stockfish Film Festival / Stockfish festival director
Kvikmyndagerðarmaður / Filmmaker Félag kvikmyndagerðarmanna / The Icelandic Film Makers Association
Birna Hafstein Formaður Félags íslenskra leikara (FÍL) / The Icelandic Actors Guild (FÍL)
Friðrik Þór Friðriksson Framleiðandi og leikstjóri / Producer and Director Samtök kvikmyndaleikstjóra (SKL) / Film Director’s Guild of Iceland
Guðrún Edda Þórhannesdóttir Framleiðandi / Producer / Samband íslenskra kvikmyndaframleiðanda (SÍK) / Association of Icelandic Film Producers
Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir Höfundur og kvikmyndagerðakona Félag leikskálda og handritshöfunda
Sigríður Rósa Bjarnadóttir Leikgervahönnuður, Félag kvikmyndagerðarmanna, varamaður stjórnar / Make up designer, Film Maker´s Association
tæpu ári og er þess fullviss að það muni skipta sköpum fyrir kvikmyndagerð á Íslandi. Ég vil fyrir hönd borgarinnar óska Stockfish kvikmyndahátíðinni til hamingju með þessa metnaðarfullu dagskrá. Til hamingju með fimm ára afmælið, og ég hvet alla til að mæta í Bíó Paradís!
Stockfish 2019 Í ár fögnum við fimm ára afmæli Stockfish kvikmyndahátíðarinnar sem hefur á þessum stutta tíma fest sig í sessi sem fastur menningarviðburður jafnt hjá fagaðilum og kvikmyndaáhugafólki. Það eru fjölmargir sem bíða í ofvæni eftir þessari ellefu daga kvikmyndaveislu í Reykjavík, en hátíðin stendur nú yfir frá 28. febrúar-10. mars. Bryddað er upp á ýmsum nýjungum í tilefni afmælisins og má þar nefna Hreyfimyndahátíð fyrir listrænar stutt- og heimildarmyndir ásamt video innsetningum. Yfir 20 sérvaldar alþjóðlegar verðlaunamyndir eru á dagskránni og ný íslensk mynd, Taka 5 eftir Magnús Jónsson, verður frumsýnd. Frá upphafi hefur markmið hátíðarinnar verið að efla kvikmyndamenningu á Íslandi árið um kring og vera íslenskum kvikmyndaiðnaði lyftistöng. Boðið er upp á fyrirlestra og vinnustofur samhliða kvikmyndasýningunum til að styrkja tengslin milli innlendra og alþjóðlegra kvikmyndagerðarmanna og kvikmyndaáhugamanna, og verða um 20 erlendir gestir á hátíðinni. Gróskan í kvikmyndagerð hér á landi hefur aldrei verið meiri, og íslenskt kvikmyndagerðarfólk hefur á liðnum árum hlotið fjölmargar viðurkenningar fyrir verk sín á alþjóðlegum vettvangi. Ég er mjög stoltur af því að Reykjavíkurborg hafði frumkvæði að uppbyggingu kvikmyndavers í Gufunesi sem opnaði fyrir
This year, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Stockfish Film Festival in Reykjavík. During this relatively short time, the festival has earned its reputation within the Reykjavik cultural scene, and people working in the film industry and film-enthusiasts alike wait anxiously each year for this eleven days of film-feast to begin. The festival takes place during February 28th–10th of March. Around twenty of the most up-and-coming art-house films in the world will be screened through this time, and there will be a world premiere of a new Icelandic film by Magnús Jónsson. The programme also includes for the first time the PHYSICAL CINEMA FESTIVAL – a podium for short films, documentaries and video installations. The festival has aimed from the beginning to create a platform in Reykjavík to encourage collaboration between domestic and international film communities. This is done by offering a great number of panels and seminars throughout the festival aiming to educate and inspire as well as to create a strong connection between filmmakers and film lovers from home and abroad. The Icelandic film industry is now experiencing unprecedented growth and success, as Icelandic films have received international recognition throughout the world. I am extremely proud that a fully equipped film studio opened here last year, with the support of the City of Reykjavík, which finally allows bigger film projects to be fully recorded and completed in Iceland. On behalf of the City of Reykjavík, I want to thank the organizers of the Stockfish Film Festival for offering this ambitious programme – and happy anniversary! Dagur B. Eggertsson Borgarstjóri / Mayor
Njótum evrópskrar menningar! Enjoy European culture! Við hjá sendinefnd Evrópusambandsins erum að venju stolt og kát yfir því að styðja við bakið á Stockfish, sem er með réttu orðinn stór árlegur fasti í íslensku menningarlífi. Það gleður okkur innilega að taka þátt í því að flytja inn fyrsta flokks kvikmyndir frá meginlandi Evrópu til Íslands. Í ár, sem fyrri ár, eru evrópskar myndir stór hluti af myndunum á hátíðinni. Evrópusambandið samanstendur af 28 löndum frá Kýpur í austri til Portúgals í vestri, frá Finnlandi í norðri og til Möltu í suðri. Þetta eru samtals 4,5 milljón ferkílómetrar og yfir hálfur milljarður manna. Við tölum mörg tungumál og búum að ríkulegum og fjölbreyttum menningararfi. Þetta er ef til vill ein skýring á því hvers vegna lista- og menningarstarf Evrópu hefur verið jafn frjósamt og raun ber vitni. Við erum réttilega stolt af auðugri kvikmyndagerðarhefð Evrópu. Og Evrópusambandið skilur mikilvægi þess, að styðja við hágæða kvikmyndaframleiðslu. Þessar góðu myndir leiða gjarnan í ljós hina ótrúlegu fjölbreytni þjóða Evrópu. En þær sýna einnig hve mikið við eigum sameiginlegt og hvað það er sem sameinar okkur: gagnkvæm virðing, samstaða, trúin á frelsið. Við erum stolt af okkar sérkennum en berum virðingu fyrir sérkennum nágranna okkar.
Þess vegna valdi ESB „sameinuð í fjölbreytileika“ sem einkunnarorð sín. Góðar myndir endurspegla oft þessi gildi og þess vegna leggur ESB svona mikla áherslu á að styrkja kvikmyndaiðnaðinn í gegnum MEDIA áætlunina, sem er hluti af Creative Europe sjóðnum. Íslenskur kvikmyndaiðnaður er þessum sjóðum vel kunnugur þar sem hann hefur fengið þaðan ótal styrki í sjónvarpsþætti svo sem Fanga og Ófærð. Kvikmyndir eins og Fúsi, Hrútar, Hjartasteinn og Svanurinn hafa einnig notið góðs af styrkjum úr þessum sjóðum. Í nóvember síðastliðnum hlaut kvikmyndin Kona fer í stríð, enn einn íslenski MEDIA styrkþeginn, hin mikils metnu LUX kvikmyndaverðlaun Evrópusambandsins. Þá má geta þess að við höfum styrkt bæði Bíó Paradís og RIFF kvikmyndahátíðina í gegnum árin. Það er gott að vita að fyrirtaks samvinna okkar í þessum geira komi til með að styrkjast enn á komandi árum. Njótið hátíðarinnar! The Delegation of the European Union to Iceland is delighted and proud to once again support the Stockfish Film Festival, which is rightfully a major fixture in the Icelandic cultural scene. We are truly happy to be able to play our part in bringing high quality films from the European continent to Iceland. This year, as before, a large share of the films at Stockfish was made in Europe. The EU covers 28 countries from Cyprus in the East to Portugal in the West and Finland in the North to Malta in the South. It occupies an area of 4.5 million square kilometres and has a population of more than half a billion people. We speak many languages and have very diverse traditions. That is perhaps why Europe is such a unique breeding ground for artistic and cultural creativity. We are justifiably proud of our rich film-making heritage. And the European Union understands the importance of supporting quality film-making. These good films often portray the amazing diversity of European nations, but also underscore how much we have in common and what unites us: respect for one another; solidarity; a belief in freedom. We are proud of our special traits, but respect those of our neighbours. That is why the EU chose ‘United in Diversity’ as its motto. These values are often reflected in good films and that is why the EU puts such emphasis on
strengthening the film industry through the MEDIA programme, which is a part of the Creative Europe fund. The Icelandic film industry is well aware of these EU funds, since it has received grants for TV shows like Prisoners and Trapped, for films like Virgin Mountain, Rams, Heartstone and the Swan. In November, another MEDIA fund recipient, Woman at War, won the prestigious EU Lux film prize. We have also supported Bíó Paradís as well as the RIFF film festival. It is nice to know that the excellent cooperation we enjoy in this field will grow stronger still in the years to come. Enjoy the festival! Michael Mann, sendiherra Evrópusambandsins Ambassador of the European Union Nálgast má frekari upplýsingar um ESB hjá okkur:
Staðsetning Location Heimili Stockfish hátíðarinnar er Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgötu 54, 101 Reykjavík þar sem allar kvikmyndasýningar og flestir viðburðir eiga séð stað. Hinn viðburðastaður hátíðarinnar er samstarfsaðilinn Hlemmur Square. The home of Stockfish Film Festival is Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavík where all screenings and most of the events take place. The other venue is the festival’s partner Hlemmur Square.
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Sendinefnd ESB styrkir Stockfish Góða skemmtun!
Sendinefnd ESB á Íslandi
Isabella Eklöf / DAN 2018 / 93 min
Lukas Dhont / BEL 2018 / 109 min
05.03 kl 17:30/Q&A, 07.03 kl 22:20
02.03 kl 19:30, 08.03 kl 17:40, 10.03 kl 22:20
Sascha, ung og falleg kona uppgötvar að draumalífinu fylgir fórnarkostnaður þegar hún er boðin velkomin í „fjölskyldu“ kærasta síns, eiturlyfja barónsins í sjávarþrorpi á Tyrknesku rivíerunni. Á Sasha möguleika á því að yfirgefa þetta mótsagnakennda líf alsnægta og ofbeldis?
Hin 15 ára Lara er ákveðin í að verða atvinnu balletdansari. Með stuðningi föður síns eltir hún þann draum í nýjum skóla. Vandamál gelgjuskeiðsins eru þó ekki langt undan með tilheyrandi óþolinmæði og lífræðilegum áskorunum þar sem hún fæddist sem drengur.
Young and beautiful Sascha discovers her dream life of recklessness and fun comes at a price when she is welcomed into the “family” of her drug lord boyfriend at his holiday villa in the port city of Bodrum on the Turkish riviera. Is it possible that she could still leave this life of luxury and violence behind?
Determined 15 year old Lara is committed to becoming a professional ballerina. With the support of her father, she throws herself into this quest for the absolute at a new school. Lara’s adolescent frustrations and impatiance are heightened as she realizes her body does not bend so easily to the strict discipline because she was born a boy.
Selma Vilhunen / FIN 2018 / 102 min
Camilla Stroem Henriksen / NOR 2018 / 86 min
Stupid Young Hearts
03.03 kl 17:30/Q&A, 09.03 kl 20:00
01.03 kl 19:40/Q&A
Stupid Young Hearts er saga um fyrstu ást unglinganna Lenni og Kiiru sem komast að því að þau eiga von á barni. Þrátt fyrir ungan aldur ákveða þau að eignast barnið. Lenni áttar sig fljótlega á því að hann getur orðið að manni á sinn eigin hátt, þrátt fyrir að hafa ekki sjálfur fengið að vera barn.
Frá unga aldri hefur Jill þurft að taka ábyrgð fyrir alla fjölskylduna. Fréttir af því að löngum horfinn faðir þeirra systkina sé að koma í heimsókn á afmælisdegi Jill gefur þeim von um bjartari tíma, en þegar fjölskyldan verður fyrir óvæntu áfalli ákveður Jill að halda því leyndu.
Stupid Young Hearts is a story about the first love of teenagers Lenni and Kiira. Not yet even properly in a relationship, they discover that they are expecting a baby, and decide to keep it. Lenni soon realises that he can be a man in his own way, even if he never had a chance to be a child himself.
From a young age, Jill has acted as the responsible adult in her small family. The news that their estranged father will be visiting on Jill’s birthday gives the children much needed hope. When the family is struck by tragedy, Jill keeps it a secret.
Martin Skovbjerg / DAN/ÍSL 2018 / 93 min
Magnús Jónsson / ÍSL 2018 / 91 min
Taka 5
28.02 kl 19:30/OPENING FILM
03.03 kl 20:00/Q&A
Simon er aleinn á nýjum stað þar til hann hittir Bjarke sem er erfingi hátalara verksmiðju. Þeir mynda vinskap, en fljótlega koma upp vandamál í verksmiðjunni og henni er lokað. Simon neyðist til að velja á milli þess að ganga burtu frá vini sínum eða bjarga honum.
Heimsfrumsýning. Ungan bónda dreymir um að verða leikari. Dag einn ákveður hann að láta draum sinn rætast og rænir 5 listamönnum úr borginni. Leikkonu, rithöfundi, tónlistarmanni, leikstjóra og myndlistarmanni og neyðir þau til að gera bíómynd.
Simon is an outsider in a brand new place until he meets Bjarke an heir to the local speaker factory. The two forge a friendship but when embezzlement forces the factory to close, the town blames Bjarke’s family. Simon is faced with either having to turn away or save his friend from self-destruction.
World Premiere. A young farmer dreams of being an actor and to star in a movie. One day he desides to fulfill his dream and kidnaps 5 artist from the city. An actress, a writer, a musician, a director and an artist and forces them to make a movie with him.
Lars Von Trier / DAN 2018 / 155 min
Matteo Garone / ÍTA 2018 / 103 min
The House That Jack Built
01.03 kl 22:00
05.03 kl 22:15, 08.03 kl 20:00
Við fylgjumst með raðmorðingjanum Jack sem lítur á hvert morð sem sérstætt listaverk, nokkuð sem veldur nokkurri félagslegri einangrun. Eftir því sem hringur morðrannsókna þrengir að honum fer Jack að ögra sjálfum sér og ganga enn lengra.
Fíngerði og viðkvæmi hundasnyrtirinn Marcello lendir undir járnhæl fyrrverandi hnefaleikakempunar Simone sem heldur öllu hverfinu í heljargreipum. Marcello þarf að ná fram hefndum til að eindurreisa mannorð sitt.
We follow the highly intelligent Jack through 5 incidents that define Jack’s developmentas a serial killer. We experience the story from Jack’s point of view. He views each murder as an artwork in itself, even though his dysfunction gives him problems in the outside world.
Marcello, a small and gentle dog groomer, finds himself involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former violent boxer who terrorizes the entire neighborhood. In an effort to reaffirm his dignity, Marcello will submit to an unexpected act of vengeance.
Paolo Sassanelli ÍTA 2018 / 94 min
Raul de la Fuenta & Damian Nenow PÓL 2018 / 85 min
Two Little Italians
Another Day of Life
04.03 kl 18:00
03.03 kl 20:30, 05.03 kl 22:00, 09.03 kl 22:15
Vinirnir Salvatore og Felice eru báðir á flótta frá litlu þorpi í Puglía, Ítalíu. Þeir ferðast um Evrópu og enda síðan í Hollandi og síðar á Íslandi. Í ævintýralegu ferðalagi þeirra fylgjumst við með ýmsum uppákomum og sjáum þá læra að komast yfir eigin ótta og takmarkanir.
Stórbrotin teiknuð hasarrmynd sem byggð er á borgararstríðinu í Angóla árið 1975. Blaðamanninum Kapuscinski er fylgt eftir þar sem hann er staddur í framlínu stríðsins og skrifar um ástandið. Kapuscinski er þjakaður af innri togstreitu um störf blaðamannsins og áhrif stríðsins á fólkið sem hann hittir.
The exhilarating journey through Europe of two naive friends, Salvatore and Felice, both running from a little village in Puglia, who find themselves catapulted to the Netherlands and then to Iceland. Through some misadventures and with the precious help of Anke (Gerritsen), an extravagant woman, they will overcome their fears and inhibitions.
A visually striking and animated action film based on real life events of the civil war in 1975 Angola. The audience follows Kapuscinski, a journalist in the front lines of the war and his internal struggle while he watches the effects the war has on the people he meets.
Kvikmyndir Films Stockfish leggur áherslu á að tefla fram metnaðarfullri dagskrá fyrir hátíðargesti. Sýndar eru yfir 20 sérvaldar alþjóðlegar verðlaunamyndir á hátíðinni. Stockfish focuses on presenting an ambitious program for festival guests. Over 20 specially selected international award winning films are screened at the festival.
Nadine labaki / LÍB 2018 / 123 min
Nuri Bilge Ceylan / TYR 2018 / 188 min
The Wild Pear Tree
04.03 kl 22:00, 06.03 kl 20:00, 10.03 kl 20:00
03.03 kl 17:00, 04.03 kl 22:00, 10.03 kl 21:30
Tólf ára drengur kærir foreldra sína fyrir vanrækslu á meðan hann tekur út 5 ára fangelsisdóm fyrir ofbeldisfullan glæp. Tilnefnd til Óskarsverðlauna fyrir bestu erlendu myndina.
Sinan er ástríðufullur um bókmenntir og hefur alltaf langað til að verða rithöfundur. Þegar hann snýr aftur heim í þorpið sem hann fæddist í þarf hann að mæta óvægum skuggum fortíðarinnar.
While serving a five-year sentence for a violent crime, a 12 year-old boy sues his parents for neglect. Nominated for the Oscars for best foreign film.
Sinan, an aspiring writer, returns home after university hoping to scrape together enough money to publish his first novel. He wanders the town encountering old flames and obstinate gatekeepers and finds his youthful ambition increasingly at odds with the deferred dreams of his gambling-addict father.
Cristina Gallego & Ciro Guerra KÓL 2018 / 125 min
Sergio Umansky Brener MEX 2018 / 108 min
Birds of Passage
Eight Out of Ten
03.03 kl 22:20, 07.03 kl 20:00
03.03 kl 22:15, 06.03 kl 17:30/Q&A, 10.03 kl 17:00/Q&A
Grasræktun í Kólumbíu á áttunda áratugnum blómstrar og er Wayuu frumbyggjafjölskyldan þar í fararbroddi. Þegar græðgi, ástríða og stolt blandast saman brýst út stríð í fjölskyldunni sem ógnar tilvist hennar og hefðum.
Aurelio og Citlali hittast í Mexikóborg yfir myrkasta tímabil í lífi þeirra. Sonur Aurelio hefur verið myrtur og Citlali hefur flúið ofbeldisfullan barnsföður. Spillt yfirvöld í landinu hafa ítrekað brugðist þeim svo þau neyðast til að taka völdin í eigin hendur.
In the 70s, marijuana bonanza hits Colombia, quickly turning farmers into seasoned businessmen and a Wayuu indigenous family takes a leading role. When greed, passion, and honour blend together, a fratricidal war breaks out that puts their ancestral traditions at stake.
Aurelio and Citlali meet in Mexico City in the darkest period of their lives. Aurelio’s son has been murdered and Citlali has escaped from her violent boyfriend. The corrupt authorities have repeatedly failed them, forcing them to take matters into their own hands.
Kirill Serebrennikov / RÚS 2018 / 129 min
Tolga Karacelik / TYR 2018 / 117 min
02.03 kl 17:00, 07.03 kl 22:15
01.03 kl 22:00, 07.03 kl 20:00, 09.03 kl 17:00/Q&A
Ástarþríhyrning í Rússlandi á níunda áratug síðustu aldar. Myndin er óður til sovésku neðanjarðar tónlistarsenunnar. Leikstjóri myndarinnar er opinskár gagnrýnandi Vladimirs Pútín og sat í stofufangelsi vegna skoðana sinna þegar myndin var frumsýnd á kvikmyndhátíðinni í Cannes.
Þrjú systkini, sem vita ekkert um hvort annað né föður sinn heitinn, bíða í tyrknesku þorpi eftir eftir því að fylgja föður sínum til grafar. Því meira sem þau komast að um föður sinn og hvort annað því meira komast þau að því hver þau sjálf eru.
A love triangle in 1980’s Russia. Directed by Kirill Serebrennikov, an outspoken Putin critic, Leto is a tribute to the Soviet underground rock scene. Serebrennikov was under house arrest while his punk movie musical premiered at Cannes.
In a Turkish village, three siblings who neither know each other nor anything about their late father, wait to bury his body. As they start to find out more about their father and each other, they also start to learn more about themselves.
Lucrecia Martel / ARG 2017 / 115 min
Chang-Dong Lee / SKÓ 2018 / 148 min
06.03 kl 22:20, 09.03 kl 20:00
02.03 kl 21:40, 05.03 kl 19:30, 08.03 kl 22:00
Zama, spænskur liðsforingi á nýlendutímum í Suður-Ameríku, bíður eftir að vera fluttur á nýjar, virðulegri slóðir. Sífelldar niðurlægingar og pólitískir leikir grafa undan geðheilsu hans og leiða hann til ofsóknaræðis og lostafullrar hneigðar.
Sendillinn Jongsu rekst á Haemi, kunningja sinn úr æsku. Hún biður hann um að huga að kettinum sínum á meðan hún fer í ferðalag til Afríku. Þegar hún snýr aftur kynnir hún Jongsu fyrir dularfullum ungum manni, Ben, sem hún kynntist á ferðalaginu.
In a remote South American colony in the late 18th century, officer Zama of the Spanish crown waits in vain for a transfer to a more prestigious location. He suffers small humiliations and petty politicking as he increasingly succumbs to lust and paranoia.
Deliveryman Jongsu runs into Haemi, a girl who once lived in his neighborhood. She asks if he’d mind looking after her cat while she’s away on a trip to Africa. On her return she introduces to Jongsu an enigmatic young man named Ben, who she met during her trip.
Hsin-Yao Huang / TÆV 2017 / 102 min
Luis Ortega / ARG 2018 / 118 min
The Great Buddha
El Angel
08.03 kl 20:00/Q&A
02.03 kl 20:00, 04.03 kl 17:30, 06.03 kl 22:15
Pickle og Belly Button eru bestu vinir og starfa báðir við illa launuð störf í bronsstyttuverksmiðju í Suður-Taívan. Þeim félögum leiðist eitt kvöldið og ákveða að kíkja á myndefni á öryggismyndavél yfirmanns síns. Þeir uppgötva leyndarmál og í framhaldinu fer af stað fáránleg atburðarás og Buddha stytta úr verksmiðjunni flækist inn í.
Byggt á sönnum atburðum, El Angel veitir innsýn inn í árið sem raðmorðinginn Carlitos, ungur og myndarlegur maður, framdi ótal glæpi og hrottaleg morð. Myndin gerist í Buenos Aires á sjöunda áratugnum og hefur vakið sérstaka athygli fyrir vel heppnaða leikmynd og tónlist sem veitir myndinni hressandi stemningu þrátt fyrir hryllingslegt innihald. Myndin var tilnefnd til ótal verðlauna og verið sýnd á mörgun virtum hátíðum, þ.m.t. Cannes.
Best friends Pickle and Belly Button work low-income menial jobs in a bronze statue factory in Southern Taiwan. Feeling unfulfilled and bored one night they peek into their boss’ dash cam footage and accidently discover his unspeakable secret. As a result, a ridiculous chain reaction is triggered, and even the statue of Buddha, ready to be sent to a religious festival, is forced to play a role in this chaotic situation.
A teenager embarks on a murderous crime spree with a friend he hopes to impress. It is inspired by the true story of an Argentine serial killer in the 1970s. The movie has garnered attention for its stylistic sets and up-beat music that gives a happy-go-lucky vibe to such horror filled content.
The celebrated Taiwanese director Hsin-Yao Huang will join us for a special screening and Q&A session of his first fiction feature film The Great Buddha +. A film that has won numerous awards in its home country and has been screened at many notable film festivals including Toronto International Film Festival.
Heimildamyndir Documentaries The following festival films are documentaries, screened in collaboration with Reykjavík Shorts&Docs
Jon Blahed / SVÞ 2018 / 73 min
Jean Michel / FIN/FRA 2017 / 93 min
Maj Doris
Angel of the North
01.03 kl 18:30, 05.03 kl 18:00, 10.03 kl 20:00
02.03 kl 22:15, 07.03 kl 17:30/Q&A, 09.03 kl 17:30/Q&A
Við fyrstu sýn fjallar myndin um sérvitra gamla konu sem vinnur fyrir sér sem hreindýrahirðir. Smám saman verður okkur ljóst að þarna fylgjumst við Samísku fjöllistakonunni Maj Doris, djúpvitri og heillandi goðsögn í lifanda lífi. Maj hefur ferðast um gjörvallan heiminn til að kynna menningararf þjóðar sinnar en leyfir okkur hér að skyggnast undir yfirborðið og kynnast því flækjum þess að vera sterk listræn kona, fyrirmynd og baráttukona fyrir varðveislu frumbyggjamenningar.
Eitt mest dáða málverk Finna er ber heitið Særði Engillinn, sem sýnir tvö börn bera engil á milli sín á börum. Verkið er sveipað dulúð þar sem höfundur verksins fékkst aldrei til að útskýra boðskap þess. Myndin leitast eftir því að skilja áhrif verksins í öllum hornum Finnlands með því að velta upp spurningum um mannsálina, dauðann og tilveru engla. Depurð, von, húmanismi og norrænum Shamanisma er hér hrært saman í tilraun til að leysa gátuna á bakvið Særða Engilinn.
In this beautifully composed documentary, we first see an eccentric old woman taking care of a herd of reindeer in the northern part of Sweden. Gradually, it becomes clear that this wise and highly charismatic person is Sami actress and artist Maj Doris, a folk legend who has traveled all over the world to promote the cultural legacy of her people. It’s a contemplative and multifaceted film that explores topics such as the preservation of indigenous cultures, strong artistic women and the complexities of being a role model.
A 1903 Finnish painting shows two children carrying an angel on a stretcher. This image is an enigma because its author has never explained it. Today, The Wounded Angel is the Finnish population’s favourite painting. To understand the image’s power of fascination, the film investigates all round the country. It questions the mysteries of the human soul, of death and the existence of angels. Melancholy, hope, humanism and nordic shamanism come together to resolve the enigma of The Wounded Angel.
Marcus Lindeen / DAN 2018 / 97 min
Jennifer Baichwal / KAN 2018 / 87 min
The Raft
Landvernd kynnir Anthropocene: The Human Epoch
02.03 kl 18:00, 06.03 kl 20:15
Árið 1973 ráku fimm karlar og sex konur yfir Atlantshafið á fleka sem var hluti af vísindalegri tilraunarannsókn þar sem rannsaka átti félagsfræðina á bak við ofbeldi, árásargirni og kynferðislegt aðdráttarafl. Þessi kvikmynd er sagan á bak við þetta óvenjulega ferðalag. In 1973, five men and six women drifted across the Atlantic on a raft as part of a scientific experiment studying the sociology of violence, aggression and sexual attraction in human behavior. The film tells the hidden story behind what has been described as ‘one of the strangest group experiments of all time.’
Matt Tyrnauer / BAN 2018 / 98 min
Studio 54 01.03 kl 17:30, 08.03 kl 22:30
Stúdíó 54 næturklúbburinn var skjálftamiðja hedonisma á sjöunda áratugnum. 39 árum eftir að rauða teppinu var fyrst kastað yfir heilagan þröskuldinn fáum við að sjá raunverulegu söguna á bak við frægasta næturklúbb allra tíma! Studio 54 was the epicenter of 70´s hedonism – a place that not only redefined the nightclub, but also came to symbolize an entire era. 39 years after the velvet rope was first slung across the club’s hallowed threshold, we get to see the real story behind the greatest club of all time!
04.03 kl 20:00
Anthropocene: The Human Epoch er þriðja myndin í heimildamyndaröð um hóp alþjóðlegra vísindamanna sem eftir 10 ára rannsóknavinnu halda því fram að nýtt jarðfræðilegt skeið sé runnið upp: Mannlífstíminn. Anthropocene sameinar list og vísindi til að bera vitni um eitt mikilvægasta og skelfilegasta tímabil í jarðsögunni. Myndin hefur verið sýnd á kvikmyndahátíðum TIFF og Sundance og er sýnd á Stockfish í samvinnu við Landvernd Umhverfisverndarsamtök sem fagna í ár 50 ára afmæli sínu. Nánar er hægt að kynna sér verkefnið á A cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive reengineering of the planet, Anthropocene is a feature documentary film from the multipleaward winning team of Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky. Third in a trilogy that includes Manufactured Landscapes (2006) and Watermark (2013), the film follows the research of an international body of scientists, the Anthropocene Working Group who, after nearly 10 years of research, are arguing that the evidence shows the Holocene Epoch gave way to the Anthropocene Epoch in the mid-twentieth century, as a result of profound and lasting human changes to the Earth. At the intersection of art and science, Anthropocene witnesses, in an experiential and non-didactic sense, a critical moment in geological history — bringing a provocative and unforgettable experience of our species’ breadth and impact.
Sprettfiskur Shortfish Shortfish is Stockfish’s short film competition. All the films have Icelandic premieres at the festival. The winning film will be announced at the closing ceremony - Sunday March 10th. The winner receives 1 million ISK reward in equipment rental from KUKL. The judges this year are: Alissa Simon programmer at Palm Springs IFF, Steve Gravestock programmer Toronto IFF and Wendy Mitchell film critic at Screen. From a number of submitted films, the following were selected to participate in this year’s competition:
Stimuli Director: Viktor Sigurjónsson Producer: Atli Óskar Fjalarsson & Viktor Sigurjónsson A day in the life.
Blood Mare (Blóðmeri) Director: Dominique Gyða Sigrúnardóttir Producer: DRIF A young woman breaks free from violent circumstances and goes on the run with her friends. In the short film Blood Mare we hear the silent but loud cry of women in a harsh world.
The Menu Seasick (Ólgusjór) Director: Andri Freyr Ríkarðsson Producer: Behind the Scenes Telma and Baldur work on a small fishing boat in Breiðafjörður. They are under a great pressure from the owner of the boat that demands a profit. On this day they are not focusing on his agenda. They are focusing on a personal unfinished business that will make waves.
Kanarí Director: Erlendur Sveinsson Producer: Helga Jóakimsdóttir Vala and Benni are leaving Reykjavik for a simpler life in the countryside and are struggling to find a common ground about what their future holds. Their journey comes to a violent stop when they get into a head on collision with another car.
Director: Atli Sigurjónsson Producer: Atli Sigurjónsson & Nick Gonzalez Thomas and Jane are trying out a new and mysterious restaurant to spice things up in their relationship, but the menu might be more than they can chew on...
XY Director: Anna Karín Lárusdóttir Producer: Anna Karín Lárusdóttir Lísa, 15 years old, has a big secret about her body and medical history. When Bryndís, her childhood friend re-enters her life Lísa realizes how little she really knows about herself.
+354 497 1000
Physical Cinema Festival Physical Cinema Festival is a platform for short films, documentaries and video installations. The selected works are bordering on physical performance, visual arts, sound and cinema. The films and installations in the program are innovative and refreshing in their approach. Some films have challenging storylines, some are abstract, other installations deconstruct or render a poetic experience of space. Innovative and experimental kinetic use of the body and camera play an extremely important part in the process of creation. Concepts and ideas represented in the works are mutual and communicate in a nonlinear way. They all have in common to move and thrill us inside out
Video installations 28.02–10.03 kl 18:00–23:00 / Front room / everyday
Topologic, Slave until #1, Klavs, Bird, The rehearsal (audio), Facercise, Perfect Fridgeir, Most real death, Flight from the city and more // the installation program is at the venue //. Live performances and off program screenings will be announced at the venue Bio Paradis during the festival.
Shorts,videos and docs
Program 1
Program 2
All this can happen
Rhythm is it
01.03 kl 20:00 / Bíó Paradís / Room 2
04.03 kl 20:00 / Bíó Paradís / Room 2
All this can happen, Vanities, Come closer, Migrant bodies, Freya Olafsson #1, Snow.
Rhythm is it, a documentary.
Program 3
Program 4
Nature of things
07.03 kl 18:00 / Bíó Paradís / Room 2
10.03 kl 18:00 / Bíó Paradís / Room 2
Madri de figli Padri de figli, Gatha, Sonder, I hate dancing, Freya Olafsson #2, Outside in.
Slave unit #2, Boy, From the soil, Buzz, 7x7, Freya Olafsson #3, Psychography Icelandic Love Corporation.
ViĂ°burĂ°ir Events
In addition to great films, Stockfish also offers many interesting events during the festival’s Industry Days. These events are geared towards filmmakers and film enthusiasts alike. All events are open to all and free of charge. Each event offers a fresh insight into the current state of filmmaking, both locally and around the globe.
Nordic Female Filmmakers Meeting Point The Nordic female filmmakers “Meeting Point” at Stockfish Film Festival is organized in collaboration with WIFT in Iceland. The meeting point will take place on the 2nd of March in Bíó Paradís & Hlemmur Square.
NFF Meeting point PARTY 02.03 kl 18:30, Hlemmur Square / Free
After the panel, Hlemmur Square invites all attendees to a NFF party with finger food and drinks. A great opportunity to continue the discussion, network and have fun!
NFF Meeting Point PANEL
Works in progress
02.03 kl 16:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 2 / Free
05.03 kl 16:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 2 / Free
“Breaking in Without Burning Out” This year’s panel will focus on gender equality issues in the Nordic filmmaking industry, with emphasis on solutions and opportunities. Including the concept of special fundings for low budget films, such as the New Danish Screen scheme.
Do you want to see what kind of projects Icelandic filmmakers are working on at the moment? We invite everyone to come and see sneakpeeks from current Icelandic film projects and hear from the filmmakers themselves. A unique chance to gain insight into the world of Icelandic filmmaking.
Confirmed panelists are: Camilla Stroem Henriksen (director) (NO) Lilja Snorradóttir (producer) (IS) Selma Vilhunen (director) (FIN) Annika Hellström (producer) (SE) Moderator: Tara Karajica, film critic & journalist
Festival Talk with Martina Petrovic:
Press Strategy Seminar with Wendy Mitchell 07.03 kl 16:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 2
Wendy Mitchell, Nordic correspondent and contributing editor for Screen International, will talk to directors and producers about their press strategy. Topics covered include: how to get the best film stills, when to hire a publicist, a social media strategy for your shoot, how to handle a bad review and much more.
‘Iceland and Croatia Our Success Stories’
06.03 Time TBA, Bíó Paradís / Room 2
Martina Petrovic is the Head of MEDIA Desk in Croatia. In her talk, she will compare the successes of Croatian and Icelandic film and television, specifically regarding withdrawing funding from the MEDIA TV programming scheme. Martina believes that being so far away from each other, we can share our know-how in order to foster our strengths and jointly address our challenges.
Documentary Masterclass with Luciano Barisone
Music Supervision Masterclass with Jonathan Finegold
01.03 kl 15:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 2 / Free
08.03 kl 16:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 2 / Free
Luciano Barisone is a journalist, film critic and film-club host. He directed the Visions du Réel documentary festival. Luciano will host a Masterclass about documentary cinema as an act of creation and the unclassifiable film. That is, films that don’t obey to the law of the market but will always have an audience regardless. They are important, because they show us a possible way to film The Invisible.
Music supervision & licensing is a vital part of the film industry and an important aspect for any film producer. Jonathan Finegold is the founder of Fine Gold, a licensing and music publishing company. Following Jonathan’s talk on music supervision there will be a brief panel discussion with other representatives from the field on the subject.
Makeup Design Masterclass with Ásta Hafþórsdóttir 09.03 kl 13:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 2 / Free
Ásta Hafþórsdóttir is a notable makeup designer who has worked on many major Icelandic films in the past as well as various Norwegian films. In her masterclass, she will go over the preparation and research process for her design in the film The 12th Man and demonstrate how to achieve one of her designs.
Manu Delago “Parasol Peak” Concert, Special Screening and Q&A 06.03 kl 18:00, Bíó Paradís / Room 1
Manu Delago er einstakur tónlistarmaður frá austurríki sem sérhæfir sig í hang (handpan) trommu og hefur spilað með þekktum tónlistarmönnum á við Björk og Ólaf Arnalds. Á síðasta ári gaf hann út stutta kvikmynd og meðfylgjandi plötu sem var öll tekin upp í alpafjöllunum. Í myndinni leiðir Delago sjö manna teymi tónlistarmanna í ferð um fjöllin og taka þau þar upp frumsamda tónlist hans innan um sláandi fallega náttúru. Á þessum sérstaka viðburði mun Delago taka á móti gestum með tónleikum, þar á eftir verður kvikmyndin sýnd og í kjölfarið mun Delago svara spurningum úr sal.
Pioneer of the hang (handpan), captivating musician Manu Delago has released an aweinspiring and unique movie and accompanying album. In the film, Delago leads an ensemble of 7 musicians on a mountaineering expedition in The Alps. Along the way, the group perform a collection of brand new compositions in different locations, at varying altitudes. During this special event, Delago will play a live solo concert followed by a screening of the film and a Q&A with the creator himself. ATTN. Festival passes and discount cards can not be used for this event.
ATH. Ekki verður hægt að nota hátíðarpassa né klippikort á þennan viðburð.
1. March Friday
2. March Saturday
3. March Sunday
4. March Monday
Room 1
17:30 – Studio 54 98
17:00 – Leto 129
17:30 – Stupid Young Heart 102 Q&A
17:30 – El Angel 118
Room 2
18:30 – Maj Doris 73
The Raft 97
17:00 – The Wild Pear Tree 188
Two Little Italians 94
28. February Thursday
Room 1
OPENING FILM Brakland 19:30
19:40 – Phoenix 86 Q&A
19:30 – Girl 109
Frumsýning Taka 5 91
Landvernd kynnir: Athropocene 87
Room 2
OPENING FILM Brakland 19:30
Physical Cinema 1
El Angel 118
20:30 – Another Day of Life 86
Physical Cinema 2
Room 3
OPENING FILM Brakland 19:30
Room 1
The House That Jack Built 155
21:40 – Burning 148
22:20 – Birds of Passage 125
The Wild Pear Tree 188
Room 2
Butterflies 117
22:15 – Angel of the North
22:15 – Eight Out of Ten 108
Capernaum 126
Gestir Guests Like every year the festival invites filmmakers from all over the world to attend the festival as the festival’s guests. This year guests from different parts of the world with different roles in the film industry will attend the festival. Most of these guests will attend a Q&A
screening of their film, participate in a panel or conduct a lecture, workshop or festival talk. Information about these interesting and talented guests and their involvement in the festival can be found on the festival’s webpage,
Q&A = A representative from the film answers questions at the end of the screening / TBA = To be announced
5. March Tuesday
6. March Wednesday
7. March Thursday
8. March Friday
9. March Saturday
10. March Sunday
17:30 – Holiday 93 Q&A
Manu Delago “Parasol Peak”
17:30 – Angel of the North 93 Q&A
17:40 – Girl 109
17:00 – Butterflies 117 Q&A
17:00 – Eight Out of Ten 108 Q&A
Maj Doris 73
17:30 – Eight Out of Ten 108 Q&A
Physical Cinema 3
17:30 – Angel of the North 93 Q&A
Physical Cinema 4
Sprettfiskur frumsýning
20:15 – The Raft 97
Birds of Passage 125
The Great Buddah 102 Q&A
Stupid Young Heart 102
Capernaum 126
19:30 – Burning 148
Capernaum 126
Butterflies 117
Dogman 103
Zama 115
Maj Doris 73
Another Day of Life 86
22:15 – El Angel 118
22:20 – Holiday 93
22:30 – Studio 54 98
22:20 - Girl 109
22:15 – Dogman 103
22:20 – Zama 115
22:15 – Leto 129
Burning 148
22:15 – Another Day of Life 86
21:30 – The Wild Pear Tree 188
The schedule can be subjected to changes / All non-English speaking films screened with English subtitles
Það er gott að vera Bríó
Ăžakkir Thanks Stockfish Film Festival is made possible with the collaboration with these great sponsors.
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Starfsfólk Staff Festival director Marzibil S. Sæmundardóttir Bíó Paradís Executive Director Hrönn Sveinsdóttir PROGRAM Program and Events Manager Rósa Ásgeirsdóttir Interns Dagbjört Brynjarsdóttir & Lóa Sunnudóttir GUEST OFFICE Guest coordinator Ársæll Sigurlaugar Níelsson Interns Viktoría Cognome & Inna Noisette VENUE Venue manager Hildur Jakobína Tryggvadóttir PR & PUBLISHING PR & Publishing Manager Áslaug Baldursdóttir Intern Álfheiður Richter Sigurðardóttir The festival is also eternally grateful for the contribution of the many volunteers who work for the festival.
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