2010 SMC Yearbook

Page 1

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The Year in Review



63- 66

1 - 25

■ International

67 - 68


■ House Reports

69- 74

■ Middle School


■ The Arts

75 - 101

Senior School


■ Sports

102 - 137


■ Photos

138 - 159


■ Junior School


■ Boarding

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2010 will be remembered in many ways! Our year 13s came up with the words "celebrating our past; creating our future" and this has been the theme of many of our major school events this year - the year St Margaret's College turned 100. We have used the metaphor of ROCKS Relationships Of Courage and Kindness Strengthen to represent our special community. None of us ever expected that we would be shaken into our centennial celebrations this year! The events of the September earthquake have changed this year for us all and through this time our St Margaret's family has stayed strong. Never more apt has been our theme of ROCKS where truly we have all gained strength from the relationships of courage and kindness around us.

over Labour Weekend ...

We started Term 4 this year in a marquee as we await the future plans for the restoration of our chapel. The rain and hail came down and we will never forget that day. The church is where the people are and we are here - our school has always been and always will be about people.

"Our centenary is the time to reflect on the past 100 years and to celebrate and give thanks for the vision, the hard work and the lives of those who have gone before us. We will acknowledge those who have contributed to creating the special college we have today.

I have chosen some words from my welcome speech at the official opening ceremony of the centennial celebrations

It is also time to look to the next 100 years and the challenges they will bring - to look ahead and plan with

excitement and a passionate belief that what is good and true and pure of heart will be long lasting and that the legacy that is St Margaret's will be blessed and still flourish at the turn of the next century. Every one of us will have different memories of our time at St Margaret's - the low and sad times, the failures and the achievements, the challenging times,


happy joy-filled times


the lifelong friendships we


made. This is the end of an era. the end of 100 years - an indelible chapter in our life stories. A little

and a mother. Our hope for her and for the future of our

piece of this special

country is that she will live her life in service leadership,



and in the care of her fellow citizen and her planet, and

will remain in our

through this she will find true happiness and fulfillment.

hearts always.

This has been the unfailing mission of our founders and all who have governed and taught in our school over the

Everyone current students, teachers





parents, and

last 100 years. We are all guardians, custodians with a solemn duty


responsibility to uphold the vision of our forebears

Board members have

holding simultaneously the beacon to light the way for

a duty to preserve the

our future. We hear a lot about light at this time of year

best of the past while bringing innovation and forward

with the lighting of candles at the Leavers' Eucharist and

thinking practice into the education of young women.

during the candle lighting ceremony of the Founders' Day

We are responsible for their education and for providing

service. The light shining out represents the light that St

a campus which will facilitate the teaching and learning

Margaret's girls bring to the lives of others. Many will

of a new era and weather the years to come.

meet and reminisce this year and many new lights will be rekindled. May we all "kindle the light" that is our St

Our St Margaret's girl of today will be living and leading

Margaret's College - past, present and future.

us into the 21st century - she will be a provider for and of the next generation of New Zealanders as a leader

God bless St Margaret's:'

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As I write my chairman's report we are about to celebrate the school's centenary

Trust Board Chairman



weekend. It is a time

and the building project has almost been completed. Stage one of the Stephanie Young project involving the

for us to reflect and look back on the past

enlargement of the Ngaio Marsh Theatre and the upgrade of the Stephanie Young Building (including the toilets!) is

and to focus on our

progressing and we plan to have the working drawings



completed by March 2011. The Foundation has been

in educating girls for the next one hundred years. It is hard for us

launched and the challenge for St Margaret's College in the coming years is to obtain the necessary funding so we

to comprehend today that it is only in the last one hundred years that girls' education has been valued. As Bishop Julius said to the girls at the opening service of the school in 1910 'without education you may as well be cabbages in the

can implement our Campus Development Plan. We welcome three new Board members who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our Board; Mr Brent Bartram joins our finance committee, Mr Quin Henderson our property committee and Mrs Kim Rutter is our Synod representative. Mr Peter Allen, Reverend

back garden: This is still true today.

Amanda Neil and Mr Bruce Miles have completed their terms on the Board and we thank them for their

Over the last one hundred years St Margaret's College

outstanding contribution to the Board and support for

has gained a reputation

the school over the last few years.

for excellence in academic

achievement. The majority of our income is spent on teachers salaries and professional development as we know that this investment will retain teachers who are at the very top of their profession. Two teachers who are


The focus for the Trust Board this year has been the implementation of stage one of the Campus Development Plan. The cafeteria and courtyard have been redesigned

retiring from St Margaret's this year, Miss Jill Kerr and Ms Marilyn Copland require special mention for their long and outstanding service to the school and for their commitment to achieving excellence in each of their

Thank you to my fellow board members, Mrs Simpson and the staff of the school. I have enjoyed working with you all this year and appreciate your hard work and commitment to the school in what has been a very memorable year. We have a lot to be thankful for as we look back on our past one hundred years and look forward to the next.

fields. I wish them both a long and happy retirement. I would also like to thank all the parents and caregivers as 'the year of the

within our school community who continue to not only

earthquake: No one will ever forget Saturday, September the 4th and being woken up at 4.35am. Schools in

support their children but also the school. I have enjoyed

Christchurch were closed for a week and St Margaret's


2010 will also be remembered

College suffered significant damage. We are well insured and are confident that the school will be repaired as soon as possible. Special mention and thanks must be given to Mr and Mrs Simpson, Mr and Mrs Wyeth, Mr Peter Welham, Mrs Jo Brady, the leadership team and Mr Peter Carroll and the maintenance staff who all worked tirelessly to ensure that the school could be opened safely and that the community was kept informed.

meeting many of you at various events throughout the

Congratulations to all our students for your fantastic contribution and achievements during the year. I am constantly amazed by your successes over such a wide variety of activities. Finally I would like to wish good luck to all the school leavers with the next chapter in your lives. How different your lives and opportunities are to those who left this school one hundred years ago. Bridget Thomas Trust Board Chairman

I Well whatafantasticwayto

finish 2010with our wonderful

Throughout the year the committee has worked tirelessly

centenary celebrations. It was a fun and sometimes a very

in planning for the centenary celebrations.

moving weekend where we not only had time to catch up

Early in the year we appointed Annabel Shand to be

with our classmates but also to reflect on the lives and

our financial adviser. We have appreciated the expertise

work of those who have gone before

she brings to our committee. At

us and acknowledge the

our AGM held in November we


they have

farewelled Bridget Carr and Katie

made to creating this very

Mortlock from the committee and

unique and special school

thanked them for the work they

we have today.

had done. We also welcomed our new president Sally Vilsbaek and year

three new committee members

we have run our usual

Sarah Templeton, Tonia Bullen



and Juliet Manson.


Bowls, Cranmer


Squares' and





I would





to to





and the Margaritas. Once

OGA committee

again we presented the Old


Girls' Sports Award at the


and the

community, Gillian

school sports dinner. The


2010 recipient was Pamela

Brady, for the support


they have given me


of the




during the past two


the Leaver's Ball held in December

years. I have enjoyed



we welcome





leavers to our Association.

lead such a committed

During the year I have had the

can now look forward

pleasure of joining with the school

to the challenges and

in attending cocktail functions in


group of people. We








and have


lie ahead

as we set out on the

Ashburton, Marlborough



hundred years.


of the


of meeting up with

the Old Girls in those areas. In

In the words of Sister

November we also had a lunch with 21 Old


Girls in Auckland kindly hosted by Sally Mills.



Margaret's continue to stand for all that is best and highest in life:'

The Old Girls' Association donated a 'step' to the school and are in the process of purchasing a sculpture to

Eleanor Burt

celebrate the centenary



This year the PFA wishes to share a letter to the Principal, Management and Staff of St Margarets' College, written by one of our members. The events of September 4, 2010 have affected us all differently. The impact goes beyond damage to chimneys and property throughout our school and city. Indeed the cracks to the paths of our school are a metaphor for the way many people feel at the moment; relatively functional, but a bit patched up while just below the surface things are quite unsettled.


I have been privileged to get an insight into the efforts invested to ensure the safety of students and staff throughout the campus from the J~.h .. f.700731.8 moment the quake hit. At 4:35am on Saturday morning the boarding staff, our principal and every other onsite St Margaret's employee burst into action. Some staff had the foresight to grab a robe to keep warm while others had to grab a few more garments(!!!). All acted entirely selflessly with impressive urgency to protect the Boarding girls.

leadership responsibilities have been joined by teachers, administrators and even the partners/husbands/wives of our staff to barrow sand, level bitumen or complete the most basic cleaning functions. The idea of a 40 hour week has been enthusiastically abandoned. We, the families of girls at St Margaret's College, have entrusted our most precious 'asset' to the school. It is hard to imagine a greater responsibility than that which the carries. school You have acted with compassion, sensitivity and an authoritative poise which has inspired the confidence of us all. On behalf of all the parents and our community, I extend the thanks and appreciation for the aroha and wholehearted dedication to the safety and best interests of our girls. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Only when it is truly dark can you see the stars." Well, there have been some very dark moments recently, but the skies of St Margaret's have been ablaze with our stars.

CLt-itth«ry C«~t.

Following the quake, it is clear that no job has been too big or small for our humble and committed staff. Those with

Thank you. Andrew McGill, PFA member

We have two significant farewells ahead of us. Marilyn Copland,


Jill has devoted most of her teaching life to St Margaret's


and she is also an Old Girl. She

Academic, and Jill Kerr, Head





of Music, have both announced

and is a fount of knowledge on

they will be leaving us at the

many things

end of the year. Both will leave

is fitting that she chaired the

enormous gaps in our daily lives

History Committee

and routines, both have very

the writing of the history book

high standards of excellence and

for the Centenary, a seven year

both have made a significant



this year has been exceptional

to the college in

their own unique way.





IB, beginning in the same year!

to oversee


Each performance

has provided a cameo of her -


introduction of both NCEA and


The choir singing


undertaken. Marilyn

St Margaret's.



her integrity, creativity, hard


f/«ri't,,~ c,,,(,.___,,(

work and the constant striving for perfection. She is a legend!

This was a huge undertaking and her guidance and calm, analytical approach has been steadying as we have come


We look forward to elaborating further on Marilyn's

understand and deliver the intricacies and demands of

and Jill's time at St Margaret's in the Summer Edition of

both systems. She has guided so many students on their


academic pathway, so has had a major impact on their lives and their futures.

Chris Wyeth Associate Principal


ur centennial year. Over two years in the planning and a significant event in our history. From the 100 photograph of our students, "the way we wore" day, to

After the outstanding production of The Sound of Music, some staff elected to perform a play loosely based on this (very loosely!) on House Day. Nadine Allen always creates

"The Sound of Music'; we had planned to celebrate our beginning and our growth along the way.

something amazing and though we try our hardest, we do not always reach the level of excellence expected! We

Our Year 13 students used "rocks" as their metaphor -

certainly have fun trying though and the girls so enjoy seeing us in a different role.

Relationships Of Courage and Kindness Strengthen. We as a staff adopted them too. We didn't know what was ahead of us then!

"Dancing With The Staff" was a new and challenging innovation this year. The staff involved worked extremely hard over a few weeks (some may say too few!) under the

It is the people and our interactions that make our staff -room such a special place. Therefore, it is with some

guidance of student coaches, to produce an outstanding array of different genres, performed to a 'full house' of

sadness that we farewell staff from our midst. At the end of last year we farewelled Andrew Taylor, Physics teacher,

family, friends and students. A very scary thing to do but they did it professionally and expertly. Sam Fazio-Smith,

and Julia McKerrow, Dance teacher, and we thank them for the dedication and service. Jo Morrow, Director of Boarding, worked tirelessly to introduce better systems

the overall winner, brought the house down with her extremely athletic hip hop performance.

and structures and we wish her well in the future. Lyn Kennedy, Head of English for many years, retired at the end of the year too. Lyn has left a huge legacy to aspire to

Entertaining but meaningful professional development at the start of Term 3 reminded us that while we have different personalities we can work to each other's

with her high standards and academic rigour.

strengths to enhance the 'team: Friday Frolics used the playful, powerful, peaceful and precise categories

Through the year we have also said goodbye to Angela Mitchell, Boarding Administrator, and Callum Arnold

mercilessly, but we all appreciated a good laugh at ourselves!

who relieved in the Art Deptartment. Anne-marie Plummer, Music Department, left at the end of Term 2 and we thank her for her expertise and


wonderful work with instrumental music.

The earthquake on 4 September changed our lives forever. Each or us has a story to tell and some are devastating. Staff have been wonderful in coping with the aftermath of this, caring for each other and our girls.

Early this year, we congratulated Michael Sharp and

Tonya Low on their marriage and wished them every happiness in their life together.

The Centenary celebrations at Labour Weekend have been a highlight. The campus was alive with the sounds of laughter and excitement as friends recognised and greeted each other, and they reminisced on days past. It

It has been exciting to meet the new arrivals to the Buhrkuhl, Newton, Elena, Parsons and Welham families.

has been a privilege to be involved in these celebrations

Unfortunately our roll will not be boosted a great deal in

and humbling to hear the stories of our past, merging

the future because of the predominance of boys! This year we welcomed Darren Atkins, Physics, Sada Donovan, English, Candice Egan, English and Dance, Fiona Hartland, Spanish, Viv Milsom, English, Rebecca Morris, English, and Nicky Lowe, Learning Support and Lynette Hurley, Foundation Manager.

over time to create who we are today. Our story is simple yet complex. The vision of our Founders is still embedded in who we are today and we trust this will endure for another hundred years. Chris Wyeth Associate Principal

Sall Bit Executive Principal Mrs Gillian Simpson, BSc, Dip Tchg, Dip Edu Man

Staff Mrs J Allan; Miss N Allen;

Associate Principal Mrs C Wyeth; BSc, Dip Tchg Pastoral Care

Ms K Anderson; Miss S Ashton,

Leadership Team Ms M Copland; MA, Dip Tchg, LTCL, C.O.P. Psychology Deputy Principal Academic Mr G Belcher; BA (Hons), Dip Tchg Deputy Principal, Staff

Mr D Atkin, Ms H Bryant; Mrs E Buckler; Ms M Buhrkuhl;

Head of Junior School Mrs P Sheldon; Dip Tchg; Primary Year 6

Mrs N Carson; Mrs L Chambers;

Head of Middle School Ms A White, Dip Tchg, BEd

Mrs K Chittock;

Bursar Mr Peter Welham, B. Com (Hons), B Compt. C.A

Mr B Clarke;

Development Director Mrs Jo Brady; Dip Mktg, Cert. DMA

Ms N Coventry; Miss S Donovan;

Chaplain Rev Peg Riley; BA, Dip Tchg

Mrs P Double; Miss N Douglas; Mrs R Drummond; Miss C Egan; Mrs S Ellis;

College Nurse Mrs A Beeney, RGN Counsellor Ms Deborah Mcfadyen, M.A Psyc (Hons), NZPsS Deans Mrs S Harlow;

Ms L Chong; Mrs J Laney;

Ms L Williams;

Miss D Lean;

Mrs S Fazio-Smith; Mrs S Flewellen; Mrs R Fraser;

BT ChLn, Dip Tchg, HOD Health Dean - Year 13 BPhEd, Dip Tchg, HOD Physical Education Dean - Year 12 BA, Dip PE, PG Dip Vit/Oen, Dip Tchg, Fitness Co-ordinator Dean - Year 11 BPhEd (Otago), Dip Tchg, Physical Education - Associate Head of PE Dean - Year 10 B. Tchg (Hons), Middle School Year 8, Technology Dean - Year 9

Careers Advisor Ms A Archer; MA (Hons), Dip Tchg, Careers, Lifeskills, RE Dean of International Students Miss C Chambers; BA, CELTA, Dip Tchg

Mrs F Harland; Mr J Harris; BA, Ms P Henriksen; Mr J Hermans; Dr S Hickford; Dr S Hossbach; Mrs F Iglesis; MrMKauKau; Miss J Kerr;

Mrs T Keys;

Ms F Laffey: Mr Gavin Leighton;

BHSc, B Theol, English BA, Dip Tchg, History, Social Science BA, BFA, Dip Tchg, MT TchLn Degree, HOD Art BA, Dip Tchg, French, HOD International Languages BSc (Hons), MSc, Physics, Science Coaching and Netball Co-ordinator BA Hons, PECE, ATCL, Drama, French MFA, Dip Tchg, Photography and Art BSc, Dip Tchg, Science, Chemistry BEd PE, Dip Tchg, PE Health Lifeskills Dip Tchg, CELTA (Cambridge English Learning and Teaching to Adults), Junior Year 4 BA (Joint Hons), PGCE TEFLA English, ENSS BJL 1BJapanese, Japanese BA, Dip Journ, Dip Tchg, English, ENSS Dip Tchg, Primary Year 5 Dip Tchg, Year 3 BFA, Dip Tchg, PE Health Lifeskills BA, B Tchg, Dance, ENSS Dip Tchg, Middle School Science, Mathematics BSc, Dip Tchg, Geography, Social Sciences BA, LTCL, Dip Tchg Mathematics BA, Dip Tchg; Middle School Year 7, Science Y7 Bed, Dip Tchg, Spanish Dip Tchg, Maori Dip Tchg, Dip Home Economics, HOD Food Technology Dip Tchg, NZCE (Mechanical),TIC Graphics, BSc, MSc, PhD, Music PhD, MA, French BA Grad Dip Tchg & Learning, MEd, 1B Spanish Kaumatua (Maori Adviser) MusB, LTCL, LRSM, Acert CM, Hon GCM, Dip Tchg, AIRMT, HOD Music NDBE, Dip Tchg, Dip Business Studies, Digital Technology, Technology Sports Co-ordinator Dip Tchg, Chemistry and Science


Mrs N Leith; Mrs A Lidstone; Mrs L Lightfoot;

Mrs J Macdonald; Mrs L Mackay; DrBMann; Mrs C Marsh; Mrs H McDonald; Mr K McDonnell; Ms J McLaughlin; Mrs D Mellish; MrsSMene; Mrs V Milsom; Ms J Monney; Mrs R Morris; MrsCMutch; Mrs H Newman; Mrs L Parsons; Ms C Rayward; Ms S Rod; Ms A Rossiter; Mrs L Roth; Ms B Rouse; Ms D Scott;


Mr M Sharp; Mrs S Smallman; Mrs S Smith;

Mrs J Strang; Mr M Summerlee; Mrs T Taylor; Dr A J Taylor; Mrs R Tiffen; Mrs J Todd; Mrs PVesty; Mrs Y Wedlake;

BEd, Dip Tchg, Middle S<:hoolY8, Social Science, Technology BSc (Hons), Dip Tchg, Mathematics Com Teachers Cert, Dip Tchg, Dip Info Tech in Ed, HOD Business Studies Bcom, TTC Accounting, Economics BA, Dip Tchg, English BA, BSc (Hons), PhD, FNZIP, Physics BA, Dip Tchg, English, Associate Head of English MA (Hons), Dip Tchg, Ln, History BSc (Hons), PGCE, Mathematics BA, Dip Tchg; English BSc (Hons), Dip Tchg, Mathematics Comm Teachers Cert. Dip Tchg, Director of Sport BA (Hons), MGE, English BA, Dip Tchg, Japanese BA, Dip Tchg, English BSc, M Ed L, Dip Tchg, Maths, Associate HOD Maths BA, Dip Tchg, HOD Classical Studies and History of Art BA, Dip Tchg, History, Social Science BA (Hons), MEd (with Distinction) Dip Tchg, English, Literacy BSc, Dip Tchg, Biology and Science, HOD Science Dip Tchg, TIC Dance BA, Dip Tchg; Senior Teacher Chinese BA, MSc, Dip Tchg, Mathematics Dip Tchg, BSc, Postgrad Dip, Science Dip Tchg, HOD Performing Arts BSc, Masters of Science, Pg, Dip Tchg and Learning, Science B Ed; TTC, Dip Tchg; Middle School Year 7, Middle School Physical Education, FPS BA, Dip Tchg; Mathematics BSc (Hons), Dip Tchg; Biology and Science BPhEd (Otago), Dip Tchg, Physical Education BSc (Hons), PHO, Dip Tchg, LTCL, Geography and TOK BE (Hons), Dip Tchg, HOD Mathematics BFA, Dip Tchg, Art BSc (PE), Dip Tchg, Physical Education BA, Dip Tchg, MA Linguistics, Spanish

MmeMWeiss; French MrsCWood;

MrTWood; Mr B Woods; Tchg; Information

MA, Dip Tchg, Dip Theo(Hons) Strasbourg; Senior Teacher HOD Technology, NZCE (Mechanical), NZCD Int. (Architecture), Cert in Fashion Tech and Design, Dip Tchg, Technology, Graphics ATC, Dip Tchg, NZCB; HOD Graphics, Technology NZCB, NDip Bus, DBEd, Dip Cert Mgt; Economics, Technology

Computer / Technology Technician Mr L Keane; MA Mr B Richardson Mr H Shustak; BSc Technicians Mrs J Isles; Mrs K Winter; Ms A Burt;

Learning Support Mrs C Fletcher Ms P Harvey; Mrs C Lindsay Ms B Steven;

ESOL Ms Mary Dollin,

NZCS, Qualified Technician's Certificate Food Technology Technicial NZLSC, CertPM, Clickview Librarian

BA, Dip Tchg, Learning Support Co-ordinator Btch Ln, HdipT, Dip STN

Dip Tchg, TRINITY, Dip Home Economics

Library Mrs D White; ALAA; Librarian Miss J Borkus; Library Assistant After School Care / Holiday Programme Mrs C Fletcher Speech and Drama Ms T Minns; LTCL, HOD Drama Mrs R Spiers; Dip Tchg; RAD Teachers; Drama Instrumental Music Staff (All Part-Time) Piano BA, BTheo, LTCL, AMusTCL, Mrs M Barrell; AIRMT MFA, BM, Cert. Kindermusik Mrs J Crucian; (USA) Mus B, LTCL (piano), LTCL Ms S Spang; (vocal), AIRMT, RMTh, (London), CPSM, (London) SRATh (London) NZSMT

Piano and Keyboard Mrs D Tovey Flute Mrs D Russell; BA, LTCL, DipLibSch, AIRMT Clarinet & Saxophone Mr G de Lacey; BMus, LTCL, Dip Tchg, AIRMT Mrs C Oliver; LTCL, Cert. Jazz(Polytechnic) Violin & Viola Mrs B Dimitrova, MMus (Perf), Grad Dip TL Cello Mrs J Davey; Mus B, LRSM, AIRMT Trumpet & Trombone Mrs K St Guillaume Voice Mrs J Hewson; MA(Hons), LTCL, LRSM, Dip Tchg Guitar Mrs M Wells; Dip Bus Studies, Dip NZMSM Drums Miss J Hix Administration Miss W McPhail Mrs Y Gallagher Mrs T Fleete Mrs M Garbutt Mrs J Burrell

PA to Executive Principal Office Manager School Secretary Receptionist Secretary to Management Team

Business I Accounts Office Mrs K Jenkins Financial Assistant Mrs C Laughton Financial Assistant Mrs N Sales Assistant to Bursar Development Office MrTNash Mrs T O'Sullivan

Mrs T Cartwright Mrs L Hurley

Boarding School Staff Ms H Bryant Miss F Craig Mrs R Ellena Mrs A Hewitt Mrs F Laffey Mrs N Langley Miss T Low

Mrs S Newton Miss K Owen Mrs L Paul

Dip Graphic Design SMCOGA Administrator/ Assistant to Development Director Enrolments, TTC BA (Hons), Foundation Manager

Relief House Manager Supervisor, Kilburn House Manager, Kilburn House Supervisor, Kilburn House Relief House Manager Supervisor, Julius House Manager, Julius House, Dip Tchg Manager, Weekend, Cranmer House Weekend Supervisor, Julius House Weekend Supervisor, Kilburn House

Catering Mrs P Moore Heather Khan Kristina Dodd Tracey Bain Heather Adcock Angela Hayward Chris Roberts Mike Lester Amanda Hall Sally Hayes Dot Curtis Sonja Lurajud Archives Mrs G Pickles,

Catering Manager

BA, Archivist

Maintenance Staff Mr R Derry Mr A Badger Mr P Carroll Mr S Lavill Mr A Douglas Mr R Hill Cleaning Staff Sharon Harman Tuupo Scarlett Sandra Purdon Peter Jarvis Trudy Dury Shona Dixon Carol Street Leanne Turner Beverly Bennett Ryan Sales Christine Manahi Chontelle Harman Karen Jenkins Maggies Mrs L Wright; Ms D Thomas; GAP Students Rhiannon Price Rebecca Hope

Cleaning Supervisor

BSc, Shop Manager BSc, Assistant Shop Manager

It has been another busy year for the Business office as

The Development Office has had another massive year -

well as the Maintenance and Cleaning teams. A huge amount of work was done to

particularly so with the centenary celebrations.

make our campus look great

Three Evergreens, the Year Book and the history book

for the centenary weekend and this is evidenced all around

have been some of the key publications produced by the dedicated team. Open day, regional events, expos, the


centenary celebrations weekend and market days were




the freshly painted buildings

also on the calendar. The

along the main thoroughfare. Then of course there has been

team continued to support numerous school events

the dining hall project which will increase the amenity of

including "Dancing With

this area greatly. The best laid plans were somewhat

The Staff" and the sports awards dinner.

unraveled however when the earthquake struck. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of my teams in its


aftermath. Many people worked many hours and this is really only the beginning as we plan towards repairing and restoring and in some cases improving our facilities.

office, continues to progress and recently

This process will take time and we will be working hard to consign the quake and its effects to history.



Foundation, which sits within the Development

launched the capital campaign - "Be a star" - to raise $2million over the next two years for the performing Arts and Cultural Centre, the first phase of the Stephanie

Peter Welham

Young redevelopment.


.ii 1~

Jo Brady Director of Development

We have had many changes this year in the dining room.

house common rooms. The girls were wonderful and

With a new entrance, conservatory and deck just about

adapted very well to this big change. I think they quite enjoyed watching TV whilst having their

finished, the dining room will be a great space for boarders and day girls to enjoy eating their meals in.

In Term 4 we catered for many events associated with the Centenary weekend.

As always with renovations there has been a few

This really was a once in a lifetime exciting opportunity for our team to be

challenges. The first three weeks of Term 3 we had only the kitchen to work from as

part of.

the dining room ceiling was getting a wonderful make over. The boarders had all their meals in their boarding

Feel free to contact me paula.m@ stmargarets.school.nz if you have any questions regarding your daughter's food/eating requirements. Paula Moore Catering Manager

Yes another year has flown by! Over this last year we have welcomed into our team Angela, Ryan, Beverley, Chontelle and Christine and we wish them many happy cleaning years at St Margaret's. This year has been very exciting for us with the moving of our laundry and cleaning department to a nice new building which is a great pleasure to work in. We had our official opening on 21 May when Rev Peg Riley did the blessing. Not sure what happened but it rained for days after. A big thanks goes out to the cleaning team for all that they do and extra hours put in to make the college gleam.

Sharon Harman Cleaning Supervisor

If consistency is the key to success then the Administration Office is well on the way to achieving top marks. We have experienced no changes in personnel or roles in 2010 which had enabled us all to grow, develop and improve the ones we already have.

represented by Jennie Burr 11at Dancing with the Staff who proved to be a very athletic cheerleader. The Administration Office is not just a place of work. It is also a place of laughter, support and friendship. What more could we ask for?

Our wonderful team in the Administration Office consists of Wendy McPhail, PA to the Executive Principal, Yvonne

Yvonne Gallagher

Gallagher, Office Manager, Tracy Fleete, Secretary,

Office Manager

Michelle Garbutt,


and Jennie Burrell,

Administrative Assistant. We all need a challenge, and ours for this year was the introduction of the new student administration system (KAMAR).

Tasks we took for granted had to be re-

learned, new discoveries were made and challenges overcome. The introduction of KAMAR coincided with electronic attendance management which has provided a tighter grip on the whereabouts of our students during the course of a day. The Administration

staff have continued to be fully

involved in school events and have raised the benchmark when it comes to mufti days.

We were proud to be


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This year has been an extremely busy year for the IT department. We have installed

We have set up and installed a new core switch and upgraded the fiber links in

a brand new managed wireless system which has improved the

Student support, Kilburn house,

network coverage and speeds to staff and students with

Julius house and the White house which allows us to provide greater network speeds

laptops. We have also changed

throughout the college.


a new internet


provider and have upgraded to a fibre optic link giving us

To sum the year up we have been occupied with various

fifty times the speed we used to

projects and upgrades and we are looking forward to 2011

have. We have installed a new student management system

and the challenges it will bring. We wish the leavers good luck

which allows us to provide electronic attendance as well

for the future and look forward to seeing the staff and students

as give students access to their learning records.

again next year. Blake Richardson Technician


2010 would have to be one of the most unusual years to have been involved in the maintenance department.

making the grand staircase, gazebo and many other pieces all in-house.

The new landscaping of the Winchester Street entrance

The new laundry is now up and running and working

and memorial garden looked particularly good in time for Open Day now that the gardens are developing and

well, after a lot of planning and ground preparation to accomodate it.

maturing. Work on the new addition and renovation Keeping the grounds looking good during

of the dining room is almost complete

winter was difficult this year as most

opening onto a large courtyard. This will look stunning when landscaped and

lawns suffered with

finished, the amphitheatre which is part


of the project, will no doubt be a much used space in the summer months.




cloudy skies and no sun. Peter and Steven pulled out all stops to get the "Sound of Music" production stage props ready in time for opening night,

and involves a conservatory and verandah

The earthquake which closed the college for a week was a stressful time for all with many water leaks to be addressed and bricks to be removed off site. Ray Derry Head Groundsman

The Junior School year started out extremely well having

Camp week for

many exciting prospects for the year. We began by

Year 9 was in

learning the girls' names very quickly, and introducing

first term and the

the kindness cup and litter bear.





split It

The Junior School theme for the year was service. Some

was a great way to

activities throughout the year included a mufti day on

throw the girls out

Valentines Day to fundraise for the Haiti earthquake, a

of their

treasure hunt at school, leading into one at Quail Island

zone, to undergo

dressed as pirates, where we saw some wonderful views

new challenges and

of the Peninsula.




The girls travelled We had a baking and hot chips sale for lent, which




exceeded $300. A sleepover for years 5 & 6 was held for




the 40-hour-famine, fundraising 'a night without Mum




and Dad: raising exactly $550, which exceeded our goal

days in the cabins

of $300.

completing activities


M,~,I(,, sct:.ool

both inside and out. The Junior School has had a wonderful, busy year: The


girls are very productive and work extremely hard. Mrs

from team building

Sheldon and the junior school teachers have been very

exercises such as cooking dinner, to a character-building,

cooperative and support of our activities which has been

several-hour hill hike to complete the day with an



interesting swim in a thick mud pool! The main aim of this week was to get the girls to know their peers, meet

Georgia Pinckney

various girls in the year group and form new friendships. Our local school Year 9 and 10 dances are always main highlights for the year. Dressing up in fluro outfits, getting ready at one another's place and meeting many people from other schools around Christchurch. Another big event for the year is preparing for our own St Margaret's Junior dance. Organising tickets, drinks, photographer, DJ, a coat area, decorations and all the little things to make the night run smoothly. Emma Silva


The Community


this year was just as

rewarding as we imagined it to be.

were the briefing for the 2010 Development Committee,


inter-school organisations we had our hands full with Amnesty International SADD.



combined for a week in Term

and we certainly didn't miss a single one. Covering all sorts of events from the Senior Ball to Open Day to Centenary events, we, along with Mrs Jo Brady, busily planned the details of each event, promoted them whether that may be in the school community or further afield, and finally, but not in anyway the least, we certainly

3 aptly named SADD-NESTY Week where Amnesty chalked

made each occasion a party.

the school with candles and statistics and SADD ran

Our first assignment was a centenary cocktail function

a highly competitive quiz between tutor groups with mocktails as a prize. Not to mention an entertaining afternoon of playing with beer goggles. Our community also jumped at the chance to bake for the SPCA cupcake


Planning, promotion and parties were the "three p's" that

at which the Development Committee donned archived SMC school uniforms to mark the beginning of our school's 100th year. Promotion of the school was achieved with the help of many staff, girls and old girls, when we hosted the largest Open Day to date. The Senior Ball was most definitely our greatest "party" occasion and was held in the Hotel Grand Chancellor's ballroom with the incorporation of a sit-down supper and

day. There were amazing designs made from the committee, elephants, bees and even an octopus! •1hese were

simply themed as an elegant, classic

readily snapped up and we made a fantastic profit.

cafe gifted a Tiffany and Co bracelet for "Most Elegant''. The committee

Our greatest achievement of the year

attended an Old Girls' Association luncheon as servers in their second

though, was organising a family dinner for the Ronald McDonald House. When

appearance girls.

ball. Michael Hill Jeweller donated a lovely jewellery set and Meshino

as 1950s-1980s school

the time came for us to eat with the families we all agreed it was a very humbling experience

As centenary weekend drew closer, a themed mufti day

sitting with people who were going through such tough

"The Way We Wore" was planned. This day involved a

times and yet could still put on a brave smile and thank us for a meal.

fashion show of uniforms worn throughout St Margaret's

This year has been memorable and rewarding. A rich mix of fundraising and promoting great community groups within the school. We would love to thank the wonderful people that have helped us during this year, Peg, who gave us great ideas and opportunities to speak to the school, and our dedicated committee that never failed to take the initiative and lend a hand. Jordan Vanderklei

history and a competition was run where girls won prize packs for the best outfits. Photos from this event, where current girls mingled with some of our oldest Old Girls, were printed in various newspapers. Although our school campus has been somewhat injured by the earthquake, the Centenary weekend ran as planned and definitely made this year a very memorable one to be part of. We have thoroughly enjoyed our roles as Heads of Development this year. Thank you to all members of the school community who have helped to make the events of this year wonderful. Pippa Thomas and Hannah Port

The pinnacle of nerd fashion was awarded to two Year 13 girls, Jamie de Jong and Juliet Sewell. The Red Blazer for Academics is a highly sought after garment and very few girls receive this award. We were ecstatic to see our idea had spread widely when during a bit of study procrastination we found a younger student, proudly proclaiming on her Facebook page that 'Smart is Sexy: Over the last 100 years of St. Margaret's history, the popularity of geek-wear has been rising and falling like

We hope that the

a sinusoidal wave. Ascending to the heights of fashion in

next hundred years

2010, we knew that this year was going to be a good one.

produces as many

Our mantra for our centenary year had to encapsulate our

stylish scholars as

personal paradigm: not only is smart cool, but SMART IS

we have witnessed





centenary One


The first modeling of just how sexy 'smart' is, came

message to the girls:

with the presentation of the Silver Tie awards in March.

whip out your nerd

Thirty-three girls in total received the award, twenty-

glasses for another

five from Year 12 and eight from Year 13. All of the girls


gained an Excellence endorsement in Level One or Two




year and

always smart is

sexy! Manuka proved to be the sexiest house, winning both the junior and the senior Brainiest House competitions.

Rose Bolderston & Melissa Chester


Later in the year the finale for Environment Week, a

goal, as St Margaret's

College's first senior

Environment Committee, was to promote


recycling within the school and

show, had a wonderful turnout to

get the students more enthused

support those involved and some



fantastic creations! Hopefully this

Ellerslie Flower Show provided

is the beginning of a SMC tradition!

the opportunity for SMC to share

Finally the committee

some environmental thoughts for


a wonderful exhibit in the show

College to mark the very special

by One Earth Matters. Further

year and, although it had to be

activities included a "Litter" for

planted without

much aplomb,

a "Lolly" day and "Fresh'; the first


of the


event organised by Youth River


will mark

Action Christchurch




with which



gifted a

tree to St Margaret's

this special

members of the committee were involved, clearing nearly 200kgs of rubbish from the Avon's banks.


Kirsten Allen and Alex Batt


Two thousand and ten is the big centenary year and has brought together to celebrate St Margaret's College past along with the beginning of a new era. It has meant the best


A new initiative was the introduction of the Head of Chapel Prefect position. This allowed student leadership in one of the key areas of the school community. During the year the committee has worked to provide support and assisting with the planning and running of the chapel. This has been a positive initiative for St Margaret's College. My goals as Prefect this year have been realised and I believe a change has been noticed. One of the key goals was to bring to the weekly chapels variety and age appropriate, with the introduction of the Year 10 committee. It has allowed the middle school to take leadership within the school chapel services. They were able to bring their ideas and fresh approach to help within the regular services. Peg introduced me to the Nooma series of DVDs early last year. These are fantastic resources.

about proverbs discussed in the Bible. The presenter

Finally I would like to thank the community as a whole

Rob Bell goes in depth to explain and explore the often-

for the giving of themselves and commitment shown in

unclear messages and brings a personal anecdote to the

Chapel this year. However, most of all, allowing myself

story also. Throughout the year there has been a lot more

and the chapel committee in middle and senior school to

personal involvement in services. We have had bands

bring change and variety. I would also like to thank the

play, guest speakers, teachers sharing their journey along

committee for their endless hard work and dedication to

with other student involvement. This has been great to be

the year, Mr Kau Kau for his enthusiasm and continued

a part of. Over the last year the Chapel has been a place

commitment to the spiritual hauroa of the St Margaret's

that has not only celebrated the students and staff of the

College community, Miss Kerr for providing hymns and

school but has also been able to provide a continued

music every week, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Wyeth and Mrs

service for other such significant events for those in our

Harlow for allowing me the privilege to lead the school in this manner this year. Most of all a very special thank

extended community.

you to Peg, through her wisdom, support, strength and of the

utter love for God, the school and myself, I feel that I have

earthquake it has meant that our beloved Chapel

taken a leaf out of her book and in return been

has been out of use therefore we have the gym

given something so much more

and large marquee as our new places of meeting.

and precious. Peg

After the earthquake I was concerned that the

has given me a lot

special feeling of community bond that is felt

of strength during






in lhe Chapel would be lost by the move. On


the first day back, as we all congregated into



the gym, I then realised that our community

She encouraged me a




has the security no matter where we are


placed and the heart of the school is where

with God, that is the


we all are at any one time. This devastating

greatest gift.

event has really shown how close we are as a community and the strength that is within.


100 runs in a century,

Christ's College Year 13s with our unique gift, and we also

100 cents in a dollar, 100 years of St Margaret's

had the introduction of various new activities, including the

College. Each single part of these milestones

grand opening of "The White House'; a water fight between

is so important, and 2010 was no exception. We hit running Brisbane

the ground after our Conference,

where we set the goal of developing a strong foundation of relationships to increase school spirit and involvement, and used the skills we had learnt to motivate and inspire our year group, with Prefects Camp and Year 13 leadership training as our first pursuits of 2010. Our theme for this year was "embracing our past, creating our future''. We


felt this epitomised what we wanted to achieve as a year group and a school community. We wanted to reflect on

the Year 9s and 13s, as well as a chant competition. We now have a school chant to accompany Maggie to all our school events, who has been very busy continuing her many outings. Our Prefects' assembly in Term 3 provided the school with a real-life exert from a day in the life of a Year 13, and bought up some valuable issues including getting through the Beiber fans in the hallways and how Year 9s can make friends with their senior role models. The Prefects took on their male counterpart 'Monitors' from Christchurch Boys' High in a game of netball, which is

the past 100 years, remember how far we have come as

becoming an annual affair. With the goals being few and

a community, but also look to the exciting opportunities of the future. A rock was chosen as the symbol of Year

far between, and the score line looking more like a hockey match, we were unlucky not to come away with the win,

13 for 2010, as it shows strength, and as each rock is

even with some extremely unbiased reffing!

different, this represents the individuality of each person in our community.

Many thanks must go to our incredible Prefect team, who

This year has been packed with events, including the excitement of the inter-house competitions, and the firstever centenary-based occasions. The athletics heats were

have worked tirelessly the entire year, and made it the success it was. Also, to the leadership team Mrs Simpson, Mrs Wyeth and Mrs Harlow, who have enabled us to dream big, and fulfill everything we wished to achieve in

a great way for the Year 9s to settle into their tutor group and get to know all the other girls in their house. The


traditional swimming sports and athletics day were also huge successes, with some exceptional performances from individuals, teams and houses overall. Valentine's

"The rock is an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, but a

Day was another highlight, where we presented the

Nicole Lloyd and Emilie Simpson

stepping stone in the pathway of the strong:'

I meetings into the last term. Hopefully we will be able to try again next year. Chess has been very popular at school and I accompanied a group of keen chess players from Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, to Selwyn House for competitions in July. Our teams did very well, winning certificates and medals and all were a credit to the College. The Middle School Library Committee,

consisting of

Jess Bucknell, Amelia Marsden, Moira Mackenzie and Yet another year has flown past and our statistics show

Robyn Beddard, arranged our best Book Week ever. This

the library is busier than ever. It is very reassuring to see

was held from 31 May to 4 June. Maggie Bear joined

so many of our girls with a genuine love of books and

us for a week of fun and games which included making

reading which will hopefully be with them throughout

bookmarks (with glitter everywhere), our own "Wearable

their lives.

Art" competition, brilliant guest speakers, dressing up, puppet shows and lots more. The Committee also took

We have had a fantastic team of pupil librarians in 2010,

part in a book-buying trip and at the time of writing, are

mainly from our Junior School. They have been








hard issuing and returning books

for our younger girls.

as well as handing out jelly beans.

Jess, Amelia, Moira and

All have been a pleasure to have in


the library - thank you for working

very hard

so hard and I hope to see you all as

and have spent many

librarians again next year.

of their lunchtimes in

have worked this year

the library planning our events. I really appreciate their hard work, dedication and above all, the laughs that

we have had

together. Many











magazines and newspapers to us during the course of the year. We really appreciate your generosity. A very special thank you to Miss Borkus once again, for all her support. We are, of course, somewhat the worse for wear after the earthquake, but all our resources are still accessible and we are getting used to walking with a permanent list! No doubt 2011 will be more challenging than many of us Our Book Club started well in the first term with some

previously anticipated!

fantastic discussions and debates, but study commitments have meant that it has been difficult to continue our

Diana H White Librarian


One hundred years on and St Margaret's girls are continuing to prove their worth in words and argue to the last point. 2010 has been an historic year for all of St Margaret's and debating in particular has flourished

on the Canterbury Development Squad. This is a simply incredible achievement for Zoe as places on this team are highly sought after; yet more evidence to prove the high level of debating that is thriving at St Margaret's College.

amongst the hype of the centenary year celebrations. I must make special mention of the staff team of Jenni McLaughlin (as TIC and with the Year 10s), Sarla Donovan (with the Year lls) and Chris Rayward (with the Year 9 girls), whose continued leadership and passion has been undeniably invaluable. This year, debating at all levels in the school has received huge interest from girls and staff alike and renewed interest in this "sport" has contributed towards excellent results.

The CSDC (Canterbury

Schools' Debating Council)

competition runs throughout the year and provides many opportunities for girls of all levels to experience a "real" debate and benefit from the extensive knowledge of the Canterbury University Debating Society adjudicators. Adjudicators, such as St Margaret's Old Girl Erin Jackson, donate so much of their time to these competitions. The knowledge and experience they give to high school debaters is simply incredible.

The SMC debating club has had record numbers this year, with senior-school girls meeting most Thursday afternoons to perfect their skills and prepare for the many competitions that saturate the school year. It has been great to see the turnout of younger girls to these practices and witness the definite improvement in their skills, speaking fluency and confidence over the course of the year. The annual Winter Quad competition proved to be a huge success with the St Margaret's Year 12 Team of

As many will agree, 13 and 14 year old girls tend to be apt at arguing and the Year 9 Debating Club has done a brilliant job this year of channelling these skills to the debating arena. Alongside senior student coaches, Chris Rayward has helped to form a strong foundation on which to introduce middle school girls to debating. The student coaches also have done an admirable job this year. I was thrilled to see senior girls willing to dedicate their time and effort to others in the school, greatly benefitting both

Madeleine Ashton-Martyn, Georgina Shillito and Zoe

the girls they were coaching and themselves, as teaching is often the best method of learning.

Higgins taking out first place. A huge congratulations goes to these girls whose amazing debating finesse helped

With countless new initiatives such as inter-house

St Margaret's take home the overall Quad Tournament

debating and an Old Girls' versus current girls debate,


I believe the centenary year of 2010 has given way to a new era of St Margaret's Debating. This year marks

Earlier in the year was the Senior Press Debating Competition where St Margaret's was proud to be represented by two teams. Juliet Sewell, Jessica Wedlake

the beginning of a new period in the school's history, a period that will undoubtedly be full of both changes and challenges. As a community we need to ensure we

and myself spent a mentally exhausting yet rewarding weekend debating a huge variety of topics, from Obama to the New Zealand education system. The other team of Madeleine Ashton-Martyn, Georgina Shillito and

empowers girls to use both their minds and their voices thus it is extremely promising to see this sport so alive

Zoe Higgins did a superb job, making it through to the

within the school community.

semi-final round and finishing third in Canterbury. A particular mention must go to Zoe Higgins who wowed adjudicators and audiences alike to secure her a place

Hannah Smith

have girls with the ability to stand up and speak with a cause in order to pave the path of SMC's future. Debating

Head of Debating

On Thursday 20 May, 7pm in the Chapel, a small but eager audience was wowed by 14 very talented young women.

Over the course of one and a half hours we

were challenged and entertained by a delightful range of speech topics and delivery approaches.

preparing the talented members of the Chamber Choir for "The Sound of Music;' of which we had a taste, and

The Myers' Cup Grand Final is a long-held tradition at

Alex Batt enthralled us with her beautiful voice.

St Margaret's College, where every year girls from Years

addition, as Head of English, I feel very privileged working

5 - 13 compete for four separate trophies. Just under 100

alongside such talented, conscientious and hard-working

girls proceed to the second round, the Semi-finals, and

English teachers who help guide our students through

then the Grand Final is a battle between the final four in

this process.


each section. It would be fabulous to see more people come along next Our judge this year, Rev. Carlie Hannah, was most

year - I assure you, the standard of speaking will amaze

impressed by the standard of speaking. As an Anglican

and inspire!

priest and a Rotary member she had not come across such articulate, mature, and intellectual young women.

Ms Chris Rayward

The competition was a tight one, and I don't think anyone

HoD English

envied Rev. Hannah her difficult task of choosing the absolute winner! And so, our warmest congratulations to all the students who have made our competition

so memorable and

worthwhile. Our 2010 winners are: Lyn Kennedy Cup Toomer Trophy

Sydney O'Brien

Year 5

Sophie O'Brien

Year 9

Gosset Cup

Geraldine Roche

Year 10

Myers' Cup

Zoe Higgins

Year 12

I would also like to take this opportunity to especially thank all those people who make this competition happen. Nicole Lloyd was our Master of Ceremonies, Miss Jill Kerr and Mrs Elayne Buckler put many hours


Biofutures High Distinction Awards

This year I was lucky enough to be one of twelve New Zealand students selected to attend the Biofutures

Brittany Neal HanseulNam

science and biotechnology forum in Brisbane. Around eighty students from all over New Zealand and Australia

Sophie O'Brien

gathered for an incredible series of lectures, workshops,

Australian Chemistry Competition

speeches and events at one of Australia's

Distinction: Year 13: Helen Abbey, Hannah Ashmore-Price


Year 12: Megan Chu, Claudia Coates, Joanna Duncan, Alex Fretter, Anna Latham, Kimberley Mackay-Wallace,


universities. I talked to scientists who spent their days developing artificial bone,

out how to regrow a rafs spinal column. of


experiences I had were unnerving (ever seen your own knee under ultrasound?), some were




glow-in-the-dark fish and working


Georgina Shillito Year 11: Samantha Henderson, Madeleine Mark, Caroline

High Distinction:

Year 13: Jamie de Jong Year 12: Sarah Bush, Ella Hawthorne, Zoe Higgins, Holly McLaren, Aidan Verity Year 11: Caroline Coates, Kimberley Twine Award of Excellence was also gained by Zoe Higgins Canterbury Westland Science Fair

astonishing, and all of them were incredibly good fun.

The following students gained prizes at the Canterbury

Biofutures was a fantastic opportunity to see cuttingedge research and to meet other students with an interest in biotechnology and bioengineering. I would definitely encourage anyone interested in science to apply for

Westland Science Fair Rachel Robilliard (Y13IB) Christelle Choi (Yl3IB) Emma Alderton (Y8) Amelia Reed (Y8)

Biofutures or any other opportunity that comes up: you will absolutely not regret it. Zoe Higgins ICAS Science Competition Distinction Awards

Year 7: Maria Van Kuijk Year 8: Emma Alderton, Iris Keizer, Hyun Jee Yoon Year 9: Kathryn Jaggar, Hannah Beadle, Gabriella Donaldson Year 10: Abbey Collin, Grace Olliver, Juliet Frost, Geraldine Roche Year 11: Katherine Harper, Alex Staples, Kimberley Twine Year 12: Claudia Coates, Ella Hawthorne, Zoe Higgins, Holly McLaren

Hyun Jee Yoon (Y8)



.• . ' •.



, , 1 ,: ·. , • ' ' d .. I 1 ••

'.,, ! '.."' i'

"The mission of the Award in New Zealand is to have



young people, regardless of cultural, ethnic and socio-

participation in physical recreation and improvement


of performance



in an exciting,

flexible and individually-tailored

programme, to build

skills, identity and self-esteem:'


:, •




This can be any form of exercise (eg, swimming, walking, team

In 2010 there were approximately

sport, dance) that is done on a

120 students

regular basis.


in the

Award at St Margaret's College at the Bronze, Silver and Gold


levels. The Award

encourage a spirit of


is entirely



adventure and discovery

their own activities within each of the four areas and set their

This section involves tramping

own goals. Guidance


is always


available, but the value of this internationally




in huts

or tents

recognised Award


a group

is the challenge that each young



person sets themselves and their

young people. The

persistence to achieve this goal.


There are four sections that must be

on horseback, kayak,

completed at each level:



seven may

also be completed cycle. Training

must be completed SERVICE - to learn how to give useful

prior to any journeys

service to others

to ensure the group is safe, self-sufficient

This is regular service in any area of the

(cook their food, plan

community (eg, assisting children/elderly,


helping at events, lifesaving) or at school


(eg committee, peer tutoring, helping with

work together


group to complete the


carry and can as a

tramp. SKILL - to encourage the development of personal interests and social and practical skills of a nonphysical nature

Congratulations to all the girls who have achieved their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award this year, and good luck to everyone involved in 2011 !

This can be any hobby, skill or interest (eg, reading, singing, art, music, drama). Guidance about the level and

Joanne Monney

presentation is available from the coordinator or website.

Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award Coordinator


YeM 5 WW~

fc ~Vt, Ka,JouM


Cwnf i)I,


' y~6 _ Cwtp,MouM [



- ~~o~

It has been a very busy year for the Junior School participating in many sporting events. Throughout the year we have held very successful swimming sports, triathlon, cross country and athletic sports. Some of the girls joined summer and winter hockey teams and it was


great to have two junior school netball teams again this year. Ten girls braved the cold and ran in the SBS Mara' Fun race on Queen's Birthday weekend. It was great to see the girls practising persistence, taking risks and encouraging each other in all these events.


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In Term 1 the Year 12 Physical Education students took

level of competence and confidence of our Year 12 girls

part in the Learn to Swim Programme with our gorgeous

and made the comment that many of them would go on

Year 2-6 girls, teaching them some valuable aquatic

to make excellent teachers or leaders in any field. It was

skills, ranging from water confidence activities to stroke

very interesting to read the reflections and connections

development work.

that the girls made to possible uses for the interpersonal skills that they developed throughout this unit - in future

We were blessed with some fantastic weather and the

Prefect roles, in their sports teams, at home with family

girls were able to make the most of the time in the water,

and friends, in the work place and in their classrooms.

maintaining focus and enjoyment as they worked through the activities the Year 12 girls had planned.

We would like to thank the Year 2-6 Teachers for their cooperation

and willingness

to allow their girls to

This is an assessed task for the senior girls, where they are

participate in this programme and hope that the Junior

observed and given feedback on their communication and

School girls returned to class with many stories and

management skills whilst teaching the junior girls a range

comments of skills learned and fun times splashing in

of water based skills. We were very pleased to see the

the pool!


Middle School, a bright new class, Chasing our dreams to the last,

Our billets from Queen Margaret's came, When we played loads of winter games,

New mates, friendly teachers,

In Cantamaths our girls did swell,

Lots of cool educational features.

They answered every question well.

Different houses and different grounds,

Festival at the Town Hall, what a blast

Different buildings with different sounds,

Kapahaka heritage from our past.

New stationery, uniforms and books,

Pride in our strong performance,

Smart cafe and shady nooks.

Culture living through dance.

ENSS and Mrs Fraser go hand in hand

Extraordinary Old Girl she was best

But without either where would we stand?

MP Kate Wilkinson was put to the test

RE with Peg is always fun

Questions galore from the floor

Getting to know God the Father and the Son.

Whetted our apetite for more.

Camp by train to the Coast was amazing,

Centenary celebrations have been fun,

Photography aplenty and lots of gazing.

We certainly wish they weren't quite done,

Coal, gold and dairy cows too,

So cool that SMC is one hundred years old,

So little tirne and so much to do.

Down our paths many old girls have strolled.

Fundraisingfor the 40 Hour Famine,

We in 7FR look forward to our future

Had us not eating anything (including salmon,)

In such a special community.

Next we were dancing in Jump Jam,

2010 has been a great year of learning but

While Justin flicked pies on his cam.

Most of all we have had lots offun.

Miss Kerr's leaving soon we need to mention, In Choir no talking or you'll get detention!

By Matilde Washington Emerson, with help from Y7FR.

But Music will never be quite the same,


She's a teacher who can turn girls into fame.


Dame Ngaio Marsh Extraordinary Old Girl Dame Ngaio Marsh was born on the 23rd of April 1895. She is an extraordinary Old Girl of St Margaret's College. She was here from 1910, and the school had only been going for 6 months. Dame Ngaio was Head Prefect and a founding pupil. She said: "From the first day I loved St Margaret's:' Dame Ngaio had many talents including writing, directing and painting. She was awarded Dame Of The British Empire and wrote 32 crime novels. She is

On September 8th Year 7LN went to Dame Ngaio Marsh's House. This visit was planned to help us write our 'Extraordinary Old Girls' biographies. Dame Ngaio Marsh loved languages and collected many antiques and mementos from different countries that she visited. Dame Ngaio had a blue wrap chair in her bedroom and Japanese fans scattered around her bedroom, these are just a few of the souvenirs she had around her house. Dame Ngaio lived in London with her mother from 19281931. Aimee, Sophie and Tayla

definitely an extraordinary person. Dame Ngaio Marsh died in the summer of 1982. Emma McClean Awards were evident when we visited Dame Ngaio Marsh's house. She was undoubtedly one of the four "Queens of Crime''. With the University of Canterbury theatre named after her, this amazing person has written, produced and directed wonderful plays, movies and murder mysteries. We are very proud of this former St Margaret's Head Prefect who is inspiring to us all. Molly, Lydia and Sophia

Dame Ngaio's first book was written in 1932 in London on a rainy day. The novel was called ' A Man Lay Dead'. Even though her novels were very successful she never thought her writing was exceptional. In 1978 Dame Ngaio was awarded the Edgar Allen Poe award, this recognised the achievement of writing 32 mystery novels. We saw two typewriters in her house when we visited. One in the "Long Room': and one downstairs. Dame Ngaio is a phenomenal, inspirational example to all students past and present of St Margaret's College. Laura, Lucia, Faith and Aryn


I did not start at the beginning I came in halfway through Where friends were made And friendships formed What was there for me? On that day I walked on board Just before 'term two' end It's clear to me that this would be A place to make good friends

8 L€

A school of girls, a class of girls Seemed happy I was there Although I'm nervous, (that's just me) I felt right home with them all In good old 'BLE' I've made great friends Some more than others It's like I've been there from the start I know the longer that I'm there The more I will become a part Of something rather special


I've lived abroad and made good friends But they were always brief Now we're home, we're here to stay

8 [£

No more travelingfar away I know my friends, the ones made now, Could be my lifelongfriends

We'llgrow each year, we'll laugh (could cry); Share our highs and lows What can I say; I've said it all St. Margaret's is the place for me /fit right in; /feel at home, the only place to be With all my friends, the class of girls, this year in '8LE'. By Zoe Williams

8 L€

Our Class

When you think of how fast this year has past, And all of us, who really had a blast. The things we learned and lessons taught, And all the times we enjoyed our sport. Now we will show who shone like gems, Our whole class! 8SM. There is Emma who is a discus thrower, Eilish who wants to be a rower. Wendy is a great drawer and no one can help but look, Ella is her happiest with her head stuck in a book. Annie loves animals that are really really cute, Hyun-fee is big on brains and Neve can play the flute. Frankie is an awesome dancer and loves to talk all day. Emily's a good baker and also likes to play. Sophie loves to act and she does so very well. Taylah's really funny and truly very swell. Amelia is a boarder with a genuinely loving heart And Quinn is adorable and very, very smart. Ashleigh is very quick at sprinting around the track And Ni-Sha has a knack for things that like to go quack quack. Sabine is a keen writer and wins prizes all the time. Chrisanne is great at soccer and really enjoys to climb. Alice loves to play all different kinds of sport And lzzy's in her happy place when she's on the netball court. Kirsty enjoys to surf along any golden beach, And then there is our great teacher Mrs Smith, who loves to teach. It is hard to believe that this year is really over, But we in 8Sm became closer, than any dog and her owner. By Emma Alderton


• Getting to know Molly and Lucia Hot and squishy. Those two words leave a bad thought in my head. I think of when we got on the bus for the long drive to Hokitika and were forced to squish up against other people. To make matters worse the hot sun was streaming down on us making people sweat. I quickly found a seat and invited Molly and Lucia to sit with me. I didn't really know Molly and Lucia but they looked like good companions. We were a bit quiet at first until I asked them if I could take a photo. After my camera went 'click' we engaged in a deep conversation. Soon it led to laughter and more photos. I was having so much fun that I was glad that it was a long drive so we could hang out together more. Soon Lucia was copying Frankie (Yr 8) in funny accents

Historic Brunner Mine We strongly recommend that next time you visit Greymouth, drop in on the Department of Conservation's Brunner Mine site. Close your eyes and picture the thriving community of Brunnerton back in the 1890s, the Grey River bustling with coal-laden barges and skies smoky with the pollution of the six towering Tyneside chimneys. Crossing the long railway suspension bridge you may be able to just pick out the numerous beehive ovens, turning coal into coke for the smelting industries in Australia and even far away England. At the station, carts of the famous Brunner fire bricks and laden coal carriages wait to be transported by rail to sailing ships docked downstream. This place would never be the same again following that fateful workplace disaster on the morning of 26 March 1896. Rest in Peace the 65 victims of that Black Thursday. Isabella Fanselow, Laura Smith, Roisin Yates, 7FR


and movements. Molly and I could not stop laughing. The best moment was when I accidentally pushed Lucia off the seat and she fell on the bus's floor. She took it as a joke and Molly and I were laughing with her. The bus didn't feel hot and squishy anymore. I was having too much fun to realise all the negative things. I was very happy with the new friends I made. The teachers were right. You really get to know new people at camp. By Aryn Azlan, 7LN



It was a tough life for the sad sods of the gold mining era. As you see we know what it was like to experience it. It was one of the many pairs of shoes we slipped our feet into on the Year 7 & 8 West Coast camp. 8SM

A Moment in Time!

Scrambling through the long luscious green grass, tripping over pebbles and our own feet as we go. Suddenly, we all stared. The cool, salty, sea breeze and gasps of utter amazement were the only things heard in the lonely, isolated silence. As we gazed up into the dimly lit universe, a translucent, mandarin glow began to spread across the horizon. Slowly, the neon light extended over the sky, changing colour every second it unrolled. Purple waves of water crashed like the clapping of a million hands. Then, all of a sudden, the night swallowed up the West Coast. Olivia Mendonca, 8LE

The year for the Year

the Camp, the Concert proved to be both entertaining


and memorable.



with a tremendous experience in being on Camp together. What group

a fantastic of Year 9







and support of us on camp. Many thanks to Ms Archer, Mrs Lidstone, Ms Rod, Mr Hermans, Ms Harvey, Mrs Double, Mrs Anderson, Mr Summerlee and our two excellent Gap students - Sophie Nickerson and Christina

College. They are so supportive of each other, full of fun

Cooper-Dick, and of course the camp coordinators - Ms

and life and willing to "give everything

What did we think about camp? "I have never been with a group of girls who supported

a go:' On camp we

and cared for each other more than these:'

welcomed Mrs and Mr Simpson (with Lily who also gave everything a go!!), and they

Some comments from the Year 9 students:

joined us in activities and watched as we flew on the Flying Kiwi, floated not so gracefully down the river in our Tubes, climbed to new heights on the High Ropes


Camp was made possible by the dedication of a number of staff and we would like to thank them for their time

and they managed to almost avoid the mud bath and we truly appreciated their company on our activities. Although the thought of walking uphill to the Bald Patch seemed daunting, the mud run at the end and splash into the Sylvia Falls made the trip all worthwhile. To support us on this camp, we were also very well fed! Lovely smells from the kitchen wafted out of the Lodge on our return each day, and thanks to our Kitchen Manager, Paula at SMC and Mandy our chef at camp, our appetites were well and truly satisfied. The food at camp was again superb and the choices we had at meal times were great. Apart from two drizzly nights, the weather was mild and this enticed the sandflies to feast on us! We learnt the importance of being prepared for all conditions when it rained briefly while camping out. Our instructors were cool and presented us with lots of challenges and team building opportunities. Winnie the Pooh and the retreat mode in the evenings was a time where we were invited to reflect on the day's challenges and look forward to the adventures we were to face tomorrow. And to round off

Chong, Ms White and Peg.

GG GG It was


good but sometimes you had to walk so far

Food was delicious. Beds c[lt\ wasn't long enough



It was really fun except the d Id nd the san [l [l river was really co a flies were everywhere!



§ed nightline and campout and would love to sleep out m~ev

All Year 10 students had an opportunity to select a winter outdoor adventure, and students selected one of the following camps.


42 students and three staff left St Margaret's for a four day experience in the mountains. Many of the students had not skied before or had only ever been once or twice. The ski field was closed due to high winds on day one so this was a great opportunity to settle ourselves into the Porter Heights lodge, and learn all about putting our skis and ski boots on, without the hassle of the snow! We woke up to a 20cm dump of snow so we had two perfect

days of skiing. The lessons provided ensured everyone could come back to school being able to ski, or at the very least could stand up and attf'mpt to ski down the slope with very few falls! Unfortunately too much snow fell on Thursday night so the field was closed on Friday. Congratulations to all the girls for their persistence and positive attitude throughout the week.

33 girls and three teachers set off for the mountains and Mount Cheeseman ski lodge. The weather predictions were awful and we all wondered if we would ever leave the lodge. However, although we arrived to some wind and snow on Tuesday afternoon we were able to ski all afternoon and get our ski legs warmed up. Wednesday morning dawned with 12cm of fresh snow and a great day's skiing by all. Thursday was the same with mild temperatures and sunny skies. The girls showed great

enthusiasm for skiing and making the most of the conditions by skiing all day long. The lessons and the instructors were loads of fun and during the evenings we

48 girls began with a three hour tramp from Tikao Bay Quarry over the hills and down the valley to the campsite. Encouragement, commitment and laughter would best describe the effort made through mud and soggy farm paddocks to our destination. The next three days the girls went about the activities of abseiling, kayaking, search/rescue, orienteering and archery with much passion, challenging of comfort zones, encouragement and comradeship.

Evening activities were either in competing groups or as a one group providing great laughter for SMC and camp staff. The best night was the final night when each group provided entertainment. There were some hilarious moments with many standup comics. These excellent qualities mixed with laughter and fun made the Wainui Camp special. A big thank you to the staff and especially all the young ladies - you were fantastic.

enjoyed excellent meals and a crazy concert on the last night. All of the girls participated enthusiastically, were highly motivated and were very responsible completing their duties in the lodge. It was a pleasure to be with such fun loving and motivated young women.

Year7 &8QMC

A window. It was only a window. All of us, sprinting to a window. It wasn't the window, however, we were interested in. It was what was beyond it. Seven noses pressed hard against the window may have been an amusing sight from below but our Queen Margaret billets were far too fascinated in the unfamiliar surroundings to glance upwards. We studied them as they turned out of sight and started walking up the staircase. The sound of wheels clicking on the stairs ricocheted through the corridor and we all turned our heads. We studied them further. They were very much like us. A forced nervous smile confused with excitement and nerves. Uncertain actions, nervous


An exhausting sports day involving Selwyn House, St Margaret's and Queen Margaret teams ended with St Margaret's winning the new cup, presented by Mrs Simpson. Queen Margaret College won the basketball and St Margaret's College the netball and


nail biting, awkward s,~il=en:c=e~-~~~~~~~!11•••--But the names were _ called. The wait was slow and menacing until you and your billets names were stated and you met for the first time. We weren't expected to leave hand in hand but we were expected to be friendly like any St Margaret's girl. The first words were the most awkward but it only got easier from there.


hockey. Many games were tightly and fiercely contested. Despite the rivalry that had existed during the competition we were all back to being best friends again and returned home to acquaint ourselves more fully with our billets and show them some real Christchurch hospitality. After a brief prize giving and morning tea on Friday morning we piled into our classrooms to take our final pictures and say our last goodbyes. We all trudged outside, reluctantly, helping with their bags. As they boarded their bus we gave a solemn wave. No sooner had their smiling faces turned the corner we reflected on the amazing time we had with them and the memories we would take away from this exchange. We realised they would, forever, stay our friends. Sabine Keenan

'The Sport of Reading'

Team 1: Olivia Mendonca, Lillian McCormick,

Two St Margaret's College Year 7 and 8 teams competed

Emma Alderton and Isabella Fanselow Team 2: Millicent Ferguson-Wilson, Quinn Watkins,

in this prestigious quiz held at St Margaret's College Chapel on Friday 14 May in what is always an exciting

Emma McClean and Sabine Keenan

and challenging contest.

Rae Fraser - Coach and Coordinator

Participants work in teams of four and it is rather like

"Sweat dripping down our brows as we pondered

watching the Mexican Wave - heads come up, hear

over one of the many challenging questions we had to

the question and then all four heads dive down as the

complete, cheering when we found out our score and

members consult each other in hushed whispers. While these are being marked, Wayne Mills, the Quizmaster

when Lillian received her $5.00 prize, moaning when we found out the answer to an extremely easy question that

(Senior Lecturer in Education at Auckland University)

we had forgotten, posing for photos with Maggie, looking

asks spot questions, involving parents and teachers as

at the expressions on the faces of the 2010 Kids' Lit


Quiz Christchurch Champions! These are some of the amazing times we experienced in Kids' Lit Quiz this year.

The rewards of reading widely will be long-lasting and

Fun for everyone, challenging but exasperating, packed

that is really what the Quiz is all about. It is great to

full of $5.00 questions all at the same time. It really was

see the students go away buzzing about the good time

quite the literature experience of a lifetime and I doubt

they have had too. Congratulations to Redcliffs School

that I will ever forget it:'

who will represent our province at the Nationals. Many thanks to Paper Plus Ferrymead and The Reading Bug for their generous sponsorship of this event.

Olivia Mendonca


Every year the top Year 12 NCEA English students compete for the Storry Writing Cup. The pieces are written in test conditions during the school year, and are judged by an outside writer. This year we have been very fortunate to have the well-known and very successful Christchurch author, Carl Nixon, agree to be our judge. He was most impressed with the standard, but was finally able to select a winner, Elizabeth Ravn. Carl noted that

the best stories were ones where the student wrote about what they knew; that is, their stories were based on personal experience. Included here is Ruby AshworthManning's story which illustrates this point too.

It is winter. A mass of tired old clouds open up and erupt large, sticky snowflakes that cling to each other and sink fleetingly. They aren't white but grey. The whole world is as heavy as lead. Car tyres slip and slide on the icy asphalt, their white fumes rising from exhaust pipes in a smoky mist.

Upstairs, amongst a maze of beige walls and room numbers, you find your room. A new room, like an empty canvas, waiting to be painted with life from a new term. The walls leak memories from past inhabitants, having left their mark in the form of graffiti wallpapering wardrobes and desks. The empty beds, crisp white sheets and stainless floor give an eerie feeling, like the painter has left the most important aspect out. People.

The arctic air surges through the door like an army charging for battle. The sultry air inside halts its approach and forces it to surrender. The air holds the familiar smells of cheap washing powder, bleach and cooking meat. Music is blaring out of speakers, the base vibrating through the old wooden structure. The matron fakes a smile as she greets girls returning for another term. Her familiar welcome becomes less and less sincere as the day wears on. The dense air makes her eye lids heavy like they are filled with lead. Outside, snowflakes dance around the car park as a girl watches her parents' Range Rover speed away. Fat teardrops creep down her face and snowflakes latch themselves to her hair and begin to melt.

Elizabeth's winning piece describes a boarder returning to St Margaret's at the start of a winter term. Her story follows here ...

You prop up the familiar framed photographs of loved ones, their smiling faces trapped behind the glass. Your childhood teddy's glass eyes watch you as if he can sense your nostalgia. You draw his warm, synthetic fur into your face and breathe in his comforting musk. You close your eyes and press your face onto the numb window pane, your breath fogging up the glass. A thousand tons of wet snow slithers down the glass, grey hands with multiple fingers. You wish you were on the outside, like a snowflake, full of beauty and grace that could dance away from boarding house life. By Elizabeth Ravn

Why is it that every time I'm here I cannot draw myself away? Time lies in a glass capsule of peace, happiness. It's here that I've loved, lost and discovered. With friends, family, strangers I've been here. Each time I close my eyes and feel my taonga warm on my heart, I am transported to this picture perfect land. I know the stories of this sacred terrain; the hardships have not gone unnoticed. They did all this for me and there is not a moment that I neglect this. My marae, my ancestry, my future. Through the untamed grass my stride slows. Each grave I pass in the urupa tells a story without speaking. The size of the headstone is a mark of the inhabitor's influence in the community. The grandness of their presence resonates as they stand high above their beloved people, those whom they had led and shared in times of jubilation and desolation. The material of their headstone details their wealth. Not just physical wealth they acquired from working this rich land to provide for their whanau, but the wealth of their hearts. Their hearts of pure gold, which can still be heard beating in the hills, a throbbing sound which never leaves. Through the words solemnly engraved on each stone, I read an eulogy of a life lived, a life lost. But these words depict so much more. The natural beauty, the truth of generosity reflect from each pair of eyes into your own. The chief placed next to a housewife, a fisherman next to a white man. Age, gender, race, respected but not worshipped; status never regarded but unity followed. This was the way of my people, a way

movie. I continue to walk, feeling the cold cling of the wet grass. Yet I am warmed. Death is not preserved in darkness, here, but celebrated. Just like those that lay beneath my feet had done so many times before, I use the rusty tap to wash my hands. I am brought back to reality as I cleanse their loss, pain and happiness off my skin but not from my heart. I take a moment to look out onto the village from this high vantage point of reflection. The sun passes a shadow over the cross next to me and I know that as long as I am here I am protected by a power far greater than can be imagined. I trace the patterns on my taonga, a precious gift from my protector, hung solemnly around my neck, proud and fearless. Made from the bone of a whale, the oldest friend of my people, a warrior of the sea. These carved patterns are as delicate and complex as any puzzle, their meanings the answer to any troubles. Two manaia, ancient protectors of my culture; the faces of my sisters. These are entwined to create a great manaia, the face of my mother whom gave me life, who I owe everything to, who first showed me this place. Beyond these hills I know nothing is the same. The sounds of our people are lost in a warp of ridicule and disrespect. They say the heart never beats stronger than when in the womb. My heart never beats stronger than when I am here; for this is the tangata whenua, I am tangata whenua, we are the people of this land.

that will never be lost. Ruby Ashworth-Manning

Each bouquet of flowers lying crippled on the graves is a vivid splash of colour in what seems a black and white


Apples, rivers, bugs and hot pools. All ingredients of a relaxed yet misleading start to the 2010 12IB year. Looking at the group now, we've come a long way from our timid start to the IB syllabus.

as daunting as it sounded, beginning with an analysis on the perception of paintings. An outline of our extended essay timeline was given to us and followed to varying degrees by the girls. From there, we proceeded to organise our Group 4 projects, which would be carried

Camp was an assortment of unusual events. Instead of ample numbers of outdoor activities such as flying foxes, tramping and muddiness, we sat inside attending class, while the sun shone viciously outside. We took part in a variety of subjects, including our introduction to Theory of Knowledge, which surprisingly wasn't

out later in the year.

Those who were taking Biology received the special

worry about how much further there is to go. 1B has

opportunity to jump into an ice-cold stream full of toe-

pushed us further, with many receiving exceptional

biters and other micro-invertebrates

for collection and

awards, both within and outside the school. The group is

analysis. The remaining girls prepared an exciting debate

close to logging one hundred CAS service hours, which

about the reliability of science, with the affirming team

has also broadened our awareness of the community and

claiming victory. From there, we moved onto a debrief in

the world.

Maths and English. In the former, we made a life-size graph according to heights and in









support both

from peers


and we've






first year, which has

we were introduced to the of




commentaries. Now



we the

head halfway

point of the Diploma, we





valuable. We're looking forward to a



been demanding but also stressful yet exhilarating 2011.


sense of awe at our

Jenny Tang


Megan Chu


Leadership is an important concept of the St Margaret's College ethos. Our girls are given as many opportunities as possible, to recognise and build upon their natural leadership skills. We emphasise that leadership is not about kudos and power, but about serving others in a positive way. With this philosophy in mind, it was decided to introduce a Community Service Day for our Year 11 students as part of the school's leadership program.


Ten organisations from around Christchurch, offered to place our students for the day. These were City Mission, Van Asch College; School for the Deaf, Christchurch City Council Beach and Wetland Clean up, and Graffiti Removal, RSPCA, Orana Park, Willowbank Park, Nurse Maude, and Whitebait TV Studios. In addition six groups

of girls baked at brave parents' homes and took their food to the City Mission and Ronald McDonald House. The Year Group totally embraced the concept of the day and displayed throughout, a positive and enthusiastic attitude. They had fun, they worked hard, and they learnt that no matter how small, each individual's contribution does make a difference! On their return to school, we shared experiences, videos, and photos. The day ended with the year group enjoying dinner together at a local restaurant.

CotNitNi'4 "''iY St.rvi ~ t'

Co"""""" '4 "''fy St.rvi ~

We had a crisp start to the day out at the Adrenalin Forest

everyone had an opportunity to test themselves to a level

at Spencer Park. After a safety briefing we were let loose on

where they felt challenged and satisfied that they had accomplished a personal goal.

the vast and varied activities up in the pine trees. Most of us started on course one and two and progressed upward to more difficult obstacles. As we looked up some 20m in the treetops, course number six was calling a few keen and

The other half of the day was filled with an entertaining, as well as practical, session of self-defense. The introductory


session gave us chances to be empowered,

individuals who

walk confidently and learn how to use our

got a real buzz

voices. We welcomed the expertise of our



instructor Lynda Maindonald who will



continue with the programme later on in



Term 4.

courses have not been conquered but



challenge for the future.

The best

feeling was when

The rustling of sleeping bags, the squeak of mice, the cackle of laughter and the silence of night. The Year 12 Physical Education camp at Boyle River, 29 March to 1 April was again a huge success. The girls were challenged by a number of outdoor pursuits which included initiatives, high and low ropes

courses, rock climbing, walking through the forest in moonlit skies blindfolded, a solo retreat and having to use Habits of Minds to do some problem solving. Words that were used to describe these activities were "fun, challenging, awesome, scary, dangerous, responsibility, trust': It was brilliant to see girls challenging themselves outside of their comfort zones at times particularly in relation to activities involving heights. Some of the main learning outcomes for this four-day camp were to enhance personal and social development - this was evident in the activities we performed, when preparing food, cleaning up the kitchen and tidying up at the end of the four days. It was lovely to hear girls supporting, encouraging and congratulating each other. Highlights of the week were the positive comments the girls made about each other's learning and persistence in activities, Mrs Vesty's fudge, the dance off with Marian College and the reflections made after some of the more challenging activities.

Sometimes great plans get shaken up a little. Well this was the case with our Year 12 camp to Living Springs this year. The earthquake put an end to these plans in Term 3 and what resulted was a wonderful action packed day early in Term 4. The girls duly arrived at the Chateau on the Park for a busy day with Mrs Simpson, Mrs Wyeth, Mrs Mutch and the two senior Deans - Ms Chong and Mrs Harlow. This awesome team delivered a programme that gave the girls an opportunity to self reflect and to develop a vision for the future. The day started with Mrs Simpson setting the scene and challenging us to select an image that meant leadership.

Ms Chong then presented an

activity that caused much stress, frustration and gave the girls an opportunity to demonstrate team work. This highlighted some strengths and weaknesses and drew out some valuable lessons about how our leaders can choose to learn to work with each other next year. Watching the Titanic movie will never seem the same now that we have looked at it through different eyes. We look forward to the student leaders of 2011 and we are excited about our involvement with this year level as they show much spirit and drive to create an environment which is unique to them and for our school as it enters the next 100 years.

Linda Chong and Sue Harlow



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On the 5th of April we arrived at Narita airport, tired, hungry and excited about finally being in Japan after a long day starting at 3:30 in the morning. Luckily the teachers had booked a bus to take us to our first hostel where we would be staying for the next two days. On the first morning we woke up early to a breakfast of toast and tables full of German backpackers before heading off to a temple where we viewed our first cherry blossoms, as we tried to make our way through hordes of people. In the afternoon we went to Shinjuku where we ran around department stores admiring the number of floors each possessed. A subway ride and a short walk later, we found ourselves at the foot of the Tokyo Tower which had amuing views from the top. We then headed to Akihabara the Electrical Town, such called for it's bright lights and large department stores stocking nothing but electronics. We then went back to the hostel to prepare for the bullet train to Hiroshima the next day.

Prior to Japan we folded one thousand cranes, a Japanese symbol for luck, long life and peace. This was placed at the Hiroshima peace park in front of the statue of Sadako. We also walked through the museum where there were stories, photos and remains of buildings and people who were killedduring the atomic bomb. This was an eye opening experience and a great insight into a tragic event that we had only heard of. Following Hiroshima we took a bullet train to Kyoto. Here we enjoyed amazing sight seeing of temples, Zen gardens, Buddha and more Buddha .... Yes, on this trip we saw the world's biggest Buddha statue, and the temple Sanju-Sangen-do where 1001 Buddha statues stand row upon row. Our attempt at counting them failed, as we soon realised there were numerous miniature Buddha on each individual statue. Kyoto was a lovely place where the historical aspects ofJapan were balanced out with the

modern. Kyoto train station was paradise for us teenage

heading home. The next morning we all woke up very

girls with eleven floors of excellent food and amazing

excited with the prospect of Harajuku and Shibuya, both

shopping. One of the major highlights of this trip was

famous for their shopping. The sun was out all day and we

Karaoke, where the teachers were encouraged by the

happily spent it running around the shops making sure

Year 13s to sing some Justin Timberlake and brought

we didn't have any space in our packs for the trip back.

'sexy back'.

Possibly even more exciting was our trip to Disneyland the day after where everyone, including the teachers

After a great tour around Japan we arrived back in Tokyo

relived their childhood days running around making sure

with our backpacks and "impress the family" faces on.

they got on all of the roller coasters. We got to the hostel

Staying with a host family was definitely an experience for

thoroughly exhausted and almost, but not completely

all of us including heated toilets, more than few language

looking forward to the flight back to see our families.

difficulties and a lot of food. We also experienced two days ofJapanese School life at St Margaret's, Tokyo where we visited and participated in many different classes such as English, and calligraphy classes. We also joined the senior cooking class, where we were both surprised and disappointed to be making Pizza. However, we had a great time and saying our goodbyes was a difficult experience involving tears and promises to stay in touch. From there we subwayed to the Tokyo International Youth Hostel where we spent our last few nights before

Julia Noh and Aiko Robinson


Once upon a time in the land o the King on the Clambering i


,,:!~~~'~, .... ·· ·ry godmother, embarked est Coast fantasyland. Cill'l'iages they made their through winding hy to arrive at uth Palace.


the b at the

s on a ghostl round.

next day, they gathered their belongings e carriages heading to the 'humble' abode of the Taylorvilledairy farmer. Mr Robb led the girls around the farm, and showed them the cows flash living and milking quarters. The girls were impressed with his concern and forward thinking in relation to the land. Their adventures ending, they began the long journey back home. Sensing a photo opportunity, the

awoke, put o and set off to Paparoa Outside a sign t right pla il green witc of with a substance more ruby s (1080). After grilling pr stormed outside to gossip p d set off on a trek to the Pa u er of historic rock created a natur beauty.

than e angry

Next, donning hard hats they set off on Adventures train through beautiful forests of towering Podocarp. Arriving at the cave with their knights in shining armour leading the way, their excitement grew. Inside ancient limestone formations made them gasp with wonderment and awe. Glowing worms above their heads reminded them of stars in the night sky.

at of a castle, ey were to ar

The p ses such a joyful an ever after.

at this \fas a fairytale ending to ng ~ ad lived geographically

Lily Batt on bellalfofY12 Geography

There have been many events and activities over this year

Katie Vickers as Head Girl of Boarding along with

to make the Centenary Year in the Boarding Community

Maryem Al Samer as Deputy have provided excellent

a memorable one. These include:

student leadership. They have coordinated the Boarders Council and many of the Boarding events with ease.

The Big Weekend In Weekend Activities Ice Skating

Helen Bryant and Francesca Laffey have fulfilled the role

International Dinner

of Relief House Managers working across all three houses

Easter Baskets

when the House Manager has had a rostered night off.

Boarders' Dance Y9 Cycle Safety

Alison Beeney has held station at the Health Centre with

Yl 1 Cooking Classes with Christ's College

her expert eye at spotting the difference between genuine

Y12 Underground Coffee Course

illness and a someone pulling a "sicky''.

Y13 Restaurant Etiquette Course Visions CPIT Semi Formal and Formal Preparations

Paula Moore and her Catering Team have kept the

Earthquake on September 4

Community well fed with a range of healthy fare.

Dining Room upgrade

Sharon Harman and the Cleaning Team have ensured

Boarders' end of Year dinner

white shirts and clean lodgings. Peter Carroll and the Boys, maintained

However it is the people




really make






what it is

and we would like to acknowledge ....

Sue Newton Head of Boarding


Julius House for 2010 has comprised of: The wonderful Y7-10 Boarders and House Manager Tonya Low, along with her husband Michael, and children Forrest and Coco. Weekday Supervisors, Nicky Langley and Johanna Roper along with Weekend Supervisor, Julia Ealam and then Kirsty Owen have helped the girls settle into the Weekend Routine quickly.


Prep Supervisors, Rhiannon Price and Rebecca Hope have provided extra help to the girls during the evening homework sessions. Julius Girls have said about 2010.... "At the begining of the year we were getting used to boarding and the routines. With help from our Year 13 Buddies we soon got into the swing of things." Ella Greenslade

'The Earthquake really shook us up, to our luck it was on a weekend and a lot of girls had gone home. For those who stayed in we really got shaken but luckily there were brilliant staff on that really helped support us when we were really uncomfortable:•

Kilburn House as been the

time for us to dress up and have a ball,

school home to the enthusiastic

together as a year group. 2010 has

Year 11 and 12 Boarders and

been a great year for us and is surely

House Manager, Ruth Ellena

full of unforgettable

along with her husband Tim,

Anna- Liese Calder


and children Eva and Rocco. "In term 2 it was the St Margaret's Weekday Supervisors, Francis





stunning in their dresses and we all




had a great time although we ended up


with very sore feet the next morning!"


Lyn Paul a








Emma Hammond





Quotes from the Kilburn


about this year... "Rooms




and instead having



own little room you



bedroom with one, two or three others. Sharing rooms like this has brought your old friends closer and your newer friends

"In term 3 the girls in year 12 had the oppourtunity to

close. Being in rooms like this has allowed us to make

take part in a Barista coffee course with Underground

very exciting and interesting memories with each other:'

Coffee. This was a delightful and tasty experience as we

Ruby Hauschild

learnt how to grind coffee, tamp it down and stretch the milk perfectly to make the most of the coffee flavour in

"Every Monday night we would head down the Food

Cappuccino's, Latte's and Long Black's. It was such an

Tech rooms to learn some new cooking skills from Tim

amazing experience for the girls who now know how to

Ellen and meet some new college boys. A very exciting

make a great coffee:'

event for all of Year 11 was our semi formal. This was a

Miranda Fraser

Cranmer odated the Year 13 Boarders and House M-.r ewton with her family Justin, Theo, Leila, Jonah andChessie

"As we o the end of Margaret'sCollege, none of us ea has flown by. With the girls supervising dances, consistently role modeling and encouraging the younger girls, new prayers each night at dinner, noone saw how fast the year was coming to an en~ :We can definiteJ.-ysay thatwe have all hadan amazing year;whereeachof us have rown into ~es and ened~ps iutalife


giving us a what it's going ilcein the future!" otte Timperley middle of the year came around rather quickly with loads growing exceedingly large and many extra ulum activities taking up our time! However Sue all in line and was always there to give us that

One in 100

The St Margaret's College centenary celebrations held

were then on the agenda and the afternoon was rounded

over Labour weekend were definately

a "one in 100"

off by tours to a former school site on Springfield Road

occasion. Over 1000 attended the three day celebration

and through the house of former St Margaret's student,

and many had travelled from other parts of New Zealand

Dame Ngaio Marsh. The more energetic Old Girls played

and around the world to be there. The registration desk

netball against current students and after much debate

opened on Friday 22 October with a constant stream

the game was declared a draw!

of attendees collecting their packs, perusing history displays, purchasing memorabilia, touring the school and

After such a busy day there was barely time to prepare

enjoying afternoon tea. A cocktail party on the Friday

for the centenary ball but those who attended were

evening saw a great blend of past students, current and

rewarded for their effort. A white theme set the tone

past families and staff enjoying themselves immensely

for an elegant and very special evening filled with great

on a wonderfully warm Christchurch evening. Following

speeches, superb food and wine and an amazing band.

the past boarders breakfast in the school Dining Hall

The dance floor was never vacant and the conversations were animated.

on Saturday morning

was the centenary


ceremony. The marquee was filled to capacity and those there witnessed a very special ocassion which

Despite a late night another past boarders' breakfast

included speeches from the Head Girl Nicole Lloyd, the

followed on Sunday morning and then a centenary

President of the Old Girls Association Eleanor Burt, the

Eucharist was held in the ChristChurch

Executive Principal Gillian Simpson and the Trust Board Chair Bridget Thomas. The chamber choir and the kapa

Again, the venue was filled to capacity and the service had been carefully created to capture the occasion. The

haka group delivered flawless and heartfelt performances

final event of the day was a tour to the original school

and the centennial cake was cut by one of the oldest old

building in Cranmer Square, where many of our oldest

girls in attendance (Hope Nixon) and one of the current

old girls had attended St Margaret's.

youngest girls (Leila Newton).


Jillian Kerr, Head of

Music and History committee chair, officially launched

On Labour day a luncheon in the school's recently

the school history book and the story of its journey was shared. Copies were presented to the dignatories

refurbished dining hall was held for past and present staff.

attending. A very special Cope had been designed and

collegial ties to be strengthened and for many memories to be shared.

made for the schools Chaplain Peg Riley to celebrate the

It was a wonderful occasion and great opportunity for

ocassion of the centenary and was blessed by the Bishop, Bishop Victoria Matthews.

As the school song was sung

Two years of careful planning and promotion underpinned

there was barely a dry eye among the past students who

the successful celebrations and acknowledgment must

later described the opening as "moving'; "beautiful" and

be made to the centenary steering commmittee, the Old


Girls' Association, The SMC PFA and the many students, staff, parents and sponsors who contributed to the highly

A morning tea, provided and served by the PFA, followed

memorable occasion - definitely a once in a lifetime

the opening ceremony and the history book was in hot

experience and a privilege to experience.

demand. School tours, decade photographs and lunches Jo Brady Centenary Chair

In the middle of Term 1 it was time for a 'Day Out' for

A highlight of Term 2 for the whole school is the now

all International girls so about 15 International Students

famous International Week when all our International

climbed into the school vans and went with Miss

girls take part in a variety of cultural performances


Chambers & Ms Dollin on an outing around the Port Hills

give presentations

taking in Lyttelton, Sumner Beach and Taylor's Mistake.

snacks' and special treats to their Kiwi school mates.

about their country or sell 'exotic

The weather was really kind to us with loads of sun and

For the school boarders the International

a warm day .

means the promise given by the school kitchen of preparing a variety of delicious 'International'

Week also foods for

sale in the canteen during the week. The kitchen was also charged with organising the annual 'International Dinner' which was held in the boarding house and was as usual a fantastic gastronomic success!! This extensive meal coupled with the boarders 'International


Parade' meant a fantastic evening was enjoyed by all.

57 First we were able to enjoy a picnic lunch on Sumner Beach amongst the lovely garden areas along the Esplanade. Then many had a paddle in the rather FREEZING sea at Taylor's Mistake where a number of girls went well above their ankles in the icy cold water! Others however, chose to have a swing or try the climbing equipment at the playground area nearby. Many of our girls will NEVER forget the seagulls at Sumner Beach!

For their Term 3 'International Club Adventure' a bunch of semi-reluctant girls braved what was expected to be a cold and wet afternoon and putting on warm clothes walked to the Antigua Street boatsheds to try their hand


at 'canoeing on the Avon: Surprisingly for all concerned it was a lot of fun and adventure - as Thao discovered when she paddled into the riverbank and got stuck amongst the over-hanging reeds!! Angel and her companion on the other hand paddled into the distance around many far corners ahead before they decided to turn back and join us at the end. To beat the cold we then strolled to the Art Centre 'food court' where the hot drinks and dishes thankfully warmed everyone up!! And so Terms 1, 2 and 3 involved a variety of adventures and entertainment for our Club members .....Term 4 with the promise of loads of hard work in preparation for school and national examinations looks rather bleak in comparison!!

Roll on the Summer Holidays and the prospect of 'HOME' for all of our girls from overseas. Chris Chambers

What a Ko-ko-ko-Nini-Nini-Nini

year it has been!!!


shining through,


the theatre

Purple Gang-Star Magic was our theme for 2010, we

sports! Konini enthusiasm shone and the cheering was

are all purple superstars and together we make a gang


of stars.

topped this with our Purplerella play, showing what

which was absolutely fantastic! We then

purple superstar gang-stars we are. We are so proud of Our purple year started off with swimming sports, where

all that effort and talent, gaining second place! Yeehaa we

we splashed our magic in the water, winning overall!!

were House Day winners overall!! Congratulations girls!

Woohoo! The participation from the whole House was fantastic. Especially with purple zinc?!

Term 3 started as we hit the slopes for House skiing and snowboarding, kicked

having a wonderful time and getting


athletics at


Next was rowing, huddled together in the tent to cheer our girls on while they busted their guts over 500m on the erg. The effort was tremendous. This year we have given Konini purple





whole House, made by the lovely Year 13s, to remember an amazing 2010! Thank you to all of Konini for a fantastic

year! Your spirit,

enthusiasm and amazing talent was On another date the whole school gathered


incredible! What

magic, jazz and

superstars you all are! Good luck for

QEII to compete and

next year and remember that you are

this was a time for

all purple gang-star magic!

Konini's star athletes to show what they've got




did that. We came an awesome fourth place. At the end of a busy term





celebrated a




This also gave Konini girls another chance to bond. House chapel led to the major event for the year, House Day. The afternoon started off with our purple

Sorcha Peren and Rachel Best


Welcome to Kowhai!

This year has been all about everyone being themselves and participating in all activities during the year. We chose a lion, Roary, as our mascot. We did this not only because we are loud and proud and full of spirit, but also to help us concentrate on our strength. We started the year with house athletics and swimming, where we gained some good results.


Throughout the year, we kept ourselves busy with whole-house activities. Everyone's favorite was our Easter Egg swap, where we each bought a chocolate treat to swap with someone else within the house. This was a great way for the entire house to be involved, and the tutors also took part. It was a great bonding activity and a way for younger and older girls alike to get to know one another more.

Peer support this year was a great success. The year began with simple games to break the ice and to build confidence in Year 9. This helped to create a good base for the newest members of our house to develop as a group. There was also a Year 9 and 13 trip to McDonalds which helped the Year 9s to feel more confident around the senior members of the house. Then there was the most important day of them all: House Day! Our house play was about a confused girl in love starring Danielle Daly-Lemon. The whole house performed wonderfully, showing the school that being yourself is very important. Our efforts paid off and we came third! We must not overlook our theatre-sports team who placed second and had the audience captivated with their comic skills. Well done everyone! We've had a great year and thanks must go to everyone who is part of the amazing house that is Kowhai!! Helen Abbey and Annabel Morris

Manuka's mascot this year is ZUMBA the zebra which represents Manuka's theme individuality, as


skiing and snowboarding teams showed off their talents and reaped great results.

no zebra has two

We cannot forget the incredible performance



of Manuka's house play which dwelled on the

Our aim this year

2010 motto "Celebrating our past, creating

was to boost house

our future:' This was a successful event, as the

spirit in Manuka,

whole house got involved to pull off such a

which we led with

dramatic event that took first place.

a zebra-styled Year

On the parallel Manuka took to the ergs

13 costume,



their talents in yet another

helping to achieve


second place at house Athletics day.

home third place










be truly





in rowing.




for the spirit they

which included the unforgettable "fashionably

have contributed

late" chanting entrance of Manuka. This was




followed by the outstanding results at athletics,

year. We believe

where with the help of ZUMBA, took out

that this year we

first place. This was an amazing day and the iceblocks went down as a

fulfilled our goal on bringing house spirit back into

well-deserved treat.

Manuka, would

The academic side of Manuka took over at the annual

which not


been possible without all of you.

brainiest house competition during



To the Year 13s, WOW, your support

where we yet again showed

and contribution


Manuka this year has been truly



to the success of

both the junior and senior




of Manuka, keep the house spirit of

off was the pizza party

Manuka forever rising and above all, have fun!


that followed our zebrathemed


To the future leaders


which had the biggest turn


out Manuka has ever seen.

Jessica Benton

Taking to the slopes our

Matipo house has had a great year with a consistently high level of achievement at all events. Our focus on participation has been evident at all events and has greatly aided our success.The Year 9s had a great relationship with the senior peer support leaders and a very close bond was formed that has continued and developed through the year.


The athletics heats day in the first week of school was a great opportunity to gain house points and our awesome participation shone through with Matipo coming third. On athletics finals day the Matipo team were fantastic at combining their house spirit and talent to produce an overall amazing day with Matipo gaining second place overall. More success was achieved at swimming sports in week 2 with a lot of enthusiasm shown by the whole house, especially the younger house members, and was an awesome opportunity to practice our new chants. The Matipo Chapel this year was centered around the theme of participation. The chapel was aimed at being

inviting to everyone including the parents who were entertained by the old favourite 'Brown Eyed Girl~ Matipo performed extremely well in the house academic week coming a close second in both senior and junior quizzes. Theatre Sports this year was a comical and very entertaining event. The Matipo girls stepped up to the challenge under trying conditions and were greatly rewarded. The results of these girls' efforts added to the achievements of the whole day. Our house play on the same day told of two scientists attempting to create the perfect St Margaret's girl and was the culmination of hours of hard work and dedication from every single member of the house. This year's ski team performed extremely well under the hard conditions, they managed to achieve some great results. House Rowing was a highlight for Matipo this year, winning the overall event convincingly as well as winning the Years 9, 12 and 13 relays.

What an outstanding year 2010 has been for Rata! With

events was a credit to the spirit and skill set that makes

great participation

Rata such a spunky house! A huge thank you to all our

in house swimming, athletics and

cross country at the beginning of the year, Rata went from

Rata girls for their participation

and enthusiasm

strength to strength with house spirit present in every

makes our house so dynamic and phenomenal.


house activity. One highlight of the year was definitely the house play, with every member contributing their

Also thank you to our Year 13 leaders for their continued

own skills and strengths. It was an amazing display of the

support throughout the year. It has been an honour to

talent present in Rata house.

be part of the Rata community for the last few years. We wish you all the best of luck for the future and know

The success of winning both the house

that you will keep your

rowing and the skiing/ snowboarding

hearts as warm as the colour you wear. Keep it red! Harriet Ingham


Scarlett Aldridge


This year Rimu kicked off with an exciting start, introducing the new mascot Viki, and announcing we would be awarding four Year 12 girls with the position of War Cry Fairies. Their job was to sing house chants, 'war cries' and encourage participation within the house.


The first house event was Swimming Sports. Everyone was very excited, for many it was their first house event. We headed to the pool in matching green headbands singing the new Victory chant. Anticipation filled the air, everyone couldn't wait for the day to begin. The weather was great and we can definitely say that everyone enjoyed themselves during the action-packed afternoon, even with the benches collapsing during our chant, proving to other houses how enthusiastic Rimu is. We ended up coming fourth, a great start to the year. Also in Term 1 we started peer support, a group of Year 13s working together to support the Year 9s, creating an easier transition into senior school. Meeting every month, we played games and prasticed house chants.

House day, a much anticipated event started early with our script ready to get cracking in Term 3. It involved the stealing of our mascot Viki and Rimu's journey to find her again, with a nice twist at the end to portray our moral; the importance of working together to achieve our goal, or a victory. With a team of committed Year 13s we were able to begin rehearsing each scene during our practices. With a few finishing touches of costumes, music and props we managed to perform on the day perfectly to plan. All the girls worked together really well making the process much easier for us little, stressed Year 13s. Although Rimu came sixth

we were all proud that it had gone so well. The overall day was a great hit, with everyone in high spirits (especially

At the beginning of March we gathered head to toe

after the delicious house lunch) and still laughing over

in green at QE2 stadium, ready for a day of athletics.

the amusing theatre sports performances.

Beginning with a compulsory run around the track, Rimu loudly cheering, excited for the day ahead of us. We started with girls doing well in all aspects of athletics, continuing our high spirits into the afternoon where the Rimu girls were fed green lollies to keep their energy

This year has been a great year although there haven't been many house victories. Within Rimu we have had our own wins with new chants and traditions being carried on hopefully for years to come.

levels high. It was a long day but the girls did fantastically, finishing it all off brilliantly with the most awaited event

Charlotte Tomkins

the tutor group relays. Rimu's Mrs Rayward's tutor group held on to the title, third year in a row.


We wanted our centenary year

Theatre and the Combined and

to be a full year of parties and

Centennial Choral concerts held

celebrations! We have definitely

in the Cathedral and at Christ's






ourselves creatively this year. All who are involved in the





arts have once again exceeded

been a superb asset to the

expectations with the quality of

development of arts initiatives

work that has been produced.

and has maintained


and drive in the arts this year. I You will notice, as you look

especially commend, Rebecca



Stoop and Millie Thomson

work that has

for their leadership, skill and




gone on in curriculum and in extra



Enjoy your stroll through the



highlights for our year have been



Arts year that was 2010.

the astounding production of The Sound of Music in the James Hay

When we accepted our Head

Michael Sharp - Director of Performing Arts





of Arts badges at the senior

drama and music performances

prize giving at the end of

and visual art displays. As if the

last year, little did we know


that we were undertaking

and showcases we have had this


of performances

one of the most difficult yet

year isn't enough, we are so lucky

most rewarding tasks we

to be part of a community flowing

have faced in our schooling

with passion, talent and dedication

careers. What an amazing

to the Arts shared by teachers and

privilege we have had to

students alike, that is present every

watch girls of all ages shine

single day at St Margaret's. We have

in the Arts. It has been an

had an amazing year leading the

incredible centenary year;

Arts and hope that everybody can

The Sound of Music, our

take inspiration from the Arts within SMC.

rock style fundraiser


BLACKOUT, the Middle School Arts Festival, Sheila

Rebecca Stoop & Millie Thompson

Our Centenary Year promised to be a momentous year from the start, but little did we know how eventful it would become. We learnt to expect the unexpected (like singing in a tent) and throughout it all the choirs sang on and made beautiful music. Both the Senior and Chamber Choirs spent the first term preparing for "Sing and Rejoice~ the Combined Colleges' Centennial Concert in May. This was to be the first of several centennial musical events.


After a term's separate rehearsals it was all put together in a workshop day at Christ's College and we were joined by twenty members of our Australian sister schools, St Peter's Adelaide and St Michael's Melbourne, who were billeted with our choir members. The concert, in the Cathedral, featured great choruses from the choral repertoire such as Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus and Brahms' "How lovely are thy dwellings" as well as works by Vaughan Williams and Dr Vernon Griffiths. The latter had had a close association with our two schools. A setting of Psalm 150 by Dr Philip Norman was commissioned especially for the occasion. We were delighted that the composer was able to rehearse and conduct this first performance. Mozart's "Laudate

Dominum" featured former choir girl Margot Button as soloist and the Chamber Choir and the Christ's College choir also sang items. The concert was accompanied by Mr Paul Ellis on the Cathedral organ and our Combined Colleges' Orchestra. It was a highly successful event where we also raised some money for the Cholmondeley Home. Late last year and during the first term auditions had been held for "The Sound of Music" and rehearsals had been happening since March. It proved to be an apt choice and the cast and production staff alike thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Unlike previous joint ventures, St Margaret's undertook the main responsibility for its execution

although we were most ably supported by both students

instead of our Chapel. Nine groups were represented

and staff from Christ's College. The acting and the

in 31 items. A new group, the Armagh Singers, was

singing, the orchestra, the choreography and the set were

especially formed from Chamber Choir members

all of the highest standard. It was an extremely happy

spread the workload for this occasion.


production inspired by the marvellous music in which every song is a winner.

Again we welcomed Old Girl Margot Button as soloist as well as Shelley Spang. In a link with the past fourteen staff formed a choir to present "I have lost the doh of my clarinet'; a piece which had been performed by a staff choir at the Jubilee concert in 1960. Suitably dressed in gowns and mortarboards they demonstrated

that a talent for musical comedy

is alive and well in the staffroom. The evening closed with the Barbershop Quartet vowing that "We'll meet again': Fortunately the seven aftershocks that evening all happened after the concert. This concert also raised $1500 for Ferndale School which was badly damaged in the earthquake. Because of the Centenary programme it was decided that our choirs would not enter the "Big Sing" this year. However the Chamber Choir sang some items at a warm-up concert at Christ's College at the end of May. Their first engagement for the year was to officiate In



theatrical all the a






at Miss Tutill's funeral


at St Mary's



In the third term they



were invited to join the


rehearsed enthusiastically for


"A Sentimental

for a concert in aid of the





concert of choral music from


ten decades of music at St

choir also sang Evensong

Margaret's. In spite of losing


a week's rehearsal due to the


earthquake the concert went

at the opening ceremony



Cathedral and

This in


ahead on September 16 in the

of the Centenary. As usual

Christ's College auditorium

they made a memorable contribution

to the Carol






the centenary year with a performance at the Senior Prizegiving of "Our revels now are ended" by Patrick Shepherd. A second commission for our Centenary year was Les Beatitudes by David N. Childs, written in memory of his father, David C. Childs, who was the Director of Music at the Cathedral and teacher of French at St Margaret's. It received its first performance from the Chamber Choir, conducted by the composer, at the Centenary service. The Centenary hymn written by one of our music staff, Mrs Marnie Barrell, was also sung at this service. The Senior Choir numbered nearly seventy this year and was kept fully occupied with the May and September concerts. They also sang on Palm Sunday, at Eucharists and the Founders' Day and Carol services. The Confirmation saw them joining the Christ's College choir in the Cathedral. Highlights for them were two performances of "How lovely are thy dwellings" with the Christ's College Chapel Choir in May and again at our Centenary Eucharist. The Year 9 Choir was not particularly large in numbers but substituted quantity for quality, preparing a number of songs for the Centennial Concert, although their whistling in 'Pedro the Fisherman' mysteriously ran out of steam. Fortunately the audience assisted. They also sang the Rooster Rag in a performance for the Junior School and took part in the Middle School Arts' Festival in April.

The Years 7 & 8 Choir also sang at this festival and the Centenary concert. In October they took part enthusiastically in the Schools' Music Festival.Three girlswere chosen for the special choir and Hun-JeeYoon played in the orchestra for a fourth year running, earning herself a long-service medal. There were two barbershop groups, a senior quartet and an all-comers group. The former opened and closed the Centenary concert and sang at the Arts Fiesta. Instrumental Music groups were many and varied. The main activities for the senior musicians in the Combined Colleges' orchestra were their involvement in the Centennial Concert in May and the "The Sound of Music': The playing on both these occasions was outstanding and produced many compliments.

Miss Plummer left during the second term and we

the Schools' Chamber Music competition. Our school's

welcomed Dr Sarah Hickford to oversee the instrumental



Festival this year was cancelled because of the earthquake.






in the Secondary

instrumental music evening in August which featured chamber music as well as the Middle School orchestra, a

Miss Jill Kerr

chamber orchestra and the jazz band.

Head of Music

Mrs Claire Oliver took over the Jazz Band which played both at our school and Christ's College concerts and provided a musical background to the Centennial cocktail





trumpets played on a couple of occasions, the Centenary opening

featuring a fanfare

composed and conducted by Aidan Verity of Year 12. Aidan also composed a lively piece for the saxophone


which they performed several times after its premiere at




A review by Rosie Cann

"The Sound of Music has given me so much more confidence. I never thought I was very good at anything,

The production of The Sound of Music by St Margaret's

and if I did I tended to run myself down because I didn't

College, and Christ's College, left every single member

want to 'show off' or make people think I was full of myself.

of the cast, orchestra, technical and dance crewmember

Being Maria made me feel so much more comfortable

with a sense of pride, achievement

and more than

with myself because I was doing something well that I

anything else a sense of the magic and excitement of

didn't know I was good at and had so much support from


the other more experienced performers around me. I was actually really scared when I was cast because I thought

I played a relatively minor role in this production but I

they must have made a mistake. Then the more I learned

felt as if I had been part of something greater than just

from Ms Buckler, Miss Kerr and Ms Rossiter, the more

my role. The performances of the principal players and

comfortable I was; but you know, the more you learn, the

the sublime voices of the nuns left me feeling humbled

more you realise you don't know and so I tried really hard

in the face of such talent. Every single person involved,

to keep up with everyone else.

during that standing ovation on closing night, felt proud of themselves, and proud to have been part of The Sound

I was really tired after rehearsals but I didn't really mind.

of Music.

I kind of just felt relaxed and de-stressed even if things hadn't gone well that day. Maria is a character who just

All the cast were extremely excited to be performing our

kind of carries light with her; she just unconsciously

Centenary Production in The James Hay Theatre and on

wants to share it with the people around her and make

"pack-in" day we could barely contain ourselves as we

them happy. I would like to be more like that:'

saw the beautiful set being put in place. Of course this was the result of many hours work by our technical crew

Taidhg Fraser, who played Captain von Trapp, adds these

brilliantly led by Jess Benton.

comments: "Knowing I was following in the footsteps of

The rehearsal period was long, intense and demanding

but under the great direction, and with the musical

but at all times it was fun. Miss Kerr, Mrs Buckler and Ms

guidance of Miss Kerr, we were well led and able to put

Rossiter were a wonderful team who seemed to be as one

on a great show. Performing at the James Hay for three

in their ideas and interpretations.

They clearly enjoyed

nights was an unbelievable experience, especially to sold-

working together and this seemed to rub off on the cast.

out audiences. It was truly an unforgettable experience,

such greats as Christopher Plummer was rather daunting,

and one I will remember for the rest of my life:' I think the best way of understanding how much impact this had on us is to write down what Annabel Keys (who

And from the critics: "Better than the movie ... Professional

played Maria), said to me in an interview for a student

quality with a high standard theatre ... A delightful and


enchanting show in all areas of the arts:'

The Sound Of Music

2010 has been an eventful and exciting year for dance. 'TDA - The Dance Academy' has enabled both students of St Margaret's and the wider community to participate in syllabus dance classes ranging from 880 Ballet, American Jazz and Contemporary. You can all be very proud of the 100%pass rate in all exams during our first year and a huge thank you to our talented and patient tutors! Dance Company


After another gruelling audition process our SMC Dance Company was selected. The following girls have worked extremely hard this year developing dance works, performing and choreographing for various events! Thank you for your commitment. Jess McConnell, Claudia Leathart, Ashleigh Howell, Jamel Barber, Kristie Benyon, Lily Batt, Aimee Mills, Briar McKenzie, Kate Idiens, Annabel Morris, Sammy Brown, Sorcha Peren, Leigh Blair, Caitlin Kennedy, Lucy Dallison, Annie Theis, Lily Cain, Olivia Esposito, Georgina Abbott, Grace Palmer, Georgia Marchand, Ellen Dick, Hannah McLeod, Ellen Dove, Annalise Brown, LiviaKate Pearce, Sarah Feary and Kate McCoubrey, Josie Archer.

The first show and the largest was our wonderful Sound of Music. Amidst learning an elegant ballroom dance scene and transforming into marionette puppets for the lonely goatherd were several mad moments .... 'The hairy beards, moustaches, side burns drawn onto our girl 'male ballroom dancers' hilariously increased in creativity and intensity during the show, resulting in some serious looking unshaven unkempt looking men! Not to mention the creative use of 'socks' girls ... oh my goodness, Lily Batt!!! Otherwise the dances were a highlight in the show, mesmerizing ballroom dancers and hilarious entertaining puppets with the cutest goats! Dancing With The Staff

The second major feat for the dance company was Dancing with the Staff! What an accomplishment. Like Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Staff took everyday teachers, chefs, support staff, parents of students and auxiliary staff and faced them with the challenge or learning a dance routine. It was HUGE, talk about stepping out of your comfort zone. The student choreographers and the staff have shown incredible self-motivation, dedication, care and love for each other and of dance! The staff members put all of their trust in these girls and delivered an incredible

performance and congratulations to Hip Hop - Sam

St Margaret's College Centenary Year. Congratulations

Fazio-Smith our 'Winner, winner winner' and Runner up

to the following girls who gave of their time, creative

- Irish Dance - Mandy Hall and Janette Strang.


Congratulations to our Choreographers - Lily Batt, Jamel

presence to perform in this event. Josie Archer, Livia -

Barber, Olivia Esposito, Annabel Morris, Sian Fremaux,

Kate Pearce, Kristie Benyon, Annabel Morris, Sorcha






Kristie Benyon, Ji-

Peren, Jamel Barber, Lucy Dallison, Leigh

Hae Choi, Aimee Mills, Ellen Dick,

Blair, Catilin Kennedy, Kate Idiens, Georgina Abbott, Livvy Esposito and led by Lily Batt.


Well done girls. The many accolades and


positive comments from the 'Old Girls' and

Samantha Kate



visitors are a credit to you!


Adams, Annie Thies, Georgina Abbott and

2010 couldn't have been the most inspired

Caitlin Kennedy.

without the creative energy and leadership



of five wonderful dancers. Kristie Benyon, Livia-Kate Pearce,

our Staff dancers




Hip Hop-Sam Fazio-

Annabel Morris






- Anne Archer, Lisa




Mackay, Nicola Lowe,

who demonstrated initiative, many

Gary Lloyd. Jazz Helen MacDonald, Greta




of hard

Contemporary - Peg Riley, Sally Hayes.


Cheerleading - Jennie Burrell. Ballet -




prowess innovative

Amy Minns, Keith McDonnell. Musical

ideas to celebrate dance

Theatre - Nadine Allen, Carolyn Mutch.

this year.

Irish Dance -



Hall, Janette

Thank you

Strang. Rock n Roll - Darren Atkin, Paula Sheldon, June Tobin,

Congratulations to Josie

Chris Lindsay. Bollywood

Archer who is beginning

- Sada Donovan, Jenni

her dance career with the

McLaughlin. I am in awe of what you all

New ZealandSchool of Dance in 2011.


What a feat! We wish her all the best and look forward to seeing her first professional company performance!

Centenary Dance

Congratulations also to Kristie Benyon With






and Jessica McConnell

who are off


to mark their place on stage at the Melbourne Dance School of Performing

the time to initiate, plan, choreograph,

seeing your names in lights and an excuse

rehearse and perform

to go to Melbourne!


wonderful still

a wonderful dance


Arts - 'The Edge' - we look forward to

tribute celebrate

Alison Rossiter Head Of Dance


The Middle School Festival at the end of Term 1 highlighted the fact that our middle school girls are a very talented and skillful lot. We trialed a festival that moved from venue to venue, starting in the Chapel and moving to the gym and finishing in the Little Theatre. The school was buzzing with excitement and energy as people crammed into every nook and cranny to see the


work the girls had been working on in Drama, Dance and Music. The first act was in the Chapel and was a selection of beautiful music, mime, Pacific dance and song and thought-provoking

drama. The audiences were then

asked to move to the gym where they would be treated to a variety of dance from Years 8 to 10. When the audience from the Chapel arrived at the gym, an already eager and excited crowd greeted them. We most certainly would have laid the foundations for the Stephanie Young wing had we charged a gold coin donation. Seeing the lineage of dance ability and skill coursing through these girls as they performed reminded me once again why I love my job. These girls feel, express and create with dedication and persistence. Even the child who might not necessarily


consider herself a confident dancer, was up there on the floor, under lights (overhead projectors on the floor) giving it everything she could. The audience had to move one last time to the Little Theatre, where they endured a tight squeeze to see two Year 10 drama pieces that were extremely unique, highly polished and very commendable. This evening was truly a celebration of learning, indicating that the middle school girl has talent, loves learning and is a confident individual.




be sun savv

Year 13 NCEA production "Sisters" By Michel Tremblay

the world of the play. Body padding abounded, along with saggingbosoms and wrinkled faces. The Australian On the night before the earthquake, audienceswere accents were extremely authentic, and the timing and rocked to laughter by the hilarious productionof"Sisters,, delivery of the sometimes funny and sometimes tragic in the Little Theatre. Set in a working class Australian dialogue was perfect. A highlight of the play was the group fight scene at the end, where the suburb, this play told the~sto~ry'.___-~--------, of a group of sisters and girls were totally uninhibited with their sisters-in-law who met hair-pulling, punching and wrestling. A together to fill booklets good time was had by all! with stamps, which could later be exchanged for luxury goods. The girls played middle-aged women superbly well, creating an uncanny physical resemblance to the care-womwomen of

This year was an exciting year for St Margaret's College as

rehearsal and frantic preparations of costumes and props

they entered three pieces for the Shakespeare Festival and

the students were ready for this huge event in which

all were directed by students. Scarlett Aldridge entered a

most schools in Christchurch

piece from the Merry Wives of Windsor lasting fifteen

five-minute pieces were selected for the Showcase final

minutes whilst Olivia Jarvis and Jessica McConnell

demonstrating the very high standard of St Margaret's

directed a five minute piece from Romeo and Juliet.

drama. This festival was a highlight of the first term in the

were taking part. Both

There was a further five

way in which students from all schools

minute entry from Rosie

mixed with each other, sharing their

Cann, Elizabeth Olliver

love of Shakespeare and the theatre.

and Jessica Cridlin from Twelfth many

Night. hours



The joint dramatic production between SMC and Christ's College was a play based upon the story of convict settlement in Australia in the 18th century. Directed by Gillian Towle, this play was magnificently staged with Aboriginal caves, boats made of bones, and evocative lighting, setting the atmosphere of heat, and desolation. The story centred around a group of convicts, all from desperate circumstances, who got together to put on a play directed by one of the army officers. Through the rehearsals they discovered a love of theatre and a lot about themselves and their relationships. This was a touching play; funny, tender, loving and sometimes cruel. Performances were uniformly excellent but special mention must be made of our girls! Lizzy Olliver, Ashleigh Howell , Scarlett Aldridge, Sarah Gibson and Zasu Towle created beautiful characterisations throughout this important play.



This year the Arts Council (the student body representing the Arts in our school) worked harder than ever before, endeavoring to create a balance of creating new ideas whilst embracing our past, introducing new Arts initiatives to the St Margaret's community but still keeping the old traditions, passion and fun aspects of the Arts alive and kicking. Our major project this year was BLACKOUT, similar to the old 'Rock n Raise' event but revamped, with help from Rangi Ruru, St

Andrew's College and Christ's College. With over 600 tickets sold, incredible student acts and local performer Truth Dubstep, we secured local sponsors, spot prizes and all in all raised nearly $8000 for our chosen beneficiary, CanTeen. On top of this huge event, the Arts Council has helped organise and been there to support all of the major Arts events throughout the year, as well as running not one but two fun-filled celebratory Arts Weeks, showcasing the Arts within our school.

What an incredible year in the Arts 2010 has been, with amazing


and creations



made by our extraordinarily

girls. With the September


Wednesday, Visual Art day, began with a greeting at the gate by fantastically painted human statues, and at lunch


time girls and staff combined their artistic skills for 'The

striking just a

Big Splat' using dye in water pistols, upon a large canvas.

week before Arts Week was scheduled to begin, many

Wednesday night was the talent quest

of our events had to be

final where we saw tap-dancers, hip

moved into the first week

hop dancers, contemporary

of Term 4.

singers, guitar-players, pianists, actors


and composers. The judges had a very Our annual Arts Assembly

difficult job to do! Third place was

took place in the gym, which

awarded to the fantastic tap-dancing

was elaborately


Quinn Watkins, second place to the


amazing, Emily Tapley playing and


singing her own original mash-up of

in 'fiesta' theme. streamers,

and lively Mexican welcomed



songs on the guitar, and first place to


Aidan Verity, who composed, wrote

teachers into our makeshift


the lyrics, sang, acted and danced to

chapel, as an amazing display

her own song 'Phineas Theopholis

of talent and recognition achievement incredible

began. Irish


Theodore'. What a


budding Broadway


singing, and instrumental


star! the

audience was taken on a journey through


our incredibly jam-packed year in the Arts


along with Awards given out in all of the Arts

live music greeting


girls at the gates on




their way to tutor The last Friday of the term saw the annual

time, and the fun

Arts Fiesta take place, a more intimate and


at lunch

formal celebration of honours award-getters.



Performances from the Jazz Band, Year 13





Dancers, Barbershop Quartet and a special

The week wrapped

guest appearance from Elayne Buckler and

up on Friday, Fiesta

Michael Sharp, as well as fantastic displays


of visual art, made the evening into an

themed mufti, and a

incredible celebration of the Arts at SMC.



Fiesta in the middle of the school, raising nearly $800 for Cholmondeley Children's Home.

Term 4 started with a 'flashmob' surprise dance in the cafe at interval to entertain the huge queues of hungry

We'd like to extend our gratitude to all those girls who

girls. Dance performances

at break drew a very large

let their true artistic talent shine through in to the St

crowd to the very small Little Theatre on Monday, Dance

Margaret's College community. Thanks to everybody who

Day. Tuesday, Drama Day, saw the SMC Theatre Sports

made not only Arts Week, but our entire year in the Arts,

team go head to head against the Christ's College team.

so incredibly successful, enjoyable and unforgettable.

AttSGQ1i.fttil The performing arts programme in the junior school has been alive and varied this year. The start of the year we focused on process drama, then explored the elements of dance, followed by a unit looking at songs from the last 100 years. Through the exploration of these songs and the idea that we wanted to put on a junior musical in November, Years 3- 4 and I embarked on the creation of a musical called the Nickle Nackle Tree, loosely based on the children's counting book by Lynley Dodd.


The students and I decided on a theme for our musical. It was going to be centered around equality and celebrating difference and service. The plot was about all the birds in the Mungle Munching Forest needing to find a new home because the ones they were in currently were either destroyed by fire, shaken up by an earthquake or there wasn't enough food for them to survive. Some even decided the reason they had to move was because their neighbours were too noisy. It seemed fitting to go with this story line considering our September 4 upheaval. The music in this show came from the songs we had studied in our previous unit. Songs like: Teddy Bears Picnic, Swanee, That's

what friends are for and Believe it or not, just to name a

few. As well as this the students in Years 1 - 6 composed small musical pieces to introduce their bird characters to the audience. The Nickle Nackle Tree took flight and soon became a living breathing musical. The characters developed, the costumes were created and the shows set, with the help of the junior teachers, was breathtaking.


i••e This year our Kapahaka grew to a massive 70 girls. The Kapahaka is comprised of the whole junior school and the two Year 7 classes, led by four talented Year 8 girls: Lily McCormick, Silke Weil, Tessa Fulton and Maddison Earle. This year we performed as part of the Christchurch Schools' Cultural Festival on the Town Hall Stage. It was very humbling being there with the girls as they spread their wairua over the crowd who was in awe of them. For this event we needed to have a special uniform made. With the help of some very able and keen parents 80 Kapahaka skirts were made and we had a T-shirt printed with a very special emblem that represented our school. We thank our dear Mr Kau Kau our Kau Matua, for his aroha and kaha this year. Kia Ora e hoa! Michael Sharp

Middle School Colours

Ellen Dove


Samantha Brown Annelise Theis Ellen Dick

Middle School Most Dedicated Outstanding Performer

Jessica Hann Ellen Dove

Lily Cain Honours

Jessica McConnell Georgina Abbott

Charlotte Colgan Most Improved

Dana Thomson

Commitment in Dance

Georgia Cameron Charlotte Wigley Nina Hall

Annabel Morris

Lily Batt Jamel Barber Caitlin Kennedy Olivia Esposito Kate Idiens Lucy Dallison Leigh Blair

Most Improved Dance Performer

Ellen Dick Dedication and Commitment in Dance Annelise Theis Samantha Brown Choreographic Awards

Kristie Benyon

Middle School

Ji-Hae Choi

Most Creative Year 9

Annabel Caldwell

Georgina Abbott

Most Promising Year 9

Caitlin Kennedy

Most Committed Year 9

Kimberley Wood Sophie O'Brien

Annelise Theis

Most Creative Year 10

Bonnie Brady

Hannah Adams

Most Promising Year 10

Bronte Edmondson

Sorcha Peren Annabel Morris


Jamel Barber Lily Batt

Most Improved Year 12

Bridget Cowles

Most Improved Year 13

Annabel Keys

Middle School Colours

Jessica Hann


Ella Hawthorne

Samantha Brown Kate Idiens Lucy Dallison Ellen Dick Aimee Mills Olivia Esposito Continued Outstanding Contribution to Dance

Service Award in Dance

Kimberley Twine Olivia Jarvis Zoe Higgins Scarlett Aldridge

Kristie Benyon

Claudia Coates

Livia-Kate Pearce

Bridget Cowles

Sorcha Peren Annabel Morris

Georgina Garrett Zasu Towle

Sarah Feary

Sarah Gibson

Kate McCoubrey

Rose Pike


Charlotte Jackson

Jazz Ensembles

Jessica Cridlin

Most Valuable

Aidan Verity

Samantha Henderson

Most Improved

Geraldine Roche

Grace Palmer

Dedication and Commitment

Kirsten Allen

Jessica Benton Kariba - Lee McGinn

Chamber Music

Jessica McConnell

Most Valuable

Ashleigh Howell Jamel Barber

Amy Lin Rioko Koizumi

Dedication and Commitment

Georgina Shillito

Lily Batt Elizabeth Olliver

Middle School Orchestra

Rosemary Cann

Most Valuable

Gabriella Donaldson

Most Improved

Roisin Yates

Dedication and Commitment

Jessica Land

:MtiSlt Chamber Choir Most Valuable Most Improved Most Dedicated

Ella Hawthorne Lydia Milner Alexandra Staples

Combined Colleges' Orchestra Most Valuable

Olivia Rogers

Most Improved

Seong-Ha Joo

Dedication and Commitment

Jessica Wedlake

Senior Choir Most Valuable

Claudia Coates

Most Improved

Georgina Shillito

Most Dedicated

Jordan Vanderklei

Middle School Colours

Jessica Hann Alexandra Gordon Grace Olliver

Pockets Instrumental Music

Barbershop Choir Most Valuable

Seong-Ha Joo Georgina Shillito

Ella Hawthorne

Amy Lin Choral Music

Year9 Choir Most Valuable


Hannah Beadle Gabriella Donaldson Kimberley Wood

Georgina Abbot Sophie Blair Caroline Coates Claudia Coates Grace Davie

Years 7 & 8 Choir Most Valuable

Emma McClean

Most Dedicated

Alisha Duncan

Clare Fairgray Miranda Fraser Madeleine Hayman Kate Idiens

Glee Club Most Valuable

Grace Davie

Most Dedicated

Sophie Blair

Honor Kerry Georgia Leonard Janet Mackenzie Lydia Milner

Junior Choir Most Improved

Amy Eveleigh

Most Dedicated

Mikayla Green

Most Valuable

Grace Kaye-Blake

Elizabeth Olliver Rose Pike Felicity Ryan Emilie Simpson

Jazz Band Most Valuable

Alexandra Staples

Most Improved

Casey Carsel Aine Yates

Dedication and Commitment

Mayan Baran

Kimberley Twine

Honours Choral

Alexandra Batt Holly Caird


Ella Hawthorne

Instrumental Music

Joanna Duncan Kimberley Mackay-Wallace Olivia Rogers Eileen Skinley Jessica Wedlake

6111etiJll Valued Contribution in Year 12 Debating

Zoe Higgins Valued Contribution in Year 11 Debating

Honor Kerry Valued Contribution in Year 10 Debating

Lucy Tothill Most Promising Year 9 Debaters

Meghan Laing

lrJSuel AttS

Rebecca Read Hanseul Nam Debating Coaching Awards

Middle School Most Promising

Lucy Tothill

Dedication and Commitment

Lauren Proud

Most Improved Most Independent

Juliet Frost Sarah Smith

Georgina Shillito Jessica Wedlake Commitment to Debating

Hannah Smith

Middle School Colours

Lucy Tothill Jessica Wedlake Honor Kerry

Senior Dedication and Commitment

Zoe Higgins

Katherine Pearse

Emma Silva

Lisa Lamers

Brittany Tyson Most Improved Senior

Most Akarathiwat

Most Independent

Holly Chapman

Most Innovative

Chelsea Saunders

Most Promising Painter

Georgina Wilding

Most Improved Painter


Zoe Higgins Georgina Shillito

Macilquham Most Promising Designer

Rebecca Skjellerup

Most Improved Designer

Madeline Morton

Most Promising Photographer

Sorcha Peren

Dedication and Commitment

Kariba Lee McGinn

Most Improved Photographer

Continued Service to the Arts

Amelia Thompson

Most Promising Printmaker

Olivia Jarvis Hannah Wilson

Most Improved Printmaker

Eileen Skinley

Rebecca Stoop Continued Outstanding Contribution to Performing Arts

Certificates of Achievement for Art Competitions Red Rose

Seong-Ha(Lea) Joo Runner up nationally in 2010 Youthline art competition

Middle School Colours

Lucy Tothill


Seong-Ha Joo Honor Kerry Charlotte Jackson Aiko Robinson


Janet Mackenzie

Outstanding Contribution

Sarah Gibson Emma Grey


..... :._·




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St Margaret's has once again proven

4x400m relay they have competed in

itself to be a force to be reckoned

in the past two years.

with in the sport

of athletics,

achieving some amazing results in

Our 2010 campaign started off with a

the 2009-10 season.

bang (excuse all gun-related puns) with the School Athletics Championships






in March.

New Schools'

Championships, held in the school

We then moved on to the Canterbury

holidays of last year, set the tone




for the successes that were to come this year. Mackenzie

were SMC had its best ever meet,

Keenan was placed third in the Junior Girls 80m hurdles,

being named the top girls' school in Canterbury for

and Haidee Brown, a Year 13 student in 2009, also got

athletics in 2010. We had 40 placings in the top four

third in the Senior Girls long jump. Margot Gibson won

at these championships! Our relay teams once again

the Junior Girls 1500m for the second year in a row.

performed well, with the Senior 4x100m relay team of


well at these

Annabelle Wright, Bailey Kennedy, Meg O'Connell and Sian Fremaux winning, and our 4x400m team, this time

Championships, with our Junior Team of Lauri Watt

with Laura Goebel competing instead of Lauri Watt,

(Year 10), Jess O'Halloran (Year 11), Mackenzie Keenan

convincingly winning the Open 4x400m relay.

(Year 11) and Margot Gibson (Year 13) coming second in the Junior 4xl00m Relay and winning the Junior 4x400m.

Our final competition

The performances of this team has been one of the

Championships in Dunedin, where a team of ten girls

highlights of our athletic season, with them winning every

competed. All girls were placed in the top ten in their events, with the following girls gaining placings

relay teams

also performed

of 2010 was the South Island


.,?. I


We would love to have as many girls as possible get

and expertise


year in athletics. C1ood luck to all girls competing

in what is a highly successful

at St Margaret's.

Special thanks

and fun sport

must go to Sally and

Mene Mene for all the help and guidance

they have


their help

given our team throughout

the year.

\Ve would not have had such a fantastic in the

Nationals in December!

Margot Gibson - Captain of Athletics

This was a very successful and enjoyable day with full

2007 and the Open 3000m set in 1999 by C Wall. In the

involvement of girls and staff. We all appreciated having

3000m Margot took half a minute off the record. Polly

such a large number of parents and grandparents come

Hill had success also in breaking Grace Palmer's Under

and support also.

15 Javelin record with a throw of 25.04m.

Special congratulations

must go to Margot Gibson,

Runner Up


Sports Captain and Captain of Athletics for breaking

Under 14

Ella Boyd

Bella Forbes

three records. These were in the Under 16 ½ 800m where

Under 15

Holly Greenslade

Laura Goebel

she comfortably bettered a record set in 1978 by R Burn,

Under 16 ½

Margot Gibson

Mackenzie Keenan

the Open (Senior race) 1500m set by Erin Heasley in


Bailey Kennedy

Sian Fremaux


flSlll lodll\ The first round or competition started with Early Bird Regatta at Pegasus Lake. As expected with a group of total beginners, the nerves were going through bodies as we prepared. With the Year 13 crew finishing first and the Year 12 second in the B final it was apparent that the coaches had prepared the two crews well. The next big event for the Year 13 crew was the Wellington festival. Unfortunately this proved to be a disappointing weekend as the regatta was called off due to a tsunami, so for the rest of the year we were known as 'St Margaret's tsunami'. With more early morning trainings and paddling in the Avon, South Islands came round in the blink of an eye. In every race our goal was to improve our time a little more. St Margaret's tsunami got into the A final coming fifth


Or-,rjo"' 8o«'6~j

and the Year 12s coming first in the B final. Our season finale was the National Championships held in Ashburton at Lake Hood. The day started at 8.00am and after an exciting trip we were geared up and ready to go. With a cold day ahead of us we made sure to keep warm and dry. After four races of heats there was lots of nail biting as we waited for the finals sheets to be put up.

We had a lot of laughs and fun and were overall pleased with our season. The input from our fantastic TIC, Mrs Sue Harlow, and coaching staff made this another season to be remembered by a number of girls who had previously had very little competitive sporting experience. Involvement in this fun sport was a highlight as their time at St Margaret's came to an end.

With both teams competing against each other, the Year 13 crew came out on top and got seventh overall. The Year 12s were close behind finishing eighth.

Charlotte Timperley Captain Dragon Boating

A few keen golfers have been developing their skills at Hagley Golf Club each Wednesday and at the CSS Championships Sharina Lopez and Cara Askew represented St Margaret's. Although not taking out top placings they performed well and we look forward to having more girls involved in golf at this level in the future.


Katelyn Inch, Year 10 and Brittany Tyson, Year 12, are doing their best to put Lawn Bowls at St Margaret's on the map as a sport of the future. They finished in third place for the girls pairs at the NZSS Bowls Championships last December defeating the defending champions 11-4 in the play-off game. Then in Term 1 this year they won their doubles at the South Island Secondary Schools' Championships. Brittany followed this up with a win at the National Interclub finals. She won the First and Second Year Women Grade as a first year player.

ifi2th1QO Conditions were perfect for the CSS Triathlon on 16 February with calm water, blue skies, and minimal winds. The intermediate team (Grace Oliver - swim, Geraldine Roche - cycle, Lauri Watt - run) raced hard to finish third in 1.01:17. Close behind was Emily Wood (individual) who came in third in a time of 1.06:05 after a few lost chains over the bike leg. The two senior teams raced next with the Year 13 team (Nicole Lloyd - swim, Helen Abbey - bike, Margot Gibson - run) fighting hard against the Year 12 team (Hannah Stanford - swim, Maddie Morton - cycle, Annalise Brown - run). With the cyclists coming in less than ten seconds apart, it was all up to the runners. In unbeatable form, Margot ran in first across the line in a time of 59:59. The Year 12 team followed close behind in 1.01:17. While the teams were racing, Emilie Batt, the only SMC senior individual, was quick over the line in sixth place in a time of 1.08:38. It was an amazing day, with the girls showing a lot of talent and determination. Emily Wood also went on to the South Island Champs (Oamaru, 7th March) to come second after racing over a hilly cycle and flat run. She didn't drop her chain this time! It's been an awesome start of the season for the triathletes, and with Nationals being held in Canterbury next year, it will be great to see more and more girls getting our there. Helen Abbey Captain Multi-Sport

Rowing this season started slightly differently to previous seasons as we decided to take a different approach to house rowing, causing a wave of new enthusiasm. There was no surprise that a lot of new faces turned up to our 'learn to row days' down at the Reach. Some decided that it wasn't for them but luckily for us many decided to continue. Alongside the training came new friendships, as we baked pancakes on Saturday mornings or just waiting to get on water at early morning sessions, bonds were quickly formed between all members of the squad and the coaching team. As Term 4 continued we began to get into the competitive end of the season. Starting with our first Pennant Regatta, it was a great success. Novices all got a chance to race with the seniors giving them the experience they needed to take into training. The weeks rolled by and soon enough exams were here then gone, school was over for another year. But training seemed to have just began.


Next it was the long drive up to the Nelson Lakes training camp. Snapped into rowing reality we attended three training sessions a day on the lake. When we weren't being eaten by the dreaded sandflies off the water we were being trained to breaking point on the lake. But we came out of the camp strong and confident as ever; ready to begin our holiday training. We weren't separated for long, the holidays flew by and it was all too soon that we were heading to yet another training camp, this time along with two new faces, the Australian exchange girls Anna and Evey. The January training camp was held at Twizel, it started with a run test which proved successful as many of the girls achieved personal bests. Then came the seat racing when the novices got their first taste and the seniors were put to the test once again, with one group of seniors having to do ten 1500km races. But the tough stuck it out and were rewarded as the results went towards the selection process of our 2010 Maadi team. Term 1 commenced and it was the business end of the season, we seemed to be spending every single weekend at Twizel racing in various regattas. We had some impressive results received at South Island Secondary Schools' with the U18 Light Weight Four receiving a gold

medal and the UlS Eight and Four, Ul 7 Four and the U18 Novice Four all receiving silver medals. Our fitness was at its highest level ever and with Maadi just weeks away excitement and anticipation flooded the squad. On 20 March we vanned down to Twizel once again, although this time along with over 2000 other rowers, plenty of spectators and coaches. The week-long regatta was constantly postponed because of the wind, but somehow in a stroke of luck we ended up fitting in all the finals on the Saturday. Eight St Margaret's crews made it into the A finals with the U18 Novice Four of Sophie Cox, Holly Fletcher, Hannah Port and Henny Thomas coxed by Nicola Wright rewarded with a silver medal and the U18 Lightweight Four of Charlotte Tomkins, Alex Hazlett, Maddi Ingham and Maddy Hayman coxed by Rosie Bolderstone receiving a bronze medal. Congratulations to all the girls who participated in the Maadi Regatta as each year the standard seems to be lifted slightly higher. On another good note Freddie Archibald was then selected for a NZ junior trial and Hannah Minty and Emilie Batt were selected for South Island trials, both terrific achievements. Well done to everyone who was involved with the SMC rowing team this year and good luck to all the rowers of 2010-2011 - go hard girls. Charlotte Tomkins (Captain) Rosie Bolderston & Hannah Minty (Vice Captains)

Swimming this year started off with a bang at the Year 9 13 swimming sports. Luckily,the weather was perfect and we were able to spend the day cheering and swimming in the sunshine. Students won the staff vs student relay with ease and Konini convincingly took out the house competition.

This year we have had a number of girls competing at a national level through their own swimming clubs. Ella Boyd competed at the New Zealand Junior Nationals and Katherine Harper, Grace Rapley, Brittany Masters and Courtney Churchill competed at the Division 2 Nationals in Wellington.

Swim club this year has also seen an impressive turnout with over 30 girls improving their skills every Tuesday and Thursday morning in the school pool.

We are looking forward to some more great results at the South Island Secondary Schools' Championships in July, where a dedicated team of 10 will compete in lnvercargill.

Quad this year was held at Rangi Ruru, where our top 10 swimmers battled it out against Rangi, St Hilda's and Craighead. The girls made our school proud, placing an overall second to St Hilda's and Tiana Placid put in a fantastic effort, receiving the certificate of contribution to swimming.

Overall this year we have had some fantastic swimming results and excellent participation at all levels. Many thanks must go to Chris Lindsay our Swim Coach /TIC and also to the Sports Council and Sports Department for all their help throughout the season. Thanks also to all our senior girls and Maggie who came to support us at QEII. As Dory from Finding Nemo said, "just keep swimming, just keep swimming."

Canterbury Secondary Schools' held the next day was another huge success with our biggest ever entry number. We had many girls qualify for the finals night and we gained seven top three placings.


Sorcha Peren and Hannah Stanford Head and Vice Captain, Swimming


Tennis has had another successful season at St Margaret's. All teams have shown great commitment, fair play and represented our school successfully. It was awesome to see great results right up through all the grades and we have some strong players coming up through the school!

Annie Davies, Georgie Wilding, Henrietta Hazlett, Emma Booth and Katie Vickers) came thirdequal in Division 3. Well done to all the girls, it is good to see all your training and commitment paying off.

Congratulations to the following

The top six girls participated in the Summer Quadrangular Tournament, which was hosted by Rangi Ruru. We were placed second to Rangi, after beating St Hilda's in a close play-off. This was a challenging, but great experience for the girls and we are exceptionally pleased with our result.

teams who have had success

in their respective grades in the Canterbury Schools' Wednesday competition. Our top JuniorTeam, (Fiona Wright, FrancescaSilvester, Emma Henderson and Poppy VarleyClapp) came second in Year 9 Division 1, after a close final against Girls' High. Our second Junior Team, (Becky Christeller, Jess Calder,Caroline Caldwell, Natalie Bocock and Hannah Tawfeek) won the Year 9 Division 2, successfully beating girls high in the final. Also two of our Senior Teams (Vanessa Shanks, Annabel Morris, Charlotte Timperley, Pippa Atkinson,

The top eight girls, (Lauren-Tyler Harwood, Julia Newsome-White, Holly Chapman, Claudia Coates, Annabel Ottowa, Lauren Walsh and Hazel Redmond) participated in the Betty Thomas Tennis Cup against the Old Girls. We had extremely close games, with the Old Girls' winning by only two games. A bigcongratulations to the Old Girls' who played some awesome tennis, showing great skills. A huge thank you to our coaches Matt Meredith and Alistair Chapman for a great season and helping us achieve our goals. Also another big thank you, to our TIC, Jean Macdonald for coordinating a great seasonof tennis throughout all age groups. And a final congratulations to all the tennis participants this season, you have done really well and you should be proud of yourselves! Holly Chapman and Lauren Walsh Captain and Vice-captain Tennis

In Term 1 2010, St Margaret's had

which meant we

five teams playing touch. Year 7 and

made it to the

8 made up two of these and it is great


to see younger girls starting to get into

Champs. In our

the sport. Our Senior B team and Year




9 teams showed huge improvement




over the season. Thanks to Nick Maley


every girl

coach Senior B and Phil Pomana Year 7




& 8 coach.






The Super Touch team got off to a rocky

their best and

start having to rebuild a team from

we ended


almost scratch and having a new coach



as well, Brendon Stewart. Although we

them. Next we

had a lot of 'newbies' in the team we

played Nelson

were all very motivated to improve as

Girls' who were

touch players and come together as a team to show that

a good learn and beat us 5-2. We then won both our

we weren't playing Touch just to muck around.

next games against Otago Girls' and Southland Girls' but


because they had more points. We then played Craighead

Rangi and Nelson Girls ended up above us on the table Wednesday


was quite successful robin and playing

the next day in a very close game but just managed to

Christchurch Girls' High in a play off to make the final.

beat them in the last 30 seconds. The team then went

Our girls stepped up a lot but just lost in the last minute.

on to play Southland Girls' and came out on top with

We then played Rangi Ruru for third and lost 4-2.

another win, making us end up fifth.

We qualified fourth at Canterbury

At the start of the season I would never have thought

finishing up fourth

in a round


that we could have achieved this great result. But it is amazing what a little hard work, determination


teamwork can do. I for one know that we could not have done it without our coach Brendon who put in a lot of time, effort and patience to help us achieve this. We also could not have done it without our fantastic manager Ms Williams, who looked after us brilliantly and did a lot of work behind the scenes. As we send this article to print we have just heard the news that the Super Touch team has drawn a 'wild card' entry into the NZSS Championships at the end of the year. This is an amazing achievement for such a youthful team and look forward to top results at this event and in the future.

Annabelle Wright Captain Touch


Burnside, in our pool. We did, however, take these two teams to five sets in each game, which we were extremely proud of. Once again congratulations to Melissa Lama, who made the tournament team for this event. 2010 has been a very exciting and rewarding year for

Our season culminated at Nationals in Palmerston North,

Volleyball at St Margaret's. This season we had three senior and five junior teams representing us in the weekly

where we were joined by 1400 other budding players,

Monday night competition, a step up from last year's six

vying for the New Zealand title. After a very strong first two days, including beating archrivals Nayland for the

teams, showing the growth in Volleyball at SMC.

second time this year, we qualified for Division 1. This put us in the top 16 teams in

At the end of 2009,

New Zealand. Very close games

our Junior A team competed in the SISS Junior Tournament and finished a respectable

were contested for the rest of the week. We met some strong Volleyball schools such as Otumoetai and Matamata, and

14th in Division 1.

gave them a good run for their 1



money. Wins were recorded against Trident B and Tauranga B, but we still ended up playing


started the season off strongly when we qualified for Division

for 15116th, where we came up against Otahuhu, and after five sets of very intense and tiring

1 of the Monday night competition; the top six

volleyball, we unfortunately lost 3-2, making us 16th in New Zealand out of 76 teams.

teams in Christchurch battling it out each week. Throughout the season we had some very close games against each team, ending up fifth overall.


Next up was Quad, where we had three fantastic games, a win against Craighead, and two very narrow losses to St Hilda's and Rangi, resulting in third place.

This result showed a marked improvement on last year's 31st placing. We were all extremely happy with this as it is the equal best result of a SMC team at Nationals ever! The sport of Volleyball at SMC looks promising, with our Year 9 A team taking out the Year 9 Division 2 title, and our two other Year 9 teams showing a lot of skill and

Our next big tournament was South Island's, where we unfortunately had the very strong Riccarton and Waimea in our pool, both of whom went on to make the final. Despite this we had an exceptional tournament, surprising a number of teams, and managed to finish sixth in Division 1. Congratulations to Melissa Lama and Nicole Lloyd who both made the tournament team for this weekend.

passion as well. The two Junior teams had some very pleasing results, as well as our Senior A and B teams, who finished third and ninth respectively. A huge thanks must go to all the coaches, managers and score helpers for their tireless effort throughout the season, it is very much appreciated. All the best to our Junior teams who compete in early December in their Canterbury and South Island Champs.

Canterbury Champs kept us on our toes with competition the following weekend. We finished a very respectable fifth, after again having the two final teams, Riccarton and

Nicole Lloyd Captain of Volleyball

This season, which began at the start of Term 4 2009,

the water. Our attack grew increasingly efficient as the

was a great one for the growth and development of the St

season went on, our goal scoring percentage increasing

Margaret's Senior waterpolo team. The team was a very

as our confidence grew. Special mention to Tiana Placid

different one from the previous season welcoming seven

who led the way here. Our defense showed outstanding

newcomers, five of which were Year 9s. Because of the

commitment and aggression, ably backed up by Emilie

youth in the team it was a great season for developing our

Simpson in the goal. Finishing fifth in the South Island

basic skills and fitness as a team, and then using this to be



fitter and more efficient than our opposing teams when it



came to competition.

involved competing against other girls schools from


and third

in the

Schools' Competition,


around Canterbury every Friday, was a great achievement The fact that the team was so young and new made it

and reflects how much talent there is in the team, not to

even more exciting to see how much it had improved its

mention potential in the younger players.

confidence and skill base in the water when it came to the Canterbury and South Island Schools' competitions. The

The potential of the team however, can only be revealed

girls showed awesome respect for the other teams, but

in the number of players chosen to represent Canterbury

also confidence and that great team competitive drive in

and New Zealand over the season.


CanterburyCrushen U14 team: Emma McNicoll Lucy Morton Izzy Brown Anna Robertson Canterbury Crushers U16 team: Tiana Placid Katherine Harper Grace Olliver Canterbury Crushers Ul8 team: Tiana Placid Annalise Brown

Annalise Brown was also selected to represent the Canterbury Crushers U20 and Senior Womens teams, as well as the New Zealand Ul 7 team, the New Zealand Youth team travelling to California in Julyto compete in


the World Youth Competition, and the New Zealand U20 squad, from which a team will be chosen to represent New Zealand at the Junior Women's World Competition in 2011. Overall it was an awesome season for developing our skills and cohesion as individual players, and as a team. Thank you girls for always trying your best and dragging ~s out of bed at those awful hours of the m~ However, you can't take all of the credit, the success of the team over the season could not have been possible without the help of our wonderful coach Zoltan Boris and his terrific Hungarian wit, our amazing manager, Nicki Lowe, the endless support of all of our families, friends, Maggie, and all of those supporting us behind the scenes at St Margaret's College. To all of you thank you so much! Captains, Annalise Brown and Tiana Placid

Again in 2010 the annual Quadrangular tournament was held in a wonderful spirit of friendship and competition. Although St Margaret's didn't win any of the events outright, all girls performed well in very hot and trying conditions. The final placing of second equal overall was a reflection on the very close competition between the four schools involved.

StHllda's StMargaret's 3rd 41h




Overall Results



St Magaret's

StHHda's Craighead

Certificates of Contribution were awarded to


Rangi Ruru

16 points

Melissa Lama



St Margaret's and St Hilda's

12 points

Hazel Redmond




10 points

Tiana Placid


Bella Forbes


Zoe Higgins



Bowls, Rowing, Show Jumping, Touch, Volleyball and Waterpolo. These provided opportunities for girls at all levels of ability. From Dragon Boating, where many girls who have not been involved in highly competitive sport previously, Approximately 170 girls were involved in representing St Margaret's throughout the period covering Summer Tournament Week. Sports that we were involved in included Athletics, Dragon Boating, Futsal, Lawn

to the intense training and competition of the rowers every event was contested strongly. The top performances of the students at these South Island or New Zealand Championship events were:



Open 4 x 400m Relay team




Margot Gibson

(Margot Gibson, Jess O'Halloran,



80m Hurdles

Mackenzie Keenan

Mackenzie Keenan, Lauri Watt)



300m Hurdles

Mackenzie Keenan

4 x 100 Relay team U16



70m Hurdles

Lauri Watt

(Margot Gibson, Jess O'Halloran,



Long Jump

Lauri Watt

Mackenzie Keenan, Lauri Watt)




High Jump

Lauri Watt




Jessica O'Halloran

Dragon Boating - National Festival

NZSS Volleyball

Second in B Grade final: Yr 13 team

The League Volleyball team gained their equal highest

Third in B grade final: SISS Lawn Bowls

ranking at the NZSS Champs in finishing 16th in this National event. Only three Christchurch teams made the

Brittany Tyson and Katelyn Inch won their doubles at the South Island Secondary Schools' Championships held in

top 16 to finish in Division 1 for this tournament. SISS Water Polo

Christchurch. This followed on from their third placing in the team event at the NZSS Champs in December last year.

A very young team ably led by our outstanding New Zealand Youth representative, Annalise Brown, finished strongly to take out fifth placing at the A Grade Waterpolo


Championships. With six Year 9 girls in this team we have much hope for future success.

Yr 12 team

Eight St Margaret's crews made A finals with the Ul8 Novice Four of Sophie Cox, Holly Fletcher, Hannah Port and Henny Thomas coxed by Nicola Wright winning silver. The U18 Lightweight Four of Charlotte Tomkins, Alex Hazlett, Maddi Ingham and Maddy Hayman coxed by Rosie Bolderstone received a bronze medal. The Ul5, U16 and Ul 7 Eights and the Ul 7 Four crews achieved fourth place in their respective events. Fredericka Archibald was selected for a NZ junior trial and Hannah Minty and Emilie Batt were selected for South Island trials. SISS Touch

In pool play our Super Touch team drew with Rangi Ruru 3-3, lost to Nelson Girls' 2-5, and had wins over Otago Girls' 7-5 and Southland Girls' 4-0. In the play offs they beat Craighead 3-2 and Southland Girls' in a 4-3 win to finish fifth. The NZSS Champs in December is a new and tough challenge for this young team.


As a continuation on from last year's victory over Girls'

We had one team in the summer Term 1 competition this

High to win the Christchurch

Croquet summer sports

year made up of a mixed age group. We played most of

tournament, we were lucky enough to have three teams,

our games in the SMC gym, which was a bonus! For the

two from Year 13 and one from Year 11, to enter this year's

first year we entered into the Vikings Futsal Tournament

competition. After a good start to the season and a trip to

which is a modified 5-a-side Indoor Football game, a bit

Nationals on the cards, we were able to borrow a croquet

more serious than what we were used to on a Wednesday.

set from the United Croquet Club, and begin training

It was a good learning curve and it would be great for

after competition on Wednesday. Despite the summer

a winter football team to take part in pre-season in

heat, all players persevered at these trainings, focusing

the future.

on control of distance and accuracy, to up their game for Lhe competition. Unfortunately, we narrowly missed out on the Cup and Nationals this year, but throughout the season there has been a very obvious improvement from all players, especially in the mastering of distance control and speciality shots such as 'jump shots'. Overall, we have had a fantastic and educational season and I hope to see croquet established further at SMC in the future.



Summer Term 1 proved to be a popular Indoor Netball Season in 2010. We had four teams in total with two at Year 9 level, one at Year 10 and one at senior level. All teams took part at many different indoor venues around the town and enjoyed themselves a lot. Our Year 9 Red team did exceptionally well to come second overall in the Year 9 grade, which was a fantastic effort.

Sailing this term has not only been a fun and new experience for the girls taking part but has also been a challenge. Many girls have had to step out of their comfort zone and persevere through the battling and forever-changing winds. They have not only learned new names within the sailboat, like the rope which is called a main sheet but have also learned to sail an Optimist boat. Then as we gained enough confidence and experience we learned to sail a Firebug, with some of us even sailing a Europe. Lake Rua (an old shingle pit) has been the home of our sailing. The lake has played in our favour and has been very warm, which is good for those of us who love to capsize. With the help of Mrs Harvey and her passion for sailing, and the patience of our coaches, we have all gained a new knowledge and love of sailing. Courtney Chamberlain Representative Sailing

At a more advanced level, Phoebe


McGowan has sailed throughout the season in the Canterbury Schools' Sailing programme, representing St Margaret's in the Christchurch Schools' Sailing Regatta in February. Phoebe was fourth overall in her sailing division, with only one second separating the second, third and fourth placegetters. She was selected to represent Canterbury Girls at the National Secondary Schools Team Sailing Competition in Taupo in midApril.


Term 1 2010 saw a number of St Margaret's students find their way to Sumner and take on the challenge of 'pumping waves' and 'ripping it up'! Holly McLaren, Ella Stoner, Sophie Hammond, Mickenzi Askin-Jones and Lauren Proud have been going to surf lessons with 0800 80 SURF. There they have learnt not only how to stand up but practised skills like turning and braving it out the back to the bigger green face waves! Over the summer I have been travelling to competitions around New Zealand scoring second in the U16 Girls National Billabong Grom Search in Whangamata and first U20 Girls South Island GoforGold in Greymouth. At the time of writing this report the water is still really warm so get out there in the holidays, take on a new challenge and work with me to build another sport where we can wave the St Margaret's flag proudly! Alethea Lock

Dallison on being placed first in her grade in the NZCAF Aerobics



done to everyone involved With an increased number of girls participating this year

with aerobics this year, your

for Aerobics, we were well represented in the NZCAF

hard training has really paid

competition in August. Huge congratulations to Aidan


Verity, Lucy Dallison, Livvy Esposito, Briar McKenzie and Caitlin Kennedy who performed high energized and well

Keep up the enthusiasm in

polished routines. All girls received placings and were


presented with medals. Four of the five girls competing were selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools'

Kristie Benyon


Aerobics Captain

in Wellington.


to Lucy


it was the

persevered. They listened to their coaches and their



dedication paid off with increasing competition on the

results of our teams

badminton ladder as younger girls gave older girls a run

this year which set

for their parquets.

a great impression of our school in the

Over the season, year groups fluidly working together as



teams and as a competition, and Year 12 1B girls stepped


make us the

up to help with coaching, often aiding our official

most proud of the

coach Jamie, who has also shown tremendous support,


especially during our major competition of Winter Quad.

Maybe it was the

At this tournament,


can assure you, with our win against Craighead, and our


play and support they gave one another in their teams

the A team was very delighted, I

highest points garnered against Columba College.

that we are the most proud of. Thank you girls for being true crusaders in your code at Maybe even it was the willingness to help other teams

Wednesday competition. This was most notable with the

and play for them even though it was your week of rest

Red and Pink C teams not only making the finals but also

that we are most proud of.

only narrowly losing on points count-back.

But I think what has really blown our minds, and made

As a Year 13 leaver I will miss badminton at St Margaret's

our job so easy, is the dedication and commitment and

led by Pam Harvey who has an upbeat attitude that is so

positive attitude to Badminton

contagious! She is always your #1 fan on the courtside

girl contributed

that each and every

this year. Monday trainings, Sunday

motivating you.

trainings, week by week they arrived ready to learn and develop their skills. The drills were hard but they

Chelsea Robinson Captain of Badminton


In 2010 St Margaret's had 13 teams entered into the Friday night competition. This is great for the sport at St Margaret's to know our girls are getting involved and I couldn't imagine a better way to have a good time with friends. The Senior A basketball team had another successful year in this competition and finished the season in fourth place after going down to Christchurch Girls' High in the final game. We were also introduced to a new coach, Steve Lobodici, who probably wondered what he had got himself into, as it was his first time coaching girls. He learnt a lot from it and so did the girls along the way. For our last two games Steve had to leave for teaching placement and we were grateful to have Gina Farmer (our coach from last year) complete the season with us. The Year 9 A and B teams had very little basketball experience between them. The A team improved markedly and played Middleton Grange in their semi - final; it was a great battle and a bit rougher than we expected, but it was great to come out on top and go to the final where we faced Christchurch Girls' High, which sadly we lost. The other Year 9 team also had a fantastic season coached by our very own Mr Belcher. These girls all showed huge improvement in their skill development

This year we had three girls represent Canterbury - Nicole Lloyd at Ul 9 who finished third in the premierships but chose not to go to nationals. Holly Lloyd and Bernice Lough at Ul 7 who were placed first at premierships and then ended up fourth at nationals. Polly Hill represented Buller at the Ul 7 age group and

over the season.

finished fifth.

The Year 10 team was entered into the intermediate

We would just like to thank all the coaches, referees,

competition this year and got a bit of a shock when they turned up to their first game and were playing proper

score bench helpers and anyone that came down to support these girls throughout their season. We are

40-minute games and not two 20-minute halves. We saw

very thankful for these people because it couldn't have

them improve greatly with their basketball skills and rise

been done successfully without them. Also a huge thank

to the challenge, which is really promising for the future of St Margaret's basketball. They finished fourth in their

you to Mr Belcher for all the behind the scenes work

Friday night competition. The Year 7 and 8 A and B teams both had successful seasons as well with the A team finishing second in their

that he does. Thanks to our departing Year 13 players Rachel Best, Hannah Jarrold for five years contribution to St Margaret's basketball and Nicole Lloyd for your wonderful three years. We wish you the best of luck in your future sporting endeavours.

grade and the B team coming fourth in their grade, both teams improving greatly and we thank Andrew Beadle for coaching the A team girls.

Bernice Lough Captain of Basketball

6OI.S4.,.:lb J t

2010 has been a year of team

11) placing fifth in the female team

building and developing skills

section as well as an enthusiastic

and techniques in climbing. The

junior team of Jemma Ballard,

year started with approximately


20 girls from Year 7 to 12

Tarry and Shara Quin (all Year 8)

training at the YMCA for an

placing seventh which was a great

hour and a half of fun and

result considering this team was

challenges every Tuesday after

new to the competition.

school with teacher in charge,

McKenzie and Yifat Majgaonkar

Stacey Rod. This year there have

both received awards for showing

been many new climbers coming

good sportsmanship as well.




from the middle school at St Margaret's. This is encouraging for the climbing team as it is always good to have younger






forward to the possibility of a new National competition.

girls with positive attitudes around and these climbers are also helping to build a base for climbing at St Margaret's

Thank you to Stacey Rod for her ongoing input and

in the future.

support of the climbing team along with the parents who brave the cold of the YMCA and bring food and

We had two teams compete at the Canterbury Secondary

encouragement to all our competitions.

Schools' climbing competition this year with great results considering the size and intensity of the competition

Briar McKenzie

with the team of Briar McKenzie (Year 12), Jessica Swain,

Captain of Climbing

Samantha Henderson and Anna Jarman (all three Year

After three years of strengthening and developing the

Schools' and

cycling team, it seems like things are finally falling into

the Cuddon

place. This year the team doubled in size from last year


gaining four new members. After three years of self-

tour, as well


coaching, we finally felt it was time to find a coach. Luckily

as fourth at

we found Paul Odlin. Paul has trained us hard, and the



results have improved tremendously. Many bronze, silver



and gold medals, were achieved at South Island Secondary


2010 has been a busy year, with girls representing St Margaret's College at events in Canterbury, South Island and National levels. We started with the CSS triathlon in Feburary, entering two individual competitor and three teams. The intermediate team came in third, while the Year 12 and the Year 13 teams raced it out in the senior grade. As individuals, Emilie Batt placed sixth in the seniors, while Emily Woods coped with an unruly chain to gain third place in the intermediate section. She then went on to place second in the South Island champs and competed at national level. EmilyWoods also competed in the Canterbury duathlon, placing first in a close race. In August, the National champs was held at Pegasus. Margot Gibson and Mackenzie Keenan took out the Under 16 grade, while Sabine Keenan in Year 8 placed third in her grade. Congratulations to the girls who competed this year. We had an awesome turnout from competitors, both beginners and experienced. We're looking forward to seeing our competitors in next year's national triathlon competition which will be held in Christchurch. Helen Abbey Captain Multi-Sport

The SMC Gymnastics and Trampolining team had an extremely enjoyable season in 2010 completing it with some very commendable results from the CSS competition. Two teams competed in the C Grade Trampolining. One of these teams (Melanie Kennedy, Ashleigh Sparks, Cuillin Mackay and Jess Higgins) finished in first place with some exceptional results. Melanie placed third, Ashleigh sixth and Cuillin eighth in the individual competition. The second team also competed extremely well. In B Grade Trampolining Henrietta Ashmore-Price and Lauren Vermeeren tied for 13th place, competing against several previous NZ representatives. In Artistic Gymnastics Savannah Adams was placed first in beam and second overall in the Open C Grade. It was great to see so much effort and commitment this year especially as many of the girls have never competed in any sort of Gymnastics competition before. Thanks to Mrs Fazio-Smith, TIC and Gymnastics coach, for the time and effort she put into coaching. Jamiede Jong Captain of Trampolining

times trial. Emily Wood and Mackenzie Keenan competed

own personal bests throughout the season. We hope that

in the cycling nationals in Auckland in September, with

under Paul's guidance that cycling will continue to grow

Mackenzie winning bronze in the hill climb and the

in popularity as a sport, and in time St Margaret's cycling

criterium, as well as both girls achieving top ten placings

team will become a force to be reckoned with!

in many events. As well as these achievements it has been great to witness each member of the team achieve their

Maddie Morton Cycling Captain


On Sunday 7 March two teams competed in the Interschools' Dressage competition at McLean's Island against schools throughout

accompanied with many great dressage tests and unities which kick-started the day.

Canterbury. Both teams

competed extremely well and had a very enjoyable day.

The day ran smoothly and some great prizewinners

With unfortunate mishaps

emerged in each class. Olivia Jarvis took away the Horse Mastership trophy, the

with the marking of our SMC 1 team, they

Watshi Cup when she displayed superb

ended up fourth overall,

horse mastership, great sportsmanship skills as well as a great performance.

which was an awesome achievement.

We were lucky this year to have many sponsors who donated prizes to help

A few weeks later three teams from St Margaret's

make the day another successful One Day Event.

College competed in the Interschools' Show

Two teams competed at McLean's

Jumping event. This event consists of three different levels, 85cm, 95cm and

Island National Equestrian centre in the Interschools' ODE. Despite a challenging cross country, both

105cm, with four girls in each team, at least one at each height.



teams competed very well with the Red team finishing second overall.

l ,iMP'l!ll!r!!!!!!!!~~=========~~Th=e~te:a~m:

All the teams competed extremely well, with the St Margaret's


was also short-listed for the Horse mastership Trophy, which is

Red team consisting of Maddy Crowe, Jessie Fitzjohn, Prue Silva and Beth Turner finishing third in the team

judged on the turnout of horse and rider, the partnership between them, and also how tidy it

competition. Great achievement girls! Having three teams entered in this

is around the floats. This is great for our school to

event and competing at the required

be acknowledged in this

level was great was showed a massive commitment to the sport by all

way, and the work put into the presentation of their horses by the team


members, was awesome. In April St Margaret's, Rangi Ruru and Girls' High Combined Event

We would like to express

held at Halswell Pony Club grounds

a massive thank you to

was a great start to the second term, despite the terrible weather. With

Mrs Lightfoot for all her amazing organization and

long hours of organisation and the help of the Rangi Ruru Captains, we gathered together prizes, found judges,

time put into making sure the days ran smoothly for our teams. She was hugely supportive through the days. We

writers and fence stewards for all disciplines as well as a great turn out to help set up the gear we needed for the

also appreciated parent support over a busy and funfilled year. We hope this can be carried on in 2011!

day to go ahead. Competitors came from various schools around Christchurch and competed from heights 75cm

Georgie Pinckney, Emma Silva & Maddie Crowe

to 105cm in the cross country and showjumping phases

Equestrian Captains

... -1· . vr&SftlP What a fantastic year lifesaving has had! This year Monica

have just discovered

Thacker (held on the same day as the Senior Ball) was


amazing! We had two teams entered, plus two U14 girls


competing. The pressure was on for us to keep up our

talent we have!

information what

tradition of holding the Monica Thacker title, which we have done for the past three years. A huge congratulations


to our A team who kept up this tradition by gaining SMC

also go to Sorcha

the title for the fourth year in a row, being first equal with



Christchurch Girls' High School.




the start of the year Thank you to Neil Lanyon who coached us once again

for the Australian

this year and helped our teams to be so successful. This



year was a close competition, with the top four teams



close in points. Our B team finished in this group.

this and the Commonwealth Games in India. This is an


amazing achievement and we wish her all the best. Royal Lifesaving has also had fantastic results. We have had a 100% pass rate of girls sitting badges and six girls

Huge thanks to all the girls who gave up their lunch times

are in the process of completing their Distinction award.

and early mornings to train and coach for lifesaving, and

We had great sessions training in the school pool in Term

good luck for lifesaving next year!

1 and then for the cooler seasons we trained at Centennial Pool. Lifesaving has great support at St Margaret's with

Emilie Simpson and Sorcha Peren

Tina Cartwright and Ms Chong both being involved with

Captain and Vice Captain of Lifesaving

Royal Lifesaving New Zealand in their past years. We

This year has been full of fun learning experiences for

College to play in the Rugby Festival. We competed

the rugby team. We started the season with a relatively

well and played progressively better throughout

inexperienced team and took any opportunity to gain

tournament. Three members of our team were selected






in the tournament team.


some members of

On returning to Christchurch


midweek competition eventually making the plate final.


we continued with our

Rugby Team and Nathan


early on in the season.

We finished the season off with the Burnside lO's tournament

once again making the plate final. It was


awesome to see the progression of the girls throughout

the July holidays

the season and we look forward to St Margaret's Rugby

we travelled to

developing in the future.



three girls from St Andrew's

Rachel Robilliard and Helen Abbey

Wow, what a fantastic year it has been for hockey at St Margaret's College. It has been a very successful season in 2010, with many teams competing in various competitions gaining great results from sensational performances. Our results this year have been among the very best that St Margaret's has have ever achieved. In part, this is due to the very talented players at the school but also it is a reflection of the great coaches and support that our school gives us.


The 1st XI made this year such a memorable season by firstly winning the Canterbury Secondary Schoolgirls' Wednesday competition in a very tight game, defeating Rangi Ruru 2-1 to win the Press Cup. We continued our winning way by succeeding in our annual winter exchange Quadrangular Tournament, which this year was hosted by St Hilda's in Dunedin. Next on the calendar of the 1st XI team was the highlight of the season, Federation Cup

played in Christchurch on our home turf. After making the final four years in a row, St Margaret's 1st XI were finally triumphant and became the Federation Cup Champions. The gruelling final was played in unfavourable and freezing conditions, however, this did not stop bus loads of St Margaret's students coming down to support, where unbeatable first-class magic was shown by the 1st XI in a nail biting final where we managed to take Rangitoto College down 1-0. This was a great achievement and something that will be remembered by all in the future. The 2nd XI also had an outstanding season going from strength to strength by firstly winning Canterbury Secondary Schoolgirls' Monday competition. With increased confidence and high spirits they departed for Wellington where they competed in the Chris Arthur Cup. This is a tournament for the top 2nd XI hockey teams in New Zealand. After a nervous start the team showed great character and went on to

play the

final against


Girls' in a

with it being the second season of the amalgamation

of St Margaret's and

superb match, however,

Selwyn House. All the girls - from the

were very unlucky


Primary A to the Super 8 teams had


1-0. Nonetheless,

mixed results throughout the season




although all developed their skills and

these girls being Year 9

hockey knowledge to a whole new

students the future for St

level with the help of student coaches


who all played in the senior 1st and


hockey looks

very promising.

2nd XI teams.

The 3rd XI also had a great




season, winning their mid-




week competition for the



third time in the past three



years. With a few mixed results at the

parents who helped us

start of the week on tournament,


to achieve so highly,

3rd XI pulled through and played some



year for hockey at St


in the


however, were unfortunate to lose, and


outstanding would


were placed fourth overall which was

have been possible, so

still a great achievement.

a huge thank you to you '

The 4th XI finished



strongly as runners-up to our 3rd XI in the Wednesday competition


F, ~ XI II oc4:ey T""""'


all for your time and dedication. I hope that the success of each team will continue in the many

our Youth team acquitted themselves

seasons to come.

very well throughout the season. All developed some good skills under the

Genevieve Macilquham

guidance of their coaches.

Hockey Captain


The junior hockey teams also had a very successful year

and Rose Pike was acknowledged for her dedication and commitment.

Caroline Coates was awarded the Most

Improved for the B team. Archery - Thirteen girls enjoyed a fun season at AimTru Archery Range with all archers making good progress in

Table Tennis - In the CSS Table Tennis competition our

the hour spent each week shooting at targets, balloons

one team was ably led by New Zealand UlS representative

and animal cut outs. Eleven girls competed in the winter

Angel Huang and were encouraged in taking some games

interschool tournament.

off teams who had much more experience. We look

Amelia Marsden and Rebecca

Read received certificates for their contribution


forward to this sport progressing further in the years

improvement at the Winter Sports Assembly.


Squash has continued through the winter season with

10-Pin Bowling - Again this year a group of girls

two teams regularly competing against players from other

regularly headed off to Garden City Bowl to enjoy their

schools. The A team finished third in the CSS competition

Wednesday afternoon sport and honing their skills in competition with students from other schools.




and over 200 girls playing this season, netball is the biggest sport at St Margaret's College. 2010 will be a year to be remembered as our most successful season in many years. was Australia taken over by a group of 19 SMC girls and their support crew in the April holidays as we started on our journey to build a team and experience the "tougher Australian style of play''. Both our Senior A and Year 10 A squads played a total of nine games over the first four days, testing our fitness and temperature-tolerance levels. The A team had a strong tour, winning eight from nine games. Year 10 also played extremely well, and came away with some very pleasing results despite playing girls with two or three years more experience. Overall this was an extremely beneficial tour, and it set the standard for the 2010 season.


Mrs Laney, with the support of TIC Helen Bryant, continued with weekly fitness sessions over the next six weeks for the Senior A and B, Year 10 A and B, Year 9

A and B teams. All benefited hugely and fitness showed through in some tough games. Weather forced a few cancellations of mid-week games but with our fighting St Margaret's spirit, we managed to come away with some outstanding results. The Senior A team had one of its most successful seasons for a long time, winning the A grade final in nail-biting fashion against Lincoln High School, by one goal. This qualifies us for contention of Supernet in 2011. Year 10 A placed second in Junior Div 1, 10 B team finished forst in Junior Div 2 and 9 A team first in Year 9 Div 1. The team spirit and fair play was exceptional from all of these teams, and it was pleasing to see their commitment week in and week out. This success carried into the Saturday games, where our girls enjoyed the positive support and encouragement from family, friends and staff. Four teams made it to the semifinals, with two of these teams progressing to the finals. Both the Senior A (Senior Reserve) and the Year 9 B (U14 Div 2) teams won titles. In conjunction with each team having to umpire every week, many of our girls also refereed for the Christchurch Netball Centre, and are working towards gaining their respective levels. Special congratulations must go to Emma Silva for gaining her Regional Theory, and Kimberley Twine and Kirsten Miller for completing their Level 3 Practical (Centre Badge). It was also great to see this service to Netball continued, with 23 of our students coaching other teams. The strength of our junior teams was very apparent in the South Island Junior Tournament during the July holidays,

with our Year 9 A team placing fifth and Year 10 finishing

achievements would be possible. An even bigger thanks

runners up in their grade. Each grade had over 30 teams.

must go to TIC, Helen Bryant, for the tireless hours of organising and planning she puts into netball. We know


annual quadrangular


was another

St Margaret's Netball is in very capable hands.

highlight with the Senior A team finishing third in a tightly contested battle, beating St Hilda's and having

Nicole Lloyd & Katie Vickers

close losses against Craighead and Columba who were

Captains of Netball

first and fourth respectively at SISS. The season culminated

in the SISS Championships

in Blenheim, where our Senior A team performed extremely well. We came up against Rangiora in our first game, only going down by five points to the team who went on to make the final. We picked ourselves up however, to win our next two pool-games to make top 16. This was followed by some very close games with Marian and Gore, which ended up us playing off for 9-12th by a matter of one GOAL! On the final day we beat Villa Maria by one goal followed by a four-goal loss to Ashburton. Our ranking of 10th place out of 79 teams was the best result by a St Margaret's A team in over ten years. Three girls were selected into the Christchurch Netball Centre Representative teams; Tiana Placid (U19), Melissa Lama (Ul 7), and Holly Lloyd (U16). In addition we also had a number of junior players make representative teams - Olivia Mendonca, Canterbury Primary Schools Metro A team, Jessica Prosser, Elise le Compte, Rose Robinson and Ella Greenslade (U14A) and Belinda Dryden (U14B) Christchurch Development teams. have



extremely proud to be the Netball Captains for 2010, and have been very impressed with the spirit, fair play





the season from all girls. A huge thanks to all the coaches, managers,







which none of these

Slinll Ii &nOVIII02DfiP!l At 7am on the first Sunday of Term 3, a bus of colourful

Wigley, Sorcha Peren, Emma McNicoll, Jamel Barber and

girls ready to race for their house headed off from Kilburn Boarding House to Mt Hutt. Wow, what a spectacular

Bronte Barber. We carved up the tracks with the A team finishing fourth and just missing out on qualifying for the

day to start the session off with! A huge congratulations

South Island Championships.

to the 30 girls who battled the fog and raced in very hard Sadly




conditions! The SMC house spirit shone with Rata winning

weather took its toll with no



Sunday ski trips happening this

Matipo winning House Skiing.

season. Thank you very much for everyone who was involved

For the first time in four years the CSS competition took

with skiing and snowboarding this year, girls, parents, Ms


place. Mt Cheeseman hosted


the event and eight skiers from St Margaret's competed.

without you we wouldn't have had such a good competitive

The two teams of four were Samantha GarbariniMcKendry, Annabel Ottowa,

season. Sorcha Peren


Captain of Skiing and






130 Aerobics Athletics

SMC Cup - Achievement and Service


Clibborn Cup O'Connell Prize for Most Valuable Player

Basketball Climbing

Kristie Benyon

Mackenzie Keenan SMC Trophy - Most Promising Athlete Fiona Morrison Cup - Outstanding Performance in Track & Field Margot Gibson

Wesley Climbing Cup for Leadership & Commitment Rebekah Masterton Cup - Determined and Enthusiastic Climber

Jamie Chen Nicole Lloyd Briar McKenzie Jessica Swain


Cross Country

SMC Trophy - Most Improved Runner

Jessica Arthur


Beryl Burton Trophy for Most Valuable Team Member

Emily Wood


Susan McCaul Cup for Equestrian Performance

Brittany Arthur

Murdoch Cup for Outstanding Achievement

Morgan Baddeley


SMC Trophy - Fairest and Best Player

Cara Askew


Joanna Brinkman Cup for Most Improved Player Chris Arthur Cup for Leadership and Dedication to Hockey

Sophie Cocks Genevieve Macilquham

SMC Hockey Award - Player displaying Greatest Commitment

Lizzie Redwood

SMC Cup - Most Valuable Player

Sian Fremaux

Life Saving

SMC Cup - Dedication and Commitment

Emilie Simpson


Cartridge Cup Most Improved Netball Player

Annalise Brown

Chambers Trophy for Most Promising Junior Player

Samantha McKellar & Holly Greenslade

Cranmer Cup - Best Performed Team Sharyn Pratley Cup - Best Senior Player

Senior 'A' Melissa Lama & Tiana Placid


Sarah Masterton Cup for Service to Netball

Katie Vickers

Trudy Keys Cup Most Dedicated Rower

Charlotte Tomkins

Jo Zwart Cup - Leadership and Enthusiasm

Rachel Best

B Macdonald Shield - Rower of the Year

Freddie Archibald & Emily Batt

Hilgendorf Cup for the Most Promising Novice

Holly Fletcher

Fechney Cup -Contribution to the success of rowing

Hannah Minty & Rose Balderston

Pierce/ Aubrey Cup - most successful crew

Under 18 Novice 4


Smith Cup for player of the Year

Helen Abbey


St Margaret's Cup for Skiing

Annabel Ottawa


Amanda Williams Cup for Most Improved Player

Scarlett Aldridge


Most Promising Swimmer (Year 9)

Ella Boyd

SMC Cup - Most Outstanding Swimmer Over All Age Groups

Courtney Churchill

SMC Cup - Contribution to School Tennis

Holly Chapman

SMC Trophy - Performance and Sportsmanship

Lauren Walsh

Tennis Touch Trampolining

SMC Trophy - Most Valuable Player

Annabelle Wright

SMC Cup - Administration and Service


Jane McDonald Cup

Jamie de Jong Emily Wood


Canterbury Sports Depot - Most Valuable Player

Melissa Lama &


SMC Cup - Dedication and Commitment to Waterpolo

Nicole Lloyd

Davie Family Cup - Player of the Year St Margaret's Cup Overcoming Illness, Injury or Disability

Sorcha Peren & Emilie Simpson Annalise Brown Annie Davies


Margot Gibson

Cross Country

Sian Fremaux


Madelaine Parker

Ice Figure Skating Lifesaving

Sorcha Peren Alethea Lock Angel Huang Annabelle Wright Annalise Brown

Surfing Table Tennis Touch Water Polo

NZ representative at World Secondary Schools Champs 1st Individual, 2nd team Blacksticks Development Squad - beat Malaysia VC NZ Tiger Turf team - beat Queensland 3-0 series NZ representative in Italy. 2nd Australian Champs NZ junior team Australia Pool Lifesaving Champs Winner GeorgeGriffiths Memorial Award (National) NZ Junior surfing team NZ U1S rep at Australian Champs - 3rd placing NZ U17 team beat Australian State teams in 6from 9 NZ Youth (Ul 7) team beat Australia test series 2-1

0010.Ul'S Middle School (Y7-10)

Senior School (Yll-13)


Lauri Watt

Mackenzie Keenan

Basketball Hockey

Polly Hill Leah Butt Phoebe Steele Bella van Woerkom

Sophie Cocks Ruby Hauschild Bailey Kennedy Hannah McLeod Georgia Woodill

Lawn Bowls Lifesaving




Katelyn Inch Sorcha Peren Emilie Simpson Holly Greenslade

Melissa Lama

Polly Hill Samantha McKellar

Tiana Placid Emma Silva (Umpire)

Maddi Ingham Harriet Lange

Fredericka Archibald

Olivia Lissiman

Hannah Minty

Geraldine Roche Nicola Wright (Cox)

Charlotte Tomkins Rose Bolderston {Cox) Helen Abbey Alethea Lock

Rugby Surfing Touch

Emilie Batt

Bella Forbes Phoebe Steele

Annabelle Wright

Sian Fremaux


Nicole Lloyd

Margot Gibson

Athletics & Cross Country

Genevieve Macilquham Hockey



Outstanding Junior Sporting Achievement




Outstanding achievements in more than one Sport






Leadership in and Dedication to Sport




Sportsmanship and Service to Sport




Outstanding Sporting Achievement






Best Performed Team






Sportswoman of the Year






I 134 -~




136 -

AC TutorGroup

Second Row:

Second Row:

Ms A Archer Bianca Iggo, Margot Mills, Hannah Milner, Kate Idiens, Julia Newsome-White Annabel Ottawa, Courtney Churchill, Shayla Vanstone, Cassidy Andrews, Laura Tomlinson Cecelia Enright, Jeanne Vrastor, Nicole Lloyd, Amelia Marsden, Mickenzi-Coco Askin-Jones Bethany Sturt, Vienna Cummins

Mrs J Allan Chelsea Robinson, Madeleine Hayman, Emma Booth, Georgina Wilding, India Ashmore- Price Zoe Higgins, Grace Mayson, Eleyna Rider Oksana Cottrell, Ella Hawthorne Eliza Cowey, Jessica Swain, Charlotte Lindo, Meg Elston, Holly Faulkner, Samantha Haywood, Moira Mackenzie

AE TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row: Second Row:

Front Row:

Second Row:

Hannah Wilson, Eileen Skinley, Rachel Robilliard, Caroline Caldwell Emily Mitchell-Findlater, Alexandra Gilmour, Yun-Ah Hwang, Sharina Lopez Phuong Thao Vu, Seang-Ha Joo, Virginia Casey, Terian Le Compte, Courtney Wright Katherine Harper

Mrs K Anderson Beatrice Rogers, Sophie Hammond, Sophia Dawson, Kate Stuart Kirsten Corbett, Samantha Brown, Anna Rumbold Rebecca Collins, Avoca Adams, Mishalla Allen, Brittany Arthur, Sarah Gibson Lisa Rethwisch, Brittany Clement

AS TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row: Second Row: Front Row:

Miss S Ashton Josie Copland, Madeleine Baird, Maximiliane Diesenberg, Juliet Frost Annelise Theis, Courtney Milner, Caitlin Kennedy, Grace Olliver Emily Tapley, Rebecca Hastings, Aidan Verity, Alice Williams, Louise Jacks Alexandra Staples, Rebecca Stoop

AT TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row: Front Row:

MrDAtkin Alice Walker, Milly Dixon, Danielle Daly-Lemon, Rosemary Cann, Dearnna Keats Olivia Grenfell, Abby Fleming, Kirsten Miller, Holly Lloyd Lucy Morton, Charlotte Timperley, Philippa Thomas, Kimberley Wood, Kate Flannery Madelaine Parker, Elly Fielder-Gill

BU TutorGroup

Second Row: Front Row:


Mrs E Buckler Kimberley Twine, Lara Harris, Anna Sands Nina Hall, Sophie Heenan, Kristina Russell Lia Shin, Panita Tangthanasup, Julia Bullen, So-Jin Lee, Bryony Aitken-Fincham Renee Stewart, Claudia Selwood

Second Row: Front Row:


Mr B Clarke Lauren Duke, Sophie Blair, Joanna Costello, Holly Greenslade, Polly Hill Laura Page, Jessica Benton, Elise Le Compte, Hannah Lindo, Hannah Ashmore-Price, Abbey Suthlerland-James, Ashleigh Howell, Georgia Blacklaws, Briar McKenzie Sun-Ah (Rebekah) Kim, Janet Mackenzie

or Gro

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row: Front Row:

Second Row:

Front Row:

Mrs P Vesty / Mrs L Chambers Gabrielle Beckett, Jessica Prosser, Henrietta Mannering, Madeleine Ashton-Martyn Jamie de Jong, Louise Turner, Brittany Tyson, Annabel Hurton Isabella van Woerkom, Olivia Esposito, Hannah Tawfeek, Victoria Livingstone, Charlotte Colgan

Miss C Egan Julia Chamberlain, Sophie Cocks, Katie Vickers, Lauren Tyler-Harwood, Leah Butt Georgina Abbott, Hannah McLeod, Hannah Adams, Anna Jarman, Katelyn Inch Annabel Caldwell, Kirsten Allen, Augusta Cohen, Francesca Silvester, Olivia Guillen-Ireland Kaece Wright

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row:

Second Row:

Mrs R Drummond Annabel Keys, Ashleigh Sparks, Lauren Walsh, Tabatha Cook, Miranda Fraser, Sun You Park Brittany Masters, Georgina Garrett, Eleanor Hurton, Letitia Farrell, Alethea Lock Crystal Esposito, Elizabeth McLean, Amy Mackenzie, Clare Fairgray, Leigh Blair Alexandra Batt

Mrs S Flewellen Zoe Boyce, Jia Wen (Angel) Huang, Christina Greenwood, Holly Fletcher, Bailey Kennedy, Jainmei (Jamie) Chen Alice Kozanic, Pichamon (Most) Akarathiwat, Thornton Lanauze-King, Hea Young (Chelsea) Ha, Jenny Tang Ella Robinson, Shannon Brien, Marissa Scott, Lucy Ren, Jessica Land, Nicola Wright

FZ TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row: Front Row:

Mrs S Fazio-Smith Georgia Woodill, Amber Cooke, Elliot Finlayson, Hannah Smith, Madeleine Mark Breanna Earl, Georgia Cameron, Amelia Thompson, Annie Cliff, Jessica Bucknell, Amy Lin, Rose Pinckney, Joanna Duncan, Lucy West Gabrielle Elliot

HE TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Front Row:

HK TutorGroup

Second Row:

Front Row:

Ms P Henriksen Ashley Hyland, Sophie Barnett, Anna Latham, Shannon Clark, Charlotte Ross Arabella Bonifant, Alexandra Leck, Teagan Killick, Rebecca Christeller, Felicity Ryan Georgia Pickering, Georgina Fulton, Brooke Bishop, Vanessa Shanks, Rhiannon Churchward Nicola Cordell

MrJ Hermans Alexandra Archibald, Ellen Dick, Caroline Turnbull, Sarah Weddell, Amy Duckworth, Harriet Ingham Boodsayamas (Oom) Sae-Hung, Sun-Ju (Christelle) Choi, Alexandra Gordon, Maria Court, l .auren Proud, Emma Clarke Jeemin (Jennifer) Kim

utor Grou

Second Row: Front Row:


Mrs T Keys Georgia Nash, Ruby Ashworth-Manning Anna Collins, Marcella Zeestraten Genevieve Redwood, Ella Stoner, Monica Buhler, Jessica Ahearn Jessica Higgins, Belinda Dryden, Bernice Lough, Polly Gilroy, Natalie Bocock Kate McCoubrey, Lauren Vermeeren

Second Row:

Front Row:

Second Row:

Ms L Lightfoot Annalise Haywood, Cate Mallon, Ravadee Jutivaree, Claudia Mehrtens, Holly Geddes Emma Silva, Prue Silva, Jessica Fitzjohn, Natalie Crowther, Olivia Brown Emma Moore, Anna Scott, Annabelle Button, Erin Harrison, Georgina Harnett Annelise Bryant, Philippa Cross

Mrs J Laney Harriet Lange, Brittany O'Donnell, Ai Jun (Kelly) Zhong, Faith Mitchell, Scarlett Aldridge Bethany Sears, Henrietta Thomas, Genevieve Macilquham, Madelaine Ingham, Jessica Arthur Grace Manning, Isabella Eaton, Isabella Aldridge, Alexandra Hazlett, Chelsea Saunders, Katherine Pearse, Emily French

Teacher: Back Row: Second Row: Front Row:

Second Row:

Front Row:

Mr G Leighton Lisa Lamers, Gabriella Donaldson, Kate Richardson, Elizabeth Ravn Jordan Vanderklei, Katherine Potts, Rebecca Read Sophie Hamilton, Joo (Grace) Park, Alessandra Clark, Umaya Gamalath, Laura McKie Casey Carsel, Aimee Kenworthy

Mr K McDonnell Amy McLeod, Megan Chu, Sarah Vickers, Geraldine Roche, Ruby Hauschild Francesca Arthur, Jamie Paterson, Eve Stockley-Smith, Emily Erickson, Emma McNicoll Amy Campbell, Tanaya Boyd, Emma Henderson, Jessica Cridlin Charlotte Wigley Alexandra Fretter

ME TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row:

Front Row:


Mrs S Mene / Ms H Bryant Fiona Wright, Lauri Watt, Emily McGregor, Tiana Placid, Kerry Thomson Melissa Lama, Cassandra Luketic, Ella Gorton, Melissa Chester, Amy Gardiner, Samantha McKellar Holly Chapman, Ji-Hae Choi, Jessie Park, Autumn Howse-Bleeker, Lucy Pankhurst Erica Robertson

MO TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row:

Front Row:

MU TutorGroup

Second Row:

Front Row:

Mrs CMutch Molly Roberts, Fredericka Archibald, Kariba-Lee McGinn, Henrietta Hazlett, Emma Turnbull Rachel Gudopp, Pippa Atkinson, Olivia Hammond, Madeline Rogers, Charlotte French Isobel Grice, Phajaraprabha (Prae) Limpawattanasiri, Helen Vincent, Isabella Partleton, Jessie Wang Bronte Edmondson

Ms J Manney Anna- Liese Calder, Holly Parbery, Madison Crowe, Annabel Tayles, Emilie Simpson, Molly Lawrence Jasmine Musson, Abby Silva, Alexandra Laming, Phoebe Steele, Lily Cain Helena Kirby, Rioko Koizumi, Olivia Jarvis, Melanie Kennedy, Paris Marshall, Bronte Barber

utor Grau

Second Row:

Front Row:


Ms A Plummer Kate Currie, Grace Palmer, Madeline Hobson, Emily Clark Georgia Ritchie, Jessica Bremner, Pornmanie (Na) Snidvongs, Emma Grey Emily Taylor, Greta Caird, Catherine Rosa, Hanseul Nam, Meghan Laing Kimberley Mackay-Wallace, Brianna Roberts

PN/CB TutorGr

Second Row:

Second Row:

Miss C Chambers Cuillin Mackay, Morgan Baddeley, Sophie Bonnington, Lucy Washington Emerson, Holly McLaren Belinda Todd, Kirby Teviotdale, Lydia Milner, Rose Robinson, Helen Abbey, Ella Boyd Jean Thawomwattanayong, Sarah Feary Georgia-May Leonard, Georgia Pinckney Grace Baycroft Grace Rapley

Ms C Rayward Amanda Ott, Madeleine Honig, Annabelle Wright, Charlotte Tomkins, Beth Turner Tilly Dunn, Lucy Peebles, Sian Fremaux, Kristie Benyon, Emma Pratt Gemma Green, Harriet Redmond, Elizabeth Redwood, Beatrice Fulton, Sophie O'Brien Rachel Gill

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row:

Second Row:

Front Row:

Harriet Tomkins, Hannah Minty, Amuri Hughey-Cockerell, Beth Brodie, Claudia Leathart, Jessica Hann Jessica Campbell, Alice Barnett, Caitlin Paterson, Elizabeth Olliver, Olivia Lissaman Alice Fairley, Clementine Stoner, Latarsha Green, Bronte Norton Olivia Pickering, Amber Loose

Mrs J Strang Kaitlyn White, Juliet Sewell, Philippa Gates, Emily Street, Laura Goebel, Annabelle Benton Jamel Barber, Charlotte Jackson, Bruna Braga Fontes, Olivia Rogers Sarah Bush Hazel Redmond, Ella Greenslade, Sara Stanojevic, Jessica McConnell Henrietta Ashmore- Price, Ashleigh Mulholland

SL TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row:

Front Row: Absent:

Mrs S Smallman Poppy Surridge, Lucy Porteous, Charlotte Evans, Alexandra Egnot, Grace Davie Antonia Mannucci, Diana Chen, Madeleine de Lautour, Lydia McIntosh, Ruby Adams Jessica Page, Isabella Forbes, Holly Caird, Ashley Crequer, Kate Butt Francesca Lee, Jessica Wedlake

ST TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row: Second Row: Front Row:


Ms D Scott Hannah Stanford, Colleen Luisetti, Claudia Coates, Alexandra Miles Charlotte Woodley, Honor Kerry, Nina Murnane, Ellen Dove Emily Ferguson, Kathryn Jaggar, Fiona McLachlan, Hannah Beadle Aida Azlan Rebecca Skjellerup

SU TutorGroup

Second Row:

Front Row:

Mr M Summerlee Emily Wood, Livia-Kate Pearce, Nina Young, Hillary Westbury, Zasu Towle Kate Grady, Olivia Graham, Mackenzie Keenan, Brydie Wolfe, Catherine Gilchrist, Jessica Calder Eliza Matthews, Bonnie Brady, Poppy Varley-Clapp, Rose Pike Julia Noh Elise McLeod

Second Row: Front Row:


Ms J Todd Kimberley Kovacs-Wilks Georgia Francis, Megan McKay, Fiona Mackenzie, Caroline Rigby Courtney Chamberlain, Cara Askew, Aiko Robinson Kanyarat (Misu) Sae-Hung Jessica Hamilton, Aoife Baker, Rebecca Tang, Consuello D'Azevedo Tilly Franks

Teacher: Back Row:

Second Row:

MrTWood Henrietta Hutchinson, Annabel Morris, Josephine Archer, Hannah Port, Lillian Callaghan Renee Messervy, Brooke Daniels, Bridget Cowles, Aine Yates Lucy Tothill, Madeline Morton, Jessica Barnes, Brittany Neal, Kimberley Tyrrell Samantha Henderson, Robyn Beddard


Second Row:

MrsCWood Isabella Roake, Caitlin Roberts, Meg O'Connell, Olivia Agar Laura McKay, Georgia Marchand, Millie Peers, Abigail Collin Elise Bat, Sarah Smith, Olivia Batt Emma Hammond, Dana Thomson

Teacher: Back Row: Second Row:

Front Row:


MmeMWeiss Hannah Jarrold, Georgina Shillito, Deborah Chen-Green, Maryem Al Samer Alice Bennett, Desi Soetanto, Rose Balderston, Nina Weil, Breanna Tapp Lauren Taylor, Georgia Morton, Samantha Garbarini-McKendry, Hikaru Toyama, Alice Marshall Natalie Cheng

WS TutorGroup

Second Row:

Front Row:

MrB Woods Caroline Coates, Allison Stokes, Rachel Best, Sorcha Peren, Mayan Baran, Bonnie Murray Jessica O'Halloran, Julia Hipango Isabella Brown, Alice Rutherford, Lucy Dallison Eliza Staniland, Emily Doyle, Margot Gibson, Annalise Brown, Phoebe McGowan, Savannah Adams

30S TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row: Front Row:

Miss N Douglas Emily Cunningham, Bethany Kaye-Blake Rahmah Tawfeek, Sophie Benson, Trinity Hill

4CH TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row:

Front Row:


50B TutorGroup

Mrs K Chittock Loveday Mossman-Catchpole Emily Klaassens Ruby Roberts Katie Tunstall Natalie Hutton Georgia Mackay Amy Eveleigh Samara Ajjam Petra Green Ruby Smith Abby Oliver

6SH TutorGroup

147 Teacher: Back Row:

Front Row:

Mrs P Double Nishtha Denya, Amy McMurray, Jessica Williamson, Prue Lange, Polly Forbes Katja Collins, Sydney O'Brien, Ashleigh Benson, Hannah Bartram, Rose McCarthy-Raw, Meg Calvert

Teacher: Back Row:

Front Row:


Ms P Sheldon Peyton Calvert, Sophie Norris, Jasmine Lanauze-King, Bonnie Duggan, Sarah White Gabrielle Zelter, Indianna Scott, Ella-Rose McGrath, Charlotte McGill, Grace Kaye-Blake, Mikayla Green Jennifer Beddard


Second Row:

Mrs R Fraser Laura Smith, Isabella Fanselow, Brooke McCaw-Hurrell, Matilde Washington Emerson Lucy Brownie, Tayla Messervy, Charlotte Jones, Maria van Kuijk Alisha Duncan Raisin Y;:ites,Madeleine Story, Hannah Chamberlain, Isabella Storer Sophie Bucknell

7LN TutorGroup

Teacher: Back Row: Second Row: Front Row:

Miss D Lean Emma McClean, Madison Bould, Lucia Graham, Sophia Chen Laura Dalgety, Lydia Clarke, Molly Crossland Aimee Williamson, Tayla Duff, Sophie Tunstall, Faith Gunn, Aryn Azlan


Second Row:

Jemma Ballard, Courtney White, Tessa Fulton, Olivia Mendonca, Lillian McCormick Millicent Ferguson-Wilson, Sonia Kumar Bridget Beadle, Silke Weil, Millie Bremner, Sophie Taylor, Meg Glading, Jemima Tennekoon, Shara Quin Monique Arthur, Alice Whittle, Ivana Moreton, Grace McCarthy-Raw, Madison Earle, Iris Keizer, Y1fatMajgaonkar, Fatimah Alqassab

Second Row:

Front Row:

Mrs S Smith Taylah Eder, Ashleigh Miles, Ni-Sha Ho, Emma Alderton, Sabine Keenan, Sophie McCracken Amelia Reed, Alice Harris, Chrisanne Tarry, Neve Duston, Kirsty Findlay, Ella Stokes Francesca Harris, Wendy Lin, Hyun-Jee Yoon, Eilish Hargen, Emily Peebles, Quinn Watkins Miki Yamaoka, Annie McDermott

ftofllU Helen Abbey

Maryem Al Samer

2005-2010 Navy Officer / Otago B Surveying

2008-2010 Otago HSFY/ Auckland B Sc Biomed

Scarlett Aldridge


2008-2010 AucklandNUW/ Canterbury LLB/BA Physics & Classics

2009-2010 Otago HSFY

Hannah Ashmore-Price 2007-2010 Auckland Medicine

Madeleine Ashton-Martyn

Pippa Atkinson

2005-2010 GAP 2011, Victoria BA Psych 2012

2005-2010 Otago B Physical Education

Alexandra Batt 2004-2010 Otago B App Science

2005-2010 Canterbury BA



Grace Baycroft

Jessica Benton

2009-2010 Canterbury BA Classics/Philosophy/ Art His/French

2002-2010 Auckland or Australia Medicine

Kristie Benyon

Rachel Best

2004-2010 "The Edge" Dance School, Melbourne Australia

2006-2010 CPIT B Nursing

Brooke Bishop

Rose Balderston

1997-2010 Massey BSc Animal Science & Genetics

2004-2010 Canterbury BA

Emma Booth

Olivia Brown

2010-2010 OtagoNictoria B Tourism or LMC B Recreational Mgmt

2006-2010 Nasa Beauty Therapy/D&A Makeup

Monica Buhler

Holly Caird

2006-2010 Massey BSc Sport / CPIT Exercise B App Science

2003-2010 Otago Consumer App Science (Nutrition)

Amy Campbell

Holly Chapman

2006-2010 Otago Law & Commerce

2006-2010 Victoria B Design

Natalie Cheng

Melissa Chester

2006-2010 Canterbury BA Art History/Classics

2004-2010 VUW BA Psych/Modern Language

Christelle Choi

Ji-Hae Choi

2006-2010 Monash Melbourne B Engineering

2006-2010 Canterbury BA Psychology

Georgia Cockram

Lauren Colgan

2006-2010 Working

2005-2010 MasseyNUW/Otago Design or Law

Anna Collins

Josie Copland

2006-2010 CPIT B Nursing

2006-2010 Otago Polytechnic/Massey/CPIT B Nursing

Nicola Cordell

Ashley Crequer

2005-2010 CPIT B Design

2006-2010 Auckland/Canterbury B Commerce

Kate Currie

Annie Davies

2006-2010 Otago HSFY

2006-2010 CanterburyNUW

Jamie de Jong

Maximiliane Diesenberg

2006-2010 Canterbury BA/BSc (French/Maths)

2003-2010 NYU Abu Dhabi

Sian Fremaux 2006-2010 Sydney/Macquarie/UTS, Aust B lnt & Global Studies or BA Psych

2006-2010 Lincoln/Waikato


Catherine Gilchrist

2006-2010 Canterbury LLB/BA

2007-2010 CPIT B Design or Canterbury BFA

Rachel Gill

Latarsha Green



Working, Policelater

Canterbury BSc Psychology

Ashleigh Howell 2006-2010


Lincoln B Tour Management

CPITBroadcastingI Toi Whakaari(NZ Drama School)

Hannah Jarrold 2006-2010


Auckland/Canterbury Engineering

CanterburyB Commerce

Ravadee Jutivaree 2005-2010



CanterburyBA Psychology

Melissa Lama 2010-2010

CPITPre HealthSciences

Nicole Lloyd

Genevieve Macilquham

2008-2010 Canterbury BEd (PE)/Otago B Physical Education

2009-2010 Otago HSFY

Amy MacKenzie

Catherine Mallon

2006-2010 Natcoll Design

2006-2010 GAP 2011 , CPIT Chefing 2012

-_,__,, .......l

Kariba McGinn 2006-2010


"The Edge" Dance School, Melbourne Australia

VUW LLB/BA Psych, History, Criminology

Aly Miles

Aimee Mills

2006-2010 Canterbury BA Arts

2003-2010 Hagley Theatre

Margot Mills

Hannah Milner

2006-2010 GAP 2011, Canterbury BFA 2012

2006-2010 GAP 2011, Otago Polytechnic 0cc Therapy 2012

Hannah Minty

Annabel Morris

2006-2010 MasseyNUW B Design

2006-2010 GAP 2011, Working 2012

Bonnie Murray

Julia Noh

2006-2010 Nelson Polytechnic Trainee Ranger

2004-2010 Auckland Architecture

Laura Page

Liwi Pearce

2006-2010 VUW/ Auckland Architecture

2004-2010 Auckland/ AUT B Dance

Sorcha Peren 2004-2010 Auckland Engineering

2007-2010 MasseyNUW B Design

Georgia Pinckney

Hannah Port

2006-2010 Canterbury BA Psychology

2008-2010 Canterbury Law & Commerce

Canterbury BA History/Classics

Auckland Medicine

Aiko Robinson 2006-2010 Canterbury/ Auckland/ VUWBFA

Chelsea Robinson

Catherine Rosa

2007-2010 Canterbury BSc Bio/BA English

2010-2010 Canterbury BA

Anna Rumbold

Marissa Scott

2006-2010 Canterbury BNLLB

2006-2010 USA History/Journalism

Juliet Sewell 2006-2010 Canterbury/OtagoNUW BA Psychology & Education

Vanessa Shanks 2006-2010 VUW B Design

Canterbury BCom Marketing & Management

2006-2010 Canterbury/ Auckland BFA


Rebecca Stoop

2006-2010 Otago BCom/BA

Panita Tangthanasup 2006-2010 Thailand University

Amelia Thompson 2006-2010

2006-2010 Canterbury Speech Language TherapyNUW BA Psych Linguistics


Charlotte Timperley

Harriet Tomkins

2005-2010 Lincoln B Agriculture

2006-2010 Sydney, Aust Law/ Arts

Charlotte Tomkins

Jordan Vanderklei

2006-2010 Sydney, Aust Adv Science Dentistry

2006-2010 Otago BA Psychology/BCom Management

Sarah Vickers

Katie Vickers

2006-2010 GAP 2011, Massey B Nursing 2012

2006-2010 Lincoln B Recreation Management

Lauren Walsh

Georgina Wilding

2008-2010 Otago/Canterbury BCom Management & Marketing

2005-2010 MasseyNUW B Design

Alice Williams

Hannah Wilson

2002-2010 NZ College of ECE/Rangi Ruru Early Childhood Education

2006-2010 Canterbury BA Classics & Japanese

Back Row:

Emilie Batt (Angela Kerr) Pippa Thomas (Bridget Larnder) Georgina Wilding (Katie Heyward) Rachel Robilliard (Julie Brown) Emilie Simpson (Louise Yeoman) Cate Mallon (Debbie Thomas) Joanna Costello (Katherine Page) Madeleine Ashton-Martyn (Jo Ashton) Fiona Wright (Val Mackenzie) Madeleine Baird (Julia Mackenzie) Amanda Ott (Jocelyn Dowland) Allison Stokes (Erica Jones)

Fourth Row:

Bonnie Murray (AGNES ANDERSON) Madeleine Hayman (Frances Walker) Julia Chamberlain (Wendy Jenkins) Ruby Hauschild (Jane Jenkins) Sarah Feary (DOROTHY DALGETY) Kate Idiens (Susan Mohammed) Cuillin Mackay (Amanda Gerard, Gwynfa Owen) Claudia Leathart (Pippa MacKay) Bridget Cowles (Susan Vickery, Jennifer Jones, FREDA COOPER) Annabel Morris (Kathleen Hawkins)

Third Row:

Margot Gibson (Sue Williams) Annabel Ottowa (Vivien Spooner) Lucy Peebles (Kathryn B Hunt, Barbara Todd) Julia Bullen (Tonia Bullen) Helen Vincent (Valerie Winter) Georgia Francis (Mandie Foster) Fiona McLachlan (Deborah Chambers, Betty Croft) Samantha McKellar (Amanda Hazlett, Anne Todd) Alexandra Archibald (Belinda Fahey) Kristie Benyon (Mandy Woods)

Second Row:

Annabel Caldwell (Joan Burrows, THELMA GEE) Vanessa Shanks (Dinah Anderson) Samantha Brown (Penny Harvey, Denise Clarke) Kate Grady (Susan Wise) Aidan Verity (Gillian Edwards) Caroline Caldwell (Joan Burrows, THELMA GEE) Rebecca Christeller (Margot Chaffey) Georgina Abbott (Louise Whyte, Ann Plimmer) Charlotte Wigley (Kathryn D Hunt) Elizabeth McLean (Marianne Murray, Allison Murray)

Front Row:

Sophie Norris (Heather Campbell) Emily Peebles (Kathryn B Hunt, Barbara Todd) Millie Bremner (Carol Franklin) Emily Tapley (Philippa Ansley) Lily McCormick (Claire Baker, Marie Baker) Emma McNicoll (Katharine Rattray, Pamela Jones) Sabine Keenan (Phillipa Jane Townshend) Hannah Beadle (Joanna Hadfield, Judith Hobbs) Bridget Beadle (as for Hannah) Quinn Watkins (Judith Bamford)



Cdd,~1ooy~ 1910 - 2010 ~ INDEP~E~~HOO


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