2021 Illumination of Love Honor Book

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Annual Holiday tree-lighting ceremony in celebration of St. John’s residents.

Join us virtually December 9, 2021 ● 6:00 p.m. or after www.stjohnsliving.org/IOL-2021

ST. JOHN’S FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Eliza Kozlowsk, Chair David Tang, Chair-Elect James McBride, Secretary Stella Slaight, Treasurer Kevin Beach Thomas R. Gears Elisabeth P. Howard Erik W. Hoppin Amy Mason, MD David Steitz, PhD Rhonda Vaccaro Louis Visco Jennifer Vogler EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Anne Mc Kenna, CFRE PRESIDENT & CEO ST. JOHN’S Charlie Runyon

December 9, 2021 Dear Family and Friends:

St. John’s Illumination of Love, an annual holiday tree-lighting event, is a distinctive time to remember and honor our loved ones. Presented by St. John’s Foundation, funds raised through the Illumination of Love provide for numerous needs of residents whom have little personal financial means. Because of the generous support of donors, a resident might obtain new adaptive clothing or shoes, new eyeglasses, an electric razor, head phones or other items in support of his or her hobbies. We thank you for making this possible. Though we could not gather in-person to celebrate the season this year, St. John’s Foundation is extremely grateful to all sponsors and individuals who contributed to the 2021 Illumination of Love, and have created a successful result nonetheless. We are pleased to announce that as of December 8, 2021, the Illumination of Love has raised $13,380! We endeavor to publish correct recognition in this book and apologize for any errors or omissions. All gifts have been included that were received by December 8, 2021. If you note an error, please contact the Foundation Office at 585-760-2464 or by email at abailey@stjohnsliving.org. Tribute gifts are listed by the honoree’s name, and again by the donor. Our best wishes for a safe and happy holiday, and our heartfelt thanks for your kind gifts to St. John’s. Sincerely,

Anne Mc Kenna, CFRE Executive Director

Eliza B. Kozlowski Board Chair, St. John’s Foundation

Small Light. Great difference. All proceeds from the Illumination of Love will benefit the residents of St. John’s Home. A very special thanks to our 2021 Illumination of Love sponsors. Illuminating Sponsor Erik Hoppin, Morgan Stanley Corporate Partners The Bonadio Group and Beacon Solutions Group Generations Child Care SWBR Underberg & Kessler, LLP Footlight Sponsor Warren’s Paint and Decorating String of Lights Sponsors College Bound Sealers Modern Home Kitchen and Bath Special thanks as well to an anonymous donor for donating 580 lights this holiday season.

Morgan Stanley is proud to support

St. John's Foundation Illumination of Love Erik Hoppin Senior Portfolio Manager Vice President Financial Advisor 300 Linden Oaks Rochester, NY 14625 +1 585 385-5126 Erik.Hoppin@morganstanley.com https://advisor.morganstanley.com/erik.hoppin

© 2021 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC.

SUP001 CRC 3241699 03/21 CS 9959239 03/21

*All gifts have been included that were received by December 8, 2021. Tributes are listed in alphabetical order by honoree and then again by donor. If you find an error, please contact Alexandra Bailey, development manager, at 585-760-2464 or by email at abailey@stjohnsliving.org. Tributes listed by honoree: In tribute of Jack and Mary Lou Achille Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Mary Adams Peter and Nancy Adams In tribute of Eleanor Alessi Patricia Alessi Jim Coffey In tribute of Janet Allen Holly and Darryl Powell In tribute of Mary Ambrose Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Agnes Anderson Deborah Anderson Beth A. DiLauro In tribute of Allen Clark Anderson Deborah Anderson Beth DiLauro In tribute of Deborah Anderson Beth DiLauro In tribute of Mabel E. Anderson M. Goldie Rogers In tribute of Adriano Apollonio Diana Apollonio In tribute of Claudio Apollonio Diana Apollonio In tribute of Giacomina Apollonio Diana Apollonio In tribute of Nello Apollonia Diana Apollonio In tribute of Thomas Arthur Arber Mary Arber In tribute of Marcy Arthur Patricia Naber In tribute of Ida Arthurton Jeanne Bartlett In tribute of Leslie Arthurton Jeanne Bartlett In tribute of David P. Attridge Carole Cook In tribute of Louise Attridge Carole Cook In tribute of Thomas B. Attridge Carole Cook In tribute of Anna Augenstein Linda Pasnak

In tribute of Elston Augenstein Linda Pasnak In tribute of Grace Augenstein Linda Pasnak In tribute of Oscar Augenstein Linda Pasnak In tribute of Charles J. Avallone Paula Keneally In tribute of Linda Baier Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Alexandra Bailey Anne and Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Nancy Baker Carol Bradshaw In tribute of Helen Balconi Timothy J. Balconi In tribute of Mary Balconi Timothy J. Balconi In tribute of Earl Vincent Baldwin Mary Iverson In tribute of Ruth Margaret Baldwin Mary Iverson In tribute of Frank Barbato Mr. and Mrs. Lionello Collia In tribute of Rose Barbato Mr. and Mrs. Lionello Collia Dr. and Mrs. James DeLucia In tribute of Ellen Barillo Judy Barillo In tribute of James Barillo, Sr. Judy Barillo In tribute of Bob and Karen Barnes Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Howard Barnhart Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Josephine Barnhart Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Jack Barnwell Kathleen and Claire Barnwell In tribute of Marcella Barnwell Kathleen and Claire Barnwell In tribute of Frances Barone Rosanne Barone Anne and Francis Mc Kenna Rosie Taravella 1

In tribute of Joseph Barone Anne and Francis Mc Kenna Rosanne Barone In tribute of Nancy Bartell Ellen Pochmara In tribute of Paul Bartlett Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna In tribute of Mary-Ann Bazelmans Daniel J. Seils In tribute of George Beimler Rose Mary K. Hughes In tribute of Ruth Beldue NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Sue Bement Marcy and Brian Hotchkiss In tribute of Herbert Benington Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Merithew Benington Eliza Kozlowski Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna Anne and Francis Mc Kenna Carmel Merrill In tribute of Howard W. Berman Joann Magner In tribute of Lawrence Falk Berman Joann Magner In tribute of Roslyn Berman Joann Magner In tribute of Elizabeth Bianchi Paula Anderson In tribute of Helen Bianchi Kathleen White In tribute of Mary Blackwell Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Carolyn Blind Bethel Powers In tribute of Edward Blind Bethel Powers In tribute of Linda Bliss Barbara Greenfield In tribute of Cecilie Bodnar Ellen Pochmara In tribute of Frank Bodnar Ellen Pochmara In tribute of Diane Bogaczyk Terry Fahy In tribute of James Boguslawski Patricia Naber In tribute of Marjorie Bonsignore Krista and Lou Vardabash

In tribute of Robert O. Boone Harriet Caputo In tribute of Judith Boston Lauren and David Shaffer In tribute of Ralph Boston Lauren and David Shaffer In tribute of Annette Boucher Jennifer Bannister In tribute of Willie Boucher Jennifer Bannister In tribute of Karen Bovee Karyl Friedman Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna In tribute of the Rick Bovee Family Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Donna Boyd Monica Epps In tribute of Robert Bradshaw Carol Bradshaw In tribute of Joanne B. Brandt Nancy Brandt In tribute of Fr. Richard Brickler Patricia Curran In tribute of Brickstone by St. John’s and St. John’s Meadows Management Team Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna In tribute of Brickstone by St. John’s and St. John’s Meadows Staff Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna In tribute to Jean and Frank Brillian Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brillian In tribute of Louise Broccolo Carolyn Sutter In tribute of David H. Brockway, Esq. Kay Brockway Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Connie Brownell Jim and Cathy Peck In tribute of Brian and Crystal Brownyard Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of David and Mark Brownyard Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of Mary Beth and Robert Brownyard, Jr. Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of Mary Jane Brownyard Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of Thomas and Sharon Brownyard Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of Teri Brubaker Peter and Nancy Adams 2

In tribute of Adele Brzowsky Janet and Jerry Elman Esta Richter In tribute of David Brzowsky Janet and Jerry Elman Esta Richter In tribute of Peggy Buckel Mary Lou Huff In tribute of John Buckland Carolyn Sutter In tribute of Buddy Dog Alexandra and Michael Bailey In tribute of Milton Bull Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Michael J. Burke, Jr. Sandra Curtis In tribute of Elaine Button Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Jerry Calderon Anita Calderon In tribute of Geneva Calhoun Elizabeth Gruttadaurio In tribute of Pat Calzone Charles W. Russell In tribute of Gloria Camuso Deanne Molinari In tribute of Genevieve Cancilo Krista and Lou Vardabash In tribute of Jack Carey Deidre Fitzgerald In tribute of Irene and Joe Carnevale Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Florence Carol Mary Lou Heilman In tribute of Jean Carol Mary Lou Heilman In tribute of Elizabeth Casaretti Steve Hare In tribute of Joann Casey Marilyn Walkowicz In tribute of Loretta Casey Marilyn Walkowicz In tribute of Margaret Casey Marilyn Walkowicz In tribute of Richard and Evelyn Ceder Carolyn Root In tribute of Thelma R. Clark Gillian Monell In tribute of Delphine J. Chaintreuil Renier and Ann Chaintreuil

In tribute of Margaret M. Chaintreuil Renier and Ann Chaintreuil In tribute of Jean A. Chaintreuil, Jr. Renier and Ann Chaintreuil In tribute of Graham Chamberlain Mark and Gwen Chamberlain In tribute of Lorraine Chamberlain Mark and Gwen Chamberlain In tribute of Natalie Chekow Monica Epps In tribute of Evelyn Chesier Rose Mary K. Hughes In tribute of Dan Chiara James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Joe, Mary, and Terry Chiarilli Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Doris and Jack Christa Cindy Christa In tribute of Jean and Frank Christa Cindy Christa In tribute of Christmas Christa Baraniak In tribute of Stephen J. Christopher John and JoAnn Felsen In tribute of Jeanette Ciarico Peter and Nancy Adams In tribute of Carl and Mary Cichetti Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Michelle P. Cilento Lani Pappano In tribute of Philip Cinquanti William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Sharon Cinquanti William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Vincent James Cipriano Adrianna Hussong In tribute of Victoria Cirrincione Peter and Nancy Adams In tribute of Yahaira Cisneros Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna Annie Marie and Rheanolte LeBarbour In tribute of Barb Cocilova Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Doris Cole Kathleen and Claire Barnwell In tribute of Elizabeth B. Cole David J. Cole In tribute of Jack Cole Kathleen and Claire Barnwell 3

In tribute of Jane Cole Robert Cole In tribute of John E. Cole David J. Cole In tribute of John F. Cole Alexandra and Michael Bailey In tribute of Sadie Cole Robert Cole In tribute of Steven M. Cole David J. Cole In tribute of William E. Cole David J. Cole In tribute of Baldiserra Collia Mr. and Mrs. Lionello Collia In tribute of Patricia Beyer Collier Jennifer Banister In tribute of Rev. John Collier Jennifer Banister In tribute of Margaret Collins Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brillian In tribute of Molly Collins Rebecca Hess In tribute of the Colocino Family Sandra Colocino In tribute of Anthony Colocino Sandra Colocino In tribute of Virginia Colocino Sandra Colocino In tribute of Justiano Colon William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Anthony and Josephine Coniglio James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Sam and Ann Coniglio James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Ann Connelly NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Daniel J. Conradt Eileen M. Beck In tribute of Richard Conradt Eileen M. Beck In tribute of Julie Conradt Eileen M. Beck In tribute of Lois Conradt Eileen M. Beck In tribute of David Conway Joan Conway In tribute of Eileen Conway Joan Conway In tribute of Simon Conway Joan Conway

In tribute of Walter Cook Joyce M. Wagstaff In tribute of Dulcie Cooke Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Rick and Francine Coryea Jim Oriel and Julie Phillips-Oriel In tribute of Donald A. Cornell Bethel Powers In tribute of Elizabeth “Betty” Cornell Bethel Powers In tribute of Joan Cornell Mark and Gwen Chamberlain In tribute of Clara Corona and Patrick Corona Joseph Lionti In tribute of Charles Cortese Joseph Cortese In tribute of Jeanette Cortese Joseph Cortese In tribute of Patrick Cortese Joseph Cortese In tribute of Elizabeth “Betty” Cowley Cathy Scoppo In tribute to Patricia Craft Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Frances Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Lionello Collia In tribute of Elizabeth J. Crane David J. Cole In tribute of W. Kenneth Crane David J. Cole In tribute of Eleanor Crapsey Jane Gardner In tribute of Jolene Critelli Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Joyce Crook Anne and Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Patrick Crumity Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Mary Culbert NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of the Culkin Family Sandra Colocino In tribute of Rev. Sarah Culp Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Shirley Cunliffe Linda L. Fingland In tribute of Marcia and Ken Cupery Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Emma Curran Patricia Curran 4

In tribute of John J. Curran Patricia Curran In tribute of Christine Curtis Terry Fahy In tribute of Dorothy Cusker Sandi Thomas In tribute of Andrew Cuthbertson Celeste Siringo In tribute of Donald Davis Deanne Molinari In tribute of Amelia deBiase NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Barbara deBuono Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brillian In tribute of John Delehanty Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Hector Delgado Beth A. DiLauro In tribute of Noreen Delia Sharon Beaver In tribute of the DeLisle Family Sandra Colocino In tribute of Inez Demers Lauren and David Shaffer In tribute of Patricia Demers-Peck Lauren and David Shaffer In tribute of Florence Della Roso Angelina Snyder In tribute of Rocco Della Roso Angelina Snyder In tribute of Rebecca Dennis Ann Sartwell In tribute of Diane S. Dennison Richard Dennison In tribute of Nancy DeRycke Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Helen DiBiase Eugene Michael In tribute of Carmela and Leonard DiCesare Leonard J. DiCesare, Jr. In tribute of Mary Delores DiCesare Leonard J. DiCesare, Jr. In tribute of Florence DiGioia Francis McKenna In tribute of Marcus DiLauro Beth A. DiLauro In tribute of Martin N. DiLauro Beth A. DiLauro In tribute of Marie Checchi Dinger Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane

In tribute of Ronald Dinger Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of William Dinger Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of David and Susan DiPasquale Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of Brittany Drexler Dippel Valerie Drexler In tribute of John DiRoberto Diane DiRoberto In tribute of Dr. Ken Dodgson Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Jean Doerner William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Ted Doerner William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Edith Donahue Patricia Patterson In tribute of Constance O. Donaldson Marilyn Waddell In tribute of Ruth Doser Ann Murtagh In tribute of Amy Doty Sue Bovay In tribute of Beverly Dunnington Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of Lois Dunnington Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of P.G. Dunnington Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of Andy and Margaret Dutcher Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Adrienne Dykeman Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Janet Edwards Celeste Siringo In tribute of David Ehmann Ann C. Honadle In tribute of Dorothy Elia Dan and Jennifer Lesinski In tribute of Sam Elia Dan and Jennifer Lesinski In tribute of Louis Elman Janet and Jerry Elman In tribute of Rachel Elman Janet and Jerry Elman In tribute of Will Engel Ann Sartwell In tribute of Ann Englehart Mason and Ginn Fitch 5

In tribute of Herbert Englehart Mason and Ginn Fitch In tribute of Monica Epps Terry Fahy In tribute of Mildred Erb Jane and Mike Bleeg In tribute of Berdjouhi Esmerian Carmel Merrill In tribute of family and friends who have passed Anita Calderon In tribute of Fred, Nancy, and the Farnsworth Family Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Noreen Farrell and Edmund Farrell Joseph Lionti In tribute of Rhea Feinberg Barbara Glickman In tribute of the Felsen Family John and JoAnn Felsen In tribute of Sandy Ferguson Sharlene Freeman Anne and Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Mickey Ferrara John and JoAnn Felsen In tribute of Rose Ferrara John and JoAnn Felsen In tribute of Sharon Feurtado Lauren and David Shaffer In tribute of Patricia Finch Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Robert “Bob” Flanigan Joan Nobiling In tribute of Mary Francz Bethel Powers In tribute of Winifred Fribance Mary Ellen McDougal In tribute of Joanne Formicola Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Baby G. Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Ann M. Gable Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Patrick Gaffney Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Barbara Gager Anthony and Nadine Compisi In tribute of Warren Gager Anthony and Nadine Compisi

In tribute of Ted and Ellie Gall Edward Gall In tribute of Michael Gallagher Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of David A. Gardner Jane Gardner In tribute of Steve Gardner Steve and Mary Hoeppner In tribute of Joyce Garrison Karyl Friedman In tribute of Rita M. Gately Anonymous In tribute of May Gates Charles Gates In tribute of Sam Gattelaro Cindy Christa In tribute of Jim Gauss Linda L. Fingland In tribute of John and Elizabeth Gay Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Barbara Gelsomino Carolyn Sutter In tribute of Jean Gerhartz William Gerhartz In tribute of Joe Germuga Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Joseph Germano Linda F. Fingland In tribute of Justine Germuga Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Molly Gerwig Gary and Lori Lorraine In tribute of Linda Gibbons Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Kjellaug “Chell” Gilda Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Jimmy Gittleman Gary and Lori Lorraine In tribute of Corinne C. Gleed George H. Yeadon, III In tribute of Herbert Gleed George H. Yeadon, III In tribute of Jack Glickman Barbara Glickman In tribute of Mark and Martha Glickman Barbara Glickman In tribute of Rich and Maureen Glickman Barbara Glickman In tribute of Harry S. Goddard Linda L. Fingland 6

In tribute of Sarah and Frank Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brillian In tribute of Jack Goronkin Louise Hauck In tribute of Bonnie Gottorff Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Alma Grady Margaret Marianetti In tribute of Barbara Gramkee Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Carl Grant, Sr. Linda L. Fingland In tribute of Muriel Rittenhouse Green Mary Arber In tribute of Barbara and Larry Greenfield Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Roy and Isabell Greenfield Barbara Greenfield In tribute of the Green Siblings Mary Arber In tribute of Joseph Griffo James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Charlie Gullo Alexandra and Michael Bailey In tribute of all departed members of the Haas and Linhos Families David Haas In tribute of Elmer and June Hallowell Carolyn Root In tribute of John Hammele Eliza Kozlowski Deanna and Charles Krusenstjerna In tribute of Jack Harcleroad Alexandra and Michael Bailey In tribute of Mary and Bob Hastings Harriet Caputo In tribute of Louise Hauck Patricia Keating In tribute of Theda M. Hayes Elizabeth Gruttadaurio In tribute of Don and Judy Hays Gary and Lori Lorraine In tribute of Diane Hecht Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Autumn Hedin Ruth and Jeff Hedin In tribute of Harper Hedin Ruth and Jeff Hedin In tribute of Riley Hedin Ruth and Jeff Hedin

In tribute of Ryan Hedin Ruth and Jeff Hedin In tribute of Alfred Heilman Mary Lou Heilman In tribute of Rosaleen Heilman Mary Lou Heilman In tribute of Bob Helget Arlene Helget In tribute of Joyce Henck Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Barbara Henlyshen Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Donna Hepburn Monica Epps In tribute of Mary Herrick Nancy Marsden In tribute of Bev Hess Rebecca Hess In tribute of Gail R. Hettel Eugene Hettel In tribute of Betsy and David Hetrick Joanne and Robert Brownyard, Sr. In tribute of Jess and John Greenfield Hillesland Barbara Greenfield In tribute of Jule Hodgetts John Hodgetts In tribute of Julie A. Hodgetts John Hodgetts In tribute of William S. Hodgetts John Hodgetts In tribute of Charles R. Hoffman Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Emma Hoffman George W. Hoffman In tribute of George J. Hoffman George W. Hoffman In tribute of George W. Hoffman Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Mary H. Hoffman George W. Hoffman Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Mary R. Hoffman George W. Hoffman Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Rita Hoffman Gary and Lori Lorriane In tribute of Anita Hollenbeck William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Dick Hollenbeck George W. Hoffman 7

In tribute of Edward Hollenbeck William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Jean Hollenbeck George W. Hoffman In tribute of Joan Hollenbeck William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Julie Ann Hollenbeck William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of William E. Hollenbeck William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Jack Holler Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of Helene Honadle Ann C. Honadle In tribute of Doris “June” Hoover Jeanne Bartlett In tribute of Jacquelyn Horton William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Jennie Huch Robert Cole In tribute of Ann Hughes Cindy Christa In tribute of Jeanne E. Hughes Rose Mary K. Hughes In tribute of Robert John Hughes Rose Mary K. Hughes In tribute of Jerome Huff George W. Hoffman In tribute of Mary Lou Huff George W. Hoffman In tribute of Donald Lee Hurwitz Arlene Helget In tribute of Shannon Hutchinson Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Janis Hyland and Will Astor Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Ann Ignatowski Nanci Ignatowski In tribute of Don Ignatowski Nanci Ignatowski In tribute of Gene Ignatowski Nanci Ignatowski In tribute of Diana Illingsworth Ruth Illingsworth In tribute of Lee Illingsworth Ruth Illingsworth In tribute of Randy Imburgia Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of J.D. Jackson, Jr. Rev. Sarah Culp

In tribute of Gary Jager Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Lorraine and Richard Jaskulski Janice White In tribute of Chester Jason Patricia Jason In tribute of Maria Jean-Francois Mary Lou Huff In tribute of William Johncox Marlea Johncox In tribute of Ross Marlin Johnson, Jr. Jane Gardner In tribute of Carol Joswick Linda and Harry Wells In tribute of Bobbie Judge Patricia Patterson In tribute of Joseph V. Judge Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Catherine Julian Elizabeth Gruttadaurio In tribute of Karl S. Kabelac Dr. and Mrs. Alan Graffam In tribute of Ann Karnitz William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Arlene Kassmann Barbara Van Morrelgem In tribute of Vincent Kassmann Barbara Van Morrelgem In tribute of Shirley and the Kazmierczak Family Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Jack Kelch Barbara Johnston Mary Kelch Sara Kelch Amy Menz In tribute of Martha Kelch Barbara Johnston Mary Kelch Sara Kelch Amy Menz In tribute of Joseph Keller Rose Mary K. Hughes In tribute of Mary Wagner Keller Rose Mary K. Hughes In tribute of Hazel Kidd James E. Kidd In tribute of Claire Kingsley Jeanne Kingsley In tribute of Jean Kliss Cindy Christa 8

In tribute of Evangelia Kolovos Toula and Denos Kolovos In tribute of Celia K. Korenstein Anne Korenstein In tribute of Cynthia Kozlowski Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Eliza Kozlowski Anne and Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Richard Kozlowski Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Sterling Kozlowski Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Barb Kramer Ellen Pochmara In tribute of Cynthia P. Krautwurst Lani Pappano In tribute of Wolfgang E. Kroh David J. Cole In tribute of Allen Krusenstjerna Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Brenda Krusenstjerna Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Deanna Krusenstjerna Carmel Merrill In tribute of Matt Krusenstjerna Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Sara Krusenstjerna Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of John Kucaba, Jr. Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of Hai La Chay La In tribute of Tony Lacitignola John and Lori Lacitignola In tribute of Rachel Lacitignola John and Lori Lacitignola In tribute of Sally and John Lake Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Robert Lane Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of Carole Ann Larson Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of Thomas LaSpina Donald T. Campanelli In tribute of George LaTour Linda Pasnak In tribute of Joseph Latour Jane Gardner In tribute of Vera LaTour Linda Pasnak

In tribute of Dave Lauweret Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Gordon Law Joan and Ken Arnold Dan and Ann Colby Nancy Kitching In tribute of Rheanolte and Annie Marie LeBarbour Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Bill and Monica Lee Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Bob Leimberger Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Bill Leist Elizabeth Gruttadaurio In tribute of MaryAnn Lesinski Dan and Jennifer Lesinski In tribute of Beverly Leva Edward Leva In tribute of Sam and Anne Levitt Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Daniel Lewish Marjorie Lewish In tribute of Cheryl Liberatore Steve and Mary Hoeppner In tribute of Kenneth Liddle Sandra Curtis In tribute of Marianne Liddle Sandra Curtis In tribute of Stella Lighthouse Robert Lighthouse In tribute of Constance Lionti Joseph Lionti In tribute of Dominic Lionti Joseph Lionti In tribute of Louise Lionti Joseph Lionti In tribute of Philomena Lionti Joseph Lionti In tribute of Vincent Lionti Joseph Lionti In tribute of Genevarah H. Livergood Esther Suhr In Tribute of Lavinia Livergood Esther Suhr In tribute of Edward Lobene Michele Rosenbaum In tribute of Jeanette Lobene Michele Rosenbaum 9

In tribute of Larry Lochner Barbara Dvorozniak Dianne Lochner Michele Lochner Gerry and Maureen Wilmot In tribute of Ruth Lockamyeir Nancy Burns In tribute of Alvin and Hilma Loftesness Barbara Greenfield In tribute of John and Rose Lombardo James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Jan Lorraine Gary and Lori Lorraine In tribute of Ann Luellen Mike Waters In tribute of Mary C. Lynch Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Gertrude Madden Marilyn Walkowicz In tribute of Dianne Madigan Caron Coapman In tribute of Brayden Mager Barbara Greenfield In tribute of Liz Mahle Gary and Lori Lorraine In tribute of Nancy Mahlstedt Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Barbara P. Mahoney Richard Mahoney In tribute of Shana Maidel Anita Calderon In tribute of Mary Mairs Berle Driscoll In tribute of John Majewski Dan and Jennifer Lesinski In tribute of Linda Manderz Marilyn Waddell In tribute of Boris Maniloff Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Edith Maniloff Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Howard Maniloff Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Jack and Sandy Maniloff Annie Marie and Rheanolte LeBarbour In tribute of Paul Maniloff Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Betty Marr NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Ph

In tribute of Rose Martin Karyl Friedman In tribute of Josephine Masi Patricia Jason In tribute of Paul Mastrolonardo Paula Mastrolonardo In tribute of Rose Mastrolonardo Paula Mastrolonardo In tribute of DeVillo McCann Dawn Broking In tribute of Doris McCann Dawn Broking In tribute of Ruth McClain NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Virginia McConnell Ken and Sue Gunsalus In tribute of Howie McCue Patricia Alessi Jim Coffey In tribute of Margaret McDermott Patricia Naber In tribute of JoAnn McDonnell Patricia Naber In tribute of Anne Mc Kenna Francis Mc Kenna John Williams In tribute of Anne, Fran, Matt and Colin Mc Kenna Holly and Darryl Powell In tribute of Colin X. Mc Kenna Francis Mc Kenna Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Matthew F. Mc Kenna Francis Mc Kenna Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Kelli McMahon Sabrina McLeod In tribute of Shirley Mee Holly and Austin Mee In tribute of Bridget Merklinger Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Carmel Merrill and Richard Lunt Jennifer Banister In tribute of David Merrill Robert Merrill In tribute of Lloyd Merrill Robert Merrill In tribute of Mary Merrill Robert Merrill In tribute of Eugene Meschko Francis and Olga St. George 10

In tribute of Nina Meschko Francis and Olga St. George In tribute of Donald Metzger Cindy Christa In tribute of June, Margaret and Ted Metzger Cindy Christa In tribute of Wyndell Mewborn Celeste Siringo In tribute of Jim Miceli James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Mary Lee Miller Sue Bovay In tribute of May Miller Eileen M. Beck In tribute of Richard Miller Eileen M. Beck In tribute of Shari Miller Deborah Anderson In tribute of Sybil Miller Mary Beth Musto In tribute of Margaret U. Mitchell George H. Yeadon, III In tribute of Joseph Mittiga Elizabeth Mittiga In tribute of Mary Mittiga Elizabeth Mittiga In tribute of Ross Mittiga Elizabeth Mittiga In tribute of Richard Moffett Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Mildred Molinari Deanne Molinari In tribute of Donald Monefeldt Jeanne Kingsley In tribute of Edna Monell Gillian Monell In tribute of Lauren Morrelle Peter and Nancy Adams In tribute of Elsie Mueller Dr. and Mrs. James DeLucia In tribute of Terry Mulee Deanne Molinari In tribute of Jan Mungovan NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Eleanor Murtagh Ann Murtagh In tribute of the Naber Family Patricia Naber In tribute of Katie Nau Patricia Patterson

In tribute of Ruthie Near Barbara G. Mestler Pamela Mestler In tribute of Terry Neilon Carol Bradshaw Suzanne Fried Steve and Mary Hoeppner Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna Carmel Merrill John Williams In tribute of Mike Neufeglise Steve and Mary Hoeppner Annie Marie and Rheanolte LeBarbour In tribute of Gerald Newman David Newman In tribute of Gerard “Gerry” Nobiling Joan Nobiling In tribute of Judith Noone Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Robert Noone Eliza Kozlowski In tribute of Judy Norman Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Mary Seiler Nowatka David Nowatka In tribute of Carol Wall O’Brien Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Patrick T. O’Brien Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of William D. O’Brien Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Elizabeth O’Donnell Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Shannon Oliverio Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Natalie Oriel Jim Oriel and Julie Phillips-Oriel In tribute of the O’Rourke Family Patricia Naber In tribute of Gabriella Ortega Krista and Lou Vardabash In tribute of Elizabeth Osta Eleanor A. Volpe In tribute of Dolores O’Toole Jim Coffey In tribute of Cherie Palmer Deanne Molinari In tribute of Margaret Elizabeth Pancoast Linda Pancoast 11

In tribute of Anthony Pappano Lani Pappano In tribute of Leonardo Pappano Lani Pappano In tribute of Stephan M. Pappano Lani Pappano In tribute of Pauline Parisi Carolyn Sutter In tribute of Margaret C. Parker Monica Epps Cheryl Kieffer In tribute of Vincent S. Parks, Jr. Kay Brockway Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Tim Patterson Patricia Patterson In tribute of Jim and Sharon Paulino Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Geraldine Pearson Steve Hare In tribute of Marion Peet Sabrina McLeod In tribute of Ursula Penkus Krista and Lou Vardabash In tribute of Ana L. Perez Anonymous In tribute of Felix Perez Anonymous In tribute of Mike Perri Gary and Lori Lorraine Rev. James and Marcia Sheldon In tribute of John Axel Persson Alexandra and Michael Bailey In tribute of Lois Peterson Hollie Stenglein In tribute of Nancy Petrich Ruth Illingsworth In tribute of Robert Petrich Ruth Illingsworth In tribute of Ginny Phelps Joseph Lionti In tribute of Adam, Katie, and Michael Phillips Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Edward and Anna Phillips Jim Oriel and Julie Phillips-Oriel In tribute of Dr. Rena Pine Sharlene Freeman Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Ken Piotter Sandi Thomas

In tribute of Marian Piotter Sandi Thomas In tribute of Janice Place Deborah Anderson In tribute of Yvette Plantier Lauren and David Shaffer In tribute of the Platino Family – Rocky, Mary and Frank Leonard J. DiCesare, Jr. In tribute of Erich Postler Paula Keneally In tribute of Aaron W. Powell Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Catherine Powell Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Disa Powell Holly and Darryl Powell In tribute of Ellie Powell Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Waldo Powell Holly and Darryl Powell In tribute of George Powers Bethel Powers In tribute of Helen Powers Bethel Powers In tribute of Margaret Prate Linda Cutter In tribute of Eleanor G. Prentice Guy C. Prentice, Jr. In tribute of Guy C. Prentice, Sr. Guy C. Prentice, Jr. In tribute of Clayton O. Prevost Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of Flora M. Prevost Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of Elaine Lucille Probst Anne and Francis Mc Kenna Holly and Darryl Powell In tribute of Rev. C. Raymond Probst Anne and Francis Mc Kenna Holly and Darryl Powell Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Richard Pugliese Leonard J. DiCesare, Jr. In tribute of Frank Puffer Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of Marijo Puffer Sheila and James Dunnington In tribute of Lloyd Pugsley Valerie Drexler 12

In tribute of Grace Pulver Janet and Carl Eller In tribute of Carlton Quallo Peter Swift In tribute of Kathie Quinlan Arlene Helget In tribute of Eleanor Quinn Harriet Caputo In tribute of Angel L. Ramos Anonymous In tribute of Chava Redonnet Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Barb Ressman Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Roger Ressman Patricia Lynch-Grover In tribute of Nancy Rice Sue Bovay In tribute of Adam Richter Esta Richter In tribute of Nicholas Rick Florence Rick In tribute of Gordon Rickner Sue Bovay In tribute of Stena Rickner Sue Bovay In tribute of Eleanor Ritz Lynette Hallinean In tribute of Dawn Rivera Carol Bradshaw Suzanne Fried Steve and Mary Hoeppner Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna Carmel Merrill Peg and Ken Williams In tribute of Maria D. Rivera Anonymous In tribute of Arthur Eugene Roberts Janet Wixom In tribute of Janet Virignia Roberts Janet Wixom In tribute of Jen Robertson and Michael Volpe, III Eleanor A. Volpe In tribute of Fenton Robinson Linda Pasnak In tribute of Lois Robinson Linda Pasnak In tribute of Jim Rohl John and Betty Rohl Charles W. Russell

In tribute of Jacqueline Marie Roland Jane Gardner In tribute of Roslyn Rose Barbara Glickman In tribute of Calvin Rosenbaum Michele Rosenbaum In tribute of Maureen Rosenbaum Michele Rosenbaum In tribute of Edward Rosenberg John S. Pearsall In tribute of Janet G. Ross Renier and Ann Chaintreuil In tribute of John Ross Renier and Ann Chaintreuil In tribute of Jeannette Ross Terry Fahy In tribute of Marion Ross Marilyn Walkowicz In tribute of Jeanne Rowe Arlene Helget In tribute of Betty K. Ruby Patricia Curran In tribute of Betty Ruh Barbara McHenry In tribute of Carl Ruh Barbara McHenry In tribute of Abby Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Ally Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Amelia Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Charlie Runyon Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of Grace Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Kathy Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Mollie Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Richard Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Shawn Runyon Charlie Runyon In tribute of Haley Rupp Ruth and Jeff Hedin In tribute of Owen Rupp Ruth and Jeff Hedin In tribute of Cara Rusinko and Conner Chmiel Karyl Friedman 13

In tribute of Mary O. Russell Charles W. Russell In tribute of Elizabeth Sacheli Roxann Sacheli In tribute of all St. John’s Caregivers Elisabeth P. Howard In tribute of St. John’s Concierges Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of St. John’s Dining Services Staff Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of St. John’s Environmental Services Staff Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of St. John’s Foundation Staff Anonymous (2) Jennifer Kucaba Celeste Siringo In tribute of St. John’s Green House Homes Staff Paula Keneally In tribute of St. John’s Hawthorne Dining Room Staff Mary Lou Huff In tribute of St. John’s Housekeeping Staff Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of St. John’s Meadows Staff Anita Calderon In tribute of St. John’s Medical Staff Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of St. John’s Physical Therapy Staff Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of St. John’s Staff of Hastings 3 Dianne Lochner In tribute of St. John’s Staff of Reservoir 3 Jim and Cathy Peck In tribute of St. John’s Staff of Reservoir 4 Anonymous In tribute of St. John’s Reservoir 6 Aides and Nurses Patricia Jaskot Parks In tribute of St. John’s Residents Anonymous (3) Mary Arber Joan Conway Carolyn Daniels Jane Hammele Joan Kramer Anna Lynch Lawrence and Angela MacDonald Dominick Mancini Annabelle V. Martin

In tribute of St. John’s Residents (continued) Chanh Nguyen Rena Pine Pat Reynolds Melissa Trau In tribute of St. John’s Staff Dorothy Haelen In tribute of St. John’s Staff of South 2 Berle Driscoll In tribute of St. John’s Staff of South 5 Jennifer Kucaba In tribute of St. John’s Transportation Staff Berdjhoui Esmerian In tribute of Stephen Salisbury Sandra Colocino In tribute of Vera Sanfillipo Roxann Sacheli In tribute of Robert Sanow John S. Pearsall In tribute of Samantha Santiago Jim Oriel and Julie Phillips-Oriel In tribute of Edward Sassano Mike Waters In tribute of Helen Matejeck Sassano Mike Waters In tribute of Anthony F. Saturno Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Elizabeth Saturno Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of James J. Saturno Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of James V. Saturno Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of Matilde Saturno Carolyn Barnhart In tribute to William A. Saturno Carolyn Barnhart In tribute of James and Arlene Scahill Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Martha J. Scahill Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Maureen Scahill Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Terry Scahill Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Thomas Scahill Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of William J. Scahill Sheila and Dan O’Brien 14

In tribute of Francis “Frank” Scalise Allen Scalise In tribute of Johanna Schaap Kristine Magin Margaret Marianetti In tribute of Ruth Schaible Kathleen and Claire Barnwell In tribute of Janet A. Schenk Werner Schenk In tribute of Dr. Eloise Schrag Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Tim Schramm Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Emily Rick Schuler Florence Rick In tribute of Peyton Schultz Jane Gardner In tribute of Terri Schultz Paul Schultz In tribute of Mary Schwalb Carmel Merrill In tribute of Jim and Peggy Segerson James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Joan Segerson James and Mary Coniglio In tribute of Daniel J. Seils Holly and Darryl Powell In tribute of Rick and Amy Seils Daniel J. Seils In tribute of Arline Sexstone Marlea Johncox In tribute of Charles Sextone Marlea Johncox In tribute of Delores Shafer Mike Shafer In tribute of Oscar Shafer Mike Shafer In tribute of Joyce Shaw Monica Epps In tribute of Daisy Sherman Judy Barillo In tribute of Harry Sherman Judy Barillo In tribute of Bud and Lillian Shoemaker Barbara Greenfield In tribute of Gail Ann Short Shannon Short In tribute of Isobel Short Shannon Short

In tribute of Marie Short Shannon Short In tribute of Morrey Shulman Anita Calderon In tribute of Sarah Shulman Anita Calderon In tribute of Joe Siccardi and Family Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Gerald C. Simmons Anita L. Simmons In tribute of Phyllis Sims NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Anthony Siringo Celeste Siringo In tribute of Celeste Siringo Anne and Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Margaret Siringo Celeste Siringo In tribute of Ruth H. Slaight Stella Slaight In tribute of Charles Acker Smith Rosalind L. Smith In tribute of Hank Sniadoch Karen Mischler In tribute of Glen Snyder Angelina Snyder In tribute of Dr. Heather Sobel Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Susan Soper Catherine Radie In tribute of Cheryl Speranza Peter Swift In tribute of Clint Spiegel Deanne Molinari In tribute of Robert Spindler Valerie Drexler In tribute of Greg Sroka Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Judy Sroka Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Stephanie Stasiw Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burke In tribute of Elmer Steele Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Jerry Steele Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Margaret Steele Jack and Sandy Maniloff In tribute of Leslie Stein Elizabeth Gruttadaurio 15

In tribute of Chad Stemmer and Staff Steve and Mary Hoeppner In tribute of Mike Stephens Steve and Mary Hoeppner In tribute of June Stohr Sandra Curtis Monica Epps Gary and Lori Lorraine In tribute of Gladys A. Stubbs Patricia Alessi Joyce M. Wagstaff In tribute of Alfred Sullivan William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Jane Sullivan William J. Hollenbeck In tribute of Laurie Sullivan Mary Beth Musto In tribute of Clara Surace Shannon Short In tribute of Fred Surace Shannon Short In tribute of Rev. Deborah F. Swift Sue Bovay In tribute of Jackie Swift Peter Swift In tribute of Rosemary Tacy NY Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi In tribute of Mary Taglieri Sue Bovay In tribute of Richard Taglieri Sue Bovay In tribute of Carrie “Kay” Taravella Rosanne Barone Anne and Francis Mc Kenna Rosie Taravella In tribute of Albert Jacob Tarr Janet Wixom In tribute of Mellie Scofield Tarr Janet Wixom In tribute of Louise Teresi Steve and Cindy Teresi In tribute to Elizabeth “Betty” Thiell Bruce and Carol Thiell In tribute to Joseph Thiell Bruce and Carol Thiell In tribute of Ann Thomas Sandi Thomas In tribute of Jason Thomas Sandi Thomas

In tribute of John Thomas Sandi Thomas In tribute of Jean Toal Kathleen LaValley In tribute of John Todaro Francis and Olga St. George In tribute of Pauline Todaro Francis and Olga St. George In tribute of Sara Tommasel Charlie Runyon In tribute of David M. Trost Jean Trost In tribute of Mary Ann Trost Jean Trost In tribute of Linda Underwood Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna Carmel Merrill In tribute of Michael Uschold Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane In tribute of Florence Usselman Deborah Anderson Beth A. DiLauro In tribute of Myrt Vallone Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Beatrice VanBortle Marilyn Walkowicz In tribute of Doug Vandermuelen Sandi Thomas In tribute of Charles Van Morrelgem Barbara Van Morrelgem In tribute of Helen Van Morrelgem Barbara Van Morrelgem In tribute of John Van Morrelgem Barbara Van Morrelgem In tribute of John VanVoorhis Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Aldona Vekrikas Krista and Lou Vardabash In tribute of Eugenijus Vekrikas Krista and Lou Vardabash In tribute of Dale Virgil Mary Beth Musto In tribute of Ellen Volpe McIntyre Eleanor A. Volpe In tribute of Fedora Vorrasi Dr. and Mrs. James DeLucia In tribute of Loretta Waddell Marilyn Waddell In tribute of Kristen Wagner Kathleen and Claire Barnwell 16

In tribute of Steven Wagner Kathleen and Claire Barnwell In tribute of Maureen Waight Melissa Trau In tribute of Barbara Walton-Dunn Daniel J. Seils In tribute of John Wagstaff Joyce M. Wagstaff In tribute of Gary Wahl Peter Swift In tribute of Dorris Waters Mike Waters In tribute of James E. Waters Mike Waters In tribute of Jody Watkins Deanne Molinari In tribute of Diane Weltzer Holly and Austin Mee In tribute of Winston Wenham Charlie Runyon In tribute of Dolores Wheeler Marilyn Waddell In tribute of Kathleen Whelehan Mary Lou Huff In tribute of Robert Whipple Philip and Eileen Cichetti In tribute of Janice White Sharlene Freeman In tribute of Barbara Whitman Caron Coapman In tribute of Robert Whitman Caron Coapman In tribute of John Williams Anne and Francis Mc Kenna In tribute of Gertrude Wisner Timothy J. Balconi In tribute of Peg Witmer Nancy Burns In tribute of the Witowski Family Sandra Colocino In tribute of Mary Wojnowski Robert Lighthouse In tribute of Edna and George Wolanski Sheila and Dan O’Brien In tribute of Julie Wood Terry Fahy In tribute of Lisa Woodhams Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Tim Woodhams Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna

In tribute of Kelly Wright Patricia Curran In tribute of Clara C. Yeadon George H. Yeadon, III In tribute of George H. Yeadon, II George H. Yeadon, III In tribute of Joan and Jim Yokley Kevin and Julie Judge In tribute of Ronald Yorks Anonymous Barbara Yorks Susan Yorks-Avery In tribute of Tony Zaccaglino Steve and Mary Hoeppner Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna In tribute of Thea Zasrempowski Patricia Naber In tribute of Maureen Ziegler John and Lori Lacitignola In tribute of 18 friends and family lost during 2021 William and Linda Wallace


Tributes listed by donor: Peter and Nancy Adams (5 lights) In tribute of Mary Adams In tribute of Teri Brubaker In tribute of Jeanette Ciarico In tribute of Victoria Cirrincione In tribute of Lauren Morrelle Patricia Alessi (2 lights) In tribute of Eleanor Alessi In tribute of Howie McCue In tribute of Gladys Stubbs Deborah Anderson (5 lights) In tribute of Agnes Anderson In tribute of Allen Clark Anderson In tribute of Shari Miller In tribute of Janice Place In tribute of Florence Usselman Paula Anderson (4 lights) In tribute of Elizabeth Bianchi Anonymous (580 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Anonymous (100 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Anonymous (10 lights) In tribute of Rita M. Gately Anonymous (7 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Anonymous (4 lights) In tribute of Ana L. Perez In tribute of Felix Perez In tribute of Angel L. Ramos In tribute of Maria D. Rivera Anonymous (2 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Staff of Reservoir 4 In tribute of Ronald Yorks Diana Apollonio (4 lights) In tribute of Adriano Apollonio In tribute of Claudio Apollonio In tribute of Giacomina Apollonio In tribute of Nello Apollonio Mary Arber (4 lights) In tribute of Thomas Arthur Arber In tribute of Muriel Rittenhouse Green In tribute of The Green Siblings In tribute of St. John’s Residents Joan and Ken Arnold (1 light) In tribute of Gordon Law Alexandra and Michael Bailey (5 lights) In tribute of John F. Cole In tribute of Buddy Dog

In tribute of Charlie Gullo In tribute of Jack Harcleroad In tribute of John Axel Persson Timothy J. Balconi (3 lights) In tribute of Helen Balconi In tribute of Mary Balconi In tribute of Gertrude Wisner Jennifer Banister (5 Lights) In tribute of Annette Boucher In tribute of Willie Boucher In tribute of Rev. John Collier In tribute of Patricia Beyer Collier In tribute of Carmel Merrill and Richard Lunt Christa Baraniak (1 light) In tribute of Christmas Judy Barillo (4 lights) In tribute of Ellen Barillo In tribute of James Barillo, Sr. In tribute of Daisy Sherman In tribute of Harry Sherman Carolyn Barnhart (13 lights) In tribute of Howard Barnhart In tribute of Josephine Barnhart In tribute of Elaine Button In tribute of Patricia Finch In tribute of Patrick Gaffney In tribute of Bob Leimberger In tribute of Anthony F. Saturno In tribute of Elizabeth Saturno In tribute of James J. Saturno In tribute of James V. Saturno In tribute of Matilde L. Saturno In tribute of William A. Saturno Kathleen and Claire Barnwell (7 lights) In tribute of Jack Barnwell In tribute of Marcella Barnwell In tribute of Doris Cole In tribute of Jack Cole In tribute of Ruth Schaible In tribute of Kristen Wagner In tribute of Steven Wagner Rosanne Barone (3 lights) In tribute of Frances Barone In tribute of Joseph Barone In tribute of Carrie “Kay” Taravella Jeanne Bartlett (3 lights) In tribute of Ida Arthurton In tribute of Leslie Arthurton In tribute of Doris “June” Hoover 18

Sharon Beaver (2 lights) In tribute of Noreen Delia Eileen M. Beck (6 lights) In tribute of Daniel J. Conradt In tribute of Julie Conradt In tribute of Lois Conradt In tribute of Richard Conradt In tribute of May Miller In tribute of Richard Miller Jane and Mike Bleeg (5 lights) In tribute of Mildred Erb Sue Bovay (8 lights) In tribute of Amy Doty In tribute of Mary Lee Miller In tribute of Nancy Rice In tribute of Gordon Rickner In tribute of Stena Rickner In tribute of The Rev. Deborah Swift In tribute of Mary Taglieri In tribute of Richard Taglieri Carol Bradshaw (4 lights) In tribute of Nancy Baker In tribute of Robert Bradshaw In tribute of Terry Neilon In tribute of Dawn Rivera Nancy Brandt (2 lights) In tribute of Joanne B. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brillian (4 lights) In tribute to Jean and Frank Brillian In tribute of Margaret Collins In tribute of Barbara deBuono In tribute of Sarah and Frank Goetz Kay Brockway (2 lights) In tribute of David H. Brockway, Esq. In tribute of Vincent S. Parks, Jr. Dawn Broking (4 lights) In tribute of DeVillo McCann In tribute of Doris McCann Joanne and Robert C. Brownyard, Sr. (7 lights) In tribute of Brian and Crystal Brownyard In tribute of David and Mark Brownyard In tribute of Mary Beth and Robert Brownyard, Jr. In tribute of Mary Jane Brownyard In tribute of Thomas and Sharon Brownyard In tribute of David and Susan DiPasquale In tribute of David and Betsy Hetrick Eleanor and Edwin Burke (1 light) In tribute of Stephanie Stasiw

Nancy Burns (2 lights) In tribute of Ruth Lockamyeir In tribute of Peg Witmer Anita Calderon (6 lights) In tribute of family and friends who have passed In tribute of Jerry Calderon In tribute of Shana Maidel In tribute of Morrey Shulman In tribute of Sarah Shulman In tribute of St. John’s Meadows Staff Donald T. Campanelli (5 lights) In tribute of Thomas LaSpina Harriet Caputo (3 lights) In tribute of Robert O. Boone In tribute of Mary and Bob Hastings In tribute of Eleanor Quinn Renier and Ann Chaintreuil (5 lights) In tribute of Delphine J. Chaintreuil In tribute of Jean A. Chaintreuil, Jr. In tribute of Margaret M. Chaintreuil In tribute of Janet G. Ross In tribute of John V. Ross Mark and Gwen Chamberlain (3 lights) In tribute of Graham Chamberlain In tribute of Lorraine Chamberlain In tribute of Joan Cornell Cindy Christa (7 lights) In tribute of Doris and Jack Christa In tribute of Jean and Frank Christa In tribute of Sam Gattelaro In tribute of Ann Hughes In tribute of Jean Kliss In tribute of Donald Metzger In tribute of June, Margaret and Ted Metzger Philip and Eileen Cichetti (8 lights) In tribute of Carl and Mary Cichetti In tribute of Linda Gibbons In tribute of Bonnie Gottorff In tribute of Gary Jager In tribute of Bill and Monica Lee In tribute of Bridget Merklinger In tribute of Richard Moffett In tribute of Robert Whipple Caron Coapman (3 lights) In tribute of Dianne Madigan In tribute of Barbara Whitman In tribute of Robert Whitman 19

Jim Coffey (3 lights) In tribute of Eleanor Alessi In tribute of Howie McCue In tribute of Dolores O’Toole Dan and Ann Colby (3 lights) In tribute of Gordon Law David J. Cole (7 lights) In tribute of Elizabeth B. Cole In tribute of John E. Cole In tribute of Steven M. Cole In tribute of William E. Cole In tribute of Elizabeth J. Crane In tribute of W. Kenneth Crane In tribute of Wolfgang E. Kroh Robert Cole (10 lights) In tribute of Jane Cole In tribute of Sadie Cole In tribute of Jennie Huch Mr. and Mrs. Lionello Collia (4 lights) In tribute of Frank Barbato In tribute of Rose Barbato In tribute of Baldiserra Collia In tribute of Frances Cramer Sandra Colocino (7 lights) In tribute of The Colocino Family In tribute of Anthony Colocino In tribute of Virginia Colocino In tribute of The Culkin Family In tribute of The DeLisle Family In tribute of Stephen Salisbury In tribute of The Witowski Family Anthony and Nadine Compisi (2 lights) In tribute of Barbara Gager In tribute of Warren Gager James and Mary Coniglio (8 lights) In tribute of Dan Chiara In tribute of Anthony and Josephine Coniglio In tribute of Sam and Ann Coniglio In tribute of Joseph Griffo In tribute of John and Rose Lombardo In tribute of Jim Miceli In tribute of Jim and Peggy Segerson In tribute of Joan Segerson Joan Conway (4 lights) In tribute of David Conway In tribute of Eileen Conway In tribute of Simon Conway In tribute of St. John’s Residents

Carole Cook (3 lights) In tribute of David P. Attridge In tribute of Louise Attridge In tribute of Thomas B. Attridge Joseph Cortese (3 lights) In tribute of Charles Cortese In tribute of Jeanette Cortese In tribute of Patrick Cortese Rev. Sarah Culp (7 lights) In tribute of Patrick Crumity In tribute of Nancy DeRycke In tribute of Baby G In tribute of Barbara and Larry Greenfield In tribute of J.D. Jackson, Jr. In tribute of Chava Redonnet In tribute of Tim Schramm Patricia Curran (5 lights) In tribute of Fr. Richard Brickler In tribute of Emma Curran In tribute of John J. Curran In tribute of Betty K. Ruby In tribute Kelly Wright Sandra Curtis (4 lights) In tribute of Michael J. Burke, Jr. In tribute of Kenneth Liddle In tribute of Marianne Liddle In tribute of June Stohr Linda Cutter (2 lights) In tribute of Margaret Prate Carolyn Daniels (10 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Dr. and Mrs. James DeLucia (3 lights) In tribute of Rose Barbato In tribute of Elsie Mueller In tribute of Fedora Vorrasi Richard Dennison (6 lights) In tribute of Diane S. Dennison Leonard J. DiCesare, Jr. (4 lights) In tribute of Carmela and Leonard DiCesare In tribute of Mary Delores DiCesare In tribute of the Platino Family – Rocky, Mary and Frank In tribute of Richard Pugliese


Beth DiLauro (7 lights) In tribute of Agnes Anderson In tribute of Allan C. Anderson In tribute of Deborah Anderson In tribute of Marcus DiLauro In tribute of Hector Delgado In tribute of Martin N. DiLauro In tribute of Florence Usselman Diane DiRoberto (4 lights) In tribute of John J. DiRoberto Valerie Drexler (3 lights) In tribute of Brittany Drexler Dippel In tribute of Lloyd Pugsley In tribute of Robert Spindler Berle Driscoll (5 lights) In tribute of Mary A. Mairs In tribute of the St. John’s Staff of South 2 Sheila and James Dunnington (7 lights) In tribute of Beverly Dunnington In tribute of Lois Dunnington In tribute of P.G. Dunnington In tribute of Clayton O. Prevost In tribute of Flora M. Prevost In tribute of Frank Puffer In tribute of Marijo Puffer Barbara Dvorozniak (5 lights) In tribute of Larry Lochner Janet and Carl Eller (20 lights) In tribute of Grace J. Pulver Janet and Jerry Elman (4 lights) In tribute of Adele Brzowsky In tribute of David Brzowsky In tribute of Louis Elman In tribute of Rachel Elman Monica Epps (6 lights) In tribute of Donna Boyd In tribute of Natalie Chekow In tribute of Donna Hepburn In tribute of Joyce Shaw In tribute of June Stohr In tribute of Margaret Parker Berdjhoui Esmerian (10 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Transportation Services Staff Terry Fahy (10 lights) In tribute of Diane Bogaczyk In tribute of Christine Curtis In tribute of Monica Epps In tribute of Jeannette Ross In tribute of Julie Wood

John and JoAnn Felsen (5 lights) In tribute of Stephen J. Christopher In tribute of the Felsen Family In tribute of Mickey Ferrara In tribute of Rose Ferrara Linda Grant Fingland (5 lights) In tribute of Shirley Cunliffe In tribute of Jim Gauss In tribute of Joseph Germano In tribute of Harry S. Goddard In tribute of Carl Grant, Sr. Mason and Ginn Fitch (2 lights) In tribute of Ann Englehart In tribute of Herbert Englehart Deidre Fitzgerald (2 lights) In tribute of Jack Carey Sharlene Freeman (9 lights) In tribute of Barb Cocilova In tribute of Adrienne Dykeman In tribute of Sandy Ferguson In tribute of Diane Hecht In tribute of Shannon Oliverio In tribute of Dr. Rena Pine In tribute of Dr. Eloise Schrag In tribute of Dr. Heather Sobel In tribute of Janice White Suzanne Fried (2 lights) In tribute of Terry Neilon In tribute of Dawn Rivera Karyl P. Friedman (4 lights) In tribute of Karen Bovee In tribute of Joyce Garrison In tribute of Rose Martin In tribute of Cara Rusinko and Conner Chmiel Edward Gall (4 lights) In tribute of Ted and Ellie Gall Jane Gardner (6 lights) In tribute of Eleanor Crapsey In tribute of David A. Gardner In tribute of Ross Marlin Johnson, Jr. In tribute of Joseph Latour In tribute of Jacqueline Marie Roland In tribute of Peyton Schultz Charles Gates (2 lights) In tribute of May Gates William Gerhartz (5 lights) In tribute of Jean Gerhartz


Barbara Glickman (5 lights) In tribute of Rhea Feinberg In tribute of Jack Glickman In tribute of Mark and Martha Glickman In tribute of Rich and Maureen Glickman In tribute of Roslyn Rose Dr. and Mrs. Alan Graffam (5 lights) In tribute of Karl S. Kabelac Barbara Greenfield (7 lights) In tribute of Linda Bliss In tribute of Jess and John Greenfield Hillesland In tribute of Roy and Isabelle Greenfield In tribute of Alvin and Hilma Loftesness In tribute of Brayden Mager In tribute of Lillian and Bud Shoemaker Elizabeth Gruttadaurio (5 lights) In tribute of Geneva Calhoun In tribute of Theda M. Hayes In tribute of Catherine Julian In tribute of Bill Leist In tribute of Leslie Stein Ken and Sue Gunsalus (2 lights) In tribute of Virginia McConnell David Haas (5 lights) In tribute of all departed members of the Haas and Linhos Families Dorothy Haelen (2 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Staff Lynette Hallinean (50 lights) In tribute of Eleanor Ritz Jane Hammele (2 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Steve Hare (10 lights) In tribute of Elizabeth Casaretti In tribute of Geraldine Pearson Louise Hauck (1 light) In tribute of Jack Goronkin Ruth and Jeff Hedin (6 lights) In tribute of Autumn Hedin In tribute of Harper Hedin In tribute of Riley Hedin In tribute of Ryan Hedin In tribute of Haley Rupp In tribute of Owen Rupp Mary Lou Heilman (4 lights) In tribute of Florence Carol In tribute of Jean Carol In tribute of Alfred Heilman In tribute of Rosaleen Heilman

Arlene Helget (4 Lights) In tribute of Bob Helget In tribute of Donald Lee Hurwitz In tribute of Kathie Quinlan In tribute of Jeanne Rowe Rebecca Hess (2 lights) In tribute of Molly Collins In tribute of Bev Hess Eugene Hettel (10 lights) In tribute of Gail R. Hettel John Hodgetts (3 lights) In tribute of Jule Hodgetts In tribute of Julie A. Hodgetts In tribute of William S. Hodgetts Steve and Mary Hoeppner (8 lights) In tribute of Steve Gardner In tribute of Cheryl Liberatore In tribute of Terry Neilon In tribute of Mike Neufeglise In tribute of Dawn Rivera In tribute of Mike Stephens In tribute of Chad Stemmler and Staff In tribute of Tony Zaccaglino George W. Hoffman (8 lights) In tribute of Emma Hoffman In tribute of George J. Hoffman In tribute of Mary H. Hoffman In tribute of Mary R. Hoffman In tribute of Dick Hollenbeck In tribute of Jean Hollenbeck In tribute of Jerome Huff In tribute of Mary Lou Huff William J. Hollenbeck (14 lights) In tribute of Philip Cinquanti In tribute of Sharon Cinquanti In tribute of Justiano Colon In tribute of Jean Doerner In tribute of Ted Doerner In tribute of Anita Hollenbeck In tribute of Edward Hollenbeck In tribute of Joan Hollenbeck In tribute of Julie Ann Hollenbeck In tribute of William E. Hollenbeck In tribute of Jacquelyn Horton In tribute of Ann Karnitz In tribute of Alfred Sullivan In tribute of Jane Sullivan Ann C. Honadle (2 lights) In tribute of David Ehmann In tribute of Helene Honadle 22

Marcy and Brian Hotchkiss (5 lights) In tribute of Sue Bement Elisabeth P. Howard (10 lights) In tribute of all St. John’s Caregivers Mary Lou Huff (15 lights) In tribute of Linda Baier In tribute of the Rick Bovee Family In tribute of Peggy Buckel In tribute of Dulcie Cooke In tribute of Andy and Margaret Dutcher In tribute of St. John’s Hawthorne Dining Room Staff In tribute of Charles R. Hoffman In tribute of George W. Hoffman In tribute of Mary H. Hoffman In tribute of Mary R. Hoffman In tribute of Shannon Hutchinson In tribute of Janis Hyland and Will Astor In tribute of Maria Jean-Francois In tribute of Nancy Mahlstedt In tribute of Kathleen Whelehan Rose Mary K. Hughes (6 lights) In tribute of George Beimler In tribute of Evelyn Chesier In tribute of Jeanne E. Hughes In tribute of Robert John Hughes In tribute of Joseph Keller In tribute of Mary Wagner Keller Adrianna Hussong (1 light) In tribute of Vincent James Cipriano Nanci Ignatowski (6 lights) In tribute of Ann Ignatowski In tribute of Don Ignatowski In tribute of Gene Ignatowski Ruth lllingsworth (4 lights) In tribute of Diana Illingsworth In tribute of Lee Illingsworth In tribute of Nancy Petrich In tribute of Robert Petrich Mary Iverson (5 lights) In tribute of Earl Vincent Baldwin In tribute of Ruth Margaret Baldwin Patricia Jason (2 lights) In tribute of Chester Jason In tribute of Josephine Masi Marlea Johncox (3 lights) In tribute of William Johncox In tribute of Arline Sexstone In tribute of Charles Sextone

Barbara Johnston (2 lights) In tribute of Jack Kelch In tribute of Martha Kelch Kevin and Julie Judge (7 lights) In tribute of Jack and Mary Lou Achille In tribute of Irene and Joe Carnevale In tribute of Jolene Critelli In tribute of Joe Germuga In tribute of Justine Germuga In tribute of Joseph V. Judge In tribute of Jimmy and Joan Yokley Patricia Keating (1 light) In tribute of Louise Hauck Mary Kelch (2 lights) In tribute of Jack Kelch In tribute of Martha Kelch Sara Kelch (2 lights) In tribute of Jack Kelch In tribute of Martha Kelch Paula Keneally (3 lights) In tribute of Charles J. Avallone In tribute of Penfield Green House Homes Staff In tribute of Erich Postler James E. Kidd (3 lights) In tribute of Hazel Kidd Cheryl Kieffer (3 lights) In tribute of Margaret C. Parker Jeanne Kingsley (8 lights) In tribute of Claire Kingsley In tribute of Donald Monefeldt Nancy Kitching (3 lights) In tribute of Gordon Law Toula and Deno Kolovos (4 lights) In tribute of Evangelia Kolovos Anne M. Korenstein (1 light) In tribute of Celia K. Korenstein Eliza Kozlowski (10 lights) In tribute of Herbert Benington In tribute of Merithew Benington In tribute of Mary Blackwell In tribute of Kjellaug “Chell” Gilda In tribute of John Hammele In tribute of Cynthia Kozlowski In tribute of Richard Kozlowski In tribute of Sterling Kozlowski In tribute of Judith Noone In tribute of Robert Noone Joan Kramer (2 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents 23

Deanna and Chuck Krusenstjerna (22 lights) In tribute of Paul Bartlett In tribute of Merithew Benington In tribute of Karen Bovee In tribute of Brickstone by St. John’s and St. John’s Meadows Management Team In tribute of Brickstone by St. John’s and St. John’s Meadows Staff In tribute of Yahaira Cisneros In tribute of John Hammele In tribute of Allen Krusenstjerna In tribute of Brenda Krusenstjerna In tribute of Matt Krusenstjerna In tribute of Sara Krusenstjerna In tribute of Dave Lauweret In tribute of Terry Neilon In tribute of Dawn Rivera In tribute of Joe Siccardi and Family In tribute of Greg Sroka In tribute of Judy Sroka In tribute of Linda Underwood In tribute of John VanVoorhis In tribute of Lisa Woodhams In tribute of Tim Woodhams In tribute of Tony Zaccaglino Jennifer Kucaba (17 lights) In tribute of John Kucaba, Jr. In tribute of St. John’s Concierges In tribute of St. John’s Dining Services Staff In tribute of St. John’s Environmental Services Staff In tribute of St. John’s Foundation Staff In tribute of St. John’s Medical Department In tribute of St. John’s Physical Therapy Staff In tribute of South 5 Staff Chay La (5 lights) In tribute of Hai La John and Lori Lacitignola (3 lights) In tribute of Tony Lacitignola In tribute of Rachel Lacitignola In tribute of Maureen Ziegler Dawn Larson and Kelly Lane (8 lights) In tribute of Marie Checchi Dinger In tribute of Ronald Dinger In tribute of William Dinger In tribute of Jack Holler In tribute of Randy Imburgia In tribute of Robert Lane In tribute of Carole Ann Larson In tribute of Michael Uschold

Kathleen LaValley (5 lights) In tribute of Jean Toal Annie Marie and Rheanolte LeBarbour (3 lights) In tribute of Yahaira Cisneros In tribute of Jack and Sandra Maniloff In tribute of Mike Neufeglise Dan and Jennifer Lesinski (4 lights) In tribute of Dorothy Elia In tribute of Sam Elia In tribute of MaryAnn Lesinski In tribute of John Majewski Edward Leva (20 lights) In tribute of Beverly Leva Marjorie Lewish (1 light) In tribute of Daniel Lewish Robert Lighthouse (2 lights) In tribute to Stella Lighthouse In tribute to Mary Wojnowski Joseph Lionti (7 lights) In tribute of Clara Corona and Patrick Corona In tribute of Noreen and Edmund Farrell In tribute of Constance Lionti In tribute of Dominic Lionti In tribute of Louise Lionti In tribute of Philomena Lionti In tribute of Vincent Lionti In tribute of Ginny Phelps Dianne Lochner (105 lights) In tribute of Larry Lochner In tribute of St. John’s Staff of Hastings 3 Michele Lochner (5 lights) In tribute of Larry Lochner Gary and Lori Lorraine (8 lights) In tribute of Molly Gerwig In tribute of Jimmy Gittleman In tribute of Don and Judy Hays In tribute of Rita Hoffman In tribute of Jan Lorraine In tribute of Liz Mahle In tribute of Mike Perri In tribute of June Stohr Anna Lynch (10 lights) In tribute to St. John’s Residents


Patricia Lynch-Grover (7 lights) In tribute to Patricia Craft In tribute to John Delehanty In tribute to Joanne Formicola In tribute to Ann M. Gable In tribute to Mary C. Lynch In tribute to Barb Ressman In tribute to Roger Ressman Lawrence and Angela MacDonald (6 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Kristine Magin (1 light) In tribute of Johanna Schaap Joann Magner (3 lights) In tribute of Howard W. Berman In tribute of Lawrence Falk Berman In tribute of Roslyn Berman Richard Mahoney (5 lights) In tribute of Barbara P. Mahoney Dominick Mancini (20 lights) In tribute of all St. John’s Residents Jack and Sandy Maniloff (7 lights) In tribute of Boris Maniloff In tribute of Edith Maniloff In tribute of Howard Maniloff In tribute of Paul Maniloff In tribute of Elmer Steele In tribute of Jerry Steele In tribute of Margaret Steele Margaret Marianetti (2 lights) In tribute of Alma Grady In tribute of Johanna Schaap Nancy Marsden (1 light) In tribute of Mary Herrick Annabelle V. Martin (5 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Paula Mastrolonardo (20 lights) In tribute of Paul Mastrolonardo In tribute of Rose Mastrolonardo Mary Ellen McDougal (2 lights) In tribute of Winifred Fribance Barbara McHenry (4 lights) In tribute of Betty Ruh In tribute of Carl Ruh Anne and Francis Mc Kenna (11 lights) In tribute of Alexandra Bailey In tribute of Frances and Joe Barone In tribute of Merithew Benington In tribute of Joyce Crook In tribute of Sandy Ferguson In tribute of Eliza Kozlowski

Anne and Francis Mc Kenna (continued) In tribute of Elaine Lucille Probst In tribute of Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Celeste Siringo In tribute of Carrie “Kay” Taravella In tribute of John Williams Francis Mc Kenna (5 lights) In tribute of Florence DiGioia In tribute of Anne Mc Kenna In tribute of Colin Mc Kenna In tribute of Matthew Mc Kenna In tribute of Elizabeth O’Donnell Sabrina McLeod (10 lights) In tribute of Kelli McMahon In tribute of Marion Peet Holly and Austin Mee (2 lights) In tribute of Shirley Mee In tribute of Diane Weltzer Amy Menz (2 lights) In tribute of Jack Kelch In tribute of Martha Kelch Carmel Merrill (7 lights) In tribute of Merithew Benington In tribute of Berdjouhi Esmerian In tribute of Deanna Krusenstjerna In tribute of Terry Neilon In tribute of Dawn Rivera In tribute of Mary Schwalb In tribute of Linda Underwood Robert Merrill (3 lights) In tribute of David Merrill In tribute of Lloyd Merrill In tribute of Mary Merrill Barbara G. Mestler (5 lights) In tribute of Ruthie Near Pamela Mestler (5 lights) In tribute of Ruthie Near Eugene Michael (1 light) In tribute to Helen DiBiase Karen Mischler (5 lights) In tribute of Hank Sniadoch Elizabeth Mittiga (4 lights) In tribute of Joseph Mittiga In tribute of Mary Mittiga In tribute of Ross Mittiga


Deanne Molinari (8 lights) In tribute of Gloria Camuso In tribute of Donald Davis In tribute of Mildred Molinari In tribute of Terry Mulee In tribute of Cheryl Palmer In tribute of Clint Spiegel In tribute of Jody Watkins Gillian Monell (6 lights) In tribute of Thelma R. Clark In tribute of Edna Monell Ann Murtagh (2 lights) In tribute of Ruth Doser In tribute of Eleanor Murtagh Mary Beth Musto (3 lights) In tribute of Sybil Miller In tribute of Laurie Sullivan In tribute of Dale Virgil David Newman (5 lights) In tribute of Gerald Newman New York Omicron Master of Beta Sigma Phi (9 lights) In tribute of Ruth Beldue In tribute of Ann Connelly In tribute of Mary Culbert In tribute of Amelia deBiase In tribute of Betty Marr In tribute of Ruth McClain In tribute of Jan Mungovan In tribute of Phyllis Sims In tribute of Rosemary Tacy Chanh Nguyen (2 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Joan Nobiling (2 lights) In tribute of Gerard “Gerry” Nobiling In tribute of Robert “Bob” Flanigan Patricia Naber (7 lights) In tribute of Marcy Arthur In tribute of James Boguslawski In tribute of Margaret McDermott In tribute of JoAnn McDonnell In tribute of the Naber Family In tribute of the O’Rourke Family In tribute of Thea Zasrempowski David Nowatka (7 lights) In tribute of Mary Seiler Nowatka Sheila and Dan O’Brien (15 lights) In tribute of Michael Gallagher In tribute of Barbara Gramkee In tribute of Barbara Henlyshen

Sheila and Dan O’Brien (continued) In tribute of Carol Wall O’Brien In tribute of Patrick T. O’Brien In tribute of William D. O’Brien In tribute of James and Arlene Scahill In tribute of Martha J. Scahill In tribute of Maureen Scahill In tribute of Terry Scahill In tribute of Thomas Scahill In tribute of William J. Scahill In tribute of Myrt Vallone In tribute of Edna and George Wolanski Jim Oriel and Julie Phillips-Oriel (4 lights) In tribute of Rick and Francine Coryea In tribute of Natalie Oriel In tribute of Edward and Anna Phillips In tribute of Samantha Santiago Linda Pancoast (5 lights) In tribute of Margaret Elizabeth Pancoast Lani Pappano (5 lights) In tribute of Michelle P. Cilento In tribute of Cynthia P. Krautwurst In tribute of Anthony Pappano In tribute of Leonardo Pappano In tribute of Stephan M. Pappano Patricia Jaskot Parks (10 lights) In tribute of Mary Ambrose In tribute of David H. Brockway, Esq. In tribute of Milton Bull In tribute of Joyce Henck In tribute of St. John’s Housekeeping Staff In tribute of Vincent S. Parks, Jr. In tribute of Dr. Rena Pine In tribute of Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of St. John’s Reservoir 6 Aides and Nurses In tribute of Charlie Runyon Linda Pasnak (8 lights) In tribute of Anna Augenstein In tribute of Elston Augenstein In tribute of Grace Augenstein In tribute of Oscar Augenstein In tribute of George LaTour In tribute of Vera LaTour In tribute of Fenton Robinson In tribute of Lois Robinson


Patricia Patterson (4 lights) In tribute of Edith Donahue In tribute of Bobbie Judge In tribute of Katie Nau In tribute of Tim Patterson John S. Pearsall (3 lights) In tribute of Edward Rosenberg In tribute of Robert Sanow Jim and Cathy Peck (2 lights) In tribute of Connie Brownell In tribute of St. John’s Staff of Reservoir 3 Rena Pine (20 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents Ellen Pochmara (4 lights) In tribute of Nancy Bartell In tribute of Cecilie Bodnar In tribute of Frank Bodnar In tribute of Barb Kramer Holly and Darryl Powell (7 lights) In tribute of Janet Allen In tribute of Anne, Fran, Matt and Colin Mc Kenna In tribute of Disa Powell In tribute of Waldo Powell In tribute of Elaine Lucille Probst In tribute of Rev. C. Raymond Probst In tribute of Daniel J. Seils Bethel Powers (7 lights) In tribute of Carolyn Blind In tribute of Edward Blind In tribute of Donald A. Cornell In tribute of Elizabeth “Betty” Cornell In tribute of Mary Francz In tribute of George Powers In tribute of Helen Powers Guy C. Prentice, Jr. (2 lights) In tribute of Eleanor G. Prentice In tribute of Guy C. Prentice, Sr. Rev. C. Raymond Probst (5 lights) In tribute of Colin X. Mc Kenna In tribute of Matthew F. Mc Kenna In tribute of Aaron W. Powell In tribute of Catherine Powell In tribute of Ellie Powell Catherine Radie (2 lights) In tribute of Susan Soper Pat Reynolds (8 Lights) In tribute of all St. John’s Residents

Esta Richter (6 lights) In tribute of Adele Brzowsky In tribute of David Brzowsky In tribute of Adam Richter Florence Rick (2 lights) In tribute of Nicholas Rick In tribute of Emily Rick Schuler M. Goldie Rogers (2 lights) In tribute of Mabel E. Anderson John and Betty Rohl (1 light) In tribute of Jim Rohl Carolyn Root (2 lights) In tribute of Richard and Evelyn Ceder In tribute of Elmer and June Hallowell Michele Rosenbaum (4 lights) In tribute of Edward Lobene In tribute of Jeanette Lobene In tribute of Calvin Rosenbaum In tribute of Maureen Rosenbaum Charlie Runyon (10 lights) In tribute of Abby Runyon In tribute of Ally Runyon In tribute of Amelia Runyon In tribute of Grace Runyon In tribute of Kathy Runyon In tribute of Mollie Runyon In tribute of Richard Runyon In tribute of Shawn Runyon In tribute of Sara Tommasel In tribute of Winston Wenham Charles W. Russell (3 lights) In tribute of Pat Calzone In tribute of Jim Rohl In tribute of Mary O. Russell Roxann Sacheli (2 lights) In tribute of Elizabeth Sacheli In tribute of Vera Sanfillipo Francis and Olga St. George (4 lights) In tribute of Eugene Meschko In tribute of Nina Meschko In tribute of John Todaro In tribute of Pauline Todaro Ann Sartwell (10 lights) In tribute of Rebecca Dennis In tribute of Will Engel Allen Scalise (20 lights) In tribute of Francis “Frank” Scalise Werner Schenk (3 lights) In tribute of Janet A. Schenk 27

Paul Schultz (20 lights) In tribute to Terri Schultz Cathy Scoppo (10 lights) In tribute of Elizabeth “Betty” Cowley Daniel J. Seils (11 lights) In tribute of Bob and Karen Barnes In tribute of Mary-Ann Bazelmans In tribute of Joe, Mary, and Terry Chiarilli In tribute of Fred, Nancy, and the Farnsworth Family In tribute of John and Elizabeth Gay Daniel J. Seils (continued) In tribute of Shirley and the Kazmierczak Family In tribute of Sam and Anne Levitt In tribute of Jim and Sharon Paulino In tribute of Adam, Katie, and Michael Phillips In tribute of Rick and Amy Seils In tribute of Barbara Walton-Dunn Mike Shafer (2 lights) In tribute of Delores Shafer In tribute of Oscar Shafer Lauren and David Shaffer (6 lights) In tribute of Judith Boston In tribute of Ralph Boston In tribute of Sharon Feurtado In tribute of Inez Demers In tribute of Patricia Demers-Peck In tribute of Yvette Plantier Rev. James and Marcia Sheldon (10 lights) In tribute of Mike Perri Shannon Short (5 lights) In tribute of Gail Ann Short In tribute of Isobel Short In tribute of Marie Short In tribute of Clara Surace In tribute of Fred Surace Anita L. Simmons (1 light) In tribute of Gerald C. Simmons Celeste Siringo (6 lights) In tribute of Andrew Cuthbertson In tribute of Janet Edwards In tribute of Wyndell Mewborn In tribute of Anthony Siringo In tribute of Margaret Siringo In tribute of St. John’s Foundation Staff Stella Slaight (20 lights) In tribute of Ruth H. Slaight

Rosalind L. Smith (2 lights) In tribute of Charles Acker Smith Angelina Snyder (3 lights) In tribute of Florence Della Roso In tribute of Rocco Della Roso In tribute of Glen Snyder Hollie Stenglein (1 light) In tribute of Lois Peterson Esther Suhr (4 lights) In tribute of Genevarah H. Livergood In tribute of Lavinia Livergood Carolyn Sutter (4 lights) In tribute of Louise Broccolo In tribute of John Buckland In tribute of Barbara Gelsomino In tribute of Pauline Parisi Peter Swift (4 lights) In tribute of Carlton Quallo In tribute of Cheryl Speranza In tribute of Jackie Swift In tribute of Gary Wahl Rosie Taravella (2 lights) In tribute of Frances Barone In tribute of Carrie “Kay” Taravella Steve and Cindy Teresi (10 lights) In tribute of Louise Teresi Bruce and Carol Thiell (2 lights) In tribute to Elizabeth “Betty” Thiell In tribute to Joseph Thiell Sandi Thomas (7 lights) In tribute of Dorothy Cusker In tribute of Ken Piotter In tribute of Marian Piotter In tribute of Ann Thomas In tribute of Jason Thomas In tribute of John Thomas In tribute of Doug Vandermeulen Melissa Trau (7 lights) In tribute of Maureen Waight In tribute of all St. John’s Residents Jean Trost (2 lights) In tribute of David M. Trost In tribute of Mary Ann Trost Barbara Van Morrelgem (5 lights) In tribute of Arlene Kassmann In tribute of Vincent Kassmann In tribute of Charles Van Morrelgem In tribute of Helen Van Morrelgem In tribute of John Van Morrelgem 28

Krista and Lou Vardabash (20 lights) In tribute of Marjorie Bonsignore In tribute of Genevieve Cancilo In tribute of Gabriella Ortega In tribute of Ursula Penkus In tribute of Aldona Vekrikas In tribute of Eugenijus Vekrikas Eleanor A. Volpe (3 lights) In tribute of Elizabeth Osta In tribute of Jen Robertson and Michael Volpe, III In tribute of Ellen Volpe McIntyre Marilyn Waddell (4 lights) In tribute of Constance O. Donaldson In tribute of Linda Manderz In tribute of Loretta Waddell In tribute of Dolores Wheeler Joyce M. Wagstaff (3 lights) In tribute of Walter Cook In tribute of Gladys Stubbs In tribute of John Wagstaff Marilyn Walkowicz (6 lights) In tribute of Joann Casey In tribute of Loretta Casey In tribute of Margaret Casey In tribute of Gertrude Madden In tribute of Marion Ross In tribute of Beatrice VanBortle William and Linda Wallace (5 lights) In tribute of 18 friends and family lost during 2021 Mike Waters (5 lights) In tribute of Ann Luellen In tribute of Edward Sassano In tribute of Helen Matejeck Sassano In tribute of Dorris Waters In tribute of James E. Waters Linda and Harry Wells (5 lights) In tribute of Carol Joswick Janice White (10 lights) In tribute of Lorraine and Richard Jaskulski Kathleen H. White (5 lights) In tribute of Helen Bianchi John Williams (2 lights) In tribute of Anne Mc Kenna In tribute of Terry Neilon

Peg and Ken Williams (7 lights) In tribute of Rev. Sarah Culp In tribute of Marcia and Ken Cupery In tribute of Dr. Ken Dodgson In tribute of Sally and John Lake In tribute of Rheanolte and Annie Marie LeBarbour In tribute of Judy Norman In tribute of Dawn Rivera Gerry and Maureen Wilmot (10 lights) In tribute of Larry Lochner Janet Wixom (4 lights) In tribute of Arthur Eugene Roberts In tribute of Janet Virginia Roberts In tribute of Albert Jacob Tarr In tribute of Mellie Scofield Tarr George H. Yeadon, III (5 lights) In tribute of Corinne C. Gleed In tribute of Herbert Gleed In tribute of Margaret U. Mitchell In tribute of Clara C. Yeadon In tribute of George H. Yeadon, II Barbara Yorks (5 lights) In tribute of Ronald Yorks Susan Yorks-Avery (4 lights) In tribute of Ronald Yorks


Additional Lights St. John’s Illumination of Love 2021 Listed by Honoree In tribute of Mary Durfee Judith M. Norman

In tribute of Carol Root Katie Root

In tribute of Ted Gall Eileen Schechner

In tribute of the Wittman Family Patricia McKenna

In tribute of Betty Haglund Barbara Kesel

Listed by Donor: Ann M. Coccia (4 lights) In tribute of St. John’s Residents

In tribute of Thomas Kennedy Patricia McKenna In tribute of Frank Kesel Barbara Kesel In tribute of Shirley Korhumel Danny Korhumel Richard Korhumel Tim and Nancy Korhumel

Barbara Kesel (20 lights) In tribute of Betty Haglund In tribute of Frank Kesel Danny Korhumel (1 light) In tribute of Shirley Korhumel Richard Korhumel (1 light) In tribute of Shirley Korhumel

In tribute of Charles McKenna Patricia McKenna

Tim and Nancy Korhumel (1 light) In tribute of Shirley Korhumel

In tribute of Richard Norman Judith M. Norman

Patricia McKenna (6 lights) In tribute of Thomas Kennedy In tribute of Charles McKenna In tribute of Edward Pfenninger In tribute of Rosemary Shea In tribute of the Sorbello Family In tribute of the Wittman Family

In tribute of Edward Pfenninger Patricia McKenna In tribute of St. John’s Residents Ann M. Coccia In tribute of Rosemary Shea Patricia McKenna In tribute of the Sorbello Family Patricia McKenna In tribute of Patricia Steinkraus Judith M. Norman In tribute of Sue Gerline Katie Root

Judith M. Norman (3 lights) In tribute of Mary Durfee In tribute of Richard Norman In tribute of Patricia Steinkraus Katie Root (4 lights) In tribute of Sue Gerline In tribute of Carol Root Eileen Schechner (4 lights) In tribute of Ted Gall 30

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