BioPharm Society January Newsletter 2021

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Happy New Year BioPharmers! We hope you all had a wonderful winter break and enjoyed some well-deserved time off. The previous year was definitely a challenging one but we wish everyone an amazing year ahead. To the third and fourth year students, good luck on your co-op and thesis searches, and to the fifth years, good luck on finishing up your thesis projects! At the start of this new year and new semester, we bring you the January Newsletter. - Kruti Bhakta and Tavishi Weeraratna

BioPharm Co-op Questionnaire This message is for all BioPharm students who are currently on a co-op term or have completed a co-op term: Tell us about your experience! We have created a questionnaire where you discuss what your co-op placement looked like and provide any advice for other students! Your response will be posted on our social media in the coming months. Find the questionnaire here. *if your are comfortable, submit a picture of yourself that will go along with the social media post (email it to

Upcoming Events Mentorship Event - Co-op Kickoff: January 17th, 8PM Biology & Pharmacology Program Information Night: January 19th, 6-7PM Journal Club: January 20th, 8-9PM

Mentorship Program Updates This month's mentorship theme is “Preparing for the co-op job search�! Here is a link to a repository of current BioPharm student's job experiences, a list of companies, a job search log, and a thesis log. We hope you will find this helpful in kicking off your co-op job search! All BioPharm students are welcome and encouraged to add to and use this spreadsheet!

Journal Club Updates To start off our 2021 BioPharm Journal club we will be listening to a podcast! This 33 minute podcast focuses on finding the culprit of the 1918 flu pandemic decades later: Science Vs. Episode: Hunting an Invisible Killer. Join us on January 20. More details to follow. Dr. Luke Janssen will be facilitating the next journal club!




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