#PolledPlace March/April 2019

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Volume 31 - March/April 2019

#PolledPromoter International Protein Sires #PolledPlacings Hurtgenlea Splnd Maurice-P #PolledPanel The Corse Farm Dairy LLC #PolledPrices

Your Source for Polled Dairy Cattle!

#PolledPlace 1


International Protein Sires

Polled Lets Deal Daughter Produces Over 265 Pounds of Milk in One Day!

There are milk cows ... and then, there are milk cows. Let us introduce you to What. She's a 566HO1228 LETS DEAL *RC *PC daughter at Sandy Loam Dairy, Fredonia, Wisconsin. At their most recent official DHIA monthly test day, What produced 265 lbs!! That's right. You didn't read this wrong ... 265 lbs! This equates to 120.2 kilos/day. If you translate this to gallons of milk, What produces over 30 gallons of milk a day. All by herself. With no bST. Talk about an overachiever! What is milking in her second lactation. She calved at 3-01. Fresh 67 days on testing day, her year-to-date production is 3-01 67d 3X 10,946M 3.2% 350F 3.6% 394P. What is projected to make 48,788M during this lactation. We congratulate Sandy Loam Dairy and What for their outstanding accomplishment of breeding a cow that truly knows how to milk! LETS DEAL *RC *PC is the #3 GTPI *PC Proven Sire at +2130 GTPI. He is also +.12% Fat and +.05% Protein. This Red Carrier Polled sire sires medium-statured cows with good strength, correct slope to the rump and very good feet and legs. For complete information on LETS DEAL *RC *PC, visit: www.ipssires.com/ bulls/holstein-daughter-proven-sires/details/40/566HO1228-SYNERGY-LETS-DEAL. Semen is available and can be ordered by contacting International Protein Sires at 800-5427593 or contact@ipssires.com.

Breeding Polled Excellence

A #PolledPioneer!

Polled Classification Highlights

Taughboyne Aussiegold Ella 13078(P) NOW EX-91! (pictured) Taughboyne Aussie Lassie 15002(P) went EX-90 as a 3-Yr-Old

Taughboyne Jerseys Victoria, Australia taughboyne@bigpond.com


2 #PolledPlace

Shaun Cameron #PolledPioneer 1938-2018 Dad worked with Polled Jerseys his whole life. POLLED the humane choice POLLED nature’s dehorner POLLED the future is now!

Ardachie POLLED Jerseys Marton, New Zealand Email: ardachie@xtra.co.nz


Hurtgenlea Splnd Maurice-P-ET*RC

The Story Behind the Red Carrier Polled Holstein Marketplace Sire Bred by Hurtgenlea - Leo, Karen & Adam Hurtgen - Wisconsin Farm Background The 140 acre farm is a partnership with Leo and Karen Hurtgen and their son, Adam, in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. We began renting the farm in 1980 and purchased it in 1983. We started with a 30-stall stanchion barn and now have two free stall barns. One is a 120 stall barn for milk cows and the second one is a 130 stall barn to house dry cows and heifers over 13 months of age. Adam attended Modesto Junior College and transferred to Cornell University. After graduation he worked for Minglewood Inc., a 700 cow dairy farm, in northwest Wisconsin. With the opportunity to purchase a group of 23 heifers from the Yursden Farm, Adam made the decision to return to the home farm in 2004. Interestingly, one of the heifers was Yursden Kite Caramac-Red. From milking 45 cows at the time, we have increased the herd size to 160 mature cows and 190 head of young stock. How long have you been breeding for Polled and what inspired you to start? We started breeding for the Polled gene about ten years ago. The inspiration came from two enthusiastic Polled breeders that stopped at our farm during World Dairy Expo, Roy MacGregor and Bryan Quanbury. Taking their advice about the opportunities that Polled would offer in the future, we started slowly using more Polled bulls. What is your breeding philosophy for Polled? We are using Polled to create marketable offspring that are unique from our best cow families. We want to concentrate on DPR, components, UDC and calving ease. Who was your first Polled cow? Polled in our herd began in 2009 with the Caramac cow family that included her full sister Yursden Kite Chanel-RC VG-88. It was a mating with Chanel's Ladino Park Talent daughter and Aggravation Lawn Boy-P-Red that yielded Hurtgenlea Cayuga-P-Red EX90. Cayuga-P had several lactations over 30,000 lbs. of milk. What cow families are you breeding Polled into? We have bred the Polled gene into the Hurtgenlea Dante Marissa EX-93 and Yursden Kite Caramac-Red Ex-92 families. Marissa is a third generation Excellent cow and is the matron of our high genomic animals. It is through her great-great-granddaughter, Hurtgenlea Yoder Modesto VG-86, that Hurtgenlea Splnd Maurice-PRC was created. He is a Pine-Tree Splendid-P-RC son that ranks #1 for NM$ Hurtgenlea Splnd Maurice-P-ET*RC and pounds of fat for RC/Polled bulls. 54HO1003 aAa 423516

Maurice-P is the half brother to Hurtgenlea Richard Charl, who has been a chart topper for NM$ and GTPI. Maurice-P is available through the Holstein USA Marketplace Sires website: www.holsteinusa.com/ marketplacesires. Caramac-Red is the fifth dam to Hurtgenlea Colt Celia-P-Red EX-90. Celia-P is currently over 170,000 lifetime production and has five daughters that are Polled. What Polled bulls are represented in your herd? Polled bulls in our herd include Zimmerview Wonka Loyola-P, Da-So-Burn Mom Earnhardt-P, Pine-Tree Ohare-P, Sandy-Valley Colt-P and Pine-Tree Splendid-P. What Polled bulls are you currently using? We are currently using Hurtgenlea Maurice-P and Holyland Simplicity-P. What are your thoughts on the availability of Polled bulls and what would you like to see available in the future? We think there is a sufficient number of Polled bulls available. In the future, we'd like to see more emphasis on health traits like DPR, calving ease and production. These are a few of the traits we like to concentrate on that make us profitable. Where do you see the future of Polled in your breed? It is hard to know where the future of Polled genetics will go for Holsteins. We believe public pressure to eliminate dehorning practices will play a factor. Some milk companies may influence the use of Polled as well. As a genetic trait, the gap between Polled and horned bulls will continue to get closer. Polled should be viewed as a value-added trait similar to Beta Casein and Kappa Casein. Visit Hurgenlea Holsteins! We welcome visitors to our farm, located between Chicago and Madison. Follow Hurtgenlea Holsteins at Facebook for updates.

Hurtgenlea Yoder Modesto VG-86 Dam of Maurice-P-ET*RC

#PolledPlace 3



Your Source for Polled Dairy Cattle!

April 15 May/June #PolledPlace Deadline ***Special POLLED JERSEY Issue*** April 19 Hei-Bri Jersey Adventure Dispersal Hawkeye, Iowa April 30 Marsh-Edge Holsteins Dispersal Reedsville, Wisconsin May 3 & 4 #PP & Bouquet of Breeds Sale Eden Valley, Minnesota June 15 July/Aug #PolledPlace Deadline August 13 USDA/CDCB Proof Evaluations August 15 Sept/Oct #PolledPlace Deadline ***Special World Dairy Expo Issue*** August 25 #PolledPromoters Directory Deadline October 1-5 World Dairy Expo Madison, Wisconsin December 3 USDA/CDCB Proof Evaluations

#PolledPlace is an online and print publication that is published 6x/year by:

Polled Dairy Cattle

PO Box 813, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 Phone: (608) 732-2757 Email: polledplace@polleddairycattle.com www.facebook.com/PolledDairyCattle Twitter @PolledPlace Instagram @polledplace Website: www.polleddairycattle.com Editor/Owner: Stephanie Hammerly Calling all POLLED dairy enthusiasts! To

receive a FREE online subscription, send your email to: polledplace@polleddairycattle.com. Print subscriptions in the US are $30/year, Canada $35/year and International $50/year.

#PolledPlace Advertising Rates

Polled Dairy Cattle does not always share the views expressed in #PolledPlace and is not responsible for information contained in advertisements. No part of this publication may be reproduced without consent of the publisher.

Full Page - $400 1/2 Page - $250 FULL 1/3 Page - $200 C OLOR 1/4 Page - $150 ADS! 1/6 Page - $100 #PolledPlace Listing - $50 20% Discount for Contract Ads! 10% New Proof Discount!

Features Cover #PolledPhoto

International Protein Sires Hurgenlea Holsteins The Corse Farm Dairy LLC Polled Marketplace Polled Sale Consignments Polled Jerseys

"Polled & Backed by 7 Generations!" Featured on the cover of this issue is Hurtgenlea Splnd Maurice-P-ET*RC and his dam, Hurtgenlea Yoder Modesto VG-86. Maurice-P has 7 VG and EX dams and is available from Holstein Marketplace Sires, a new program at Holstein Association USA. Learn more about Maurice-P and Hurgenlea Holsteins on page 3.

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Photo © Sarah Damrow

2 #PolledPromoter 3 #PolledPlacings 5 #PolledPanel 5 #PolledPlace 6 #PolledPrices 6 #PolledPlatform

Next Generation: POLLED!

All-Lynns Nitro Nala VG-87-3Y Dam of Natalie-P Grand-dam of Nano


Listowel-P x All-Lynns Nitro Nala VG-87-3Y x EX-90 Paramount x EX-90 Abe Just fresh with her first calf and is looking good! Easily VG and will be starting conventional flushing very soon! Her EXCITING Daughter - - SCHOENE KUH DISCO NANO - - PA +162JPI **genomic results coming soon!**

Schoene Kuh Dairy

Staci Sexton 61588 Cty Rd 2 · Millville, MN· 651-564-0857 · schonekuhdairy@gmail.com

#PolledPanel Breeder Perspectives on POLLED This magazine was developed for those passionate about Polled! In the #PolledPanel feature of #PolledPlace, breeders have the opportunity to share their perspective on Polled. Thank you to Leon Corse for sharing your Polled story and views on the future of Polled Holsteins and Jerseys!

#PolledPlace The Marketplace for POLLED

The Corse Farm Dairy LLC - Leon Corse - Vermont Farm Background The Corse Farm Dairy LLC in the southern Vermont town of Whitingham, is currently operated by Leon & Linda Corse and their adult daughter, Abbie. The farm has been in the Corse family since May of 1868. Abbie is the 6th generation to dairy here. We also host an apprentice through the Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship Program. The 100 or so certified organic animals (Holsteins, Red & Whites, Jerseys and crosses) are currently housed in two barns, a freestall/milking parlor setup built in 1978 and rebuilt after being partially destroyed by a fire, caused by lightning, in May 2007. The young stock is housed in a 60' x 96' greenhouse type freestall built in 2006. The farm is located in the Green Mountains at a 2,000 foot elevation, where the cows have always been grazed. Leon's great-grandfather, Lester, is often quoted as having said, "When you live up here, you should expect 9 months of winter and 3 of tough sledding." We became members of CROPP/Organic Valley in 2008, we are also members of Agri-Mark/Cabot who handled our milk prior to our organic transition. How long have you been breeding for Polled and what inspired you to start? We started breeding for Polled in 2011. In 2010, one of our Red & Whites gave birth to a surprise Polled daughter. When Leon was disbudding calves and realized #805 did not have horn buds, it lead to what he calls "a decision to make a habit of that occurrence." What is your breeding philosophy for Polled? For several years, we have made Polled and A2A2 priorities in our bull selection process. We have used AI exclusively since 1977. Who was your first Polled cow? #805, a Red & White born 8/8/2010 which was also the 21st birthday of Leon & Linda's youngest son, Henry, who is a red head! What cow families are you breeding Polled into? Currently most all of our first and second services are to Polled bulls. About half of our calves have been Polled since 2013, so about half of our herd is Polled. What Polled bulls are represented in your herd? Yatzee-P, Dominic-P, Slade-P-Red, Piranha-P, Amor-P, ChiliPepper-P, Kit Kat-P Labyrinth-P, Cassius-P, Tyler-P, Mickey-P, Signif-P, DipRedIsy, Nikki-P, Cecil-P, Malibu-P, Jaeggar-P, Limelight-P , Citation-P, Subzero-P and Brian-P. What Polled bulls are you currently using? Cris-P, ChiliPepper-P, Citation-P, Reggie-P, Kit Kat -P, Visual-P Vestige-P, Socrates-P and Dominic-P. What are your thoughts on the availability of Polled bulls? I would like to have Homozygous Polled bulls more widely available locally. We have found a place where we can source 2 Homozygous Jersey bulls for next breeding season. We calve all our cows from late April to late October, so we breed from July to January. What would you like to see available in the future? I would like to see the AI industry embrace Polled and move in the direction of all Polled bulls in the next 10 to 20 years. I believe with the use of genomics, that is possible if the industry would decide to move in that direction! Where do you see the future of Polled in your breed? We have more than one breed, all have some Polled availability, so I believe there should be increasing amounts of Polled bulls in all those breeds as the industry embraces Polled.

28307 265th St. Leon, IA 50144 P: 641-414-5862 E: tim@covingtonjerseys.com

HOMOZYGOUS POLLED SEMEN FOR SALE! Zorro-PP, Case-PP & Comet-PP Follow us on Facebook!

Your Source for Polled Ayrshires

Hawksfield Jamison P

Hawksfield Blessing P

Hawksfield Farms

Charles, Henry, Shirley, Diane, Mark, Mary, Grace & Jonathan Sayles Perry, Michigan Email: ayrhawk2@gmail.com

Inquiries Welcome Come as a visitor... ...Leave as a Friend!

John & Julie Schmitz Bernie & Aggie Schmitz

58253 360th St. Eden Valley, MN 55329 jjjjjs@meltel.net | (320) 420-2432

Like us on Facebook!

ake Knoll Ayrshires TERRI LAWTON

70 North Street Foxboro, MA 02035 774.444.5824 terri_lawton@yahoo.com

SchoeneStaciKuh Dairy Sexton 61588 County Road 2 Millville, MN 55957 Phone: 651-564-0857 Email: schonekuhdairy@gmail.com

#PolledPlace 5



Cheryl A. Carlson 1019 Dutch Hill Rd. Tully, NY 13159 315-238-7026 315-696-8133 wetumpka@twcny.rr.com

Home of High Octane Milk Producers 100% JERSEYS 70% POLLED

Polled Testing There are 2 independent origins of polled, one found in Holstein-Friesian and Jersey breeds (Pf), the other in many European breeds of Celtic origin (Pc) such as Angus, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Dexter, Limousin, Charolais, and Hereford, among others. Polledness is dominant; a polled animal can have one or two copies of the gene. All offspring of a bull with 2 copies of polled (homozygous) will be polled. Genetic testing is a cost-effective means to determine if a polled animal has 1 or 2 copies of the gene. The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory offers a test for the polled gene to assist breeders in selecting cattle that have 2 copies of Polled gene. H/H HORNED. No copies of either Polled molecular marker are present. Pf/H POLLED. One copy of the Polled-Friesian molecular marker is present. At least 50% of the offspring will be polled. Pf/Pf POLLED. Two copies of the Polled-Friesian molecular marker are present. All offspring will be polled. Pc/H POLLED. One copy of the Polled-Celtic molecular marker is present. At least 50% of the offspring will be polled. Pc/Pc POLLED. Two copies of the Polled-Celtic molecular marker are present. All offspring will be polled. Pc/Pf POLLED. One copy of Polled-Celtic and 1 copy of Polled-Friesian molecular markers are present. All offspring will be polled.

Phone: (530) 752-2211 www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/Polled.php

6 #PolledPlace

Special Polled Jersey Issue is ALMOST HERE! I'm looking forward to putting together the second #PolledJersey special publication! The May/June issue of #PolledPlace will highlight Polled Jerseys again this year and will also include the latest April #PolledPlacings rankings. Reserve your ad space in this special issue by April 15th to share your Polled Jersey genetics. This is also a great issue to share your exciting new Polled proof results, regardless of breed! Keep Breeding Polled!

Stephanie Hammerly Editor/Owner


POLLED Sale Consignments

Hei-Bri Jersey Adventure Complete Dispersal April 19 - Hawkeye, Iowa


Marsh-Edge Holsteins Dispersal April 30 - Reedsville, Wisconsin


#PolledPlace & Bouquet of Breeds Sale May 3 & 4 - Eden Valley, Minnesota


Are you selling Polled animals?

Send your #PolledPrices to polledplace@polleddairycattle.com by April 15th.

Polled Advertisers Ardachie Jerseys 2 Covington Jerseys 4 Hawksfield 4 Manannah Valley 4 Oake Knoll 4

Rollen N’s Dairy 7 Schoene Kuh 4,6 Select Sires 8 Taughboyne 2 Twisted Genes 6

Wetumpka Farm

Next Advertising Deadline: April 15th



daughters dam


Ri-Val-Re The Best P-Red EX-90 Photo © Lea Jordan

THE FAUS FAMILY Nate-607-426-4094 Rock Stream, NY rollenns@gmail.com Rollen N’s Dairy

120HO3112 Reg#73756235 aAa 543621 VG-85 Miller P x Effect P x MacGuiness +2338GTPI +532NM$ +1.38PTAT +2.05UDC +1.67FLC +707M +27F +31P +6.2PL 2.68SCS +1.7DPR +3.4 Livability #PolledPlace 7

8 #PolledPlace

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