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Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus ​[Music] what's up guys I'm here at the post office mailing out 10-day experiences and I thought I would come in here and tell you guys what's new for my summer ten-day experiences I have some awesome things in store for you and as many of you know I just moved to Florida and there's construction going on in my house so I figured I might as well tell you guys about the 10-day experiences here in the car while I'm dropping off the orders from last night the 10-day experience has come in a couple different options and why might you want to do a 10-day experience so if you are doing the keto diet if you're new to the lifestyle or if you've been doing the ketogenic diet or a low carb diet for a little while attending experience is great because it gives your body eggs agendas ketones and not just any exogenously tone max bhp which is patented from prove it so you can't find this anywhere else it's only within this product it's a bhp that is absorbed at a higher rate by your body because it's the same bhp that's produced naturally by your body so what this is going to do is it's gonna give you energy it's gonna give you focus it's gonna make you feel great it's going to help you sleep better it's going to help you lose your appetite you're not going to be as hungry it basically supports your entire lifestyle so that you can stick to this long term it also helps break plateaus it helps you by getting into ketosis within one hour so let's say you accidentally have some carbs here in the center maybe you went to a barbecue maybe you went out to eat and you didn't realize that but you had had some excess carbs in it without even knowing it this is this happens to all of us and the endogenous ketones are almost like an insurance policy like they help you so you don't have that weight gain bloat that comes along with when you're following this type of diet and then you fall off track it seems like you can gain 5 to 10 pounds like overnight and that's why it's a lot of water but when you have the ketones that doesn't happen to you and you're able to jump right back into the lifestyle without the heavy cravings that can come when you fall off track that make it difficult to jump back on they help you so let's say I recommend that you follow this completely strict Aikido but like I said if you are going to have a cheat or hero there you make sure you have your key tones that day so some people will get a 10-day experience just to have on hand just in case they have that they know they're going to dinner or they know they're going to a barbecue or a wedding or something where they can't really control what they're eating so they get the 10-day experience for that reason some people get the 10-day experience so that they can try all of the flavors find the one they like best and then they go and they buy a full package from my private website where they can get a single flavor in a larger quantity for less and you can save 22% off a month with a smart ship program you can cancel at any time it's easy to set up you can change your flavors anytime it's awesome so that's how most people what they do with the 10-day experience and some people just get the tender experience to break through a plateau some people use it just at the beginning of their keto lifestyle to help them get into the lifestyle really it's up to you but if you have previously purchased a 10-day experience I would recommend that you move on to the full package that way you can save some money by ordering a larger quantity and with the single flavor but the ten the experiences are awesome because they give you all the flavors so you can try them all out and find the one you love because all of us love a different thing that's what I found with this so what are you gonna get so the options when you click the link in the description begin your experience calm that's going to take you to the options for your ten-day experiences the most popular package is the ten-day ultimate and I listed out all of the flavors that are going to be included special for this summer I am including the brand-new and it's not this one's not available on the prove it site yet it might be by the time you watch this video but at the time of this video it's not available yet it's a brand new flavor I can tell you this guys it's the best flavor I said that have a hard time love heart tart but he'll I made is like amazing and it's perfect for summer it's so good so the keel I made is going to be included in all of my 10-day experiences of this summer as long as I have them in stock because they're not a regular flavor I can only order them when they launch them on flash sales and so I tried to stock up when that happens but if I do run out you will see it in them when you go to order you will see it listed as a flavor if it's on there as a flavor you're going to get the key lime aid if you don't see it on there then you won't get that so just just keep that in mind because different things change and then the other thing is prove it launches new flavors throughout the month and as they do I buy those and I include them in my 10-day experiences so just be sure you check out the list of the flavors that's going to be included in your kit and that's how you will know what you are gonna get in your package so I'm really excited about this summer package because I just got it enough for about 300 people to have the key lime aid included in their 10-day experience and as soon as I can order more trust me I will be ordering more of that and then so that all you do is shake with ice and water you're good to go you

can drink it any time of day you want most people like it in the morning it tastes like a lemonade sort of like a margarita almost but it's like the perfect amount of sweetness and tartness it's so good next we're gonna get raspberry lemonade which is another one of the big favorites of everyone whereas berry lemonade is so good as well you're going to also get and that's just water and ice also I use a shaker cup to shake mine up you're also going to get heart tart which is probably number two so I would say my favorite is limeade then heart tart then raspberry lemonade heart tart is again water and ice really easy any time of day you wish they do come and charge which is caffeinated or uncharged which has no caffeine in it but I'll let you guys know the caffeine it's only the amount of a small cup of coffee and the caffeine actually helps the exogenous ketones the uptake within your system so it's good to actually get the caffeinated one if you can if you're pregnant if you're nursing and you don't want the extra caffeine or if you have any reason not that you don't want caffeine then you probably want to go with the decaf option I gave you the option for both and you can also do a half in half or you do half caffeinated half decaffeinated if you want to try both but most people just get the caffeinated it works great you can use it in combination with still having your coffee every day or you can just do that instead a lot of people use the exogenous ketones as a replacement for a pre-workout drink so you can do that also because they are really great while you workout they give you so much energy it's a natural like clean energy you're not gonna have that crash you're gonna feel really good one thing to keep in mind though with these ketones that you make sure you're drinking enough water because ketones they're assault and so a high amount of sodium is really good for the keto diet but especially if you're just getting started on the keto diet your body is gonna be flushing sodium from your cells as you're losing water and so you need to make sure you replenish that and these ketones are very high in salt sodium and that's good however you need to make sure you're giving yourself plenty of water so that you allow your body to flush the water in your system and like usually within the first five days of the 10-day experience some people notice a little bit of bloating but then they go through what's called a whoosh effect where your body kind of fills your cells as you're losing fat it fills them with water and then you lose all of the fat and you lose all of the water all at the same time well pretty much you lose the water that's been in those fat cells and then that's when you notice the results so some people see their results at the end of attend days sometimes a couple days after the 10 days but just make sure you're drinking that water if you notice a little bit of bloating that's why it's just your body retaining the water don't worry about it that will all flush out and go away the next thing to keep in mind sometimes some people if they have a lot of midsection inflammation they can experience a like I guess diarrhea is really no good nice way to say it for a couple days or so that's normal if that happens to you drink or ketones while you eat something and slow the absorption or start with half a packet today that works great as well so the next flavor you're going to get is splash and I'm talking about the 10-day ultimate stuff you're gonna get splash again water and ice so easy any time of day chocolate swirl is really good with cold coffee ice a splash of half-and-half shaken up it tastes like like an iced latte but you would get at Starbucks it's really really good also orange dream is awesome with like a carbonated water I kind of tastes like an ice cream float and then you're also going to get chocolate cacao which I personally like chocolate cacao the same way I like the chocolate swirl which is with ice and some cold coffee shaken with a little half-and-half I think it's really good that way you're going to get keto cream included in there so keto cream is really good because that does not include exhaust ketones however this you shake it up or blend it with hot coffee you can add a little half-and-half so that you can even add some extra butter to that if you want but it's basically like a fat coffee that helps your body's natural production of ketones so it's gonna help your body burning that fat for fuel and produce its own ketones not just exogenous but endogenous ketones and that will help you some people like to use it as a meal like you can do that as your first meal of the day you can kind of make a keto cream there's collagen in there there's MCT oil in there it's going to help you there's a c11 which a c11 is a DNA repair there's also a c11 and all of the exhaustion of ketones we're the only ones that have it a c11 it's basically it comes from the rain forest it helps you with anti-aging the DNA repair as you're losing weight it will help your skin rejuvenate a lot of times people complain about getting loose skin from losing weight this helps with that and then your basically that's the 10-day ultimate kit like I said if I run out of the key lime aid I will pop another new flavor in there or if another new flavor comes around I will add a new flavour to your kit now then the max kit includes all of the max flavors like heart our splash key limeade Maui max so I didn't mess to mention the Maui max in the last one but you'll see all the flavors when you go to click the order button if you go to begin my experience calm and you check it out you'll see all the flavors listed so Maui max tastes like a fruit punch again just water and ice shake it up drink at any time you want and so that will be in your max ten-day the only difference between the max 10 day and the 10 day ultimate is there's no chocolate swirl OS there's no orange dream OS and there's no Kido cream it's only the max flavors some people really like that because the OS does not include the max BHB salts which those are the higher potency BHB so if you're looking for like the maximum results you can get I would do the 10 day max experience and

then I would do a 5 day cream so you can get keto cream for 5 a 5 serving pack to try them and a 10 day of the max to try all the max flavors that's the package that I would probably get and you can get it shipped to you priority so it'll come pretty quickly and then you can do so you can do that and we also have some different flavors of the cream so we have cream mocha which was launched as a specialty flavor so I have the option to do a mixture of the original cater cream or the mocha which tastes like a mocha latte so that's really good too that's what I would do if I were you I would do those two kits so we also have well I also have because this is my package that I put together for you guys a you can do a couples kit which a couples kit is one of the most popular packages that I offer it has all of the flavors enough for there's 20 servings so enough for you and your spouse or a friend or your and to do attend the experience together and you save a little bit by getting it together and also you save on the shipping so that's an option for you most people actually do pick that couples kit so it depends on you it doesn't matter what you choose you're going to choose the right choice really it's just giving it a try there's no requirements there's no you're not locked into anything you're literally just trying these key tones to see how they impact your life if you like them that's awesome you'll also get my group with this so you're gonna get an email right after you order it's gonna pop into your email and there will be a link to join my group answer the questions to get in the group and I will approve you to come into the group my group is amazing it's filled with girls and guys they're all so positive everyone wants to help each other succeed one of the rules of the group is that there's no judgement it has to be a positive atmosphere and literally if someone is like a troll or is just like not good in the group they get kicked out like it has to be positive so just so you know coming in this group is kind of unlike any other group out there you'll love it you'll get some ideas for the keto diet I also have a full guide book to show you how to follow the keto diet that's in the file section and you'll get to know everyone in there and we're always adding new recipes and just helping you and I would love to hear about your 10-day experience put your experience in that group no one can see it it's a private group so that's a little bit about that you're gonna get all of this included with your 10-day experience and then if you decide to move on with a full package like I said you'll save money because those come in single flavors but they come in larger quantities so you can get boxes of them in 20 serving packages for less that's a little bit about how that works I'm so excited for you guys to get get started welcome to all the new guys and girls who recently ordered I'm literally in the process of renovating my entire kitchen to do a keto cooking show right here on my channel so if you're new here be sure you hit that subscribe button so you don't miss any of that great stuff to come take care guys [Music] [Music] Pace University.

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