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Manhattan School of Music ​[Music] hello everyone welcome to decision points with Andrew Dennison so for my first game review I decided to bring you a game I'm fairly familiar with and think a lot of that game is three kingdoms redux the designers are Christina Way and young if I butchered that sorry they're better known as Christina and Yao stir on bgg and they're two of the friendliest people I've ever had the fortune to talk to it's been published by their company starting player for a couple years now it's been recently re-released by capstone games here in America with a little bit of upgraded components blended finish on things that kind of thing other than that I own the starting player copy and it's very very functional beautiful to look at the capstone just takes it that little notch higher now as I said in my last video the goal of what I'm doing here is to talk to you about the interactions and decisions that you're going to be making during three kingdoms redux if you want to rules teach my recommendation is to go check out the live playthrough done by the fabulous people over at a heavy cardboard they do a wonderful rules teach with great cameras and they've just got the set up to do that so much better so why should I do it just go check out their video play through three kingdoms redux what I want to get to though is the interactions you're going to be making in this game what are those decisions those crunchy things you have to figure out well first of all you want to know that three kingdoms redux is fundamentally kind of an auction game work replacement slash auction you're going to get some generals at the beginning and you're you're one of three sides either shoo away or liu chuwu way or way yeah so anyway you're one of these three kingdoms what's going to happen then is you're going to start with your ruler and you're immediately going to pick generals so depending on which side you are because they all start just a little bit different is the number of generals and the number of resources you're going to have South South tends to start with very few resources but a load of generals Leo Bay on the other hand starts with loads of resources and few generals and then sungeun is somewhere kind of in the middle of that then you have to go about figuring how you're going to play your game and one of the first decisions you're going to make is what generals do you get like I said this game is kind of an auction bidding worker placement so you kind of have unique workers each general has stats for sort of civil capability military capability what kind of units he can lead and also a special power so every one of these has special powers so once you get your hand of generals you're immediately okay which synergizes well what's my strategy going to be and you pick your generals based on that and then at two or three other points of the game you're going to be able to add more general to your pool so you start off making some very critical decisions the improvements you may be able to build to your kingdom we play with the variant normally just says you get this money for many of them we play with the variant of where whatever it tells you to draw you draw to more than that and keep it discard so for example if you were to draw one state improvement you would draw three take one out of those put the other two at the bottom of the deck we found that gives people a little bit more choice in it and I've never not used that variant and frankly I would just recommend doing it but those are other decisions you're going to be making then you get into this auction and you've got a board with all the different things you can do both military and civil you're going to you know be able to increase your rice increase your gold input you're going to start working to build armies build improvements basically get the Emperor on your side garner some popular support all of these things will help you either improve your armies improve your capability to feed your armies improve the stats and special abilities you might have in your kingdom such and so forth so that is very important now the option in this game represents the fact that during Three Kingdoms period it was very big and turmoil there was a tripartite state all of them really wanted to be Emperor and the deal was is they were all playing off each other like I will ally with you this time because I don't he wins well now I got an ally with you otherwise they went and so that auction represents that political intrigue so for example if I put my guy on collect horses so I can build a Calvary in it another player may try to outbid me on that and kind of what that represents is either you know hey there's only so many horses to go around I'm offering a higher bid or maybe it's you know something like oh I see I see sound sounds building a big Calvary army why don't we just go steal those horses from him so that's kind of what the auction represents all of this little intrigue and everything that was going on the whole time those are critical in decisions because like I said Liu Bei has very few generals he does not have a lot of auction potential so you have to either fight really heavily over one spot or you have to kind of go okay what what are they going to be going for and what can I go for that they aren't so that I can guarantee to win all of my bids so you have to make those kind of decisions there can be an alliance thing and we'll talk about that in a little bit so once you've done the auction and you you know have that nice delicious tension in

this game I am always looking at the board I'm always trying to get into my opponents heads what are they going for is that important to them is that important to them oh my god don't take that for me it's the most important thing in the world that low level tension to high level tension persist through the entire game there's never a point where you feel this is a shutout and overwhelming victory you also are going to have battles battles are highly abstracted they're basically another kind of oxygen you'll put out a general put out some units your opponent will try to counter that and if you win that and you're the winner of this battle then you have to just make a real critical decision here because in order to generate military victory points you have to station generals and armies the key thing here is once you station that general you no longer have that general for the auction anymore that can be a big deal however he is now generating military points on the downside you now have to feed and pay that army which means you better be producing the right amount of what a rice and gold in order to feed that army if you don't you basically take deck their debt tokens and if you're taking those kind of negative point debt tokens you're out of the game uh you're not going to be in it in the long run so those battle choices are really critical who am i sending Who am I not that kind of deal that's another crunchy decision okay um now the way this game is ultimately going to score is through these different categories so you'll start out with your military points you get points for going up on an emperor track basically working to supplant the Emperor and have yourself named Emperor you can get points for your economy so if you have more upgraded rice and markets than anybody else you'll get points that way you can get civic harmony which is basically there's a little track that's just for you on your side it's basically improving your tribal relations that counts as well as how much popular support tokens you have you get points for having more people stationed and borders than other people and the way these categories are awarded it's kind of a first it's this second gets this third thanks for playing you get nothing and so in a three player game that means in that category odds are one's going to be getting nothing that just happens and then there's rules for ties and things like that this is probably the weirdest part of the game there's not a real basic score track except for the military track but there are all these different ways of getting points in the end and I think it probably takes you at least one player the game to where you really kind of understand what's going on with that the last thing to talk about this really unique and an interesting decision in this game is the alliance token so if you play three player games specifically or either games that can be three player the biggest issue is with two people basically going head-to-head at each other and then the other player walks away from the game well the way they prevent this is through this really super clever alliance mechanism so what's going to happen is who's ever in third place they get this alliance token they can put it out on any of the common bidding spaces what that allows to happen is that who's ever in second and third can both place on that specific space against player number one and if they win both the second and third player get the benefit so that's an interesting decision you can discuss this okay what do you think he's going after is he going to be trying to build up his military maybe we should block them there or maybe you stay quiet about it you just throw it down where you want and be like a second player this is a good spot for me if you want it on it you have to come where I am I've seen people throw out the token somewhere and then never actually put anybody there was just a threat just to scare the first player away from that area not to invest in it and so these are all very interesting awesome decisions you have to make but this turn order thing with the alliance token that's going to change every round because who's first second and third depends on how many auctions you win so normally for the first two or three turns of the game South's how is going to be first with sungeun and Liu Bei working against him however usually after turn three this becomes very much more nebulous sometimes I'm in the lead sometimes somebody else is in the lead sometimes I'm the second player sometimes I'm the third player and it just kind of bounces around based on whoever is kind of doing the best job there so you can use that as another really interesting decision all of those things make for an extremely me dgood game this is it's hard for me this was my number one game for a long time arguably still is because I haven't made a new list maybe something's going to bump it off but this game is going to remain my top five so some other cool things about the game the artwork is beautiful this is one of the best produced games I've ever seen as well as the capstone version just taking it up a little bit notch like clay likes to do adding in that linen finish and some of the other stuff but it's a beautiful game there is unique generals every worker is unique I've looked through there enough no workers or generals that have the same ability and the same stats there's no repeats that's awesome the art flavor is actually taking from artistic representations for that general so when you see your card that has South cell on it it has an image from a massively important historical situation that that general was in and every card is like that there are no duplicate cards anywhere in this game I find that awesome the Alliance system this is I haven't played Churchill I haven't played triumphant tragedy which our other three player only games beating this one's going to be tough this is a most excellent three player game a couple downsides to the game or at least issues with getting it to the table it is a three player game that's not one two and adabot three only period you cannot play it with any other player account that can be rather awkward to pull off at a

game night sometimes it also for some people might be on the slightly longer side I would say my first play of this probably clocked in at about three and a half hours anymore with an experienced player group into two and a half it's not too bad but it might be a little long for some people it's also a little bit of a bear to teach because you have to explain all the bidding spaces and all the decisions to keep in mind and whatnot so it can be a little bit of a bear to teach for some people as well and to absorb but if you invest in this game it has a tremendous payoff I've played it Lots I would play it again at the drop of a hat like I said arguably one of my favorite game of all time and this game is just loaded with crunchy wonderful decisions and player interaction this is not a multiplayer solitaire you gyro you have to see what other people are doing you have to be in that fight you're pushing them out getting pushback yourself those are the kind of games I'm looking for in today's euros something where you know I couldn't play this at home and get the same experience this game to shine you need three people at the table and it helps if they're similar similar play experience but usually after a game or two you're going to get this under your belt and do just fine so if you have not had a chance to play through kingdoms redux go out and play three kingdoms redux that sounds appealing to you at all the decisions i've talked about and the game itself go out and buy a copy this game has historically not been that easy to get a hold of clay I know still has plenty of copies left the last time I talked to him about it which was a couple weeks ago there there go buy him enjoy the game so thank you for joining me on decision points and that's once again was three kingdoms redux thank you for taking the time to watch this video please come visit the good the bored me ugly on all the various forms of social media or at least a lot of them are included the guild link in the notes our guild numbers to 173 come with a question or answer some questions that we might use in a future show you can email us at good board ugly at twitter at good board ugly my personal twitter which i do a lot of my board game discussion on is at Denison science that is where I am most active also on Facebook a good board ugly and our podcast can be found on iTunes and on pod beat Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Greenwich Village.

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