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University at Albany ​begins right now with a breaking news alert former Inkster officer William Allen tez who was convicted you know police brutality case is a free man this afternoon we'll have the latest coming up Plus it's official Detroit native ben Carson is a confirmed member of President trumps cabinet plus President Donald Trump putting the auto industry and its high paying jobs on the map we're bringing manufacturing back to the United States big league we're reducing taxes very substantially and we're reducing unnecessary regulations and make the process much more simple for the auto companies and everybody else that wants to do business in the United States and that breakfast was for 4:00 this morning it tops our news at noon I'm a broadcast me president Trump hosted the domestic three CEOs and it's all part of a push by the president to open more manufacturing plans and he's sticking with the high ticket items autos logo for business editor Rob Moloney is live in Washington DC for us this afternoon and you've got a look at how everything all went rod well I did and in fact it's it's one of those situations where it's obvious that there's pressure from the president on the domestic three CEOs to get something accomplished and while they're certainly happy to come and have breakfast with him they're probably still a lot of questions about what it is that the president really wants and that really matters here because they clearly like the idea of a reduced corporate income tax which is what the president has talked about but the idea of tariffs as the alternative is one of the problems that could be troublesome for them so what do you do well the president is attacking the issue on a lot of fronts while making it clear that he wants more American manufacturing for vehicles that are sold here in the United States Ford's mark field CEO weighed in on some of the other ways that they might get help from the president and it's making them happy at least at this point we're gonna make the process much more simple for the auto companies if everybody else that wants to do business in the United States I think you can find this to be from very inhospitable to extremely hospitable I think will go down as one of the most friendly countries and right now it's not I'm gonna have friends that want to build in the United States to go many many years and then they can't get their environmental permit over something that nobody ever heard of before and it's absolutely crazy and I would just call out yesterday the president's decision to withdraw from the TPP we've been very vocal both as an industry and as a company and we've repeatedly said that the mother of all trade barriers is currency manipulation and TPP failed in meaningfully dealing with that and we appreciate that the president's courage to walk away from a bad trade deal and so there is a sort of a kumbaya moment there that you're seeing with the CEO of Ford mark field saying that the he and president Trump are on the same page but the real question about all of this is cost what is it going to cost how do they make sure that the company still can stay profitable and that's something that's far from determined at this point and you don't get that accomplished in a 45-minute breakfast here in Washington DC but there's so much to talk about with this where this is all headed and of course reaction from our own congressional delegation will be hearing from them on local 4 news later on at four five and six reporting live from Washington DC rod Maloney local 4 also breaking at this hour President Donald Trump's nominee for housing secretary Detroit native dr. ben Carson has been approved for the job by the Senate committee the Senate committee approved several other nominations as well including Elaine Chao as head of the Transportation Department as well as billionaire Wilbur Ross as head of the Commerce Department today nine nominees will have confirmation meetings and we of course are gonna be keeping track of them all and we'll let you know about the outcomes either on the air here on local four or on our website click on detroit.com and we are just learning that President Trump says that he will announce his pick to fill the Supreme Court vacancy sometime next week that vacancy comes after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia back in February of last year and President Trump is expected to sign an executive order to continue construction of the Dakota access and Keystone oil pipelines last year the Army opted to look at other routes for the pipeline after the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and many others protested the line stating that it threatened drinking water and Native American sites and even warned breaking news from Washington this afternoon with several sources reporting that President Bush is asking FBI director James Comey to stay on the job that would be President Trump asking for James Comey to stay on the job there Comey came under fire from both Republicans and Democrats over the bureau's investigation while paler Clinton's email accounts while she served as Secretary of State keeping coming in place will also spare the new administration for impossible confirmation battle for Coney replacements there are several developments in Washington already today involving President Trump as you just heard the Congressional Budget Office reports the president has inherited a stable economy with the projected growth of 2.3 percent with unemployment expected to

remain under 5% House Speaker Paul Ryan has invited the president to speak to a joint session of Congress On February 28th and at the same time Ryan is not agreeing with comments the president made to congressional leaders Betty lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton because of votes cast by illegal immigrants and breaking here at home from belney Creek where former Inkster police officer William Melendez has been released from prison you might remember Melendez was sentenced between 13 months and 10 years in prison back in 2014 after beating an unarmed man during a traffic stop well today he was released after just 14 months the victim in the case 58 year old Floyd Dent says that he does forgive Melendez and believes that he is a changed man in Saginaw now the search is on for two masked gunmen who killed a former gang member recently commuted by President Barack Obama 31 year-old de Marlon Thomas had his 19 year sentence commuted by then President Obama back in November since his release Thomas had been staying at a halfway house in Saginaw but that was until last night when two gunmen stormed the house and killed Thomas execution-style nobody else was hurt in the attack but police are investigating we continue to follow a developing story now out of Commerce Township where a woman was killed and her husband was taken into custody this happened at a home on Apple Brook Drive near here on Valley Hospital last night in commerce Township that's where we find our cocoa Mackel boy this afternoon and cocoa you can only imagine the family members are devastated what are they saying that's right ever I they are just absolutely devastated by this awful situation I spoke to a family member over the phone who says they're trying to pull it together family members also arrived out here they're trying to get the dogs out of the house and they tell me that the woman who was killed was sweet loving and a mother of three wonderful children they're just extremely sad by this and neighbors are feeling that shock too devastating shocked we were just were very sad for the children our hearts go out to the children nina cody lee lives a few houses down from where authorities say a woman was killed in her home last night the woman's husband was taken into custody in connection to her death the Oakland County Sheriff's Department says this all happened after an argument of some kind inside of the house as the investigation continues neighbors are mourning a woman who they say was sweet loving and an incredible mother we just can't believe something like this has happened in this neighborhood yeah it's very it's very devastating and shocking to hear and authorities have not yet released the cause of death for the woman but neighbors in the area tell me that the Oakland County Sheriff's Office was out here this weekend at that home and also about a month ago but family members tell me they seemed like the perfect most normal family and that they didn't ever see them arguing so they're extremely shocked by all of this reporting live this noon I'm Coco McEvoy local four all righty Coco thank you for the update there a man with 12 previous drunk-driving convictions will be spending up to fifty years in prison for killing a 12-year old girl 49 year old Charles Cahill was arrested back on July 27th after he crashed into a minivan while driving pretty fast in Sumter Township the crash critically injured 12 year-old Victoria Mack who died just three days after as a result of her injuries today he appeared in a Detroit courtroom for his sentencing where he broke down in tears while apologizing to Mack's family are you can't forgive myself I wish it was me wish I could change that day if I could change that moment that happened I would now Mack will now spend at least the next 27 years of his life in prison sentence with his maximum sentence set at 50 years well turning to the forecast now it was kind of a mild morning but we're looking for some of the same weather for this afternoon let's turn things over to meteorologist Brandon Rue for an update still looking for the Sun and I'll tell you not finding much of it over the next seven days and looking at the long term models winter is returning soon and it doesn't bring a whole lot of promise for sunshine either well now that I've made your day let me just settle in here with some temperatures 41 Metro 39 and our bert's 37 in Pontiac good afternoon Lapeer 37 there we have 40 Grosse Ile and Monroe 39 in Harrow Ontario not going up too much further temperature-wise we have 41 to 42 degrees between 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock with the cloud cover sticking around but here at the noon hour there should be the last of the showers tracking some rain up in Santa lac st. Clair counties parts of Monroe County so getting a couple of splash and dashes and as we look even here down river Wayne County moving into the Essex Windsor area here with some light showers that should be about it for today and then tomorrow we start with clouds and watch a little wintry mix moving in we will track that and that brings the changeover back to the cool air and snow we'll talk about it coming up in the big forecast in the meantime if you have to head out the door you need your weather right now I've got your four zone weather updated fine your zone your seven days just specific to your neighborhood on the weather tab click on Detroit calm all righty Brennan thank you still to come here at noon celebrations in one portion of war-torn Iraq we'll tell you why these people are celebrating Plus breaking news from Israel as tensions there are rising find out why Palestinians are not pleased that really does suggest the time a child goes to school really does have a direct effect on the grades local school district they've taken a look at this research they've gone back they've gone forth they've gone back they've gone for it we talked to them to find out where this data stands and whether or not it's nothing you should really pay attention to really today at four

unperson and we are continuing to follow breaking news from Washington where leaders of Detroit's big three met with President Trump this morning the newly elected president telling the CEOs that he wants to make it easier for them to build and invest here in the US Ford CEO mark fields applauded Trump's remarks and his decision to withdraw from the trans-pacific partnership and we're also learning President Donald Trump's nominee for housing secretary Detroit native dr. ben Carson has been approved for the job by the Senate committee and then here at home breaking news as well as former Inkster police officer William Melendez has been released from prison lentes was sentenced anywhere from 13 months to 10 years in prison for beating an unarmed man during a traffic stop back in 2014 today he was released after just 14 months we're back in a minute art the search is on for a man who approached several children in New Baltimore police say that a maroon van this maroon van has been seen at two separate locations on Saturday a man driving the van talked to a group of kids while they were walking down the street and then on Monday the van followed a girl home from school before driving away if you see this van do not approach it you're asked to call police immediately and we have breaking news now from the Middle East that is increasing tensions between Israel and the Palestinians the government of Israel has approved plans for 2,500 new settler homes on the West Bank Palestinian Authority has reacted saying that the move is a threat to peace tensions are already high there after the militant Hamas group said a proposed move of the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem could spark violence and group of Palestinians in Gaza protested today against the proposal to put the u.s. embassy in Jerusalem they burned images of President Trump and called the proposal a crime against their national cause a White House spokesperson says that no final decision has yet been made about moving the embassy and while there are protests among Palestinians there are celebrations in one portion of war-torn Iraq Iraqis in Mazal who have been living under the oppression of the Islamic state are celebrating the advances of Iraqi forces that have pushed Islamic state fighters out of the eastern half of mazel in the in the river in that area through the heart of mazel and now the Iraqi military with us support will focus on forcing the Islamic state out of the western part of that city so to come here at noon a warning about an ingredient in some skincare products we'll tell you why they're considered harmful Brandon we are waiting for these rain showers to start moving out of the area but this nor'easter sort of blocking its progress that plus a wintry mix coming as the restart of winter well it's coming our way next all these children are headed to court teaching them about the law are rights it's a field trip unlike any other the different things you can get a different punishment for and the lessons they learn could shape the rest of their lives I thought it was really fun order in the court tonight at 11:00 if New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering.


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