November 2017 Contact

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The Parish of Hythe St. John the Baptist St. Anne

John 15: 13


THE PARISH OF ST JOHN’S AND ST ANNE’S SUNDAY: 8.00am Holy Communion at St John's 9:00am Holy Communion at St Anne's (3rd Sunday 3.30) 10:30am Parish Eucharist at St John's (2nd Sunday of the month)

10:30am ‘Open House’ - All Age Worship at St John's (1st Sunday of the month) 5:00pm Jubilatte Café Church Fellowship, Worship, Discussion and Refreshments (2nd,3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays) 6:30pm Sung Evensong at St John's TUESDAY: 9:00am Holy Communion at St John's 10:00-11:30am Coffee and Pause for Thought at St John's FRIDAY: 10:00am Holy Communion at St John's (1st Friday of the month] 3:30-5:30pm Messy Church at St Anne’s Fun, Activities, Crafts, Worship and a Meal

WHO’S WHO VICAR: Revd. Jo Elvidge (023 80845615) The Vicarage, 14 Atheling Road, Hythe SO45 6BR LICENSED LAY MINISTER: Sue Blomley (023 8084 9482) CHURCHWARDENS: David Blomley (023 80849482) Martin Deadman (023 8178 2640) CHILDREN & FAMILIES MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Chris Stubbington via Hall Office (023 8084 4336) ST JOHN’S HALL: (0238084 4336) ‘CONTACT’ EDITORS: Phil & Catherine Preston (or contributions to the parish office) ADVERTISING: via Hall Office (023 8084 4336) DISTRIBUTION: Maureen Curtis (023 8084 6861) For Weddings and Baptisms please phone the Hall Office 023 80844336


Dear Friends, As we come into the final month of the Church’s year, this is a time of reflection and remembering. It’s also a time to look forward to the Coming of Christ and to prepare to receive Him. Christ came into the world “to bring good news to the poor. To proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”(Luke 4:18-19) He went out and met people at their point of need and walked alongside them. As members of his Church “the Body of Christ” we are called to do the same in our community. The new Multipurpose Room at St. John’s will provide a space for members of our community to meet. The Minstead Trust and Dementia Drop In will be the first groups to use it. We are called not just to open our doors and welcome people in, but to go out into our community. This winter our involvement in the Waterside Churches Together Winter Night Shelter will give us the opportunity to support those who are homeless in the Waterside. This project, among others, is a part of our Christian Service in our community. At the recent launch of ‘Who Cares?’ in Hampshire, Bishop David said, “When we start to step into someone’s life, we are not being invited to rescue them but to accompany them”. Drawing on Philippians 1, verse 6 (“I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ”) he added: “What we become while we wait is as important as what we are waiting for because he has begun a good work”. He further reminded people: “Who is at work? Jesus is at work...It is the Lord who does the helping. We are not to try to make other people like us but to walk along with them.”

VICAR’S LETTER As we reflect on this past year and prepare for the New Year, let us all pray that we will increasingly become known as a Church ‘Who Cares’ about all of God’s people in our community, our nation and throughout the world: that we will be instruments of the Lord’s and will with Christ’s help be able “to bring good news to the poor. to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4:18-19) Yours in Christ


Charity Christmas Card Sale and Coffee Morning 10:00—12:00 Saturday 4 November 2017 Come and buy your Christmas cards And stay for coffee and a chat Offers of cakes and scones would be appreciated—please see Liz Beeson


Hythe 2000 Christmas Tree Festival Once again the small team of Hythe 2000 volunteers are working hard to make the 9th annual Christmas Tree Festival a resounding success. This beautiful and colourful event will take place from Saturday 25th November until Sunday 10th December in St John's Church which will be open every day for viewing. On the first and last Saturday there will be a free concert in the evening. It is essential that the Church is covered during the opening times by people willing to 'meet and greet' and we are asking for your help in doing a two hour slot during the day. A rota will be put up at the back of Church for you to sign up. The set-up days are on 22nd, 23rd and 24th November, and offers of help to set up tables and trees will be very much appreciated. Thank you so much for any help you are able to give us.

Christine Richards Smarties Parent & Toddler Group This very popular parent and toddler group, which is run by the charity Hythe 2000 is currently looking for one or two volunteers to help. Unfortunately, one helper has now moved to a different area and a second has returned to work. This thriving group is held on a Monday morning during term time from 9.30 until 11.00 in St John's Hall, Hythe under the leadership of Chris Stares. Babies and toddlers with parents, grandparents or carers are made very welcome by Chris who, with her helpers, encourages the children to participate in a range of activities including singing, craft, simple cooking and play. She is anxious to welcome new volunteers to come forward to enable the group to continue as it is always full. If you are able to help or would just like to see the group in action then please contact Chris Stares on 023 8089 3379

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Pope Francis’ 6 Informal Beatitudes for our Modern World  ‘Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted

on them by others and forgive them from their heart.

 Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and

marginalized and show them their closeness.

 Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make

others also discover him.

 Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home.  Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help


 Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between


‘All these are messengers of God’s mercy and tenderness,’ Pope Francis said. ‘Surely they will receive from Him their merited reward.’


We pray that our church family will be united in our worship of God, in fellowship with one another, and in ministry to the community.

Today, we pray especially for: Frances Short John Madgwick Val Wright Janet Papworth Harry Went Pat Hill Ann Cowburn Michael Whittington Kenny Sweetman Nicholas We give thanks for the lives of all those known to us who have died. In particular we remember Phil Taylor, Margaret Legate, Dot Spencelagh, Connor Still, Terri Weston and Kay Richardson and pray for their family and friends. We continue to pray for our Rwandan family and their community.

100 YEARS AGO What We Said 100 Years Ago Taken from the New Forest Magazine for Hythe, November 1917

PRISONER of WAR FUND The amount sent was ÂŁ45: it is very earnestly hoped that this will be kept up. No one must think there is no need for further effort: more money is needed as things get more expensive. The DEDICATION FESTIVAL and HARVEST THANKSGIVING was kept on October 7th. Unfortunately, the morning turned very wet and the congregations and collections suffered in consequence. Several people kindly sent their contributions to the Vicar afterwards and they added to the alms for the hospital. The Church looked very nice. Many thanks to those who sent flowers, fruit and vegetables and to those who decorated the Church. Nearly all the fruit and vegetables were sent to Southampton Orphanage, where they were much appreciated. The grapes were given to the sick of the parish. Again, a very brief contribution from the Revd. Hooke. The effects of war are evident throughout this month as extracts from neighbouring parishes show:The New Forest Magazine requests- 'As the magazine will continue at the price it was before the war, it is necessary for all correspondents to curtail their local news as far as possible. Paper is dear and difficult to obtain, and is likely to become dearer and scarcer in the immediate future.' Many parishes are reporting the loss of servicemen in battle. Several parishes report on the collection of horse chestnuts for munitions making. Others on the collection of moss for medical dressings. Milford reports 'At the time of writing, the new scale of voluntary rations has just appeared and also the best weekly return of shipping losses, showing only one large English vessel and two French sunk. It is hoped that no one will think this a reason for relaxing food economy'. Also 'A scientist studying sunspots predicts a more severe winter than last year. It is true he is German, but they do sometimes hit on the truth'.


Contributed by Edgar Ruddock

Faith must grow, or else it dies!

I have strong memories, as a little boy, of being taught Jesus was a "wonderful Saviour" because he would take away all my sins. And for a seven-year-old, no doubt those sins were many, especially in the eyes of my sisters, and perhaps my teachers! That was the good news, and it meant a lot then, and it still does. But for many Christians, sadly, the Gospel seems to end there. Sins forgiven, place in heaven secured. End of. As I grew up, as many a well-trained evangelical has discovered, I slowly found there was much more to my faith than that. If this "heaven" was real, and was to mean anything, then surely it had to begin in the here and now, and not just be for some time after death. As the great Christian Aid slogan said some years ago "We believe in life BEFORE death!" An angry God Slowly I began to realise that most of Jesus' teaching was actually about the Kingdom, or rule, of God, not about a theory of "substitutionary atonement" whereby somehow an angry God demanded a scalp before letting someone off from their wrongdoings. The scalp being Jesus on the cross. Not the God of the Bible, it seems to me. Hidden truths In the old Book of Common Prayer, with all its beautiful, but rather inaccessible language, is the lovely phrase (in the Communion service) "so we and all thy whole Church may obtain remission of our sins, and all other benefits of his passion."

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Forgiveness of sins is, for sure, very important - it frees us to forgive others, and to discover our true selves, free from guilt and self-hatred.

But what of the rest of the sentence? What are all the other benefits of Christ's suffering and death? Here are just a few... you can add to the list! • • • •

To find a welcoming, caring community in the fellowship of the church To begin to see the world as God sees it, and each other person as unique, loved and special To know that working for Peace and Justice in the world, is to work for God's Kingdom, and God's values. To be confident that we always have a contribution to make to the life of the church and world, even when health and strength begin to fail us - we can always pray for others, listen to them, let them know they are not alone in their troubles etc. To know, deep down, that God's creation is good, needs to be cherished and cared for, and that it really matters how we treat it. To know for sure, that nothing we experience, however bad, is not understood by God - God has "been there, done that" in Jesus’ own experience, and we never face these things alone.

Go on growing up! Is your faith one that is growing? Or has it got stuck, around a particular belief, or practice, or teaching? Perhaps it's time to look around, think, ask, talk, learn from each other - and discover those many "other benefits" of his passion, to the ones we have experienced so far. There's much, much more to be discovered!

ST JOHN’S CHOIR SING IN WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL Ray Heslop went to support St John’s Choir at Winchester Cathedral on Saturday 30 September 2017, and we asked him to give his impressions of the Choral Evensong sung by massed choirs of the Diocese.

A rich experience of keeping alive the great tradition of English Choral Music. “Singing is healthy, rewarding and fun!” Every year the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) encourages church choirs to keep alive the choral tradition of Evensong and give thanks to God and worship His Holy Name. The Service I attended was Evensong sung in the Cathedral by massed choirs of the Diocese and the music was taken from ‘A Saintly Shout and a Solemn Jubilee’. This year it was a joy to celebrate with our own St John’s Choir, trained under the baton and guidance of Philip Dowd, organist and choirmaster. The coach took the choir and supporters to Winchester Cathedral in the early afternoon. Supporters were free to enjoy the Farmers’ Market whilst the choir rehearsed. The vibrant “Merry-Go-Round” sound of music outside the Cathedral was a very different sound to the one being made in the Cathedral as the massed choirs practised the choral setting of Evensong. Two hours of meticulous attention to the setting’s music. The Cathedral’s own choirmaster strove for the best. There was a warm welcome from the Very Reverend Catherine Ogle, Dean of Winchester Cathedral and the service was a high point of worship to our God. Thank you, Mel and Des for organising the visit and to Philip for his “maestro’s” baton. Ray Heslop


Parish crisis as generation of older helpers is dying out The Church of England is facing a crisis because the generation of older women who keep its parishes going are dying out, according to an analysis published yesterday. It said that 700,000 female lay churchgoers now entering their eighties and nineties have been an essential volunteer army who have furnished and cleaned churches, provided the tea and the catering, raised money, and supplied the congregation for midweek services. But there is no evidence that a new generation is stepping forward to replace them, the research said. Dr Abby Day, of Goldsmiths, University of London, said, ‘The prognosis for the Church of England is grave. Where elderly laywomen have never been given a formal voice or fully acknowledged by the Church, they are the heart, soul and driving organisational force in parishes everywhere. Their loss will be catastrophic.’ The generation of volunteers identified by Dr Day are the parents of the 1960s baby boomers and the ‘last generation whose values are centred on nation, family and God.’ Item spotted in the National Press Submitted by Trish Murphy

ONE WORLD The following article is taken, with kind permission, from ‘Barnabas Aid’ Magazine, Nov-Dec 2016 Full article available via ‘Issuu’ online. Contributed by J.Smith and J. Shewry.

The God Who Rescues A transformational ministry to children and mothers in Bangalore Divya Shanthi is a place where the peace of God is present, where His shalom brings healing and wholeness to young lives in the midst of poverty, squalor and deprivation. Here babies are rescued from certain death, children educated, young girls saved from the sex-trade, mothers trained and enabled. How aptly it is named “Divya Shanthi”, meaning “God’s Peace”. All this has developed in the downtrodden Lingarajapuram district of Bangalore in southern India over a period of four decades thanks to the courage, vision and dedication of one Indian Christian couple, Colleen and Vinay Samuel.


Baby Home - saving the child sacrifices In November 1977 a huge tidal wave hit the cyclone-prone east coast of India. The 15 metre high wall of water came several miles inland and killed an estimated 50,000 people. After this, giant waves began hitting the coastal fishing villages far more frequently and regularly destroyed many homes. The fishermen sought the help of local Hindu religious leaders, who told them that the sea gods were angry and should be appeased by sacrificing baby girls. In 1978 the first babies were left on the seashore in baskets, placed so that the rising tide would carry them away. Miles inland in the city of Bangalore, where she worked with street-children, Colleen Samuel heard a report about the child sacrifices. She sent her colleagues to the coast late one night, where they rescued 21 babies from the seashore and took them back to Bangalore. Some of the fishing community helped the Samuels with their rescue work but religious and community leaders opposed them and threatened violence. Continued after centre pages..

St. John's Christmas Fair Saturday 25th November 9.30am-12.30pm in St John’s Hall Christmas Gift stall, Toy stall, Cake and Savouries stall, Christmas Food Tombola, Grand Raffle, Jewellery stall, Silky Scarf stall, Flower Arrangements, Hamper Raffle, Cards and Stationery stall Refreshments available including toasted teacakes and mince pies Hythe Primary School Choir will be singing seasonal music at 10.30am


Voice for Life Awards for members of St John’s Junior Choir! We are pleased to announce that members of St John’s Junior Choir recently achieved their first ‘Voice for Life’ awards from the Royal School of Church Music. Formed in September, the choir rehearses after the 10.30am service at St John’s. New members welcome! Please contact Philip Dowd, the Choirmaster, for further details.


So started Divya Shanthi’s Baby Home. Many other babies were rescued over the coming years. Some of the local farmers, keen to please the gods and get a good harvest, would leave babies (usually girls) on the riverbank, lying on large leaves or in baskets, so that the rising river would float them away. All the rescued babies grew up to know and love the Lord Jesus and some are now serving Him full-time.


This year’s Remembrance Day Service will take place at St John’s at 10.30am on Sunday 12 November This will be followed by a parade to the War Memorial at Prospect Place Refreshments will be served at St John’s Hall after the Service All are welcome!


Jill's Silky Scarves Several people said to me at the September Fair “Oh, I mustn't buy any scarves --I've got drawers full at home”. The answer is obvious! Give me those scarves to sell and treat yourself to some 'new' ones at the Christmas Fair on November 25th! Looking forward to receiving bags full of scarves! Jill xx MESSY CHURCH

COULD THIS BE YOU? Spick and Span Could you spare a little time to help clean in church? Please ask in the office if you feel able to help. Waterside Churches Homeless Shelter Volunteers are still urgently needed to help out with this important initiative, especially acting as night wardens. The Shelter will be starting this winter. If you would like to help, please contact Rev Jo Elvidge or leave your details with our staff in the hall office. Coffee Shop Volunteers Needed

Are you able to spare some time on a Tuesday morning to help in the hall coffee shop? We are looking for more volunteers to take an active role in this important community activity. Would you like to help set up at the beginning and close down at the end? Do you have a food hygiene certificate or would you like to apply for one? If you are interested in this please see Barbara in the hall office. 02380 844336. PRAYER NET

In St John’s church we have a prayer net in the Lady Chapel. If you would like us to pray for you, or someone you love, please write details on one of the paper fish and tie it to the net. We will pray as requested each evening and the fish will be offered up to the altar at the 10.30 Eucharist on Sunday.


St John’s Church website Have you looked at our church website recently? On your computer, tablet or smartphone search for For further info, contact Elizabeth Deadman

023 8178 2640


Grateful thanks to “Im Duo” for their wonderful concert held last month in St John’s Church! It was a memorable occasion.

HUMOUR CORNER Last night I went to a comedy and philosophy convention. Laughed more than I thought. My wife's working in a bowling alley. Ten pin? No, permanent.

What my guardian angel must look like at times..


We are meeting this month at 2.30pm on Thursday 9 November at St John’s Hall. Unfortunately our speaker is unable to come due to family health problems. At the time of writing, there is no speaker available, however, we may yet find someone who could fill this gap for us. If not, we may hold a discussion on current issues in the news. Please come if you can. All are welcome.

HAVE YOU MADE YOUR ANGELS YET? Sue’s Christmas Angel Project Come along to help with making Angels! Angel workshops every Friday 10.30 am in Church. Sue is challenging St John’s and St Anne’s congregations to produce 500 small angels as Christmas tree decorations. We will attach a label to each angel saying, 'Please take me home and take me to a Carol Service.' On the back we'll put the times of our carol services. Then at the beginning of December we'll start to give them away to everyone in the village. As God’s messengers are angels what better way to spread the word than with angels?


Volunteer Cook wanted

Do you love cooking? Nothing fancy - just good, wholesome, home-cooked food. Our Wednesday Lunch Club caters for an average of 40 senior citizens each week. We are looking for a volunteer cook to join our happy team of helpers. Could this be you? If so, for more information please contact St John’s Hall Office, New Road, Hythe. 02380 844336 email:

Do you have any personal VHS videos you are unable to watch, i.e. weddings, holidays, precious memories? For a small donation to our Rwandan fund, I will transfer your videos on to a DVD Contact Sue Wood 02380842320

Contact We hope you enjoy this issue of ‘Contact’. Your ideas and contributions are welcome: please send them to us by the 14th of each month. Please note that we cannot publish copyright images or articles without the express permission of the author/artist. Phil & Cat Preston - email:


Dementia Drop-in

The Dementia Drop-in runs alongside our Tuesday morning coffee from 10:00- 11:30am on the first Tuesday of each month. There is a local advisor from the Alzheimer's Society available for advice and support.


Please note that we are working with our advertisers to update you with good quality adverts. New advertisers are always welcome!

Would you like to advertise in this space? Please contact Barbara in St John’s Hall office: 023 80844336



Phone: 023 8084 7520

New advertisement pending.

Steve’s Piano Tuning and Repairs Steve Robson 19 Depden Gardens, Dibden Purlieu SO45 4RX Tel: 02381843827 Mob: 07905 451131


Unit 4, 1-5 The Marsh Hythe Southampton Hampshire SO45 6AJ


Phone: (023) 8084 3011 Email: Or visit: www.general-

PARISH CONTACT NUMBERS Bible Reading Fellowship notes Pamela Gilson 8084 2965 Brass cleaning June Smith 8084 8201 Catering Coordinator Parish Office 8084 4336 Children & Families Ministry Coordinator Chris Stubbington 8084 4336 Children's Society Trish Murphy 8089 3243 Choir Master & Organist Philip Dowd 8084 4336 Christian Aid Ann Tong 8084 7455 Church Treasury Team Sue Harvey 8084 2333 Clergy Secretary Parish Office 8084 4336 Data Protection Officer Phil Preston 8084 4336 Electoral Roll Officer Elizabeth Ausden 8084 6765 Fairs Committee Ann Heslop 8084 2256 Flowers (St Anne's) Greta Wall 8084 9394 Gift Aid Secretary Barbara Griffiths 07833105099 St John's Hall bookings Parish Office 8084 4336 Hythe2000 Management Geoff Read 8084 8748 Intercessions Ann Heslop 8084 2256 Julian Group Norman Curtis 8084 6861 Mothers' Union Committee Sue Harvey 8084 2333 New Road Parish Office 8084 4336 One World Group June Smith 8084 8201 Parish Prayers Ann Heslop 8084 2256 Parish Visitors Coordinator Margot Lewis 8084 4336 P.C.C. Secretary Peter Lawson 8086 6794 Prayer Chain Margot Lewis 8084 4336 Registers Clerk Elizabeth Ausden 8084 6765 Sacristan & servers (St John's) Trish Murphy 8089 3243 Safeguarding Officer Catherine Preston 8084 2666 St John's cleaning Parish Office 8084 4336 Sidespeople Roy German 8084 3198 Verger Team (Funeral & Weddings) Trish Murphy 8089 3243 Website enquiries Elizabeth Deadman 8178 2640

Have you taken on a new role? Do you have a role we haven’t listed? Has your phone number changed? Please email: or phone the Parish Office 8084 4336 and leave a message for the editors.

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