ipad Pilot News 2022

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What’s the best iPad for pilots PAGE 16

How to use ForeFlight with a home flight simulator PAGE 45

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How to choose the right ADS-B receiver

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JOHN ZIMMERMAN ATP Since the �irst one was introduced a decade ago, portable ADS-B receivers have become essential tools for any pilot who �lies beyond the traf�ic pattern. These compact wireless devices deliver an incredible amount of information to electronic �light bag apps, including subscription-free in-�light weather, traf�ic alerts, backup attitude, and GPS position. The result is smarter decisions, safer �lights, and happier passengers.

Over time, ADS-B receivers have grown to be much more than just weather receivers, integrating a variety of safety features into a single device. ForeFlight has carved out a dominant position in the market with Sentry, a small ADS-B receiver that also offers carbon monoxide monitoring and alerting. Pilots have given it high marks for its excellent battery life and long feature list. Now there’s a new top dog in the portable weather receiver market, with the introduction of Sentry Plus. While slightly larger than the original Sentry, it’s still a

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compact and lightweight device that easily mounts on a side window via a suction cup. In addition to popular features like datalink weather and traf�ic, Sentry Plus includes some thoughtful upgrades and performance enhancements. Here’s a look at some of the new features.

variety of airplanes) and never charged it. This just makes life easier—we always try to start a trip with a fully-charged battery, but sometimes that’s not possible. The long battery life offers some insurance for situations like that.

Built-in OLED screen

The �irst change is obvious as soon as you take Sentry Plus out of the box—it features a sunlight-readable 1.3" screen on the front. This isn’t large enough for displaying radar images, but it does make it easy to monitor performance, including: connection status, battery life, carbon monoxide level, ADS-B reception, groundspeed, and G-load.

The familiar three lights from the �irst Sentry are still there, showing ADS-B, CO, and GPS status, but now pilots can tap the power button to cycle through each of the screens for more information. This is ideal for troubleshooting, but for normal operations we found ourselves �lying with it on CO status. The screen is an OLED, which is both easy to read in direct sunlight but poweref�icient so there’s essentially no battery life penalty.

Unmatched battery life

Speaking of battery life, this is one area where Sentry Plus is the undisputed leader. With up to 18 hours of use on a single charge, it will last for an entire weekend of �lying and still have a reserve. We �lew with Senty Plus for a week (four �lights in a

Another enhancement with the battery is the ability to charge from smart-charging plugs. Many consumer electronics these days, including newer iPhones and laptops, use USB-C plugs to provide faster charge times (sometimes called Power Delivery). While the original Sentry will not charge from these sources, Sentry Plus takes it in stride. It’s another convenience feature, since you don’t have to carry a proprietary charging cable or plug. There’s also a new auto power on/off option. When this is set to on and Sentry Plus is connected to external power (cigarette lighter plug, battery pack, or

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you turn off Sentry Plus before you close ForeFlight). By the time we had walked to the FBO, a new track log was available in ForeFlight—in fact, downloading flight data took just a few seconds. Manual importing is still available, but we never had to use it.

aircraft electrical system), the device will automatically turn on without the need to push any buttons. It will also automatically turn off when it detects the flight is over (power off and groundspeed below 10 knots for an extended time). This is a great option for pilots who want to build a Sentry Plus into an experimental airplane panel or mount it in a more convenient location that’s out of arm’s reach.

Flight data recorder and replay

One feature that really impressed us was the built-in flight data recorder. This isn’t a “black box” to be used in case of a crash, but rather a way to systematically track your flights and improve your pilot skills. Other ADS-B receivers (notably Stratus 3) have this feature, but we always found it slow and hard to use. With Sentry Plus, ForeFlight has completely integrated flight logging and playback into the app. It’s like a FitBit for your airplane.

Sentry Plus continuously records when it is powered on, so there’s no button-pushing required to log a flight—you don’t even have to be connected to ForeFlight. It stores GPS position, altitude, and AHRS-derived attitude, while automatically organizing flights based on power-on time and groundspeed (up to 16 flights). The real magic happens once a flight is logged. ForeFlight will automatically download all flight data from Sentry Plus when it detects the flight is over, eliminating the need to manually import flights into the app. After a flight, we simply turned off Sentry and grabbed our iPad (make sure

The app’s powerful Track Logs tool makes it easy to quickly review a flight without switching to a separate app, which is ideal for post-flight debriefs. Much more than just a two dimensional track log, Sentry Plus provides a detailed recreation of your flight, including altitude and pitch/bank information. You can also view important data like speed, altitude, pitch, and bank on the graphs below the map. This is perfect for reviewing training flights or practice instrument approaches, and because it’s fast and easy we found ourselves doing it much more often. One final tip: disable auto start/ stop track log in the main ForeFlight settings, since this uses the basic 2D logging feature, not the higher fidelity Sentry Plus track logs.

We found the reception to be outstanding, easily picking up 10 ground stations in cruise and airplanes broadcasting 1090 MHz out from over 100 miles away. If your airplane is equipped with ADS-B Out, ForeFlight will even provide pop-up and audio traffic alerts.

Sentry Plus adds another traffic feature for European pilots: a dedicated FLARM receiver. FLARM is a short-range collision avoidance technology, particularly popular in Europe and among glider pilots, that uses small, transponder-like devices to transmit aircraft position. The FLARM receiver in Sentry Plus is optimized for the European FLARM frequencies, specifically the SRD860 band (868.2 - 868.4 MHz). Note that you’ll need to purchase a FLARM decoding license from ForeFlight in order to enable FLARM traffic on your iPad. For US pilots, this feature won’t mean much, but it’s a helpful addition for those flying in the UK, France, or Germany.


Astute pilots will notice a new graph option on the Track Logs page: G-load. That’s because Sentry Plus has a built-in G-meter, as you’d find in an aerobatic airplane. This can be viewed as a data field at the bottom of the Maps page for a real-time look, or it can be displayed as a historical trend in Track Logs. It’s also an option for the screen on Sentry Plus. While aerobatic pilots are used to tracking Gs during a routine (including min/max), it has value for everyday pilots as well. Student pilots practicing steep turns or rusty pilots getting current on landings might be surprised to see how much G-load varies during common maneuvers.

ADS-B and FLARM traffic

Besides weather, most pilots’ favorite feature on their ADS-B receiver is traffic. Especially since the 2020 deadline for aircraft to equip with ADS-B Out, the traffic information

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available has become more complete and quite useful, especially in busy airspace. Sentry Plus has a dual band ADS-B receiver, so you’ll see traffic both directly from other aircraft equipped with ADS-B Out (air-to-air transmissions) and from ground stations (TIS-B traffic broadcasts).

Smart WiFi

One final new feature will be most useful for pilots flying larger airplanes with on-board WiFi systems, but is invaluable in these situations. Since Sentry Plus connects to your iPad via WiFi, such a connection would typically mean the internet connection is unavailable while using the ADS-B receiver.

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multiple weather graphics on your route of �light, so you can make informed decisions and stay safe.

However, a new Smart WiFi option allows Sentry Plus to join your existing network (eg, GoGo), so you can get in-�light weather and traf�ic but still enjoy the bene�its of your cabin WiFi. You can even select an option that will remember your aircraft’s wireless network and join automatically in the future. For business jet and airline pilots, this feature should be a welcome addition.

Pilot favorites

In spite of all these new features, the best feature of Sentry Plus is still the subscriptionfree ADS-B weather. Once you’ve �lown with 10-minute old NEXRAD radar and up-to-date METARs, you’ll never go back. Sentry Plus receives all the weather products transmitted by the FAA, including newer options like icing forecasts and cloud tops. As long as you’re in range of a ground station (usually by 500-1000 feet AGL), everything is regularly refreshed. ForeFlight makes it easy to overlay

Sentry Plus also includes a multi-constellation GPS receiver that is incredibly accurate and reliable. We almost always see 1 meter accuracy on the moving map, which unlocks all kinds of powerful features like terrain alerts and glide advisor. The receiver will even switch to Europe’s Galileo satellite constellation if the US’s GPS system is jammed or unavailable for any reason. It’s a powerful bit of redundancy, and it’s all automatic. Finally, the built-in AHRS drives a real-time pitch and bank display in ForeFlight. If you subscribe to Synthetic Vision, you can even see a 3D view of the world, complete with airports, terrain, obstacles, and traf�ic. This is not intended for primary reference, but it’s a great backup, and in an emergency we would not hesitate to use it. Sentry Plus packs a lot into one small device, but it remains easy to use. On our �irst test �light, we simply mounted it on the side window using the included suction cup and turned it on. Without reading the instructions, ForeFlight lit up with weather, traf�ic, synthetic vision, and much more. It’s the perfect enhancement to your iPad, like having a virtual co-pilot sitting next to you.

BUY NOW foreflight sentry plus ads-b receiver

carbon monoxide detector Carbon monoxide is a hot topic in aviation, especially since the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) published a recommendation that all general aviation pilots fly with some type of CO detector. It’s not required, but it’s definitely a wise investment, especially if you fly a piston airplane where the cabin heat comes from a shroud around the exhaust stack. One small leak in the exhaust can cause deadly CO poisoning. Among its long list of features, Sentry Plus includes a CO detector so it can fill that role quite easily. Since it’s integrated into a device most pilots use on every flight, there’s no extra battery to charge or screen to monitor; you’re more likely to use it and notice it. In fact, ForeFlight makes it hard to ignore a high CO alert. In addition to a visual alert both on the device and in the app, Sentry Plus will emit a loud audio alert. We had no trouble hearing this over the drone of a Lycoming. Sentry Plus has a more sensitive CO sensor than its predecessor, so it will detect potential leaks earlier. However ForeFlight still uses smart algorithms to reduce nuisance alerts: you’ll get a yellow alert when CO is elevated, and a red warning if it continues to rise. In general, if you hear an alert you should shut off all cabin heat and consider landing at a nearby airport. Talk to a mechanic before you fly again. The CO sensor in Sentry Plus lasts 10 years, so there’s no need for annual recalibration. It requires no additional ForeFlight subscription level either. In fact, since it’s totally self-contained on the device itself, it can work without the app at all.

7255A $799.00 For more information, visit

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Which ADS-B receiver should I buy?

Choose the app first

The �irst tip is easy: choose the app you prefer �irst, then choose an ADS-B receiver that works with that app. Some pilots get this backwards, chasing hardware around and switching between apps. That just leads to confusion and frustration.


As a pilot, you have to live with your aviation app on every �light (and in between them), whether you use an ADS-B receiver or not. Make sure your app is one you understand and feel comfortable using. Whether it’s ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot, WingX, FlyQ or something else doesn’t matter—the right app is the one that works for you and your �lying. Try them all (most offer free trials so you can couch �ly them) and make sure you become truly pro�icient with the one you select. After picking your app, then it’s easier to choose the right ADS-B option. Because of the deep integration required between app and accessory, some ADS-B receivers are app-speci�ic:

DOUG RANLY Private Pilot Portable weather receivers continue to be the most popular iPad accessory on the market. These all-in-one devices stream GPS position, subscription-free weather, ADS-B traf�ic and optional backup attitude information to your iPad, changing it from a static chart viewer to an interactive in-�light tool. Some even include SiriusXM weather and entertainment features. How do you pick the right one? Here are some questions to consider.


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• ForeFlight: Sentry Plus, Sentry, Sentry Mini, Stratus 3, Garmin GDL 50/51/52 • Garmin: Garmin GDL 50/51/52, Stratus 3

would be primary: iPad or Garmin?

Comparing specs

Once you’ve settled on an app and considered the Garmin option, it’s time to choose a speci�ic ADS-B receiver. This is where it makes sense to compare specs, but it’s worth noting that every receiver on the market offers the three key features: GPS, subscription-free weather, and ADS-B traf�ic. That means there isn’t really a bad option.

Beyond these basics, there are a few other features to consider: battery life, backup attitude sensor, and SiriusXM receiver. Almost all receivers have a battery, but how long the internal battery lasts is an important feature to think about. For a homebuilder wiring in an ADS-B receiver, or for a pilot who plans to keep his receiver plugged into the cigarette lighter, a built-in battery may not be necessary. For a renter or a pilot who prefers fewer wires, a builtin battery is an essential feature. We also think it has great value as a backup.

• FltPlan Go: Stratus 3, Garmin GDL 50/51/52

• WingX, FlyQ, Aerovie: Stratus 3, Dual XGPS 170D/190

Don’t misunderstand us: there are differences between the various ADS-B receivers. But these differences pale in comparison to the apps. You have to start here.

Using a Garmin portable GPS?

If you �ly with a Garmin aera 760 or 660, there is an additional consideration. The GDL 50/51/52 can feed information to a portable GPS in addition to your iPad. This is a nice way to get extra utility out of an older GPS or to have a full-featured backup navigator in the cockpit. For the 760 and 660, this connection is wireless via Bluetooth; for older models it requires an adapter cable.

If you don’t have one of these devices, this feature won’t matter. If you have a Garmin GPS but you use another app, is it worth switching to take advantage of this? Only you can answer that question, but ask yourself which device

Sentry Plus is a compact, affordable ADS-B receiver specifically made for ForeFlight • No battery: Sentry Mini

• With battery: Sentry Plus (18 hours), Sentry (12 hours), Stratus 3 (8 hours), GDL 50 (8 hours), GDL 51 (7 hours), GDL 52 (5 hours) Another important feature is an attitude heading reference system (AHRS). A weather receiver with a built-in AHRS can deliver backup attitude information or synthetic vision to your iPad. This is not a primary instrument, but in a worst case scenario, we would not hesitate to use it. For a VFR pilot, it may be overkill and you can save some money by choosing a

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12 hours

18 hours

8 hours

8 hours

7 hours

5 hours

Garmin Pilot, GPSs, ForeFlight, Fltplan Go

Garmin Pilot, GPSs, ForeFlight

Garmin Pilot, GPSs, ForeFlight, Fltplan Go









ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot, WingX, Fltplan Go, FlyQ














$699.00 +$200 REBATE

$1,199.00 +$200 REBATE



non-AHRS model, but we still think there’s value in it for situational awareness. For an IFR pilot, it’s a great insurance policy.

• No AHRS: Sentry Mini, Dual XGPS 170D • With AHRS: Sentry Plus, Sentry, Stratus 3, GDL 50/51/52, Dual XGPS 190

For pilots who �ly in Canada, or for those �lying high performance airplanes, SiriusXM Weather is another nice option to consider. This weather is delivered via satellite, so unlike ADS-B there are no coverage limitations—it works coast to coast, even on the ground. You’ll also have access to addition weather products, including base re�lectivity radar, storm cell tracks, and satellite imagery. There is a subscription with SiriusXM (starting at about $30/month), but you get access to premium features and you can also add music to your subscription.

• ADS-B only: Sentry Plus, Sentry, Sentry Mini, Stratus 3, GDL 50, Dual XGPS 170D/190 • SiriusXM Only: GDL 51

• SiriusXM and ADS-B: GDL 52

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“Whether it’s ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot, WingX, FlyQ or something else doesn’t matter—the right app is the one that works for you and your �lying.”

Other considerations

There are also some additional features beyond the basic ADS-B/weather/GPS/ traf�ic/attitude set. Some models, like the Sentry Plus and Stratus 3, include automatic �light data recorders so you can store your �lights and replay them during a post-�light debrie�ing. This is helpful for reviewing training �lights or instrument approaches, and Sentry Plus in particular makes this easy with its automatic track log import feature. Since data is store on the device (not the app), you don’t even have to have your iPad connected. The Sentry Plus and Sentry also include a carbon monoxide detector, helpful for alerting you to dangerous conditions (especially in winter). This isn’t a must-have, but it’s a major safety enhancement and is worth serious consideration.

Finally, while most pilots spend a lot of time debating AHRS vs. no AHRS or SiriusXM vs. ADS-B, we think too little time is spent on “softer” features. These include ease of use, reliability, and customer support. Such features aren’t easily compared in a chart, but they impact your �lying in a signi�icant way. Consider how well-integrated the receiver is with the app, how easy to use the entire system is and what customers are saying about support. You can learn a lot reading customer reviews online.

One feature that doesn’t matter much is reception. Every ADS-B receiver we’ve �lown with has perfectly good reception for normal operations, and with the ADS-B network now complete, this is less of a problem than ever. Remember, one tower is enough in most cases—we usually see 5-10 towers at cruise altitude.

Final thoughts

Don’t make this decision harder than it needs to be. In its most basic form, we suggest a two-step process. First choose your app, then choose whether you want “VFR features” or “IFR features.” The big difference between VFR and IFR would include a built-in AHRS, and perhaps SiriusXM Weather. In most cases, you will have a decision after answering those questions.

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6/8/22 12:02 PM



METARs and TFRs. No additional equipment is required.

BRET KOEBBE ATP, Flight Instructor ADS-B has become a household word among pilots over the last decade, especially with the popularity of devices like the Sentry, Stratus, and Garmin GDL receivers. While ADS-B weather is fairly well understood, ADS-B traf�ic is more complicated and there has been a great deal of confusion about when and how pilots can view this traf�ic information. In this article, we’ll try to explain in plain English what ADS-B traf�ic is, how to get it, and what the limitations are.

Not like weather

The most important thing to understand is that ADS-B traf�ic is not like ADS-B weather. The weather product (technically FIS-B) is broadcast to anyone with a receiver—like an AM radio station. The only real limitation is that you must be in range of an ADS-B ground station. This is what some people call a “dumb transmission,” because you simply turn on the receiver and start receiving radar,

ADS-B traf�ic (called TIS-B), on the other hand, is very different—it is not broadcast to anyone and everyone. Instead, it is a “smart transmission,” meaning the ADS-B ground station sends a customized data package to a speci�ic aircraft, and only in reply to an interrogation from speci�ic types of panel-mount avionics. If you don’t have the right panel avionics, you probably won’t get reliable traf�ic. Instead of an AM radio, it’s a text message conversation. Here’s why…

ADS-B 101

Let’s quickly review the basics of ADS-B. This is (for our purposes, at least) a way to transmit information, and there are two parts of ADS-B: In and Out.

∙ ADS-B In is the receiver part of the system, and this is what Sentry and Stratus are doing when they receive weather—they get ADS-B information in.

∙ ADS-B Out is when a panel-mount transmitter, like a Garmin GTX 335 or uAvionix tailBeacon, sends a signal out to other aircraft and ground stations. This tells ATC and other aircraft what your position, speed and direction of �light are. It is sending data out. Note that ADS-B Out equipment is always installed in the aircraft and certi�ied—never portable. But there’s one more part to the ADS-B story. To avoid frequency overload, there are two frequencies that these ADS-B In/ Out messages are transmitted on:

Enough technical jargon—let’s explain how to view traf�ic on your iPad.

Two ways to get traffic

There are two basic ways to get ADS-B traf�ic with a portable ADS-B receiver— air-to-air and ground uplink. Air-to-air is straightforward: all airplanes equipped with ADS-B Out (so-called “participating aircraft”) will transmit their location, and the ADS-B receiver connected to your iPad will pick up these transmissions directly. Because almost all portable receivers are dual band (1090 and 978), they will receive all ADS-B Out transmissions from nearby aircraft. No ground stations ever come into play here.

But not all airplanes are equipped with ADS-B Out, so something has to be done to complete the traf�ic picture. This is where the ADS-B ground stations come into play. In addition to transmitting weather information (FIS-B), they can also send up traf�ic data (TIS-B). This traf�ic data includes all aircraft in radar contact, including with traditional Mode C transponders—not just ADS-B Out aircraft.

∙ 1090ES is basically a modi�ied Mode S transponder (using the transponder’s 1090MHz frequency) with Extended Squitter (ES). This is required above 18,000 feet, but can be used at low altitude as well. ∙ 978 UAT is newer and is used below 18,000 feet in the US. It transmits on 978MHz and is technically called a Universal Access Transceiver (UAT).

This means you can have multiple variations of ADS-B products: 978 In only,

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978 In and Out, 1090ES Out only, etc. And while weather is only received on 978, traf�ic data is sent on both frequencies.

Between the air-to-air traf�ic and the ground uplink traf�ic, you can get a very complete picture of traf�ic around you. Just

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like weather, you have to be in range of an ADS-B ground station to receive this data.

There’s a catch

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple–you will only receive this TIS-B information if you are equipped with ADS-B Out. The FAA wants to encourage pilots to equip their airplane with ADS-B Out, so they’re requiring this equipment in order to receive traf�ic information. Many pilots think this is a bad idea, but regardless, it’s the way the system works right now. All is not lost, though. If you do not have ADS-B Out, but you are �lying near another airplane that is transmitting ADS-B Out, you can be a “parasite.” That is, you can listen in on that airplane’s traf�ic message and display nearby airplanes on your iPad. That’s because each ADS-B Out airplane receives back an ADS-B In traf�ic package from the ground stations, and it is speci�ically tailored to their location. In particular, that ADS-B Out airplane will see all traf�ic within a 15-mile radius and +/-3500 feet. So if you’re �lying in that “hockey puck” close to a participating airplane, you will have traf�ic uplinked from the ground, in addition to the air-to-air traf�ic. This is the best case scenario, as you have free traf�ic that rivals a $15,000 active traf�ic system. But as you can imagine, staying within 15 miles and 3500 feet of an ADS-B Out airplane can be a serious limitation. When you’re outside this hockey puck, you will only see air-to-air traf�ic, which is more limited.

Is TIS-B the same as Mode S Traffic?

No. Mode S traf�ic (sometimes called TISA) was popular in the early 2000s, with products like the Garmin GTX 330. This transponder received traf�ic information from terminal radar approach control, transmitted via Mode S. But the only traf�ic you receive with Mode S is the traf�ic in your local TRACON coverage area, and you only receive this information when you’re close to the TRACON. In addition, not all TRACONs support Mode S traf�ic.

TIS-B, on the other hand, does not depend on a TRACON. You see all traf�ic, even from en route radar facilities and TRACONs that

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do not support Mode S. In addition, the data is transmitted via ADS-B ground stations, not local TRACONs, so it is available over a much larger area of the country.



SCENARIO 1: Flying with Sentry, but not ADS-B Out equipped


There’s no doubt this subject is complicated. Here’s the one thing that is easy to remember: if you do not have ADS-B Out installed in your panel, you will not get reliable traf�ic on your iPad. That doesn’t mean it’s worthless, just incomplete. Most often, you’ll see lots of air-to-air ADS-B traf�ic, which includes a lot of high performance airplanes. For those without ADS-B Out, the traf�ic feature is most useful in the terminal area, where airlines are coming in to land. There, you’ll see a lot of air-to-air ADS-B traf�ic, regardless of what ground stations are around. This is handy if you’re �lying into a major airport. Since the 2020 mandate for airplanes to equip with ADS-B Out in order to �ly in controlled airspace, tens of thousands of general aviation airplanes have added ADS-B Out. That means ADS-B traf�ic is much, much better than it used to be.

The worst case scenario, where you are flying with a portable ADS-B receiver, but you do not have an ADS-B Out transponder installed in your panel and there are no ADS-B ground stations in range.


SCENARIO 2: Flying with Sentry, ADS-B Out equipped aircraft nearby In this case, you are still flying with a portable ADS-B receiver and no ADS-B Out in your airplane, but you are close to another aircraft that is ADS-B Out equipped and there is a ground station in range.


SCENARIO 3: Flying with Sentry and ADS-B Out transponder This is the best possible case. You have an ADS-B Out transponder in your airplane, so you are transmitting out to the ground stations and creating your own “hockey puck” of traffic information. You’ll see all traffic within a 30 mile diameter and +/- 3500 ft.

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ADS-B VS. SIRIUSXM DATALINK WEATHER ADS-B: • Information is broadcast up from ground stations • No monthly subscription is required • Includes the essential weather information (radar, METARs, TFRs)

SiriusXM: • Information is broadcast down from geostationary satellites • A subscription is required ($30-100/month) • Includes higher end weather products (satellite, storm cell information, etc.)

All of those bullets are correct, and they summarize the main differences. A deeper dive into the details, though, may help you make a smarter decision.


The first thing to consider is coverage area, and here’s the first major difference between the two systems.

ADS-B uses a network of over 700 ground stations to broadcast weather on the 978 MHz frequency. Like Commercial Pilot a VOR, if you have a radio tuned to the right frequency (and with an ADS-B receiver, you do) then you’ll get weather. Also like a VOR, If you’re reception is based on line of sight, so higher considering a altitude improves reception and mountains datalink weather prevent reception. East of the Mississippi, receiver for your iPad ADS-B coverage is quite good but you likely (like a Sentry, Stratus, won’t receive weather on the ground (at or GDL), one of the first Sporty’s airport we typically get reception decisions you’ll face is the at 200-300 feet and the closest tower is source of your weather about 25 miles away). Almost the entire data: ADS-B or SiriusXM? country has coverage at 3-5,000 feet AGL, Both are reliable systems but if you’re flying over the Rockies at low that deliver the same key altitude, coverage can be spotty. information, so neither one is a bad choice. But Here’s a map from the FAA, estimating there are important ADS-B coverage at 5,000 feet AGL: differences to consider. Let’s review each option.

what’s the difference


The basics

There are enough acronyms to confuse even the most experienced pilot, so let’s begin with the essential information. If you’re shopping for a weather receiver, you probably know the quick features of ADS-B and SiriusXM.


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It’s worth noting that ADS-B uses different types of ground stations that transmit different weather products. In everyday flying, this doesn’t matter—one ADS-B ground station is enough to get weather, but you’ll typically receive somewhere between 3 and 12 towers. The only time this difference between towers comes into play is if you’re only receiving one tower and it’s a surface station. In that case, you might not see national (CONUS) radar.

SiriusXM, since it uses satellites, has no altitude limitations—you’ll receive all weather products, even on the ground. This makes it ideal for pilots flying at low altitude in remote areas. It also offers some coverage in southern Canada and the Caribbean, but it’s important to note that satellite reception does not guarantee there is weather data for your location. That is, you may get good SiriusXM reception in the southern Bahamas, but there is no radar data to display. See the coverage map for SiriusXM at right.

Weather products

After reception, the next difference is in the weather products that ADS-B and SiriusXM broadcast. Both transmit the most important ones, including: NEXRAD radar, METARs, TAFs, PIREPs, AIRMETs, SIGMETs, lightning, and TFRs. Those are the tools most pilots need to avoid thunderstorms, IFR conditions, and restricted airspace, but there are some details to consider.

SiriusXM offers four main subscription packages, and depending on the subscription level you can access additional weather products. This includes freezing level graphics, surface wind forecasts, and both cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning (ADS-B only shows the latter). Note that you can suspend SiriusXM service for up to six months per year, so with a Garmin GDL 52 a seasonal flyer could use SiriusXM during the peak flying months and ADS-B during slower months. Perhaps the most useful additional product on SiriusXM is Storm Cell Attributes. This adds echo tops, direction of movement, and speed of movement to the typical radar image. These extra data points can help you determine whether that yellow cell is convective or just rain. In the example below, that line of weather has tops between 25,000 feet and 45,000 feet, and

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is moving east at a fairly good pace. That suggests real convection and a nasty ride:

While SiriusXM has the higher end weather products, ADS-B has closed the gap recently by adding lightning, cloud tops, Center Weather Advisories, and icing forecasts. The biggest thing missing from that list is satellite, although we would put that in the nice-to-have category, not the musthave category. Also note that while SiriusXM transmits all weather data simultaneously, ADS-B will often only show METARs and TAFs within about 500 miles of your airplane.

much to do with the raw radar data.

Secondly, while SiriusXM has a single resolution nationwide, ADS-B uses a higher resolution regional NEXRAD and a lower resolution national NEXRAD image. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of ADS-B regional radar and SiriusXM, as displayed in ForeFlight. As you can see, the resolution is basically the same:

In our experience, the two resolutions of ADS-B radar are not a major limitation unless you’re �lying a high performance aircraft.

The difference is that SiriusXM radar is full resolution nationwide. In the example below, we can see full resolution radar in northern Wisconsin, even though our airplane is 800 miles away:

Final analysis

As you can see, a detailed discussion of ADS-B vs. SiriusXM quickly gets confusing. But strip away all the talk of dBZ and ground stations, and the message is clear: �ly with some type of datalink weather. The similarities are much more important than the differences, and when used properly we believe either service can improve your safety.


One �inal topic that gets a lot of attention when it comes to weather products is radar. You’ll often hear something like, “ADS-B radar is blocky; SiriusXM is high resolution.” That’s sort of true, but it doesn’t tell the whole story; it depends on two questions. First, what receiver are you using and where are you displaying the radar (ForeFlight on your iPad, G1000 screen in the panel, etc.)? Some apps and avionics do a lot of radar smoothing to make it look higher resolution than it really is. That’s not a bad thing necessarily, but it doesn’t have

blockier image is the national radar picture, and as you get closer to it, the image will change to the regional radar image:

With ADS-B radar, you can see higher resolution radar close to the airplane (near Tulsa, Oklahoma), but further away the radar gets blockier (into Mississippi). That

If you �ly a piston airplane 50 or 75 hours per year, we think ADS-B is a perfectly good solution. If you �ly a high performance airplane, �ly at low altitude or �ly in Canada, SiriusXM is probably worth the extra money. Just remember you’ll be paying at least $180/ year extra.

Garmin Weather Receivers

Garmin’s GDL series of portable weather receivers can take your tablet or portable GPS to the next level, with datalink weather, GPS position, and backup attitude information. The compact receiver sits on your glare shield and streams all this information wirelessly via Bluetooth to your tablet running the Garmin Pilot app or a Garmin GPS. It’s everything you need to make smarter in-flight decisions. There’s a model for every type of pilotchoose whether you want ADS-B weather, SiriusXM weather, or both. Plus, get a backup synthetic vision with the GDL’s built-in attitude heading reference system (AHRS).








8 hours

7 hours

5 hours










+ $200 REBATE


+ $200 REBATE

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6/8/22 12:03 PM

What’s New In


Hazard Advisor Altitude Preview

Hazard Advisor was initially designed as an in-flight safety feature to alert you to terrain near your present position with red and yellow shading on the moving map. You can now use it during preflight too, to help visualize the effects of terrain on various altitude and route options when planning a flight. This updated feature uses the same Hazard Advisor layer from the main map menu accessed at the top left of the screen, but now you’ll see the addition of the familiar altitude slider at the bottom right of the screen.

3D Airport Markers

ForeFlight’s 3D Route Preview feature is a supplemental planning tool designed to give pilots an overview of the current route with satellite imagery and includes 3D terrain, icing, turbulence, and cloud weather layers. This feature is accessed from the 3D preview button in the route editor window. The latest update in this view adds virtual markers to show the locations of airports along the route. Tap one to view airport information in the sidebar. Airport markers are also displayed in the 3D Review feature when looking at previously recorded tracklogs (requires Performance Plus subscription).

Track Log Layer Selector

A small update to the Track Log Review interface combines the four flight data buttons (Speed, Altitude, Pitch, and Bank) into a single layer selector in the bottomleft of the Track Log Graph. You can display Pitch and Bank in Track Log Review for improved maneuver debriefing by flying with an AHRS-capable receiver like Sentry, or even G-load with a Sentry Plus.

Flight Profile On iPhone Enhanced Weight & Balance

ForeFlight’s powerful weight and balance feature has been around for several years now and is included with all subscription levels. The latest upgrade integrates weight and balance profiles with your existing aircraft profiles, and generally streamlines the interface. The general view looks similar to the previous version, requiring you to enter weights on the left side of the screen and view the results on the right side. Tap the Summary button at the upper right to generate a load manifest PDF, which can be shared or emailed.

IFR airway details

ForeFlight’s Aeronautical Map layer includes the same data points as their rasterized FAA counterparts, but display data much more efficiently since they automatically scale up or down based on zoom level. The latest update adds additional information to IFR Airways when the Aeronautical Map layer is enabled. Now, you can tap on the airway name to view additional details in the map sidebar including direction-specific MEA, MOCA, and MAA altitudes, bearing, and more depending on which details are available.

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ForeFlight has made great strides over the past few years expanding the capabilities of the iPhone version of the app, allowing it to do almost everything that the iPad version can do. The new iPhone Max models are nearly the size of the iPad Mini, allowing them to serve as a primary app display in the cockpit and no longer just a backup. ForeFlight now takes advantage of the iPhone’s larger screen and extends the Flight Profile view to these devices. This Flight Profile’s vertical cross-section view can be very useful in analyzing the flight from an alternate perspective, showing the effects of terrain, airspace, TFRs, icing/turbulence/clouds forecast on your proposed route and altitude (Pro Plus subscription required).

5/31/22 5:21 PM

What’s New In

garmin pilot?

Garmin Watch Integration

Visual NOTAMs

Stratus 3 Support

Microsoft Flight Simulator Integration

Enhanced Dynamic Map

View Engine Data

Garmin’s latest smartwatch for pilots, the D2 Mach 1, is loaded with all the advanced features you’d expect from an industryleading avionics company: GPS, moving map, pulse oximeter, altimeter, fitness tracking, and smartphone notifications. But the watch also connects to Garmin Pilot for even more features. In addition to showing the nearest airport on the watch, you’ll also see Emergency Mode, which presents a delcuttered map view and highlights nearby airports.

One use that is often overlooked by simulator pilots is the ability to fly with your favorite electronic flight bag app. While Garmin Pilot has supported X-Plane for a while, version 10.4 added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This is not automatic, though. Like ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot requires an extra app in the middle to connect simulator and EFB app. This is fairly straightforward using the Flight Events Client. Once you have completed these steps and have both Microsoft Flight Simulator and Flight Events running, open Garmin Pilot and navigate to the Settings -> Flight Simulation page. Here, you’ll see the option to “Use Flight Simulator Data.”

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Depending on the source and presentation of your weather briefing, it can be difficult to isolate the few NOTAMs that really matter. To help with this, Garmin Pilot now visually presents NOTAMs throughout the app to make sure this key information is not overlooked. Closed runways are colorcoded on the dynamic map or SafeTaxi diagram and taxiway and aprox NOTAMs are also indicated visually for easy at-aglance briefings. There are also helpful alerts for instrument approach NOTAMs and flight planning NOTAMs.

While Garmin’s map dynamically scales, hides and displays data based on zoom level, it can still come across as cluttered at times, especially when viewing a route that traverses complicated airspace and weather. To improve the readability, Garmin made numerous enhancements to the map, like using thinner lines for airspace boundaries, optimized (a.k.a. smaller) airport icons, and by making nonaviation features like roads and state lines less pronounced. It’s a small change but one with a big impact on usability in flight.

Garmin has been slowly opening up its hardware and software support for products other than those developed out of its headquarters in Olathe, KS, over the past few years. In a move that many didn’t see coming, Garmin Pilot added support for Appareo’s Stratus 3 ADS-B receiver, in addition to its own line of GDL portable ADS-B receivers. This enables the same familiar navigation and ADS-B features in Garmin Pilot as Garmin’s own GDL hardware, including GPS, AHRS, datalink weather, and real-time traffic.

In addition to moving maps and weather information, Garmin Pilot also offers the ability to view live engine data on your iPad when connected to compatible Garmin glass cockpits. This makes it easy to monitor engine performance in flight, screenshot potential problems for later review, and make smarter maintenance decisions. To get engine data to appear in the Garmin Pilot app, you’ll need a Garmin Engine Indication System (EIS) in the airplane plus a way to get that engine data sent wirelessly to your tablet (like a Flight Stream). On the EIS page, you’ll see real time indications plus graphs of your recent history.

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5/31/22 5:21 PM

Tips for better performance

How to maximize ipad bAttery life 0%

80% 100% Stage 2: Trickle Charge Eases the electrical current to extend battery lifespan.

Stage 1: Fast Charge Gives you more power more quickly.

One Cycle Charges





+25% -25%

One charge cycle is complete after you’ve discharged 100% of your battery’s capacity.

But there are a number of things you can do to improve the performance of your iPad battery and keep it in top working condition. First, it’s important to know what type of battery the iPad (and the iPhone, for that matter) uses, and how it works. Like most consumer electronics, the iPad uses a lithium-ion polymer battery, often called a LiPo battery. These are the standard in portable devices now because they have a high power density but are very lightweight.

JC MAYERLE Recreational Pilot One of the most under-appreciated features of the iPad is its fantastic battery life. Even with a high-resolution screen and a powerful processor, Apple’s tablet offers a battery life of 4 to 6 (or more) hours in the air—better than almost every other competing tablet. This is a huge advantage in the cockpit, as it’ll last for the duration of all but the longest flights.

Another major advantage of LiPo batteries is the way they are charged. There is no “memory effect” like older Nickel Cadmium batteries, so you can charge your iPad anytime you want and even leave it on a charger overnight. The battery will also charge very rapidly, to about 80% in a few hours, while the last 20% is more of a trickle charge and takes longer. LiPo batteries also hold their charge for a long time, so a fully charged iPad that is stored for a month will still have most of its charge. So far we’ve talked about the “battery life,” meaning how long the iPad will run on a single charge. But Apple also specifies a “battery lifespan,” which is the number of times you can charge and discharge the battery before it starts to lose capacity.

The iPad was designed so that, after 1000 charge/discharge cycles, it will still have 80% of its battery capacity.

Note that it’s not considered a “charge cycle” every time you plug in your iPad. If you used 20% of your iPad’s battery life every day for 5 days, and recharged it each day to 100%, that would be one charge cycle. So 1000 charge cycles is actually quite a long time (probably years of use for most people).

“A cycle does not mean a single charge - it requires a full 100% charging period.” With that background in mind, here are some tips for getting the most out of your iPad’s battery:

• Heat can permanently reduce battery life, especially if you use your iPad at temperatures higher than 95˚F. The cockpit certainly can get that hot, so the best advice is to never store your iPad in the airplane and never place it in the sun. Also, charging the device when it’s over 95 is even worse, so try to do your charging at home if you often fly in hot conditions. • Cold conditions (below 32˚F) can also affect battery performance, but this is a temporary issue. Again, you shouldn’t store your iPad in the airplane on a cold night, but once it warms up the battery should give you normal life.

• Use your iPad regularly. Lithium-ion batteries are meant to be used hard, so don’t be afraid to use and recharge your iPad often. In fact, if you don’t regularly use your iPad, you should perform a complete charge cycle at least once a month (where you fully discharge the battery, then charge it up to 100%). • Adjust screen brightness and wireless radio settings for maximum battery life. If you don’t need the screen at max brightness, turn it down—this can significantly reduce battery drain. • Use the battery utility in the Settings app to monitor what apps are using battery life.

One downside to the iPad battery is that there is no way to replace it in the field. If your battery needs service or replacement, it must be sent back to Apple or taken to an Apple service provider.

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Tips for charging your iPad in the cockpit Even though most general aviation flights don’t last longer than the iPad’s 4-6 hour battery life, it’s always a good idea to charge your tablet the night before your flight and start with a full battery. In fact, running out of battery power is about the only problem we’ve had in ten years of flying with the iPad. But sometimes that’s not possible, so it makes sense to have a backup power option in the airplane. Here’s our advice—and remember, not all charging devices are created equal.

Fast Charging Options Newer Apple devices support a technology called fast charging, which is designed to charge your device up to 50% in just 30 minutes. Newer iPad Pro and iPhone models support this right out of the box with the included 18/20W USB-C power adapter. You just need one of Apple’s 18-watt (or higher) USB-C power adapters, or a thirdparty charger that supports USB Power Delivery, and a USB-C to lightning cable. Charging with a cigarette lighter adapter You can also use a 12-24V cigarette lighter charger in your airplane to charge your iPad, and this is often the most convenient and affordable option. We carry two of these pretty much every time we fly. Pay close attention before just buying any USB charger though, as you’ll want to make sure it provides at least 2.1 amps for optimum charging.

The Flight Gear models at right offer two USB ports, both rated at 3 amps, and work on both 12V and 24V electrical systems. They also have a built-in screen that displays battery voltage—a handy backup. There’s a model with dual USB-A ports (the standard, larger plug) and one with a USB-A and a USB-C port (the newer style found on the latest Apple wall chargers). Charging with an installed USB port If you own your airplane, you should consider a permanently installed, certified

Flight Gear 12/24V Quick Chargers

CHRIS MCGONEGLE Commercial Pilot charging port. These are much more expensive than portable options, but they are also more reliable than portable devices since they don’t rely on a touchy cigarette lighter charger. We like the Stratus Power Pro from Appareo and Garmin’s GSB 15 USB Charger, which are both TSO’d and include dual 3 amp USB ports. You can choose from USB-A or USB-C plugs. iPad battery backups You can also charge the iPad when on the go with a portable backup battery. We like the Flight Gear model, which was designed for pilots and features both USB-A and USB-C charging ports. The 10,000 mAh capacity will easily charge your iPad and ADS-B receiver on a single charge, and it can be recharged with a micro-USB or USB-C cable. It’s our electronic Swiss Army knife. These are also great for airplanes without an electrical system or a cigarette lighter plug, and they can also be useful outside the cockpit too (campers love them). “Accessory not supported” If you see this notification on your iPad or iPhone, it usually means the charging device isn’t putting out enough juice to charge the iOS device’s battery. If you’ve doublechecked that it’s the right charging plug (and cable), try cleaning out the Lightning port on your device. Sometimes dust or other debris can interrupt the connection. Also, try restarting your device.

Flight Gear USB Quick Chargers are perfectly suited to keep all your devices topped off. An integrated LED screen displays the voltage of the cigarette lighter socket it is plugged into. When you plug USB device into it, the screen changes to show the number of amps your device is drawing. You can see in a glance how many amps your device is pulling. Works in 12 volt and 24-volt aircraft. Two USB type A ports 3033A $18.95 One USB type A and one USB-C port 3995A $18.95

Flight Gear Backup Battery for iPad (10,000 mAh) The Flight Gear Backup

Battery for iPad is the pilot’s answer for charging mobile devices on the flight deck. Holds enough juice to charge your table and phone, and is about the size of an iPhone. All while still providing pilots the charging capabilities they demand. 2837A $39.95

Stratus Power Pro Almost everything pilots use these days requires charging, whether it’s an iPad, ADS-B receiver, or video camera. Unfortunately, older airplanes simply aren’t equipped to handle all those electronic devices, and a simple cigarette lighter plug can be quickly overwhelmed. That’s what makes Stratus Power Pro so useful: it provides safe, reliable charging to anything with a USB-A or USB-C plug. Install one in your panel, or add one at each passenger seat to keep those entertainment devices charged. 7040A $399.00

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5/31/22 5:22 PM

What’s the best iPad for pilots


BRET KOEBBE ATP, FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR The original Apple iPad was released over ten years ago on April 3, 2010. Since then, Apple has continuously improved the tablet, making upgrades to its storage capacity, screen resolution, processor, connectivity options and form factor. The iPad Pro 11" and 12.9" are the top-end models currently available for sale today and represent an enormous leap in performance over the original iPad. While these high-performance pro models would suit (and honestly exceed) most pilots’ needs in the cockpit, there are some other options and features worth considering when purchasing an iPad for use in aviation. Here we’ll break down the differences in each.


Apple currently offers 4 models of iPad: the iPad Mini (8"), the iPad (10.2"), the iPad Air (10.9"), and the iPad Pro (11" and 12.9"). The iPad (good), iPad Air (better), and the iPad Pro 11" (best) feature nearly the same external dimensions and pilots will �ind that all three work very well with nearly every aviation app available.

The 10.2", 10.9" and 11" specs on the midsize models refer to the screen’s diagonal dimension, meaning these models feature more screen real estate than the original iPad, while maintaining a similar form factor. The �lagship iPad Pro 11" includes a large edge-to-edge display, high-performance multicore processor, and along with the iPad Pro 12.9", is the only iPad to use FaceID for unlocking. It also includes a bright, highresolution liquid retina display with an antire�lective coating.

The larger iPad Pro 12.9" model represents a signi�icant improvement over the original iPad Pro 12.9" – it is 25% smaller while retaining the same display size, thanks to the edge-to-edge screen. The footprint is about

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the same as a sheet of paper, so it’s pretty big but it does �it in most GA cockpits. It comes at a premium price, but we can recommend this model now for those who want the most screen real estate possible. It’s worth noting that Apple released updated versions of the iPad Pro 11 and 12.9" models in May 2021. While the form factor and screen details remain identical, the 2021 models include Apple’s M1 processor, the same high-performance processor found in Apple’s Macbook Pro laptops.

Apple refreshed the iPad Air model in March 2022 and looks a lot like the iPad Pro with an edge-to-edge screen and no home button. It also uses the same powerful M1 processor as the iPad Pro, which can handle the most

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demanding aviation app demands with ease. It also uses USB-C for charging instead of the traditional lightning connector. For security, the iPad Air incorporates TouchID in the home button at the top of the device, which many pilots find to be more reliable than FaceID in the cockpit.

The budget-friendly model referred to now as just “iPad” features a slightly smaller 10.2" screen. It is no slouch and includes Apple’s modern A13 Bionic processor. This is a great buy for much less than the Air or Pro models and far exceeds the requirements needed to run today’s aviation apps. It is also the only new iPad model which includes the familiar home button at the bottom of the screen.

If you’re looking for an iPad with a smaller footprint, consider the iPad mini. This version measures 7.69" by 5.3" and will be a better fit in cockpits with tighter constraints. The latest 6th generation model was released in September 2021 and uses the A15 Bionic processor. It also includes the anti-reflective screen coating, which pilots will find useful in the cockpit.

WiFi-only or WiFi + Cellular model (and GPS)?

After choosing a size, it’s on to the connectivity question. This is pretty simple, but there are some confusing terms thrown around, so let’s start basic.

Every iPad model ever built offers WiFi connectivity to the internet, so you can connect to your home network, your office network, a local coffee shop, etc. But you can also buy an upgraded cellular model that receives wireless data from a carrier like AT&T or Verizon (for a monthly fee).

The benefit to pilots with the cellular model is that it also contains an internal GPS receiver, which is useful for showing your aircraft’s position on aviation map applications

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(although it has some minor limitations). The cellular model also allows you to download weather and file flight plans on the go, but don’t count on this cellular data connection to work in the air. In our experience, it just isn’t reliable. It’s also technically illegal. The internal GPS on an iPad with cellular data is completely independent of the cellular antenna and does not require that you activate a data plan from AT&T or Verizon to work properly. You could buy a cellular model iPad and use the GPS without ever activating your service.

So, which is the right choice for pilots? Either one, really. Many pilots already fly with an ADS-B receiver that includes an integrated GPS, so you can save some money on your iPad purchase and rely on your ADS-B receiver for a position source. Others prefer to have the integrated GPS in the iPad as an always-on backup and consider the $130 upgrade as cheap insurance. The GPS found in today’s cellular iPad model is much improved over the GPS receivers found in the original iPad models and are fast and accurate. From the connectivity side, if you frequently use your iPad on the ground at locations without WiFi, the upgrade to the cellular model definitely makes sense.

Storage capacity

Apple offers the same internal memory options for the iPad, iPad Air and iPad Mini, either 64GB or 256GB. The Pro models go even bigger, with the option to upgrade up to 2 TB. Downloading all the VFR and IFR charts for the entire United States across multiple data cycles can take nearly 20GB, so even the smallest option available can work. And then you have to consider that you might also want to store high-resolution terrain data, synthetic vision, charts for Canada, Mexico and Caribbean, and PDF documents. Another thing to keep in mind is that many apps like ForeFlight allow you to download the next cycle’s charts approximately four days in advance. If you plan to keep charts for the entire U.S. on your iPad, you’ll need additional free space during this transition period each month.

Finally, consider that you may use the iPad for more than just aviation (e.g., pictures, videos, other apps), so you’ll want to leave open some free space for those items. The iPad’s memory is not upgradeable, so you have to commit to a size up front. If in doubt and you plan to use your iPad beyond just the cockpit, go with the 256GB option. 64GB may sound like a lot now, but it doesn’t leave much room for future growth as new aviation databases and features are introduced and your photo and music libraries continue to expand.


The good news is that any iPad model will work for pilots, so there’s not a bad choice here. But some are definitely better than others. So which model do we recommend? Based on our experience talking with pilots flying GA piston airplanes, the iPad mini is by far the most popular choice, primarily because of how well it fits in most cockpits. For this reason, our first choice would be the iPad Mini, WiFi-only with 256GB model as the best iPad for aviation.

We hear from many pilots too who prefer the larger screen size of iPad and iPad Air for improved readability in the cockpit. If you’re on a budget and looking for the lowest price of entry for aviation use only, we recommend the entry-level iPad, WiFi-only with 64GB of storage.

Most of the pilots we talk to prefer the smaller size of the iPad Mini in Cessna and Piper airplanes. For additional performance and screen real estate with the same footprint as the basemodel iPad, we also recommend the iPad Air, WiFi-only, 256GB, as a more premium option. The flagship iPad Pro 11" works great in the cockpit too, but it’s hard to justify its higher price unless you have a need for graphic-intensive applications or multitasking performance. The one exception on the iPad Pro models is if you’re looking for the ultimate big-screen experience on the flight deck. If this sounds like you, check out the 12.9" iPad Pro. It’s not cheap, but for those who like the big display and had previously tried to shoehorn the original 12.9" model in the cockpit, this model is worth a second look.

We’ve found the reliability and performance of external GPS receivers to be just as good as the iPad’s internal GPS option, and they’re available for under $100. However, if you’re willing to spend a little more, the GPS included with the iPad with cellular data is more convenient to use and very accurate. For the ultimate setup, we recommend adding a wireless ADS-B receiver, like Sentry ADS-B receiver, which provides subscriptionfree in-flight weather and WAAS GPS position data.

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5/31/22 5:22 PM


How do I mount the iPad in my airplane?

Securing your iPad while you �ly is important for safety (to prevent your tablet from �lying around the cockpit), but also for convenience (to keep it close by and easy to use). There are plenty of different mounts to choose from, but they aren’t all universal. Which one is right for you? It depends a lot on the type of airplane you �ly. Let’s look at some examples.

Cirrus or Cessna Corvalis With the side stick, one popular option is out the window for these airplanes (the yoke mount), but there are still some good choices. Again, the suction cup mount works well here, but be careful about where you mount it in the side window – the iPad can interfere with the side stick in some con�igurations.

The suction cup is easy to put up and remove, making it a good choice for renters. It keeps the iPad off the yoke, so it doesn’t block any instruments, but it’s still easily viewed. We like the side window, angled toward the pilot, especially for larger iPads (where the yoke may not work).

Piper and Mooney Like high-wing Cessnas, the suction cup mount and the yoke mount are two good options here. One In addition to the Beech mounts, thing to keep in mind MyGoFlight also offers a complete for these airplanes is line of iPad mounts, including a that kneeboards may not suction cup and a yoke mount. work very well. Oftentimes These have multi-piece arms with the yoke is very close to The double suction cup multiple joints, so they are almost the pilot’s legs in these mount is a good option in�initely adjustable. The mounts cockpits, so the yoke for jets and turboprops. cost a lot more than a typical might hit a kneeboard RAM or Robust system, but they are on takeoff or landing. well made and offer a lot of �lexibility. Beech Most of these airplanes have a much As you can see, the options are vast and larger control column than Cessnas and sometimes confusing, but there is a setup Pipers, so pilots of these airplanes need to that works in virtually any airplane. use a different yoke mount. These attach to the large control column that parallels the panel. Both RAM and MyGoFlight MyGoFlight offer good solutions for these airplanes.

Cessna high-wing (C152, C172, C182, etc.) Almost any mount will work in these popular airplanes, but our two favorites are the RAM suction cup and yoke mount.

The yoke mount is also very popular, since it holds the iPad very securely right in your line of sight. This works best for the iPad Mini, but the full size iPad Air and Pro models are small enough to work too. Most yoke mounts now use an improved claw design, which is easier to install and does a better job keeping the iPad in place on the yoke shaft. One other tip: you can mount the iPad on the co-pilot yoke to keep the primary instruments unobstructed. If you want to mount your iPad with one of these options, but don’t want to remove your case each time, consider the Robust series mounts instead of the form-�itting RAM cradle. This provides the �lexibility to secure your iPad with the case on while still using a yoke or suction mount.

For this reason, some pilots choose an iPad kneeboard instead, and with plenty of room in your lap this is a good setup.

Small/Mid-Size Jets There aren’t many great options for these airplanes, since the yoke design varies dramatically between models. The kneeboard option is our

preferred choice, since it stays out of the way of �loor-mounted yokes. The other mount we’ve had success with is the double suction cup mount from RAM. This holds �irmly to the side window, and most jets have enough cockpit space to accommodate this mount without interfering. Other Mounting Options The mounts above include options from RAM, Robust, and MyGoFlight. Another option is the PIVOT case and mounting system. This hard-sided case was developed by a Southwest Airlines pilot and offers serious protection. The complete system includes a quick-release suction cup mount that is ideal for the side window. Alternately, pilots can use the universal 1" ball adapter to use the PIVOT with RAM Mounts.

offers a line of mounts that are almost infinitely adjustable.

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RAM MOUNTS RAM® Perfect Fit Mounts These mounts, our most popular, feature custom designed cradles to fit your iPad securely, so there’s no movement in flight. Due to their tight fit, they will not work with cases.

Claw Yoke Mounts

MyGoFlight Features three independent joints, all adjustable and lockable from a single control knob. Extends up to 10.5" in length to get the iPad right where you need it. Custom systems for the iPad Mini and iPad Air include a cradle that snaps around your tablet.

Claw Yoke Mounts iPad Mini 4-5 iPad Air 3, Pro 10.5" iPad Air 4 Universal Phone Universal Tablet

B1991A B3250A 3710A B2292A B1261A

$278.00 $278.00 $268.00 $208.00 $298.00

B1982A B3002A 3973A B1369A B1900A

$278.00 $278.00 $268.00 $208.00 $298.00

Suction Cup Mounts iPad Mini 4-5 iPad Air 3, Pro 10.5" iPad Air 4 Universal Phone Universal Tablet

iPad Mini 4-5 iPad Mini 6 iPad Air 1-2, Pro 9.7" iPad Air 3, Pro 10.5" iPad Air 4, Pro 11" iPad Pro 12.9" (3rd/4th gen) iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 11 Pro, X, XS iPhone 12, 12 Pro

PIVOT combines a simple, robust case with a sleek mounting solution. This system has quickly become a favorite of many airline pilots—over 8000 pilots at Southwest Airlines are using the case in daily flight operations. It’s tough enough to work in any cockpit, but the case is also perfect for everyday use as your main iPad cover. iPad Mini 4-5 21203A $174.95 iPad Mini 6 B4401A $189.95 iPad 5-6, Air 2, Pro 9.7" B1880A $174.95 iPad 7-8, Air 3, Pro 10.5" B1875A $174.95 iPad Air 4, Pro 11" 4700A $179.95 1" RAM Adapter with Mounting Plate 4913A $12.95 Leg Strap 7889A $39.95

Suction Cup Mounts $69.95 $68.95 $75.95 $74.95 $82.95 $84.95 $55.95 $62.95 $63.95

iPad Mini 4-5 iPad Mini 6 iPad Air 1-2, Pro 9.7" iPad Air 3, Pro 10.5" iPad Air 4, Pro 11" iPad Pro 12.9" (3rd/4th gen) iPhone 11 Pro Max iPhone 11 Pro, X, XS iPhone 12, 12 Pro

1494A 5556A 4866A 9635A 5199A 7239A 6146A 7195A 1064A

$52.95 $53.95 $54.95 $54.95 $62.95 $64.95 $44.50 $42.50 $42.50

RAM® X-Grips These spring-loaded cradles can adjust to fit different size tablets, including iPad, Android and Windows. Simply squeeze the mount to open it up, place your tablet in the middle and let go. Rubber pegs will hold tight without scratching your expensive electronics.

Claw Yoke Mounts 7" Tablet 10" Tablet Phone “Phablet” (Large Phones)


1602A 2044A 5938A 4585A 5166A 7024A 7374A 6156A 1506A

Suction Cup Mounts

3201A $94.95 2219A $142.95 4282A $69.95 7228A $69.95

7" Tablet 10" Tablet Phone “Phablet” (Large Phones)

5565A $72.95 3160A $122.95 5457A $59.95 6066A $59.95

ROBUST universal MOUNTS You shouldn’t have to buy a new mount every time you upgrade your phone. The Robust Universal Phone Mount will fit all smartphones up to 3.6" wide including all iPhone models. The Robust Universal iPad Suction Cup Mount will fit all iPads and tablets. Robust Universal iPad Suction Cup Mount B4410A $39.95 Robust Universal iPad Yoke Mount B2315A $49.95 Robust Universal Phone Suction Cup Mount B4400A $29.95 Robust Universal Phone Yoke Mount B2301A $39.95

Tablet Suction Mount

iPad/Tablet Yoke Mount

iPhone Suction Mount

1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897) / SPORTYS.COM

SPS 18-19.indd 3


5/31/22 5:23 PM

How to Keep your Ipad From Overheating In flight to shine directly on your iPad’s dark screen without you noticing. Even though the ambient temperature may be well below the 95°F limit, the iPad’s internal temperature will quickly elevate and soon display the overheat warning.

MARK WIESENHAHN Recreational Pilot Based on an iPad Pilot News reader survey we conducted, over 70% of respondents reported that they have had the iPad shut down on them at least once in �light due to overheating. This is by far the most common problem reported by pilots when �lying with an iPad, but it can be prevented with a little bit of planning and preparation.

Apple lists the normal temperature operating range for the iPad as 32° – 95°F. While there are reports of the iPad shutting down when operating in environments well below freezing, the most likely result will be lagging as you interact with the touchscreen (tip – when operating in cold environments, plug it into a charger and use a case to help generate and retain heat). The more likely scenario when operating at the extreme ends of the temperature operating range is overheating, which will lead to the iPad entering a thermal protection mode where it will become completely unusable until the internal temperature of the device is reduced. The primary reason for this is to protect the enclosed lithium-polymer battery (bad things can happen if they get too hot).

There are several factors that may increase the potential for an overheat situation like this in �light. First, if you’re using the iPad with a fully-enclosed case or kneeboard, you will be restricting air�low around the rear of the iPad, limiting its ability to dissipate heat. Also, charging the iPad from a USB port in the airplane or a backup battery will also increase the internal temperature of the device, increasing the risk for an overheat situation in a hot airplane or near direct sunlight.

The other likely scenario in which your iPad can unexpectedly overheat is after shutting the engine down on the ramp on a hot summer day. Prior to the iPad, many pilots would set their paper charts or kneeboard on the glareshield to get them out of the way. New iPad users might inadvertently do the same thing out of habit. As we all know, the temperature inside the cabin will quickly rise after you shut the door, again putting the iPad in a vulnerable state for potential overheating. Make it a habit to take your iPad with you after shutdown, or store it in a protected part of the airplane to ensure a timely departure when you return.

Your iPad becomes completely unusable when it overheats and will display a temperature warning on the screen. At this point, your only option is to get it to a cooler environment and lower the internal temperature. Remove it from direct sunlight and aim a few air vents over if possible. If you had it in a kneeboard or case,

There are a couple of ways on a typical �light that this can happen and both will catch you off guard if you’re not paying attention. The �irst scenario can happen when you’re �lying in a low-wing airplane en route at altitude with the iPad secured in a kneeboard on your lap. You’re in VFR conditions in sunny weather, but the iPad is out of direct sunlight. Then you make a turn over a waypoint, and the sun begins

X-Naut Cooling Mounts iPad Cooling Case This ingenious mounting system solves iPads overheating with built-in fans to circulate cool air, specifically targeted at the iPad’s main hot spots. Runs off eight AA batteries (four for the Mini) so there are no wires. iPad Mini 1-5 2071A $179.99 iPad Mini 6 5939A $179.99 iPad Pro 10.5" and Air 3 7901A $199.99 iPad Pro 11" 8027A $199.99 Kneeboard Kit 7741A $39.99

remove these to aid the cooling process, and remove it from any charging sources. Once the iPad’s temperature lowers it will automatically switch back on—there’s nothing else for you to do at that point, except to keep it out of the sun.

If you �ly an airplane that has large windows and lets in a good deal of sunlight to the cabin, your best bet is to consider a yoke or suction cup RAM or Robust mount. These provide plenty of �lexibility to pivot the iPad screen away from direct sunlight, and expose more of the front and rear surfaces of the iPad to ambient air for continuous cooling.

If a kneeboard is your only option and overheating is a concern, try raising the iPad slightly above the bottom of the kneeboard to create an open layer of air between it and the backside of the iPad. Many pilots report that adding a few pencils to accomplish this works well. It might be the most polished solution, but it works! Another consideration is to use the X-Naut Cooling Case (above) along with your iPad. This mounting system features built-in fans to circulate cool air, speci�ically targeted at the iPad’s main hot spots to prevent it from overheating. The mount can be powered off of typical alkaline batteries or USB with a power bank or backup battery. In addition to working with the RAM mount system, you can also turn it into a kneeboard. We’ve had good success with this product, and heard many positive reviews from customers. It really works.

20 SPORTYS.COM / 1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897)

SPS 20-21.indd 2

5/31/22 5:25 PM

New Flight Gear kneeboard offers universal fit Kneeboards remain a very popular option for securing an iPad in the cockpit, having evolved from their basic paper chart days to accommodate the latest tablets. They are affordable, don’t block the instrument panel, and can easily be carried between airplanes, making them a smart choice for renters or �lying club members. But one issue that comes up frequently with iPad kneeboards is compatibility: which kneeboards work with which iPads? And what about iPad cases? Fortunately, the latest Flight Gear iPad Kneeboard solves this problem, with a universal design that adapts to almost every tablet size, with or without a case. The iPad is held in place by two rubber-coated metal brackets; these are solidly built so they won’t crack or bend, but the rubber coating prevents scratches. The brackets work well with a “naked” iPad but are also wide enough to accommodate iPads in cases, including thicker ones like the Otterbox and Lifeproof models many pilots prefer—a rarity for kneeboards.

These brackets are then attached to the main kneeboard with velcro, so the position of them is almost in�initely adjustable. In our testing, we attached one bracket to the kneeboard (at the bottom) then placed the iPad against it before attaching the other bracket. This was a quick and easy way to get a tight �it without having to estimate the size—just stretch to �it. This worked for an older iPad Air model, a new iPad Pro 11" model, and many sizes in between. Just make sure the brackets are tight. The board that the iPad is attached to can be removed from the rest of the kneeboard for repositioning, so it’s easy to switch from portrait to landscape

CHRIS CLARKE Commercial Pilot orientation in �light. There’s also a built-in kickstand, which is helpful for reducing glare in �light. We left it down for takeoff and landing, to prevent any potential interference with the yoke, then �lipped it up for cruise.

The right side of the kneeboard hangs down against your leg and has two slash pockets, ideal for holding a charging cord or cleaning cloth. There’s also a full-length zipper pocket, which is a good spot for a backup battery (a protective �lap over the zipper prevents it from accidentally damaging your iPad screen). You can have your iPad mounted on the kneeboard and leave it plugged into your battery pack without any wires stretching across the cockpit, which we found to be a really nice setup. There are also two elastic bands for holding a pen or stylus. Two nice details are apparent here. First, the outside of the pockets are made out of a soft fabric that accepts velcro accessories. You can attach almost anything here, but Sporty’s does offer a line of Gear Mods made just for this purpose. Secondly, there’s a slot in the spine of the kneeboard that allows it to be folded over, passing the leg strap through the slot. This makes the two-panel kneeboard into a smaller, single-panel design. It’s perfect for tight cockpits. The front of the kneeboard has a larger pocket that’s sized for a backup chart, but we also found it well-suited to a small notepad. If you can’t quite give up the pen and paper, this is a good spot to put a small legal pad for in-�light

notes. It’s easy to �lip the right panel over on top of your iPad to copy ATIS, then �lip it back to reveal your iPad.

The Flight Gear Bi-fold iPad Kneeboard is available for $39.95, which is a good value compared to many other iPad kneeboards. Two sizes are available, one for the iPad mini 1-6 and one for 9.7" to 11" iPads, but the �lexible nature of the design means the larger size can �it almost any tablet.

Flight Gear Kneeboards

Holds the iPad right where you need it— secure on your leg but easily within reach. The innovative metal bracket will work with almost all cases. An integrated kickstand means you can tilt the iPad towards you, which helps to reduce glare. A simple hook-and-loop rotation mechanism allows for portrait or landscape viewing. The side flap is covered with soft material for attaching any of Sporty’s Flight Gear Gear Mods. Mini Bi-Fold Kneeboard 5828A $39.95 iPad Bi-Fold Kneeboard 6193A $39.95

1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897) / SPORTYS.COM

SPS 20-21.indd 3


6/8/22 12:04 PM

ipad kneeboard buyer’s guide Every pilot should secure their iPad in the cockpit, for both convenience and safety. The most popular ways to do this involve either a mount or a kneeboard, and it usually ends up being a bit of a “Coke or Pepsi” debate. Some pilots just love iPad mounts, while others hate them and prefer kneeboards. There’s not really a right answer for everyone; it depends on the pilot and the airplane.

MyGoFlight For a premium option, MyGoFlight offers the Folio C, which includes both a custom iPad mount and a metal writing surface. The writing desk attaches with magnets, so it’s easy to attach it to the front or it can be attached to the left panel of the bi-fold kneeboard when open. The Folio C includes a leg strap and closes up neatly for a professional look outside the cockpit. The MyGoFlight Folio C Kneeboard range in price from $159 to $179. MyGoFlight has options for all kinds of devices including the iPad Air, 9.7" Pro, 10.5" Pro, iPad Pro 12.9" and iPad Mini 1-6. These kneeboards aren’t cheap, but they are well made, good-looking and highly-functional.

Mini 1-6 iPad 5-9, Air, Pro 11" iPad Pro 12.9"

6621A 7250A 5850A

$159.00 $159.00 $179.00

The iPad Flight Desk from Flight Outfitters is perfect for the modern iPad pilot, with built-in flexibility for different missions. The innovative 2-in-1 design incorporates a universal kneeboard design and a custom organizer case. A rigid mounting board is attached to thick, elastic straps to provide a secure surface for an iPad or phone. Three sizes of silicon holders (included) are the perfect size for 9-11" iPads, iPad Mini, and most phones. Attach your iPad in portrait or landscape mode via Velcro and use the attached bracket to elevate your device to remove glare.

The custom organizer case features three small pockets with elastic straps keep charging cables organized, and the internal pocket is perfect for a backup iPad battery pack. Two loops can hold a stylus and pen, and an included clipboard can be used on the inside or outside of the case. Add the kneeboard for a complete flight desk. 7775A $99.95 The Flight Gear iPad Bi-Fold Kneeboard holds the iPad right where you need it - secure on your leg but easily within reach. The innovative metal bracket will work with almost all cases. An integrated kickstand means you can tilt the iPad towards you, which helps to reduce glare. A simple hook-and-loop rotation mechanism allows for portrait or landscape viewing. The side flap is covered with soft material for attaching any of Sporty’s Flight Gear HP Gear Mods. Two sizes are available. Mini Bi-Fold Kneeboard fits iPad Mini 1-6 and some other 8" size tablets. The iPad Bi-Fold Kneebards fits 9.7" to 11" iPads.

Flight Outfitters iPad Flight Desk Compatible With: Phones

iPad Mini

iPad 9"-11"

Flight Gear iPad Bi-Fold Kneeboard Mini Bi-Fold Kneeboard iPad Bi-Fold Kneeboard

5828A 6193A

$39.95 $39.95

22 SPORTYS.COM / 1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897)

SPS 22-23.indd 2

5/31/22 5:25 PM

These kneeboards are covered with soft, leather-like material and feature a wide leg strap to hold the kneeboard in place during �light. A holding clip on the front provides a place to secure a notepad or other paper documents you might need to reference. Inside, the kneeboard is covered with a soft micro�iber to protect your iPad. The built-in adjustable easel provides tilted viewing angle. The power port is accessible with the cover closed and a back cover window exposes the camera lens for easy picture taking. ASA’s iPad kneeboard is a good value. iPad 9.7" iPad 5-9, Air 3, Pro 10.5" iPad Mini 1-5

MyClip This simple but elegant kneeboard has been around for a while, and we still like it. It’s the smallest kneeboard we’ve seen, so if you’re �lying in a tight cockpit, it’s an excellent choice. It’s also very adaptable, �itting all iPad sizes, from iPad Mini to iPad Pro 12.9", with or without a case. If you like to leave your protective case on, this is easily the best option. Just pull the rubber gripping surfaces apart, position the iPad and release—the elastic straps hold the kneeboard in place and prevent your iPad from moving around. It’s well-made and durable, and it takes up virtually zero space in your �light bag. The only downside is that it offers no storage or protection for your iPad. 7757A $34.95



7249A 7723A 8136A


$49.95 $49.95 $49.95

The Flight Out�itters iPad Kneeboards take cockpit organization to a whole new level. Loaded with innovative, pilot-friendly features, these kneeboards provide a sturdy mounting bracket for an iPad. The updated design uses expandable loops to securely hold the corners of the iPad to the bracket. This allows you to keep your iPad in your case instead of removing it for every �light. The bracket rotates for both portrait and landscape orientation. The unique design is completely reversible for use on either leg. Heavy-duty elastic leg strap securely holds the kneeboard in place. Two mesh pockets on the side of the kneeboard provide storage for cleaning cloths and other accessories. Includes a drawstring bag for storage. iPad Mini 1-6 iPad Air, Pro

7641A 6195A

$59.95 $59.95

Flight Outfitters Slimline







Mini 1-6

iPad 9.7"-11"

Mini 1-6

Air 1-3, Pro 9.7", 10.5", 11"

iPad 9"-11", Mini, most phones

Mini 1-6

Air 1-3, Pro 9.7", 10.5",11"

Pro 12.9"

Any tablet from 3" to 12" wide

iPad 9.7"

Air 3, Pro 10.5"

Mini 1-5



Thin cases

Thin cases





Yes, up to 0.85" thick

Thin cases

Thin cases

Thin cases




























1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897) / SPORTYS.COM

SPS 22-23.indd 3


6/8/22 12:04 PM

to p apps for pilots


FO R 20 2 2

There are thousands of apps that are useful for pilots, from flight training and weather briefings to calculators and games. With that in mind, compiling a list of the top apps may seem foolish, but once again we’re going to try—after all, a brand new iPad pilot needs to start somewhere. The list below isn’t necessarily our 10 favorite apps, but rather the ones we see in use most often, and are worth considering for any pilot’s tablet:


ForeFlight Mobile


Garmin Pilot


This is the app that has, probably more than any other, come to define the iPad era in aviation. The all-inone pre-flight and in-flight product includes moving maps, approach charts, terrain awareness, weather graphics, weight and balance, flight plan filing, a digital logbook, flight playback, and a whole lot more. It has replaced paper charts and portable GPSs for a lot of pilots, especially as products like the Sentry and Stratus ADS-B receivers and the Garmin GDL 52 SiriusXM receiver have come onto the market.


Garmin practically invented portable navigation products for pilots, and while those aren’t as popular as they once were, the avionics giant hasn’t ceded the category. This impressive app has continued to evolve over the years and now includes many of the same features as ForeFlight, plus Garmin GTN-style menus, powerful split-screen options, and deep integration with Garmin panel-mount avionics. It’s also available on Android.




There are literally hundreds of radar apps in the App Store, and with good reason. Checking the radar is an essential task for pilots and nonpilots alike. Almost all of these apps use the same data (from the National Weather Service), so it’s mostly how this data is presented that distinguishes apps from each other. One of our favorites is MyRadar. It’s free, fast and easy to use, with high quality looping radar. But there are some nice aviation features in there too, like an AIRMETs and TFR overlay.



Sporty’s Pilot Training

Flight training is hot right now, and fortunately modern technology makes it much more convenient to learn at home than in a boring ground school. This allin-one training app from Sporty’s includes 25 aviation video and test prep courses, including Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Garmin G1000, Flight Review and other aircraft and avionics transition courses. It’s also available on Android.





FltPlan Go

The free FltPlan.com website continues to be one of the most widely used flight planning services around today, especially for corporate aviation. This free companion app allows you to retrieve and store your navlogs and weather briefings and includes FAA charts, moving map navigation, checklists, weather imagery and more. It has slowly evolved into a complete Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) app. It’s our top pick for a free EFB app, and is also available on Android.

For more apps see,


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5/31/22 5:39 PM






Laminar Research has offered a powerful desktop flight simulator for many years, but they’ve also been a leader in mobile simulation. While the X-Plane app may not allow you to log time, it’s a surprisingly realistic tool for training on procedures, with a variety of airplanes, cockpits and weather options.




This app is a lot of fun and a useful tool for pilots of all levels to analyze and debrief their flights. Simply open the app and begin tracking (or use a Stratus or ForeFlight tracklog or G1000 flight data recorder). In addition to playing back your flight over a satellite map or an aviation chart, CloudAhoy will score the flight and its various segments to give you an objective analysis of your performance. It can even debrief your instrument flying, to analyze and help improve your ILS approaches.




The internet has made it easy to track airplanes in flight, both airline and general aviation, and there are plenty of good tracking apps available. FlightAware is one of the most popular, with a good mix of features and convenience. Want to see if your friend has landed? Want to see how big your weather diversion was? This free app makes it easy to do that and more. If you sign up for an account, you can even track your own airplane (if it’s ADS-B Out equipped) when it’s flying VFR.






Pilots use this app every day to improve their communication skills or just listen in on Air Traffic Control from around the world. It’s surprisingly fun and addictive, especially for big events like Oshkosh or the Super Bowl.

Sporty’s E6B app COMES TO MAC

After the checkride, many pilots transition from an E6B flight computer to an app on Android, iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch for convenience and simplicity. Sporty’s E6B app has been the flight computer app of choice for tens of thousands of pilots around the world for the past decade. With the goal of making the E6B even more accessible, Sporty’s recently released a new version designed specifically for Mac/Apple computers. If you own a Mac, like an iMac, Macbook or Mac Mini, open up the App Store application (it comes pre-installed like the App Store on iPad) and search for E6B. The app sells for a one-time price of $9.99, but you won’t have to pay this again if you’ve previously purchased the E6B app for iPhone or iPad.

The interface and functionality are nearly identical to the iPad version of the E6B app, except that interaction is accomplished with the mouse/trackpad and keyboard. Many pilots prefer to do a lot of the preliminary flight planning work from a computer’s large screen. When using the web/online version of ForeFlight, we found it helpful to have access to the E6B Mac app at the same time to use its core planning and conversion functionality. The E6B Mac app also comes in handy alongside flight simulator programs, like X-Plane, to practice using its in-flight functions like calculating actual true airspeed, or when to begin a descent.

LogTen Pro

A logbook app makes it a lot faster and easier to keep track of currency, and it’s almost a requirement for aspiring airline pilots. LogTen Pro is one of the most powerful logbook apps we’ve seen, with a ton of customization options, airline schedule interfaces, and plenty of automated reports. It’s not cheap, but it’s worth it for an active pilot.

Sporty’s Electronic E6B Flight Computer Over 250,000 pilots have

trusted Sporty’s Electronic E6Bs over the years for fast flight planning and accurate FAA test calculations. It’s approved for use on FAA knowledge tests, so it’s a great companion for any student pilot. 7095A $79.95

1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897) / SPORTYS.COM

SPS 24-25.indd 3


5/31/22 5:39 PM

protect your ipad

Reinforced handle Padded iPad pocket Headset hanger (interior) Front organizer

Original This bag has plenty of room for all your pilot supplies and a change of clothes. Perfect for the pilot who has more to carry. Measures 13.5"l x 9"w x 12"h overall. 10027A $89.95

Optional embroidery

Water bottle holder

Crosswind Perfect for student pilots and weekend warriors, this bag was designed around the beginning pilot. Enough space for a headset and books, yet small enough to not throw off your weight and balance. Measures 16"l x 8.5"w x 10"h. 10379A $59.95

Tailwind Backpack With dedicated pockets for a computer and iPad, you’ll quickly find yourself using this bag every day for business as well as flying. Measures 18"h x 15"w x 10"d overall. 10284A $99.95

ADS-B/Radio pocket

iPad Bag The iPad Flight Gear Bag was specifically designed for the iPad pilot with lots of pockets for organization and custom pockets for protecting important electronics. The small footprint of the iPad bag makes it easy to fit on the floor between the front seats in a Cessna. Measures 12"w x 7.5"d x 13"h overall. 10135A $79.95

Internal front pocket organizes your gear

L E A T H E R Flight Gear® Collection

Our best selling Flight Gear bags, popular among pilots for their rugged construction and great looks, are now available in leather. These soft, supple bags are constructed with genuine leather and will only look better with age. Heavy-duty zippers and tough metal hardware compliment the organizational pockets. It’s as hardworking as it is attractive, designed by our team of pilots to survive daily use in the real world.

Leather Original Flight Gear Bag

Leather iPad Flight Gear Bag

Our Original Flight Gear bag is a great choice for pilots of all levels, with its large capacity and tons of customized pockets. You won’t find a better designed, better looking bag. 9845A $249.95

Tablets and EFBs have taken over the cockpit. This bag is perfect for protective your expensive electronics, while keeping all the gear that goes with it organized. 10485A $159.95

26 SPORTYS.COM / 1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897)

SPS 26-27.indd 2

6/8/22 12:04 PM

iPad screen protectors:



which one is best? ERIC CARNAHAN Flight Instructor

Screen glare is a persistent problem for pilots �lying with the iPad. The latest iPad Pro models incorporate an antire�lective coating that is an improvement over the earlier models, but it still can be dif�icult to view in sunlight or when covered with �ingerprint smudges. While smart mounting strategies can reduce it (we’ve been able to make the iPad screen usable in even bubble canopy airplanes), there’s no way to completely eliminate glare. After all, the iPad is a giant sheet of glass. Is there anything pilots can do? For years, different companies have offered anti-glare screen protectors to help with this problem. We’ve tested dozens of them and most are, frankly, worthless. A good screen protector should pass four tests with us: • It is easy to install, without air bubbles. • It protects the screen from scratches.

• It does not affect the touch-screen interface. • It cuts glare without dimming the screen. After countless �light trials over the years, our favorite by a long shot is MyGoFlight’s ArmorGlas.

To help illustrate its effectiveness, we installed the protector on an iPad 9.7"

(a model without the newer antire�lective coating), with the screen brightness on maximum, and took it into the cockpit of a Cessna 172 on a sunny fall day—a really dif�icult lighting situation.

What you see below is a comparison of the iPad with no screen protector compared to the ArmorGlas. It’s hard to show in the picture exactly what it looks like in the cockpit, but you get a good idea of each one’s performance.

LIFT This sturdy bag has room for all the essentials, but won’t get in your way. Includes a large headset pocket, iPad pocket and multiple organizer sections with room for all your accessories. 8456A $99.95

Here’s how it stacked up on our four criteria:

• ArmorGlas is actually a thin sheet of tempered glass, so it’s rigid. That means it’s fast and easy to install—no bubbles.

• The ArmorGlas is thicker than less expensive �ilms, so it provides better protection. We even took a box cutter to it and couldn’t scratch the iPad screen. • Somewhat counterintuitively, the ArmorGlas left the iPad screen more responsive than thinner �ilms.

• While not a miracle cure, we felt the ArmorGlas did reduce screen glare noticeably. Under our extreme test conditions, the screen still needed to be tilted just a bit to be able to read it clearly, but this was better than no protector.

LIFT XL The Lift XL is a larger version of the toprated Lift Bag, adding more room for storage (including two headsets) and more organization options, all while retaining the signature design features that make Flight Outfitters bags so useful in the cockpit. 10756A $129.95


Anti-Glare Screen Protectors When it comes to screen protection, nothing is better than the feel and clarity of pure glass. ArmorGlas is like having no screen protector on at all; you won’t even realize it’s there. ArmorGlas is made of premium, ultra-thin tempered glass material. It is designed to preserve the feel and clarity of the standard screen on your device while adding a substantial level of protection. iPad Mini 4-5 5736A $49.99 iPad Mini 6 5536A $49.99 iPad Air 1-2 and Pro 9.7" 1651A $49.99 iPad 10.2" 7282A $49.99 iPad Pro 10.5" and Air 3 7764A $49.99 iPad Pro 11" and Air 4 7942A $49.99 iPad Pro 12.9" 3rd/4th Gen 5013A $59.99

WAYPOINT A good backpack keeps your most important gear organized, hauls everything you need for an adventure, and leaves your hands free to react to life as it comes at you. The Waypoint Backpack from Flight Outfitters does all that and more, whether you’re at the airport, the campsite, or the office—and you won’t look like you’re headed to math class. 10292A $129.95

1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897) / SPORTYS.COM

SPS 26-27.indd 3


5/31/22 5:26 PM

FAA defines role of iPad apps in weather briefings All pilots can agree on a few absolutes in aviation: tailwinds on a cross-country �light, the beauty of watching a sunrise from the air, and the adrenaline rush of accelerating down the runway during takeoff. Then there are the controversial topics, which seem to be endlessly debated weekly during Saturday hangar meetups or in an online forum: best aviation app, experimental vs. certi�ied, or what constitutes an of�icial weather brie�ing. While many of these discussions will continue for decades to come, the FAA �inally released an Advisory Circular last year that addresses the role and legality of online and mobile software in the weather brie�ing process for pilots, to put the of�icial weather brie�ing debate to rest. The new document of�icially goes by AC 91-92: Pilot’s Guide to a Pre�light Brie�ing and includes 21 pages of practical advice and tips. In addition to providing clarity on best practices for obtaining a self-weather brie�ing, it includes advice on which resources to include in your brie�ing and the role of ADS-B weather plays after takeoff.

started with a call (or visit) to an FSS specialist to get a pre�light weather brie�ing. Pilots were trained to make this a mandatory step before every �light, placing the same level of importance on this task as the airplane pre�light.

The waters started getting murky in the 2000s, as aviation weather products started showing up online, from both approved providers (DUAT) and several private weather companies. At �irst, pilots used these resources as a supplement, to augment information from the call to 1-800-WX-BRIEF.

It didn’t take long for these free online weather sources to get to a point where they offered a more complete weather picture than a Flight Service specialist could provide over the phone, and many pilots shifted to using this more convenient and graphical option. Pilots are creatures of habit though, and many continued to follow their instructor’s advice from decades ago that an of�icial weather brie�ing had to be obtained from Flight Service to be legal, and a self-weather brie�ing was not legal. AC 91-92 sets the record straight once and for all, with updated guidance for pilots on the role of Flight Service in the weather brie�ing process:

The New Role of Flight Service

Prior to the days of online weather brie�ings and the iPad, Flight Service was just as important to pilots as ATC. Every �light

The FAA considers that a self-brie�ing may be compliant with current Federal aviation regulations. By self-brie�ing, pilots can often improve their knowledge of weather and aeronautical information. Flight Service personnel are available should a pilot need assistance. Not only are you not required to contact Flight Service prior to a �light, but the

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PAUL JURGENS ATP, Flight Instructor AC recommends using Flight Service as a consultative resource on an as-needed basis: Pilots are encouraged to utilize online automated weather resources to conduct self-brie�ings prior to contacting Flight Service. Pilots who have pre�light weather/ risk assessment and risk mitigation skills are better prepared to make in-�light decisions as real-time weather information is consumed. This allows Flight Service to become a consultative resource that can be utilized when needed.

Flight Service is not going away, and this guidance is not intended to discourage pilots from utilizing Flight Service when needed—in many cases, a call to Flight Service is the only option in remote areas or when an internet connection isn’t available. Rather, it was written to provide clarity for pilots who have been solely relying on online weather resources and mobile

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apps for the past decade, stating that a selfweather brie�ing can be just as safe and comprehensive as one provided by FSS.

Preflight Weather Briefing Checklist

The AC goes a step further and provides several checklists for pilots to use to help ensure their self-weather brie�ing is thorough and complete. In keeping with the practical nature of the other guidance, it acknowledges that the level of complexity of the brie�ing will vary on each �light:

to use whichever resource �its best into your �low, as long as it provides current data from a trusted and reliable source. The AC includes a comprehensive set of links in the Appendix to help you �ind less-frequently used resources. There is no one-size-�its-all approach to weather brie�ings, and it all comes down to the type of �lying you’re doing, time/ technology limitations and the degree of redundancy that makes you comfortable. For example, many pilots like to review each element from the AC’s pre�light weather brie�ing checklist in the various sections of ForeFlight, and then head over to retrieve a graphical weather brie�ing from the Flights section of the app to make sure no element or adverse condition was overlooked. Others may �ind everything they need right from the Maps and Imagery screens.

∙ Adverse Conditions ∙ Synopsis

∙ Current Conditions ∙ En Route Forecast

∙ Destination Forecast ∙ Winds Aloft ∙ NOTAMs

∙ TFRs, Restricted and Special-Use Airspace ∙ ATC Delays

Other: Density Altitude, Customs procedures, ADIZ rules, FDC NOTAM instrument approach changes, airport runway/taxiway closures and airport hot spots.

While the majority of sources listed in the AC are government-run websites, you are ok

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The Role of ADS-B and In-Cockpit Technology

Let’s add a fourth absolute to the list of aviation truths: �lying responsibly with ADS-B datalink weather increases your ability to make better in-�light decisions when it comes to weather. Pilots who have been �lying with ADS-B weather for the past several years likely have many stories to tell about how the technology has allowed them to launch on more �lights than they previously would have felt comfortable with. The AC acknowledges the bene�its of �lying with an ADS-B receiver, like Sentry or Stratus:

Having current weather and aeronautical information in the cockpit can help pilots plan more safe and ef�icient �lightpaths, and make better strategic decisions during �light to avoid potentially hazardous developing weather.

Developing self-brie�ing skills helps to identify areas that require closer investigation. The more doubtful the weather, the more information you need to obtain about the route, runway conditions, and destination and alternate airports. The self-weather brie�ing checklist in the AC follows the �low of what many were accustomed to when speaking to an FSS specialist on the phone. It includes example sources where you can �ind each set of data, including Leidos (1800wxbrief.com), Aviation Weather Center (aviationweather. gov) and National Weather Service (weather.gov). Here are the key items to check:

to day too depending on the �light mission, and that is ok. A trip around the pattern on a blue sky day will require a review of far fewer weather resources when compared to planning for a cross-country �light to a destination with forecast IFR conditions.

You can also head over to 1800wxbrief.com and retrieve a full graphical weather brie�ing from the Leidos website. Your method will vary from day

The weather is constantly changing and is by no means locked in at the moment in time when you complete your weather brie�ing. Flying with ADS-B datalink weather allows you to continuously evaluate your route and altitude and make changes as needed.

foreflight sentry plus ads-b receiver Sentry Plus is a compact ADS-B receiver specifically made for ForeFlight. In addition to popular features like ADS-B weather and traffic, Sentry also includes a carbon monoxide detector to warn of dangerous conditions in the cockpit. Sentry Plus packs a long list of features into a small size, but still offers up to 18 hours of battery life.

7255A $799.00 1.800.SPORTYS (776.7897) / SPORTYS.COM


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iPad legal briefing What Pilots Need to Know Each year we publish a plain-language review of the FARs and Advisory Circulars pertaining to the use of iPads and electronic �light bags in the cockpit. This is great information for pilots looking to make the transition from paper charts to an iPad, but should also be reviewed by experienced iPad pilots as well. We like to think of it as another step in maintaining pilot currency by staying up with the legalities of using digital devices in �light.

The number one question we get on using an iPad for charts is whether it is “legal” for aviation use. The de�inition of “legal” depends on what type of �lying you do and what you’re using your iPad for, so there’s no one-size-�its-all answer. Here we’ll cover the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and Advisory Circulars (ACs). But �irst one suggestion: don’t get caught up in all the minutiae. The short answer is that the iPad is absolutely a legal replacement for paper charts in the cockpit (at least for most Part 91 GA �lying).


14 CFR Part



91 or 91F

Which regulation does your type of flying fall under?

I want to use an iPad as an EFB in my airplane

14 CFR Part 91K, 121, 125 or 135

I want to use an iPad as a replacement for paper charts



Verify the device does not interfere with communication or navigation equipment on the aircraft

Go flying with your iPad!


AC 91.21 & FAR 91.21

You can use an iPad purely for supplemental purposes.

FAR 91.21 does not apply only to iPads. It covers any electronic device.

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iPAD EASY APPROVAL Ideal for Part 135 or 121 operations

Verify the device does not interfere with communication or navigation equipment on the aircraft AC 91.21 & FAR 91.21

Review and comply with AC 91.78:

1. Requires a source of data that is the functional equivalent of paper reference material (aviation app) 2. The charts and data in the aviation app must be current 3. A backup source of data is suggested, but not required 4. A transition period is suggested where you still have paper charts available as you learn to use the iPad/EFB during flight

Review and comply with AC 120-76 and gain FAA approval: 1. Establish and document useful battery life 2. EFB must be secured or stowed during critical phases of flight 3. Requires interference testing and compliance (results must be documented) 4. Requires documented maintenance procedures for lithium-ion batteries and UL/IEC safety/testing standards 5. Requires proof that the EFB device will still function after the rapid decompression of the cabin 6. The flight crew must complete a traning program on the use of EFBs in the cockpit

Go flying with your iPad!

Go flying with your iPad!

The iPad with ForeFlight is quickly becoming a popular choice for paper chart replacement. If you’re �lying a large airplane (more than 12,500 lbs) or turbine-powered airplane governed by Part 91, Subpart F, or if you’re �lying as a fractional or an on-demand, Part 135 operation, you’ll want to consider a formal approval process. Gaining approval for your iPad as an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) can be a time-consuming and complicated process – enlisting an expert can save you precious time and resources. Sporty’s Easy Approval includes: • Detailed description of approval process & plan for execution • Customized cover letter speci�ic to your �light operation • Templates & Checklists for initial evaluation and assistance on completion • Operational Procedures (General Operations Manual (GOM) content) • Comprehensive Training Program, Testing & Documentation • Supplemental Flight Deck Checklists • Portable Electronic Device Non-interference Testing Guidance • Rapid Decompression Testing Data • Plan & Templates for �light line evaluation 5201A $895.00

If you fly Part 91, AC120-76 does NOT apply. However, it’s worth reading for some best practices.

For more information see,


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polarized sunglasses


don’t work with the iPad

Many pilots have learned the hard way that polarized sunglasses, an increasingly popular option, don’t always play nice with a tablet. Older iPad screens in particular will appear completely black when viewed in portrait mode if you’re wearing polarized sunglasses. This is also true of some panelmount �light instruments, which may have an anti-re�lective coating on the front. There’s nothing wrong with the iPad; it’s simply a matter of two anti-glare technologies (the polarized lenses on the sunglasses and the polarizing �ilter on the

iPad screen) combining to defeat each other. On most iPhones, the “extinction” is set to 45 degrees, which does not cause problems.

“Older iPad screens will appear completely black when viewed in portrait mode if you’re wearing polarized sunglasses.”

Some newer tablets do not have this problem, and you can always view the iPad in landscape orientation without problems. But for maximum versatility we recommend nonpolarized sunglasses in the cockpit. There are plenty of great options below that cut glare and are 100% compatible with all cockpit avionics.





lee wave


6173A $79.95

1616A $99.95



squared aviator


classic dustdevil

Bronze lens 2805A $99.95 Grey lens 2805A $99.95

3476A $79.95


3150A $89.95

7857A $64.95

Built-in readers on each pair!

6344A $79.95

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FLYING WITH THE INREACH SATELLITE MESSENGER For pilots who don’t need all the features (and expense) of full WiFi, Garmin's inReach offers a portable and affordable way to stay connected in �light. We tested the inReach on 10 different �lights recently, and found a lot to like. It certainly doesn’t enable email or web browsing, but it is useful for short text messages, �light tracking and even emergency messages. It also integrates nicely with the Garmin Pilot app.

Getting connected

The inReach communicator is a batterypowered, standalone device that connects to the Iridium satellite network. That means it gets reception everywhere in the world, from pole to pole, even at altitude. You can send position reports, type text messages, or check weather reports using the screen and buttons on the device. This actually worked better than we expected.

There’s also an SOS mode that sends an emergency message to a global monitoring center, which can be activated by pressing a protected button on the side. This makes it useful as a standalone product.

The best option, though, is to connect the inReach to your iPad or iPhone via Bluetooth and use an app to manage communications. By doing this, you can mount the inReach in an optimal position for satellite reception and use an existing mobile device as the keyboard.

Garmin Pilot integration

One of the best features of the inReach is the way it can integrate into Garmin Connext, the company’s vision for a connected cockpit. Once it’s paired with your device, open the Garmin Pilot app and go to the Connext page. Here you’ll see a green bar next to inReach, and you can tap on this page for basic information about your device. You’ll also notice a new menu option: Calls / Msgs. Tapping on this new menu option brings up the messaging page, which is the place to send and receive text messages. The app can also access your stored contacts, saving you time when creating a new message thread. This worked quite well for us, but there are two limitations to be aware of. First, the

inReach is particular about placement. You simply can’t place the device on the �loor and expect to get reception—it needs a fairly unobstructed view of the sky.

Secondly, the messages are not sent instantaneously. Sending a message took anywhere from 10 seconds to 60 seconds, depending on satellite location and reception. This isn’t a major issue on a long �light, but it’s something to be aware of if you’re used to lightning fast messages on your smartphone.

The inReach does require a subscription. Plans range from $11.95/month to $99.95/ month, with �lexible options for both seasonal and year-round plans.

Garmin InReach Mini 2

The inReach Mini 2 features a black and white screen; measures 3.9" x 2" and weighs 3.5 oz. 2086A $399.99

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6/8/22 12:05 PM

creating a backup plan The iPad is quite reliable, but no electronic device is perfect. We suggest carrying some type of backup navigation, in addition to a backup power source.

Garmin aera 760 Large-screen GPS with WiFi, AHRS, and full instrument approaches This is the GPS pilots have been waiting for. The rugged aera 760 is made just for the cockpit, with a vivid touchscreen, digital charts, panel avionics connectivity, and even WiFi for pre-flight weather briefings. It’s like having an iPad and a GTN 750 in one. 5224A $1499.00

Flight Gear Rechargeable Flashlight A super bright flashlight that doubles as a backup battery

This rugged flashlight will quickly become your favorite for its pilot-specific features. Constructed with aircraft grade aluminum, this water-resistant flashlight can withstand the harshest of conditions and has a USB port to charge your phone in a pinch. Measures 6.75" x 1.6". Charging cable (USB A to micro-USB) included. Wall plug not included. 6624A $49.95

PJ2 COM RADIO Ideal backup radio with built-in headset jacks An emergency is no time to be searching for an adapter for your handheld radio. The PJ2 is the only handheld aviation radio that can be connected to standard aviation headset plugs (twin PJ plugs) without using a special adapter. The simplicity of this radio makes it a pilot favorite: just turn it on, type in a frequency, and plug in your headset. No menus, no wires, and no adapters. Dedicated volume and squelch knobs are easy to adjust, even in turbulence, and the extra-large screen and keypad make a big difference during an emergency. 1812A $229.00

Power bank for your USB powered devices

Red light for night vision

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Sectional Charts & Terminal Area Charts 117° 44° 3


Terminal Procedures Publications 40°






























61° 48°




















Terminal Procedures Publications (Approach Plates)

Essential information for all instrument pilots. Each book includes instrument approaches, arrival/departure procedures, airport diagrams, takeoff minimums and more. Revised every 56 days. When ordering, please specify chart code, and loose-leaf or bound charts. For a complete set of Terminal Procedures Publications including Change Notices please order B2004A $251.60





MI IN, OH WI, IL ND, SD, MN NE, KS IA, MO OK, AR TX northern TX southwest


LA, MS TX southeast WA, OR, ID, MT, WY CO, NM CA northern CA southern NV, AZ, UT CHANGE NOTICES $2.00







24° 83°

24° 97°

Sectional Charts (Scale 1:500,000) $10.40 per volume




$9.00 ea.

The most popular charts for VFR navigation. Each depicts land data like cities, rivers and topography, plus airports, navaids and special use airspace. Please specify the names of the charts you want. Revised semi-annually. For a complete set of 38 Sectional Charts, order B2003A $342.00

VFR Terminal Area Charts (TACs) (Scale 1:250,000) $6.20 ea. A smaller scale version of sectionals, each one depicts a

particular area’s Class B airspace, including visual checkpoints. Some include a VFR Flyway Planning Chart on the back. Revised semi-annually.

*A VFR Flyway Planning Chart is printed on back of TAC. For a complete set of 30 TACs, order B2010A $189.80 Anchorage/Fairbanks * Atlanta Baltimore/Washington (Tri-Area) Boston Charlotte Chicago* Cincinnati

Cleveland *Dallas-Ft. Worth Denver/Colorado Springs *Detroit *Houston* Kansas City Las Vegas

*Los Angeles Memphis * Miami Minneapolis New Orleans New York* Philadelphia *Phoenix

Pittsburgh Salt Lake City * San Diego San Francisco San Juan ($10.00) Seattle St. Louis Tampa/Orlando­­­­­

How to safely contain a

Tablet fire Lithium ion batteries are modern miracles: they provide enough power for an iPad to run for 6+ hours, they charge quickly, and are lightweight. But while the safety record of lithium ion batteries is remarkably good considering how many of them are in circulation, fires and explosions do happen. The FAA has published reports for over 40 such incidents in the last year alone. Unfortunately, lithium ion battery fires are different from most other types because they do not need oxygen to burn. If it’s caused by a short, the battery can enter thermal runaway and may even explode.

As a result of this threat, many airlines and corporate flight departments require pilots to carry fire containment systems on all flights. After all, in a pressurized airplane at 37,000 feet, you can’t exactly throw the

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tablet out the window. While these systems work very well, they have been far too heavy and expensive for general aviation pilots to consider—costing well over $3,000 in some cases.

Fortunately, there’s a new option that is both portable and far less expensive. Two sizes of fire containment bag are available, one for tablets/phones and one for laptops. Each has a multi-layer construction: the carbon layer prevents fire, and will withstand 3000 degree Fahrenheit temperatures, while a separate Kevlar layer prevents projectiles from injuring pilots and passengers in case of an explosion. A pair of fire resistant gloves is included for handling the device, making this a complete system. In the event of a tablet fire, just place the device in the bag and close the flap.

Tablet Fire Containment Bag 3360A $550.00

Laptop Fire Containment Bag 3162A $650.00

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Use iPad audio to make your flying safer The iPad is an engaging visual tool, but many pilots forget about its many audio uses. Especially for those pilots who worry about spending too much time looking at the iPad, it’s worth understanding how apps use audio to make �lying more ef�icient and safe. Let’s look at some of the options, and how to set up an audio connection. ForeFlight is able to display a number of pop-up alerts to provide you with timesensitive, location-based information. These alerts include runway proximity, traf�ic, cabin altitude, destination weather, terrain, TFRs, �inal approach runway, and low altitude. There’s even an alert for weight and balance when your center of gravity is out of limits. What many pilots may not realize, though, is that ForeFlight also provides audio alerts with these. A more recent addition to ForeFlight is the ability to hear a verbal checklist. Go to the More tab, then Checklist and notice the Speak button at the bottom. Tap this and the app will read your checklist to you, complete with any modi�ications to the text you’ve made. There are options to go faster/slower or to pause the audio. Garmin Pilot doesn’t have quite as many audio noti�ications, but there is an option for helpful traf�ic alerts when connected to one of their ADS-B receivers. WingX provides helpful runway advisories via audio, as well.

The Stratus Insight app offers a variety of electronic �light bag features, including charts, in-�light weather, and moving map navigation. Then it goes a step farther: when connected to your iPad using the Stratus audio cable, it can also record all your cockpit and ATC audio, and even transcribe it so you can read what the controller said in addition to hearing it.

Besides the big EFB apps, there are some other audio apps worth trying, like MiraCheck, which brings a hightech audio checklist to the iPad. By integrating voice controls and voice recognition, it provides a heads-up and hands-free way to run normal and emergency checklists in �light.

that offers Bluetooth audio compatibility, like the latest version of the Bose A20, all Lightspeed headsets, the David Clark One-X, or the Faro Stealth 2 line, you can wirelessly connect it to your iPad. There are good options here between $250 and $1100.

To do this, �irst activate the Bluetooth pairing function on the control module (usually using the button with the Bluetooth “B” symbol on it), and you’ll see a status Headset manufacturer light �lash on the headset control Lightspeed offers their module. Next, go to the Settings free FlightLink app, app on your iPad, select Bluetooth which is compatible with from the list at the top left, and set The ForeFlight TFR all Lightspeed headsets the switch to on. You’ll soon see the advisor feature provides manufactured since 2012. name of your headset in the devices audio alerts when This allows you to record all list—tap it, and your headset will approaching a TFR. activity over the intercom “pair” with your iPad and establish (with a cord), including ATC and cockpit the wireless connection. The term pair here conversation, and play back the last two is important because you can only connect minutes of transmissions. There’s also a one headset to your iPad at a time. scratchpad tool to copy clearances. You still have options if your headset is Likewise, Bose offers a free app lacking a Bluetooth music interface. Many called Connect, still feature an auxiliary audio which works with the input that allows you to connect company’s ProFlight an audio cable to the headphone series of lightweight jack on your iPad. Alternatively, headsets. The most you can add a small Bluetooth interesting feature adapter to the audio input of here is called Music your headset (see article on Share, which allows previous page). you to pair two One last note here: not all ProFlight headsets Bluetooth is created equal. You to one device, so a pilot and Lightspeed’s FlightLink will see some headsets (like older passenger could both listen app offers a number of Bose A20 and X models) advertise a helpful audio features. to the same audio. Bluetooth cell phone interface, but Fortunately, most modern aviation headsets unfortunately, this is only designed for voice have audio inputs allowing you to route phone calls and will not pass through music audio alerts directly into them to help or other audio effects from the iPad. get your attention. If you have a headset

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DOUG RANLY Private Pilot One concern we hear from pilots related to all the bells and whistles in aviation apps for iPad is the tendency to spend too much time heads-down, poking around at the screen. It takes time and practice to get to really know your app and learn how to quickly retrieve key data and accomplish routine tasks, without losing focus on the primary task of �lying the airplane or scanning for traf�ic out the window. This is a �ine balance though, as the iPad has turned into a hazard avoidance tool too, displaying potential threats like nearby traf�ic, restricted airspace, terrain and weather, so there are times when it’s critical you keep the iPad in your scan. To assist with this task, ForeFlight can display a number of pop-up alerts to provide you with time-sensitive, location-based information—and there’s an option for audio alerts in addition to visual warnings. Garmin Pilot doesn’t have quite as many audio noti�ications, but there is an option for traf�ic alerts.

All of these alerts are a real bene�it for pilots—no matter what you’re doing or what screen the app is on, you get important noti�ications when you need them. What can be problematic, though, is that the sounds coming from the iPad’s small speaker are typically drowned out by your airplane’s engine noise. If you’re �lying with a newer headset, you can easily connect your iPad to your

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FARO audio adapter delivers EFB alerts to any headset headset using Bluetooth to hear the alerts (see next page). But what about your older headset that functions perfectly well, but doesn’t have Bluetooth or an audio input? That’s where the Faro Stealth Audio Link comes in and can breathe new life into your headset.

The simple design connects between your headset and the intercom jacks and incorporates a Bluetooth receiver and audio input to connect to your iPad or another mobile device.

The Stealth Audio Link features independentlycontrolled volume levels for both the left and right ear with simple thumbwheel adjustments. The control box also has a stereo/mono switch, so it is adaptable to most aircraft intercom systems. It works with any standard twin PJ plug aviation headset and can be powered by either two AA batteries or via the USB type C port on the side of the unit.

The Stealth Audio Link allows pilots to prioritize input audio with an easy three-position switch. The top selection gives the aircraft priority, so anytime the intercom is active the music or input audio will be muted. The middle selection gives the music or input audio priority, so both the intercom and music will be heard at the same time —perfect for EFB audio alerts. The bottom selection mutes the music or input audio so pilots can focus on ATC transmissions.

Faro Stealth Audio Link

8643A $149.95 Upgrade your aviation headset with the FARO Audio Link. Get alerts from your favorite aviation app, listen to music on long cross countries, or even make a phone call to get clearance while on the ground. The Audio Link uses Bluetooth to connect to enabled devices, and also has a 3.5mm aux-in jack for hard wiring. Works with any standard twin PJ plug aviation headset. Uses 2 AA batteries (not included), and can also be powered via the USB type C port on the side of the unit.

Bluetooth Connectivity

Audio Priority

USB Type C Power Input

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Bluetooth headsets perfect for the iPad

Zulu 3


The Lightspeed Zulu headset has been a pilot favorite for years, offering an unbeatable mix of performance and value. Whether you’re flying a two-seat trainer or a large turboprop, Zulu delivers outstanding ANR performance and industryleading Bluetooth options —all at a price under $900. 3898A $850.00

The perfect choice for budget-conscious pilots, students, and passengers, Sierra offers high-end performance and features— including outstanding noise cancellation, full Bluetooth integration and compatibility with FlightLink, Lightspeed’s in-cockpit recording app. 2472A $650.00


“Great headset. Comfortable and great audio clarity. Nice having a chord that doesn’t tangle. Highly recommend this headset for anyone.” -customer review

“I am a new pilot and these are my first headset. That being said, they are very comfortable, clear, and quiet. I am extremely pleased with this purchase.” -customer review



The DC ONE-X headsets provide advanced comfort and technology features in a sleek, low profile design. You’ll have the sound performance and durability you need, with the comfort you demand. Features Bluetooth® technology for inflight calls and music. The full size leatherette ear seals provide maximum comfort for long flights. DC ONE-X (twin plugs) 8408A $895.00

David Clark has a well-earned reputation for building some of the highest quality, longestlasting headsets in aviation. The DC PRO-X2 is a completely new design with ultralightweight construction and superior electronic noise reduction. Includes: Hybrid ENC Technology, Bluetooth wireless input and soft, leatherette ear seals. DC PRO-X2 (twin plugs) 2485A $745.00

DC ONE-XP (LEMO) 7182A $895.00

DC PRO-X2P (LEMO) 4261A $785.00

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ProFlight Series 2

At just 12 oz., the A20 is one of the lightest headsets on the market; combine that with its soft sheepskin ear cushions and minimal clamping force and you can wear this headset all day. Bose’s proprietary active noise reduction cancels an impressive amount of engine and propeller noise, but maintains outstanding battery life. A20 with Bluetooth (specify PJ, LEMO, Helicopter) 3490A $1095.00 A20 without Bluetooth (specify PJ, LEMO, Helicopter) 9630A $995.00

Now professional pilots can wear a Bose headset designed specifically for airline and corporate flight decks, including all the noise reduction, comfort, and advanced audio features that have made Bose the top-selling headset brand in aviation. The ProFlight Aviation Headset weighs just 4.5 ounces and uses comfortable silicone eartips to virtually eliminate side pressure, so it can be worn for hours without discomfort. ProFlight (specify PJ, LEMO, or XLR plugs) 9784A $1045.00

“This headset exceeded my expectations! While it is very expensive, I can promise you it is absolutely worth it!” -customer review

“I was initially worried about the noise levels compared to A20’s. But I have to say I am more that impressed with pro 2s. Absolutely love them.” -customer review



A good headset is essential for safe and comfortable flying, but too often pilots are faced with a tough choice: pay over $1000 for a great headset, or buy a cheap one that is uncomfortable and lacking important features. Faro has solved this problem with their Stealth 2 Headset. This sleek and stylish headset has the high-end features you want, like Bluetooth input and active noise reduction, but at a price you can afford. Stealth 2 ANR (twin plugs) 8509A $449.95

Finding a good, entry-level headset doesn’t have to be a search for a needle in a haystack. The Faro Stealth 2 Passive Headset provides the right combination of features without a high price tag. Connect wirelessly to your Bluetooth-enabled device to get notifications, listen to music, or even make phone calls. Perfect for picking up clearances at pilot-controlled airports. Stealth 2 Passive (with Bluetooth) 8255A $249.95

Stealth 2 ANR (LEMO) 2088A $449.95

Stealth 2 Passive (no Bluetooth) 2642A $199.95

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5/31/22 5:31 PM

Garmin launches two new

smartwatches for pilots with app integration

Once you’re paired, you can adjust options and set up personal information, from downloading music (the watches support Spotify and Amazon Music) to enabling Garmin Pay (the company’s contactless payment system). One thing that’s worth spending some time on is the order of glances, the quick-access widgets that are accessible by swiping up or down from the main watch face. The Garmin Connect app makes it easy to add, remove, and reorder these glances to suit your preference. We like to have local weather and pulse oximeter stats easily accessible. The D2 Air X10 and Mach 1 can both display live METARs and TAFs anytime you’re connected to the Garmin Connect app on your phone and you have an active internet connection. This is an easy way to check weather without needing to look at your phone or tablet. You can even set a favorite airport and the main clock face will show weather data for that airport.

Garmin Pilot App

Garmin Connect App

JOHN ZIMMERMAN ATP Garmin continues to improve their range of aviation smartwatches, with the introduction of two new models this spring: the D2 Air X10 and the D2 Mach 1. Both retain the bright touchscreen display and built-in pulse oximeter from the previous generation D2 Air, while adding new features like voice assistant and satellite communicator integration. They can navigate to the nearest airport using the built-in GPS, show your pressure altitude, and even monitor your heart rate. After some recent test flights, we are very impressed—the D2 is enough to give the Apple Watch a run for the money. While the D2 Air X10 and D2 Mach 1 can function quite well as standalone navigators (using the internal GPS and aviation database), they are even more powerful when paired with a smartphone. This allows you to get updated weather and even share flight plans; it’s really an extension of your flight deck.

First, download the free Garmin Connect app on your phone. This is not an aviationspecific app, but it’s the main connection between your watch and the internet. This app will allow you to sync calendar appointments and contacts, track your workout data, and push email/phone/text alerts to your watch. To make the connection, press the bottom button on the right side of the watch, tap on the settings symbol, and choose Connectivity -> Phone. This will put the watch in pairing mode. On your phone, open the Garmin Connect app and add a device—D2 Air X10 or D2 Mach 1should be one of the options. Note that you won’t go to the main Settings app as you would with most wireless devices. All pairing is done directly in the Garmin Connect app.

To unlock all the aviation features, download the Garmin Pilot app and sign in. If you’ve already paired your watch to your phone with the Garmin Connect app, you should see your watch available under the Connext menu. This is the place to find all external devices, from GDL 50 ADS-B receivers to Flight Stream panel-mount devices. Tapping on your watch will show details, including connection status. This is also the place to sync flight plans. In the screenshot below, we have it set to automatically transfer flight plan updates. In the right screenshot below, we are manually pushing a flight plan from our phone to the watch. You can also see that we’ve simultaneously connected to a Flight Stream 510 in the panel (represented by GTN 750 below) and the D2 Air X10. (Note that flight plan sync is not available with ForeFlight or other apps.)

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One other setting on this page is the SPO2 warning threshold. This uses the watch’s built-in pulse oximeter, which tracks oxygen levels and pulse. But you can also set an alert in Garmin Pilot to pop up a noti�ication in the app if your oxygen level drops to an unsafe level. Here we’ve set it to 90%.

Finally, note that automatic �light logging is available with these watches. They can start recording above 200 feet and stop recording when groundspeed gets below 30 knots. This will record GPS position and speed, and a basic map and graphs are available in the Garmin Connect app. For more detailed analysis, the �light logs are uploaded automatically to FlyGarmin.com. From here, you can see all the details.

Garmin D2 Air X10 Smartwatch Garmin D2 watches are the only smart watches made exclusively for pilots, packed with powerful tools like GPS navigation, a worldwide airport database, and a built-in altimeter. Now the best-selling D2 Air is even better, with new voice assistant features and long battery life. Meet the D2 Air X10. Specify black or ivory. 5138A $549.99



Which One?

Both of Garmin’s new watches are powerful everyday tools with enough aviation features to make them helpful supplemental tools in the airplane. They both feature a beautiful color touchscreen and they both have a built-in GPS, so the essentials are all there. The Mach 1 really shines when it comes to materials (less plastic, more titanium) and higher end features (moving map, inReach integration). The D2 Air X10 is available for $549.99, a good value considering all the features it has. The D2 Mach 1 is available for $1199.99 with a leather band or $1299.99 with a titanium bracelet.

For more information see,











Stainless Steel


43.4mm Stainless Steel

47mm Titanium


Italian Leather/ Titanium & Silicone

Gorilla Glass


Garmin Pilot

Garmin Pilot


Leather Band 5042A Titanium Band 2070A



Garmin D2 Mach 1 Smartwatch For pilots who want the latest aviation tools on their wrist without sacrificing the style of a fine timepiece, the D2 Mach 1 is the perfect choice. Garmin’s most powerful aviation watch yet features a color moving map with touchscreen controls, a dedicated emergency navigation mode, and satellite messaging capabilities when connected to an inReach communicator. With a titanium bezel and sapphire glass, the D2 Mach 1 is at home in the backcountry or at the office. Garmin D2 Mach 1 (titanium band) 2070A $1299.99 Garmin D2 Mach 1 (leather band) 5042A $1199.99

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6/8/22 11:54 AM

Sporty’s Pilot Training App adds new features AND new courses BRET KOEBBE ATP, Flight Instructor

Sporty’s Pilot Training app has helped tens of thousands of pilots earn their pilot certi�icate, add new ratings, learn how to use a wide variety of advanced avionics systems, and get checked out in new aircraft types. The platform is famous for its relentless pace of innovation, bringing new content, new training tools, and technological enhancements every year, so it’s no surprise that the app has seen a slew of updates over the last 12 months.

Pilot Training offers pilots the ultimate �lexibility in training, providing access to all of Sporty’s aviation courses on dedicated iPhone and iPad apps, an Android app, and online. There’s also a growing selection of apps for smart TVs, including AppleTV, FireTV, AndroidTV, Roku, and Chromecast.

Here’s a look at some of the biggest updates, from new software features to new courses.

New Video Training

The heart of Sporty’s courses is dynamic HD video that puts the viewer in the airplane, supplemented by sophisticated 3D animations. No boring lectures or slideshows here—it’s all about real-world �lying. The 2022 Learn to Fly Course

continues this focus with plenty of new video, including all-new 4K video segments covering regular and special-use airspace, VFR cross-country �light planning with ForeFlight, and how to use self-serve fuel systems at the FBO after landing. Plus, dozens of smaller updates include the latest technology and FAA regulation changes, so you’re always up to date.

Audio Training and Course Transcripts

While video continues to be the focus of the course, there are times when it’s not always practical to sit down and watch a video. To add some �lexibility, Sporty’s added the option to listen to just the audio from each video segment, perfect for workouts or on-the-go studying. The feature works just like your favorite music streaming or podcast app and will play each segment in the background through headphones or a connected Bluetooth device. And for those who prefer to read, the app also added the complete transcript for each video segment. This serves as a great review after watching or listening to each segment to help reinforce key concepts.

in 2013 to allow iPhone users to access a few select iOS communication and media apps on touch-capable infotainment screens in compatible cars. After connecting an iPhone via a Lightning cable to a USB port in a CarPlay-supported car, you’ll see the familiar rows of Apple apps, like Phone, Messages, Maps and Music. This allows you to access and interact with commonly-used apps while driving without the distraction of looking down at the small screen on a mobile device.

The clever thing about CarPlay is that the brains of the system all reside on your iPhone, so once you connect your device to your car, the interface and experience are nearly universal, regardless of manufacturer or infotainment system design. At �irst, there were only a handful of vehicles that


Another audio update brings support for vehicles that support Apple’s CarPlay system, allowing pilots to seamlessly continue their training while on the road. Apple quietly released the CarPlay concept

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supported this feature, but it didn’t take long for the concept to catch on and today nearly every automobile manufacturer supports CarPlay. The latest advance is wireless CarPlay, which allows you to connect your iPhone wirelessly to your car’s infotainment system and eliminates the need to plug it in.

Sporty’s Pilot Training app is a natural �it for CarPlay, allowing pilots to listen to the audio training segments from just about every course Sporty’s offers. This is great for reviewing a segment after you’ve watched the video or for brushing up on today’s �light lesson topic while you drive to the airport. Sporty’s CarPlay app also includes free demos from each course, so it’s a fun way to test out the system in your car even if you don’t own any courses yet.

results of each study session or practice test to help students zero in on weaker areas.

Every single answer also includes a detailed explanation and link to the speci�ic FAA handbook or training guide, making each study session review a valuable learning event and not just rote memorization. Sporty’s continues to include an of�icial test prep endorsement, available for instant delivery after a student completes all the video training and scores at least two practice test scores of 80% or higher.

New TV Apps

PowerStudy Test Prep

One of the top reasons students invest in a training course is to prepare for the FAA knowledge test. In addition to offering an industry-leading collection of over 1,000 proprietary questions, answers, and explanations to study before the test, Sporty’s also provides the most comprehensive set of study tools to help make your preparation as focused and ef�icient as possible. In addition to being able to select speci�ic categories of questions to study, students can now use a Question Search function to build a custom study session—perfect for focusing on those few areas that need work. There’s also an interactive Flashcard training interface for all session types, including Category, Random, Smart, Incorrect and Marked Question Study modes. This shows the question without multiple choice answers, a great test of comprehension. The Study History section of Sporty’s Test Prep was also redesigned with a useful new interface, providing quick access to previously graded sessions. New options allow users to review each session in its entirety, or start a new session based on answer criteria. The app also analyzes the

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The best place to watch immersive 4K video is on your big screen TV, where you can really feel like you’re in the airplane during every segment. For 2022, Sporty’s added the popular Video Quiz feature to the AppleTV app, allowing you to test your knowledge of key topics after watching video segments in the courses.

Sporty’s Pilot Training app includes a comprehensive library of digital FAA handbooks and training guides in each course. These are displayed in the app using a powerful, integrated PDF viewer which allows you to �ind and study-speci�ic content with ease. Each resource includes a table of contents, search function, bookmarking and annotations features. Sporty’s 2022 courses include the latest versions of each book, including the new Airplane Flying Handbook which was released last fall.

Sporty’s also expanded support for additional smart TV platforms, adding a new Amazon Fire TV app and a new Android TV app, in addition to Roku and Chromecast support. That means the Pilot Training app is available on over 95% of smart TVs sold in the US. Your progress always stays in sync, whether you watch online, in the iOS/ Android apps, or on your TV.


Download for FREE

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6/8/22 11:54 AM

• Includes over 20 Sporty’s courses— more than 50 hours of video! • Training for every type of pilot, from primary to aerobatics • Videos work on all your devices: laptop, phone, tablet, and TV • Automatic access to new courses as they are released

Free ground shipping in the continental US, every day of the year

Lifetime access to Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course

Apply for three $2500 flight training scholarships annually

Dedicated email and phone support

Monthly deals and contests for Pilot Training+ members

Join Today! $399/year or $49/month MORE INFORMATION:


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hes c n u a l ’s y t r o Sp

l e e h w Tailkout Course Chec

Backcountry �lying is one of the hottest segments of general aviation right now, and Sporty’s latest course offers the perfect way to get started. Tailwheel Checkout, hosted by legendary airshow pilot Patty Wagstaff, includes over two hours of practical tips for mastering these demanding airplanes, based on Patty’s decades of �lying taildraggers at airshows, in Africa, and everywhere in between.

Throughout the course, stunning 4K video shows a wide variety of taildraggers operating in diverse environments. Featured airplanes include the Citabria, Super Decathlon, Extra 300, Piper Super Cub, and Cessna 180. Multiple camera angles help pilots visualize every maneuver from start to �inish, and 3D animations explore key topics like ground loops and P-factor.

This comprehensive course covers both the theory and practice of �lying tailwheel airplanes. It begins with a look at the airplanes and their systems, then breaks down the physics of taildraggers, including stability, inertia, left-turning tendencies, and why ground loops happen. Next comes a look at tailwheel pre�light inspections, taxiing techniques, and all the varieties of tailwheel takeoffs. And of course there’s a detailed examination of landings, including three point and wheel, plus Patty’s helpful three-step method.

Sporty’s Tailwheel Checkout Course covers more than just the basics. In the advanced tailwheel section, pilots learn about slips, how to use �laps, common mistakes during soft �ield landings, and even a few bush pilot techniques demonstrated in the wilderness of Alaska. Special “what if?” sections teach how to react when things go wrong, and are packed with real world advice. The course also includes a review quiz, certi�icate of completion, and a valuable reference library. Like all Sporty’s courses, Tailwheel Checkout Course works on a wide variety of devices, including online, iOS devices, Android, smart TVs, and even Apple CarPlay. Access to all platforms is included, and progress automatically syncs between devices.

Sporty’s Tailwheel Checkout Course includes free lifetime updates and is available for an introductory price of $149.99. Visit sportys.com/tailwheel.

5/31/22 5:37 PM

How to use ForeFlight with a home flight simulator then review various ways you can use these simulator programs to both maintain currency and learn new skills with a series of VFR and IFR scenarios.

consult your router and firewall support documents to configure your settings appropriately.

Once you have that set up, there are a few different plugins to connect Microsoft Flight Simulator to your EFB. • Flight Events (Click “Join” in the upper right corner)

• FS2FF (Flight Simulator to ForeFlight – click “Releases” on right side)


• XMapsy

• MSFS Bridge

ATP, Flight Instructor Are you stuck at home and separated from your airplane, or just experiencing an unlucky stretch of bad weather? The good news is, you can still fly at home and stay current with your favorite aviation apps using the latest flight simulators.

Many flight simulators today integrate directly with EFB apps including ForeFlight, Garmin Pilot, FlyQ, and Stratus Insight. The apps will function nearly identically as if you were in the airplane, creating a realistic in-flight experience, displaying GPS position, moving maps, synthetic vision, and other flight parameters. The simulators can even output real-time flight data, such as AHRS pitch and bank, allowing you to learn and experiment with the most advanced EFB features. Before getting started, the tablet must be connected to the same WiFi network as the flight simulator. Once that’s done, we’ll explain how to get the EFB and flight simulator programs set up properly. We’ll

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Connecting ForeFlight to Microsoft Flight Simulator

With the release of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator in 2020, you have a modernized option to stay current with your favorite aviation apps. The new flight simulator provides you with breathtaking graphics, using Bing maps to drive its terrain and mapping data. The result is a very realistic flight experience, as the entire planet is modeled, including landmarks, buildings, and large cities—all simulated with photorealistic details. While the flight simulator software has vastly improved realism, you can further enhance the experience with the addition of new hardware to make your simulator as realistic as possible. To get started, make sure your computer firewall and WiFi router are not blocking UDP traffic port 49002. You’ll have to

These plugins are all compatible with ForeFlight, and most other EFB apps on the market. If you are a ForeFlight user, they’ve written an article with detailed instructions on how to set up each plug-in to connect with FS2020, which can be viewed on the ForeFlight website.

While these instructions are specific to connecting with ForeFlight, other supported EFBs can be connected using the same steps. Consult each specific plug-in and EFB manual to properly configure your setup.

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5/31/22 5:36 PM

Flying in the simulator

Connecting ForeFlight to X-Plane X-Plane is one of the most widely used consumer flight simulator platforms for PC and a great choice for Mac too. It’s the best option if you’re just getting started with flight simulators. X-Plane features integrated EFB app support, so setting up ForeFlight and your iPad to connect is a breeze:

1. Open the settings (upper-right of the menu bar) in X-Plane and go to Network. 2. Open the “iPhone, iPad and External Apps” Category, and choose broadcast to all mapping apps.

Now that your devices are all connected, we’re going to focus on what you can do with a simulator. These tips apply to ForeFlight, but the concepts apply to all EFB apps. To begin, set up a basic flight in your simulator, and spend time personalizing your EFB to your specific preferences. Here is a list of features to get you started:

• Auto Track Logging • Auto-Centering Modes • Breadcrumbs • Custom Map Layers • Dark Mode vs Light Mode • Distance Rings • Glide Advisor • Instrument Panel Data Boxes • Radar, TFRs Opacity • Track Vector

3. Return to ForeFlight, tap More > Devices > X-Plane and make sure the Enabled switch is on.

If you’re having trouble connecting to ForeFlight using the steps above, select the option for “transmit to a single mapping app” in X-Plane and then do the following:

1. Open ForeFlight and tap More > Devices.

2. In the upper right corner, tap the “i” icon, and take note of the IP address listed under the Wi-Fi label. 3. Enter the IP address found under the “i” icon into the “Transmit to a single mapping app” row on X-Plane.

4. When “X-Plane” appears under Devices, tap “X-Plane” and ensure the Enabled switch is toggled on.

You’ll be able to preview your changes in real-time on your simulator without concern for heads-down time in the cockpit or the expensive Hobbs meter ticking away.

Next, take some time to dive deeper into your favorite app features. You can use your simulator to practice different ways to perform a task and most likely find something new along the way. There may be a more efficient way for you to do certain things, and now is the time to explore those different techniques. For example, experiment with different ways to quickly modify your route, simulating either an emergency diversion or IFR re-route issued by ATC. Or try out that new electronic audio checklist feature in ForeFlight, to see how it works into your flight operation to replace the old paper checklist. For the VFR pilot, now is the time to practice using your EFB to assist with an emergency. Curious about how far your airplane will glide if the engine quits? Try out the glide advisor in ForeFlight and simulate an engine out scenario from a

normal cruising altitude using the glide advisor. Going on a cross-country on a beautiful VFR day using pilotage? Try flying it in a flight simulator with your EFB and make note of some important geographical landmarks, or terrain features along your route and build that familiarization.

If you’re a student pilot, you can even use the simulator to obtain a general concept of your flight maneuvers. The simulators don’t typically do a great job of replicating aerodynamics of the maneuvers such as slow flight, stalls, or steep turns. That doesn’t mean it can’t be a valuable resource. You can still chair fly the procedural aspect in the simulator, and even use the tracklog recording function so you can review and debrief the flight data later to see if you were within ACS limits for a practical test. All these features are equally pertinent to the instrument pilot too.

Instrument pilots can greatly benefit from staying proficient thanks to home flight simulators, as procedures from the real world can easily be translated and practiced in the simulator world. There is a lot of data to be processed in the instrument flying realm including weather, NOTAMs, approach plates, departures and arrivals, and more. Use the time in the simulator to come up with a way to help you keep that data organized and easily accessible. For example, ForeFlight has a plates binder where you can organize your approaches, SIDs and STARs, taxiway diagrams, and more. Try setting up your instrument panel to display relevant information for you, so you’re not hunting to find it. You can try out the different layers on the Maps tab and see how each one works and what information you like. While you’re here, you can practice finding efficient ways to type in ATC re-routes, or figuring out the best way to enter a full route clearance. If you’re not up for trying out different emergencies, flight simulators can be great for staying proficient or even working on some fundamentals like the instrument scan or even trying a new instrument scan pattern. Regardless of your mission, flight simulators are a great tool for pilots to stay productive especially if you’re grounded for an extended period of time. Once you understand the limitations of flight simulators and have a solid foundation to work with from professional instruction; flight simulators are an inexpensive way to explore new EFB features, keep your skills sharp, and build upon good habits.

To learn more about the latest flight sim technology and products, say: “Ok Google, Talk to Sporty’s Pilot Shop Flight Sim.”

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Flight control hardware

As the law of intensity would state, realism is important, and the closer you get, the better. If you’re a desktop user and you’re looking to maximize your flight simulator experience, there are a variety of options for you to choose from. These options start with a basic joystick and move up to a full-blown yoke and throttle quadrant setup. Depending on your requirements and budget, we have several recommendations.

The Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Bravo Throttle quadrant are the perfect pair and best bang for the buck, featuring a fully realistic yoke with 180-degree rotation, and a self-centering mechanism. The Bravo throttle quadrant features a programmable annunciator panel, gear and flap levers, a backlit autopilot, and configurable throttle setup that can be interchanged between general aviation and commercial aviation setups. To complement the Honeycomb setup, we would recommend either the Thrustmaster Flight Rudder pedals or the Thrustmaster TPR Flight Simulator pedals, depending on your budget. Best of all, each


piece is configured to work with Microsoft Flight Simulator out of the box.

For users looking for a less expensive alternative, the Logitech Flight Simulator Yoke and Rudder pedals kit still offer a featurepacked experience. The Logitech kit includes a stainless steel control shaft for the yoke, realistic switches and buttons, integrated USB docking station hub, throttle quadrant and adjustable tension rudder pedals.

If you’re training in a singleengine GA trainer aircraft, Redbird Simulations provides a variety of hardware that is compatible with both X-Plane and Microsoft Flight Simulator that are designed specifically for pilots who want the most realistic simulation experience.

throttle quadrant and advanced spring system rudder pedals.

Redbird Simulations hardware is commonly used for FAA-approved Aviation Training devices. The hardware is made of durable all-metal alloy construction. Redbird offers a professional-grade yoke, familiar vernier

Last but not least, if you want to just jump in with working controls, you can purchase a few basic joysticks from Logitech, or even more advanced setups offered by Thrustmaster. The options available offer ergonomic designs, flight controls with programmable buttons, and a much more realistic experience compared to a mouse and keyboard for a reasonable price.


Redbird Alloy

Combining a rugged yoke with a separate throttle quadrant, this is a great option for almost any pilot. An integrated USB hub provides a docking station for other Logitech/Saitek hardware. Rudder pedals offer a tension adjustment.

Redbird controls are the finest we’ve seen, designed specifically for pilots who want the most realistic simulation experience. All-metal construction and Cessna-style controls combine durability and authentic feel.

Popular hardware

Best-selling hardware with lots of options Enter the modern age of flight simulation with Honeycomb Aeronautical. Durable hardware with realistic feel has Honeycomb at the top of the most wanted list for flight sim pilots. Each piece is configured to work with Microsoft Flight Sim.

Good value controls offer flexibility

The most realistic home simulation controls

Honeycomb Alpha Flight Simulator Yoke 10304A $249.99

Logitech Rudder Pedals 9875A $179.99

Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant 10503A $249.99

KIT: Honeycomb Flight Sim Alpha Yoke and Bravo Throttle B1908A $499.98

Redbird Alloy Yoke 22116A $799.00

Redbird Throttle Quadrant (single) 22121A $599.00

Logitech Yoke with Throttle Quadrant 9900A $179.99

Redbird Alloy Pedals 21012A $649.00

KIT: Logitech Yoke with Throttle Quadrant and Rudder Pedals B1144A $359.98

KIT: Redbird Yoke, Pedals, and Throttle B1350A $2099.00

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App reviews, video tips, quizzes, and more

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New safety features: • Integrated OLED screen shows key information at a glance • Incredible battery life - up to 18 hours on a single charge • Next generation flight data recorder with automatic downloads • Built-in G meter displays real time status and records min/max • Improved carbon monoxide sensor with visual and audio alerts • Auto power on/off when connected to external power • Works with smart charging plugs and power delivery chargers • Smart network joining for airplanes with on-board WiFi • FLARM receiver for additional traffic coverage in Europe

A first of its kind OLED display. An unmatched 18-hour battery life. A next generation flight data recorder with G-meter. Sentry Plus is loaded with features you won’t find anywhere else, plus all the essential features that made its predecessor the bestselling weather receiver in aviation. It’s the ultimate iPad upgrade, delivering everything you need for safer and more enjoyable flights—no matter what you’re flying. 7255A $799.00

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