SoWot Vol1 2022

Page 1


October 2022

Footy stars in racing cars

Seoul – Pushing the boundaries of traditional travel

Cold showers for great health





Contents 04

Editor’s Note There’s no getting around it – life is complex.

Ready for Change

Changing gears in a rapidly changing world


New Smartphones


Building Your Stack


Outwitting the Scammers

The white heat of technology Bad money habits that could cost you $12,872 a year Stop, thief – it’s my life!

Yet even surrounded by this superabundance of options, for some, it’s prioritising health and wellbeing, for others it’s understanding new technologies, others setting and achieving financial goals, all can be ... elusive. Amid great opportunity, we often find ourselves spinning our wheels when we should be racing exuberantly ahead. Welcome to the paradox of the present, where a million things jostle for our attention.


For the Love of the Games


Energise Your Being

In the medium term, we’re reminded to save for a house. Boost our Super. Line up the ideal career path.


Corporate Jargon

And in the long term, we’re urged to consider the planet’s future. Waste less. Think global. Act local.

Too many Chiefs...

It’s hard to keep up with this endless deluge of perspectives.


Further Afield

Given so many competing objectives, is it any wonder so many of us become anxious, confused ... even about the tiniest decisions?


The Lives You Can Change

Mitch Robinson, Midfielder with the Brisbane Lions, has a second love A cold shower’s special power

Seoul – Pushing the boundaries of traditional travel Backpacks filled with hope are making a difference SoWot Magazine is published by Jill JOHNSON Media PO Box 1040 Hawksburn VIC 3142 Editor Jill JOHNSON Media


Photography AFL Photos Design Brigid FRASER Advertising Enquiries Jill JOHNSON P: 0409 217 624 E:

All material appearing in SoWot Magazine is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without prior written consent. All statements made, although based on information believed to be reliable and accurate, cannot be guaranteed and no fault or liability can be accepted for error or omission. The publisher reserves the right to omit or alter any advertisement and the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher for all damages or liabilities arising from the published material.


Sure, there’s heaps to love. We’ve got a dizzying array of options and virtually limitless life paths. It’s a world of plenty out there!

In the short term, we’re told to make the most of what we’ve got. Live in the moment. Grasp every precious sensation.

Untangling this mess sure isn’t easy, but it’s definitely worthwhile. Where to start, though? Enter SoWot magazine. When you’re ready to start chipping away at the mammoth task of mastering modern life, we’ve got your back and we have a few suggestions. To help you get your bearings, we’ll use each issue to take a deep dive into some of the thorniest questions. In the daily labyrinth, we’re your trail of breadcrumbs. Come and join us on the journey.



Changing Gears in a Rapidly Changing World Our world is changing rapidly. Everything is in a state of flux. What works well today may be ineffective tomorrow. The skill we need to survive an uncertain future is the ability to change gears. And if it feels like the world is changing more rapidly than ever, trust your instincts. The pace of change is actually speeding up. But don’t worry, we can explain why – and how to deal with it.

An exponential world Before we talk about how to do that, we need to discuss the Law of Accelerating Returns. This principle states that technological change is exponential, thus driving a compounding effect. In its disruptive effects, Covid-19 reminded us of the sheer power of an exponential increase. When we saw cases blow up in Australia in late 2021, the increase felt very sudden. And just as Covid-19 cases exploded, the technology revolution crept up on us slowly – then very quickly became all-encompassing. When looking at the visual image of that upward curve on the left, it’s important to understand that every emerging form of technology follows a similar path. Our world is quickly becoming digital across every process – production, energy, transport, health, and communications technology. To fully prepare for this reality, we need to take the exponential perspective into account. Steve Sammartino Futurist and Business Technologist

The oft-referenced Moore’s Law, which predicted that the number of transistors per silicon chip would double every two years, is only one of many such exponentially based laws. A similarly process of exponential acceleration applies to all digital processes. Let’s consider: •

KOOMEY’S LAW states that the energy required for computation halves every 18 months.

KRYDER’S LAW states that the amount of information we can store doubles for the same amount of space every 18 months.

BUTTERS’ LAW states that the amount of data we can transmit through optic fibres doubles every nine months.

NIELSEN’S LAW states that internet bandwidth for the average home doubles every 21 months.

SWANSON’S LAW states that the cost of solar panels drops 25% for every doubling of manufacturing capacity.

HAITZ’S LAW states that the amount of light generated by an LED increases 20 times each decade while the price falls 90%.

Here’s the tricky bit, though. The human brain doesn’t increase its capacity every 18 months – in fact, the ‘software’ that runs our minds hasn’t had an upgrade in more than 200,000 years! For that reason, we struggle to cope with the daily challenges we face in an omni-connected digital society. 4

Everyday life forces us to juggle with our online persona and our real-world personality and values. Navigate technology’s impact in our field of work. Adapt to new expressions which more closely reflect a fluid society. Grapple with social media’s opaque algorithms. Repeatedly relearn how to use constantly updating software. Continually re-establish ourselves on digital platforms to protect our personal brand. Decipher organisational hierarchies and working norms reshaped by emergent generations. Devise workarounds in a volatile global environment with increasing costs of capital and supply chain risk. The one takeaway from all this relentless adaptation? Getting too comfortable with the status quo is fatal. Instead, we need to embrace uncertainty by accustoming ourselves to change.

Change-centricity There’s a good reason that kids always cope better with new technology than adults. Instead of lugging around mental baggage on how the world ‘was’ or ‘should be’, they simply take things at face value … then rapidly adapt. We need to learn from them … by hacking our own minds and behaviour.

To prepare for the inevitable upheavals, developing change-centric daily habits is essential. By repeatedly doing things differently, openness to change will become second nature. The key to success, then, is less about technology and more about ourselves. By changing our internal approach, we can cope better with rapidly changing technology. This is particularly important when we’ve previously been successful in business or work – because success hates change. We’ve all had to become more adaptable in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. As work gradually normalises, it’s important that we don’t unthinkingly fall back into yesterday’s habits. Personally, my TV show The Rebound would never have happened if Covid-19 hadn’t forced my hand. We all know we adapt quicker if we need to – so now it’s up to us to retain this habit of adaptation.

Hack your future – change gears often By hacking your own mind and taking different approaches to work and life, you can become better at changing gears. Treating every situation you encounter as unique is a great asset when undertaking purposeful projects and embracing new forums. Making this mental commitment forces an internal shift, which will help you cope better with changes outside your control … CrossFit for the mind, in other words. g 5


Here are my top 5 Gear-Changing hacks to enhance your future: 1. Participate in New Media: Maybe it is time to open a TikTok account and create content. Nothing can teach you more than using the tools ever will. Using these programs will help you understand the sentiment and social mood underneath them. 2. Learn an Emerging Technology: Invest 10 minutes a day watching YouTube videos on a new technology – we can’t make it any easier than that! (You might look into Blockchain or Digital Twins, for example.) This doesn’t just give you a new skill; it creates self-belief. 3. Disruptive Technology: Think about which technology is most likely to disrupt your industry or career – then double down on it and get involved. Become the expert by leading a project on it at work. 4. Side Project: Undertake an entrepreneurial side project, something which is commercial in nature – then set yourself a challenge to get to revenue by a certain date. This will make you move fast and be nimbler in your thinking. 5. Embrace Curiosity: Whenever you’re exposed to a new idea, say: ‘Wow, that’s interesting – I want to understand that!’ Don’t be suspicious; instead, be curious. Using different tools and undertaking these tasks disrupts you internally. You’re automatically changing gears and developing new perspectives based on new realities – and it absolutely works, in the same way exercising your body does with different sports. First your muscles hurt, then they get stronger. Steve Sammartino is an author and futurist who sees the world through marketing eyes. He has held many senior marketing positions and has also built and sold his own startups. His latest venture is Sneaky Surf, which is bringing technology into the surf industry. His new book, The Lessons School Forgot: How to hack your way through a technology revolution, is out now through Wiley. Connect with Steve and see his latest projects and blog at


Doing these things will change everything – you’ll go from being scared to becoming an explorer. The good news is, this isn’t the jungle and none of this exploration will kill you.

If you can change, everything can change in your favour Moving between gears doesn’t mean throwing out the skills we already have. Instead, we should change how they’re used and interpreted in our careers. The more gears we regularly employ, the more future-proof we become, ready to respond to anything the market throws at us. While we don’t get to decide whether new technology will change the world, we do get to decide what we do about it. If you challenge yourself, you’d be surprised how many gears you can access in your skill base. By changing pace and your work-related thought patterns, you’ll garner more respect in your industry while making a sound investment in your future. •


Have it all – at any price The days when our phones were simply for calls are long behind us. Today, our smartphones pack the power of computers, perform complex tasks, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The price range for a smartphone has gotten wider also, making some very affordable and others only for the elite. Our lives today are often planned and managed through our smartphones. We use them to purchase clothes at the tap of a button, book a ride to our next destination, secure a table at our favourite restaurant, and arrange a getaway – all shared on the various social platforms at our fingertips. Our smartphone cameras have replaced the need to carry anything else, capturing high-quality images and video immediately. Our supply of cards no longer need to be carried, as we use our smartphones as our bankcards, licences, frequent shopper cards, and even boarding passes. We continue asking more from our phones … and they continue to deliver. If it’s time you made an upgrade, there’s plenty to consider.

Geoff Quattromani Tech Commentator

If you’re spending more time on the road and carrying multiple devices for different tasks, you might want to consider a foldable smartphone. Samsung is the biggest brand to introduce products into this space, with the star of the show being the company’s Fold 4 – a tablet which can fold to smartphone size. It’ll still fit into your pocket easily – but when the opportunity arises, you can open the device and enjoy a larger central display. When the Fold 4 is closed, you can use the front 6.2” touch display like a normal smartphone. Opening the device gives you access to a 7.6” main screen with capacity for browsing multiple applications, watching high-quality video, or even working on your next presentation or spreadsheet. The Fold 4 can also connect to a monitor, keyboard and mouse to become a portable computer while travelling without a laptop. You’re spoiled for choice with cameras, as there’s at least one. The Fold 4 comes standard with 256GB of storage and can be upgraded to carry 1TB of data, so there isn’t much you can’t throw at this powerhouse. For those ready to fold, you’ll need to get comfortable with the $2,499 starting price and be prepared to answer a lot of questions from friends and family about this innovation in foldable displays.

The Motorola G62 is a 5G smartphone available in Australia that’s really put the cat among the pigeons. As smartphones easily exceed the $1000 price point, the G62 heads in the opposite direction. With a recommended retail price of $399, you’d be forgiven for thinking something’s missing. A large 6.5” display welcomes you when you look at the G62, including a portrait-ready front-facing camera. Underneath the bonnet, however, this Android-powered smartphone still has 128GB of storage – the same as a new iPhone – with a high-capacity battery to match. The cameras proved surprisingly impressive during our testing, while the battery easily managed a full day’s use. For anyone looking to save money on their next smartphone, the Motorola G62 provides a premium experience without the high cost.

In the Apple camp, you’ll find a strong array of choices. The latest iPhone range is the talk of the town, with the iPhone 14 Pro the one everybody’s aspiring to. Available in a 6.1” or 6.7” display, these high-performance smartphones carry several new features not seen in previous models. A huge 48MP rear camera takes high-quality photos and video from a distance, while the new Action Mode allows you to film smooth video even while running with the device. The new iPhone can now automatically detect if you’ve been in a car accident, alerting emergency services should you become unresponsive. Taking care to the next level, Apple will soon provide Emergency SOS via satellite, so you can get help even when you’re not near a mobile tower. Whether lost on a hike or injured on a camping trip, the iPhone 14 could help save your life … or someone else’s. The iPhone 14 starts at $1,399, going up to $2,769 with all the bells and whistles.

Stepping it up a level is the Pixel 6a from Google, with a recommended retail price of $749. This might be the smartest smartphone, and there are several reasons for that. The Pixel 6a can help screen calls for you by greeting an unknown caller, then asking for their name and reason to call … all while transcribing this on the display for you to read and respond to. (Excellent for deterring scammers or telemarketers!)


Speaking of calls, the Pixel 6a will wait on hold for you and give you a ‘nudge’ when a real human’s ready to talk. Magic Eraser will look at your photos and help you remove people or objects with ease. The 6.1” display and 128GB of base storage provide a strong foundation to keep you satisfied for many years, with Google also promising regular updates for five years. The phone’s camera creates accurate representations and crystal-clear depictions of every imaginable situation, so you’ll always be asked for your phone in that next selfie or group photo. •

- Samsung Galaxy Fold 4 - Motorola G62 (5G smartphone under $400) - iPhone 14 Pro - Google Pixel 6a (excellent Android smartphone for $749)

Geoff Quattromani has a passion for technology and how it intersects with society. He lives and breathes technology in his day job and via news and reviews across multiple websites, TV stations, and national radio programs.



10 bad money habits that could cost you $12,872 a year Are you guilty of any of these bad money habits? You might be more careful when you see how much they could cost you each year.

When you think of bad habits, activities such as gambling or smoking probably come to mind. Yet while these may cost you serious money, there are plenty of other, more innocuous, bad habits that could be hurting your hip pocket as well. I’ve identified 10 bad habits that many of us might be guilty of. These include letting your insurance renew automatically, mindless spending, and using the dryer instead of the clothesline. Plus, I’ve crunched the numbers and found these bad habits could be costing you $12,872 a year! The numbers are based on hypothetical scenarios (your costs may be higher or lower, depending on your situation), but you can certainly get an idea of how quickly things can add up.


Effie Zahos Editor-at-Large, Finance Commentator


Letting your insurance renew automatically

Potential annual savings – switching from average to lowest insurance premium

Many of us get complacent and don’t shop around for a better deal when our insurance is up for renewal. This is especially the case if you’re paying monthly, because the payments keep coming out of your account and you know you’re still covered. You might tell yourself you’ll get around to it – but before you know it, another year’s passed … It definitely pays to shop around. Canstar crunched the numbers and found that the average car insurance premium for a person aged 30 to 49 in NSW is $1,411 … but the lowest is $872. That means you could potentially save $539 a year by switching. The table shows the potential savings for hospital cover ($693) and





Car insurance Person aged 30–49 in NSW




Gold hospital insurance NSW single




Home & contents insurance NSW




Source: Prepared on 05/09/2022. Car Insurance: Based on comprehensive car insurance policies rated in the Canstar 2022 Car Insurance Star Ratings. Premiums are based on a person aged 30–49 in NSW and include quotes for both new and used cars for a range of scenarios, with a target excess of $600–$750. Hospital Insurance: Based on Gold Hospital policies available for a single in NSW, with all excess options considered. The Australian Government Private Health Insurance Rebate, Base Tier for under 65s, of 24.608% has been applied to premiums. Home & Contents: Premiums based on quotes obtained for Canstar’s 2022 Home and Contents Insurance Awards and Star Ratings (August 2022), for a range of addresses, property assumptions and building sum insured amounts. Premiums based on building sum insured amounts between $200,000 and $1,800,000 and a contents sum insured of $50,000.

home and contents insurance ($436). The total cost of letting your insurance renew automatically in this case could be $1,668 a year. Just make sure you’re comparing

Mindless spending It might not feel like a big deal to spend $5 on a doughnut and coffee when out and about, or to throw a $7 magazine into your trolley at the supermarket … but these impulse buys can really add up. Even spending $5 a day adds up to $1,825 a year. Now, I’m not saying you can’t buy any small luxuries – just make sure they’re factored into your budget so they don’t interfere with your financial goals.



Using the dryer rather than hanging the washing out Using the clothes dryer may feel like a more convenient option than hanging your washing out on the line, but it will cost you significantly in electricity.

Potential cost: $1,825 a year

After crunching the numbers, Canstar found that putting six loads of washing each week in the dryer could cost you $336 a year. Is the convenience worth that extra expense?

Not paying yourself first

Potential cost: $336 a year

One of the best things you can do with your money is to pay yourself first. This basically means that once you work out how much you can save from each pay, you arrange to have it automatically transferred to a separate savings account before you can get your hands on it. Ideally, aim to save at least 10% from your pay.

like for like, and you’re still getting the same level of cover before switching to a cheaper product.

Let’s say you earn the average full-time wage in Australia, which according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics is $1,769.80. This works out to be $1,342 after tax. Not putting away that 10% each pay could cost you $6,978 over the year.

Potential cost: $1,668 a year

Potential cost: $6,978 a year

Cost of using a dryer instead of hanging clothes out Average annual energy consumption (assuming 6 loads per week)

1,158 kWh

Average electricity usage cost


Annual cost


Source: – 05/09/2022. Average energy consumption figures based on 5–10kg condenser clothes dryers listed in the Commonwealth of Australia E3 Program’s Registration database. Average usage cost based on single-rate products on Canstar’s database, available for an annual usage of 4,372 kWh.

g 11




Washing in warm water Using warm water to wash every time you do a load of laundry? You might want to think again. Each time you wash using hot water, it costs extra to heat the water. (Washing in cold water doesn’t require any heating.) Canstar’s analysis found that assuming you do seven loads of laundry a week, using warm instead of cold could cost an extra $88 a year. Sometimes, it’s better to wash in warm water – for example, if the items are stained or very dirty – but using cold water most times will save you money. Potential cost: $88 a year Cost of using a warm wash cycle on a washing machine

Average annual energy consumption (assuming 7 loads per week) Average electricity usage cost Annual cost

Warm Wash

Cold Wash





29 c/kWh

29 c/kWh




Source: – 05/09/2022. Average energy consumption figures based on 5–10kg washing machines listed in the Commonwealth of Australia E3 Program’s Registration database; only includes products that have both warm and cold wash cycle energy consumption data available. Average usage cost based on singlerate products on Canstar’s database, available for an annual usage of 4,372 kWh.


Waiting for your petrol tank to be empty before filling up If you wait until your fuel tank’s empty before you fill up, you’re at the mercy of the petrol price cycle … and could potentially end up paying much more. The ACCC, which tracks petrol price cycles, explains that petrol prices move up and down in regular patterns or cycles. ‘The cheapest and most expensive days to buy petrol can change from cycle to cycle. Use price cycles to help you decide when to buy petrol’ the website explains. If you paid, on average, 10 cents a litre more each time you filled up a 50-litre tank, the cost would come to $130 a year (assuming you fill up once a fortnight). It’s a good idea, then, to keep an eye on your capital city’s fuel cycle. There are also several fuel apps that can help you find the best price near you. Potential cost: $130 a year


Buying water when you’re out rather than taking your own bottle


We’ve all done it at one point or another – forgotten to take a water bottle with us and resorted to buying a bottle. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it also puts a bit of a dent in your wallet.

Paying for subscriptions you don’t use Whether it’s a free trial you didn’t end up cancelling or a gym membership you’re no longer using, the cost of unused subscriptions really adds up. Research by ME found that 48% of Aussies have forgotten about at least one recurring paid subscription service, while 34% are paying for subscriptions or memberships they don’t use. According to the survey, Aussies are wasting, on average, almost $200 a year on unused subscriptions. Gen Xers are the worst offenders, wasting up to $570 annually.

Even if you did this once every two weeks, it would cost you $91 a year (assuming you paid $3.50 for a bottle of water). It may not seem like a lot, but remember every little bit counts!

Take a good look at your bank account statements and compile a list of subscriptions you’re paying for. Think carefully about whether you’re making good use of them. If not, give ’em the flick!

Potential cost: $91 a year

Potential cost: $200


Not comparing prices Seen something you want? It pays to shop around. I’ve even googled prices at the actual store before handing over any money! Some stores may match – or even beat – the price if you can prove you can get it cheaper elsewhere. I looked at three items you might buy in a year to see what savings could be made by shopping around.


Not sticking to your shopping list at the supermarket You know what it’s like – you’re at the supermarket and a new brand of biscuits catches your eye. It may not have been on your list, but you think there’s no harm done. Then you think to yourself, ‘I could do with some tea to have with those biscuits’ … so you add teabags to your trolley. A 2015 Journal of Marketing study found that you’re more likely to spend money on unplanned splurges as your shopping trip progresses. “Buying one thing you weren’t planning on getting makes you remember all of the other things you might have needed but didn’t put on your list, so that first impulse item you pick up opens the floodgates,” explained an article on the Time website about the study. That’s why it’s important to stick to your list. It’s also a good idea to limit your supermarket visits to once a week rather than going every few days. The more often you go, the more likely you’ll be tempted to make an impulse purchase – or two. Aussie households spend an average of $152 per week on groceries, according to Canstar Blue’s latest survey of supermarket shoppers. If you spend an extra 10% on impulse purchases, that’s an extra $790 a year.

The first was a Fisher & Paykel 569L ActiveSmart French Door fridge. At the time of writing, the price ranged from $2,550 to $3,248 – a $698 difference. Next, I went on the hunt for a pair of Levi’s Mile High Super Skinny Jeans in the New Moon colour. The RRP is $109.95 (the price at most stores), but at the time of writing, Just Jeans had them on special for $76.96 – a saving of about $33. Finally, I wanted to find the best price on a pair of Adidas Stan Smiths. Prices ranged from $105 to $140 – a $35 difference. Adding these savings comes to a tidy $766! Potential cost: $766 •

Effie Zahos has more than two decades’ experience helping Aussies make the most of their money. Prior to joining Canstar, Effie was the editor of Money magazine. She is an author and one of Australia’s leading personal finance commentators.

Potential cost: $790 a year




Stop, thief – it’s my life! We’ve all heard horror stories of people devastated by identity theft. It may have been a data breach, a burglary, an online or phone scam, a mailbox theft, or simply eavesdropping on credit card details over the phone. With sufficient identifying personal data, criminals can incur huge debts and liabilities in your name. They can use your name to claim welfare benefits, commit crimes, misrepresent you on social media, or divert your tax refund. Your attempts to reverse the damage can take years – meanwhile, you could be locked out of a new credit card, bank loan, car lease, or job. Our identity’s our most important asset, because it enables us to prove we are who we’re claiming to be. Even so, most of us take it for granted! There are good reasons to increase our vigilance, though. According to a segment on the ABC’s 7:30 on 30 June, there were 35,000 reports of attempts to gain personal information in Australia in the first six months of 2022. Moreover, Google reports removing more than 60 million ads globally last year for violating financial services policies. David Lacey, Managing Director of IDCARE, a national not-for-profit community service, says Google Ad scams are increasingly sophisticated, with criminals often using third-party affiliates to change ads after they pass vetting processes. (In other words, an online search for your bank could take you to a fraudulent site.) So, what steps can you take to protect yourself … and what do you do if someone steals your identity? According to IDCARE and other expert advisors, you must detect and protect. They recommend regular monitoring of all bank, government, utility, social media and online shopping accounts; and requesting free credit reports from all three Australian credit agencies: Equifax, Illion, and Experion. But what do you do if you discover your details are being used fraudulently? Depending on the nature and extent of the fraud, you may need to report it to the Police or ReportCyber, an online cybercrime reporting system. Then, to your licensing authority (VicRoads), your bank/s, the ATO, your mobile and internet provider, Services Australia for misuse of government-issued cards or accounts, your Super fund, and any Buy Now Pay Later institutions where you hold accounts. To correct your credit reports, or to request a credit ban, contact credit reporting agencies Equifax, Illion, and Experion, as well as all credit providers to have any frauds investigated and corrected. You can request that the credit providers supply you with the personal data used when the fraudulent activity occurred – including name, address, and ID. It’s also important to document any conversations regarding your situation. • Contact IDCARE’s National Case Management Centre on 1800 595 160 for free, individualised support or email

Report Cyber Experion – Equifax – 13 83 32 Illion – 1300 734 806





For the Love of the Games Mitch Robinson, Midfielder with the Brisbane Lions, has a second love – gaming. To harness this enduring passion, Mitch recently participated in the Snaffle AFL Players Gran Turismo Cup.

Mitch and several other players were recently pitted head-to-head in a match-up of the Gran Turismo Cup, widely acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest racing games. Mitch explains how the day unfolded, along with the roots of his enthusiasm for gaming. ‘We recently played GT7 Cup with five players, two from AFLW and three from AFL,’ Mitch begins. ‘Snaffle asked me to run the competition, which was organised to be livestreamed. Competition was fierce, and we completed four races with five players in the end. As it was the very first event, I was mainly trying not to come last!’ Mitch was impressed with the GT7 Cup’s level of gameplay. ‘It’s a very entertaining game, as you can have as many players as you want on the track,’ he says. ‘You’re racing on real racetracks, and the whole thing’s made more enjoyable by the banter and the ability to change cars.’ On the day, everything was set up for a GT7 Cup extravaganza. ‘We played with five players over three races,’ Mitch explains. ‘We were all hooked up on the PlayStation network, and I was recording the play on my mobile with my

streaming setup ready to go. The two players from the AFLW, Kalinda Howarth and Ellie McKenzie, came first and second; I came third, Clayton Oliver came fourth, and Changkuoth Jiath came last.’ The interactions between players made the experience a standout. ‘I set up a voice chat party with my PS4, so everything was miked,’ Mitch says. ‘We had a great time doing it, and the banter between players was hilarious. Snaffle sponsored the whole event, which we put on virtually for fans.’ In his best race, Mitch was able to use his dexterity and concentration to get the upper hand – all while juggling his fatherly duties. ‘I ended up winning a race, even when I had the baby with me,’ he says. ‘When my son started crying halfway through, I pulled over, grabbed the baby … and still managed to win!’ While Mitch kept his eye on the ball throughout, his fellow AFL players were more easily distracted. ‘The boys loaded up their cars with stuff beforehand,’ Mitch confirms. ‘Clayton finetuned his car during the race, but he was too busy boasting about it on his Instagram feed!‘

As an ALFPA Delegate, Mitch has the task of making important connections with the fans. ‘Every team in the AFL has two players as delegates,’ he explains. ‘Fans can talk to the players and refer to their messages – so whenever anything gaming-related pops up with our fans, I’m the go-to guy.’

One of the next logical steps in this increasingly immersive idea of gameplay is Next Level Cockpits, offering a fully immersive and intense gaming experience possible. Take a look!


Mitch is deeply involved in the gaming community, too. ‘I’ve been on Twitch for ages, competing in Call of Duty and Fortnite, while also having a lot of fun in the vlogging world,’ he explains. ‘Live streaming lets me broadcast what I’m playing with teammates to fans, who can drop in on warzones to see what I’m really like as a player.’ He also has some thoughts on the increasing interest in gaming. ‘The AFL haven’t fully emersed themselves in gaming as yet, but it’s definitely the future,’ Mitch speculates. ‘eSports is one of the world’s largest industries, so I’m hoping they’ll expand on their involvement in the future.’

Mitch has been into gaming since childhood. ‘I’ve had a lot of gaming experience over the years,’ he says. ‘I started off with first-person shooters on Sega Megadrive when I was nine, then moved on to PC games like Quake and Counterstrike.’ These days, Mitch’s gaming has one major focus. ‘Call of Duty: Warzone is the main game that’s tickling my fancy right now,’ he says. ‘I’ve even played it at Rod Laver Arena, where 100 players went up against each other – with one winner coming out on top.’ When asked to outline his ideal gaming system, Mitch has several thoughts. ‘A PC would definitely be my choice,’ he notes. ‘PCs are better for gaming, because while consoles are capped at 140Hz, PCs can run a much higher refresh rate of 240–320 Hz. So, with a better graphics card and an advanced monitor, you’re able to see things happening in the game before your opponent.’ • Images supplied by AFL Photos




A cold shower’s special power Would you believe me if I said, ‘A cold shower a day keeps the doctor away’? Scepticism’s encouraged here, of course, as we can’t expect anyone to believe something until they’ve experienced it for themselves. So, I invite you to keep reading with an open mind. The idea that cold showers can give you a health boost probably sounds crazy to you, and that’s understandable. From primordial times, we’ve been conditioned to fear the cold – making fire, huddling in caves, and rugging up to combat it.

with the cold shower. Within ten days of beginning your daily cold shower, you’ll notice your heart rate decreasing as your vascular system adapts to this heightened level of stimulation. Put simply, that’s a lot less stress in your body.

In more recent times, however, the science behind cold water’s benefits to our health has been emerging. Striking research is revealing the extraordinary impact of cold water on our vascular system, also known as our circulatory system.

Cold is a further stressor. If you can control your body’s response to the cold, you’ll be better able to control stress in any form – heat, emotion, work, frustration, relationships, and so on. You have an innate capacity to deal with stress, and a cold shower will help reveal this superpower. You’re having a shower anyway, right?! All you have to do is finish cold!

This intricate system delivers blood throughout the body, which carries all the nutrients, oxygen, and vitamins our bodies need to thrive. There are approximately 100,000 km of veins, arteries, and capillaries in each of us, containing millions of miniature muscle fibres that contract and dilate the vascular channels in response to the weather. This delicate system protects us from heat and cold, while maintaining our core body temperature at around 37°C. Wearing clothes, however, has de-stimulated our vascular system. As a result, the tiny muscles are no longer required to contract and expand, which puts undue chronic stress on our heart. This inactivity has serious consequences, playing a major role (along with poor diet and a lack of exercise) in making cardiovascular diseases our society’s number-one killer. So, how do you re-stimulate and exercise your vascular system to reduce this pressure on your heart? The answer lies

Your 10-Day Cold Shower Challenge: ♦ Enjoy your warm/hot shower ♦ Finish cold for 10 seconds on Day One ♦ Use your breath to keep count, focusing on extending your exhalation ♦ Increase by 10 seconds daily, as you feel comfortable doing so

Hannah Hokarari

♦ Smile and high-five yourself after each cold shower finish. After personally experiencing the benefits of cold showers for nearly twenty years, I continue to love the cold while continually expanding my knowledge of its benefits. As well as offering an exhilarating start to the day, a cold shower reduces your stress levels, energises you, delivers increased blood flows, reduces your vulnerability to sickness, and leaves you feeling stronger!

Be sure to check out The Wim Hof Method for more details on the power of the cold, the breath, and your mindset combined. For cold training workshops and transformational Wim Hof Method retreats here in Australia, check out @leahscottie from Wild Things Anatomy.

Cold water’s benefits include, but aren’t limited to:


Reduced Stress Levels

Strong Immune System

Increased Circulation

Regular cold exposure imposes a small amount of stress on your body, leading to a process called hardening. This means your nervous system gradually gets used to handling moderate stress levels, whether that be a difficult conversation, a tough workout … or indeed challenging temperatures! (Stress is stress.)

Scientific studies have found cold exposure increases the number of white blood cells in the body, which protect it against diseases. It’s believed this process is related to an increased metabolic rate, which stimulates the immune response.

Cold water exposure improves your vascular fitness, as the blood vessels constrict with the cold then dilate with warmth. This optimises your blood vessels’ functionality, increasing the flow of blood and nutrients throughout the body!

High Alertness

Increased Willpower

You feel alive, baby! The cold stimulates you to take deeper breaths, allowing your focus to return to each breath, which helps calm the mind and aids concentration. Cold showers keep you ready and focused throughout the day!

It takes a strong mind to endure the cold for extended periods. With daily exposure to cold showers or water sources, you’re strengthening your willpower! This will benefit many other aspects of your daily life.

Fascinating, right? Start off gradually from today, as you journey into the cold and reveal your hidden potential. •



Too many Chiefs… Ever noticed in the complex corporate world, there seems to be a constantly evolving plethora of job titles? Titles that didn’t exist even a decade ago.

This poses another interesting question: Is offering a champion from a different field a top-level ‘executive’ role in a completely unrelated business a good way of inspiring optimism in members of the rank and file, who may never rise to such heights? Or is this just another case of ‘trickle-down’ optimism? Instead, wouldn’t it be more effective to inspire ‘grassroots optimists’? If you’re unsure what ‘grassroots optimists’ are, just attend a school sporting match anywhere in Australia … and watch the parents. (Many believe their kid will play for Australia one day!) Luckily for Daniel Ricciardo, he must have had one of these parents. How else could you get a start in such an expensive, time-consuming, and competitive sport as Formula 1?

Sam McCool

Gone are the days when one starts as an apprentice or graduate and climbs the corporate ladder over multiple decades to become the hallowed, allconquering Chief Executive Officer. Nowadays, if you’re a tech-savvy teen with a precocious talent for coding, you can start as a ‘Chief’ … and work tirelessly to eventually replace yourself. You only have to Google job titles on any recruitment website to realise there’s a ‘Chief’ of almost anything these days. ‘Chief Visionary Officer’, ‘Chief Purpose Officer’, even a ‘Chief Potential Officer’. Potential for what? Confusion? Disappointment? I mean, all of us have limitless potential … do we really need a Chief? The creative flair for workplace nomenclature is not limited to small start-ups. Even large national or multinational corporations are joining the club. Optus, for one, have openly experimented with the concept of a Chief of Optimism … none other than Australia’s favourite F1 Champion Daniel Ricciardo. Considering his recent form in Formula 1, ‘optimism’ may be the right word. When you’re competing against the world’s best, and burdened with the title ‘Chief of Optimism’, does it imply that achieving world-conquering status is less important than the positive belief that one day you will?


So wot is the natural progression up the corporate ladder these days? Do you need to start with a big-picture vision as a Chief Visionary Officer, develop a mind-melting mission to become the Chief Purpose Officer, then work out how much of it’s possible as the Chief Potential Officer … finally working your way up to Chief of Optimism if you fall slightly short of your goal? Wot next? Well, if you do clamber right to the top of the global pile of potential challengers, you may find yourself retiring early and inspiring a whole new generation of champions with your freshly created title of Chief Inspiration Officer, AKA Ash Barty. As the recently retired Queen of Wimbledon and World #1 tennis player, no-one can argue she doesn’t deserve that title. Nothing’s more inspiring than rising from humble beginnings to beat all challengers. Yet the question remains … how many Chiefs are too many? How many chefs, in other words, will spoil the broth? •

Sam McCool, Comedian, Debater, Playwright, Hoax & MC, has entertained audiences around the world with his hilarious comedy shows. Renowned for his many talents, Sam is also a strong debater, voiceover artist, speaking coach, and playwright.




Pushing the boundaries of traditional travel There’s an intense yet undefinable energy to Seoul. On top of its internationally acclaimed film and music industry (Squid Game, Parasite, ‘Gangnam Style’, K-Pop, K-Drama… the list goes on), the city’s contemporary art and design, extraordinary tech inventions, and a wacky penchant for niche interests are pushing the city to new ground-breaking limits.

It seems fair to say that, after the United States, no country on earth now has the cultural impact of South Korea. Travel to Seoul is booming. In 2019, tourism from Australia was up 14% on the previous year … and it’s exploded back onto the scene this year, with spectacular experiences for a millennial demographic looking for something different. Luxury tailor-made journey designers at Abercrombie & Kent share their insights on what’s making Seoul such a fascinating new drawcard.

Art & design: a hybrid landscape When it comes to aesthetics, Seoul is the motherland. The city’s dramatically futuristic architecture exists alongside a 2000-year history to reveal a hybrid landscape of surreal contrasts, with artists, designers, and urban developers uniting to create industrial art spaces drawing increasing international acclaim. Mia Wotherspoon Abercrombie & Kent

Seoul now has one of the world’s most dynamic contemporary art scenes, with a robust culture of supporting local talent. The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) has grown into four branches, with its stunning collection devoted to various genres. With over 100 other galleries and privately owned art spaces, as well as a host of vibrant fairs, exhibits and festivals, Seoul is a must-visit g mecca for anyone interested in this space.





Adventure by by night Next stop: South Korea. This is likely your first journey abroad in a long time, so you’ll want to do it right. Spend your days cruising Seoul then hitting its eclectic nightlife before kicking back in the city’s most luxurious hotels.

A new standard for niche From truly bizarre theme parks to some of the planet’s most unique museums and cafes, Seoul sets a new standard for niche interests.

Abercrombie and Kent are true pioneers in private, tailormade luxury travel. Their unique approach to the world’s most extraordinary destinations offers endless inspiration for those seeking something unique. The above are just some of the quirky experiences A&K can offer, but it’s your journey – set the pace and style, then let us do the rest. Indulge yourself as you experience Seoul’s finest boroughs on a tailored journey for you and your crew. With A&K’s new Asia brochure out soon, it’s not too late to book for 2022 … nor too early to start planning for 2023. •

Nowhere else in the world will you find a theme park dedicated to hardcore erotica (possibly not suitable for everyone), one that’s hauntingly abandoned (incredible photo ops), one where everything’s inspired by (or made of) cheese, and a park where literally everything’s (quite stunningly) crafted from glass. Ward off those pesky vampires with a visit to the world’s only garlic museum. Brace yourself for the Prisoner of War Torture Museum (slightly macabre), with its lifelike human statues.

For more information on Abercrombie & Kent, visit and find us on Facebook: or Instagram: @aktravel_au

Gape at the Trick Eye optical illusion museum, where walls, floors and ceilings come alive. Learn about Korean and Japanese ancient combat at the Knife Museum, where you can have your very own sword created by skilled craftspeople. Become part of mammoth installations (and capture hilarious photos) at the 4-D Art Museum; admire haute couture at the Simone Handbag Museum; and prepare to have your mind blown at the Futuristic AI Technology Museum. (That’s just for starters!)

The word’s most wired city Here’s the city that created the animation behind The Simpsons and South Park, home to automated convenience stores and innovative smart cities; where robots assist you at airports, and more people own smart houses (and smartphones) than anywhere else in the world. Here, online gaming may as well be a national sport – StarCraft and World of Warcraft are serious business in Seoul, spawning big-prize tournaments, as well as a few tragic deaths from exhaustion and criminal incidents. It’s all thanks to the fastest internet speed on earth. Get your geek on and experience the country’s technological prowess first-hand at Seoul’s ultra-futuristic attractions – including ScreenX, the world’s first 270-degree panoramic cinema; VR Plus, a virtual reality cafe, showcasing the industry’s most advanced dizzying VR experiences; Seoul’s Robot Museum, where visitors learn about the latest AI advancements; DJI Arena, a 1400m2 complex for aerial enthusiasts to race drones; and the Museum, where visitors get a sneak peek at the future of tech, including self-driving cars, motion-sensing living rooms … and U-Fashion, where you can create an incredibly accurate avatar of yourself to virtually try on the latest trends.




Backpacks filled with hope are making a difference Imagine the stress and anxiety children experience when they’re removed from their homes following a crisis or trauma. Now, imagine the positive impact you could make by giving them a backpack filled with love. This simple gesture can make a huge difference to a child who’s found themselves without possessions or a safe place to call home.

Do you have other programs? Over the years, we’ve seen a need for other backpack programs, including for people fleeing domestic violence and young adults without a home. We added the Home Starter program to prevent people from returning to abusive environments because they didn’t have the resources to support themselves and their kids outside that situation. The packs include essential household items families can take to rented or temporary accommodation, including sheets and blankets, pillows, a toaster and kettle, cutlery, and cups and bowls. This year, we’ve already distributed 220 Home Starter Packs – a 50% increase from last year. Our Anchor Pack program supports our youth homeless community with essential items needed during a crisis. As these kids are either couch-surfing or sleeping rough, they need survival and safety essentials like toiletries, a towel, sunscreen, bug repellent, condoms, first aid kits, socks, a cap, a drink bottle, and a metroCARD. We also include mental health support items like colouring and stationery, a journal, AM/FM radio, and fidget spinners.

How can we help?


Backpacks 4 SA Kids exists to reduce the stress and anxiety children endure when they leave their homes, often with just the clothes on their backs.

As the housing crisis worsens in SA, these backpacks filled with hope are in increasing demand. When we asked about how their programs helped those most in need, here‘s what they had to say.

Backpacks 4 SA Kids have been called on in a wide range of emergency circumstances such as the bushfires, COVID response, and our regular response work. As a result, they’re one of South Australia’s Top Five crisis response services. With only four staff and 1500 volunteers, we run a lean and cost-effective program, ensuring we make an immediate impact on the kids who need us most within South Australia. Since our inception in 2012, we’ve supported over 74,300 children in South Australia alone.

How does the Backpacks 4 SA Kids program work? Our dedicated volunteers sort, store and pack donated goods into the emergency backpacks. We then distribute the backpacks to emergency response and support agencies, including foster care, domestic violence services, youth homeless support services, SAPOL, hospitals and youth justice systems.

Make a donation here Backpacks 4 SA Kids also have a workplace giving program, so you can make a pre-tax donation and receive a tax benefit straight away rather than waiting until the end of the Financial year.

Our backpacks are in increasing demand as the housing crisis worsens. Cash donations allow us to supplement shortfalls in items so we can complete the packs in demand and get them to where they’re most needed. How much to donate: • • •

$100 fills a backpack for a child $140 covers an Anchor Pack $250 is enough to help someone get on their feet with a Home Starter.

Learn more about Backpacks 4 SA Kids here. • In our next edition of SoWot magazine, we’ll introduce a newly formed Foundation that will focus on creating pathways delivering new opportunities for vulnerable youth. 29

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