Southern Soil Issue #5 2021

Page 40


Southern SOIL

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reading the best and weeding the rest A BOOK REVIEW BY LEEANNA TATUM OF THE HOMESTEADING ENCYCLOPEDIA BY KELLY REED The Homesteading Encyclopedia: the Essential Beginner’s Homestead Planning Guide for a SelfSufficient Lifestyle by Kelly Reed provides a basic roadmap for anyone considering a more sustainable lifestyle. 40

Whether looking to go all in on a rural homestead that is off-grid and almost entirely self-sufficient or just wanting to start producing a little more of the things you need, this book will provide the novice with an overview of homesteading basics. This isn’t a book that will answer all the questions, but it will certainly help the reader to begin asking the right questions. This is a great first stop for potential homesteaders, those individuals whose curiosity has been piqued and would like to know more. It’s a great place to start and will provide lots of thought-provoking questions and enough general directions to get the beginner thinking through the process and, should they choose, to start planning a homestead. A great resource for the early stages of homestead planning that can help guide the reader throughout the process from planning to maintaining a healthy homestead.

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