Southern Soil Winter Issue 2022, Vol 5

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now have a podcast! If you haven’t yet, please give it a listen! The Southern Soil Podcast can be found pretty much wherever you are already listening to podcasts. Or you can find it on our host platform

Southern Soil is in its fifth year of publication!

Anchor. New episodes come out on Tuesdays!

It’s hard to believe, even as I write this, it seems like only yesterday that I started this remarkable

But most importantly, you can always find our

journey. I am really looking forward to this coming

podcasts and ALL of our content in one place -

year. Please make a habit of checking there regularly! New content is available

Year five may not mean much to some, but if

every week - whether our latest blog or a podcast

you’ve ever planted a fruit tree … you know that the

episode, and you can also get caught up on

fifth year can be pretty exciting! Most fruit trees

anything you may have missed. All of our past

need about 5 years before they really begin to be

issues of the digital magazine are available there


along with a business directory that can help you

Well, I should clarify - they’ve been productive


find local food near you!

all along! Busily putting down roots, taking up

We would like to rely less and less on social media

nutrients, growing branches, getting established.

to connect with our audience (though will of course

But once that work is done, they can really begin to

keep an active presence there) as we have very

produce fruit!

little control over who actually ends up seeing our

I feel that is very representative of what has been going on with Southern Soil. Those first four years were very important and full of a lot of hard work.

content. So, the best way to stay informed and connected to your local food community is by heading over to our homepage!

Building a brand and a business from the ground

This year, our online magazine will come out in

up is not easy and not for the faint of heart! But I

four issues and at the end of the year, we will offer

believe that this is the year when the fruit will really

you the opportunity to order a printed copy of a

begin to take shape.

2022 Compilation Issue. This printed issue will

We’re becoming recognized as a voice for the local food movement here in Southeast Georgia, people

contain content from each of the four digital issues published this year.

are taking notice, our audience is growing and our

Our four issues will be based on the seasons:

influence is spreading. This year will be an exciting

Winter Issue, Spring Issue, Summer Issue and Fall

year - and just to make a quick pitch here - if you’ve


been thinking of advertising with us, now is the time!

In our modern lives we have lost touch with the natural seasons and rhythms of the world around

We’re making a few changes in 2022. First off, we


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