SOMO 2018-2019 nr. 2 - Man

Page 17

illustration: Hanna IJsselstein Mulder

however in many countries it still remains non-existent. This stems from the idea that only women know what is best for babies and men have no natural intuition when it comes to children. However, I know many men who defy that stereotype. I believe that there is a significant number of men who would enjoy spending time with their new offspring without having to worry about losing their job. Public toilets are one of the places where the institutionalized, non-caring male stereotype is bluntly visible. Diaper changing beds are frequently located inside the women’s toilets. Consequently, men, who are ostensibly incompetent at caring for their children either have the choice to invade the privacy of all women present or change their screaming baby’s diaper outside. That is not

only uncomfortable but objectively rather unhygienic for the baby. One more point I’d like to touch on is sexual harassment and assault, which is currently a hot topic with hashtags such as #metoo sweeping through the internet. When men want to talk about these topics it is still pretty light-heartily brushed aside as something that doesn’t actually happen. Especially when it is a woman against a man. Since men are usually physically stronger it is thought of as inconceivable that sexual assault could happen to them, since obviously they should be able to get out of any situation using their fists. However, the image of sexual assault only happening in dark alleys at the hands of strangers is a rather outdated one. Hidden power dynamics also play an important role and if


one only agrees to be sexually involved with someone else due to fear of repercussions of refusing, then that doesn’t make their encounter a consensual one. Sexual assault occurring to men is displayed in movies as supposedly funny, involving scenes where a woman comes onto men very strongly despite them saying no or even tying men up in order to get them to stay. Audiences tend to laugh at these scenes, but in my eyes this is conveying a dangerous message. One which is an insult to all victims of sexual violence. I hope to have shown that in truth feminism is something that can be inclusive to all genders and isn’t only a women’s thing. Maybe the title is wrong. Maybe it isn’t really a guy thing either. I guess it’s more of a people thing.


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