June 2023

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4 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com SL contents 80 Society Life is printed on recycled paper. Our printing company is a member of PIA/GATF. They print on PCW (Post Consumer Waste) recycled papers using inks that contain soy, putting less VOC’s into the air. We aim to make our footprint as small as possible in the course of our business practice. This magazine or its trademarks may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or means electronic or mechanical without written permission from the publisher. All advertising will be placed using the editor’s discretion. Society Life reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. Society Life magazine, its publishing company and any individuals involved in the production of Society Life are not liable for loss or harm incurred by an organization/individual by the publishing of any ad, information or story. Advertising copy, contracts and orders are subject to the publishers acceptance.Cancellation or changes are not accepted after deadlines. The publisher reserves the right to repeat the last printed advertisement if a replacement is not received by each deadline. All content is researched and verified to the best of the editorial staff’s ability at the time of printing. Society Life magazine is designed and published by SOCIETY LIFE 52 6 Editor Talk EDITOR’S LETTER 8 FaithFull SHARING GOD’S LOVE 10 Cover2Cover PUBLISHED PEOPLE 13 TidBits A SMALL PART OF A BIGGER STORY 15 Wanderlust TEXAS TRAVEL & BEYOND 60 Greater Good EASTERSEALS 64 Momilies BECAUSE I SAID SO 68 DateBook SAVE THE DATE 70 6 Questions ADDISON KABOOM TOWN! 74 Top Tables RESTAURANT LISTINGS 79 Rose Table Recipe INDEPENDENCE DAY RED, WHITE & BLUE CAKE 80 Where Locals Go BEN’S COOKIES JUNE 2023 departments

EditorTalk SL

TOPS in Healthcare

I hope this letter finds you all in good health... because as they say, without it we have nothing. One never truly understands its value until it’s lost. In an ever-evolving world, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest advancements in healthcare and take proactive steps towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This issue is our 6th annual ‘Tops in Tarrant Medical Edition’ and these 100 top healthcare practices contribute to our overall well-being which is something money can’t buy. You voted and now they are featured on the pages of this June magazine.

HOW THE TOPS IN TARRANT WINNERS WERE CHOSEN: The Society Life ‘Tops in Tarrant’ medical list is a result of a website-based survey requesting suggestions for the top medical practice under each listed specialty. The 100 specialties were chosen by the Society Life editorial staff. It’s suggested that any medical practice serving the residents of Northeast Tarrant County was eligible—including, but not limited to, Society Life Magazine advertisers. If any practice was nominated for multiple specialties, it appears under only one category as decided by the Society Life staff. There are no duplicate business listings allowed—each practice may appear only once in the top 100. The final numbers are confidential and anonymous. The resulting list on pages 30-31 of this issue reflects who received the most votes from the final survey nominations. All listings are alphabetical under their respective medical specialty—they are not listed by number of votes or any other ranking.

Join me in congratulating the medical professionals and practices who appear on our list. Please tell them you saw their nomination in Society Life Magazine. It is truly an honor to be voted for and named one of the Top 100 medical practices serving the residents of Northeast Tarrant— because health is not something we can buy. We can put a priceless value on it and show gratitude to those willing to answer our call when sickness comes, and health is lost. And if we are lucky, we find a good doctor who will help us to navigate the roads that allow us to find it again.

If you’re currently looking for a good doctor, I hope you’ll find the right fit on this list (page 30).

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6 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
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FaithFull SL


Eating vegetables does not make someone a vegetarian—no more than reading the Bible makes someone a Christian. Nevertheless, our physical bodies will only be as healthy as the food we ingest. And our spiritual being—only as strong as the steps taken to strengthen it. In Matthew 4:4, Jesus reminds us that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Meaning, there is more to life than what we eat and drink (Matthew 6:25). Based on these aligned scriptures, the Word of God has a greater chance of sustaining us than blackened salmon and a house salad. The only way to experience a truly fulfilling life is to live according to The Bible.

In Revelations 3:20, Jesus promises, “Behold, I stand at the door [of the church] and continually knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him (restore him), and he with Me.” Jesus offers a Divine dinner invitation for spiritual sustenance. It’s a moment to partake in a personal feast with Our Father— an opportunity to break bread with the “bread of life.” When we think of the word “feast,” we think of a celebration surrounding food. But a feast involves more than just food. It serves as a reminder of God’s mercy towards us. It is a time to rejoice in His goodness and reflect on the abundance He has bestowed upon us all. It provides an intimate occasion to fellowship and lounge in the lap of God. Feasting with the Father is drastically different from any present day drive-thru. It requires daily digestion of His Word, constantly digging into the scriptures and breaking down every verse.

As Believers, we must indulge ourselves in His Word as if our life depends on it… because it does! Our spirit is a living being. Therefore, we must feed it with what promotes sustainability.

Dining with our Lord may not seem as fun and festive as eating with family and friends. But that’s perfectly okay. Because what He tosses on the table is a different type of spread. He piles our plates with things that are seldom served—loads of love, heaps of hope, bundles of joy, and plenty of peace. Everything we need for a perfect binge! In Isaiah 55:1-3, God ex-

tends an additional invitation to all of us: “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant.”

Obviously, eating a plate of vegetables is better than eating a basket of buttered bread. While both may be pleasing to the palate, neither provides the spiritual enrichment necessary to live a happy life. Only God can satisfy the longing soul and fill the hungry soul with good things (Psalms 107:9). Let Him! Decide today that you will no longer work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures into eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you (John 6:27). Remember, it is the Spirit Who gives life; the flesh is no help at all (John 6:63).

Undoubtedly, The Word of God is more essential than any omelet, mimosa, or tomahawk steak. More important than food itself. Therefore, eat! Taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalms 34:8)! Set your table and have supper with the Savior. May we all rejoice and feast with Our Father, knowing that we may all be at different tables, yet eating the same spiritual food (1 Corinthians 10:3).

8 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied “
— Matthew 5:6


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Started May 2006

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SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 9


Raising children alone can be a long and lonely struggle. Single moms or dads lack a supporting partner and often financial resources. Add in the general exhaustion and stress caused by caring daily for children. Where can you turn for help? The Shattered Vase by Gracie Lynne acknowledges all these problems of single parents. Main character Susanna Whatley is raising three children because her husband Joe has left her for his sexy and glamorous boss, Meagan. But something happens to Susie, which doesn’t happen to many single parents or fictional characters. The friends Susie turns to for support are heavenly beings including Grace, Mercy, Faith and Hope.

Susie worries that her husband will receive custody of the children because she has no way to support them. But Susie has much bigger problems than a nasty ex-husband or an empty checking account. The demon Despair is holding regular meetings of his fellow “wicked ones.” Despair and his cronies Deceit, Adultery, Arrogance and Betrayal make it their goal to push Susie to suicide. Susie struggles, as anyone in her situation would, but the book has its lighthearted moments too. Susie decides to take

down the massive taxidermied deer head Joe hung over their bed. She calls the deer head “Uncle Buck.” While she is wrestling it off the wall, she and the deer collapse together on the bed. Little Jonathan answers a phone call from his dad, who mistakenly assumes Susie is in bed with a lover in front of their little boy. Gracie also shares recipes for the baked goods mentioned in the novel.

Gracie has sprinkled the book with New Testament scripture as Susie develops a habit of choosing a passage for the day, writing it on an index card, and carrying it with her to give her guidance. She also talks regularly on the phone to Faith and Hope while Grace and Mr. Mercy move in across the street. No explanation is given for why evil beings operate from Hell as spirits and good ones operate as human beings.

The Shattered Vase by author Gracie Lynne displays the truth that just because you are a good person doesn’t mean your life will be easy. Also true to life, problems have not all been solved by the end of the story. Susie continues to face battles, but she is shored up by love and hope.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Gracie Lynne holds degrees in social studies and nursing. She experienced divorce, just as her main character in The Shattered Vase. She started her writing life with Christmas letters and moved on to writing plays for a church single’s ministry. She continued to write while working full-time as a registered nurse (another trait she shares with Susie.) After 18 years her debut novel was released and nominated for Best Christian Fiction in the Christian Literary Awards, winning the Firebird Award. Gracie stays active as a landlord, Bible study leader, volunteer and actress. She is also a grandmother. Gracie believes that without God, The Shattered Vase could never have been written.

10 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
Are you a published author who lives in Northeast Tarrant and would like your book considered for a review, please email: elena@societylifemagazine.com

PHOTOGRAPHY .... Thaddeus Harden Photography

PICTURED ................... Executive Medicine of Texas (l-r) Le’ Santha Naidoo, DO; Founding Partner Mark Anderson, MD, MPH; Randi True, PA-C; FNA-C; Christopher Tupper, DC; and Founding Partner Walter Gaman, MD, FABFM

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P.O. Box 1593, Keller, Texas 76244

Tel (817) 657-2948 Fax (817) 369-4189

SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 11
12 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com





Get your tickets now to the Recycled Pomeranians and Schipperkes Rescue's 1st Annual Pink Pommie Party fundraiser at Calabrese! On Saturday, June 24th you can join us from 11am-2pm to enjoy Brunch, Pomosas, Silent Auction, and more! Individual tickets are $60 each. Calabrese is located at 1281 East State Highway 114 in Southlake, Texas 76092. The fundraiser supports Recycled Pomeranians and Schipperkes Rescue—who seeks to provide a safe haven for Pomeranians and Schipperkes, and other small breeds, who have been lost, surrendered, abandoned, neglected and abused. Their large volunteer base works tirelessly to help dogs in need by removing them from what are quite often hopeless situations, making every effort to do whatever it takes to insure the best outcome in order to offer each and every dog the highest chance at finding a forever home. Learn more about how to help @recycledpoms.


Learning doesn’t have to stop just because it’s summertime! Theatre camps are a great way for children to explore literature in a fun and creative way. Kids will transform into a superhero, a princess, or their favorite storybook character as they bring popular stories to life on stage at North Texas Performing Arts exciting theatre summer programs. With summer learning opportunities for ages five to 18, there’s a spot for everyone to learn from professional directors, actors, and singers who have worked everywhere from Broadway to L.A. Week-long camps are available in half-day and full-day options for ages five-14 and two-week productions are available for all ages, K-12. Each one-week camp has a different theme based on popular children’s stories like Descendants, Frozen, and Harry Potter. There are a dozen options for two-week productions, and there’s truly something for all ages, from Frozen Kids to Legally Blonde JR to Band Geeks! Plus, it’s the perfect time to try out a theatre program at NTPA, because new students get 50% off their first camp or production! Programs are available at NTPA’s Plano, Fairview, Frisco, Dallas, and Southlake locations all summer long. So pick your week (or weeks) and sign up today! Summer camps fill up fast, so reserve your spot while you still can.

Use New Student Discount: Get 50% off your first camp by entering code NEW2NTPA at checkout. Only valid for a student’s first class, camp or production at NTPA. Can not be combined with other promotions or discounts, or applied to Conservatory (certification) classes.


SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 13

SL TidBits


Meow Wolf, the arts and entertainment company known for Convergence Station, House of Eternal Return, and Omega Mart, has announced the opening date and name for its Grapevine location: The Real Unreal. The new exhibition will open on Friday, July 14 at Grapevine Mills. Tickets are now on sale. Participants will embark on a journey through a technicolor wonderland that blends storytelling, technology, and immersive art. The experience encourages visitors to explore dimensions of perspective and creativity through more than 30+ rooms of multidimensional art and compelling narrative.

A missing boy, a chosen family, and Hapulusgarrulus Lophoaquaflori all lie at the center of The Real Unreal’s story, conceived by author LaShawn Wanak. It all begins with a blended family who has unknowingly unlocked portals to a different existence. As participants investigate these portals to the unknown, they explore rooms that are both unfamiliar yet accessible through unforgettable psychedelic art. In addition to the exhibition, The Real Unreal includes a cafe, retail store, and live event venue.

“When participants step into The Real Unreal, they start a cosmic odyssey where surprises await around every corner, and each discovery sparks its own story,” said Senior Vice President and Executive Creative Director Dale Sheehan, “Every element in the exhibition weaves together a tapestry of characters, stories, and worlds. The creative energy of The Real Unreal extends beyond the physical, and leads to a potential unlimited host of cosmic side-effects.”Meow Wolf Grapevine brings together 150 artists and fabricators, including 38 from Texas, who have created the artistic installations making up 70 unique and captivating experiences. Collaborating artists include Dan Lam, Emmanuelle John, Mariell Guzman, Lance McGoldrick, XaLaVier Nelson Jr., Riley Holloway, and Nico Salazar (Future Fantasy Delight).

Artists of all forms—muralists, sculptors, photographers, undermallers, and video game designers—have collaborated on a truly unique installation that will immerse visitors in a captivating narrative. “It’s an exciting moment to share the opening date of our next exhibition. The Real Unreal has been in the works for years and takes a bold step forward in our evolution of art and storytelling,” said Jose Tolosa, CEO of Meow Wolf, “As we pursue sustainable and thoughtful expansion, we are beyond excited to bring our unique brand of wonder unveiling this next chapter of the Meow Wolf universe and look forward to having new participants experience Meow Wolf.”

Starting July 14, The Real Unreal will be open at 10am daily. Hours are subject to change. Tickets are now available for pre-purchase starting at $50 for General Admission ($45 for Children). All guests are required to pre-book an entry time slot.

tickets: meowwolf.com

14 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 15 SL Summer Travel Staycations&Roadtrips awaygetting to reconnect

Staycations&Roadtrips ultimate staycationfamily

SummerFest at The Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, Texas

16 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com SL GETTING AWAY TO RECONNECT

Experience a Summer of More at Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas

Gaylord Texan Resort invites you to experience more this summer—more thrills, more adventure, more fun, more delight, and more memories! Discover delicious dining, relax in the award-winning spa, explore familyfriendly pirate and princess-themed activities as a part of the 20th annual SummerFest celebration.

MORE THRILLS There’s no better way to beat the summer heat than making a splash at Paradise Springs, the resort’s 10-acre outdoor waterpark. Adults can grab a cocktail and tube down the relaxing 600-footlong lazy river while kids play in a giant water tree house, glide down four winding waterslides, and splash around in the 6,000-square-foot family lagoon. The pool comes alive each weekend with a live DJ, hair braiding, airbrush tattoos, and interactive games. Private cabanas are available for rent with extra shade, soft seating, TVs, and refrigerators.

MORE ADVENTURE This year, the resort will feature an Adventure Kids’ Clubhouse where guests can tune into their inner artist and create treasured crafts to take home. Not to miss are the The Adventure Kids’: Hidden Treasure Hide & Sea-K that takes guests on a swashbuckling scavenger hunt to search for clues throughout the resort’s atriums, and the interactive live show, Adventure Kids’: Join the Club, featuring Alfie the Armadillo, Layla the Longhorn, and everyone's favorite Adventure Kid, Sophie, as they learn, imagine, explore, and discover the wonders of summer.

MORE DELIGHT Adults 21 and up can experience a variety of inventive culinary events—from chef-curated food and spirit pairings to sommelier-led wine dinners. And for those looking to relax and unwind, Relâche Spa offers treatments for mind, body and soul—facials, massages, manicures... plus spa guests can also enjoy the sauna, steam room, and slumber lounge.

The Gaylord Texan Resort

The premier resort destination of th Southwest, Gaylord Texan Resort on Lake Grapevine offers extraordinary environments, 1,814 luxury guest rooms, and 4-anda-half acres of Texas vistas under signature atriums. Amenities include award-winning restaurants and bars, Paradise Springs water park, Relâche Spa & Salon, retail shops, and more. Ideally situated on the shores of Lake Grapevine, Gaylord Texan is located only six minutes from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.


May 19th - Sept 4th, 2023

There is even more fun to be had with these family-friendly events and activities at Summerfest:

• Summer Cirque returns with acts to amaze and amuse! This live show features aerial artistes, balancing acts, and specialty performers’ breathtaking feats.

• The Hidden Treasure Hide & Sea-K isa swashbuckling scavenger hunt through resort atriums with a long-lost pirate map. Wander through 4 acres to uncover hidden gems in this interactive treasure quest.

• Work together in 3 Escape Rooms to solve puzzles before your time runs out!

• Aspiring chefs practice culinary skills at Junior Chefs Camp and get to treat 2 family members.

• Interact with creatures at Ahoy, Matey! Animal Encounters.

• Buccaneer Bash Dance Party where you don your best pirate gear and dance to the beat!

• The brand-new Illuminate the Night Light Show fills the atrium each evening with a kaleidoscope of bright, colorful, and animated lights.



1501 Gaylord Trail

Grapevine, Texas 76051


(817) 778-1000

SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 17
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Bliss Cabin Retreats in Hochatown, Oklahoma

18 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com SL GETTING AWAY TO RECONNECT
broken bow cabin comforts Staycations

Get Back to Nature near Broken Bow Lake with Bliss Cabin Retreats in Hochatown, Oklahoma

Broken Bow, Oklahoma (AKA Hochatown) is an ideal spot to visit with family or your besties. Even though it’s an easy drive from DFW at just over three hours, the beautiful terrain makes it seem far from home.

FOR NATURE LOVERS Adding to the experience, Mountain Fork River winds gracefully through Beavers Bend State Park, and is popular for its year-round trout fishing and water activities up and down the river. Nature lovers are captivated with its 1,300 acres of lush hiking trails. And, Hochatown comes alive in the fall with stunning foliage and crisp air perfect for campfires.

ADVENTURE AWAITS Check out the area ziplines, Hochatown Maze, axe throwing, Big Foot Jeep Rentals or rent a canoe or kayak. There’s also plenty to do for the littles. Hochatown has a brand new drive through safari park, petting zoo and go-karts. Beavers Bend offers a nature center and museum and hiking trails that run along waterfalls. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast or prefer a little bit of luxury, you can have it all in Broken Bow. Hike, fish, zip and play all day or cozy up back at your luxury cabin to rejuvenate.

PERFECTLY BLISSFUL No matter when you come, you’ll be awed by starry skies. Officially a “dark sky” zone, and voted one of the best places to view the Milky Way, you’ll be mesmerized by beauty after the sun goes down. When it comes to finding the perfect cabin, we highly recommend booking your cabin through Bliss Cabin Retreats—a beautiful collection of privately-owned luxury cabins offering a harmonious fusion of opulence and tranquility. Where luxury meets cozy! While each cabin offers a unique personality, they all have fully-stocked chef’s kitchens, outdoor lounge spaces, premium bedding, wifi and a variety of games. Come find your bliss, find your retreat, find adventure all in the same place. Fair warning though... if you stay with Bliss Cabin Retreats, you may never want to leave!

Broken Bow Lake

Situated near the foothills of the Kiamichi Mountains, rolling hills blanketed with pines, expansive lake, river, natural streams, abundant wildlife and hiking trails are what draws visitors. Broken Bow Lake covers 14,000 acres and has 180 miles of lush tree covered natural shoreline. The appeal of the lake may be its pristine, clear waters and lush forest terrain that envelops it. The region provides a haven for exploring and each adventure showcases the area’s vast natural beauty.


Blueberry Bliss • Charming is an understatement for this fresh and inviting family retreat. Located at end of a quiet cul-de-sac on a lot that will make you feel embraced by the woods, it’s happily within walking distance of local eateries and family entertainment.

Relax Inn • Peaceful getaway but close to the action, relax in style with this airy and light cabin that exudes warmth of a traditional cabin. Nestled the piney forest while only minutes away from the restaurants, breweries, wineries and activities of Hochatown and Beavers Bend State Park.

Sugarberry Farm • This stunning modern farmhouse with luxury amenities is minutes from the crystal clear waters of Broken Bow Lake. Swing on an outdoor daybed, relax in the hot tub, roast marshmallows at the fire pit or sip wine by the fireplace. In the heart of Hochatown, it’s all you need for relaxation and family fun.

Hang Loose • Gorgeous familyfriendly cabin nestled amongst the pines, yet centrally located. This stylish property sleeps up to 8 making it perfect for a family gathering or friends’ getaway. Cabin features a full kitchen, indoor fireplace, generous deck with fireplace, comfortable lounge seating, outdoor dining, games, hot tub, and fire pit. Time to hang loose in Hochatown!



Hochatown, Oklahoma 74728


SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 19

melt your cares away

Carriage House in Fredericksburg, Texas

20 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com SL GETTING AWAY TO RECONNECT

Savor Texas Treasures as you Relax and Unwind at the Historic Carriage House in Fredericksburg, Texas

If you haven’t visited the Hill Country, you haven’t seen Texas in all her glory. Escape the metroplex and set sights on Fredericksburg. Just outside the freeways, the landscape changes. Less cars allow breathing room. Pavement is slowly replaced with wildflowers. Those eventually give way to rolling hills, winding roads and open pastures dotted with natural, rugged beauty.

SMALL TOWN TREASURES Small towns define what our great state represents: friendly folks, a slower gear, hospitality and lots of grit. Take your time and stop in. In Glenrose you’ll find the Old Rock Gas Station where rumors say Bonnie and Clyde were regulars. Walk on dinosaur tracks at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Stop for lunch in Hico at Koffee Kup Family Restaurant. People come from miles for their homemade pies. Cross the street to Wiseman Chocolate House and taste the finest chocolate ever. Down the road, find San Saba and Wedding Oak Winery. Enjoy dramatic scenery along your route. Founded in 1846 and steeped with history, Fredericksburg delights with 80+ wineries and a historic main street to sip and stroll through its many quaint shops, tasting rooms and art galleries.


Q: When is the best time to visit? A: Anytime is an ideal time to visit Fredericksburg with various festivals to see in town throughout the year. The Peach Festival and Oktoberfest are two of many popular events.

Q: How many beds are in the Carriage House? A: You’ll beg for bedding information after a fabulous night’s sleep in one of the five sumptuous beds.

Q: What is there to do here?


For an easy walk to Main Street, we highly recommend booking the elegant Carriage House Fredericksburg. Original long leaf pine floors grace downstairs and the original well tank haus was transformed into a suite with large walk-in shower and French doors that open to a covered private garden. Private porch includes a fireplace, making the sitting area delightful during the cooler months. Soak in one of two restored original claw foot tubs. Then grab a cup of coffee or glass of wine, don a spa robe and relax on one of several porches nestled inside the luxurious gardens. Craft your own charcuterie board, cook up dinner with your crew or hire the owner’s favorite chef, Chef Leo Aguirre, to wow your guests in their recently remodeled kitchen before you head out on a wine tour.

Equestrian-Inspired Excellence

A nod to its name, Carriage House Fredericksburg features equestrian art throughout. This recently renovated 1903 Victorian home in the Historic District provides all the modern things you expect—honoring its history and allowing you to step into its past. The current homeowners, the Wahrmund family, was one of the original founding families of Fredericksburg, being family #33 to settle in the area and whose ancestors helped clear Marketplatz with a team of mules.

A: Enjoy an easy two block walk to the Nimitz museum, Visitor Center, shopping and great restaurants. Sip Fredericksburg wine on manicured patio areas in the shade of the 100 year old Pecans. Owner will happily help you plan your stay and guide you to their favorite restaurants, wineries and shops. The Wahrmund family is committed to excellent customer service and greets guests with a tour of the home, share tales of the remodel and finding a German sword tucked in the baseboard of a closet, help plan excursions and answer any questions about Fredericksburg.

Q: What if we don’t need space for 10? A: Message the owners for special weekday rates for smaller groups or couple’s trip.



312 East Travis Street

Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 carriagehousefredericksburg.com (512) 710-5208

SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 21

boardwalk family fun Staycations

Kemah Boardwalk & the Boardwalk Inn in Kemah, Texas

22 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com SL GETTING AWAY TO RECONNECT

Stay and play at the Boardwalk Inn—the only hotel located on the Kemah Boardwalk in Kemah, Texas

The Kemah Boardwalk is open daily providing fun for everyone! Located just 20 miles from downtown Houston, the Kemah Boardwalk is home to fabulous waterfront restaurants, amusements, charming retail stores, festivals and seaside shows every single day.

THE FRESHEST CATCH IN FAMILY FUN Visit the Kemah Boardwalk and enjoy amusement rides, games, shopping, live entertainment, great food, free concerts and festivals all year long! Kemah Boardwalk features several retail specialty shops and kiosks—all located adjacent to the Boardwalk Inn. Nestled in the center of the Kemah Boardwalk, this boutique waterfront hotel offers you the feeling of an elegant seaside getaway while keeping you right in the middle of all the fun. You simply must check out all the rides and games that kids (and adults) of all ages can enjoy. Buy an All Day Ride Pass and experience rides over and over as many times as you can in a day. You will be sweatin’ bullets when you ride on the one-of-a-kind wooden rollercoaster, The Boardwalk Bullet! It has the most number of track crossovers ever designed into a wooden coaster with 42 total. That’s a lot considering how compact and twisted this coaster is! At Kemah Boardwalk, it's like a summer fair all year long!

ALL YOU NEED IN ONE PLACE With restaurants just steps away from your guest room, the options are endless at Boardwalk Inn. Experience waterfront Galveston Bay dining at its finest or a casual meal with the whole family. Savor the freshest seafood and succulent steaks. Choose an authentic Mexican meal, or fresh-baked thin-crust pizza made to order. Whatever your dining pleasure, you’ll find some of the best places to eat in Kemah at the Boardwalk! You and your family are invited to experience the seaside charm of the Boardwalk Inn, and excitement of the Kemah Boardwalk. Come stay… and play!

The Boardwalk Inn

This polished seaside hotel is on Kemah’s Boardwalk and is within walking distance to the amusement park. It’s also just five miles from NASA’s Johnson Space Center. Relax and unwind overlooking Galveston Bay. Each of the 58 deluxe guest rooms and six master suites feature Gulf Coast architecture, offering the feel of a seaside retreat with crisp yellow walls, bright trim and nautical artwork with oversized bathrooms. Don’t miss the Inn’s guest favorite dancing water fountains.


Q: Can we stay and play on the Boardwalk? A: Yes, each of the Boardwalk Inn’s 58 guest rooms have the best accommodations Kemah has to offer with private balconies that overlook the beautiful Kemah Boardwalk waterfront and Galveston Bay.

Q: Are there dining options nearby? A: In addition to the convenience of staying on Kemah Boardwalk, you can experience the very best of Kemah's waterfront dining, specialty retail shops and exciting midway games and amusements.

Q: What amenities does the Boardwalk Inn offer? A: Rooms and suites include flat-screen TVs, coffeemakers, desks and free high-speed WIFI. Suites add iPod docks, DVD players and separate living/dining areas. Parking is free. Other amenities include an outdoor pool, a rooftop hot tub, a stage for live entertainment, and dancing water fountains.


#8 Kemah Waterfront

Kemah, Texas 77565


(281) 334-9880


215 Kipp Ave

Kemah, Texas 77565


(877) AT-KEMAH

(877) 285-3624

SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 23
24 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com

Healthcare has changed. Patients now expect convenient care that doesn’t compromise on quality. Telemedicine and virtual visits are here to stay as an option to regular physician or specialist in-person office appointments. Inside this issue, we celebrate the health care professionals and practices who have been nominated for our 2023 ‘Tops in Tarrant’ Medical edition we call ‘Tops in Healthcare.’

The community has spoken—it’s time to announce the winners of the 2023 Society Life Magazine ‘Tops in Healthcare’ 100 Best Medical Practices. The 100 practices listed are the final result of a community-based website survey requesting votes for the top healthcare leaders in 100 carefully selected specialties. This list is a useful guide to help you find reputable local doctors and medical facilities. The resulting list reflects those who received the most votes. Only the Top winner under each category is listed here alphabetically by category. Flip the page for our cover story followed by a list of our ‘Top’ 100 and watch for the official ‘Tops in Tarrant’ icon shown above printed on the winner’s ads inside this issue and also displayed proudly on plaques in their offices.

6th Annual Society Life Magazine

‘Tops in Tarrant’ 100 Best in Healthcare

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26 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com


Continuity of care plays a key role in a patient’s health success. EMTX Concierge Programs are available for Individual Adults, Couples, Teens/College Students, and Families. Each concierge program includes:

• Half-day comprehensive physical examination

• Over 100 different lab values, including hormone levels

• Primary Care by your EMTX physician for a year

• 24/7 Access to your EMTX physician over the course of a year

• Air Medical Transfer if hospitalized more than 200 miles from home

When’s the last time you sat down with your doctor and had an in-depth conversation about you and your health goals?

At Executive Medicine of Texas, each concierge program starts with a half-day comprehensive physical exam. That’s why patients from around the globe trust Executive Medicine of Texas to help them understand their current health status and provide them with a roadmap for improving their chances for a longer, healthier life.

These providers are life-long learners with a passion for preventive and proactive healthcare. Whether your goal is to improve your energy levels, look and feel younger, balance your hormones, or prevent chronic disease, they can help.



A founding partner of Executive Medicine of Texas, Dr. Anderson earned his undergraduate degree from Texas A&M and went on to receive his Medical Degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. He also holds a Master’s in Public Health from the University of Michigan. Dr. Anderson is board certified in Family Medicine. Dr. Anderson holds a certification in Age Management Medicine from the Age Management Medicine Education Foundation (AMMEF). Certified in bio-identical hormones and peptide therapy, Dr. Anderson’s passion is keeping his patients in optimal health through a personalized and calculated approach to wellness. His style is enhanced by his un-ending determination to understand the latest science and technology so he can best serve his patients.

A family medicine physician and the founding partner of Executive Medicine of Texas, Dr. Gaman has been a resident of Southlake for over 25 years. A native of Canada, he earned his medical degree from the University of Manitoba and has an additional degree in Infectious Disease. Dr. Gaman’s board certified in Family Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. As a co-author of several award-winning books, including Stay Young: 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health, Age to Perfection: How to Thrive to 100, Happy, Healthy, and Wise, and a co-host of the Stay Young America of America! podcast, he continues to educate people across the nation on health issues. His approach to medicine mirrors his love for chess—where every move is calculated and well thought-out.

A family medicine physician at Executive Medicine of Texas, she is proud to provide a wide range of care to patients of all ages. A graduate of Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in Downers Grove, Illinois, Dr. Naidoo has three American Board Certifications: Family Medicine, Integrative and Holistic Medicine, and Obesity Medicine. Prior to joining the Executive Medicine of Texas team, she was the Family Medicine Clerkship Director at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, and she also served as a family physician in Massachusetts. Dr. Naidoo received additional education on peptide therapy and hormone replacement therapy through A4M. Dr. Naidoo is a Southlake resident and is active within the community. Known for her attention to detail and engaging personality, she enjoys getting to know each patient as an individual who has individualized needs.

28 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
J. Mark Anderson, MD, MPH Walter Gaman, MD, FABFM Le’ Santa Naidoo, DO

Randi True, PA-C, FNA-C

A board certified physician assistant who has been practicing family medicine for over 25 years, Randi provides patients with a variety of services at Executive Medicine of Texas. She graduated f rom the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSWMC) in Dallas, Texas, in 1997 and then began working for Dr. Mark Anderson and Dr. Walter Gaman. Randi has been a clinical educator/preceptor for the PA program at UTSWMC and has clinical interests in aesthetics, dermatology, disease prevention, and also hormone replacement therapy. She’s also certified as a Functional Nutrition Counselor through the Functional Nutrition Alliance. She has a very loyal following of long-time patients who appreciate her gentle, yet effective approach.

A board certified Doctor of Chiropractic by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Dr. Tupper joined Executive Medicine of Texas in early 2020. After graduating from Parker College of Chiropractic in 1997, he served most of his 20-plus year career in the medical community, including rehabilitation facilities, large multidisciplinary and family practices, pain management, and neurology. He has also educated and treated many medical students from The University of Texas School of Medicine in San Antonio on the positive effects of evidence-based chiropractic care and has earned the trust and respect of his professional peers in many communities he has served. Dr. Tupper developed a unique technique that offers rapid results for many musculoskeletal conditions called Functional Stimulation Release (FSR Therapy). Dr. Tupper is known by his patients for being focused on solutions rather than offering lengthy and unnecessary treatment plans.


23-25 Congratulations! You are in the top 1% of patients and are doing a great job managing your health. If you didn’t have a perfect 25, review where you still have room for improvement. Looking to expand upon your knowledge? Visit EMtexas.com.

20-22 Looks like you have started down the right path, but you still have some work to do. If you have a history of Covid, it’s even more important that you become more proactive. Executive Medicine of Texas can help!

19 or less You have been busy doing other things, but now is the time to put more focus on your health. This is a great time to schedule a halfday physical exam with Executive Medicine of Texas and start taking charge of your health.

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———————————————— RATE YOUR HEALTH 1-5 (WITH
Score Your Personal Health Knowledge
I have a complete understanding of how my medical history affects my
2 3 4 5
I’ve had recent extensive lab work and have a full understanding of my results.
1 2 3 4 5
In the last year I have had a cardiac stress test. 1 (No) 5 (Yes) In the last year I have had a pulmonary function test to check my lung function. 1 (No) 5 (Yes)
(817) 552-4300 EMtexas.com 2106 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 114, SUITE 300 SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092
I have health goals and have a clear and concise plan to reach those goals. 1 2 3 4 5 Christopher Tupper, DC Executive Medicine of Texas was Founded in 2005



North Texas Whole Health Wellness Center


Enterhealth Addiction Treatment


Sedo Laser


Dunn Acupuncture & Allergy Center


Champion Anesthesia Consultants


Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Centers


Fort Worth Orthopedics


Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates


Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids


Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas


Texas Health Bone & Joint Clinic


Solis Mammography


HeartCare Texas


The Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders


Eye Consultants of Texas


Loving Life Chiropractic


Methodist Southlake Medical Center


Executive Medicine of Texas


Gist & Hayes Restorative/Cosmetic Dentistry


U.S. Dermatology Partners


Beautopia Cosmetic Medicine


Advanced Endodontics of Texas


Texas Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists


Baylor Scott & White Emergency Hospital – Keller


Legacy Eyelids & Cosmetic Surgery


DFW Plastic Surgery


RenewMD Facial Aesthetics


Blue Stone Dental


Buffington Family Medicine


CARE Fertility


Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas


Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine


Digestive Health Center of North Richland HIlls


Keller Town Dental


Epiphany Dermatology


Texas Orthopedic Specialists


Southlake General Surgery


Women's Integrated Healthcare


Fort Worth Hand Center

n NECK CARE / SURGERY Institute of Spinal Disorders


Evexias Medical Centers




Knights of Comfort


Holistic Allergy & Immunology


Alliance Implants & Periodontics


Grapevine Internal Medicine Centre


Dallas Nephrology Associates


Texas Hip and Knee Center


Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance


Clearview Eyecare & Laser Center


Feel Ideal 360

n MEDICAL DERMATOLOGY Hopkins Dermatology


Corinthian Wellness & Med Spa


Life’s Medicine


Ellery Arbor Memory Care


Low T Center


Comfort Minds & Above Behavioral Health


Grapevine Birthing Center


Texas Health Neurosurgery & Spine Specialists


Southlake Natural Family Wellness

30 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com



Alliance Women’s Healthcare


Texas Oncology


North Texas Eyecare


AVI Alliance Vision Institute


TMJ Plus Wellness Center


Orthodontics by Birth & Fletcher


North Texas Orthopedic Urgent Care


Primary Care Simplified


Integrative Pain and Wellness Center


Giggles and Grins


Pediatric Dermatology of North Texas


ENT for Children


Cook Children’s


Fleming Vision Care


Continuum Pediatrics




DFW Periodontics & Implant Dentistry


Inspire Physical Therapy & Wellness


The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa


North Texas Podiatry Associates


Southlake Integrative Wellness Center


DPC Health: Dr. Tram Nguyen


DFW Dental Implant Center


Dr. Shannan Crawford


Envision Imaging of North Fort Worth


Southlake Plastic Surgery


Riordan Medical Institute


Core Rehabilitation Physical Therapy


James Schreiner, DDS


Retina Center of Texas


Sexual Wellness Centers of Texas


Texas TMJ Sleep & Facial Pain


Spine Works Institute


Prime Condition


Bear Creek Surgery Center


Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southlake


MD First Watch Family Walk-In Urgent Care


Urology Partners


FEM Centre


North Texas Vein & Vascular


The medical practices listed here are the result of our website-based survey requesting votes for the top local leaders in 100 common medical specialties. These 100 specialties were hand selected by the Society Life editorial staff and voting took place online on our website. It was suggested that any medical practice or facility serving residents of Northeast Tarrant was eligible—including, but not limited to, magazine advertisers. If any medical practice or facility was nominated for multiple specialties, it will only appear once in the Top 100. The list includes only the Top nomination under each specialty and all of the winner’s listings are in alphabetical order by their respective specialty nomination, not in any order of ranking.

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North Texas Whole Health Wellness Center

413 Keller Parkway Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 965-0999

website: wang-tcm.com

Dr. Calli Wang’s patients refer to her as “the Best Acupuncturist Around.” She brings them old world medicine with understanding and care—always listening and answering their questions. She works with many insurance companies to ensure that acupuncture is covered by most insurance plans. Life is so much better without pain. Discover wellness for you!


Enterhealth Addiction Treatment

8222 Douglas Avenue, Suite 375 Dallas, Texas 75225

phone: (800) 388-4601

website: enterhealth.com

There are countless treatment programs, but only one you. One-size-fits-all will never work because a true path away from addiction requires a personalized and expert treatment approach that is absolutely relentless and catered around you. Your treatment should never be dictated by an insurance standard care policy. That’s the Enterhealth difference.


Sedo Laser

750 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (214) 686-7826

website: sedolaser.com

Sedo Laser is different from other med spas and that is intentional. While they have a cool, modern vibe, they give honest yet conservative advice. They know high pressure selling is uncomfortable for everyone, so you’ll never have that at Sedo. Top-of-the-line procedures will revitalize your skin and help you recapture that elusive youthful glow!


Dunn Acupuncture & Allergy Center

5008 Thompson Terrace

Colleyville, Texas 76034

phone: (817) 656-3866

website: dunnallergyrelief.com

At Dunn Acupuncture & Allergy Center they care about your health—both physically and emotionally. They use therapies like acupuncture and N.A.E.T. allergy elimination to help rebalance your body and restore good health. Investing in yourself is a gift that will generously reward you with better health, vitality, and peace of mind for now and for the future.


Champion Anesthesia Consultants

801 E. Campbell Road, Suite 400 Richardson, Texas 75081

phone: (972) 400-1186

website: championanesthesia.com

Champion is a medical practice providing anesthesiology services to patients in hospitals, surgery centers and doctor office settings— offering blocks for orthopedics, bariatrics, podiatry, general surgery, pelvic and plastic surgery—also advanced settings like thoracic or eye surgery. Their highly trained, seasoned providers will get the patient comfortable!


Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center

Southlake: 1221 E. State Hwy. 114, Ste. 140 phone: (817) 251-9280

Fort Worth/Alliance: 4560 Heritage Trace Pkwy phone: (817) 379-0566 website: bhrcdallas.com

Elite anti-aging medical spa offering hormone replacement, rejuvenation, and a full menu of medical aesthetics. BHRC clients enjoy vibrant, healthy, aging as their true reward. No matter your age, at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, you can always look and feel better. Consider them your fountain of youth!


Fort Worth Orthopedics

651 South Main Street, Suite 101 Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 930-2030

website: fortworthorthopedics.com

Orthopedic surgeons specializing in knee, shoulder and elbow care; primary care sports medicine; concussion management; fracture care; fluoro-guided/ultrasound-guided joint injections; cortisone-Hyaluronic acid injections; arthroscopic surgery; and advanced biologic therapies—like PRP; Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate and amniotic injections.


Advanced Allergy & Asthma Associates

Alliance: 9433 North Beach Street, Suite 111 phone: (817) 428-7000

Southlake: 540 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 140 phone: (817) 410-2111

website: advancedallergy.com

Patient-centered, state-of-the-art treatment of allergies and asthma for the entire family. They take pride in keeping up with medical developments, involving patients in their care and endeavor to offer the latest treatment options. Friendly and respectful staff make every effort to ensure your visit is comfortable.


Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids

101 West Randol Mill Road

Arlington, Texas 76011

phone: (817) 277-7039

website: northtxhearing.com

For over 35 years, their Doctors of Audiology have continued to strive to improve the quality of life for those in need of hearing health care. They provide comprehensive and individual hearing health care, while building long-term relationships with patients and their families based upon honesty, integrity, and respect. Their product is better hearing health care.


Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas

4370 Medical Arts Drive, Suite 105

Flower Mound, Texas 75028

phone: (940) 382-9429

website: weightlosssurgeon.com

When they say “We’ve Got You,” they mean it! Their comprehensive approach to weight loss includes access to fitness programs, vitamins, supplements and aesthetic services. If obesity is part of your story, you don’t have to hide. At Weight Loss Specialists of North Texas, there’s no blame, no shame, just compassion and care that gets results. How refreshing!


Texas Health Bone & Joint Clinic

731 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 120

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 386-8047

website: thcboneandjoint.com

Established in 1945, the Bone & Joint Clinic is one of the oldest and established orthopedic clinics in North Texas. Their patients are as diverse as the conditions that they treat—from athletes to dancers to everyday folks suffering injuries through the course of living a full life. Their highly specialized physicians deliver decades of expertise and compassionate care.


Solis Mammography

5 local locations: Southlake, Alliance, Bedford, Flower Mound, and Fort Worth phone: (833) 788-0109

website: solismammo.com/find-a-center

Solis Mammography offers breast screening and diagnostic 3D mammography, computeraided detection, breast ultrasound, stereotactic breast biopsy, ultrasound-guided biopsy, and bone density scanning—designed to promote patient peace-of-mind. Solis has reinvented mammography with compassion and a truly patient-focused approach that’s comforting.

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HeartCare Texas

8513 Mid Cities Boulevard, North Richland Hills, Texas 76182

phone: (817) 803-1234

website: heartcaretexas.com

Board certified cardiologists with 20+ years offering evidence based plans and preventive care to protect your health. They help treat complex cardiac and vascular procedures when need arises. State-of-the-art cardiology services include: Stress Test, Echocardiogram, Arterial Doppler Study, Carotid Doppler Ultrasound, Vascular Ultrasound, and Artery Doppler Ultrasound. Their expert cardiologists are devoted to providing you with quality cardiac care and ensuring a pleasant, hassle-free experience.


The Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders

Southlake: 630 E. State Highway 114, Southlake, Texas 76092

Alliance: 3025 North Tarrant Pkwy, Suite 240, Fort Worth, Texas 76177

phone: (817) 759-7000

website: thecentertx.com

The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders board certified physicians provide cancer treatment to more than 20,000 patients every year— they’re offering the latest advances in radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormonal and biological therapy. They take advantage of groundbreaking cancer treatment available only through their clinical trials and cancer research... because Cancer won’t wait!

ITops nTarrant



Eye Consultants of Texas

2201 Westgate Plaza, Grapevine, Texas 76051

phone: (817) 410-2030

website: eyectexas.com

A board certified ophthalmologist, Phillips Kirk Labor, MD, FACS, FICS, ABES is internationally recognized for his work in refractive surgery. He has over 30 years of refractive and cataract expertise, and has performed thousands of LASIK, cataract, PRK and Intraocular Lens Implant procedures over his career. Dr. Labor’s board certification goes above and beyond—placing him among a very select group of U.S. eye surgeons.

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Loving Life Chiropractic

280 Commerce Street, Suite135 Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 502-2963

website: lovinglifesouthlake.com

Premiere Prenatal and Pediatric chiropractic office passionate about helping the hometown community enjoy the benefits of a chiropractic wellness lifestyle. Practice members of every age welcome—serving everyone from expecting mothers, newborns, and children to those having uncomfortable symptoms or those seeking to take their health to the next level.


Methodist Southlake Medical Center

421 East State Highway 114 Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 865-4400

website: methodistsouthlake.com

From the moment a patient is welcomed into Methodist Southlake, their mission is to help them feel better. They will receive world class care and their hospital experience will be second to none because how you feel has everything to do with how you heal. That’s the Methodist Southlake difference—and what redefining healthcare is all about.


Executive Medicine of Texas

2106 East State Highway 114, Suite 300 Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 552-4300

website: emtexas.com

A leader in preventative and proactive health, their executive physical program is one of the most comprehensive in the country. Patients fly in from around the globe for the executive physicals, age management programs and concierge medical services. The superior level of service and comprehensive approach at EMTX brings people back year after year.


Gist & Hayes

Restorative/Cosmetic Dentistry

2379 N.Carroll Ave., Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 488-7512

website: southlakesmiles.com

These dental professionals see their careers as a calling to make a profound difference in your life based on honest communication, clinical excellence and personalized customer service. They know patients by name, not their insurance number. Dr. Gist and his team want to be a blessing to every single patient that enters their practice for quality dental care.


U.S. Dermatology Partners

Keller: 9808 North Beach Street, Suite 600 phone: (817) 741-7515

Grapevine: 2321 Ira E Woods, Suite 180 phone: (817) 329-2263

website: usdermatologypartners.com

Providing t state-of-the-art technology, shared resources and the collective expertise of a national network—plus truly personalized, family-focused treatment and convenience of a local dermatology practice. Premier medical and cosmetic dermatological care, along with the latest technology and treatment methods.


Beautopia Cosmetic Medicine

6400 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite B

Colleyville, Texas 76034

phone: (817) 888-4815

website: medbeautopia.com

Dr. Tammy Polit offer patients regenerative and cosmetic medical procedures with a new and better approach. Services include, but are not limited to, tumescent liposuction, tummy tucks, love handle reduction, bra pudge, arm lift, thigh lift and reduction of under eye bags. A boutique approach welcomes just one client at a time—with no waiting room overlap.


Advanced Endodontics of Texas

1674 Keller Parkway, Suite 100

Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 562-4141

website: advancedendooftexas.com

The team of Dr. Sayeed Attar, Dr. Casey L. Turner and Dr. Ryan M. Walsh includes an experienced staff capable and ready to help serve you. Your dentist has trusted them with your care and they take that seriously. Their goal is to provide the highest level of treatment and service surpassing any standard of care— anywhere. A healthy smile begins at the roots!


Texas Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists

4 locations in North Texas: Southlake, Flower Mound, Bedford and Grapevine phone: (817) 952-5508

website: texasent.net

You should be able to enjoy hearing, smelling, breathing, talking, and singing—whatever you can do with your ears, nose, and throat. But if you do struggle with these essential activities and enjoyments, then it’s time to take action! Their experienced team works together and will go the extra mile to help you get the answers and ENT solutions that you need.

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Baylor Scott and White Emergency Hospital - Keller

620 South Main, Suite 100 , Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (214) 294-6100

website: bsweh.org/locations/keller

Baylor Scott & White Emergency Hospital is a nationally recognized, innovative leader in the delivery of medical health care. By providing operationally efficient facilities and focused alignment with current health care trends, Baylor Scott & White Emergency Hospitals’ communitybased hospitals prioritize limited inpatient stays, efficient emergency rooms and cost effective pricing in a smaller campus setting.


Legacy Eyelids & Cosmetic Surgery

925 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 200 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (214) 666-4663

website: kalyammd.com

Dr. Priya Kalyam is a board certified Opthalmologist specializing exclusively in Eyelid and Orbital surgery. She’s one of the few eye surgeons who has received advanced training in Oculofacial surgery. A fellow of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) and a Diplomat of the American Board of Ophthalmology.



DFW Plastic Surgery

75 Main Street, Suite 150, Colleyville, Texas 76034

phone: (817) 503-2442

website: dfwplasticsurgery.com

Dr. Yadro Ducic is dual board certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Head and Neck Surgery. He has advanced training, expertise, and experience in all aspects of facial restoration both cosmetic and reconstructive and performs the complete range of facial cosmetic plastic surgery. He believes that each patient should have a unique treatment plan designed specifically for them rather than a cookie cutter template.


RenewMD Facial Aesthetics

320 Morrison Park Drive, Suite 120 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 678-5388

website: renewmdmedspa.com

Dr. Alexis Gordon, MD, FACS and the RenewMD team bring extensive professional experience to assist patients in accomplishing their aesthetic goals. They want you to love the skin you are in. If you have a language barrier, don’t fret. They’re passionate about delivering high-quality results and are excited to work together on your journey to renewal.

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Blue Stone Dental

1675 Keller Parkway

Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 337-0223

website: bluestonedental.net

At Blue Stone Dental, your smile is only the beginning. Alongside the general, restorative, and cosmetic dentists—their expert dental team provides quality dental care adjusted to meet your unique needs and goals. Dental treatments include cosmetic and restorative dentistry, dental implants, orthodontics, sedation dentistry, Invisalign, and much more.



Buffington Family Medicine

121 Quest Court

Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 200-4125

website: buffingtonfamilymedicine.com

Ryan A. Buffington, MD, along with his team provide compassionate care for all of your medical and mental health need—offering family medicine and psychiatric care. Areas of focus include preventative medicine, weight loss, testosterone therapy, crisis intervention, anxiety and depression treatments. They strive to become a partner in your health.


CARE Fertility

1701 Park Place Avenue

Bedford, Texas 76022

phone: (817) 540-1157

website: embryo.net

Established in 1989, CARE Fertility is the longest-running fertility clinic in DFW. Their doctors have pioneered new technologies and approaches in advanced fertility care, while making fertility care more accessible to all families. No matter why having a baby is a challenge for you, CARE puts you on the road to success with comprehensive medical care.


Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas

Grapevine: 2421 Ira E. Woods Ave., Ste. 100

Keller: 816 Keller Pkwy., Ste. 101

phone: (817) 416-6155

website: faant.com

Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas (FAANT) practice philosophy is to be there

“For Your Feet Wherever They May Take You.”

Their physicians are extensively trained and offer state-of-the-art technology and training coupled with common sense and compassion. They educate patients and partner with them in their quest for overall foot health.


Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine

2260 Pool Road

Grapevine, Texas 76051

phone: (817) 854-1655

website: kotsanisinstitute.com

Kotsanis Institute offers a patient-centered approach to health that combines the best of traditional and complementary functional medicine with nutrition called integrative medicine. They listen to your goals, draw a roadmap to help you achieve your goals, and guide you every step to a symphony of health. Kotsanis is a different approach to medicine.


Digestive Health Center of North Richland Hills

7640 NE Loop 820, Suite 96 North Richland Hills, TX 76180 phone: (469) 713-3740

website: dhcoftx.com

Patient satisfaction among their collective centers is 20 percent higher than hospitals that offer the same procedures. What makes the difference is really the quality that’s put behind their healthcare. Their level of service is what you need to look for when scheduling your next colonoscopy or other GI procedure.


Keller Town Dental

121 Rufe Snow Drive, Suite 111 Keller, Texas 76248 phone: (817) 337-7941

website: kellertowndental.com

At Keller Town Dental, they provide quality, honest dental service to their patients of all ages. The dental team is committed to helping you keep your smile bright and healthy. And as a conservative dentist, Dr. Bartholomew Paxton never recommends procedures that his patients do not need. He takes pride in creating beautiful smiles that will last a lifetime.


Epiphany Dermatology

12469 Timberland Boulevard, Suite 501 Fort Worth, Texas 76244 phone: (817) 431-6555 website: epiphanydermatology.com

Committed to offering the highest standard of dermatologic care, working collaboratively with patients to personalize treatment for the best possible outcomes. Known for treating acne, skin cancer, psoriasis, hair disorders— also nonsurgical cosmetic services such as fractional laser, IPL, chemical peels, injectable fillers, dermaplaning, and more.


Texas Orthopedic Specialists

3301 Golden Triangle Boulevard

Fort Worth, Texas 76177

phone: (817) 540-4477

website: txortho.net

Texas Orthopedic Specialists is committed to providing the highest quality orthopedic care in North Texas. They strive to provide their patients with exemplary customer service. On the leading edge of orthopedic research, their expert medical team is fully committed to advancing the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions for their patients.


Southlake General Surgery

1545 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 270

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 748-0200

website: southlakegeneralsurgery.com

At Southlake General Surgery, they are always fully-focused on helping you to overcome any surgical procedure with great commitment and care. Dr. Valeria Simone, MD is a board certified general surgeon who is highly experienced in advanced laparoscopic surgery. Her surgical practice delivers individualized, compassionate and expert care to patients.


Women’s Integrated Healthcare

245 W. State Highway 114, Suite 330

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 416-2229

website: womensintegratedhealthcare.com

From puberty to pregnancy to menopause, healthcare needs of every woman will change and evolve as she ages. At Women’s Integrated Healthcare, they will be here for you during every phase of life, providing the best preventative wellness care available and expert gynecological care when needed. Their all-female practice serves women—all ages and stages.


Fort Worth Hand Center

801 West Terrell Avenue

Fort Worth, Texas 76104

phone: (817) 877-3277

website: fortworthhandcenter.com

Hand injuries and disorders result in pain, loss of sensation/movement, impaired functions, loss of productivity and reduced quality of life. From fingertips to the elbow, hand surgery specialists treat everything from sports injuries and joint replacement to chronic conditions, age-related complications, and trauma. Get back to life quickly and with less pain!

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Institute of Spinal Disorders

Hurst: 729 W. Bedford Euless Road, Suite 206 Fort Worth: 3600 West 7th Street, Suite A

phone: (817) 288-0084

website: instituteofspinaldisorders.com

Institute of Spinal Disorders is an orthopedic spine surgery practice that provides advanced non-surgical and surgical treatment. Dr. Myles offers complete care for spine conditions, including back or neck pain, sciatica, scoliosis, and spinal stenosis. Dr. Myles and the team of experts at Institute of Spinal Disorders can help you take back your back!


Evexias Medical Centers

920 South Kimball Avenue, Suite 140 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 328-8376

website: evexiasmedical.com

Evexias has helped thousands of men and women enjoy greater vitality, restored energy and whole body health. Fully-staffed with highly-trained medical experts, this large office has four rooms dedicated to consultations and treatments, plus two more rooms for cosmetic aesthetics, and one room for IV therapy. It’s time to discover what it means to truly live well.



3601 NE Loop 820, Suite 104 Fort Worth, Texas 76137

phone: (682) 310-6614

website: thekey.com

For nearly 20 years, TheKey—formerly Home Care Assistance—has delivered quality in-home care, supporting older adults with a wide range of needs and age-related conditions. They’re passionate about helping older adults live in their own home as they age, improving the quality of life for their clients—and those who love them. They’re changing how we age.


Knights of Comfort

Serving the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and the Surrounding Communities

phone: (817) 458-3245

website: knightsofcomfort.com

People taking care of people. Knights of Comfort has a heart for hospice and palliative care. They provide the most dignified, personalized and honorable care for patients and their families by concentrating on patient and family-centered goals through quality medical, emotional, spiritual and social support. They make it simple—it’s hospice care the right way.


Holistic Allergy & Immunology

1170 North Carroll Avenue

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (214) 702-6550

website: doctoratoosa.com

Doctor Atoosa combines treatment modalities from mainstream medicine with functional and integrative medicine to treat the whole person—for holistic treatment of food/other allergies; immunology; the therapeutic use of yoga, meditation, nature; pediatric advanced life support; wilderness medicine; and global health, such as health equity and care access.


Alliance Implants & Periodontics

3516 Golden Triangle Boulevard, Suite 100 Keller, Texas 76244 phone: (817) 581-4867 website: allianceperio.com

Practicing a full scope of periodontics with expertise ranging from dental implants to cosmetic periodontal surgery, gum grafting and a wide variety of periodontal gum disease. Even a subtle change in your smile helps you to project an image of self-confidence and high personal esteem. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in your appearance.


Grapevine Internal Medicine Centre

1604 Lancaster Drive Grapevine, Texas 76051 phone: (817) 481-8661 website: drjohnferris.com

GIMC offers ‘concierge’ quality medical care without ‘concierge’ costs. GIMC was founded by Dr. Ferris in 1982 and offered quality care without compromise. Drs. Ferris, Trotter, Page and Gordon provide in- and out-patient adult care on an individualized, personal basis. They believe your health is too important to entrust to anyone other than your physician.


Dallas Nephrology Associates

North Texas Locations in Keller, Southlake, Grapevine, Fort Worth and Dallas phone: (877) 654-3639

website: dneph.com

One of the largest teams of kidney specialists in the U.S.—focused on providing patients and referring physicians alike with expert care and evaluation of kidney disorders. DNA is a national leader in providing comprehensive care for patients with kidney disease, kidney transplant, and hypertension. A trusted source for top-quality kidney care in DFW since 1971.


Texas Hip and Knee Center

10900 Founders Way, Suite 201

Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 877-3432

website: texashealth.org/thpg/ texas-hip-knee-center

Specializing in diagnosis and treatment of the hip and knee with focus on joint replacement and revision joint replacement surgery for a wide variety of arthritic conditions. Decades of combined experience treating arthritic hips and knees, and alleviating joint pain to get you back to living an active lifestyle.


Texas Health Harris

Methodist Hospital Alliance

10864 Texas Health Trail

Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (682) 212-2000

website: texashealth.org

Providing quality care in a number of medical services such as women’s health, emergency care, and heart and vascular—serving more than 50,000 patients each year. Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance is a vital part of the community—and it’s committed to caring for the health needs of its residents.


Clearview Eyecare & Laser Center

1980 East State Highway 114

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 329-2700

website: clearviewlaservision.com

Clearview Eyecare and Laser Center is the clear choice for vision correction with complete family, medical, and surgical eyecare all under one roof. From medical services like eye exams, glaucoma diagnosis/management, diabetic retinopathy evaluations and dry eye care—to surgical care like Lasik, cataract surgery, ICL and YAG laser—Clearview is the clear choice!


Feel Ideal 360

2813 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 130 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (972) 656-1200

website: feelideal360.com

Dr. Straface has been studying the science of healthy aging since 1995. She’s a 25-year board certified physician passionate about helping patients. She performs all treatments including injectables, medical-grade peels, skin tightening, hormone therapy, hair restoration, O shot, pharmaceutical-grade supplements, supervised weight loss programs and more.

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Hopkins Dermatology

321 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 180 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (682) 271-0988

website: hopkinsdermatology.com

Their philosophy is to focus on your concerns while offering safe and effective treatments that provide optimal benefits. Dr. Hopkins firmly believes that a beautiful and radiant complexion begins with the healthy skin. She stands by her motto, “Be healthy, be beautiful.” Her practice is committed to providing superior care in a friendly, state-of-the-art facility.


Corinthian Wellness & Med Spa

1251 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 345 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 416-9366

website: corinthianspa.com

Since 2007, they’ve been helping us unwind with a focus on stress reduction, anti-aging regimens, skin rejuvenation and ‘me’ time! Your destination spa for wellness and medical aesthetics—offering hormone replacement therapy, lasers, injections, massage, facials, IV infusions, microblading and nails. Start your journey to wellness now at Corinthian!


Life’s Medicine

700 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 130 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 328-0331

website: lifesmedicine.com

Life’s Medicine was born from a passion for helping people. Founder Dr. Lopez is a board certified family practice physician focused on endocrine and medical conditions, as well as helping patients obtain their ideal weight. She works alongside Dr. Jones who emphasizes the body’s ability to repair and heal itself. They want to help you live your best life now!


Ellery Arbor Memory Care

8100 Precinct Line Road

Colleyville, Texas 76034

phone: (817) 458-4390

website: elleryarborlife.com

Unique concept designed to meet individual needs of those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Ellery Arbor Memory Care engages residents and enhances their comfort levels by providing a unique variation of “Main Street” created to replicate a small town downtown—all this without leaving the interior of the memory care community.


Low T Center

Alliance-Fort Worth: 9427 North Beach Street

phone: (817) 562-5698

Southlake: 1920 East State Highway 114 phone: (817) 442-5698

website: lowtcenter.com

Now you can conquer low testosterone with testosterone replacement therapy—even from home with TRT self injection. Testosterone deficiency can cause negative consequences— it disrupts your life and can contribute to poor overall health. Low T Center is reinventing healthcare with wellness solutions for men.


Comfort Minds & Above

Behavioral Health

9500 Ray White Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76244 phone: (817) 745-4632

website: comfortmindsandabove.com

Offering compassionate and comprehensive evidence-based practices plus individualized psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care. They teach life skills to reach optimal mental health functioning and help you assimilate back into a healthy, functional lifestyle. They create a supportive environment and personalized treatment plan to guide your healing process.


Grapevine Birthing Center

409 West Wall Street

Grapevine, Texas 76051 phone: (817) 421-6928

website: grapevinebirthingcenter.com

Grapevine Birthing Center wants your birth, pregnancy and postpartum time to be relaxed. Their concierge experience includes quality midwifery care, chiropractic care, and childbirth education. Birth your baby in a warm, caring and safe environment that’s free from any unnecessary intervention and strangers. Family-centered care is what they’re all about!


Texas Health Neurosurgery & Spine Specialists

1604 Hospital Pkwy., Suite 403 Bedford, Texas 76022

phone: (817) 482-3489

website: thpg.org/neurocarebedford

At Texas Health Neurosurgery & Spine Specialists, formally known as North Texas Neurosurgical and Spine Center, they know conditions of the brain and spine can be debilitating and severely limit everyday life. So, they provide high-quality care for spine and nervous system disorders to those effected.


Southlake Natural Family Wellness

231 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 120

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 410-1919

website: acufarrah.com

Southlake Natural Family Wellness supports the health and well-being of patients by offering individualized, comprehensive holistic care like customized nutritional counseling, herbal recommendations, allergy elimination (NAET), acupuncture, lifestyle suggestions, whole food supplements, moxibustion, and cupping, as well as fertility support for couples.


Alliance Women’s Healthcare

10600 North Riverside Drive, Suite 100

Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 741-9663

website: alliancewomenshealthcare.com

Jonathan Snead, MD, FACOG is knowledgeable and skilled in all areas of obstetrics and gynecology which includes infertility. Whether you need a well-woman exam, have infertility issues, are trying to become pregnant, already are pregnant, have an abnormal pap smear, irregular bleeding, or are facing menopause, Dr. Snead can meet any patient’s needs.


Texas Oncology

Providers and Cancer Centers Located

Across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

phone: (888) 864-4226

website: texasoncology.com

When you’re diagnosed with cancer, you need a team of specialists with advanced treatment options, access to experienced physicians, leading edge technology, and clinical trials. You also need the strength and inspiration only your family’s love can bring. With more than 280 locations across Texas, at Texas Oncology—you can have both.


North Texas Eyecare

101 River Oaks Drive, Suite 100

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 562-2101

website: ntxeyecare.com

Dr. Gregory Kloesel is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to our patients in a caring environment. North Texas Eyecare provides exceptional eye care for the whole family—specializing in glasses and contacts, eye exams for adults and children, glaucoma, eye diseases/injury, red eye, infection, allergy eyes, dry eyes, as well as LASIK management.

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AVI Alliance Vision Institute

9439 North Beach Street

Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 442-2020

website: allianceeyes.com

The only thing they’re prouder of at Alliance Vision Institute than their tech is their team. These dedicated, compassionate experts of their craft don’t settle for anything less than your best vision. They carefully consider your case and walk through your options with you so you can be confident that any vision correction prescribed is the optimal solution for you.


TMJ Plus Wellness Center

2631 Ira E Woods Avenue, Grapevine, Texas 76051

phone: (817) 481-6888

website: tmjplus.com

TMJ Plus Wellness Center offers patients a holistic approach to comprehensive dentistry with real, jaw-dropping results. Dr. Coats’ has a passion to help you discover and understand why your pain has happened, and then work with you towards creating a proper plan. With Dr. Jaw Dropper, you’ll be able to find relief from your TMJ pain paired with a solution that is right for you and your health. Drop your TMJ pain like it's hot!


Orthodontics by Birth & Fletcher

4 North Texas Locations: Arlington, Fort Worth, Keller and Burleson

4420 Heritage Trace Parkway, Suite 300, Keller, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 369-8661

website: bsfortho.com

For over 31 years, Drs. Birth and Fletcher have provided patients with high quality, comprehensive orthodontic care like Invisalign, TruDenta, and braces. They believe everyone deserves a beautiful, healthy smile! What makes this practice unique and the ‘go-to location for modern orthodontic care’ is they believe orthodontics is much more than braces.


North Texas Orthopedic Urgent Care

2535 Ira E Woods Avenue, Grapevine, Texas 76051

phone: (817) 481-2121

website: ntxortho.com/services/orthopedic-urgent-care

At North Texas Orthopedic Urgent Care, they know injuries occur when least expected. That’s why they offer immediate treatment for patients with acute orthopedic injuries and conditions. Their hours are: Monday through Thursday, 9am-6pm and Friday 8am-1pm. Combined strength of experience of specialty-trained orthopedic doctors, surgeons, physician assistants, and other providers in their practice keeps patients moving!

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Primary Care Simplified

151 Ridge Point Pkwy, Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 945-3949 website: primarycaresimplified.com

Getting great medical care shouldn’t be so hard! Dr. McCracken makes it simple. Her mission is to restore the true doctor-patient relationship. The one where she gets to know you, where she earns your trust, and she partners with you in your health journey. By taking a holistic approach to treating the mind, body and spirit—she truly believes that they can help you achieve optimal mental, physical and emotional health.


Integrative Pain and Wellness Center

1100 North Kimball Avenue, Suite 130, Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 790-9811 website: ipawc.com

Integrative Pain and Wellness Center performs a number of personalized treatments that are carefully crafted to locate, target and reverse your pain at its origin. Some of their most sought-after treatments include osteopathic manipulative medicine, medical weight loss, direct primary care, aesthetic services (like body contouring, PRP therapy, fat reduction), microcurrent neurofeedback and regenerative therapy. Holistic care from start to finish.


Giggles and Grins

1480 Corporate Circle, Suite 200, Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 488-3533 website: gigglesandgrins.org

At Giggles and Grins, they use an ‘open bay’ concept that accommodates several children at once. It takes the fear away because they model each other. Parents are sometimes a little amazed when their child—as young as three—walks back with a trained specialist all by themselves. And why not? They find toys, video games, prizes, surprises, all sort of fun waiting. No wonder they look forward to visiting Giggles and Grins again!


Pediatric Dermatology of North Texas

1325 West Northwest Highway, Grapevine, Texas 76051 phone: (817) 421-3376 website: pediatricderm.com

Pediatric Dermatology of North Texas has two uniquely designed offices that reflect their commitment to pediatric and adolescent patients. It’s one of only a few clinics nationwide specializing in pediatric dermatology. Their staff provides the most up-to-date care and their providers maintain a close relationship with general pediatricians and pediatric sub-specialties in the North Texas region. They’re here for your child’s skincare needs!


ENT for Children

3061 West Southlake Boulevard, Suite 120, Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 337-3339 website: entforchildren.net

A group of fellowship trained Pediatric Otolaryngologists, Audiologists and Speech Therapists who specialize in the care of infants, children, and adolescents. From earaches to throat issues and everything in-between, a child’s condition will be promptly diagnosed to ensure a treatment that delivers optimum health, comfort and well-being. ENT for Children offers a wide range of medical options to treat the unique nature of your child.

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Cook Children’s

801 7th Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76104

phone: (682) 885-4000

website: cookchildrens.org

Every child deserves health care designed just for them. At Cook Children’s, they’re more than a health care system––they are friends, neighbors, even family members. And they’re parents too, so they can see the world through your eyes. Whether it’s check-ups, injuries or serious illnesses, when you come here you can trust that they will care for the one child that matters most to you—yours!


Fleming Vision Care

1700 Rufe Snow Drive Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 514-6000

website: flemingvisioncare.com

Fleming Vision Care has proudly served the community since 2014 and they want to help you achieve and maintain clear vision. Their expert team of eye care professionals offers eye exams, quality lenses and frames. Through advanced diagnostic technology, they improve your quality of life with enhanced vision. Give yourself the gift of clear vision.


Continuum Pediatrics

9509 North Beach Street, Suite 102 Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 617-8600

website: continuumtx.com

Doctors at Continuum Pediatrics consider it an honor and privilege to partner with parents to raise healthy, happy children. They firmly believe that knowledge is power and they are eager to provide answers to questions. Primary care means they’re the first people patients reach out to about acute medical ailments or chronic issues—and they take that seriously!



Alliance: 4537 Heritage Trace Pkwy., Bldg 11A phone: (817) 839-2595

Southlake: 2425 East Southlake Boulevard

phone: (817) 662-0527

website: pediaplex.net

Providing clarity to all clients and their families with a collaborative care approach—offering a multi-disciplinary team approach for several therapies all in one location. A team approach is important because families benefit most from good communication and learning from each other to reach their goals for their child.


DFW Periodontics & Implant Dentistry

731 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 160 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 809-4388

website: dfwperiodontics.com

Dr. Hsu and her staff want to make your entire experience a positive one. Patient comfort is of utmost importance and this is why they offer warm blankets, a state-of-the-art massage in their dental chairs, refreshing scented towels and care packages after your treatment. They go above-and-beyond to make sure that your dental experience is comfortable and relaxing.


Inspire Physical Therapy & Wellness

280 Commerce Street, Suite 115 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 912-1420

website: inspireptandwellness.com

At Inspire Physical Therapy and Wellness, they help you heal faster. They’re committed to giving you what you are paying for—time with a specialist. They spend sessions providing hands-on care which leads to less visits and in most cases less money out of pocket. Inspire helps get to the root cause of your aches and pains, so you can live life to the fullest!


The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

1203 South White Chapel Boulevard, Suite 150 Southlake, Texas 76092 phone: (817) 473-2120 website: markbisharamd.com

Dr. Bishara’s special interests include cosmetic surgery of the breast (including augmentation and lift), rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, facial cosmetic surgery, autologous fat transfer, and body contouring surgery after massive weight loss. He also provides an array of minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures and hair restoration including transplantation.


North Texas Podiatry Associates

Euless: 401 Westpark Way

Southlake: 1545 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 160 phone: (817) 283-5151 website: footteamtexas.com

North Texas Podiatry is committed to improving the health of your feet, ankles and lower legs. As experts in the field of podiatry, they provide you with comprehensive exams and diagnostic analyses of your condition. Their team also offers innovative treatments for injuries, diseases and other conditions—this is where experience meets innovation!


Southlake Integrative Wellness Center

1170 North Carroll Avenue

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 329-6263

website: southlakewellnesscenter.com

Integrative Wellness Center provides wellnessoriented, patient-centered, preventive care for the whole family. Dr. Rector assesses the whole person—physical, emotional, environmental, social, spiritual conditions, as well as lifestyle factors. He establishes a unique plan for each individual to support health, resolve acute problems, and treat any chronic illness.


DPC Health: Dr. Tram Nguyen

4561 Heritage Trace Parkway, Suite 109 Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (682) 200-0035

website: dpchealth.com

Are you tired of waiting rooms? We have a solution for you: Direct Primary Care! This low-cost membership-based clinic provides you with 24/7 access to the medical team and doctor by phone, text or video. In this model of care, you will be able to establish a relationship and spend as much time as you need with your doctor. This is your doctor at your time!


DFW Dental Implant Center

5301 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite 110 Colleyville, Texas 76034

phone: (817) 518-9958

website: dentalimplantsindfw.com

Dr. Branberg knew there was a better way to provide you quality dental care at reasonable prices. As a prosthodontist and a dentist, he has extensive expertise restoring and replacing teeth in lifelike ways. Offering cosmetic and general dentistry plus removable prostheses— this patient-focused practice provides quality dentistry by an expert team all in one location.


Dr. Shannan Crawford

1664 Keller Parkway, Suite 102 Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 601-5540

website: drshannancrawford.com

Dr. Crawford is a licensed clinical psychologist, conference speaker, adjunct professor, podcast host, and innovator-expert in Restoring SelfCohesion (RSC). She’s the CEO of Crawford Clinics, providing innovative psychotherapy services where she and her team provide specialized therapy, coaching, and consulting tailored to the needs of the client.

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No one dreams that their future might hold a pair of dentures soaking in a cup... these traditional dentures used to be the only option available to replace missing teeth, but today’s a new day for those patients who have lost most or all of their own natural teeth! Implant dentures are a modern and highly effective solution for these individuals. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums or rely on adhesives, implant dentures are securely anchored to dental implants that are surgically placed into the jawbone. This provides a more stable and comfortable fit — allowing patients to speak, chew, and smile with confidence.


The process of getting implant dentures typically involves several stages. First, Dr. Steven Branberg will evaluate your oral health to determine if you are indeed a suitable candidate for dental implants. Then, dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone, serving as artificial tooth roots. Over a healing period of a few months, the implants fuse with the bone. Once the implants have integrated, dentures are custom-made and attached to the implants—providing a secure, lifelike replacement option. One of the key advantages of implant dentures is their improved stability. Because they are anchored to dental implants, there is no risk of them slipping or shifting while talking or eating. This stability allows for a more natural biting and chewing function, enabling patients to enjoy a wider range of foods. Implant dentures also help preserve the integrity of the jawbone. The presence of dental implants stimulates the bone, preventing bone loss that typically occurs when natural teeth are missing. This both helps maintain the facial structure and prevents the sunken appearance that can commonly result from long-term denture use.

Overall, implant dentures offer a durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing solution for individuals who have lost their teeth. They provide a secure fit, improved oral function, and help maintain oral health. However, the suitability of implant dentures can vary depending on individual factors such as bone density and overall oral health, so it is essential to consult with a qualified dentist or prosthodontist so they can determine the best treatment option for each specific patient’s needs.

“Every year the number of Americans missing teeth is on the rise. And around the world, tooth loss is a common condition. Around 50% of the population is missing at least 1 tooth — or around 178 million Americans. Forty million Americans and 250 million people in Asia are missing all of their natural teeth! This increase is caused by many factors — caries or cavities, tooth infections, periodontal disease, and medication-induced dry mouth. This increase is also due to the rise in the percentage of people over the age of 65 in Europe and the United States as the Baby Boomer population continues to age. The good news is today we have better options for replacing missing teeth to improve quality of life.”



Step 1: Determine the Position of the Dental Implants on the Digital Treatment Planning Software

After reviewing your 3D CAT scan to evaluate the amount of bone and the number of dental implants that can be placed, a surgical guide will be made based on the denture tooth setup. This will allow the dental implants to be positioned correctly underneath the denture teeth for an ideal result.

Step 2: Place the Dental Implant Using A Surgical Guide and Deliver Temporary Dentures

The surgical guide will be used to place between two and four dental implants in the jawbone depending on the treatment plan. After the surgery is completed, temporary dentures will be lined with a soft material for added comfort. The soft reline will also improve the fit of the temporary dentures and prevent excessive pressure on the dental implants as they heal.

Step 3: Deliver Your New Implant Dentures

After 4 months of healing, a final impression of the dental implants and gums will be made to begin making the implant denture. After the dentures have been made, the implant dentures will “snap” on to the dental implants providing a stable, retentive denture with natural-looking denture teeth.

The DFW Dental Implant Center office is truly unique because unlike most dental implant centers that only focus on implant dentistry, they realize everyone does not need a dental implant or a full set of replacement teeth. So, they offer all aspects of cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry and removable prostheses. Below is a list of dental services that are offered at the practice:


• Examinations

• Cleanings

• Digital X-rays

• Tooth-colored Composite Fillings

• Porcelain Veneers and Crowns

• Zirconia Crowns and Bridges

• Traditional Complete Dentures

• Removable Partial Dentures

• Occlusal Night Guards

• Professional Teeth Whitening

• Dry Mouth Treatment


• Single Implant Crowns

• Implant Bridges

• Implant Dentures

• All-on-4® Treatment Concept

• Full-arch Dental Implant Bridges

• Mini Implants

• Bone Grafting

• Tooth Extractions

• Sedation Dentistry

Unlike most dental practices that schedule multiple patients at the same time, Dr. Branberg’s office only schedules one patient at a time to minimize wait times. They know everyone is busy so they make every effort to get you in and get you out in a very timely manner.

SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2021 49 (817) 498-3331 DentalImplantsInDFW.com –5301 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite 110 Colleyville, Texas 76034
You FOR VOTING US Tops in Healthcare



Envision Imaging of North Fort Worth

10840 Texas Health Trail, Suite 140 Fort Worth, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 741-0008

website: envrad.com

Radiologists and healthcare professionals specializing in state-of-the-art imaging and providing the highest quality patient care in the marketplace. They provide diagnostically superior images, short scan times, outstanding guest comfort, and fast appointments. They excel in both quality of care, as well as superb hospitality and patient experience.


Southlake Plastic Surgery

900 East Southlake Boulevard, Suite 100 Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 442-8900

website: southlakeplasticsurgery.com

Dr. Mason’s expertise and love for aesthetic surgery led him to study plastic and reconstructive surgery at one of the country’s leading medical institutions. His plastic surgery center and med spa offers surgical and nonsurgical procedures for men and women in one practice. This allows you to explore your options based on the level of results you desire.


Riordan Medical Institute

801 East Southlake Boulevard

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 776-8155

website: rmiclinic.com

Riordan Medical Institute uses bone marrowderived stem cells from bone marrow aspirate concentrate and/or platelet-rich plasma with state-of-the-art orthopedic interventions to postpone or eliminate the need for surgery. Individualized treatment plans are designed for each patient after careful consideration of individual medical needs and circumstances.


Core Rehabilitation Physical Therapy

11751 Alta Vista Road, Suite 301

Keller, Texas 76244

phone: (817) 337-3400

website: corerehabphysicaltherapy.com

Physical therapy... with a difference! CORE is hands-on manual therapy with a variety of techniques and skills to get patients back to full function as quickly as possible. They employ licensed professionals to work with patients, and are privately owned by physical therapists. This allows a focus on patient care their outcome. Ask about their Free Injury Screening.


James Schreiner, DDS

796 Keller Parkway, Suite A

Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 431-3391

website: dentistkellertx.com

James Schreiner, DDS started his practice in 1985 as a relationship-driven practice focused on providing general, cosmetic and restorative dentistry in a friendly atmosphere. This means that Dr. Schreiner gives his time and energy into putting the patient at the center of what he does. It is a relationship built of trust— he’s putting ‘family’ in family dentistry.


Retina Center of Texas

305 Morrison Park Drive, Suite 100

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 865-6800

website: retinacentertx.com

Dedicated to providing cutting-edge care that is tailored to your particular problem. The staff strives to treat all patients like family, and provide the compassionate, technical expertise necessary to achieve the best outcomes. They pride themselves on making sure you are welleducated concerning your disorder—allowing you to take an active part in your treatment.


Sexual Wellness Centers of Texas

6225 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite 100

Colleyville, Texas 76034

phone: (972) 544-0739

website: swcoftexas.com

A state-of-the-art medical clinic dedicated to sexual health, their mission is to rejuvenate your body, boost confidence, amplify energy, and help you enjoy sexuality as late in life as you desire. Proudly offering highly effective, individualized treatment plans for sexual health, like REGENmax for men and women. A holistic approach to boost sexual well-being.


Texas TMJ Sleep & Facial Pain

1160 North Kimball Avenue, Suite 110

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 251-9985

website: dallastmjdr.com

At Texas TMJ Sleep & Facial Pain, they value patient relationships, making it a priority to deliver gentle and compassionate care. They are focused on acute and chronic orofacial pain, TMJ, primary headache disorders and management of snoring/obstructive sleep apnea with one goal in mind—restore quality of life by relieving pain and improving sleep.

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Spine Works Institute

8801 North Tarrant Parkway

North Richland Hills, Texas 76182

phone: (817) 616-0700

website: dfwback.com

Spine Works Institute operates from their state-of-the-art spine center that is dedicated solely to the treatment and care of both neck and spinal problems. They are first and only Spine Center of Excellence™ in all of Texas. Under one single roof, they care for patients with integrated spine car, as well as minimally invasive options to get you back to life!


Prime Condition

5240 North Tarrant Parkway

Fort Worth, Texas 76137

phone: (682) 202-0153

website: primecondition.net

Dr. Beavers offers a unique approach and treatment of sport injuries, but what sets her apart from conventional methods is her full assessment of athletes—before or after injury. Athletes often come to her after injury, but evaluation of their current movement patterns before there is pain or injury is far better. She can help them avoid injury in the first place.


Bear Creek Surgery Center

100 Bourland Road, Suite 110

Keller, Texas 76248

phone: (817) 518-9130

website: bearcreeksurgerycenter.com

Multispecialty, outpatient surgical center in Keller. This surgery center was started by a group of eight physicians that partnered with SurgCenter Development. It was designed to provide services for patients requiring routine, multispecialty surgery in an outpatient setting. The center has one overnight private recovery room allowing 23-hour observation if needed.


Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Southlake

1545 East Southlake Boulevard

Southlake, Texas 76092

phone: (817) 748-8700

website: texashealth.org

Multi-specialty surgical hospital committed to patients, community and employees. Their focused vision is to be an organization where employees want to work, physicians want to practice and patients receive compassionate care. They promote exemplary healthcare, innovation and personal service to all.



MD First Watch Family Walk-In Urgent Care

310 Keller Parkway, Keller, Texas 76248 phone: (817) 562-4210

website: mdfirstwatch.com

State-of-the-art facility in Keller looking to change the image of urgent cares and walk-in clinics by providing compassionate, friendly, and convenient care. When an illness or injury occurs, no one wants to wait hours or days to be seen by a medical professional. MD First Watch offers direct care on a walk-in basis. No appointment needed—unless you want one!


Urology Partners

10900 Founders Way, Suite 205 Fort Worth, Texas 76244 phone: (866) 367-8768 website: upnt.com

Urology Partners gives you access to the most advanced, urology treatments and cancer care available. They are a family of more than 38 skilled and compassionate physicians and physician assistants bolstered by an amazing support team. They create a unique culture and experience—one dedicated to providing exceptional, timely and affordable care.


FEM Centre

6221 Colleyville Boulevard, Suite 150 Colleyville, Texas 76034 phone: (817) 251-6533 website: femcentre.com

Women’s health clinic that relieves hormonerelated issues. Hormonal production of a woman’s ovaries, thyroid, and adrenal glands are subjected to an age-related decline. FEM Centre can help women with hormonal deficiencies through bio-identical hormone replacement therapies guided by your specific symptoms—not your hormonal blood levels.


North Texas Vein & Vascular

870 International Parkway, Suite 200 Flower Mound, Texas 75022 phone: (972) 619-7260 website: ntxvv.com

State-of-the-art, minimally invasive treatments in an outpatient setting for vascular conditions. Minimally-invasive procedures utilize imaging guidance with ultrasound or fluoroscopy and leave little to no scarring, require minimal downtime, and most are covered by insurance. Procedures traditionally done in a hospital can be safely performed in their outpatient facility.

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ON HIM | (this and previous page) XAR Custom Blazers, Fidelity jeans, Hagen shirts and shoes by Jose Real

ON HER | (previous page) Yellow top by La Fuori and white pants by Shan (this page) Brown dress by Posh Couture, Black short dress by Diomi, and Black long dress by Posh Couture (opposite page) Brown dress by Posh Couture

54 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
55 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com XAR Clothier Southlake Town Square | 214.315.2134 | xarclothier.com SL STYLE | FASHION | DESIGN
56 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com XAR Clothier Southlake Town Square | 214.315.2134 | xarclothier.com SL STYLE | FASHION | DESIGN
SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 57
ON HIM | (both pages) XAR Custom Blazers, Fidelity jeans, Hagen shirts and shoes by Jose Real ON HER | (this page) White floral dress by Black Halo, Multi-colored bright short dress by Black Halo, and Pink long dress by Diomi (opposite page) White top by Posh Couture and green pants by La Fuori

ON HIM | (both pages) XAR Custom Blazers, Fidelity jeans, Hagen shirts and shoes by Jose Real

ON HER | (this page) Blue short dress by Black Halo, Blue long dress by Black Halo, and Black floral dress by Black Halo (opposite page) Orange long dress by Posh Couture

58 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com


SL greater good seals all abilities. limitless possibilities. north texas

SL greater good



Easterseals provides services to help children and adults with disabilities and/or special needs as well as support to their families. They've been helping families for nearly 100 years. Today, Easterseals assists more than 1 million individuals and their families annually at more than 550 Easterseals service sites across the country. Each center provides top-quality and innovative services tailored to meet the specific needs of the people they serve. The primary Easterseals services include:

easterseals provides hands-on, comprehensive, vital programs and support to help people reach their full potential— regardless of challenges, needs or disabilities. Easterseals is a 501c3 nonprofit provider of health and human services. They offer a range of training, placement and related services that help people prepare for the workforce— because meaningful work is often the key to overcoming challenges and having a good life.

• Autism Spectrum Disorder Services

• Children’s Services

• Adult Services

• Senior Services

• Military and Veterans Services

• Employment and Training

• Outpatient Rehabilitation


As America’s largest nonprofit health care organization, Easterseals is committed to the comprehensive health and wellness of the more than 1.5 million people it serves each year and is prepared to respond to

the needs of the one-in-four Americans living with disability today with outcomesbased services for all disabilities throughout their lifespan. Among their services: early intervention, inclusive childcare, medical rehabilitation and autism services for young children and their families; job training and coaching, employment placement and transportation services for adults with disabilities, including veterans; adult day services and employment opportunities for older adults—in addition to a variety of additional services for people of all ages including mental health

62 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com


In the spring of 1934, the organization launched its first Easter "seals" campaign to raise money for its services. To show their support, donors placed the seals on envelopes and letters. Cleveland Plain Dealer cartoonist J.H. Donahey designed the very first seal. Donahey based the design on a concept of simplicity because those served by the charity asked "simply for the right to live a normal life." The lily — a symbol of spring – was officially incorporated as the National Society for Crippled Children’s logo in 1952 for its association with new life and new beginnings. and recovery programs, assistive technology, camp and recreation, caregiving support including respite—and much more. Additionally, they’ve served transitioning military, veterans and their families and caregivers since WWII and continue to be the “go-to” resource for them to help ensure successful transition to civilian life.


Easterseals North Texas has provided services for individuals with disabilities and their families since 1939. Each year, with their assistance, over 5,000 individuals of

all abilities are able to live, learn, work and play in our communities. As a nonprofit organization, they are always ready to provide expert help, hope and answers. It’s who they are, and what they have been doing for over 75 years in North Texas. Easterseals North Texas has a longstanding history in our community of providing unique programs and services for individuals with a wide variety of disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Mental and Developmental Delays. Their services continue to evolve with the needs of the community, and are provided in their Fort Worth and North Dallas centers. In some cases, Easterseals can even bring their services to your home.


Easterseals receives funding from a variety of sources, including private insurers, government agencies and fee-for-service. To make their services accessible to as many people as possible Easterseals also relies on public contributions. Public contributions help cover the difference between actual program costs and what their clients can afford. You can help them to continue to provide these exceptional services by making an online donation. Easterseals is proud of putting all of your donations to work effectively. More than 90 percent of Easterseals’ revenue goes to support services in the area where funds are raised. Easter Seal is a grassroots, community-based organization.


Easter ‘seals’ are stamp-like seals that were first created in 1934 to raise money for services benefiting children with disabilities. Then known as the National Society for Crippled Children, the organization was re-named “Easterseals’ in 1967—reflecting the public’s awareness and acceptance of the campaign.


Yes. In fact, Easterseals still mails seals to more than 19 million households across the country every year, raising almost $14 million to support services to children and adults with disabilities and their families.


Every day, people with disabilities can and

do add value to America’s workplaces. Take for instance, Easterseals North Texas client Destiny who works at Ross. Or how Cole attained employment with the help of Easter Seals North Texas after suffering a traumatic brain injury when he was just seven weeks old. An actual job seemed like a distant dream for him, but Cole craved community involvement so he looked to Easterseals North Texas for help. There are many stories of hope that Easterseals has written. These success stories are not the exception, they are the rule. They are the reason that Easterseals keeps doing what they do. This is their mission and purpose.


Easterseals is committed to caring for all children and adults with physical and mental disabilities and special needs resulting from any cause—diagnosed at birth or incurred through disease, or accidental injury or the aging process. Easterseals is also not affiliated with any religion and does not discriminate. At the core of the Easterseals organization is a common passion for caring, shared by their entire staff and by all of those who support this mission.


Easterseals' continued success in their mission to provide services to people with disabilities would not be possible without volunteers! Your time, energy and hearts will inspire and touch the lives of those they serve. Your personal commitment enhances the services that they provide to the Easterseal clients nationwide. You can search for a local volunteer opportunity in your area by scanning this QR code.

Easterseals programs across the country provide a wide variety of the interventions that help individuals of all abilities. Your support can be a lifeline of funds that enables your local Easterseals to continue providing vital services and support to people with disabilities and their families. Easterseals is for all abilities and provides limitless opportunities to all.

SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 63
(817) 332-7171

Want to be featured with your kids?

Simply email your contact info to the editor at: elena@societylifemagazine.com. Then you will answer 20 questions and we will take professional photos of you and your kids (we will even give you some!)

In this issue of Society Life’s Mom’s column, we asked local marketing & public relations director for Gaylord Texan Resort, Martha Neibling, to answer 20 questions about her experiences both in becoming and being a mom. She resides in Las Colinas and is mother to a newly adopted baby girl, Grace. Martha’s journey to motherhood was not an easy one, spending many years through various methods to become a parent. With her dream finally realized, Martha is overjoyed to welcome her bundle of joy. We tailored our normal questions slightly for this new mom of a newborn! Here’s what she had to say…

64 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com

I said so

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SOCIETY LIFE: What’s one of your earliest memories you have of your Mom? MARTHA NEIBLING: My mom was so engaged and present with my siblings and me. My earliest memories are of her reading us stories, singing, and playing. She always made us feel very safe and loved.

SL: What is something you thought about Motherhood that was totally wrong? MN: I had no idea how much support and encouragement I would receive from family and friends when I became a mom. With it taking so many years of trying and failing at becoming a mom, my community has so kindly embraced Grace’s arrival and shared in my excitement more than I had ever imagined. Especially because I only had two days to prepare for her unexpected arrival—I was without supplies and had friends coming over and meeting me in parking lots to provide me with baby bassinets, clothes, swaddling blankets, bottles, and pacifiers. I received meals and gifts on my doorstep—it was all so touching!

SL: What’s something you always wanted to do but didn’t... and why? MN: I am a huge animal lover and dog mom. I have always wanted to build a dog rescue ranch and have big ideas for what that would include. It may still happen one day when I retire… or win the lottery!

SL: Was there something your Mom did when you were a kid that you swore you’d never do as a parent? MN: Maybe it is surprising, but no! My mom is the best and a natural with kids. She balanced fun and care with guiding and teaching. I hope I can take those gifts and experiences she gave me and apply them just as well for my daughter.

SL: What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? MN: My dream was to be a news reporter. However, when I got to college and started taking broadcast journalism classes, I decided I would rather be behind the camera than in front of it. I changed my major to public relations and advertising which helped me build an exciting career managing public relations and marketing for resorts and hospitality.

SL: How have your notions of what it means to be a Mom changed over your

lifetime? MN: When I was younger, I always knew that I wanted to be a mom. As I got older, I wanted it even more because I really felt that missing piece. Having a child was the greatest desire of my heart that only got stronger with time. I can’t wait to give my daughter the happy life my parents gave me.

SL: What’s the first family vacation you’d like to take now that you have a child? MN: Our very first trip will be to Scottsdale, Arizona, where I am from originally and still have family there. Once my daughter is old enough, I plan to take her to Hawaii for her first big vacation as it’s one of my favorite places.

SL: Is there a moment or event that radically changed the way you saw Motherhood? MN: When I was struggling to have a child—going through the ups and downs of it, I was able to better understand (and greatly admire) the other women and men who experienced their own challenging paths to parenthood. They endure physical, emotional, and financial hardships just to have a child. That’s how much it means.

SL: When did you know you were ready to have kids? MN: Oh, I was born ready to have kids! When my little brother was born, I was only 20-months-old and my mom said I immediately thought I was his mother. I started babysitting as soon as I was old enough. My nephews and niece are my world, but I am also honored to be called “Aunt Martha” by many other special little people in my life.

SL: What was you biggest fear in your journey to become a mom? MN: I feared whether I would ever become a mom. I wanted it so badly, but I went through a lot of loss and questioned if it was meant to be. Now I would tell other women like me to never give up—even when many years have gone by and attempts have failed—because God doesn’t place motherhood on your heart without a purpose for it.

SL: What have you dreamed about in your journey to become a mom? MN: I just want to pour into my daughter and give her a happy life with special experiences for us to share.

SL: What do you want or wish most for your kids? MN: I think all parents wish the


66 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com

same thing. You want your kids to be happy, healthy, and know how very special they are.

SL: What do you think some of your biggest struggles will be as a new Mom? MN: As much experience as I have had with kids in my life, being a new mom is humbling. I am learning something new every single day, but I welcome the adventure!

SL: What would your perfect day off be like? Describe it MN: My perfect day would be with the whole family. We would start with a morning hike in the mountains, but end the day watching the sun go down over the ocean.

SL: What’s the one song that means the most to you? MN: The Light Meets the Dark by Tenth Avenue North. It is a beautiful song about hope and healing.

SL: What advice would you give to your younger self about Motherhood? MN: I would tell my younger self that she is stronger than she thinks. Confidence is a hard thing, but it gets easier with age.

SL: Is there a quote, saying, words of advice or scripture you consider words to live by?

MN: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

SL: If you could share a meal with any woman past, present or future who would it be? Why? MN: I think that a ladies lunch with my great grandmother, Pearl, who I never met and my future great granddaughter would be an amazing experience!

SL: What Mom from real-life or even TV/movies do you admire most? MN: I have so many inspiring moms in my life—so I cannot choose just one! My mom for being so strong, loyal, and loving; my sister and sisterin-law for being such devoted mothers to my niece and nephews; my best friend for showing me you can have a successful career and be a wonderful mom, too; and so many others I wish I could tell you about. I think all moms are to be admired!

SL: At the end of a long day, what do you do for fun or relaxation? MN: Snuggle up to a good movie with my daughter and pups— nothing better!

– Momilies Column –Would you like to answer 20 questions about motherhood and becoming a mom? If so, you could be featured here in our next Momilies column with your kids and family. Our photographer will take professional photos of you all for the article as well. We even give you some to keep! Please send an email with your contact to: elena@societylifemagazine.com

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DateBook GOT AN UPCOMING EVENT? SEND IT TO US... We List It Free Free event listings available on a first-come, first-served basis. Include the name of your event, date, time, location, the ticket pricing, contact info, website, a brief explanation of any event activities. Finally please email your complete listing to us at: societylifemag@verizon.net. Use ‘SL Datebook’ in the subject line. We need information at least 45 days before the event. 68 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com ...................... INDEPENDENCE DAY TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2023 ......................

NOW THRU SEPT 4 • GAYLORD TEXAN SUMMER OF MORE • Are you ready for summer? At the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, the adventures are endless! Discover thrilling water parks, join a fantastical pirate crew, and save with our summer stay offers. You’ll find everything you need for a perfect getaway. More adventure. What will you find just around the bend on your next adventure? The princess’s lost gems, the pirate’s hideout, or maybe a locked escape room? Discover it all in our Pirates & Princesses- themed activities. More thrills. Race your friends to the bottom of the waterslides at our thrilling waterparks! More relaxation. Find relaxing rejuvenation of mind, body and soul at our award-winning spas. More flavors. Delectable cuisine sure to delight at an array of world-class restaurants. Explore a summer of more options by visiting them at: gaylordtexan.com/summerfest


Colleyville’s annual patriotic celebration is back on Friday, June 23 at the south grounds of City Hall at 100 Main Street in Colleyville to provide a free concert and fireworks show for all. American country music star Darryl Worley will be the featured artist at the annual Stars & Guitars event. This year’s concert will take place on Friday, June 23 with food trucks opening service at 7pm. The event will include fun carnival rides, balloons, food trucks, caricature artists, and much more! Darryl Worley will take the stage at 8pm and the evening will conclude with a spectacular fireworks display! Visit: colleyville.com

JULY 1 • KELLER LIGHTS • Keller Parks & Recreation is looking forward to the third annual Keller Lights! This spectacular event celebrating American independence will run from 4-10pm on Saturday, July 1 at Keller Town Hall located at 1100 Bear Creek Pkwy. Enjoy live entertainment including Keller Area Youth Jazz Orchestra, Bailey Swayden, Hotdog Eating Contest, Ben Hatton, Mayor and Council comments and then Trumpet Soloist—and finally 9:45pm fireworks. Event attendees may bring their own food and drinks to enjoy. A variety of food trucks and drink vendors will also be on site to serve you! Visit: kellerlights.com


It’s that time of year again! Southlake’s annual Stars & Stripes celebration is right around the corner, and preparations for the highly anticipated event are in full-swing. This year’s event will be held on Monday, July 3, 2023, from 5-11pm in Southlake

Town Square. Start making plans with family and friends to come see what the Freedom Fun buzz is about! Relax and enjoy the day with music and activities for all ages—like activities, games and entertainment for the kids. Attendees will enjoy concessions to entertain every palate, and Frank Edgar Cornish, IV Park will play host to a variety of activities for all ages and live music from The Inspiration Band. Kids young and old will enjoy a spectacular fireworks show that incorporates music from patriotic favorites and pop hits. Enjoy this free family event with a fireworks show launched from the top floor of the West Parking Garage at 9:30pm. Visit: StarsAndStripesSouthlake.com .................................................................


E ach year, Addison Kaboom Town! has been ranked as one of the top fireworks displays in the country! Join us on Mon., July 3, 2023, from 5-11pm at Addison Circle Park. Since 1985, this Independence Day celebrations has been held in Addison. Each year 500,000 guests from across the country converge on this small town to view the incredible Addison Airport Airshow, followed by a spectacular fireworks display. Whether enjoyed from a restaurant watch party, hotel balcony, or the award-winning festival in Addison Circle Park, attendees are sure to be immersed in patriotic revelry! Fireworks show begins at 9:30pm. Addison Circle Park is located at 4970 Addison Circle Drive in Addison, Texas 75001. A list of watch parties is on the website. Concessions are available in the park. The tickets are free, but are required to attend the party in Addison Circle Park. Tickets will be available online at 10am on June 21. For more visit: AddisonKaboomTown.com

JULY 3 • THE ROANOKE ALL AMERICAN FIREWORKS & FESTIVAL • Join the City of Roanoke for the annual July 3rd Independence Day celebration. The free family fun event includes: bounce houses, face painting, contests, giveaways, a concert with Emerald City band, pie eating contest, games and a giant fireworks display. This year, the event will be held on historic Oak Street in downtown Roanoke from 5-11pm on July 3rd. For more event information please visit: roanoketexas.com

JULY 3 • NORTHEAST TARRANT FAMILY 4TH FIREWORKS SHOW • This year’s Northeast Tarrant Family 4th event will take place on Monday, July 3, 2023. This year's event will feature: Family Fun with Bounce Houses and Food Trucks from 5-9pm, Texas AllStar Jazz Orchestra Concert 7:30-9pm,

and Fireworks & Drone Show at 9:30pm. Fireworks can be viewed from the parking lots of the Wiley G. Thomas Coliseum, 6108 Broadway Avenue in Haltom City, and BISD Plaza, 6351 Boulevard 26 in North Richland Hills. Parking will be available on a first come first served basis, so plan to come early. Vehicles will not be allowed to park along the street. Feel free to bring chairs, blankets, and games for the family to play while waiting for the fireworks. However, no outdoor cooking or grilling devices and no alcohol or personal fireworks will be permitted. In the event of inclement weather, all festivities and the fireworks show will be rescheduled to Wednesday, July 5th. This free patriotic event is made possible thanks to the support of the cities of Haltom City, North Richland Hills, Richland Hills, and Watauga as well as the event title sponsors: Five Star Ford and Medical City North Hills. northeast family 4th logo

JULY 4 • GRAPEVINE’S FOURTH FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZA • Celebrate America’s birthday at this year’s July 4th Fireworks Extravaganza complete with spectacular fireworks set to patriotic music. Fireworks begin at 9:30pm on July 4th. Viewing locations listed below include some of Grapevine’s lakeside parks and are subject to change. Parking or entry fees may apply. The schedule of events and lakeside viewing areas including maps is at: grapevinetexasusa.com

JULY 4 • FORT WORTH’S FOURTH • Tarrant Regional Water District is proud to once again bring you the Texas-sized fireworks show and festival, Fort Worth’s Fourth! Join us for the 16th year of this Independence Day celebration along the banks of the Trinity River at Panther Island Pavilion and enjoy an evening of festival food, cold drinks, kids’ activities, live music, and an amazing fireworks show. Space out along the banks of the Trinity River at Panther Island Pavilion and enjoy an evening of festival food, drinks, kid activities, live music and a fireworks show. Gates to the event open at 5pm and the admission is free! For schedule of events and parking info, visit: fortworthsfourth.com

Event listings are first-come, first-served. Please include your event’s name, date, time, location, ticket pricing, contact information, website, and a brief explanation. We ask 45 days advance notice of your event. Please email listing to us at: elena@societylifemagazine.com

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70 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com

Addison Kaboom Town!

Light Up The Sky on this 3rd of July!

Sparkle, glitter, pop, and KABOOM! Nothing says, “Happy Birthday, America,” like an old-fashioned firework show. This July 3rd, get ready to be dazzled by one of the country’s “Largest and Longest Fireworks Shows - Addison Kaboom Town!®” This spectacular fireworks display is ranked top 10 by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Travel + Leisure Magazine, People.com, and American Pyrotechnics Association. More than half-million guests from across the nation will pour into Addison’s 4.4 square miles to witness 25 minutes of impressive fireworks and a massive 3-minute finale. Presented by Luzianne Tea, Addison Kaboom Town! is a complete show that can be seen from anywhere in town. Created annually by Pyroshows, the fireworks are painstakingly choreographed to an annual soundtrack, with each crescendo and tempo change matched with pyrotechnic technology. The show is also simulcast across the region on radio station STAR 102.1, so the music can be synchronized wherever viewed. Be prepared to be astounded, for there is more to this show in the sky than just fireworks! The pre-show will include high-energy music performed by Razzmajazz Dixie Jazz Band, the ensemble bands of the 36th Infantry Division, and Texas’ most popular party band, Emerald City, who will perform before and after the fireworks. The Addison Airport will put on an outstanding airshow featuring a fantastic array of historic warbirds from the Cavanaugh Flight Museum, skydivers in formation, and some of the country’s most talented aerobatic pilots. Planes will take off from the Addison Airport and follow a visible flight path throughout Addison and neighboring areas. The celebration is citywide, with memorable views from almost any point. Many of Addison’s 200+ restaurants and 22 hotels will host special watch parties, offering spectators a unique experience with live music, food specials, and more. Families viewing the fireworks from Addison Circle Park can enjoy cooling off at the Guidepost Montessori Kaboom Lagoon, a free, fun zone featuring water attractions and more.

WHO: Since 1985 one of the nation’s most impressive and unique Independence Day celebrations has been held in Addison, Texas. Each year approximately 500,000 guests from across the country converge on this small town to view the incredible Addison Airport Airshow, followed by a spectacular fireworks display. Whether enjoyed from a restaurant watch party, hotel balcony, or the award-winning festival in Addison Circle Park, attendees are sure to be immersed in patriotic revelry! Addison Kaboom Town is the nation’s most impressive and unique Independence Day Celebration.


• The Longest and Largest Firework Show!

• Citywide Celebration & Memorable Views!

• Free Fun Water Zone at Kaboom Lagoon

• Special Watch Parties Hosted at Restaurants & Hotels

• 200 + Restaurants and 22 Hotels

• Wide Selection of Food & Beverage Options

• Incredible Airshow with Specialty Stunt Displays, Parachute Jumpers, and More!

• High-Energy Music



Monday, July 3rd, 2023 from 5 pm until 11pm



Event entrance located at corner of Quorum Drive and Addison Circle

• 5pm: Park Gates Open, Razzmajazz Dixie Jazz Band performs

• 6pm: 36th Infantry Division, Rock B4 Dawn

• 7pm: 36th Infantry Division, Rhythm N’ Boots

• 7:30pm: Addison Air Show

• 8pm: Presentation of the Colors & National Anthem

• 8:30pm: Music by Emerald City

• 9:30pm: Addison Kaboom Town! Fireworks presented by Luzianne Tea

• 10pm: Emerald City After Show


AddisonKaboomTown.com/ tickets

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SL 6 Questions About

WHERE: Addison Circle Park located at: 4970 Addison Circle Drive, Addison, Texas 75001. The event entrance is located at the corner of Quorum Drive and Addison Circle.

WHEN: Monday, July 3rd, 2023 from 5-11pm


• 5pm: Park Gates Open; Razzmajazz Dixie Jazz Band performs

6pm: 36th Infantry Division – Rock B4 Dawn

7pm: 36th Infantry Division – Rhythm N’ Boots

7:30pm: Addison Air Show

8pm: Presentation of the Colors & National Anthem

8:30pm: Music by Emerald City

9:30pm Addison Kaboom Town! Fireworks

10pm: Emerald City After Show

WHY: The real question is why not!? Texans have always known that Addison Kaboom Town! is one of the best fireworks shows in the country, and now the world will know. Recently, Texas’ most famed fireworks event was named a winner in the 2023 USA TODAY 10 Best Readers’ Choice travel award contest for Best Place to See Fireworks. Addison Kaboom Town! joins other great fireworks events across the country and is the perfect way to celebrate this patriotic holiday—flights, sights, an amazing night!

HOW: Far from ordinary and close to everything, Addison is the perfect place to celebrate! At the center of it all, there are 200 + reasons Addison is known as the restaurant capital of the world. With 22 hotels and 200,000+ square feet of meeting space, Addison has you covered. Their 12-acre party in the park makes the fireworks show even better. Many spectators choose to get a room to avoid the traffic from this popular event. Free advanced online tickets are required for entry at addisonkaboomtown.com/tickets ..........................................................................................................


• Tickets are required to attend the limited-capacity party in Addison Circle Park. All ages, including toddlers and infants, require a free ticket to enter Addison Circle Park. Tickets will be available online to the general public at 10am on June 21st.


• Book an Addison Kaboom Town! Hotel Package and enjoy quality accommodations, a complimentary neck cooling towel, guaranteed admission for up to 6, and a park entrance fast lane. Guests will receive a hotel package voucher at hotel check-in to present at the event to receive package items. Learn more: addisonkaboomtown.com/hotel-packages ..........................................................................................................

EVENT NOTES: The event will be held rain or shine. Concessions are available in the park. Guests are encouraged to leave coolers and bags at home to expedite entry into the park. Those choosing to bring coolers must limit the size to small, personal coolers. Absolutely no alcohol can be brought into or out of Addison Circle Park. Beer and wine will be available for sale within the park.


TRAFFIC NOTES: The popularity of the Addison Kaboom Town! fireworks show may cause some traffic delays, specifically following the fireworks show. Book your hotel rooms now! Addison hotels quickly fill up for this annual event. Spectators are encouraged to spend the night in Addison at any of our hotels or remain at their favorite restaurant till traffic subsides. ..........................................................................................................

PARKING NOTES: Free Festival Parking is available in select garages near Arapaho Road and the Dallas North Tollway, and handicap parking is available at the DART parking lot at Quorum Drive and Arapaho Road.

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– – – –Addison Kaboom Town! ® | addisonkaboomtown.com | 1-800-ADDISON – – – –
74 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com TopTables dining guide WHERE LOCALS GO j Don’t Miss Our New Listings Label ......................................................... Submit your Top Tables listing suggestions by emailing: societylifemag@verizon.net We will check it out and then list it for free. j New Listings $ Entrees under $10 $$ Entrees under $20 $$$ Entrees $25+ B Serving Breakfast L Serving Lunch D Serving Dinner R Patio Dining WLG REVIEW - PAGE 80: Ben’s Cookies

AMERICAN / ECLECTIC ......................................

Babe’s Chicken Dinner House • Fried chicken as good as grandma’s, but she’s got better things to do, like chow down on unlimited sides. Warm biscuits with butter and honey are reason to go. • Roanoke and NRH babeschicken.com $ L D

Blue 22 Sports Grill • Locally owned, family gathering spot with a scratch kitchen offering prime sporting events—what more could you ask for? This is a perfect family friendly sports bar! • Trophy Club blue22sportsgrill.com $-$$ L D R

Chef Point Modern Bar & Restaurant • Fine dining redefined. With indoor and outdoor dining spaces, they accommodate private and semi-private parties. Catering available. • Colleyville chefpointcafe.org $-$$ (Brunch) L D

Chill Restaurant & Bar • Sports headquarters for business meetings, company parties, wedding receptions and rehearsals, birthdays and anniversaries. Outdoor patio, live music and ladies night. • Grapevine chillgrapevine.com $ L D R

Craft & Vine • Stunning indoor-outdoor watering hole. Everything from expansive beer and wine choices to a menu of shareable plates invites conversation. Happy hour with martinis and sunsets. • Roanoke craftandvine.restaurant $$ L D R

FnG Eats • American grill comfort cuisine serving memories with a twist. A decidedly casual neighborhood spot where you get both a good burger and a dressed-up plate of mussels. The bar is just as vibrant. • Keller fngeats.com $$ ((runch) L D R

HG Sply Co. • Healthy has never been more indulgent. Using all-natural, minimally processed ingredients, the menu satisfies almost anything, whether you’re on a restricted diet or throwing caution to the wind. • Trophy Club hgsplyco.com $$ L D

Horizon 76 • Order a burger served “bone-in” or topped with mac and cheese and bacon, or chicken pot pie made with fried chicken chunks and crowned with a crispy chicken tender. Build s’mores. • Fort Worth horizon76.com $$ L D

Leela’s Wine Bar • Wine should be easy, eco-friendly and enjoyable—that’s why their wine is on tap. Tap is less bottles, less waste, consistent quality—glass after glass. Consider this your new wine bar. • Trophy Club leelaswinebar.com $$ D

Mason & Dixie • Celebrating all things Southern—a neighborhood gathering place. Take them up on their BYOB invite when shrimp and grits is on their specials board. • In Grapevine Antique Market facebook.com/masonanddixie $ L

Stone House Restaurant • Regionally inspired, locally sourced proteins and a chef’s garden. Sharables, craft beer, cocktails, wine, chops. Must-try 1200-degree broiled steak. • Colleyville stonehouse-restaurant.com $$-$$$ D

TruFire Kitchen & Bar • Consistent menu, exemplary burger of akaushi beef or truffle-scented mac and cheese. Banana split and handcrafted cocktails are a must. Gluten free and vegetarian menus. • Southlake trufire.us $$ B L D

ASIAN / SUSHI / THAI ....................................

Cowtown Sushi • Unexpectedly refined sushi and sashimi. They’ve had “hidden gem” status for way too long. Chefs are eager to impress diners, making this an environment to expand your palate. • Southlake cowtownsushi.com $-$$ L D

Foster’s Sushi, Seafood, Bar & Grill • Creative style to fill your appetite. Indoor and outdoor bar with friendly staff and total of 10 flat screen TVs to suit all sports fans, plus happy hour from 3-6pm. • Roanoke fostersushi.com $-$$ L D

Honey Teriyaki • Quality Japanese food—teriyaki and sushi. Many sauces made from scratch with honey—hence the name. Large portions, reasonable prices, friendly service, legit food. • Colleyville tinyurl.com/honeyteriyaki $-$$ L D

j Hush Sushi • Posh location with elevated sushi and drink menu. Don’t miss their Wagyu burger. Foodies will flock to Hush for happy hour specials and their vast selection of Maki, Nigiri and Sashimi. • Keller hushkeller.com $$-$$$ L D

Maki & Poké • Sushi rolls and Hawaiian bowls—here you don’t have to choose! Incredibly fresh and generous sushi rolls. BYOB (build your own bowl) is a fav. Very deserving of their many 5-star ratings! • NRH tinyurl.com/nrhpoke $-$$ L D

Malai Kitchen • Thai-Vietnamese mash-up—with silky curries, sriracha made in-house. Imaginative beverage program with house-brewed beers. A rand finale, Mango Sticky Rice Smash. • Southlake malaikitchen.com $$-$$$ L D

My Lan Vietnamese Kitchen • Big, steaming bowls of pho, heaping rice plates and rows of crispy egg rolls. Vietnamese staples are soulful and flavorful with reasonable prices . • Colleyville my-lan-vietnamese-kitchen.business.site $ L D

Thailicious • Authentic Thai in a contemporary, relaxed environment. Soft shell crab, creamy curries, Crying Tiger and pad Thai. Seek out tom yum-inspired martinis and mojitos. • Southlake ThailiciousSouthlake.com $$ L D

V’s House • Family-owned Vietnamese restaurant offering upscale takes on classic dishes—plus surprises. You’ll find staples of Vietnamese cuisine, including pho varieteies—all made in-house. Creative cocktail menu. • NRH vshouse.net $-$$ L D

Wine:30 • Wine bar featuring Texas wineries/wine makers, complimented by wines from California, France, and Italy— also offering a handful of locally brewed craft beers, flatbreads and charcuterie board pairings. • Roanoke w30.wine $-$$ L D


Axiom Coffee • Coffee house with purpose. Organic beans sourced from small Honduras producers from a farm run by World Gospel Outreach employing single moms to harvest and supports an orphanage. • NFW axiomcoffee.com $ B L D

j Ben’s Cookies • Founded in 1983 in Oxford, England— lovingly brought to Texas! Freshly baked with chocolate chunks “not chips.” It’s all about making the very best cookies they can, every single day. • Grapevine benscookies.us $-$$

Board + Brie • A curated array of noshables that pair perfectly with wine and talk. Cheese and charcuterie grazing boxes and boards, crowd-pleasing fare or feasts for one. Pick up or delivery. Catering for tables. • Roanoke boardbrie.com $$-$$$ L D

Brew & Batter • Locally owned, stand alone house serving good coffee! Not to mention waffles! There offer two bases— cornbread and a liege waffle (a european waffle made with yeast daily) • Grapevine brew-batter.business.site $ B L D

Buzzed Bull Creamery • Made-to-order, alcoholic and nonalcoholic frozen dessert and coffee company—harnessing the power of liquid nitrogen to bring a one-of-a-kind-experience to guests. • Grapevine buzzedbullcreamery.com $ L D

Alli’s Sweet Shop • Delicious cake pops for any event, celebration or just because! They deliver your bouquet just like a florist and brighten the day of any recipient! Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, treats. • Southlake cakepopsbyalli.com $ L D

Creative Memories Bakery • Cupcakes, smash cakes, wedding, birthday, graduation, shower, gender reveal and baby shower cakes, petit fours, cookies, brownies, cake balls/pops, ding dongs. • Fort Worth yourcakeplace.com $-$$

Moxie’s Grill & Bar

• Crowd pleaser serving globallyinspired fare like Thai curry bowls, tuna ceviche, steak frites. Fun, sophisticated setting that’s equal parts sports bar and eclectic brasserie. • Southlake us.moxies.com $$-$$$ L D

Next Wood Fired Bistro & Vino Bar • Intimate, and refined restaurant serving everything from simple roasted chicken or crab cakes, to lamb tagine or surf and turf. Acclaimed wine program. • Colleyville nextwoodfiredbistro.com $$$ L D

Oak Street Food and Brew • Food hall with chef-driven food—from fish and chips to overstuffed baked potatoes, to craft bbq. Expansive in and out—gathering place for groups.

• Roanoke oakstreetfoodandbrew.com $-$$ B L D

PIAF Kitchen+Wine+Bar • From power lunch to happy hour, to a romantic date night. Weekends start with buffet brunch and end with drinks on rooftop bar. Flatbreads, seafood, steak. • Grapevine piafkitchen.com $$-$$$ (Brunch) L D

Sky Creek Grill • In Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club—bistro dishes with contemporary western flair. Steak, salmon, pasta, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, cold beer. Restaurant and bar open to public.

• Keller skycreekranch.com $-$$ B L D

Sky Creek Kitchen + Bar • Sky Creek embodies casual elegance with sleek, understated décor—prime destination for a special celebration, family dinner, romantic evening, or afterwork drinks.

• Southlake skycreekkitchen.com $-$$ L D

Social Oak Wine & Whiskey Lounge • 21+ lounge with a speakeasy vibe, comfy patio, state-of-the-art wine and whiskey pouring systems, amazing tapas style dishes—an experience like no other. • Trophy Club socialoaklounge.com $$-$$$ D R

NAPA Thai Asian Cuisine • Unique Thai restaurant that offers a glimpse of traditional Thai culture—where balance and harmony come together in a relaxing, yet elegant atmosphere. • Colleyville napathaicuisine.com $-$$ L D

Noodles @ Boba Tea House • Generously portioned, skillfully prepared Vietnamese, pan-Asian dishes. Try the spicy beef noodle soup, Thai beef salad and the Mocha Madness smoothie. • Fort Worth noodlesbth.com $ L D

Sabai Sabai Southeast Asian Kitchen • Expect pad Thai, massaman curry, pho, also explore Lao beef jerky, steamed fish or a marinated beef salad. Dine in or takeout. Food packs plenty of flavor. • Grapevine sabaisabaikitchen.com $ L D

Saikou Sushi & Ramen • Well-executed Japanese cuisine. Slurp tonkotsu ramen, pork-forward broth, superb vegetable ramen, classic miso, shoyu and shio varieties. Sushi and bento boxes. • Alliance saikousushiramen.com $-$$ L D

j Sea Siam Thai • Food captures the essence of Thailand. Using the freshest ingredients with traditional Thai cooking techniques, you can sip tea while browsing menu of the finest Thai foods.

• Keller seasiamrestaurant.com $$ L D

Sushi Dojo • Premier fast-casual sushi restaurant specializing in party trays, office/event catering, and food truck service. Known for sushi tacos and burritos. Delicious, affordable, high quality sushi. • Southlake sushidojodfw.com $-$$ L D

Sushi Nomi • Modern Japanese with inventive sushirolls, ramen, teriyaki and more, plus beer and wine. Choose from delicious lunch options like bento boxes, fried rice, sushi specials. • Fort Worth facebook.com/SushiNomiTexas $-$$ L D

Crumbl Cookies • Giant cookies delivered! Chocolate chip, chilled sugar cookie and rotating flavors like key lime pie, salted caramel cheesecake, birthday cake or German chocolate. Open ‘til midnight! • Southlake crumblcookies.com $

Doughlicious • Offering scoops of raw, safe-to-eat dough in chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, sugar cookie, banana pudding and s’mores. Grab a multi-pack of mini scoops to share. • Grapevine doughlicioususa.com $

Dr. Sue’s Chocolate • Doctor by trade, master chocolatier at heart, Dr. Sue Williams crafts the finest chocolate specimens you’ve ever had. Delightful creations like chocolate bark, truffles, and chocolate bars. • Grapevine drsueschocolate.com $

j GOrganic Eats • High quality, organic, non-GMO, real food and drinks offered with the knowledge to empower you to make informed decisions as to what goes in your body (formerly DessertsRx). • Colleyville dessertsrx.com $ B L D

Hey Sugar Candy Shop • Bulk candies and popcorn, syrups and flavorings from an old-fashioned soda fountain. Chocolates by Nib Chocolates. Ice cream made in a machine from the 1920s. • Roanoke heysugarcandy.com $-$$

JudyPie • Time-tested recipes, anchored by shortbread crust, elevate flavors like apple, pecan, buttermilk, banana cream into their best versions. By the slice or whole (large or small rounds). Gluten free, vegan, paleo. • Grapevine judypie.com $ L D

• NFW sportscitytaverna.com $-$$ (Brunch) L D R

j Sports City Taverna • A menu strong on options—wood fired pizza, street tacos, burgers, brunch. Whether your team wins or loses, you’re a winner with the best food and drinks in the city

Sushi Sam • Lunch deals like loaded bento boxes. Management is always warm and personable, which is reflected in their friendly service. Amazing salmon skin rolls (not the easiest to pull off). • Southlake sushisam.net $ L D

Juice Junkies • No need to be a health nut to appreciate juice blends, smoothies, whole food snacks and cold-brewed coffee drinks, but they just might convert you. Cold-pressed. Restocked regularly. • Keller juicejunkies.com $ B L

(continued on next page)

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Kindred Coffee Co. • A love for craft coffee and local community—they find the best coffee and roast it at their shop. Stop by for a cup, fresh salad, gelato or one of their pastries.• North Richland Hills kindredcoffeeco.com $ B L D

‘Lette Macarons • Elegant French sandwich cookies readymade for gifting. Endlessly customizable. Offers a selection of fine shortbread cookies and will soon offer macaron ice cream sandwiches. • Southlake lettemacaron.com $

Native Coffee + Kitchen • Refreshing, independent voice serving unapologetic interpretations of comfort food favs—pancakes, tacos, burgers and nachos—alongside coffee made with Texas-roasted bean. nativeck.com $ B L D

Nothing Bundt Cakes • Made fresh daily using eggs, butter and cream cheese. Bite-sized Bundtinis, single serving Bundtlets, 8” and 10” cakes and double-tiered cakes. Daily samples show how yummy it is! • Southlake nothingbundtcakes.com $

Personalized Grazing • Specializing in customized charcuterie boards and personalizing your culinary experiences, they offer classes, gifts, filled and unfilled boards, even custom boards. • Southlake personalizedgrazing.com $-$$$ B L D

Redefined Coffee House • Locals gather for birthdays, meetings, and conversation—and everyone sips macchiatos and iced lattes made with Avoca coffee beans. • Grapevine redefinedcoffeehouse.com $ B L D

Texas Harvest Pie Co. • Small pie shop feels like home. Lovingly crafted pies like apple, blueberry, buttermilk, key lime taste like grandmas if she’s an expert baker. Serving lunch. • Keller facebook.com/texasharvestpiecompany $-$$

j To Chai For • To Chai For is a go-to for satisfying cravings! Serving coffee, chai lattes, paninis, scones, and waffles—every sip and bite is full of flavor, and made from scratch. Nothing prepackaged ever! • Keller coffeekeller.com $ B L D

BARBECUE ........................................................

Back Forty Smokehouse • Brisket, ribs, full bar, outdoor patio, friendly service, locally owned—should we keep going. Back Forty is conveniently located next to the new Tex Rail train station. • NRH backfortysmokehouse.com $-$$ L D

Feedstore BBQ • Local fav with quality meats and the freshest veggies available. Ridiculously good chopped beef, chicken, sausage and fall-off-the-bone ribs, fried okra, spicy beans and amazing rolls. • NRH feedstorebbq.com $-$$ L D R

Hard Eight Pit BBQ • Authentic mesquite barbecue. Award winning cuisine. “Old World” slow cooking over pits adopted from German settlers who came to the Texas Hill Country long ago. • Roanoke hardeightbbq.com $-$$ L D R

Meat U Anywhere BBQ • “Meating” your BBQ and catering needs. Slow smoked with seasoned oak and hickory. Exclusive sides, special offerings, ultimate breakfast tacos • Grapevine and Trophy Club meatuanywhere.com $-$$ B L D R

Red Barn Bar-B-Que • Best all you can eat catfish on Friday nights, and sausage and turkey around town. Rustic counter service with generous plates and comfort grub in. • Colleyville redbarnbarbque.com $-$$ L D

BREAKFAST (+ lunch/dinner) .............................

Another Broken Egg Cafe • Twists on Eggs Benedict and Omelettes, Biscuit Beignets, Cinnamon Roll French Toast and much more. Brunch is the most important meal of the week! • Southlake anotherbrokenegg.com $-$$ B (Brunch) L

Bacon’s Bistro & Cafe • Breakfast diner with really good service, food and company—sandwiches, soups and salads for lunch. It’s common to have a wait on weekends because it’s just that darn good! • Hurst baconsbistroandcafe.com $$ B L

Black Walnut Cafe • Classic fare, upscale flair. Handcrafted sandwiches to chilled local craft brews to swirly rows of gelato. Open for breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner every day of the week. • Colleyville blackwalnutcafe.com $-$$ B L D

DeVivo Bros. Eatery • Rustic comfort food on Americanized menu with Italian flair. Bold flavor, large portions, meatloaf, pastas, sandwiches with rustic simplicity and refined elegance. • Keller devivobroseatery.com $-$$ B L D

Kassandra’s Mexican Kitchen • Hidden gem. Great lunch with well-priced specials. Tortillas live up to the name. Put it on your list for breakfast, served all day. Breakfast quesadilla, beans and potatoes—a good reason to get up early! • Keller $ B L D

Main Street Bistro & Bakery (Bistro M) • Local gem with foodie following (and a Gallic accent). Chocolate bomb cake that makes your toes curl. Best croissants. Must-try pastries and desserts • Grapevine themainbakery.com $$ B L D

Mangos Breakfast Brunch

• French toast, chicken, waffles, omelets. Taking shots at convention with duck bacon burgers, s’mores waffles, skillets with chicken fried steak, stuffed avocados. • Southlake, Keller mangosbb.com $$ B (Brunch) L

Oldwest Cafe • Big menu, big portions, good value. Saddle up that horse and hit the trail for Oldwest Cafe... pretty darn sure ya’ might like it! Breakfast served all day long (or until we go home for the day)! • Grapevine oldwestcafe.us $ B L

Rush Bowls • Smoothies in a bowl with fruit and toppings. Featuring all-natural fruit and açai blended until thick and creamy, these are a healthy alternative dessert or a perfect meal. Perfect refueling stop. • Keller rushbowls.com $ B L D

Seven Mile Café • Fans flock for specialty pancakes, Gouda grits, egg dishes and Stumptown coffee. You cannot go wrong with benedicts or the pancake sampler. Vegan and gluten-free options. sevenmilecafe.com $-$$ B (Brunch) L

Stevie’s Diner • A unique, family-owned and operated throwback dining experience. Whether you’re in the mood for a delicious breakfast or lunch, head over to Stevie’s Diner. • North Fort Worth steviesdiner.com $ B L

Starwood Cafe • Specializing in breakfast and lunch at eight locations around DFW, and serving breakfast all day—this is your new brunch destination. Vast menu serving all your favs. • Trophy Club, NRH starwoodcafe.com $-$$ B L

Sunny Street Café • Serving hearty American fare—with gluten-free options. Dine-in or carry-out, this is your neighborhood destination for fresh, wholesome food and friendly service served daily. • Roanoke sunnystreetcafe.com $-$$ B L

Toasted Yolk • Perfectly poached eggs, strip after strip of crunchy bacon, layer upon layer of turkey and pastrami—these are delicacies we dream about at night, and they’re the ones we want to wake up to! • Keller thetoastedyolk.com $-$$ B L

Townhouse Brunch • Twists on omelettes, benedicts, pancakes, salads, sandwiches. Lean sweet (banana Nutella crepes) or savory (“everything spiced” avocado toast), your cravings is covered. • Colleyville townhousebrunch.com $$ B (Brunch) L

BRITISH ...........................................................

From Across the Pond • Get your British classics—fish and chips, bangers and mash, shepherd’s pie and more—plus, burgers, sandwiches, pastas and salads from beyond the pond. • Colleyville acrossthepond.site $ L D

The Londoner Pub and Grill • Pub turning out English classics like fish and chips, shepherd’s pie, and bangers and mash with confidence. Their decor screams typical English pub. • Colleyville thelondonerpub.com $$ L D

BURGERS / SANDWICHES ................................

Bottlecap Alley Icehouse Grill • 100% Fresh Angus Beef, name brand quality meats, whole veggies chopped in-house daily and local artisan buns. A place where kids and adults co-mingle successfully. • Grapevine bottlecapalley.com $ L D

Chick & Biscuit • Southern food done right! Home-style comfort food—from spicy hot chicken to pulled pork, brisket, and sausage gravy, the menu honors the South. Inside Harvest Hall. • Grapevine chickandbiscuit.com $$ L D

Fred’s Texas Cafe • Nationally acclaimed hamburgers, fabulous chicken-fried steak, the coldest beer in town—that’s Fred’s—a beloved local dive that’s serious about food! • TCU, Fort Worth, NFW fredstexascafe.com $-$$ L D

Kincaid’s Hamburgers • Where friends meet to eat! Hypefree, good-old-burgers, ice cream shakes, deviled eggs, stuffed jalepenos, fried okra, chicken sandwiches, banana pudding. • Southlake and Alliance kincaidshamburgers.com $ L D

76 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com

LA Burger • Beautifully seared meat, thoughtful layering, oozy cheese, toasty buns—burgers executed with California flair. Tacos, fries, hot dogs, salads and shakes served counter-style, all with a fresh multi-culti twist.

• Keller la-burger.com $ L D

Old Town Ice House • Burgers, po-boys, wings, tacos, salads, artisan brews—celebrating the ice industry in its heyday, as well as the founding of Keller during that era. Raise an ice-cold glass with us!

• Keller oldtownicehouse.com $ L D

Ferrari’s Italian Villa & Chop House • Beautiful banquet and private dining. Bountiful antipasti bar. The roasted entrées from the wood fired oven are standouts. Desserts prepared tableside. • Grapevine ferrarisrestaurant.com $$ L D

Fireside Pies • Swanky pizza served in a casual environment. Who knew my favorite veggie pie (Peta Pie) would come from the same place as my favorite meaty pie (Triple ‘Roni)? • Grapevine firesidepies.com $ L D

Grimaldi’s Pizzeria • Brooklyn’s iconic pizza has now arrived—crust is perfectly thin and crisp and cheese and toppings first-rate. Brooklyn charm here to go with some excellent pizza. • Grapevine grimaldispizzeria.com $ L D

• Keller thepourshack.com $-$$ L D

The Pour Shack • Comes alive as the sun sets! Cover bands and DJs pump up the scene and the music at this big indoor/outdoor bar serving up burgers and drink specials. Your neighborhood bar.

The Station Patio Icehouse • Gathering place to enjoy good food, good drinks and good music. It’s everything you’d want your own backyard to be, with all the people you love and none of the work!

• Keller stationicehouse.com $$ L D

CAJUN ..............................................................

Bayou Jack’s Cajun Grill • Part soulfuajun, part vibrant cocktails, two parts bon temps. Jambalaya, po boys, grilled oysters, étouffée. Drink swamp juice, Hurricane Kris and Abita on tap.

• Roanoke bayoujackscajungrill.com $-$$ L D

Copeland’s • Authentic taste of the Big Easy adjacent to the Hilton Southlake lobby. Soul satisfying eggplant pirogue and mind-blowing bananas foster French toast. • (In the Hilton Hotel) Southlake copelandsofneworleans.com $-$$ B L D

The Lost Cajun • Real and authentic Cajun food from the gumbo and jambalaya to the fried seafood—it’s like you’re in Louisiana! Awesome frozen drinks and food you can taste!

• Keller thelostcajun.com $-$$ L D

GREEK .............................................................

Café Medi • Devoted fans—they give as much attention to vegetarian dishes as their succulent grilled and braised meats. BYOB. Salads, hummus, falafel and fool. Their lamb shanks really shine. • Keller and Hurst cafemedi.com $-$$ L D R

INDIAN .............................................................

F2 Fusion Flavors • F2 combines the sensibilities of the Middle East with Asia, offering Indian flavored Kebabs, lamb and even goat dishes for a global tour of cuisines and cultures. Daily buffet. • Southlake fusionflavors.site $-$$ L D

Mughlai Fine Indian Cuisine • Courtly cuisine of Mughal royalty—familiar dishes like lamb roghan josh and chicken tikka masala served alongside more obscure dishes from authentic Indian street fare. • Southlake mughlaidfw.com $$ L D

ITALIAN / PIZZA ..............................................

Armend’s Restaurante • Laid-back, family friendly pizza place reminiscent of Naples. Plenty of hearty Northern Italian favorites with great prices and friendly, family-owned service. • Southlake armendspizza.com $ L D

Bosses • Brick oven pizza using the finest cheese and meats— and freshest veggies. They set out to make the best pizza in town and some say it’s “The Best Darn Pizza in Texas.” • Lake Worth, NRH, North Fort Worth bossespizza.com $ L D

Brio Tuscan Grille • Buzzing from the shaded outdoor patio to the courtyard bar. Upscale enough for the date-night crowd, but casual enough for locals wandering in from their shopping.

• Southlake Town Square brioitalian.com $-$$ L D R

i Fratelli Pizza • Distinctive thin-n-crispy pizza, handmade sauces, dressings, dessert—favs for 30 years. Delivery committed to exceeding expectations with their exemplary service and fast delivery. • Southlake, Keller, NFW ifratelli.net $-$$ L D

j Jonny’s Pizza • At Jonny's Pizza, they only use the freshest ingredients in their New York-style hand-tossed pizzas. All of their tasty Italian cuisine and other dishes are made in-house as well. • Fort Worth jonnyspizzany.com $ L D

Inzo Italian Kitchen • Old-world menu with a new-world accent. Using fresh ingredients and doing things the way Nonna did years ago. One taste is all it takes to be amazed. Buon appetito! • Roanoke inzoitalian.com $-$$ L D R

Loveria Caffe • Emilia-Romagna is Italy’s premier destination for food lovers—premium pastas, cured meats, cheeses, wines, meatballs, lasagna, eggplant parm perfected centuries before landing right here. • Colleyville loveriacaffe.com $$ L D

Napoli’s Italian Café & Creamery • Italian-America classics in cozy historic Grapevine Main Street setting. Linger in or drop by the creamery for freshly made gelato and Italian desserts. • Grapevine napolisgrapevine.com $-$ L D

Oliva Italian Eatery • Italian staples rendered with verve— spaghetti and meatballs, lobster ravioli, anticipated featured items. Expertly curated wines at a remarkable value. Popular wine dinners. • North Fort Worth olivaeatery.com $$ L D

Palio’s Pizza Cafe • Food tastes better, and they swear it’s better for you with fresh ingredients made-from-scratch. Pizzas with pesto, artichoke hearts, chicken and mushrooms. • Keller, Colleyville, Grapevine paliospizzacafe.com $ L D R

Stellini Trattoria • Shareable arancini (crisp risotto balls) or taglieri (meat & cheese board). Housemade pastas and pizzas. Steaks and chops with polenta, gnocchi and potatoes. Creative cocktails. • Grapevine stellinitrattoria.com $$ L D

Vinny’s Italian Restaurant • Good food, great people. Like being invited to your Italian uncle’s house for dinner— serving authentic New York style pizza and Italian classics. • Roanoke vinnysrest.com $ L D

Wise Guys Pizzeria • Exceeding expectations and providing Fresh food, family hospitality, hard work, and a hands on approach to pizzas, pastas, premium drafts—all made from scratch. • Roanoke & Grapevine wiseguystx.com $$ L D

Zeppole • Refined pasta dishes, seafood and soulful renditions of Italian specialties showcased in an open setting that feels like your favorite outdoor patio. • Located inside the Gaylord Texan Resort Atrium gaylordtexan.com $$$ D

LATIN AMERICAN .............................................

Calabrese Ristorante and Bar

• Authentic Italian fare with ingredients imported from Italy—modern and traditional Italian dishes to please every palate. Wine list as seductive as the atmosphere. • Southlake ilcalabrese.com $$ L D

Coal Vines • Pizza wine bar separating good pizza from great—a perfect crunch and just a speckling of char. This pie was made for good vino. Fortunately, they have plenty of that on hand as well!

• Southlake coalvinespizza.com $ D R

Delucca Gaucho Pizza & Wine • Slice-after-slice of gourmet pizza—garlic picanha, shrimp and fontina, Turkish lamb— along with cheese or pepperoni—brought to your table oven hot. All you can eat perfection! delucca.com $$ D

Boca 31 • Drawing from Mexico, Peru, Caribbean, Americas— elevating street food with creative flare—barbacoa tacos to pulled pork to guava and cream cheese empanadas, the menu is anything but standard. • Keller boca31.com/keller $ L D

Del Campo Empanadas • Empanadas with savories like chicken, ham, spinach, picanha steak. Dipped in chimichurri it’s a no-fuss meal or grab-and-go snack. Pick up sweet treats here also. • Fort Worth delcampoempanadas.com $ L D


• Fine Latin cuisine that hints at humble mom and pop roots. Sleek design draws crowds as much for their pupusas and margaritas as for the weekend salsa dancing. • Colleyville and Southlake gloriasrestaurants.com $-$$ L D R

MEXICAN ...........................................................

• Elegant but unassuming with solid food and wine to back up the atmosphere. Italian classics headlined by popular pizzas, are Farina family recipes.

Farina’s Winery & Café

• Grapevine farinaswinery.com $-$$ L D

Baja Cantina • Coastal Mexican with seafood and amazing steaks. Fajitas are a fav, also fish tacos, spinach queso, frozen margaritas that make you swear you’re on vacation! • Watauga, NRH, Roanoke, Keller bajagrilldfw.com $-$$ L D R

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Cristina’s Fine Mexican • Lively setting, unique menu with Tex-Mex favorites, as well as unique central Mexican dishes. Must-have margaritas. • NRH, Trophy Club, Southlake, Flower Mound and Lewisville cristinasmex.com $ L D R

Elote Mexican Kitchen • Little taqueria with style. Slow roasted meats, fresh ingredients, marvelous margaritas. Entire menu is gluten free (except flour tortillas). Plus soy cheese and tofu sour cream. • North Fort Worth elotemex.com $ B L D

Enchiladas Olé • Specializing in enchiladas filled with chicken, cheese, veggies or beef, then topped with Perez’s famed sauces from a classic ancho chili to a rich queso. Tamales and happy hours. • NRH enchiladasole.com $-$$ L D

Esparza’s Restaurante Mexicano • Possibly the coolest patio scene in the area. Feast on Mexican classics, but don’t miss out on their famous margaritas, fajitas or their authentic Mexican favorites. • Grapevine esparzastexas.com $ L D R

Fresco’s • Vibrant joint serving traditional Mexican dishes and Tex-Mex using quality ingredients. Unmistakable flavor and freshness, and awesome margaritas. Fair prices. • Watauga frescosmexicanfood.com $ L D

Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen • From warm Gulf waters, the icy Alaskan coast, the mighty Atlantic and Pacific, they go to any depth to bring you the finest seafood available—all year long. • Grapevine pappadeaux.com $$-$$$ L D

Rockfish • Local favorites like the shrimp basket, fish tacos, wild copper river alaskan salmon, rock-a-rita margarita, schooners, and Mexican shrimp martinis. Great seafood—not a lot of clams. • Southlake rockfish.com $-$$ L D

Shuck Me • Seafood spot with bountiful fried baskets, peeland-eat shrimp, crawfish, oysters, po-boys, gumbo. Big portions. Plenty to choose from—perfect seafood fix without breaking the bank. • Southlake and Alliance shuckme.net $-$$ L D

The Blu Crab Seafood House and Bar • Inspired by travel and culture—offers vast menu of culinary delights using the freshest ingredients. Come in to and celebrate your senses! • Colleyville blucrabseafoodhouse.com $$-$$$ L D

Truluck’s Seafood, Steak & Crab House • Iconic for stone crab claws—beloved for freshness! Chic dining room hosts sophisticated dinners with inventive foodie twists served in the mix. • Southlake Town Square trulucks.com $$-$$$ L D


Los Molcajetes

• Start with warm tortilla chips and red or green salsa. Enjoy a margarita and a sizzling plate of fajitas, top it off with sopapillas, flan or fried ice cream—the ultimate Mexican comfort food! • Roanoke losmolcajetes.com $ L D

Manny’s Uptown Tex-Mex • Dragon-ritas, brisket tacos, signature queso, fajitas and enchiladas—perfect with a Manny’s Taxi. Weekend breakfast is a fav, happy hours and catering.• Southlake mannysuptowntexmex.com $$ B L D

Martha’s Mexican Cocina • Reliable Tex-Mex in a relaxed, setting with a great patio. Try brisket tacos and pollo poblano. Vegetarian options with daily specials and happy hour. • Keller marthasmexicancocina.com $ L D R

Mesa • Elevated coastal cuisine in a bright, elegant restaurant to match its vibrant, upscale menu. A magic touch with seafood, including lobster enchiladas, Mexican gumbo and chipotle shrimp. • Grapevine mesagrapevine.com $$-$$ D R

Mesero • Beyond Tex Mex, but lives up to its promise of Mexican Spirit American Life. One taste of the iconic Queso Mesero and brisket tacos will keep you coming back... don’t skip their amazing drinks! • Southlake mesero.net $$-$$ L D

Mi Cocina • The original see-and-be-seen spot is still a crowd favorite. A sleek but festive interior draws locals for “modern” enchiladas and first-rate Tex-Mex. • Southlake and Alliance mcrowd.com $-$$ L D R

Mi Dia From Scratch • Traditional Mexico City recipes with modern Santa Fe and Tex Mex flavors. Experience a true fusion of the past and present. • Grapevine, Plano, Flower Mound midiafromscratch.com $-$$ L D

So-Cal Tacos • Former food truck is now a great taco joint with the same delicious food and laid back vibe. The truck, Woody, paved the way for fresh tacos, delicious margarita, and ice cold beer. • Grapevine eatsocaltacos.com $ L D

SEAFOOD .........................................................

Big Fish Seafood • Fresh seafood, including lots of Cajun options, plus great drink specials and frequent live music in a rustic and relaxed setting. Known for treating all guests like family. • Grapevine bigfishgrapevine.com $-$$ L D

Bonefish Grill • A menu full of fresh flavors of the season and innovative dishes—specializing in seasonal fresh fish. Taste today’s freshest catch and try something new on each visit. • Southlake bonefishgrill.com $$-$$$ L (sat-sun) D (daily)

The Crab Station • Promises the best seafood in a family oriented experience. Have fun cracking and peeling with your hands—getting messy while you’re at it! Entrees, wings, kettles, shareables, peel-n-eat • NFW crab-station.com $-$$ L D

Fish City Grill • Menu of crawfish, Gulf and east coast oysters, and other fresh seafood selections. Favs like fish tacos, Gulf shrimp, renowned oyster nachos. Chalkboard specials are a great deal. • Southlake fishcitygrill.com $-$$ L D R

Bob’s Steak and Chop House • Bob’s is ranked as one of the top steakhouses in the country—and for good reason. The steaks are prime, the portions are big and the drinks are stiff. • Grapevine bobs-steakandchop.com $$$ L D

The Classic at Roanoke • Unlikely fine dining destination. Nicely focused menu serving grilled steaks and seafood. Worldclass food, casual atmosphere, family friendly environment. A true classic. • Roanoke theclassiccafe.com $-$$ L D R

Del Frisco’s Grille • Spend the day shopping the square before meeting for dinner and drinks. Luxurious dining room or patio. Local flavor—diverse menu has something for everyone. • Southlake delfriscosgrille.com $$-$$$ (Brunch) L D

Dino’s Steak & Claw House • Serving a variety of seafood, steak and poultry dishes in a vintage bank building along historic Main Street. This romantic spot also offers live piano music. • Grapevine dinossteakandclaw.net $$-$$$ D

Keller Chophouse • Signature dishes like fried calamari with tomato risotto, sides of truffle Parmesan fries, a roster of seafood, chicken and steaks (New York strip, bone-in ribeye, and filet mignon). • Keller kellerchophouse.com $$-$$$ D

Kirby’s Prime Steakhouse • Prime aged beef, the freshest seafood and uncomplicated sides. No wonder it’s a favorite for impressing out-of-towners—their kitchen rarely (if ever) gets it wrong. • Southlake kirbyssteakhouse.com $$-$$$ L D

Mac’s on Main • Southwestern, cajun and global influences. Steaks, signature prime rib and seafood. Cocktails, beer, 30+ single malt scotches, wine list. Locally owned and operated, oneof-a-kind. • Grapevine macsteak.com $$ (Brunch) L D

Old Hickory Steakhouse • Savor premium Black Angus Beef seared to perfection, sample artisanal cheeses from around the world, indulge in the Texas inspired wine cellar. Inside Gaylord Texan gaylordtexan.com $$-$$$ D

Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille • Vibrant twist on traditional steakhouse fare with unexpected specialties. Bar 79 offers handcrafted bites, fine wine, cocktails, beer, live music and patio seating. • Grapevine perryssteakhouse.com $$-$$$ D

j Sweetie Pies Ribeyes • Sweetie Pies steaks are cooked “Old Style” meaning the steak is fresh-cut, seasoned and seared at 550 degrees—locking in natural juices! Big menu goes well beyond steaks or burgers. • NRH sweetiepiesribeyes.com $-$$ L D

Winewood • American fare with modern flair: Waldorf salads, Dagwood club, Niman Ranch pork chops and chicken Cordon Bleu. Ideal for family meals, business lunches or celebrations. • Grapevine thewinewood.com $$ L D

Submit your favorite dining spots for consideration for a Where Locals Go Review and to be listed here in our Top Tables section. Please submit the restaurant name and location to us so we can check it out at: societylifemag@verizon.net. Bon appetit!

78 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com

The perfect Red, White and Blue treat for a Patriotic Party! This is the most festive 4th of July cake I’ve seen. I used almond extract so it tastes like wedding cake, but if you’d rather use 1 Tbsp vanilla be my guest. Some don’t like almond. I happen to love it. Just note vanilla extract is brown and will tint cake and frosting slightly whereas almond is clear and will give you that perfect white layer. I decorated with patriotic sprinkles, berries and cake sparklers. What screams 4th of July more than cake sparklers!? You need to be very careful when buying and using cake sparklers. Make sure they are food grade. TIP: My mom pointed out the colors are so vibrant. Grocery store food coloring isn’t this opaque. I always use Wilton food coloring available at a local craft store or Amazon.


2 cups granulated sugar

3 1/4 cups flour

2 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

3/4 cup unsalted butter, soft

1 1/4 cups milk, at room temperature

1/2 Tbsp almond extract

4 large eggs


(1) Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease and flour three 8” round cake pans.

(2) Whisk sugar, flour, baking powder and salt in large mixing bowl. ........................................................................................................

(3) Add butter to the mixer and beat until it looks sandy.

(4) Combine the milk and almond extract and add to the mixer. Mix on low speed until incorporated. Don’t forget to scrape the bowl as you go!

(5) Crack eggs into a bowl. This way, you won’t accidentally get egg shells in your cake batter. With the mixer running on low, add eggs one at a time. Make sure each is incorporated before adding the next. ........................................................................................................

(6) Reserve four cups of batter into two small bowls (two cups per bowl) and tint reserved batter desired shade of red and blue.


(7) Pour red, white, and blue batter into the three cake pans.

(8) Bake for 20-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Do NOT overbake. Set the time for earlier and check the cake every few minutes until the toothpick is clean.

(9) Remove tins from oven and place on racks. Cool 10 minutes, remove from pan, and cool completely.

(10) When cake has cooled, make the almond frosting according to the recipe below. Frost and decorate as desired. Serve with fresh berries.


1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature

5 cups powdered sugar, sifted

1 tsp almond extract

2-3 Tbsp milk

(1) Beat butter with electric mixer until nice and fluffy. Beat in two cups of powdered sugar until incorporated, then add almond extract.

(2) Beat in two more cups of powdered sugar until combined. Add a tablespoon of milk and final cup of powdered sugar. Beat in another tablespoon of milk. Add more powdered sugar or milk as needed to reach your desired consistency.


RoseTableRecipes 4th cake


SocietyLifeMag.com | JUNE 2023 79

SL WhereLocalsGo

Ben’s Cookies

Grapevine Mills: it’s a mecca for family fun. Between the aquarium, Legoland, Peppa Pig’s World of Play and BuildA-Bear, it’s enough to keep a kid entertained for an entire day. However, the second mom wants to step inside a grown-up store or grab a cup of coffee, the wheels immediately fall off and your 4-year-old is ready to go home— or is that just me?

I recently football carried my child out of ‘Let’s Pretend Tea Parties’ towards the nearest mall exit, I noticed a new Louboutin red glossy storefront. The sign read Ben’s Cookies. “Oh, sweet potato (the term of endearment for child in football carry), how about we grab a cookie for the car ride?” Sweet potato screamed emphatically, “I don’t want a cookie. I want to go home.” And that’s the way the cookie crumbled!

A few weeks later, my dear photographer friend and fellow Society Life contributor Lorraine called me with palpable excitement from her first word. “Have you tried Ben’s Cookies yet?” I told her regretfully, no, but it was on my foodie bucket list. Lorraine went on to explain to me that Ben’s Cookies, first established in Oxford, were very near to her heart as there was a location in her hometown of Bath, England.

The very next time I saw Lorraine, she gifted me a box of a variety of Ben’s Cookies. Just from the smell permeating the box, I knew they were going to be something special to me, too.

Ben’s Cookies was founded in 1983 in the home of the chocolate-loving food writer Helge Rubinstein. Helge baked incredibly decadent cookies that were too good not to share. Her first shop opened in 1984 in Oxford’s Covered Market, and their brand name was inspired by Helge’s son, Ben (that’s him in the logo, illustrated by renowned artist Sir Quentin Blake). Although they’re selling far more cookies than when they were in the market, their approach stays the same—freshly baked with chocolate chunks… not chips.

Ben’s Cookies follow beloved classic chocolate chip recipes, but instead of the small chocolate morsels we have become accustom to, they use big hunks of chocolate. Ben’s flavors include milk chocolate chunk, dark chocolate chunk, white chocolate chunk and double chocolate chunk with chocolate chunks in a chocolate cookie base (a cookiebrownie hybrid and my not-to-be-missed item for chocolate fans). They also offer nonchocolate cookies, including oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, lemon, coconut

and the cinnamon-y fan favorite: snickerdoodle (my recommendation for non-chocolate lovers – if there is such a thing).

So how did Ben’s make it stateside?

Owner Truett Horne discovered them while studying abroad in college at Oxford. “When I first tasted Ben’s almost two decades ago, I immediately fell in love. It was (and still is) the best cookie-dessert-treat I’ve ever enjoyed.” He brought the concept from England to the U.S. in the Spring of 2022 when he opened the first U.S. outpost at Grapevine Mills Mall. The hunky cookies were so well-received Horne opened a second location the following Spring in Dallas’ Snider Plaza.

So what sets Ben’s Cookies apart from their great American counterparts?

Horne says it’s simply the taste. “Most of the cookie brands today are focused on novelty, colors and variety, but not on flavor. We obsess over ingredients, like Belgian chocolate, and how we bake to make sure our cookies come out perfect every single time—slightly crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside. And chocolatey throughout.”

If you’re looking for something to beat the heat this summer, Ben’s also offers frozen treats, such as shakes and ice cream, including, of course, a “cookie monster” flavor—an indulgent mashup of Ben’s cookies and ice cream. They also ship cookies both locally and nationally to Ben’s fans across the U.S. With only two U.S. locations, both being in Texas, it’s the perfect unique gift to send to out-of-state family!

80 JUNE 2023 | SocietyLifeMag.com
Grapevine: 3000 Grapevine Mills Pkwy, Suite 258 | (214) 513-4039 | Dallas: 3406 Rosedale Avenue | benscookies.us | Open 10am until 9pm daily
from Bath, England to Grapevine, Texas

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Ben’s Cookies

pages 82-83

SL 6 Questions About

pages 74-81

Addison Kaboom Town! Light Up The Sky on this 3rd of July!

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pages 69-72

I said so

pages 67-68


pages 65-66

SL greater good

page 64


pages 54-61


page 53


pages 52-53


pages 50-51


pages 49-50


page 48


pages 46-47


pages 44-45


pages 42-43


pages 40-41


pages 37-39


pages 36-37


page 35


page 34


pages 30-31


page 29

boardwalk family fun Staycations

pages 24-27

Savor Texas Treasures as you Relax and Unwind at the Historic Carriage House in Fredericksburg, Texas

page 23

Experience a Summer of More at Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas

pages 19-22

SL TidBits

pages 16-17


page 15


pages 12-14


pages 10-11

TOPS in Healthcare

pages 8-9
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