December 2023

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SL contents DECEMBER 2023



exclusive features 12

















contents DECEMBER 2023






Editor Talk




















Greater Good

Top Tables






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Rose Table Recipe




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SL EditorTalk WORTH CELEBRATING We are on the threshold of a new year—the turning of a calendar page marking not only time passed, but also opportunities that lie ahead. A new year brings with it a chance for new beginnings, fresh perspectives, and shared experiences. In our area of North Texas, we are blessed with a tapestry of traditions to celebrate. We’ve pulled together a lineup of exciting events to ring in the new year (starting on page 30). We’ve gathered up some of DFW’s hottest adults-only parties, as well as some family-friendly ways to celebrate 2024’s arrival—there's something for everyone. As we start our journey into the new year, let us also take a moment to reflect on our personal well-being. Whether you make resolutions or not, it’s the perfect time to consider prioritizing our health and mental wellness. Try adopting a new fitness routine, embracing mindfulness practices, and taking time for self-care. Check out our list of 15 ways to keep your health and wellness in check in 2024 on page 12. In a world that can bring us down, let’s encourage each other to make choices that contribute to our overall well-being, health and happiness. And finally, in the spirit of celebrating, and as a foodie myself, we are excited to introduce a new venture for local restauranteurs and the former owners of the DeLucca Gaucho Pizza & Wine restaurants. The Steakyard is featured on our cover and should be on your list of places to visit over the holidays (or any day really) for a meal worth celebrating (page 24.) Faith, family and food feeds my soul—and makes the holidays a common backdrop for some of my most cherished memories. I invite you all to join us in embracing the opportunities that the new year brings. Let’s savor the simple pleasures that come with a table full of good food and great company. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! ELENA ELLIS Publisher / Editorial Director let’s get social @ SocietyLifeMag




SL Wellness

Resolutions Worth Keeping in the New Year

Healthy lifestyle resolutions are among the most popular types of New Year’s resolutions. But honestly, making resolutions at all can be setting yourself up for failure. We rather prefer setting some goals to aim for in 2024 to keep your mind and your body as healthy as possible. Here are 15 ways to stay healthy and set your sights on wellness this new year. [1] Build a Workout Routine Whether you want to focus on weight loss or strength training, make sure you set clear goals that fit your lifestyle and outcome. ——————————————————–– [2] Drink More Water Drinking water is essential, yet most of us don’t drink enough daily. Carry a reusable water bottle wherever you go, and aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. ——————————————————–– [3] Change Your Eating Habits Healthy eating habits can help you lose weight and feel great, all while enjoying delicious, whole foods! ——————————————————–– [4] Get Enough Sleep Getting at least eight hours of quality sleep each night is crucial for overall health and can help you stay focused and energized. ——————————————————–– [5] Quit Smoking Smoking is not only bad for your lungs, but it’s also terrible for your heart health and can increase your risk for cancer. ——————————————————–– [6] Limit Alcohol Intake Too much alcohol can negatively affect your health, potentially leading to weight gain, liver damage, and cardiovascular disease. ——————————————————–– [7] Prioritize Mental Health Remember that physical well-being is not the only important thing. Prioritize your mental health as well by finding ways to minimize stress and anxiety in your life. ——————————————————–– [8] Practice Self-Care Life can get busy, but it’s important to remember to slow down and make time for yourself. Make sure you’re taking some “me” time every now and then to reset.




[9] Don’t Forget the Dentist Be honest – when was the last time you saw the dentist? Healthy teeth and gums are essential for health. They can also prevent you from developing serious health problems. ——————————————————–– [10] Invest in Developing Yourself If we stop learning, we stop growing, and that can be stifling to increasing ones’ selfesteem and happiness. Doing something to better yourself will boost your confidence. ——————————————————–– [11] Volunteer Doing good for others is good for the soul. Giving back helps us build a greater sense of purpose and improves our overall mood. ——————————————————–– [12] Declutter By decluttering our home, desk and even our computers, we also declutter our minds. You could also bring the clothes you don’t wear anymore to a local thrift store. ——————————————————–– [13] Plan a Trip and Look Forward to It As you tackle a new year, consider what’s going to be your motivation. Plan something to look forward to—like that trip you have always wanted to take. ——————————————————–– [14] Pacify that Voice in Your Head We are all too often more judgemental of ourselves than others. We need to stop being so mean to ourselves and instead lift ourselves up. Try positive self talk—you just might start believing it yourself! ——————————————————–– [15] Breathe This seems obvious, but it’s so common for us to hold our breath or breathe too shallow. Every single day make certain to release all of the stale air out of your lungs with at least three full inhales and exhales.

SL FaithFull


“YOU ARE ALTOGETHER BEAUTIFUL, MY LOVE; THERE IS NO FLAW IN YOU.” — Song of Solomon 4:7 IN GENESIS 1:27, we learn that God “created” man. But He went a step further and “built” women, meaning He took time to purposely fashion the female to His liking. As with everything He created, He declared “… it was good.” And although Ecclesiastes 3:11 explains that God has made everything beautiful in its time, there are people who have been convinced by society that time is not on their side. They get “makeovers” and attempt to recreate what God has already mastered. Most of us have heard ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ And while God is considered the Beholder of all things (Hebrews 4:13, Proverbs 15:3), His definition of beauty is frequently disregarded. As a result, the world has adopted an everchanging idea of beauty. People have different perceptions of beauty, but we all have the freedom to decide whose eyes we’re going to trust: God’s or man. In 1 Samuel 16:7, we learn that “the Lord sees not as man sees… He looks on the heart.” When we acquiesce the world’s erratic standards of beauty, we submit ourselves to a culture in which people lack the confidence and courage to appreciate their God-given features. Granted, there are people who require surgical procedures due to a disorder or injury. But, the vast majority receiving makeovers have simply been persuaded that changing themselves will bring acceptance from a superficial society and lead to personal contentment. When we place our confidence in Christ, we can walk with our head held high—even when our gray hair is thinning, and our skin

is sagging. As far as God is concerned, our focus should be more on who we are in Him, and not what we “look like” to others. Am I suggesting that our appearance is unimportant? Absolutely not! I’m emphasizing that we should not allow society to convince us that our God-given features are flawed. Enhancing something to boost confidence is one thing. Changing one’s body or facial features to “look like” someone else is absurd. Truth is, we are all going to get old (Deuteronomy 34:7). It’s a part of life. And although we have access to products and procedures that can deter the inevitable, the body has limitations. At some point, we all must come to the realization that there is only so much that can be done to slow down the aging process. Nevertheless, God does not want us to become discouraged because our outer self is [progressively] wasting away (2 Corinthians 4:16). There’s nothing wrong with pampering ourselves. God just doesn’t want us to be so focused on our external features that we neglect our inner beauty and prevent it from shining, causing His loving nature to be overlooked (Matthew 5:16). Psalms 139:14 encourages us to praise Him for creating us. Psalms 100:3 reminds us that it was God “Who made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.” Being mindful of these two scriptures helps us to keep our heart as pretty as the purse we carry (1 Peter 3:3-4). This way, God will get the glory rather than the designer Gucci bag. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:190. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take care of it and pay attention to how we

Made in His Image 14



present ourselves to the world. The world says, “If you got it, flaunt it.” And yet 1 Timothy 2:9-10 encourages us to dress respectfully. Evidently, God likes variety. He gave each of us a specific body to take care of. Hence, we come in all shapes, sizes, and skin tones. In this world, three things will always remain: The Word of God, unwanted weight, and wrinkles. Instead of chasing trends, let’s chase God instead. As women of God, we can choose to be comfortable in our body and not allow society to make us feel unattractive. When it’s all said and done, most of us must dress the body we have, not the one a surgeon created. It is our responsibility to put our best body forward and represent God with a spirit of excellence (Proverbs 31:30). Yes, diets disappoint, cellulite creeps in and wrinkles arrive. Let ’em! God has given each of us the power to “accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change things we can change, and enough wisdom to know the difference.” — Therefore, go forth and be beYOUtiful!

———————————————————————— PUBLISHER / CREATIVE DIRECTOR ELENA ELLIS 817.657.2948 ———————————————————————— ADVERTISING SARAH SCHILLO 817.914.8013 DEBBIE ROACH 817.715.5760 ———————————————————————— ADMINISTRATION CINDIA LEE DISTRIBUTION EMIL CARL PRODUCTION CHERYL RYBKA ———————————————————————— PHOTOGRAPHERS VERA CROSBY LORRAINE HAAN-STEWART ALYCIA SAVAGE ———————————————————————— COLUMNISTS / WRITERS SANDY LOWE MARY MACDOWELL TRISHA MITCHELL JON SALINSKY SHANNON SALINSKY JESSICA SERNA JENNIFER SLOAN KATIE-ROSE WATSON ———————————————————————— INTERESTED IN FREELANCE OPPORTUNITIES? Society Life Magazine is always on the lookout for talented writers and photographers to join our team. If you are interested in learning more, please call or email the publisher at contact above. ———————————————————————— Started May 2006 © 2023 Caye Publishing Group, Inc. ————————————————————————




SL Cover2Cover


According to the Beatles “All You Need is Love.” Jan Greenwood, author of “The Grace Giving Leader: How to Develop People, Lead Teams, and Mentor Well” might add grace to the song’s lyrics. This slim volume shares how learning to lead with grace can turn your team or your world around. The term “grace” is most often used to describe God’s unmerited favor to his creation. But the author uses it here to describe a quality of leadership that focuses on empowering others and yourself, practicing forgiveness rather than blame, and serving your team in order to lead them and yourself to success. Lest you think that makes this a sweet, gooey snack of a book, designed to make you a sweeter, gooier person, Greenwood doesn’t hesitate to include the challenges of honesty and direct confrontation as part of her definition of leading with grace.

The Grace Giving Leader

Celebration also belongs in the author’s list of the qualities of a grace-filled leader. She strongly recommends utilizing all types and sizes of celebrations from a little coffee gift card tucked in a thank you note to a sizeable financial bonus. Greenwood’s treatise on grace includes some opportunities to think deeply about your leadership style. It is also simply practical with regular “Pause

and Ponder” chances sprinkled in. The author also does not soft-pedal what grace requires of a leader stating that, “The journey of becoming a gracegiving leader will neither be easy nor painless. In fact, it’s going to be costly.” Beware that reading this book may add significantly to your reading list. Greenwood peppers the text with the best leadership advice from many women at the helm of successful companies, startups and ministries. One part of the book that surprised this reviewer was the list of things that can help you live more presently in your own life. With our overwhelming exposure to technology and the modern tendency toward “busy-ness” a day or a week or even a year can slip by without us taking the time to truly experience what happens in our lives. Greenwood’s secrets to being present start with deep breathing, and then noticing what our senses feel at the time. Asking yourself what you see, touch, hear, smell and the emotions you feel can bring us back to our own lives in way that promotes joy and the easing of stress. Greenwood also includes a list of questions designed to interrogate a problem. Asking questions of a problem you are facing can give clarity and help you take control of the problem-solving process.

How to Develop People, Lead Teams, and Mentor Well If you grasp these ten secrets, you can take limited experience, resources, or influence and find greater health wholeness, and leadership success.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jan Greenwood is a pastor, teacher and author. She’s held positions in the marketplace, owned her own business and run a non-profit educational organization. After a bout with breast cancer, Greenwood founded Brave Strong Girl, an online mentoring community. She and her husband of 35 years, Mark, have four children and they live in a suburb of Dallas. You can find her books at

Are you a published author who lives in Dallas-Fort Worth and would like your book considered for a review, please email:




———————————————————————— ———————————————————————— PHOTOGRAPHY .................. Lorraine Haan-Stewart PICTURED .................................. Evandro Caregnato and Vanderleia Mallmann, owners and founders of the Steakyard restaurant and bar in Dallas, Texas ———————————————————————— SOCIAL MEDIA


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SUSAN SEMMELMANN FORT WORTH DESIGN STUDIO Looking for some design inspiration? Look no further than the awardwinning interior designer Susan Semmelmann’s new showroom at Fort Worth Design Studio. Those looking for high-quality fabrics for custom furniture or drapery will find exactly what they want at Semmelmann’s fabric studio. The showroom is full of beautiful furniture and decor that will make your home or office look stunning— from living rooms to bedrooms, there is something for everyone. Skilled designers will help you choose the perfect pieces for your space, and friendly staff will make sure you have a great experience from start to finish. The Fort Worth Design Studio will feature the custom fabric studio, showroom, and wholesale fabric. They are passionate about helping people create beautiful spaces in their homes and their businesses. Fort Worth Design Studio is located at 4378 West Vickery Boulevard in Fort Worth, Texas 76107 (next door to Semmelmann Interiors). Grand Opening is set for January 18, 2024. Drop by and tell them Society Life Magazine sent you! ——————————————————

Back by popular demand, our Peace. Love. Shine. Fundraiser is the event of the year that you won't want to miss! Join House of Shine for a heartwarming evening of inspiration and celebration at the Peace. Love. Shine. Fundraiser—an annual Galentine's Event on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. This fundraiser is a unique celebration of extraordinary women who shine both personally and professionally. Imagine a fusion of Galentine's Day and Oprah's Favorite Things, where you not only discover the brilliance of these accomplished women but also receive one of their favorite things, which could range from beauty products to accessories and household items. It's a night where everyone walks away feeling like a winner! In addition to the "favorite things" surprises, you'll have the chance to bid on exclusive experiences that provide a deeper connection with these remarkable women. The atmosphere is electric (this year, at the stunning Glass Cactus) and seating is limited. Based on past years, we anticipate another sold-out event, so don't wait to secure your seat! Grab a group of friends and join us as we reveal this year’s Women Who Shine and the Things They Love. Sponsorship opportunities still available to make an impact and gain brand awareness. Peace. Love. Shine. Fundraiser will be held at Glass Cactus this year. Check-in opens: 5:30pm. Heavy Hors d’oeuvres buffet: 5:30-6:30pm. Event kick-off: Promptly at 7pm. After-event socializing until 10:30pm. Your ticket includes two beverages, Heavy Hors d'oeuvres buffet, and a complimentary “favorite thing” from one of our featured Women Who Shine. This year’s women who shine are: • Melissa Ice - Serial Entrepreneur/Nonprofit Founder, Executive Director • Demetria Olive - Easy-Bake Oven Cook Turned Accomplished Culinarian • Chelsea Rose - Professional Mascot/Leader/Local Celebrity • DAMOYEE - Multi-Hyphenate Musical Mastermind • Maite Ryan - Healthcare Professional/Fitness Entrepreneur • Yasmeen Tadia - Sweet Treats Innovator/Leader • Emily Jones - Texas Rangers Field Reporter/Podcaster/Entrepreneur House of Shine is an educational nonprofit based in Grapevine that provides programming and tools to enable people, organizations and communities to thrive. Get your tickets now to Peace. Love. Shine. Fundraiser by visiting: ———————————————————————




SL TidBits





Performing Arts Fort Worth announced today that for the first time since 2019, Fort Worth favorite Robert Earl Keen will return to Bass Hall for one night only Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 7:30pm. A Houston native, Robert Earl Keen has been regarded for decades as one of the Lone Star State's finest singer-songwriters. Keen was weaned on classic rock and Willie Nelson records. By the time he entered Texas A&M, he was teaching himself guitar playing Bluegrass and setting his poetic musings to song. These early days are captured in spirit on the Keen/Lyle Lovett co-write, The Front Porch Song, which both artists recorded on their respective debut albums, and in Happy Prisoner, REK’s bluegrass recording. Now with 21 records to his name, a band of stellar musicians, and thousands of shows under his belt, Keen has blazed a peer, critic and fan-lauded trail that’s earned him living-legend status in the Americana music world. Keen continues to write music and create with his latest album, Western Chill, available now via boxed set which includes a double sleeve album, a graphic illustrated novel inspired by the album, a play and sing-along songbook for all 14 songs and a video DVD of the Robert Earl Keen Band performing the entire album at Keen’s Snake Barn studio space. He is also the host of the Americana Podcast, launched in 2019. Tickets start at $88. Get yours by calling (817) 212-4280 or visit

This Thing is Legendary! It’s not just a slogan. It’s why the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is the most authentic western lifestyle experience anywhere—since 1896. It’s exciting, it’s fun, it’s 23 days of what makes Fort Worth the greatest city in Texas! The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is the city’s oldest and largest public event. Embraced by 1.2 million guests, they come to celebrate and compete in the event that makes Fort Worth the most unique city in Texas. Here, you’ll find the information and stories that highlight why the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is truly legendary!


Rodeo action features the Best of the West Ranch Rodeo, Best of Mexico Celebración, Cowboys of Color Rodeo, Bulls Night Out Extreme Bull Riding and Texas Champions Challenge. The FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament tops it off in the world’s most awesome venue for rodeo—Dickies Arena. They also have livestock and horse shows, kid-friendly activities and exhibits, live music, carnival midway, shopping, great food and much more. Besides livestock, the Carnival Midway is one of the oldest and most legendary features of the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. Offering acres of excitement for kids of all ages, you and your family will enjoy classic features like Ferris Wheels, a mega-drop and plenty of cute rides for the little ones. There’s that classic carnival food, too. General Admission provides access to the many non-ticketed attractions on the FWSSR grounds. General Admission may be purchased at any gate or ticket window. There is no online option for daily general admission. Adults are $12, children ages 6 to 16 are $6, and 5 and under are free. For more information, visit the FWSSR event schedule for times and locations on their website. Rodeo and other ticketed events sold separately. Rodeo tickets can also be purchased online and include grounds admission for the day of that rodeo performance. Take advantage of terrific savings when your purchase the 2024 Official Fort Worth Stock Show Souvenir Badge. For only $50, the badge provides general admission access for all 23 days of the show, as well as access to the Bud Light Roadhouse and all three museums, including the National Cowgirl and Hall of Fame Museum, the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History and the Texas Cattle Raisers Museum. To purchase, visit any FWSSR gate, the Dickies Arena Box Office or the FWSSR offices located in the Amon G. Carter, Jr., Exhibits Building. There’s not another western lifestyle event with more rich history than what’s been formally called the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show—now known as the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. After experiencing all that it has to offer, we bet you’ll agree—This Thing IS Legendary! ————————————————————————————–——————— View schedule of events and get rodeo tickets at:




REDISCOVER THE MAGIC SHEN YUN RETURNS FOR 2024 Immerse yourself in the breathtaking colors and stories of China’s rich cultural heritage. A world beyond the boundaries of imagination awaits you in the new 2024 production. The culture of ancient China was divinely inspired. Shen Yun’s works reflect this rich spiritual heritage... Shen Yun invites you to travel back to the magical world of ancient China. Experience a lost culture through the incredible art of classical Chinese dance, and see legends come to life. Shen Yun makes this possible by pushing the boundaries of the performing arts, with a unique blend of stunning costuming, high-tech backdrops, and an orchestra like no other. Be prepared for a theatrical experience that will take your breath away! After a decade of performing around the world to sold-out audiences everywhere, Shen Yun has brought a great civilization back from the brink of extinction. Shen Yun is now the world’s premier classical Chinese dance company. Some people fly from other countries or drive hundreds of miles to see it. Others see the same performance five or six times. Why? Many say there are no words to describe it—you have to see it with your own eyes to find out. Join us for the experience of a lifetime. ................................................................. DALLAS SCHEDULED DATES: ................................................................. Winspear Opera House December 29, 2023 to January 7, 2024 ................................................................. Music Hall at Fair Park January 20–21, 2024 ———————————————————




SL TidBits

MOZART AND STRAVINSKY DALLAS BLACK DANCE THEATRE Founded in 1974, Dallas Black Dance Theatre has performed for more than four million people worldwide. Be there when they partner with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and music director Robert Spano in Bass Performance Hall for Stravinsky’s Petrushka Suite with choreography by Sean Smith, a balletic take on the story of Punch and Judy fame, with its whirling, folkinspired melodies and high-stepping harmonies. Also on the program are a pair of Mozartian gems, the Overture from The Magic Flute, as well as the esteemed “Jupiter” symphony. Dallas Black Dance Theatre is the oldest, continuously operating professional dance company in Dallas. Under the direction of the Artistic Director, Melissa M. Young, the contemporary company, consists of 14 professional, full-time dancers performing a mixed repertory of modern, ballet, jazz, and ethnic works by nationally and internationally known choreographers. Over the course of its history, DBDT has performed for 4 million arts patrons and 2.6 million children worldwide (40,000 annually youth grades K–12). Works that will be performed will be Mozart: Overture to The Magic Flute, Mozart: Symphony No.41 (Jupiter) Stravinsky: Petrushka. The 2024 showtimes are January 5th and 6th at 7:30pm and then January 7 at 2pm. Tickets start at $26 and can be purchased online. ——————————————————— (or)

ROANOKE’S THE RÔ ON OAK STRIKES THE RIGHT CHORD AS THE FIRST UPSCALE LOUNGE ON LOCALLY FAMOUS OAK STREET In a groundbreaking moment for Roanoke’s social scene, The Rô On Oak provides a sophisticated, yet inviting lounge with a Rock n’ Roll twist for local kick-backs. Gabriel Miller and Jonathan Condos are pleased to announce that The Rô On Oak—a hip, high-design lounge with an incredible cocktail & bar food program—has officially opened its doors. The concept, combining the swankiness of Upper East Side NYC with the cool comfort of the Hollywood Hills, is located on the iconic Oak Street in Downtown Roanoke. It’s designed for the Roanoke and surrounding communities to enjoy a post-work drink, stylish date night, or weekend unwinding with friends. Dubbed The Rô, the concept is a collaborative labor of love between Miller and Condos—childhood friends based in Los Angeles. Miller’s Texas roots come from his grandmother, who was a Fort Worth native. Commercial real estate investments led the duo to find a great affinity for Roanoke and its people. Through getting to know the local communities, the two found that residents wished for a neighborhood venue that encourages the prospect of turning an ordinary night out into a memorable experience. This environment was brought to life over a year-long collaboration with one of Dallas’ top hospitality interior firms, Foxcroft Studio. Guests enter through a wood-clad entryway, with a burnt copper, moiré silk wall covered ceiling. A stunning, purple violet marble-topped custom bar serves as the centerpiece of The Rô—while leaded glass panels sourced from a historic home in Fort Worth line the back bar, framed by antique sconces from a French Abbey by way of Los Angeles. Custom, plush booths and seating in warm hues fill the space. The lounge’s cocktail program is inspired and uniquely named after iconic Rock n’ Roll hits— from Led Zeppelin’s Ramble On, made with bourbon, Don Ciccio Amaro, lemon, and absinthe rinse, to the Start Me Up, a standout Espresso Martini. On the carefully curated bar menu, highlights include a killer goat cheese bruschetta, plus flatbreads, charcuterie boards, and iceberg wedges ideal for splitting with your crew. Thoughtfully curated artwork covers the walls of The Rô, standouts including “Bunny Boy From Texas” by Argentenian artist Julio Fierro, countless love letters from all over the world, and a collection of art brought back from a posthumous artist’s estate in upstate New York. Warm, ambient lighting casts a golden glow across a grand fireplace that draws inspiration from Gramercy Park Hotel’s iconic Rose Bar. Music of all genres is played from a hi-fi sound system conceptualized and built by experienced audio engineers specifically for the space’s acoustics. The Rô seamlessly carves its niche as the epitome of approachable sophistication. Miller and Condos’s venture is welcomed with generous encouragement and support from residents, mentors, and collaborators. The Rô On Oak is located at 320 South Oak Street in Roanoke, Texas 76262. The hours of operation are from 4pm until close, Tuesday through Saturday. Walk-ins are welcome. Reservations accepted. ————————————————————————————–——————— Reservations or view the full menu at:





A new culinary gem has emerged from the dynamic duo of Evandro Caregnato and Vanderleia Mallmann, renowned for their success with the Delucca Gaucho Pizza and Wine restaurants. Their latest venture, Steakyard, is more than just a steakhouse— it harmonizes Texan’s love affair with steak and European sophistication. Caregnato and Mallmann, the driving forces behind Steakyard, bring a legacy of excellence as seasoned restaurateurs. They cut their teeth in the dining industry at a popular Brazilian steakhouse chain for over two decades. When it was time for the couple to go into business for themselves, they boldly introduced North Texans to the gaucho pizza experience. They launched Delucca Gaucho Pizza and Wine in Southlake to much acclaim and went on to open locations across the Metroplex. Still, that passion for steak simmered beneath a non-compete agreement, and the pair waited patiently for the right time to reignite the dream of their own steakhouse. When the legal path was finally cleared to open a steakhouse of their own, the couple sold the Delucca restaurants to make their long-deferred dream finally come to life. “Growing up in Brazil, live fire cooking was more than a technique — it was a way of life. The crackling flames, the scent of wood smoke – it's a connection to my roots, and that passion for grilling is at the ore of Steakyard,” said Caregnato. 24





Meals Worth Celebrating Dallas is savoring a new kind of steakhouse from the brilliant minds behind Delucca Gaucho Pizza and Wine.



Welcome to the Steakyard from Evandro Caregnato and Vanderleia Mallmann





FIRE IN THE KITCHEN Positioned just blocks away from North Park Center in Dallas, each element of Steakyard was designed to make patrons feel welcomed, sated and invigorated. Its heart is on full display through its open kitchen, where live firewood cooking takes center stage. Every table has a view of the flaming spectacle. Beyond the sizzle of steaks and the clink of wine glasses, Caregnato and Mallmann exude a genuine love for hospitality. They believe a memorable dining experience extends beyond what's on the plate, and that’s evident in Steakyard’s thoughtfully designed interior. The setting effectively melds industrial chic and cozy elegance. The space feels luxe, but not stuffy or precious. The expansive patio, anchored by a majestic oak tree, offers an al fresco dining experience rarely found in Dallas. Combined with picnic-style tables and umbrellas, the charming ambiance sets the stage for a laid-back, but elevated culinary adventure.




EMBRACING PARISIAN FLAIR “When we travel to Paris, we always dine in our favorite bistros. They have a knack for combining effortless sophistication with superb food. It’s like a warm embrace every time we visit,” Caregnato described. “We envisioned something similar with Steakyard – a place where the refined meets the relaxed, where you can linger and enjoy the simple pleasure of a fine meal in an environment that feels both special and inviting.” French bistros, with their unassuming elegance, have long been celebrated for delivering exceptional value without compromising quality. Steak frites, the dish most synonymous with bistro dining, embodies this philosophy. The simplicity of a perfectly cooked steak paired with crispy fries and a delectable peppercorn sauce encapsulates the bistro essence— superior ingredients, expertly prepared, presented in an unpretentious manner. That’s the genius of the bistro model. It’s a gourmet experience, but at a lower cost typically associated with high-end restaurants. Steakyard takes the French culinary ethos to heart. They understand that the joy of dining isn’t merely about opulence—it’s also about relishing expertly crafted dishes. Their menu weaves a rich tapestry of flavors. The signature steak frites, boasting perfectly golden fries and a brandy peppercorn sauce, rivals anything found in Paris. The offerings extend beyond the traditional steakhouse repertoire, from pâté and tartare to oysters and seafood. You can also score a sublime Bolognese pasta, cotoletta Milanesa (a crispy bone-in pork chop broiled with tomato sauce and light mozzarella), crab-stuffed branzino or lobster risotto. The menu appeals to a range of cravings. (continued on next page)




“Our commitment to offering a diverse selection of quality wines and cocktails at an affordable price is our way of ensuring that every sip enhances the overall experience,” explained Caregnato. “We believe that great drinks add a touch of indulgence to every visit but at a price that makes you raise your glass with satisfaction.”

MORE REASONS TO CELEBRATE The wine selection mirrors the diversity found at Delucca—offering an array of price points and regions. It’s easy enough to snag a proper Napa cab for about $10 a glass, but you can also fully ball out with a $230 bottle of Dom Perignon. Then there’s the nicely edited cocktail list–headlined by Dede’s Martini (named after Mallmann) along with tempting selections like a Maple Old Fashioned or a classic Negroni. At Steakyard, it’s not just about the food and wine—it’s about the experience. The attentive service, coupled with a commitment to cleanliness and positive attitudes, ensures patrons leave with a sense of satisfaction. The entire Steakyard staff, trained to prioritize friendliness above all else, elevate the dining experience from the moment guests enter. Though there’s plenty of European charm in this bistro-inspired concept, it’s still firmly grounded in Texan geniality.

A VISION FOR EXPANSION As you indulge in the delights of Steakyard, you’re not merely eating a meal—you are engaging in a narrative shaped by the commitment of restaurateurs who have mastered the art of turning dining into an experience. Caregnato and Mallmann have not just brought a new steakhouse to Dallas—they have crafted a destination where their legacy of excellence continues to unfold with each perfectly seared steak and every satisfied customer leaving with the taste of quality lingering on their palates. Even as it makes its initial impression on DFW’s diners, the prospect of a Steakyard expansion is already on the minds of Caregnato and Mallmann. “It would be a shame to keep it at one location,” admitted Caregnato. And if their previous ventures suggest, it may not be long before their delightful fusion of European elegance and gaucho grilling is shared with a wider audience. In a city where steaks are ubiquitous, Steakyard stands out as a beacon of innovation. It is more than a steakhouse—it’s a celebration of flavors and cultures, and a testament to the culinary expertise of its founders. Whether you stare hypnotized at the live fire ablaze in the open kitchen or savor each bite beneath a sprawling oak patio-dining in the Yard, you’ll realize this is no ordinary steakhouse. You’re on a journey transcending continents, partaking in a meal that marries the best of many worlds and devouring an extraordinary dining experience that revels in simplicity and sophistication.





(photo) Evandro Caregnato and Vanderleia Mallmann with Steakyard managers Jonathan Machado (left) and Marcelo Loureiro (right).

“THE YARD - While the interior offers a full menu and proper table service, the elegant adjacent patio with white picnic tables under the shade of a centenary oak tree features a more casual and relaxing setting, offering fire-roasted meats by the pound, alongside wines and cocktails al fresco.”

6726 Shady Brook Lane Dallas, Texas 75231

(214) 238-0012 Sun-Thurs 5-9pm | Fri & Sat 4-10pm LUNCH COMING SOON!














.............................................. Lights All Night 2023 DALLAS MARKET HALL December 30 and 31 Join Texas’ biggest and longest running end-of-year bash! This year’s headliners include AC Slater, Skrillex, Acraze, Kyle Watson along with many others. Single day tickets are $124.95 for December 30 and December 31. VIP tickets, available only for those 21 and older, include express ticket entry into Lights all Night, access to the pre-party, specialized event hosts to assist with on-site needs, private VIP restrooms and an exclusive VIP bar. VIP tickets are available starting at $194.95 per day. DETAILS: Lights all Night, general admission tickets and VIP passes are available to purchase now at:


...................................................... Glass Cactus New Year’s Eve Bash GLASS CACTUS NIGHTCLUB, GRAPEVINE December 31 Ring in the New Year at Glass Cactus overlooking beautiful Lake Grapevine. This year, they are going back in time to the 70s with live entertainment by disco cover band Le Freak! Tickets start at $125 for General Admission and $175 for VIP General Admission. General Admission includes a champagne toast at midnight and festive party favors. VIP Admission includes a champagne toast at midnight, festive party favors, passed hors d’oeuvres and one drink ticket. General Admission tickets do not guarantee table or seating. Doors open at 8pm with Nerd Halen kicking off and Le Freak starting the party at 10pm. DETAILS:You can purchase tickets online by visiting them at:


Meow Wolf New Year’s Eve Adultiverse INSIDE GRAPEVINE MILLS MALL December 31 In an attempt to comprehend Earth's peculiar New Year's Eve rituals, Meow Wolf Grapevine is thrilled to announce a very special New Year’s Eve Adultiverse with an ethereal countdown. This edition of Adultiverse will be on December 31, 2023 from 8pm to 12:30am where guests will have the chance to welcome 2024 within the multiverse. As the clock strikes midnight, embark on a unique journey through the cosmos, celebrating not just the turning of a calendar but the inception of a new era across dimensions.This Adultiverse promises new experiences with delicious drinks. Guests can experience the mesmerizing fusion of artistry and allure with Night Shade Burlesque, as enchanting performances redefine the boundaries of entertainment. Guests will be captivated by iconic performances, all while indulging in a spectrum of tantalizing beverages as they traverse through The Real Unreal. At the stroke of midnight, the (continued)




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peculiar Earthly tradition of a ‘toast’ will be conducted, a multiversal communion transcending time and space. Celebration will include special surprises on-site to welcome 2024 with open arms, promising surprises that will elevate the night to unparalleled heights of interdimensional fun. Tickets for this extraordinary experience are available now. Reserve your spot in this earthly odyssey that takes place on December 31, 2023. All guests must be 21 or older to join in the fun. The cafe will be open for delicious options. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased. Meow Wolf Grapevine’s Adultiverse will allow visitors to embark on a journey that challenges their dimension’s understanding, celebrating the Earthly concept of a "new year" in a realm where boundaries blur, and the creative possibilities are as infinite as the cosmos itself. DETAILS: General Admission tickets starting at $45 and Totally Worth It Bundle starting at $60. Open 10am-12:30am on December 31st. Tickets at:




.................................. .................................. 80s NYE Party HOTEL VIN, GRAPEVINE December 31 Get ready to dance, gamble and revel in nostalgia as Hotel Vin transports you to the iconic era of the ‘80s. We will have a dance floor pulsating with the hottest beats from the 80s—courtesy of 80s Mix Tape, an electric atmosphere, and a chance to strike your best glamorous pose in the 360 photo booth. For those feeling lucky, step onto the casino floor and try your hand at various games of chance— roulette and blackjack. Who knows? Lady Luck might just be on your side this New Year’s Eve. As the clock strikes midnight, you can get lost in a sensational balloon drop celebration where nostalgia collides with the new year! DETAILS: Tickets for this party are $100 per person. Doors will open for this new year’s celebration at 9pm. To purchase tickets or for more detailed event information, please visit Hotel Vin’s website at:

Emerald City Rock The ‘24 Party HILTON ANATOLE, DALLAS December 31 Every year, Emerald City’s New Year’s Eve Party in Dallas gets bigger and better, and 2024 is no exception! This year Emerald City has teamed up again with the Hilton Anatole in downtown Dallas to bring you the Ultimate New Year’s Eve Dallas Party. And because the party always sells out quickly, they have moved the party to the larger Trinity Ballroom. Rock the ’24 is the ultimate NYE party, people come every year from all over the country to dance the night away and bring in the New Year with Emerald City Band, America’s #1 Party Band. See all new packages, a unique site layout and all new VIP section. Check out their ticket packages online, and reach out if you have any questions! DETAILS: The tickets range from $100 for just the party to $695 to include drinks and overnight stay packages. For tickets and even more information, visit:

.................................. including nine completely different, interA Studio 54 New Year’s Eve SWEET TOOTH HOTEL, DALLAS December 31 Meet at the Sweet Tooth Hotel for a night of fun, friends, and memories as we celebrate New Year’s Eve. They have got the perfect formula for an unmatched NYE celebration that will kick off your year with a bang. Your midnight toast is covered with a complimentary glass of bubbly champagne—because what’s a New Year's party without a little sparkle? Want something a little more festive? Try one of their exclusive Holidaze seasonal cocktails and pair it with some light eats from their complimentary hors d’oeuvres spread provided by Maggiano's. Get ready to groove to the beats of a surprise DJ who will be spinning the hottest tracks to keep the party vibe alive and kicking. Whether you've got killer dance moves or just love to sway, the dance floor is calling your name. Need a break? Enjoy exclusive access to Sweet Tooth’s immersive art exhibit

active art installations created by local and national artists. DETAILS: Tickets start at $75. For more, visit

.................................. NEW YEARS EVE PARTY FEATURING DRAKE MILLIGAN BILLY BOB’S TEXAS, FORT WORTH December 31 Ring in the New Year Texas Country-style with Drake Milligan. Billy Bob’s offers a one of a kind experience in the heart of the Fort Worth Stockyards. While you’re there, check out the Honky Tonk Kitchen and historic Handprint Wall of Fame. Doors open at 6pm. Hazard County kicks things off at 8pm on the Honky Tonk Stage. Drake Milligan starts at 10pm on the Main Stage. DETAILS: Tickets are $45 to $65 for reserved seating and $25 for general admission. For additional information and ticket purchases, please contact Billy Bob’s at (817) 624-7117 or visit them online at:

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.................................. NYE Fireworks Watching Party TEXAS ALE PROJECT, DALLAS December 31 Looking to go a little more low-key for NYE or just ballin’ out on a budget? For just $5, you can celebrate at the Texas Ale Project. They are hosting an in-person event where you can enjoy great beer, good company and a fantastic view of the famous Reunion Tower fireworks. Get ready to raise a glass and welcome the new year with a bang without breaking the bank. DETAILS: The NYE party starts at 6:30pm. Texas Ale Project is located at 1001 North Riverfront Boulevard in Dallas. For more information, call (214) 965-0606.





............................................. Fort Worth Neon New Years ROOFTOP GARDENS, FORT WORTH December 31 Fort Worth Neon New Year’s Eve boasts the best views of Downtown with the only covered and heated rooftop in Fort Worth. General admission is $55 and includes an open bar from 10pm until 2am. VIP admission is $60 and includes speedy entry and open bar from 10pm until 2am. If you’re looking to go all out, try the Ultra VIP that’s $95 and includes speedy entrance, private access at 8pm with a build-your-own taco bar, personal champagne bottle and open bar. DETAILS: The Rooftop Garden is located above Texas Republic at 945 Foch Street in Fort Worth. For tickets and more information, visit:


...................................................... FAMILY-FRIENDLY EVENTS ...................................................... Lone Star Christmas And New Year’s GAYLORD TEXAN, GRAPEVINE Through December 31 There is no better way to celebrate NYE with the family than Lone Star Christmas at Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine. Find endless hours of holiday entertainment and activities across the resort, such as gingerbread decorating, snow tubing, ice skating and much more. ICE! returns this holiday season. Step into a wonderland carved by expert artisans out of two million pounds of colorful ice. It’s a cool 9 degrees inside, but their signature blue parkas are warm and toasty. This season, you’ll see the story of Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas in larger-than-life sculptures. DETAILS: For tickets and more information, call (817) 778-1000 or visit them at:


Snowland GREAT WOLF LODGE Through January 8, 2024 The magical experience of Snowland at Great Wolf Lodge is an unforgettable way to ring in NYE with the kids. From spectacular decorations, Snowland-themed suites and even a life-sized gingerbread house, it’s one of the best times to visit Great Wolf Lodge. There’s a feeling of happiness that glows through the Lodge, and just entering the lobby will take your breath away and make you feel like you just teleported into a winter wonderland. Bring joy to your family this holiday season with time together under the enchanting (continued)




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spell of Snowland’s twinkling lights, holiday trees and indoor snow showers that melt into 84-degree basking weather in their indoor water park. DETAILS: Located at 100 Great Wolf Dr. in Grapevine. For more information visit


The Gift Of Lights TEXAS MOTOR SPEEDWAY Through January 1, 2024 Texas Motor Speedway Annual Holiday Lighting Spectacular—The Gift of Lights features over 600 custom LED light displays. Light displays are situated around Texas Motor Speedway’s 1.5-mile oval and underneath the grandstand concourse. DETAILS: Open Sunday through Thursday from 6pm until 9pm, and then Friday and Saturday from 6pm until 10pm through January 1, 2024. Tickets start at $35 per car and will be available at the gate, but can also be purchased in advance online at:




.................................. .................................. Prairie Lights LYNN CREEK PARK Through December 31 Upon arriving at the entrance to Prairie Lights, you will be dazzled with 4 million lights set along 2 miles of path. Hundreds of all-new displays in shapes of all kinds line and arch over the roads. Halfway through the drive, get out of your car for a stop at Holiday Village where you will find food, gifts, Santa and the Holiday Magic Lighted Walk-Through Forest. The second half of the drive ends with the animated light tunnel—a perfect finale to a night you will never forget. Prairie Lights is open every day from 6pm until 10pm. Admission is $50 per car and advanced tickets are available now. DETAILS: Lynn Creek Park is located at 5610 Lake Ridge Parkway in Grand Prairie 75052. They are open from 6pm until 9pm daily up until December 31. VIP fast passes available through December 25. For more detailed information, please visit:

The Light Park HURRICANE HARBOR Through January 1, 2024 The Light Park at Arlington’s Hurricane Harbor is a full mile-long, drive-through spectacular that has been heralded as “one of the coolest ways to brighten your holiday season.” At the Light Park, guests will witness millions of lights synchronized to an electric mix of music powered by DJ Polar Ice from the North Pole’s #1 Hit Radio station, K-GLO as they take in the brightest sights and sounds in the South. Priced per vehicle, rather than per person, meaning the more is truly the merrier for visitors who want to travel through the longest light tunnel in the world, rock out to the coolest tunes, and celebrate the holiday season with the most Instagram Reel-worthy shots! DETAILS: Tickets start at $29 per vehicle and must be purchased online in advance. For more information about this event including hours, please visit:

.................................. .................................. 12 Days of Christmas at Night DALLAS ARBORETUM Through December 31 Holiday at the Arboretum returns with a garden transformed for the magic of the season including the return of the beloved Christmas Village, the 12 Days of Christmas and the Dazzling Musical Tree! You are also invited to visit the historic DeGolyer House, it’s elaborately decorated by renowned designer Michael Hamilton, and celebrates the diversity of the holiday season in our city. This new seasonal exhibit is especially magical with the lights at night, but is open each day, as well, through December 31. It prominently features the three world holidays celebrated during the run of the festival—Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanzaa. DETAILS: Night time admission tickets are available Monday through Wednesday evening for $35 for adults and $11 for children 3-12, and free for children two and under. For more information, visit:

DAY1DFW IRVING CONVENTION CENTER January 1, 2024 In its ninth year of celebration, Day 1 DFW is an all-inclusive event, bringing families together on New Year’s Day. Hosted by Vogel Alcove at The Irving Convention Center, guests get access to so many fun, family-friendly, activities and performances all day long. The event concludes with a glow dance party with live music from Emerald City All-Stars. This year’s New Year’s Day celebration will also feature a rock climbing wall, STEM activities, silent disco, magic shows, crafts and games alongside great food. Secure your tickets now and don’t miss out on the most exciting way to welcome 2024! Your family’s attendance not only guarantees a day of family fun, but also supports a noble cause. DETAILS: Doors will open at 3pm. Children 17 and under are free and adults are just $10. For tickets and more detailed info, visit:

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.................................. Holiday In The Park SIX FLAGS OVER TEXAS Through December 31 From festive shows to extravagantly decorated Christmas trees, holiday fun is around every corner. The whole family can relish in the joy of this wonderful season with a ride on hill made of snow, time spent with Santa and Mrs. Claus and an opportunity to meet Rudolph and his reindeer friends. Walk through the Boomtown section of the park and see it come alive with more than 8 1/2 miles of lights, Texas-sized ornaments and a 70-foot-tall




dancing Christmas tree. It is the perfect spot for a family photo and will leave an impression on you as big as our great state! DETAILS: Six Flags Over Texas Park will be open from noon to 7pm on both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Please call (817) 640-8900 or visit them online at:


Vitruvian Lights VITRUVIAN PARK, ADDISON Through January 1, 2024 Vitruvian Park transforms into North Texas’ most magical free holiday wonderland during Vitruvian Lights, when more than 1.5 million sparkling LED lights are wrapped around 555 trees. Now through Monday, January 1st, visitors are encouraged to walk or drive through Vitruvian Park to enjoy the beauty of the lights. This is the 11th annual season for Vitruvian Lights, sponsored by UDR and the Town of Addison. DETAILS: For details, visit:




.................................. .................................. The Trains at Northpark NORTHPARK CENTER Through January 5, 2024 Since 1987, the Trains at Northpark have been delighting the hearts and minds of young and old alike. This holiday family tradition features miniature toy trains rolling along 1600 feet of track from coast to coast on a whimsical rail journey across America. New for 2023, the trains are in a new location and the entire exhibit has gotten a makeover. Come visit the Trains at their new space on Level One, adjacent to Macy’s and Santa from now until January 5, 2024 (except on Thanksgiving and Christmas—closing at 4pm on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, and 6pm on New Year’s Day). Tickets are still just $10 for adults, $5 for children and seniors. All proceeds from ticket sales go to helping families at Ronald McDonald House of Dallas. DETAILS: For more information, please visit:

Zoo Year’s Eve FORT WORTH ZOO December 31 Parents go ring in the new year—and drop your kids off to for their own wild NYE party. Pizza dinner, snacks and continental breakfast are included. From 6 pm on December 31 to 9am on January 1, 2024. DETAILS: This event is open to kids aged 6 to 12 years. Visit:

.................................. Dallas Zoo Lights DALLAS ZOO Through January 2, 2024 Walk through a wild winter wonderland at Dallas Zoo Lights Presented by Reliant. The Dallas Zoo Lights holiday light exhibit is open select night from 5:30 to 10pm. DETAILS: Tickets range from $11-22 each. Advanced purchase of timed entry tickets is required. Buy your tickets early for the best selection at:

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greater good SL To Be Like Me is a unique field trip destination for schools in North Texas providing disability awareness education to students and teachers. Through meaningful interactions with their LEADers, they create a learning opportunity that fosters empathy and compassion, and equips our communities to be more inclusive.

Breaking barriers, fostering compassion.




SL greater good


TO BE LIKE ME is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking barriers and fostering compassion. It was founded by its Executive Director Hollis Owens. During her many years in the healthcare setting, Hollis had the opportunity to work with patients in clinical research trials, inpatient, outpatient, home health, and schoolbased physical therapy. Hollis lives in Richardson, Texas with her husband




to be like me

is a local nonprofit with a mission to encourage empathy, kindness, and inclusion through disability awareness programs led by people living with disabilities. Their vision is to unite a global community through education and advocacy — where disabilities and differences are understood, accepted, and valued. They are a team dedicated to supporting their LEADers as they spread the important message of kindness, compassion, and inclusion to students and teachers. Brian and four daughters. She and her team are dedicated to supporting their LEADers as they spread the important message of kindness, compassion, and inclusion to students and teachers.

TO BE LIKE ME PROGRAM To Be Like Me is a unique field trip destination for schools in North Texas that provides disability awareness education to students and teachers. Through meaning-

ful interactions with their LEADers, they create a learning opportunity that fosters empathy and compassion and equips our communities to be more inclusive. To Be Like Me disability awareness program is geared towards students, teachers, and special groups. Programs are offered both in-person and online interactions that are led by people who are actually living with disabilities. Lesson topics include, but are not limited to: Autism, Blind & Visual

DISABILITIES ADDRESSED BY To Be Like Me • Autism ———————————————–— • Blind and Visual Impairments ———————————————–— • Cerebral Palsy ———————————————–— • Chromosome Differences ———————————————–— • Craniofacial Differences ———————————————–— • Deaf & Hard of Hearing ———————————————–— • Disability Awareness ———————————————–— • Learning Differences ———————————————–— • Limb Differences ———————————————–— • Mental Health Differences ———————————————–— • Mobility Differences ———————————————–— • Speech & Communication Differences ———————————————–— • Other Disabilities

Impairments, Cerebral Palsy, Chromosome and Craniofacial Differences, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Disability Awareness, Learning Differences, Limb Differences, Mental Health Differences, Mobility Differences, Speech & Communication Differences, among other disabilities.

TO BE LIKE ME LEADERS To Be Like Me employs people who are living with a disability or difference to be their LEADers. These LEADers share their stories, answer questions, and provide disability awareness education to the students and teachers. These experiences impact future interactions, spread empathy, and create a more collaborative and inclusive environment. Empathic students are better able to create and manage successful relationships throughout their lives. Additional benefits of having empathy include positive correlations with leadership, conflict resolution, and the ability to identify and meet goals. By fostering empathy and an environment of inclusion, To Be Like Me sets up each child for success—both now and in the future.


TO BE LIKE ME VISION Their vision is to unite a global community through education and advocacy, where disabilities and differences are understood, accepted, and valued.

TO BE LIKE ME MISSION Their mission is to encourage empathy, kindness, and inclusion through disability awareness programs led by people living with disabilities.

SPRING COMMUNITY DAY 2024 If you want to get involved with To Be Like Me, you should register now for the 2024 Spring Community Day taking place on Sunday, April 21, 2024 at the Tolleson Family Activity Center located at 5817 Hillcrest Avenue in Dallas, Texas 75205. As a participant, you will rotate to five different experiences including: 1. “FlyKind Airways” 2. “Chance's Pie and Coffee Shop” 3. “Assistive Technology” 4. “Classroom” 5. “A Day in the Life” If you would like to learn more about the To Be Like Me disability awareness program and Spring Community Day 2024, please visit To Be Like Me online.

STUDENTS, TEACHERS, SPECIAL GROUPS Interested in getting your classroom, school or district involved in the To Be Like Me 2023-2024 in-person field trips or virtual interactions? Please reach out through the website below and they will be happy to get back to you! —————————————————–—




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because In this issue of Society Life’s Mom’s column, we asked local substitute teacher and Chief Mom Officer Jen Horsley to answer 20 questions about her experiences both in becoming and being a mom. Jen has two children, twin girls: Camilla and Blair, age 11. Jen lives with her husband, Dan and their girls in Southlake. Here’s what she had to say…




Want to be featured with your kids? Simply email your contact info to the editor at: Then you will answer 20 questions and we will take professional photos of you and your kids (we will even give you some!)

I said so




SOCIETY LIFE: What’s one of your earliest memories you have of your Mom? JEN HORSLEY: One my earliest, sweet memories about my mom, Clara is her selfless nature. I loved mushroom pizza as a child and my mom couldn’t stand mushrooms. Without fail when we went for pizza, she ordered the mushroom pizza, then picked off the mushrooms on her own pizza and piled them on high on my side. She never complained once. SL: What is something you thought about Motherhood that was totally wrong? JH: I thought for sure I would have adventurous kids that would devour sushi and love trying new foods. Nope, not a chance! My girls are pretty picky and although we work on it, they have still never tried sushi! SL: What’s something you always wanted to do but didn’t... and why didn’t you? JH: My husband and I always wanted to live in Asia. We got our chance but I was six weeks pregnant with twins. We decided the timing just wasn’t right for us. We did end up visiting Asia, but never actually lived there. SL: Was there something your Mom did when you were a kid that you swore you’d never do as a parent? JH: My mom is very thrifty! We shopped secondhand stores, ate out only on special occasions, and never owned name brand clothes or shoes. I swore I wouldn’t put my kids in thrift store clothes, until I realized just how quickly they grow out of everything—and we had to buy two of everything. You can find just about everything you need at secondhand stores. SL: What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? JH: I always thought I would be a lawyer mostly because my dad said I could argue with a wall. The closest I ever got to being a lawyer was when I served as a teen court attorney in Arlington. SL: How have your notions of what it means to be a Mom changed over your lifetime? JH: I never really considered the hard parts of being a mom. I never dreamt of how hard it would be to parent in an everchanging technology-filled world. All the numerous ways in which we have to keep our kids safe today was never at the forefront of my notions as a mom.

SL: What’s the best family vacation you’ve ever taken? JH: Hands down the best family vacation was a small private boat around the Bahama Islands. It was just our family with a Captain and First Mate for a week. There was no technology and only the ocean and books for distractions. We swam with turtles and stingrays, we saw hundreds of dolphins and read for hours a day. We had to take two-minute showers to save water. The conversations, the laughs and memories we made on that trip will live on forever. SL: Is there a moment or event that radically changed the way you saw Motherhood? JH: Yes, when one of our daughters spent two nights before Christmas in the hospital fighting asthma. I laid in the hospital bed with her and sang to her while she received her treatments. Those poor doctors and nurses that had to hear my singing! It was the only way she would calm down enough to get the medications she needed. And just like a Christmas miracle we were released on Christmas Eve. I was both overwhelmed and overjoyed that she was home and healthy. SL: When did you know you were ready to have kids? JH: When I met my husband, I knew he would be an amazing dad. He’s the one that convinced me we should be parents. For the record, I was right about him… he’s the best and most proud girl-dad! SL: What’s your favorite photo of your family or kids? JH: I have a picture of my girls hugging and it captures their personalities so well. Camilla has a giant smile on her face and Blair has her tongue sticking out. That picture will always hang on our walls. SL: What was the first year of motherhood like for you? JH: The first year of motherhood was a crazy balancing act. We went from no kids, to two kids, traded in our sporty car for a minivan and had a live-in au pair. My husband and I both traveled extensively for our jobs so we had to sync our calendars to ensure one of us was always home. SL: What do you want or wish most for your kids? JH: Since the girls were very young, we always told them they have good hearts and they are kind. I subscribe to the theory of “tell them who they are and they’ll

Momilies 52



believe you.” My desire for them is to use their kindness and good hearts to spread good to the world. SL: What are some of your biggest struggles as a Mom? JH: I dealt with a lot of mom-guilt when the girls were younger as I traveled so much for work. I had guilt that someone else was raising them. The reality is, it takes a village to raise kids, so one more person who loves your kids is fine. My current struggles are navigating social media with pre-teens. I want them to understand the danger, but also appreciate the perspective that it offers. SL: What would your perfect day off be like? Describe it. JH: My perfect day would start with sleeping in until 10am. Followed by a cup of coffee on the beach searching for sea shells with my girls. I would have time to read a good book, then have lunch with my friends, followed by a seafood dinner with my family. SL: What’s the one song that means the most to you? JH: There are two songs that I sang over and over to my girls. Lean on Me and You are my Sunshine. Anytime we hear these songs, we feel an instant connection and it brings a smile to our faces. SL: What advice would you give to your younger self about Motherhood? JH: In addition to giving all you have to your family, don’t forget to save a little for yourself. Self-care is needed for moms to survive and thrive. Accept help from your friends and family when they offer it. SL: Is there a quote, saying, words of advice or scripture you consider words to live by? JH: Don’t let your fear steal your fun. I never want my girls to be too scared to take risk, push their boundaries and explore the world. SL: If you could share a meal with any woman past, present or future who would it be? Why? JH: My grandmothers were both incredibly strong women who broke the glass ceilings in their respective fields. They inspired me to work hard and have a career I was proud of as an Senior Vice President of Business Development for a tech company working with some the biggest brands like Procter & Gamble, Miller Coors, and 3M. Even though my girls never met my grandmothers, I know they would be proud of the young ladies they are becoming. SL: What Mom from real-life or even TV/movies do you admire most? JH: I admire Laura Bush immensely. She’s always so composed, raised incredible twin girls, and has a servant’s heart. SL: At the end of a long day, what do you do for fun or relaxation? JH: We love to take our girls out on the boat at Lake Grapevine. It’s our place to chill as a family. We don’t allow technology on the boat so we’re forced to tell jokes, play games and do all the water sports.




Father Time & Baby New Year Embracing Change: The Timeless Dance of Father Time and Baby New Year As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, a symbolic passing of the torch occurs—ushering in a fresh start and the promise of new beginnings. This timeless tradition is embodied by two iconic figures: Father Time and Baby New Year. Together, they have come to represent the cyclical nature of time and the perpetual cycle of life.




FatherHood SL H I S P E R S P E C T I V E : S T O R I E S F R O M FAT H E R H O O D



Father Time, often depicted as an elderly man with a long, flowing beard and a scythe, is the personification of the year that has come to an end. He symbolizes the passage of time, the accumulation of experiences, and the wisdom gained over the course of the year. As he gracefully exits the stage, he imparts valuable lessons and memories that become the foundation upon which the future is built. His presence is a reminder that time, with its relentless march forward, is both an architect and a witness to the ebb-and-flow of our lives. On the other side of this temporal spectrum stands Baby New Year, a cherubic infant adorned in a diaper and a sash with the digits of the upcoming year. This adorable representation embodies the dawn of a new era that carrying the hopes, dreams, and untapped potential of the months that lie ahead. Baby New Year serves as a reminder that, with the turning of the calendar, a blank slate emerges—offering the opportunity for growth, change, and renewal. The synergy between Father Time and Baby New Year is a powerful metaphor for the inevitability of change and the continuous cycle of life. It encourages reflection on the past while inspiring optimism for the future. The wisdom of the outgoing year, as embodied by Father Time, becomes the stepping stone for the fresh start embodied by Baby New Year. In the dance of time, we find the beauty of balance. The departing year leaves its mark, be it through achievements or challenges, while the arrival of the new year heralds the promise of resilience and the chance to redefine our paths. The interplay between these two symbolic figures invites us to embrace change, learn from the past, and approach the future with optimism and a sense of wonder. As we bid farewell to the weary face of Father Time and welcome the innocence of Baby New Year into our lives, let us remember that each moment is an opportunity for growth and transformation. In their eternal dance, Father Time and Baby New Year remind us that, no matter the challenges or triumphs, the cycle of life continues, and each passing year brings a chance for growth, resilience, and the beauty of new beginnings.





texas travel and beyond


Resolution 2024

TRAVEL MORE A new year is right around the corner and that often means resolutions. One resolution I can help you keep is to travel more in 2024! I truly believe that everyone can live a travel lifestyle no matter their situation. Whether it’s finding unique experiences in your own city, exploring the best weekend getaways, or planning that amazing 2-week vacation—I am here to help you make more of 2024!

I’m a native Texan born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. A Latina who has spent her entire life growing up in Texas. As the original Texas Travel Influencer (and named #1 Texas Travel Influencer), it’s been amazing to hear all of the incredible stories of how I paved the way to inspire people to travel and support local Texas businesses—thus inspiring a new generation of Texas travelers and Texas content creators. When I first started blogging, all of the social media accounts were focused on how to travel the world by featuring far off exotic destinations that often weren’t accessible to the typical 9-5 worker. By focusing specifically on Texas travel, I have been able to help thousands of people discover exciting activities and destinations nearby. My husband and I spend nearly every week traveling to different Texas cities, to create in-depth travel guides and provide resources to my community. It’s a little crazy, but Texas is big and there’s so much to explore! I’m always looking to uncover hidden gems, waterfalls, and highlighting places that not everyone may know about while inspiring people to visit places they haven’t considered before. In addition to writing blogs on my website and posting on social media, I have served as a Texas spokesperson for brands such as Lonely Planet, spoken on new stations about different Texas destinations, written my own Texas travel guide (which sold out of its first edition and is now carried in stores across Texas), and I guest write on different publications such as Dallas Observer, Travel Texas, Texas Lifestyle Magazine, Texas Living, and here in Society Life.




Although my primary focus is on Texas travel, a niche that helped me grow a community of over 1 million Texans, I do occasionally like to travel outside of Texas for fun getaways to places like the Maldives, Santa Fe, and more. As a Mexican American, I especially love visiting Mexico and other Spanish-speaking destinations. It’s fun to mix in regular Texas travel with those exciting out of state and out of country destinations. So, let’s get started on a resolution to travel more in 2024! Where should we go first? Let’s start here. I know most of you, like myself, are ready to jet off to a far-off destination as soon as possible. I have so many places on my bucket list that there’s no way I’ll get to scratch them all off. However, I’ve managed to find some unique places in Texas that are truly amazing and remind me of some places abroad. So even if you’re not planning on leaving the country, I’ve gathered a list of some of the best Texas destinations to visit that have international flair!


How to Travel the World Without Leaving Texas

——————————————————————————————–—– Instead of visiting Stonehenge visit... Stonehenge II! In fact, Texas has two stone henges, but my favorite is in Ingram where they also have the Easter Island statues! Instead of visiting Italian Wine Country… How about trying the Fredericksburg Vineyards? Texas is making a big name for itself in the wine industry. Going wine tasting in Fredericksburg, it’s easy to see why! Instead of Riding Camels in the Sahara Desert... How about going sand surfing in the Monahan’s Sandhills? I bet you didn’t even know this was a thing! Well, let me tell you—it a pretty crazy fun experience! Instead of Visiting the Taj Mahal in India… Get a little view of an incredible Hindu temple right outside of Houston in Sugar Land. BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir invites guests to respectfully enter and see their temple while learning about the faith.




Instead of Oktoberfest in Germany… How about going to the WurstFest in New Braunfels? New Braunfels is a historical German town, so of course they’re going to take their Oktoberfest very seriously. It’s full of good beer, good food, and good people!

Instead of Visiting the Tulip Fields in Holland… Check out the incredible tulip fields in Waxahachie! Or you can head to Nederland, Texas where they have a windmill museum that will make you feel like you’ve suddenly been transported to Holland, and they even have tulips out front!

Instead of Visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris… How about visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Texas? It may be a little cheesy (the tower has a cowboy hat on top), but it is still totally worth it! Grab a box of macaroons, your favorite Parisian outfit, and eat croissants under the mini-Eiffel tower for the perfect romantic date all in Paris, Texas!

Or See the World in Houston…… Houston is such a diverse city full of different cultures all in one place. Because of this, you can practically eat around the world without leaving Houston, as well as see a wide array of cultural art.

Instead of a Safari in Tanzania… You can head to the adorable town of Glen Rose and visit the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, with thousands of exotic animals and the largest cheetah breeding program. You might even get to make friends with a giraffe! Instead of a Gondola Ride in Venice… How about a romantic gondola ride in the Canals of Las Colinas in Irving? Plus, you won’t have to worry about all of the crowds! Instead of Visiting the Lavender Fields in Provence… How about visiting the Bluebonnet fields in Ennis? In the spring, Texas is covered with these blue beauties, but Ennis is especially popular for their blue fields.




Instead of Visiting the Northern Lights… Visit the mysterious lights in Marfa. This is another corny one, but just being out in Marfa, you’ll be surprised with the gorgeous view of the stars. Plus, a trip to El Cosmicos and the Prada installation make it 100% worth the trip. Instead of Visiting the Shire… Check out a Hobbit treehouse near Austin, Texas or Hobbit House in McKinney that will make you feel like you’ve been transported to a whole new world!! Instead of Traveling to Vietnam… Check out this incredible restaurant in Dripping Springs that was once an old Vietnamese town house. The owners of Tillie’s Restaurant and Bar shipped it all the way here for a one-of-a-kind dining experience.

Instead of Visiting France… Check out the French town of Castroville, complete with its own Alsatian home, Alsatian food, and culture. There is much to do in this cute, little, French Texas town. Instead of Traveling to Burma… You can check out the brilliant, gold Buddhist temple near Austin where they invite you inside to learn about the culture. Instead of Dancing Polka in the Czech Republic… Czech out the Ennis Polka Festival! Ennis hosts a National Polka Festival every year where people travel around the country to dance, enjoy Czech music, and eat Czech food. Instead of Visiting Dublin, Ireland… Why not check out Dublin, Texas where you will find Irish roots and influence, a great St. Patrick’s Day festival, and other fun things to do! You know they say Texas is like a whole other country—it’s actually as large as several countries, so it’s no wonder there’s so many diverse things to do! Your international travel dreams might just happen right here in the Lone Star State. You can visit for detailed posts with links on all of these fun destinations to see if it just might be a fit for your first long weekend of 2024. No passports needed!









We List It Free ....................................................

Free event listings available on a first-come, first-served basis. Include the name of your event, date, time, location, the ticket pricing, contact info, website, a brief explanation of any event activities. Finally please email your complete listing to us at: Use ‘SL Datebook’ in the subject line. We need information at least 45 days before the event. ....................................................





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DEC 19 • Rôckin’ Around the Christmas Tree Holiday Party • You’re invited! The Rô on Oak presents Rôckin’ Around the Christmas Tree holiday Party on Tuesday, December 19th. The Rô is the first upscale lounge to arrive on the locally famous Oak Street in Roanoke. Upscale cocktail lounge with sexy atmosphere where sophistication, cozy vibes, and premium cocktails converge. Holiday party will feature DJ Electrophunck, live ornament calligraphy, complimentary sips and bites, plus fun surprises! Let’s Rock and Rô! Decked halls and expertly crafted libations make an unforgettable December on Oak. The Rô on Oak is located at 320 South Oak Street in Roanoke, Texas 76262. Please RSVP to then visit The Rô online at: .................................................................. THRU DEC 23 • The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical at Casa Manana • Based on the best-selling book and play by Barbara Robinson, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical is the story of the Herdmans, who are the worst kids in the history of the world. They lie, they steal, they bully other kids, and they smoke smelly cigars. There used to be only one place where you’d never see them—church. This all changes when Charlie Bradley brags that his Sunday school offers free snacks. All six of the Herdmans show up at church in search of pizza, cookies and Hawaiian Punch, and end up in the Christmas pageant. Charlie’s mom, Grace, is the novice director, who not only casts them in the show but, much to the dismay of the other kids, lets them play all the leads. Grace instantly finds herself caught between two forces of nature—the Herdmans and Helen Armstrong, who speaks for all of the outraged citizens of the town. Grace has two choices—get rid of the Herdmans or let them stay and risk being blamed for the worst pageant in the history of the world. This show is suitable for all audiences. Tickets start at $24. For tickets and more information, visit: ................................................................. THRU DEC 23 • A Charlie Brown Christmas at Dallas Children’s Theater • We are fortunate that Christmastime means Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Snoopy, and friends are back at DCT by popular demand! Rediscover the true reason for the season while sharing laughs with the Peanuts Gang along the way. As a live combo fills your heart with music, merriment, and warmth, Charles Schulz’s classic special makes you nostalgic for days gone by. Button up your coat, and


meet us on the ice as the Baker Theater becomes a most awesome skating rink! A Charlie Brown Christmas runs every weekend day between November 25 and December 23 at 1:30pm and 4:30pm. The show is recommended for ages five and up. The Dallas Children’s Theater is located at 5938 Skillman, Dallas 75231. Tickets start at $29 and are available at: .................................................................. THRU DEC 23 • Home on the Range for the Holidays at Omni PGA Frisco • Families wanting to capture all of the holiday magic should look no farther than the Omni PGA Frisco Resort. The luxurious 660-acre development in North Texas will be transformed into a holiday wonderland, decked out with miles of garland and lights and 35

different holiday trees across the property and inside the Resort. The most magical of these will be the 35’ tree in the Monument Realty PGA District, which will feature a custom animated light display set to classic holiday music. Activities and experiences are around each corner, as guests can encounter live reindeer, festive holiday characters, a photo opportunity with a real longhorn and trips on the Fields Ranch Holiday Express train. Children can meet up with elf balloon artists, write and mail letters to Santa and create holiday ornament keepsake families will cherish for years and years to come. All the restaurants in the Monument Realty PGA District will offer curated food and beverage options, and pop-up stations will offer holiday treats, snacks and





cocoa (regular and boozy) for purchase. The event is free to attend for adults 19 and up and for children 2 and younger. However, guests ages 3-18 years old must purchase a $30 ticket. Tickets: .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Santa’s Village at Southlake Town Square • Nothing marks the holidays like pictures with Santa. Kids of all ages can visit with the jolly fella at Santa’s Village in Southlake Town Square. Starting Sunday, November 19 through Christmas Eve, stop by to take a peek inside the village, have photos taken or just drop off a last-minute request letter to Santa. Photo prices start at $25.95. To decrease the number of people waiting in line, there will be a paging system. Check in at the Elf Station




in person next to Santa’s Village to put your name on the reservation list for that day only. You will receive a text 10 minutes prior to your family’s turn. For updates, visit: .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • The Christmas Village at the Dallas Arboretum • Santa is back at the garden in the perfect holiday setting— The Christmas Village. Share your Christmas wish with the jolly old man, and take a photo to commemorate the occasion. Keepsake family photos are available for a donation to the Volunteer Advisory Board from noon–3pm Saturdays and Sundays. Santa is only one of the reasons to come visit the Arboretum during the holidays. You won’t want to miss the chance to see the 12

Days of Christmas and the 50-foot-tall musical tree. For reservations, please visit the event website at: .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Photos with Santa at Northeast Mall • During Santa’s Sabbatical from the North Pole, kids can stop by to whisper their list, then have a magical moment with Santa captured forever in keepsake photos. Now through Christmas Eve, Santa stationed in the Center Court near Macy’s and Starbucks Monday-Saturday from 10am-9pm and Sunday noon-6pm. Please call: (817) 284-3427 .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Photos with Santa at Gaylord Texan’s Lone Star Christmas • Whether you’ve been naughty or nice, don’t miss the chance to have a treasured photo taken with old Saint Nick. From now until December 24, Santa’s waiting for you in the Lone Star Atrium, near the Oil Derrick next to Texan Station. Times: M-F from 4-9pm, Sat. 10am-9pm and Sun.10am-6pm. Photo packages start at $35 and are required to meet Santa. Visit: .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Santa’s Wonderland • Bass Pro Shops will feature Santa’s Wonderland where families can get a free 4x6 photo with Santa weekdays from 5-8pm, Saturdays 10am-8pm and Sundays from 10am-5pm. Is your little one a bit shy or you don’t have time to wait in line? Families can also drop by a letter to Santa and enjoy the amazing aquariums and wildlife displays found in every Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s store. For reservations, please visit: (or) .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Santa at The Star • Santa at the Star will welcome Santa Claus to his Cowboys fan-themed set at The Star in Frisco from Friday, Nov. 17 until Sunday, Dec. 24! Visitors will have the opportunity to take a photograph with Santa inside his custom Dallas Cowboys cottage. Photo packages include a printed 5×7 photo and an exclusive Cowboys gift for each child. Visitors can save $5 when they book their appointment before December 9 using code STAR5. Santa’s cottage is located centrally in The Star District at 3620 The Star Blvd, Suite 1205 (across from Ascension). Parking is available in the Silver Parking Garage located off of Gaylord Parkway. To book your visit with Santa, please go to: ..................................................................

THRU DEC 24 • Photos with Santa in Grapevine • Don’t miss the opportunity to capture the perfect Christmas family photo with Kris Kringle at the Founders Building at 701 South Main Street in historic downtown Grapevine. Reservations are available for photo times Monday through Sunday starting now through December 24. Receive photos before you leave! Picture packages start at $30. For more details or to make a reservation, visit: .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Santa at Galleria Dallas • Come see Santa in-person at Santaland at Galleria Dallas. Stationed on level 1 near Banana Republic, families are welcome to bring their phones or digital cameras to take photos with Santa. Combo tickets are available with the photo op and exhibit SnowDay. From there, you can catch the next Express Train to Santaland with daily non-stop service to the North Pole. These trains leave every 15 minutes. You’ll arrive in a magical moonlit forest and journey through an enchanted path filled with starry lights, polar bears, and extra photo ops leading to Santa’s majestic cabin hideaway. This year, there will be designated times for Santa Paws, Santa Cares and Spanishspeaking Santa. Reservations are strongly recommended. For tickets and more details, .................................................................. THRU DEC 24 • Holidays in the Stockyards • Celebrate the holidays Cowboystyle every Friday-Sunday starting with Santa’s grand arrival on November 24th, and continuing through December 24th with fun activities for the whole family. Centered on western heritage holiday activities that the entire family can enjoy, like a cattle drive, story time with Mrs. Claus, caroling and Cowboy Santa! All festivities happen along East Exchange Avenue on the lawns of the Cowtown Coliseum and Livestock Exchange Building, inside the Stockyards Station, and participating surrounding businesses like the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame and Billy Bobs. For a complete list of events or to book photos with Cowboy Santa, visit: .................................................................. THRU DEC 31 • Prairie Lights 2023 at Lynn Creek Park • Upon arriving at the entrance to Prairie Lights, you will be dazzled with 4 million lights set along 2 miles of path. Hundreds of all-new displays in shapes of all kinds line and arch over the roads. Halfway through the drive, get out of your car for a stop at Holiday Village where you


will find food, gifts, Santa and the Holiday Magic Lighted Walk-Through Forest. The second half of the drive ends with the animated light tunnel—a perfect finale to a night you will never forget. Prairie Lights is open every day from 6pm until 10pm. Admission is $50 per car and advanced tickets are available now. Santa must return to the North Pole on December 23, so if you want to give him any last requests, visit before then! For ticket purchase and more event details, visit: .................................................................. THRU DEC 31 • Lone Star Christmas at Gaylord Texan Resort • There is no better way to celebrate the holidays than gathering your family for Christmas at Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in

Grapevine. Find endless hours of Christmas entertainment and activities across the resort, such as gingerbread decorating, snow tubing, ice skating and much more. ICE! returns this holiday season. Step into a wonderland carved by expert artisans out of two million pounds of colorful ice. It’s a cool 9 degrees inside, but their signature blue parkas are warm and toasty. This season, you'll see the story of Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas in larger-than-life sculptures. For additional details and individual holiday event tickets/reservations, please call (817) 778-1000 or visit them at: .................................................................. THRU JAN 1, 2024 • Vitruvian Lights • The most dazzling and spectacular time of





the year is nearly here! Vitruvian Park transforms into North Texas’ most magical free holiday wonderland during Vitruvian Lights, when more than 1.5 million sparkling LED lights are wrapped around 555 trees. Now through Monday, January 1st, visitors are encouraged to walk or drive through Vitruvian Park to enjoy the beauty of the lights. This is the 11th annual season for Vitruvian Lights, sponsored by UDR and the Town of Addison. This year, there will also be alive music night on November 25th along with gourmet food trucks, sweet treats, free photos with Santa, live reindeer, letters to Santa, classic holiday characters, an elf balloon artist and more! For more information and the park FAQs and updates, visit:




.................................................................. THRU JAN 1, 2024 • The Light Park at Hurricane Harbor • The most exciting and electrifying light show South of the North Pole, The Light Park is a mile-long, drivethru spectacular that has been heralded as “one of the coolest ways to brighten your holiday season.” At the Light Park, guests will witness millions of lights synchronized to an electric mix of music powered by DJ Polar Ice from the North Pole’s #1 Hit Radio station, K-GLO as they take in the brightest sights and sounds in the South. Priced per vehicle, rather than per person, the more is truly merrier for visitors who want to travel through the longest light tunnel in the world, rock out to the coolest tunes, and celebrate the holiday season with the most

Instagram Reel-worthy shots! Tickets start at $29 per vehicle and must be purchased online in advance. For more information, please visit: .................................................................. THRU JAN 1, 2024 • Lightscape at Fort Worth Botanic Garden • Following soldout runs in the world’s largest cities including London, Melbourne, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York, the internationally acclaimed Lightscape is back in North Texas for a second season at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. With entry times available every 15 minutes from 5:30 to 8:30pm nightly, ticketholders will walk an illuminated 1.2-mile-long path with suspended strands and tunnels of light. With an astonishing 80 percent newly designed displays, this year’s reimagined event promises an even more immersive and magical experience for visitors of all ages. Attendees will also have the opportunity to toast marshmallows over a fire and drink hot chocolate and other seasonal drinks at stations along the trail. Tickets are $23 for adults and $15 for children ages 3 to 12. Children 2 and under are free. Tickets on sale now: .................................................................. THRU FEB 4, 2024 • Modern Lights at The Modern Art Museum • The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is impressive during any season. However, it’s only possible to witness its spectacular illumination during the holiday season. Visitors can enjoy the sight of festive lights from the galleries. The museum offers extended hours until 8pm and free gallery admission on Fridays. Take your time to enjoy dazzling lights on the museum grounds or grab a bite at Café Modern during “Dinner with Lights” on Friday evenings. Executive Chef Jett Mora welcomes you with warm hospitality, creative cuisine and a seasonal menu rooted in Texas ingredients. Seating is available from 5pm to 8:30pm. For more details, please visit: .................................................................. THRU JAN 5, 2024 • The Trains at Northpark • Since 1987, the Trains at Northpark have been delighting the hearts and minds of young and old alike. This holiday family tradition features miniature toy trains rolling along 1600-feet of track from coast to coast on a whimsical rail journey across America. New for 2023, the trains are in a new location and the entire exhibit has gotten a makeover. Come visit the Trains at their new space on Level One, adjacent to Macy’s and Santa from now until Jan. 5, 2024 (except on Thanksgiving and Christmas—closing at

4pm on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, and 6pm on New Year's Day). Tickets are still just $10 for adults, $5 for children and seniors. All of the proceeds from ticket sales goes to helping families at the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas. For more information, visit: .................................................................. THRU JAN 7, 2024 • Peace Plaza Ice Skating Rink • Back for a second year is Grapevine’s very own outdoor ice-skating rink on Historic Main Street. Visitors to the Christmas Capital of Texas will enjoy the Texas-sized ice rink located on Peace Plaza in front of Grapevine Main Station, home to Harvest Hall. The towering live Christmas tree is also on the plaza, as well as the larger-than-life ornaments visitors have come to know and love each season—such as the giant reindeer, Victorian coaches and more. Everyone will have plenty of time to enjoy all the festivities and work on their triple lutz thanks to a schedule that will span over 50 days through January 7! To get your tickets and for more skating rink information or questions, visit: .................................................................. THRU JAN 8, 2024 • Snowland at Great Wolf Lodge • The magical experience of Snowland at Great Wolf Lodge is unforgettable. From spectacular decorations, visits with Santa, Snowland-themed suites and even a life-sized gingerbread house, it’s one of the best times to visit Great Wolf Lodge. There’s a feeling of happiness that glows through the Lodge, and just entering the lobby will take your breath away and make you feel like you just stepped into a winter wonderland. Santa visits on the weekends, a red mailbox is in the lobby that will deliver your message directly to the North Pole, and you can stop by Great Wolf Kids where they will provide you with themed paper to write your letter to Santa. Bring joy to your family this holiday season with time together under the enchanting spell of Snowland’s twinkling lights, holiday trees and indoor snow showers that melt into 84-degree basking weather in their indoor water park. Visit: .................................................................. THRU JAN 31, 2024 • The Nazareenes: Germany’s 19th Century Avant-Garde Artists • Please join us on Thursday, November 30th from 6-8pm for the opening night party for the show with live piano music, wine, and hors d’oeuvres at Gallery C19—located at 1500 Solana Boulevard in Building 5 in Suite 5150, Westlake, Texas 76262. Then, the ongoing show will run


until January 31, 2024. It will feature works of art such as The Triumph of Christ by Joseph von Führich. For more information, please visit: .................................................................. FEB 7, 2024 • Annual Peace. Love. Shine. Galentine’s Event • House of Shine’s Peace. Love. Shine. Fundraiser is the event of the year that you won’t want to miss! It is a unique celebration of extraordinary women who shine both personally and professionally. Imagine a fusion of Galentine’s Day and Oprah’s Favorite Things, where you not only discover the brilliance of accomplished women, but also receive one of their favorite things. It’s a night where everyone walks away feeling like a winner! You’ll have the chance to bid on exclusive experiences

that provide a deeper connection with these remarkable women. The atmosphere is electric (this year, at the stunning Glass Cactus at Gaylord Texan) and seating is limited. Based on past years, we anticipate another sold-out event, so don't wait to secure your seat! Grab a group of friends and join us as we reveal this year’s Women Who Shine and the Things They Love from 5:3010:30pm. Tickets are $150 and can be bought at: ...................................................................... Free DateBook event listings are first-come, first-served. Include your event’s name, date, time, location, ticket pricing/purchase info, contact information, website, and a brief explanation. Allow 45 days advance notice of your event for print deadline: ......................................................................









2024 FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW & RODEO Dust Off Your Boots – It’s Rodeo Time. Come to Where the ‘West Is Fun!’





Friday, January 12th until Saturday, February 3rd

The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo (FWSSR) is the most authentic Western lifestyle experience anywhere! As Fort Worth’s largest and oldest public event, the FWSSR is exciting and fun, making Fort Worth the greatest city in Texas! An anticipated crowd of nearly 1.3 million will pass through the gates of the Will Rogers Memorial Center and Dickies Arena between January 12 through February 3 to take advantage of 23 days full of exciting rodeo action, headline entertainers, and fun designed for the whole family. Fun will be the watchword as families, friends, and contestants enjoy what the FWSSR is about—rodeos, shopping, carnival midway, food, and livestock and horse shows. While showing is fun, it will get serious when 13,000-plus Texas 4-H and FFA youth exhibitors head to the show from more than 230 of Texas' 254 counties—all with hopes for show ring success and the chance to sell their livestock in the Jr. Sale of Champions. Millions in auction proceeds, scholarships, and livestock premiums will be up for grabs. And then there's the highly anticipated Rodeo! Nowhere is Rodeo more fun and exciting than in Dickies Arena, where cowboys and cowgirls thrill audiences with athleticism unmatched in professional sports. There are 25 rodeo performances, giving fans numerous options to take in the sights, sounds, and excitement of Fort Worth’s iconic celebration of rodeo action. The Show’s Auditorium Entertainment Series, presented by ARIAT, offers top-flight entertainment: Sammy Kershaw, Old Crow Medicine Show, Trace Adkins, Smokey Robinson, Pam Tillis, and Little Texas. “We want the Fort Worth Stock Show to be a place where our guests can enjoy their old favorites and try something new,” said Stock Show President Brad Barnes. —————————————————————————————————————————— Take advantage of FWSSR budget-friendly days! Fort Worth Stock Show fans on a budget can enjoy discounts during the Show’s 23 days of great entertainment, fun, and awesome rodeo action. Holders of a North Texas Toll Authority tag will want to visit the Stock Show every Tuesday as one free grounds admission ticket is provided with the display of the tag when you park on show grounds. Tuesday, January 16, all patrons wearing Dickies apparel, the official work wear of the Stock Show, will receive complimentary ground admission. Seniors 55 and older receive half-off general ground admission for $6 on the following Fridays of the Show: January 12, 19, 26, and February 2. There will also be three days earmarked for three outstanding Texas universities, including Fort Worth’s own TCU, January 25, as well as Texas A&M, January 18, and Texas Tech, January 30. Those wearing university-logoed clothing correlating with each designated day will receive complimentary grounds admission. Students and faculty

———————————––– 3400 BURNETT TANDY DRIVE FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107 ———————————––– • Best of the West Ranch Rodeo January 12 and 13 ———————————––– • Best of Mexico Celebración January 14 • Cowboys of Color Rodeo January 15 ———————————––– • Bulls’ Night Out Xtreme Bull Riding - January 16 and 17 ———————————––– • Texas Champions Challenge January 18 ———————————––– • FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament January 19 – February 3 ———————————––– • Livestock and Horse Shows ———————————––– • Kid-Friendly Activities & Exhibits ———————————––– Live Music Presented by ARIAT: ..................................................... • Sammy Kershaw, Jan.12 • Old Crow Medicine Show, Jan. 18 • Trace Adkins, Jan. 19 • Smokey Robinson, Jan. 20 • Pam Tillis along with Little Texas February 1 ———————————––– • Carnival Mid-Way ———————————––– • Acres of Shopping from Fashion to Farm Equipment ———————————––– • Great Food and much more! ———————————––– LEARN MORE BY VISITING




SL 6 Questions About

2 0 2 4 F O RT W O RT H S T O C K S H O W & R O D E O

members with a valid I.D. can also snag a rodeo ticket for half-price at the Dickies Arena Box Office or any other Stock Show ticket window located throughout the grounds. “We encourage fans to make a note of these days with their plans to attend the Stock Show,” notes Matt Brockman, Stock Show communications director. “These are great days to visit as the Show is usually less congested as opposed to weekends. Thanks to partners like Dickies and the North Texas Toll Authority, offers like this make the Stock Show more affordable.” ——————————————————————————–————————–———— WHO: The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo promotes continuing improvement in livestock breeding, raising, and marketing and encourages the pursuit of excellence generally throughout the livestock and agriculture industries. They foster educational opportunities for Texas youth through competitions and scholarship programs to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the livestock industry and its role in feeding the world. They also collaborate with the City of Fort Worth, investing in public-private projects to improve and expand the Will Rogers Memorial Center and Dickies Arena so that these facilities attract and host a variety of public events for the enjoyment of the citizens of Fort Worth and the North Texas region.

WHAT: The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is the most authentic Western lifestyle experience found anywhere—since 1896. All Stock Show guests will receive free access, courtesy of Central Market, to the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History (FWMSH), and the Cattle Raisers Museum. ———————————————– WHERE: 3400 Burnett Tandy Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76107 ———————————————– WHEN: Friday, January 12, 2024 through Saturday, February 3, 2024 ———————————————– WHY: The FWSSR supports the freedoms and rights granted to all citizens of the United States of America, fostering the education of future generations on the applications of raising livestock for the production of food and fiber for a growing population as they give back to the communities that have faithfully embraced and supported the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo since its beginning in 1896. ———————————————– HOW: Since 1896, the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo has celebrated the livestock industry, its multicultural diversity, and the ingrained influence it has on the social and cultural fabric of our community and Texas, as well as the role ranchers and farmers serve in the production of a nutritious, affordable and safe food supply. ....................................................... 3 WAYS TO BUY TICKETS: • Buy online at • Call 817-502-0011 • In-person at Dickies Arena Box Office at 1911 Montgomery Street Visit : ....................................................... Stock show experience/group sales, email:

———–—————————————————————–—————–—————————————————————–—————– 2024 FWSSR | 3400 Burnett Tandy Drive | Fort Worth, Texas 76107 | 817-877-2400 | Make plans today by visiting: —————————–———————————————–—————–—————————————————————–—————–





dining guide


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WLG REVIEW - PAGE 80: Acquario Italian Seafood




AMERICAN / ECLECTIC ................................... Babe’s Chicken Dinner House • Fried chicken good as grandma’s, but she’d rather chow down on unlimited sides. Warm biscuits with butter and honey are reason to go. • Roanoke & NRH

TruFire Kitchen & Bar • Consistent menu, exemplary akaushi beef burger, truffle-scented mac n’cheese. Try banana split and handcrafted cocktails. Gluten-free or vegetarian menus. • Southlake

Blue 22 Sports Grill • Family gathering spot with a scratch kitchen offering prime sporting events—what more could you ask for? This is a perfect family-friendly sports bar! • Trophy Club

ASIAN / SUSHI / THAI .................................... Cowtown Sushi • Unexpectedly refined sushi and sashimi. Hidden gem status for too long. Chefs eager to impress diners, making this an environment to expand your palate. • Southlake

Chef Point Modern Bar & Restaurant • From a gas station to gourmet. It’s fine dining, refined. Join us for your next unforgettable meal. Lunch, dinner and weekend brunch. • Colleyville

Foster’s Sushi, Seafood, Bar & Grill • Creative style of sushi with American cuisine to fill your appetite. Ten flat screen TVs to suit all sports fans, plus happy hour from 3-6pm. • Roanoke

Chill Restaurant & Bar • One stop shop for food, drinks and entertainment. Food and drink specials everyday and an incredible brunch menu every Saturday and Sunday! • Grapevine

Honey Teriyaki • Quality Japanese food—teriyaki and sushi. Many sauces from scratch with honey—hence the name. Large portions, reasonable prices, friendly service. • Colleyville

Craft & Vine • Stunning indoor-outdoor watering hole with expansive beer and wine choices, shareable plates invite conversation. Happy hour with martinis and sunsets. • Roanoke

Hush Sushi • Posh location, elevated sushi and drink menu. Don’t miss Wagyu burger! Foodies flock to happy hour specials and the vast selection of Maki, Nigiri and Sashimi. • Keller

Crave Kitchens • Mix and match delivery service so everybody gets what they want. A driver picks it all up and delivers to your door—all in one order. Also offers catering. • Southlake

j Kanta Ramen Thai • Experience the exhibition kitchen, fast and friendly service. Selection of curries, ramen, soups, Izakaya. Sukiyaki, noodle and rice dishes. • Colleyville

FnG Eats • American grill comfort cuisine serving memories with a twist. Casual neighborhood spot where you get a good burger and a dressed-up plate of mussels. Bar is just as vibrant. • Keller

Maki & Poké • Sushi rolls and Hawaiian bowls—you don’t have to choose! Fresh and generous sushi rolls. BYOB (build your own bowl) is a fav. Deserving of their many 5-star ratings! • NRH

HG Sply Co. • Healthy that’s so indulgent. All-natural, minimally processed ingredients to satisfy cravings, whether you’re on a restricted diet or throwing caution to the wind. • Trophy Club

Malai Kitchen • Thai-Vietnamese with silky curries, sriracha made in-house. Imaginative beverage program with house-brewed beers. Grand finale—Mango Sticky Rice Smash. • Southlake

Horizon 76 • Order a burger “bone-in” or topped with mac n’cheese and bacon, or chicken pot pie with fried chicken chunks crowned with a crispy chicken tender. Build s’mores. • Fort Worth

My Lan Vietnamese Kitchen • Steaming pho bowls, heaping rice plates, crispy egg rolls. Vietnamese staples are soulful with reasonable prices. • Colleyville

Leela’s Wine Bar • Wine should be easy, eco-friendly and enjoyable—that’s why their wine is on tap. Tap is less bottles, less waste, consistent quality—glass after glass. • Trophy Club Mason & Dixie • Celebrating all things Southern— take them up on their BYOB invite when shrimp and grits is on the specials board. • Inside Grapevine Antique Market Moxie’s Grill & Bar • Crowd pleaser with globallyinspired fare—Thai curry bowls, tuna ceviche, steak frites. Fun and sophisticated—equal parts sports bar and eclectic brasserie. • Southlake Next Wood Fired Bistro & Vino Bar • Intimate restaurant—everything from roasted chicken or crab cakes, to lamb tagine or surf and turf. Acclaimed wine program. • Colleyville Oak Street Food and Brew • Food hall with chefdriven food—from fish and chips to overstuffed baked potatoes, to craft bbq. Expansive gathering place for groups. • Roanoke PIAF Kitchen+Wine+Bar • Power lunch to happy hour, to a romantic date night. Weekends start with buffet brunch—end with rooftop bar drinks. Flatbreads, seafood, steaks. • Grapevine Sky Creek Grill • Bistro dishes with modern western flair. Steak, salmon, pasta, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, cold beer. Open to public. • In Keller’s Sky Creek Ranch Golf Club Sky Creek Kitchen + Bar • Elevated Texas cuisine— premier culinary experience. Menu of locally sourced ingredients, unique seafood dishes, Texas farm-raised Akaushi beef. • Southlake Social Oak Wine & Whiskey Lounge • 21+ lounge with speakeasy vibe, comfy patio, wine and whiskey pouring systems, amazing tapas style dishes—like no other. • Trophy Club Sports City Taverna • Strong on options—wood fired pizza, street tacos, burgers, brunch. Whether your team wins or loses, you’re a winner with the best food and drinks in the city • NFW Stone House Restaurant • Regionally inspired, locally sourced proteins, chef’s garden. Sharables, craft beer, cocktails, wine, chops. Try 1200-degree broiled steak. • Colleyville

NAPA Thai Asian Cuisine • Unique Thai restaurant offers a glimpse of traditional Thai culture—balance and harmony come together in a relaxing, elegant atmosphere. • Colleyville Noodles @ Boba Tea House • Generously portioned, skillfully prepared Vietnamese, pan-Asian dishes. Spicy beef noodle soup, Thai beef salad and Mocha Madness smoothie. • Fort Worth Sabai Sabai Southeast Asian Kitchen • Pad Thai, massaman curry, pho, also explore Lao beef jerky, steamed fish, beef salad. Dine in or takeout. Food packs flavor. • Grapevine Saikou Sushi & Ramen • Well-executed Japanese cuisine. Slurp tonkotsu ramen, pork-forward broth, superb vegetable ramen, miso, shoyu and shio varieties. Sushi and bento. • Alliance Sea Siam Thai • Food captures essence of Thailand. Using fresh ingredients, traditional Thai cooking techniques, you can sip tea while browsing menu of the finest Thai foods. • Keller Sushi Dojo • Premier fast-casual sushi specializing in party trays, catering, and food truck service. Known for the sushi tacos and burritos. Delicious, affordable, high quality sushi. • Southlake Sushi Nomi • Modern Japanese, inventive sushi, ramen, teriyaki, plus beer and wine. Choose delicious lunch options like bento boxes, fried rice, sushi specials. • Fort Worth Sushi Sam • Lunch deals like loaded bento boxes. Management is warm and personable, reflected in their friendly service. Amazing salmon skin rolls (not the easiest to pull off). • Southlake Thailicious • Authentic Thai, contemporary, relaxed environment. Soft shell crab, creamy curries, Crying Tiger and pad Thai. Try tom yum-inspired martinis and mojitos. • Southlake V’s House • Family-owned Vietnamese with upscale takes on classic dishes—plus surprises. Staples of Vietnamese cuisine—pho varieteies made in-house. Creative cocktail menu. • NRH BAKERIES / BEVERAGES / TREATS / CATERING ... Alli’s Sweet Shop • Cake pops for celebrating or just because! They deliver your bouquet just like a florist and brighten the day of any recipient! Cookies, cakes, cupcakes, treats. • Southlake




Axiom Coffee • Coffee house with purpose. Organic beans sourced from Honduras farm run by World Gospel Outreach employing single moms to harvest and supports an orphanage. • NFW

Meat U Anywhere BBQ • “Meating” your BBQ and catering needs. Slow smoked with seasoned oak and hickory. Exclusive sides and ultimate breakfast tacos. • Grapevine & Trophy Club

j Bar or Brew • Everyone loves to celebrate and we make it easy with professionally trained, polished bartenders who provide 5-star experience— private events, coffee bars, mocktails, classes. • DFW

Red Barn Bar-B-Que • Best all you can eat catfish on Friday nights, and sausage and turkey around town. Rustic counter service with generous plates and comfort grub in. • Colleyville

Ben’s Cookies • Founded in 1983 in Oxford, England—lovingly brought to Texas! Freshly baked with chocolate chunks “not chips.” About making the best cookies they can, every single day. • Grapevine

BREAKFAST (+lunch/dinner) .................................................... Another Broken Egg Cafe • Twists on Eggs Benedict and Omelettes, Biscuit Beignets, Cinnamon Roll French Toast and much more. Brunch is the most important meal of the week! • Southlake

Board + Brie • Curated noshables that pair perfectly with wine and talk. Cheese and charcuterie grazing boxes and boards, crowd-pleasing fare or feasts for one. Pick up, delivery, catering. • Roanoke Brew & Batter • Locally owned, stand alone house serving good coffee! Not to mention waffles! Two bases—cornbread and a liege waffle (European waffle made with yeast daily). • Grapevine Buzzed Bull Creamery • Made-to-order, alcoholic and non-alcoholic frozen dessert and coffee company—harnessing the power of liquid nitrogen for one-of-a-kind-experience. • Grapevine Creative Memories The Sweet Spot Bakery • Cupcakes, smash cakes, wedding, birthday, graduation, shower, gender reveal, petit fours, cookies, brownies, cake balls/pops, ding dongs. • Fort Worth

Mangos Breakfast Brunch • French toast, chicken, waffles, omelets. Out of the ordinary duck bacon burgers, s’mores waffles, skillets with chicken fried steak, stuffed avocados. • Southlake & Keller

Hey Sugar Candy Shop • Bulk candies and popcorn, old-fashioned soda fountain. Chocolates by Nib Chocolates. Ice cream made in a machine from the 1920s. • Roanoke

Oldwest Cafe • Big menu, big portions, good value. Saddle up that horse and hit the trail for Oldwest Cafe... pretty darn sure y’all might like it! Breakfast served all day long. • Grapevine

JudyPie • Time-tested recipes, anchored by shortbread crust—flavors like apple, pecan, buttermilk, banana cream. By the slice or whole (large or small rounds). Gluten free, vegan, paleo. • Grapevine

Rush Bowls • Smoothies in a bowl with fruit and toppings—all-natural fruit and açai blended until thick and creamy. Healthy alternative dessert or a perfect meal. Perfect refueling stop. • Keller

Juice Junkies • No need to be a health nut to appreciate juice blends, smoothies, whole food snacks and cold-brewed coffee drinks. Coldpressed. Restocked regularly. • Keller

Seven Mile Café • Fans flock for specialty pancakes, Gouda grits, egg dishes, Stumptown coffee. Can’t go wrong with benedicts or pancake sampler. Vegan and gluten-free options. Keller & NFW

Kindred Coffee Co. • Love for craft coffee and ommunity—they find the best coffee and roast it at their shop. Stop by for a cup, fresh salad, gelato or one of their pastries.• North Richland Hills

Stevie’s Diner • A unique, family-owned and operated throw back dining experience. Whether you’re in the mood for a delicious breakfast or lunch, head over to Stevie’s Diner. • NFW

Native Coffee + Kitchen • Refreshing, unapologetic interpretations of comfort food favs—pancakes, tacos, burgers and nachos—alongside coffee made with Texas-roasted bean. NFW

Starwood Cafe • Specializing in breakfast and lunch at eight DFW locations and serving breakfast all day—this is your new brunch destination. Vast menu serving all your favs. • Trophy Club & NRH

Nothing Bundt Cakes • Made fresh using eggs, butter, cream cheese. Bite-sized Bundtinis, single serving Bundtlets, 8” and 10” and doubletiered cakes. Daily samples! • Southlake

Sunny Street Café • Serving hearty American fare—gluten-free options. Dine-in. Carry-out. Neighborhood destination for fresh, wholesome food and friendly service served daily. • Keller & NRH

Personalized Grazing • Specializing in customized charcuterie boards and personalizing your culinary experiences. Classes, gifts, filled and unfilled boards, custom boards. • Southlake

Toasted Yolk • Perfectly poached eggs, crunchy bacon, layer upon layer of turkey and pastrami—these are delicacies we dream about at night, and they’re the ones we want to wake up to! • Keller

Redefined Coffee House • Locals gather for birthdays, meetings, and conversation—and everyone sips macchiatos and iced lattes made with Avoca coffee beans. • Grapevine

Townhouse Brunch • Twists on omelettes, benedicts, pancakes, salads, sandwiches. Sweet banana Nutella crepes or savory “everything spiced” avocado toast—cravings covered! • Colleyville

j Sugar Llamas • Sip, slurp, scoop and sink your teeth into finger-licking indulgences. Your favorite donut shop, coffee house and ice cream parlor—all in one location! • Keller

BRITISH ................................................................................... From Across the Pond • British classics—fish and chips, bangers and mash, scotch eggs, proper British breakfast—plus burgers, sandwiches, pastas, salads from beyond the pond. • Colleyville

BARBECUE .............................................................................. Back Forty Smokehouse • Brisket, ribs, full bar, outdoor patio, friendly service, locally owned. Back Forty is conveniently located next to the new Tex Rail train station. • NRH

Kassandra’s Mexican Kitchen • Hidden gem. Great lunch. Well-priced specials. Put it on your list for breakfast served all day. Breakfast quesadilla— a good reason to get up early! • Keller

Dr. Sue’s Chocolate • Doctor by trade, master chocolatier at heart, Dr. Sue Williams crafts the finest chocolate specimens ever had—truffles, chocolate bark, chocolate bars. • Grapevine

Wine:30 • Wine bar. Texas wineries/wine makers, also wines from California, France, and Italy. A handful of locally brewed craft beers, flatbreads, charcuterie board pairings. • Roanoke


DeVivo Bros. Eatery • Rustic comfort food on Americanized menu with Italian flair. Bold flavor, large portions, meatloaf, pastas, sandwiches with rustic simplicity and refined elegance. • Keller

Main Street Bistro & Bakery (Bistro M) • Local gem. Foodie following (and a Gallic accent). Chocolate bomb cake makes toes curl! Must-try pastries and desserts. Best croissants. • Grapevine

To Chai For • Go-to for satisfying cravings! Serving coffee, chai lattes, scones, paninis, and waffles—every sip and bite is full of flavor, and made from scratch. Nothing pre-packaged ever! • Keller


Black Walnut Cafe • Classic fare, upscale flair. Handcrafted sandwiches to local craft brews to swirly rows of gelato. Open for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner every day of the week. • Colleyville

Crumbl Cookies • Cookies delivered! Chocolate chip, sugar cookie— rotating key lime pie, salted caramel cheesecake, birthday cake, German chocolate. Open ‘til midnight! • Southlake & NRH

Texas Harvest Pie Co. • Small pie shop feels like home. Lovingly crafted pies—apple, blueberry, buttermilk, key lime taste like grandmas if she’s an expert baker. • Keller


Bacon’s Bistro & Cafe • Breakfast diner with really good service and food—sandwiches, soups, salads for lunch. It’s common to have a wait on weekends because it’s that darn good! • Hurst

The Londoner Pub and Grill • Pub turning out English classics like fish and chips, shepherd’s pie, and bangers and mash with confidence. Their decor screams typical English pub. • Colleyville BURGERS / SANDWICHES ......................................................... j Bohemian Bull Tavern & Beer Garden • Relax in a lively and open atmosphere. Fill your belly with hearty food—wash it down with craft beers, hand-selected bourbons and cocktails • Grapevine Bottlecap Alley Icehouse Grill • 100% Fresh Angus Beef, name brand meats, veggies chopped in-house daily, local artisan buns. A place where kids and adults co-mingle successfully. • Grapevine Chick & Biscuit • Southern food done right! Home-style comfort food— from spicy hot chicken to pulled pork, brisket, and sausage gravy, the menu honors the South. Inside Harvest Hall. • Grapevine

Feedstore BBQ • Quality meats and fresh veggies. Ridiculously good chopped beef, chicken, sausage and fall-off-the-bone ribs, fried okra, spicy beans and amazing rolls. • Southlake

Fred’s Texas Cafe • Nationally acclaimed hamburgers, fabulous chickenfried steak, the coldest beer in town—that’s Fred’s. A beloved local dive that’s serious about food! • NFW

Hard Eight Pit BBQ • Authentic mesquite barbecue. Award winning. “Old World” slow cooking over pits adopted from German settlers who came to the Texas Hill Country long ago. • Roanoke

Hollywood’s Pour Shack • Comes alive when sun sets! Cover bands and DJs. provide music at this big indoor/outdoor bar serving up burgers and drink specials. Your neighborhood bar. • Keller

j Hopdoddy Burger Bar • Irresistible food, fresh ingredients. Quality you can taste—hand-cut fries, craft drinks, milkshakes, three types of buns baked daily. A new standard for burgers! • Alliance & Euless Kincaid’s Hamburgers • Meet here to eat—good ol’burgers, ice cream shakes, deviled eggs, stuffed jalepenos, fried okra, chicken sandwiches, banana pudding. • Southlake & Alliance LA Burger • Beautifully seared meat, oozy cheese, toasty buns—burgers executed with California flair. Tacos, fries, hot dogs, salads, shakes. Served counterstyle multi-culti twist. • Keller & Grapevine Old Town Ice House • Burgers, po-boys, wings, tacos, salads, artisan brews— celebrating ice industry in its heyday, as well as the founding of Keller during that era. Raise an ice-cold glass with us! • Keller CAJUN ............................................................................................... Bayou Jack’s Cajun Grill • Part soulfuajun, part vibrant cocktails, two parts bon temps. Jambalaya, po boys, grilled oysters, étouffée. Drink swamp juice, Hurricane Kris and Abita on tap. • Roanoke Copeland’s • Authentic taste of the Big Easy adjacent to the Hilton Southlake lobby. Soul satisfying eggplant pirogue and mind-blowing bananas foster French toast. • In the Hilton Hotel Southlake

j Krab Kingz Seafood • A fiesta of seafood. Cajun flavor. Kick back with jazz music and authentic Louisiana vibes. Freshest, most flavorful seafood you never knew you were missing! • NFW GREEK / MEDITERRANEAN ................................................................. j Aladdin Mediterranean Café • Vibrant eatery and culinary journey through rich flavors of the Mediterranean. Nestled in a neighborhood—beloved by food enthusiasts seeking authentic tastes. • NFW Café Medi • Devoted fans—they give as much attention to vegetarian dishes as their succulent grilled and braised meats. BYOB. Salads, hummus, falafel and fool. Their lamb shanks really shine. • Keller & Hurst

j Ferah Tex-Med Kitchen • Innovative fusion cuisine, paired with gorgeous upscale restaurant ambiance and five-star service. Sunday brunch buffet , lunch specials and happy hour all day Mondays. • Southlake j Istanbul Cuisine Mediterranean Grill • Like in Sultans' Kitchen—serving genuine dishes like Turkish kebab, Greek salad, lamb shank, falafel balls. Eat delicious food. Grab a drink. • Southlake INDIAN .......................................................................................... Mughlai Fine Indian Cuisine • Courtly cuisine of Mughal royalty—familiar dishes like lamb roghan josh and chicken tikka masala served alongside obscure dishes from authentic Indian street fare. • Southlake ITALIAN / PIZZA ............................................................................... j Acquario Italian Seafood • Where coastal Italy meets Texan flair. An artistic symphony of coastal flavors incredibly fresh seafood harmonizing alongside premier steaks from Texas Ranchers. • Keller Armend’s Restaurante • Family restaurant serving authentic Italian dishes including made-from-scratch pizzas, home-style pastas and traditional Italian chicken, seafood and veal dishes. • Southlake Bosses • Brick oven pizza using the finest cheese and meats—and freshest veggies. They set out to make the best pizza in town and some say it’s “The Best Darn Pizza in Texas.” • NRH, North Fort Worth Brio Tuscan Grille • Buzzing from the shaded outdoor patio to the courtyard bar. Upscale enough for the date-night crowd, but casual enough for locals wandering in from their shopping. • Southlake Town Square Calabrese Ristorante and Bar • Authentic Italian fare with ingredients imported from Italy—modern and traditional Italian dishes to please every palate. Wine list as seductive as the atmosphere. • Southlake Coal Vines • Pizza wine bar separating good pizza from great—a perfect crunch and just a speckling of char. This pie was made for good vino. Fortunately, they have plenty of that on hand as well! • Southlake Delucca Gaucho Pizza & Wine • Slice-after-slice of gourmet pizza—garlic picanha, shrimp and fontina, Turkish lamb—along with cheese or pepperoni— brought to your table oven hot. All you can eat perfection! Farina’s Winery & Café • Elegant but unassuming with solid food and wine to back up the atmosphere. Italian classics headlined by popular pizzas, are Farina family recipes. • Grapevine Ferrari’s Italian Villa & Chop House • Beautiful banquet and private dining. Bountiful antipasti bar. The roasted entrées from the wood fired oven are standouts. Desserts prepared tableside. • Grapevine Fireside Pies • Swanky pizza served in a casual environment. Who knew our favorite veggie pie Peta Pie would come from the same place as our favorite meaty pie Triple ‘Roni? • Grapevine Grimaldi’s Pizzeria • Brooklyn’s iconic pizza has now arrived—crust is perfectly thin and crisp and cheese and toppings first-rate. Brooklyn charm here to go with some excellent pizza. • Grapevine i Fratelli Pizza • Distinctive thin-n-crispy pizza, handmade sauces, dressings, dessert—favs for 30 years. Delivery committed to exceeding expectations with their exemplary service and fast delivery. • Southlake, Keller, NFW




Jonny’s Pizza • At Jonny's, they only use the freshest ingredients in their New York-style hand-tossed pizzas. All of their tasty Italian cuisine and other dishes are made in-house as well. • Fort Worth

Mi Cocina • The original see-and-be-seen spot is still a crowd favorite. A sleek, but festive interior draws locals for “modern” enchiladas, Mambo Taxis and first-rate Tex-Mex. • Southlake & Alliance

Inzo Italian Kitchen • Old-world menu with a new-world accent. Using fresh ingredients and doing things the way Nonna did years ago. One taste is all it takes to be amazed. Buon appetito! • Roanoke

Mi Dia From Scratch • Traditional Mexico City with modern Santa Fe and Tex Mex flavors. Fusion of the past and present. Fresh ideas, authentic ingredients, skillfully prepared. • Grapevine

Loveria Caffe • Emilia-Romagna is Italy’s premier destination for food lovers—pasta, cured meat, cheese, wine, meatballs, lasagna, eggplant parm perfected centuries before landing here. • Colleyville

Zafiros Mexican Grill y Cantina • Finest expressions of scratch-kitchen ingredients, championing modern cuisine and seasonality to create bright, fresh flavors of Mexican cooking. Great patio. • Colleyville

Napoli’s Italian Café & Creamery • Italian-America classics in Historic Grapevine Main Street setting. Linger in or drop by the creamery for freshly made gelato and Italian desserts. • Grapevine

SEAFOOD ................................................................................. Big Fish Seafood • Fresh seafood, including lots of Cajun options, plus great drink specials and frequent live music in a rustic and relaxed setting. Known for treating guests like family. • Grapevine

Oliva Italian Eatery • Italian staples rendered with verve—spaghetti and meatballs, lobster ravioli, featured items. Expertly curated wines at a remarkable value. • North Fort Worth Palio’s Pizza Cafe • Food tastes better—they swear it’s better for you with fresh ingredients made-from-scratch. Pizzas with pesto, artichoke hearts, chicken and mushrooms. • Keller, NFW & Roanoke

j Postino • Wine Cafe menu that satisfies all your cravings—paninis, bruschettas, charcuterie boards, sharable “Snacky Things,” salads, desserts. OMG grilled cheese pairs perfect! • Southlake Stellini Trattoria • Shareable arancini crisp risotto balls or taglieri meat & cheese board. Housemade pastas and pizzas. Steaks, chops with polenta, gnocchi and potatoes. Creative cocktails. • Grapevine Vinny’s Italian Restaurant • Good food, great people—it’s like being invited to your Italian uncle’s house for dinner. Serving authentic New York style pizza and authentic Italian classics. • Trophy Club Wise Guys Pizzeria • Exceeding expectations. Fresh food, hard work, family hospitality and a hands-on approach to pizzas, pastas, premium drafts—all made from scratch. • Roanoke & Grapevine Zeppole • Refined pasta dishes, seafood and soulful renditions of Italian specialties showcased in an open setting that feels like your favorite outdoor patio. • Inside Gaylord Texan Resort Atrium LATIN AMERICAN ...................................................................... Boca 31 • Drawing from Mexico, Peru, Caribbean, Americas—elevating street food. Barbacoa tacos, pulled pork, guava and cream cheese empanada. Anything but standard. • Keller Del Campo Empanadas • Empanadas with savories like chicken, ham, spinach, picanha steak. Dipped in chimichurri. No-fuss meal. Grab-and-go snack. Sweet treats here also. • Fort Worth Gloria’s • Fine Latin cuisine hints at humble mom and pop roots. Sleek design draws crowds as much for pupusas and margaritas as for the weekend salsa dancing. • Colleyville & Southlake MEXICAN ............................................................................... Baja Cantina • Coastal Mexican seafood and amazing steaks. Fajitas are a fav, also fish tacos, spinach queso, frozen margaritas that make you swear you’re on vacation! • Watauga, NRH, Roanoke & Keller



The Crab Station • Best seafood in a family oriented experience. Have fun cracking and peeling with your hands—getting messy while you’re at it! Entrees, wings, kettles, shareables, peel-n-eat • NFW Fish City Grill • Crawfish, Gulf and east coast oysters, and other fresh seafood selections. Favs like fish tacos, Gulf shrimp, renowned oyster nachos. Chalkboard specials are a great deal. • Southlake Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen • From warm Gulf waters, icy Alaskan coast, mighty Atlantic and Pacific, they go to any depth to bring you the finest seafood available—all year long. • Grapevine Rockfish • Local favorites like the shrimp basket, fish tacos, wild copper river alaskan salmon, rock-a-rita margarita, schooners, and Mexican shrimp martinis. Great seafood—not a lot of clams! • Southlake

j Shell Shack • Known for its signature and fully customizable seafood boils. Shell Shack sources the best seafood available, including Opilio and Bairdi snow crab at the best possible prices. • NFW Shuck Me • Seafood spot with fried baskets, peel-and-eat shrimp, po-boys, crawfish, oysters, gumbo. Big portions. Plenty to choose from— perfect seafood fix at great prices! • Southlake & Alliance Truluck’s Seafood, Steak & Crab House • Iconic for stone crab claws— beloved for freshness! Chic dining room hosts sophisticated dinners with inventive foodie twists. • Southlake Town Square STEAKS ..................................................................................... Bob’s Steak and Chop House • Ranked as one of the top steakhouses in the country—and for good reason. The steaks are prime, the portions are big and the drinks are stiff. • Grapevine The Classic at Roanoke • Unlikely fine dining destination. Nicely focused menu, grilled steaks and seafood. World-class food, casual atmosphere, family friendly environment. A true classic. • Roanoke Del Frisco’s Grille • Spend the day shopping the square before meeting for dinner and drinks. Luxurious dining room or patio. Local flavor—diverse menu has something for everyone. • Southlake

Cristina’s Fine Mexican • Lively setting, unique menu with Tex-Mex favorites, as well as unique central Mexican dishes. Must-have margaritas. • NRH, Trophy Club, Southlake & NFW

Dino’s Steak & Claw House • Serving a variety of seafood, steak and poultry dishes in a vintage bank building along historic Main Street. Romantic spot. Live piano music. • Grapevine

Elote Mexican Kitchen • Little taqueria with style. Slow roasted meats, fresh ingredients, marvelous margaritas. Menu is gluten-free (except flour tortillas). Plus soy cheese and tofu sour cream. • NFW

Keller Chophouse • Elegant dine in, caterings, charcuterie, fine wine and drink selection, happy hour. Roster of seafood, chicken, steaks—New York strip, bone-in ribeye, filet mignon. • Keller

Enchiladas Olé • Specializing in enchiladas filled with chicken, cheese, veggies, beef, then topped with Perez’s famed sauces from a classic ancho chili to a rich queso. Tamales and happy hour. • NRH

Kirby’s Prime Steakhouse • Prime aged beef, fresh seafood,uncomplicated sides. No wonder it’s a favorite for impressing out-of-towners—their kitchen rarely (if ever) gets it wrong. • Southlake

Esparza’s Restaurante Mexicano • Possibly coolest patio scene in DFW. Feast on Mexican classics—don’t miss out on their famous margaritas, fajitas or authentic Mexican favorites. • Grapevine

Mac’s on Main • Southwestern, cajun and global influences. Steaks, signature prime rib, seafood. Cocktails, beer, 30+ single malt scotches, wine. Locally owned and operated, one-of-a-kind. • Grapevine

Fresco’s • Vibrant joint serving traditional Mexican dishes and TexMex using quality ingredients. Unmistakable flavor and freshness. Great margaritas and tortilla soup. • Watauga

Old Hickory Steakhouse • Dine in warm, rich atmosphere of Texas wine cellar. Savor finest cuts of beef and seafood paired with artisanal cheese. Extensive wine list. • Inside Gaylord Texan Resort

Los Molcajetes • Warm tortilla chips and red or green salsa, sizzling fajitas, margaritas, sopapillas, flan or fried ice cream—the ultimate Mexican comfort food! • Roanoke & NFW

Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille • Vibrant twist on traditional steakhouse fare with unexpected specialties. Bar 79 offers handcrafted bites, fine wine, cocktails, beer, live music, patio. • Grapevine

Martha’s Mexican Cocina • Reliable Tex-Mex in a relaxed, setting with a great patio. Try brisket tacos and pollo poblano. Vegetarian options with daily specials and happy hour. • Keller

Sweetie Pies Ribeyes • Steaks are cooked “Old Style” meaning the steak is fresh-cut, seasoned and seared at 550 degrees—locking in natural juices! Big menu well beyond steaks or burgers. • NRH

Mesa • Elevated coastal cuisine in bright, elegant space to match vibrant, upscale menu. Magic touch with seafood, including lobster enchiladas, Mexican gumbo, chipotle shrimp. • Grapevine

Winewood • American fare with modern flair: Waldorf salads, Dagwood club, Niman Ranch pork chops and chicken Cordon Bleu. Ideal for family meals, business lunches or celebrations. • Grapevine ........................................................................................................................ Submit your favorite dining spots for consideration to be listed free in Top Tables. Send the restaurant name and location so our foodies can check it out. Email requested info to: Bon appetit!

Mesero • Beyond Tex Mex—lives up to Mexican Spirit American Life motto. One taste of the iconic Queso Mesero and brisket tacos will keep you coming back... don’t skip their amazing drinks! • Southlake


Bonefish Grill • A menu full of fresh flavors of the season and innovative dishes—specializing in seasonal fresh fish. Taste today’s freshest catch and try something new on each visit. • Southlake


Chocolate Christmasdoodles





Nothing can say ‘Happy Holidays’ like fresh homemade goodies for friends, family, coworkers and neighbors. ...................................................................................... There is no cookie that’s more Christmas-y than my Christmasdoodles. They’re super soft and full of cinnamon and Christmas cheer. I decided to dip them in melted chocolate and add some holiday sprinkles for a festive version! The dough does need to hang out in the fridge for two hours so plan accordingly. The cookies come together easily. Pro tip: roll them all out in balls before you roll them in sugar in case you adjust the sizes, and maybe leave some plain and coat some in chocolate. You need 4 oz of chocolate and 2 tsp shortening per 10-12 cookies. I’ve written the recipe here for enough chocolate for the entire batch but if you have some non-chocolate lovers, you might only want to add chocolate to some of the cookies. ...................................................................................... INGREDIENTS (30-36 cookies) 1 cup plus 2 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 large egg 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp molasses 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/2 Tbsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg (from a whole nutmeg) 1/2 cup granulated sugar FOR THE CHOCOLATE COATING: 12 oz semi-sweet Ghirardelli baking chocolate 2 Tbsp shortening ......................................................................................

(1) Cream together softened butter and brown sugar in a stand mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and molasses, scraping down the sides of the mixer between each addition. Measure flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon right on top of the dough. Grate nutmeg into flour mixture. Stir dry ingredients into dough. ......................................................................................

(2) Wrap dough with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for two hours. ......................................................................................

(3) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spoon granulated sugar in a small bowl. Roll dough into about three dozen 2″ balls, rolling each in granulated sugar as you go. Place 2″ apart on cookie sheets and bake for 8-10 minutes. Let cool on the cookie sheets for 10-15 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. ......................................................................................

(4) For the chocolate coating: Finely chop baking chocolate and place in a heatproof bowl with 2 tsp shortening. Microwave at half power for about 2 minutes, stirring every 15-30 seconds until smooth and glossy. Carefully spoon chocolate over half of each cookie, immediately decorating with sprinkles. Pop the cookies in the fridge for ten minutes to set. ......................................................................................




SL GIFTABLE Goodies This is a great cake recipe to have on hand during the holidays—and not as hard as you might think. Just bake a sponge cake in a jelly roll pan, flip it upside down on a towel sprinkled with powdered sugar, roll it up, and let it cool. Then you spread a filling, roll it up, and chill it. It’s okay to be messy. (You should trim the ends for a clean look anyway... you know what that means? Sample slice for the cook!) This isn’t a terribly rich cake. I don’t feel guilty about eating this in the afternoon! It’s quite light and airy — a nice, light dessert. ......................................................................................

INGREDIENTS FOR THE CAKE: 1/4 cup powdered sugar 4 eggs , separated 1/2 cup granulated sugar plus 1/3 cup , divided 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup dark cocoa powder (I love Hershey’s special dark) 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup water FOR THE CINNAMON CREAM CHEESE FILLING: 1 block cream cheese 6 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened 1 tsp vanilla 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon ......................................................................................

(1) Heat oven to 375°F. Grease a 15.5×10.5×1-inch jelly-roll pan, line with parchment paper, and grease paper. Spread a thin towel on the counter and sprinkle with a handful of powdered sugar. ......................................................................................

(2) Carefully separate eggs. Beat egg whites in large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, beating until stiff peaks form. In a stand mixer, beat egg yolks and vanilla on medium speed about three minutes. Gradually add remaining 1/3 cup granulated sugar; continue beating for two additional minutes. ......................................................................................

(3) Whisk together flour, cocoa, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a small bowl. Add to egg yolk mixture alternately with water, beating on low speed just until batter is smooth. Gently fold beaten egg whites into mixture with a spatula just until the batter is uniform in color. Spread batter evenly in prepared pan. ......................................................................................

(4) Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until top springs back when touched lightly in center. Immediately invert onto prepared towel or parchment paper and peel off paper. Carefully roll cake with towel away from you starting at one of the narrow ends. Transfer to rack and cool completely. ......................................................................................

(5) To make the filling, beat cream cheese, butter powdered sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Unroll cake, spread filling in center, roll back up, and slice the ends off. Dust with powdered sugar. Store in the fridge. ......................................................................................




Chocolate Cinnamon Cake Roll


Peppermint Rocky Road Looking for a decadent no-bake treat that’s pretty enough for a Christmas cookie plate? Then make Peppermint Rocky Road! I absolutely adore rocky road because I also just so happen to adore making marshmallows. I rarely need an entire 9×13″ pan worth of marshmallows for roasting and cocoa, so I’ve gotten into the habit of using half a batch of marshmallows in rocky road and then saving the rest for hot chocolate. Here I used my Peppermint Swirl Marshmallows as the base of this rocky road and it’s absolutely divine! (that recipe on page 78) Every bite just melts in your mouth and tastes like Christmas cheer. I consider this a fast and easy treat because marshmallows last for weeks—months really—and turning marshmallows into rocky road takes mere minutes. The chocolate is so buttery and rich. Photos hardly do this justice. You’ll just have to make it for yourself and see! ......................................................................................



INGREDIENTS 4 cups homemade peppermint swirl marshmallows 8 oz semi-sweet Ghirardelli baking chocolate, finely chopped 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter Pinch of salt 1/2 cup chopped pecans 4-5 candy canes ............................................................................................................

(1) Grease an 8” pan. ............................................................................................................

(2) Cut marshmallows into fourths. Arrange in prepared pan. ............................................................................................................

(3) Heat butter with a pinch of salt in a double boiler (or a bowl set over a pan of simmering water) until melted. Add finely chopped chocolate and whisk until smooth and glossy. Stir in chopped pecans, remove from heat, and let cool for about five minutes. ............................................................................................................

(4) Pour chocolate-pecan mixture over the marshmallows, carefully working chocolate between into the crevices between the marshmallows. Sprinkle crushed candy canes on top. Refrigerate until set, about an hour, then cut into squares and enjoy. ............................................................................................................




SL GIFTABLE Goodies ......................................................................................

INGREDIENTS 1 cup cold water, divided 3 Knox gelatin packets 2/3 cup light corn syrup 2 cups granulated sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp peppermint extract 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup powdered sugar, divided 1/3 cup cornstarch Red food coloring ......................................................................................

(1) Line a 9×13” pan with wax paper. Coat with nonstick spray. ...................................................................................

(2) Pour 1/2 cup of cold water into bowl of a stand mixer. Sprinkle with gelatin. Let bloom while you make next step. ...................................................................................

(3) Combine remaining 1/2 cup cold water with corn syrup, sugar, and salt in a medium sized saucepan over medium high heat. Whisk until the sugar has dissolved, then leave it alone and place a candy thermometer on the side of your pan. Bring to a boil and cook for about 8-10 minutes, until the candy thermometer reaches 240 degrees. ...................................................................................

(4) Remove from heat and carefully pour straight onto the gelatin in the stand mixer, avoiding the sides of the bowl. Attach the whisk attachment and turn the mixer on low for about a minute, then slowly increase the speed to high. Let whip on high speed for 8-10 minutes, until mixture is thick and glossy. ...................................................................................

(5) While your mixture is whipping, whisk together 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 1/3 cup cornstarch. Spray a silicone spatula with nonstick spray. ...................................................................................

(6) With the mixer still running, add extracts and beat for one more minute. Turn off the mixer and quickly scrape the mixture into the prepared pan, spreading it out with your greased spatula. ...................................................................................

(7) Immediately squeeze drops of red food coloring randomly over the marshmallows. Use a knife to swirl the color as desired. Let sit for about an hour, then sift half the powder sugar-cornstarch mixture over the marshmallows, reserving the rest for later. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 6-8 hours or overnight. ...................................................................................

(8) After 6-8 hours or the next day, set a cutting board on top of the marshmallow pan. Flip upside down so that the marshmallows fall onto the cutting board and peel off wax paper. Sift remaining powdered sugar-cornstarch mixture over the marshmallows. ...................................................................................

(9) Spray a long knife with nonstick spray and cut into 1” cubes. Place remaining 1/2 cup powdered sugar in a paper bag. Toss 3-4 marshmallows in the bag at a time to coat with powdered sugar, then toss in a sieve to remove excess sugar. Store at room temperature in an airtight container or ziplock bag for up to three weeks. ......................................................................................




Peppermint Swirl Marshmallows Nothing’s quite like homemade marshmallows. They’re pillowy with absolutely incredible texture. Plus they last for weeks (even months) so you can make a batch now to enjoy all winter long. The swirl is really very easy—just squeeze red food coloring dots randomly all over the marshmallows right after spreading the mixture in the pan. Then swirl your knife to swirl the color. Note: when you first cut the marshmallows, the powdered sugar coating will mute the color a bit. They’re wonderful fresh but the color actually looks better a few days later! Store in an airtight container. You can cut marshmallows into whatever shapes you like. I often do big marshmallows for roasting, bite-size ones for hot chocolate, and I often cut a few out into festive shapes. Just be to sure to spray the cookie cutter really well with nonstick spray first! ......................................................................................


Bourbon Pecan Fudge There’s just something magical about bourbon and chocolate. With a crunch of toasted pecans, this is one perfect bite! Toasting pecans really does make a difference. It brings the flavor to the forefront and gives them a nice, toasty finish. Don’t skip this step! I used my Brother’s Bond bourbon in this recipe and it was absolutely fantastic! This fudge is so easy to make. All you have to do is melt sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips in a double boiler (for a DIY double boiler, set a bowl over a pot of simmering water) or even the microwave. Then stir in bourbon, pecans, and refrigerate until set. So easy! It literally takes five minutes to make and this fudge lasts for weeks, making it perfect for holiday baking. ......................................................................................




INGREDIENTS 3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk 2 Tbsp bourbon 1.5 cups pecans, toasted and chopped ............................................................................................................

(1) Spray an 8″ square pan with nonstick spray. ............................................................................................................

(2) Melt chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk in a double boiler until smooth. ............................................................................................................

(3) Turn off heat. Gently stir in bourbon until incorporated, then mix in 1 1/4 cups toasted, chopped pecans. Spread in prepared pan and top with remaining 1/4 cup chopped pecans. Refrigerate for two hours. ............................................................................................................

(4) Loosen the sides with a spatula. Flip upside down onto a cutting board. Cut fudge into squares and enjoy! ............................................................................................................

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Unassumingly tucked away in Keller’s Hidden Lakes community, Acquario Italian Seafood offers a true fine dining experience that seamlessly combines the robust flavors of Italian cuisine with delicacies from the sea. Though it’s only been open a couple of months, the restaurant has already garnered a stellar reputation in the Google review realm for its fresh ingredients, five diamond service and a sophisticated yet inviting ambiance. However, this comes as no surprise to those in the “biz” as Emin “Nino” Rata, founder of nearby Italian restaurant Mulino, is the mastermind behind this upscale concept. Rata has over two decades of experience in New York-area Italian restaurants, most recently in White Plains. While his MO is more cozy casual neighborhood pasta house ala Lady & the Tramp, Acquario effortlessly blends modern elegance into Old World Italian charm (read: wear your fancy stretchy pants). I felt like I was transported onto a movie set. The backdrop of the restaurant is jaw-dropping and the artful presentation of the food is not something I have come across often. I have no hesitation putting Acquario into the same category as the Michelin-starred establishments I have dined at. The heart and soul of Acquario lies in its culinary creations, masterfully


crafted by Chef Ferdinando Plaku, a fellow Albanian Rata snagged from an Italian restaurant in Connecticut. Plaku moved from Albania to Venice, Italy, at an early age and got his culinary start at a Venice-area seafood restaurant. Chef Fredi and his team thoughtfully designed the menu to showcase the true essence of coastal Italian cuisine. To start your coastal culinary journey, I suggest the Branzino Crudo. Crudo is Italian for “raw,” so think the Italian version of sashimi. Branzino is a Mediterranean sea bass, topped with salmon caviar, a decadent smathering of olive oil and a sprinkle of fresh herbs. Chef Fredi’s commitment to quality is evident in every bite. Each ingredient is intentionally placed on the plate. For non-seafood lovers, there is a Crudo for you, too. The Carpaccio di Manzo is made with a thinly sliced local filet mignon from 44 Farms in Cameron, Texas. It’s topped with an organic arugula, shaved parmigiano reggiano and salsa rossa. As you delve into the main courses, the Linguini Nero steals the spotlight. The visually appealing dish features squid ink pasta, which I was already a fan of. If you’ve never had squid ink pasta because the mental picture can make it seem a little too exotic, I assure you

once you try it, you’ll be on the hunt for more. The ink adds a rich earthiness that many liken to an umami or soy flavor. At Acquario, its served with prominent chunks of lobster and a delicately spicy light tomato sauce. Acquario doesn’t solely rely on its seafood offerings; the beef and vegetarian dishes are equally noteworthy. The Brasato al Barolo features short ribs slow cooked for 16 hours and bathed in a Barolo wine reduction accompanied by silky mashed potato. The balance of bold flavors against delicate textures demonstrates Chef Fredi’s expertise in modernizing classic Italian comfort food. For those living that Meat Free Monday life, the Bucatini Gustosa is the straw-shaped spaghetti partnered with fresh fig in a faintly sweet gorgonzola cream sauce. If any pasta dish could be described as refreshing, it’s this one. Further down the indulgent spectrum, there’s a flash fried eggplant with fresh mozz, basil and a light marinara,

a sophisticated distant cousin to the eggplant parmesan. The aforementioned fare barely scratches the surface of Acquario’s broad menu. If you don’t know what to get, each member of the service team is well-versed in the menu, offering recommendations with genuine enthusiasm and a wealth of knowledge. Though my heart belongs to the squid ink pasta, I’m being realistic about its potential fan base and naming the Tiramisu my not to be missed item at Acquario. Chef Fredi has reimagined the classic by taking the best part, the sweet mascarpone filling, and putting it front and center. It’s served parfait-style with generous scoops of mascarpone cream and tender bites of coffeesoaked cake. It’s Chef Fredi’s ability to deconstruct the familiar and rebuild it into something extraordinary that makes Acquario a perfect destination for those wanting to journey through the art of Italian cuisine.

8849 Davis Blvd. #100 | Keller 76248 | 817.431.8323 | | Open for Dinner: (Fri, Sat) 4-10pm (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur) 4-9:30pm





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