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Young Men's Gospel Team

I n t h e midst of t h e hurry o f school l i fe t h e Young Men's Gospel Team gives oppor­ tunities such as are o f greatest importance to young men preparing fOI' Christian service. There are two privileges thus afforded that can be noted-the pl'ivil ege to . gather inspiration and the privi lege o f good associations. After a week of toil and grind the young men gather at the Gospel Team service and ask God for His blessings. The Lord comes and inspires every heart. In testimony each young man i s helped by another's v i ctory ; in preaching each i s helped b y another's vi sion ; in prayer each is inspired by another's burden. I n fact, the meeting for the young men i s o f such a necessary and inspi rational nature that i t can truly b e likened to an oasis in a burning desert. Thus the Gospel Team affords the student a splendid opportunity of getting God's blessings down upon his soul. Great i s the value of associations with Spirit-fi l l ed lives.

An opportunity o f making

j ust these kinds of associations comes to the student in the Gospel Team meetings. He

is a better young man after he attends, because of the influence o f the friends he meets there. H e never forgets the holy influence o f the meetings once he comes under that influence. Friends are found that are real friends. All are standing for a common cause ; all are fighting the same enemy. One is encouraged to bear the toil when he remembers how his friend i s fighting bravely on. A l l rely on God. Thus with a united band and with D i vine assistance, an earnest Christian student is inspired to spend and b e spent for humanity.

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