Harmony House Jan/Feb 2022 Edition

Page 6

JAN/FEB 2022



I Love Me, I Love Me Not..." 6 Ways to Tackle the Battle of Loving Ourselves Deyna Gomez, CHC, CLC, CAMS, DVSI

The voice of imperfection says, “Yes! I am beautiful,” to the stretch marks and the cellulite. She screams, “Yes! I am here!” to her various shades of complexion and hair texture. Imperfection flaunts her freckles, beautifully grins with a gap-toothed smile and shows off her scars. Her full or not-so-full body is hers to claim. She knows her body, skin, hair, or smile does not fit the mold. Her imperfection is perfection. She owns it all. Walking into her divine wholeness takes strength and courage. We’re not always born with that strength and courage—we develop them along the way, with battle scars to remind us that we are stronger than whatever tried to beat us. Body image plays a role in how we love ourselves! How we look at ourselves, how we define our body, and the language we use when we speak to ourselves is part of our self-love. The most important relationship you can have is with yourself. We teach people how to love us based on the love we show ourselves and the boundaries we set. Self-love and body image can affect intimacy, both physically and emotionally. The anxious thoughts of not being thin enough, pretty enough, or ___ (name your default insecurity here) can keep us from having healthy relationships and keep us hidden behind years of limiting thoughts and beliefs. Take a moment to think about how you respond when someone pays you a compliment. Do you brush it off, make a joke, because you feel uncomfortable? Do you come back with a negative response? Or do you confidently say, “thank you”?

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