Harmony House Bimonthly Journal Nov/Dec 2021 Edition

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NOV/DEC 2021





Fat Loss vs Weight Loss

Emotional Enablers, Vampires, & EmpowerersHow to Tell the Difference

's n o s a Se ings Greet © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy

Crush Your Sugar Cravings Even if You're a Stress Eater

NOV/DEC 2021
















© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


Happy Holidays

NOV/DEC 2021



A Word From the House by Deyna Gomez CHC, CLC, CAMS

As we begin to close out 2021, and this being the final edition for 2021, my heart is filled with gratitude and Love. The thought of publishing my own magazine seemed like a far-off dream. I never imagined having the Love and support of so many people to help make this dream come alive. What began as a three-page newsletter quickly developed into a full spread magazine with incredible articles from some of the most talented people I know. I am honored to have them part of the Harmony House family. This year has come with some incredible success and losses. None greater than the loss of my dear beloved Lady Bear. My ace and the best Nana dog ever. I dedicate this issue to my girl, whom I miss immensely. As painful as it is, the loss of Bear was a reminder of life and the beauty of things all around us. Not to take a single moment for granted, to be present as much as possible. I realized how much alike we were. Fiercely protective of the ones we love, transparent with our emotions, loving, nurturing, and intuitive. She could read a room and a person's energy better than anyone. I trusted her opinion of anyone that walked through the door. Spend time with the people who make you feel good and help you to grow. The ones that shine and bring the feeling of home. Life is a crazy roller coaster, not to be taken too seriously or for granted. Give yourself permission to invest more in YOU and your healing. Give yourself the gift of grace and compassion. The gift to release and reclaim. Live each day with one moment of gratitude in your heart, and most of all, be of Love. Happy Holidays and wishing you all a blessed and prosperous new year filled with Love, health, and abundance. Wishing you all lots of L.U.C.K. (Love and Unconditional Compassion and Kindness). Be in peace and be of Love. Blessed Be -Deyna

Deyna Gomez Emotional Wellness Coach Owner of Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Services Founder of Harmony House Journal © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV.DEC 2021



Emotional Enablers, Vampires, and EmpowerersHow to Tell the Difference by Deyna Gomez CHC, CLC, CAMS

I tend to do a lot of reflection during this time of year. Something about the fall and winter season makes me look back at the year and evaluate the past months. My successes and failures, the people I have surrounded myself with, and my investments. By investments, I don't just mean financial; I also mean energetic, emotional, mental, and physical. Were my actions a risk, liability, or profitable investment? I look at relationships the same way. Is our relationship a risk, liability, or investment where we contribute and gain? As I have gotten older, I am definitely more aware and wiser where I spend my energy and invest my emotions. I have learned to identify, not just in my life, but I also help my clients determine the emotional enablers, emotional vampires, and emotional empowerers. As we grow and our goals and needs change, we need to pay attention to those around us. Often who we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our levels of success. Let's dive in, shall we…

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Emotional Enablers, Vampires, and EmpowerersHow to Tell the Difference Deyna Gomez, CHC, CLC, CAMS

Emotional Enablers:

First, I think it's essential we understand that, for the most part, enablers don't have bad intentions. Often, enablers are people in our lives that genuinely care about us; They don't want to see us suffer or be in pain. They want to comfort and console and are genuinely wanting to be empathetic. The challenge comes in when boundaries are not set, which is where they seem to struggle. Boundaries are essential. Boundaries help us clarify what's ok and what's not ok and protect us from abuse and toxic relationships by keeping out what is harmful. Boundaries create realistic expectations. People understand what is expected of them and what needs need to be met. If someone has an issue with your boundaries, then chances are they have become comfortable abusing you. Boundaries begin with us. We can not wait for someone else to set our boundaries for us. Enablers can be quite passive, wanting to comfort when they see you suffer, not pushing the envelope too much for fear of upsetting you or making things worse. And actually, that is the whole energy behind an enabler, fear. They fear losing you; they fear you losing control; often, enablers are on the sidelines waiting to help and not sure how. They are afraid to leave, but they are also afraid of handing you over the keys to the situation…again, fear and lack of boundaries. So they watch over you in protective energy, often making excuses for destructive or unhealthy behaviors, thinking they are helping, but the lack of boundaries does more harm than good. Enablers tend to feel a sense of responsibility for that person, which can be associated with guilt or how they define love, such as attachment and codependency.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Emotional Enablers, Vampires, and EmpowerersHow to Tell the Difference Deyna Gomez, CHC, CLC, CAMS

Emotional Vampires:

Emotional vampires will suck all the energy and drain you of the healthy and positive feelings you have. An enabler is different than a vampire. Vamps are the ones that side-eye you when you are bursting at the seams with good news about something significant that happened. They will never celebrate your wins, and they are the ones that find a problem for every solution. They will make sure you are reminded of every failure and suck the happiness right out of you. Emotional vampires want to get close to you, wanting to know everything about you, only to use it against you later on or gossip. Often the vampires are unhappy with their own lives and do little to make changes out of fear of failure or criticism. It is much easier for them to criticize than to be criticized. A vampire also doesn't have boundaries, but the intention is totally different. A vampire will not care about your well-being or your highest good. They will feed you things (thoughts/ emotions/ substances) to feel worse if you are already feeling bad. They are manipulative and want nothing more than the company to their own misery. They may say they want the best for you, but their actions will always prove otherwise. Take inventory of the people in your circle. Who is clapping when you fail and quiet when you succeed? Who are the ones that will try to keep you out late when you tell them you need to study or always have something negative to say about your relationship? They talk about everyone around them, judging and criticizing, but never doing better than the ones they talk about. After being around a vampire, you will likely feel insecure, drained, sad, or anxious. You will rarely leave the encounter with any positive or healthy feelings.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Emotional Enablers, Vampires, and EmpowerersHow to Tell the Difference Deyna Gomez, CHC, CLC, CAMS

Emotional Empowerers:

Empowerer…to be quite honest, I wasn't convinced this was a legit word, but it was Grammarly approved, so here we are. The empowerers of our life are the ones that support you in your wins. They also help you strategize your failures. And yes, we all need failure. Failure is important. Failure helps us to succeed. There is not one person who has been successful that has not failed at something at some point. Your empower helps you reframe failure into feedback. They, much like the enabler, will give you the time to have your emotions, but they don't mind pushing the envelope. They know how to set boundaries with themselves and others. They are the ones that will speak up and call you out when you call about your toxic workplace for the 100th time and suggest you find a new job; they will help you get your resume together and move forward. They will help you work through your fear because their genuine intention is to see you happy. They will love and support you through your questionable decisions and will be there to help you recover if you fall. Unlike vampires, they will never criticize or judge you. They will love you through it all and provide a safe place of solace. The most important thing to remember is the intention in each one of these. Take a look around the people closest in your life, where do they fall in? This is a good opportunity to see where you self-identify.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Affirmations: I give myself permission to heal

I AM blessed with abundance

I AM healing in my divine wholeness

I reclaim Love

I AM safe and at peace

I AM compassionate

I AM in control of my thoughts

I give myself permission to release

, e B d e ess eyna l BD

NOV/DEC 2021


© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Crush Your Sugar Cravings, Even if You are a Stress Eater! By: Rebecca Vanech Health & Life Coach - Blossom & Thrive Wellness

I’m a regular human just like you. I eat chocolate, ice cream, and other sugary goodies, but it no longer takes control of my life. It wasn’t always like this, though. In fact, I spent my childhood indulging in all types of sugary snacks. And as a kid, who wouldn’t love that?! In fact, it wasn’t until I stepped into adulthood that I noticed a correlation between eating sugar and my constant state of stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, and brain fog. I’m exhausted just thinking about it! I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning, and even when I did, I felt scattered, and it took forever to complete anything. I would constantly run on this loop of no sleep, struggle to manage my day, then the anxiety would set in with all that still needed to get done, and then I was up at night thinking about what didn’t get finished. Needless to say, to get some relief, I turned to sweets (usually chocolate or ice cream). I deserved it, right?… I was working my butt off! But one treat turned into two, and before I knew it, I had devoured an entire pint of ice cream, a bag of chocolates, a tray of cookies. . .You get the idea. Like you, I knew something had to change, but how could I do it? Would I ever be able to kick my sugar habit? Maybe you’re like me and you know you’re a sugarholic, but maybe you’re among the masses who have never even considered this. Regardless, the first step is to recognize emotional eating (also known as stress eating) triggers. Without that awareness, it’s hard to make different choices. Let’s dive in…

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Crush Your Sugar Cravings, Even if You are a Stress Eater! By: Rebecca Vanech Health & Life Coach - Blossom & Thrive Wellness

Some common triggers for emotional eating are: Burnout/exhaustion Boredom Stress Loneliness Anger/frustration Emptiness When we use food as a way to cope with our emotions, and daily stressors we are looking for something to provide us with satiety beyond hunger. Sometimes it’s to feel comfortable or safe. Often we want to feel in control and find a way to be calm and comforted from negative emotions. Sound familiar? So…here’s a few things you can start to take notice of in your day. Do yourself a favor…Write them down in a notebook or journal so you can begin to recognize any patterns that come up. Do you seek sugary foods first when: you feel stressed? you’re not hungry, but just craving food? you want to reward yourself? you want to eat for the sake of eating? (boredom) If you answered “yes” to most of the above then you could have tendencies toward stress and emotional eating. Here’s the GOOD NEWS!!! . . .You can overcome the patterns you’re in and get back in control.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Crush Your Sugar Cravings, Even if You are a Stress Eater! By: Rebecca Vanech Health & Life Coach - Blossom & Thrive Wellness

Especially right now, in this world of heightened stress levels between work, relationships, money, world affairs, health, and so many other things, it's no wonder that stress has increased. It's not your fault. But so often, this is when it seems like a great idea to turn to those sugary foods to try and get the relief you're looking for. When there's tension, we often look for something to bring us joy! It makes sense, and it sets off the brain's pleasure centers, so we immediately link it to something that makes us happy. But after eating all that sugar, have you ever noticed how you feel? I know I felt gross and immediately regretted it. Often I would say things like, 'Why did I do that?' 'It's not even really what I needed.' 'Now I feel worse.' Check out my simple and easy sugar craving solutions below that will have you crushing your sugar cravings in no time! 5 Solutions to Sugar Cravings 1. Check Your Bevvies! Sounds crazy, but sometimes we get confused between sweet cravings and signs of dehydration. Start by drinking a glass of water, wait 5 minutes, and see if you still have the craving. If so, you can make yourself a meal at that point. If you're a coffee drinker, listen up…Too much caffeine mimics a blood sugar crash – you're high for a bit, but then you come crashing down and crave…SUGAR, especially if you add all the extras to your coffee.

2. Satisfy your sweet tooth with sweet veggies, fruit, and spices. Your tongue has sweet taste buds that demand to be satisfied, so don't hold out on 'em! Add naturally sweet foods and spices to your diet like squash, yams, carrots, beets, berries, figs, apples, cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom. 3. Check your protein. This is a fun, cool fact – watch how much protein and what kind of protein you're eating, especially animal protein. Eating too little animal protein can lead to massive sweet cravings. Eating too much animal protein can lead to sweet cravings. When I work with clients, we find just the right sweet spot for protein intake, so they feel satisfied.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Crush Your Sugar Cravings, Even if You are a Stress Eater! By: Rebecca Vanech Health & Life Coach - Blossom & Thrive Wellness

4. Move yo’self. Movement is another kind of food for your body. It releases stress, makes you feel great, and look great. When you don’t get enough, the body starts to look for other ways to blow off steam, like binging on chocolate, wine, Snickers bars, cupcakes, whatever your vice is. 5. Create new post-meal rituals. If you’re a “dessert after your meal” person, one of the things you might love about that is the ritual of it. What are other possibilities for post-meal rituals? Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been at this a while, you can crush your sugar cravings and emotional eating. All it takes is three key ingredients to put it all together. Without these three ingredients, we stay stuck in the same patterns and repeat the same old behaviors that keep us from breaking free. Some of us do really well for a little while. We get some new information, renew our commitment to follow through, and even take consistent action for a week or two. We convince ourselves that ‘This time is going to be different,’ and then, what happens? Our motivation fizzles out, and we fall off track, back-sliding into our old habits. Think New Year’s Resolutions. We all know WHAT to do, but don’t always do it, right? That’s because knowing isn’t enough. It’s not what motivates us to take action. The three key ingredients that bring this all together are the right system, the right support, and the right accountability. We’ve got information… That’s the system. Now it’s time to find someone to encourage you along your journey and kick you in the butt when you make poor choices. Now’s your time to take back your life and crush your sugar cravings long-term. Get ready to take ACTION and follow through in a way you never have before. I can’t wait to hear all about your progress! Cheers to your wellness!

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021





Ingredients: 1 - 8 ounce Mason Jar w/lid 1 cup of white granulated sugar 1/4 -1/2 cup coconut oil 1 teaspoon peppermint leaves 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil Mix well Scoop a small amount of scrub on hands/legs/body Use small circular motions to exfoliate the skin Rinse well and pat dry Shelf life- approximately 2 months *** Soles of feet may be slippery after applying /Use with caution

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Fat Loss vs Weight Loss, What's the difference? by Daniel Harding, Personal; Fitness Trainer/Fat Loss Coach

A simple question, yet always get a variety of answers. Let's see if I can explain the difference without boring the pants off of you... This topic has countless people puzzled, and some even think it is the same thing! Today I wanted to clear things up and make sure you know the difference. With the rise of infomercials, dodgy diets, and glorified "Gurus' on social media, there are a lot of mixed messages out there. Weight Loss can be subjective, and the scale, well, that doesn't really tell you anything besides what you weigh. Here are some examples:

If you didn't eat for half a day, you would weigh less. If you didn't consume water for 24 hours, you would weigh less. And if I told you to chop off your foot, you would weigh less. Each outcome you attempt, you will weigh less, but have you really made any progress? Answer:...NOPE! ***The articles in the Harmony House Journal are for informational purposes only and not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. We do not provide medical advice, and articles posted should not substitute any medical or professional care. Please consult your healthcare provider before trying out homecare therapies, or changes to your diet. Do not start, stop, or change any medical treatments without consulting your healthcare provider. © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Fat Loss vs Weight Loss, What's the difference? by Daniel Harding, Personal; Fitness Trainer/Fat Loss Coach

Great, you weigh less but are now a weaker, footless, and ***hangry version of your old self. Also, you now have to hop on one foot to go anywhere. Which sounds disastrous unless you really like hopscotch... ***Hangry - bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger*** Did you know that a pound of fat weighs the same as one pound of muscle? The only difference is that muscle is denser and takes up less space. With this in mind, we should pay less attention to the scale numbers and focus more on developing lean muscle, mainly fat loss. When it comes to fat loss, nutrition is the main component. In case you misread the last line... "NUTRITION IS THE MAIN COMPONENT OF FAT LOSS!!"

***The articles in the Harmony House Journal are for informational purposes only and not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. We do not provide medical advice, and articles posted should not substitute any medical or professional care. Please consult your healthcare provider before trying out homecare therapies, or changes to your diet. Do not start, stop, or change any medical treatments without consulting your healthcare provider. © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Fat Loss vs Weight Loss, What's the difference?

Since nutrition is the main component, we need to improve your behaviors regarding food. Changes in behavior happen over time, so it is key to start with small things first. Maybe its... Drinking one less can of soda a day Having a glass of water before meals Using smaller plates at mealtimes So let's review; in order to get where you want to be, we need to: Identify what your goal is? Break down the goal into skills needed to achieve the goal? Break skills down into exercise practices to help develop skills Work on small actions daily to develop habits. Let's say, for example, your goal is to lose 10lbs. Consistent eating patterns would be the skill. Eating slowly at mealtimes would be the practice. Putting your knife and fork down between each bite becomes the action. Each step is there to help you break down and simplify the process as you move towards your goal. Unless youin really like hopscotch? ***The articles the Harmony House Journal are for informational purposes only and not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. We do not provide medical

advice, and articles posted should not substitute any medical or professional care. Please consult your healthcare provider before trying out homecare therapies, or changes to your diet. Do not start, stop, or change any medical treatments without consulting your healthcare provider. © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



If you listen carefully, the silence plays a beautiful song. -Deyna

Photo Credit: Bambi Winter Photography © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021




Ingredients • 2 cups whole milk (or your favorite non-dairy or nut milk work too) • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder • 2 tablespoons agave nectar • 1 teaspoon ground ginger • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg • 1/4 teaspoon allspice • whipped cream (optional, for topping) • cinnamon sticks (optional, for garnish)

Instructions • Place warmed milk, cocoa powder, agave nectar, and spices into your blender. • Blend on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute. • Alternatively, if you don’t have a blender, you can place all the ingredients in a medium pot and whisk to combine over medium heat. • Divide between two mugs and top with whipped cream, an extra sprinkle of cinnamon or ground ginger, and a cinnamon stick.


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NOV/DEC 2021



What is Rapid Transformational Therapy? By Karen Whybrow, BSc(HONS), ACCPH We all have an inner voice, and it is continually telling us a story about our life and the things that are happening to and around us. Our inner voice tells us the same story on repeat; what is the story you tell yourself? How critical, negative, and full of limiting beliefs is your tale? In RTT, we will dig deep into this long-held and repeated story and break it apart to determine where it came from. By directly accessing your subconscious mind in a hypnotic state, we can learn where your story began and how it has become entrenched in your life. Once we understand this, we can reframe your story and allow you to take back control. Understanding is power, and understanding in hypnosis really is the most phenomenal power. RTT is a hybrid therapy that has been developed by Marisa Peer. It is not a talking therapy; it is a solution-focused therapy. RTT combines the best of hypnosis with unique methods for permanent and lasting change. RTT works with the subconscious mind; the subconscious is an extraordinary resource, like a vault where everything we’ve ever learned or experienced is kept. All our experiences that have shaped how we feel about life in general and why we react to certain things, in particular, are held in this memory bank. So why is the subconscious not a major part of our everyday awareness? Early on, we learn to navigate the world with our conscious mind. However, change directed by the conscious mind has limits. Willpower alone can’t break the chains of bad habits or fears. We find ourselves making the same resolutions every new year. To change, we need more than willpower and logic; we need to connect with the subconscious mind.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



What is Rapid Transformational Therapy? By Karen Whybrow, BSc(HONS), ACCPH Rapid transformational therapy gets you unstuck very quickly and easily. During RTT, we access the subconscious using hypnosis. Don’t worry; hypnosis doesn’t take over your mind, and I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to! Hypnotic trance is a completely natural state of inward focus; it’s similar to the experience of being in flow, like being totally absorbed by watching a movie or in meditation. In hypnosis, you are so absorbed that you’re not worrying about anything else. This heightened state of focus gives your mind more control, not less. The critical chattering mind is bypassed, and we can access many beliefs formed many years ago. Allowing your subconscious mind to become receptive to suggestions. RTT helps you to change perceptions and thoughts at the subconscious level. RTT uses language that sparks the imagination; the words are customized just for you. Your personal recording is essential; you will listen to this for at least 21 days. The recording lays down pathways or connections between neurons; new behaviors become second nature as these new pathways are strengthened. You don’t feel self-conscious; you stop second-guessing yourself. So you can just forget about multiple sessions that go on and on with little change in sight. No one has time for that. With Rapid Transformational Therapy, you easily, effortlessly, and happily break free from what was weighing you down; you can just let go. In summary, rapid transformational therapy can help you change habits for a healthier body, relieve stress, overwhelm and fears, perform at your very best, say goodbye to guilt, feelings of worthlessness.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Exercise and Sleep Working out helps in the areas of your body and mind. Did you know that it also helps with sleep? By Kasia Bailey, MBA Wellness Coach | WERQ Dance Fitness Instructor

If you are anything like the other millions of people across the globe, sleep has been hard to come by, especially since the COVID pandemic of 2020. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 3 adults doesn’t get enough sleep. Let’s face it; we’ve all been on the other side of a bad night of sleep. The following day typically is no walk in the park. Sleep plays a vital role in our body functions, health, and mental state. Lack of sleep over a long period of time can cause major health problems. One activity that is currently being studied is exercise and its effect on the improvement of sleep. According to a recent article on hopkinsmedicine.org, “We have solid evidence that exercise does, in fact, help you fall asleep more quickly and improves sleep quality,” says Charlene Gamaldo, M.D., medical director of Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep at Howard County General Hospital. “But there’s still some debate as to what time of day you should exercise. I encourage people to listen to their bodies to see how well they sleep in response to when they work out,” she adds. The question arises, “Where should I start, and when should I work out?” The answer depends on each individual’s daily routine. Some people prefer to work out first thing in the morning, while others prefer an evening or lunchtime workout. There is no “right” answer. The best option is to just find some time in your day to work out. I know it’s easier said than done. This has been a constant struggle for myself and those I talk to about the ability to incorporate exercise in the day. My husband and I are on completely different sides of the scope on this one. I prefer to work out in the morning while he likes to work out in the evening before dinner.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Exercise and Sleep Working out helps in the areas of your body and mind. Did you know that it also helps with sleep?

By Kasia Bailey, MBA Wellness Coach | WERQ Dance Fitness Instructor

One thing to be aware of is that exercising close to bedtime can cause a delay in falling asleep when you exercise; your body releases endorphins which can keep you awake. The general rule of thumb is to exercise no less than two hours before bedtime. This gives your body a chance to cool down, which helps with sleep. The kind of exercise you do is completely up to you. Make sure to consult a physician before beginning any strenuous exercise. Once you are ready to begin, find different types of exercises to try out. There are so many out there virtually for you to try on YouTube, steaming apps, personal trainers, gyms, etc. Track the time of day, what exercise you did, and see how it helps with your sleep pattern. You don’t have to go full out, especially if you haven’t established a routine. Start with 30 minutes, then build over time. Working out isn’t a punishment for what you ate that day. It’s a celebration of what you can do. The time you spend is great for reflection, mindfulness, fun, and just some plain your time! Good luck on your journey to good health and good sleep.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



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NOV/DEC 2021



Anandamide, the Bliss Molecule ~

By: Christine Moody, MPH

We all experience that “blue” feeling. Sometimes it’s fleeting; sometimes, it stays for a while. We don’t want to feel blue. While we may utilize competent coaching and counseling related to healing how we deal with circumstances and experiences, sometimes it can help balance our body’s chemistry, specifically related to neurotransmitters responsible for all communication between your cells). Anandamide was discovered in the early 1990s, after studying the compound, its name was created from the Sanskrit word for bliss. Anandamide is known as the “bliss” molecule as it creates a feeling of well-being. Anandamide is a fatty-acid neurotransmitter (brain chemical) that binds to receptors in the brain and body, stimulating a sense of happiness and mental wellness. It can also affect overall health and mental wellness in numerous other ways. Let’s back up; the endocannabinoid system — endocannabinoid compounds and their receptors — acts as a regulator to keep the brain and body in a state of balance, called homeostasis. Some scientists believe that a clinical cannabinoid deficiency may be a root cause of many conditions, including that “blue” feeling many experiences. Anandamide plays a role in the regulation of neural generation of motivation and pleasure. Anandamide is created from arachidonic acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid. Endogenous anandamide (produced in our bodies) is present at very low levels and has a very short half-life due to the action of the enzyme, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which breaks it down very quickly. Research indicates that inhibiting this enzyme by using supplements containing CBD and CBC, may be a useful strategy for bolstering access to anandamide in your body and result in improved health and mental well-being. Many of us are familiar with CBD and how it boosts the production of anandamide, but CBC is relatively new to us. Although CBC was discovered about 50 years ago, it is only now emerging as one of the new superstar cannabinoids playing an important role in our bliss.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Anandamide, the Bliss Molecule ~ ality Hemp Products

By: Christine Moody, MPH

Cannabichromene (canna-bi-chrom-een) is a derivative of cannabichromenic acid, which shares the same precursors as CBD, CBG, and THC. It was discovered in 1966 by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, who also discovered CBD and THC. Cannabichromene is non-psychotropic and considered one of the top six cannabinoids studied in research. Like CBD, it also increases anandamide by decreasing FAAH, the enzyme that breaks anandamide down, but in a different way. Research over the years has yielded some different characteristics of CBC, CBC has an affinity to bind with specialized transient receptors, instead of those we commonly hear about (CB1 and CB2). These specialized receptors, also known as capsaicin receptors are responsible for nociception and heat sensations, body temperature, and detection of harmful toxins and are located throughout the peripheral nervous system and were discovered to be predominately on neurons involved in detecting uncomfortable and harmful stimuli. Additionally, these receptors are found in every cell membrane, stimulate senses and produce tears. The interesting part about all this is that when CBC activates these specialized receptors, levels of our endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced naturally by the body), such as anandamide, are increased. CBC has also been shown to promote a positive state of mind when used in conjunction with other cannabinoids, 1 an example of synergy and the importance of the entourage effect. CBC leads to increased levels of anandamide by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down anandamide which in-turn allows anandamide to stay in the bloodstream longer to be utilized by the body. Dietary supplementation with quality, highly absorbed phyto-cannabinoids, specifically CBD and/or CBC, can provide an efficient and sufficient way to boost this important neurotransmitter – Anandamide.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Anandamide, the Bliss Molecule ~ ality Hemp Products

By: Christine Moody,MPH

There aren’t many foods that can increase the level of anandamide naturally, and they are not entirely sufficient, but they are worth knowing and trying. First, arachidonic acid is a precursor of anandamide, if you remember, and sources of arachidonic acid are meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and olive oil. Here are some other sources of anandamide itself: Chocolate is one of our most beloved foods and scientists have tried to figure out what makes it so appealing. It turns out that chocolate also contains anandamide. Chocolate contains compounds that slow down the breakdown of anandamide. To get the most anandamide from chocolate, eat the least adulterated chocolate you can find. This may mean switching from your favorite chocolate bar to cocoa powder or cacao nibs, which are used to create chocolate. Both are significantly less processed than even the best chocolate, contain no sugar, and are a more concentrated source of chocolate’s beneficial compounds. The only other food with a significant amount of anandamide is the black truffle. Both common black pepper (Piper nigrum) and its hotter cousin long pepper (Piper longum) contain a compound called guineensine that increases the activity of anandamide. Kaempferol is a type of flavonoid that inhibits the production of FAAH, the enzyme that breaks down anandamide. By eating more foods that contain kaempferol, you can increase your net level of anandamide. Foods that contain kaempferol include fruits - apples, blackberries, grapes, peaches, raspberries and vegetables - broccoli, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, endive, green beans, lettuce, potatoes, spinach, squash, tomatoes. It’s also found in green tea.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Anandamide, the Bliss Molecule ~ ality Hemp Products

By: Christine Moody,MPH

Exercise is another easy way to generate anandamide. Exercising to the point of obtaining “runner’s high” is usually attributed to an increase in your body’s natural pain-killing endorphins. But there’s evidence that endocannabinoids, including anandamide, are more likely the brain chemicals behind runner’s high. One reason for this change in theory is the discovery that endorphins are too large to cross into the brain, but anandamide is not. Finally, oxytocin is a naturally occurring compound that acts as both a hormone and neurotransmitter. It stimulates the production of anandamide and so, by increasing oxytocin, you may also increase anandamide. Perhaps an article on boosting oxytocin will be in a future article. In conclusion, there are many ways to tackle that “blue” feeling we all get. Chemistry is a vital component, and we can approach it from many angles: boost other neurotransmitters such as oxytocin, exercise, focused enjoyable activity in “the zone”, diet (which has limitations in terms of sufficiency), and direct dietary supplementation. We all have choices and options to take back our bliss! Resources: https://bebrainfit.com/anandamide The Major Role for Minor Cannabinoids – Zilis Blog 1 El-Alfy AT, Ivey K, Robinson K, Ahmed S, Radwan M, Slade D, Khan I, ElSohly M, Ross S. Antidepressant-like effect of delta9tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids isolated from Cannabis sativa L. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2010 Jun;95(4):434-42. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2010.03.004. Epub 2010 Mar 21. PMID: 20332000; PMCID: PMC2866040.

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NOV/DEC 2021




Winter Vegan Stew

• 3 Tbsp Olive Oil • 1 Medium Onion White, Yellow or Brown, Chopped • 1 Tbsp Crushed Garlic • 1 tsp Dried Tyme • 1⁄2 tsp Dried Rosemary • 1⁄2 tsp Dried Oregano • 5 cups Shittake Mushrooms Sliced • 3 Large Carrots Diced • 3 Celery Stalks Diced • 1⁄3 cup All-Purpose Flour or Gluten-Free Flour • 2 cups Vegetable Stock • 1 cup Diced Tomatoes • 1 cup Red Wine • 2 Large Potatoes peeled and chopped • 15 ounce Can Kidney Beans (1 can) Drained • 1⁄2 cup Tomato Paste • 1 Tbsp Dark Soy Sauce • 2 leaves Bay Leaf • 1 Tbsp Coconut Sugar Optional



• Add the chopped onion to the pot with the olive oil and sauté the onions until softened. • Add in the crushed garlic, dried thyme, rosemary, and oregano and sauté with the onions. • Add the sliced mushrooms, diced carrots, and diced celery and toss with the onions and spices. Let it cook for a few minutes until the mushrooms are slightly softened. • Add the all-purpose flour and stir it in, then add the vegetable stock, diced tomatoes, and red wine along with the peeled chopped potatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste and dark soy sauce and stir in. • Add in the bay leaves and bring it all to a simmer, cover the pot and leave to simmer, stirring from time to time, until the potatoes and veggies are soft and cooked. • Add in the coconut sugar (optional) which helps to balance out the flavors and salt and pepper to taste (if needed). • Serve as is or with basmati rice.

NOV/DEC 2021



"Kindness is like snow... It beautifies everything it covers" - Kahlil Gibran

Photo Credit: Bambi Winter Photography

NOV/DEC 2021



Life of A Tree By Irene Wertley, Spiritual Coach

Dear Ones, let me tell you a story...... Long, long ago, after the creator shined a light on the planet, the first seed fell from the universe, and as it entered the Earth's atmosphere, the gentle wind caught it and guided it to the ground. Inside, the seed was teaming with the vibrations of life. The vibrations of unconditional love and understanding. The creator charged this seed with all the wisdom of the universe. Mother Earth felt this vibration and opened up her arms to let the tiny seed in. Once nestled in the cradle of Mother Earth, the seed awaited the rain to quench its thirst, and it did, and the seed's energy increased, so much so that it burst from its shell and began climbing to the surface. The seed had so much love for the mother who nurtured it as it grew. It reached way down inside her with its roots and held on, but so much wonder waited above the surface and there was so much inside to share that the seed began to stretch out to the sky and grab hold of the father universe from which it came. Now, the seed grown into a tree is anchored into the underworld but still reaching up to the heavens, is ready to open up its loving arms and spread them out across the world. The seed now fulfilled its destiny and takes its place as The World Tree.. The Tree Of Life. Possessing all the love and knowledge of the universe the Tree becomes the watcher and guardian of all life on Earth. Throughout centuries the offspring of this Tree will provide shelter and vitality to the world. Can you imagine being a tree that has lived 400 years? Think of all the changes you would see in the world around you. All the destruction, all the new life growing up in its place. New opportunities, new destinies. Take a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth...... in 5 ...hold 3....release and repeat a few times.

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Life of A Tree By Irene Wertley, Spiritual Coach

Imagine, a white light coming down from the heavens, and as it enters the earth's atmosphere, it splits into a million fractals, tiny seeds of life carried to the ground on stardust. Now imagine that you are one of those seeds vibrating with life and love...feel every part of you tingling....now imagine Mother Earth opening up her arms and taking you deep inside of her. Imagine as she warms you, the seed opens, and you begin to sprout roots that grow down to the core and grab hold...now imagine her love coursing up through those roots and sending you up and up, breaking through her crust so you can see the sky... You see the endless possibilities the universe has to offer and you begin to sprout branches that reach out for it.

You become so full of love and wisdom that your branches begin to fill out and swoop down to the earth creating shelter for the creatures of the land and providing resources for man... An ancient guardian watching over the creators most precious gift...life,.. the sun and moon battle for their showing, the season's change, time passes, cycles begin and end...you change with it.....as the world rests so do you and as the world awakens, so life awakens in you...you are intricately connected to the wheel of life. Keeping time in the layers of your bark....resistant to the elements yet vulnerable to the frailty of man...Sensitive to the vibrations of this world, as it grows weary, so do you...as it thrives so shall you...at your feet, there have been creatures struggling to survive and lovers embracing each other...there have been artists and poets seeking inspiration...families coming together...and it heals you and nurtures you to be in their company....to feel their touch..to be watered by their tears....a gentle wind blows, and your leaves dance with excitement...as above...so below.....and so shall be in between... Take time in your life to connect with spirit, nature, yourself, and the amazing beings this existence has brought to your journey. Leave behind a legacy. We have not inherited this earth from our ancestors; we are borrowing it from our children. © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021





© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com

NOV/DEC 2021



Message from The Spirit Guides The Moon becomes a Symbol of separation allowing us to fall for the illusion of light outside of ourselves, or She becomes a Symbol of Profound Realization as we relate her Divine qualities to our own nature. She may either lead us down a path of deception within the world of appearances. People often think that we must wait until we leave these bodies to reveal the truth that lies beyond the Material Realm, but we don't. The Moon within is here to shine a light on the hidden truth which impregnates all life. She illuminates the reflection of our soul as it is at the center of all things." ----Excerpt from "The Royal Path" book by Author Rebecca Magick Deck: Tarot of Magical Correspondences by: Eugene and Inna Vinitski Etsy Shop: Tarot Mania Cards: Ace of Swords Knight of Cups Over All-Energy Card: The Moon XVIII CHANNELED MESSAGE: The Great Work in all Truth, is comprised of a force, invoked to create good and evil. This Centrifugal Force ( an apparent force that acts as an outward mediating influence on a body moving around a center arising from the body's inertia), sometimes causes hardships with such a force that assertion of Justice (Major Arcanum) in the Air will create profound determination within discernment of the energies at play in your life at this time. The Crown Chakra points toward high volumes of movement during the months of November and December and will be Highly activated over the Holidays, giving us a "New Beginning" perspective more closely onto the Corporeal Aspects of life. Specifically, gaining clarity on what aspects lie outside of us externally and how they play a major role in clouding Judgement. We will be activated to understand very intelligently, that the world we see with our Human Vision is literally a Three-dimensional world of illusions and how they interweave Into our lives. Point Zero. This is a reset of the mind and thought and memory construction we are looking at more closely with absolute clarity and the ability to release from self-limiting stagnation. The realization of the shift between dark and light forces and the convergence of both into Oneness. The Ace of Swords brings clarity to new thoughtful blueprints into a Higher Dimensional Light frequency. The Devotion to this Great Work comes into the fold with the omnipresence of Scorpio and Sagittarius Energies who will not aim to miss this targeted lesson of beautiful release of the separation of light and dark but coming into the quickening of integration and release from Any non truth programming. This energy is designed to align us to illuminate the beauty in the Justice of Truth Resonance, and Harmonize Alchemy.

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NOV/DEC 2021



Message from The Spirit Guides Some Key Symbolisms to keep an eye on over the Holidays are Phoenix, Lion, Child, Spider, Pelican, Rose, Rose Quartz. The Harmonic Vision of the dying of old constructs of the mind, body, and soul that were creating inertia are going through a steady force of putrefaction in a skillful and fiercely exquisite and profound nature. Temperance of water and fire energies may feel like torture and trigger a deep dark night of the soul, but this transfiguration can be your greatest ally for obtaining wisdom and long-term Mastery. Truly healing old wounds that have lingered in the back of your mind for what seems like an ancient period of time. Those things will be coming up for release, and they will no longer be sleeping inside you to hide in your Root Chakra. We will be awakened to all internal and external bewitchments and illusions. Situations that initiate disorder and chaos on an internal and external level will be dealt with in the real of Twilight and Mirrors. They will either Glamour or Reveal these illusory initiations of discord and dissatisfaction in our lives so that we can give ourselves to step out of this cycle. What worlds of creations we have formed in illusion will fade and end in selfreflection and integration to still the tides of suffering and anxiety and disappointment. The treachery of our deceitful selves will begin to free itself from the Shadows of self-limitations. The reflection we are being given is the Mystical Gift of intelligence that we can gift ourselves the gift of detachment to release ourselves in the beautification of The Divine Plan. Harmony is being alchemized in this shift into Higher Dimensions. Winter Solstice will be powerful with the Sun, Moon, Cosmic Planetary alignments and their Vital principles of growth. Growth and Expansion in this time will be tempered with Grace and it will be Tangible to you. Magickal Transformations coming to full circle and completion as Chiron completes His great Cosmic Transit, working his magic on the Warrior Heart and his Shamanic rebirth commits his mission to healing the warrior within our own hearts, giving us the courage to truly commit to our missions of Self and Trust beyond what we see with our human eyes so we can see wholeheartedly with our Spirit eyes to Infinity and Beyond. Love, Mojo "The Awakened Heart is like a Lantern. Keep it sheltered from the turbulence of the © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com winds of Desire." --Rumi PAGE 35

NOV/DEC 2021



Meet the Contributors!

Deyna Gomez CHC, CLC, CAMS Emotional Wellness Coach and owner of Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Services Deyna specializes in anxiety and emotional management. She is a published author, speaker, and intuitive. Schedule your appointment at www.SnHCoaching.com

Lisa Jacobs Editor Extrodinadair Editor for Sage and Harmony Holistic Coaching and Harmony House Bimonthly Journal

k n a ! h T ou Y Karen Whybrow, BSc(HONS), ACCPH

Karen empowers people who have lived through loss to create freedom and purpose using coaching and Rapid Transformational Therapy to become their own superheroes and learn to thrive in their lives, karen@theanchorcoaching.com

Dan Harding – Fat Loss Coach Phone: 863-206-3697 (mobile) E-mail: hardingdaniel55@gmail.com Instagram: dan.harding87 https://experiencelife.com/article/just-your-type/ http://heartcorestudio.com/blog/entry/3-bodytypes-how-to-work-and-eat-for-them

© 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic Coaching Service ww.SnHCoaching.com


NOV/DEC 2021



Meet the Contributors!

Christine Moody is an Area Ambassador and founder with Zilis You can reach her with any questions at: 317.657.6361 Ambassador4zilis.cam@gmail.com She lives in Kissimmee, Florida.

WERQ is the wildly addictive cardio dance class based on the hottest pop and hip hop music. WERQ Fitness Professional, Kasia Bailey builds a playlist that will get you moving! Kasia Bailey, MBA Wellness Coach | WERQ Dance Fitness Instructor (248) 662-5092 www.synergisticsolutionsllc.com

Growing up, Becky had family who gave her the foundation for understanding the importance of wellness. It’s been a passion she has dabbled in, giving advice to friends and family along the way. She discovered her true calling to become a Certified Health and Life Coach and Yoga Teacher. She specializes in sugar addiction and stress and emotional eating helping her clients to de-stress, boost energy, sleep like a baby, and finally have a healthy relationship with food.

Website: https://www.blossomandthrive.com Email: blossom.thrive.becky@gmail.com Free 20 minute Consultation Scheduling Link: https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php? owner=23205673&appointmentType=27320437 PAGE 41 © 2021 Sage & Harmony Holistic

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NOV/DEC 2021


Meet the Contributors!

Bambi Winter Bambi Winter Photography

https://bambiwinterphotography.zen folio.com/

Email: bbutterfly.photos@gmail.com

Irene Wertley is a reiki master, Life Coach, Spiritual Guide, Certified Herbalist, Energy Medicine Practioner, and Vibrational and Color Therapist. 7lotushealing@gmail.com

Brandi Dye AKA Mojo Coach Brandi is a Reiki Master, Ascension Coach working with Quantum Field Energy


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