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Christer Lundfall Eva Österberg Jeremy Taylor

lärarhandledning liber

isbn 978-91-47-90719-9 © 2012 Christer Lundfall, Eva Österberg, Jeremy Taylor och Liber AB redaktör Pernilla Hallqvist, Kerstin Rydén formgivare Eva Jerkeman produktion Christina de Besche

kopieringsförbud Detta verk är skyddat av upphovsrättslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares och elevers rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningssamordnare, t.ex. kommuner och universitet. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff (böter eller fängelse), skadestånd och beslag/förstöring av olovligt framställt material. Såväl analog som digital kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuspresskopia.se. Undantag Kopiering är tillåten av de sidor som är markerade med Kopiering tillåten. Kopiering får dock endast ske till eleverna på den egna skolan, och kopiorna får inte på något sätt spridas utanför den egna skolans verksamhet.

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Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Första upplagan


Innehåll Unit 4


Därför gjorde vi Pioneer 1 så här!


En liten lathund för klassrummet


Kortskrivande – när och varför? 10

Kapitelkommentarer Allmänt 12 Unit 1 – Who Do You Think You Are? 13 Unit 2 – Not What It Seems 19 Unit 3 – 30% of Your Life 25 Unit 4 – Thinking Outside The Box 29 Unit 5 – Where No Man Has Gone Before 34 Unit 6 – There Is No Planet B 38 Extra Reading 44 Yellow Pages 47 Language Awareness 47

Kopieringsunderlag Unit 1

1. 2. 3. 4.

Nature vs Nurture 48 Personality Traits 49–51 Sexual Orientation 52 Operation Mincemeat 53–54

Unit 2

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Night at the Museum 55 But Is It True? 56 But Am I Worth It? 57 Preposition Practice 58 The Passive Voice 59

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

The Language of Maths 64 Creativity – the Inner Tube 65 Creativity in Sport 66 Creativity in School 67 Creativity in Fairy Tales 68

Unit 5

18. 19. 20. 21.

Space-related Events 69 More about Space 70 It’s Out of This World! 71 Sci-fi Plot 72

Unit 6

22. Saltwater or Freshwater? 73 23. Lister & Ova 74 Yellow Pages

24. Speech 75 25. Presentation Assessment 76 26. Summary 77 27. Personal Narrative 78 28. Film Review 79 29. Argumentative Text 80 30. Formal Letter 81 Language Awareness

31. Ordbildning 82 32. Substantiv 83 33. Artiklar + Genitiv 84 34. Regelbundna + oregelbundna verb 85–86 35. Påhängsfrågor + Passiv form 87 36. Ing-form + Skulle – borde 88 37. Adjektiv & adverb 89 38. Pronomen 90–91 Facit till kopieringsunderlagen 92

Unit 3

10. Time for Sleep 60 11. Time: 1890–2012 61–62 12. I Have a Dream! 63

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Pioneer 1 – introduktion


Grammar Diagnosis – Answer Sheet 103 Grammar Diagnosis – Facit 104

Läxförhör Unit 1: 1 105 Unit 1: 2 108 Unit 2: 1 111 Unit 2: 2 114 Unit 3: 1 117 Unit 3: 2 119 Unit 4: 1 121 Unit 4: 2 123 Unit 5: 1 125 Unit 5: 2 127 Unit 6: 1 128 Unit 6: 2 130 Facit till läxförhören 132

Final Tests Unit 1 135 Unit 2 141 Unit 3 148 Unit 4 155 Unit 5 161 Unit 6 166 Facit till Final Tests 174

Manus till hörövningarna


Hörmanus till Final Tests 1–6


Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Grammar Diagnosis – 100 Sentences 96



Who Do You Think You Are?

Till kapitlet hör: • Kopieringsunderlag 1–4 • Unit 1, Läxförhör 1–2 • Unit 1, Final test Kapitelrubriken anger vad det handlar om: Arv eller miljö? Varför har vi blivit de vi är, vad har format oss och hur väl känner vi egentligen oss själva? Och vad innefattar begreppet identitet?

Kom igång! Muntligt

Eleverna funderar individuellt i några minuter, diskuterar sedan i par eller små grupper: To what extent is our character or our idea of ourselves a product of what others think of us? How different would we be if we grew up in isolation from other people?


Eleverna skriver individuellt i några minuter, jämför sedan parvis: Decide what your best personal quality is and write it down. Then write down the best quality of your friend. Before showing your answers, guess what the other wrote. Här är en lista med adjektiv som eleverna kan använda som inspiration: sensitive, sensible, positive, humorous, supportive, kind, generous, funny, serious, understanding, smart, intelligent, emotional, challenging, interesting, innovative, ingenious, optimistic, physical, open, conscientious, extrovert, agreeable

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Ett annat sätt att börja: Eleverna skriver ner tre frågor de skulle vilja ställa till en person som de vill bli vän med. Därefter står/sitter de i cirkel i grupper med jämnt antal elever per grupp. Elev A har en minut på sig att ställa sina tre frågor till elev B mitt emot och en minut att besvara frågorna från B. Därefter cirkulerar eleverna i gruppen så att alla får en ny partner mitt emot sig och A frågar C, B frågar D osv. Som avslutning kan klassen diskutera om frågorna verkligen var bra för att avgöra vilken typ av person som de talade med – och om de fick några intressanta svar.


Genomgång av kapitlet Quotations

(s. 8)

”You can pretend to be serious, but you cannot pretend to be funny.” Det är naturligtvis inte svårt att hitta kloka citat som handlar om vår identitet och om hur den formas. Om någon elev har något eget favoritcitat/dikt om just personlighet, egenskaper och identitet, kan han/hon läsa upp det/skriva upp det på tavlan. Nature vs Nurture

(s. 9–10)

Detta är bokens första hörövning. Manus finns på s. 179. Förslag till introduktion: The Nature vs Nurture debate is as old as mankind, and this dialogue has an argumentative form. Is it easier to reach a solution in this debate if we think of specific abilities/qualities? Like language, table manners, running, femininity, singing, sexual orientation, sleeping or building a house? What is acquired and what is innate? Or is it easier to state that we all are 100% nature or 100% nurture? På s. 10 finns innehållsfrågor, diskussionsuppgifter och glosor. Låt eleverna läsa igenom allt innan de lyssnar på dialogen. OBS! Förslag till facit till innehållsfrågor finns i facithäftet. Till texten finns ett diskussionsunderlag för argumentation på Kopieringsunderlag 1: Nature vs Nurture. 16 lappar med påståenden om intelligens stöder den ena eller andra teorin. Eleverna arbetar i grupper. Lapparna ligger upp och ner på bordet. Eleverna turas om att ta en lapp och argumentera för eller emot tesen. (s. 11–14)

Här är en uppgift med frågeformulär där eleverna kan testa sin personlighet, kanske mest på skoj. Förslag till introduktion: There are numerous personality tests on the Internet, designed to classify basic personality types. Others are designed to test candidates’ suitability for a particular job and some are designed to test for particular traits – for example, honesty and integrity. Can such tests ever be trusted? Here is what a study conducted by the American Psychological Association found: over 80% of job applicants actually hired after taking a widely used personality test had intentionally manipulated their answers to make themselves look better. Critics of personality tests sometimes argue that they present people with an unpleasant choice: Lie a little, or lose a career opportunity to someone who’s willing to do so… Eleverna kan behöva hjälp med att räkna ut sina poäng på s. 12. Efter diskussionsuppgiften på s. 14 följer en ordkunskapsövning. Facit finns i facithäftet. Till texten finns Kopieringsunderlag 2: Personality traits. Kopiera så att varje elev får en lapp. Be dem läsa igenom sin text och följa instruktionen. Uppmuntra dem att spela lite teater!

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Test Your Personality


Born This Way

(s. 15–18)

The music magazine Rolling Stone has many good quotations to offer from interviews with Lady Gaga: ”When I am not onstage I feel dead. Whether that is healthy or not to you, or healthy or not to anyone, or a doctor, is really of no concern to me. I don’t feel alive unless I’m performing, and that’s just the way I was born.” About her inspiration from a surprising source – Rocky IV: ”My favorite part is when Apollo’s ex-trainer says to Rocky, ‘He is not a machine. He’s a man. Cut him, and once he feels his own blood, he will fear you.’ I know it sounds crazy, but I was thinking about the machine of the music industry. I started to think about how I have to make the music industry bleed to remind it that it’s human, it’s not a machine.” About her critics claiming her main goal is to attract attention: “I have attention! Is it that you believe that I am attention-seeking or shock for shock’s sake, or is it just that it’s been a long time since someone has embraced the art form the way that I have? Perhaps it’s been a couple of decades since there’s been an artist that’s been as vocal about culture, religion, human rights, politics. I’m so passionate about what I do, every bass line, every EQ. Why is it that you don’t want more from the artist, why is it that you expect so little, so when I give and give, you assume it’s narcissistic?” Efter genomgången av sången passar Kopieringsunderlag 3: Sexual orientation, där eleverna ska para ihop ord och beskrivningar. Operation Mincemeat

(s. 19–24)

Efter innehållsfrågor och diskussionsuppgifter följer övningar på ord, ordbildning och översättning. Läs gärna mer om ordbildning i Language Awareness, s. 263. På Kopieringsunderlag 4: Operation Mincemeat finns extrauppgifter till texten och övningar på prepositioner, passiv Dags för Unit 1, Läxförhör 1 på s. 105, med facit på s. 132.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Texten behandlar en dramatisk och (konstigt nog) sann händelse under 2:a världskriget. Eleverna titta på fotografierna först. Kan någon gissa vad det handlar om? Förslag till en kort presentation av Winston Churchill: When Winston Churchill became British Prime Minister the Second World War had already broken out. Churchill, known for his eloquence, described the two men responsible for Operation Mincemeat as having “corkscrew minds”. Throughout the war Churchill worked tirelessly to avoid defeat. His great speeches inspired the morale of the British people. Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. He wrote many books about history, and one of his most appreciated books contains his war speeches. Here are a few lines from one of his most famous speeches, delivered in June 1940: ”…we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…”


You Are Unique

(s. 25–29)

Förslag till inledning: DNA, fingerprints, iris or voice recognition – there is more than one way to differentiate one unique individual from another. But despite our individual differences, we all have the same rights, of course. Here are the first two articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Här passar Unit 1, Läxförhör 2 på s. 108, med facit på s. 132. The Death of Frank Pierneef

(s. 30–31) Kapitlets andra hörövning handlar om sydafrikanen Frank som har problem med fransk byråkrati. Manus finns på s. 180. Förslag till inledning: If you seek medical treatment in France you will need to pay for it and later get your money back from the social security system. Thanks to a plastic health insurance card, this has become a smooth procedure. The card, Carte Vitale, contains a microchip with your social security insurance details. It can also show a photo of you. The Big Picture

(s. 32)

Varje kapitel avslutas med en sida med rubriken The Big Picture. Här finns tre Writing-uppgifter och tre Speaking-uppgifter, alla relaterade till kapitlets tema. Alla elever behöver inte göra alla uppgifter. Några uppgifter kan användas i samband med prov. (s. 33) En extra fråga att ställa efter det att eleverna har arbeta med texten: If a Swedish person speaks English, can you hear what part of Sweden that person comes from?

OBS! Texterna i Pioneer 1 är inspelade med autentiska röster och med olika accenter. Texter som handlar om USA är inspelade med amerikansk accent, texter om Australien med australiensisk accent osv. Gör eleverna uppmärksamma på detta när ni arbetar med texterna. Berätta gärna om USAs president Barack Obama och Black English. Eleverna kan lyssna på något av hans tal på nätet. President Barack Obama can speak to all of America in a way that no one else hads done before. How can he do that? Because the US President elected in 2008 speaks both standard American English and – Black English! Black English is a matter not just of slang, but of grammar and sound. President Obama is one of many black people who uses mostly the sound. If you listen to his

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

TLC: Accents of English


inaugural address you will notice the way he often ends sentences on a higher pitch, not unlike a preacher in a church sermon. Or the way he often pronounces ”history” as “historih”, “ability” as “abilitih”. His pronunciation of the word responsibility was definitely Black English: the melody typical of Black English, marked by that final “ih”. No President has ever said sentences in this way. But then, no President has ever been black. TLC: Loanwords

(s. 34–35)

Svenskan är full av engelska lånord. Låt eleverna ägna sig åt brainstorming några minuter och fyll tavlan. Den moderna svenskan har inte bidragit med så många lånord i engelskan, men det finns några. Det svenska köket har bidragit med smorgasbord, gravad lax (stavas ofta ”lachs”), skol (dvs. skål!) och politiken med ombudsman. Däremot finns det gott om ord som kom till England på 700-talet med (de danska) vikingarna, t.ex. band, cake, call, die, egg, leg, sister, skin.

Prov Kapitelprov (Final test) till Unit 1 finns på s. 135. Facit finns på s. 174. Provet testar följande färdigheter: • Vocabulary • Reading • Writing • Listening (Manus s. 201.) • Speaking

Litteratur, film, musik, webb Här följer tips på litteratur, filmer, musik och webbadresser som alla behandlar kapitlets tema. Fyll gärna på med egna och kollegers förslag. Litteratur

Dibs, In Search of Self av Virginia Axline. Dibs är ett barn som går i terapi. Sakta växer sanningen fram om honom och hur hans tillstånd förbättras.

Vernon God Little av DBC Pierre (2003) är författarens prisade debut. Titelnamnets initialer står inte bara för Very Good Literature. Det här är en modern Holden Caulfield. På ett grovt språk, typiskt för en 15-åring, skildras en skolskjutning och dess absurda konsekvenser i ett Texas med dödsstraff vars första offer är den oskyldiga tonåringen Vernon. En satir. Film

The Kids Are All Right (2010) av Lisa Cholodenko. Om två barn som blivit till genom konstgjord befruktning och som bestämmer sig för att inkludera sin far i familjelivet.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

Catcher in the Rye (1951). J D Salingers kultbok beskriver några förvirrade dagar i tonåringen Holden Caulfields liv. Huvudpersonens tankar kretsar kring ämnen som både är tidslösa och speciellt märkbara under tonåren: identitet, främlingsskap, uppror och glappet mellan barn och vuxen.


Gattaca (1997) av Andrew Niccol. En lillebror lånar sin storebrors identitet för att kunna uppfylla sina drömmars mål: att komma ut i rymden. Musik

I Am Not My Hair (India, Arie) Black or White (Michael Jackson) Ebony and Ivory (Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder) Don’t Let Me Get Me (Pink) Webb

Om personlighetstyper • http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mr-personality/200909/what-typemovie-person-are-you-find-out-what-film-preferences-say-about-y • http://www.funquizcards.com/quiz/movies/find-your-movie-personality.php • Vilken person i Twilight är mest lik dig? • http://www.quizrocket.com/twilight-quiz • Mer om Lady Gaga finns här: • http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/lady-gaga-discusses-her-strugglesand-connection-to-fans-in-rolling-stone-cover-story-20110525#ixzz1xUZi1YYa • http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/lady-gaga-discussesher-struggles-and-connection-to-fans-in-rolling-stone-cover-story20110525#ixzz1xUZGZWAv • http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/lady-gaga-discussesher-struggles-and-connection-to-fans-in-rolling-stone-cover-story20110525#ixzz1xUZ4LWIK • Se en dokumentärfilm om Operation Mincemeat: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBx3tkVaz40 • Dialekter i Storbritannien och USA: • http://www.bbc.co.uk/voices/recordings/ • http://aschmann.net/AmEng/

OBS! Om länkarna inte fungerar, pröva att det aktuella temat.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing

skriva in ett sökord på


Ko pie ring s u n de r l ag 1 Unit 1

Nature vs Nuture

Se instruktion s. 14

I’m really intelligent because I had excellent teachers at school.

I’m really intelligent because all my grandparents were university professors – though sadly they died before I was born.

I’m really intelligent because my parents bought lots of educational books for me to read when I was young.

I’m really intelligent because we are a smart family.

I’m really intelligent because I watch a lot of educational TV programmes.

I’m really intelligent because I am lucky to have genetic material that is better than that of other people.

I’m really intelligent despite the fact that my parents are not very bright.

I’m really intelligent despite the fact that my parents are not very bright. I was adopted of course.

I’m really intelligent because, like fear, intelligence is a quality that we can all acquire, given the right stimulus.

I’m really intelligent and naturally so are my brothers and sisters.

I’m really intelligent because of the intellectual discussions I had with my neighbours when I was a child. He was a philosopher and she was a psychiatrist.

I’m really intelligent which isn’t surprising as for generations, my family have had an IQ well above average.

I’m really intelligent because I am very curious and want to find out about everything possible.

I’m really intelligent and as a result, I don’t have to study hard. It all just comes naturally to me.

I’m really intelligent because my education is fantastic.

I’m really intelligent and so is my identical twin – although we were separated at birth and we were brought up very differently.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n


Ko pie ring s u n de r l ag 2 Unit 1

Personality Traits

Se instruktion s. 14

 You are going to a party and meet many other people. These people will have one particularly strong personality trait. It could be openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness or neuroticism. The personality trait that we would like you to demonstrate is openness. Do not tell people that you are a very open person, but show the personality trait through what you say and how you behave. While talking to other people, try to work out what personality trait they are demonstrating. Write down their names and their trait. Don’t forget this is only an exercise and your friends might not normally be these things. You will have about ten minutes to talk about anything you like (in English). Like a cocktail party, try to move around and talk to as many people as possible. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.

You are going to a party and meet many other people. These people will have one particularly strong personality trait. It could be openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness or neuroticism. The personality trait that we would like you to demonstrate is conscientiousness. Do not tell people that you are a very conscientious person, but show the personality trait through what you say and how you behave. While talking to other people, try to work out what personality trait they are demonstrating. Write down their names and their trait. Don’t forget this is only an exercise and your friends might not normally be these things. You will have about ten minutes to talk about anything you like (in English). Like a cocktail party, try to move around and talk to as many people as possible. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.


Ko pie ring s u n de r l ag 2 Unit 1

You are going to a party and meet many other people. These people will have one particularly strong personality trait. It could be openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness or neuroticism.The personality trait that we would like you to demonstrate is extroversion. Do not tell people that you are a very extrovert person, but show the personality trait through what you say and how you behave. While talking to other people, try to work out what personality trait they are demonstrating. Write down their names and their trait. Don’t forget this is only an exercise and your friends might not normally be these things. You will have about ten minutes to talk about anything you like (in English). Like a cocktail party, try to move around and talk to as many people as possible. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.

You are going to a party and meet many other people. These people will have one particularly strong personality trait. It could be openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness or neuroticism. The personality trait that we would like you to demonstrate is agreeableness. Do not tell people that you are a very agreeable person, but show the personality trait through what you say and how you behave. While talking to other people, try to work out what personality trait they are demonstrating. Write down their names and their trait. Don’t forget this is only an exercise and your friends might not normally be these things. You will have about ten minutes to talk about anything you like (in English). Like a cocktail party, try to move around and talk to as many people as possible. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.


Ko pie ring s u n de r l ag 2 Unit 1

You are going to a party and meet many other people. These people will have one particularly strong personality trait. It could be openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness or neuroticism. The personality trait that we would like you to demonstrate is neuroticism. Do not tell people that you are a very neurotic person, but show the personality trait through what you say and how you behave. While talking to other people, try to work out what personality trait they are demonstrating. Write down their names and their trait. Don’t forget this is only an exercise and your friends might not normally be these things. You will have about ten minutes to talk about anything you like (in English). Like a cocktail party, try to move around and talk to as many people as possible. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________. I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

I spoke to __________________. I think s/he demonstrated ___________________.


Kopie rin gs un d e r l ag 2 4

Speech In t ro d uc t io n

Yel low Pages

(p 226)

Suggest ions

• lies • guessing game • something that concerns everybody • something private • something remarkable • something provocative • something tricky • a wise quotation • a trick question

Co n c l us io n

Suggest ions

• • • •

a summary an evaluation an appeal a prediction or suggestion for a better future • reference to the introduction • a funny story

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

Bo dy


(p 243)

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

Were body language and eye contact OK?

Were voice quality and articulation good?

Did the speaker speak freely without reading?

Was the speed of talking alright?

Were there enough pauses?


Was it a good conclusion?


Were there supporting details to describe the main points?

Were the main points clear to you?


Did the speaker catch your interest?


Presentation Assessment Yes – how? No – suggest improvement

Ko pie ring s u n de r l ag 2 5 Yel low Pages


Kop ie rin gs un d e r l ag 3 1 Language Awar eness

Ordbildning   1. loyal


2. communist _________________________   3. resistable


4. moral


5. believable


6. secure


7. alcoholic


8. limited


9. even


10. appropriate _________________________

B. Bilda verb av följande ord:

1. black


2. sure


3. identity


4. vital


5. light


C. Bilda substantiv av följande ord:

1. white


2. confess


3. simple


4. transform _________________________   5. vital


6. govern


7. deaf


8. close


D. Bilda adjektiv av följande ord:

1. economy


2. sensibility


3. madness


4. thought


5. splendor


Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

A. Lägg till ett prefix till följande ord och översätt det nya ordet till svenska.


Ko pie ring s u n de r l ag 3 2 Language Awar eness

Substantiv A. Fyll i pluralformer av orden inom parentes.

1. one mouse

many __________________________________

2. one ox

many __________________________________

3. one woman

many __________________________________

4. one thief

many __________________________________

5. one bush

many __________________________________

6. one half

many __________________________________

7. one hovercraft

many __________________________________

8. one lorry

many __________________________________

9. one tooth

many __________________________________

10. one loaf of bread

many __________________________________

B. Fyll i rätt form av this/it, these/they + is/are.

1. _______ _______ the latest news on the situation in the Middle East? 2. _______ articles _______ really fascinating. 3. _______ _______ money his, or _______ _______ yours? 4. _______ _______ all the information about the Eurovision Song Contest that we have for the moment.

6. _______ furniture _______ too modern for my taste. 7. _______ advice _______ really helpful. C. Översätt till engelska.

1. Vi gick igenom tullen i Melbourne. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Vill du byta plats med mig? _____________________________________________________________ 3. Folk är verkligen tokiga i honom. _____________________________________________________________ 4. Vilken fin möbel! _______________________________________________ 5. Kan du ge mig ett råd? _____________________________________________________________

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

5. Have you seen any of Spielberg’s films? _______ _______ my favourites.


UNIT 1 – L Ä XF Ö R H Ö R 1





Operation Mincemeat A. 20 words are missing in the text. Choose the most suitable word among the alternatives below.

This is the (1) story of two men in the Second World War. Glyndwr Michael, an alcoholic, homeless man from Wales, took his own life by eating rat poison. Major William Martin, an officer in the British Royal Marines, who had recently bought an expensive engagement ring for his beautiful girlfriend, was travelling to North Africa with some important documents but died on the journey. What do these men, apparently so different, have in common? They were, in fact, the same man! In 1943, the Allies had won the battles of North Africa and were preparing to attack the Nazi forces in Europe. But where could they attack? They needed somewhere not too far away – somewhere with good beaches where they could land easily. The (2) place was Sicily, a fact that did not (3) the Germans who were ready for the Allied attack. How could the Allies trick the Nazis into (4) that the attack would take place somewhere else? This was the task that faced a small team in the British (5) Service led by a man called Ewen Montagu – a team that (6) Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, a beautiful secretary and a transvestite!

Most importantly, he was given “secret” documents about the Allied plans for the invasion of Europe. These plans stated that the Allies (10) planning to invade Greece, rather than Sicily. The body of “William Martin” was then taken in a submarine to the Spanish coast where, on the 30th of April 1943, his body was left (11) about 2 km from the coast. Later that day “William Martin” was found by a sardine fisherman who brought the body to the (12). Although Spain was officially neutral (13) the war, there were many Nazi agents working in the area. Before the body was handed over to the British (14) the Germans made copies of the documents that Martin was carrying and these quickly found their way to Adolf Hitler in Berlin. Benito Mussolini, the fascist leader of Italy, was sure that the Allies would try to invade through Sicily, but Hitler, with the ‘‘(15)” from Major William Martin, (16) him that Greece was the (17).

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

The team finally came up with a plan – Operation Mincemeat. They took the body of Glyndwr Michael and kept it on ice so that it wouldn’t decompose (7) they were ready. In the meantime they started preparing a totally new identity for the dead man. He was given the name Major William Martin, and together with his new clothes, he was given a letter from his father, some old bus tickets and two love letters from his fiancée, Pam. They even (8) special underwear that an officer would (9)!


UNIT 1 – L Ä XF Ö R H Ö R 1

As a result the Germans moved large numbers of their (18) from Sicily to Greece so that when the Allies invaded Sicily on the 9th of July 1943, they met far less (19) than would otherwise have been the case. So Glyndwr Michael, the illiterate, homeless alcoholic, ended up playing a (20) role in the events of the Second World War. Although this story sounds like something from Hollywood, it is, in fact, completely true.

1. a. imagined

b. false

c. incredible

2. a. unknown

b. obvious

c. unknown

3. a. escape

b. help

c. convince

4. a. taking action

b. thinking

c. forgetting

5. a. War

b. Allied

c. Secret

6. a. interacted

b. included

c. linked

7. a. until

b. after

c. though

8. a. elected

b. designed

c. selected

9. a. make

b. sew

c. wear

10. a. wear

b. were

c. where

11. a. floating

b. swimming

c. hidden

12. a. river banks

b. beach

c. shore

13. a. under

b. during

c. along

14. a. army

b. navy

c. authorities

15. a. evidence

b. stories

c. pictures

16. a. provided

b. convinced

c. disappointed

17. a. target

b. goal

c. object

18. a. forces

b. generals

c. intelligence

19. a. courage

b. resistance

c. attention

20. a. fair

b. delicate

c. crucial

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

Mark your choice (a, b or c).


UNIT 1 – L Ä XF Ö R H Ö R 1

B. Fill in the correct word or the suffix/prefix of a word.

1. A trip from one place to another, especially over a long distance. ___________________ 2. A long trip in a ship. ___________________ 3. If you don’t have a home, you are home_________. 4. Many people who get engaged buy expensive engage_________ rings. 5. For many years she had a relation_________ with a man twice her age. 6. Is this information official? No, it’s highly ______official! 7. Why did Betty marry that lunatic? She must’ve been totally ______sane! 8. What was the name of the war that took place from 1939 to 1945? It was the

Pio ne e r 1 L är a rha nl ed n ing • kopi e ri ng t illåt e n

______________________ World War.


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