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READY STEADY GO! 2 Elevpaket – Tryckt + Digitalt 12 mån


READY STEADY GO! 2 Elevpaket – Tryckt + Digital elevlicens 12 mån Ready Steady Go! 2 är ett elevpaket som består av två delar: elevbok och digitalt läromedel. På följande sidor kan du provläsa och bilda dig en uppfattning om såväl det digitala läromedlet som den tryckta delen.­

ELEVBOK Elevboken har en tydlig och återkommande struktur. Alla bokens instruktioner är på engelska. Glosorna översätts till elevens modersmål och till svenska.

DIGITALT LÄROMEDEL I det digitala läromedlet finns hela elevboken inläst med autentiska röster. Hörövningar samt andra interaktiva övningar ingår också. I de digitala övningarna tränar eleven ord, fraser, språkliga strukturer och grundläggande grammatik med omedelbar feedback.

Interaktiv version av b ­ oken, inläst med ­autentiskt tal och ­textföljning

Interaktiva övningar

Fungerar på ­dator, surfplatta och ­mobiltelefon

klicka på bilden och prova

Hippas Eriksson


Steady Go ! 2

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Redaktion: Jill McCabe Grafisk form och layout: Johanna Szemenkar Remgard Illustrationer: Carina Ståhlberg

Art.nr 38998 ISBN 978-91-44-17579-9 © 2016 Författaren och Studentlitteratur AB Upplaga 1:8 Printed by Interak, Poland, 2023

Contents Get Steady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1. Anna from Ardmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2. People and places . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3. Friendship qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4. Embarrassing moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Revision 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 What happened yesterday? Get out there

5. Why cupcakes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6. World news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 7. A colourful celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 8. Retell and review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Revision 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Retell the final four chapters Get out there

Progress pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Mini grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 The alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

2 People and places

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, known as the United Kingdom (UK) or just Britain, includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and a few smaller islands.

1. Pictures/Illustrations

Population: Around 65,000,000

a) What can you see? b) Look and listen.

Capital: London


Languages: English, Welsh, Scottish and Gaelic

Loch Ness Ben Nevis


S co t l a n d


No r the r n I reland Lough Neagh

England S eve

Wa l e s



St David’s


Th am es

2. Text a) Listen and read.



Danielle lives in London, the biggest city and the capital of the UK. London has a population of more than seven million people. Danielle moved there to study from another big city called Birmingham.

Steven is from Northern Ireland. He comes from a small town near the lake Lough Neagh. Lough Neagh is the largest lake in the UK by area, although the lake Loch Ness in Scotland is the largest by volume.

Josh is from a small city called St David’s, a city and community in western Wales. It is Britain’s smallest city in terms of both size and population, with only about 1,800 people living there. St David’s is a city and not a town because it has a cathedral.

The fifty-six highest mountains in the UK are all to be found in Scotland. Brenda lives next to Ben Nevis which is the highest mountain of them all, 1,344 metres (4,409 feet) above sea level. b) Practise more.



3. What is the text about?

If you want to explain something and can’t find the right words, try to say it in a different way and use other words.

a) Answer the questions.

1) Where does Josh come from?

A c A part of Britain called Wales. B c A small city called London. C c Britain’s biggest city D c Scotland’s highest mountain

2) How many people live in London? A c about 65,000,000 B c about 7,000,000 C c about 1,800 D c about 1,344

3) What is St David’s?

A c a city B c a lake C c a population D c a part of Britain

4) What is true about Loch Ness?

A c It’s situated in western Wales. B c It’s smaller than lake Lough Neagh by volume. C c There are only about 1,800 people living there. D c It’s the biggest lake in the UK by volume.

5) Why did Danielle move to London? A c She goes to school there. B c She likes to live in a big city.

6) What is Ben Nevis?

It’s __________________________________________________________________. b) Read text 2, The longest, deepest and smallest, and answer the questions.



4. Words a) Translate and write. English


My language/explanation

about big both capital city high island lake large million more than mountain move people small b) Fill in the missing words. Use words from 4a.

Ten million _________________________________ live in Sweden. The word _________________________________ means the same as big. When do you _________________________________ to your new flat? c) Write a sentence. Use words from 4a.

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ d) Practise the words.




5. Listen a) Listen to the numbers. You will hear each number twice.
















b) Listen to what they say. Put a cross in the correct box.

1) What is the population of his country?

2) Where is she moving to? Stockholm c Malmö c Gothenburg c

Copenhagen about six million c more than 500,000 c c

3) How old is he? 70 c 90 c 100 c

4) What are they talking about? how small he is c how old he is c how tall he is c

c) Listen and answer.


6. Talk a) Describe Sweden and another country. You can talk about the country’s size, climate (weather), lakes, mountains and places or parts of the country.

• How would you describe Sweden? It’s a … country. The climate/weather is … In the north/south/west/east part of … There is/are a/a few/a lot of …   big/small/large/high   lake(s)/mountain(s)/city (cities) • Compare Sweden with another country. Which country is … larger/smaller/warmer/colder … than the other? Which city/mountain/lake is the largest/smallest/highest/biggest?

Example: The Swedish lake Mälaren is smaller than Lake Ontario in Canada.


Talk some more. 15

7. Language work a) Read about adjectives (comparatives and superlatives).

Adjectives describe nouns. Nouns are people, places and things. He’s a tall guy. It’s a great place. She has a red car. adjective


When you compare things, you use comparatives to show the difference between things. The red house is big. The blue house is bigger than the red one. The green house is small. The yellow house is smaller than the green one. When you talk about the most or the least, you use superlatives. This is the biggest house in Stockholm. This house is the smallest in Scotland. b) Practise using adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. Read the following sentences aloud:

The river Thames is a long river. The river Severn is longer. But the river Nile is the longest river in the world. Ben Nevis is a high mountain. Kebnekaise is higher. But Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. c) Write the correct forms of the adjectives (in brackets) in the following sentences.

1) Northern Ireland is _____________________ than England. (small) 2) London is the _____________________ city in the UK. (large)

3) I would like to live in a country where the climate is _____________________. (warm) 4) Gothenburg is a _____________________ city than Malmö. (big) 5) Birmingham is a _____________________ place to live in. (nice) 6) A metre is _____________________ than a foot. (long)

7) I know that Mount Everest is _____________________ than Ben Nevis. (high) 8) The winter is here and it’s getting _____________________. (cold)

9) The river Thames is the _____________________ river in Great Britain. (deep) 10) The river Severn is _____________________ than the river Thames. (long) d) Practise adjectives.




8. Write A


a) Describe picture A and B. Write about the people, places and things in the pictures. Use the adjectives: short, tall, warm, cold, young and old. b) Compare the pictures. For example: The boy in picture A is younger than the girl in picture B.

You can write about similarities and differences in: • what you see c)

• how people look

• what they do

• the climate and weather

Write a text yourself.

9. Goals and check yourself a) Check yourself.


b) Put a cross in the correct box.

• I can describe people and places.

• I can say and use high numbers like 10,734. • I can use adjectives when I describe things.

• I can compare Sweden with another country. • I can use the new words. • I have worked online.


Your teacher or a friend















Time to fill in your PROGRESS PAGES.


Revision 1

Revision 1 What happened yesterday? a) Look at the pictures. Figure out what happened.

b) Give the person a name and write a story about what happened to him/her yesterday.

Useful words: headphones, mobile, classroom, door, walked, listened, spoke, opened ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


Revision 1

Get out there Challenge yourself ! Get out there and do some of the following things. Put a cross in the box when it is done. 1) Take a walk with a friend or a member of your family for at least 30 minutes and speak English all the time.

Done! c

I took a walk with __________________________________________________________ We talked about ___________________________________________________________ 2) Learn about Scotland by using the Internet. Three things that I learnt about Scotland are:


1) _______________________________________________________________________ 2)_______________________________________________________________________ 3)_______________________________________________________________________ 3) Watch a film in English without subtitles or with English subtitles.


I watched_________________________________________________________________ I thought the film was_______________________________________________________ 4) Listen to three songs from a top list from an English speaking country and sing along to at least one.


I listened to these three songs

Song Artist/group ___________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________________ 5) Text a message to a friend in English.


I wrote to_________________________________________________________________


6 World news 1. Pictures/Illustrations a) What can you see?   b) Look and listen.


2. Text a) Listen and read.


Big fire in Melbourne Last week about 150,000 tyres went up in flames at a factory in Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city. The smoke from the fire could be seen for miles. Staff and people in the nearby area were evacuated. More than 100 fire fighters worked hard to get the flames under control. The police investigated the fire, but found nothing suspicious. Giant squid in Japan Three weeks ago a giant squid suddenly appeared in Tokoma Bay near Tokyo. Giant squids are normally only found in the deep sea. The young squid that measured 12 feet (or 3.7 metres) must have got lost. Local b) Practise more.  38


people quickly named it ‘Heck’. Heck allowed divers to swim alongside and film for several hours, before it disappeared into the depths. Art accident in America Last Friday a visit at the art museum could have turned into a very expensive outing for a young boy in Chicago, USA. The child lost his balance when he was looking for his teacher and put his hand through a painting worth around $1.5 million. Luckily, the museum staff did not believe that the boy intentionally vandalized the oil painting. They have decided not to charge the boy for the damage.


Watch and read news in English.

3. What is the text about? a) Answer the questions.

1) What happened last week in Australia’s second largest city? A c There was a big fight at a factory. B c There was a big fire at a factory. C c A giant squid appeared in a bay near Melbourne. D c An accident happened at the art museum.

2) Where did the smoke come from?

A c It could be seen for miles. B c It was nothing suspicious. C c It came from a fire at the factory. D c It came from the fire fighters.

3) When did the accident at the art museum happen? A c A boy lost his balance. B c It was worth around $1.5 million. C c It turned into a very expensive outing. D c It happened last Friday.

4) How did the accident happen?

A c A boy lost his balance. B c A boy visited the art museum. C c A boy was looking for his teacher. D c A boy was charged for the damage.

5) Where did the giant squid appear?

It appeared in _____________________________________________________________________

6) Why was that so surprising?

Because __________________________________________________________________________

b) Read text 2, More world news, and answer the questions.



4. Words a) Translate and write. English


My language/explanation

allowed (allow) appeared (appear) believe charge disappeared (disappear) evacuated (evacuate) expensive fire flames (flame) giant investigated (investigate) lost his balance (lose) oil painting squid suspicious turned into (turn) tyres (tyre) b) Fill in the missing words. Use words from 4a.

Last week my cat _____________________________ for two days. The police _____________________________ the accident at the museum. Yesterday’s rainy weather suddenly _____________________________ sunshine. c) Write a sentence. Use words from 4a.

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ d) Practise the words.




5. Listen a) You can find news everywhere; in newspapers, on the radio, on television and on the Internet. There is news about different topics, for example news about sports, weather or entertainment (music, films, art …). News can be international and report about things that happen in countries throughout the whole world or national and focus on what happens in one country, like Sweden. b) Listen to what they say. Put a cross in the correct box.

1) What kind of news was that?

sport c weather c entertainment c

c) Listen and answer.

2) When did it happen?

last night c two days ago c a week ago c


3) Where did it happen?

in Sweden (national news) c outside Sweden (international news) c on stage (entertainment) c

4) What kind of entertainment is Vega’s new project about? c music c film c art

6. Talk a) Describe some interesting news that you have recently watched, read or heard about and explain why this news story interested you.

• What was the news story about? • Who/What was involved in the news story? The news story was about … The news story involved … • Where did you watch, read or hear about this? I watched/read/heard about it … on the radio/on television/on the Internet. • Why did you think it was so interesting? It was interesting because … b)

Talk some more. 41

7. Language work a) Read about expressions of time. In English we use particular words or phrases in order to show when an action or a situation happened in the past. Here are some of the most common ones: yesterday/yesterday morning/yesterday afternoon/last night last Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday last week/weekend/month/year   this past weekend

a week/month/year ago

this morning (said later the same day)   earlier today/this week/this month b) Practise using different expressions of time and the past tense. Read the following sentences aloud:

I walked to school yesterday. Last night we watched a movie. Last Wednesday he passed the test. Last year you visited us in Chicago. This past weekend she tried baseball. Two years ago I moved to Melbourne. c) Complete the sentences. Write the correct form of the verb (in brackets).

1) I ______________________________ my teeth an hour ago. (brush) 2) He ______________________________ several days for her to call. (wait) 3) Last Friday my school bag just ______________________________. (disappear) 4) This morning it suddenly ______________________________ again. (appear) 5) Last year they ______________________________ me for the damage. (charge) d) Complete the sentences. Choose a verb and write the correct form. allow  believe  evacuate  investigate  lose  turn into

6) Last week the police ______________________________ the crime scene. 7) Yesterday I suddenly ______________________________ my balance and fell to the ground. 8) Two hours ago the bad news ______________________________ good news. 9) Earlier today we ______________________________ the building because of the fire. 10) This past weekend my parents ______________________________ me to stay out late. e) Practise expressions of time and the past tense.




8. Write a) Look at the pictures. Pretend to be a journalist and tell us what happened. • What happened? • When did it happen? • Where did it happen? • Who did it happen to? • Why did it happen? Useful words: storm, heavy rain, flooded, giant panda cubs, born, zoo, match, cup and won.


Write a text yourself.

9. Goals and check yourself a) Check yourself.


b) Put a cross in the correct box.

• I can tell you a piece of news.


Your teacher or a friend















• I can tell you the difference between appear and disappear.

• I can explain what time expressions are.

• I can use time expressions to explain when something happened.

• I can use the new words. • I have worked online.

Time to fill in your PROGRESS PAGES.


Listen and understand


Reception Listen and understand

Think about the chapter or the revision pages you have just finished. How do you feel about the work you have done to improve your listening and understanding? You have worked: 1) in the classroom with your teachers and friends. 2) with listening comprehension in the book. 3) with listening exercises online. 4) ouside the classroom. Was it easy? Colour the rung on the ladder green. Was it OK? Colour it blue. Was it difficult? Colour it red. Read and understand

Think about the chapter or the revision pages you have just finished. How do you feel about the work you have done to improve your reading and understanding? You have worked with: 1) words and phrases 2) instructions 3) texts and reading comprehension in the book and online. 4) media outside the classroom Colour the rung on the ladder. Colour it green, blue or red.


Read and understand

Ready Steady Go! 2 Elevpaket – Digitalt + Tryckt Ready Steady Go! är ett läromedel i engelska i tre delar särskilt anpassat för nyanlända elever i åldern 12–16 år. Den andra delen i serien, Ready Steady Go! 2, är avsedd för de elever som har mött engelska tidigare och kanske studerat språket i begränsad omfattning, men som behöver befästa sina kunskaper innan de kan börja med engelska på motsvarande högstadienivå. Efter att ha arbetat med den tredje delen har eleverna tillräckliga kunskaper för att få ett godkänt betyg i engelska i åk 9. Eleven startar på den nivå som passar bäst – oavsett ålder. Varje elev har ett elevpaket som består av en tryckt bok och ett digitalt läromedel. I det digitala läromedlet finns hela elevboken inläst med autentiska röster, hörövningar samt interaktiva övningar. I de digitala övningarna tränar eleven ord, fraser, språkliga strukturer och grundläggande grammatik med omedelbar feedback. Här befäster eleven olika färdigheter och har också möjlighet att testa sig själv i Check Yourself, avslutande övningar till varje kapitel. Ready Steady Go! är skapat för att användas flexibelt. Eleverna kan arbeta självständigt på olika nivåer, samtidigt som interaktion och kommunikation är i fokus. Det finns många inbyggda tillfällen att arbeta i par eller grupper, genom att eleverna intervjuar varandra, spelar spel eller hjälps åt att utvärdera sina framsteg. I Ready Steady Go! får eleven • följa en tydlig struktur för att nå de grundläggande målen för grundskolan • ta inlärningen i överblickbara steg med mycket stöttning • lära sig engelska från grunden utan att behöva kunna svenska • kontrastera till sitt eget modersmål och lära sig svenska samtidigt • göra en konkret dokumentation av sina framsteg Varje elevpaket i serien kompletteras av ett lärarpaket med en tryckt handledning och digitala resurser. I lärarpaketen finns kommentarer, förberedda genomgångar och test till varje kapitel. Dessutom ingår kopieringsunderlag för ytterligare träning av ordkunskap, skrivande, konversation och grammatik.

Art.nr 38998


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