Light Lines Jul/Aug 15

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n Collaboration is key, says president

n Discover the feminine side of lighting


Brendan Keely MSLL

SLL Coordinator

Juliet Rennie

Tel: 020 8675 5211


Jill Entwistle

Communications committee:

Iain Carlile (chairman) MSLL

Rob Anderson

Jill Entwistle

Chris Fordham MSLL

Wiebke Friedewald

Mark Ingram MSLL

Stewart Langdown MSLL

Gethyn Williams

All contributions are the responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily refect the views of the society. All contributions are personal, except where attributed to an organisation represented by the author.

It’s turning into rather a landmark year for women in lighting. We now have Liz Peck at the helm of the SLL, Barbra Horton presiding over the IALD, Ann Webb heading up the CIE and Elizabeth Thomas taking over as president of the ILP this September. Considering the dismal statistics of parliamentary representation, that’s a pretty impressive tally. Without venturing too far into Mars and Venus territory, it will be interesting to see if a particular feminine sensibility and approach emerges during their respective tenures.

As Helen Loomes points out in her introduction of a new informal discussion group for women in lighting (Discover the feminine side, p9), this feld has proved particularly accessible and attractive to women, combining as it does both art and science. And as Liz Peck mentioned in her presidential address, the SLL specifcally is a very ‘engaging and sociable’ organisation, where men and women, young and old, sage and ingenue have always easily comingled. There is a tradition of knowledge sharing that triumphs over the male fefdom mentality of many august professional bodies, the nature of which both deters and irks its female members. There is clearly a long way to go before we achieve parity in numbers, and no doubt there are dark corners were male chauvinism still lurks, but the prevailing ethos is of professional respect where it’s due, regardless of gender.

One of the trailblazers for women in lighting – and lighting design itself – of course, was Janet Turner, whose work

features on the cover and to whom we pay tribute in this issue (p15). I frst encountered Janet at one of her famous soirees at Concord’s Holborn showroom, where architects and designers rubbed shoulders with independent lighting designers, still in the relatively early days of the profession. An exemplar of interdisciplinary networking before the term had even been coined.

Once met never forgotten, she was a formidable proselytiser and defender of good design principles in lighting. She was also funny, idiosyncratic and a generous spirit, who believed that knowledge was to be shared and talent nurtured. The world could do with a few more Janet Turners.

Current SLL lighting guides

SLL Lighting Guide 1: The Industrial Environment (2012)

SLL Lighting Guide 2: Hospitals and Health Care Buildings (2008)

SLL Lighting Guide 4: Sports (2006)

SLL Lighting Guide 5: Lighting for Education (2011)

SLL Lighting Guide 6: The Outdoor Environment (1992)

SLL Lighting Guide 7: Offce Lighting (2005) – (including Addendum)

SLL Lighting Guide 8: Lighting for Museums and Galleries (2015)

SLL Lighting Guide 9: Lighting for Communal Residential Buildings (2013)

SLL Lighting Guide 10: Daylighting – a guide for designers (2014)

SLL Lighting Guide 11: Surface Refectance and Colour (2001)

SLL Lighting Guide 12: Emergency Lighting Design Guide (2004)

SLL Lighting Guide 13: Places of Worship (2014)

Guide to Limiting Obtrusive Light (2012)

Guide to the Lighting of Licensed Premises (2011)

We’re more than half way through the Unesco International Year of Light 2015 –hard to believe I know – but we are now looking forward to the big autumn event, Night of Heritage Light, celebrating UK Unesco World Heritage Sites (see News, p4, for an update).

For anyone who was with us at the Annual Awards, Presidential Address and AGM at RIBA (see p5-8), we thank you for helping to make the evening so enjoyable. It’s great to be able to recognise so many of the society’s volunteers and acknowledge their work. A personal highlight was delivering the citations from Laura Bayliss and Martin Lupton to Barrie Wilde on him receiving the President’s Medal. The annual report is now available on the SLL website and a further review of the evening, along with all award winners and presidential address, is also there and available for viewing.

We were delighted to announce the winner of the Jean Heap Research Bursary at the Annual Awards. The recipient, Feride Sener Yilmaz, sent through a video with an overview of her research – Human-Centric Sustainable Retail Lighting Design Approach – which was presented on the night. If you’d like to see it, along with her original proposal, please take a look at the Jean Heap Research Bursary link on the website. There will be an update from Feride on her progress around the time of LuxLive in November, and the 2016 bursary will also be launched there.

In the coming months we hope to add to the society’s image library. As well as our guidance publications, we use lighting images for events such as the Masterclasses brochure, covers for the Newsletter and annual report, as well as society fyers. Should you have any images to offer we’d be happy to receive them. Obviously all credits to the designer, project and photographer will be recognised so please do feel free to forward them to me.

We welcome on board Lamp Lighting to our Sustaining Members Programme. We were fortunate to attend the Lamp Biennial Awards earlier in June, and we will be working with the company to promote entries to the 2017 awards to all our members.

Up in my neck of the woods, we were pleased to welcome many members at the 28th CIE Sessional in Manchester. The event was a great opportunity to promote Lighting Research and Technology Journal to more than 450 international delegates, and spread the good word of the society.

Junior Ready Steady Light, organised with Rose Bruford, is currently being planned for March 2016. The event is aimed at 16-19 year olds and is not only an opportunity for the younger generation/future lighters to take part in the competition but especially to play, learn and experience light in a safe environment. As well as the competition itself there is an afternoon of lighting workshops. The junior competition will be in its third year and we ask all members and contacts to promote this through their children’s schools and colleges. For more information please contact Samantha Fallick at the college (

All entries are now in for the Young Lighter of the Year 2015, and the judging process is taking place through the Lighting Education Trust. The fnals will be held in the Main Arena at LuxLive, ExCel, London, on 19 November. The Mini-Masterclasses will also take place again at LuxLive, on the afternoon of 18 November. It’s a big event for us and as always everyone will be very welcome on the stand.

Recently we issued a publications update, including notifcation that the IES Transactions (predecessor of Lighting Research and Technology) from 1936 are now available online to all members. For more information please visit the news section of the website.

Finally, we would love to hear from any of you who are Stem Ambassadors. A joint announcement has been made with the ILP, LIA and IALD regarding collaboration and proposals to take lighting education to schools. If you are involved, or would like to be involved, please do let me know.

The light honourable 7

All the winners at this year’s AGM and Annual Awards

Discovering the feminine side 9

Helen Loomes on a new group for women in lighting

Living daylight 11

Stephen Cannon-Brookes looks back to being a YLOTY fnalist in 1996

Lighting unplugged 12

As part of his IYL-inspired series, John Aston looks at the deceptively diffcult issue of off-grid lighting

Issues in question 14

Iain Carlile fnds evidence of a rethink in certain areas of lighting in the latest LR&T

Obituary 15

A tribute to SLL honorary fellow Janet Turner. (Cover: Peckham Library by Alsop Architects, for which she designed the lighting) Events 16

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is 20 July
by The Society of Light and Lighting 222 Balham High Road London SW12 9BS ISSN 1461-524X © 2015 The Society of Light and Lighting The Society of Light and Lighting is part of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS. Charity registration no 278104 Produced by Printed in UK Secretary’s column Contents Editorial 2 Secretary’s column 3 News 4 High tech society 5
the lighting
could bear fruit:
Copy date for NL5 2015
family tree
Liz Peck’s presidential address

Autumn date set for national heritage event

have agreed to the SLL’s approach to light their sites, either for the frst time, or as a supplement to existing lighting installations. Among them are the Tower of London, Giant’s Causeway, Ironbridge, Fountains Abbey and Edinburgh.

‘Great progress has been made with some absolutely iconic sites,’ said new SLL president Liz Peck, who was one of the instigators of the project. ‘We’ve currently got teams of designers busily putting together our schemes around the country.

‘Thanks to our members, some of the sites that we’d eliminated as either being too remote or too close to water are now back on the table so that might prove interesting.’

Peck expressed her appreciation for individuals working to make the event a reality. Rhiannon West of BDP has designed a dedicated website (www. that will reveal the sites and design teams over the coming months.

A date has now been set for the SLL’s ambitious IYL plan to illuminate a series of UK Unesco World Heritage Sites on one single night. The Night of Heritage Light event is scheduled for 1 October, the week after the autumn equinox. A number of World Heritage Sites

Dan Lister of Arup has developed a briefng document for the design teams, which will cover all the health and safety aspects, as well as providing guidance on social media coverage.

Simon Fisher of F-Mark has drummed up support from many manufacturers who have promised lighting equipment for use on the night.

Retail study wins Jean Heap Research Bursary

The frst Jean Heap Research Bursary has been awarded to Feride Sener Yilmaz, a research assistant at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture. Her proposed area of research is Human-Centric Sustainable Retail Lighting Design Approach –An Experimental Study. Yilmaz’s feld of expertise is sustainable lighting design in architecture. She studied for her Masters and PhD at the same Istanbul university, and was a visiting researcher at BRE from 2012-13. She was also a visiting researcher at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences in 2008. Yilmaz will provide an update on the progress of the study around the time of LuxLive in November, where the 2016 bursary will be launched.

On the lighter side...

This somehow manages to look a bit futuristic, a bit like a magic trick and a bit of a museum piece all at the same time. Flyte, the levitating light, designed by Simon Morris, is actually all about magnets rather than smoke and mirrors. They keep the lit lamp foating about an inch above its base, which has a hidden inductive coil that wirelessly powers the bulb’s LEDs. Something every lighting designer

CIBSE and SEA call for government strategy on energy in buildings

CIBSE and the Sustainable Energy Association (SEA) recently hosted a gathering of MPs at Westminster’s Portcullis House to discuss developing a vision for energy in buildings.

The lack of a clear strategy in this area is costing the UK economy more than £12bn a year, according to CIBSE. Five cross-party speakers, including Green Party MP Caroline Lucas and the Rt Hon The Lord Deben, spoke in support of a focus on energy in buildings as an effective way of dealing with the ‘energy trilemma’ of energy security, affordable energy for businesses, and all energy users and carbon reduction targets

A Cost-Effective Energy Measures bill has been proposed, which would compel the government to commission a White Paper into promoting the more effcient use of energy. By doing this, the government could boost GDP by £13.9bn by 2030 and create hundreds of thousands of jobs, said Nick Mead, president of CIBSE.

High tech society

Many lighting and lighting-related technologies are born through the collaboration of different disciplines, a crucial message in the Unesco International Year of Light, says Liz Peck

This year, the Unesco International Year of Light, represents a unique opportunity to show how light and lighting technology have changed the world in which we live, said Liz Peck in her presidential address. It was also crucial to emphasise the importance of collaboration, she said, because it was through different disciplines working together that many of these new technologies had been developed.

‘Some of you will be aware that 2015 is the year to which Marty McFly travelled forward in time in the flm Back to the Future, so although perhaps our most immediate thought is of the until-now, elusive hoverboard, many of the apparently crazy inventions dreamed of in 1985 when the flm was made, have come to life: hybrid cars, hands-free computer games, videoconferencing, fying cameras, self-lacing boots, 3D movies, and yes, even LEDs in clothing.

‘Most of these have come to fruition principally through the application of light and lighting technologies. Crucially, they’ve all been borne out of collaboration of expertise to make the ridiculous, not just possible, but a way of life.’

would love on their desk. Subject of a current Kickstarter campaign, that won’t be until October this year at the earliest.

Hugh Ogus, honorary fellow of the SLL and former chair of the LET, has been made an honorary fellow of the City and Guilds of London Institute. The honour was for ‘exceptional contributions to the lighting industry and education’, according to the citation.

LET graduate and SLL Student Member, Diarmuid Keaney of The Lighting Consultancy Ireland recently received the Best Student of the Year for the LET Diploma from the Worshipful Company of Light Mongers (Keaney is pictured right with Master of the Light Mongers Rodney Bennion).

Lighting technology of one form or another now permeated our lives, said Peck. ‘We can be woken by a biodynamic alarm clock, designed to mimic sunrise in winter; we check our mobile phones [for information and communications] before heading to work. Here, we are guided by illuminated dashboards and GPS, aided by street lights and traffc signals, while we see

‘Most of these [developments] have come to fruition principally through the application of light and lighting technologies. Crucially, they’ve all been borne out of collaboration of expertise to make the ridiculous, not just possible, but a way of life’

the day come to life as shops and offces switch on their lights. ‘All being well, we work in well-lit offces, children attend well-lit schools and lives are saved in well-lit hospitals, often through the use of lighting technologies. At work, fbre-optic broadband enables us to communicate across the globe through the Internet, quite apart from the multitude of uses for our once simple mobile phones. All of this and more is realised only through the application of light, lighting technology and yet more collaboration of expertise.’

Collaboration was a key area of focus for co-founder of the Illuminating Engineering Society (forerunner of the SLL), Leon Gaster, said Peck, quoting his thoughts on the subject:

“Apart from the benefts which the engineers connected with different systems of illumination would derive from free intercourse with each other, they would learn much by hearing the views of...among others, oculists, architects and physiologists, whom an illuminating engineering society might bring together. Only good can follow from a free exchange of the opinions of these different experts.”

Speaking in the auditorium at RIBA in Great Portland Street, Peck said that architecture had been a key discipline where there had been a long tradition of collaboration. ‘The society has had three architects serve as president: Derek Phillips, James Bell and Malcolm Parry,’ she said. As far back as 1908, Percy J Waldram wrote the following in an article in The Illuminating Engineer, she added:

“What architects really need is the work of engineers, who are skilful, experienced and well abreast of the times. There is plenty of work for these men if the architect only knew where to fnd them, and...the author advocates the collaboration of societies devoted to the engineering and architectural professions.”

RIBA has already recognised the beneft of reaching out, introducing Friends of Architecture last year. Peck had herself become a Friend and hoped others would join her, she said. But collaboration needed to go much further than the architectural sphere, she said.

‘I have a vision for the society: I want the society to be a tree, a lighting family tree. RIBA is a signifcant branch but

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Events: Masterclass 2013/14 AGM: President’s address
Tower of London: one of the potential Unesco sites to be lit

so too are the branches of the designers, engineers and physicists; disciplines such as photography, ophthalmology and acoustics, along with many others, are equally important. Organisations such as the Carbon Trust, Energy Saving Trust, Building Research Establishment and Public Health England, which is conducting the SLL’s LED research, are also key; we should ensure they do not fall from our tree like autumn leaves.’

It was also important to acknowledge that the SLL is ‘just one tree in the lighting forest’, she continued. ‘As Geoff Cook highlighted in his presidential address, our relationships with many of our sister lighting organisations are already healthy. Those relationships can always be strengthened, of course, and I believe my lighting family tree is for the greater good of lighting, so those organisations will beneft too. The lighting family tree will be strong because the SLL is at the root of it and it is our rich diversity of members from all aspects of light and lighting who will give it that strength.’

However, this was not about expansionism, said Peck. ‘I should make it clear that my lighting family tree is not about growing the membership of SLL, aside from those who wish to join – and of course, are most welcome – it is only to ensure that our contemporaries in related disciplines, whatever their particular expertise, have the opportunity to become a friend of lighting. Our bi-monthly newsletter is available free online; our events around the country are open to everyone. And our members are some of the most approachable and amiable people you could want to meet.’

Throughout all of her dealings with CIBSE, and especially the society, the one thing that had emerged most strongly was the people, said Peck, the same ‘intelligent, knowledgeable, engaging and social collection of people’ that she had frst encountered at an SLL conference in Dublin years ago when

she had originally been persuaded to become involved. ‘The society simply wouldn’t exist without people and our diverse membership is what make our society so special,’ she said, once more citing Leon Gaster, writing in 1909:

“In advocating the formation of such a society, we have no desire to do more than provide a common platform where all those interested in illumination may be able to express their views in a free and informal manner. For this reason, the society has been termed the Illuminating Engineering Society and not the Society of Illuminating Engineers.”

The last sentence was absolutely crucial to the SLL’s ongoing success,’ said Peck. ‘We are the society of light, and lighting. We are open to anyone with an interest in lighting and we welcome all those interested in any aspect of the world of light, lighting and its application.

‘In addition to the more obvious lighting occupations, therefore, whether your interest is in photonics, astronomy, physics, product design, architecture, interior design, medicine, photography or ophthalmology, this society is open to you: you are all welcome.’

The executive would work on building and strengthening the SLL’s relationships with the respective organisations that she hoped would become part of the society’s lighting family, said Peck, but the reality was that most of these organisations, like the SLL, were driven by their people.

‘In the International Year of Light, there’s no better time to spread the word about how fantastic light and lighting truly is,’ concluded Peck. ‘So whether it’s Back to the Future inventions, your 24-hour day of light, or sharing the colour of a magnifcent sunrise, remember that, in the words of Leon Gaster, “only good can follow from a free exchange of the opinions of different experts”.’ n

The light honourable

RIBA was the venue for this year’s AGM and presentations, with an unusually long list of awards

It was a particularly packed agenda for this year’s AGM and Awards at the Royal Institute of British Architects in Great Portland Place, London, with not only more awards than usual, but also the announcement of the frst Jean Heap Research Bursary recipient (see News, p4).

The President’s Medal was given to Barrie Wilde, ‘an innovator and a brilliant communicator of the art and science of lighting,’ said Bob Venning, who gave the citation. ‘At long last Barrie is being recognised for his years of service to the SLL, LET and the lighting industry.’

A former president of the SLL, Wilde was not an academic, said Venning, and like many of his generation he trained as an electrical engineer. ‘But he is not just technical, he brings an artistic fare to his work that is not often seen among the engineering fraternity.’

Venning particularly singled out his role as an educator, as a member of the LET from the beginning, and the frst director of the LET diploma course. ‘He is a lighting designer with a passion for educating the next generations of lighters,’ said Venning. ‘It is this sharing of knowledge that has characterised Barrie’s career, as mentor to junior staff at BDP, and through the engineering council’s schools scheme, where Barrie went on a one-man initiative to excite young children from eight through to 15 about the world of lighting.’

All this, said Venning, while holding down an important job ‘and carrying out many wonderful lighting schemes such as the refurbishment of the Royal Albert Hall, the lighting of Centre Court at Wimbledon and the National Maritime at Greenwich’. There were two honorary fellowships given this year, for Iain Maclean and Paul Ruffes (and also a presentation of his fellowship certifcate to Hugh Ogus, who was awarded it in 2014 but was unable to receive it last year).

Iain Macrae gave the citation for his Thorn colleague Maclean with whom he has often been confused over the years, he said. Maclean began by training as an electrical engineer in the engineering department of Harrods, moving to Troughton and Young Lighting as a junior lighting designer, before joining Ecko Lighting, which subsequently became part of British Lighting Industries, renamed Thorn. Elected a fellow of the IES in the early 1970s, he joined the National Lighting Conference organising committee. ‘Even to this day many in the society talk with great fondness of these conferences,’ said Macrae. Within the newly created Lighting Division, precursor of the SLL, he was chairman of the Londonbased monthly technical meetings committee for several years. He has contributed to several Lighting Guides and Codes, most

Honorary fellow: Ian Maclean

Honorary fellow: Paul Ruffes t

recently the Guide to Licensed Premises, and was one of the SLL’s representatives working with BRE helping to draft energy policy for Part L of the Building Regulations. ‘A very deserving recipient of an honorary fellowship,’ said Macrae. When Paul Ruffes set up his own practice in 1992 he had called it Lighting Design and Technology, said John Fitzpatrick, in his citation for Paul Ruffes. ‘The title, I think, exemplifes his whole approach to his work. To be a very good lighting designer it is necessary to understand the fundamentals and, indeed, the limitations of the technology that you might want to use in your design. Paul understands this better than most.’

6 7 AGM: Awards AGM: President’s address
‘I want the society to be a tree, a lighting family tree’ s
Barrie Wilde receives the President’s Medal from John Aston

Last year’s recipient of the President’s Medal, Ruffes joined CIBSE in 1978 and served on nine different committees. He was president of the old Lighting Division in 1996. He is still active on the British Standards Committee for Lighting and Lighting Applications, and served on numerous other international and British lighting committees.

As chair of the technical and publications committee, from 1990-94 and 2011-14, he had perhaps made his greatest contribution to the society, said Fitzpatrick.

‘During this latter period, he has re-energised the committee, constantly encouraging and cajoling new members into joining. Then, more importantly, persuading these new members to become active in task groups which have produced a raft of high-quality Lighting Guides. He has put in place a rolling threeyear programme for the production of guides on new topics and revisions of the old. There are at least six in the pipeline.’

There were two recipients of the Lighting Award this year, Dr Kevin Mansfeld and Peter Raynham, director and senior lecturer respectively of the UCL Bartlett MSc Light and Lighting course.

‘I don’t know the exact number of students who have successfully graduated in the 20 years that Kevin has been director of the UCL Light and Lighting MSc programme, but my estimate is that it is at least 250 and a number of PhD awards, making him responsible for providing the subject of illumination, with a source of expertise beyond any other worldwide,’ said David Loe, a personal friend and colleague for more than 30 years, in his citation. ‘George Bernard Shaw may have said, “He who can does and he who can’t, teaches”, but to that I would add, ‘and some of them teach very well’.

Peter Raynham studied chemical physics at Sussex University, going on to work at Osram before joining Philips in 1978. After 22 years there in a number of technical roles, he joined UCL as a research fellow, moving on to become a senior lecturer. He was SLL president in 2011, and is the prinicpal author of the Code for Lighting.

‘I have always valued Peter’s advice and opinions and I have yet to fnd a topic on which he wasn’t able to provide an answer,’ said Mike Simpson, a colleage when Raynham was at Philips, in his citation. ‘No one can doubt the enormous contribution he has made to the feld of lighting over the years.’

The Regional Lighting Award was given to Jim Shove, senior project engineer at Fagerhult. He joined the SLL in 2006, and has been the regional representative for the South West Region for the past six years, seeing a growth in membership from 68 to 144, with events such as the Masterclass series in Bristol and Cardiff. ‘He is not only a lighter of huge experience, but also a tremendous asset to the SLL,’ said Stephen Lisk in his citation.

Markus Canazei, P Dehoff, S Staggl, and W Pohl won the Leon Gaster Award for their paper, ‘Effects of dynamic ambient lighting on female permanent morning shift workers’ (LR&T April 2014). Andre Barroso, K Simons, and P de Jager received the Walsh Weston Award for ‘Metrics of circadian lighting for clinical investigations’ (LR&T December 2014).

Bob Venning and Barrie Wilde also presented LET Lighting Diplomas to Diarmuid Keaney, Thomas Miller, Marianne Mullane, Rachel Shaw, Stephen Thompson, Penny Tulla and Rhiannon West.

Representatives of Helvar, Philips, Thorn and Trilux were also presented with their sponsors’ certifcates. n

Discover the feminine side

In the frst of a two-part feature, Helen Loomes, who recently set up an informal group for women in lighting, looks at how a number of them arrived at their current career

Regional Lighting Award: Jim Shove Lighting Award: Dr Kevin Mansfeld Lighting Award: Peter Raynham

Sponsors’ certifcates for Helvar, Thorn, Philps and Trilux

As a female who has been in the lighting industry for nearly 40 years I have seen huge changes in the preponderance of women. My own story began with an advert in the local paper. It was for a laboratory assistant at Holophane Lighting; my best subjects were physics and maths, so I applied. I later found out that they were really looking for a boy and as I was the only girl who applied the manager was intrigued. He rapidly changed the job spec to take out woodworking skills and I got the job. This was a totally male-dominated environment and I know they had to clear out all of the ‘page 3’ pictures and magazines which I later found hidden in a bottom drawer of a fling cabinet. From Holophane I was sent to Southbank Polytechnic to do a City and Guilds in Illuminating Engineering and Lighting Technology. Again I was the only girl. I recently met my tutor from those days, David Loe, and he thinks I probably was the frst girl he had on the course.

My main task in the laboratory was to calibrate the raw data coming out of the photometer. To aid me in this I had a scientifc calculator with a memory function. This was so hi-tech it was shown to visitors coming to the company.

Subsequently I moved into sales, and I also became a member of the Illuminating Engineering Society (the previous incarnation of the Society of Light and Lighting), which was a very stuffy organisation of mainly men who seemed to me to all be over the age of 65. Times have changed and I am very pleased to see the progress of women within our industry. I think the frst female I came across was daylight specialist Jane Gosney, formerly head of lighting at WSP. At that time I hadn’t met Janet Turner, who was already making her name. I also came across Mary Rushton-Beales fairly early on.

We have sadly lost Janet Turner and there is a tribute to her in this Newsletter, but she was a personal mentor to me when I worked at Concord:Marlin. Her passion, ability to inspire others and attention to detail made her a unique female fgurehead, but I don’t think this thought even occurred to her; she wanted to be heard and get the job done – her gender was immaterial. This year the SLL will have a female president, Liz Peck. This is not a new phenomenon – Liz will be the third female president after Jean Heap in 1995 and Margaret Halstead in 1984. Coincidently RIBA will have a female president this year in Jane Duncan, Barbra Horton from New York is the current president of the IALD, Ann Webb is the president of the CIE and, to add to the list, there will also be a female ILP president this year, Elizabeth Thomas: defnitely a good year to be female.

Not only are women rising to the top of our organisations they are also here in signifcant numbers. Many lighting design companies are now 50/50 male to female. We often hear that girls are put off technical or engineering subjects but lighting is such a unique blend of both art and science that it seems to overcome these barriers, and this is something that should be celebrated.We have many great role models and some are using their position and infuence to act as mentors to the younger generation. I have recently felt the need to connect more with all of these women and asked a few I know to meet me for a chat over coffee. The opportunity to talk in this informal way was something that appealed to me and I thought would appeal to most of the women I know within the lighting industry.

We often hear that girls are put off technical or engineering subjects but lighting, as art and science, seems to overcome these barriers

After our frst meeting, which was held at the Royal Institution, a very relevant building as the home of science, we have decided to meet on a bi-monthly basis. We rarely have an occasion to talk together about lighting issues that concern us; most meetings have an agenda or a presentation and not much free time for discussion, so I deliberately want to keep the subject matter at these gatherings as open as possible.

At the frst meeting we covered quite a few topics, from the colour rendering of LEDs to the F Lux app to reduce the blue wavelengths from your computer screen in the evening. However, there was one subject we felt was most important – the fact that the general public at large do not know much about lighting and the need to educate them. If there is a topic in the newspapers about lighting, the spokesperson is very rarely known to us and therefore not considered by us to be an expert. But does the media know where to go to fnd an expert?

Shouldn’t we be making ourselves more accessible?

Seven of these trailblazers have agreed to make themselves more accessible to you by revealing how they found their way into lighting by many and varied routes. We begin in this issue with Liz Peck and Florence Lam.

8 9 Women in lighting s AGM: Awards

I had no idea what I wanted to do when I left school; earlier on, I’d wanted to be a journalist but my English was never really that good. Or join the police, but my dodgy heart precluded that. I’d messed up my A-Levels a bit, although later I found out that my heart hadn’t been functioning as it should during that time. That’s my excuse anyway.

I studied an HND in business and fnance at Sheffeld Hallam, specialising in marketing. I wrote a business plan for Marks and Spencer, which was failing at the time and I still think my tutor must have sold it to them because they followed it virtually to the letter.

I was introduced to the wonderful world of lighting over a pint in The Bull Inn at Newick, Sussex. I’d lost my job and Ciaran Kiely, then product manager with Concord Lighting and a good friend of mine, told me to ring Concord in Newhaven as they always needed people in customer service. Soon after I joined, we took over the technical helpline and were dealing with contractors who really didn’t want technical help from females. I found out what the lighting designers did and thought it sounded cool, even though apart from being able to read a cone diagram in the catalogue, my knowledge was zero. Luckily, when I announced I would like to join the lighting design team, Concord had just merged with Marlin and I had an interview with Mike Simpson who, somehow, thought that an enthusiastic rookie was a prospect.

I got involved with the SLL through natural evolution. I went to the symposium in Dublin and Mark Ayers, now managing director of Aether Lighting, convinced me to join what was then the Newsletter Committee. I’ve loved being involved ever since. It’s such a special society, where the great and the good mix seamlessly with young people and new lighters. Was it a drawback being female? At Concord, it raised the obstinate side of my nature (I think that’s my father’s genes) as I was determined to fnd out all the answers to technical queries and the reason for them. That’s how I found out about lighting design, so it’s not such a bad trait sometimes. It’s never stopped me doing anything I’ve wanted to do. I’ve always been treated as an equal.

I don’t have any dependents so I can pick and choose what I do with my time to an extent. It’s terribly addictive, of course, and now it’s all-consuming. I was watching tennis once and

was paying more attention to what I thought was terrible lighting (indoor arena) than to the match. I have lighter’s neck from looking up every time I go into a building.

Lighting can inspire – think of sunrises and rainbows. But my dad was my biggest inspiration. When he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he stopped work and fulflled a lifetime dream of hiking to Base Camp at Mount Everest. The picture is on the wall of my offce and reminds me that everything happens for a reason and nothing is unattainable if you really want it enough. I also love never knowing what’s coming next and making people smile.

n Florence Lam

When leaving school all I knew was that university was the next destination, I hadn’t a clue about anything beyond 18. So I went to the University of Cambridge to study engineering.

I discovered lighting design during my summer internship at Arup after my second undergraduate year. Having been involved with some student theatre productions at university, my instinct told me that lighting design demanded a more holistic approach beyond engineering and guided me into doing a postgraduate study at the Bartlett School of Architecture. The purpose was to gain a more rounded knowledge and exposure to the architectural and human dimensions of light.

Following this, when I had my interview with Arup after graduation, I made it quite clear to Bob Venning, who then headed that division, that lighting was the area that I wanted to specialise in.

I have never found that being female had any drawbacks and I had no problem with work-life balance, especially when I can actually enjoy life at work – being among a lot of talented people who share a common passion and drive to achieve the best at what they do.

The male:female ratio for lighting at Arup is around 60/40. Naturally there were more men at Arup when I joined 25 years ago. However, as the business and the services offered at Arup become more diverse, I also see an increase in diversity beyond gender and race among my colleagues.

Being a person who is easily inspired, I appreciate the freedom to do what is right, to pass on the baton and leave a legacy for a better world. To me, lighting design is not an end but a means to fulfl a greater purpose in life. n

In the second of an occasional series, Stephen CannonBrookes looks back to being a YLOTY fnalist in 1996 Living daylight

The YLOTY competition provided me with an opportunity to present fndings on a study of lighting in the Picasso Museum in Paris. Following its refurbishment I am not sure how much of the careful system of daylight support from Simuonet’s ingenious integration of indirect lighting has been swept away.

I hope the audience for the fnalists has forgotten my somewhat stumbling address, the judges correctly awarding both written and delivered papers to my competitors. On the plus side, I found myself welcomed into a supportive community driven by an interest in the subject with members of the then Lighting Division of CIBSE encompassing at least six if not seven decades of age groups. I was invited to join the LR&T editorial board in 1997, my rather more distinguished colleagues observing that I had failed to bring the average age below 60. Once in the sights of the inestimable secretary Jonathan David the next step was the council of Lighting Division and, to complete the cursus honorum, a year as SLL president in 20067. It took longer to fnd a successor as chair of CIBSE’s Daylight Group, a post I managed recently to hand over to Prof John Mardaljevic having spent 10 years in the chair.

The topic of my Young Lighter’s paper was closely related to my then recently completed PhD on the use of scale models in the quantitative analysis of daylighting in museum galleries. For the frst half of 1996 I attended endless interviews with practices just emerging from a sharp recession with no wish to employ an over-educated 30-year old with zero recent practical experience and unproven skills. I remember Barrie Wilde sagely telling me that no one would ever make a living out of daylighting. Still entertaining the goal of taking Part III and becoming a chartered architect I joined Bickerdike Allen Partners. Designing GP practices did little to excite me, but I soon discovered that my real job was to help Dr William Allen (Bill to everybody) in his fnal career. He had trained as an architect,

become an acoustician, chaired the Architectural Association and created a practice renowned for its knowledge of building science before deafness encouraged him to take up lighting.

In hindsight, until his death three years later, I was privileged to have a masterclass in becoming a consultant. The other outcome of this period was the abandonment of plans to become an architect and a gradual translation into full-time lighting. This was accelerated in 1996 by an invitation to teach on the Light and Lighting MSc course at the Bartlett, a 20 per cent appointment that I have maintained since then.

Somehow my students thankfully didn’t discover that in my frst year I was barely steps in front of them. I discovered that a PhD equips one with an ability to learn, but not necessarily a breadth of understanding of one’s subject. I took over the daylighting part of the course. Barrie was right, I wasn’t going to easily make a living out of it, yet each year I have tried to convey my enthusiasm as well as an understanding for a feld that lacks the quantitative certainties of most of illuminating engineering and demands an exploration of intuition and observation. For many years, I sensed my colleagues throughout the lighting industry have anticipated what I will have to say and labelled it daylight and thus elective rather than essential. It is perhaps no longer a matter of time before we fnally abandon horizontal illuminance as a useful metric for most interior lighting, and root mean exitance and other tools make a more direct link to what we actually see. I am not sure I can claim authorship of the observation ‘the room is the luminaire’, but anyone with a healthy in interest in daylighting understands this and we are now safely on the way to lighting’s equivalent of Grand Unifcation Theory.

Before leaving Bickerdike Allen, Bill and myself had been asked to relight much of the Frick Collection in New York and this set the tone when forming my own independent consultancy following his death in 1999. I went on to similar tasks with the Huntington Gallery in California and then the relighting of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston.

Each project, large or small, is a new delicate balancing act of visibility, lighting control and integration, often within protected historic buildings. I sense my role is a mixture of hospital consultant and medieval master mason. I consider myself fortunate to have been able develop the feld of my research.

The concept design for the Hermitage extension in St Petersburg provided the opportunity to fully engage with climate-based daylighting analysis and disseminate this to the museum world, resulting in yet another chairman’s role, this time the architecture committee of the International Council of Museums.

It is a particular delight that a major current project is a collaboration with the National Trust and John Mardaljevic to fnally explore the actual daylight performance of interiors in a way that was only a dream in the mid-1990s. n

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YLOTY: where are they now? Women in lighting s
Kallos Gallery, Davies St, London Photogaphy: Kallos Gallery/Steve Wakeham

Lighting unplugged

Continuing his series of articles inspired by the Paris launch of the International Year of Light 2015, John Aston looks at the subject of off-grid lighting – and why it’s more diffcult to implement than it seems

Although off-grid lighting was featured during the launch event, and is also one of the key subjects for the International Year of Light, it did not receive as much attention as I expected. We take the ‘right to light at night’ almost for granted, but billions around the world are either denied this beneft or have to rely on kerosene, wax or oil lamps. Using a naked fame to provide light brings the attendant hazards of accidental fres, noxious fumes and indoor pollution.

More than1.5bn people live in areas where there is no electricity supply, and a further 1bn only have access to an intermittent supply. Because we have a reliable supply grid (at least at the moment) we take light for granted and know that we always have light at night to study, be entertained or socialise. In many areas of the world this luxury is just not available. This problem is well known, and has been for some time, but what is the current situation, and is progress towards an effective solution being made? The advent of two technologies – solid state (LED) lighting and low cost solar PV panels – has driven the development of a wide range of off-grid lighting products. In addition, the basic idea behind Trevor Baylis’s

wind-up radio also has the potential to help those who have no mains electricity, and need light.

However, almost by defnition, the areas where off-grid lighting solutions are most needed are also some of the poorest areas on the planet. Money is scarce and economic activity is very low, access to fuel varies and the attitudes of governments to supporting remote rural communities are not consistent. In many places the price of kerosene is subsidised but the costs to the people nevertheless make up a very high proportion of their annual spend.

Placing new products into this market that disrupt the prevailing economic models is much harder than it might appear

Placing new products into this market that disrupt the prevailing economic models is much harder than it might appear. A continuous purchase of a consumable (the fuel) is replaced by a single capital spend on an off-grid lighting system. The simple maintenance issues of oil-based lighting (trimming the wick…) are swapped for the more complex task of checking electrical connections and electronic fault-fnding. Then there is the question of cost and product quality; an unscrupulous supplier using cheap components could address this market with low-cost lights that might meet the price expectation but fail miserably on life and performance. Many of the regions requiring these off-grid lights are also harsh environments involving high ambient temperatures, abrasive dust and the need to be very robust to withstand mechanical shock and mishandling.

If you look into the world of off-grid lighting you also fnd that there are some external market forces that infuence both the products and the people involved. A quick look at the members of the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) shows a very diverse number of organisations including major oil companies, large lighting companies and many small, entrepreneurial businesses, plus the International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank).

All of these organisations support off-grid lighting from different points of view; some are trying to meet their corporate social responsibilities, others are looking at the carbon reduction benefts, and many are trying to develop a viable business in a free market to meet a consumer demand. On top of this there is also the issue of fnance and how the market is funded; normal banks are reluctant to get involved but there is still a real need to provide loans and development investment. This is one change that cannot simply be brought about by charitable donations, although these organisations also play a signifcant and valuable part.

There are further challenges, including overcoming existing business models (for example, where kerosene is subsidised), import tariffs or even high VAT rates. The revolution needs to not only provide safe, effective lighting for the millions without, but also to deliver funding and practical business models that help to grow local economies. Alongside this need for selfpowered lighting is the parallel growth of the mobile phone market in these same regions – it is said that large parts of Africa and India may never have a hard-wired phone network –and the consequent need to recharge these devices. It seems logical to use your PV-based, or clockwork, generators to not only drive lights but also recharge mobile phones. So what appeared to be a simple substitution of an existing primitive lighting technology with the very latest LED products is not straightforward at all. To a degree, the range of off-grid lighting products that are now offered to this market refects this: there are simple portable LED lights with built-in PV panels, clever weight-driven clockwork generators and larger PV-based lighting systems that can supply multiple lighting points or even area lighting.

By addressing wider applications than a simple personal light for the home the business opportunities change and the benefts of artifcial light are delivered to help more people to study, play and develop local, sustainable economies. The barrier to economic development presented by there being no local grid supply is rapidly being overcome, and the lighting world is helping to deliver better lives for those that have previously had little or no access to light at night. n

The second generation of the GravityLight (GL02), created by British industrial designers Martin Riddiford and Jim Reeves, is currently under development. The size of a pineapple, the lamp is powered by an 11kg weight – a robust bag that can be flled with rocks or sand and hung from a cord below the light – which drops around 2m over half an hour. This drives a silent motor at thousands of rotations a second, producing light for 30 minutes. It shines slightly brighter than most kerosene lamps, though the light level can be adjusted, from strong task lighting to a longer-lasting low-level glow. The lamp has two terminals on the front so that it can also be used as a generator to recharge other devices including radios and batteries

12 13 YLOTY YLOTY International Year of Light International Year of Light
Studying by the light of a solar lantern The SunBell solar lamp and phone charger by Bright Products, a member of GOGLA, won an iF Design award earlier this year

Issues in question

Iain Carlile fnds evidence of a rethink in certain areas of lighting in the recent issue of Lighting Research and Technology

Change is something of a light motif in the latest issue of LR&T, particularly in terms of metrics and approaches to lighting design. Other topics include human factors, exterior lighting, daylight, automobile lighting and the effect of lighting on insects.

Boyce’s editorial muses over the safety of cyclists, considering both their visibility and also their ability to identify hazards. He suggests that researchers and cyclist safety organisations alike look into the requirements for cycle lighting.

In his opinion piece, Cuttle calls for a change in lighting metrics, advocating that they consider perceived adequacy of illumination, thereby redefning lighting standards. This would allow for both calculative and visual composition lighting design to be covered by the same metrics, removing the division between these two approaches.

Also looking at a change to current approaches in lighting, Rea suggests in his paper using a set of beneft effciency functions, considering the distinct, but interrelated roles of light, lighting and neuroscience as a way of improving lighting for society and the environment. This would provide a meaningful foundation for international commerce, he says, and enrich neuroscience research. Considering the spectral sensitivity of the eye for both visual and non-visual effects, Rea suggests using a broader luminous effciency function, as a way of increasing the value of lighting applications. ‘By formally accepting a set of beneft effciency functions in standards and applications, a platform for collaboration among lighting practitioners and neuroscientists is built,’ says Rea.

Perz et al present a new measure for the visibility of the stroboscopic effect occurring in temporally modulated light systems. The new measure is based on the results from three different perception experiments, which considered measurement error, square wave and sine wave modulations, and complex wave forms.Examining the need for road lighting in residential roads to enhance people’s judgement of other pedestrians’ apparent intent, Fotios et al describe an experiment which assessed forced-choice judgement of emotion and gaze direction under different lamp types, luminance and interpersonal distances. Higher luminance and larger task sizes improved performance, but with diminishing returns, according to the results. Appropriate light levels for outdoor lighting were estimated using the fndings from the experiment.

In their paper, Tashiro et al develop a new equation modifed from the CIE Unifed Glare Rating formula. From the results of their experiments they suggest using effective glare luminance (the sum of luminances in the luminaire area divided by the effective area) as a way of evaluating discomfort glare for light sources with different spatial luminance distributions.

Poiani et al present a study investigating the effect of using CFL and LED light sources in attracting nocturnal insects. When using light sources with similar photometric specifcations three times more insects were attracted to the CFL. They suggest that LED light sources may therefore be preferable if the objective is to avoid the attraction of nocturnal insects to households.

Using a self-developed spectrum sky scanner and the

results taken from a 12-month study in Beijing, Luo et al have established a relationship between actual Beijing sky types and the CIE standard sky model, which is potentially of use in the study of daylight in the Chinese capital.

Luo et al present the results from an experiment investigating the colour-difference discrimination for six different white light sources. Using the results they tested various chromaticity diagrams, colour spaces and colour difference formulae, going on to recommend how best to defne colour tolerance of white light sources.

Ge et al propose a new LED low-beam motorcycle headlamp. Both the simulation and measurement meet the relevant UN Economic Commission for Europe vehicle regulations.

Fotios’s research note questions the validity of the de Boer scale for evaluating discomfort glare. The de Boer scale uses a response scale which effectively forces an opinion on the presence of glare since the scale does not include a ‘no glare’ option. Response variance may also be affected by uncertainty in the meaning of the magnitude descriptors. Fotios suggests actions that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of distortions occurring in results. n

Iain Carlile, MSLL, is an associate of DPA Lighting Design

Lighting Research and Technology Vol 47, No 3, May 2015

Editorial: Save the cyclist Peter Boyce

Opinion: Overcoming a divided profession Kit Cuttle

The lumen seen in a new light: making distinctions between light, lighting and neuroscience MS Rea

Modelling the visibility of the stroboscopic effect occurring in temporally modulated light systems M Perz, IMLC Vogels, D Sekulovski, L Wang, Y Tu and IEJ Heynderickx

Effects of outdoor lighting on judgements of emotion and gaze direction S Fotios, B Yang and C Cheal Discomfort glare for white LED light sources with different spatial arrangements T Tashiro, S Kawanobe, T Kimura-Minoda, S Kohko, T Ishikawa and M Ayama

Effects of residential energy-saving lamps on the attraction of nocturnal insects S Poiani, C Dietrich, A Barroso and AM Costa-Leonardo

Sky-luminance distribution in Beijing T Luo, D Yan, R Lin and J Zhao

Colour difference evaluation for white light sources MR Luo, G Cui and M Georgoula

A light-emitting diode motorcycle low-beam headlamp based on a freeform refector P Ge, X Wang, Y Li and H Wang Research Note: Uncertainty in subjective evaluation of discomfort glare S Fotios

Janet Turner 1936-2015

Janet Turner, an honorary fellow of the SLL, died in April this year aged 78. Flamboyant, funny and fearless in her defence of design integrity, she did much to promote the cause of independent lighting design in its early years.

Originally training and working as an interior designer, she was design director of Concord Lighting for more than 25 years. She worked with many leading architects, and was involved with two RIBA Stirling Prize-winning projects: Peckham Library with Alsop Architects and the NatWest Media Centre at Lord’s cricket ground by Future Systems.

Under her regime, and following the ethos of founder Bernard Stern, Concord had a reputation for commissioning designers such as Conran Associates and Terence Woodgate, creating several award-winning products that combined the aesthetic with the technical. Turner fought hard to ensure that design remained at the core of Concord’s approach as it underwent various mergers and takeovers in the late 1990s.

‘Janet understood the thread between the art and the science of lighting, and could communicate that connection better than anyone else I have ever met’
– Jeremy Myerson

‘She had an eye for detail,’ says Fred Bass, who worked with her twice at Concord, the second time when she supported the international sales effort he came back to direct. ‘The way an exhibition stand was dressed in the hours before the show was critical, for instance, and she always added something special. I remember her stopping at the fower shop every day on the way to the stand, and she would often use design pieces that appealed to our specifying customers. She knew so many people it was amazing just to stand nearby.’

Also an author – she wrote four books on lighting – and international lecturer, Turner was as active as ever after retiring from Concord. She was a consultant to Alsop on Queen Mary Medical and Dental School in east London and with Heatherwick Studio on the East Beach Cafe in Littlehampton, West Sussex. She also advised on the Park Hill regeneration project in Sheffeld, working with Studio Egret West, and on the Hotel Villa Padierna in Marbella, Spain, with Ed Gilbert.

With her moniker of Red Janet, Turner was passionate about all forms of art, creativity and design (she went to Dudley art school, where she met and then married the painter Tony Turner). The glass artist Andrew Logan was a close friend and collaborator, and Turner was an active trustee of the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture in Berriew, Powys, mid-Wales. She was also deeply committed to the Alternative Miss World, a showcase for freedom of expression set up by Logan.

Having already been made a fellow of The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland ‘for her services to international lighting design and improving places for people’, the RIAS gave her a lifetime achievement award in 2014.

‘Janet understood the thread between the art and the science of lighting, and could communicate that connection better than anyone else I have ever met,’ says Jeremy Myerson, who has just stepped down from his role as director of the Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design at the Royal College of Art. ‘Lighting is part theatre and part physics, and Janet inhabited both worlds simultaneously.’ n

14 15 Obituary LR&T essentials
Relative spectral power distribution of four (blue) InGaN and three (red) GaAsP LEDs (The lumen seen in a new light, MS Rea) Peckham Library, one of several collaborations with Alsop


15 July

Lighting in Healthcare (One-day conference organised by the ILP with the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management)

Venue: Hilton Birmingham Metropole

28 July

How to be Brilliant with: Paul Traynor, Light Bureau (ILP event)

Venue: ACDC Lighting Studio, London N1

Time: 6.30pm

29 July

Obtrusive Light: navigating the compliance minefeld (One-day course organised by the ILP)

Venue: BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Watford

13 August

Colourdome in London: The HCNW Lighting Paper

Venue: Pushkin House, Bloomsbury Square, London WC1

14-18 September

Exterior Lighting Diploma Module 1 (Organised by the ILP)

Venue: Draycote Hotel, Nr Rugby

16-19 September

LED Lighting China

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre www.ledlightingchina-sh

22-24 September

Fifth International LED professional Symposium and Expo (LpS 2015)

Venue: Festspielhaus, Bregenz, Austria

23-24 September

Professional Lighting Summit (Organised by the ILP)

Venue: Queen Hotel, Chester

30 September

LG7: The HCNW Lighting Paper at GX

Venue: Zumtobel Lighting

Chalfont St Peter

15 July: Lighting in Healthcare, Hilton Birmingham Metropole

1 October

Night of Heritage Light (SLL IYL event, lighting of a series of UK Unesco World Heritage Sites)

4-6 October


Venue: ExCel, London E16

8-10 October

IALD Enlighten Americas 2015

Location: Baltimore, MD

27-30 October

Hong Kong International Lighting Fair

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

28-31 October

PLDC 2015 (with SLL as Offcial Knowledge Partner)

Venue: Ergife Palace Hotel, Rome

18-19 November

LuxLive 2015

(Including SLL Young Lighter of the Year fnal and Mini Masterclasses)

Venue: ExCel, London E16

19 November

Lux Awards 2015

Venue: Troxy, Commercial Road

London E1

Lighting Masterclasses: Masterclasses are kindly sponsored by Helvar, Philips, Thorn and Trilux. For venues and booking details :

LET Diploma (in association with London South Bank University): advanced qualifcation by distance learning. Details from or email

Mid Career College: the college runs various courses across the whole spectrum of lighting and at sites across the UK. Full details at

LIF courses: details from John Hugill, 0208 529 6909, or email


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