1990 04

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1973'te uygulamaya konulan Kalkınma Planı 'n ı izleyen yıllarda , şehir modern bir görünüm aldı(üstte). Abu Dhabi'nin ullra-modern havaalanından bir görüntü (sağda). From 1973 on, when the Urban Development Plan was first initiated, Abu Dhabi has assumed a more modem look (above). An interior look of Abu Dhabi's ultra,modern airport (on the right).

and gives way to a pleasant warmth. The sand storms which occurfrom time to time in the winter months ereare a picturesque view. In Abu Dhabi , there are many fivestar hotels run by the National Hotels Company. At most ofthese hotels there is a wealth of facilities ranging from beauty andfitness centers to all kinds of water sports. Among the mainhotelsin the city, one can cite Abu Dhahi Gulf Hotel, with its marvellous tropical garden in pa/m trees and its heautiful beach. The /ntercontinental Hotel,situated ata hill daminating the city, is afavorite venue for international conferences as are the Hilton, Sheraton and Holiday Inn . A great many restaurants hoth at hotels and outside make you.feel /ike in a modern city at any placı~ araund the world as far as variety of food and quality of service is can-

cerned. For eating out in the city, you canjlnd many cafeteria-type places as well as luxurious restaurants . However, if you would !ike to dri nk a glass of wine during your meal in Abu Dhahi, you should rememher to choose one of the restaurants of National Hotels Company. Tarhouc·he should alsa he noteel as the most modern restaurant in Ahu Dhahi. This restaurant, where you can tas te typical Ara h food prepared by traditional methods. is renowned for its "Trabouche Briant Kebab". Ahu Dhahi's petroleum resources has made it a l'ery attractive marketfor business people through out the world.

A pleasent evide nce of this is the richne ss and variety at the supermarkets. shops and houtiques of the city. Do you fancy fresh oysters from England or clothing ji·om th e famous fashion shops of Paris? Do you need a milliondollarfishing boat? Just orderit and it will he hrought to you straight away. On the other hand, in the side streets next to the se supermarkets packed with luxurious consumer goods, there also exist cheerful market places typical of the Middle East. In these streets you may have to bargainfor half an hour to huy a pair of sa nda/s or a jish. Archaeological resean · lı hasSKYLIFE 4/90 25

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