1 minute read


The first place my mind goes when someone tells me to clean up my diet is, "I don't need that type of negativity in my life" However, the tips I'll share with you here are such that you will be able to easily incorporate into your daily eating habits, to make slightly better choices, that result in positive healthy changes

You've heard it before but "Eat Your Veggies!" It's an easy way to "add" to your diet without having to restrict Then limit your processed foods Processed is really anything that isn't in its most natural state For example bread is made out of several ingredients Each ingredient in bread is the whole food form Bread itself is not in it's whole food form it is processed

Which leads me to my next tip: eat foods that are whole Like I said up there, whole food is the most natural form of the food The potato is the whole food, the chip is not If the food you're about to eat has been modified in any way from its original version it's not a whole food and it's makes the biggest difference in cleaning up your diet

I'll stop here because I wholeheartedly want you to live your life and enjoy yourself this Spring! Local farmer's markets are a great way to find and enjoy fresh, locally grown, food