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Community Spotlight: Meet Todd and Casey Johns from Revive Life House

Revive Ministries began in 2014 after Todd and Casey Jo goal? To create a nonprofit focused on meeting people i unconditional love while building relationships of trust in House officially opened it's doors on April 8, 2016, it bec men’s residential addiction recovery center. Over the pa grown to a three phase program with over 65 beds avail year the Revive Outpatient Center began accepting both men and women.

Every step Revive takes to invite people into the journey of healing is rooted in the guiding principles of dynamic recovery, restored lives, inward journey and life-long wholeness

“Our mission is simple," Todd Johns says, "We are a beautiful people-centered, life giving addiction treatment center in Central KY, where the overdose mortality rate has increased over 50% We treat over 400 clients per year through our dynamic recovery programs that now serve both male and female clients. We do this by creating a safe and welcoming environment where persons suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD) can find help, freedom and purpose for their lives.”

As Revive Life House has grown, so have the opportunities to expand services into the larger community The opening of the Outpatient Center last July was one of the first steps toward initiatives like the Common Ground Community Center and NextGen program

"The ROC (Revive Outpatient Center) and Common Ground Community Center are places to find healing, health and wholeness that each and every person deserves no matter their struggles or background," Johns said. And while still in the early stages, Revive is already preparing to incorporate programs at the future Community Center with its NextGen program. NextGen will create space and resources for children and youth in the area, especially those who are impacted by addiction in their home or family.

"We exist to help people move forward in true-life transformation that’s rooted in faith, hope and love," Johns said "And it's through the support of our community that we're able to help rebuild lives; reconciling people to their families, their communities, and restoring their sense of purpose "