1 minute read

G I F T I D E A S Mother's Day


Mommas LOVE when their children make them a card! You're never too old to break out the glitter.


Visit your local boutiques for the perfect gift for Mom, while also helping your local community thrive! Monograms are so thoughtful!


Jessamine County has great local florists, whose flowers last for weeks!

Coffee Gift Card

Our local coffee shops are more like a life saver to Momma. Depending on how old her kids are, it could really help her... a lot.

Nail Gift Card

A little pampering goes a long way for Mom, especially if it's something that she usually buys herself or doesn't take time to do.

Facial and Spa Day

Cook her dinner or take her out

Give her a day of relaxation, it's the least she deserves! She'll love it! Take away one of her chores, like cooking!