2 minute read

Filing Taxes?

Here are some things to remember this tax season

Filing taxes comes back around so quickly and if you're anything like me, you really dread this time of year Something about having to retrieve all the necessary paperwork, making sure all your i's are dotted and t's crossed, and sending up silent prayers that you won't owe anything to Uncle Sam this year, just makes it, um, not my favorite. But, it's not all bad! Sometimes some of us get some money back, and it's a great time to take that trip you've been thinking about, or renovating your bathroom or kitchen that you keep putting off "until you have the money." Just make sure you have all the necessary documents I'll go ahead and list them here from nerdwallet com for you so that you've got them on hand.

Income reports (W2 and/or 1099)

All social security numbers of both you and your dependents

Deduction Reports as they apply (don't forget retirement account contributions, educational expenses, medical bills, property taxes and mortgage interest, charitable donations, state and local taxes)

Tax Credits


I also looked up the top 6 mistakes people make when filing taxes on turbotax com, here's what they had to say:

Mathematical Errors

Choosing the right filing status for you

Missing out on tax deductions

Forgetting important paperwork

Entering the wrong routing/account #

Paper filing blunders

For Those Of Us Without A Green Thumb

Indoor vs Outdoor?

Beginners should probably start outdoors to get some help from Mother Nature.

When you are gardening inside, you have to be extra mindful of shadow and light, and constantly remember to water the plant. Outside, you'll get natural shadow and light (check to see what's best for individual plants), as well as natural watering from rain.

Just be mindful of pests. Indoor gardens are a can-do, just remember to water, and place plant next to windows or doors.

You can't mess it up

Probably best to start with a "fool proof" crop. Remember in the Christmas issue I told you I couldn't kill the cactus? Well, that story has taken a turn. Anyway, you can often find crops such as herbs, and fruit, and vegetables that are beginner friendly at nurseries. These plants are known to be gardenerfriendly, and quick to bounce back if you let it go through a, um, "dry season."

Know WHEN to water

One of the biggest mistakes new gardeners make is not knowing when to water their plants, or HOW MUCH to give them when it's time. Often, people tend to underwater plants outside, and overwater plants that are inside. Plants that are outside are "out of sight out of mind," while plants that are inside feel like you should be watering them if you see them. A good rule of thumb is to put your finger in the soil. If it comes out dry, it needs water. If it comes out wet, you're good.