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End of Year Show


It’s Great Up North



The concept behind the ‘It’s Great Up North’ campaign is based around taking a common phrase that is familiar with the regional area, and the UK in general; ‘It’s Grim Up North’. The phrase is then manipulated through creativity into a new phrase that is unique to the end of year show; ‘It’s Great Up North’. The idea behind this is that something positive comes from something with negative connotations.

The Typography chosen is purposely traditional looking. It is called Lydian and is a contemporary take on a traditional looking font. We chose this as it gives off a traditional feel which relates to the original quote and the history of Leeds in general. This is then modified with the graffiti-esque nature of the paint strokes, which represents the ‘new’ talent and contemporary art.



The execution of this concept can change depending on the budget as well as the format of the promotional material. In the images shown above, The idea is that the original phrase ‘It’s Grim Up North’ is printed using a traditional looking stone serif typeface. On top of this, Five Lines of bright Red Paint can be applied which now changes the word into ‘Great ‘.

We wanted the layout of the type to be bold and eye-catching. We wanted people to interact with the promotional material, and see this transformation of ‘Grim’ to ‘Great’ happen in front of their eyes. The type is centrally aligned and each word has it’s own line. This emphasises the importance and bold look and feel of the quote.


01 / 05

End of Year Show


It’s Great Up North

External Promotion

Poster Towers

Target Audience / Tone of Voice

Online Content

The Image above displays how the concept could be applied to the towers planted around the city of Leeds. The use of Red over the black will make it appear to have been almost ‘vandalised’, except the graffiti is a positive change on the quote, not negative.

The Target Audience is the Northern public, the people of Leeds. We feel that this message directly targets them whilst not entirely excluding anyone visiting from any other parts of the country or even further afield.

We have much more online content that surrounds our concept. Please take the time out to visit our blog;

Other Promo

Audience Feedback

Various Images above show how the concept can be applied in slightly different layouts and formats depending on where the location is around the city. The large scale Billboard outside of the College can use the system of each side containing four separate words revealing information about the college.

When we we’re shooting our posters and e-flyers in context around the city of Leeds, we received lot’s of positive feedback when the general public seen that we was altering the negative phrase into something positive and this is something that can be built upon.

02 / 05

End of Year Show


It’s Great Up North

Invitations / Internal Promo


Lenticular Printing

College Student Invitation (Poster Format)

Glow in the Dark (Poster Format)

Above, is a mocked up version of the Physical Invite. In the case of this, there is no need to use the red lines to change the word ‘Grim’ into ‘Great’ because by using a special printing process, a holographic style interactive movement within the card means that the user can alternate between the two words. This is explained more in the ‘Lenticular Printing’ paragraph and shown on the next board.

We propose to use a Lenticular Printing Process to produce the Invitations that are sent out for the private viewing. These cost slightly more than standard printing, but create an interaction with the user. (Approx. 60p per postcard)

We propose that the standard invites that don’t use the Lenticular Process can still use the original concept of the five red lines of paint changing the word.

As an extra incentive for potential students to want to come to the college, we thought we would play around with some interesting and innovative print techniques to help display the concept in a really striking and bold way.

Format & Style We chose this format of Invitation as it is familiar and recognisable and also cheaper to print using our format. It’s roughly an (A6) sized postcard. We purposely wanted to give the invite a traditional look, that is almost reminiscent of printed ephemera that could be found in a church or other historical place. We will apply a contemporary feel through the use of the printing.

When you look at the postcard from a left and right angle, the word changes from ‘Grim’ to ‘Great’. This is best displayed on the next board where there are screenshots of this process physically working. You can also see a animated version of how this works over on our blog at;

Potential students that visit the exhibition can be given this poster which is white ink printed on red stock as shown in the top image. The poster will read ‘It’s Grim Up North.’ However, when they put the poster on their wall at home, through the use of an ovelaid UV coated ink, the phrase can come to life, literally lighting the room up with the new and improved phrase ‘It’s Great Up North.’

03 / 05

End of Year Show


E-Invite / Invitations

E-Flyer / Gif Animation

E-Invite 01

E-Invite 02

Online Content

The concept behind the E-Invite is to create a moving animation in the format of a (.gif) file which will constantly run on a never-ending loop. We feel that using this format, unlike an embedded video, will not become broken or hard to play or access when embedded into a website or email link. The short snappy-ness nature of the gif file also will show the creativity of the college more, and links better to our concept.

The concept behind the first E-Invite is to show and demonstrate the poster in context changing from the original quote, to the new and improved quote. We did this by capturing a stop-motion style set of photographs which starts with the original poster, then get manipulated into the new quote by a chosen model. The typography on the poster then changes to reveal further details about the end of year show.

The concept behind the second invite is to take another stop-motion style set of photographs that then creates a moving animation (.gif) file of the Lentincular Printing Process which has been discussed on the previous board. This gif shows a hand that moves the physical Invite from left to right which in turn alters the word ‘Grim’ to ‘Great’. This animation of the physical Invite in action could then be used as the E-Invite too, giving off the same tactile quality as a physical process, but on screen.

To help show the movement of these animated (.gif) files in action and much more digital content that surrounds this concept, we urge you to visit our online blog;

04 / 05

End of Year Show


It’s Great Up North

Internal Branding / Glow in the Dark

05 / 05

Outdoor Signage

Indoor Signage (Black Vinyl)

Floor Vinyl

Online Content

Outdoor signage will all follow the brand system that we have created. We plan to use the typeface as the main brandmark of the exhibition as this alone has a unique and memorable image. The addition of the red paint marks are a possiblity, but not essential.

The signage and wayfinding inside the college is proposed to be cut out of black matt vinyl. The vinyl can then be applied straight onto multiple surfaces around the college. This could be walls, floors, anywhere that’s interesting and even quirky, whilst also serving it’s purpose of directing people where to go.

Floor Vinyl will also be used as part of the brand. We hope to make the vinyl on the floor appear to have been painted directly onto it, and we can do this through the use of printing textured arrows onto a translucent vinyl sticker.

We have much more online content that surrounds our concept. Please take the time out to visit our blog;

LCA Brandmark We propose to use the brandmark of the new Leeds College of Art brand to be integrated within our campaign. We like the idea of using the separate shapes that make up the brand to outline key areas and be part of the wayfinding and over arching brand of the exhibition.

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