SG Doll House Play AU

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A Play in two acts by


Cast of Characters Nora Helmer

The early widow of Torvald Helmer, docile House, considered death

by drowning to save her abusive husband. Mavis Parodus

Bourgeois wife, a prostitute in her own reich, a house wife with a philandering huband.

Marilyn Monroe

Suicidal sex symbol of the late 1920’s, died of loneliness.

Gloria Parodus

Sister of Mavis Parodus, also killed herself.

Virginia Woolf

Foremost modernist writer of the 20th century, suicide by drowning in the River Ouse, Shakespeare’s sister.

Scene Rural Colorado Springs, Colorado. Time 2010 Act One Scene One SETTING:

In a three story house in the middle of a valley in Colorado Springs, NORA stands in the her bedroom, next to an unconscious TORVALD, speaking to

the doctor about her husband’s current state as the children are playing outside. AT RISE:

A very distressed NORA is frantically speaking to the doctor about TORVALD’s current state. NORA is sobbing uncontrollably and is nearly incoherent.

NORA (Talking mostly to herself: processing outloud, holding the hand of an unconscious TORVALD) I’m so sorry my love. And I should’ve been better for you. (voice break) The doctor said that you may never wake up. He said that after a tragedy I should be surrounded by people who will be able to take care of me.. Maybe even move back in with my father, send the kids to your mother’s house to live and be happy. He said after such an incident feelings may surface that may place me in compromising situations. I’m just so sorry my love.. (NORA breaks into sobs as a phantasmal VIRGINIA WOOLF appears.)

Is there ever a situation who feels lost? Unable to (Seemingly NORA looks face.)

VIRGINIA more compromising than a human grasp any sense of humanity? NORA unphased by the ethereal VIRGINIA up with tears streaming down her

I have no sense of being without him. NO purpose, no talents. VIRGINIA (Anger and sorrow pulsing through Her voice as she speaks to NORA)

What do you mean you have no purpose! How are you expected to understand your existence if the world around you has kept you blind to all of your possibilities except one? How are you supposed to understand what else you’re meant for if you’ve never been given the chance? Imagine the power you could possess if someone had taught you? If someone had told you all of what you could do-- instead of being bottled and packaged and traded and sold as this one use commodity, born and bred for childbirth- leaving all other potentials to die. NORA (Pulling herself together) No one has ever told me that I should do otherwise. VIRGINIA And not for a second did you think to question that? Haven’t you ever been tired of being everyone’s doll? Have you ever wanted to be more of a man’s play thing? Tossed around and used whenever they see fit? Wouldn’t you rather not be a person than a puppet? Will you always do what you’re told without question? Will you always say yes?

NORA (Utterly offended by all the things VIRGINIA has just said about her existence. A hurt and processing NORA gathers herself. Now standing, NORA straightens her herself and stares directly into VIRGINIA’s eyes, challenging both herself and VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA returns the powerful stare with a small smile of pride playing on her lipsshe may have finally written another ending for Shakespeare’s sister. This is who she came to see; the NORA filled with power and strife, a NORA to be reckoned with. ) NO.

Act Two Scene One SETTING:

In a three story house in the middle of a valley in Colorado Springs, the late Night air slips through the window as NORA sits in a rocking chair on the side of TORVALD as he lays there, bed ridden.


NORA is on her third tumbler of Scotch, watching her husband sleep and examining the bruises left on her skin from the morning prior, lightly pressing them.

NORA (Talking mostly to herself) What has his doll done? If he wasn’t so focused on his anger with my idiocy, he wouldn’t have fallen off the ladder. It’s the doll’s fault that he may never wake up again. The doctor said that for a man of his age, the odd are not in our favor. (Anger begins to bubble within NORA, Pressing harder on her bruises.) NORA (cont.) Stupid, stupid doll. How could I have put us in such an awful situation? How will Torvald ever forgive me? Will he ever learn to love his doll again.

(NORA’s head falls into her hands, she doesn’t notice MAVIS or GLORIA standing in front of her) GLORIA Has he hit you?! (NORA is startled out of her thoughts) MAVIS Answer the question, hun. If you don’t tell us we can’t help you. GLORIA (With a stern tone in her voice.) Did. He. Hit. You? (NORA,in her confused drunken state, decides she’s terribly drunk if she’s hallucinating characters from a play. NORA shrugs and decides to engage with GLORIA and MAVIS.) NORA Golly, what was in my Scotch? GLORIA Oh god! She’s self medicating! Mavis, we’ve got to help her! She’s got to get out of here! (MAVIS looks at GLORIA, then back at NORA.) MAVIS Where are the children? (The look on GLORIA’s face becomes hard as stone as she stares at MAVIS. MAVIS shifts uncomfortably.) MAVIS (cont.)

You have to consider the children. It is your duty among all other things. You have to protect them. Can’t you just grin and bear it? If only for the lives of your children? (GLORIA scoffs and directs herself to MAVIS) GLORIA What if this wasn’t her duty of choice? She’s clearly unhappy, Mavis! WHat if she didn’t have a choice? What if she knew of no other choice than the beaten path of motherhood?! (NORA’s head raises slowly, now interested enough in the conversation to set aside her logic.) MAVIS The path is beaten because it is what’s best! (NORA’s head turns between MAVIS and GLORIA, listening intently.) GLORIA It’s only what’s best when there are no other options! MAVIS And who are you to speak about options, Gloria? You don’t think you chose the life you led? You could’ve been such a beautiful bride.. GLORIA (Speaks in a low regretful voice casting her eyes slowly to NORA as she speaks to MAVIS.) Yes, Mavis. I could’ve been a very beautiful bride, and I would’ve been happy with a life like hers, but at very least I had a choice. Is the beauty of the bride the factor of her happiness? The factor of what her options are? What is there to say about our poor Nora? Has she ever known

anything other than what she has been told? Has she ever truly decided anything? NORA (Quietly speaking honestly, for the first time.) No. (NORA and GLORIA’s eyes meet for a hollow moment before both GLORIA and MAVIS exit.)


In a three story house in the middle of a valley in Colorado Springs. The fresh air kisses the grass and sweeps the sounds of NORA’s children playing across the yard. The nanny is watching them.


NORA is standing over her concussed Husband’s, TORVALD, bed. Deciding what to do about his predicament. She is pensive and pacing. Talking to an unconscious TORVALD.

NORA How am I supposed to support us now? Huh?! How do you expect me to save our family now?! Time and time again I try make you happy and I can’t. And what if I don’t want to? Can’t I decide that for myself? I don’t know if I want to save our family, Torvald. What am I supposed to do? (NORA breaks down at TORVALD’s bed side. She feels lost and worthless asking TORVALD what she can do to help the family. TORVALD stirs, seeming to awaken and mumbles something.)

TORVALD (very weak from the concussion) There is nothing you can do. There never has been. You constantly cause me such pain and my injury is god punishing you for not being good enough to me. (TORVALD chokes on air, then breaks into a fit of violent cough and begins to choke out words.) TORVALD (cont.) My little dove! (TORVALD sputters.) My water! Please! (NORA stands and watches him cough, unmoving while TORVALD struggles, seemingly lost in thought. As NORA watches TORVALD struggle for air, her mind drifts and she takes in her surroundings. At this moment, she realizes she has a choice.) NORA What am I worth now that your life is in my hands? What can your little dove do to save us now? (NORA stares a cold hard stare at TORVALD, daring him to degrade her.) TORVALD (TORVALD’s cough settles, Tears escaping his eyes from The raging coughing fit. Unable to process the words that have just come out of NORA’s mouth. His voice is shushed with fear.) W-What has gotten into you? Where has my little dove gone? NORA

She has flown away Torvald. Flown far far away and will never come back. Now, my sweet, sweet pup, answer my question! What am I worth now that your life is in my hands? Am I enough to cast away your honor? Or your stupid, stupid pride? (NORA snatches the pillow from under TORVALD’s head and toys with it in her hands, seemingly deciding what to do with her husband next.) NORA (cont.) Am I worth any more than the night I tried to kill myself? Brought out of my sacrificial descent into the dark for you, and our children? Brought back by you shaking me and screaming about my idiocy?! Am I worth more than the night I decided to die for you- the night I decided to kill myself so that you and the children could inherit my father’s money?! (NORA, with a voice in a quiet rage.) NORA (cont.) What is your dove worth? (NORA palms the pillow and slowly sits on the side of TORVALD’s bed.) NORA (cont.) Am I worth your pride yet? Is your docile little dove worth the loss of your reputation? Isn’t my loyalty satisfying enough? Aren’t my children beautiful enough? Wasn’t the disgusting night you forced your way into my body enough for you?! Isn’t my DEDICATION TO YOUR SIN ENOUGH FOR YOU,PUP? AM I NOT THE STRONG MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN?! AM I NOT THE BACKBONE OF YOUR CRUMBLING HOUSE AND THE FOUNDATION OF WHICH YOUR PRIDE IS BUILT! (NORA’s voice darkens in a sinister manner, eye darkening as her stare becomes filled with rage.) NORA (cont.) Or am I still as worthless as the day you married me? A pet to be played with and trained? Or isn’t your little dove

prepared to fly now? Prepared to protect the nest on her own? (By the look in NORA’s eyes, TORVALD knows that there is no going back. TORVALD begins to panic, attempting to scream with a worn, raspy voice.) TORVALD Help! P-please! Stop her! S-she’s hysterical! Please! (NORA smirks at his attempts to save himself.) NORA Oh, my little pup. Don’t you know how I hate to hear you bark? (An sadistic grin slips across NORA’s face as she smothers her husband with his own down feather pillow.)


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