Survival plan vol 1

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Part 1: Mission Ideally, I’d love to a diplomat, or some sort of legislative representative. I’d like to be an agent for change, equity and globalization. I’d love to challenge the status quo. I believe in strengthening and empowering people through unity and a stabilized foundation for growth. People should be allotted the same opportunities regardless of circumstantial differences. My mission is to make strides towards a more equitable and sustainable world. I’d like to move into the world of legislation, policy and public influence. I can envision myself starting as a small community organizer or teacher within the community to enable a true and authentic connection between my beliefs and needs now as well as the beliefs and needs of whatever community I work with. I am currently a senior in high school. I have made strides to authentically communicate my beliefs both as an affiliate and student of GCE as well as in my own personal time, as a simple citizen of Chicago. I have made good networking connections between 501c3 directors as well as journalists, artists, graphic designers, tech gurus and entrepreneurs of valiance and communal causes. I hope to ensure stability and opportunities for the citizens around us that may be marginalized or simply going without their essential needs. Despite the fact that I am still evolving as a person in terms of my style, hormones and emotional development, I have always found this passion and cause to be true to my character. I believe that everyone needs to be afforded the most essential of foundational resources and be allotted the same opportunities as those who may not have had to worry about such elemental resources.

Part 2: Lay of the Land In terms of my educational requirements and job/volunteer opportunities, I feel as though I am headed in the right direction. It is necessary to have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science or Urban Planning simply to give anyone looking to make their way down this path a general idea of the rhetorical skills and talents needed to truly be successful. The world of politics is also much more giving/ welcoming to those who have “experience-based” knowledge. Nepotism is helpful as well. For my path specifically I plan to have a double bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations as well as my masters degree in journalism a PHD in Political Science with a focus on community organizing. All of the skills I will learn in the pursuit of each of these accreditations will not only supply a padding to my ethos and resume, but should also prepare me for whoever may attempt to belittle my mission with rhetorical fallacies and undercooked stats​. ​ In order to create the ethos necessary to have a legitimate following in the world of legislation, it makes impact to have a list of credible and successful partnerships, endeavors. All of the most effective and credible politicians have a long rap-sheet of all of their achievements. Shermichael Singleton is an example of a person in the general field of work I want to commit myself to. Shermichael is a conservative political commentator whom I admire not only for his rhetorical ability, but also for the long list of campaigns and consulting efforts that he has allowed himself to be a part of. Another example of a person in my career realm who has made strides in a similar manner to how I envision myself is Troy LaRaviere. Mr. LaRaviere was the former President of the Chicago Teachers

Union and principal to several of Chicago’s elementary schools. Like Troy, I can envision myself finding my way into the world of politics simply by want to make changes in the communities that I can help and am a part of. It is a great inspiration to me to see all of these people, who are also of color, make strives for equity and change. Seeing them reach these levels of impact/influence gives me confidence and faith in my own path.

Map & Pillars Visualized

(​Pillars & Goals, SG, 2018)

Timeline Arrupe College: June 2020 UIC/ Bachelor’s Degree: June 2022 Campaign Management/Fundraising for Politicians: 2023 Masters: June 2024

Speech Writer: July-August 2024 Internship with Leap & 826: September 2024 Campaign Management/Fundraising for Politicians: 2026 Speech Writer: July-August 2030 Campaign Management/Fundraising for Politicians: 2032 First Politically Commentating Opportunity: 2033

Part 4: Necessary Resources -​People​ necessary: Nina Smith, 2023 Mayoral Candidate for Chicago, Lucas Sproat, Andrea Coria, 2029 Senate Candidate, Alicia Reyes, Catherine Gotfred, David Pintor, Troy LaRaviere, GCE Lab School Associates Board, 826 Chicago. -​Budget​: 80k for living expenses until 2026 at which time I should be a sustainable person with a stable career. With my first two years of college covered entirely by financial aid as well as work study, I will be left with a budget of approximately 19k a year to sustain myself until I am at a place in my career that provides enough to support my goals. -​Places​: Chicago, Chicago City Hall, Springfield City Hall, GCE Lab School, Newberry Library, Washington D.C, Senate Chambers, Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce. -​Intangible goods​: Moral Support, emotional stability, humility, confidence, social interactions with like minded individuals, coffee dates, slam poetry, open mics.

-​Tangible goods​: a bed, home, ventra fare/transportation, laptop, business clothes, food, kitchenware, miscellaneous expenses, vices.

Parts 5 & 6: Non-negotiable Elements & A Plan for Adaptation There is nothing that I will be able to sacrifice if a roadblock is truly encountered due to the fact that my roadblock will most likely have to do with mental/emotional wellbeing. There are no tangible items I will have the ability to sacrifice while still being able to properly sustain myself as an economic member of society. When I do reach a place in my career where I do have to make a sacrifice it will most likely be a sacrifice of social consequence like getting married or having kids. Ideally I’ll find a partner who is supportive of my goals and the elements of my mission that may ask me to sacrifice those things. I hope to not have to forego experiences that I will teach me valuable lessons. I am not willing to sacrifice my goals or adjust my cause or mission. At no point will my goal change, simply the methods and paths I may have to take in order to reach it. I don’t believe there are any tangible things that I have the capacity to give up. The physical elements that I have listed as necessary elements are essential to my journey.​ ​ Worst case scenario I will find another tool for my skills to complete my mission. I wish to instill and ensure equity for people through the tools and elements I have at my disposal. With these tools I will authentically communicate the political-social climate, culture and issues within the areas I am exploring. Although the idea of altering my path is still very unsettling, it never hurts to have a feasible plan of adaptation. I can’t imagine a world where I am still content as an existing element of the planet without having fulfilled what I believe is my purpose. Having to wrestle with the possibility of self-imposed failure is something I have not yet truly processed. Despite the fact that I am aware of all the

elements of my existing I will have no control over, I know what I want to do and can see myself being useful in. My backup plan will consist of finding a job that allows me to express myself, my truth and the truth of others needs in authentic and eloquent manners.

Part 7: Quotes of Reassurance & Why “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”​ -Isaac Asimov, year unknown. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.”​ -Margaret Mead, 1978 “​Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” -Albert Einstein, year unknown “I remember what I must, even if it makes me the villain of my own story.” -Josephine Angelini, year unknown “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill, year unknown

The quotes listed above were diligently and careful chosen to help inspire me through the less simplistic times in my career and personal life. Each of those quotes above not only serves as a comment and lesson on my own flaws and areas of improvement, but they also serve as a totem of endurance. The extent of I relate to each of the statements above is two-fold; once for all trials and emotions I am going through, and second for all the other people that have felt the same way I have and needed the same reassurance/support.

Works Cited “Troy for Chicago.” ​Troy for Chicago​, ​​. “Shermichael Singleton.” ​Politicon,​

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