Cure AP 3 Patient Profile

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Patient Profile CURE AP 3 Patient Demographics Name: Eleanor Lopez Gender: Female Age: 16 Medical History: The patient has had no significant medical issues thus far. The patient occasionally experiences panic attacks, usually brought on by stress. The patient has had a history of weight fluctuation during early pubescent years. The patient’s weight is currently stabilized and healthy. Lifestyle Behaviors: The patient eats an omnivore diet with less than half the meals she eats in a week being entire meatless. The patient also walks two miles a day with her dog; this activity is a relaxor for the patient. The patient is on contraception. Medical Concerns/Family History: The patient’s family has a history of obesity, heart disease, depression on her mother’s side of the family. There is currently no medical information about the patient’s father. Purpose of Consultation: The patient is worried about her mental health. This consultation is to find preventative measures that will lower the patient’s risk of depression and suicide.

Patient Risk Familial Risk: Given the family’s medical history, with 6 out of 11 members of her family being diagnosed with depression and 1 out of 6 of the clinically depressed members of her family have committed suicide. Given these facts, the patient has a 54% chance of acquiring clinical depression.

Risk Assessment: After the patient has taken a risk of depression assessment, provided by University of Wisconsin, Madison Health, the patient’s estimated risk of acquiring clinical depression is relatively high. According to University of Wisconsin, Madison Health, Eleanor should consider seeking help.

Treatment/Prevention Suggestions Pt.1 Medications: Due to Eleanor’s lifestyle, it seems to be best to prescribe natural supplements such as St. John’s Wort or other naturally made supplements like Omega-3 fatty acids, that are often found in fish oils and walnuts, these natural supplements will help balance her chemicals in a more gentle way than prescription medicines. Nutrition Plan: Eleanor should start to eat a minimum of three meals a day and continue to lower her consumption of red meats and sugary drinks. Eleanor should start to incorporate more

of the following foods into her diet: dark leafy greens (vitamins A, C, E and K), bananas (potassium and serotonin), avocados (vitamins K, C, E-12,and B), walnuts (omega-3 fatty acids) and beans. Each of the previously listed food have vitamins, minerals and chemicals within them that will help stabilize her mood and tune her body to be as healthy and happy as possible.

Treatment/Prevention Suggestions cont. Lifestyle Recommendations: Eleanor should continue to take care of her dog, as it is a relaxor and stabilizer for her, as well as continue to pursue her artistic capabilities in glassblowing and slam poetry, by pursuing these avenues Eleanor should find an outlet for her emotions when she begins to feel isolated and overwhelmed. She should start to incorporate at least 20 minutes of physical activity a day, preferably outside during the warmer months. Eleanor should also find a stable sleep/wake schedule to ensure she does not develop insomnia or a habit of binge sleeping. Specifically during the summer months, Eleanor should be outside in the sun at least once a day for a minimum of 3o minutes at a time this will get her endorphins going while also increase her levels of serotonin and dopamine which will are the chemicals in the brain that make her happier, more excitable and talkative. . Alternative Therapies: Other therapies/remedies for Eleanor may include: dog therapy, which is the act of spending time with a dog in a calming environment, swimming, cardio exercises and intramural team sports that may interest her.

Patient Goals Goals and Timeline: -

In 10 months Eleanor should have: found a hobby/career that makes her happy, found a consistent counselor/therapist to help her work through any emotional problems that may surface, she should meet with this counselor at least twice a week.


Within the next 12 months Eleanor should progressive weed out the elements of red meats in diet until they are almost gone completely, by the end of the year she should consume red meats no more that once a week.


Within 5 years Eleanor should played on at least one sport team for a minimum of three seasons in order to ensure that she feels less isolated and more social, while continuing to raise and stabilize her levels of serotonin and dopamine.


Resources Used in Consultation "8 Solo Activities for Managing Depression and Loneliness." Web. 27 May 2016. "10 Foods I Eat Every Day to Beat Depression." Sanity Break. Web. 27 May 2016. "Depression (major Depressive Disorder)." Natural Remedies for Depression: Are They Effective? Web. 27 May 2016.

"Health Information." UW Health. Web. 27 May 2016.

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