SGPLUS Nº15 · Del 21 de abril al 19 de mayo de 2021

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Del 21 de abril al 19 de mayo · Nº15 · 2021 de SOTOGRANDE


Towards a diverse, inclusive and recognisable offering The leisure sector looks forward to this year with high hopes, but advocates moving away from seasonality and creating a destination brand known for the wide variety of what it has to offer


By nature, people like to seek out variety in their life experiences. It is vital to the development of the individual and to society at large. We choose these activities for many reasons: out of affinity, a conscious or unconscious attraction, for pleasure, and even by chance. Leisure time is so important for mental and physical health, but for over a year, due to the pandemic restrictions, we have largely been forced to cut back it on or simply cut it out entirely. But if something positive can be taken from what we are living through, it is that both consumers and companies have learned to value and enjoy what our immediate environment has to offer. With that in mind, SGplus decided that for this edition of Meetings in d´Alicia, we would bring together a group of businessmen representing the Sotogrande leisure sector. However, we wanted to look beyond golf or polo - the two predominant activities in the area - to take in some of the other past times enjoyed by both residents and tourists. After introducing themselves, Tom Shield (The Jolly Mile), Álvaro Sánchez (Serendipity), David Ledesma (Castellar GP), Carlos Calvo (Juguenia) and Carlos Zafra (The Beach) struck up a conversation. They all run leisure businesses that offer a range of activities open to everyone. Activities that now more than ever meet people’s desire to be outdoors, spend time with the family in contact with nature, discover beautiful rural areas that remain unknown to many, play sports or simply relax in a safe environment. And it’s all right here on our doorstep: horseback riding, 4x4 routes, discovering new trails by electric bike and by Mini Moke, taking a boat ride, taking the little ones out to a different playground or enjoying a beach in the heart of Sotogrande without thinking about crowds or parking problems.

Lack of information and stereotypes If this meeting served one purpose, it was to demonstrate the need for the leisure sector to engage in outreach and communication. A debate that Carlos Calvo quickly brought to the table, using as an example his ignorance

the talk: the shortage of year-round hotel rooms. However, the upcoming opening of SO / Sotogrande sheds some light on this.


of Sotogrande when he arrived six years ago: “I didn’t know anything, just hearsay. I had the idea that it was an elitist environment.” And he added, “that’s a drawback, because not all the people who can consume our product, meet that description. For me, it is important that people know that the prices and services we offer are suitable for all budgets”. According to Calvo, this can be achieved by a communication campaign where the region’s other leisure-related activities, besides polo and golf, can also be advertised. Because, he said, “the idea is not to replace, but to add to.” The other invitees agreed that this was necessary so as to continue attracting both national and international tourists and residents, who are also potential consumers of these activities. However, others like Tom Shield and Carlos Zafra point out that things are already being done from within their own companies. “Sotogrande is thought of in terms of exclusivity and what I think we are all trying to do is make it inclusive. Over the last year we have been working to overcome this stereotype,” explained Zafra.

Seasonality and hotel rooms Another characteristic feature of leisure-

related activity in Sotogrande has always been seasonality. It’s a drawback that entrepreneurs have to live with but at the same time are trying to change. In addition, as a result of the pandemic, 2020 has been even more seasonal than usual, commented Tom. According to David Ledesma, this also brought about a change in the customer profile. For his part, Zafra spoke of “the need to extend the seasons a bit, so that rather than having huge numbers coming only in summer, that it be spread over several more months a year and that people are made aware that there are also things to do here in winter”. On which point, Álvaro Sánchez added another positive aspect of the area: “the exceptional weather we have here.” This has helped launch initiatives for several years “to bring soccer teams from northern Europe to do their pre-season here when before they only went to Marbella to train. Polo fields have been adapted and agreements have been reached with the hotels”, he said. Something that his company is also trying to do for European cycling teams. But when it comes to attracting more people throughout the year, we run into one of the drawbacks that came up during

For those who know the environment, its potential and the possibilities for common growth, as is the case with our guests, it is almost mandatory to propose solutions and proposals that help us adapt to the new times and make Sotogrande and its BENJUMEA ARQUITECTOS surroundings stand out on the map. A place to go knowing what’s on offer in terms of leisure and how to access it. On this point, Calvo insisted on the need to create an association of business people from all sectors of the area. “The idea is that a large group of companies - between 50100 - come together to ask for subsidies, talk to the City Council and do something great. Though I don’t see it as a panacea”, he added. It’s an initiative that’s supported by some of the businessmen, such as Álvaro, who says that “the business model is changing. If you fight the war alone, you will have to fight more than if we fight it together. Collaboration and synergies between people are always a good way to grow and change things.” Despite the uncertainty of the past year, entrepreneurs recognise that it has helped them to re-energise, renew themselves, invent new formulas and make contact with other companies to streamline and enrich their product. Perhaps the most striking case is that of Álvaro, who started up his company last March. “It forced us to reinvent ourselves much more. There were markets for the electric bicycle that nobody had touched,” he explained. For his part, Tom spoke of making new contacts with people he didn’t even know existed before. One positive aspect of the pandemic for Zafra is that it gave him the necessary time to “turn around and take on new sales channels.” Now, the businessmen say they are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. They are positive about this year’s forecasts and feel certain that the area will enjoy a good summer.

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