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3-I.K. FOSTER CHILDREN AND FOSTER ADULTS Foster adults are usually persons with disabilities, unrelated to the tenant family, who are unable to live alone [24 CFR 5.609(c)(2)]. The term foster child is not specifically defined by the regulations. Foster children and foster adults that are living with an applicant or resident family are considered household members but not family members. The income of foster children/adults is not counted in family annual income and foster children/adults do not qualify for a dependent deduction [24 CFR 5.603 and HUD-50058 IB, pp. 13-14]. SFHA Policy A foster child is a child that is in the legal guardianship or custody of a state, county, or private adoption or foster care agency, yet is cared for by foster parents in their own homes, under some kind of short-term or long-term foster care arrangement with the custodial agency. Children that are temporarily absent from the home as a result of placement in foster care are discussed in Section 3-I.L.

36 | P a g e San Francisco Housing Authority Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy 2012

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