SF MAGAZINE Vol 1, Issue 29

Page 141

The west addition with its atrium glass and ground to peak roofline does not prostitute the old, but actually honors it by perpetuating the same progressive thinking. It has become a Dutch signature. For very practical reasons the original load-bearing support members were left in place, reminders of the foundational past. Parts of the original structure had to be bolstered up. Again, for practical reasons tubular steel was chosen over wood, which is now astronomically expensive and environmentally irresponsible. Starkly contrasting textures generally look better together than having some of them just a bit eschew each to the other in an effort to replicate the original. Tie it all together with final appointments executed in the same thought process and there you have it, wholesome everyday living within the oval. You don’t have to be Dutch to see life and living spaces under these terms, but scrub the Irish; I wish I was orange, not green.


De Goede Hoop

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