Connections Fall 2023

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WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE? School Snapshots 2 Family Spotlight 3 Focus on Faculty 4 Focus on Students 6 Community Life 8 Oh, the Places They’ll Go! 12 Alumni Events 15 2022-2023 Annual Report 16 Neon Nights Auction 26 Celebrating 60 Years 28

EDITOR Corinne Hayhurst

Message from the Head of School As I reflect back on our 60th anniversary year last year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for this community we share. Although we have weathered (literally and metaphorically) quite a few challenges in recent years, we now stand poised for the next decade of whole child education for every child in this cherished school. Last year, the Board approved a two-month sabbatical for me, an idea widely embraced in academia as a means for educators to introspect and recharge. I seized this opportunity to plan a journey spanning from mid-November to midJanuary, taking me to three destinations I had yet to explore: Antarctica, South Africa, and Indonesia. Across these diverse landscapes, I immersed myself in their nature, wildlife, and cultures. My goals were threefold: to cultivate a practice of mindfulness to help me “quiet my mind” after navigating through several years shaped by the pandemic; to engage in reflective writing as a way to look back on my life so far, take stock, and make meaning; and to test my physical limits by venturing into environments entirely unfamiliar to me. I had been reading about the life and work of Ernest Shackleton, striving to understand his brand of leadership. As I embarked on my own personal odyssey to discover new horizons, I was emboldened by his vision. He said, “The world is a huge place. How will you know where you fit in unless you explore beyond your comfort zone?” This sentiment mirrors our


Amy Walters


Adam Lechner ’87, Barb Eaton, Kathleen McNamara, Seven Hills Faculty and Parents WRITERS Hannah Ruane, Riki Gibson,

Dan Murphy



975 North San Carlos Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 933-0666

Favorite Read Alouds

work at Seven Hills—guiding our students to venture outside their comfort zones, try new things, and discover their passions. These uncharted territories are where the magic is. And those of us in schools love what we do because the children in our midst are explorers, optimists, and conquerors. They make us—their teachers, coaches, and parents—idealists. I returned from my sabbatical with a renewed spirit and enthusiasm for what lay ahead at Seven Hills! The 2022-23 year was marked by many community highlights—faculty embracing collaborations in new teams and ways (p. 4), a strong focus on student-centered endeavors (p. 5), the revival of community events in full swing (p. 8), a heartwarming Alumni Reunion commemorating 100 years of service by Barb Ewell Eaton and Linden Van Wert (p. 15), and a glowing good time at the auction (p. 28). We continued to celebrate our passionate graduates, steadfast alumni, and generous supporters (p. 18). And finally, the 60th anniversary provided several special moments for commemoration (p. 28-29). With a new theme of Building Community by Exploring Identity, the 2023-24 school year promises to be just as inspiring at Seven Hills. Our focus will revolve around delving deeper into understanding our families and creating inclusive and safe environments that honor and affirm all learners. As I enthusiastically agreed to extend my contract as Head of School for another five years through 2028, I look forward to our continued work together as we imagine the possibilities for the Seven Hills of the future. I hope you enjoy this issue of Connections. It is with deep gratitude that I look back on our 60th year as we shared knowledge and stories and wove our experiences together. Gratefully,

Kathleen McNamara Head of School


MISSION STATEMENT The Seven Hills School is a learning community with the mission to develop the intellect, engage the spirit, and foster respect for, and responsibility to, our world.


2022-23 SCHOOL SNAPSHOTS hours clocked by 80 volunteers at Campus Beautification Day





parent satisfaction achieved in ECE, 95% schoolwide

of bananas ordered each week by Epicurean Nearly

90% 11,498 book check-outs in the library


of school waste diverted to recycling or compost recognized by Contra Costa County RecycleSmart

raised for the Annual Fund, a new record for generous annual support


percent of middle school students participated in at least one of 8 sports offered


buddies meetings across ECE - 8th grade


student sketchbooks created in the Lower School art studio

29,029 vertical feet ascended on the school climbing wall (the equivalent of a trek up Mt. Everest!)


students and guardians created 220 spring cards for seniors through Mercy Brown Bag as part of PIA Community Connections

27,300 steps a day walked by new Director of Facilities 2


Connection to the Seven Hills campus and curriculum often runs deep, transcending the years a student spends between Rainbow and 8th grade. For parents Shireen Ghorbani and Christian Balzer, this special connection is intergenerational. Their children, Tieran in 3rd grade and Ayla in Rainbow, are now growing and learning on the same campus where Shireen spent her 1st through 6th grade years as a Seven Hills student. “It has really stayed with me throughout my life,” said Shireen, an East Bay native, reflecting on her Seven Hills experience. The picturesque campus beauty and the unique experiential learning opportunities offered in nature—class field trips to Marin Headlands, the Monterey tide pools, and a local Native American site—stand out as formative memories of her elementary schooling. As she embarked on a new school journey in 7th grade, she distinctly remembers the strong sense of self-assurance she carried with her and has deep gratitude to Seven Hills for providing her the space to be comfortable with her authentic self. Several decades later Shireen and Christian were pursuing their careers as doctors in Southern California before deciding to relocate to the Bay Area to be closer to family in 2019. Finding the right

“Seven Hills has maintained the spirit and philosophies it had when I was there.” school for their son Tieran, who would be entering Kindergarten the following school year, became an even more pressing and complex matter when the pandemic hit a few months later. While Seven Hills was always in the back of her mind, the family’s move and the onset of the pandemic brought Shireen’s experience with the school back to the forefront of their thoughts. They trusted that Seven Hills could provide Tieran with the best educational experience, and knew they had made the right choice once he started his Kindergarten year in Kelly Cardella’s classroom. With the passing of Mrs. Cardella the following year, they remain even more grateful for their time with her infectious positive energy, enthusiasm, and uncanny ability to engage her students in an incredibly difficult virtual learning environment.

After trusting in the positive experiences Shireen had at Seven Hills, Christian, a midwestern native who attended both public and private schools growing up, quickly came to understand the magic of the community and curriculum. He cited the 2nd grade Global Us project as an event that embodied the diversity and spirit of learning at Seven Hills—incorporating memorization and presentation skills through different songs and dances, while also teaching Tieran about himself and his heritage and giving him a sense of belonging in his class community. Both Shireen and Christian acknowledge the value the school offers not only to its students but to its parents and guardians. In a time where families face unprecedented challenges, the homeschool partnership and sharing of resources have been crucial in creating a supportive network for parents to learn together. Above all, they believe the magic of Seven Hills lies within its one-of-akind community. “The people are really the strength of Seven Hills,” said Christian of its faculty, staff, and families. Watching both children embark on their own educational journeys at Seven Hills is emotional and nostalgic for Shireen. “There’s something surreal about having your kids go to elementary school where you did,” she said. Their family represents the coming together of Seven Hills past and present, offering a unique viewpoint on how the school has evolved while remaining true to its core values.


FOCUS ON FACULTY A Culture of Collaboration Seven Hills values collaboration. A component of our Portrait of a Graduate, our faculty recognizes the importance of cultivating this skill through interactions with one another and modeling it for our students. In the ever-evolving world of education, the role of successful faculty collaboration has risen as a key element in enhancing the student learning journey. Synergy among educators has the power to cultivate a nurturing atmosphere, foster student development, encourage inventive approaches, and address the diverse needs of learners. Building on our ongoing commitment to collaboration, Seven Hills faculty and staff delved further into this theme throughout the 2022-23 school year. In his role as Assistant Head of School for Teaching and Learning last year, Dr. Victor Llanque led a number of professional development days focused on promoting collaboration within our teaching community. On one professional development day in March, Dr. Llanque invited the faculty to consider the following questions: What is collaboration? Why do we collaborate? What does it feel like? What are the necessary skills to collaborate? Can they be taught? If so, how do we do that? How can we be better collaborators?


Together, employees completed two collaborative challenges— the “Helium Ring” challenge and the creation of a comprehensive school map. Despite its simple premise—for the group to lower a hula hoop down to the ground using only their index fingers—the Helium Ring exercise proved surprisingly difficult, affirming the importance of clear communication in responding to a challenge. Creating a school map also presented a unique challenge to faculty; given the expansiveness of the Seven Hills campus, what aspects should the group choose to highlight or leave out? How would the group delegate the designing, drawing, and decorating of the map? Later that same day, teachers met with their division groups to complete collaborative exercises relevant to their own teams, such as: • ECE and Lower School faculty assessing student work and writing samples based on specific rubric criteria • The K-8 arts department analyzing student work to inform instruction • Middle School advisors using student presentations and portfolios to prepare for student-led conferences

FOCUS ON FACULTY “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Aristotle

Finally, each team member took a moment to reflect upon a collaborative experience—either a success or a lesson from a setback. These reflections served as a springboard for insightful discussions about the elements that contribute to successful collaborations and those that are better left behind. Takeaways from the workshop included the importance of risk-taking, respecting areas of expertise, balancing planning and execution, and showing up with your unique strengths and perspectives, all while working towards a shared purpose in service to the Seven Hills mission. Professional development opportunities promote an environment where synergy, trust, communication, and cooperation thrive. Cultivating a culture of collaboration among the adults on campus empowers our students to be strong collaborators in the classroom, too. Seven Hills educators model the spirit of shared goal-setting, idea-sharing, and teamwork that shapes our students into “collaborative leaders and followers” by the time they walk across the graduation stage.

“Super 7” Faculty & Staff 7 Years Lori Auffhammer Michelle Barahona* Lucy Chappell Laurel Evans Patty Gonser* Jesus Hernandez* Kelly McCargar 14 Years Christi Gotvald Adam Lechner *not pictured


FOCUS ON STUDENTS Igniting Curiosity Through Hands-On Learning Step into a Seven Hills classroom, and you’ll find examples of experiential learning, real-world relevance, and the integration of curriculum across disciplines. Students explore interconnected

Red Barn Racers The Reggio-Emilia-inspired philosophy in ECE places children’s curiosity and inquiries at the forefront of their learning journey from their earliest days on campus. Last year in Red Barn, a shared interest in motorcycles sparked an engaging year-long inquiry into the world of motocross. Throughout the inquiry, students enjoyed visits from community motocross experts, where they had the chance to ask questions and deepen their understanding of the sport. They stretched their motor skills and imaginations as they crafted miniature motorcycles and race tracks, and collaborated in committees to bring the firstever campus “Race Day” to life. “This is a child-led curriculum where we as teachers observe and listen,” said ECE teacher Shauna Maraccini. The teacher’s role is to support the student’s cycle of inquiry without a preestablished outcome, she explained, weaving in literacy and skills along the way. Culminating on a sunny May morning with parents and guardians, older students, faculty, and staff cheering them on, the Red Barn students “raced” across their specially designed campus course, showcasing their handlebar tricks and personalized sponsor bibs. It was a remarkable and communitybuilding demonstration of emergent learning in early childhood.


knowledge through active experiences that go beyond the textbook, ignite curiosity, and foster understanding of the world around them. Whether through interactive science experiments, community

3rd Grade Changemakers In a world filled with challenges and opportunities, Seven Hills students are encouraged to look into the world and actively contribute to their community. This was the goal of the 3rd grade changemakers unit, which deepened students’ understanding of nonprofit organizations and integrated social studies, math, language arts, science, eco-literacy, and sustainability. The unit concluded with a dynamic Young Changemakers Day, a full day dedicated to handson service activities. In the morning session, students partnered with Pledge to Humanity to assemble 200 toiletry kits and 200 food kits destined for youth shelters. In the afternoon, supported by parent volunteers, they sorted through a collection of 500 donated books from their class book drive, crafted 150 seed packets, painted nearly 50 kindness rocks, and produced numerous bookmarks. These meaningful projects served as bridges between the classroom, the nonprofit world, and the broader community.

FOCUS ON STUDENTS service projects, or immersive field trips, Seven Hills aims to provide tangible, real-world connections to studies, inviting the broader community to participate in celebratory culminating experiences.

5th Grade Entrepreneurs In 5th grade, students became young entrepreneurs through the new BizWorld financial literacy math unit. This three-week project, developed in Silicon Valley and now the world’s largest teacher-led entrepreneurial program, had students forming companies to design, manufacture, and market friendship bracelets with a collaborative spirit. The 5th graders didn’t just create bracelets but formed a mini-business ecosystem—embracing distinct leadership roles, writing resumes and cover letters, pitching their ideas, building their brand identities through slogans or jingles, and learning business ethics and principles from special faculty and staff guests. At the end of the unit, the entrepreneurs set up shop in the Student Commons and welcomed teachers and 3rd graders to BizWorld Market Day. Each customer came away with carefully crafted bracelets, paid for in “Biz Bucks,” while 5th graders applied their real-world business skills.

6th Grade Space Explorers

In a shift from the Box City unit of years past, BizWorld is “less about the actual product, and more about the process of what they were creating,” explained teachers Nancy Palmer and Phil McFann. Taking place at school from start to finish, the unit focused on teaching students the intricate workings of the business world, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset, and equipping them with practical knowledge to become future problem solvers.

This immersive experience showcases the breadth of topics within space exploration lessons. Math explores mathematicians’ contributions to our understanding of the universe; language arts delves into science fiction writing, allowing students to draw from their own imagination; science involves building rockets using water pressure. Each class reinforces and merges learning from other subjects, creating an engaging learning experience.

The 6th grade Astrogation Week is the apex of students’ history of space exploration science unit. Blending integrated content with hands-on design, the week brings space history to life and nurtures students’ curiosity, teaching them about success, failure, perseverance, iteration, and teamwork.

On the final day, students proudly present their mission research to parents and teachers. They trace the journey from Sputnik to SpaceX, accompanied by a model rocket they’ve constructed. Afterward, students head to the field for a launch of their own freestyle water rocket. A community favorite event with younger students as eager spectators, 6th graders demonstrate their rocket design, stability testing, and iterative process, and enjoy success as their rockets soar into the sky.



8th graders toss their completed position papers into the air, celebrating the culmination of this months-long research and writing project.

3rd grade engineers explore hands-on activities, labs, and design challenges at The Tech Interactive Museum.

Laughter echoes and friendships strengthen during Extended Day’s ever-popular Kids’ Night Out.


2nd graders cozy up and celebrate a year of reading and storytelling at their annual read-in event.

At ECE “Stay and Play Fridays,” children share their excitement as they guide their caretakers through creative classroom wonders.

The Parent Involvement Association (PIA) embraced the theme Better, Stronger, Together for the 2022-23 school year, celebrating the power of connection within the parent/guardian community and welcoming the full return of in-person activities. Throughout the year, the PIA successfully fostered both existing and new bonds through a number of community service opportunities and social events, including: • Morning walks at the Contra Costa Canal Trail, Lafayette Reservoir, and Mt. Diablo Regional Trail • Community cleanup of the Radke Martinez Regional Shoreline • Fall Campus Beautification • Holiday Support-a-Family • An “Arts & Crafts Explored” session on Valentine’s Day • Happy Hour at Calicraft Brewing Co. • Student card-making for the Mercy Brown Bag program

Enthusiastic alumni, teachers, and students attend the touring production of “Six,” a musical about the six wives of Henry VIII, featuring alumna Storm Lever ’07 as Anne Boleyn.

Stepping into leadership with a smile, 6th grader Henry reads to Red Barn students as honorary Head of School for the day.

With the campus fully open to our community, Seven Hills enjoyed strong parent turnouts at the Auction, Engage the Spirit days, schoolwide assemblies, gradelevel classroom events, and monthly PIA meetings. Guided by its theme of strength and unity, the PIA led the way in engaging parents and guardians in school life, promoting volunteerism, and strengthening community connections.



Kindergartners and their Very Important People (VIPs) commemorate the year’s conclusion with a special celebration at Heather Farm Park.

Go Jags! Middle School athletics nurture new skills and foster camaraderie.

Return of Middle School International Travel After a several-year pause, international trips made a welcomed return to the Middle School curriculum during the 2022-23 school year. These trips are defining moments in Seven Hills’ experiential education, shaping students’ global perspectives and developing a sense of their place in both our local community and the wider world. In February, 7th grade students embarked on a remarkable journey to the battlefields of Europe, bringing their studies of World War II to life. Simultaneously, our 8th graders voyaged to Japan, rekindling a cherished international cultural exchange program that began in 1999 with students from Kita City. A contingent of students who didn’t travel internationally enjoyed enriching local excursions to museums and cultural sites across the Bay Area. All these immersive experiences serve to expand horizons, unveil new possibilities, and bring our world closer together. Traveling abroad allows students to form meaningful connections with their peers and locals from different backgrounds, all while making the history lessons in their textbooks more tangible and memorable. At the same time, as students learn to navigate through new environments, manage their belongings, and engage with people from different backgrounds, they cultivate essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.


Lower School Students Engage the Spirit The end-of-school-year warm weather brought opportunities for classmate bonding and fun in the sun before students set off for summer break. Among the highlights of this season was the return of “Engage the Spirit” to the school calendar in May, marking its reappearance after a four-year hiatus. An afternoon of good old-fashioned field day fun for our K-5th graders, each grade dressed in its designated class color to proudly display team spirit. With parent volunteers running the stations and teachers cheering on their students, it was a joyful day

At Green and White Day, 5th grade Kids Green Committee luminaries present to the Lower School about fostering a greener future.

Families and staff come together to help the campus sparkle during the PIA’s Campus Beautification Day.

for all involved. “Engage the Spirit is always the highlight of my teaching year,” said Lower School P.E. teacher Tina Ory. “Whether a volunteer or an active participant, enjoyment, love for moving, and smiles galore filled the day.” In 2024, Lower School Engage the Spirit will coincide and align with the popular ECE Color and Water Day, a vibrant event where Rainbow and Red Barn students take to the ECE yard for summerinspired activities, including ice painting, mural work, water play, and other colorful, imaginative adventures.

Lower School Peace Committee members are commended during the Farewell & Promotions Assembly for their ideas and contributions to conflict resolution and kindness.

The Yale Whiffenpoofs, the world’s longest-running collegiate a cappella ensemble, captivates students with their vocal prowess.


OH, THE PLACES THEY’LL GO! Class of 2023 Takes Their Place as Graduates The sounds of music, student voices, and applause filled the air as parents, faculty, staff, and guests gathered to celebrate the 60th graduation ceremony of The Seven Hills School. Under blue skies and warm sunshine, students processed down the field and onto the stage to take their place as graduates and mark the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. For the third year in a row, the outdoor setting served as the perfect backdrop for this heartfelt community occasion. During the ceremony, student speeches reflected on the Class of 2023’s collective experiences over the years. Head of School Kathleen McNamara expressed pride and admiration for the class’s growth and potential; academic, artistic, and athletic

“Seven Hills means so much to me because it taught me that the unknown wasn’t something to be feared—it was something to welcome.” – Maya Kinkhabwala ’23


“The feeling of belonging and community each and every day is what has made my Seven Hills experiences so special.”

– Ava Adamson ’23

accomplishments; as well as perseverance, effort, commitment, and determination in the face of adversity. Inspirational anecdotes, students’ favorite quotes, and aspirations for the future fostered a sense of community among students, families, and educators alike. As graduates proudly received their diplomas and awards and the event drew to a close, the air filled with bittersweet emotions. The traditional faculty and staff receiving line was a moment of reflection for the graduates as they bid farewell to familiar faces and teachers who had shaped their academic journey. The event wrapped up with a family reception and class party, and many looked forward with excitement to the new opportunities that awaited them in high school.

OH, THE PLACES THEY’LL GO! Class of 2023: High School Destinations Ava Adamson, Las Lomas Priyanka Advani, Carondelet Oreoluwa Ajayi, Las Lomas Jackson Ambrose, Athenian Joah Andersen, Campolindo Noah Auffhammer, Head-Royce Ella Axelrod, Northgate Ava Bakkum, Carondelet Ava Bell, Acalanes Gavin Cameto, Campolindo Alexis Chaput, Acalanes Elliot Charlton, De La Salle Riley Conroy, De La Salle Ines Coyne, Acalanes Lucas Delaney, Bentley Julian Deutsch Stella, Head-Royce Roselie Ducharme, Las Lomas Eliza Ettinger, Carondelet Bella Farahbakhsh, Carondelet Russell Gehrig, Campolindo Ellie Ghorban, Carondelet Brody Greer, Athenian Samantha Griscavage, Acalanes Avi Grossman, Head-Royce Michael Harrison-Kirkham, De La Salle

Kyle Harwitz, College Prep Kristen Ho, College Prep Jane Janopaul, College Prep Caroline Jeffers, Thacher Samuel Johnson, Athenian Ruby Killian, Athenian Anya Kinkhabwala, Athenian Maya Kinkhabwala, Athenian William Kumagai, Head-Royce Cameron Lesher, Head-Royce Nathaniel Marek, Athenian Lance Molina Kelly, De La Salle Kyle Pearlstein, Campolindo Caleb Roth, Head-Royce Alyssa Russell, Carondelet Sofia Safreed, Northgate Henry Schwab, Bentley Emma Singh, Head-Royce Shaun Sobel, Bentley Jacob Solomon, Athenian Jahangeer Thorner, San Ramon Valley Logan Wong, Athenian Mackenzie Young, Northgate

High School Seniors Share Wisdom with the Class of 2023 The Class of 2023 received its official welcome into the community of alumni during the traditional Alumni Welcome Luncheon held in the Student Commons. Four members of the Class of 2019—Lily Kangas, Katie Pflieger, Zach Elian, and Charlie Walters—returned to graciously share their insights and wisdom about the journey into high school and the world beyond Seven Hills. Each speaker provided a unique perspective, having experienced various high school environments, including public, parochial, and independent schools. Their panel discussion encompassed an array of topics, ranging from academics and extracurriculars to social dynamics and peer pressure.


OH, THE PLACES THEY’LL GO! Class of 2019: College Destinations Graduates from the Class of 2019 at Seven Hills secured acceptances into top colleges and universities spanning the United States WEST

Colorado College Fort Lewis College Pomona College Saint Mary’s College of California (2) San Francisco Conservatory of Music Stanford University University of California, Berkeley

Senior Send-Off In May, the graduates of the Class of 2019, along with their parents and faculty, rekindled their connections at the annual Senior SendOff, marking four years since their Seven Hills graduation. They came together to reminisce about memories, recount high school adventures, discuss college pursuits, and share aspirations for the future. With more than 80 percent of the class in attendance, this beloved gathering also celebrated the lasting impact of their Seven Hills education, which equipped them not only for high school but also for the journey beyond.


University of California, Los Angeles (4) University of California, San Diego (2) University of Colorado, Boulder University of Nevada, Reno (2) University of Oregon University of Southern California

MIDWEST University of Chicago Wichita State University



INTERNATIONAL Franklin University, Switzerland

Baylor University Duke University St. Edward’s University Texas Christian University (2) University of Alabama University of Mississippi

Boston University Colby College Cornell University Fordham University George Washington University Lehigh University New York University (2) Northeastern University (3) Tufts University Wellesley College


Celebrating 100 Years of Service: 2023 Alumni Reunion Honors Linden Van Wert and Barbara Ewell Eaton Passionate about education and Seven Hills, Linden Van Wert and Barbara Ewell Eaton have positively impacted generations of alumni and colleagues. Over 140 guests spanning seven decades of Seven Hills history gathered in early June to honor Linden and Barb’s combined 100 years of service at the annual All Alumni Reunion. The afternoon featured heartfelt tributes from teachers Adam Lechner ‘87 and Nancy Lane and a musical performance by Seven Hills alumna Arden Alexa ‘18. This fitting turnout honored Linden and Barb’s legacies and capped off the school’s 60th anniversary year. During her 48 years of service to Seven Hills, Linden served as the beloved school librarian for nearly four decades until her passion for chickens, composting, and student agency led to her position as the Green Initiatives leader in 2015. Over her 52 years with the school, Barb has worn many hats, from teaching to admissions and testing, supporting the Alumni Council, sharing her

“What I do remember is the way I felt as a student in Mrs. Ewell’s classroom. I felt that I had a teacher who knew and understood me. I felt that my teacher cared about me and truly wanted me to succeed.” - Adam Lechner '87

“Students, parents, and teachers all knew what I came to know myself as Linden’s legendary wisdom. We all flocked to the library in search of our needs. We all found answers, validation, and inspiration. She has a way of helping you see yourself, confirming your thoughts, and inspiring you to reach and grow.” - Nancy Lane

photography skills, and serving as the school historian. Known for their compassionate dedication to students and steadfast commitment to the school’s mission, these two women have made a lasting impact on Seven Hills’ character and culture, and continue to be integral members of our community. To further cement their lasting legacies, Kathleen McNamara announced the renaming of the Seven Hills student Jaguar Award to the Linden Van Wert Jaguar Award and the creation of the Barb Eaton Distinguished Service Award for staff at the end-of-year Farewell and Promotions Assembly.


2022-23 ANNUAL REPORT A Message from the Board Chair When my spouse, Jay, and I discovered Seven Hills nearly a decade ago, two things quickly captivated us. The first was the beautiful campus, an environment where children could learn grounded in the natural world. The second, equally enchanting, was witnessing the Kindergarten class as they embarked on an adventure to “catch” the elusive Gingerbread man while exploring the campus and its people. We were struck by how these young students took initiative, posed eloquent questions, shared personal stories, and honored those around them. It crystallized how the whole child curriculum was established from the outset, and the results were exciting to us. Now, in our ninth year at Seven Hills and as I begin my first year as Board Chair, I am deeply thankful to be part of this community that nurtures such a deep love for learning. Collaborating with our highly capable trustees, who lean in and contribute their time to oversee the school’s business and strategic priorities, is invigorating. I also extend heartfelt appreciation to the outgoing Board Chair, Matt Janopaul, for his decade-long service during an uncharted period in the school’s history. His leadership and strategic eye towards the future will benefit our students for years to come. The past 60th anniversary year witnessed several strategic achievements: • After months of negotiation following the County’s approval of the Spieker Senior Development project on the property behind the school, our incredible community action led to an agreement with Spieker that includes substantial protections for our students and community. • We introduced a modified tuition program, an accessibility-centered approach that aligns our primary revenue source with our diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging goals. • We nearly fully resumed pre-pandemic programming and events, allowing parents to join our campus life, reaffirming our sense of community, and welcoming new families into our fold. • Finally, the outstanding generosity of our community resulted in another all-time high in Annual Fund contributions. Throughout the 2023-24 school year, the Board will continue our work focusing on generative and strategic conversations about the school’s future, careful fiduciary planning, campus master planning for the Lower School buildings, and advancing our efforts to create a sense of belonging among our families. As a proud parent of an 8th grader and a 2nd grader, I anticipate many opportunities this year for reflection and gratitude for our daughters’ Seven Hills journeys. As you read this issue of Connections and the following Annual Report, I encourage you to reflect on your own family’s Seven Hills journey, and know that it is the steadfast commitment of all who contribute their time and resources that makes it all possible. We look forward to another rewarding year of service to our students, our mission, and our incredible learning community at Seven Hills. Warmly, Julie Meissner Chair, Board of Trustees


2022-23 FINANCIALS 2023-24 Board of Trustees BOARD MEMBERS Katie Alberts Heather Alumbaugh Pat Blake Paul Deeringer Jonathan Forman Kwesi Graves Joel Grossman Raj Gupta Rose Harris-DeBaca Jacques Herring Chalis Kuba Rashna Larson Alex Lee Eric Littell Whitney Livermore ’00 Tanvee Mehra Greg Marsh Ianthus Martin Julie Meissner Ronke Olatunji Bryce Pinkos ’99 Chris Riley Marcela Robledo Rina Shah Del Stafford John Sween Ben Winig

We thank the following trustees for their service through June 2023: Sameer Advani Jamil Akoni Sharda Caro del Castillo Matt Janopaul, Board Chair Matt Macomber Kirsten Young

OPERATING REVENUES Net Tuition1 $ 11,625,349 84.4% Annual Fund and Auction 1,000,307 7.3% Other 813,137 5.9% Endowment Draw 341,385 2.5% Total

$ 13,780,117

1. Net Tuition does not include modified tuition ​


OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries and Benefits $ 10,208,260 75.3% Instructional 1,064,787 7.9% General and Administrative 1,088,563 8.0% Fundraising 149,902 1.1% Plant 742,293 5.5% Debt Service 307,240 2.3% Total

$ 13,561,045

Seven Hills is committed to investing in and enhancing the student experience while keeping tuition increases as low as possible. The Board of Trustees sets tuition annually and oversees the school’s finances with the dual goals of supporting mission-driven growth and promoting fiscal strength. The overall operating budget in 2022-23 was more than $13 million. Faculty and staff salaries and benefits continued to account for more than 75 percent of the overall operating expenses, while tuition provided nearly 85 percent of the overall operating revenue. Second to tuition, philanthropic support of the Annual Fund and auction combined was the largest source of operating revenue. These numbers reflect pre-audited financials. Audit will be available upon request as of January 2024.


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS 2022-23 An Extraordinary Year of Annual Fund Support Fueled by a spirit of generosity and commitment of care, Seven Hills celebrated another recordsetting year of support to the Annual Fund. Alongside our dedicated faculty, who nurture a passion for learning and a growth mindset, our philanthropic community supports a whole child education, leaving a lasting mark on the lives of our students. With heartfelt appreciation throughout the upcoming sections, we proudly acknowledge the collective generosity of parents, trustees, grandparents, alumni parents, alumni, foundations, friends, faculty, and staff, all of whom elevate Seven Hills to new heights—making this year truly extraordinary!

Annual Fund Donors Hill’s Angels $30,000+

Anonymous The Benevity Community Impact Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund


$20,000 - $29,999 Anonymous Amar and Sheetal Kinkhabwala Maggie and Alex Mehran

Leadership Circle $10,000 - $19,999

Patrick and Alison Blake Fermin and Sharda Caro Del Castillo


We are most grateful to our Annual Fund donors and the 93 percent of families who gave above and beyond the cost of tuition to create the best learning environment for students between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. From big ticket items to the smallest details that set Seven Hills apart, the Annual Fund directly supports the people, programs, and experiences that we love and value most about a Seven Hills education—adding the “extra” in extraordinary.

Sean Collins and Tanvee Mehra Combined Jewish Philanthropies Mark De Baca and Rose Harris Robert and Wendy Greer Jacques and Kimberly Herring Andrew and Andrea Hutchison Matthew and Marissa Janopaul Randall and Elizabeth Luskey Gregory and Julie Marsh National Philanthropic Trust Kenny and Oanh Nguyen Schwab Charitable Fund Patrick and Diane Suciu

Giving Champs $5,000 - $9,999

Siamac Alemazkoor and Chet Siow Anonymous Simon Ashiku and Annette Chen Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Boater’s Insurance Agency, Inc. Jonathan and Kristin Butler Derek Butts and Rachael Holloway Chevron Matching Employee Funds Benjamin and Sara Clinger

Daniel and Gwendolyn Deitrick Eike and Margarethe Falkenberg Randall and Alice Fan GAP, Inc. Joel and Holly Grossman Louis Grossman Paul and Heather Holden Imran Junaid and Anita Bhat


Charles Killian and Michelle Watts Killian Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Benjamin and Rashna Larson Cornel and Alexandra Lee Douglas Lee and Michael Weiss Stephen and Mackenzie Lesher Eric and Kari Littell Nicolo and Razia Manlapaz Richard and Patricia Marcogliese Ianthus and Xiomara Martin Drew and Kaeti McMillan Kathleen McNamara and Jihad Mirza Gregory Pilarowski and Anna Gai Psychiatric Care

Surender Punia and Ling-Chun Lin Kilimanjaro Robbs and Kara King Juan Gaviria and Marcela Robledo Glen Ryan and Vanessa Totten Ryan ‘95 Philipp Sack and Sukhwant Singh John and Kimberly Schilling Yi Shi and Shangjie Zuo Jonathan and Ali Singh Andrew and Kathryn Solomon Morgan and Lisa Swiggett Larry and Deveney Totten Trieu Vuong and Haruka Kuroda Mark Wechser and Jennifer Grancio Yan Xia and Wei He Ramin and Gina Zahedi

$788,000 raised in a third straight record-breaking year for the Annual Fund


participation from the Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff Head’s Circle

$3,000 - $4,999 Sameer and Stella Advani José and Maria Alface Jonathan and Amanda Ambrose Anonymous (2) Maximilian and Lori Auffhammer Michael and Dara Buzzard Frank and Liz Cassal Frank Chen and Jian Wang Daniel and Justina Cho Paul Chua and Grace Chan Matt and Holly Conaty Paul and Christa Deeringer Lindsay Delaney Samuel Deutsch Escalante and Cinzia Stella Dara Douraghi and Yenrong Chen Valentyn and Ani Golovko Google Inc. Employee Giving Karan and Ella Gupta Rajneesh and Margaret Gupta Keith Hand and Suiwen Huang Michael Harwitz and Shihong Gu Solomon Henik and Stacey Epstein Paul Ho and Katherine Jue Michael Horowitz and Michelle Craig Thomas Houghton and Sindy Tew Brett and Kymberly Johnson Thomas and Danielle Kahl Leif and Emily Kalberg

Jeffrey and Nicole Kangas Tanveer and Sarah Khan Patrick and Emily McKenzie Jay and Julie Meissner Morgan Stanley Clark and Abigail O’Niell Howard and Susan Overton Justin and Tracy Pajer Dasol Park and Jooyoung Kim Neil Pathare and Paru Chaudhari Rahul Parikh and Rina Shah David and Sylvia Pearlstein Peter Peng and Mitzi Williams Michael and Brianne Riley George and Cheri Russell Colin Safreed and Xochitl Gonzalez Safreed, inc. Adam Salvas and Karen Braje Ross Schwaber and Catherine Fielding Ryan and Esther Simarro STH Group LLC Edward and Devra Struzenberg Michael Tatara and Helen Kurtz The Vukasin Family Foundation TIAA Matching Gifts Vanguard Charitable George ‘86 and Beshka Vukasin Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gifts Program Tom and Joyce Whang Benjamin Winig and Malathy Subramanian

Davis Yee and Nina Lee Wally and Kirsten Young Jim and Huong Yu


$1,000 - $2,999 AbbVie Olakunle Ajayi and Jenny Sung Jamil and Cheryl Akoni Dennis Alumbaugh Jason and Nicole Ambrose American Endowment Foundation Peter and Tina Andersen Anonymous (4) Stanley and Aneta Austin Amir Axelrod and Sherry Wang-Axelrod Douglas Baloun and Traci Huahn Brian and Lisa Baskin Gordon and Diana Baty Sanjiv Baxi and Courtney Gonzales Bayer/Monsanto Matching Gifts Program Nicholas and Andrea Bell Jean-Pascal and Annabel Billaud BlackRock Matching Gift Program Gregory and Sheren Bouchakian Tom Braje Lucien and Lauren Cazenave Rick and May Chuarta Judith Craddick Paul and Hannah Craddick Imran and Regula Dhedhi Thomas and Julie Ducharme

Alexander and Samantha Duff Bayley Dycus and Katrina Thomas-Dycus Marlon Fernandez and Wren Amos Franklin Templeton Matching Gifts Program Jeff and Kara Galbraith Anne Gartner Sadegh and Narguess Ghorban Thomas and Valerie Greeley John and Khira Griscavage Bobby Guttikonda and Thara Trivedi The Hennessy Foundation Jason Ho and Amy Chow Thomas and Pauline Jeffers Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund Rahul Jolly and Richa Madan William Katakis and Milena Martinez Theodore and Jillian Kearns Mitchell Kumagai and Deborah Podberesky Lands’ End, Inc. Thomas and Jacqueline Levey Alexandr and Julia Lints Norman and Mo Livermore Whitney Livermore ‘00 Andrew Lu and Ann Chen Matthew and Kamin Macomber McKinsey & Company Dan Meyers and Andrea Cartwright Ivan and Nancy Molina Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Nand and Sarbani Mulchandani Jon and Molly Ott Robert and Margie Pearce Blake and Ashley Petersen

Celebration of Gratitude

At the annual Celebration of Gratitude event last spring honoring leadership donors to Seven Hills, Board Member Whitney Livermore ’00 moderated a panel of alumni and students who shared gratitude and reflections about their Seven Hills journey and lessons learned.


2022-23 Annual Fund Class Captains With tireless enthusiasm and dedication, the Annual Fund Class Captains helped secure a solid 93 percent parent participation for the 2022-23 Annual Fund campaign by encouraging fellow parents to make their annual commitment. Many thanks to our Annual Fund Parent Chair Chris Riley and the entire Class Captain team for ensuring a bright future for our students.

Annual Fund Parent Chair Chris Riley Rainbow

Graham Douds

Red Barn

Thomas Lyle


Thomas Houghton


Jillian Kearns


Margaret Gupta


Ross Schwaber


Wren Amos


José Alface


Cate Ejjed

7th Jay Meissner & Justin Pajer 8th Casey Conroy & Marissa Janopaul


increase in Annual Fund giving from last year Sean Ragasa and Thanh Tran Jeffrey and Shelly Randesi Dunhill and Doroty Reyes Jeremy and Jennifer Rich Mohammed Rizvi and Meenal Kapadia Derrick Roth and Caryn Javinsky Sanjay and Tracy Roy Derrick and Beatrice Shelton Simerjit Singh and Harmol Raikhy Gregory Snider and Amy Isabel Stone Paul and Amy Sobel John and Deborah Steinbuch Michael and Jasmine Suor Seiyonne Suriyakumar ‘02 and Anika Shah John Sween and Lisa Barnett Sween Daniel and Lindsay Sweetnam TIAA TikTok Peter and Emily Tucker Robert and Amy Walters Eric Washer and Jessica Frey Washer Joshua and Tara Wellen Wellen Properties Eric ‘96 and Emily Wight Steven and Linda Wight Marc and Kareema Young


Up to $999 Nick Adamson and Carisa Harris Adamson Nyah Akoni ‘18 Zuri Akoni ‘22 Katherine Alberts and Lori Siegel Annie Allen Ali Al-Sabeehah and Amani Musharah David Rippon and Heather Alumbaugh Sara Allen AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous (16) Apple David and Victoria Arata Martin and Jennifer Arnest David and Vivian Auslander Autodesk Inc. Nathaniel and Sheila Baker Gene and Alicia Bakkum Christian Balzer and Shireen Ghorbani Michelle Barahona Lenora Beers Carlos Benitez The Blackbaud Giving Fund Andrea Bozym Brent and Christiane Brinkerhoff Dennis and Veronica Brinkmann Andrew and Nicole Burke Bret and Sarah Cameto

Mark Cardella Dave Cartwright and Carol Smith John and Amy Casey Steve and Lucy Chappell Charities Aid Foundation of America Christopher and Amy Charlton Todd Chittick and Kristy Lorusso Kelley Cochran William and Cynthia Cogswell Jhon Colan Arguedas Warren and Marie Colbert Nathan Conrad and Binhong Tang Casey Conroy and Diana Herrera-Conroy David and Alexandra Cook Kevin and Kitri Cook Jeremy Coyne and Tet Salva Dawn Craig and Teresa Brink Kendall Craig ‘18 Ryan and Nicole Crowley William and Linda Daniel Brian and Kristen D’Arcy Lawrence Delaney and Pamela Gourley-Delaney Charles and Mevis Demarest Santosh Dhanalal and Caroline Love Jared and Natalie Dilibero Yash Divekar and Priyanka Vaidya

Amish and Shilpa Doshi Graham and Katherine Douds Mario and Tamara Dueñas Barbara Eaton Azeddine and Cate Ejjed Lauren Elkind Jarrod and Olesya Epps eScrip Kurt and Sheryl Ettinger Paul and Laurel Evans Bejan and Torrey Farahbakhsh Mary Lou Fiala Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Cecilia Figueroa Scott Fink and Kathy Klein Jamaal Footman and Laney Erokan Christopher Frangos and Jennifer Jones Joseph Fuca Mary Gaines John and Elizabeth Garcia Laury Glasgow Susanne Goldman Bob and Patty Gonser Mark and Christi Gotvald Derwick and Shandreca Graham John and Angela Grauel Zarmeen Gulgee Vincent and Laura Hackel Daryal and Christie Hall Justin and Beth Halverson

45 corporate matching gifts totaling



Joseph and Monique Harrison Travis and Corinne Hayhurst William and Kimberly Hecht Kyle and Stacey Henley Jesus and Lucy Hernandez Tony Hernandez Adrian and Danielle Herrera Spencer and Gina Hinck Michael and Gillian Hogan Fred and Noel Hughes


Chalis Kuba Scott and Kim Kumnick Carlton and Carrie La Cour Troy and Nancy Lane Adam ‘87 and Shannon Lechner Elgin and Michele Leslie Kurt and Leighanne Levensaler David Levin and Julie Scarpelli Steve and Sarah Lewis Lincoln Financial Group Dale and Sylvia Lindstrom

families support the Annual Fund at the leadership Head’s Circle level of $3,000 and above

Patrick and Kimberly Hughes Insperity Community Involvement Giving Program Roderick Iversen and Joanne Kim Gwenhaël and Jenny Jacq Faruk and Jaspreet Jaffer Andy and Barb Jaspar Irwin Javinsky Leah Karson Hope Katakis Megan Kaye ‘09 Bryan and Jenifer Kester Caroline Key Aziz and Deanna Khan Edward and Christine Kim Lina Kim Andrew and Alana Kleinberger Connie Komar

Chelsea Little Victor Llanque Zonta and Ana Belmonte Carlos Lobo and Riki Gibson Carla Lo Coco ‘92 Paresh and Veena Lohia Juan and Cristina Lopez Thomas and Denise Lyle Matthew and Shauna Maraccini Jonathan and Gillian Marek Michael and Alisha Marsh James McDonnell and Linda Margulies Greg and Cathy McFann Philip McFann Christopher and Patricia McIntosh Joseph McKenna ‘04 Michael and Leanne Mercado

Neil Meyer and Stephanie Chiang Dan Michael and Lillian Leong Craig and Marianne Mielcarski Eric Miller and Bo Espinosa-Setchko ‘94 Bill and Kristy Miller John Anthony and Angela Miranda Dane Morton and Dana Michaels Kevin Moylan and Rania Berkeley Daniel Murphy Michael Murphy Carolyn Nelson Alfred and Patricia Nethercott Bach-Kim Nguyen Stacy Norman Jon and Tina Ory Pacific Gas & Electric Oliver and Amy Parker Bryce Pinkos ‘99 and Shawn Wood Lucia Pirone ‘17 William Pirone ‘19 Rheeya Pitale William and Heidi Plumb Gregory Ponikvar and Alison Leach Gregory and Liana Pope Don and Fern Prosnitz Robert and Gina Puljiz Arek and Marta Puzia Kirke Quinn Gustavo Rafaela and Samantha Buono Tanner and Erin Ragland Nicholas and Anna Rainsford

Muhammad and Helena Ramadan Nathan and Kimberly Rapp Ralph Raulli Ingrid Ray Brendon and Kelly Ritz Daniel and Kristine Rivera Cyrell Roberson Peter Robertson Generra and Nicole Rocchi Dustin Rocke and Jacey Howard Phillip and Teri Rogers Gail Rosenberg Hannah Ruane Nathan Rynerson and Daphna Klugman Amit Sachdeva and Rebecca Rubin Matthew Sager and Amanda Ashton-Sager Carlos and Camellia Santos Brian Scheinberg and Laura PiersonScheinberg Edward Scherr and Shelly Pozzi Steve and Michele Schoch Stephanie Scholer Steven Schwab Mark Shapiro and Roberta Goldberg Matthew and Kristine Shargel Deborah Shipherd Shervine Shirazi and Ameneh Khosrovani Kavindar Singh and Kaitlyn Gaffney-Singh D. Siu Angelina Sosa Jeff Steinberg and Kirsten Woods


participation from 8th grade families (the first class of the year to reach this level) Steven and Susie Sovik Diana Superfin Blake Suttle and Erin Marnocha Gerald and Jessica Sylvester William and Diana Taylor The Giving Block The Walt Disney Company Foundation Jason and Adrienne Timmons Jase Turner and Miriam Jones Linden Van Wert Geoffrey and Beth Wadsworth Walnut Creek Optometry Group

Brian and Taryn Wardwell Emily Werner Taffy and Patricia Williams Robinson and Joanie Wills John and Lisa Woll Arthur Woo and Emmelie Sabatte Workday Shahad and Kristina Wright Bernard Yin ‘76 and Rebecca Ramirez

2022-23 Hills Angels in Perpetuity In recognition of their enduring commitment to Seven Hills, we wish to give special thanks to the Hills Angel donors who, over time, have contributed $25,000 or more cumulatively to Annual Giving. Your support has tremendously impacted generations of Seven Hills students for more than 60 years!


Creating Enduring Legacies Through the Endowment Strengthening the Seven Hills endowment is the most significant action we can take to ensure the long-term financial security of the school. Now surpassing $5.9 million, the endowment contributed more than $300,000 to the operating budget last year, reducing the reliance on tuition and other sources of revenue. An ongoing priority for the school, the endowment continued to grow with the generous support of Seven Hills families over the last year: • Led by graduating parents Kym and Bret Johnson, the Class of 2023 came together to raise more than $30,000 for the endowment to honor the faculty who had played an important role in the lives of their children. A plaque listing every member of the class has been added to the Seven Hill Endowment Wall. • In 2022, family and friends of former Kindergarten teacher, Kelly Cardella, established the Kelly Cardella Kindergarten Fund for Tuition Assistance. With additional gifts from the Cardella family, this fund has become a named endowment to create a permanent legacy for Kelly at Seven Hills. Her positive energy and strength will live on through this fund. We are grateful to the many families who have supported the endowment to create an enduring legacy for the students of Seven Hills.

2022-23 Endowment Donors Nick Adamson and Carisa Harris Adamson Olakunle Ajayi and Jenny Sung Jason and Nicole Ambrose Apple Maximilian and Lori Auffhammer Amir Axelrod and Sherry Wang-Axelrod Gene and Alicia Bakkum Nicholas and Andrea Bell The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mark Cardella, Jr. Mark and Pam Cardella Cardella, Inc. Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Stephen Cohn and Rose Anne Critchfield Combined Jewish Philanthropies Sydney Delgado ‘17 Samuel Deutsch Escalante and Cinzia Stella Scott and Katherine Espinosa-Brown Kurt and Sheryl Ettinger Paul and Laurel Evans Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Stuart Forman and Barbara Nash Nicholas Gartner Genentech, Inc. Robert and Wendy Greer John and Khira Griscavage Joel and Holly Grossman

Peter and Julie Gutzwiller Tyler Hart Michael Harwitz and Shihong Gu Solomon Henik and Stacey Epstein Brian Hennessy ‘04 Kevin and Elaine Hennessy Andy and Barb Jaspar Brett and Kymberly Johnson Paul Ho and Katherine Jue Charles Killian and Michelle Watts Killian Amar and Sheetal Kinkhabwala Mitchell Kumagai and Deborah Podberesky Jahnathon Larson Richard and Patricia Marcogliese

Jonathan and Gillian Marek Bill and Kristy Miller Jared Mullins David and Sylvia Pearlstein Mark Sandner David Levin and Julie Scarpelli Brian Scheinberg and Laura Pierson-Scheinberg Schwab Charitable Fund Armin Seifart Jonathan and Ali Singh Andrew and Kathryn Solomon Vanguard Charitable

The Seven Hills School Named Endowment Funds The Barlow Family Endowed Fund The Brown Family Endowed Fund The Butner Family Endowed Fund Deborah Jansen General Endowment Fund The Hennessy Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Hilal Family Endowed Fund Jim Clark Former Trustees Endowment Fund Joseph Family Minority Scholarship Fund Julian Rettger Fund for Emotional Well-Being

Karen Malin Endowment for Professional Development The Kelly Cardella Kindergarten Endowment for Tuition Assistance The Marcogliese Family Endowed Fund Matthews Music Scholarship

The Scott Espinosa-Brown Endowed Fund for Student Life, Leadership, and Service The William H. Miller Endowment Fund

If you wish to discuss making an endowment gift or establishing a named fund, please contact Director of Development Amy Walters at


Heritage Society

Understanding that the future success of Seven Hills depends on plans made today, the Heritage Society honors members of the community who have remembered the School in their estate planning. Thank you for your thoughtful planning and commitment. Pete Babiak and Laura Lippow Parents of Steven ’07 and Sydney ’11 Gretchen Bartzen Director of Development (1995–2012) Brad and Shiva Berman Parents of Daniela ’05 Jon and Lisa Blake Parents of Adam ’11 and Andrew ’12 John† and Susan Chapman Parents of Chris ’03 and Emma ’05 Sameer and Melissa Hilal Parents of Holden ’17, Arden ’18, and Hudson ’21 Jim and Laura Hulburd Parents of Alanna ’06 and Kyle ’09 Paul and Deborah Jansen Parents of Ben ’03 and Nicholas ’05 Thomas and Mary Ann Jorde Parents of Kevin ’01 and Christopher ’03 Joel King Director of Finance and Operations (2000–2011)

Jim and Karen Malin Head of Lower School (1992–2013) Kathleen McNamara Head of School (2015–present) Dan and Marina Miller Parents of Marshall ’01 Bill and Kristy Miller Headmaster (1992–2015) Parents of Hennessy ’04 and Keenan ’08 Abraham Mintz and Catherine Cutler Parents of Elizabeth ’13 and Zachary ’12 Jane Ord Parent of Isabelle ’86 and Eleanor ’88, Grandparent to Sean and James ’21 Philip Rettger Parent of Julian ’03† Linden Van Wert Faculty member since 1975, Librarian (1976–2015), Green Ombudsman (2015–present), Parent of Sara ’79 and Chris ’82 John and Alice Villanueva Parents of Amber ’96 and Erica ’99 † Deceased

If you have included Seven Hills in your will or trust or are interested in learning more about how to do so, please contact Director of Development Amy Walters at or (925) 933-0666.

Hale Society

The Hale Society, named for the family who once owned the land on which Seven Hills flourishes today, recognizes the spirit of service of those trustees who have successfully completed at least one three-year term of service. We honor the generations of school leaders who have ensured the future of the school for generations to come. Sameer Advani Jamil Akoni Mary Anderson Kelly Barlow Shiva Berman Parke Boneysteele Milton Bruzzone Stephan Butler Annette O’Donnell Butner Jim Clark Steve Cohn Mike Coke Michele Cooper Joan Costello Cathy Cutler Mary Dalsin-Mills Scott DeVries Bob Dolinko Dick Eaton† Luzanne Engh Meribeth Farmer Jay Fischer R.J. Fleischmann Candace Fleming Laura Furstenthal

Bob Gallo Phil Gardner John Gingrich Anthony Giordano Kent Godfrey Khira Griscavage Anne Grodin Julie Gutzwiller Guy Henshaw Terry Heywood Sameer Hilal Bill Horton† Denise Howard Mary Ann Hruska Fred Hughes Jim Hulburd Ravi Hundal Charles Hunt† Matt Janopaul Deb Jansen Ruwani Jayasingha Gail Jern Mary Anne Jorde Michael Kamarck Ross Kari Kevin Katari

Carolina Katz Julie Kirsch David Lardner Lou Lavigne Alan Lefkof Mackenzie Lesher Patrick Lin Rob Little Sherrie Littlejohn Mo Livermore Teeda Locodo Matt Macomber Beth Mahler Pat Matthews Bill Miller Jim Mills Julia Miner Gina Morris Ed Nemeth Jane Ord Ralph Pais Dick Palomba Shami Patel Grant Petersen Eric Peterson Lu Pilgrim David Pottruck Darlene Quinn Joanne Reichenbacher

Susan Safipour Ed Scherr Ron Schmidt Brian Sharpes Brad Skepner Beryl Smith Virginia Smith Patrick Sullivan Seiyonne Suriyakumar ’02 Suri Suriyakumar Lisa Barnett Sween Bahman Taheripour Lou Ann Terry Brian Thomas Peter Thomson Mary True Alice Villanueva George Vukasin Nancy Wallace Julie Anne Springman Wickes ’98 Roy Yih Kirsten Young Shawn Young † deceased Board Chair

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these lists. If we have made any errors or omissions, please bring them to the attention of Director of Development Amy Walters at (925) 933-0666.


Reimagining Big Red: A New Hub for Learning and Discovery For more than 60 years, the philanthropic support of the Seven Hills school community—parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, and friends—has fueled the evolution of our innovative, mission-driven approach to educating students. From Hunt Hall and the William H. Miller Wing to the Julian Rettger Memorial Library, K-1 Sunshine Building, and Tenvold Lunch Room, each and every member of our school community has benefited from their philanthropic gifts. Building on the generosity of the leadership stakeholders before us, we are embarking on the next chapter of the Seven Hills story to modernize our campus to meet the needs of today’s students and the next generation of learners. With our strategic plan, Whole Child, Whole Community, and strategic campus planning to guide our thinking, Seven Hills will turn its sights on rebuilding Big Red into a new home for learning and discovery in the Lower School. Constructed nearly 50 years ago as a temporary, modular classroom building for Lower School students, Big Red has been a long-term


home to our 2nd and 3rd grades, art, and Lower School student support. Past the end of its useful life, Big Red will be transformed into a modern, versatile learning village that will become the center of the Lower School, matching the caliber and functionality of other buildings on campus. This new home for multiple grades and specialty classes will align the built environment with the robust interdisciplinary program we offer today. A hub of learning and discovery for Lower School, the reimagined Big Red will: • create open, flexible classrooms for hands-on projects, workshop model lessons, cross-curricular integration, and academic risk-taking where our whole child curriculum can shine. • include a K-5 Imagination Lab, a new center for innovation, collaboration, and inquiry that integrates the arts and sciences and enables meaningful discoveries, inquiry-based investigations, creative thinking, and artistic endeavors.

• provide flexible space for our specialists to work with students individually or in small groups through a studentcentered approach to support unique academic, social, and emotional needs for building resilience, confidence, and connection. • foster a learning environment that connects the indoors with our beautiful, natural, outdoor learning spaces using sustainable design practices that emphasize indoor air quality, natural light, energy efficiency, and environmental stewardship. With the Board of Trustees leading the way, Seven Hills has embarked on a bold fundraising initiative that has raised more than $4 million to date in support of this cornerstone project and

other schoolwide priorities. Like generations of families before us, the legacy of heartfelt support continues today with significant, multi-year gifts from Seven Hills families, including more than 15 leadership commitments of $100,000 - $500,000. From current and alumni parents to grandparents and the extended community, early support of this campaign has launched us on a path to making this vision a reality. With plans well underway on all aspects of the Big Red project, we invite investment in this vision from our whole school community. For more information, please contact Director of Development Amy Walters at or 925-933-0666.

We celebrate our donors who have supported Seven Hills with vitally important early investments to launch this ambitious campaign for the future of our learning community: Anonymous (5) Sameer and Stella Advani Jamil and Cheryl Akoni Jason and Nicole Ambrose Douglas Baloun and Traci Huahn Christian Balzer and Shireen Ghorbani Kelly and Carrie Barlow Patrick and Alison Blake Gregory and Sheren Bouchakian Christopher and Annette Butner Fermin and Sharda Caro Del Castillo Frank and Liz Cassal Ronald and Fannie Chan Benjamin and Sara Clinger Paul and Christa Deeringer Bejan and Torrey Farahbakhsh Lee and Candace Fleming John and Laura Furstenthal Ravikanth Ganapavarapu

Juan Gaviria and Marcela Robledo John Gingrich and Christine Currie John and Khira Griscavage Joel and Holly Grossman Louis Grossman Rajneesh and Margaret Gupta Peter and Julie Gutzwiller Jacques and Kimberly Herring Sameer and Melissa Hilal Matthew and Marissa Janopaul Brett and Kymberly Johnson Thomas and Danielle Kahl Peter and Tara Khoury Raj and Rupy Krishnan Chalis Kuba Mitchell Kumagai and Deborah Podberesky Jim and Shannon Lanzone Cornel and Alexandra Lee Douglas Lee and Michael Weiss

Stephen and Mackenzie Lesher David Fitzgerald and Haywon Lieh Patrick and Darlet Lin Eric and Kari Littell Robert and Renee Little Whitney Livermore ’00 Matthew and Kamin Macomber Kathleen Manning Richard and Patricia Marcogliese Gregory and Julie Marsh Ianthus and Xiomara Martin Kathleen McNamara and Jihad Mirza Jay and Julie Meissner Tom and Karen Mulvaney David Rippon and Heather Alumbaugh Rahul Parikh and Rina Shah

David and Sylvia Pearlstein Gregory Pilarowski and Anna Gai Bryce Pinkos ‘99 and Shawn Wood Michael and Brianne Riley Glen Ryan and Vanessa Totten Ryan ‘95 David and Anabelle Satterfield Simerjit Singh and Harmol Raikhy Andrew and Kathryn Solomon Seiyonne Suriyakumar ‘02 and Anika Shah John Sween and Lisa Barnett Sween Morgan and Lisa Swiggett Robert and Amy Walters Wally and Kirsten Young


Seven Hills families, friends, faculty, and staff donned their brightest neon and gathered to light up the night at the much-anticipated “Neon Nights” themed auction. Back inside the Hunt Hall gym for the first time in four years, the auction was an electrifying display of colors, laughter, and philanthropy. The colorful festivities began with an online silent auction lasting through the weekend. On Saturday evening, guests enjoyed a sunny outdoor cocktail reception on the Lower School blacktop before entering the gym, where they were greeted with vibrant lights, neon signs, LED strips, and glowing decorations adorning every corner of the room. Guests enjoyed an evening of good food, drinks, and company, followed by a spirited live auction and Raise the Paddle to brighten the future of Seven Hills. The LED dance floor then took the spotlight as the DJ played an eclectic mix of tunes ranging from the latest hits to nostalgic classics. Over the weekend, our community raised over $216,000 net in direct support of our missiondriven programs, students, and teachers. A huge thank you to our dedicated parent volunteer committees, who led the way with all the behind-the-scenes details. Our auction basket coordinators pulled together fantastic grade-level items, and our auction representatives rallied their class families to show up for the big glow-up! Thank you to everyone who put in countless volunteer hours, sponsored the event, entered the raffle, donated items, and raised their paddle for Seven Hills.


Auction Committee

Auction Database

Karen Huynh

Dan Murphy

Gillian Hogan

Brianne Riley

Kimberly Herring Jemma Kalberg Meenal Kapadia Carilu Melander

Corporate and Business Sponsors PLATINUM

Douglas Lee

City Center Bishop Ranch

Lesley Lievens


Patricia Nethercott

First Republic Bank

Lori Siegel


Beshka Vukasin

Peet’s Coffee

Grade Level Basket Coordinators Lauren Barbano Ali Blake Veronica Brinkmann Dara Buzzard Paru Chaudhari Sheryl Ettinger Laurel Evans Margret Gupta Holly Grossman Mike Harwitz Mary Sambajon Beatrice Shelton Kim Schilling Gina Zahedi

Grade Level Auction Representatives Ali Blake Veronica Brinkmann Paru Chaudhari Kitri Cook Christine Kim Jenny Jacq Caroline Love Angela Miranda Mo Rizvi

Thomas Doll BRONZE Epicurean Group Gallagher Insurance Hmm . . . I Know!!™ Le Pit Club

Douglas Lee and Michael Weiss

Azeddine and Cate Ejjed

M by Maggie

Encore Gym

Nicolo and Razia Manlapaz

Jessicka Enea

Matthew and Kamin Macomber

Kathleen McNamara and Jihad Mirza

EPIC Steak

Nicolo and Razia Manlapaz

Epicurean Group

Shauna Maraccini

Laurel Evans

Gregory and Julie Marsh


Ianthus and Xiomara Martin

Morgan and Lisa Swiggett George and Beshka Vukasin Howard and Susan Overton

Cecilia Figueroa

Juan and Cristina Lopez

Seven Hills Red Barn Parents Seven Hills Kindergarten Parents Seven Hills First Grade Parents Seven Hills Second Grade Parents Seven Hills Third Grade Parents Seven Hills Fourth Grade Parents

Franco Finn, The Warriors Hype Man

Kelly McCargar

Item Donations

Joey Fuca

Al Barna and Randall Ann Homan, SF Neon

Kaitlyn Gaffney-Singh

Kathleen McNamara and Jihad Mirza

Kara Galbraith

Jay and Julie Meissner

Seven Hills Sixth Grade Parents

Alex Cher Beauty

Elizabeth Garcia

Annie Allen

Anne Gartner

Ariel Mercado and Mary Madelaine Sambajon

Seven Hills Seventh Grade Parents

Jennifer Arnest

Golden State Strands Luxury Extensions

Leanne Mercado Dan Meyers

Seven Hills Eighth Grade Parents

Tom and Karen Mulvaney

Matt Shargel

Carolyn Nelson

Yi Shi and Shangjie Zuo

Nothing Bundt Cakes, Walnut Creek

Small Car, Big Time Tours

Philip McFann

Seven Hills Fifth Grade Parents

North Peak Dermatology

ATG Escape Rooms

Golden State Warriors Basketball Academy

Pillar Legal

Lori Auffhammer

Gott’s Roadside

Stern Associates

Auteur Wines

Christi Gotvald

Tilden Properties

AWG Private Chefs

Tina Ory

Treehouse Wealth Advisors

Bagel Street Cafe

Michael Harwitz and Shihong Gu

Nancy Palmer

Starbucks, Geary and Camino, Walnut Creek

Solomon Henik and Stacey Epstein

Peet’s Coffee

Steve & Kate’s Camp

Bryce Pinkos ‘99

Michael and Jasmine Suor

Adrian Herrera

Heidi Plumb

Jessica Sylvester

Gina Hinck

Pump It Up Concord

Diana Taylor

Paul and Heather Holden

Anna Rainsford

The Seven Hills School The Seven Hills School Board of Trustees


Douglas Baloun and Traci Huahn

Alliant Employee Benefits

Michelle Barahona

Kwon & Jabbour Dental LOH Realty & Investment

Bay Area Discovery Museum

Tice Valley Physical Therapy

Bee Organized SF Bay

Honey Homes

Kristine Rivera

Carla Berkman

James Brian Studios

Rockin’ Jump

Wellington Property Company

Boichik Bagels

Theodore and Jillian Kearns

Rodan + Fields

Boundary Oak Golf Course

Kid’s Hideout

Faculty Sponsorship

Brenda Peters-Beare, Beare Equestrian Services & Training

Derek Butts and Rachael Holloway

Amy Casey

Chalis Kuba

Castello di Amarosa Napa Valley

Kim Kumnick

CB Fit, Walnut Creek Lucy Chappell

Jeremy Lasky and Michelle Fang

Kelley Cochran

Cornel and Alexandra Lee

John and Holly Conaty

Elgin Leslie

Cottages on River Road

Leighanne Levensaler

Crunch Fitness Walnut Creek

Sarah Lewis

Dara Douraghi and Yenrong Chen

Lilia’s Eye Candy, LLC

Lucien and Lauren Cazenave Mark De Baca and Rose Harris

Board Liaison

Daniel and Gwendolyn Deitrick

Riki Gibson

Veena Lohia

Ashley Petersen Photography, LLC

Dara Douraghi and Yen Chen

Auction Coordinator

East Ocean Seafood Restaurant

Kevin’s Noodle House

Gina Zahedi

Alexandra Lee

Charles Killian and Michelle Watts Killian

Kenny and Oanh Nguyen Solomon Henik and Stacey Epstein Brett and Kymberly Johnson

Tamara Dueñas

Lina Kim Alana Kleinberger

Nancy Lane

Edward and Lesley Lievens Robert and Renee Little

Soularium Academy

Patti Turetzky Jase Turner

Teri Rogers San Francisco Opera Camellia Santos

Linden Van Wert Village Music School Beth Wadsworth

Julie Scarpelli School of Rock Walnut Creek

Robert and Amy Walters Emily Werner

Ross Schwaber and Catherine Fielding

Wheel Kids Bicycle Club, Walnut Creek

Scribe Winery

Joanie Wills

Seven Hills Rainbow Parents

Kirsten Woods


XD Team

Seven Hills Auction April 6, 2024 27

Celebrating the School’s 60th Anniversary As the school’s 60th anniversary year drew to a close, we reflected back on the impact of the theme, Building Community by Creating Our Quilt Together. Originating from the stories about the handcrafted quilts that were constructed each year in the library, this theme served as a reminder of our own community’s tapestry of diverse history, events, identity, place, and values within the fabric of Seven Hills. Below are a few ways this year’s celebrations wove our community together.

Seven Hills: The Podcast As we celebrated this milestone and the school’s evolution, we launched a new podcast series created and hosted by Digital Arts teacher Jamaal Footman. In Seven Hills: The Podcast—Learning about the Community From the People Who Make the Wheels Turn, Mr. Footman uncovered compelling histories, heartfelt memories, and inspiring anecdotes from our community members. Through over 25 interviews of the school’s pioneers, longstanding faculty, behind-thescenes staff, and students impacted by Seven Hills’ legacy, throughlines emerged that have defined Seven Hills’ values despite changes in campus, leadership, and roles. “When I first set out to document some of the amazing stories our staff had to offer about Seven Hills, I had no idea how deep and continuous the narratives went,” says Mr. Footman. “I could clearly hear the echo from the past resonate in the present and well into the future.” Visit the podcast webpage to tune in to these stories.

Mr. Footman interviews former Head of School Lu Pilgrim and many other Seven Hills luminaries.

Buddy Art Project During the month of April, buddies from different grade levels came together for a special schoolwide art project in celebration of the anniversary. Each pair received a white vinyl square and worked together to draw their favorite place on campus or Seven Hills memory. The completed squares were assembled and strung together by parent volunteers who added tassels and decorative borders. The end result was a colorful flag of banners that hung around campus, showcasing students’ memories of Clifford, rockets, chickens, the campus creek, overnight trips, and more—all representative of the vibrant patchwork of our school and history!


60th Anniversary Assembly On May 26, Seven Hills families were invited to join the student body to celebrate our 60 years in a special assembly. As student speakers presented the many varied and storied pieces of our history as a school, the look back through time reminded us that the true strength of our community lies in the connections we forge and the memories we share.

“From its humble beginnings as an idea shared by a few dream-building parents, Seven Hills now serves over 420 students and their 270 families. Its impact over nearly 60 years has positively affected alumni and their families, and the communities to which they all contribute.” - Sofia Safreed ’23 and JJ Thorner ’23

“Just like the quilts on campus hold the stories of our past, all of our Seven Hills families’ stories are woven together to create the rich fabric of our present community. We come from different zip codes, races, religions, orientations, and upbringings but are connected by our mission to raise good humans and develop the whole child and each child.” - Head of School Kathleen McNamara


2023-24 EVENTS

The Seven Hills School

October 12 All Community Parent Dinner

Walnut Creek, CA 94598

975 North San Carlos Drive

November 17 Grandparents & Special Friends Day (K, 3, 6) January 15 Applications Deadline April 6 Auction

Parents of Alumni: Please Forward This Publication

May 11 Class of 2020 Senior Send Off May 16 All Community Classroom Open House

If your son or daughter no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify Seven Hills of his/her new mailing and email address at

May 31 Class of 2024 Alumni Welcome Luncheon June 2 All Alumni Reunion June 6 Graduation

The Seven Hills Creed

Be Respectful

Be Caring

Be Responsible

Be Positive

Be Honest

Be Mindful

Be Grateful

From the youngest age, Seven Hills students learn that living by these simple tenets will help them learn, grow, and contribute to our learning community.

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