Seaford Scene November 2020 Issue

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SEAFORD Scene November 2020 Issue 163

Your Community Magazine, Business Directory and What’s On Guide

Tide Mills A Living History Refill Seaford & Newhaven

Seaford Striders Seahaven Responders

Distributed free each month to homes and businesses in Seaford1

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to the November issue of Seaford Scene. As COVID-19 restrictions begin to tighten, Seaford Scene fortunately continues to be printed and distributed across Seaford and the surrounding area – I hope this magazine offers some kind of ‘normality’ for you during these unsettling times. I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who continues to support Seaford Scene including advertisers and contributors, enabling this free, community magazine to be published each month. So, despite the nights drawing in and the colder days tempting us indoors, Seafordians seem to be getting out and about, keeping calm and carrying on! Seaford Striders have participated in the Virtual London Marathon on page 14 and Cycle Seahaven has taken to the skies on page 67. Seaford’s stunning Splash Point is open to the public again, see page 70, and Seaford Museum has managed to reopen it’s doors to visitors, page 30. There are also two new exhibitions at the Crypt Gallery this month – turn to the ‘What’s On’ pages, 129 to 130. Find out about Seaford Responders on page 96, and as always, Seaford Emergency Volunteer Emergency Team is available to help anyone during these challenging times, see page 6. Please take care if you decide to celebrate Bonfire Night at home this year, and don’t forget it’s Remembrance Day on Wednesday 11th – do stop and pause in silence. Stay safe and well, and enjoy your November issue!

Fran Tegg. Editor

deadlineS: DEC issue: 6th Nov

Jan 2021 issue: 4th December

Sm a l l p a rt ie s a re gre at f u n!

by Lesley Har vey


Seaford Scene, 4th Floor, 60 Lansdowne Place, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 1FG. Tel: 01273 710793 Email:

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 30 32 34 37 41 42 44 50 53 54 58 61 62 67 71 72 73 75 78 81 84 90 96 98 100 102 104 110 116 118 120 123 127 128 128 130

Reimagining Christmas Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team We Will Remember Them Seaford Photographic Society Seaford Young Mayor Completes Charity Cycle Challenge! Seaford Striders Virtual Marathon A Festive Hullabaloo! Colour Wave 2020 Soapy September Success Communication Skills at St John’s School Seaford Chamber of Commerce A Good Read Foresters Friendly Society Reopening the Museum and Storm Damage Seaford’s Changing Climate Seaford Rotary Newberry Tully Estate Agents Morrisons Supporting the Community Clifden House Sussex Wildlife Trust Tide Mills – A Living History Barwells Solicitors Shadows Flee Away – Selmeston Church & Churchyard Cinder Toffee Cross Way Church Redevelopment Sleep – Should we worry about Quantity or Quality Cycle Seahaven Splash Point Reopened to the Public Inner Wheel Club of Seaford Downs Development Neighbourhood Voice Newhaven Gig Rowing Club Seaford Afternoon Flower Club A View From The Potting Shed Seaford Community Garden Fire Pit Fun Seahaven Responders Concentus Come and Sing with Us! A Restricted Autumn Who’s Who in Seaford? The Coding Conundrum Seaford Little Theatre Seaford Stamp & Post Card Club Martello Rotary Seaford Seaford U3A News Refill Seaford and Newhaven is Back! Greenhavens Network Lewes District Citizens Advice What’s On in Seaford? Index of Businesses

Cover photo by TravisLincoln,

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Reimagining Christmas Christmas seems a long way off, but the Mayor’s plans have to be made. A Christmas Card design competition has just been launched, and all of the Primary Schools in Seaford have been invited to encourage their pupils to take part. Information on entering has been e-mailed to the schools. The theme for the Mayor’s Christmas Card this year is ‘The First Christmas, reimagined in Seaford’. While not expecting the following suggestions to be turned into designs, in order to explain the concept here are some examples: singing Angels appear to shepherds in the fields by High and Over; the Magi came from the East, so they might ride their camels from Eastbourne down over Seaford Head; Joseph and a heavily pregnant Mary might arrive by donkey along the main road from Newhaven or might be pictured getting off the number 12 bus. A Seaford hostelry or B&B might be imagined turning the family away because they were full up for Christmas, but offering the family an empty garage nearby to sleep in. COVID considerations mean that entries are to be scanned and sent in by the participating schools as jpegs. Mayor’s Christmas Cards using the chosen designs will be electronic ones e-mailed on behalf of the town to local dignitaries and others. All entries received from schools taking part in the childrens Christmas Card design competition will be displayed on the Mayor’s Facebook. In addition to the children’s competition, the Mayor will be pleased to receive imaginative entries from adults and older pupils interpreting the same theme. Mary and Joseph travelled across their country and were homeless when they arrived in Bethlehem, could this be reimagined as happening in Seaford? It’s a relevant experience for people in the UK this year. The Magi presented gold, frankincense and myrrh, what would wise people in Seaford present to Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus this Christmas? Soon after the birth of Jesus, the family fled terror and an oppressive government and became refugees, equally relevant this year, but how


would you imagine it at Christmas in Seaford? Primary age designs will be entered in the competition through the participating schools. There is no competition for adults and older pupils, but the best of the designs as jpegs will be uploaded to the Mayor’s Facebook from 1st December onwards. Entries by adults and senior school pupils should be emailed as jpegs to the Mayor cllr.rodney.reed@

Another advance notice – Seaford Rotary are making plans for a ‘Twilight Fancy Dress Walk’ as a fundraiser for the Mayor’s Charities and other local groups. This is intended for early Spring and depends on COVID regulations permitting and suitable weather. Registrations are open, and details can be obtained from ‘Support our Seaford Charities’, a fundraising event for the ‘Mayor’s Charity Initiative’ had to be postponed to April 2021. It’s a coming together of Martello Rotary, NPS Lions, Seaford Rotary, Seaford Bonfire Society and National Coastwatch Institution – Newhaven. The contact is and details for a COVID-safe event will be published early in the New Year. Plans are being made by Rev. Andy Machin, the Mayor’s Chaplain, for a Carol Concert for Seaford, to which the Mayor and local representatives will be invited. It will be at Seaford Baptist Church on Saturday afternoon 19th December. Details will be announced closer to the date. Social distancing will of course be important and if it is not possible to hold a ‘real’ Carol Concert, a pre-recorded ‘virtual’ Carol Concert will be uploaded to YouTube for 19th December using the same ‘COVID-safe’ technology as for the virtual Civic Service. Photos from top: Deputy Mayor of Seaford Cllr. Jean Cash; Mayor of Seaford Cllr. Rodney Reed


FRIday 6th november

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Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team (SVET) Latest News

Phone line hours: Mon to Fri: 9am – 5pm. Tel: 01323 364058 Answerphone may be on sometimes, leave your name and number and we will get back to you. By the time you read this the nights will be drawing in, but we cannot say what will be happening nationally with the Covid19 infections. We will try to react speedily to any further decrease – or potential increase – in requests for help and according to local public health advice. This means we may make sudden service changes, but there will always be an answerphone message to let you know and we will post on our Facebook Group, website and via other local media. Calls to the help line have continued to fall and we are delighted that so many of you are now using Online deliveries for food shopping or have made other arrangements. Remember that you can ring up and get deliveries from Burts 01323 894318, Scoop and Weigh 01323 899047 and Walbrins/Gabriellas 01323 892781 if you want to support our local businesses. We were really pleased to see that Morrisons has announced they are expanding the doorstep delivery scheme which means you can ring 0345 6116111, wait for offer of Option 5 and order anything you want (except ice cream!) for next day delivery. The service remains free to those who are vulnerable or elderly. Many of our original volunteers have now gone back to work but we are still here for you in an emergency. We will try to respond to anyone who suddenly has to go into isolation, or falls ill, until you can get organised. We still need your help to enable us to pay for the phone line, PPE and other things we need to keep everyone safe. There is no obligation for those we are helping, but we have set up a ‘GoFundMe’ donations site which you can find on our FB page and website, or you can ring our help line on 01323 364058 if you are not online and we will tell you what to do. A big thank you to everyone who has already done so.


Remember, you can also contact us on our website and fill in the request form for support. Thank you to everyone who has pulled together to make this possible. wwIf we cannot help you, we know some people who can, so here are some useful numbers: Please note the Lewes Community Hub phone line (LDC) is paused for the time being. NHS responders (GoodSAM) 0808 196 3646 (8am-8pm) (includes patient transport volunteers) Sea friends/Listening Ear 01323 914689 Havens Community Cars (volunteer car drivers) 9.30-3pm 01273 918226 East Sussex Adult Care (including emergency duty service) 0345 60 80 191 East Sussex Children and Families 0345 6080192 out of hours 01273 335905/6 National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 Samaritans 116123 Shout (text service for those in Crisis) text 85258 Silverline (listening service for older people 24/7 24/7 0800 4708090 Sussex Mental Health Helpline for those in Crisis freephone 0300 5000 101 runs 24/7 Switchboard LGBT support 10am-10pm 0300 330 0630 Seaford Citizens Advice Bureau 01323 896209 Please stay safe and stay socially distanced. Sarah McStravick (Chair) and The SVET Team


FRIday 6th november

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We’re pleased to be back serving Seaford with town service 120. Although initially running a reduced number of days, we’ll increase this as soon as we can. Please check the timetables. Owing to government regulations, we can only carry a limited number of passengers on each journey. Please bear with us – the services are generally every 30 minutes.

We will remember them Why do we wear a poppy? Scarlet poppies grow wild all over Western Europe wherever the soil has been disturbed. The battles of the First World War churned up such vast areas of earth that millions of poppies germinated and bloomed, often around the bodies of the fallen soldiers.

We are grateful to the Town Council for their ongoing support.

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PCV licenses are not required. All you need is a standard driving licence with a DI classification. Full training and back up are given and you will work with a great team of people.

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Email: volunteer@ Telephone: 07802 305155 or 01323 870920 Visit us at:

A Canadian surgeon called John McRae wrote the poem In Flanders Fields in which the poppies symbolise the deaths of those who fought. It is a haunting memorial to those soldiers who have died in any war. Why do we have a two-minute silence? It was on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month that the guns of World War I fell silent. Four years of fighting and devastation finally ended. The following year ceremonies of remembrance took place on what was known as Armistice Day. An Australian journalist, Edward George Honey first proposed a respectful silence to remember the dead. He wrote a letter to the London Evening News, which was brought to the attention of King George V. The king then issued a proclamation which called for a two-minute silence. These days Armistice Day is known as Remembrance Sunday and is a chance to honour the fallen soldiers of all conflicts. Sarah Davey


FRIday 6th november


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Seaford Photographic Society We are all gradually getting used to holding our regular Friday evening meetings online, and the numbers attending these have increased every week so far. We are now getting pretty much the same numbers who used to attend the physical meetings, which is very encouraging. We are delighted to welcome back to the club several ex-members who had previously left because of ill health, or being out of the country for extended periods, but are able to attend the Zoom meetings. Also, welcome to a couple of new members. Our first competition of the season was Round 1 of the PDI League, for Projected Digital Images, judged by Rob de Ruiter ARPS. There were over 50 entries in total, but only four scored the maximum 20/20. AnnaMarie Armstrong’s bee ‘Hangin’ About’ (photo above) was the first of these. The judge thought that maybe it would have been better rotated so the bee was the right way up but still awarded it the maximum score. David Nickalls also did well with his image of a flock of pigeons in flight. In the advanced group, Simon Watkins’ sleeping swan (photo left) and Steven Wares’ flooded Cuckmere Valley landscape both scored 20s. Our first speaker of the year was Cherry Larcombe EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* with her superb talk on creative flower photography. She shared some basic ideas to try out, such as choosing your background carefully, shooting into the light, zooming in on parts of a flower, getting down low, the best types of flower to photograph, etc. She also covered more advanced techniques using Photoshop, which could transform a basic photo into


a work of art. It was all very inspiring and we have already seen some club members trying out her ideas. The second round of the PDI League was judged by Faith Lee LRPS and there were 56 entries, again with just four scoring 20s. Both of those in the standard group were from Martin Brewer. His creative photo of the De Gallant schooner arriving at Newhaven (photo above) stood out from the rest right from the start. Well done Martin. In the advanced group, Brian Knight’s black and white image of light and shadows playing on long grasses, called ‘Writhing Sward’ (photo above), sparked a lot of discussion as people could see all sorts of things in the patterns and shapes. Colin Mitchell’s ‘Harvest Mouse on Poppy Seed Head’ (photo left) was also much admired. The first meeting in October was a tutorial on Lightroom and Photoshop by our very own Jack Taylor EFIAP DPAGB. It is always potentially difficult to cater for the wide range of different skills in the club with a talk like this, but Jack did a splendid job, covering everything from basic adjustments in Lightroom to replacing boring skies using Photoshop. Our Annual Exhibition is usually at the end of November but is unlikely to go ahead this year in its usual format. We will probably have one online so keep an eye out on our Facebook page or website for more details.

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Seaford Young Mayor Completes Charity Cycle Challenge! Seaford Town Council’s Young Mayor, Chanel Pritchard completes a challenging 30-mile bike ride in aid of her chosen charity, Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex. On Saturday 26th September 2020, the Young Mayor of Seaford, Chanel Pritchard took part in a sponsored cycle challenge with the Deputy Young Mayor, James Jenkins, in aid of her chosen charity: Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex. This charity is very personal to Chanel who organised this challenge part of the Air Ambulance’s fundraising efforts ‘30for30’ marking its 30th Anniversary. The ‘30for30’ challenge is focused on fundraising events that improve health, encouraging supporters to get up and get active or take up a challenge that focuses on promoting well being, like learning a new skill.

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Chanel and James, together with some friends and a guardian, cycled the 30 miles from Seaford to Hove and back in gruelling weather conditions! The Young Mayor has been overwhelmed with support and is proud to announce that so far, over £600 has been raised! All fundraising achieved in Chanel’s year as Young Mayor will be presented to Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex at the end of her term. Sponsorship for this worthy cause is still open and donations can be made, preferably by bank transfer directly to: Seaford Town Council, Co-Operative Bank, Sort code: 08-92-99, Account 65343430. Please use the Reference – ‘Young Mayor 30’ Cash can be left in a sealed envelope marked ‘Young Mayor 30’ at the Tourist Information Office, 37 Church Street, Seaford, Monday – Friday between 9.30am – 4pm. After the ride Chanel said, ‘I am very grateful for the support I had from friends and family in being able to achieve this challenge, and from everyone who has kindly donated. It was tough. She continued, ‘The best view comes after the hardest climb, and strength doesn’t come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t! I look forward to my next fundraiser!’ The fundraising is still open and the total amount raised so far is £795. More information and future fundraising will be posted on the Young Mayor’s Facebook page, ‘like’ and ‘follow’ this page for updates. Photo: Young Mayor of Seaford Chanel Pritchard (2nd from right) with Deputy Young Mayor, James Jenkins (second from left) with friends.

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Striders well supported for virtual London Marathon This year’s 40th edition of the London Marathon was an event like no other. Covid-19 restrictions forced all but the elites into an edited-down version of the event run over 19 laps of St James’ Park. The rest of the runners took part in the London Marathon as a virtual event. Five Striders took the 26.2-mile challenge in wet and windy conditions. They were given a timeframe of 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds (from 00:00 to 23:59:59 BST) to complete the race anywhere in the UK or the world. The format meant finishers had plenty of help from other Striders and runners to help them go the distance. Zingy Thetho ran laps of the Peacehaven parkrun route in Centenary Park and was featured in a BBC interview. Zingy has raised more than £1,000 so far running for Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Charity which supports patients and staff and the Martin Fisher Foundation, working to eliminate HIV. Zingy marked her 26.2 miles running laps of the park in 6:24 and was joined by runners from Seaford Striders and Saltdean-based RunPals. She said: ‘The rain was pouring, but the actual running, going through the loops all the time, doing the same thing 26 times, I didn’t get bored. I felt positive throughout. Having different groups of people, having different conversations and having someone there to do different loops with me meant I really enjoyed it!’ Lorraine Quigley joined up to the London Landmarks Half Marathon to support Parkinsons UK, raising money for both events together. She has raised £1,070 so far and will run both events in 2021 Lorraine was joined by supporters Julie Taylor, Caroline Swinden, Gary and Jill New, Sue Curtis and Debbie Taylor, running with her for nearly the entire stretch


of her route, which she completed in 5:38. She said: ‘What got to me most was the fact that so many people came out in the terrible weather to support me – very humbling. I don’t think I actually had a low point due to their encouragement and company the whole way through.’ Darren Evans brightened up the foul weather, running his race dressed as Bananaman. He was running for Brighton’s Rockinghorse Children’s Charity. Support from motorists, passers-by and other virtual marathon runners helped him tackle headwinds of up to 40mph, and he was joined by Justin Wright for the last 10km of the race.

‘I dressed up as Bananaman, which led to cheers and spontaneous claps from the public. It was a lift to the soul with every cheer, every clap and every toot from drivers going past. It was also nice to see a lot of other VLM runners doing their own races.’ His running efforts bore fruit, as well as cash, as he was able to donate approx 40kg of bananas each to The Royal Alex and the WOLO Foundation donated by Asda Marina. Nick Farley’s training plans were disrupted by injury. Although suffering a recurrence within the first third of the race, his trail route over the South Downs helped him push through to finish his 6th Marathon in 5:57. Jemma Crawford and partner Jay Vile raised £582 for St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Eastbourne, during her first marathon, running a route over Seaford Head and over the Seven Sisters which she described as ‘a killer!’ Jemma even managed to end her 5:01 run with a sprint finish. Photos from top: Jemma Crawford and Jay Vile; Zingy Thetho with runners from Seaford Striders and Saltdeanbased RunPals; Darren Evans.

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Christmas 2020 Exhibition The CUCKMERE & FLINT Rooms, Crypt Gallery, Church Street, Seaford. Open daily Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm, Sun 12pm – 3pm from Sat 28th Nov until Sun 20th Dec After a very tough year for the visual arts Phil Duncan of the Sussex Arts Collective is delighted to be able to stage this group’s 2020 Christmas show HULLABALOO! at the Crypt Gallery from Saturday 28th November. Offering a diverse range of quality yet affordable fine art and craft work you will undoubtedly discover a wealth of thoughtful and highly unique gifts and treats for the festive season direct from local artists and makers. HULLABALOO! will be Phil Duncan’s eleventh Christmas show but sadly his last. Increased costs and greater restrictions have made it untenable for him to stick to his guiding principles. So the Sussex Arts Collective will be taking a break and will return in the future when things are more favourable. This month’s featured member, Stefan Mucha epitomises what the Sussex Arts Collective is all about: an artist using traditional skills but applied in a contemporary way.


Stefan trained in marketing communications and design-for-print at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art. He was a creative director in marketing and advertising design agencies for more than 30 years, creating award-winning advertising campaigns for several blue-chip multi-national technology leaders. Stefan more recently transitioned out from the advertising world to pursue other creative endeavours. Set-up in January 2018, ArtKlocks is an artisan home studio-workshop based in Uckfield specialising in


the design and handcrafting of a unique range of one-off, wood veneer, and mixed media marquetry art-timepieces. ArtKlock timepieces combine high-tech CNC machining with traditional handcraft marquetry using natural and striking engineered wood veneers together with mixed-media abstracts. Each ArtKlock is designed with a minimalist aesthetic and meticulously finished. Following feedback from exhibition visitors, several of the original ArtKlock Sussex landscape themed designs were created as a series of Giclée Fine Art Prints and greetings cards designed with a minimalist aesthetic. Stefan, alongside partner and graphic designer Amanda Lewis-Clements, further created and exhibited a range of artworks inspired by their local Sussex coastline and Downs under the banner of Sussex Art Prints. Stefan has also been creating contemporary marquetry art pieces using a range of natural, dyed and engineered wood veneers and other substrates. From the textures, colours, and grain patterns in the wood veneers he is inspired to create pareidolic affected pieces. Almost as much as image creation, Stefan enjoys the crafting process of marquetry using the simple tool of a scalpel and a steady hand, aiming for precision in cut and fit to complete the finished piece. In addition to his career in design in 2005 Stefan was a co-founder of award-winning Polish history publisher Aquila Polonica. Stefan was awarded the Gold Medal of the Polish Army on 1st December, 2010, for his work with the team that created the Polish Armed Forces Memorial at the National Arboretum, Staffordshire. In 2011, Stefan was further awarded the Medal Pro Memoria by Minister of War Veterans and Victims of Oppression, Dr Jan Stanisław Ciechanowski of the Government of the Republic of Poland. Contact him via, wwwsussexartprints., Instagram: @artklocks/ Images from top: Bishopstone ArtKlock; Beachy Head; Stefan Mucha.

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Seaford Museum & Heritage Society Experience history from the stone age to the present day

6,000 sq ft of Local and Domestic History in peace and war. Now with lift and step-free access. The Martello Tower, Seaford Esplanade




1970 ~ 2020


Now open again! We are delighted to announce that Seaford Museum is open again on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 4pm. All visitors are requested to use face coverings and follow the one way system through the Museum. Payment by card only, please. We look forward to welcoming you soon.

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COLOUR WAVE 2020 Friday 13th November, 4pm-7pm Sat 14th - Sat 21st November, 10am - 5pm Sunday 22nd November, 10am - 3pm Lynn Beck and Linda Wells will be back at The Crypt Gallery, Seaford, for the 3rd successive Colour Wave exhibition. A little later than planned, but it’s given us more time for our creative juices to flow, and after taking part in a successful Artwave at The View in Seaford, we are looking forward to presenting a ‘Colour Full’ display of work.

LYNN BECK is a self-taught artist with a passion for

colour. Working in acrylics, Lynn is inspired by the local scenery and well-known landmarks, looking beyond the obvious to capture something unique with an ironic twist. New original work, limited edition prints and greetings cards, along with her newly designed Christmas card for 2020, will be available in addition to drinks coasters depicting copies of her original work.


has been using a wide variety of fibres and threads in her Hand Felted Fibre Art Landscapes, giving them much more texture and colour to which detail is added with Embrodiery. Linda also takes inspiration from the Local Coast and Countryside and likes to paint using Oils and Acrylics incorporating colour and texture to give atmosphere in her work

M Theatre Tokens M The perfect CHRISTMAS gift Now available to buy at Seaford Tourist Information Centre 37 Church Street, Seaford. A unique gift voucher which can be used to see shows at over 240 theatres nationwide including Eastbourne theatres and the Theatre Royal in Brighton. Tel: 01323 897426. Open Mon to Fri 9am - 4pm.


Joining us this year:

Lisa Taylor

paints with acrylic and oils, and also creates unique works in wood. Lisa loves colour and pattern, and has been inspired by our fabulous local coastlines and the South Downs. Many of her quirky designs are available on greetings cards, Christmas cards and limited edition prints.

Nina Gatward

mainly paints watercolour landscapes and flowers. She also produces illustrated alphabets for children and paintings which pictorially represent a child’s name. She has recently started to experiment with pastel crayons.

Shirley Burt

paints woodland scenery with texture and depth. More recently her paintings of flowers and water include the use of vibrant colours and a bolder style.

Previous visitor comments: ‘Thankyou for a superb exhibition, filled with colour and style’ ‘Beautiful, inspirational, escapism’ ‘Wonderful paintings in a wonderful environment. Art makes the world a better place!’ We welcome everyone with open arms, but not hugs! You will see a wide variety of affordable work just in time for Christmas, including original artwork (framed and unframed), limited edition prints, greetings cards and crafts.

Colour Wave at The Crypt Gallery, Seaford, is free to enter and there is a car park to the rear (free on Sundays). Numbers entering the gallery at any one time will be restricted. Visitors are expected to comply with the latest government advice regarding face coverings. A one-way system will be operating with the exit to the rear of the gallery. Images from top: With a View to, by Linda Wells; Following the Cuckmere Star, by Lynn Beck

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Soapy September Success!

Newhaven, Peacehaven and Seaford Lions Club

Havens Community Hub, based in Denton, collected over £300 of goods in their ‘Soapy September’ campaign which have been donated to local food banks including soaps, toothpaste/brushes, sanitary products and nonperishable food items.

w hours Do you enjoy fe a u o y e v Ha are? helping others? you can sp We welcome keen volunteers to help us with • Community service • Social transport • Half-Marathon • Santa’s sleigh • Fundraising

‘People experiencing food insecurity may also have problems accessing other essential daily living products,’ said Paula Woolven, Hub Company Secretary. ‘We were pleased to support our friends at the food banks and would like to thank all of our kind community donors.’

JOIN US Lions exist to serve the community and we also enjoy a good social life where volunteers and their families are welcomed. For further details please contact: The President, NPS Lions Club, 27a Capel Avenue, Peacehaven, BN10 8NB tel. 0345 833 5981 - email For more information, please visit our website or our Facebook page @NPSLions

For more information on the Havens Community Hub please see their website at

New to The Old Chapel Centre Tye Road Alfriston Every Wednesday 2-4pm Post Services •  Postage, parcels, le.ers, and interna2onal post •  Banking, cash withdrawals, deposits cheques •  Bill payments •  Savings accounts •  Home shopping returns •  Redirec2on Services •  Interna2onal transfers •  Parcelforce Courier services •  Telephone card top-­‐ups


Marketplace •  Local craEs and art •  Handmade Jewellery •  Local produce-­‐ honey, eggs vegetables •  Indian Food stall •  Upcycle table •  Florist and dried flowers •  Community no2ce board For more informa2on and stall enquiries email: Or call 07790897957

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Helping young people develop their communication skills at St John’s School

Communication is an essential part of everyday life, regardless of whether you are at home, at work or in your local supermarket. People communicate with one another to share ideas, to express feelings and to complete everyday tasks, so when the message is not received as intended it can be very frustrating. St John’s is a charity which runs a specialist school in Seaford and a college in Brighton, working with children and young people who are on the Autism Spectrum and who have complex learning disabilities. Effective communication is one of the five pillars of learning at St John’s school in Seaford which prepare young people for a successful life.

At St John’s we use a range of different tools to support our learners’ ability to understand language and to communicate with others. These tools include Visual Schedules, which are timetables that are presented with pictures and written information. Now and Next Boards are similar to timetables, but broken down to the level of what is happening now and what is happening next. For specific multi-step tasks sequencing/process visuals are used, which are a series of photos and instructions that break the tasks, down into the individual steps needed to complete them, e.g. all the steps needed to make a cup of tea. Talking Mats is a visual-based system for supporting learners to share their opinion on a range of topics. Social Stories are an important way of sharing information with a learner to support their understanding of a situation/behaviour/change that is about to occur; they can be read frequently to help with expectation and anticipation of future change. At St John’s school we are working towards increasing the use of Makaton with our learners. As a parent


or grandparent, you may remember Mr. Tumble from CBeebies introducing youngsters to signing with Makaton. The signs used in Makaton are from British Sign Language, which is the language of the deaf community in Britain. A Makaton symbol is a simple black and white drawing that shows the meaning of a word. Today, over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton. St John’s also uses Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) systems with young people who are non- or minimally verbal. Examples of AAC systems include PODD books and PECS – these are visual systems, introduced by qualified Speech and Language Therapists, that allow the user to communicate by pointing to symbols to get their message across. It is important for our learners that there is consistency between the home and school environments. We achieve this by encouraging the use of visual supports at home. Often the Occupational Therapists will also create visual aids to support with activities of daily living (e.g. getting dressed, brushing teeth), and help to increase the learners’ independence. All of this fantastic work to develop the communication skills of autistic children and young people happens right here in Seaford! We would like to ask the community, local businesses and other organisations to get involved, so this November we will be launching the St. John’s Heroes programme for regular supporters.

For further information please contact us on 07912 269407.

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SEAFORD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUPPORTS AGE CONCERN SEAFORD On Friday 18th September Seaford Chamber hosted its annual Charity Golf Day at Blatchington Golf Club amidst the considerable challenges presented to comply with COVID-19 protocols – but the opportunity to enjoy a round of golf in glorious weather and raise funds for Age Concern Seaford was not to be missed! This year, the event was limited to 10 teams who took part in the 18-hole competition where the best three scores out of 4 count. Luckily golfers tend to practice social distancing anyway so that wasn’t a problem.

G. F. Sinclair Ltd Interior Furnishers

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Whilst the usual evening dinner could not be held, the auction and raffle for a four-ball at Seaford Head Golf Club went ahead – auction raising £70 and raffle and drinks on the 9th hole over £400 more to add to the sponsorship already given. Drinks at the bar were restricted to players remaining in their bubble of four players, so current government guidelines were followed. The Chamber is grateful for the match funding offered by Barclays Premier and the amazing sum of £1,091 will be donated to Age Concern Seaford. Competition Winners: SR Davis & Son (Second – Charles Cox Property Management, Third – Brooklyn Hyundai). Winners of the prestigious Chamber Cup were Charles Cox Property Management. Seaford Chamber is grateful for the support of its generous Sponsors, David Jordan; Charles Cox Property Management; Elite Industries Ltd Also SR Davis & Sons and ELS Electrical who supplied all the refreshments at the 9th hole. Photos from top: Chamber President Clare Davis (left) presents prize to James Roberts (Winner longest drive); Chamber President Clare Davis presents prize to Lee Englefield (Winner nearest the pin).

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team 16 Sutton Road, Seaford 01323 890685


working with councillors, churches and the community

01323 364058 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

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Angies News your community shop

We sell:

Confectionary Large range of all leading brands plus a range of traditional favourites and retro sweet gift boxes.

Newspapers and Magazines We stock all leading titles, if we haven’t got it, we will order it! All vouchers accepted. We also do a Home Newspaper Delivery Service 7 weeks free delivery for new customers with this advert. We also work with and you will get an additional 6 weeks free delivery. Yes, 3 months free delivery! Contact shop for further details.

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Collection point for Wish, UPS etc

Angies News, 23 Claremont Road, Seaford, BN25 2PF Tel: 01323 892569 To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


A Good Read Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

26-year-old Lou Clark still lives with her parents in the quiet market town she grew up in. Almost deserted in the winter, the town’s one draw is an old castle. When we meet Lou, she works in the local tea shop serving the coach loads of tourists who come to visit. With a quirky dress sense, Lou never really feels as if she fits in, and as a teenager longed to travel the world. However, circumstances meant that she could never bring herself to leave. After losing her job she reluctantly takes a job caring for Will, a young quadriplegic man injured in a motorcycle accident several years earlier. She is told the job is just for six months, and despite a rough start she decides to stick it out and soon an unlikely bond develops between Lou and Will. A romantic novel, this also deals with the sensitive issue of disability and the descriptions of Will’s dayto-day life are well written with brutal honesty and little sensationalism. Things take a darker turn when Lou learns the reason why her contract is only to be for six months, and she sets out to bring Will new experiences and remind him of the simple joys of life: not easy for a wheelchair-bound man whose ideal way to pass the time before his accident was skydiving or climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. As a reader you are drawn into the lives of these characters and the development of their relationship is believable. In the hands of the wrong writer this plot


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line could turn out to be very twee and cliché, but Moyes does not fall into this trap. The resulting novel is engaging, difficult to put down and will lead you to appreciate the small wonders of life.

The Fault in Our Stars

by John Green

Continuing with the theme of personal relationships in the face of illness comes The Fault in Our Stars the hugely successful teen novel exploring the impact of teenage cancer on the lives of two individuals. 16-year-old Hazel has cancer and is, reluctantly, convinced by her parents to attend a support group for others in her situation. Amongst the other patients there is Augustus, a 17-year-old boy who lost a leg to cancer. The two begin talking and agree to read each other’s favourite books. Hazel’s book is a novel by a Dutch writer about a young girl with cancer: Hazel sees many parallels to her own life here. Augustus is angry after reading the book and discovering that it doesn’t have a nicely wrapped up ending. There is no conclusion, no neat package, no ending: happy or otherwise. Of course, life has an ending, but it often isn’t happy or neatly wrapped up. Hazel becomes aware of her fears about getting close to others. She is afraid that when she dies it will hurt them, and this naturally affects her relationship with Augustus. This moving novel deals with issues that most of its teen readers won’t have yet faced in their lives. As a teenager you often feel immortal. You feel as if life is stretching out ahead of you and death is the furthest from your mind. Hazel and Augustus, along with the other young people at the support group view life differently. There is no expectation that everyone will make it to the next meeting. No one is immortal. With a huge teenage following and a successful movie adaptation this novel stays with you long after the closing paragraph. Willow Coby


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Foresters Friendly Society Foresters Friendly Society is local branch and the benevolent side of the Foresters Friendly Society, covering the areas from Rye, across to Peacehaven and up to Hailsham. Each year the society fundraises for two local charities which are chosen by society members plus a national charity which is chosen by the president of the society. Foresters Friendly Society has recently presented cheques to The Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team and Embrace East Sussex, each for £770. The society raises money by holding socials, coffee mornings, lunches, quizzes, raffles, etc. Members also completed a virtual sponsored walk around the UK, where some of the group recorded how far they had walked each day, and also plotted the journey around the UK which provided monthly updates to members showing them how far around the country they had walked. The money raised

was given to Rays of Sunshine and the society has just presented a cheque to the charity for £1,780.48. Since Lockdown it has been a struggle for the society to continue fundraising safely, but some members have come up with brilliant ideas, such as making scrubs for hospitals and nursing homes, and making masks which members have been buying for a donation. Others have knitted Teddy Doctors and Rabbit Nurses, which are also being sold for a donation, and a doll in a carry basket with a selection of clothes has been raffled off for a draw at £1 a ticket. If you are interested in finding out about Foresters Friendly Society or would like to make a donation, please contact Stephen Lindsell on 01323 899101. Photo from top (l-r) Teresa and Brian Marchant with Diana Linsdell; knitted Rabbit Nurses.

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Reopening the Museum and Storm Damage We are delighted to be able to say that Seaford Museum is open again. We have instigated a oneway route and all visitors must wear face coverings, but we are open and looking forward to welcoming visitors again! 145 years ago this month Seaford was engulfed in another of its regular floods. Previously, in 1824, the incoming flood was so strong as to drive a barge all the way up to Bishopstone. The construction of the railway embankment a few years later protected that valley, instead, the storm of 14th November 1875 was centred on the town itself. In the early hours of that Sunday, there were storms observed out in the Channel to the South West with a broad low pressure front pressing up towards

Clock Restoration Service

For antique clocks. Movements, dials and cases. Collection and delivery. Clocks bought and sold.

Robert Edwards 01323 890857 30

the Sussex coast. The sea reached its peak one hour before the high tide, overcoming the full length of the beach in what was described as a ‘rolling wave, carrying everything before it’. Bathing machines, huts, boats, boathouses, gates and anything movable was swept off the seafront and into the town. Doors and windows were battered in by the relentless flood, the buildings in Steyne Road, Church Street and Pelham Road being amongst the worst affected. One old bedridden man living in Church Street was unable to escape and had to be evacuated through his bedroom window by boat. At its height, the flood reached Church Lane (which was then known as Coffin Lane) and to the doorstep of the Bay Hotel in Pelham Road. A ship with a cargo of timber had been in the Bay and timber was thrown into the town by the waves causing even greater damage. The damage caused in this part of Seaford was so extensive that many were left homeless, their houses having been inundated by sea water and some having walls knocked down by the force. The Bailiff of Seaford called for the setting up of a National Relief Fund to help the victims and this raised the astonishing sum of £1,200 relatively quickly. In the days that followed, there were several unlikely reports of ‘curious events’, Allegedly, a haystack that had been standing at Lyons Place (by the Golf Links) was carried away by the tide to Chyngton half a mile away. On top of this were several ‘fowls’ that had taken refuge there and survived in perfect order. Similarly, it was reported that a billiard table had been washed away from the Assembly Rooms on the seafront and was found two or three days later at Cuckmere. Who said that ‘fake news’ was a recent invention? Image: Probably taken from the painting by J Moxon who was a French artist just visiting Seaford at the time. It shows the flood from the bottom of Church Street, leading up to Coffin Lane, which ran just below the church.

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Seaford Gold Buying Centre

£ £ NEED EXTRA CASH? £ £ Sell your broken and unwanted jewellery Gold, Silver, Old Watches, Amber, Jade and Oriental items wanted. Gold up to £1,410 per troy oz. Silver up to £15.00 per troy oz. Call in to 16 High Street, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1PG Tel: 01323 873090 Mobile 07818 035675 Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday. Closed Wednesday afternoon. To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


Seaford’s changing climate

As National Geographic says, climate is average weather over time. From what we can see in our neighbourhood, the story in Seaford starts some eighty million years ago, towards the end of the age of the dinosaurs. Seaford was then at the bottom of a warm, clear sea with marine life including ammonites. As Splash Point has been undergoing repairs, we enclose a picture of a Seaford ammonite from nearby Peacehaven, being gradually exposed (and eroded) on the shore (photo right). This fossil, called Parapuzosia, is the chambered shell of an extinct relative of the modern ocean-dwelling nautilus, which resembles an octopus with a coiled shell. The frilly bits on the fossil are the chamber divisions. Parapuzosia got buried on the sea floor, now preserved as layers of chalk and flint as near Hope Gap (photo right). The alternation of these has fascinated people ever since they were first mapped in Victorian times. A more recent idea, originating in the 1920s, is that the layers are due to climate change, caused by regular variation in the Earth’s orbit as it goes around the sun. These cycles have also been used to explain the alternation of warm and cold climates during the last million years, during which the first people arrived in Seaford. The irregular layers and broken chalk at the top of the railway cutting in Bishopstone Station (photo left) record one such cold climatic episode. They were created by deep, hard frost (permafrost) as experienced today in arctic Siberia, but not temperate Sussex. What’s more, you won’t find such layers at the time of the chalk seas. Changes in the atmosphere, such as the due to


gas emissions, could also have contributed to the warm climate during the age of the dinosaurs, just like today. Oddly enough, the patches of sand (photo above) at the back of the Golf Course date from the eve of a particularly warm episode over fifty million years ago. So Seaford has gone from hothouse to icehouse, the latter with cold/warm oscillations – we could still be in one, as the climate only warmed up some ten thousand years ago. The old bed of the Cuckmere at Short Cliff preserves at least two cold episodes, shown by the cut off top of the chalk (photo above), and permafrosted layers higher up (photo left). In between are layers with pebbles and cobbles, which included a sizeable mammal bone on a fallen block (photo below hand for scale), over one hundred thousand years old. Early Seafordians left their mark with rare flint handaxes, like this one (photo below) found in Blatchington, dating from the Old Stone Age. It may have been hunting that

brought the first visitors to Seaford. If you’re wondering how the river got up the cliff, climate change is also linked to sea and land level changes, but that’s another story. Ed and Biddy Jarzembowski

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Seaford Second Hand Furnishings Modern and Old Furniture

House Clearance and single items purchased. 8-10 High Street, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1PG

Tel: 01323 896400 or 07796 593381

Elite Clearance Solutions Household, Garden & Commercial Clearances End of Tenancy Clearances Probate & Bereavement Clearance Commercial & Domestic Bin Hire d e c Licen e Builders Waste & Hardcore Wast Carrier CBDU7 33538

T: 07746 157884 W:



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Seaford Rotary

Santa’s Visit to Seaford ‘These Abnormal Times’

Santa has thought carefully about the risks associated with the COVID -19 pandemic and whether he should visit the streets of Seaford this December and if so, how.

Due to current restrictions it will be necessary for families to queue to see Santa rather than crowding around the sleigh. We ask parents to comply with Government Regulations and to ensure that they take social distancing into consideration when their children are queueing to see Santa. Unfortunately, children will not be allowed to climb onto the sleigh this year. Keep watching the Seaford Rotary website and social media for news of Santa’s visit to Seaford.

Geoff Lowles – 50 years membership – a celebration

On 11th September, Geoff Lowles, Paul Harris Fellow, celebrated 50 years’ membership of Seaford Rotary Club. Geoff was joined at this socially-distanced celebration by Past Presidents Tony Lees, Tony Osborne, Keith Carlisle and John Preddy, who, with Geoff, have given 237 years of valuable service to Rotary and the Seaford community and President Martin McGill. Santa has concluded that provided there are no further restrictions imposed by the Government and that Lewes District Council gives permission for Seaford Rotary to carry out door-to-door collections, he will be able to meet children in Seaford on December evenings as he has done in past years. Should there be any changes to the plans for Santa to visit the streets of Seaford, this will be announced on the Seaford Rotary website, Facebook and Seahaven FM. The dates and details of routes that Santa plans to take will be published on the Seaford Rotary website ( php?PgID=787979&ClubID=1469), in the December Seaford Scene, on Facebook and in Haven News. Seaford Rotary will be using a tracker app which will enable the public to ascertain the location of Santa and his progress towards them. Details of the app will be published in the second half of November. Although it will be possible to make cash donations as Santa passes their homes, Seaford Rotary recognises however that some members of the public may not wish to have social distanced contact with those collecting the donations but nevertheless still wish to donate. Details of how a donation may be made using the ‘Just Giving’ App will be provided at the end of November.


The surprise to all, apart from the President, 15 minutes after the start the celebration was the arrival of Mayor Rodney Reed accompanied by the Mayoress Ann Reed to express thanks to Geoff for his 50 years’ service to the Seaford Community. President Martin McGill thanked Geoff for all his hard work and gave a brief resumé of Geoff ’s life as a member of Seaford Rotary Club since he joined. Martin outlined some of the roles that Geoff has carried out for the Club, noting that he was President in 1982– 83 and has been Club Secretary twice as well as Trust Treasurer since 2003. Tony Lees, who has known Geoff for in excess of 50 years, reminded the attendees that ‘Young Geoff ’ was the youngest to be inducted into the Club, and that he remains the youngest to this day, and probably will always remain so. The ‘Young’ is how many Club members refer to him, and it is a term of affection, sincerely meant. He also spoke about Geoff ’s great value in community issues and organisations including serving as Trustee on the management committee of Mercread Youth Club and more recently the Chair of the Fitzgerald Trust. As well as thanking Geoff for his 50 years’ service, Councillor Rodney Reed as Mayor of Seaford was also pleased to pass on the greetings of Martello Rotary

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Invite you to join us on

This will be a fun fundraiser for your group to enjoy

Club commending Geoff for his 50 years of Rotary membership in one club. President Martin McGill then presented Geoff with a framed certificate honouring his 50 years Rotary membership. Past President John Owen had arranged for a celebratory cake to be supplied, and there only remained one more thing to do, and that was to cut the cake – and eat it!

Twilight Fancy Dress Walk Seaford Rotary appreciates that 2020 has been an exceedingly difficult year for local fundraising, but undaunted, members have risen to the challenge. Planning is now underway for an event which, by working together, will give fundraising opportunities for all local groups and charities. The ‘Twilight Fancy Dress Walk’ is special sponsored event in 2021 which will help participating groups raise much-needed funds, and raise their community profiles by having some much-needed fun.

Raise funds through sponsorship, and raise your profile in the community.

Organised by Seaford Rotary We are registering teams now. 2021 event date to be confirmed

For more details or to register an interest please contact Jean Cash tel. 01323 890373

The Seaford Seamstress Corrina is here to help with all your sewing needs

07875 292000

By registering now for this early Spring event, local groups and charities will be able to get organised and start sponsored fundraising immediately, and into the New Year. All entry fees will be donated to the Mayor of Seaford’s Charities. For more details and registration forms contact Jean Cash. Telephone: 01323 890373 or Email: Photos: Santa’s sleigh; (l-r) Tony Osborne, President Martin McGill, Geoff Lowles, John Preddy, Tony Lees and Keith Carlisle; Geoff Lowles’s 50 years celebration cake.


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Repairs & Alterations

Dress Making Sewing Lessons Evening and weekend Drop off and pick up St Crispians Court, Claremont Road, Seaford BN25 2DZ Or bring to Unit 2, Caxton House, 143 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8NN Monday to Friday 9 till 4

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12 Years


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Specialists in Sales & Lettings

Zita Ginger Director

James Sibley Sales & Letting Negotiator

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Local independent managing agents Sanders is a family run company with over 15 years’ experience and specialises in providing the highest standard of residential property management for landlords, residents associations and property developers. We currently work with a number of residential blocks and estates throughout Eastbourne and surrounding areas and understand the needs and requirements of the local residents. Should you wish to discuss our service in more detail please contact the Sanders Team.


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What’s on the Horizon for Seaford’s Housing Market? After one of the most unusual years on record for the housing industry, the latest market predictions from a major property chain make for interesting reading. Think back to March, when the housing industry in Seaford and across the UK screeched to a halt for more than seven weeks during what is typically a busy time of year for property sales. Then we had an incredibly busy period from May through to September. But what can we expect next?

Looking Ahead

According to Hamptons International, the outlook over the next four years is for steady growth. It forecasts house prices in the UK to rise by 2% this year and by 8% over the next four years. HMRC is also forecasting improvement, predicting a steady rise in completions, year on year over the next four years, in line with economic recovery.

Market Confidence

Many industry insiders have been surprised by the resilience the market has shown in 2020. Looking ahead, Hamptons notes that growth is expected to rebound to 8.7% in 2021 (assuming there is an EU trade deal).

What Does All This Mean for Those Contemplating Moving?

For those weighing up their options, but who aren’t ready to make a move just yet, these market forecasts, along with the fact interest rates are low, will most likely prove reassuring.

Stephen Newberry

Andrew Tully

Even if people are not able to take advantage of the Stamp Duty holiday (which ends on 31st March 2021), there will still be plenty of good reasons to act. Consider too that most of us move for lifestyle reasons. Families grow, people retire, relationships blossom (or end) and employment opportunities change. Major life events don’t necessarily mirror property trends. And the most recent forecasts should give potentialmovers in Seaford the confidence to make decisions on their terms in the future.

In Demand

Especially when you consider Seaford was recently ranked as the second-best seaside town to live in, in the entire UK (Whitstable was first) by property website Compare Your Move. If you’ve got any questions about the property market, please contact us.

Stephen and Andrew

Newberry Tully Estate Agents 53 Church Street, Seaford (opposite Seaford Health Store) Tel: 01323 490001 To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


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The People’s Choice Sussex You’re in safe hands Do Your Loved Ones Need Help in Their Home?  Domestic assistance, shopping, housework, ironing.  Companionship, sitting service, trips out, appointments  Check calls, medication prompts, general support.

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Sussex Elderly Care

Community Interest Company: A not-for-profit social enterprise

Do you love living at home and want to remain independent? We at Sussex Elderly Care can help you achieve this. We are your local home support service with that special personal touch. We provide a service similar to what friends and family provide whether at home, in hospital or in a residential home. Alternatively, you may be caring for someone or simply need a helping hand, we will tailor a service to your requirements. We provide an adaptable, responsive service, so please give us a call, and we will do our best to help you. We offer a free consultation with no obligation. Phone us now at 01323 301338.

We have a high demand for our service and we are urgently recruiting now for more staff. Contact Mary on 01323 301338. Our aim is to help the elderly in the community. All our staff are DBS checked. Email: Sussex Elderly Care Ltd: 9 Sutton Road, Seaford BN25 1RU Registered in England No: 8603192 Registered office: 50 Chichester Road, Seaford, BN25 2DL


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Community Interest Companies

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Morrisons Supporting the Community Morrisons in Seaford has two new Community Champions, Sophie and Carole. Our role is to support the local community and see what Morrisons can do as a store to help make a positive impact. If you are a registered charity and need anything such as donations or any help organizing activities don’t hesitate to contact us as we would love to help. We have already helped some places and charities by providing raffle prizes, and food donations such as snacks and refreshments. We can also help volunteer with projects such as community gardening, litter picking, and beach cleaning. So if there is anything that you can think of that we could possibly help with please let us know. We can be contacted via: Tel: 01323 893042

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Personalised care and support in a homely environment

Registered Nursing Home for 30 older people. Professionally, trained & experienced staff. Dignity & choice respected at all times. Warm & friendly atmosphere, dedicated social activity team. Visitors welcome any time. Quietly situated in prime residential area near seafront. Delightful gardens & courtyards. Long/short term stays, incl. respite and convalescence Please contact David Briant, Manager

Tel: 01323 892335


18 Corsica Road, Seaford, BN25 1BD

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Covid and the challenges for people with dementia As we head, seemingly inevitably, towards the longfeared ‘second wave’ of this Coronavirus, the threat of infection remains very real and it seems unlikely that life will fully return to normal any time soon. Those sunny summer hopes of this all being over by Christmas have now been let go. Whilst all of us may be anxious, carers and people with dementia may be feeling particularly so. Families and carers may also be in a position where a lot has changed in their own personal lives in addition to the added worries of caring for someone with Dementia. Our own Lockdown procedures at Clifden House have allowed families to visit their relatives in safety at the home, which has provided some much sought for relief as friends and loved ones catch up and reassure themselves about the health and safety of each other. However, true face-to-face services and other sources of support will take much longer to resume, and it is important to gauge any underlying stress and anxiety arising as a result. Just as we are told when listening to the safety procedures in an aircraft, remember to put on your own oxygen mask before attending to others. We can all best help those we love once we have ensured that we are of strong mind and body, after a rather trying year.

Supporting from a distance

If you are supporting someone with dementia who lives on their own, they may have difficulty understanding what has changed in terms of Lockdown restrictions. It is important to keep in touch with them, taking your time to explain changes and make information available to them in a simple and accessible way. Sometimes, when appropriate we repeat the information to residents so that they can move towards an understanding. Our team members are wearing masks and protective equipment throughout their shifts and are now more than used to the funny comments from residents and once again gently explaining why they are dressed up this way.


People with dementia may also lack awareness of, and be less able to, report coronavirus symptoms because of communication difficulties – you should be alert to any signs of symptoms of the virus in the person you are supporting. We regularly take temperatures and other assessments of our residents and look out for other symptoms. Not all patients may want to be tested, or understand the intrusion, but we continue to work on ways of cooperating with each individual on how best to deliver their care.


There are still restrictions in place throughout the UK, and the situation is very changeable. If you are able, reintroducing parts of your old routine to your Lockdown routine and keeping active can provide some comfort, stability and improved mental health and wellbeing. Try to do some of the things you enjoy. Taking our residents for a simple walk around the garden can bring back lovely memories whilst getting a breath of fresh air. You know what your relative likes best, so try to stick to things they know and enjoy, and are manageable in this time of unrest.

Keep in touch

Do you have family and friends that can help you? It is important to keep in touch with your support network. We find that keeping in touch with all our residents’ families and loved ones is vitally important. During Lockdown we are in regular contact with families to let them know how their loved ones were doing. Clifden House Dementia Care Centre has been delivering exceptional residential and respite care for 50 years. It aims to maximise each individual’s potential through choice, reducing the use of unnecessary medication and alleviating the symptoms of dementia in a caring and supportive environment.

Follow us on Facebook for more dementia care advice 01323 896460

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Abbeyfield House North Road, Alfriston BN26 5XB Providing safe and homely supported housing for older people in Alfriston ● your own private ensuite room ● daily contact with dedicated staff ● two nutritious home-cooked meals daily ● spacious communal lounge/dining room and gardens ● downland village living ● all-inclusive rates Making time for older people

Please do get in touch for more information or to arrange a visit

T: E:

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Sussex Wildlife Trust

Mole …and I live in a hole

If your lawn is full of nectar-rich flowers for butterflies and bees, with a patch of long grass for grasshoppers and hedgehogs, then Mother Nature will thank you. But if you’re one of those particular people who demands that their lawn is a perfectly manicured carpet, slathered in chemicals and shamelessly shaved each summer Sunday, then Mother Nature will not be happy and she’ll send in her best hit man. So while we remember, remember Guy Fawkes in November, I’m here to celebrate Britain’s other infamous tunnelling terrorist – the mole. It’s hard to bond with the mole. Like 99.9% of us, I’ve never seen one and probably never will. They’re almost a supernatural entity – the Bigfoot of the back garden. Their invisibility means my mental image of the mole has been painted by The Wind in the Willows and children’s cartoons instead of real-life encounters. I’m always surprised when I see an actual photo of one and it’s not wearing glasses. Moles aren’t blind. Admittedly, they’ll be struggling by the second line of an eye test but there isn’t much call for perfect eyesight when you spend all your life in total darkness. Instead, their pink nose is covered with 5,000 sensory organs which register touch and vibration, allowing the mole to ‘see’ with its snout; a supersense that makes them efficient hunters. Their tunnel network spreads out like an underground web and when a wiggling worm drops into it the mole’s super-

senses tingle, sending them scrambling through their pitch-black passageways. Worms are captured, cleaned, beheaded and stored, still wriggling, in a larder for future consumption. The mole’s front paws are like a pair of giant pink snow-shovels and come equipped with an extra thumb; a characteristic they share with the giant panda. These wide shovel-hands can move an incredible 540 times their own weight of soil in a day. That’s like me moving 55.46 tonnes of mud (and before you go scrambling for your calculators, yes, I could do with losing a few pounds). The molehills that erupt on our lawns are spoil heaps created by the construction work below. OK, – they’re unsightly but gardeners should be welcoming moles. When potted, molehill soil makes an excellent growing medium for seeds and seedlings, so if you’re blessed with molehills – grab a trowel. Once the tunnels are completed the molehills will stop appearing and, in the long run, mole burrowing bestows untold benefits to soil aeration and quality. But for me, it’s a pleasure just knowing that such an amazing animal is living, unseen, a few inches below my feet. Some people will still complain but I guess some folk will always make a mountain out of a, well, y’know. Michael Blencowe of the Sussex Wildlife Trust Photo: Mole by Ray Armstrong© Sussex Wildlife Trust is an independent charity caring for wildlife and habitats throughout Sussex. Founded in 1961, we have worked with local people for over half a century to make Sussex richer in wildlife. We rely on the support of our members to help protect our rich natural heritage. Please consider supporting our work. As a member you will be invited to join Michael Blencowe on our regular wildlife walks and also enjoy free events, discounts on wildlife courses, Wildlife magazine and our Sussex guide book, Discovering Wildlife. It’s easy to join online at sussexwildlifetrust.


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Lewes, Seaford and District Branch Please contact: Jean 01323 892930

have you got room for a lonely puss who’s been living on the streets? Neutering

We can also help towards the cost of neutering your cats and kittens. Please phone 01273 813111 (option 3) and leave a message including your phone number so that we may contact you.

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Benwick Kennels & Cattery 01273 587809

We love wet noses & little dribblers

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Benwick can help! We look after your little ones as if they were our own. Licenced by Lewes Council as 5* rating, fully insured and all staff trained in various animal care qualifications. Pop in anytime to see our facilities & have a chat……we can’t wait to meet you. Find & follow us on Facebook @BenwickKennelsandCattery Maple Road (just off the A259), Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 8UT

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PIGEONS UNDER YOUR SOLAR PANELS? We can mesh all sides to stop pigeons Seagull spikes & netting also fitteD

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Probate, trust & wills specialists Call us on 01323 891412 JUBILEE HOUSE, 1 WARWICK ROAD, SEAFORD, BN25 1RS

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Tide Mills – A Living History

MAD ABOUT TAX Accountancy Services

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The Tide Mills Project is a creative heritage project from LYT Productions backed by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Arts Council and South Downs National Park. The project is focussed on sharing the unique and diverse history of Tide Mills with new audiences through a variety of creative and artistic disciplines. The Tide Mills project is a project for everyone – with lots of different ways to get involved! We’re commissioning local artists, designers, sculptors, poets, musicians, writers and other creatives to work alongside the local community. The work will culminate in a celebratory week in September 2021 that literally brings Tide Mills back to life in unique, ground-breaking LYT Productions style. The week-long event will be open and free for all to participate in and experience, and will celebrate and display all the work and discoveries from everyone that has participated in the project. From learning more about the story of Tide Mills via new digital learning resources to working with artists and designers to create installations for our Heritage Celebration Week, we’re currently working on plans to involve the local community at every stage – please come forward and join us. Better still, participation will be totally free! Visit our website to find out more, join our mailing list and to get involved.

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Your Local Family Law Specialist Call for a friendly informal chat: 01323 356008 or email Brigitte directly

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on 01273 512749 to arrange a FREE no obligation meeting with one of our team to see how we can help. To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


BARWELLS FOR BUSINESS Our new offering is a fixed monthly plan offering services for business owners, start-ups and medium-sized companies in the UK. We offer a monthly scheme for a fixed term of 12 months with the option to extend. We understand that different companies have different needs and different budgets and so we have created 3 levels of service.







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£149 per month plus VAT

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Barwells Est. 1896, a QualitySolicitors Firm

Changing the way you see lawyers. 01323 899331 @barwells1 @QSBarwells

10 Sutton Park Road, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 1RB 52

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II AM DIFFICULTIES WITH MYWITH NEIGHBOUR, AMHAVING HAVING DIFFICULTIES WHAT CAN I DO? MY NEIGHBOUR, WHAT CAN I DO? Nobody Nobody wants wants to to have have a a disagreement disagreement with with their their neighbour neighbour but but they they do do happen happen and and it it is is very very important important that they are handled with diplomacy and tact. that they are handled with diplomacy and tact. Neighbourly Neighbourly disputes disputes can can cause cause great great distress distress and and emotions emotions run run high. high. Common Common disputes disputes with with neighbours neighbours include, include, but are not limited to, boundary disputes, nuisance experienced from noise and trespass due to but are not limited to, boundary disputes, nuisance experienced from noise and trespass due to aa neighbour neighbour trying trying to carry carry out out works works to to their their own own property. property. At At the the heart heart of of trying trying to to resolve resolve such such disputes disputes we we understand understand that that keeping keeping to good good neighbourly neighbourly relations relations is is key key and and where where possible possible we we aim aim to to support support you you with with this this to to achieve achieve aa satisfactory satisfactory outcome for for all. all. outcome Communication Communication is is key key in in all all aspects aspects of of maintaining maintaining good good relations relations and and it it is is certainly certainly advisable advisable to to try try to to talk talk to to your your neighbour in the first instance to try to resolve the issue without resorting to legal proceedings, but sometimes neighbour in the first instance to try to resolve the issue without resorting to legal proceedings, but sometimes this this is is not not always always possible. possible. If If you you find find yourself yourself in in this this situation situation and and have have exhausted exhausted all all avenues avenues then then we we are are here here to to support and guide you. We will help you consider the practical and legal implications involved with these types support and guide you. We will help you consider the practical and legal implications involved with these types of of disputes disputes and and the the issues issues that that may may arise. arise. We We can can help help to to find find experts experts in in particular particular fields fields if if these these are are required. required. A typical typical example example of of when when problems problems can can arise arise is is in in the the A case case of of aa tree tree that that has has grown grown to to such such an an extent extent that that it it is is causing causing aa nuisance nuisance or or damage damage to to another another person’s person’s land. land. In In Miller Miller vv Jackson Jackson it it was was stated stated that that “the “the very very essence essence of private nuisance…is the unreasonable of private nuisance…is the unreasonable use use of of man man of of his his land land to to the the detriment detriment of of his his neighbour”. neighbour”. Tree Tree roots roots or or overhanging overhanging branches branches can can be be aa source source of of great great problems between between neighbours. neighbours. What What is is unreasonable unreasonable problems is is very very fact fact specific specific and and takes takes into into account account criteria criteria such such as the the character character of of the the neighbourhood, neighbourhood, duration duration of of the the as nuisance nuisance and and the the sensitivity sensitivity of of the the claimant. claimant. In In cases cases of of nuisance nuisance the the maliciousness maliciousness of of aa party party can can also also be be taken taken into into account account when when establishing establishing liability. liability. It It is is also also important important to to consider consider whether whether any any harm harm or or damage damage has has occurred occurred as as this this is is aa requirement requirement in in order order for for aa claim claim to to be be made. made.

Trespass to to land land can can be be another another source source of of contention contention Trespass between between neighbours. neighbours. This This is is particularly particularly the the case case when when maintenance work needs to be done to a maintenance work needs to be done to a property property which which requires requires access access to to aa neighbour’s neighbour’s land land to to carry carry out out such work. Again, as with a nuisance claim, there such work. Again, as with a nuisance claim, there are are elements elements which which need need to to be be considered. considered. Trespass Trespass can can be be summarised summarised as as aa direct direct and and “unjustified “unjustified interference interference with the the possession possession of of land…whether land…whether or or not not the the entrant entrant with knows knows that that he he is is trespassing”. trespassing”. What What are are the the cost cost implications? implications? Unfortunately Unfortunately disputes disputes of of this this kind kind can can be be notoriously notoriously difficult and costly and this must be borne difficult and costly and this must be borne in in mind mind when when embarking on on legal legal action. action. We We can can help help you you to to explore explore embarking possible possible avenues avenues of of funding funding and and advise advise on on what what costs costs are associated associated with with such such action. action. We We will will use use our our best best are endeavours endeavours to to keep keep costs costs to to aa minimum minimum and and will will help help you you try try to to resolve resolve the the matter matter quickly quickly and and in in the the most most efficient efficient way. way.

If If you you would would like like to to speak speak to to one one of of our our solicitors solicitors please please do do not not hesitate hesitate to to contact contact our our litigation litigation team team on on 01273 582 271 or 01273 582 271 or


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Changing Changing the the way way you you see see lawyers. lawyers. @QSBarwells @QSBarwells To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email



Selmeston church is tucked away down a quiet country lane. It isn’t a tourist magnet and it can’t compete with Berwick and its famous Bloomsbury murals, but it has character and is worth a visit. It looks like a typical medieval parish church but it isn’t. It was completely rebuilt from the ground up in 1866 – on the same footprint. Its dimensions are interesting. I took a tape measure to it, and found that the core of it, nave plus chancel, is the same as Berwick church. That in turn is the same as Bishopstone, and Bishopstone is known to be a Saxon building. So it is likely there were Saxon churches at both Berwick and Selmeston. As much as 8,000 years ago there were people living very close by. Traces of their houses, probably wigwams, have been found down Slubby Lane. A complete very early Neolithic pot made 6,000 years ago was found on the same site, now an overgrown sandpit. There are many layers of history here.

SBG Computers of East Sussex A family business Est. 1999 Supporting and servicing all your PC needs Repairs Servicing Upgrades Custom-built PC’s and laptops Mac repair Broadband set-up Wi-Fi Networking iPad/iPod/iPhone repair Virus removal/protection Data recovery/back-up Personal Tuition No call-out fee Free telephone advice l













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The Victorian vicar, a scholar called William Parish, compiled a dictionary of the Sussex dialect as well as demolishing and rebuilding his church. His friend Lewis Carroll often stayed with him at the vicarage, and wrote

parts of the Alice books there. One of Parish’s stuffed birds amused Carroll and he turned it into the mythical borogove in Jabberwocky.

Among the many interesting inscriptions in the churchyard is one dedicated to Frederick Stanley Mockford, who in 1923 devised the international distress signal. He chose ‘May Day’, an English phrase which sounds like the French for ‘Help me’ – ‘M’aidez, just right for cross-Channel pilots. This new book by Rodney Castleden and Ann Murray tells the story of Selmeston church and its churchyard. It lists all the inscriptions in the church and churchyard. Ann and Rodney hope that their book will be a useful stepping stone for anyone pursuing family history, or just wanting to know more about local history, and more about this fascinating church. There are plans of the church and churchyard, as well as indexes, all to help you to find the inscriptions – or a lost relative. This 242-page book is the latest in a series of companion books of inscriptions to be seen in local churches; Bishopstone, Berwick and St Leonard’s Seaford, (£12.95), and East Blatchington (£7). Order Shadows Flee Away (£12.95) or any of the other books in the series from Rodney Castleden at Rookery Cottage, Blatchington Hill, Seaford. Add £3 for postal delivery; free delivery by hand in the Seaford area by arrangement. Photos: Shadows Flee Away cover; Lewis Carroll.

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Cinder Toffee

Part science experiment and part sweet treat. This is fun for the kids and perfect for bonfire night.




Please visit Ollivers website for our monthly menu, vouchers and special offers and also for any upcoming news and events:



11 Clinton Place Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NL. Telephone: 01323 872111


Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 15-20 minutes (plus cooling) Serves: Depends how sweet your tooth is!


165g demerara sugar, 165g caster sugar, 60ml golden syrup, 4 tbsp water, 15g butter, diced, plus extra to grease, Pinch of salt, 1 tbsp bicarbonate of soda. *You will also need a kitchen thermometer

07/10/2020 14:04


Generously grease an approximately 24cm-square tin. Put the bicarbonate of soda within easy reach of the hob.

Cotton’sCoffee Coffee Bar Cotton’s Bar

South HillSeaford Barn, Seaford South Hill Barn, BN25 4JQ @cottonscoffeebar @cottonscoffeebar

cottonscoffeebar cottonscoffeebar

A warm welcome and freshly made cakes and scones await you at Thecourtyard perfectcafé. place to stop and relax our outdoor The perfect place to stop and relax after yourafter walk toyour the rockpools Gap, the Coastguard cottages visitat Hope to Cuckmere Haven toand amazing views of the Seven Sisters! view the stunning Seven Sisters. We have tea, coffee, cold drinks and ice creams.

Come and enjoy homemade cakes, We lookfreshly forward to seeing you We are open Wednesdays to Friday 10am till 4pm savoury snacks, warming soup and delicious Saturday and Sunday 1030am till 430pm coffee in our rustic barn seating area. Card and contactless payments accepted till 3pm. Wednesday to Saturday 10.30am

We look forward to seeing you! Proud Seaford Against Plastic Champions


Place both sugars, syrup, water and butter in a deep, heavy-bottomed pan with a pinch of salt. (Make sure it is a deep pan or the ‘science bit’ will go horribly badly!) Heat gently, stirring, until the sugars and butter have dissolved, then turn up the heat slightly and bring to the boil. Simmer until it reaches 138ºC, turns amber and bubbles – this will take about 10-15 minutes. When the mixture gets to temperature, remove it from the heat, and quickly and thoroughly whisk in the bicarb. It will foam and grow alarmingly. The kids will love it! Pour the foamy mixture into the tin and leave to set. When cold, get the kids to smash it into pieces. Optional: Pour melted chocolate over the shards for the ultimate cinder toffee treat.

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The Royal British Legion Club (Seaford) Limited CLAREMONT ROAD · SEAFORD · 01323 890154 ·


Opening Times

Monday - Closed all day Tuesday - 4.00-9.00 • Wednesday - 12.00-9.30 Thursday - 12.00-9.30 • Friday - 12.00-9.30 Saturday - 12.00-9.30 • Sunday - 11.30-6.00 Table reservations are advised for eating Snooker Room now open by prior booking only Face coverings must be worn at all times except when seated Rule of 6 applies

GRUBS UP (Keith Tookey)

Closed Monday & Tuesday Wednesday to Saturday – 12.00 – 2.00pm and 6.00 pm – 8.00pm Sundays 12 -2.00 for roasts & desserts

✓ Free delivery On orders over £20. ✓ Vegan options available.

✓ Gluten free options available.

✓ 10% Discount ON Online orders. OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 12-3PM, booking only! 01273 513308 https:\\ 4 Bridge Street, Newhaven, BN9 9PJ

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01273 582999 Putting our patients first Our Hygiene Policy: Each of our Podiatrist’s has at least 18 years hygiene and infection control experience. To keep our customers and our staff safe we continue to operate at a high standard of hygiene with additional safety equipment and patient hygiene measures being taken. All patients are to use alcohol gel upon entry to the premises and wear a mask for the duration of their visit (one will be provided if needed). All surfaces, floors, chairs and handles in clinic and communal areas are disinfected after every treatment.

As always, all staff will continuously wash hands and use appropriate protective gear, which will include disposable gloves, aprons, masks and visors. We also have a perspex screen for separation during treatments. Contactless card payement are preferred. All possible measures will also be used when doing home visits for those that are unable to visit the clinic, or simply staying home to protect themselves. All customers exhibiting ANY symptoms of illness are asked to not attend nor have a home visit until fully recovered. Treatment will be refused in order to keep our patients and staff safe.

187 South Coast Rd, Peacehaven, East Sussex, BN10 8NS. Find us on Facebook for regular info.


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Cross Way Church Redevelopment The long-awaited redevelopment of Cross Way Church at Clinton Place is coming to fruition! In 2016, the doors were thrown open to members of the community to inspect and comment on the plans for the updating of the buildings at Clinton Place. People were very supportive and now preparations for the modernisation of the church, community hall and the addition of a new, all-inclusive, entrance foyer on the main street, are well underway. Trustees and volunteers have overseen the planning and it is anticipated that work could start in the next couple of months. The result will be a community space capable of holding a wide range of events and activities. Cross Way already hosts a number of church events, local clubs and societies, but anticipates that the flexibility of the refurbished site will attract new users of all ages and interests. When completed, it will be possible to make bookings for one-off events or regular slots. More details about the plans are available on the Cross Way website:

Ouse Valley Footcare Established professional footcare in Seaford & Newhaven

On a first visit we carry out a full assessment, followed by any treatment that may be required. We provide professional treatment for diabetes and wound care for patients suffering from ulcers and other types of wounds. Nail trimming and burring, reduction of thick nails Callus reduction & removal of corns l Treatment of fungal nail conditions and athletes foot l Ingrown nails and verrucae l Diabetic assessments l Biomechanical assessments for any foot and heel problems l l

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Unfortunately, the building is still closed for Covid-19 reasons, but Cross Way looks forward to hosting returning and new users in the New Year. The refurbished site will offer modern facilities in a comfortable, safe, environmentally-friendly space – a community hub fit for purpose and somewhere to bring the Seaford community even closer together. Meanwhile, our Sunday Worship continues via Zoom. We join with friends at Christ Church Lewes in a service led by our minister, Rev Andrew Mills.You are welcome to join us and if you would like more information, please email: Cross Way Church is looking to the future in continuing its mission to: know, love and serve the Lord, through Christian outreach. Andrew Ferris & Lynne Ross Joint Church Secretaries To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email



10.30pm-6am sleeper, occasionally 11pm6.30am. Although that was 30 minutes shy of the perfect 8 hours, I always woke just before my alarm, feeling rested. During Lockdown, bedtimes had become later and later, and although I was ‘sleeping’ for longer, and not setting the alarm, my sleep was clearly not of the quality I was used to.

Should we worry about quantity or quality? During Lockdown, my sleep suffered. Like everyone else, my anxiety levels rocketed, and I tossed and turned for hours. I dug out my Fitbit, which I hadn’t worn since before Lockdown and began tracking my sleep again. I realised that my sleep score, which had previously been 87-92 (good-excellent), was now languishing around 61-64 (bottom end of fair) occasionally dipping into the 50s (poor). No wonder I felt tired and tearful. Something needed to change. To optimise sleep health, we need to balance how long we sleep with how well we sleep. For years, researchers recommended eight hours of sleep each night as optimal. Now professionals consider sleep quality to be of equal importance in reaping all the benefits of sleep. In fact, sleep quality is probably a better indicator of overall mental health, mood, and energy levels than sleep quantity. Prior to Lockdown I’d been a


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Fitness trackers like the Fitbit monitor the quality of our sleep by looking at how much time we spend in the various stages. We cycle through the various stages each night, and we each have a unique cycle. During light sleep our body unwinds and relaxes. This is always the first stage of sleep and we spend most of our time asleep in it. It’s important to our mental and physical health that we get enough light sleep. Deep sleep typically occurs within the first few hours of sleep. Our breathing is slower, our muscles relax fully and we’re harder to wake during this stage. Typically, we spend about 13% of our night in deep sleep, and this is when our body repairs itself. Deep sleep aids learning, memory, and it supports our immune system. Finally, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is when we dream. Our heart rate increases, and our breathing becomes more irregular. We also experience a form of paralysis (so we don’t start acting out our dreams!). REM sleep is important for mood regulation, learning and memory. It’s when our brains process and consolidate our experiences from the day. A regular bedtime is an important factor in sleep quality. Avoiding stimulants like the blue light from electronic devices, or the caffeine in coffee are also a factor, as is making sure we have enough gentle exercise during the day. I decided to take an hour-long walk every day and moved my bedtime back to 10.30pm. I avoided checking my phone for 30 minutes before bed and didn’t drink coffee after 7pm. I noticed improvements almost immediately, and within a week my sleep had more or less reset to normal. Within a fortnight my sleep score was back up in the 80s and hasn’t dropped since. If you’re feeling stressed and tired or are struggling with a low mood, its worth looking at both the quality and quantity of your sleep. Maggie McKeown

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Sussex Eyecare Independent Opticians Stylish Eyewear Professional Eyecare Comprehensive eyecare using the very latest technology in a safe and secure environment. Full PPE and infection control protocols in place. Qualified experienced team offering tailormade solutions for all your eyewear requirements. 9 BROAD STREET. SEAFORD. 01323 892211

Beauty is not just skin deep; you need to discover it within and then you can shine like a star Overcome your fears and phobias; Learn how to deal with depression and anxiety; Reduce conflict in your life; Identify what you want and discover how to achieve it. Caroline is a fully qualified practitioner and author of two books. She specialises in Stress Management, Conflict Coaching, NLP & Hypnotherapy Find out how you can benefit and sign up for a FREE initial discussion with

Caroline at Bodiology, Waterloo Square, Alfriston Tel 07790 897957

Acupuncture Naturally Jane Sefton

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Traditional Chinese Acupuncture & Naturopathy Neuromuscular taping for sports injuries 8 Talland Parade, Saxon Lane, Seaford BN25 1QL

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Did you know you are living in a hard water area? Rainwater is naturally soft. As it perculates through our chalky bedrock it dissolves the chalk, turning the water that enters your home hard. Our water softeners will remove the chalky hardness and give you beautifully soft water.

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Fitting a water softener to the mains will stop all of these issues and dissolve away any existing limescale around your home Our water softeners will:

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Save you cleaning time around the home Give you softer skin Make a better cuppa Brighter laundry and fluffy towels Leave taps and shower screens shiny Give scum free baths with lots of lovely bubbles Appliances will live longer and be more efficient Save you money on your energy bills reducing your carbon footprint


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Soft Water

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We are your local water softener experts who understand your hard water problems Our water softeners: Are fit and forget just add salt Provide soft water 24/7 Smart and non electric No timers or dials

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Cycle Seahaven There’s no denying that COVID-19 has seriously curtailed Cycle Seahaven’s activities and that in turn has led to reduced opportunities to support the Club’s nominated charity, Seaford Downs Syndrome and Special Needs Support Group (SDSSNSG). Tracey Martin decided something needed to be done and that it was time to substitute two wheels for two wings and a propeller. The idea of a charity skydive had been born. Now, Tracey is not scared of danger, as anyone who’s seen her fast MTB descents towards five bar gates can testify, but she is terrified of heights, so for this she needed a side-kick. A quick nag to another Club member (who happened to be in a bar at the time) resulted in commitment to join the venture. All they needed now was sponsorship, good weather and a lot of courage.However, fate was to intervene. Tracey’s side-kick just ‘happened’ to fall off his bike and injure his shoulder. A replacement Gofer was required. Enter the equally terrified Kirstie Forcey, who bravely decided to stand in for the injured rider (who made a miraculous recovery the day after she volunteered). The two set about getting sponsorship for the charity from other Club members, family and anyone too terrified to say no. The jump was set for Sunday 20th September, and despite numerous rain dances, sacrifices to the weather Gods and hopes of a global aviation fuel shortage, the conditions were perfect. Tracey and Kirstie were dragged up to Headcorn Parachute Club by a group of supporters and handed over to the Tandem Instructors. There was no escape. Having been briefed on the social distancing requirements and landing techniques required to ensure they didn’t plough up the landing area, the two boarded the tin can that was masquerading as an aircraft. The flight to altitude (12,000 feet, or just over 2 miles up) set their hearts racing. Whilst the spectators on the ground couldn’t see their faces, they could still hear the swearing until the pair exited the aircraft.

Even the 120 mph freefall couldn’t muffle the screams until their canopies opened at

5,000 feet. Now, tandem instructors can be cruel and with their ears still bleeding, it was time for revenge. Pulling down a toggle, they put the girls’ canopies into violent spins (they would’ve experienced less G Force in a washing machine spin cycle) before both made surprisingly graceful landings on the airfield (missing the lions in the adjoining field – yes really!) They had done it! They were green, they were elated and they hadn’t been sick (or lost control of any other bodily functions!). The children of Kent had learnt some new swear words and SDSSNSG are (currently with Gift Aid) £1,377.50 better off. Well done both of you. Those that were there know just how much courage you plucked up to do the Skydive – especially as you both have health issues yourselves. It’s not too late to add to this total, and if you’d like to contribute to SDSSNSG, please go to the blog on our website, and click on the link on the article, or direct to the SDSSNSG website, or drop a few coins into the next Dr Bike collection box. Let’s boost the Club’s contribution to our nominated charity! By Guy Reynolds (as Tracey and Kirstie were still shaking too much!) Photo l-r: Kirstie Forcey and Tracey Martin.

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Hair Design 01323 – 893370 14 Dane Road, Seaford, BN25 1LL

Now open on Mondays

by appointment only Opening TIMES:

Mon: by appointment only Tues - Fri: 9am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 3pm 70

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Splash Point Reopened to the Public

The Town Council is pleased to announce that, following repair work, Splash Point has reopened.

Following its disappointing closure in February due to storm damage, the Town Council is delighted that repair work organised by Lewes District Council is complete, enabling Splash Point to be reopened to the public. ‘Splash Point is a well-loved and used seafront asset, and residents and visitors alike will be pleased to see it reopened after it was closed following storm damage’, said Cllr Sylvia Dunn, Chair of the Community Services Committee. The hard work to protect this popular and iconic seafront feature is a direct result of positive partnership


Wind in Your Hair HOME SALON 07854 505030 3 BAINBRIDGE CLOSE SEAFORD BN25 1TL

working with a number of community groups, organisations, and local authorities, forming a Seaford Beach Partnership. The Seaford Beach Partnership brought together the Town Council, Lewes District Council, the Environment Agency, Seaford Lifeguards, Newhaven Port and Properties, Impact Seaford and the Local Independent Sea Anglers. In addition to the works organised by Lewes District Council at Splash Point, jointly funded by the Town Council, Lewes District Council and the Environment Agency, the collaboration of the Partnership has also resulted in new dedicated recycling bins for used fishing lines, new beach safety signs along the entire bay and a beach user guide which includes Covid-19 safety guidance. The Town Council is pleased to continue working with the Partnership to improve the seafront, making it an enjoyable and safe facility for all.


Sharon Plank Mobile Hairstylist Dry Ladies Cut £18 Men’s Dry Cut £15. Cut & Blow Wave £30 Shampoo & Set £18 Colour inc. finish £40-£60 Perm inc. finish £50 30 years exp. All professional products used. 07832 297488

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Inner Wheel Club of Seaford On a wild and windy Sunday morning (the weather forecast had predicted better) two intrepid members of Inner Wheel, and one husband, arrived to set up tables at the Rotary Boot Fair to raise money for our International Charities (photo right). The usual mix of bric-a-brac, plants, books, homemade jams and preserves proved to be popular, all provided by members of the Club. The Rain held off and over £160 was raised. In addition, saving boxes were distributed amongst our members to pop all that loose change in for Sightsavers. Just 35p can treat trachoma, a painful blinding eye condition and £5.60 can protect 16 families from river blindness for a year. Covid 19 has prevented our International Rally SKIN CLINIC from taking place. It is here that clubs are updated with charity works from around the world and from which they decide on their own priorities as to which

charities they will help. In keeping with current trends, there will be a Zoom meeting for clubs to link in with, but it is not the same as the fellowship of meeting and the informal chats that normally occur. However, it is good that we were at least to do something S K I N Cwithin L I N our I C own community to support international projects along side other members of our Club, who look after the charities closer to home.

Inner Wheel of Seaford supporting Sightsavers and WaterAid


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Following Lewes District Council’s decision not to proceed with the proposed health hub at the Downs Leisure Centre, Downs Development Neighbourhood Voice (DDNV) wishes to thank all those who supported Seaford’s campaign to save the playing field, Memorial Garden and 60+Club in the historic barn at the Downs and to keep Seaford’s GP services in the centre of town. Special thanks go to Seaford independent shops and businesses for helping to promote the petition, customers who signed it, councillors who listened to residents’ concerns and many others who campaigned in numerous different ways. We did it together! The proposal to build a health hub on the recreation grounds at the Downs Leisure Centre created a public outcry that brought the community together to save our public green spaces, safeguard the vibrancy of our town centre and keep vital health services accessibly based in the town centre. During the coronavirus crisis we are seeing the importance of local green space for public health and wellbeing of the whole community. Get in touch: or visit us on Facebook: Downs Development Neighbourhood Voice. Seaford Scene is a completely independent small business. All rights are reserved over the content and design of Seaford Scene unless agreed otherwise. The opinions expressed in editorial matter are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of entries. Seaford Scene cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions or alterations, and assumes no risk or liability for articles or adverts or the accuracy of the facts within them that are provided by contributors. Seaford Scene does not endorse companies, products, services or religious or political organisations that appear in this magazine. Notice: This issue of Seaford Scene has been distributed by an independent delivery company. Please note that Seaford Scene is not responsible for any other publicity material that is delivered at the same time as the magazine. If you have any issues regarding the delivery of Seaford Scene, please contact MA Distribution


Serving the people of Seaford for 20 years! Open 6 days

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Personal training

1 strong company 3 great trainers We get results!

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Drawing Workshops with

Lesley Harvey

10am - 12pm ÂŁ12 per session First Monday of every month at

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Newhaven Gig Rowing club Newhaven Gig Rowing Club has been back rowing Newhaven harbour since the start of September. British Rowing, and the Cornish Pilot Gig Association (the regulating body for the sport), confirmed that all rowing can commence with strict safety guidelines in place. NGRC would like to get more people involved in the sport and help teach people how to row efficiently. Gig rowing is one of the fastest growing sports in the UK, and whether you are a junior (11-16), adult (17-39), veteran (40-49), super-veteran (50-59) or masters (60+) there is a space for you. NGRC coxswains are extremely excited to be getting crews back out on the water, sharing knowledge, help teach and improve skills, but also having fun, stopping off at the beach, and spotting wildlife. In the past few years, we have seen dolphins up close while at sea, and have had seals coming to play with us as we row up the river. Newhaven Gig Rowing Club was started four years ago, by one inspirational Newhaven man who gave Cornish Pilot Gig rowing a go whilst on holiday. He brought the idea back to Newhaven and try it out on the Ouse. Scroll forwards four years and NGRC has become a local Charity with the express purpose of having community rowing at its heart. The club became a member of CPGA which allowed race rowing to take off for those who fancied a bit of a challenge. In 2019 we took part in the World Pilot Gig Championships – this year the championships were understandably cancelled. Fingers crossed for next year…Maybe you could be racing in the world championships with us? If you are interested in learning to row and want to find out more information, please visit our website:

We do ask that a health questionnaire is fully filled in and sent back in advance for safety reasons. Once this has been passed you can then book on to your maiden voyage where you will be taught the basics by the side of the pontoon, then go off for your first row. This session is approx. 90 mins. All this for only £5. Each row after this is only £3. If you have any questions, please do contact us via email – and we will help you or pass your question on to the committee or coxes who will be able to get back to you.



Rosie Waters, Senior Vajrasati Teacher Gentle traditional yoga suitable for all ages, all levels including beginners

*Seaford & District Constitutional Club* New Times – New Locations Crouch Lane, Seaford BN25 1PU Saturday 10.15am

The Chapel Rooms, St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford BN25 2HE Tuesday 10.30am & Thursday 7pm The Practice Space, 9 Newhaven Market Sq. Newhaven, BN9 9QS Thursday 10am Phone Daniel 07782 532577. Email: Booking is advisable to ensure your place as spaces are limited. Wear your mask to arrive, until you are in the yoga room. Stay Covid aware. Parking available at both locations. Rosie Waters: Tel/Text: 01323 892638 / 07983 622840

E: Yoga Alliance UK 500 hour Accredited Teacher. Fully Insured to teach. Member

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RESIN DRIVEWAYS and paths We have now added resin driveways and paths to our list of services – multiple choices of colours and samples to look at. Please get in contact if you would like a quote for any of these services.

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Tree Wiz rd


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01323 872209 / 07708 149274

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seaford afternoon flower club The title of our September competition, Indian Summer, must have been truly inspired. We certainly did have an Indian Summer and our members responded with some very colourful designs. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

thought that life will not always be like this. The love of flowers and creating beautiful arrangements certainly does help to brighten any dull days that may be ahead. We still have no clear idea as to when our club will be able to meet again so that we can enjoy one another’s company. We must just keep smiling and take pleasure in nature around us.

Any thought of summer seems a faraway dream now as the weather has turned chilly and damp, although our gardens appear grateful for the rain. Although the future

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seems uncertain, we must try to maintain our spirits with the


FRIday 6th november

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Felling Shaping Pruning Crown reduction and lifting Stump removal Public liability cover

Tel: 01323 831777 07730 013683 78

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R W Green Limited

Tree Surgeons & Landscapers

Since 1982 R W Green Limited has consistently delivered a high quality, affordable and professional services to a wide range of clients.

Our range of services includes: 

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Contact us for a free quotation

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A view from the Potting Shed

3 Drain hoses and store under cover. 3 Lift and store dahlia tubers or mulch

heavily if you leave them in the ground. 3 New fruit trees and bushes are best planted this month. 3 Insulate cold frames with bubble polythene, in severe weather cover with sacking or old carpet. 3 Check tree ties are securely fitted and in no danger of rubbing.

MEMBERS’ NOTICE BOARD It appears that social distancing measures are not going to be lifted anytime soon, therefore all events for the foreseeable future, including the proposed AGM in January, are cancelled. We have taken the decision not to print the handbook this year ready for 2021 until we know that we are able to hold any events. Once I have received the loyalty cards for Paradise Park I will be writing to all members to update you. Stay safe everyone. Best Wishes, Sara (Chairman).

ic o op f



Jobs to do in Nov

the m

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harder frosts inland, winters vary, and a sudden cold snap can do permanent damage. The January frosts of 1987 killed 80% of the rare plants in the Abbey Gardens at Tresco, until then a frost-free paradise of tropical and Mediterranean plants. That was of course a major blip, and there is evidence that our winters are now generally milder with less frost, but it pays to watch the weather forecast.


Remember, remember, there may be frost in November, so it’s as well to be prepared and consider what protection may be necessary for your plants. Use horticultural fleece to cover and wrap plants during cold spells, bubble polythene to insulate pots and greenhouses, mulch for shallow rooted plants. While it’s true that Seaford’s enviable coastal position gives some protection from the


‘Consider the lilies,’ definitely worth planting now if you are considering colourful summer pots for your patio. Lilies, despite their exotic looks, are easy to grow and adapt well to container growing. There are literally hundreds of lilies to choose from, some regal, others blowsy, but all beautiful. Asiatic Hybrids are tough and easy to grow but unscented; Oriental Hybrids are highly scented but need acid soil that can be easily provided with ericaceous compost. Lilium regale is a fully hardy popular trumpet lily with giant white scented blooms flushed with pink. This tall lily can be grown in large pots or in the centre of a sunny border. Plant the bulbs deeply (or as per packet instructions) in large pots with plenty of crocks in the base for drainage and a good multi-purpose, peat-free compost. The bulbs need cool winter conditions and preferably shelter from heavy rain. In the south many lilies will be fully hardy outside in a sheltered place in large pots, but wrap smaller pots in bubble polythene to help protect against frost. Overwinter tender lilies in a frost free shed. NB Arum and Calla lilies are not true lilies but part of the Genus Zantedeschia, Family Araceae. These plants can be hardy, especially Arums, and many will grow outside, but best to shelter the pots from frost. Lilies are poisonous for cats and dogs.

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When the champagne corks flew as Big Ben bonged how many of us thought 2020 would be so momentous? Let’s put the major contender for notoriety aside though and consider climate for one moment. Is it changing? Well, probably a judge would have to allow a majority verdict on that one, and on this page throughout the year we have reported on the last mild – and wet and very windy – winter, warm early spring and hot dry summer bringing on blossom way ahead of its time. So if any of you have the normally winter-flowering Clematis cirrhosa ‘Freckles’ in flower join the club. Ours obviously loves its scrambling perch on its pyramid frame and at the time of writing, early October, was starting to produce some large flowers which we would not normally enjoy before December. Not only that but despite the storms our selfseeded tomatoes were still ripening on strong vines, so no need to fetch the preserving pan from its high shelf. And several pumpkins had coloured up to a proper sunset orange. However, despite all that abundance our sales tables need replenishing. In a ‘normal’ year we’d have been


All your garden building needs

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propagating throughout the summer, so if anyone has any spare plants please could we have first dibs? Our potting team, on the day in question, Veronica and Jan, were in the poly tunnel busily trimming excess foliage from kindly donated Geranium ‘Sabani Blue’ - the one with the lovely clear blue petals – and replanting into pots to grow on. Other geraniums were on their way. In another corner Bob the Herb was preparing a purple-flowered and richly aroma-ed basil as a gift to the Dropin Community Café at Seaford Old Town Hall. He also said now is the time to flavour white wine vinegar with tarragon. For once the wind and rain had decided to let the sun have a turn so volunteers were able to sit outside, socially distanced, and enjoy rock cakes and other goodies baked by Steph and her mum. And Covid-19 wasn’t even mentioned as we got stuck in to our new normal! Keep safe and well and please visit us at the Crouch, sporting your favourite mask, on any Wednesday morning between 10am and noon. The Garden Team Photos from top: Veronica and Jan divide and trim geranium clumps for the sales table; After several storms the dahlias were still glorious; Orange pumpkin, mauve Michaelmas daisies and acid yellow dahlias: ain’t nature wonderful?; Bob with a basil cutting; From a mass of foliage heaved out of the ground little plants grow.

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Get to Know Your Garden Better, at Inspiring Sussex Garden Venues ‘Easy Design Workshops’ & ‘Have-A-Go’ Garden Days

The perfect gift for any gardener

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Constructed, Repaired

Laid, Repaired, Sealed, Cleaned

Fitted, Treated



Mowing, Turfing, Treating, Seeding, Scarifying

Pruned, Trimmed, Planted

Re-roofed, Concrete bases




Constructed, Repointed

Cleared, Renovated, Planted, Maintained

Constructed, Cleaned, Repaired


T: 01323 896788


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Emporium incor p orati ng

MAYS Terracotta & Gardenalia plus various Artisan Crafts & Antiquities

KIMINI for Gifts & Interiors

Sculptures * Metalwork * Statues * Quality Pots * Wood Carvings

01323 847281 / 07713 410023 new stock constantly arriving at our new larger undercover premises

Open 5 Days a week wednesday to sunday 10am to 4pm Including Bank Holiday mondays

The Market (Watson’s), Burwash Road A265 Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8RA To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


Fire Pit Fun Socialising outside for safety in a pandemic is fine during the summer but can it still be done in November?

Try a fire pit!

A fire creates a focal point at an outdoor gathering. People love to gather around fire. Add a few rugs, mugs of hot chocolate or mulled wine and some marshmallows for toasting and you have the making of a snuggly evening under the stars. While a wood-burning fire pit can be the perfect backyard addition, if you have close neighbours or live in an area with restrictions on wood burning, buy a propane or natural gas model. A fire pit lights up the night in a cosy way that can be complimented with candles in jars or fairy lights. All the

fancy garden lighting in the world can’t compete with the flickering of flames. Don’t worry if you have a small garden, a firepit is still an option, and you’re closer to the drinks cabinet for refills! Tell friends (remember the rule of six!) to come dressed warm and bring a blanket. In Norway, where they entertain outside all year round there is a saying, ‘There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes!’

Safety first: l Fire

pits should be at least 10 feet from your home or other structures.

l Don’t

place a fire pit beneath a tree or awning.

l Don’t

put a wood-burning fire pit on a deck. If you want to use your deck choose a gas fire pit which won’t send out sparks.

l Educate

your kids about fire safety, and always supervise children around an open flame, even when you’re sure they know the rules.

l Keep

a container of water, a hose, sand, or a fire extinguisher on hand whenever you light up the fire pit. Sally Harris

Rubbish Clearance Household Waste

Garage Clearances

Garden Waste

Prompt, cost effective service Tel: 07789992263

01323 898561

Registered waste carrier Written quotations on request

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One call and we’ll supply you with the best and most cost-effective solution. Full range of services: Waste Disposal and Recycling Van Clearances Grab Lorry/Muckaway Skip Hire, all sizes Road Permits arranged Commercial & Domestic. Same day Service Greenacre Recycling Centre, New Road, Newhaven, BN9 0HE


01273 600909 Or

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TEL: 01323 895685 MOBILE: 07855 127805

Website: Email:


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EST. 1983

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS Mob: 07788 983065 Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Installations

Tel: 01323 898373 Mob: 07788 983065

• New ' Installation' & Rewires ' ' • Installation ' of' Additional ' Lighting & Power Points • Installation ' ' ' ' of Additional Telephone & TV Points ' Installations ' Alarm • Security ' Lighting ' & Intruder ' • Home' Buyer Reports ' ' &' Testing of Electrical Installations • Inspection '




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RS AERIALS OF SEAFORD RS Aerials are a Seaford company, and have been serving the people of Seaford and the surrounding areas for 20 years. With 30 years experience in the trade, we have good local knowledge of all the good and bad reception areas and can provide you with a solution for all your needs. We operate normal working hours but will fit around your needs, early, late or at weekends.

l Digital upgrade/ installation

Free Advice /Free Estimates 2 Year Guarantees l O A P Discounts l Same Day Service (when available) l Price Match Service l Only use quality parts l 10% Off with this advert We Take Pride In Our Work

l Telephone points/ main point moving


l Dish replacements /installation l FREESAT + /FREEVIEW l non-standard installations l European /Arabic satellite systems l TV wall mounting l Tuning +installation of new equipment l Ethernet cat5e /cat 6 networking

extra points l communal systems for flats l CCTV l Bird spikes AND OUR NEW SERVICE... l Gutter Clearance /repair/replacement


01323 891642 07803 087175

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SEAFORD TELEVISION Ex Clear-View Service & Installation Engineers Same guys, same friendly service, over 46 years experience.



Have you been to a big name store and bought something you can’t use or need installed?



01323 899548 01323 890328 07969 509253

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Your local electrician and plumber Rating 9.85 No job too big or too small, providing our customers with a friendly, reliable and cost-effective service. Electrical

Heating & Plumbing

Air Conditioning

Contact us now on: Tel: 01323 894782 Email: Web: We are open for business

1st rate aerials & satellites

open sundays & bank holidays l l


(subject to conditions & availability)

FREE ESTIMATE LOCAL TO YOU l Digital TV aerial upgrades and service l OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE l TV, DAB and FM aerials l FAMILY RUN BUSINESS l Extra points also Handyman Services

Communal systems Aerial repairs l Satellite TV installs and service l SKY installs l Discreet fittings e.g. listed buildings, thatch roofs, flats l l

l l

We specialise in TV wall mounting We can beat anyone else’s price on a like for like basis

Gutters cleared We fit Bird Deterants l we fit CCTV l Freephone: 0800 032 3255 Tel: 01323 402219 Mob: 07920 526703 To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


Seahaven Responders Resuscitation Council data shows that each year in the United Kingdom there are approximately 60,000 cases of suspected cardiac arrest. Currently less than one in ten of these patients makes a full recovery. The early initiation of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) can increase the chances of survival significantly, and defibrillation within 3 to 5 minutes of collapse can produce survival rates of over 50%. Each minute of delay to defibrillation reduces the probability of survival by 10%. Seahaven Responders is a team of volunteers living in the local community who work alongside South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) responding to emergency 999 calls. Team members respond in their spare time or whilst at work, and are despatched by the SECAmb control centre at the same time as an ambulance. Living locally, they can provide a more prompt response in an emergency situation. Each year the team volunteers in excess of 2,000 hours and responds to over 600 emergencies. Team members use their own vehicles to respond to all calls. All responders are thoroughly trained and undertake regular assessment to ensure their competence is maintained. Each responder is issued with a comprehensive medical kit including a defibrillator, allowing them to undertake potentially life-saving treatment, often before an ambulance arrives. Even though SECAmb provide training and support to all responders, the funds for equipment, uniform

Geering Electrical

Certified Domestic Electrician

Extra sockets l LED lighting l Outdoor lights & sockets USB sockets l General Repairs

Dave Geering 07971 072115 96

and the team vehicle (a 4x4 vehicle used to transport personnel and equipment) all have to be raised through local fundraising events and initiatives. It costs approximately ÂŁ3,000 to fully equip

each team member, this includes a defibrillator, kit bag, medical observation equipment, vehicle signs and uniform. Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) can be used by anybody without any specialist training. As soon as the defibrillator is turned on it will provide instructions to the user and guide them through the whole process. There are a number of Public Access Defibrillators located throughout Seaford, and the location of these defibrillators can be found on our website https:// Seahaven Responders can also offer training in CPR and the use of AEDs to community groups. To become a community first responder you must be able to volunteer for a minimum of 20 hours each month, attend monthly training sessions, have your own vehicle, pass a DBS check and be willing to attend a 5-day training course. Additionally you will be expected to support the team in undertaking public education and fundraising events. If you wish to join Seahaven Responders you will need to apply through the NHS recruitment page at If you’d like to find out more about Seahaven Responders then please contact the team at Photo l-r: Jack Stonehouse and Will Morris.


FRIday 6th november

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Specialists in TV, Hi-Fi, Video, Satellite Repairs, Aerial Installations & Maintenance Contracts




UPVC FACIAS & GUTTERS for all maintenance repairs & alterations


interior and exterior decorating


extensions & conversions free estimates Reliable professional service

Tel: 01323 891744


Dan: 07758 221754



We are a local, family-run business, established for 30 years, who really care about you the customer.


Teleview today on:

01273 514421 or 07500 061592 Page 5 4

Email: High Street, Newhaven, East Sussex. BN9 9PE

Cottage and Contemporary Decorators

TOP TIPS – no. 5 Keeping a wet edge…

… If you are using a brush and roller for painting

almost any surface – walls, doors, furniture etc. – keeping a wet edge as you work will give you a more even finish. Paint along the difficult edges or mouldings with a brush first, but as you go, try to roller up to the brush line before the paint has started to dry. This will prevent patchiness caused by two layers of paint building up from the brush and roller

For an affordable, professional and reliable service call The Cottage Decorators. mob

07880 904129 or 01323 891878

Creating beautiful homes for over 30 years

Local electrician Fully insured

Free quotation on all work  All work undertaken no matter how small

Reliable and fair pricing  CRB checked  10% OAP Discount

• Consumer unit upgrades • Heating controls specialist NICEIC approved • Led lighting contractor • Replacing lights & domestic • Full electrical tests installer • Fault finding • Rewires • Switches and sockets

Call Justin 01273 028751 or 07793 185601

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CONCENTUS: Come and SING WITH US! ‘Really? How can we do that with the virus?’ Read on and see how, then start enjoying all the health and social benefits of singing with a friendly helpful choir. Since the early stages of Lockdown, Concentus has been running a pilot trial in taking online choir rehearsals using Zoom. Now, for those of you who have never tried Zoom, DON’T TAKE FRIGHT, but read on to see just how easy ‘Zooming’ really is. Remain assured your hand will be held to help you along from the very beginning and at every stage thereafter up to and including singing! The aim of the trial was to investigate the mechanics of supporting existing choir members during these strange restrictive times, but also to examine the feasibility of offering this service to everybody within the community who is not associated with the choir. The purpose is to give them the opportunity to experience the many benefits of singing along with other like-minded people. The trial proved highly successful and following requests to various grant-making bodies, Concentus have just received the wonderful news that their applications for grant funding support to take their singing to the whole community has been approved! Accordingly the National Lottery Community Fund, the Sussex Community Fund and Tesco Bags of Help all see great value and benefit in Concentus opening up the ability of singing together to many more people, so involving them in discovering the many great benefits that can be gained from participation within!

Neil Bradford City & Guilds

Local Painter & Decorator 30 years experience Competitive rates l No VAT charged City & Guilds qualified l Fully Insured

Tel: 01323 646524 or 07793 206794 Locally based

Using Zoom: for people who have not used Zoom before or possibly feel ‘rusty’ in using it, be assured that Concentus is here to help! There will be one-to-one personalised help for you in downloading Zoom onto your device. This will include help for you to join and additional help in physically joining Zoom meetings! You will be able to have just as much help as you feel that you need. You will soon discover that the initial downloading of Zoom is extremely easy, as it is in actually using the service. As a new member, you will be able to meet and chat with other ‘fledgling’ singers as well as some experienced existing members who will all be there on screen with you to answer any questions you may have. You will also learn how Concentus delivers music to you and then, you will are ready to start singing! Initially you will have your own ‘beginner’ rehearsal meetings until you individually feel ready to join the rest of the choir. Likewise the more experienced singers may wish to go straight into the main choir rehearsals. The choice is yours but always remember we only want you to go at your own pace, being the one that you feel most comfortable with. Most importantly though please be aware that no other participants can actually ‘hear’ you (unless on a one-to-one session with the Musical Director) so you can sing ‘loud and proud’ to your heart’s content in the full knowledge that your vocal renditions remain safe and secure within your own home! Concentus remains keen to get back to physical ‘live’ rehearsals as soon as is possible and safe. Their intention is to keep Zoom rehearsals running after actual rehearsals start so that the people who are shielding or are less able to come to a rehearsal venue are still able to enjoy all of the benefits of singing together while staying at home. Adrian White, Musical Director, is planning for the choir to physically come together and sing in a ‘Covid-safe’ way – most likely outside during the Christmas season, restrictions permitting.

To find out much more ring Lou on 07799 116653, visit Concentus’ web page at or

Call today for a FREE quotation and advice


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Affordable and reliable, I work with pride, efficiency, expertise and attention to detail, leaving you with a beautifully decorated, clean and invigorated space.

07866 421025 01323 902756 318063 Registered Company - No. 07327680

Paint Perfect

lady Painter & Decorator 01323 490516 07873 307689


AWK decorating services Painting & Wallpapering Kitchen cabinet renovation Furniture painting & upcycling Design & colour scheme advice Affordable. Professional. Reliable.

Contact Sara for a free quote or consultation

Quality Workmanship Realistic Prices Andy Keith 01323 502211 07801 860789

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A restricted Autumn

As we all move through 2020 wondering what on earth will happen next, I’ve come to the conclusion the best way to live is day by day. Not always planning for the weekend or arranging to see friends but living each day as it comes. We might not know what tomorrow will bring or what rule Boris will introduce next, but let’s enjoy the 24 hours in front of us. At the weekends, I’ve taken time over the first coffee of the morning, savoured its hot steam and held the cup close to me. As the kids settle to play or more often than not, watch Match of the Day, that morning coffee is mine and mine alone, a real treat. Now eating breakfast out also counts as another treat, be it a fab breakfast or a warm croissant, Seaford really has some fantastic breakfast eateries that have all put in wonderful distancing measures. That said I have perfected my poached eggs on toast at home recently!

10 Lindfield Ave, Seaford BN25 4DY



It really does seem to be the small things that make the difference. At the weekend, the sun shone, a bright autumn sunshine amidst the changing colours of the leaves. I sat in the garden and just basked in the last warmth of the day whilst the kids played on the grass. How lucky, in October to be in short sleeves in the sunshine? I will glide past the fact that the next day it rained for 24 hours straight – remember it is day by day! The kids had an inset day last week, and we spent the whole day outside. A morning walk in Abbots Wood was perfection, crunching in the leaves, exploring with a big stick and even seeing a horse or two out for a hack. Then we were back the Salts for a play in the park and of course a sweet treat at the café. We might be restricted by numbers and it might not always be the most exciting of activities, but the simple pleasures of fresh air, a walk, saying hello to people as they walk by and enjoying the company of those in ‘our bubble’. I hope you have someone to share a little bit of time with each day, a chat about something you’ve seen on TV, a giggle at a funny story you heard on the radio or a walk about with a neighbour, these small things are what makes our day. So whether it is your breakfast choice or moment of peace to start the day, a simple pleasure from nature on offer or the moment when the phone rings and someone has something wonderful to tell you, let’s try to enjoy our lack of planning and start embracing what we can do on a daily basis. J Hanby Penn


FRIday 6th november

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Who’s Who In Seaford?

Chanel Pritchard, Young Mayor of Seaford Chanel has been the Mayor of Seaford for four months having been the Deputy Mayor of Seaford for a year before. She is currently studying at Lewes Grammar School and is

a member of Lake Academy of Dance, Premier Scholars (musical theatre) and Force basketball team. Her role involves listening to the young people of Seaford, raising money and speaking up for the younger generation. Chanel has two dogs – a french bulldog named Indi, and a pug called Bella. What do you most enjoy about your role? Helping and meeting new people. What do you like best about Seaford? I love the beach.

What is your favourite piece of music? I enjoy all kinds of music. What is your favourite film? The Impossible. What book are you reading at the moment? A Good Girls Guide to Murder. What is your idea of perfect happiness? World peace. What has been your most embarrassing moment? When I dropped my dance partner on stage. Where is your favourite place to go in and around Seaford? The beach, because I love to swim in the sea. Which living person do you most admire? My Mum and Dad. What makes you sad? Not being able to achieve something. What words or phrases do you most overuse? Erm... How do you relax? Listening to music, and dance. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? That life is too short. What is the first line of your favourite poem? Don’t give up, and don’t give in. What is your favourite journey? Being on a boat in the ocean. How would you spend a million pounds? I’d buy a house, go to the Maldives and help as many people as I can. What is your most memorable learning experience? Learning how to do an aerial (no-handed cartwheel). What keeps you awake at night? Nothing – I love to sleep. What is your greatest extravagance? I spend way too much money on food. What is your greatest fear? Spiders and heights. What is your favourite smell? Grapefruit. What is the best advice you have ever been given? To not let anyone define me. What would your motto be? To never give up.


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m aintenance m an

g Followin 9 -1 ID COV ns o ti la u g re

Maiden Maintenance Kerrie Sturgeon


HANDY MAN Specialises in:

No too job is too big or sma ll

KITCHEN and BATHROOM installation All types of DECORATING Laminate and wood FLOORING Wall and floor TILING and much more. I am a female qualified plumber and property maintainer. Trustworthy, tidy and reliable I take immense pride in every job I do. The majority of my work comes from repeat customers and referrals. Please get in touch for your free estimate. Mobile:

07930 408557









Gutter & Fascia Cleaning

Professional, Efficient, Extremely Clean. Precise Painter and Decorator who also takes care of all your DIY needs. Fully Insured and free quotation References on request

01323 318165 Email: Full Public Liability Insurance

104 Hythe Crescent, Seaford BN25 3UG

07871 506814/ 01323 898445

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The Coding Conundrum

How to get kids learning to code When my son Lee started secondary school this year, the subject he was most looking forward to studying was computer science. He wants to learn to code and create his own programs. But a few weeks in and he was starting to lose enthusiasm. The problem is that he hasn’t yet touched a computer, only partly because of COVID safety procedures. They learn about programming and how computers work, but it’s all on paper without a single line of code. I looked at his syllabus and frankly it’s not going to get much better for several months! Computer science courses at school talk about computers much more than they talk about programming. Kids desperate to code become frustrated and switch off from the subject. Fewer children in the UK are now progressing to become computer programmers. That’s unfortunate when it’s one of the most sought after skills in today’s workforce. There is a shortage of specialist computer science teachers. Most computer programmers work in industry, where salaries are higher. So children are taught by non-specialists who mostly do not have a software engineering background. Hence the syllabus becomes weighted to teaching general computing rather than coding.

Aaron Merryweather Plumbing & Property Maintenance

Kitchen & Bathrooms l Plumbing & Heating General Building l Repointing Property Maintenance Painting & Decorating l General Tiling No VAT Est. 20 Years

07753 130967 01323 371817 l

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How do we turn kids on to coding? Most want to create the next top-selling computer games, or a killer app for their phone. How do we harness that and create the next generation of coders? Learning is currently going through big changes thanks to the pandemic. We can’t rely on having kids in a classroom with their teacher for the whole of a term at the moment because of various year groups or members of a bubble needing to self-isolate. But online learning opens up an almost infinite number of options for students. Web sites like Udemy or Coursera offer high-quality, well-taught courses in a vast range of topics. For Lee I found a Udemy course, tailored to his age range that taught coding through designing and building games (I’ve included the web address below). It teaches Python, the same programming language that he’ll use at school, and indeed the one most schools use. All the lessons are video, so there’s no reading long documents. Coding starts as soon as the programming software (which is free!) is installed. He can go at his own pace, take lessons whenever he wants, and replay explanations as many times as he wants until he fully understands. Personal help is just a few clicks away. Send a message and an answer comes back in about a day or so from the actual tutor. It’s just like having a private computer science teacher at a fraction of the cost – less than the cost of a single tutor session in fact! So how’s he doing? The enthusiasm is back. He’s blasting through the lessons and loving it. At this rate he’ll finish the course this term which will take him to GCSE coding standard in just a few months. After that the sky’s the limit. Kevin Shen

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Kitchens Bathrooms Plumbing Decorating Wall & Floor Tiling Property Maintenance Free Estimates No call out charge Fully Qualified & Insured T: 01323 899839 M: 07581 398859

HEATING & PLUMBING Your boiler has been working hard all winter, now’s the time to give it some TLC. Call to find out more about:

Servicing & repairs Power flushing Chemical top ups Magnetic filters Smart controls Radiators & valves Thermal image inspection

BOILERS FITTED FROM ÂŁ2000 No call out charge & free estimates

M: 07828 426860 T: 01323 894175

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Chris Beeney Plumbing & Heating Boiler Installations l Bathrooms l Maintenance l Power Flushing l Boiler Servicing l Gas Safety Certificates l Emergency Call Outs l

01323 506567 07885 572015 Perameter Plumbing Gas and Plumbing Specialist Central Heating Installations Boiler Breakdowns/Servicing Landlord Certificates New Bathrooms Designed and Installed No Call Out Charge No Job too Big or Small Free Estimates



David Egan 01323 890327 • 07740 798662 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED

Tel: 01323 872455 Mobile: 07809 427717 106

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Amethyst Plumbing & Heating Services A Quality Job - On Time Every Time

24 Hour Emergency (no call out charge) Approved plumber, work guaranteed & fully insured Fixed agreed price to your budget Bathrooms, Kitchens, basins, sinks, & radiators Leaks, blockages & overflows. All those jobs you mean to get done Wall and floor tiling carried out Part P electrical work carried out & certified Approved Sure Stop water switch installer.

For prompt reliable service please call: 08000 842781 or 07789583782 Keep me safe, you never know…




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Plans in Seaford Domestic Drawing Services Plans prepared for extensions, loft conversions, garage conversions and structural alterations  Survey and Advice  Outline Plans  Planning Applications  Public Sewer Build Over Notices  Building Notice Applications  Party Wall Agreements  Structural Calculations Rychlinski Flyer:Layout 8 3/11/14 10:59 Page 1  Detailing and Fabrication Drawings Prompt ,reliable service and quick turnaround, very reasonable fixed prices, free quotes given.

CoNStRuCtioN Ltd

CoNStRuCtioN Ltd

New NewBuilds Builds Extensions We can also estimate the cost of your works New Builds TEWART RICKWORK Extensions and give a breakdown of labour/ materials. Garden Walls Extensions For your free initial consultation Garden Walls Flint Walls Contact Robert 07341060867 ONSTRUCTION Garden Walls Email: Flint Re-builds Walls Chimney Flint Walls Patios Re-Pointing Chimney Re-builds Archways Block Paving New Builds Challinor Hall Mr. Restoration S.Re-Pointing Rychlinski Extensions Re-pointing Limited Garden Walls Bricklayer Archways Archways Flint Walls Free Estimates RICKWORK architectural design consultants TEWART Restoration 07737 997384 Restoration Patios 20 Years Experience Paving ONSTRUCTION Chimney re-builds PLANSBlock DRAWN Re-Pointing Estimates Mr.Free S. Rychlinski Prepared for all types of Archways Estimates 20Free Years Experience Bricklayer extensions, loft conversions, Restoration 20 Years Experience new build, residential 07737 997384 and commercial. New Builds Mr. S. Mr. S.Rychlinski Rychlinski Extensions All necessary approvals Bricklayer Garden Walls Bricklayer obtained for you.


Rychlinski Flyer:Layout 8



Page 1


Flint Walls

Free Initial Consultation. Patios Prompt reliable service.

Block Paving Contact Lee Watson Re-Pointing Archways Restoration 01323 411933




07737 997384

07737 997384 Free Estimates 20 Years Experience

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Seaford based Roofing Contractors with 15 years hands on experience. We offer a professional, friendly and reliable service at competitive rates. Approved contractors of Liquid Roofing Systems. GRP Fibreglass specialists. We are fully insured.

Call us today on 07772 641854

Proud sponsors of Seaford Rugby Football Club

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Seaford Little Theatre

theatre, and we are very grateful to them. In addition to all of this, an efficient air conditioning system will be installed so that our audiences can have a more comfortable evening during hot weather.

Well, perhaps theatre isn’t working so well at the moment but the enforced break has meant that ‘works’ can be carried out to the building in Steyne Road. The workshop team has been busy creating more space backstage (very important in these days of social distancing) and this has meant that the men’s dressing room is now in the process of being extended. The picture you see was taken at an early stage.

So you can see that we have made good use of the past few months, and now we are thinking hard about how to manage an indoor production. The theatre is small and we are having to consider very carefully how we might be able to re-open in some form while keeping to government safety guidelines for COVID-19. With this in mind we should be most grateful for your thoughts on the following:

Theatre works!

There has also been the opportunity to make a complete overhaul of the lighting equipment. These improvements have been carried out by our in-house experts who have given their time and expertise to the

You can contact us with your answers and observations at or by dropping a note into the theatre itself: Seaford Little Theatre, 4 Steyne Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1HA. Photo: The studwork for the extended dressing room.



Excavations Ponds Clearance


th ll

We shall be delighted to see any other comments you’d like to make relating to the theatre.



di gg l l i i



Michael Stiller

1. Have you missed seeing plays at Seaford Little Theatre during the COVID-19 crisis? 2. Would you be happy to observe social distancing, to wear a mask inside the building during performances and co-operate with Track & Trace registration? 3. What sort of plays interest you? (Please note as many as you like!): comedy, drama, thrillers murder mysteries, other (please specify).


g ro u

Impact Moleing

s nd


Foundations Landscaping Drainage

01323 899455 07717 280358 Answers on page 102


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Over 40 years experience, working in the local area. Fully insured SPECIALISTS IN CONTEMPORARY, TRADITIONAL AND DECORATIVE BRICKWORK

High quality, vacuumed re-pointing carried out in both cement and lime mortars • Masonry repairs, damaged and spalled bricks replaced • Installer of cavity trays and replacement of defective lead flashings • Chimney work and re-builds • Flint walling • Garden walls and retaining walls • Brick arches • Paving • Rendering • Tiled and slate roofing repairs and renewals FIND US ON

Here atat Constructs we are we a family business and we Here Constructs arerun a family run undertake all jobswe large or small including but not limited business and undertake all jobs large or to -small including but not limited to l


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With over 20 years’ experience, we can offer lots of ideas to help you create With over 20 years’ your ideal home.experience, we can offer lots of ideas

to help you create your ideal home.

City and Guilds Qualified and Fully Insured.

City and Guilds Qualified and Fully Insured. Contact Tony on 01323 656090 or 07881 910799 Tony on 01323 656090 or Or Email Contact –

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Digger & Vehicle Hire incl. Transits, 7.5T / 18T Tippers • Rollers • Welfare Mobile Units - HSE-approved • JCB Beaver Guns • Bobcat Loading Shovel/ Planer/ Road Sweeper

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Big or small Mockfords make them all!

Mockford’s the Mockford’s theBlindmakers are a small family business Blindmakers are a small who have been trading in family business who have Seaford for over 30 years. been trading in Seaford Find us at: The Industrial Estate, andGreen Eastbourne for over 30 Street, Eastbourne years. BN21 1QN Find us at: The Industrial Estate, 417518 Green Street, Telephone: 01323 Eastbourne BN21 1QN


Telephone: 01323 417518 Replacement vanes, weights, hangers and chain are also available from our showroom.

Canopy on our Seaford shop From 2001 – 2011

Take the A259 from Seaford, on Website: approaching Eastbourne go straight Take the A259 from Seaford, on approaching over the first set of traffic lights Eastbourne go straight over the first set of then traffic then take nextGreen left intoStreet. Green takelights the next lefttheinto street. Once on Green Street there is a bus Once on Green Street there is a shelter on the right hand side opposite the bus shelter ontrading the right side entrance to a small estate hand where our showroom is located. opposite the entrance to a small trading centre where our showroom is located.


FITTING SERVICE fitting service TO have HAVEblinds BLINDSprofessionally to PROFESSIONALY FITTED, aJEAN fitted, jean mockford, MOCKFORD,blinds A QUALIFIED BLINDS qualified interior INTERIOR DESIGNER, OVER designer, with overWITH 30 years 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE, WILL BE experience, will be pleased PLEASED TO VISIT YOU &advice to visit you & provide & estimate PROVIDE ADVICE & ESTIMATE.

D.I.Y. welcome D.I.Y WELCOME foolproof FOOLPROOF measuring MEASURING system, SYSTEM, all ALL blinds BLINDSmade MADE TO to measure. us for FOR MEASURE ANDvisit ESPECIALLY advice and help from an D.I.Y.”ERS”, MACHINE MADE experienced blind fitter. ROLLERS & VERTICALS AT INTERNET PRICES, VIST US FOR ADVICE AND HELP FROM AN EXPERIENCED BLINDS FITTER what’s new?

clip on pleated venetian blinds do not require REDUCING SOLARideal HEAT drilling or screws, for AN EXTERIOR glass doors AWNING SHADING


patio doors & windows is far more effective WHATS than NEW?interior blinds allows you to CLIP ONand PLEATED VENETIAN see outDO NOT REQUIRE BLINDS



although we supply all types of blinds, we are FLAGSHIP renowned for hand ALTHOUGH WE SUPPLY ALL made rollers & vertical, TYPES OF BLINDS, WE ARE using german engineered RENOWNED FOR HAND MADE components, 2000 colours ROLLERS & VERTICAL, USING & patterns with a 20 year GERMAN ENGINEERED guarantee


Wednesday and Saturday between 9.30am and 1pm. If you wish to visit at other times, please telephone to ensure we are open We visit you with pattern books and samples to provide you with a free estimate and advice. To arrange a visit or for after sales service, please telephone

01323 417518

With over 2000 colours and fabrics to choose from, this is just a small selection of our available plain colours.

anytime, any day



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Repair • Service • Replace MISTY & BLOWN SEALED UNITS







01323 382149 01273 516166 MOBILE

07548 046879





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d t bu s o m 0800 00 33 55

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Are you struggling to lock your UPVC door? Try this simple 3 point test to see if your door needs adjusting before it breaks... With one hand... 1. Push the door closed 2. Lift the handle and let go 3. Turn the key

Business as usual, but from a safe distance

If you can’t do the above easily and have to hold the handle or force the handle to turn the key, then you need to get your door adjusted before it breaks. The weight of the door on a badly adjusted locking mechanism will eventually break, usually in the locked position!

For more information call Greg at Andy Anderson & Son Locksmiths

01323 899999/07973 129550

Double Glazing Door & Lock Specialist UPVC Door Adjustment & Lock upgrades


Misted Sealed Units l Handles for Windows & Doors l Replacement Wheels l All Window and Door Adjustments l Window Hinges & Stays l Renew Gaskets l Replacement Locks l All Types of Conservatory Repairs l


01323 844414 or 07912 290235 Open 7 days a week l No call out charge l Free estimates all insurance work undertaken - guarenteed


Supporting SEAFORD Lifeguards Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers

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A family business established in 1994 in Peacehaven, East Sussex. Since our inception we have been suppliers to the trade and public alike. Our aim is to provide our customers with unrivalled quality, value and service from initial enquiry, and at every stage through to delivery / installation. We believe in our products and are passionate about them.

We supply a comprehensive range of: Windows (uPVC and Aluminium) Doors (Residential, French, Patio and Bi-fold) Conservatories (to customer requirements)

Replacement glazed unit service available for misted / broken down units. Large selection of hardware held in stock for repair / refurbishment. (Handles, hinges, locks, cylinders, espagnolettes etc.) Call our experienced team for advice and to discuss you requirements. Unit B4, Meridian Industrial Estate, Peacehaven, East Sussex BN10 8JQ

Telephone: 01273 587666 Email: Website:

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Seaford Stamp & Post Card Club After a long break we held our first Members’ Evening at the Constitutional Club in September – but this might be the last one for a while due to covid-19 restrictions. The theme of the evening was ‘M,N & O’ and it is always surprising what members find to bring along. Laurie treated us to a few hundred Donald McGill postcards (which he said were collected by his son). The cards were mainly of seaside scenes and featured an array of attractive young women, fat old ladies, drunken middleaged men, vicars and honeymoon couples. In the 1950s a number of his cards were banned under the obscenity laws and Laurie warned those of a delicate nature not to look too closely. Nowadays tastes have changed and it is not the rudeness which would cause offense but some of the other topics covered. This display was followed by Felix with GB and Indian stamps, and David M with Official Newspaper wrappers and Manchuko. Manchuko is better known today as

Manchuria, but between 1932 and 1945 it was a puppet state of Japan with Pu Yi, who as a child had been the last emperor of China, as the titular Head of State. The higher values of the first Manchuko set of stamps bear his image with his name now changed to Emperor Kang-teh. In the second half of the evening we had entertaining displays from David B on ‘Odds and Ends,’ including stamps from Simoor, Tannou-Tuva and Nagaland, and from Bob B who’s collection of stamps all linked to Nelson on the South Island of New Zealand The club has had to cancel forthcoming meetings but will start again as soon as it is safe to do so. The club holds its meetings every second Wednesday in the month at the Constitutional Club in Crouch Lane. The meeting starts at 7pm and ends at around 9.15pm. Details can be obtained from the club secretary David Manthorpe 01323492433, email: Image: Donald McGill postcard

SEAHAVEN BLINDS Tel 01323 899011 Seahaven Blinds is a family run business, located in Seaford. We sell all types blinds at competitive prices. Free home visit. Personal service. Made to measure. Price includes measure, supply and fitting.

e Fre e or m Ho ffice O isit V

NO VAT to pay. Ring for a quote on 01323 899011

Tel 01323 899011 116

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Martello Rotary Seaford On Your Marks, Get Set, Go… Brand Ambassadors In life there are the ‘doers’ and the ‘watchers’ When you come across ‘Doers’ you need to work with them, get them onboard because a ‘Doer’ is worth 10 ‘Watchers’. Having known Paddy Powney for many years via the Rugby Club we were not surprised to be told that he and his partner Bethany Eager were Martello Rotary’s highest charity fundraisers in our recent Virtual Run, which earned them a surprise thank you prize of dinner for two. However, these two energetic, young, socially aware people can help Rotary in many ways, least of all by helping us bridge the generation gap. Following this success, we have asked for more of their help and they have willingly agreed to become the first of our Martello Brand Ambassadors. Paddy and Bethany already supported one of our main charity recipients from the ‘Virtual Run’, WOLO (We Only Live Once), and we will be working together in future to support not only WOLO, but also Newhaven Lifeboat, the Youth Counselling Project and a number of other charities in Seaford. Through them, and hopefully many others, we will be learning how to encourage other young people in Seaford to support the community with COVID seeming to be extending it’s time with us we will be needing all the help we can to assist both young and old within the community. Martello Rotary has involvement and fundraising activity for sports, environmental and social projects available for everyone to get involved in. This is work that is not just for oldies, but anyone who wants to get involved can take part!


Run for Martello Rotary 2, Seaford Head 10K Virtual Run

By the time that you read this our second virtual run of the year will have been completed. All entry fees have gone to support two charities, the amounts being split on a 50/50 basis – Martello Rotary and RNLI. As in our previous virtual run there was an entry fee and each individual could then accept the challenge of raising money for, and on behalf of, the designated charities through the sponsorship pages. (See https:// for more info.) Martello Rotary needs funds to support the numerous requests received from local organisations. These are often not well known or large organisations, but usually consist of a few unsung heroes, working hard to help those less fortunate in the community, often needing a little financial help just to carry on. Obviously, this year has put many under immense strain, with demand for services massively increasing whilst fundraising opportunities have been reduced. Martello Rotary is one of a number of local organisations that seek to help balance this situation.

Newhaven RNLI

Due to COVID the annual fundraising fêe had to be cancelled. This is their biggest fundraising event of the year, and along with all other events they had planned since March it is a huge blow to their fundraising totals. So, every penny we can raise to help is of value and goes towards maintaining the boats and ensuring the crew have the right protective equipment so they can save us if we get into difficulty. Your charity in supporting events like the Seaford Head Virtual Run can help them weather the storm. With you beside them, they will always be ready, right now and in the future. We hope that you will agree that the idea of the virtual races will provide an excellent opportunity for you to help local charities whilst having fun (and exercise!), so watch this space for the next event. Photo: Paddy Powney, Andy Payne and Bethany Eager.

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HPS-A5.pdf 1 16/05/2020 10:50:52

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seaford U3A News The current lull in U3A activity makes a good opportunity to showcase some of the groups which have run successfully over the past few years. In 2019, as an experiment, seven members joined together in a member’s house to view a course on FutureLearn, an independent teaching website (https:// partly owned by the Open University. At this time the U3A had a subscription to FutureLearn but this and many other courses are also available to the general public on its website. Some are tailored to professional development but many others are of general interest. This was the first time that FutureLearn had been used by Seaford U3A and it was shown to members using a laptop connected to a wide-screen television. The course was entitled ‘In the Night Sky: Orion’ and gave members the opportunity to explore the night sky, to discover how stars are formed and to look specifically at the constellation of Orion. Some of the photography was superb and the general quality of presentation of the course was impressive. Although some of the course was quite technical the members who viewed it enjoyed it and in particular the discussion of

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team working with councillors, churches and the community

01323 364058 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm


points raised. Members were fortunate in that one of them had an advanced knowledge of and interest in astronomy. At the end of the course the group visited the Planetarium at Chichester. In January/February 2020 a four-week course on Climate Change ran in a member’s house for six members. Weeks 1 and 2 used courses prepared by the University of Exeter for FutureLearn. Week 1 of the U3A Climate Change course set out the basic science of climate change and the members taking part were able to learn the science of global warming, as well as the difference between ‘natural’ and human-induced’ warming, looking back over millennia, and current and possible future impacts of climate change. Week 2 dealt with general categories of potential solutions rather than specific examples, dividing them into general categories of mitigation, adaptation and geo-engineering. Weeks 3 and 4 used material from a variety of Internet sources, from YouTube, from the Ecosia website (Ecosia is a search engine which aims to use advertising revenue to plant trees), some from different FutureLearn courses and some from news websites and Government sources. The U3A course was packed with information, which members found interesting and which gave them a sufficient introduction to the subject to enable them to take their interest further if they wished to do so. Not all U3A groups focus on science in one shape or form, though by coincidence a new science group had been planned for September 2020. The subjects range from this to languages, literature, music, art, history and indeed anything which a group leader would like to put forward. On future monthly pages there will be more detail about some other groups which have been enjoyed by members. For more information about Seaford U3A visit the website To find out about membership email sending your postal address for a welcome pack. Image: Orion Constellation c/o


FRIday 6th november

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Kitchens - Bedrooms - Home Studies






15 Claremont Road, Seaford BN25 2PF Tel: 01323 890079 Open 10 am - 3 pm Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri or by appointment on other days

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Select at Home Service – We come to you Free Quotations




Our range includes:




Wooden Blinds R Venetian Blinds Vertical Blinds R Roller Blinds Perfect Fit Blinds R Roman Blinds R Patio Awnings R 35 years experience in the Blind Industry

Tel: Seaford 01323 382056 Email: 122

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Refill Seaford and Newhaven is back! Shoppers in Seaford and Newhaven are encouraged to say goodbye to pointless packaging as awardwinning campaign Refill expands. The Refill campaign, which has already saved 100 million pieces of plastic from our ocean, expands to become the world’s first dedicated app to help people find locations to reuse and refill. Refill will now help people in Seaford and Newhaven live with less plastic by making it easier to eat, drink and shop packaging-free. Plastic pollution campaigning organisation, City to Sea are taking the award-winning Refill campaign to the next level. From 1st October people in Seaford and Newhaven have been able to use the free app to find places to refill their coffee cup, lunchbox, groceries and even cleaning products and toiletries, making it the world’s first dedicated app to helping people find where they can bring their own containers and refill – shunning single-use plastic for good. It will also highlight discounts available, rewarding consumers for reducing packaging. l We

are delighted announce that Seaford Health Store, where you can refill your household products and and Scoop and Weigh, where you can bring your own containers for dried fruit, nuts, seeds, pulses , bird food and dare I say it…pick and mix sweets have both taken this on board and joined the app. l Morrisons, LUSH and Costa are some of the national brands signed up to the campaign as well. Do let us know via our email below If you run or know of a business that wants to join the scheme or will now offer refills for coffee etc. They can sign themselves up using the app or website and add the coffee cup icon. Please don’t forget you can download the Refill app here to get the location maps to find Refill points https://www. and also register your business and others if you have their permission.

If you want a Chilly’s bottle or food container, you can buy one of these yourself which keep your lunch and drinks hot or cold from and Chilly’s make a £10 donation to the Refill campaign. Find us on Facebook Refill Seaford and Newhaven as there is a group and a page to follow. Twitter @ RefillSN Instagram @refillsn. General enquiries for talks and information to Christine Brett Refill Seaford and Newhaven Photos from top: Julie from Scoop and Weigh with a happy customer; Emma from Seaford Health stores offering your washing up refill.



CONTACT PETE WATTS 01323 897394 07710 938943

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As professionally qualified carpenters and joiners we have a broad range of experience with both commercial and domestic clients. Here are just some of the services that we offer: • • • •

Carpentry & bespoke joinery Residential & Commercial Interior & Exterior Grand designs

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Local Family run business, fully insured and guaranteed Call for a free no obligation quote today •  •  •  •  •

Solid Wood Engineered Wood Laminate Parquet Restoration sanding, sealing and repairing

•  Supply and fit or fit only

Tel: 01323 894683 Mobile: 07967 303280 Website: 124

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12 Albert Parade

Green Street Eastbourne BN21 1SD

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FREE Home Estimates Family Run Business Eastbourne’s Amtico Supplier

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Burnage garage doorS supply fit & repair Est. in Peacehaven since 1965

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Local Family Business


Free Call Out Advice and Quotations

Repairs and Servicing, New Doors and Automatics

Automatic Roller Doors in a Range of Colours



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Innovative garage door solutions. . . . . .from a local family firm you can trust Roller Doors Full installation service • Garage door repairs • Electric conversions • Senior citizen discounts

Wood Effect Doors

Sectional Doors Call us for a free quote 126

Electric Doors

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Greenhavens Network One of Greenhavens Network’s ambitions is to create and enhance existing green corridors across the Havens area: Peacehaven, Newhaven, Seaford and Lewes. We aim to do this through a variety of mediums, one of them being through tree planting in urban areas such as verges. We were delighted to receive funding for training from Sussex Community Foundation which enabled a group of us from four local Tree Warden Community Groups to attend and successfully pass the NRSWA Training, New Roads and Street Works for Operatives (units 1 -6&9/LA-05+08). It was tough course but so valuable to understand just how much legally and safely is involved in working and planting on verges. Now that we are fully qualified, we can now assist numerous local community groups across our local area who are in our network with enhancing their verges for wildlife and people by safely planting trees. If you would like to join our network in Sussex, please join our FB group – https://www.facebook. com/groups/430224887418049

Greenhavens Network is delighted to introduce a new group “The Seedy Savers”

organise a Community Seed Exchange during Spring 2021 in the Seaford/Newhaven Area. If you would like to get involved in organising the Seedy Savers Exchange do please get in touch at Lets help make our Community a greener and happier place one seed at a time! Please start harvesting your seeds in anticipation of lots of seed swapping over the winter months and events to take place in Spring groups/3385121784897512

What’s On in Seaford? A Greenhavens initiative, this is great example of the community coming together to form a group for exchanging ideas about saving and swapping seeds and cuttings, exchanging said seeds and cuttings and to

If you are planning on holding a ‘What’s On Monthly’ or ‘What’s On Weekly’ event/meeting in December, whether virtually, online or via social distancing, and would like the event listed in the next December Seaford Scene, please email:, write to: Seaford Scene, 4th Floor, 60 Lansdowne Place, Hove BN3 1 FG, tel 01273 710793. Deadline 6th November 2020.

Turn to page 128 for What’s On in November

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Lewes District Citizens Advice

seven things to check if you’re at risk of redundancy


Check if your redundancy is fair. There are rules to protect you from being discriminated against, and for being unfairly picked for redundancy. Visit our website: Redundancy: Citizens Advice - Check if your redundancy is fair, for more information.


Check how much redundancy pay you get. You’re entitled to statutory redundancy pay, which is the minimum the law says you’re entitled to, if you’ve been an employee for two years.


Furloughed? Make sure you get 100% redundancy pay. If you were furloughed and then made redundant, your redundancy pay should be based on your normal wage.


Check your notice period. If you’ve worked for your employer for at least a month you’re entitled to a paid statutory notice period.


Check your holiday pay. You’ll be paid for any holiday you have left over when you leave.


You might be entitled to paid time off to look for work. If you’ve worked for your employer for two years at the end of your notice period, you’re likely to be entitled to ‘reasonable’ time off to apply for jobs or go on training.


Check if you’ve got legal help via your home insurance. Often people get ‘legal expenses cover’ as part of their home insurance package, but many don’t realise they can get free legal help to challenge their redundancy.

You can visit Citizens Advice’s pages on leaving a job for further information and advice. Search ‘leaving a job’ Citizens Advice Helplines: Adviceline: 0800 144 88 48 Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm l Email advice: l Chat online to an advisor on our website: l Consumer Helpline: 0808 223 1133 l Universal Credit Help to Claim: 0800 1448444. l


What’s On in Nov?

Please note: due to the current coronavirus pandemic, some What’s On events may be cancelled at short notice.

Sunday 8th

Corelli Ensemble Live

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Rd, Seaford BN25 2EE

3pm and 5pm Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Solo violinist is Musical Director of the Corelli Ensemble Maeve Jenkinson. Poems also read by Oonagh Barry. Socially distanced audience of 54 per performance – tickets £14 only available to purchase from the Corelli Ensemble website on the day before: Audience required to wear facemasks, sadly, no refreshments will be available. The concert will be live streamed on Zoom for those who are unable to attend – please contact via the website and pay £14 for a password to connect with the live concert.

Remembrance Sunday at Home – National Two-Minute Silence

11am. Due to COVID-19 safety regulations, Seaford Town Council advises members of the public to safely mark their Remembrance in the safety of their own home. It is therefore not advisable to gather at Seaford War Memorial.

Friday 13th – Sunday 22nd Colour Wave

Crypt Gallery, Church Street, Seaford

Fri 13th: 4pm - 7pm, Sat 14th - Sat 21st: 10am - 5pm, Sun 22nd: 10am - 3pm A wide variety of work by artists Lynne Beck and Linda Wells joined this year by Lisa Taylor,, Nina Gatward and Shirley Burt. Works in acrylic, oils, watercolour and fibres and threads. Also limited edition prints, greetings cards and crafts. Free entry. Covid regulations apply and numbers entering the gallery are restricted.

Saturday 28th Nov – Sunday 20th Dec A Festive Hullabaloo

The Cuckmere & Flint Rooms, Crypt Gallery, Church Street, Seaford

Mon - Sat 10am - 4pm, Sun 12pm - 3pm A diverse range of quality and affordable fine art and craft work ideal for the festive season, by local artists and makers.

What’s On Weekly? Community

Bereaved by Suicide Support

We provide assistance for those bereaved by suicide in East Sussex, including: emotional support; liaising with other services such as the coroner or the police; advice Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers

on dealing with practical or financial challenges. Support can be face-to-face, via the telephone or Zoom. We also run support groups providing the chance to meet others who have been through similar experiences. For further information contact Kellie on 07542305419 or email

questionnaire is filled in and sent back in advance for safety reasons. Your maiden voyage session is approx. 90 mins. All this for only £5. Each row after this is then only £3. For more information email:

Drawing Workshops with Lesley Harvey

Paradise Park, Avis Road, Newhaven

Every day 8am - 10pm Open seven days a week, floodlit courts, individual and small group lessons with LTA registered coach, COVID-19 guidance compliant. Book online at Email: Tel: 01323 895780

Friends of Tide Mills

Pilates with Karen

Third Sunday of the month 10am - 12noon. Meet at beach end of old village road. Help us care for this special place. Next meeting 15th November. Email:

Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm. Local crafts and arts, local produce incl. honey, eggs, veg, Indian food stall, upcycle table, florist and dried flowers, postal services, banking services. For more information email: cradcock@hotmail. or tel: 07790 897957

Monday 10 - 11.15am: Mindful Pilates for Back Care online class. Monday 7 - 8.15pm: Pilates Fusion, Seaford Baptist Church and live stream. Weds 9.30 - 10.30am: Pilates for Every Body, live, online class. Thursday 10 - 11am: Chair-based Exercise, live online class. Thursday 6.15 - 7.15pm: Seaford Baptist Church Saturday 10 - 11.30am: Pilates Fusion, live online class. The Pilates Studio at Seaford osteopathic Clinic is open for 1:1 and 2:1 personal tuition on mat or reformer, in line with Public Health England safely and hygiene guidelines. Tel: 07944 785520. Email:

Newhaven Country Market

In Balance Yoga Online

Thursdays 10am - 1pm. Stalls including sweet and savoury freshly-baked goods, Indian food and spices, jams, preserves, textile crafts, hand-knitted items, jewellery, cards, candles, wood carved pieces.

Seaford Allotments

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 - 11.15am. Weds 6 - 7.15pm A mix of stretching and strengthening, focusing on breath and releasing tension. Suitable for all ages/abilities with clear instructions and a slow pace. For a chat or more information on how to join, phone Sophie on 07444 549859. Email:

For more information, contact

Seahaven Yoga

First Monday of every month 10am - 12noon. £12 per session. Contact Lesley on 07722 236741

Tide Mills near Seaford and Bishopstone

Market Place & Post Office

The Old Chapel Centre, Tye Road, Alfriston

Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven

Sutton Drove, Seaford

Seaford Community Garden

Crouch Gardens, next to the Peace Garden, Crouch Lane, Seaford

Wednesdays 10am -12noon. gardens open. Plans and produce for sale. All welcome, please wear your masks.

Seaford Museum & Heritage Society

Martello Tower The Esplanade, Seaford BN25 1JH Saturday and Sunday 11am - 4pm. Social distancing restrictions apply. Please wear a face covering and keep to the clearly marked one-way route through the Martello Tower. Tel: 01323 898222


Newhaven Gig Rowing Club

Newhaven Marina, Yacht Harbour BN9 9BY NGRC is a charity rowing club inclusive to all from the ages of 11 to 75+. If you are interested in learning to row please visit for more info. NGRC ask that a health

Seaford & Blatchington Tennis Club Seaford Tennis Club, Belgrave Road, Seaford


Gentle traditional yoga, suitable for all ages, all levels including beginners. Booking is advisable to ensure your place, as spaces are limited. Tel 07983 622840 or 01323 892638. Email:

Seaford & District Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane, Seaford, BN25 1PU Saturday 10.15am

The Chapel Rooms, St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford, BN25 2HE Tuesday 10.30am and Thursday 7pm.

The Practice Space, 9 Newhaven Market Square, Newhaven BN9 9QS

Thursday 10am. Phone Daniel 07782 532577. Email: daniel@the

Yin Yoga in the Havens

To register your interest and to keep up to date with classes as they restart, contact jacqui.johnston@hotmail. Also Tai Chi/Qigong classes.


Accountants & Bookkeeping Dennis Childs Accountant 50 Mad About Tax 50 Shoreline Accountants 48 Swindells Chartered Accountants 5 Tasker Osman & Co 51 Arborist/Tree Surgeon Greenhaven Gardens 82 Hollywood Tree Surgery Ltd 78 R W Green Ltd 79 Sussex Treefella Ltd 76 Tree Wizard 77 Architects Challinor Hall Ltd 108 Plans in Seaford 108 Artists & Exhibitions Drawing Workshops with Lesley Harvey 74 Sussex Arts Collective 17 Bathroom/Bedroom/ Supplies/Fitting A S Home Refurbishments 117 Claremont Interiors 121 HPS Newhaven 119 Jai Scudder Ltd 105 Maiden Maintenance 103 STC 122 Beauty, Massage & Tanning Absolute Beauty 62/72 Beauty by Rachel 73 Blinds Blind Design 7 Mockford’s the Blindmakers 112 Seahaven Blinds 116 Sunrise Awnings & Blinds 122 Building Services/Supplies A S Home Refurbishments 117 Constructs 111 Builders Club 131 J Matthews Brickwork & Building 111 More Space Solutions 113 NF Construction & Driveways 111 S R Davis & Sons 97 Stewart Brickwork 108 Still Diggin’ 110 Technique Roofing 109 We are RAM Construction 11 Yout Construction Shop 66 Bus & Coach Services Cuckmere Buses 8 Care Homes & Sheltered Housing Abbeyfield South Downs 43 Clifden House 42 Nova House 43 Rivendale Lodge 43 Westerleigh Nursing Home 41 Carpentry/Joinery A S Home Refurbishments 117 PWS Carpentry Services 123 SJL Ltd 124 Car Dealerships Seaford MG 28 Car Repairs/Services Solo ABC 26 Valeting Club 29 Children’s/Youth Activities Hopscotch 21 Cleaning Services Andy Sweeps 47 Chores & More 41 Dolly Char Domestic Cleaning 47 Excel Carpet Care 47 Novaclean 46 Oven Gleamers 46 Valeting Club 29 Clock Restoration R Edwards Clock Restoration 30 Clubs & Organisations Seaford Rotary 35 NP&S Lions 19


Computer Supplies/Services SBG Computers 54 Conservatories More Space Solutions 113 Sussex Trade Windows 115 Sussex Windows and Doors 2 Content & SEO Seahaven Digital Marketing Consultancy 50 Courses & Tuition Drawing Workshops with Lesley Harvey 74 Juliet Sargeant Sussex Gardening School 85 The Seaford Seamstress 35 Curtains & Soft Furnishings G F Sinclair 22 Distilleries Harley House Craft Distillery 57 Door Supplies and Storage Burnage Garage Doors 126 Claremont Interiors 121 G&N Garage Doors 127 The Home Improvement Co 15 South East Garage Doors 126 Sussex Windows and Doors 2 Driving Instruction M E Driving Lessons 74 Electricians & Suppliers Allcott-Wells Electrical Ltd 93 Geering Electrical 96 J Kirby Electrical Ltd 93 J K Pope & Sons Ltd 92 M Hughes Electrical 92 PES Power Electric Services 95 Westview Electrical 97 Estate/Letting Agents Ginger & Sanders 36 Newberry Tully 37 Rowland Gorringe 132 Fabrics & Haberdashery G F Sinclair 22 Fencing Fullers Fencing 86 K P Landscapes 88 R W Green Ltd 79 Suttons Groundcare 86 Wynnes & Seaford Fencing 87 Fireplaces/Fires/Stoves Craftstone of Sussex 12 Flooring/Fitting A S Home Refurbishments 117 Ideal Flooring Sussex 125 James Lawrence Flooring 124 V R Flowers & Son 13 Furniture V R Flowers & Son 13 Seaford Second Hand Furnishings 33 Gardening/Landscaping Briar Rose Garden Services 82 Greenhaven Gardens 82 Hollywood Tree Surgery Ltd 78 Horizon Landscapes 83/90 Juliet Sargeant Sussex Gardening School 85 K P Landscapes 88 Lime Landscapes Ltd 80 LT Gardens 82 NF Construction & Driveways 111 R W Green Ltd 79 The Shed Man 84 Sussex Treefella Ltd 76 Suttons Groundcare 86 Tree Wizard 77 Garden Supplies Mays Emporium 89 Gas/Heating/Plumbing Aaron Merryweather 104 Amethyst Plumbing & Heating 107 Chris Beeney Plumbing & Heating 106 Chris Dowling Heating/Plumbing 105

D Egan Gas Services 106 Jai Scudder Ltd 105 Kingsway Heating 105 N M Plumbing & Heating Ltd 105 Perameter Plumbing 106 Willis Heating Ltd 107 Glazing/Windows Constructs 111 Just Like New 114 SRC Double Glazing & Repairs 113 Sussex Trade Windows 115 Sussex Windows and Doors 2 Hairdressers High on Hair 71 Short Cuts 73 Strandz 70 The Lodge 70 Wind in Your Hair 71 Handyman Services 1st Rate Handyman Services 95 Aaron Merryweather 104 Handy Manda 102 Maiden Maintenance 103 Paul the Handyman 101 Peter Vulovic Handy Man 103 S B Property Maintenance 100 Health & Wellbeing Acorn Chiropody & Podiatry 60 Acupuncture Naturally 63 Caroline at Bodiology 63 Chiropodist/Podiatrist - Rita 61 Dental Barn 68/69 Ouse Valley Footcare 61 Seaford Podiatry & Chiropody 60 Sussex Eyecare 63 Home Help/Care Andrew White 41 Chores & More 41 Miss Domestic 41 The People’s Choice Sussex 40 Sussex Elderly Care 40 Ink Supplies Badger Inks 55 Ironing Service Chores & More 41 Dolly Char Domestic Cleaning 47 Miss Domestic 41 The People’s Choice Sussex 40 Jewellers Marks 31 Job/Volunteer Vacancies Sussex Elderly Care 40 Kitchen Design/Supply/ Installation A S Home Refurbishments 117 Claremont Interiors 121 Constructs 111 STC 122 Locksmiths & Supplies Andy Anderson & Son 55/114 Lee’s Locks 38 Markets Old Chapel Centre and PO 19 Museums/Galleries Seaford Museum 17 Newspaper Distribution Angies News 23 The Newspaper Boys 25 Opticians Sussex Eyecare 63 Painters/Decorating Aaron Merryweather 104 AWK Decorating Services 99 Brush Strokes Ltd 99 The Cottage Decorators 97 Handy Manda 102 Maiden Maintenance 103 Neil Bradford 98 Paint Perfect 99 Peter Vulovic Handy Man 103 S R Davis & Sons 97

Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers

Paving/Pointing/Stone Work Horizon Landscapes 83 K P Landscapes 88 NF Construction & Driveways 111 Paul the Handyman 101 Stewart Brickwork 108 Pest Control R S Aerials of Seaford 46/94 Pets, Supplies & Services Benwick Kennels & Cattery 45 Cats Protection 45 Pet au Pair 45 The Dog Hut 44 Plastering Jai Scudder Ltd 105 Plumbing Services see Gas Property Maintenance Aaron Merryweather 104 Maiden Maintenance 103 S B Property Maintenance 100 Post Offices Old Chapel Centre and PO 19 Property Management Sanders Property Management 36 Recycling/Waste Removal Aviemore Landscapes 90 Elite Clearance Solutions 33 Greenacre Recycling 91 Horizon Landscapes 90 Suttons Groundcare 86 Removals & Storage Britannia Beckwith 38 R Ranger Removals & Storage 38 Restaurants/Café/Public Houses†/Take-Aways* Cottons Coffee Bar 58 Ollivers Restaurant 58 The Royal British Legion 59 The Viceroy* 59 The View 56 Roofing Services Technique Roofing 109 Security Systems SAS 82 Sewing Alterations/Dress Making The Seaford Seamstress 35 Solicitors Barwells 52/53 Cognitive Law 51 Mayo Wynne Baxter 49 Sport, Dance & Exercise Gingerfit 74 Seahaven Yoga 75 Taxis/Chauffeur Services Martello Taxis 39 Marvins Taxi Service 39 Kingfisher Luxury Travel 39 Theatre Theatre Tokens 18 Tiles & Tiling Services Aaron Merryweather 104 Jai Scudder Ltd 105 Maiden Maintenance 103 Paul the Handyman 101 Peter Vulovic Handy Man 103 STC 122 Travel Agents Not Just Travel 27 TV/Satellite Services 1st Rate Aerials & Satellites 95 R S Aerials of Seaford 94 Seaford Television 94 Teleview 97 Water Softener Service Scott Jenkins Water Softeners 64/65 Will Writing Services Barwells 52/53 Mayo Wynne Baxter 49 Penrose Wills 9

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To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email

131 SEAFORD OFFICE 01323 490680

Firle Road Seaford £1,200,000

Chyngton Road Seaford £995,000

South Way Seaford £650,000

Ash Drive Seaford £575,000

Quarry Lane Seaford £357,500

Hindover Road Seaford Offers Over £300,000

Detached House, 7 Double Bedrooms, Open Plan Kitchen/Diner 6 Reception Rooms, Suited Master Bedroom, Incorporated Annex, Roof Terrace, Utility Room, Integral Double Garage, Carraige Drive Way

Four Bedrooms, Detached House, Extended, Immaculate Throughout, Spacious Plot, Three Reception Rooms, Ensuite Shower Room, Close to Countryside, Close to Bus Routes, Desired Location

Substainal Detached House, 4 Bedrooms, 4/5 Reception Rooms, Stunning Views, Secluded Gardens, Electric Front Gates, South East Corner, 21’ Garage, 4 Bathrooms, One of Seaford’s Premier Roads

Detached Bungalow, Beautifully Presented, Three Bedrooms, Open Plan Living, Modern Kitchen, Modern Bathroom/WC, South Facing Rear Garden, Off Road Parking, Close To Local Bus Routes, Close To Local Shops

Four Double Bedrooms, Immaculate Throughout, 190ft Rear Garden, Detached House, Backing onto Countryside, Sought After South Way, South East Corner, Views, Open Plan Kitchen Diner, Ample Off Road Parking

End of Terrace House, Beautifully Presented, Off Road Parking, Attic Room, South Facing Garden, Stunning Kitchen, Character, Desired Location, Close to Shops, No Onward Chain

01323 490680

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Articles inside

Seaford U3A News

pages 120-122

Greenhavens Network

page 127

Martello Rotary Seaford

pages 118-119

Who’s Who in Seaford?

pages 102-103

Concentus Come and Sing with Us

pages 98-99

A Restricted Autumn

pages 100-101

Seahaven Responders

pages 96-97

Cycle Seahaven

pages 67-70

A View From The Potting Shed

pages 81-83

Splash Point Reopened to the Public

page 71

Inner Wheel Club of Seaford

page 72

Shadows Flee Away – Selmeston Church

pages 54-57

Sleep – Should we worry about Quantity

pages 62-66

Churchyard Cinder Toffee

pages 58-60

Barwells Solicitors

page 53

Reopening the Museum and Storm Damage

pages 30-31

Tide Mills – A Living History

pages 50-52

Seaford Rotary

pages 34-36

Seaford Chamber of Commerce

pages 22-23

Foresters Friendly Society

pages 26-29

Communication Skills at St John’s School

pages 20-21

A Good Read

pages 24-25

Clifden House

pages 42-43

Seaford Striders Virtual Marathon

pages 14-15

Soapy September Success

page 19

A Festive Hullabaloo

pages 16-17

Seaford Young Mayor Completes Charity

pages 12-13

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team

pages 6-7

Reimagining Christmas

pages 4-5

Colour Wave 2020

page 18

We Will Remember Them

pages 8-9
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