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Water Pollution by Iazendha A.

Water Pollution is caused by dirty things constantly being thrown into the water such as can holders, wrappers, trash, dirt, etc which include chemicals and pathogens from manmade chemicals and natural materials. Pathogens are the bacteria in the dirty water and result from sewage discharges. Organic water pollutants also exist which are detergents, fat and grease, chloroform, pesticides, gas, debris and much more. In the Antelope Valley our water mixes with the rocks and soil which could ruin the waters concentration. Water Pollution has become the leading cause of death and disease to humans and animals in contact with water as well as It has become contaminated with bacteria from the trash thrown into the ocean. Politically water pollution is a social issue because it could cause issues with so many social operations. Economically water pollution has become an issue because it costs a lot of money to filter water and try to keep it clean, machines also need to be bought and put into work in order for water to be cleaner and it takes up so much to lose fish as well or animals in the water because they are also considered food and could become an issue in restaurants. The Clean Water Act is also involved in caring for water. This act cares for safe drinking water, and clean water all around. “Pollution is nothing but resources were not harvesting, we allow them to disperse because we have been ignorant of their value�Buckminster Fuller.

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