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Ecology Article Pollution is everywhere and California is the one that has the most pollution in the United States. There is such as air.water, noise, and solid waste pollution. All of this are bad for used and we will look specifically in one area of California. That place is Palmdale Ca lets see how this place is doing. Air pollution is the first one in Palmdale, CA. In Palmdale the air quality is not the best as other states. In other states is more clean or some worst we are kind of in the middle. Last year they said that they are going to build a power plant here in palmdale. For my point of view this will ruin and make the the air even worse and it did. It says that because the power plant was going to make a lot more pollution than the states aloud they had to air quality board had to pay $15 million. If they did not pay the plant will never been made. Many people wanted the plant to open they say that it made more jobs and they don't have to drive as far to get to their jobs. Some wanted to not do the plant at all they wanted there to not be contaminated. Another thing in palmdale is that there is a sewage plant that was build in the 1970s. This was build to killed bacteria. This can also be affected. There is also a lot of noise like traffic and when kids are getting out of school. Is not as a big city noise is much less. This could be noise pollution and can affected our ears.

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