Raport Anual GROW 2012

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glossy gradient, white contour & shadow

practice, learn, step up!

It all starts blank. But all the shapes are prepared within. While you fold the paper into the shape you want, consider what the paper aspires to become. Origami philosophy brings out, through folding, the nature of paper which the pieces concealed before being folded. Since it is made with sincerity, the paper itself is charming and inspires passion. It’s not just a change – but a transformation – something that once was has become something new - almost magical. Following the path of the amazing Origami art, GROW tries to provide teens with the proper environment and skills to discover their inner strenghts and better shape things to come…

evaluation 2012 things to



Summary Long term vision Recognition & Testimonials



Trainer’s profile


Train the Trainers


Some of the GROW trainers


Some Photos


Outside class activities


High schools and cities


Impact analysis


Contact details



04. GROW in 2012 06. GROW in numbers 10. Participant’s profile 12. Coordinator’s profile 14. Train the Coordinators 20. My GROW experience 22-23. The Curriculum 25. Case study: World Vision 30. Media impact 31. Organizers




GROW REPRESENTS a long term, non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of education in Romania. It is a program organized in partnership Scoala de Valori - AIESEC that addresses high school students in Romania (age 14-18). Through the GROW program they can follow a complementary four-year educational cycle. THE PROGRAM offers high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that complements the formal education system. It has been developed with the support of an Educational Board, gathering personalities, top-notch experts in education and adolescent psychology, especially to address key needs of the development of teenage participants. THE COURSES took place around the entire country and included trainings like presentation skills, public speaking, personal awareness, personal effectiveness, project management skills, Romanian values. THE MAIN GOAL of this program is to build up a constructive attitude for a sustainable change in the Romanian educational system. GROW aims to be the number-one national education program addressing high school students as it is unique among any other program: • it is a long term program (2010-2015), • it has the magnitude of a nationwide project, • it has a specific approach for each high school level: 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders, • the courses are delivered in English by international trainers, • the courses were designed professionally by consultancy and adolescent psychology specialists.

GROW 0.9 2012 took place between 16th of January and 1st of April 2012 in fourteen cities across Romania: Arad, Bucharest, Brasov, Cluj, Constanta, Craiova, Iasi, Oradea, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Sibiu, Suceava, Targu-Mures and Timisoara. The project involved more than 100 high schools, 1001 participants and 27 international trainers.


GROW in 2012 Today I woke up a bit dizzy because of a noise that was coming from outside – ahh, yes, and it’s Monday! I opened the window and I heard a loud voice of a lady calling some names and saying something about future, development, parents, youth, blessings and new generations. It took me about 30 seconds to realise that this speech was coming from the courtyard of the school nearby. And it took me another minute to realise that TODAY STARTS ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR. I remebered how it was for me when I went for the first time at school: I was looking like a boy because of my short haircut, wearing the school uniform and wondering why I cannot play with my bicycle and I have to stay with that scared and regular crowd listening somebody speaking about some boring things, with all my family standing smiling behind me.Then we started the classes and my perspective totally changed. STEP BY STEP, I realized that the world is bigger then I was thinking, that the school is just the beggining ... then suddenly I found myself ending primary school. And another begining arrived: HIGHSCHOOL – a tottaly different and deeper experience. The first day was somehow discordant to the first day of primary school: nice boys, nice girls, glossy or serious parents, new clothes, fancy haircuts, indifferent and noisy attitudes. Me: alone, without my family and still missing my bicycle. That difference knocked me a bit and I was wondering what am I doing there, I was not belonging... After 4 years of highschool I REMEMBER: friends, friends, friends, role-model-teachers, I hate maths, I love Romanian language, I need more time to learn, today I don’t go to school because I am not motivated enough, today I go to school because we have classes with a great teacher, huge results at national contests, rock music and breaking a leg on a skateboard, first time in a tent, practicing a job in a restaurant and a hotel, still missing my bicycle and trying to replace it.

AND A STRANGE FEELING DURING THESE 8 YEARS THAT SOMETHING IS MISSING. Were there colours missing? Maybe some green, yellow or red would help me? Were there words or feelings missing? Some confidence, self- discovery, another perspective, empathy? Did I need another country or perspective? Would China, Greece, Brazil, Thailanda, Inonesia, India, Switzerland, Pakistan, Russia, Finland or United Kingdom make a difference? Was I not choosing the right environment for me? The friends I have, the books I read, the movies I see, the places I go ...? Maybe it was a lack of information about myself: what am I good at, what are my values, how should I pereceive people around me? Until this year I was not having a clear explanation for the things that were missing, but this summer I have realized that I can say a name: GROW. It’s not a word, it’s not a project, it’s not a spring or summer fun, it’s AN EXPERIENCE! Almost 2000 highschool teenagers and 75 international students felt it this year. I can say that in 2011 GROW was a lot : 30 local project coordinators, World Wide Weekend – a national weekend event that was also part of “Școala Altfel” program, new trainings like ”Pocket Money” by Kruk and new nice activities together with our partners: sport and healthy life with Decathlon, what’s behind a retail store – Metro, inside story from a bank – BRD and why is it good to volunteer in high-school – with HP. 2012 also marked a new territory: GROW happened in Ialomita , a new area for the project, in a great collaboration with beautiful people from World Vison – we are greatful for having the chance to impact teenagers there. ANDREEA DINU



Long term vision The GROW program is actually an environment for high school students’ development, giving them the opportunity to access experiences that raise their self-esteem and courage. In 2013 we set out to grow the complexity of this environment by adding to the 10 sessions curriculum more company visits, more events, meetings with company representatives in an informal setting and more activities that aim at the students’ initiative.

Dragos Belduganu Head of Social Engagement, School of Values

2012 demonstrated that GROW is a useful program for high school students, moreover, wanted by them. We receive positive feedback from them in our meetings, in written forms and from their discussions with the trainers as well. Students highly appreciate the internationalism GROW brings and in 2013 cultural diversity will be at home throughout GROW, just like in 2012 when the trainers who delivered the program came from 40 different countries. For 2013, GROW is set to run on a two-editions model: the first edition, for the 9th and 10th grades in January – March, and the second, for the 11th and 12th grades in June – August. We came to this decision by taking into account the school year and the students’ and organizers’ workload during those periods. Considering the major impact of the program and its national coverage, in 2013 the number of company partners will grow, as we believe that the new generations’ education has become a national priority and a necessary investment for our long-term well-being as a society.

Let's talk about true impact! Present in over 110 countries and territories and with over 80,000 members, AIESEC is the world’s largest student run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today. AIESEC shares the vision of impact with an incredible organization, Școala de Valori, by bringing a contribution to the Education issue in Romania, developing a strong sense of mission and commitment towards the high school teenagers, helping them to find a personal vision and become true global citizens. Grow Project is about providing experiences that change the world we live in. In a society where finding positive models becomes a challenge, sparkling ideas and good spirit are needed. We are thinking at the future of tomorrow, by acting today.

Alexandru Negurici President AIESEC in Romania 2012-2013


GROW in Numbers 15 4895 2500 cities

applicants number


1915 75 181

GROW Graduates

international trainers highschools involved



It's always a good moment to invest in the future! Adela Jansen - BRD Groupe Societe Generale BRD Groupe Societe Generale sustains the GROW program since 2010, as a long-term national education program dedicated to teenagers through which we wish to develop a constructive attitude among participants and in the educational environment in general, in an unique and impactful way. I could translate GROW project in a few key words:

Values Courage Success Career Dream Global Education Future and last but not least ... Responsibility Beautiful and important words that we need to promote among youngsters, to build with them a better future. We have many young people with great potential, who: • Need to be encouraged to keep a set of solid values throughout their experiences, which can lead them in their career path and be a “sustainable core” in their growing process; • Need to have their courage strengthen so that they don’t give away their dream. Are open to

accumulate knowledge and eager to develop their competencies and reach a successful career. • Are part of a context where globalization; is part of our daily life; • They are our future Through GROW and the School of Values, besides offering encouragement, we deliver also important knowledge based on a specific curricula developed for each high school class, while also offering an international experience. In this way the youngster acquire different skills necessary for their professional future. Our contribution to this national project is possible due to the involvement of our trainers & colleagues from different cities all over the country, involved in training sessions, presentations and organized visits to BRD offices. Together we hope to have an impact in the participants’ education. Through Responsibility and Solid Values we can achieve our goals. I believe that “Values” are the hard currency of the future!


RECOGNITION The European Charlemagne Youth Prize IN MAY, we had a new reason to feel proud. While at home the GROW team was working on full speed, our colleague, Dragoș, was receiving in Aachen on behalf of the whole team The European Charlemagne Youth Prize. 2012 is the second consecutive year when GROW wins the prize at national level. THE EUROPEAN CHARLEMAGNE YOUTH PRIZE is awarded jointly and annually by the European Parliament and the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen. The European Charlemagne Youth Prize aims to encourage the development of European consciousness among young people, as well as their participation in European integration projects. THE PRIZE is awarded to projects undertaken by young people that foster understanding, promote the development of a shared sense of European identity, and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community. "GROW IS ROMANIA’S WINNER at national level both in 2011 and 2012. For us it means a lot, a recognition of the fact that the educational model GROW offers can contribute to the development of a society based on values. Along with this recognition comes the responsibility to continue the GROW program, enriching the participants’ experiences with new ideas and challenges that can raise their level of self-esteem and open their horizons, culturally and professionally.”

At the awarding ceremony, held at Aachen University, Dragoș was one of the 26 representatives of European projects that went on the stage along with Martin Schulz.


Testimonials “There are many different ways in which this experience will influence my future, some of these may be: a better understanding of the importance of self-development in order to reach our full potential in everything we do, team work and tolerance in every group we work, and, last but not least, it has taught me the importance and potential of networking. “

most difficult times, the strongest motivation.

Student in Târgu-Mureș

Last but not least, I had the chance to meet some truly amazing people, open-minded students from all over the world and, while combining solid work with real pleasure and fun, managed to establish true and hopefully long lasting friendships.

„To sum up in just a few words what the GROW experience meant for me would be unfair for all the hardworking people behind this project – our trainers and organizers, so I’ll start with stating the fact that GROW was a stunning opportunity for me. Opportunity because I’ve realized that the project is perfectly tailored for my exact needs. Nowadays, with such a vast field of opportunities to choose from in terms of higher education and/ or future career, the only way to make a good decision is to know yourself as well as you can, and, through GROW, I’ve managed to accomplish just that. Furthermore, with sessions that are always emphasizing self-consciousness and projection in future, you are forced in a “non-formal” and fun way to discover what are your most intimate needs and what you really stand for – your true values. Only by doing so, can you establish a set of realistic goals that will be, in the upcoming

Moreover, GROW gave me the opportunity to improve some essential skills that I lack (time-management for example), or to get a more in-depth view on important and really engaging topics like the European law-making process (in the European Parliament simulation) – the list may go on and on.

THANK YOU to all the organizers and trainers that made this possible and I recommend the GROW experience for every high-school student! Do it, it will be worth it!” Răzvan Barabaș, Participant

The confessions of a GROW parent ... We are living frantic times, everything takes place in high speed and it affects our lives. Parents don’t spend enough time with their children as „time is money”... Even in the evening they don’t have the time to talk about what happened during the day, they’re already beat ... So teenagers complete their „education” with what they can find on the Internet, on social networks,

without having a selection of values... We confide everything to school, to formal education, neglecting the very important role of informal education. How can you not be happy when your child wants to „grow” in value in a project like GROW?! I am such a parent whose child had the great inspiration to get involved in such a project. Well, I think I never saw my child more involved in something than now. And exited! After each session, he would come home and feel the need to tell me about what new things he did, what he learned ... It fascinated me too and I can even say I learned something new too. For instance, as a teacher, I enjoyed the energizing games and I have in mind to play too with my students in the future, when I need to break the ice... The great benefit of this project remains the fact that teenagers learn to socialize, to eliminate every kind of discrimination, to be tolerant with those around them, to communicate in English, to perform ... So, everything. I don’t think there is a more beautiful and proper activity for this summer. New things have been learned, through playing, new friendships were made, maybe for lifetime... So, they GREW. Valerica Schinteie Romanian language and literature professor, Timișoara


Participant's profile YOUNG PEOPLE IN ROMANIA NEED TO DARE TO EXPLORE Romanians form a collective, defensive and passive culture, aspiring to an easy and outgoing life with minimum effort. However, not having the courage and determination to sustain dreams on long term, failure is much closer than success. Baseline, Romanians live in an uncertain environment thus needing financial and interhuman stability (“the family, the house, the car and the yearly holiday”). There is a high social distrust, thus needing people, institutions one can rely on and authentic values to guide them. BEING YOUNG in Romania is a double pressure. Youth functions on rules of action and courage, whereas Romanian culture is all about avoiding risks and following those who dare. They are living the “trial and error” period, the first experiences: first serious relationship, first exams, first real tensions and break-ups with parents, first anxieties of discovering who they are and what they want to do with their life, etc. They are in the middle of their identity shaping process, and feel like having unlimited powers against the world around them.

GROW ing

into a strong youth

Being young means to experiment and discover who you are and how you differentiate from others. Youth in Romania needs to be encouraged to explore more, as opposed to the fundamentals of the culture where being Romanian means to aspire to more but fear to act and to follow others and be confirmed by others.

Healthy experimentation and the discovery of personal boundaries must be encouraged, even if failure and risk is involved. STRONG YOUTH • Young people that find role models outside family prove to be much stronger and daring than others. • Young people that are exposed to entrepreneurship since early childhood seem to strive more, in a natural way. • Young people that invest in knowledge and dreams have more guts to act as they rely on pure content, which gives them anchors. • Young people that are encouraged to learn from failure are stronger than those who are punished for their lack of success. • Young people that have the courage to express and state opinions seem to advance much quicker. ALL OF THESE ELEMENTS that build up a strong young individual constitute the five of the six areas developed by the GROW program: self-esteem, sense of direction, self-awareness, exposure to role models and information at your fingertip. Moreover, the main stages of development gradually encourage teenagers throughout the program to leave their comfort zone – Practice, to explore – Learn – and to dare – Step Up.


Trainer's profile In a time when information flows faster than the speed of light, when the desire for new and for doing more with less resources, when intercultural and experience exchange come first, we wonder what do two people coming from different cultures and places, but united by the business they work for, have in common.

managers in international missions for several years in order to create, grow and develop new subsidiaries, to form those Romanian competencies that will later take on consolidated positions. A second motivation is that experienced managers are experts in their field and can bring that expected knowhow.

THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE: the two are, above all, “alive, gifted with creative intelligence and with the ability to put thoughts and ideas into words”, both have desires and similar basic needs. Although having different origins, foreigner and Romanian have a common purpose: success in business, creating a better future through added value results, developing a solid and profitable business.

IF WE WERE TO RESUME the advantage of the foreigners exchange, it would have to be: very well developed sense of decision, organized and methodical, probably due to the educational and economic systems, more structured and procedure-oriented than the Romanian ones.

When you say foreigner in the business environment in Romania, the first ideas that come to your mind are: a new air, knowhow, leadership, efficient strategy, overview, action reliability, experience/ challenge, discipline and organization, and, why not, the possibility to make things different, obtaining exceptional results. And, many times, the feeling they will bring with them that strength to discover and develop your own potential.

It is a well-known fact that Romania is an extremely attractive country for foreign business men, due to the favorable environment. They live their Romanian experience by economic priorities, job type and leisure.


WHAT ARE THE MAIN REASONS FOR WHICH COMPANIES BRING FOREIGNERS IN TOP MANAGEMENT POSITIONS? It depends on their business profile. There are companies who choose to send experienced

It is worth to mention that in many cases they have a greater trust in us than we have in ourselves and that they appreciate our true values. Many ask themselves why we don’t focus more on our country, why we are so pessimistic and lack confidence, why all educated young people leave for other countries instead of getting involved in their country’s development.

TRAINER'S PROFILE 1. Very good english 2. Experience in working with youth 3. Training skills 4. Proactivity and passion for education 5. Willing to gain personal and professional development 6. Ready to have an impact in society 7. Able to create a learning and development environment

article by: Elena Gavrila translation:

Diana Ionascu Even if their own image of Romania is completely distorted before stepping onto Romanian land, after a few months spent in this country’s reality, foreigners are surprised by what they live and discover to be the real face of Romania. In most cases, after going back to their homeland, FOREIGNERS BECOME TRUE AMBASSADORS OF OUR COUNTRY, telling friends and acquaintances what Romania is really about.


Coordinator's profile

- young volunteer, having the age between 18 and 23 years - opened , curious and proactive - interested in solving society’s issues trough education - managing GROW in his city together with a team of 3-8 volunteers, for a period of 4 months - volunteer in AIESEC

delivering sessions from the program. In addition, we were providing them with everything they needed, as well as promoting the GROW project among students and finally having the courses delivered to the participants.

I am Paula. I am nineteen years old but I always think I am less. I was raised in a small village near Arad, coming from an average family. I am studying Marketing and I have big plans. So, in a way, you could say I am like every young person. That’s until you see the smile. You will know it’s something more that I didn’t tell you. WELL, YES. I’ve been running GROW for five months in Arad. This means I have been quite busy organizing and managing a unique educational project in Romania. My team and I were responsible of recruiting international students for

HOW DID I GET HERE? AIESEC. First of all, I was in the team that organized GROW Spring, doing promotion - class presentations, talking to different people (from students to headmasters, partners and media) and that was simply amazing. I ENJOYED it so much that when it came to find someone who could deliver the sessions, I was the first on the list. The natural reaction was of astonishment, never thinking I could be a trainer. This experience brought a lot of joy in my life and made me see that the things are moving. The participants, who were not much younger than I, were eager to learn and to make a change for and in the name

of good. I was a potter and my hands were creating something for long time. Naturally, this was THE NEXT STEP: coordinating GROW. It had the good, the bad and the awesome. As most of the things that are done for the first time, there are lots of mistakes. The good part was having a team – the people behind every crumble of work from GROW. The time spent with them was fun, teaching and fear-breaking. But the best part was that it brought together so many people for one purpose: to raise awareness, to instill values and to give direction. Me, the trainers, the team and the ‘Kids’ are different now, at the end of it. Each and every one of us has learnt and experienced something memorable. Indeed, it’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it. I WISH ALL OF YOU WILL WEAR THIS SMILE ONE DAY. PAULA VLAD, GROW coordinator ARAD


Antip Monica, Constanta

Bantiuc Natalia, Iasi

Dan Ungureanu, Bucuresti

Dobre Daniela, Craiova

Iustina Ionita, Ploiesti

> ocp 1.1-1.2 '12

Cosmin Beaca, Pitesti

Meral Nezir, Constanta

Carmen Petrea, Pitesti

Cristian Podaru, Cj-Napoca

Cristina Nistor, Arad

Ioana Talos, Brasov

Isabela Bucur, Timisoara

Iulia Popoviciu, Sibiu

Madalina Nalbaru, Suceava

Mihai Ginju, Targu-Mures

Virgil Baican, Oradea

Adrian Macovei, Iasi

Bianca Simon, Tg-Mures

Bogdan Golesteanu, Sibiu

Cristian Negoi, Ploiesti

Cristina Tiut, Cluj-Napoca

Denis Bortis, Oradea

Paula Vlad, Arad

Radu Suatean, Brasov

Roxana Calancea, Buc

< ocp 0.9 '12

Corina Paun, Suceava

Ilie Bogdan, Craiova

Sofia Lavinia, Timisoara


Train the Trainers TRAIN THE TRAINERS is the preparation conference for GROW trainers, where local project managers and international trainees, together with the School of Values and AIESEC members, discuss the curriculum, how the trainings align to the delivery standards of the project, and ways to implement the project. Train the Trainers is also a motivational conference because of the presence of a large number of international people, combined with the idea of being a part of a movement and thus leads to the creation and deepening of common directions and values, shared by all the people involved in the GROW project. The international trainers involved in the project came from 32 COUNTRIES: Azerbaidjan, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Egipt, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Indonesia, Japan, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, U.S.A., Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

Train the Coordinators TRAIN THE COORDINATORS is the preparation conference for local project managers. There, the project’s vision is discussed and shared. Besides this, everybody has the chance of creating action plans, brainstorming and aligning the strategies. Finally, all the projects’ details are defined for a smooth implementation. Also, each of the local project managers who have already implemented the project, during the conference, get to know each other better and share their experiences with the local project managers of the future GROW edition. They can also meet all the international trainers present at this conference. TTT and TTC conferences took place two times in Predeal during: 27th of February and 2nd of March 2012 (over 70 participants) and 25th and 29th of June 2012 (over 70 participants).


“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” - that is an extraordinary quote in which probably, most of us find ourselves.

I first read this quote in my debut as a high-school student. I totally agreed with it, how couldn’t I? After all, the main thing that comes from it is learning something, deeper if you want, gaining experience. “Experience”, such a...big word we like to use. I started to understand the wise meaning of this word step by step, growing in an environment that turned out to be the second home for me.

How well can somebody learn a lesson if he remains in his comfort area and never gets the chance to practice what he learns? Our parents, our teachers, carefully put the foundation for us to assimilate knowledge. But what I am trying to say is that the only source of knowledge is experience. I had the chance to experience more in high-school. I participated at a national project organized by two NGOs: AIESEC and Școala de Valori. It seemed that it caught my attention quickly because of the name it had: “GROW”. It seemed to be catching also because it combines interculturalism, development and youth. Joining AIESEC Pitești (around October 2010) was the next step in my “growing” experience. It provided me so many opportunities in which I could improve my skills and develop myself both personally and professionally. From various development opportunities to choose, I first chose to be a part of the Organizing Committee of the project that brought me in AIESEC: GROW. Few months later (February 2011) I decided to apply for a higher position and try to struggle harder as the coordinator of the next Grow edition.(Grow 1.1&1.2). Now, I really got to interact with the people I met as a participant, whom now were either my colleagues or the seniors I was taking advice from. Being in the Organizing Committee, the major dare I had to deal with, was promoting the project in front of the students. I was far away from being the kind of person talking in public and being able to appear self-confident.

But what I didn’t know was that this would turn out to be the biggest fear I would get rid of faster than I expected. This first experience helped me in my future positions I had during my volunteering work (for example, the recruitment campaigns I held - promo, selection, interviews). Afterwards, the position of coordinator of the summer edition of Grow turned out to be a real leadership experience. It lasted 6-7 months and I am proud to say that my team and I had the best results of this edition in the whole country (207 applicants, 107 participants, 7 participating high-schools, one of them outside of Pitesti, 4000 euros from selling the project to our partners, 5 international trainers, 20 internationals present at the closing event and about 5300 visitors.) This experience made me more responsible, it helped me improve my time management, my public speaking skills, my team management, event and project management but also learning how to act professionally because of the different kinds of stakeholders I got to deal with (students, parents, teachers, companies, NGOs, internationals). Of course, without leaving away the fun part, I managed in a few months to almost double my contact list with people from all over the world. And even today we still keep in touch. It was a wonderful feeling evaluating the whole project and seeing the positive impact you can have over some individuals who later, in their turn, will impact others. I had a very nice surprise when I later met many of my participants at other projects we organized. They were also encouraging their colleagues or even promoting online this kind of involvement because they felt the contribution regarding their education and also social life. One year later, while I was participating at “Pitești NGO’s reunion” I met a quarter of the participants being present as representatives of different NGOs for highschool students. I think the most flattering appreciation I received from a few of them who mentioned that they can’t wait to become students in order to be part of the organization and follow my steps. I was very proud to become (and still remain) coach for the next coordinators of this project ... it remained my soul project. Meanwhile, I turned out to find myself self-confident enough to coordinate other teams in the organization I am part of, even apply and currently holding the Vice President of International Internships’ position in AIESEC Pitești. Also, I learned from the best people that had to deal with this kind of project how to be a good coordinator, a trainer and most important of all, a leader. Getting back to the quote I started with, now I see with different eyes the meaning. I felt it. I experienced it. And it’s so amazing how an unexpected experience could make you GROW in so many ways.


coordinator in PITESTI


Some of the trainers Does everyone know most popular stereotype about Romania? Romania – a country of gypsies. In whole Ukraine we think like this. What I’ve found out later, not only Ukrainian people believe in this. And it’s almost the only thing that I knew about Romania before coming. Also I remembered that Radu Poklitaru is from Romania (he is famous in Ukraine) and about musical band O-zone. What’s funny, all these three things are not really true. So my knowledge about Romania was completely zero. But that’s ok, at least I saw Romania on the map, I talked to some people that were in Romania, and they assured me that I’ll not die the first time I’ll step on the territory of the country. So, I decided that I can come. My expectations about the country were, honestly, not bright, but common sense told me that there are almost 20 millions people who live in Romania. They should be usual European people who live a normal life. It means that we don’t really know about life in Romania - we are hostages of stereotypes (like a lot of people believe that in Ukraine we always wear felt boots and drink vodka). If you want to meet knew interesting people with some goals in life, try to create the appropriate environment. So, at home I left my family and friends, I was going to meet an unknown country, along with people from the whole world. No fears, but curiosity. I really wanted to see whom I was going to live with one month and a half.

Herlina Tri Utami

Ghazain Yousuf

Diana Staskova

Irina Fedotova

Hana Stavikovato

Fahad Nasim

And I met them and not only. Have you ever tried to live with three different persons? Hard, isn’t it? Do you want to try to live with three persons from different countries with different languages? Hard? Not really, I would rather say that interesting, but it’s very important to be flexible, polite, smiling and happy. WHAT IS ROMANIA FOR ME NOW? First – English. It’s just amazing how it’s connected people. Not just us, interns, but also Romanian people. Second – students. So shy the first time, much more active and sad because of our departure in the end. Hope that we made some sense. Third – the training experience. Starting from Train the Trainers conference and ending with closing ceremony. Forth – busses and hot weather. What I really didn’t like in Romania. Crazy traffic in Bucharest and not a less crazy summer weather. And fifth – a lot of funny situations and details without which life is not so great. What’s more, I ruined my stereotypes about gypsies. Ok, they have some, but not many. And I didn’t’ meet any vampires, though maybe I just didn’t have the chance. And the project ended. Do I miss everything and everyone? For sure. But no one is able to steal my experience and my memory – it’s what I will always have with me. Daria Agafonova

Damian Gorlickislan

Bhuvaneswari Shanmugam

Cherie Eliana Lo

Daria Agofonova

Chen Peiru

Charles Bernard


I have a dream: to help young people to live a positive life based on validated values. The formal education system in my home town hardly touches this issue, so I always want to see if there are any possibilities to do it as nonformal education. With this dream in mind, I was looking for different opportunities to get in touch with different nonformal education programs, so that I could learn from their advantages. I looked through the AIESEC database to find internships that suit the requirements that mentioned above. Among all the filtered choices, GROW has the best educational structure, good delivering record, and trustworthy presentation on their website, and these made me make up my mind. The moment I arrived in Romania, the first impression is‌ HOT! It was a 38 degree Celsius day, and there wasn’t much air conditioning anywhere. But besides the problem of heat, and too many wild dogs on street, things were just great. I was well informed our teaching team will be in a special project, which is targeting teenagers from disadvantaged areas. I expected they may have a lot of behavioral problems, but it was just not the fact. The real challenge is that only half of them can speak fluent English, while the second half spoke in different levels. We had 10 sessions with each group of students, and the students were really attentive and they mentioned this is really a life changing experience for them. The length of the program is not long, but we really developed in depth connection after 1.5 months. After the internship in GROW, I feel that I am more confident to be a trainer, which will be a major career option for me. I also learned a lot of valuable content from delivering the program. Last but not least, the time with the teenagers is an everlasting memory for me! William Ko GROW is something every country should have, because it not only teaches the fundamentals of co-operation to kids but its impact is something far more bigger, in my opinion it inspires the young generation to take charge of their own lives and to think about their future and goals. Basically speaking, these students will be in charge of the country after 10-15 years and this is the time to open their genius minds. And that is exactly why in my opinion every country, be it a first or a third world country, should have this kind of programs to educate the young masses regarding their main responsibility and that is taking charge of their lives!

Jianqiang Lu

Joan Leung

Kingsley Tam

Man Wai Lee

Mana Kanatsu

Mariel Padar

Min Gi Park

Monica Zamarron

Nadia Masarelli

Stephan Spiering

Teodora Geleva

Shayan Rizwan

William Ko Pang

Woei Lin

To me, this whole project was amazing, not only did I meet individuals from many countries but I also learned a lot from the children too. In fact, their creative yet simple ideas are very interesting and they are in my opinion in that stage of life where if they are motivated to get something they will do it. Shayan Rizwan


Wing Yin Chung

Yeung Yat Tung Cheris

Adeline Guiban

Anelise Jordao

Asano Shimizu

Berengere Herve

Ravshanbek Abdurahimov


I am also satisfied not only at professional level but also at a personal one. I met lots of nice people, my co-trainees were amazing and also OC people are the ones I would like to stay in touch with. We shared this great experience together. Diana Staskova


This whole experience was really amazing for me. I have a great feeling that I participated at one of the best educational projects in Europe. I can see results of my work – students feel more motivated, determined to achieve their goals and have the right tools for it.

I first thought this “grow” referred to the growth of my students only. But after 10 sessions of substantial, fruitful content delivered, I feel very grateful for being a part of the GROW project, not only for the amazing friends I made, but also for the fact that I did grow in the project. Throughout the sessions in Bucharest, I managed to find out the way to engage students who are of similar age with me, keep them connected with me and keep them rolling ‘till the end. Besides, I gained a lot from the training conference, skills for delivering sessions was the main thing, but the life-coaching part, let’s say, was the bonus that really changed my thoughts of my life and values. That, in particular, is something I call growth. ALL IN ALL, IT WAS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE THAT CHANGED MY STUDENTS AND IT CHANGED ME, FOR SURE. Tam Kingsley

Anvar Amonov

Jurgen Sarmet

Mari-An Santos

Simoni Teruko

Agata Kwiatowska

Chenglin Li

Dagmara Szszepaniec

Dobre Daniela

Gullar Imamverdiyeva

Imologomhe Opeyemi

David Ulloa Chacon


Ana Chapalova

Martin Holeck

Katerina Setelova

Ljubomir Iovanovic

Lucas Mazzoco

Anastasiia Zahorodnyuk

Muhammed Arslan

Nicolas Baron

Anna Tuzova

Aryo Dharma

Victor Ivan Santo

Vu Thi Hang

Alina Furt


'' Sometimes you need to take a break of everything around you. I wished to change my environment. So I did it and it was one of the most important decisions of my short life and now, in the perspective of time, the most accurate I could make. It was beginning of spring 2010 when I first got the idea to take part in development traineeship. I found out about GROW in Romania and, without a moment of hesitation, I sent my application. I got a lot more than I could expect. I have never been in Romania before and I didn’t know much about the country. Just the most popular things that everybody who hasn’t been there knows. This is the first thing I got from the project – knowledge about the country, about the people living there, about their attitude to problems they have and about the beauty of their culture. It was much more than just some simple sentences in Romanian I wanted to remember. But Grow gave me another important thing – possibility to gain knowledge, to ask questions and to get answers. One of the answers at the end of one week preparations conference was “yes, thanks to them I’m sure I am the right person in the right place”. My duty in this project was to help young people to be more proactive and to gain knowledge and skills which they wouldn’t get in school. And I believe I did it well. But what I didn’t expect was that I could change myself as well. It wouldn’t happen without the help of students and project. If I had the chance to meet myself from those days I would say I didn’t change but discovered what was inside me. Until now I practiced new skills in many ways with different audiences. Many people told me I should try to be a professional trainer and change my carrier path (I finished Electronics and Telecommunication degree). Maybe I’ll follow their advice but what is true - I will never forget why. I can tell a lot more about the experiences from one of the best holidays of my life but writing a book is not the point of this article. My life has changed, my social network became bigger, my mind is full of wonderful memories and, what is maybe the most important for me, I grew up from a young follower to a self-confident, ambitious leader. Thank you all who helped me with it. Damian Terebun, trainer

Kristyna Mokrackova

Lauro Bittencourt

Janilaine Tsui

Marko Neeme

Maryam Majidova

Li shan Lim

Nelly Bacovic Lopez

Nuttacha Techartipakorn

Viktoria Kolomiets

Wang Zhaoran

Ying Zhou

Yong Syen

Matthew Fong

Salma Kazi Zia

Wen Jun Wong

Yuk In Wong


HIGH-SCHOOL was a bit of a challenge for me. Maybe because of the new environment or maybe because I started to grow up, to think different. In the 9th grade I felt like I needed to do something more than just school and usual classes. Thus, I joined the debate club from my school. I was an active member for one year and a half and I participated to some debate competitions. It was extremely useful for my speaking skills and it also helped me to figure out that informal education is really important. You learn a lot from school. From teachers. But the most important thing is that you learn a lot from the people who surround you and from yourself, also.

DISCOVERING YOUR SKILLS, your capacities, your possibilities, your path it’s not an easy job. You always think that you know yourself better than anyone. But is that really true? Well, that’s a thing that GROW taught me. When I finished 10th grade, I decided to take part in the most amazing project of my summer. There I learned that I have a lot of qualities which are waiting to be developed. I learned that it’s important to explore yourself because YOU ARE MORE THAN A TEENAGER. You are a volcano struggling to erupt. You have more to give and even more to learn. The people I met there had a great impact in my progress as a human being. Because even if you don’t notice it, every person you meet influences you somehow. And of course, getting to know people from the other side of the world it’s not something that happens daily. They share their own experiences with you, they teach you a lot of things about self-exploring. Isn’t that cool? You learn new things from new interesting people. Being surrounded by people of your age and working with them as a team it’s also a part of GROWING. Therefore, that summer changed my perspective. It was the moment when I decided I will participate

again. This year, after I finished 11th grade, IT happened. New people, new trainers, more fun and more about GROWING. Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore and USA sounded like something really far away. But this year it wasn’t that far because of the international trainers who came here for their development and also for ours. I think this is like a trade. We share our opinions, our thoughts and our experiences. It’s a WIN-WIN situation. WE GREW TOGETHER! ALL OF US. It’s important to know what are you capable of. Maybe you don’t think about it until it comes a certain moment. For me, that moment was Grow. After that, I knew it was a certain thing that I like

to communicate, to express my feelings, to be surrounded by people. In a few words, I have some good social skills and I am ready to improve them because I like this area. I am not 100% sure of what is going to be my profession, but it will definitely be something that has to do with people; maybe public relations or something related to social sciences. SO, THIS SUMMER, the project ended for me, but it will continue for other people who are willing to participate and I wish them all the best. Now I have to continue GROWing by myself. Next year, I am going to enter the university and then I will start the next stage of my life. But my informal education needs continuation, and I am definitely sure that I want to be a pro-active student. I want to get involved in projects for young people and teenagers. It is important for us to support each other as young people. We have to be united, to follow our dreams. It is an extraordinary thing that organizations such AIESEC and Școala de Valori are there for us. And I want to be a part of it too. I want to see how is it like to GROW from another point of view, also.

Precup Miriana


Some Photos




sense of directio n em e se t es

Sense of direction – many of the students say that GROW helped them find out which way they want to go. They finally found out the answer to the question: “do you know what you want to be when you will grow up?”


se lf

Self-confidence and courage – the overall gain that most students say about, after GROW, is “selfconfidence” and courage to dare to do more.

information at yo u rf in

Basic to advanced skills – some topics such as project management and career orientation or proactivity, are done at more grades at different levels of difficulty.

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The personal values trainings that help the students to know themselves better.

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All editions have in common:

GROW 0.9

GROW 1.0

At the beginning of this edition, the participants will develop their communication skills and feedback skills, understanding how to formulate a correct message and what constructive feedback is versus criticizing. The following stages will help teenagers understand the concept of debate, learn how to act sustainable and help create an eco-environment. Identifying their strengths and weaknesses so that they become aware of them, developing basic project management skills and understanding that people are different are the next steps of the GROW 0.9 experience. The edition closes with a session on the freedoms, opportunities and obligations an EU citizen has and one on financial education, focusing on why it is important for a balanced future to manage money proactively.

The GROW 1.0 sessions are conceived to develop a “can-do attitude” in participants and help them identify the importance of being proactive in their activities. Also, they help them prepare better presentations and make sure they send out the right message to their audience. Related to values, teenagers learn how to recognize environmental influences and identify and develop a clear and meaningful set of beliefs and priorities. They also learn about personal effectiveness, how to be more organized and how to use two project management tools: Management Table and the Gantt Chart in a practical way. This first edition closes with a session about community values: European and Romanian values.




Curriculum GROW 1.1

GROW 1.2

This second edition offers basic theory of team management and basic leadership skills, inspiring teenagers to “be the difference they want to see in life”. They learn to understand the importance of the personal values in life and identify their mission and vision in life while becoming more aware of the opportunities they have. This edition also offers an overview on how things are organized in the business world and on how to create a basic business plan and ends with clarifying the importance of communicating in a consistent, continuous and clear manner your personal identity and life plan

The sessions identify at a personal level the vocational characteristics (talents) that participants have, with the goal of making better career choices. On a personal values level, it helps them understand how life purpose and dreams are connected with personal values. GROW 1.2 also offers the participants an overview of the labor market in Romania and gives them some instruments that will help them choose their future career. This last edition ends with notions on entrepreneurship and tries to build in participants the attitude of “building systems rather than following systems” and gaining independence.



Long term GROW objectives GROW provides young people early experiences of personal development, opening their view over the world and building their confidence. On a long term, GROW SETS OUT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIETY, by taking part in the education of people who share the same values and positive aspirations and follow them independently. As a long term objective of the GROW program, WE AIM TO MAKE AN IMPACT ON 11,300 (100%) PARTICIPANTS BY 2015, increasing the number of participants each year. 5,732 (50%) high school students participated in our sessions between 2010 and 2012. As a result, WE STILL HAVE HALF OF OUR OBJECTIVE TO REACH IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE OUR TARGET OF 11.300 OF PARTICIPANTS BY 2015.


Outside class activities These are activities, besides the trainings designed to strengthen both links between pupils and connections between trainers and participants and also to deepen the impact curriculum, all of these being based on unconventional education. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED IN 2012 DURING THE GROW PROGRAM WERE: PICNICS, EVENTS, COMPANY VISITS, COMPANY PRESENTATION, JOB SHADOWING, INTERNSHIPS FOR TEENAGERS, CONTESTS, SIMULATIONS AND FAIRS.

HP The HP sessions focused on the importance of volunteering and the possibilities it can open in professional and personal development. The second stage of these sessions involved the participants in a competition on the social involvement topic; the winning team was rewarded by HP in products. The sessions took place in 5 cities: București, Constanța, Pitești, Ploiești and Iași.

The activities were held in partnership with BRD Groupe Société Générale, Decathlon, HP and METRO, running a total of 24 sessions throughout 10 cities: BRD GROUPE SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE In career orientation, a look behind the scenes of professional environments helps teenagers better understand the context of a profession and to analyze their compatibility with the field. The BRD sessions gave participants the chance to understand the workflow and the processes behind one of the international market’s leading cash & carry companies. The visits took place in branches from 5 cities: București, Craiova, Timișoara, Cluj and Iași. DECATHLON Health is one of the six areas that build the core of our project. The concern for an early education in healthy life-style and physical well-being led to creating activities that bring out the energy in teenagers and help them regain their interest for sport, competition, team spirit and spending more time outdoor and less indoor. Activities took place at Decathlon stores, where participants had at their disposal sporting equipment and a sports court. 7 visits took place in stores in 5 cities: București, Brașov, Pitești, Cluj and Iași.

METRO In career orientation, a look behind the scenes of professional environments helps teenagers better understand the context of a profession and to analyze their compatibility with the field. The METRO sessions gave participants the chance to understand the workflow and the processes behind one of the international market’s leading cash & carry companies. 7 visits took place in stores in 6 cities: București, Constanța, Pitești, Cluj, Iași and Sibiu.


World Vision partnership Reaching out to teenagers from rural areas In the summer of 2012, for the first time in a city, GROW was implemented in partnership with a third organization, in order to reach out to young people who usually couldn’t have access to the program: World Vision Ialomița. World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Their projects aim to work with the world’s most vulnerable individuals, serving all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. In Romania, World Vision’s main activities take place in București, Constanța,Cluj, Dolj, Iași, Ialomița, Vâlcea and Vaslui. World Vision Ialomița is caring for over 650 teenagers (14 to 19 years old) from rural areas, offering them support for formal school and engagement in educational activities with the aim of helping them to fullfil their individual potential. One of the critical priorities is career orientation. Considering the fact that GROW is equally focused on developing personal skills in order to increase the professional value and employability of the participants, along with developing attitudes and exploring own values for increasing responsibility, the collaboration reached the following objectives: ENABLE 60 TO 80 OF THE WORLD VISION PARTICIPANTS FROM IALOMIȚA COUNTY TO: • Experience international exposure through direct interaction with international trainers • Improve their English communication skills • Improve soft skills – communication & collaboration, public speaking, debating, etc. • Access employment / entrepreneurship information and coaching • Increase their employability through career counseling THE PARTNERSHIP BROUGHT WORLD VISION ADDED VALUE TO ITS PROJECT PORTFOLIO: • Quality – Offer high-value educational content to some of the best 80 teenagers • Experience – The project’s implementation is training a World Vision representative trough a specialized preparation conference • Accessibility – Bring new educational activities and international trainers in the community (rather than sending the teenagers away) • Comfort – Close collaboration, being informed in time, professional project management and evaluation reports


I’m very enthusiastic about what I’ve just experienced. In a way, I feel like I evolved, that all the sessions with our trainers and the time spent outside the sessions, where we talked freely, as friends, will help me attain my goals throughout my life. Moreover, I’ve made friendship with trainers and many training colleagues and that makes me richer. CRISTINA, GROW PARTICIPANT, 18 YEARS

I wanted a lot to take part in this project. At the beginning, I thought it will be just like I school, that I will listen and the trainers will “teach” but it wasn’t like that at all. I feel I have received not only more information from them – things I didn’t know and didn’t even guess – but we went through a lot together and this month changed me. I made a lot of friends and I am sure we will keep in touch and maby life will bring us together again. RAZVAN, GROW PARTICIPANT, 17 YEARS

GROW was the best educational program young people participated un until now in the World Vision programs. Though we set out from the formal need of such a program and, initially, the kids were quite reserved, especially because of eventual problems related to language barriers and the lack of an efficient common transport, we ended by truly understanding the program’s utility. Adapted to the World Vision programs beneficiaries, GROW meant making contact with other people and cultures children from the rural area wouldn’t have access to, meant placing a kind of “Yes, I can” seed in their mentality, but also an alarm sign that made them realize that they can start building their future as we speak, developing themselves and accumulating as much knowledge and experiences as possible. WORLD VISION TEAM




2500 Participants


Impact analysis The main goal of this report is to show the impact of GROW on its participants. Results of data analyzed show that there is a positive change in the students’ answers before and after the project, especially in the areas of selfesteem and sense of direction.

Impact Measuring Method The data for the analysis comes from two evaluation forms, which the participants were required to fill out online at the beginning and at the end of the project. To this report were used only responses from the participants who have filled out both First and Final Impact Evaluation Form. In this way, it is possible to observe how/if the participants have changed during the project.

I know already which studies I want to choose:

The number of the students who already increased up to almost 75%, while those w I have already begun to plan my career. Before

The number of the who already know they want to study afterwards, Both of the Forms contained the same questions divided in students 5 groups. Each Thewhat number of the students up to almostpersonal 75%, while those who still don’t know decreased by 15%. of the groups investigates another area ofincreased the participants’ who already know what development (so called the five pillars of the “Internal Structure”): selfthey want to study esteem, sense of direction, self-awareness, exposure to the role model, I have already begun to plan my career. afterwards, increased and information at the finger tip. Before In both Evaluation Forms, there were three types of items: an open question (exposure to the role model), a polar question (sense of direction), and statements (self-esteem, self-awareness, and information at the finger tip). For each statement, there were five options of the answer (always, usually, sometimes, rarely, and never), from which the participants had to choose the one which the best describes them.

up toAfter almost 75%, while those who still don’t know decreased by 15%.

I feel comfortable trying new things.

After Before Grow 1.1, the percentage After of the partic careers grew by 31%.

I feel comfortable

The number of participants who generally (always or trying new things. Examples from the form: statements usually) feel comfortable trying new things increased from 68% to 84%. By the end of the program, all students felt at I feel comfortable trying new things. least sometimes comfortable trying new things, no student Before After After Grow 1.1,this the percentage of the participants who have already begun to plan their filling the “rarely” or the “never” box for question. I feel comfortable trying new things. Before


The number of participants who generally (always or usually) feel comfortable trying new things increased from 68% to 84%. By the end of the program, all students felt at least sometimes comfortable trying new things, no student filling the “rarely” or the “never” box for this question.

GROW 0.9 3RD ED. April 2012

15 towns 25 int. trainers 1001 participants

careers grew by 31%.

I know whatofIparticipants am good at who and what is difficult fororme. The number generally (always usually) feel comfortable trying new things increased from 68% to 84%. By the end of the program, all students felt at least Beforetrying new things, no student fillingAfter sometimes comfortable the “rarely” or the “never” box for this question.

Examples from the form: statements

I know what I am good at and what is difficult for me.

GROW 1.1 3RD ED. July 2012

15 towns 30 int. trainers 481 participants



GROW 1.2

13 towns 20 int. trainers 3RD ED.The July 2012 391know participants number of the participants who always what they are good at increased by

13%, while the number of those who rarely know their strengths, decreased from 5% to 2%.

The number of the participants who always know what they are good at increased by

while the number of those who rarely know their strengths, decreased from 5% to The number of participants who generally13%, (always or usually) feel comfortable trying new


I feel comfortable trying new things. who The already know what they want to study afterwards, number of the students who already know what they want to study afterwards, Before to almost 75%, while those who still don’t know decreased by 15%. while increased those up who still don’t know decreased by 15%. I have already begun to plan my career.


Impact analysis

Example from the form: open question

ber of the students whoBefore already know what they want to studyAfter afterwards, up to almost 75%, while those who still don’t know decreased by 15%.

I have already begun to my career. plan my career.

ready begun to plan my career. Before

After After

Do you think one/more people involved in the grow project could be your role model(s)?

w things. After

I think that the trainers that we had this summer are the best role-model that a person can have. I have really learned a lot from my trainers and I’ll never forget them. (Adelina Dontu from Suceava)

After Grow 1.1, the percentage of the participants who have already begun to plan their careers grew by 31%.

TheExamples number participants from of the form: statements who generally (always or usually) feel comfortable trying new things increased from 68% to 84%. By the end of the program, all students felt atrole least Certainly the trainers have been models for me as well as my Aftercomfortable Grow 1.1, the percentage w 1.1, the percentage of the participants who have already begun to plan their sometimes trying new things, no student filling theIt“rarely” or the “never” box rew by 31%. classmates. was really amazing to hear a part of their life stories and the participants who have for thisofquestion.

accomplishments. (Andreia Hendea from București)

The number of the participants who always know what they are good at increased by 13%, while the number of those who rarely know their strengths, decreased from 5% to 2%.

already begun to plan their careers grew by 31%.

s from the form: statements

Oh, yes, I do believe that each one of our trainers can be a role model! They

I know what I am good at and what is difficult for me. can express themselves fluently, make us understand important matters, e of the participants who have already begun to plan their help us with Before Aftertheir knowledge, they are patient, always try their best and


I know what I am good at and what is difficult for me.

I can keep on going like this for a long while. (Stephanie Szabo from Cluj Napoca)

Final Conclusions

I know what I am good at and what is difficult for me.


ho generally (always or usually) feel comfortable trying new to 84%. By the end of the program, all students felt at least new things, no student filling the “rarely” or the “never” box

d what is difficult for me. After

FIRST, Grow improves the participants’ sense of direction. The teenagers know more about their future plans. They become more aware about their future and of their power as creators of their own path. Moreover, they start to be creators of their own future. SECOND, Grow raises the self-esteem and the self-awareness of the

The number of the participants who always know what they are good at program. increased Overall by students involved in the the teenagers know themselves 13%, while the number of those who rarely know their strengths, decreased from 5% to better: 90% of them feel usually comfortable around successful people, 2%. Before

91% are comfortable trying new things and more than 85% of the students claim to know what they are good at and what is difficult for them.

THIRD, Grow participants gain a wider perspective on information (how to find it, how to use it, to share it). Almost 90% of the participants claim to know where to find the information they need – and more than 90% share their knowledge with the people around them with a significant increase than at the beginning of the program.

nts who always know what they are good at increased by ose who rarely know their strengths, decreased from 5% to

The number of the participants who always know what they are good at increased by 13%, while the number of those who rarely know their strengths, decreased from 5% to 2%.


Media impact



AIESEC Romania organisation , AIESEC members become positive change agents in our global society. In Romania, AIESEC has been actively involved in the education of young people for almost 20 years. AIESEC is now present in 15 cities around the country: Arad, București, Brașov, Cluj-Napoca, Constanța, Craiova, Galați, Iași, Pitești, Ploiești, Oradea, Sibiu, Suceava, Timișoara, Târgu-Mureș, 40 universities, has over 300 partners in its local branches and has developed over 60 projects. www.aiesec.ro

The School of Values is a modern nongovernmental organization whose vision is to contribute to the development of a society based on values through innovative education. The School of Values` Mission is to question the boundaries of traditional education to provide young beneficiaries valuable information, character forming experiences, interaction with positive role models and international exposure. The purpose of these experiences is to increase personal responsibility and control over life choices. The values of the organization are reflecting the path that The School of Values chose to take on its own way to transforming its vision into reality. www.scoaladevalori.ro

Media Partners

Media Partners

Media Partners

Media Partners

Media Partners

Media Partners Media Partners

evaluation 2012


Dragos Belduganu

Head of Social Engagement 0745 267 871 dragos.belduganu@scoaladevalori.ro

www.scoaladevalori.ro str. Ion Nistor nr. 2, ap. 1, sector 3, Bucureşti, România

Contact details

Media Partners





Partners Partners

GROW Media partners

Media Partners


GROW 1.1. & 1.2. partners

Media Partners


GROW 0.9 partners



GROW 2012 Partners

Media Partners

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