Geography yearly overview

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Northbrook Primary Academy Geography whole school overview


Autumn Spring Summer Royal Geographic mapping focus

Within any good Early Years curriculum pupils are provided with opportunities to develop a range of highly transferable skills values and attributes, including: problem-solving, observation, collaboration, open-mindedness, courage, resilience, curiosity, ntegrity, and a sense of what is fair and equitable. These combine to allow them to explore, interpret and ‘experience’ the world around them, as well as providing the foundations on which all future learning can be built. Our EYFS geography links most closely to ‘Understanding the World’ and children are guided to make sense of their physical world and community through a range of personal experiences and planned opportunities.

Children will: communicate their route using positional language; discuss their favourite places and what they are like; talk about local areas and landscapes;

My Local Area

What are the human and physical features of Leyland?

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Themes: Place Space

Environment and sustainability

All about Kenya

What are the human and physical features of Kenya?


Cultural understanding and diversity Interdependence Place Space

Features of the U.K

What is a settlement and where do we live?

Themes: Space

Cultural understanding and diversity Place Interdependence

Features of the U.K

How and why are Britain and Germany different?

Year 4


Cultural understanding and diversity Interdependence Space Place

Seasons and weather patterns

Is it sunnier in Leyland than London?


Human and physical processes

Environment and sustainability


World continents and oceans

Why are some places hotter/colder than others?

Themes: Place Space Environment and sustainability

Extreme Earth How can the weather be dangerous?


Human and Physical processes

Cultural understanding and diversity Scale

Environmental impact and sustainability

River of the world

What journey does a river take?


Human and physical processes

Environmental impact and sustainability Place Space

Year 5

Volcanoes and glaciers

Why is Iceland known as the land of ice and fire?


Human and physical processes Place

Year 6

Journeys - Trade

Why do countries trade with each other?


The Americas

How are North and South America different to the U.K?


Place/Space Scale

Our world our future – (Local area changes over time)

What will our world look like in the future?


World continents and oceans What are the parts of our world?


Cultural understanding and diversity

Place Space

Countries and capitals of the U.K

Where in the world is the U.K?

Themes: Place Space


Our nearest coastline Where does a river meet the sea?

Themes: Interdependence Place Space

Environmental impact and sustainability


Why is Mount Everest important?


Human and physical processes

Cultural understanding and diversity Place

Environmental impact and sustainability

Mapping session 1:

• What is a map?

• What is a plan?

• Where would we find them?

• What are compass points?

• How can we use them to give directions?

Mapping session 2:

• How can we find out where places are located?

• What is a map?

• What is a plan?

• How can give directions?

• How are places represented on maps and plans?

Mapping session 3:

• How can we use maps to develop our knowledge of the British Isles?

• Which countries make up the British Isles?

• What are their capital cities and where are these located?

• How can we describe the location of different parts of the British Isles?

Mapping session 4:

• How can we use maps to find out about the local area?

• What is an Ordnance Survey map?

• How are places, human and physical features represented on OS maps?

• What symbols are used on OS maps?

• How can we find places on OS maps?


How does the Amazon rainforest help the world?


Environment and sustainability

Cultural understanding and development Mapping session:

• What are the definitions of: ‘human feature’ and ‘physical feature’?

• How are these represented on an Ordnance Survey map?

• How is land height shown on Ordnance Survey maps?

• What is a contour line?

• How can we develop our understanding of contour lines and the features they show?

Protecting the environment

Have humans ruined the planet?


Mapping Session 6:

• How can we locate places on Ordnance Survey maps?

• What is a six-figure grid reference?

Cultural understanding and diversity Human and physical processes Environment and sustainability Human and physical processes Environment and sustainability • How can we read them? • How is distance represented on a map
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