Scan Magazine, Issue 122, March 2019

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Scan Magazine  |  Education Profile  |  Digitaliseringsinstituttet

Former professor at Aalborg University and IT University of Copenhagen, Pernille Kræmmergaard is behind Digitaliseringsinstituttet’s popular Masterclass in Digital Transformation.

Digital transformation in real life For many business leaders, the term digital transformation is one teamed with more fear than potential. While many experts offer stories of utopian successes and ‘the danger of falling behind’, finding someone who can illuminate the transformation to go from fear to actual change is trickier. Based on two decades of research and expertise, Digitaliseringsinstituttet does just that. By Signe Hansen  |  Photos: Digitaliseringsinstituttet

Founded by former professor at Aalborg University and IT University of Copenhagen, Pernille Kræmmergaard, Digitaliseringsinstituttet has helped more than 200 leaders from the public and private sectors turn digital fear and hope into concrete ambitions and actions. Klaus Larsen, IT director at Region Nordjylland, took part in the institute’s Masterclass in Digital Transformation two years ago. “At that time, the market was teeming with experts telling us that digitalisation was the 20  |  Issue 122 | March 2019

new big thing and that if we didn’t catch up with it, we wouldn’t have a future. Now, that’s very easy to say, but no-one was offering to teach us how to catch up,” he says. “I searched the market to find someone who could help us with a technological transformation, and Digitaliseringsinstituttet’s masterclass was the only offer I could find which combined theory with real possibilities.” Having taken the six-day programme alongside three other leaders from his

organisation, Larsen was so impressed that he recommended the entire chain of management to do the masterclass.

Putting theory into practise When Kræmmergaard, after 20 years in research, decided to found Digitaliseringsinstituttet, she was driven not just by the increasing requests she got from business leaders, but also by her own desire to provide companies with a realistic starting point in their digital transformation. “Our starting point is the current reality of the companies that take part in our course – we aim to meet them where they are and lead them forward on their own terms,” she explains. “People are tired of hearing about big international corporations doing amazing things when they’re struggling just to get a CRM system up and running.”

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